
时间:2019-05-12 17:26:27下载本文作者:会员上传



Module1 Unit 1 She’s Very Nice 教案设计


1、知识与能力目标x k b 1.c o m 能够运用句型:This is „ He’s / She’s„.She’s very „ But she’s a bit„

能够掌握单词:nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit.能够介绍人物,说出人物的特点。







四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1 Greeting Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Step 2 Presentations and practice 1新授clever(1)由做算数题引出clever(2)进行发音教学 v /v/(3)引导学生不断用 I’m clever.进行自我评价以巩固此单词的学习。2 复习naughty(1)由卡通人物Jerry的一段录像引出单词naughty(2)用句子 He’s very naughty.练习单词。并板书句型This is „ He’s very „

(3)出示5幅卡通图片,请学生用新学句型进行描述。3 复习nice新授a bit(1)由 Snow White 引出nice(2)T: Who’s nice in our class? Ss show their opinins.eg Wang Hong is nice.etc T: Snow White is nice ,but she’s a bit shy.引出单词shy,两人进行操练。在此基础上进一步学习短语“bit shy”操练。(3)课件出示词组,引导学生自主练说a bit eg a bit shy , a bit nice , a bit clever, a bit naughty 4 新授talkative和quiet(1)运用句型She’s very „But she’s a bit„描述Snow White.(2)给出3幅卡通图片,小组运用所学句型练习描述卡通人物的性格特征。(3)出示影视人物的图片,学生自由谈论其特点,教师自然引出单词loud,(4)谈论影视人物引出单词quiet,并进行发音教学 qu /kw/ „ T: Who’s quiet in our class? S: XX is quiet.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1 Game(1)课件出示6幅卡通人物的图片及性格特征,师领读,复习单词

(2)再此出示课件,一幅一幅图片出示,请学生根据记忆,说出卡通人物的特征以次练习描述人物的特征。2 Watch a dialogue(1)让学生看教学光盘对话并且教师提出一个问题: Panpan has got 3 friends.Who are they?(2)用单词卡片nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit复习单词,同时给六个学生。

(3)再观看教学对话,并让学生将单词卡片放到相应的人物头像下面。(4)学生根据单词卡片的内容,描述每个人物的特点。(5)学生分组集体描述每个人物的特点。.通过这种方式,使学生学会怎样描述一个人物的特点。3 Introduce a friend(1)教师介绍自己的一个朋友做示范。(2)学生在小组内介绍自己的朋友。(3)反馈。

Step 4 Summary T: I’m very glad to be your teacher.Some of you are a bit quiet.Some of you are a bit naughty.Some of you are a bit talkative.Some of you are a bit shy.But all of you are very nice and clever.Step 5 Homework 1 Listen to the dialogue and try to read it.2 Finish the activity book on page 1 and page 2.Step 6 Blackboard design Module 1 People Unit 1 She’s nice This is „ He’s very „

She’s very „ But she’s a bit„ Maomao Xiaoyong Parrot nice clever loud a bit shy a bit quiet naughty Teaching Notes: Module1 Unit 2 I’m going to help her.教案设计



学会helpful, plus, twenty, more等词语,能够运用本课所学介绍自己,描述他人的性格。





三、课前准备 单词卡片、课件。

四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Enjoy a poem P5.What are these children like? 2.Revision: Teacher do the actions and let the Ss say the words.(clever, nice shy, quiet„)x k b 1.c o m

Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Describe a student in the class.Let the students guess who she is.Then let the students to describe their friend in the class.2.出示parrot T: What is parrot like? Ss: He’s loud and he’s very very naughty.T: What’s he like in our story? Let’s watch the video.引出课文。3.教授helpful Who is helpful in our class? 4.What’s the matter with the little girl, let’s watch again.Ss: Because this little girl can’t do her Maths.T: Yes, so parrot is going to help her.板书句子 I have some math problems.Who can answer.课件呈现数学题:

T:What is ten plus ten? What is 7 plus 7? And one more? 教授more.5.Let the students ask some math questions, and practice in pairs.6.Sum.Although parrot is loud and naughty, he is helpful.金无足赤,人无完人.7.Listen and repeat.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Parrot is going to help other people.Who are they? Let’s take a look.Practice in pairs and then show the performance.2.Play a memory game First, teacher do a demo for children.Then let the students practice in groups.Step 4 Summary All of you are nice and help.所有的人既有不足,也有优点,用放大镜看别人的优点,用望远镜看别人的缺点,取人之长,补己之短。Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the dialogue and try to read it.2.Finish the activity book on page 3 and page 4 Step 6 Blackboard design Unit 2 I’m going to help her.This little girl can’t do her Maths.I’m going to help her.helpful more Teaching Notes: Module2 Unit 1 It’s very long.教案设计


1、知识与能力目标 Describing things and places.重点学习一些形容词,如wide, old, high, new, round.学习用这些形容词来描述一些景物或场景如描述River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等。


通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物,学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词,更开阔了眼界,增长了知识。同时通过介绍英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等,让同学们对国外景物形成一



1、重点单词:wide, old, high, new, round

2、重点句型:This river is very wide.And it’s very long.This is Big Ben.It’s very long.3、难 点:有关英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等知识的了解。








四、教学过程(中英文相结合)Step 1 Warm up

1、教师热情地和学生打招呼,并带领全班做TRP活动“Say as I do, not as I say”。例如:教师说:“I’m tall.”同时俯身用手比着地面以上不高的位置。学生要迅速说出:“You’re not tall.You’re short.”

