高中英语必修4 Unit2 Working the land语法教案

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第一篇:高中英语必修4 Unit2 Working the land语法教案

A Teaching Plan for Using Verb-ing Form as Subject and Object Lecturer: Chen Yanhua(陈艳华)from No.5 Middle School Learners: students in Senior One, No.21 Middle School

Teaching content: Verb-ing Form as Subject and Object

Teaching goals: 1.Learn the basic rules of Verb-ing form used as subject and object;2.Learn to use Verb-ing form in speaking and writing;

Teaching methods: 1.Learning through observation;2.Learning through self-study and cooperation 3.Task-based learning

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Free talk Step 2 Task 1: Listening *Listen to the tape and fill in the missing words.*Check the answers and observe the form of each verb.*Find out the use of verbs in different sentences.Step 3 Task 2: Learn about the use of Verb-ing as subject and object.*Read the sentences in “Study the rule” and make sure of their meanings.*Get students to draw a conclusion about the basic rules according to “Find the rule”.*Finish the exercises in “Apply the rule”.Step 4 Task 4: Introduce yourselves.Step 5 Task 5: Learn more about the use of Verb-ing as object.*Show students some sentences with both Verb-ing form and Infinitive as object.*Find out the rule by reading “Tips”.Step 6 Task 6: Write about a person you love or respect very much.*Get students to look at some pictures and read a sample first.*Encourage students to use Verb-ing forms as much as possible.*Share the work in a group.*Share the work with the whole class.Step 7 Task 7: Test and summary Step 8 Homework assignment: go over the language item learnt today.Changchang, who is four years old, is a smart boy.He likes running and playing with his toys.day.He is also interested in listening to music.He enjoys talking to other people and it seems that he never stops talking until he goes to sleep.He is good at telling stories like “The big grey wolf”.He hates eating vegetables.He dreams of being a policeman, a driver, a doctor, a superman,….I am a teacher.Teaching English is my job every day.I enjoy working with my students together.It makes me full of energy all day.I am interested in seeing movies.Although I love my job, sometimes I feel tired of doing the same thing every day and dream of trying something new, like I hate cheating very much.Students’ cheating in the exam makes me angry and sad.Now I am enjoy myself by giving a class to students in No.21 Middle School.I forgot buying the same book before.I forgot to tell her about it.B)I remember locking the door.Remember to lock the door.D)They went on talking.They went on to talk about other matters.E)He stopped smoking last week.He stopped to smoke.F)Talking to such a person means wasting your time.I don’t mean to hurt you.G)Try knocking at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door.Try to get some sleep.H)I can’t help laughing.I can’t help(to)clean the place.Love

---John Lennon

Love is real;real is love.Love is ________;________ love.Love is ________ to be loved.Love is touch;touch is love.Love is ________;________ love.Love is ________ to be loved.Love is you, you and me.Love is ________ we can be.Love is free;free is love.Love is ________;________ love.Love is ________ to be loved.


高中英语必修4 Unit 3语法教案 PeriodIV Grammer

Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of-ing form and use them freely I.Preparation for grammer before class.STEP1.[自学探究](SB P21 Discovering useful structures)

1.v.ing 做定语

▲动名词放在所修饰的名词前面作为定语,表示该名词的用途或有关的动作。walking stick 手杖

printing shop 印务馆

dining room饭厅

reading room 阅览室

swimming pool 游泳池

washing machine洗衣机 a waiting room(= a room for waiting)候车室 a walking stick(=a stick for walking)手杖

▲现在分词做定语,说明所修饰名词进行的动作。a waiting man(=a man who is waiting)正在等待的男人 a sleeping child(= a child who is sleeping)正在睡觉的孩子 2.v.ing 作表语

▲动名词做表语是对主语内容的解释,这时主语与表语位置可以互换。Its full time job is laying eggs.他的专职工作是产卵。

Our job is playing all kinds of music.我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。Playing all kinds of music is our job.演奏各种音乐是我们的工作。

