人教版高中英语必修4精品教案Unit1 Women of achievement(精选五篇)

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第一篇:人教版高中英语必修4精品教案Unit1 Women of achievement

Unit1 Women of achievement Warming Up, Pre-reading and Reading I.单元教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals 技能目标Skill Goals Talk about important women & great women Describe people from their life, personality and character Word-formation: noun suffix Subject-verb agreement Make an outline II. 目标语言 功能句式 Describing people What does she look like? What do you think about...? Why do you admire her? How would you describe her? Why did she choose to...? What are her strengths? What are her weaknesses? How do her friends describe her ? 词汇 1.四会词汇

achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, specialist, behave, behavior, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, communication, strike, upon, article, explain, rate, medical, kindness, consideration, deliver, modest, considerate 2.认读词汇

Elizabeth Fry, Quaker, Nobel Peace Prize, China Welfare Institute, Jane Goodall, chimp, Jody Williams, landmine, Joan of Arc, Gombe National Park, specialize, career, determination, personality 3.词组

devote...to, look down upon/on, care for, deliver a baby, chosen career, be busy in doing sth, catch one‟s eye, cut the death rate down, keep the baby clean and healthy, be intended for, carry on 语法

Word formation: Noun Suffix Subject-verb agreement 1.Our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest.2.Our group includes six boys and five girls.3.Nobody before has fully understood chimp behavior.重点句子

1.Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.P2 2.Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move.P2 3.But the evening makes it all worthwhile.P2 4....we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.P2 难句

1.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.P2 2.For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.P2 3....it must have been for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when women‟s education was always placed second to men‟s.P6

4.Further reading made me realise that it was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that had got her into medical school.P6 5.But it was not her success at university that had made her famous.Ⅲ.教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析

本单元以女性为主题,以Warming up,Reading,listening的形式对古今中外六位不同女性的成就进行了介绍。其目的在于引导学生了解有什么样人格的人才是伟人;伟人是否是完人;我们在人格上离伟人有多远。这些对学生可起到一定的启发作用,使他们能以这些伟人为榜样,并坚定信念,塑造自我,创造未来。在这样一个主题之下,有两个值得让学生思考的问题:一,什么样的人是伟人,什么样的人是名人。在当今社会,不少人以一个人的经济能力为标准来衡量他的社会地位,乃至于幸福程度。让学生弄明白这一点是非常重要的。它可以引导学生树立正确的世界观和人生观。二,一个人的成就是否由性别来定。这就涉及到了男女平等的问题。通过本单元的学习,学生们可以深切地感受到无论男女,只要对他人有无私的爱心,对事业有坚定的信心,并不懈地为之倾注心血,都能成就一番事业。

1.1 Warming up中的材料是古今中外六位杰出女性的简介。这部分要求学生通过讨论来区分伟人与名人。其作用有二:一是统领全单元主题,二是引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。教师在这一点上要起到引导作用而不是简单的说教。

1.2 Reading 这部分由Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending三部分组成。Reading一文介绍了Jane Goodall与其同事们在非洲森林里的一天,并由此引出她的工作方法及其所取得的成就。同时阐明了她的观点,即要理解、尊重和保护动物。Pre-reading部分提出了两个问题:Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university?和Do you think her work is important?Why?这两道题给了学生这样的提示:在研究动物时如何体现科学与人道的结合。

Comprehending中针对课文内容从细节到中心思想,由浅入深地设计了练习题,可帮助学生真正了解Jane Goodall 及其所从事的事业。

1.3 Learning about Language 这部分包含两方面的内容:词汇和语法。词汇部分主要涉及一些构词法、重点词汇和短语。语法部分是“主谓一致”,重点在如何确定集合名词的数。所有这些项目都设计了相应的练习题,以求通过上下文语境,让学生了解词汇与语法如何具体运用,作到精讲多练。

1.4 Using Language中包含读、听、说和写四个方面的内容,全面体现对英语的综合训练。读的部分介绍了我国著名的妇科病专家——林巧稚。文章的第二段体现了本单元的目标之一:学会运用介绍人物品质的形容词来描述他人的情况。这也为下一步的说与写打下了基础。

1.5 Workbook中包含的听、说、读、写的内容更为丰富,它是对前面所学内容的复习与总结,其设计仍然围绕单元主题。

1.6 Summing Up 部分让学生从内容、词汇和语法结构三方面对本单元进行归纳与总结。词汇部分的小结可以从构词法的角度进行适当的拓宽。Learning Tip部分就人物描写提出了建议,即选取典型事件,抓住人物特征。2. 教材重组

2.1 从本单元整体结构来看,可将Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading 和Comprehending整合成一堂阅读课。将Warming Up作为导入的内容,然后再处理Pre-reading,Reading和Comprehending。其中以Reading为主。教学形式上以学生讨论为主,教师指导为辅。

2.2 将Learning about Language作为一堂语法课。教学形式以学生练习总结为主,教师可适当扩展并增加一些有关的语法知识。

2.3 将P7,P41及P44的听力内容整合成一堂听力课。当然,教师可依情况将其中的任何


2.4 将Reading(P6),Speaking(P7)与Talking(P41)整合成一堂口语课。这部分中Reading中的部分内容与Speaking(P7)及Talking(P41)相一致。且Speaking与Talking只是体裁上的不同,内容是一致的,故此三者宜合为一课。

2.5 将Writing(P8)和Writing(P46)整合成一堂写作课,以完成本单元的写作要求。

2.6 将Reading Task(P45),Writing Task(P46),Project(P47)和Summing Up(P8)组合成一堂复习课,对本单元内容进行巩固与完善。3. 课型设计与课时分配

1st period

Reading 2nd period Grammar 3rd period Listening 4th period Speaking 5th period Writing 6th period Summary


The First Period Warming Up, Pre-reading and Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a.重点词汇

achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, specialist, behave, behavior, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, devote...to b.重点句子

Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move.P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile.P2...we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.P2 Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.P2 For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.P2 2. Ability goals 能力目标

a.Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women.b.Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach Ss how to describe a person.Teaching important points 教学重点

a.By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals;the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲)that made her successful.If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things.Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation.b.Ask students to answer these questions: 1)What made her a great success? 2)What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall.Teaching methods 教学方法

Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer, a projector and a recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

StepⅠLead-in T: Good morning, everyone!Haven‟t seen you for a long time.Did you have a good time in your holidays? What did you do during the holidays? S1: Yes, I had a good time.You know I enjoy movies, sports and other types of entertainment.I saw several favorite films and every afternoon, I would play basketball with my friends.S2: I would die of boredom.I didn‟t know what to do but read.I didn‟t know how to relax myself.I just hoped that the new term began.The sooner, the better.T: That sounds interesting.In fact, boredom is a kind of feeling.There is a good way to be away from it.Believe it or not, that is to help others, no matter who they are, human being or animals.Have a try, Ok? Today we‟ll learn Unit 1.It introduces several women to us and tells us how they live and work.Now let‟s turn to Page 1.Look at these pictures and the brief introductions, then work in pairs to discuss which of these women you think is a great woman.You need to give your reasons for your choice.Give students 3 minutes to do this task, and then ask some of them to speak out their choices.Teacher should give them some guide.For example, what is her ambition? What are the problems she met? And what are her sacrifices? After that the teacher can refer to the chart on Page 11 in the reference book.And then give them a brief summary about their discussion.A sample summary: As great women, they don‟t care for themselves at all, and at some point or rather, they must give some sacrifices, just like Lin Qiaozhi, she devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children and had chosen not to have a family of her own.Instead, she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.Not all people can do this.Once they have chosen their careers, they would carry on with them without any withdrawal.What they did is encouraging thousands of people to continue their careers.Those who are only famous but not great can‟t be matched.StepⅡReading

There are four tasks in this step: a.Pre-reading to find the main idea of each paragraph.b.Making a chart of the text structure.c.Language points.d.Comprehending.Task 1 Pre-reading There are 3 paragraphs in the text, and each one has its main idea.These main ideas support the title A protector of African wildlife.Teacher can give students some time to read the text quickly and find these main ideas to form a overview of the text.T: How many paragraphs are there in the text? Ss: Three.T: What are the main ideas of theirs? S1: The first paragraph is about a day in Combe National Park.S2: The second one tells us how Jane Goodall did her research and the achievement she has made in her research.S3: The third one tells us her influence to the world.T: OK.Can we divide the text in this way? There are four paragraphs in the text.The first one is about a day in the park.The second one is her way of doing her research and some achievement.The third one is her attitude and feeling to the animals.And the last one is a short summary to her.Ss: That‟s right.T: Thanks.Well, let‟s draw a chart of the text together according to the main ideas we‟ve found.Task 2 Making a chart A protector of African wildlife

③ │

A day in the park

Jane‟s way to study chimps

Her attitude to and her achievement

the animals

④ She has achieved everything she wanted to do.Task 3 Language Points T: By now, we have mastered the main idea and the details.Do you have some difficulties in the language? S1: Yes.What does this sentence mean: “Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day”?

T: Who‟d like to help her?

S2: The subject of the sentence is a “V-ing form”, and the Predicate is “is” not “wake up”.So the meaning of the sentence is: 今天我们的第一件事是观察一个猩猩家庭的早起。

T: That‟s right.Sometimes we should depend on the structure of the sentences to help us understand the meaning.S3: Miss Wu, the sentence: “This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before.” is beyond me.T: This sentence is a little difficult.First, it includes an Attributive Clause.The clause is: where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before.Second, there are two structures in the sentence.One is “to mean doing”;the other is “leave...doing”.For the first one, we can refer to the Appendices in Page 76.Now let‟s look at the second one.In fact, there are several same structures in this text.Please look at these sentences.Show the sentences on the screen: 1....where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night before.2....we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.3.But the evening makes it all worthwhile.4....was she allowed to begin her project.5....Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.T: Now look at the boldface(黑体字).All the structures of the Predicates are Verb + Object + Object Complement.Let‟s translate these sentences to taste the meaning and usage of Object Complement.Ask some of the students to translate these sentences.Give them some explanations: When we use-ing form as Object Complement, it means this act is continuing.For example, Sentence 1.When we use-to do form as Object Complement, it means this process of the act has finished or to begin.We can take Sentence 2 and 4 for example.When we use an objective as Object Complement, it means that it shows us a kind of state.We can take sentence 3 and 5 for example.If possible, teacher still can give them more examples about this structure. I heard the teacher call my name. I will let you know the result of the voting as soon as possible. We watch the children diving into the water from the top diving board. Let‟s go, let him alone.S4: Miss Wu, I find this sentence a bit strange: Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.T: Yeah, this sentence uses the structure of inversion.The sign is that only phrase is placed at the beginning of the sentence.We will learn it later.Now it is Ok that you know the meaning of the sentence.Any questions? Ss: No.Task 4 Comprehending T: Do you still have any questions? No? Ok, let‟s finish next task.Read the text again and try to finish Exercise 1&2 in Page 3 as quickly as you can.Give students some time to do this.After that, check the answers with the whole class.Step Ⅲ Discussion When we are guiding students to read something, besides hoping that they can learn some basic knowledge the material shows, we still hope they can learn something that can reflect the spirit of human being.This is the most important thing a teacher should show to students.Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions: 1.What made her a great success? 2.What should we learn from Jane Goodall? T: I think, there is not a single person who doesn‟t admire success.But what is the way to succeed? Now we have read Jane Goodall, can you make sure what made her a great success, and what we should learn from her? Please discuss these two questions, and then some of you will report your opinions to all the class.Give students some time to discuss.T: Boys and girls, have you finished your discussion? How about your group? G1: We think that there are two points that made her successful.One is her way to study chimps, and the other is her true love to the animals.The first one is facile(易做到的), because it is only a way.Everyone can do it.But for the second one, it is more easily said than done.As a woman, she gave up everything, went to the forest to study the chimps and devoted all her love to these animals.It is really not easy.What we cannot understand is that how she has such great personality.T: These are very interesting questions.As far as I know, it is her relief that raised her personality.Everything is equal, no matter what they are.It isn‟t because we are human being that we are superior to the other living thing.We don‟t have any right to control other living thing.We all live on the same planet, they are our brothers or sisters.The only difference is that we have different shapes and have different wisdom.If you have the same love to the things around you, you can turn to be her.OK, how about the second question?