2、通过一些与形容词相关(如:电视塔、长城、)的图片及实物(如:新旧玩具、衣服)。带领学生回忆相关词语:big/ small, long/ short, tall/ short old/ new.Step 2 Presentation and practice 老师先问中国的首都是哪里?再来引出英国的首都。并向学生出示英国的地图,请学生观察英国和伦敦的位置关系。向学生讲述有关英国重要景点的大概知识。老师拿着喇叭并戴上遮阳帽,扮成导游的样子开始讲课。Good morning!Today we’re going to go to London.It’s the captial of England.请同学们跟随老师看一看伦敦重要的三个景点。1.The frist one is River Thames.(展示课间图片)。老师问:What can you see in the picture?学生可用I can see „句型回答。老师用肢体语言引导学生说出This river is very wide.And it’s very long.并教授wide这个单词。2.Amy和Lingling正在谈论接下来我们要去的两景点,快来听一听。听第一遍录音后,学生回答出Big Ben /London Eye 这两个景点。教师使用两个景点的课间讲授他们的特点:Big Ben /It’s very old clock.And it’s very tall.London Eye / It’s a big wheel.It’s very high ,round and new.同时讲授old /clock/high/wheel/round 3.打开书听第二遍录音,要求学生圈出录音中提及的景物名称和用于描述他们的形容词。之后,教师把学生的回答写在黑板上,把景物名称再次和相关的形容词关联起 来。4.播放第三遍录音,请同学们逐句模仿跟读。并让学生完成AB Unit1练习。之后,老师问“What is this house like? What is this river like? 等问题。提示学生用“tall ,old ,long , wide, new, round”来描述5.完成SB Unit1活动2。首先请学生两人一组看图说话,再请学生听录音,并对课本的这几个重点句子进行操练。6.完成SB Unit1活动3,请两人一组使用刚学过的重点句型说句子,描述书上图片。Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.学生分脚色朗读课文。并请几组学生到教室前面表演课文。2.让学生观看有关英国重要景点的录像展示课件。

3.教师提供的图片(电视塔、长城),学生刚学的句型和形容词造句。Step 4 Summary 1.复习本课重点句型及单词。2.请学生在黑板上,将River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye及相应的形容词配对。

Step 5 Homework 1.听并读Module2 Unit1 课文三次。2.用P7第三部分的三个图造句子。3.做AB P7。

4.自愿完成 找一张自己游览过的景点照片,试着用学的句型单词向家人或同学描述。

Step 6 Blackboard design Module2 Unit 1 It’s very long.River Thames This river is very wide.And it’s very long.Big Ben It’s very old clock.And it’s very tall.London Eye It’s a big wheel.It’s very high , round and new.Teaching Notes: Unit 2 You’ll see Tower Bridge.教案设计



Talking about possible future actions.重点学习将来时,讲述将来可能发生的事情。


通过将来时的初步学习,使学生能用英文来描述可能发生的事情。这样可以拓宽学生说英语的范围,增强学习的兴趣。www.xiexiebang.computer)What will you see? I’ll see„(学生说出伦敦的著名城市景点 课件)Boys and girls, this weekend, I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things.Could you tell us what you will do this weekend? S:I’ll go to „

T:What will you see at the zoo? T:I’ll see„(zoo)(板书)Step 2 Presentation and practice Boys and girls, Let look at the video:?“What will Amy, Sam and Daming do this weekend?”

Now, watch the video,please.Then Think it over.(课件)1.What will Amy do this weekend?2.What will Amy see? 新 课 标第 一 网 Are you ready?Let’s see(go).(课件全课)(Watch TV)Headdress.The student will be Amy.Show a picture.(仅一屏)Hello„Amy.What will you do this weekend?(为什么用we’ll,请记住这个问题)。(Who wants to be Amy?)Listen carefully.S:I don’t know.S: Maybe I’ll(we’ll)go to the zoo.Let’s go on.What will you see? S: We’ll see lions and tigers.(板书)(为什么用we’ll?)(read the tiger)Look at the picture:(Listen)Who is he? Daming, how do you ask about Sam? S:Will ___go too?(板书)S: Yes,___will.(板书)(卡片)反复读,跟读,齐读。

Pay attention ,please.Amy and Sam are two children.what will you See? I’ll or We’ll?(头像Amy and Sam)S: We’ll see lions and tigers.(有节奏的读)Show the computer.T:Will Daming go too?(Listen carefully.)S:No, I won’t.(板书)(卡)(Read it one by one.)Now, Daming won’t go to the zoo.How does Amy ask? Please listen carefully.Who will be Amy?How do you ask? S:Will you go too,Daming?(板书)(卡)(Try to say.)S: No, I won’t.T:What will you do Daming? s:I will visit my grandpa in the countryside.(板书)countryside(读几遍)T: Will you see tigers/lions there? S:No.I won’t tigers/lions.T: What will you see?S: I’ll see ducks„lots of pigs.Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard.This weekend, Amy will go to the zoo.Sam will go too。Sam and Amy(They)will see lions and tigers.But Daming won’t go to the zoo.He will go to the countryside.He will visit his grandpa.He won’t see lions and tigers.But he will see lots of pigs.Now ,by this way please watch the video again.根据老师讲的再看一遍录像

Now open your book and turn to page 10.Let’s listen and say.O.k? Listen and say.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Listen to the tape recorder then say.Boys and girls,please open your book,and turn to page 10.Listen and say.2.let’s do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book.(Part 1)Have you finished?No.1 Who wants to tell us your answer? If you are all right, please raise your hands.3.Do you like games? Let’s play a guessing game.书P11 4.Boys and girls,what will you do this weekend? Let’s talk about it with your partner in your groups.Then come to the front and act out.Ok.(找2、3名学生演示)5.Boys and girls, Pay attention.Ms.Smart’s family will have a good weekend.Are you interesting in this story? I’ll give you some questions.Please find out the answer.(让学生听录音)