*现在分词做表语,表明的是主语的性质与特征,主语与表语位置不可互换。The music they are playing sounds exciting.他们演奏的音乐是如此令人兴奋。The task of this class is practising the idioms.这节课的任务是练习这些短语。Seeing is believing.眼见为实。

My work is looking after the children.我的工作是照看这些孩子。3.v.-ing作宾语补足语的用法

v.-ing 形式主要用于以下两类动词后构成宾语补助语。

⑴表示感觉和状态的动词,如see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice等。例如: I heard Mr.Smith singing in the next door.我听到史密斯先生在隔壁唱歌。I felt someone patting on the shoulder.我感到有人拍了拍我的肩膀。

⑵表示“指使”等意义的动词,如have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等。例如: We won’t have you doing that.我们不允许你这么做。

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.对不起,让你久等了。II.Make a thorough inquiry during class.Teacher and students work toghter.STEP2.精例点拨

1.The salesman scolded the girl caught _____ and let her off.A.to have stolen B.to be stealing C.to steal D.stealing [解析]本题考查动词非谓语形式在句中作宾补的用法。正确掌握并灵活运用非谓语形式是解此类题的关键,另外,解这一题目也要用还原法,即catch the girl stealing,若没有把catch the girl stealing 还原,也是很难找出本题的答案的,因此,解题时,不但要有扎实的基础知识,还要掌握解题技巧。本题旨在考查catch sb.doing sth.(发现某人做某事)这一短语,故先排除A、C两项,由于girl与catch之间是被动关系,因此需要用catch的过去分词形式作后置定语,stealing所作的只能是定语中的补足语,故本题最佳答案为D。

2.In the study, I found my son ______ at a desk, with his attention ______ on a book.A.sitting;fixing B.sit;fixed C.sitting;to be fixed D.seated;fixed [解析]此题考查不定式与分词作宾补的区别以及短语fix one’s attention的用法。解答此题时,应特别留意不定式与分词作宾补的区别;第二应注意倘若逻辑宾语提前,则with+复合宾语中宾补应用过去分词表示被动。因为强调found的动作与sit同时进行,而省去to的不定式sit作宾补表示动作的完成,但sitting和seated皆可。第二空中,attention原为fix的逻辑宾语,所以应选fixed作宾语补足语。故此题正确答案为:D。III.当堂达标

STEP3.Ask students to finish with 7minutes given 单项选择

1.I don’t mind her_________ jewels at the party.A.wear B.to wear

C.wearing D.worn 2.After her famous husband’s death, Eleanor Roosevelt continued ________for peace.A.working


C.the working

D.to working 3.Mark often attempts to escape _________whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been fined

B.to be fined

C.to have been fined

D.being fined 4.Ann never dreams of _________ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A.there being a chance

B.there to be a chance C.there be a chance

D.being a chance 5.— What made him so unhappy? — _______ the ticket for the football match.A.Having been lost


C.Because of losing

D.Losing 6.After _______for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A.being interviewed


C.interviewing D.having interviewed 7.I don’t know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned _______ in hospital last year.A.to have been

B.to be

C.having been

D.being 8.I still remember you, as a student, _________ sweetly.A.to sing


C.being singing

D.sing 9.The boy’s _______ school late again and again caused the teacher to wonder why.A.to come


C.being coming

D.come 10.— Why do you think of the film Harry Potter?

