外研版小学英语第三册Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing说课稿

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第一篇:外研版小学英语第三册Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing说课稿

Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing ?教学设计


本课是外研版三年级起点第三册第四模块的第一单元,主要教学内容是延续Module 3继续学习现在进行时态。本课讲到英国小朋友Amy 和中国小朋友Daming 去公园逛,于是Amy不知道公园里的人们在做些什么,于是就用句型What are they doing ?与Daming进行问答。



语句:What are they doing ?They are ….单词:let’t、interesting、thing、people、park、lake、row、boat、men、chess、drink、hungry

短语:get on、lots of、look at







1、学说问句What are they doing ?及答They are ….2、掌握句型They are 动词+ing 〔+宾语〕 难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所学单词的音



Step 1 热身(1)Greetings

T: Class begins.Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning Ms Guo.T: How are you?

Ss: Fine , thank you , and you? T: I’m fine , too.(2)Sing a song “I am listening to music.”鼓励学生根据歌词内容做出相应的动作。

(设计意图:教师热情地和学生打招呼,通过歌唱,融洽的师生关系,并激发学生的学习兴趣,同时活跃课堂气氛。)Step 2 复习引入新课

复习上一模块所学的语言。①、以单词卡出示单词take a picture, read a book ,write a letter ,listen to music, talk to a friend ,play with dolls等,请学生说出单词并演动作。②、出示图画卡片,问What is he/she doing ?请单个学生回答,进行充分的练习后,请较好的学生当小老师,向其他同学提问。③、出示一张多人的动作情景图,引出句型What are they doing ?并引导学生回答They are ….接着板书课题Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing ?


Step 3授新课

①、老师以卡片出示课文故事中出现的各种活动进行讲解:“ In the park ,we can see lots of people and interesting things.”出示单人打太极拳的图片问:“Look at this man.What is he doing?”引导学生回答:“He is doing taijiquan.”在黑板的一侧板书文字“doing taijiquan”,带领学生朗读:“doing taijiquan—He is doing taijiquan.”出示多人打太极拳的图片问:“Look at the people in the park.What are they doing?”引学生回答:“They are doing taijiquan.”并进行反复的操练。


②、老师出示多个人进行以上活动的图片,请几名学生上前模仿动作,然后使用“What are they doing? ”向全班提问,引导他们回答。

③、播放第一遍课文录音,要求学生合着书听,并要找到两个问题“What are they doing?和What are they drinking?”播放第二遍录音,请学生试着找出上述问题的答案“They are doing taijiquan.They are rowing a dragon boat.They are playing chess.They are drinking soybean milk.” “taijiquan和soybean milk”不要求学生能掌握,只需听懂会说即可。

④、请学生自己看课文,并找出介词短语“In the park.On the lake.Under the tree.”老师教读这些短语。


⑥、老师快速出示各种图画与学生进行对话练习。T:Look at the people in the park.What are they doing ?

Ss: They are doing taijiquan.T: Look at the people on the lake.What are they doing ?

Ss: They are rowing a dragon boat.T: Look at the men under the tree.What are they doing ?

Ss: They are playing chess.T: Look at the girls.What are they drinking ? Ss: They are drinking soybean milk.⑦、课的拓展。请几个学生上台做以前学过的一些动作,让其他学生进行对话练习,要求要用到句型“What are they doing ?及They are ….”



学生回家指着课本上的图用英语告诉家人“They are ….”



Module 4

Unit 1 What are they doing ?

doing taijiquan —They are doing taijiquan.rowing a dragon boat —They are rowing a dragon boat.playing chess —They are playing chess.drinking soybean milk —They are drinking soybean milk.(设计意图:以清晰的板书,能让学生更容易掌握本课的教学重点。)免责声明:除正式文件通知外,好研网所有文章及所有评论只代表作者个人观点,不代表好研网及海南省教育研究培训院任何观点,所有文章文责自负,若有任何非法及不当信息,请与我们联系,我们会在第一时间作出相应的处理。[好研网] 检查是否有新评论




默认分类 2010-01-07 21:35:32 阅读1112 评论1 字号:大中小 订阅

Module 1 Numbers

Unit 1 … seven, eighteen,nineteen,twenty!

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣 知识目标:识别数字13-20。

能力目标:培养学生分析发现英语数字规律的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;能够听说读写数字thirteen----twenty Ⅲ 教学难点: 能正确说出13-19单词拼写的规律。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲Ten Little Indian Boys II.Revision: 教师在黑板上画出一棵苹果树。然后拿出不同颜色的苹果图片(不超过12个)让学生说出它们的颜色。说完后再请学生回忆刚才工看到了几种颜色。待学生回答后教师将苹果图片贴在黑板上,全班一起来数一数苹果的数量。

(通过有目的的复习颜色和数字1-12为本节课继续学习数字13-20作好铺垫。)III.Presentation: 1.教师在苹果树上贴满13个苹果,问学生”How many apples on the tree?”帮助学生回答:”Thirteen.”板书单词thirteen及数字13。2.同样方法教学数字fourteen。


3.让学生细心观察数字thirteen和fourteen的后半部分,让学生猜一猜数字15-19用英语该怎样书写,帮助学生写出fifteen----nineteen的拼写,教师应注意强调fifteen 和eighteen的拼写,指导学生发音。



(学生带着问题看挂图听录音既巩固了刚学过的数字13-19还学习了新数字20。)放录音,学生边听边指出句子。跟录音朗读课文。学生分角色朗读课文。IV.Practice: 1.学生两人一组完成P3练习3。学生先在书上把数字与其对应的单词拼写连起来,然后和同伴一人指数字或单词另一人说数字,如:A:(points to 20)Twenty.B:(points to twenty)Twenty.2.数字游戏。

学生四人一组,每组学生得到1-20的数字单词卡片,教师给出一个数字如:twenty。学生将从自己组的卡片中选出几张数字卡片读出来,这些数字的和必须是twenty。如:eleven 和nine或者 thirteen 和seven。速度最快的一组获胜。(此活动的目的在于培养学生对单词的认读能力,同时通过计算也训练了他们的快速思维能力。)


学生用英语数出自己的文具数量并根据实际情况来完成下面的表格。Things Number Pencils Books Rubber(此活动的目的在于训练学生的书写,同时结合了生活实际,使学生把所学内容得以运用。)V.Summary: 教师总结:Today we have learned how to count and write numbers from 13 to 20.We can use them in out life.VI Homework Copy the numbers.Module 1 Numbers 教案

Unit 2 I’ve got twenty-six points.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:Twenty and one is twenty-one.I’ve got twenty-six points.能力目标:掌握数字相加的英语表达法;在竞赛中计算分数。

Ⅱ 教学重点:学习句型:Twenty and one is twenty-one.I’ve got twenty-six points.掌握单词:point/ winner Ⅲ 教学难点: 说出英语数字中twenty-ninety整十的拼写规律。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 全班学生依次报数。

告诉学生在课上如果表现好可得到分数卡作为奖励。II.Revision: 教师出示一些动物图片,请学生说出他们的名字。(通过复习动物名称为下一步新知识教授作好铺垫。)III.Presentation: 1.找几名学生到前面来,将刚才出示过的动物图片发给每个人一张,教师可作示范来问其中一名学生:”Have you got a tiger?”引导该学生说:Yes, I have.或 No, I haven’t.2.请几名学生来猜猜他们每个人手里分别都有哪些图片。如果有答对的教师马上给这名学生一张事先准备好的10分数字卡片.并且告诉他/她:”You have got ten points.” 并引导学生说出句子:”I’ ve got ten points.”板书句子。

3.待全部猜完后每个人报出自己得到的分数,分数高的获胜,教师对他说:”You’re the winner.”板书单词winner。


出示课文挂图,提问学生:Who is the winner? How many points has Weiwei got?放课文录音后,学生回答问题。

(听课文之前教师先给出问题能有效的帮助学生理解课文及巩固刚学过的重点句型。)放录音,学生边听边指出句子。跟录音朗读课文。学生分角色朗读课文。IV.Practice: 1.完成P4练习2。2.数字游戏(P4练习3)。




每个学生有一个数字代号。教师从每组中请几名学生为出题员快速出题如:”twenty and six is….”代号数字和答案相同的学生就要起立并回答,如代号是26的学生起立回答:”twenty-six.”如果回答正确并且速度快这名学生将得到10分的卡片,最后统计得分最多的小组获胜。




请学生找出整十的数字并说出单词拼写的规律是以-ty为词缀的。V.Summary: 总结在这节课中多少学生获得了分数卡,让他们说出自己的分数。(做到首尾呼应及时总结学生的表现有效地激励学生。)

VI Homework 请将下列算式用英语表达出来。

35+1=36 29+1=30 41+6=47 50+9=59 Module 2 Directions 第一课时 Unit 1 Go straight on


1.点击课件,Sing the English song 2.Free Talks What is your name? How do you go to school by bike or by bus? Do you like English? Do you like your new English teacher?(设计说明:师生共唱英语歌曲及自由会话,调动了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。)