Questions: What will they do? What will they see? Step 4 Summary 同学们,今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法。如果我们要谈论将来发生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我们就可以使用这种表达的方式。Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the tape recorder then remember these new sentences.2.Free talk with your parents.What will you do this weekend? Step 6 Blackboard design Module3 Unit 1 Maybe we’ll go to the zoo.zoo We’ll see lions and tigers.countryside(图片)Will Sam go, too? lots of pigs tiger Yes, he will.lots of Will you go too, Daming?(单词卡)No, I won’t.Teaching Notes: Module3 Unit 2 Will you phone me? 教案设计


1、知识与能力目标 学会使用下列句子:

Will you play with me this weekend? Yes, I will./No, I won’t.能听说读下列句子△Will „ phone „? Yes,„will./No,„won’t.并能用学过的句子谈论将来发生的事情。




一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答:Will „? Yes,„will./No,„won’t.三、课前准备


四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Good morning, boys and girls.What will you do with your parents this weekend? Let’s free talk.Step 2 Presentation and practice Boys and girls, Daming will visit his grandpa in the countryside.Will Sam go to the countryside this weekend? Let look at the video:Now, watch the video,please.Are you ready? Let’s see.(课件全课)(Watch TV)Headdress.The student will be Sam and Daming.呈现SB Unit 2活动1。

教师一课件的形势向学生以下问题,帮助学生理解课文第一部分。Will Daming play with Sam? Will Daming phone Sam?(phone 一次教师可以通过打电话的动作演示缴获学生,重点注意ph的发音,可与elephone作比较,发音一样。)通过看课件,使学生找出答案。

给学生适当的提示,让两名学生一组根据答案表演这一部分。在给出另外一些问题,让学生带着问题再看课件并找出答案。Who will Daming visit? Where does Daming’s grandpa live ? Is there a phone there? 在学习的过程中,穿插复习有关助动词dodoes 的一些用法及特点。以及There be„句式的用法及特点。

因为上一课时已经学习过有关visit,countryside有关的句子,因此上述问题的答案学生基本上能后比较流利的表达。根据学生的学习情况播放几遍课文录音,请学生跟读。随后可以同位分角色表演。学习诗歌。可先让学生找出自己不理解或不会的部分,由教师或同学们讲解,然后播放录音让学生跟读。鼓励学生模仿动作,使学生情景交融,更有助于学生对诗歌的理解和掌握。Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Look and say about your weekend.Then talk about your friend.(书P13)通过学生的掌握情况,可以考虑是否增加同样形式的练习内容。

2.let’s do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book.(Part 1)教师首先播放一遍录音,让学生完整的听一边对华录音。再次有间隔的播放录音,让学生有比较充足时间填写答案。可以让学生先互对一遍答案,在以实物投影或直接在课件上直接完成答案。3.语音教学


Step 4 Summary 同学们,今天我们学习了一般将来时态的句子的表达方法。如果我们要谈论将来发生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我们就可以使用这种表达的方式。Step 5 Homework 1.Listen to the tape recorder.2.Let’s talk about what you will be.The teacher: I’m a teacher now.What will you be in the future? Let’s think.让学生想一想,自己将来希望从事的职业。从而复习teacher,doctor,nurse,pupil,driver等单词。还可拓展学习新的单词。

Step 6 Blackboard design Module3 Unit 2 Will you phone me? Will you play with me this weekend? No,I won’t.Will „phone„?

No,„won’t./Yes,„will.Teaching Notes: Module 4 Unit 1 Maybe I’ll be a writer.教案设计



学会writer, footballer, film star等职业单词,能用What will you be in the future?询问并作回答,谈论未来可能从事的职业。







四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song about occupation.And find out the occupation in the song.2.Free talk.Talk about our parents’ jobs and their hobbies.Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Ask a student that will you be a teacher in the future? Why? And what will you be in the future? 相机板书:What will you be in the future? 出示picture——future 指导学生自己拼读future一词,在领读句子。Ask 2-3 students to answer the question.3.Amy and Lingling are talking about the jobs.What will they be? Guess.4.Enjoy the story and find out what they will be in the future.学生通过听音看故事找到writer, film star, footballer, policeman等词。5.通过问题进一步巩固理解这些职业单词:

Let the students find more words like “write——writer” drive——driver, farm——farmer, work——worker Which film star do you know? Ss: Cheng Long is a film star.Zhang Ziyi is a film star.6.Watch the video again, and find out why Amy will be a writer and why Lingling will be a film star.Ss: Lingling likes writing.She loves books.She will be a writer.7.Why Sam ask them to come to the police station with him? Is he a policeman now? Sam isn’t a policeman, but one day he will be.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Listen and repeat.2.Read and fill in the blanks.What will Lingling be in the future? Maybe she will be a ______.And Amy will be a ______.______ will be a footballer.And Sam will be a ______.3.According to the passage above, try to retell the story.4.Guessing game.What will he/ she be in the future? 出示人物照片,让学生猜职业。

(成龙小时候照片)What will he be in the future? He will be ______.(成龙照片)Now, he is a film star.5.Survey.What will you be in the future? Ask and answer in groups, and fill in the form.A: What will you be in the future? B: Maybe I’ll be _________.Name Will be 友情提示:

① writer ② film star ③ footballer ④ policeman ⑤ dancer ⑥ singer ⑦ doctor ⑧ nurse ⑨ businessman ⑩ engineer

Make a short dialog with partners.A: What will you be in the future? B: I will be a „.Step 4 Summary What kind of occupation is popular? Whatever we will be in the future, we should work hard from now on.Step 5 Homework Ask your friends, what they will be, and find out 5 the most popular occupation.Step 6 Blackboard design新 课 标第 一 网 Module 4 Unit 1 Maybe I’ll be a writer.What will you be in the future? Maybe I will be „.Amy film star Lingling writer love books Daming footballer Module 4 Unit 2 He’ll be an astronaut.教案设计