— Oh, excellent.It’s worth _______ a second time.A.to see

B.to be seen


D.being seen 11.These young scientists succeeded _________ the new software.A.produced

B.to produce

C.in producing

D.produce 12.— I apologized to you ________ your dictionary for so long.— It doesn’t matter.A.to keep

B.for having kept

C.of keeping

D.for keeping Step4.summary Step5.Master grammer’s uses futher.Suggested answer 语法单项选择CADA DACB BCCB

第三篇:高中英语必修4 Unit 4 语法教案

Period IV Grammar(必修4,unit4)Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of-ing form used as the attributive and the adverbial I.Preparation for the grammar by oneself before class.[自学探究](SB P29 Discovering useful structures)

II.Students work toghter to make a thorough inquiry during class.[合作学习]





He is an attacking player.他是一个攻击型的运动员。They lived a room facing the north thirty years ago.三十年前,他住在一个朝北的房间里。

(2)如现在分词修饰由some/any/no + thing/body/one所形成的不定代词或指示代词those时,分词在这些被修饰词的后面。例如:

Anyone swimming will be punished.正在游泳的任何人都将受到惩罚。


a writing table = a table used for writing ;a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping



There were no soldiers drilling.= There were no soldiers who were drilling.没有士兵在操练。The man running over there is our chairman.= The man who is running over there is our chairman.正在朝那边跑的那个人是我们主席。

重点把握:having done(现在分词的完成时态)表示该动作先于另一个动作,现在分词的完成时态永远不能作定语。


The meeting being held is very important.正召开的会议很重要。The skyscraper being built is still higher than that built the year before last.正在建的那幢摩天大楼比前年建的那幢还高。STEP2.现在分词作状语


Climbing to the top of the hill, we saw a beautiful view.爬上山顶后我看到了一幅美丽的景象。Being sick I stayed at home.我因病呆在家里。

重点把握:如指将来的动作就可用不定式的被动语态,如: a meeting to be held 将要召开的会议 如表过去可用过去分词 a meeting held 开过的会议



Not recognizing the voice, he refused to give the person his address.因为没听出这个人的声音,他没把自己的地址给他。

It rained heavily, causing great damage.大雨滂沱,造成了很大损害。He ran up to her breathing heavily.他气喘吁吁的跑到她面前。【重点把握】


generally speaking, considering, judging from, talking from,supposing(为连词意思为假如),(2)现在分词表示的动作和谓语表示动作(或状态)是同时发生或几乎同时发生的。否


Having already seen the film twice, she didn’t want to go to the cinema.这电影他已看过两遍,他不想去看了。

Not having received his father’s letter, he decided to make a call to him.因为没收到他父亲的信,他决定打个电话给他父亲。


过去分词状语时,其表示的动作时句子主语承受的动作。他们之间的关系是被动关系。Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.如果对这些树更关心一些,他们本来会长的更好。


I run out of the house shouting.我喊叫着跑出屋来。I got home, feeling very tired.我疲惫的回到家里

3、有些现在分词作状语时,其前可用after, before, since, when, while, whenever, once, until, on, as等词。例如:

After talking to you, I always fell better.和你谈过话后我总感觉好一些。When telephoning London numbers from abroad, dial 1, not 01.从国外往伦敦打电话,请拨1,不是01。III.Teacher work toghter with students STEP3.[典例解析]

1.The secretary worked late into the night, ____ a long speech for the president.A to prepare

B preparing C prepared

D was preparing [解析] 本题考察现在分词作伴随状语用法。分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选B。2.____ a reply, he decided to write again.A Not receiving

B Receiving not

C Not having received

D Having not received [解析]分词短语表示的动作在谓语动词之前发生,故用现在分词的完成时态。Not 要放在非谓语动词之前。

3.“Can't you read?” Mary said ____ to the notice.A angrily pointing

B and point angrily

C angrily pointed

D and angrily pointing [解析] 现在分词作伴随状语,分词与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故选现在分词。故答案为A。

4.The meeting ____ now is very important.A held

B to be held

C being held

D holding [解析]会议是被召开的,故排除掉D。根据时间状语now我们知道会议是正在召开的,而不定式作定语表将来。故答案为C 5.If you want a letter ____ , you must keep in mind several rules while ____.A written;written