登山比赛摘苹果:制作了各种动物卡片,把全班学生分成两个擂台组,每组选两名学生到黑板前,一个表演,一个说英语,用句型Have you got a tiger?Yes,I have.如果说对了,就登一个台阶。谁先登上山顶摘到苹果,即为本次擂台的擂主。


(三)呈现新知 1.导入新课

点击课件,多媒体显示Beijing tian”anmen的图片,告诉学生在北京我遇见一位外国人,用英语为他指路去天安门,我最棒。

Look at this picture,please.It is Beijing tiananmei.Beijing is very beautiful.Do you want to go?Class,I have been to Beijing.In Beijing,I met a foreigner.He did not know how to get to Beijing Tiananmen.I tell him the way.I am the best.Yes?In this class lets learn how to ask the way?点击课件,多媒体显示Ask the way.问路And lets learn how to point the way? 点击课件,多媒体显示Point the way.指路Now class if you learn very well,you are the best.2.讲授新课

A.点击课件,多媒体显示狗的图片。Class,here is a dog.The dog is lost.lost the meaning :迷路。Nevermind,here is her address.点击课件,多媒体显示狗的地址:My name is Doudou.I live in No.2 West Lake Road.接着用单词卡学习新单词live,road.如live:I live in Chengbei?Where do you live? B.Chant: 点击课件,多媒体显示Chant:Lost,lost,lost.The dog is lost.Live,live,live.I live in West Lake Road.(设计意图:通过韵律诗,操练单词lost,live,road。此时chant的运用使枯燥的机械操练变得不在单调和乏味。)

C.Lets help Doudou to find her house.Ok? Lets ask the way:Excuse me.Where is No.2West Lake Road,please? 在次领读单词Excuse me,并举例:Excuse me.Where is the school/zoo/park,please? 点击课件,多媒体显示一个十字路口,随着多媒体的显示学习指路短语:go straight on,turn left,tyrn right.以及单词supermarket D.Game:拔河比赛


E.Listen to the radio.Listen again and answer the questions.点击课件,多媒体显示

Questions:1.How is the dog? 2.Where does the dog live? 3.Where is the No.2 West Lake Road? 3.角色表演

教师把头饰交给学生,让他们分别扮演Sam,Amy,dog,the old man,the dogs owner.(设计意图:小学生想象力丰富,善于模仿,具有强烈的表现欲;教师让学生进行角色表演,可以调动学生的学习积极性,使学生主动参与教学活动,大胆地说和夸张地演。)


(1)让学生到黑板前做指令性动作,练习go straight on,turn left,turn right.(2)根据图片1,2,3,小组合作问路,指路。


游戏:帮助盲人过马路。点击课件,多媒体播放《爱的奉献》。在背景音乐中帮助盲人过马路。点击课件,多媒体显示: Help people in trouble.Be full of love in world.七.家庭作业:小组表演对话。第二课时 Unit 2 It's at the station.1. Warm—up 当老师走进教室时,仍然利用第7页活动三来帮助同学们回顾所学的知识,大面积的提问同学,营造良好的英语氛围。2.Leading-up 根据上节课布置的课后作业,点名部分同学或者小组进行展示,既可以复习所学知识,检查课后作业,又可以引出导入我们新课的教学。检查完毕后,教师说,Let’s listen to the tape, and find out where the train is.3。情景操练课文教学 活动1 listen and point 1,播放录音,学生聆听,录音,学生聆听,并且找到所读句子。学生自读课文,播放录音,学生聆听,并且跟读。学生自读课文

underline the key words: up down near at 学生互相检查朗读课文 活动3 在了解了活动的要求之后,给同学或者小组3-5分钟的时间进行准备,然后教师可以以小组积分的形式鼓励同学们积极发言。

活动4,poem previse listen and point again listen and sing along again listen and sing loudly and do some actions 4.小结归纳


Module 3 Activities 学习目标:

1.知识学习:句型: 1)---What are you doing?---I ' m … 2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …





watching TV talking to … taking pictures reading a book writing a letter playing with listening to music 2、句型:

1)---What are you doing?---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is … 教学方法:

A、TPR 法学习词组,学唱 P13 的歌曲来巩固。B、学习顺口溜:“我”用“ am ”,“你”用“ are ”,“ is ”跟着“他、她、它” , 两个以上都用“ are ”。C、直观演示帮助理解。教具准备:录音机 磁带

第一课时Unit 1 She's writing a letter.1. Warm—up a.Greeting b.Ask and answer检查上节课学过的对话。

c.让学生根据以前学过的内容做动作。如:play table tennis ,swimming, cycling 2.Leading-up 准备阶段以后,教师问:Do you know other actions? 出示Lingling 正在写信的图片,学习单词write,letter然后根据词组作出动作。或者教师做动作学生说句子。同学之间练习。同样学习其他的单词、词组。3.情景操练

单词的学习过程中,教师或者磁带领读,纠正发音。小组练习。同桌练习等。在练习正确发音之后,句型的练习,教师根据学生的掌握情况采取I do you say ,I say you do ,I do you draw等形式,巩固所学的词组。4.课文学习

出示课本,大家看一下Sam给大家带来了许多图片,我们来一起学一下他是怎么来向大家介绍的.(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。(3)Listen and answer What is lingling doing ? What is Daming doing ? What is Amy doing ? What is Tom doing ? 找同学回答。


归纳总结本课内容,强调如何描述某人正在做某事.巩固所学的动词词组.第二课时Unit 2 What are you doing? 1. Warm—up a.Greeting b.Ask and Answer复习上节课学过的内容,出示挂图根据挂图的内容,说出句子,可找个人说,或小组代表,或集体说.2.Leading-up a.找同学做动作,其他同学介绍他在做什么? b.同学做动作.老师问What are you doing?多说几遍,找同学回答,然后让学生试着说 What are you doing?可以师生问答,或生生问答.掌握好之后变换人称What is he /she doing ?三人一小组进行练习.学习新单词 listen to ,music, read ,掌握词组listen to music, read a book,根据卡片练习句子I’m listening to music /reading a book./ watchingTV, 3.情景操练

根据上节课学过及新学的词组,句型同桌练习,或者小组练习.根据图片或者动作进行对话练习:如: What are you doing? I’m listening to music 4.课文学习

大家看一下Sam的一家在忙什么,(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。(3)小组对话练习.分角色朗读.练习2,point and sa 对话练习: What is sam doing? He ’s listening to music 同桌问答.找同学起来说.练习3.Act it out.What is he /she doing ?的问答.找同学到讲台上每一个人做一个动作不动.其他同学进行问答.练习5 仍旧是对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do ,you do I say ,you say I draw等形式.5.小结归纳

归纳总结本节课的所学的内容.What are you doing? I’m listening to music What is he /she doing ? Module 4 In the Park 第一课时Unit 1 What are they doing ? 教学内容:Unit 1 What are they doing ? 教学目的:


3)学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry。

4)通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语感。教学重点:1)学说问句What are they doing? 2)掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语] 教学难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音,并自如地应用。

教学准备:卡片、象棋、豆奶 教学过程:

一、Warming up 师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。

二、Revision 1.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen,play , talk …


3. 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。




2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习He’s/ She’s 动词+ing [+ 宾语]。

3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:I’m动词+ing [+宾语]。

4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh.They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。



相应的动作,教师请其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ? 然后教师把正确答案写在黑板上。



1.告诉学生,教师将要模仿一个动作,他们要猜猜教师正在做什么。2.教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing?(我正做什么?)引入句子: I’m doing taijiquan.。

3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:I’m doing taijiquan.教师通过提 问:What are they doing ?引入句子:They’re doing taijiquan.并板书。4.用类似方法教They’re row a dragon boat.并板书。5.教师拿出一副国际象棋问学生What’s this ? Do you want to play ?

并告诉他们老师将邀请他们一起玩,但玩之前必须先学会说 play chess, 并板书。6.教说chess, play chess。

7.教师做饥饿状说:I’m hungry.I’m hungry.板书hungry(饿的)并

重复说多遍,再提问学生:What’s the matter with me?由此教单词hungry(饿的)。8.教师从包中拿出一瓶豆奶说:I want to drink soybean milk.边“喝

边说:drink drink , I’m drinking.让学生模仿跟着教师重复句子并模仿动作。9.教师拿着豆奶走到学生中,到边“喝”边说:Soybean milk is very nice.Soybean milk is very nice.提问学生What am I drink? 由此教说soybean milk(豆奶)并板书。

10.请一些学生模仿喝豆奶的动作,比比谁表演的最好。其间老师可以适时用What is he/ she doing ? What are they doing ?提问其余学生。






学生:What are they doing ? 学生应回答:They are rowing a boat.2.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么?