学会astronaut, spaceship, moon, fly a kite, fly a plane, fly an astronaut等词语,能够运用本课所学He/ She will be „.谈论他人将要从事的职业。




能用want to be和will be谈论将要从事的职业。



四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song.I’ll be a pilot.2.Revision: a.Jobs.(play a bomb game)b.Perform the M4 u1 c.Free talk: What will you be? 板书I’ll be a „

Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.出示重点句。

T: Do you remember what will she be? S1: She’ll be a teacher.板书将I改成She.He.T: So this time you should say She’ll be a„or He’ll be a „ 2.引出课文。

T: Everyone has his dream.So does Xiaoyong.Do you remember him? What’s he like? S2: He’s very clever.But he’s a bit quiet.T: Yes.He’s got a great dream.What will he be in the future? Guess.3.Watch the video and answer the questions.4.学习生词astronaut.T: Who can tell me? What will he be? S3: He’ll be an astronaut.T: Great!Look.(出示pp)Who’s he? Ss: 杨利伟.T: What does he do? 学习astronaut.(强调 an astronaut)5.学习spaceship.T: What will astronaut fly? Will he fly a kite? No.He’ll fly a spaceship.(pp)Look.This is spaceship.学习spaceship.6.学习moon.T: Will the spaceship go to the moon? 学习moon.T: Yes, it can.But our Chinese people haven’t been to the moon by the spaceship.But I believe we will one day.7.Listen and repeat the text twice.8.Read it by yourself.9.Short summery.Look at the screen and answer the questions.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1.Point and say P16 2.T: One asks: What will she/he be in the future? One answer: He/She’ll be a„ 2.A game: Who has good memory? 教师示范: S1: I’ll be teacher.S2: She’ll be teacher.I’ll be a doctor.S3: She’ll be a teacher.He’ll be a doctor.I’ll be a writer.„

3.Reading Time.Read the short passage and answer the questions below.Write them on the paper.Then check together.I’m Lingling.Jack, Lucy and Tom are my good friends.Jack will be a footballer in the future.He loves football.Lucy will be a film star.She likes films very much!Tom will be an astronaut.He wants to go to the moon.Maybe I’ll be a writer.I love books!

1.What will Jack be in the future? _________________________ 2.What will Lucy be? _____________________________ 3.What will Tom be? _____________________________ 4.Will Lingling be a teacher? ______________________ 4.Ask your partners what they will be in the future and tell Step 4 Summary What we have learned today? 新课标第 一网

当我们想表达将来想要从事的职业时,可以用want to be和will be来表达。Step 5 Homework 1.Read the text till fluently.2.Write a short passage about your friends dreams.格式: Hello.I’m„ I have 4 friends.A will be a „ B will be a„ Step 6 Blackboard design He’ll be an astronaut.What will she/ he be? She/He will be an astronaut.(wants to be)Sam policeman


Module 1 Unit 1 It‟s the ABC Song 教学目标:






1、掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体。6.教学用具:Word cards, PPT, CD-ROM and headwear, etc.7.教学过程:


1、Warm up and revision 1.Greeting Sing songs: “Good morning, Sam” and“ How are you?”

2.自由会话(D—David,让学生做小先生,以下为David与同学们的对话)Dialogue 1:

T:Good morning, what‟s your name ?

D: Hello,my name is David.D-a-v-i-d.(同时书写)I'm 12.Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you, too.D:This is Miss Wu,my English teacher. T:Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you, too.Dialogue 2:

D:Look,What's this in English?(Show pictures of a cat on the PPT)S1:A cat.

D:Spell it,please. S1:Yes,c-a-t,cat. D:What colour is it? S2:Black. Dialogue 4:

D:Let's count from 1 to 20,OK? Ss:OK.

(Boys 1,3,5…Girls 2,4,6… Clap hands from 1 to 10.Stamp feet from 11 to 20.)(拍拍手跺跺脚)Step2: Lead in Have the students sing one or two songs they‟ve learned before.Then ask”What‟s your

favourite song?” Explain the meaning and pronunciation of the word favourite.Step

3、Learn new knowledge 1.T: Look at the 26 letters on the blackboard, let‟s read them together!(在黑板上写Module 1,挂上字母表,让学生逐个跟读字母。注意让学生区分S与X,G与J,I 与Y的读音)2.T:Please wear your headwear now, and let‟s count from 1 to 20,Ok?(让1号到26号学生起立并出示他们的头饰从A到Z,全班看着一个个字母用英文数数。)3. Read the alphabet in a low voice then recite in a loud voice. Step

4、Practice 1.Play a game: looking for friends 带大写头饰的同学走到教室前说出字母之后,带上其相对应的小写字母头饰的同学应该应声而出,可以请几组同学同时上台,看哪组的反应速度最快。2.学习单词缩写

(1).T:Let‟s learn some methods of letter abbreviations.(2).T:Now let‟s play a guessing game!Step 5 Consolidation 1.Game:T:I‟ll choose two students to come to the platform to write letters on the platform, you should read out loudly.Ready? Go!2.加加减减

C(G)O(Q)P(R B)N(W M)E(F)N(V)3.快速认识字母大小写







etc. Step 6 Summary

T: Let‟s sing the ABC song together,OK?(边唱歌边传回26个字母卡片。)Step 7 Homework 1.Recite the 26 letters;2.Try to sing the ABC song 板书设计:

The Alphabet 字母表

A a

B b Cc D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o

P p Q q R r S s T t U u

V v W w X x Y y Z z


Step 1 Warm up and revision 1.Greeting 2.Sing the song: the ABC song

T: Do you still remember the song we learned on previous lesson? Let‟s sing it together,go!3.T:Let‟s pass the word cards and say it(传递字母卡片并说出)Step 2 Learn the text T:The ABC song is my favorite song.What‟s your favorite song? S:.......T:The students are having the first class,their teacher is Ms.Smart.Let‟s listen what they are talking about.(播放CD-ROM)T:Let‟s read the text together.Step 3 Practice 1.Do match game:将大小写连线。

2.Show a picture of a snowman, ask students to find any letters they can see.3.T:What‟s your favorite color/animal?