G2: At first, we admire she had the wisdom and courage to give up her chance to go to university and went to Africa to begin her own research.This makes us think over what we should think when we are choosing our majors or a university.Secondly, most of us think that man is the master of the world, because he is the most intelligent animal on the earth.So he can decide every thing he thinks right, including doing some experiments on animals, in spite of their pains.Jane not only saw this, but also tried her best to help them and argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.What she said in the text is very moving.It shows her deeply love to the animals.We should learn this from her.In fact, there are so much we should learn from her, her consideration, her hard work and so on.StepⅣ Listening Have a listening.Let students listen to the reading material, follow and repeat it, pay attention to the new words and expressions, as well as the sentence structures they have learned just now.StepⅤ Homework T: I‟m very glad to hear what you said.You have learned what you should learn from Jane Goodall.And I believe you will be Jane Goodall, if you treat everything around you equally and show your love to them.Now time is up.Today‟s homework is to finish the exercises in Page 4 and 5.Make some preparations for the next class.See you next time.Ss: See you.Unit 1 Women of achievement Vocabulary and Useful Expressions Step 1.Revision Ss retell the text.Step 2.Language points

1.achieve v.完成,达到;实现,获得

He will never achieve anything if he doesn‟t work hard.The company has achieved a 100% increase in profitability.achievement: un.完成;达到


We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of the mountain.He has broken two world records in one day, which is quite an achievement.2.connection:

1).cn./ un.联系;关系(with/between)

There is a strong connection between smoking and heart disease.The company has a connection with a number of Japanese firms.2).cn.连接物

This town has very good road and railway connections with the coast.3).Un.连接,联结

The connection of the popes to the main water supply only took a few minutes.4).cn.Pl.亲属;亲戚

She „s English but she has Irish connections.in connection with: 有关 In connection with your request of March 3, we are sorry to tell you that we can‟t give you a reply until the manager comes back next week.3.devote… to …

devoted: adj.忠实的 devotion: n.热爱,忠诚

He has devoted his life to helping blind people.He is my devoted friend.He is also devoted to his wife.4.behave: v.behavior :n.She has been behaving rather oddly.Behave yourself.5.worthwhile : adj.We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the ticket.Worthwhile: 值得花时间/精力/金钱

Worth: 值得尊敬的/重视的be worth+ n./doing

Worthy:(表语形容词)值得的be worthy of +n./being done;

Be worthy to be done

1).This vase was _____ five hundred francs at the most.2).Everybody has roots.It is _______ to search for his roots.3).She proved herself a _______ successor of the former champion.4).This book is well _______ reading and it is ______ of being read a second time.Keys: 1).Worth 2).Worthwhile 3).Worthy

4).Worth;worthy 6.observe: v.看到,注意到;遵守/奉行

Observe sb.do/doing sth.Observe that…

I observed a stranger going into the house.Do you often observe the speed limit? 7.respect: n.v.We should respect each other.Respectful: 恭敬的,对人有礼的Respectable;受/被人尊重 He is a respectful student.He respects the teachers.He is respectable teacher.He is respected by all his students.8.argue v.argue with/over/about

He often argues with me.极力说服;劝告

She argued him into/out of leaving his job.Argument: n.His argument doesn‟t hold water.9.inspire

He tried to inspire them to greater efforts.inspired / inspiring : adj.inspiration: n.10.support : v.承受;支撑;抚养,资助;赞成,支持;

n.do you think those shelves can support so many books? She needs a high income to support such a large family.Do you support their demands of independence?

Supporter: n.I‟m a strong supporter of women‟s rights.11.deliver: v.传送;把..踢向;发表,宣布;给…接生

Letters are delivered every day.She delivered a hard kick to his knee.The doctor delivered her baby.Delivery: n.Step 3 Learning about language 1.Ss do part 1 of the discovering useful words and expressions。2.Ss finish part 2, 3 and 4.Step 4.Practice

1.Ask the Ss to do Ex.1 and 2 on page 42.2.Do Ex 3 on page 43.Unit 1 Women of Achievement Listening, Speaking and Writing Listening Teaching goals 1.Target language

Men have more chances to get to the top of their career than women.Why did Joan have to dress up as a man to become a solider? 2.Ability goals

Enable students to know something about Joan and let students realize women can be the same success as men and know something about the International Campaign to Ban landmines.3.Learning ability goals

Help students learn how to get required information by listening.Teaching important and difficult points

Train to get the key words by reading the questions before listening.Teaching methods