4.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。



do taijiquan, row a boat, play chess等动词词组的卡片。


3.台上的同学必须用英语They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]来猜测台下同学所做的动作。如果说对了,台下同学要说“Yes”,若连猜3次不中,可用What are they doing?请求他的朋友,帮忙回答。


1.抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk 2.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的 照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么? 3.预习M4 UI 课文。

第二课时Unit 1 What are they doing ? 教学内容:Unit 1 What are they doing ? 教学目的:

1)学生能够听、说、认park lake thing interesting people men get on lots of let’s 2)能听懂、会说本课对话。


教学重点:1)继续掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语] 2)描述地点位置

教学难点:通过描述人物行为,简要说明一处场景。教学准备:多媒体设备、电脑光盘、卡片、实物 教学过程:

一、Warming up 师生互相打招呼,问好。

二、Revision 1. 教师说动名词:swimming, singing, dancing, rowing…请学生作 出相应动作。

2. Free talk.以小组为单位选派一名代表,用英语描述本组成员收 集的有关人物或动物正在进行的某种动作的照片、图片等。



1. 教师留下学生收集的资料,并指着它们说:Look, there are lots of pictures.用声调变化突出强调lots of,并板书lots of(许多)。

2. 教师可利用身边的物体,用lots of造句,使学生明白词组的意思。3. 教说lots of 4. 请学生造句(告诉他们可以用“三明治”英语)。

5. 教师随意拿起教室里的任一物品说,“This thing is good.This thing is nice…”请学生猜猜“thing”的意思。

6. 教师板书thing(东西,物品)并教说单词。

7. 教师拿出一件有趣的物品说:Look at this thing.Is it interesting ? 由此引入“interesting”,板书并教说interesting(有趣的)。8. 请学生用“三明治”英语说说生活中哪些事是interesting。


1.告诉学生,老师将要带领大家去看看Daming and Sam 今天get on the bus(乘上公共汽车)后将会看到哪些interesting things。Let’s go.2.学生观看电脑光盘或听录音磁带。

3.教师用汉语询问学生几个简单的问题,看看学生是否明白故事 的意思。例如:

Daming and Sam 在哪里?他们看见了什么? 4.再次播发媒体。

5.教师通过提问:Where are the people doing taijiquan? 引出词组 in the park板书并教说。提问Where are the people rowing a dragon boat? 引出词组 on the lake板书并教说。提问Where are the men playing chess? 引出词组 under the tree 板书并教说。


四、Consolidation 1.分别由教师和全体学生朗读Daming和Sam对话内容。2.把全班分为两个大组,朗读对话。3.请学生两人一组,练习朗读。


五、Homework 1.听课文录音,熟练认读课文。


第三课时 Unit 2 What is Amy doing ?

教学内容:Unit 2 What is Amy doing ? 教学目的:学生能够看图正确描述不同人称所正在发生 的行为和动作,并能够正确运用。

教学重难点:学生在运用现在进行时的时候,能根据不 同的人称正确选用“be”




学生分组表演SB Unit1中的故事,评出“最佳表演小组”和“最佳语言奖”,由老师给予奖励。二、复习

1.老师把以前学习过的一些动词写在黑板上,请学生把他们改为的形式 如do, play ,row, drink, cycle, swim, jump, help, listen, watch, run, walk等,特别要学生注意cycling, swimming, running的拼写。

2.开展“猜猜看”的游戏。老师请几组两人或多人小组到讲台上,学生根据老师展示给他们的图片做出相应的动作,老师可向学生提问:“What are they doing?”,请下面的学生回答:“They are…….”,以此复习上节课的内容。



1)Amy正在跑步。2)大明正在跳。3)Amy正在听音乐。4)大明正在看电视。然后指着画,向学生提问:“What is Amy doing?/What is Daming doing?”,引导学生一起回答“She is running./He is jumping./She is listening to music./He is watching TV.”。

2.老师告诉学生,将随意指出其中一幅画,要求学生根据画的内容进行回答。老师问:“What is she doing?/What is he doing?”,学生用:“She is……/ He is……”回答。

3.老师要求学生同桌之间针对简笔画的内容进行问答活动,如:“What is she doing?” “She is running.”等。

4.老师向学生说明:除了用眼睛看,我们还可以通过用耳朵听来判断正在发生的事情,请学生把书翻到SB Unit2活动1。根据录音判断书上的人物正在做什么事情,然后通过播放活动2的录音进行核对。如果学生程度较好,老师可以先放一遍录音,请学生们听,然后再放录音,在每一个问题后停顿,请学生试着回答问题。老师需要注意的是;由于

汉语的习惯,学生学习现在进行时的时候容易忽略“be”,老师要及时纠正学生的错误。5.确定学生能够正确并熟练运用现在进行时来描述正在发生的行为和动作时,老师可以出示课前准备好的许多个人活动的图片,要求学生看图进行“猜猜看”的游戏。老师说:“She is running.”,请学生以小组为单位来回答:“It is Amy.”等,答对一题的小组奖一颗小星星,星星越多的小组就获胜。

6.SB Unit2活动4是一首古老的英国歌曲。歌曲以划船为主题,表现了生活的美好。它旋律优简单,节奏欢快,非常上口。老师可以引导学生也边唱歌边做动作。

7.老师放录音,让学生看着插图听一遍慢速的歌词朗读,向学生讲解歌词中他们不明白的内容。例如:gently, merrily, stream, dream等单词。播放歌曲录音,让学生看着书听,并试着跟唱。老师可以多放几遍录音,同时帮助学生编排适当的动作。



五 家庭作业


2.唱英语歌曲。Module 5 教学的重点和难点




1)Do you want some…?

Yes, please./ No, thank you.2)Have you got…?

Yes, we have./ No, we haven’t.难点: 1.问题提出后如何回答,学生易混淆。


Do you…?;Have you got…?

What ’s he(are you)doing ? 重、难点的突破 1.多读、多听。


如:课件上展示食物图片让学生用Do you

want…? 循序渐进来提问,师问生答,生问生答。

Have you got ….?



将What are you doing ? I’m…..Have you got …?

Do you want some…? 等句型综合起来灵活运用。4.书面练习要跟上。

A:---What are you making? B:---I’m making dumplings.Do you want some? A:---Yes, please.I love dumplings.B:---Have you got chopsticks? A:---No, I haven’t.B:---Here you are.A:---Thank you.教学环节设置:(按三课时)第一课时: ? 新单词 句型

Do you want some…?

Have you got …?


第二课时: 复习单词

Unit 2 听力训练

第三课时: 整合内容 总结前两课的语法重点


3.书面练习(配合activity book)

在学习本模块时,应将以前学生学过的食物单词复习再现,以帮助新授句型的学习.Module5 教案

unit1 Do you want some rice? 一.教学目标

1)能听说读写单词:Chinese、fast food、chopsticks、difficult、want、make,some 2)能使用句子:Do you want some...?且能做出正确回答Yes,please.No,thank you.3)掌握并能运用句型:Do you want some...?

二、教学重难点: 1.教学重点:掌握句型Do you want some...?Yes,please.No,thank you.并能就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人。

2.教学难点: chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。




step1、Warming up 1、Greetings

2、Play a game: gussing game T:Hello,boys and girls.Ss:...T:Today we will learn the new lesson Module5 Food.First, let's play a guessing game.(复习以前学过的食物的单词)引导学生要用句型:Have you got _____? Yes ,I have.No, I haven’t.step2、presentation and practice

1、Do you like the food? I like noodles and rice.I like Chinese food.教学Chinese(小组读,个人读)

2、T:duplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food.Do you like Chinese fast food? Ss:...(教学fast food)小火车读 Do you want some rice?(引出课题)用duplings、noodles 替换rice练读句型Do you want some...?并让学生用此句型向老师提问。老师回答Yes,please.No,thank you.3、T:I like noodles.But I don't know making noodles.Do you know making noodles? Ss:...T:(出示图片)Look, he's making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)

4、T:I'm hungry.I want to eat some noodles.I need chopsticks.(用体态语帮助学生理解句意,同时拿出筷子)教学 chopsticks(把单词为两个部分chops ticks)告诉学生这个词语永远要用复数

5、T:Chopsticks are easy for me.But chopsticks are difficult for Amy.(出示图片)教学 difficult(个人读-小组读,齐读)

6、教授句型Do you want some...?Yes,please.No,thank you.T:Mm,the food is very nice.Do you want some...? 1)板书Do you want some...? 2)引导学生回答Yes,please.No,thank you并板书

7、practice 1)老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some...? 2)全班开火车操练

8、听课文录音 全班跟读3遍 分角色跟读 step3 extension 创设去饭馆的情境表演对话(一名服务员、两名顾客)让学生进行对话: A: Excuse me , can I help you? B: I want to east fast food.A: Do you want some _____? B: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Anything else? B: That’s all, thank you A: You’re welcome.step4、eluvasion step5、homework 1)Ask your parents and friends what kind of food they want 2)write the new words 板书设计:

Module5 unit1 Do you want some rice? Do you want some_____? Yes, please.No, thank you.Unit 2 I’m making dumplings.Unit2 I’m making dumplings.学习任务:What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please./ No , thank you.教具:实物:饺子,蔬菜,勺子,围裙 卡片,磁带,CD-ROM,录音机 教学过程

一.Warming up Greeting Good morning.How are you ? Can you …?