S:It‟s......4.Learn the song the ABC song and have a match among 4 groups.Step 4 Pair work T:Please make conversations with your partner according to the sentence pattern.Go!(请几组学生上台表演)

T:You did a good job!Here are your stickers!Well done!Step 5 Summary T:Let‟s sing the song again,OK?(全班齐唱歌曲)Step 6 Homework 1.Recite the 26 letters;2.Try to sing the ABC song 板书设计:

The Alphabet 字母表

A a

B b Cc D d E e F f G g

What‟s your favorite....? H h I i J j K k L l M m N n

It‟s.....O o

P p Q q R r S s T t U u

V v W w X x Y y Z z

Module1 Unit2 My favourite color is yellow.教学目标 知识目标:

1.学生理解、会说和认读词汇:favourite colour Here you are

2.学生理解、掌握和运用句型:What‟s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …以及Here you are.Thank you.能力目标:

1.能运用句型My favourite colour/letter is …谈论自己最喜欢的物品,如 颜色、数字、字母、歌曲、动物等。

2.能把my favourite 转化成His/Her favourite 来谈论他人最喜欢的物品。情感目标: 1.培养学生的表达能力,在语言学习中利用外语交流的能力。2.培养学生在学习中竞争意识,表现创新、自我提高的能力。

3.锻炼学生如何与周围的同学交往,表达自己的意愿。教学重点:1.词汇:favourite colour Here you are

2.句型:What‟s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …以及Here you are.Thank you.教学难点:句型:What‟s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …以及Here you are.Thank you.教学用具:CD-ROM,PPT,word cards,pictures of fruit,colors,sports and toys,stickers,etc.教学过程:

Step1 Warming up 1.Greetings.(师生相互问候)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you,today? Ss: Fine,thank you.2.Sing together:师生齐唱ABC song Step 2 Presentation T:My favourite song is the ABC song.What‟s your favourite song? 教师引导学生用My favourite song is...来回答 2.(教师指着自己的衣服)T: What colour? T: Yes, my favourite colour is blue.What‟s your favourite colour? 板书课题My favourite colour is yellow.(拿出一只黄色的铅笔对该生说): Here you are.并做出给予的动作,让生理解。引导学生回答Thank you.T: Let‟s look at the cartoon together.(播放第一段动画)What color is Panpan‟s hat? Ss:It‟s red.T: Yes, you are right!Step3 Learn the text: 1.T: What‟s Sam‟s favorite colour? OK, Please listen to the CD and answer my question.(播放CD)2.回答问题。What‟s Sam‟s favourite colour? Check answers together.3.T:Now let‟s read after the CD-ROM,please imitate the intonation and emotion.4.T: Now please read in your group(下到班级巡视)

OK,now let‟s read it together.Go!

Step 4 Practice 1.Role play T:Now who wants to perform on the platform.(请3-4组同学上台表演)

You are good performer!Wonderful!Here are your stickers!2.Do Activity Book 1,2,4.Ask students to listen for the first time, try to find the answer for the second time, and ask som students to check answers.3.T:Please work in groups of 4.Introduce your favorite color to your group members.(小组为单位,互相介绍自己最喜欢的颜色并给予相应颜色的物品)Step 5 Summary T:What we have learned today? Let‟s read them together.(齐读黑板上的句子)Step 6 Homework.1.Read the text 3 times;2.Do role play with your partner;3.Tell your parents about your favorite color.板书设计:

Module1Unit2 My favourite colour is yellow.A: What‟s your favourite colour? B: My favourite colour is...A: Here you are.B: Thank you.教学反思:

《It's the ABC song.》是新标准英语三年级下册Module 1 Unit 1的内容。这一单元主要是要求学生能整体认知和视觉感知26个英文字母。在本单元的教学过程中,有个问题让我十分困惑,那就是如何让学生正确、迅速地记住26个英文字母,规范地书写26个英文字母。虽然在上学期的英语教学过程中,已经穿插了英语字母的教学,但是要让学生迅速掌握这26个英文字母,还是有点困难。在进行字母教学过程中,我采取的是先示范,再仿写,然后练写的方式,而且特别强调字母的笔画、笔顺、和占格要规范;同时我还借助一些儿歌,来帮助学生掌握字母的占格规律。但是个别同学写得仍旧不够规范:一是字母的倾斜度掌握的不好;二是一些同学把英语字母的印刷体和手写体总是混淆。


Module 2 Unit 1 They‟re monkeys.教学目标: 知识目标:

1.初步感知词汇:small、fat、small.及语言结构:“They are + adj.” 2.复习句型“What's this?”及其回答“It's a(an)+名词单数。” 3.复习词汇:cat,dog,panda等动物名称词汇.能力目标:

1.运用 “What are they?”及其回答来描述更多的动物及特征。

2.运用名词复数形式的词汇以及相关的语言结构对一定数目的事物进行描述。情感目标:培养学生对英语的兴趣 教学重点: 1.词汇:monkeys,lion,tiger,elephant,big 2.“What are they? They are / They're + 名词复数形式。”的语言结构。教学难点: 1.词汇lion的发音