Instruction and practice.Teaching aids

A recorder.Teaching procedures & ways

Step I

Revision T: Pleased to meet you again!Ss: Me, too.T: Zhao, why do you look so tired? S;He stayed up yesterday.T: Why? S: Don't listen to him.I just have had a cold.T: You'd better, have some thicker clothes.The weather is rather cold these days.S: Thank you, Miss Wu.T;: Now, let's begin our class.Have you finished your homework? Ss: Yes.T: Well, now I'll show you answers on the screen.Check your answers by yourselves.If you have any questions, please let me know.After doing this, teachers can continue the next step.Step II Listening to the material on Page 7 There are three tasks in this step: the first listening, the second listening and the third listening.Teachers should ask students to glance the whole exercises before listening, so that they can realize what is the main task in listening.Task 1 The first listening T: Hello, everyone!Glad to meet you.These days the topic we are talking is important women & great women.We know women can achieve the same as men.But they have many difficulties in doing this.Today we'll have three listening materials to listen.The first one tells us some particular problems, which women have when they want a career of their own.The structure of this material is very clear.It is organized by the first, second and third paragraph.So when you listen for the first time, try to get the general idea of the material and think which sentences are the main ideas of the three paragraphs.Now let's listen for the first time.Play the tape for the first time for students to get the main ideas of the paragraphs.And then ask students to try to retell what they have heard.It doesn't matter whether they are some details, such as words or sentences, or they are some main ideas.Because the purpose of doing this is to let students know they have caught some information.Everything is OK.Collect what they have heard and write down them on the blackboard.Teachers can let them discuss which are main ideas and which are details.Task 2 The second listening There are two purposes in this task.One is to let students finish Exercise 2;the other is to let students get some useful information to finish Exercise 1 and 3.So after the discussion, teachers can let students look through the Exercises on Page 7 in order to catch the useful information to finish the exercises when they are listening.Then play the tape again, and try to finish Exercise 1&2.Exercise 1 is about some details.Exercise 2 is about the main ideas of each paragraph.Teacher can make a pause, and repeat it where the main ideas appear to make sure students can catch it.Task 3 The third listening This is a good chance for students to check their answers.After listening twice, most students can have a good understanding about the material, and can write down the answers mostly.So this time is for their checking and adding their answers.If they still have some difficulties, play the tape for the fourth time to meet their needs.Step III The listening material on Page 41 Teacher can ask students to guess the content of the material, according to the questions in exercises.And then have a listening and finish the exercises.The steps of the listening are the same with the above one.Step IV Listening material on Page 44 This is a short dialogue between Jody Williams and a journalist.If students want to know something about the dialogue, they must pay attention to the questions.Ex 2 in the Listening Task offers some information.They can guide students to get what they are required to get.So it is necessary to tell students to read the chart carefully ahead, and then listen to the tape.Students can write down some notes instead of the whole sentences.Step V Homework T: Today, we learned something about women.I believe what they did and what they are facing may give us some inspirations.For girls we should believe that although we may face some difficulty, we are able to try our best to realize our dreams.OK, today's homework is to read the article A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR ME and make some preparations for the speaking in Page 7.That's all for today, bye, everyone.Ss: Bye, teacher.For most students it is difficult to finish all the three listening materials in one class.So teachers can make one of them as homework, let students listen to it after class.Speaking

Step 1.Revision

1.Go over the language points with the Ss together.2.Check Ss‟ homework.Step 2.Pre-listening Ss talk about the problems women have when they want a career of their own.Step 3 Listening

Task 1: Ss listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are true or false on page 7, Ex 1.Task 2: Ss listen again and fill in the missing words: 1.This _____ girls form training for their chosen ______.2.Most of the _____ and running the house id the ______ of the mother.Men do not have this

pressure.3.Think about what ____ they have had to face.Step 4.Task 3: Speaking

Ss in pairs describe a special woman in their hometown.Try to use the following expressions: Her character is: Honest, hard-working, energetic, determined,….Her personality is : Modest, kink, considerate, quiet , lively, friendly, helpful,… Step 5.Listening(on page 41)This passage is tell Ss about a Frenchwoman named Joan of Arc, who fought to free France from the English.Before listening, ask the Ss read the questions first and then listen to the tape.Task 4:Ss listen to the tape twice and finish Wb Ex 1 on page 41.Step 6.Speaking

Task 5: Ss in pairs discuss the qualities that you think a great woman needs.Try to use the following words and expressions: intelligent, determined, generous, kind, modest, unselfish, considerate, brave, confident, hard-working,….What does she look like? What do you think about…? What are her strengths? What are her weaknesses? How would you describe her? How do her friends describe her?

Unit 1 Women of achievement Grammar and Useful Structures Step 1.Warm up Give Ss some sentences and ask them to pay attention to the verbs: 1.I am a student.2.There is a desk in the room.There are no chairs in it.3.John gets up early every morning.4.Both rice and wheat are grown in this part of China.5.My family is a large one.6.The family are sitting at the table.7.There is nobody in the house.8.Everything is ready.9.Either you or Jane is to be sent to New Zealand.10.The teacher with two students was at the meeting.11.Sixty years is a long time.12.Ten dollars is enough for him.13.What he said is right.14.Seeing is believing.15.To see is to believe.Step 2.Subject-verb agreement 主谓一致是指:



There is much water in the thermos.但当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:

Ten thousand tons of coal were produced last year.并列结构作主语时谓语用复数,例如:

Reading and writing are very important.读写很重要。

注意:当主语由and连结时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词。例如:

The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.钢铁工业对我们的生活有重要意义。典型例题

The League secretary and monitor ___ asked to make a speech at the meeting.A.is



D.were 答案B.注: 先从时态上考虑。这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A.,C。本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好象是两个人,但仔细辨别,monitor 前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词。后面的职务用and 相连。这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选B。2 主谓一致中的靠近原则

1)当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。例如:

There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk.桌上有一支笔、一把小刀和几本书。

There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.班上有二十个男孩,二十三个女孩。

2)当either… or… 与neither… nor,连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。如果句子是由here, there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致。例如:

Either you or she is to go.不是你去,就是她去。

Here is a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you.给你笔、信封和纸。3 谓语动词与前面的主语一致

当主语有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词组成的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语部分一致。例如:

The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.教师和一些学生在参观工厂。He as well as I wants to go boating.他和我想去划船。4 谓语需用单数

1)代词each以及由every, some, no, any等构成的复合代词作主语时,或主语中含有each, every时, 谓语需用单数。例如:

Each of us has a tape-recorder.我们每人都有录音机。There is something wrong with my watch.我的表坏了。


The Arabian Night is a book known to lovers of English.《天方夜谭》是英语爱好者熟悉的一本书。


Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.用三个星期来做准备。Ten yuan is enough.十元够了。5 指代意义决定谓语的单复数

1)代词what, which, who, none, some, any, more, most, all等词的单复数由其指代的词的单复数决定。例如: All is right.一切顺利。All are present.人都到齐了。

2)集体名词作主语时,谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定。如family, audience, crew, crowd, class, company, committee等词后,谓语动词用复数形式时强调这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时强调该集体的整体。例如:

His family isn't very large.他家成员不多。

His family are music lovers.他家个个都是音乐爱好者。

但集合名词people, police, cattle, poultry等在任何情况下都用复数形式。例如:

Are there any police around? 附近有警察吗?

