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提问可以促进学生思维的发展,从而提高学生的智力。有多项研究证明,向学生提问不同类型的问题,可以开展学生的不同思维能力,从而促进学生思维多元化发展。如JEFC(2B)Unit12,Lesson50 Part 2听录音后,笔者进行了以下听力测试:

T: Who called Anns mother?

S: Bill did.T: What was the message?

S: Bill couldnt go to the birthday party.到此,两个问题已顺利解决,但是笔者不失时机地诱导以激活学生的思维。

T: Why will Bill not go to the birthday party?

S1: Maybe he is ill.S2: I think his mother is busy.He has to look after his sister.S3: He may have little money, and he cant buy anything for Ann.„„



JEFC Book(2A)Unit 8,Lesson 29主要复习行为动词一般过去时,通过看图问答,看图说话,对一般过去时有所了解。到此,我创设几个有“头”的情景,让学生思维任其驰骋,凭“头”想“尾”。例如:

T: Yesterday I was ill, I was late for school, I was worried...S1: Yesterday Wei Hua was busy...S2: Last week Li Mei was away from school for three days...这种写作或演讲,既有一定的约束,即有“头”,要用过去时态,却又自由发挥,任你去猜测、假设,只需把喜怒哀乐的缘由写清(说清)便可收场,求异思维得到了较好的训练,使本来很棘手的写作便成了言之有物,言之有理,充满个性,富有创新的乐事。


学习JEFC Book(2B)Unit 15,Lesson 60时,笔者设计如下:

T: Yesterday we learned lessons 59.We have known something about HanMeis family and Indiras.We also discussed yesterday.Now please tell me something about your family.S1: Im a girl of 15.I have a small family.My father and mother are both busy.They have a small company.So they help each other with work and housework.Sometimes my father does some cooking and cleaning, my mother does some washing and shopping.At the weekend I often help them do some housework.I think everyone should do some housework.It’s good for a family.S2: Im a boy of 14.I have a big family...笔者对这一篇章式阅读的处理如下:首先在学习课文后进行讨论,在讨论的基础上再进行自由说,把各自家中的情况和同学一起分享。这一话题学生非常熟悉,与他们的实际生活密切相关,因此他们很感兴趣。这样学生不仅与文章的作者进行了双向交流,更与全班同学进行了多向交流。这是一种高层次的阅读技能训练活动,即阅读不仅仅是为了掌握文章中事实,了解作者观点,还更重视结合作者观点及自己的经历,表达自己的体会,是真正实施素质教育的具体体现。我想若干年以后,这些孩子长大成人,拥有各自的家庭时,依然会想到这堂英语课上大家讨论“家务事”的花絮,而使自己的生活更充满情趣,这其实是一种品质的培养。







提问可以促进学生思维的发展,从而提高学生的智力。有多项研究证明,向学生提问不同类型的问题,可以开展学生的不同思维能力,从而促进学生思维多元化发展。如Go for it.(Book1B)Unit12,听录音后,笔者进行了以下听力测试: T: Who called Ann's mother? S: Bill did.T: What was the message? S: Bill couldn't go to the birthday party.到此,两个问题已顺利解决,但是笔者不失时机地诱导以激活学生的思维。T: Why will Bill not go to the birthday party? S1: Maybe he is ill.S2: I think his mother is busy.He has to look after his sister.S3: He may have little money, and he can't buy anything for Ann.……



Go for it.Book(2A)Unit 8,主要复习行为动词一般过去时,通过看图问答,看图说话,对一般过去时有所了解。到此,我创设几个有“头”的情景,让学生思维任其驰骋,凭“头”想“尾”。例如:

T: Yesterday I was ill, I was late for school, I was worried...234-

第三篇:六年级英语教案Helen Keller教学设计.doc阅读教学案例

六年级英语教案Helen Keller教学设计


外研社《英语》(新标准)第2册第8模块第1单元(Helen Keller)。




(1)She was blind.So she couldn't see.(2)She was deaf.So she couldn't hear.(3)But she could learn.三、教学内容与目标


1.新词汇:born, blind, deaf, normal, famous

2.新句型:She was blind.So she couldn't see./ She was deaf.So she couldn't hear./ But she could learn.(二)教学目标






通过学习Helen Keller这位世界上着名身残志坚有志之人的优秀事迹,让学生学有所得,学有所悟,希望她的精神能激励和教育我们的学生在任何时候遇到艰难永不退缩。





难点:学生能够流利地使用正确时态来描述自己的能力,能够复述Helen Keller的伟大事迹。




Activity 1 Warm up


T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, teacher.T: Welcome to our English class again.Would you like to sing---body song with me?