B well written;writing

C well writing;writing

D well written;write [解析]第一个空为过去分词作定语,分词与他修饰的名次之间有被动关系,所以用过去分词。第二个空是while加现在分词作时间状语。现在分词与其逻辑主语之间为主动关系。故答案为B。

6.He never spends a _____ day.A more worry

B most worrying C more worrying

D more worried [解析]因句子具有“a day worried him”即a day is worrying的意义,所以需用worrying。故答案为C。

7.——— speaking, women live longer than men.A.Judging from



D.Taking everything into consideration [解析] 此句子考察的是表示说话人态度的一些惯用法。依据句子意思应是一般说来的,通常说来,故选 B IV.当堂达标

1._____to understand what he doesn’t, he makes a fool of himself.A.Always pretended B.Having always pretendedC.Always being pretended D.Always pretended 2.To get there in time, they came _____all the way.A.running B.run C.ran D.to run 3.We’ll go to have a picnic tomorrow or the day after _____ on the weather.A.depended B.depending C.depends

D.is depending 4.It has rained nonstop for ten days, completely _____ our holiday.A.ruining

B.to ruin


D.has ruined 5.They set out _____for the _____.A.searching losing B.searching lost C.to search lost D.searched losing 6.It’s a pleasure to watch the face of a _____baby.A.asleep B.sleep C.sleeping D.slept 7.The boy sat there _____what to do.A.doesn’t knowing B.didn’t knowing C.not know D.not knowing

8.The secretary worked late into the night, _____a long speech for the international conference.A.to prepare B.prepared C.preparing D.was preparing 9.European football is played in 80 countries _____it the most popular sport in the world.A.making B.makes C.made D.to make 10.The _____Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _____that he had enjoyed his stay here A.visiting ,add B.visited, adding

C.visiting, adding D.visited, added

11.Due to the heavy rain and flooding, ten million people have been forced _____ their homes.A.leaving

B.to leave

C.to be left

D.being left


1----5 DABAB 6---10CDCAC B

STEP4.Summary and homework.Do the exercises toghter with the text.


Study Case for Grammar in Unit 5 SB2 Step 1.Can you find five sentences in the reading passage that contain prep.+ whom/which attribution clauses? Underline them.Step 2.Sort out the following messages that are mixed up to make complete sentences containing attributive clauses.Pay attention to the use of prepositions.1.I remember the day

with which

Dave composed our first hit

was chosen by Mike’s mum.2.The guitar

when our band was formed

is in a music museum.3.The name

in whom

we have great interest

as if it was yesterday.4.The show

by which

we were to become famous

was in American.5.The singer

with whom

we practiced the most

is Freddy.6.The musicians

at which

we played our first hits

toured Europe with us.Step 3.Read the passage and complete it using attributive clauses, some of which may use prep.+ whom/which.There have been many popular bands in the world ,________ the most famous was the Beatles.The four young men ________made up the band only performed and recorded from 1963 to 1970.During those years they gave many concerts, ________ they played all their latest hits.They made many records, ________ they will always be remembered.Their songs were a mixture of rock and roll and ballads, ________ they often wrote about their own lives and problems.Although they were not trained actors they took part in films ________ they often played themselves.Their performances were humorous and interesting.Their fans, ________ the Beatles would not have been so famous, at last caused problems for them.They followed them every where.Finally they stopped their concerts in order to live quieter lives, although their songs remain as popular as ever.Step 4.Practice

Play a game of definitions.Get into pairs.One asks the first question and the other answers it using an attributive clause containing prep.+ whom/which.If the answer is correct , swap roles.If not, continue with the next question.Pick out some questions below to play the game.Work out some questions of your own if you like.EXAMPLE: S1: What’s a letter box? S2: It’s a box with a hole through which the postman puts the letters.1.What’s a gym?(in which)

2.What’s a vacation?(during which)3.What’s a library?(from/in which)

4.What’s a university?(at which)5.What’s a doctor?(to whom)