教学用具:CD-ROM,word cards, PPT,stickers and headwear,etc.教学过程

Step1.Warm up 1.Greetings.(师生相互问候)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you,today? Ss: Fine,thank you.2.T:Let‟s sing a song:Hello,hello.Step 2 Presentation


T: Who are they?Where are they?Let‟s see it together.(播放chant)S:They are monkeys.They are in the zoo.T: Yes, you are so clever!Have you ever been to the zoo ? In the zoo what animals can we see ? Let me show you to the zoo and see the animals.now , look at our textbook at Page6.We'll learn Module 2 Unit 1 They're monkeys.(板书课题)Step 3 Learn the text.1.(出示熊猫一家的图片,同时将动物园的图片贴于黑板上)T: Who are they? Where are they? Ss: Panpan.In the zoo.T: Yes ,you are right.This is Panpan's family.Do you want to see their neighbors(邻居)?They are all in the zoo.Look, they are coming.播放CD,并将录音中出现的动物图片随意地贴在教室的墙上。T: Can you see the animals?

S: Yes.T: What are they? Tell me, please!学生汇报,教师呈现今天的运用任务。

T: You're great!I think you can be a guide(出示导游卡)Do you want to get the job? S: Yes.T: But you should work hard!Now let's do it.2 游戏:动物模仿秀

1)教师请两名学生模仿课文中出现的动物,同时向学生提出问题。T:“What are they?”

S:Tiger(s)/lion(s)/m(s).(教师从旁予以指导。)2)教师表演一只大象,继续向学生提问:What is it? Ss: It's an elephant.(教师对an予以强调。)3)教师准备有两只不一样大小的动物卡片,利用单词卡的正反面,有图的一面示意学生说出学生说句子“They are lions/tigers...”.T:Yes, did you find that? Panpan is fat.(做出胖的动作)Do it with me.Fat,fat,I‟m fat.(边做动作边说单词)

3.Good,now let‟s listen again and read after the CD-ROM,OK?(read the text together,in groups)Step 4 Practice 1.Role play.T:Read the text in groups and if you have any questions please ask me.Then I will ask some students to do role play on the platform.(请3组同学上台表演)

Who wants to perform the animals?(可以请班级比较活泼的学生来表演动物)Yes,please wear your headwear and do role play.(表演结束)I am impressive today!You are so wonderful!The “animals” are so cute.Big hands for you!2.Do Activity Book 2,3.And check answers together.Step 5 Summary :Chant 动物园里真热闹,让我们进去瞧一瞧

tiger,tiger是老虎,老虎tiger真威武,lion,lion是狮子,狮子lion真厉害,elephant是大象,大象大象鼻子长,Step 6 Homework 1.Read the text 3 times;2.Say the chant to your family;3.Try to find the characteristics of the animals we learned.板书设计:

Module 2 Unit 1 They‟re monkeys

What‟re they ? →They‟re monkeys / tigers / elephants/lions/pandas.Fat,fat,it‟s fat.Module2 Unit 2 That man is short.教学目标: 知识目标:

1.听说读三会掌握单词man、short、tall、small、thin、big 2.掌握语言: This/That … is tall/ short/ big/ small.3.学会书写字母Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd.能力目标:提高学生英语口语水平,和运用英语的能力。


1.听说读三会单词 man(男人)、short(矮的)、tall(高的)、small(小的)、thin(瘦的)、big(大的)

2.掌握语言:This man is tall.That man is short.教学难点:

1.掌握语言:This monkey is small and thin.That monkey is big and fat.2.提高学生英语口语水平,和运用英语的能力。教学用具:PPT,CD-ROM,word cards 教学过程

Step1、warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you, today? Ss: Fine, thank you.2.T:Did you bring your pictures in the zoo, show us!(请学生在小组内展示自己画的动物园的图,并相互介绍各种动物的形态。选几名同学在全班展示。)Step2、Lead in 1.T: Let‟s have game:Guess who I am(猜猜我是谁)

(1)教师动作以及“I'm fat/thin/tall...”的语言结构做示范,学生模仿。


教授thin,fat,tall,short,small big几组词(出示相同动物的不同大小,胖瘦,高矮,让学生说出对应描述的词)

(3)T:Now another game:I do you say.(老师做出动作学生快速说出对应的形容词)2.(展示踩高跷人的图片)出示本课挂图,老师指图中的人提问:“ What‟s this?”学生答不出,师教授新单词“man”。

T: Is he tall? S: Yes!(配合动作教授tall,全班读,个别表演加读)T: What happened then? 后面发生什么事情了? S:掉下来了

T: Yes, and he becomes....short!(配合动作教授short,全班读,个别读)S: ….T: That‟s right!Let‟s read it together!(齐读句子)Step3 Learn the text 1.Look,who are they?(出示小丑图片)Let‟s look at what are they doing.Go!(播放动画)T: What are they doing? S:….(此处可用中文回答)T: Yes,they are playing with their monkeys.Now listen again and pay attention to the monkeys.再看一遍,注意观看两只monkeys 的体型。2.T: Look, the tall man‟s monkey is ….(播放动画)S: ….(此处学生可能会用中文回答)T(出示图片):Yes, it‟s small and thin.(加上动作帮助学生理解)Read after me.Small-small-small(加上动作,放映出其他动物小时候的照片)S:The tiger/elephant/lion/panda is small.T: The monkey is not only small but also very thin(出示胖瘦对比照片,It‟s fat.It‟s thin.Now read after me.Thin-thin-thin.-th means you should put your tongue between your lips.Like thank you.(让学生从旧单词中感知th的发音,请个别学生试读)T: You try it.Yes!You come to the platform.Everyone look at her and imitate her.Ss: Thin,thin,thin.T: Yes,(出示图片请学生说It‟s small and thin)用同样方法教授big.3.T: Now let‟s read the text together.(全班齐读,小组读)