S: Yes.TS: Sing a song together.(在开课伊始,教师播放课件,师生共同演唱英文歌曲,意在使彼此身心得到放松。)

Activity 2 Introduce the new lesson


Game: Blind drawing game

a.T: 让全班同学都戴上眼罩(eye-shade)画画。

Now please take out your eye-shades,a piece of paper and a pen.I want a boy and a girl to draw on the blackboard.wear it now, let's draw a picture.A girl and a boy are welcomed here to draw on the blackboard.T: Who'd like to come here?

S: Volunteer to come to the blackboard.T: Are you ready? Draw a big round face, two small eyes, a big nose, a big mouth and two big ears.S: Draw.After that

T: All right please take off your eye-shades, let's see our pictures.S: 看到画也许会笑。

b.T: Ok, this time, please wear this again and do the action.(教师让学生再次戴上眼罩,并做堵住耳朵的动作。)

S: Wear and do.T: 提出指令:Stand up.Look, a beautiful doll and a toy with music.S: 大部分学生应该听不见。

T: Thank you.Please take off your eye-shades and we can also hear again.Did you hear what I said just now, did you see my beautiful doll?(课件)

S: No.T: Then what kind of feeling did you have when you couldn't see and hear just now?

S: Tell their feeling.c.T: We only couldn't see and hear just now for a while, and felt hard to do things, can you imagine a lady who couldn't see, couldn't hear and even couldn't talk for almost the whole life? Can you imagine how terrible life she had ? Do you want to know whom she was?

S: Yes.T: All right, look, listen and then tell me.(教师利用多媒体课件出示Helen Keller生前的部分照片,播放课文的第一段录音。)

T: Can you tell me whom she was?

S: Helen Keller.2.通过让学生亲身感受,引出本课的人物Helen Keller.T: You are right.Thank you.It's Helen Keller.She's a great woman.She did many useful things.T: Ok, here look at the questions, who can read?.(课件出示问题)

S: Read individually.When was Helen Keller born?

Was she blind? Could she see? Was she deaf?

Could she hear? Could she talk? What could she do?

T: Explain difficult words, be born, blind, deaf.Then lead to read.(教师在这里用自身的例子让学生理解be born的含义,同时教会学生“年”的时间表达法,如1880:18----eighteen 80----eighty,进而询问他们的出生日和父母的出生日,如果不明确的话,回家可以用英语问问父母,一方面培养孝心,一方面让学生练习在实际生活中使用英语。)

T: Play the tape of the story.(课件播放课文录音)

S: Look at the questions and listen.(教师播放课件出示问题,同时背景音为整篇课文录音,学生一边听音、看图画,一边思考这些问题的答案。这是教师有意在进行信息差教学,以此来更好地开动学生的英语思维。)

T: Ask the questions.S: Volunteers to answer the questions.T: Award them.(及时鼓励和奖励学生,帮助他们增强学好英语的自信心。)


T: Show some words while teacher collected.S: Read and review.T: Here teacher explains normal.4.学习课文。

T: Show the story.(课件出示Helen Keller故事,学生跟读。)

S: Read after it.S: Read in groups.S: Read with deep feeling in different groups, boys read and girls read.5.重点句型练习。

T: Now, look and listen to the important sentences in the story, please read and then recite.S: Read and recite.(出示本课的重点句型,学生看图片、听录音,小声模仿,一分钟内循环播放句子录音,学生背诵。大量的口头练习和背诵可以使学生的嘴部肌肉更加发达,说起语言更加游刃有余。)


T: Ok, this time, take out your exercise book and turn to Page30.Please listen to the story again and try to finish Exercise One and Exercise Two.(听后写得活动。课件出示练习题,学生做完后,进行集体核对,一目了然。通过完成此练习,学生对本课的整体印象会更加深刻。)