3)有些名词,如variety, number, population, proportion, majority 等有时看作单数,有时看作复数。例如:

A number of +名词复数+复数动词。

The number of +名词复数+单数动词。

A number of books have lent out.The majority of the students like English.6 与后接名词或代词保持一致

1)用half of, most of, none of, heaps of, lots of, plenty of 等引起主语时,谓语动词通常与of后面的名词/代词保持一致。例如:

Most of his money is spent on books.他大部分的钱化在书上了。

Most of the students are taking an active part in sports.大部分学生积极参与体育运动。

2)用a portion of, a series of, a pile of, a panel of 等引起主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。例如:

A series of accidents has been reported.媒体报道了一连串的事故。A pile of lots was set beside the hearth.炉边有一堆木柴。

3)如 many a 或 more than one 所修饰的短语作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式。但由more than… of 作主语时,动词应与其后的名词或代词保持一致。例如:

Many a person has read the novel.许多人读过这本书。

More than 60 percent of the students are from the city.百分之六十多的学生来自这个城市。


Unit 2 English Around the World



Talk about English and its development, Different kinds of English

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Learn to make dialogue using request & commands

Learn to transfer from direct into indirect speech

Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming

Learn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly Ⅱ目标语言 功能句式

Talk about English and its development Refer to Introduction in the teachers’ book

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Different speaker may come from different place, so they may use different words and dialect, such as subway-underground、left-left-hand-side、two blocks two streets.Make dialogues using request or command: Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?

I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please? I don’t understand.Sorry.I can’t follow you.Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?



include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.)rule(v.)vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard mid-western southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block 2.认读词汇

Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Buford Lester catfish 3.固定词组

play a role(in)because of come up such as play a part(in)


Command & request

Open the door.Please open the door.Would you please open the door? Indirect Speech

He told(asked)me to open the door.Ⅲ.教材分析和教材重组: 1.教材分析

本单元的中心话题是 “English language and its development, different kinds of English”.通过对世界英语这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解.世界在发展,时代在前进,语言作为交流的工具,也随着时代的发展而变化.由于英语在世界上的广泛使用,它不断地吸收、交融、容纳、创新,这就形成了各种各样带有国家、民族、地区特色的英语.没有人们认为的那种唯一的标准英语。尽管如此,我们还是要通过本课文的学习让同学们感受、了解美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有自己的规律和惯用法,和不同的发音规律。

1.1 Warming Up简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多文化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有一个粗浅的了解。

1.2 Pre-reading通过两个问题引发学生对课文主题的思考,以便参与课堂活动。

1.3 Reading简要地说明英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势。

1.4 Comprehending主要是检测学生对课文基本内容的理解程度。

1.5 Learning About the Language主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分所学的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了本单元的语法项目(Request & Command and Indirect Speech)。

1.6 Using Language其中的reading and talking主要介绍了当今世界各地各国说英语有自己的特色,即便是美国东西部、南北部,说话均有所不同。为帮助培养跨文化意识,可以让学生学完课文后讨论中国的方言,使他们感受到本国的文化差异。


2.1 导入 把Warming Up 作为一堂课。

2.2 精读 把Pre-reading、Reading 和 Comprehending整合在一起作为一堂课精读课。

2.3 语言学习把Learning About Language和Workbook中的Using Words, Using Structures 结合在一起。

2.4 写作

2.5听和说 把课文中的听和说整合成一堂课。

2.6 练习课 workbook exercises & other Exx.3.课型设计与课时分配

1st period Warming Up

2nd period Reading &Language Study

3rd period Learning About Language r& grammar 4th period Writing

5th period Listening & Speaking 6th period Exercises

Unit 2 English around the world Period One Warming up

一、教学目标(teaching aims)student’s book;warming up

1、能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to talk about the world Englishes

b.Enable students to talk about the differences between Am.English and Br.English

2、语言目标(language aim)

more than;include;play an important role;because of;international;native;elevator;flat;apartment;rubber;petrol;gas;

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)a.Students learn about the world Englishes and the differences between Am.English and Br.English.b.Students can understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different Englishes.三、教学方法(Teaching method)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.Listening c.Discussion

四、教具准备(Teaching aids)

a computer;a tape-recorder;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step I.Leading-in

Fun time: warm the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects.At the same time, lead the students to think about the topic of this unit--“language”.Step II.Warming up.1)A quiz about the national flag of countries speaking English as their first or second language.Lead the students to the topic “English Around the world”.2)Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishes”.Step III.Talking about “world Englishes”, especially the differences between “American English” and “British English”

1)Listen to a dialogue between an American and an Englishman.And try to find out the cause of the misunderstanding between them.2)Talk about the differences between American English and British English.(mainly about vocabulary and spelling)Step IV.Speaking Task.Students make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between “American English” and “British English” like the dialogue they listened to.Unit 2 English Around the World Period Two Reading

教学目标(Teaching aims)

Get the students to know English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage.教学内容(Teaching contents)

Get the knowledge of English language and its development and different kinds of English.能力目标(Ability aim)

Get some knowledge of different kinds of English 语言目标(Language aim)

Grasp some words and expressions such as, play a role in /because of/ come up/ play a part in and learn the grammar--the indirect speech of the imperative clause 教学重难点(Teaching important points)The indirect speech of the imperative clause 教学方法(Teaching methods)task-based approach 教具准备(Teaching aids)multi-media computer

教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Warming up.Warm the students up by ask them to tell the differences between American English and British English.Step 2

Pre-reading.Ask the students to discuss some questions about “English” in pairs.1.How many people speak English in the world today? 2.Why do so many people speak English? 3.What has helped to spread English around the world? 4.Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English? Why? Step 3

Reading.1)The first-reading.Ask the students to scan the text and choose the correct answer in the book.2)The second-reading.Ask the students to read the text paragraph by paragraph, and get some detail information.a.For the first and second paragraph, students answer some questions

b.For the third and fourth paragraph, students find out the information to fill in the table of the development of English.c.For the last paragraph, students find out the reason why India speaks English.Step 4


1.Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why? 2, Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?