Please read in groups.If you have any questions,please ask me.(教师下教室巡视)

OK,now let‟s have match: Who can read it better.(小组PK)

Yu are all very good,and I think Group3 is the best becuse they read the most loudly.So a big star for you!Step 4 Practice.1.Role play

T:Read the text with your partner..Then I will ask some students to do role play on the platform wearing the headwear of Daming and Sam.(请3组同学上台表演)T: You are all good actors,thanks for your performance.2.Do Activity Book 1,2,3。Listen for the first time, circle the answer for the second time,and then ask students to check answers.3.模仿秀

T:Look,here are some headwear of different animals,now I want someone to act them,and do

actions to let onther students to describe them.(请几位同学戴上动物头饰并作出动作,让其余同学来进行描述)

S:The lion is fat./The tiger is tall./The monkey is thin.....T: Yes, you know how to describe things better!Step5 Summary T:Let‟s say a chant to relax.Let‟s clap our hands.Big, big, big, the lion is big.Small, small, small, the cat is small.Fat, fat, fat, the panda is fat.Thin, thin, thin, the monkey is thin.Tall, tall, tall, the tree is tall.Short, short, short, the tiger is short.Step 6 Homework 1.Read the text 5 times;2.Say the chant with your friends;3.Describe animals to your parents.板书设计:

Module 2 Unit2 That man is short This man is tall.That man is short.This monkey is small and thin.That monkey is big and fat.教学反思:

本节课上课前,我预先在教室四周的墙上贴上了许多小动物的图片,之后,我边播放录音(动物的叫声)边指着墙上的图片依次问:“What are they?”孩子们依次答:“They are monkeystigerslionselephants.”当孩子们熟练了此句型后,我适时把主动权交给学生,找学生当小老师提问,小老师再点别的学生回答,孩子们跃跃欲试,兴致极高的问着、答着。


Module 3 Unit 1 I like football.教学目标: 知识目标:

1、掌握有关运动的单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises。

2、学会使用句型:I like…和I don‟t like…谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。能力目标: 培养学生正确运用英语进行表述的能力。情感目标: 培养学生热爱运动,激发学生学习的兴趣。


1、单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis

2、能够正确运用句型:I like…和I don‟t like…谈论喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目。教学难点:

1、单词:morning exercises


教学用具: word cards, balls, PPT, CD-ROM, stickers, forms 教学过程: Step 1 Warming up.1、Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Wu.T: How are you? S: I‟m fine , thank you.And how are you? T: I‟m fine ,too.Thank you.T:Now, let‟s look at the pictures and then do the actions.2、Do and say.教师播放课件,出示学生玩过的运动项目。学生在老师的带领下,伴随着欢快的音乐做运动。

T: The bell is ringing.It‟s time for sports.(教师描述图片的意思)They‟re skipping.They‟re playing basketball.They‟re playing jianzi.They‟re playing football.They‟re running.She‟s the winner.They‟re swimming.They‟re playing table tennis.They‟re doing morning exercises.He‟s running.They‟re playing table tennis.He‟s playing football.do morning exercises.(当听到运动员进行曲后,师生一块说英语做动作。)T: Stand up, please.Let‟s do and say.football/ football; run /run/ ;jump/jump;Swim/swim;Skip/ Skip;basketball /basketball;table tennis/ table tennis.T: Are you happy? S: Yes!T: I‟ m very happy.T: Today we will talk about some sports games.T:We can talk about the sports games we like or dislike.T: I have many balls.Which group can answer my questions.You will get a ball.Step 2 Presentation

1、Learni word: football T:Do you like football? I like football.教师播放足球的课件,在课件中,出示球和脚的图片 球+脚=football。T: Look ,foot and ball.We can use your feet to kick the ball.We call it football.老师边做动作边带读单词,板书单词:football

2、Drill Look,I have a football here.Read after me:football,football…(传球读单词)

3、Learn : like 和I like… T:I like football.带读“I like football”让学生微笑着读,告诉他们喜欢做一件事情的时候,心情一定是很愉快的。教师用动作表示喜欢的情感,学生跟读单词。

板书“I like…”出示图片带读like /I like,学生个人,男生,女生,全班读I like T:Good!We can say :拿出足球让喜欢足球的学生踢一下说“I like football.”

4、Drill: I like football.(全班,小组操练)

5、Learn new word: basketball T:I like football.I like basketball, too.教师拿出一个篮球,边玩球边教学生学习新单词basketball。教师播放课件,教读单词。

T: This is a basket.We must throw the ball into the basket.We call it basketball.6、Drill 师生一起做篮球的动作说单词。

教师拿出一个篮球,走下讲台,让学生一边传球一边说单词:basketball。T:I like basketball very much.Do you like basketball? S: I like basketball.操练I like basketball.指名四人分别上台拍篮球说句子I like basketball.7、区别单词:basketball和football T: What‟s the same? What‟s the different? 总结:两个单词的末尾都相同。

8、Learn word: table tennis T:I like small ball.Let‟s listen, what‟s this? 教师播放课件,让学生猜什么运动项目?

T: What‟s this? Listen carefully.S: table tennis T:It‟s table tennis.Do you like basketball.?I like table tennis.教师播放乒乓球课件。

9、Drill.教师拿出乒乓球拍击打乒乓球,边教读单词。(板书:table tennis)教师拿出一个乒乓球,让学生一边传球,一边说单词:table tennis。操练句子:I like table tennis.指名上台打乒乓球:I like table tennis.10、小结



T:Do you like table tennis? I like table tennis very much.Now I want to play basketball.11、Learn sentence: :I don‟t like…

教师拿着篮球转一转说:“Oh, it‟s difficult.I don‟t like basketball.”