6.What’s a studio?(at which)7.Who’s Father Christmas?(from whom)

8.What’s a good friend?(with whom)

Tips: 1.building, exercise 2.period of time, relax and enjoy themselves 3.building, borrow books 4.place of higher learning , students study a particular subject to a high level 5.a person, be sick 6.a place if you are a band, your can record your songs.7.a person, receive presents 8.a person, share all your troubles.Step 5.Instruction



1.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 2.They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practicing their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame.3.Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash.4.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.5.However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band.6.They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.一、基本用法


There comes Tom,_____ whom I have been waiting for an hour.汤姆来了,我等他等了一个小时了。

He handed me a pen, _____which I wrote down his phone number.他递给我一支钢笔,我就用它写下了他的电话号码。Do you know the boy that/who/whom she was talking to? 你知道与她交谈的那个男孩是谁吗?

二、“介词+关系代词”的种类 1.介词+which/whom Is this the car for which you paid a high price? 这是你花大价钱买的车吗?

He broke his glasses, without which he can't see anything.他打破了眼镜,没有眼镜他什么也看不见。

The policeman with whom Mr.Smith is talking in the office is my friend.正在办公室与史密斯先生谈话的那个警察是我的朋友。

(2009·陕西高考)Gun control is a subject________ Americans have argued for a long time.A.of which

B.with which

C.about which

D.into which 2.代词/数词+介词+which/whom Mary has two brothers, both of whom are doctors.玛丽有两个哥哥,他们都是医生。

The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% of which are sold abroad.这家工厂每年生产50万双鞋子,其中80%销往国外。

(2011·浙江高考)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of ________ uses it somewhat differently.A.which



D.those 3.the+形容词/名词+介词+which/whom China has hundreds of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan.中国有成百上千的岛屿,最大的是台湾岛。

I will talk to those students the homework of whom hasn't been done.我要和没完成作业的同学谈话。

The book, the cover of which/whose cover is red, is written by Mr.Jones.这本书是琼斯先生写的,它的封面是红色的。

(2010·江苏高考)The newly­built café,the walls of ________ are painted light green,is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.A.that



D.which 4.介词+whose+名词(指物的先行词在定语从句中作定语时还可以用the +noun +of which的结构来表示)He lives in an old house, under whose roof live a family of birds.他住在一座老房子里,在屋檐下住着一窝鸟。

We were grateful to Mr.Li, in whose car we had traveled home.我们都很感谢李先生,我们就是坐他的车回家的。5.“介词+which”常可以和when, where, why互换

I'll never forget the days when(in which/during which)I worked with you.我将永远不会忘记和你一起工作的那些日子。This is the office where(in which)I used to work.这就是我过去工作过的办公室。

I'd like you to explain the reason why(for which)you were absent.我想让你解释一下你缺席的原因。

(先行词在定语从句中作状语时根据不同类型的状语,用不同的介词+关系代词,时间状语使用on;in;by;during等表示时间的介词;地点状语用on;in;at;to;from等表示地点的介词;原因状语用for;方式状语用in;by;with等。)where可以替代to/at/from/in which, 例如:They visited the city where/in which John Denver was born.when可以替代during/at/in/on which,例如:I will never forget the year when/in which our band started.why可以替代for which,例如:The reason why/for which he left the band was that he hated the busy life.how可以替代in which,但是要同时去掉the way,例如:The students do not know how/the way in which a music band can be formed.Eample: I don’t understand the way in which you solved this problem.→I don’t understand how you solved this problem.1.This is the month during which we like to go to outdoor concerts.→This is the month when we like to go to outdoor concerts.2.She gave a musical concert in the hall in which we interviewed a famous violinist last week.→She gave a musical concert in the hall where we interviewed a famous violinist last week.3.Lillian lives in a town in which there are many cultural events.→Lillian lives in a town where there are many cultural events.4.A concert hall is a place to which you go to buy tickets for a show.→A concert hall is a place where you go to buy tickets for a show.5.Finding a job as a singer was the reason for which I moved.→Finding a job as a singer was the reason why I moved.6.Summer is the time at which it is best to practise outside with your band.→Summer is the time when it is best to practise outside with your band.7.His studio was the place in which we recorded our greatest hits.→His studio was the place where we recorded our greatest hits.8.I relied on my car until it broke down at the place at which three roads meet.→I relied on my car until it broke down at the place where three roads meet.9.I am familiar with your songs and the way in which you compose them.→I am familiar with your songs and how you compose them.10.It is a time at which the sun begins to sink and the moon to rise.→It is a time when the sun begins to sink and the moon to rise.三.“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句介词的选择