二.Chant : left foot ,right foot ,left foot right 三.Review 展示卡片

T:What’s this ?

Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fish(学生快速读出)T: Do you want some …

Ss: Yes ,please./ No , thank you.四.实物导入

1.T:老师今天带了二种好吃又有营养的东西,大家猜猜是什么?(学生猜)师拿出饺子教学dumpling ① 全班读 ② 个别读 ③ 小组读

2.同法教学vegetable ①唱反调(师大声读单词,生小声;反之师小声生大声)

②全班读单词 五.巩固单词

Play a game猜单词


1. I’m making dumplings.T:今天老师非常高兴,所以要大展厨艺(带上围裙,包饺子),now ,look here ,What am I doing? 想不想知道老师在干什么吗?要用英语怎么问呢?

Ss:What are you doing ?(板书)T:I’m making dumplings.Do you want some?(板书)采用不同形式读句型I’m making dumplings.(如:师读快,生读慢;师读慢,生读快)2. I’m cooking dumplings.T:接下来,老师要展示每二样厨艺,Look here(师抄菜),想知道Miss Lin 正做什么要用英语怎么问

Ss: What are you doing?(板书)T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some.(板书)采用不同形式读句型I’m cooking dumplings.(如:男女分开读,小组读)七.学课文


1.T:Now open your book ,turn to page20.今天Sam 和Amy去Darming家做客,我们来看看Daming 一家做了什么好吃的请他们。(播放CD—ROM)T:他们来到Daming 家,看到Daming正在making dumplings,他们两个不知道Daming在干嘛,他们是怎么问?

S1:What are you doing ,Daming? T: Daming 是怎么回答? S1: I’m making dumplings? 全班跟着CD—ROM读。2. 情境表演

师去学生家做客,学生正在包饺子 T: What are you doing ? Ss: I’m making dumplings.Do you want some ? T: Yes ,please.(2)学生第二部分

1.T:Daming家除了Making dumplings 还做了什么好吃的?

Ss: Cooking vegetables.T: Daming 急匆匆来到厨房里,看到妈妈正在cooking dumplings 他是怎么问的?

SS: What are you doing? T: mother是怎么回答的?

Ss: I’m cooking vegetables.Read after the CD-ROM 2.巩固练习


Ss: What are you doing ? T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ?

Ss: Yes ,please./ No, thank you.②Play a game 听音乐传勺子,音乐一停,拿到勺子的学生做抄菜的动作,其他学生问 What are you doing ?此生回答I’m cooking

Vegetables.Do you want some ?操练对话。3. 表演课文对话

小组合作,表演课文对话。Module 6 Abilities

Unit 1 Can you run fast ?

一、Teaching aims

(一)Aims on the knowledge

1、能听、说、认读单词:can, run, fast, jump ,high, far, ride

2、能听、说、认读并运用句型:1)I can run fast/jump high /… 2)------Can you run fast /jump high/jump far/ ride fast …?------Yes , I can./No, I can’t.(二)Aims on the abilities


(三)Aims on the emotion 让学生通过能力的谈论,了解自己的优点。引导学生在学习中体验成功、感受快乐,树立学习的自信心。

二、教学步骤: Step1 Warmer

1、Sing the song “ Row the boat ”

2、chant : Make a cake

3、Do and say Tell the students: Let’s have a match in groups.I’ll do some actions.Please look and say them quickly : play football/swim /play basketball /… Then do and teach the new words: run ,jump ,high ,far ,ride Have the students practice in pairs.Step 2 Presentation

1、Let the groups do the actions that the teacher says.Teach “can ”by this way : Oh ,look!Group A can do it well.Explain the meaning of “can ”

2、Do the actions and say : I can swim/run fast/ jump high /… Do some examples and let the students practice in pairs.Then ask some pairs to act it out.3、After acting ,do and say like this :I can jump high.Can you jump high ? Help the students answer : Yes , I can./ No, I can’t.Step 3 Listen ,find and say

1、Show the picture and tell the students :Our friends : Amy Sam and Daming are having a match.Now look at the picture and listen : Who is the winner ?

2、Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answer.3、Have the students look at their book ,listen and repeat.4、Then let them practice reading in pairs or groups.Step 4 Consolidation

Do Activity book Exercise 1 and 2.Step 5 情感教育

Tell the students : We can do many things.But we can’t do a lot of things ,either.So we must learn carefully.OK? Step 6 Homework

1、Listen and read this Unit.2、Act the dialogue with your partner.3、Make a dialogue with your parents using :Can you …? Unit 2 Yes , I can.一、Teaching aims

(一)Aims on the knowledge

1、能听、说、认读单词:flute, wash, clothes, draw


1)------Can you play the flute /wash clothes/…?

------Yes, I can./No, I can’t.2)I can write a letter/…

I can’t row a boat /…

(二)Aims on the abilities


(三)Aims on the emotion 让学生通过能力的谈论,了解自己的长处及不足。引导学生在学习中体验成功、感受快乐并能取长补短。

二、Teaching steps Step 1 Warmer

1、chant : Make a cake

2、Revise the phrases by doing actions: play football/run fast /jump high / jump far /ride fast /…

3、Do and teach the new words : play flute/ draw/wash clothes Then let the students practice in pairs.Step 2 Presentation

1、The teacher does the action and say the sentence : I can play the flute.Can you play the flute ,_____? Asks one student to answer.Make more with some individual students.2、Have the students to ask and answer in pairs using the new phrases.3、Ask some pairs to act out.Step 3 Listen point and say SB P24 Part 1

1、let the students look at their books and listen to the tape to draw the right picture.2、Check the answer with the whole class.3、Play the tape again for them to listen and repeat.4、Have the students to read in pairs.Step 4 Listen point and say SB P25 Part 4

1、Have the students to look at the pictures first.Then play the record for them to listen and choose.2、Check the answer together.3、Let the students look at the picture and say about themselves like this : I can …/I can’t… Step 5 Listen and say ,then sing and do the actions.SB P25 Part 3

1、Read the words with the students together.It’s easy for the students to read.2、Play the tape for the students to listen to the song first.Then have them to sing after the tape.3、Let the students sing and do the actions together.(We can have a match.)Step 6 Consolidation

Do Activity book Exercise 4 and 5 Step 7 情感教育

Tell the students : We can do many things.But we can’t do a lot of things ,either.So we must help each other.Step 8 Homework

1、Listen and read this Unit.2、Make a dialogue with your partner using : I can/can’t …

Can you …?

Module 7 Travel Unit 1 We are going to go to Hainan.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:激发学生热爱祖国的大好山河。

知识目标:学习句型 We are going to …tomorrow.能力目标:培养学生使用be going to 讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习运用be going to 句型 掌握单词及词组:children/ tomorrow/ by plane/ get up/ from China/ swim in the sea/ visit Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够正确理解运用be going to 句型。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲 I can’t do it.II.Revision: 1.复习以前学习过的动词及词组:run/ ride/ play/ swim…

(复习动词是为了更好的学习本节课be going to句型做铺垫)2.Do duty report “What day is today? What is the date today?” III.Presentation: 1.教师出示当天的日历,指着的日期说 “Today is …”并出示新的一月份的挂历对学生说:”Our winter holiday is going to be in January.And I am going to go to Hainan in winter holiday.”