Activity 3 Game


T: You really did a good job.Next let's relax and play a game---破译句子密码.Find sentences in the story.Every group will have a card.There are some big letters on it.If you see SCS, you can get from the story, which is “She couldn't see.” Let's see which group can be the first one to guess the sentence.同样是刚才的小组,每组分到三个密码,如:“Helen's friend wrote the word 'water' on Helen's hand.”该句的密码为“HFWTWWOHH”也就是该句子的每个单词的首字母组合成的。给每组发一个密码,在规定的时间内,哪个组最先破译出来就是胜利者。

(游戏使得学生在放松娱乐的同时,感受Helen Keller成长的不容易。)

Activity 4 Tell stories

T: I know you have taken your photos here.Can you introduce something about that with “I was…, so I couldn't… But I could…”

S: 学生拿出自己小时候的照片用该句型介绍。

T: 出示名人照片---中国着名的舞蹈家邰丽华,着名作家张海迪,让学生用该句型介绍,同时播放“感恩的心”音乐。

(通过这些事例激励学生要像Helen Keller、邰丽华、张海迪一样意志坚强,弃而不舍,关爱他人,同时珍惜现在的幸福生活,并学会感恩。)

Activity 5 Assignment

T: Dear students, compare with Helen Keller, how happy and lucky we are!I think we should cherish what we have and do more useful things, let's remember.“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”(出示课件显示该句子,伴随着“感恩的心”音乐)。Let's read it together, ok?

S: Read together.T: Can you remember? All right, today's homework.(出示课件),who can read?

S: Read.1.Retell the story to your friends and your relatives.2.If you were Helen Keller, what would you do?

3.Read the book “Three days to see.” by Helen Keller.T: Thank you for your good cooperation.So much for this class, see you.


Unit 6 教学内容: A4(1)一.教学目标 1.知识技能目标

1)核心词汇: trumpet, wind chimes, fire truck siren, perfume 2)第三人称单数形式 3)核心句型

How does/do …….sound?

…sounds/sound…… How does/do…..smell?

….smells/smell…… 听:听懂老师的提问,做出正确回答 说:根据图片进行听觉,味觉的提问 读:朗读A4前两部分 2.情感目标

学会表达,简单描述物体的声音味道 二.教学重难点 1.词汇 2.句型 3.三单 三.教学过程

1.Teaching hook(review A2)Use 5 pictures, cut each into 2 pieces.Ss with the pieces come to the front and find their partner.s asks: what do we do with our eyes? Ss: we see with our eyes.What do we do with our nose? We smell with our nose.(5')Then, t show the pictures.And say: We use our eyes to see.So we have the sense of sight.We use our ears to hear.So we have the sense of hearing.We use our nose to smell.So we have the sense of smell..We use our tongue to taste.So we have the sense of taste.We use our fingers to touch.So we have the sense of touch.(斜体字部分要求老师给出口型,提示学生发音)Well, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are our five senses.(引出本节课的题目,write it on the bb : Unit 6 Our Five senses)what are five senses? Good, five senses tell us about the world.Today, let’s talk about hearing and smell first.(5')OK, let’s use our ears to hear.(play the sound)and show them pic.Then, word,.Read several times.Then ask: how does it sound?(5')2.After the hearing ,let’s talk about smell.Show ss the dirty pic.what will you do if you want your hands to be clean?(use soap)after using the soap your hand will be like this.Smell them, Hmm.They are fresh and clean.3.Paint.(it’s not good for our health, so please don’t take a deep breath, just try a little bit.)How does…smell? Food, Flowers & perfume(10')4.Well, take out of your book and read after me.5.Do the match work.(5')6.Show them pictures again.Who can come to the front ,ask and answer? 7.Find your partner and practice in pairs.(5')8.Homework: 1.read 2parts of A4 2 times.2.dictation the words of A4.Board design

Unit 6 Our Five Senses


How does….sound?


wind chimes

How do ….sound?


fire truck siren

How does…smell?



How do ….smell?