3, Do you think Chinese will become the most popular language in the world instead of English in the future?

Step 5


Give the students some information of origin of British English and American English.The formation of British English From 17th century—19th century

The UK colonized Ireland and joined with Scotland long ago

Colonized;North America, the Caribbean India, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Palestine, parts of sub-Sahara Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Pacific Islands The formation of American English

American colonial rulers also brought their English to:

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and other Pacific island in the late 19th century Introduce the situation of English speaking in China.Tell them some proper items.Native speaker: A person who speaks English since birth but who may not speak a standard form of it.L1 speaker: A native speaker of English who uses it as his or her mother tongue or an immigrant to an English-speaking country who always prefer to use it ESL: English as a Second Language

L2 speaker: A second language speaker of English EFL: English as a Foreign Language Step 6


1.Finish the exercise on page 11.2.Read passage on page 51 The Oxford English Dictionary and make notes about Murray’s life.Unit 2 English around the world

Period Three Learning about Language

一、教学目标(teaching aims)student’s book;Discovering useful structures

1、能力目标(ability aim)

a.Enable students to tell the differences between a request and a command.b.Enable students to learn about the Indirect Speech(requests & commands)c.Enable students to use the Indirect Speech(requests & commands)

2、语言目标(language aim)

command;request;retell;polite;boss Indirect Speech(requests and commands)

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)a.Students learn about the differences between a request and a command.b.Students learn about the Indirect Speech(requests and commands)c.Students can use the indirect speech.三、教学方法(Teaching method)

a.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b.Discovering the structure through examples c.Practice

四、教具准备(Teaching aids)a computer;a projector

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming-up(Revision)

Warm the students up by asking them to go over the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech..Do some exercises : change a statement or a question into Indirect Speech.Step 2.Talk about Request and Command.1)Talk about the polite and Impolite tune.2)Change the commands into Requests.3)Learn to give requests or commands according to the situations.Step 3.Talk about how to change a request and a command into Indirect Speech.ask(ed)sb(not)to do sth tell/told sb(not)to do sth

Step 4.Practise changing a request or a command into Indirect Speech.Step 5.Using the structure.A game: choose two students act as two robots.One listens to the requests, the other listens to the commands.Other students give either requests or commands, and the robots do what the students asked them to do.Unit 2;English Around the World(Period Four)writing

教学目标(Teaching aims)

a.Let students get to know how to write a statement by using brainstorming

b.Try to use connecting words or sentences to make it as an essay or passage not just several sentences.教学内容(Teaching contents)Write a statement

能力目标(Ability aim)

Using the brainstorming way to collect sentences and then arrange them properly 语言目标(Language aim)I think, I believe,In my opinion…

We learn English to do…

教学重难点(Teaching important points)How to arrange sentence correctly.Try to use connecting words.教学方法(Teaching methods)Brainstorming way

教具准备(Teaching aids)multi-media computer

教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step1 Leading in

Use the brainstorming way to ask students “Why should we live?” which is a simple question, at the same time there might be various answers to the question, which will stimulate their interest.Step2 Presentation

Also use the brainstorming way to ask “Why should we learn English?” and “how can learning English help China?” Step3 A poster

Write a poster to collect all their ideas.try to use completely sentences, such as : I like to study English and use it for business in the future.I want to study English well so that I can read English books.Say, come to the blackboard and write down your ideas, trying to use complete sentences, such as: If I learn English well, I can bring in the advanced foreign technology to China.So China will become stronger.I decide to learn English well, in this case I can read many English novels, so I can translate them into Chinese, then more Chinese can know more things about the world.Step4 Write an essay

The title is “Do we need to learn English?”

Step5 Display the structure on how to write the essay.1.State your points of view.2.Show the supporting reasons.3.Get a conclusion Step6 Show them the connecting words which can help them to join the sentences and paragraphs.Illustration: I think , I believe, In my opinion, As far as I am concerned… Addition: firstly, secondly, then, besides, at last… Contrast: however, but , on the other hand… Summary: in short, in a word, therefore, so…

Step7 Give them a simple example which is not complete Do we need to learn English?

I strongly think we not only need learn English but also learn it well…Why should we learn it…How can learning English help China in the future?…So… Step8 Homework My Experience of Learning English Para1.My problems in learning English.Para 2.How I can improve my English.Para.3.What I like about learning English.Para Para 4.How I hope to make use of my English.Unit 2: English Around the World Period Five Listening & speaking

一、学目标(Teaching aims)

教材(Teaching materials)listening materials on p12 and p14 on the textbook, another one attached

1、能力目标(ability aim)enable Ss to catch the listening materials and understand them and distinguish British and American English, try using them in dialogues.2、语言目标(Language aim)distinguish some words used in British and American English、some dialect and accent

二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)understand words used in British and American which have the same meanings and some dialect accent

三、教学方法(Teaching method)listening and talking

四、教学准备(Teaching aids)tape recorder and get students’ answer sheet printed out

五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)Step 1 Listening

Listening 2(text book p14)

Listen to the tape, getting to know American dialect and accent.Step 2 Speaking

After listening to different dialects and accents, see if Ss know how to pronounce the following words:

ask after either neither kilometer box……and more

Unit Two :English Around the World The Sixth period Exercises

一.教学目标:(Teaching aims)Finish the exercises on the workbook 1.能力目标:(ability aim)

a)Enable the students to command “commands and requests” b)Through cooperative work find out correct answers themselves 2.语言目标:(language aim)Full understanding of the readings

二.教学重难点(Teaching important points)Understanding the main ideas of the passages 三.教学方法(Teaching method)a.Fast and careful reading

b.Individual, pair or group work to finish each task c.Discussion

四.教具准备(Teaching aids)a computer

五.教学步骤(teaching procedure)Step 1.Warming up

Step 2: speaking task(Review commands and requests)

Offer them situations and try to make dialogues with commands and requests Step 3 :Do the “Reading” on P13 and answer questions on it briefly.Step 4: Finish the “Reading Task” at p.51 and complete the form after it.Step 5: Group work:

Ask them to sum up what codes and short forms of words they often use when they often chat on the net with others.Step 6: check up their researching result.Step 7: homework.