(复习对比日期,使学生初步了解be going to 的含义)

2.学习句型 I am going to go Hainan.(为学生讲解be going to 的含义,并且学说, 同时讲解be going to 的用法。)

3.学生谈论What are they going to do at this weekend ? 4.出示中国地图,指着沈阳告诉学生 I am going to go to the zoo in Shenyang this weekend.So I am going to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.(学说 get up)指着海南说And I am going to go to Hainan.I am going to swim in the sea.(出示图片,边做动作边学说swim in the sea)5.教师出示一张老爷爷的照片,告诉学生I am going to visit my grandpa, too.(学说 visit my grandpa)IV.Practice: 1.猜一猜:What is he she going to do tomorrow? 第一组:学生根据图片来猜:可以出示“天安门、石林、泰山、世博园、东方明珠”等风景名胜,学生可以说出 “ He is going to go to Beijing.”等句子。

(这个活动不仅能够操练目标语言be going to,更能够激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,加深对中国地理知识的了解。)第二组:听声音猜。

播放“游泳的声音、打篮球的声音、跑步的声音、飞机的声音……”。学生可以说出 :” He is going to swim/ play basketball…等(听录音猜,可以增加活动的趣味性,使学生更加踊跃的参与到课堂教学活动中。另一方面,可以引出句子…going to go by plane.这个新句型)2.学说by plane 3.放课文录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生指书跟读。讲解课文中” from China/ children” 等语境语。


”Where are you going to go? What are you going to do there?(这个任务活动是有意义的操练本节课的重点语句,学生在真实地语境中运用本节课所学知识,谈论的过程中达到了语言的输出,做到了学以致用,强化记忆。)在讨论结束后,进行汇报。

5.完成课堂活动用书26、27页。V.Summary: Today we have learned the sentence pattern “be going to…”.We can use it when we talk about the plan tomorrow or in the future.VI Homework Read text and talk about your plan at this weekend or about the winter vacation with your classmates.Unit 2 We are going to visit the Ming Tombs.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:学生热爱祖国的大好山河。

知识目标:学习句型 We are going to visit….能力目标:培养学生使用be going to 讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习运用be going to 句型。掌握单词及词组:Ming Tombs/ stone animals/ camel/ scary / monster 3 学唱歌曲We are going to the zoo Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够正确理解运用be going to 句型。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 听歌曲 We are going to the zoo.II.Revision: 1.Read text of Module 7 Unit 1 2.Free talk: What day is today? Where are you going to go and what are you going to do this weekend?III.Presentation: 1.教师出示Amy/ Sam/ Ms Smart/ Lingling/ Daming的图片,并出示问题: Q1: Where are they going to go? Q2: What can they see? 2.在学生理解问题后,看课文CD-ROM,回答问题。



They are going to go to the Ming Tombs.出示图片,学说Ming Tombs(可以观看CD-ROM 使学生更多地了解有关明陵的一些情况,从而促进英语的学习)


They can see many stone animals, lions, camels and elephants.5.教师出示单词卡片,学说stone animals / camels 6.学生边看书中课文边听录音。7.再次回答问题:

Q1: Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs? Q2: When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs? Q3: What stone animals are they going to see? Q4: Who is afraid of the scary animals? Q5: What are these scary animals?(通过问题再次强化学生对课文的理解。同时学说新单词scary/ monster)IV.Practice: 1.听录音,跟读课文。2.学生分组进行表演对话。



每组一张表格,上面画有16个格,并且标注起点和终点,并且拿出事先准备好的骰子,骰子的六面上分别贴有如下文字:(1)It’s time to go to BED.(2)We’re going to WALK.(3)We’re going to JUMP.(4)We’re going to HOME.(5)We’re going to going to the HOSPITAL.(6)We’re going to go BY PLANE.学生分为A B两组,每组四人,轮流扔骰子,具体规则:(1)It’s time to go to BED.停在原地不动(2)We’re going to WALK.向前走一格(3)We’re going to JUMP.前跳两格(4)We’re going to HOME.后退一格

(5)We’re going to going to the HOSPITAL.停玩一次(6)We’re going to go BY PLANE.直接到终点

学生掷出骰子后大声说出骰子上面的数字,然后按照规则前进或者后退相应的格数。4学唱歌曲We are going to the zoo V.Summary: Today we have learned something about the Ming Tombs and the sentence patterns with “be going to”.VI Homework You can go on playing the games after class.Module 8 Sports Day Unit 1 What are you going to do?

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:学习句型What are you going to do? I’m going to run the 100 meters.能力目标:培养学生制定计划并用英语进行谈论的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习特殊疑问句What can you do for Sports Day? 及其回答I’m going to run the 100meters。2 掌握单词及词组:run the 100 meters/ have a Sports Day/ good luck Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够正确理解运用句型。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo.II.Revision: 1.出示单词卡片,复习有关体育运动的动词词组。如:play basketball/ play football/ play volleyball/ swim/ jump far/ jump high/ do morning exercises…

(通过有关体育运动的动词词组的复习,为本节课谈论有关运动的话题作好铺垫,同时要求学生边做动作边说词组,从而调动学生学习英语的兴趣)III.Presentation: 1.出示北京2008年奥运会的标志,问学生: Do you know this logo? Can you say something about the Olympic Games? Do you know any sports?

Can you speak out their names?(在这里可以向学生介绍一些体育比赛的项目,可以出示图片边看边介绍。在这个环节里,同时呈现the 100 meters, 学生学说)


”Is Liu Xiang going to run the 100 meters in the Olympic Games? Do you know who is going to run the 100meters for sports Day? 讲解Sports Day, 并且学说。

(通过学生熟悉的名人照片引出课文的教学,不仅可以激发学生的学习兴趣,还可以加强书本上的知识与实际生活的结合。)3.学生看课文,找到问题答案:Daming is going to run the 100meters for Sports Day.4.教师与学生谈论 We are going to have a Sports Day next month.What are you going to do for Sports Day? 学生学说句型 What are you going to do for Sports Day?后,可以同桌之间进行问答练习。5.“猜一猜我要做什么?”

班级按男生、女生分组,一名学生到教室前面做一个动作,两.组分别用 “You are going to …”来猜。猜测正确的学生所在组得分。经过几轮后,得分高的组获胜。学生不仅可以模仿参加某项体育运动的动作,还可以把学习过的所有动作都包括在内。如:listen to the music/ write a letter/ watch TV/ cook dinner等。IV.Practice: 1.教师把挂图贴在黑板上,请学生一边看挂图,一边听录音。放课文录音,学生看书听。2.再放录音,请学生边看书边试着回答下列问题的答案: “What are the children going to have?”

“What is Daming going to do for Sports Day?” “What is he going to do everyday?” 3.学生逐句跟读课文。4.分角色表演课文 5.完成课堂活动用书。在做31页第二题时,告诉学生,他们将要听到一段录音。每当他们听到” Sports Day/ run/ the 100 meters/ winner”中的一个时就要快速举起双手。V.Summary: Today we have talked about Sports Day and learned the main sentences “What are you going to do? I am going to run the 100 meters.” etc.VI Homework Act the dialogue with the classmates.Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:学习句型 I’m going to do the high jump.I’m going to do the long jump..能力目标:培养学生制定计划并进行谈论的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习句型 I’m going to… 掌握单词及词组:do the high jump/ do the long jump/ run the 100meters/ run the 200 meters 3 学习韵律小诗 I’m training for Sports Day.Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够区分运用 jump high/ do the high jump;jump far/ do the long jump Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo.II.Revision: 1.Do duty report and free talk.2.以小组为单位,分角色进行表演Module 8 Unit 1中的课文。

(在类似小短剧的表演中,开始了新的一课学习,不仅检验了上节课的作业完成情况,还可以有效的调动学生学习英语的热情。)III.Presentation: 1.出示Daming/ Amy/ Sam/ Lingling的头像,教师介绍 ”Daming is going to run the100meters for Sports Day.But what are Sam/ Amy/ Lingling/ Daming going to do for Sports Day?(开门见山导入课文,便于学生学习掌握教学的重、难点)

2.看课文挂图听录音,回答教师在上一个环节中提出的问题: “Sam is going to do the long jump.Amy is going to do the high jump.Lingling is going to run the 200 meters.”

3.区分do the high jump 和jump high “Amy can jump high.So she is going to do the high jump for Sports Day.”重点讲解jump 的不同含义。教师问一个学生Can you jump high? 待学生得到肯定回答后,教师继续询问:” Are you going to do the high jump for Sports Day? “

4.区分do the long jump 和jump far.“Sam can jump high.So he is going to do the long jump for Sports Day.”讲解jump 的不同含义。教师问一个学生Can you jump far? 待学生得到肯定回答后,教师继续询问:” Are you going to do the long jump for Sports Day? “

(通过句型强调和对比,来分解本节课的教学难点,使学生正确理解动词词组do the high jump 和jump high;do the long jump 和jump far)

5.学生间相互谈论 “I can jump far.I’m going to do the long jump.” “I can run fast.I’m going to run the 100 meters.”… IV.Practice: 1.放课文录音,学生看书跟读。2 “运动会报名表”

学校即将开展体育运动会,有以下体育比赛项目,请同学根据自己的特长,小组内交流并且填好报名表,要求使用 “What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to…”。

What are you going to do for Sports Day? items name name name name play football swim

the high jump the long jump run the 100 meters run the 200 meters run the 400 meters play volleyball

各个小组的汇报员汇报结果,如: S1 is going to run the 100 meters”。3 学说韵律小诗I’m training everyday.V.Summary: Today we have talked about the sports games on Sports Day.Such as “the high jump/the long jump/run the 200 meters.” We can talk with the sentence pattern “I’m going to…” VI Homework Talk about what you are going to do for Sports Day with your parents.Module 9 Happy Birthday Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:学习句型 Can I have some…? Yes, you can./ Sorry, you can’t.能力目标:培养学生运用英语请求获得允许和谈论实物的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习运用Can I have some…? 句型。掌握单词及词组:sweetbiscuitssoupbread Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够正确理解运用Can I have some…? 句型及做出正确的回答。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲 Happy Birthday.II.Revision: 1.Do duty report “What day is today? What is the date today? What’s the weather like today?”让学生来猜一猜今天是谁的生日。III.Presentation: 1.请学生看课文VCD,得出答案:“今天是Amy的生日。”



“What does Amy want?” 请学生再次听课文录音。

3.教师出示一些食品的图片,要求学生从中选择出Amy 想要的东西。”soup/ sweets/ bread/ biscuits.”