Unit 1 A Parade Day 1.Teaching aims: What did you do yesterday? I played basketball.What did you do the day before yesterday? I played basketball,then, too.2.教学重点、难点: a.v-ed: used, studied, played, visited, ran, talked, jumped, cleaned b.Passes: last night, the day before yesterday, last Sunday 3.教具: pictures, word cards, a basketball/football, tape, recorder 4.教学过程: The first period Step 1 Revision a.v-ed using pictures and word cards.b.Ask and answer using pictures.eg.T: What did Jenny do yesterday? P1: She painted.T: Did you painted yesterday? P1: Yes, I did/No, I didn't.Step 2 Presentation a.Ask and answer using pictures.T: Tom, what did you do yesterday? P2: I played watched TV.T: What about you, Peter? P3: I watched TV, too.T: Mary, what did you do yesterday? P4: I basketball/football.T: What did you do the day before yesterday?(Repeat.)P4: I played basketball/football, too.T: You can say, “I played basketball/football, of course.”(Repeat.)(Write “the day before yesterday” , “ of course” and sentences on the Bb.)b.Teach “last night” and “last Sunday” in the same way.c.Teach v.and v-ed at P60 using word cards, pictures/objects.eg.T: What did you do the day before yesterday? P5: I practiced piano.What about you, Miss Zou? T: I visited my good friend.(Repeat.)(Write these two pairs of v.and v-ed on the Bb.And ask the students to read them one by one.Tell them how to pronounce and the ways of the sounds.Teach other words in the same way.)Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 Practice in pairs using word cards from WB.Read v-ed and make sentences using them.Step5 Ask answer and write.Finish P61 Practice 2.Step6 Ask and answer.Step7 Summary.Step8 Homework.a.Try to recite Target.b.Remember v.and v-ed.Blackboard writing: Unit 1 A Parade Day use-used play-played What did you do yesterday/last night/Sunday? run-ran study-studied I played basketball.talk-talked visit-visited What did you do the day before yesterday? jump-jumped clean-cleaned I played basketball,then, too.one.)T: Can you play it? P: Yes, I can/No, I can't.T: I can play the trumpet in the parade.(Repeat.)(Showing a picture on the Bb and write“ a parade” on the Bb.Ask the students to read them.)T: What did you do in the parade? P3: I danced.T: I played the trumpet.(Repeat.)b.Listen to tape twice without looking at the book or picture.c.Look at the picture or book and read after the tape twice.d.Read dialogue by themselves.Step2.Practice in pairs/groups.Step3.Act dialogue.Step4.Listening at P61 practice1.Step5.Chant activity.a.Listen and chant.b.Look, write and chant.c.Check answers.Step6.Exercises.a.Do exercises.b.Check answers.Step7.Summary.Step8.Homework.a.Try to recite dialogue.b.Finish Look and write.Blackboard writing: Unit 1 A Parade Day parade I danced/played the trumpet.trumpet We watched.Unit 3 A Lucky Day(The first period)Teaching Aim: Learn some phrases: woke up late /missed the bus /forget the homework /lost my keys Learn the target.Teaching key point: Learn the phrases and using them correctly.Teaching difficult point: Talk about someone‘s bad day.Teaching aids: Tape-recorder,picture cards Teaching procedure: Review: Revise some old words: eg.buy-bought have-had get-got do-did is/am-was are-were Talk about the pictures in pairs.eg.A:Where did you buy the can of milk ? B: I bought it at the … A:How much was it ?

B:It‘s … Representation: Put picture cards on the board.T:(Point to the clock)What time is it ? S:….T: In this morning I woke up at 8:00.(Put woke up late on the board)T:I woke up late.S: Woke up late.Teaching other phrases with the same way.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each words.Action game : eg.T:.Action.S: Lost my key.Learn the target : Write I had a bad day.And I had a great day on the board.T:(Show woke up late)read this.Ss: Woke up late.T: Is this bad or good? Ss: It‘s bad.Look at some pictures again 45 The Third period(Song activity, Activity, Sounds and words)


1、继续巩固学习Why are you scared? Because he‘s going into the hole.和Why did you go into the hole? Because it‘s great.这些句型及其问答。

2、学习Sounds and words部分的字母的发音及单词。


二、教学重点、难点: 1.Sounds and words部分单词mountain/ mouth/ house/ cloudy/ mouse/ playground里字母组合ou的发音。