指代先行词的关系代词与介词构成介词短语时,介词必须放在关系代词前。例如: This is the desk on which I found my book.注意:关系代词which代替先行词the desk, 并与介词on构成介词短语on the desk, 作定语从句的地点状语。例如: I’d prefer to live in the house in front of which there is a cherry tree.关系代词which代替先行词the house, 与in front of 构成介词短语in front of the house, 作定语从句的地点状语。例如: There was a time in history during which the blacks were treated as slaves.关系代词which代替先行词a time, 与介词during构成介词短语during a time, 作定语从句的时间状语。例如: I don’t like the way in which he treats us.关系代词which代替先行词the way,与介词in构成介词短语in the way, 作定语从句的方式状语。先行词为表示方式的名词the way时,此定语从句还可以用关系代词that或省略关系代词。2.介词必须放在从句谓语动词后,不提前


He is the man(who/whom/that)I’m looking for.定语从句(who/whom/that)I’m looking for 的谓语动词是固定的短语动词look for,介词for不能与look分开,因此介词for不能提到关系代词前。

这类短语如:look for, look after, look forward to, put in for申请,care for,pay a visit to 3.介词既可以放在从句谓语动词后,也可提前


Do you know the person(who/whom/that)I talked to just now(=to whom I talked just now)? 在“介词+关系代词”结构中,介词后面的关系代词只能用which(指物)或whom(指人)。在本句中介词可以与代替先行词the person的关系代词whom构成短语to the person或与从句中的动词talk构成动词短语talk to,因此介词to 可以放在关系代词前,也可以放在从句的谓语动词之后。[课堂实练]

1.I don’t think the number of people ____ this happens is very large.A.whom

B.to whom

C.on whom

D.which 2.The school has 3,000 students, _____ 1,800 are men.A.whose

B.of whom


D.of which

3.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ______ was very reasonable.A.which price

B.the price of which C.its price

D.the price of whose

4.The gentleman ______ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.A.who

B.about whom


D.with whom 5.She wrote a lot of stories for children, _____ this is one example.A.in which

B.of which

C.among them

D.of them 6.He offered us a lot of money _____ we couldn’t buy these machines.A.without which

B.with that

C.with which D.without that 7.Mary, ____ for help, has gone to England.A.who I can go to

B.whom I can go C.to whom I can go

D.I can go to

8.Now we have very powerful telescopes _____ we can study the skies.A.in which

B.with which

C.through which

D.by which 9.The man ______ she was married was a soldier.A.whom

B.to whom

C.with whom

D.who 10.Tom, ____ I went to the concert, is a friend of mine.A.whom


C.with whom

D.whose 附:

一、与介词搭配 动词+介词

begin with 从/以„开始 believe in 信任/信赖/信仰

belong in/on/under在„中/上面/下面有适当位置 belong to 属于„

break/burst into 闯入;突发 break through 冲破

call at 短暂访问/停靠(某地)call for 要求/需要„

call on 看望;号召(某人)care about 对„关心/感兴趣

care for 对„关心/喜欢/尊重/想要;照料

catch at 去接/抓„

change for 转车去„处;于(某物)交换

change/turn into 变成(=become)come across 走过„来;偶然碰到/找到

come at 达到/了解/攻击„

come from 来自/出身于„

come into 进入;开始;得到;继承

come to(oneself)苏醒(=come back to life)come upon 偶然碰到/攻袭/发生/出现于

concern about 关心„

connect with 连系/衔接„

consist of 由„组成

count on 信赖/指望„

date from 始于„

deal in 经营/从事„

deal with 涉及/处理/应付„;与„打交道/做生意

depend on 依赖/依靠„

die for 为„而死;渴望

die from/of 死于„

dive for 冲向„

dive into 潜入(水中)declare against/for 声明反对/赞成„

do for 适用于/替代/毁掉„

engage in 从事/参加„„

feed on 以„为(主)食/维持生活

feel like 如同/想要„

leave for 动身去„处

lie in 在于„

listen for 注意想要听到„


finish with 完成;与„绝交 fit into适合于„ fly at 扑向„ fly into 突然爆发 fool with 胡弄;玩弄 gasp at 因„倒抽一口冷气 get into 进入 get off 从(车、船等)下来 get on 上(车、船等)glare at 怒目注视 go over 复习/过一遍„ go through 通过 hear from 受到„的音、信 hear of/about 听说;因„受责备 insist on 坚持要/坚决主张„ join in 加入/一起(做„某事)jump at/on 跃/扑向„;欣然接受„;匆匆作出(结论)jump into 跳入/踊跃投入„ keep to 不离开/坚守/遵行„ knock about 漫游„ knock at/on 敲(门、窗等)knock against 偶然遇到(某人)knock into 撞到„ laugh at 嘲笑„;因„而笑 lay for 埋伏等待„ lay into 猛攻/痛击„ lead to/into 通向/导致„ learn about/of 获悉/听说„ learn from 向„学习;从„吸取教训 listen to 听/倾听„ live by 靠„过活;住在„附近live on 以„为主食;靠„生活 long for 渴望„ look at 看„ look for 寻找„ look into

朝„里看;浏览/查阅/调查/顺便进入访看„ look like 看起来像„

look through 通看/复看/浏览/查看„ look to 注意/照顾/依靠/朝向„ make at 扑向/攻击„

make for 走向/扑向/导致„

manage with 驾驭„;用„来对付 manage without 没„而能对付 meet with(偶尔)遇到;符合 operate on 给„作手术 pay for 为„付款/受罚

play with 以„玩耍/消遣;和„开玩笑 point to/at 指向/指着„ prepare for 为„作准备

quarrel about(sth.)with(sb.)

为(某事)而与(某人)争吵 refer to 指/谈到/参阅„ rely on 依靠„

result from 由„引起 result in 终至„的结果

run across 穿过/偶然发现„ run after 追捕/追随/伺候„ run at 向„冲去/突袭

run for 匆忙来/去拿„;竞选(公职)run into

跑进„;与„相撞/相连接;延续到/共计达„ run to 跑向/求助于„;共达/值„;有(做„的)rush at 冲向/猛攻/匆忙处理„ search for 搜寻

see about 照料/探寻/考虑„ see after 照顾/照看„ see to 照料/修理/注意„

seek after/to 寻求

set about 着手/开始/攻击/散布 send for 派人请„ share in 分享 shoot at 朝„射击

shout at 冲„吼叫/叫嚷 shout to 朝„喊

sit for 参加(考试);代表„当议员 stand by 与„站在一起 stand for 代表„ stare at 盯着看„

step on 踩在„上;用力踩„(加油门)stick to 粘住/坚持„

struggle against 与„斗争 struggle for 为„而斗争 succeed in 在„获得成功

suffer from 受„之苦;患„(病)speak about/of 谈及

speak against/for 发言反对/为„辩护talk about/of 谈到„ talk with/to 与„交谈

think about 考虑/想起/回想„

think of 考虑/想起/记得/想出/认为 turn against 背叛„

turn towards 朝向/倾向于„ twist around 缠绕/摆布„ urge against 极为反对„ wait for 等待 wait on 伺候

win over 战胜/说服„ wish for 想得到/渴望„ work at 从事/致力于/学习„

work on 从事/忙于/影响/安装好„ work to 根据„行事

work towards 设法达到/获得„

第五篇:高中英语必修4 Unit 3语法教案

高中英语必修4 Unit 3语法教案

Teaching aim: Grasp the usages of-ing form and use them freely STEP1.[自学探究](SB P21 Discovering useful structures)