4.看图片学说单词sweet/sweets/soup/biscuits/bread 教说biscuits时,教师取出一些饼干,告诉学生,如果他们想要吃饼干的话,可以对老师说Can I have some biscuits? 学说新句型Can I have some…?

(小小的饼干可以为学生创设真实运用新句型Can I have some biscuits?的情境,学生想吃饼干必然就要学会说这个句子,学生学习英语的热情会极大的得到提高。)教师回答引出 “Yes, you can.”当饼干分光后,教师会说 “Sorry, you can’t.5 板书答句,学生学说 教说单词sweets时,教师找一名同学面向黑板站在教室前面,然后把一些糖果放在另一名同学的书桌内, 让站在教室前面的同学去找。在寻找的过程中,要运用句型Can I have some sweets? 被问到的同学,则根据实际情况回答。

(这个环节是在真实的环境中操练教学重点,即问题的答句Yes, you can.Sorry, you can’t.)IV.Practice: 1 拼图活动:

以小组为单位,发给每个小组一张拼图,但是每组都缺少了一些图案,而缺少的部分就在其他小组。小组成员要向其他小组询问是否有自己所缺少的部分,运用句型Can I have some/a…? 在规定时间内,完成拼图的小组获胜。(利用拼图,可以调动学生多种感官参与教学活动。孩子们是最喜欢拼图的,为了赢得比赛,要到其他小组去找拼图缺少的部分,就必然会运用句型Can I have some…? 这个教学重点。在玩一玩、动一动、乐一乐中,不仅激发了学生学习的热情,更是有效的巩固了本节课的教学重点)。放课文录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生指书跟读。讲解课文中” dark/ turn on the light” 等语境语。游戏活动 “Draw and eat.”

让每个学生在一张纸上画两种食物,然后随意清两名学生站起来互相提问,要求他们不能够看见对方纸上所画的东西。如:S1: Can I have some sweets? S2:(didn't draw sweets on the paper)Sorry, you can’t.S2: Can I have some biscuits? S1:(drew on the paper)Yes, you can.几组例子后,学生在同桌间进行此游戏。V.Summary: Today we have learned the sentence pattern “Can I have some…?” We can use it when we want something.If someone asks you, you may answer “Yes, you can.” Or “No, you can’t.” VI Homework Act the dialogue with the classmates after school.Unit 2 Happy Halloween!

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:使学生了解西方的节日“万圣节”。知识目标:学习句型 Can I….? Yes, of course.能力目标:培养学生使用Can I….?请求获得允许。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习运用Can I have some sweets? Yes, of course.句型。2 掌握单词及词组:Happy Halloween!/come in/ camel 3 学习歌谣Can I have some…? Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够正确理解运用Can I…? 句型。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 背诵韵律小诗 “I’m training for Sports Day.” II.Revision: 1.出示画有食物的单词图片,分成四个小组,以小组接力赛的形式进行,S1看单词卡


2.学生带上头饰表演Module 9 Unit 1中的课文。III.Presentation:



Where is Tom? Where did he go? What did he do? Is he the same as usual?(带着问题听课文,使听的目的更加明确,有助于对课文的理解)3 帮助学生回答问题,并为学生介绍本课的文化背景:

在西方国家,万圣节的前夜---10月31日是孩子们尽情玩乐的时间。夜幕降临时,孩子们就穿上五颜六色的鬼怪衣服,戴上千奇百怪的鬼怪面具,提上一盏用南瓜做的杰克灯。杰克灯的样子十分可爱,是把一个大南瓜掏空,外面刻上笑眯眯的眼睛和大嘴巴,在南瓜中间插一根蜡烛,把它点燃。人们远远就能够看到憨态可掬的笑脸。孩子们会去按邻居的门铃,并且说Trick or treat!(不请客就捣乱!)人们早就准备好了点心、糖果,孩子们甜品放进自己的口袋中。如果大人要是不招待这些孩子们,那么他们可就要倒霉了!

(学生学习语言,了解语言的文化背景也是十分重要的。只有更好的了解中西方文化的差异,及语言的使用背景,才能够更好的运用、掌握语言。)4.学习单词Halloween/ 5 学习句型 Can I have some sweets? Here you are.Can I come in? Yes, of course.IV.Practice: 1.听录音,跟读课文。2.学生分组进行表演对话。




Shopping List Name: ___________ 每组有两名服务员,其他同学到其他组采购,使用语言 “Hello, can I have some…,please?” 如果该食品单上有,会得到Yes, you can.的回答,而且可以把该食物记在自己的购物单上;如果没有,会得到No, you can’t.的回答。看谁在规定时间内买到最多的食品。然后换其他同学继续当采购员。

4.学习韵律小诗Can I have some…? V.Summary: Today we have learned something about Halloween and the sentence patterns with “Can I …?” VI Homework Talk about Halloween with friends after class.new words..VI Homework Go on talking with your friends about the amount of the birthdays in your class.Module 10 The Months

Unit 1 There is one birthday in May.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:学习句型There are/is … birthday in January及一至六月份英语的名称。.能力目标:培养学生运用There is 或是There are 来谈论与月份有关的情况。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习句型There is /are… birthdays in … 掌握单词及词组: January/ February/March/ April/ May/ June Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够掌握运用一至六月份英语名称。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 听歌曲 The Months II.Revision: 1.Do duty report.2 学生报数 III.Presentation: 1.让学生猜教师的生日在几月份,引出 “My birthday is in January.” 2.出示一月份日历,教说January及句型“My birthday is in January”.3.请一月份过生日的同学说句型。

(通过教师的生日引出本课的知识点,使学生学习的兴趣高涨。因为学生对教师的情况是非常关注的。日历的出现,使学生对句子的理解毫无障碍。)4.当一月份过生日的学生说完句型后,教师提问:”How many birthdays are there in January?” 帮助学生数一数,得到答案。“ There are four birthdays in January.板书句型,学生学说。

5.学说单词February, 提出问题:”How many days are there in February?” There are 28 or 29 days in February.6.由问题 How many days are there in March? 引出单词March 的教学。学生谈论What can the children do in March?(通过学生谈论What can the children do in March? 可以为学生创设运用英语的真实语境,使学生有机的将新旧知识紧密结合。)7.教授单词April,并请同学猜一猜How many birthdays are there in April? 请四月份过日的同学起立,揭示答案。

8.通过猜谜语的形式引出单词May 的教学。“There are 31 days.It’s warm.There is a seven-day holiday in it.And the Labor’s Day, too IV.Practice: 1.教师说月份单词,学生用手指表示相应月份。引出新单词June, 学说。


Whose birthday is in January? Please point to the door.Whose birthday is in May? Please clap five.Whose birthday is in April? Please jump two times.……

Whose birthday is in June? Please point to the Lingling.(通过这个游戏活动中,可以检查学生对新知的接受、理解情况,还可以有效的巩固重点内容,化解教学难点。并引出课文教学。)

4.Lingling 在哪里?请学生看书,听课文录音。5.跟录音磁带朗读课文。6.讲解语境语 count/ parties 7.活动:

给每一个学生发一张心型的红色卡片,让他们在上面写上自己的名字。然后,边说 “My birthday is in …” 边贴在相应的挂历上。然后,两人一组,进行谈论 “How many birthdays are there in …? There is/ are … birthdays in … V.Summary: Read the main sentences on the blackboard, and the new words..VI Homework Go on talking with your friends about the amount of the birthdays in your class.Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year.一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:学习句型There are …in a year.及七至十二月份的英语名称。能力目标:培养学生英语进行表达的能力。Ⅱ 教学重点;1 学习句型There are…in … 掌握单词及词组:July/August/September/October/November/December 3 学习歌曲 There are 12 months in a year/ 4 学说韵文:”We like September.” Ⅲ 教学难点: 能够正确掌握七至十二月份的单词。Ⅳ 辅助资源:


二、教学过程: I.Warming up 听英语书40页歌曲 There are 12 months in a year.II.Revision: 1.把学生分成六组,教师把上节课学习过的月份单词(January /February /March /April /May /June)贴在黑板上。教师说出一个月份,每组第一个学生跑到前面触摸正确的单词卡片。第一个摸到正确卡片的学生,举起卡片,并带领全班同学读两遍单词。每组第二个同学做准备,以此类推,把六个单词都复习一遍。拿到最多卡片的小组为获胜。III.Presentation: 1.教师问学生:”How many months are there in a year? “ 学说July/August/September/October/November/December 出示挂历及单词卡片,学说。

2.学生看书,回答教师提出的问题:” How many birthdays are there in July? “

可以同座间相互讨论。3.游戏活动: S1: January/ March 被S1叫到的学生则要说出 “ February”.在做几组后,可以学生小组内进行。

4.学唱歌曲 “There are 12 months in a year.”