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Book 4 Unit 1 1.(跟着简研究大猩猩的路线follow),our group are going to visit them in the forest.2.She spent years(观察和记录它们的日常活动observe).3.For forty years,she(很坦诚地outspoken)making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.4.When I was doing my maths problem,a good idea(涌上我的脑海crowd).5.She(一直过着忙碌的生活lead),although she retired.6.I looked at the text and realized that it(专门为乡下的妇女准备的intend).7.Every morning milk(被送到门口deliver).8.(当一切考虑进去consideration),he can work out the problem easily.9.Though we spent a lot,we(认为是值得的worthwhile)because we succeeded in the end.10.(直到那是她才意识到until)how much time she wasted.11.(查阅字典refer)if you have some questions.12.He(被看不起look)because of his illness.Unit 2 1.(出生在1930年bear),Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.2.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvest(不需要扩大种植区域expand).3.After the new school is set up,each classroom(将配置电脑equip).4.China will take measures to(让人们摆脱贫困rid).5.What the teacher said(对这个学生不起任何作用difference).6.These advanced methods(能使空气、水免受化学物质污染free).7.Many of these chemicals can(导致疾病lead).8.Doing morning exercise can not only(强身健体build)but also develop one's character.9.His braveness led to(凶手被抓catch).10.(妈妈病了ill)made her sad.11.My son spent a lot of time on exercising but I would rather(他集中更多的注意力在学习上focus).Book 4 Unit 3 1.Up to now,doctors____________________(束手无策)to treat this deadly disease.(be)2.Charlie_____________________(非常穷困)for a while after his father died(badly)嘉兴英语教学网 www.xiexiebang.com 收集整理 欢迎使用

3After the earthquake ,the government provided______________(为无家可归者提供食物和毯子)(homeless)4.Daisy came in shyly____________________(穿着一件破旧的大 衣)(wear)5.You may______________(觉得令人意外)that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon ashe could walk(astonish)6.As________(时光流逝),he began making films(go)7.Charlie Charplin wrote,directed and produced films__________(由他主演)(star)8.He walked around stiffly__________(手拿拐杖)(carry)9.The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that______ ______________(这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一餐)(taste)10.Freddy bought a new suit_____________(专门为这个场合)(occasion)Book 4 Unit 4 1._______________(因为没有完成)the programme,they have to Stay there for another two weeks(complete)2.___________(从表情上判断),he seems to be verynervous(judge)3.There are many mistakes in his essay,__________(导致)his failure(lead)4.The time was approaching,but unluckily,____________(通往机 场的路)were blocked(approach)5If you take exercise regularly,____________(你不可能)catch a Cold easily(likely)6.While you are listening for detailed facts,you have to prepare the next question_________(取决于)what the person says(depend)7.It's likely that such a question,if it can be called a question,_____ ———(你提出),can't be answered by any human beings(come)8.________(随着时间的推移),I was made smaller(with)9.He has learned___________(一样多的英文单词)his brother(as)10.The tsunmi which happened in the Indian Ocean in2004______ ________________(使数以千计的人无家可归)(leave)Book 4 Unit 5 1._____________(无论你喜欢哪一个,喜欢什么),there is a theme park for you.(whichever)2.The painting__________________(模仿这位艺术家的风格 来画的)(model)3.Only by protecting nature________(我们才能接近它(close)4.There is no doubt__________________(中国将提前成为一 个先进的国家)(advance)5.To every one of us,___________(被北京大学录取)is a great honour(admission)6.________________(有如此多的问题要解决),he is having a 嘉兴英语教学网 www.xiexiebang.com 收集整理 欢迎使用

hard time(settle)7.Futureroscope has many excellent hotels nearby,_________ ____________(大多数提前到公园的往返汽车服务(shuttle)8.With alltheseattractions,______________________________(难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,那里的旅游业就会上升)(wonder)9.__________________(万物复苏)in the spring with warm weather and long days.(life)10.The old man often sits at the door,___________(无论什么 季节)(whatever)11.Every child__________(有独特的个性)(unique)12._____________(最重要的是)in learning English is enough Practice(matter)Answer Unit 1 5.Following Jane's way of studying 11.is delivered to chimps 12.Everything taken into consideration/ 6.observing and recording their daily When everything is taken into activities consideration 7.has been outspoken about 13.think it(is)worthwhile 8.crowded in me 14.Not until then did he realize 9.was leading a busy life 15.Refer to the dictionary 10.was intended for women in the 16.was looked down upon countryside Unit 2 11.Born in 1930 of/from chemicals 12.without expanding the area of fields 17.lead to illness 13.will be equipped with computers 18.build up one's body 14.to rid people of being poor 19.murder's being caught 15.made no difference to the student 20.Mother's being ill 16.can keep the air and water free 21.he focused more attention on study 8.carrying a walking stick 9.it is one of the best meals(that)he Unit 3 has ever tasted 1.have been able to do very little 10.just for the occasion 2.was quite badly off Unit 4 3.food and blankets for the homeless 1.Not having completed 4.wearing a worn-out coat 2.Judging from/by his appearance 5.find it astonishing 3.leading to/which has led to 6.time went by 4.the approaches to the airport 7.he starred in 5.you are not likely to/it is unlikely 嘉兴英语教学网 www.xiexiebang.com 收集整理 欢迎使用

that you can 6.depending on/upon 7.as you have come up with 8.With time going by/on 9.as many English words as 10.left thousands of people homeless

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第四篇:高中英语必修4 Unit5教案

高中英语必修4 Unit5教案


















































































































istoshowandcelebrateAmerica’straditional southeasternculture.ProbablyalotofAmericanswillvisitthisthemepark.2-4studentswillgivetheirownanswers.StepV































