1.v.ing 做定语

▲动名词放在所修饰的名词前面作为定语,表示该名词的用途或有关的动作。walking stick 手杖

printing shop 印务馆

dining room饭厅 reading room 阅览室

swimming pool 游泳池

washing machine洗衣机 a waiting room(= a room for waiting)候车室 a walking stick(=a stick for walking)手杖

▲现在分词做定语,说明所修饰名词进行的动作。a waiting man(=a man who is waiting)正在等待的男人 a dancing girl(= a girl who is dancing)单个分词作定语,分词前置。We can see the rising sun.The sleeping boy is my son.分词短语作定语,分词后置;分词修饰不定代词something等要后置。The girl standing under the tree is my niece.There is nothing interesting.2.v.ing 作表语

▲动名词做表语是对主语内容的解释,这时主语与表语位置可以互换。(1)Its full time job is laying eggs.他的专职工作是产卵。

(2)Our job is playing all kinds of music.我们的工作就是演奏各种音乐。(3)Playing all kinds of music is our job.演奏各种音乐是我们的工作。*现在分词做表语,表明的是主语的性质与特征,主语与表语位置不可互换。(4)The film is touching.(5)This girl is charming.(6)My job is interesting.3.v.-ing作宾语补足语的用法

v.-ing 形式主要用于以下两类动词后构成宾语补助语。⑴表示感觉和状态的动词,如see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice,listen to ,look at等。表示动作正在进行。例如:

I heard Mr.Smith singing in the next door.我听到史密斯先生在隔壁唱歌。I felt someone patting on the shoulder.我感到有人拍了拍我 的肩膀。She smelt something burning.⑵表示“指使”等意义的动词,如have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等.强调的持续性。例如: We won’t have you doing that.我们不允许你这么做。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting long.对不起,让你久等了。The joke set them all laughing.The teacher often caught him sleeping in class.II.Make a thorough inquiry during class.Teacher and students work toghter.STEP2.精例点拨

1.The salesman scolded the girl caught _____ and let her off.A.to have stolen

B.to be stealing

C.to steal

D.stealing [解析]本题考查动词非谓语形式在句中作宾补的用法。正确掌握并灵活运用非谓语形式是解此类题的关键,另外,解这一题目也要用还原法,即catch the girl stealing,若没有把catch the girl stealing 还原,也是很难找出本题的答案的,因此,解题时,不但要有扎实的基础知识,还要掌握解题技巧。本题旨在考查catch sb.doing sth.(发现某人做某事)这一短语,故先排除A、C两项,由于girl与catch之间是被动关系,因此需要用catch的过去分词形式作后置定语,stealing所作的只能是定语中的补足语,故本题最佳答案为D。

2.In the study, I found my son ______ at a desk, with his attention ______ on a book.A.sitting;fixing


C.sitting;to be fixed

D.seated;fixed [解析]此题考查不定式与分词作宾补的区别以及短语fix one’s attention的用法。解答此题时,应特别留意不定式与分词作宾补的区别;第二应注意倘若逻辑宾语提前,则with+复合宾语中宾补应用过去分词表示被动。因为强调found的动作与sit同时进行,而省去to的不定式sit作宾补表示动作的完成,但sitting和seated皆可。第二空中,attention原为fix的逻辑宾语,所以应选fixed作宾语补足语。故此题正确答案为:D。

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