There are twelve months in a year.January February March April May June

July August September October November December IV.Practice: 1.放课文录音,学生听。2.跟录音磁带朗读课文。3.学说歌谣

“We like September.” 4.分组进行表演。5.完成学生用书。V.Summary: Today we have learned the names of the 12 months.And we have talked about them.Ask the students to read together.VI Homework Sing and recite the poem with your classmates after class 0人 | 分享到:

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1Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is《 foreign language teaching and research press》Book,.let me talk about this lessson as the following:

一、教材分析:Analysis of the Teaching material

二、教学目标:Teaching alms and demands:

三、教学重难点:Teaching keys and difficulties:

四、教学方法:Teaching methods:

五、教学工具:Teaching aids:

六、教学过程:Teaching procedures:

七、板书设计:Blackboard Design.八 教学评价与反思

Now,let me talk about the teaching material first.本课时所教的是外研社高一上学期使用的必修2 Mudule6。本模块介绍了----这节课学习的 是listening and vocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时,要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关----------------------------的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结的逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking 讨论了------------------------------在这节课之前,学生学习了reading and vocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分------------------------的词汇,本课由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对-------这一主题进行延伸和拓展。

Therefore , on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of students growing of mind , I put forward the teaching objectives according to English syllabus and new lesson standard.I will talk about it from Knowledge objects , Ability objects and emotion objects:






Next , according to the new teachingstand and the teaching content , I made out the key points and the difficult points of this lesson:




Well, how to achieve the teaching objectives better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below.According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method and TBLT method in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.They offer the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome.The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can mobilize the Ss’ enthusiasm and creativity in learning English.Studying Methods:

Let Ss study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere.Ss understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, imagining , thinking etc.And make preparation for completing the new study task.也就是说,为了更好地实现任务式教学和探究式教学,我采用了一下教学方法:




4、讨论法:通过Pair work.Group work.让学生都得到一次口语训练的机会,教师应设计一些适当的话题。




Multi-media computer;OHP(overhead projector);tape recorder;software: Powerpoint or Authorware

Teaching Process:

In order to realize the teaching process systematically, properly and efficiently, under the principle of “regard Ss as the corpus, the teacher inspires for predominance”, I divide the teaching process into six steps.Step1 Revision and lead-in

Step2 Presentation and practice.It contains some small steps such as Listening ,Reading , Disoussion etc.Step3 Task time.This step gives the students 5-8minutes to make a similar dialogue using the phrases and sentences learned in this passage and everyday life experience according to the given situation(show it on the screen using a multi-media computer).This step is employed to create a language environment for students’ communication in the class;If the students can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.Step4 Consolidation and extension.Finish Exx 1 and 3 orally, left Ex 2 as written work.Ex.1 revises the Object Clause(宾语从句).When transforming(变换)the structures, the students are required to pay attention to the change of t he verb tenses, personal pronouns and word order.Ex.2 is a revision of the Modal Verbs(情态动词)and some useful expressions.Let the Ss work in pairs and then check the answers with the whole class.Step5 Homework

1.Do Ex 2 in the exercise books.This is used to make the students have a further understand of the modal verbs.2.Write a short passage about the dialogue learned.This is used to practise writing ability of the students.Step6 Blackboard Design.(Show on the CAI)

在整个课程中,我的思路是这样的:教学之初,给学生呈现一些--------------图片,让学生首先从视觉的角度对要学习的内容有一个深刻的认识;在进入课文的学习之前,先粗略地复习上一节课所学的相关的词汇,要求学生用简单英语解释,但允许学生自主选择想解释的词汇。这样,既减少了 学生的胆怯心理,又达到了运用语言的目的:通过对于本文的语言片段的学习,以及围绕着它所作的拓展训练,培养学生理解含有所学生词的句子和段落并获取信息,找出段落和文章的从属关系,培养学生对因果关系的判断分析能力,归纳分析能力和表达能力。

Anyway, the teaching of this lesson aims to develop not only the Ss' language technical abilities, but also the diverse intelligence by integrated teaching methods.As teachers, to make our English classrooms shine with vitality, we are laid with heavy burden, and we still have long way to go.Above is the lecture notes of my lesson.Thank you!


2Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.It’s a great pleasure for me to be here sharing my lesson with you.My name is.Firstly, I’ll introduce my teaching material to you.The content of it is Unit 1 of Module 3,Book 1.In this unit we’ll talk about the numerals.By studying this unit, the students will know how to ask and answer the quantities.The way to ask “how many’and the numbers from 1 to 10 are the key and difficult points of this unit.As we know, our students are pupils, boys and girls are exposed to English for a short time, so it is very important to develop their intreset in English.As for this, I made my teaching aims as follows.Teaching aims:

1.Aims on knowledge:

1)The students can hear,read and use the sentence “how many?’ to ask questions.2)The students can hear, read and use the words from 1 to 10 to answer the questions on numerals.2.Aims on abilities:

1)To develop students’ abilities of listening and speaking.2)To foster students’ abilities of communicating skills.3.Aims on the emotion:

1)To set up students’ self-confidence in language study.2)To form happy English learning situations for the students.4.Key points:

1)To help students ask and answer the question: How many?

2)To develop students intrest in English.5.Difficult point:

The right pronunciation of the numerals from 1 to 10.Secondly,I’ll introduce my teaching methods.We all know that the main instructional aims of learning English in primary schools to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson,I’ll mainly use “task-based” teaching method.I’ll let Ss learn in real situations,finish some simple tasks to help the students to get a better understanding of the lesson.And I will arrange many kinds of activities for them.In this class, I’ll use a recorder and some pictures as my teaching assistance.Teaching process



2.say the chant “Bob.Bob.Bob…

3.The teacher can choose some students,to do a simple dialogue such as What’s your name? How are you?and so on.(for this step, we should practice quickly.This chant can arouse exciting motion.So it is important to form a happy class.The part of the dialogue can make Ss review the knowledge in the last lesson.)

Ⅱ.Leading in

1.After chant,the teacher shows a pencil and ask students :What’s this?lead the students to answer ‘pencil’.Then the teacher says:Yes, it’s one pencil.Then the teacher shows two pencils and says: There are two pencils.The teacher can lead in the numerals by this way(This part to lead the numbers quickly.)

Activities for the children.1 to 4,we should clap our hands;after 4,we should change to stamp our feet;after 8 we should shake our bodies.That is to say, ask students to clap when teaching numbers 1-4, ask the students to stamp when teaching numbers 5-8, ask the students to shake their bodies when teaching numbers 9-10.(we count the ten numners by different ways, Ss would like to do things like this.We’ll have a happy beginning)

2.The teacher shows the pictures about numerals.Have the students read the pictures and follow the teacher to practise,and put the numerals on the blackboard.(This part is the important part to make students learn the numerals)

3.A game to practice the numerals.Ask students to do the counting one by one, they should line up first, then count from 1-10.(For this step, I will correct their pronunciation).Ⅲ.New lesson

1.The teacher shows the pictures quickly, and ask them to guess How many?

And students say the answers.After some time, ask little teachers to do this.Then the teacher shows and teaches the new sentence ‘How many?’

2.guessing game

In this part, we can play two games.First, guess the pictures;second, guess how many students.(to drill the questions and answers with the help of the game.)

3.listen to the tape.T should play the tape three times, first, Ss just listen;second, Ss read the story after the tape;third, Ss listen carefully and find 1 to 10 on the book.(It is necessary for Ss to listen to the tape in our class, it will form a good habit of listening.)


A task of memory.The teacher shows a big picture with some boys and girls on it.Have the students look at this picture for 5 seconds.Then the teacher closes this picture and asks: How many boys or girls? The students will try to give the right answers.(This is a transitional part for unit 2)


Let the students to count all the things arround them after class.Then to tell their friends or to mark on the paper.(revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they can in class)

Above is my lesson,I try my best to make my students happy in class.So I use different kinds of activities and games to deepen my instruction in order to let children acqire new knowledge through arousing their interest.But, the weakness of this lesson is the students might not grasp the hole story and sentences pattern because of lack of enough training in these two parts, story-teaching and sentence pattern-teaching.That’s all!Thank you!