心不在焉的 grey-haired


动词的ing或另一词构成 long-suffering

长期受苦的 far-reaching
























第五篇:高中英语必修4 Unit 4 语法教案

Period IV Grammar(必修4,unit4)Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of-ing form used as the attributive and the adverbial I.Preparation for the grammar by oneself before class.[自学探究](SB P29 Discovering useful structures)

II.Students work toghter to make a thorough inquiry during class.[合作学习]





He is an attacking player.他是一个攻击型的运动员。They lived a room facing the north thirty years ago.三十年前,他住在一个朝北的房间里。

(2)如现在分词修饰由some/any/no + thing/body/one所形成的不定代词或指示代词those时,分词在这些被修饰词的后面。例如:

Anyone swimming will be punished.正在游泳的任何人都将受到惩罚。


a writing table = a table used for writing ;a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping



There were no soldiers drilling.= There were no soldiers who were drilling.没有士兵在操练。The man running over there is our chairman.= The man who is running over there is our chairman.正在朝那边跑的那个人是我们主席。

重点把握:having done(现在分词的完成时态)表示该动作先于另一个动作,现在分词的完成时态永远不能作定语。


The meeting being held is very important.正召开的会议很重要。The skyscraper being built is still higher than that built the year before last.正在建的那幢摩天大楼比前年建的那幢还高。STEP2.现在分词作状语


Climbing to the top of the hill, we saw a beautiful view.爬上山顶后我看到了一幅美丽的景象。Being sick I stayed at home.我因病呆在家里。

重点把握:如指将来的动作就可用不定式的被动语态,如: a meeting to be held 将要召开的会议 如表过去可用过去分词 a meeting held 开过的会议



Not recognizing the voice, he refused to give the person his address.因为没听出这个人的声音,他没把自己的地址给他。

It rained heavily, causing great damage.大雨滂沱,造成了很大损害。He ran up to her breathing heavily.他气喘吁吁的跑到她面前。【重点把握】


generally speaking, considering, judging from, talking from,supposing(为连词意思为假如),(2)现在分词表示的动作和谓语表示动作(或状态)是同时发生或几乎同时发生的。否


Having already seen the film twice, she didn’t want to go to the cinema.这电影他已看过两遍,他不想去看了。

Not having received his father’s letter, he decided to make a call to him.因为没收到他父亲的信,他决定打个电话给他父亲。


过去分词状语时,其表示的动作时句子主语承受的动作。他们之间的关系是被动关系。Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.如果对这些树更关心一些,他们本来会长的更好。


I run out of the house shouting.我喊叫着跑出屋来。I got home, feeling very tired.我疲惫的回到家里

3、有些现在分词作状语时,其前可用after, before, since, when, while, whenever, once, until, on, as等词。例如:

After talking to you, I always fell better.和你谈过话后我总感觉好一些。When telephoning London numbers from abroad, dial 1, not 01.从国外往伦敦打电话,请拨1,不是01。III.Teacher work toghter with students STEP3.[典例解析]

1.The secretary worked late into the night, ____ a long speech for the president.A to prepare

B preparing C prepared

D was preparing [解析] 本题考察现在分词作伴随状语用法。分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选B。2.____ a reply, he decided to write again.A Not receiving

B Receiving not

C Not having received

D Having not received [解析]分词短语表示的动作在谓语动词之前发生,故用现在分词的完成时态。Not 要放在非谓语动词之前。

3.“Can't you read?” Mary said ____ to the notice.A angrily pointing

B and point angrily

C angrily pointed

D and angrily pointing [解析] 现在分词作伴随状语,分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选现在分词。故答案为A。

4.The meeting ____ now is very important.A held

B to be held

C being held

D holding [解析]会议是被召开的,故排除掉D。根据时间状语now我们知道会议是正在召开的,而不定式作定语表将来。故答案为C 5.If you want a letter ____ , you must keep in mind several rules while ____.A written;written

B well written;writing

C well writing;writing

D well written;write [解析]第一个空为过去分词作定语,分词与他修饰的名次之间有被动关系,所以用过去分词。第二个空是while加现在分词作时间状语。现在分词与其逻辑主语之间为主动关系。故答案为B。

6.He never spends a _____ day.A more worry

B most worrying C more worrying

D more worried [解析]因句子具有“a day worried him”即a day is worrying的意义,所以需用worrying。故答案为C。

7.——— speaking, women live longer than men.A.Judging from



D.Taking everything into consideration [解析] 此句子考察的是表示说话人态度的一些惯用法。依据句子意思应是一般说来的,通常说来,故选 B IV.当堂达标

1._____to understand what he doesn’t, he makes a fool of himself.A.Always pretended B.Having always pretendedC.Always being pretended D.Always pretended 2.To get there in time, they came _____all the way.A.running B.run C.ran D.to run 3.We’ll go to have a picnic tomorrow or the day after _____ on the weather.A.depended B.depending C.depends

D.is depending 4.It has rained nonstop for ten days, completely _____ our holiday.A.ruining

B.to ruin


D.has ruined 5.They set out _____for the _____.A.searching losing B.searching lost C.to search lost D.searched losing 6.It’s a pleasure to watch the face of a _____baby.A.asleep B.sleep C.sleeping D.slept 7.The boy sat there _____what to do.A.doesn’t knowing B.didn’t knowing C.not know D.not knowing

8.The secretary worked late into the night, _____a long speech for the international conference.A.to prepare B.prepared C.preparing D.was preparing 9.European football is played in 80 countries _____it the most popular sport in the world.A.making B.makes C.made D.to make 10.The _____Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _____that he had enjoyed his stay here A.visiting ,add B.visited, adding

C.visiting, adding D.visited, added

11.Due to the heavy rain and flooding, ten million people have been forced _____ their homes.A.leaving

B.to leave

C.to be left

D.being left


1----5 DABAB 6---10CDCAC B

STEP4.Summary and homework.Do the exercises toghter with the text.

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