
时间:2019-05-12 18:49:55下载本文作者:会员上传




1)Everyday English


2)唱英文歌曲What's this? What's that?


1)出示挂图,让学生观察,分组讨论Yang Ming他们可能在说什么?





A quail’s father is a quail,A rabbit's father is a rabbit,But a chick's father is a rooster.

A quail’s mother is a quail,A rabbit's mother is a rabbit,But a chick's mother is a hen.




2)Let's chant










5、补充活动(Additional activities)1)继续制作字母和单词卡片 2)唱本课chant给家人听

第二篇:三年级英语Lesson 3How are you教案范文

Lesson 3:How are you?

一、教学目标: A.知识目标:

1.掌握三会词汇:book chair desk 2.学会问候语“How are you? I’m fine, thanks.”。B.能力目标:

1.能熟练演唱歌曲“How are you?”,演唱流利,发音准确。

2.会使用句子“What’s this?”来问自己不知道的东西,并能够用“It’s a…”回答。C.情感目标:



1.新单词:三会(会听、会说、会认):book chair desk 注意:desk是指书桌或是办公桌,而在日常生活中常用的桌子要用table 2.新句型:(会听、会说):

What’s this?

It’s a ________.这是什么? 这是________。How are you? I’m fine.你好吗? 我很好。

三、教学难点:What’s this?

It’s a ________.这是什么? 这是________。


五、教学流程: Class opening Greeting 1)教师用“Hello / Hi!”问候全班,要求学生回答“Hello/Hi!”

2)教师同学生做手偶游戏,进行“What’s your / her / his name?”的对话。New Concepts 1、Listen a song:

A、教师可以先自导自演一段对话,如: A:Hello


A:What’s your name ?

B:My name is ________.A:Oh, how are you? B: I’m fine.然后反复强调最后这两句话,在激起学生的好奇心后,教师可以直接告诉学生这两句话的意思,并告诉他们这两句话的运用环境。在学生理解后就可以播放歌曲了。

教师播放歌曲“How are you?”。再利用歌曲中的课件展示一遍这组对话,让学生充分的加以理解。


B、利用实物教授book chair desk 在学生理解这几个单词的意思后引出对话:What’s this?

It’s a ________.2.Practice: 1)I ask , you answer 教师在教室里来回走动,随意指着一本书、一张桌子或一把椅子询问“What’s this?”,学生来回答。教师可以快速指出物品或出示图片,由于小学生竞争好胜的意识比较强,这样就可以锻炼学生的反应能力,调动他们参与活动的积极性。2)Play a game“Stop,go”

把学生分为几组,先由一个小组来进行。此小组的几名学生低头来回走动,教师喊“Stop!”,示意学生停下来,同眼前的学生进行问候,练习对话“How are you?”。3)Sing a song 两个环节的游戏过后,让学生放松一下,师生同唱这节课学的歌曲“How are you?”从而调动每一个学生参与的积极性。

3、Make dialogue: 教师引导、鼓励学生每天见面的时候说问候语,久而久之就能很自然的脱口而出了。Class Closing Goodbye!

第三篇:七年级英语下册Lesson 31教案

七年级英语下册Lesson 31教案

Teaching Content:

Oral words and expressions: take off

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn to express sequence.2.Teach the students’ science spirits.Teaching Important Points:

1.Describe the experiments in English.2.Express the experiment phenomenon in English.Teaching Difficult Points:

Describe the experiments in English and explain the reason.Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Check the homework of Lesson 30.1.Read the words and expressions in Lesson 30.2.Make sentences with the words and expressions in Lesson 30.Step2.Read the text and discuss the main idea about the text.1.What’s the main idea of the text?

2.What’s the experiment about?

3.Did you do the experiment at home? What did you do? Is it the same as the experiment that

we learn in the text?

4.How do you explain the experiment to the class?

Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it until they can read it fluently.Step4.Let the students work in groups.Describe the experiment in Lesson 30.Then report it to the class.Choose whose report is the best.Why is it good?

Step5.Describe the same experiment that is explained in Lesson 30 in English.Work in groups.When they can’t go on their description, they can look at the book.Let the students report to the class about their description.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Step7.Homework

1.Finish off the activity book.2.Do the exercises in Lesson 32.

第四篇:七年级英语下册Lesson 32教案

七年级英语下册Lesson 32教案

Teaching Content:

Review the mastery words and expressions from Lesson 25 to Lesson 31.Review the oral words and expressions from Lesson 25 to Lesson 31.Teaching Aims:

1.Learn to love science and cultivate the spirit of discovering things.2.Know more about the foreign festivals.Teaching Important Points:

1.Teach the students to take care of science and to do experiments by themselves.2.Easter is an important festival in foreign countries, so we must know about it.Teaching Difficult Points:

Express the sequence, uncertainty and uncertainty

Teaching Preparation: water, jar, cardboard

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, water, jar, cardboard

Type of lesson: review lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Ask the students to do the experiments that they like in front of the class.As they are doing the experiments, explain them in English.The students stand beside them.Help them if it necessary.Ask the students to observe carefully.What experiments are they doing?

Are the experiments that they are doing the same as yours?

What can we learn from the others?

What do we learn from the experiments?

Step2.Play a Game

This game is about the foreign countries.The most important festival in western countries is Christmas, then Easter.Discuss what we do on the festivals.Discuss the other festivals in western countries, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Thanksgiving.Step3.Do with the exercises in Lesson 32.Discuss the difficulties in class in groups.If it is too difficult, we can explain it to the class.Step4.Practice the spoken language in pairs.Step5.Come to the last part in Lesson 32.Review the main points in this part.How do you express certainty and uncertainty, sequence and the grammar “The Present Future Tense”.Step6.Homework

1.Finish off the activity book.2.Review the words and expressions in this unit.

第五篇:七年级英语下册Lesson 25教案

Lesson 25: Let’s Do an Experiment

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: science, experiment, fill, prove

Oral words and expressions: theory, jar, upside, observe, right, side up, upside down

Teaching Aims:

1.Use the Simple Present Tense.2.Express certainty and uncertainty

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to express sequence;

2.How to express an experiment.Teaching Difficult Points:

Express certainty and uncertainty

Teaching Preparation: jar, cardboard, water

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, jar, cardboard, water

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Teacher brings the jar, cardboard and water to the class.Show them to the students and ask what experiments we can do with them.Let the students show them and explain the reasons to the students.Let the students work in groups and discuss the experiments.When one group is doing the experiments, the others can ask the questions.The teacher can ask questions, too.Step2.Now let the students open their books and guess what the experiment is.Ask the students to say it in English.Step3.Read the text silently and answers the following questions.1.What’s a theory?

2.What’s an experiment for?

3.Did Danny read about the experiment? What is it about?

4.Do you think the cardboard can hold the water in the jar? Why?

Step4.Read the text carefully and check the answers.Explain some words and expressions to the class.Step5.Listen to the tape and repeat after it line by line.Can the students’ listening good enough to hear clearly?

Step6.Come to “Let’s Do It.”

Divide the class into two groups.One group thinks the floor will get wet.The others think it won’t.Let them discuss in class.Pay attention to telling the reasons.Step7.Homework

1.Review the next lesson.2.Finish off the activity book.



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