It’s my great honor to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is《New Standard English 》Book4 Module8 Unit1 I was two.Then I’m going to talk about it through the following six aspects: teaching material, students, teaching aims, teaching points, teaching preparation and teaching process.一、Teaching material

The topic of this module is “Changes”.The language function of this unit is throughing the photos of Lingling’s grandparents and her own to describe the things past with “was/were”.The main patterns “They were young.” and “I was two.” are close to Ss’ daily life.Therefore, they would show their great interests in this lesson and try to use what they have learnt in their real lives.By studying this unit, Ss can discuss the things that occurred in the past to themselves with “was/were”.二、Students

The Ss in grade four have got some English foundations.They also have higher learning enthusiasm and lively personalities.As a result, the activities full of fun and relaxation are offered in order to let the Ss learn English more freely.Meanwhile, the abilities of observing and self-study , the habits of independent thinking and positive participation are fostered in the class.三、Teaching aims

(一)Aims on the knowledge

1.The Ss can understand and speak the words: who, grandparents, then, me, hair, so.2.The Ss can understand and speak the sentence patterns: They were young.I was two.(二)Aims on the abilities

1.The Ss can read the dialogue fluently.2.The Ss can communicate with “was/were” according to the photos.(三)Aims on the emotion

Through the Ss’ comparison the old life with the new one, they will not only cherish the life nowadays, but also improve emotion between the families.四、Teaching points

(一)Key points

1.The Ss can understand and speak the new words and the sentence patterns.2.The Ss can describe the things past with “was/were”.(二)Difficult points

1.The Ss know the usage and relationship between “am/is/are” and “was/ were”.2.The Ss can discuss the real life with the sentence patterns freely and creatively.五、Teaching preparation

Tape, recorder, photos, multimedia, cards, stickers.六、Teaching process

Step 1.Warming-up


2.Enjoy the song “The family”.3.Free talk

T: Here is a family photo.Let’s describe it.In this photo, Father is …(choose the appropriate adjectives)

S: ….T: Mother/Brother/Sister/Baby is…

[Design intent] The song can adjust the Ss’ thought, arouse their interest in learning English, let them enter the atmosphere of learning English quickly.The free talk can help them review the adjectives which are used to describe the personalities and characters.Step 2.Presentation


T: Here is another family photo.Do you know who the baby is?

S: …

T: It’s me!(Teach the word “me” at this moment.)

I was two, then.Now I am 30.(Show Ss the current photo.)

T: Our friend Lingling has got some photos, too.Do you want to have a look?

[Design intent] Through the new and old photos show, bring out the topic of the text smoothly and make a good preparation for the text learning.2.Text

(1)Listen and try to find out the words they don’t know.Study them in groups.Then T consolidates the meaning of “who, grandparents, then, hair, so”.(2)Listen read and underline the sentences with “was/were”.T: What’s the difference between “am/is/are” and “was/ were”?(Explain it under the help of the photos.)

[Design intent] Through the listening and underlining, Ss can have the deeper understanding to the text.Explain the past tense appropriately and design the blackboard writing reasonably.Let Ss know the meaning and usage of “was/ were” clearly.(3)Listen and read the dialogue again.Step 3.Practice

1.Look, listen and guess.Show Ss four pairs of pictures, choose the correct one after listening to T’s description.2.Do Activity 3 on page 31.Discuss the answers in groups.[Design intent] Through the activities, let Ss practice the sentence patterns step by step.Cultivate Ss' abilities of cooperation and participation by group-working.Step 4 Consolidation

1.Enjoy the passage of the cartoon “The ugly duckling”.Discuss the changes of the little duckling according to the T’s reminder.2.Show Ss some photos of new and old Yantai, let them realize the great changes of our life.[Design intent] The cartoon can make Ss show more interests in learning English.Through the photos show, Ss will love and cherish the new life more.Step 5 Summary

Ask Ss themselves to summarize what they have learnt today.Step 6 Assignment

1.Listen and repeat the text.2.Describe Ss’ own photos with the sentence patterns in groups and prepare to show in next class.[Design intent] Making lots of listening and speaking exercise is able to train Ss’ comprehensive language abilities and strengthen their confidence.In addition, extending the knowledge in class to the real life effectively can finally achieve the purpose of communication using language.Design of blackboard writing

Moduel 8 Changes

Unit 1 I was two.(then)(now)

I was two, then.Now I am 30.They were young, then.Now they are old.She/He was…, then.Now she/he is….[外研版英语说课稿 ]相关文章:


外研版小学英语(三年级起点)第五册He can’t see说课稿

我执教的He can’t see是外研版(三年级起点)第五册第七模块Community的Unit1。根据《英语新课程标准》的要求,小学阶段的英语课主要是激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,为英语的进一步学习打下基础。

一、说教材 1.教材的地位及作用

本课重点通过学习句型 He can’t see,让学生能够用英语表达某人没有的能力。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,也为以后的学习奠定了基础。

2.教学目标 基于对教材的理解和分析,我将这节课的教学目标定位为:(1)语言知识目标

a功能:用can和can’t 讲述自己和他人能做和不能做的事。b句型:He/She/They can/can’t…

c词汇:programme, useful, blind, deaf, hear, firemen, mum, sausage(2)情感态度:培养学生的爱心,使学生热爱动物,关心弱势群体。3.教学的重点与难点 下面我侧重谈谈对这节课重难点的处理(1)句型:He/ She is + adj.He/She/They can not + do sth.This + n helps him/ her/ them.(2)词汇: programme, useful, blind, deaf, hear, firemen, mum, sausage 4.教材处理









热身是课堂教学重要的形式之一。首先,我用英语和孩子们打招呼,师生间亲切的问候,建立了和谐、民主的课堂气氛。接着我以一首“If you are happy"来热身,轻松欢快的歌曲可缓解学生课前的紧张情绪,加上相应的动作,为接下来的课堂营造了浓烈的英语氛围。


1、新课导入 根据本课教学内容的特点,我特地用4张图片,引出课文主题:dogs.拉近了孩子们与课文的距离,激发了孩子们探究、学习的欲望。


我运用图片、表情、动作模仿等直观法教学单词。教读时,配上相应的动作或表情,采用全身反应法,让学生动起来,融入动脑、动口、动手的英语学习中。在逐步呈现blind,deaf,hear这几个单词的同时,我把知识点扩充到了句This man is blind.He can’t see.This girl is deaf.Shecan’t hear.直接切入重点,这样学生也很容易接受。



根据本节课的教学重、难点,我为孩子们设计了两个作业题。一是Listen to the tape-record.听课文朗读录音,在课后继续加强对课文的理解,提高学生的英语听力水平,二是Write the new words.抄写本课新单词,帮助学生牢固掌握单词的听、说、读、写。









Module 1.Numbers A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:purple pink white orange thirteen/fourteen/fifteen/sixteen/seventeen/eighteen/nineteen twenty/thirty B.重点句型:Here’s a red one.I’ve got twenty-six points.I’m the winner!并能在具体的语境中运用


Module 2.Directions A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:house train up hill down past station supermarket Go straight on.Turn left/right.next to B.重点句型:Excuse me.Where’s the …, please? Go straight on./Turn left/right.The train is going up/down the hill.It’s on your right/left.并能在具体的语境中运用


Module 3.Activities A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语: new read write letter take a picture listen to music watch TV write a letter read a book

B.重点句型:This is my ….He’s/She’s taking a picture/reading a book/writing a letter/listening to music/watching TV/playing with my doll.What are you doing? I’m taking a picture/reading a book/writing a letter/listening to music/watching TV/playing with my doll.并能在具体的语境中运用


Module 4.In the park A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:park lake drink hungry look at row a boat B.重点句型:Look at the men/boys under the tree.What are they doing? They are playing chess/playing basketball.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:描述正在发生的行为或动作

Module 5.Food A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语: Chinese fast food want some

B.重点句型:What is he doing? He’s making noodles.Do you want some…? Yes, please./No, thank you.Have you got …? Yes, we have./No, we haven’t.I’m making some dumplings.并能在具体的语境中运用


Module 6.Abilities A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:can run fast jump high far ride wash draw

B.重点句型:Can you run fast/jump high/ride fast/make a cake? Yes, I can./No, I can’t.并能在具体的语境中运用


Module 7.Travel

A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:tomorrow swim visit get up by plane be from

B.重点句型:We are going to go Hainan tomorrow.We’re/I’m going to visit the Ming Tombs.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:使用“be going to”讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情

Module 8.Sports Day

A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:for every day good luck come on high /long jump

B.重点句型:What are you going to do? I’m going to run the 100 metres/the high jump.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:制定计划

Module 9.Happy Birthday

A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语:soup sweets bread biscuit turn on come in of course

B.重点句型:Can I have some soup/sweets ? Yes, of course.Yes, you can./ Sorry, you can’t.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:请求获得允许;谈论食物

Module 10.The Months

A.能够听、说、认读的词和短语: count January/ February/March/April/May/ June/July/August/September/October/November/December B.重点句型:There are twelve months in a year.There is one birthday in May.并能在具体的语境中运用 C.功能:谈论月份及与用“There is/are”讲述与月份相关的情况

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