四、教具学具:录音机 单词卡片


六、教学过程: Step1.Review

Unit 5 Being Helpful 教学目标:


1、“四会”单词及词组:turn on ,turn off, put away, take out, trash,light,put on,hang up,clean up,in a minute,later,very good.2、“四会”句子: Can you take out the trash,please? Sure.I‘ll take it out.Can you hang up my clothes? Sure.I‘ll hang them up in a minute.Can you clean up my room,please? Sorry.I‘m busy now.二、能力目标:

1、能使用基本句型表达请求: Can you turn on the light,please? Sure.I‘ll turn it on.2、能在实际生活中灵活运用句子来表达自己的请求,能听 懂别人的请求,并能按照指令做出反应。





二、理解并灵活运用句型:Can you do sth? Sure.I‘ll do sth..教学难点:


二、句型的活用及turn it on,take it out,hang them up 的正确 用法。教学准备:老师准备所用的图片、录音机。学生人手一套图片。Period 1(Vocabulary and Target)教学内容:turn on the light;turn off the TV;take out your notebook;put away your books;take out the trash.Can you take out the trash,please? Sure.I‘ll take it out.一、Warming up:

1、Greeting: Where were you yesterday?Did you go to the park last Sunday? What are you go to do today?No,I didn‘t.2、Revision:What will the weather be like in the afternoon? It will be warm and sunny.Will there be a balcony ? No,there won‘t.二.教学呈现:

1.上课前将窗帘拉上,走进教室时,看看教室说:It’s dark..It’s bad for your eyes.Please turn on the light.(作手示)重复几次书: Can you turn on the light ? Sure.I will turn it on.贴上图片,学习词组:turn on the light 2.创设情景,同样方法教学词turn off the TV, put away your books ,take out your notebook, take out the trash.3.Play a game : A、Look at my mouth and guess the phrases.B,板

组:、Make a small dialogue after modle.4.Listen to the tape first, then listen and read after it.5.Learn Target.Listen and read after the tape.6.Read by yourselves.三、把所学词组的图画卡片堆成一迭。学生随意抽取一张卡片上的短语造一个表示请求的句子,如:Can you turn off the light?另一学生用动作表演回应请求,接着,请其他的学生继续进行活动。四﹑小结:简单小结本节课的知识并复习学生的薄弱知识点。五﹑Homework:Copy the new phrases and sentences.预习Vocabulary的其余三个词组和Conversation.板书:

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b.Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.c.Put Ss into four groups and give them the roles of Jenny, Tony, Gogo and the robber.3.Song activity a.Listen to the song.b.Sing together.c.Listen and write.Step four.Sum-up.Step five.Writing on blackboard.I lost my book.So I have to find it.He dropped the plates.So he has to clean the floor.Unit 6 Feeling Fun(The third period)Teaching contests Sounds and words, workbook and writing book The objectives 1.Learn the sound ―ear‖ 2.Finish the workbook and writing book of this unit.Teaching main point Learn the sound and words.Teaching difficult point The sounds ear‖ Teaching aids Tape Procedure Revise 1.Revise the song 2.Revise the new words of this unit.Using the book

―1.Write chair on the board and underline ―ear‖.say: Do you remember this word? Say it.[Ss: chair.] T: Good.Repeat.―ear‖.[Ss: ―ear‖] 2.Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word and the tape says it.1.Have Ss repeat after the tape.2.After enough practice, point to the pictures in random order and have Ss say the word.Chant 1.Let the Ss read the sentence.2.Listen to the tape once.3.Read after the tape.4.Play the tape and have Ss practice chanting to themselves.5.When Ss are read , chant together.Exercise 1.Let the Ss do the workbook and writing book first.2.Check the answers together.3.Read all the new sounds.4.Writing on the blackboard



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    Unit 4 My holiday 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求 1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food.......


    Unit 4 My holiday 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求 1. 能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food.......


    《英语》外研社 (新标准)三年级起始用第二册 Module 8 Seasons and Weather 江西省景德镇市浮梁县三龙中心小学 江丽琴 教材分析: 这套教材在广大师生的使用中经受了考......