12、Learn words: don‟t like

教师带读don‟t,做动作及I don‟t/I don‟t like.师做动作让学生跟读,个别学生表演,各大组表演,全班表演。

13、用I don‟t like 造句。

T:I don‟t like basketball.Can you say some sentences.Ss:I don‟t like…

14、小结:If you like, we use happy face.We say I like…….(出示笑脸表情)If you don‟t like, we use sad face.(出示哭脸表情)



Step 3 Learn the text 1.T:Do you know what happen to Panpan? Let‟s listen.(第一遍听录音.)T: OK, now please listen again with the question: What does Panpan like? Check answer together: Panpan likes morning exercise.2.Learn words: morning exercises.教师带领学生做早操的动作,并且跟读单词。(板书:morning exercises)分音节教授单词exercises 教师与学生一块做操说句子:

1,2,3,4,morning exercises,2,2,3,4,morning exercises,3,2,3,4,morning exercises,4,2,3,4,morning exercises。

T:Oh, You did very good job.We all like morning exercises.We should do morning exercises.It‟s good for you.3.T: Let's read after the CD-ROM and try to imitate the intonation and emotion of Panpan.(Read together and in groups)Step 4 Practice

1、Game.What‟s missing?

2、Role play.T:Now I‟ll give you 2 minutes to read the text with your partner.Then we‟ll have you do role play on the platform.(Pick 3 groups to come to present on the platform)4.T: In our life, we need a healthy body.We should often do morning exercises, Play basketball, play football and table tennis.Life is movement.Step 5 Summary.T: Today we learn some words about sports.Let‟s read together.今天我们学习了四种运动的名称,还学会了用I like…和I don‟t like…来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目,你们都表现得非常棒。关于运动项目,除了我们今天学习的这几种,还有许多,我们将在下节课继续学习。Step 6 Homework.1.Read the text 5 times and prepare for a presentation next class;2.Investigate your family members‟ likes and dislikes and write them down.板书设计:

Module 3 unit 1 I like football.I like /I don't like--football basketball

table tennis

morning exercises

Module 3 Unit2 I don‟t like riding my bikes.教学目标: 知识目标:

(1)掌握有关运动的词汇:swimming, skipping,riding bikes(2)知道字母Ee,Ff,Gg 的写法。

(3)巩固学过的运动词汇:football, basketball, table tennis , morning exercises.(4)巩固学过的句型:“I like … I don‟t like …” 能力目标:

能够使用句型“I like…/I don‟t like…”来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:

1.掌握有关运动的词汇:swimming, skipping 2.能够正确运用句型“I like…”和“I don‟t like…” 教学难点:

能够正确运用句型“I like…”和“I don‟t like…” 教学用具:PPT,CD-ROM,stickers and rope.教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1.Greetings: T:Good morning , boys and girls.Ss: Good morning , Miss W u.T: How are you today?

Ss: I‟m fine, thank you.And you?

T: I‟m great.Thanks a lot.Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.2.Ask and answer教师出示运动图片,进行问答; T: Which sport?

Ss:Football , basketball, table tennis , morning exercises.T:Which sport do you like and don‟t like? Ss:I like.../I don‟t like...Step 2 Lead-in:(1)T:刚才我们复习了四种运动项目,今天我们再来学习三种。(出示一幅swimming的图片,并做动作)。T:I like swimming.Ss: I like swimming./I don‟t like swimming.(学生做动作表达自己的喜恶).(2)出示skipping, riding bikes的图片,教法同上。



Step 3.Learn the new text(1)T: Listen and point.(2)T:Please listen and answer my two questions: Which does the boy like? Which does the girl like?(listen again and ask students to answer the questions)

(3)T: Now we have known their likes and dislikes.Let‟s read after the CD and try to imitate the intonation and emotion.(Read the text together and in groups)Step 4 Practice.1.T: Please read the text in groups then I will ask several groups to read in roles.The groups which read correctly and emotionally can get a star.Do it right now!2.Do Activity Book 1, 2, 4 and ask students to check answers.T: You are so clever!Let‟s read the sentences together!(齐读正确答案的句子)3.Learn the chant I like coffee I like tea.Listen for 3 times and sing it together.Step 5 Summary.T: Let‟s review what we have learnt today.We have learnt….Ss:….T: Yes!Who wants to be a little teacher here?(请一位同学上台当小老师)Step 6 Homework 1.Read the text 5 times and imitate the intonation;2.Tell your parents what sport you like in English.板书设计:

Module3 Unit2 I don‟t like riding my bikes.I don‟t like riding my bike.I like swimming / skipping.I don‟t like skipping / riding my bike.教学反思:


交流的乐趣和愉悦感。培养学生的英语语言运用能力。如游戏“What‟s missing?”、“猜猜是什么运动”等游戏,培养学生的观察想象力,激发学生的发散思维,学生们参与课堂的热情非常高,感受到所学语言的实用价值和交际性。

Module 4 Unit 1

Do you like meat? 教学目标: 知识目标:

1.能听懂、会说、会读单词: meat,noodles,rice,fish,milk,pass,mum 2.能听懂、会说并能够运用重点句型:Do you like meat?

Yes, I do./ No, I don‟t.3.能听懂并会说句型:Pass me the rice, please.Here you are.能力目标:通过学习培养学生的听说能力、语言的运用能力及学习的迁移能力.情感目标:通过完成活动,增强学生的探究、合作、竞争意识;培养学生良好的学习习惯,形成一定的学习策略.教学重点:

1、学习新单词:pass, rice, please, meat, but, noodles, fish, milk

2、学习新语言结构:Do you like meat? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.教学难点:学习句式:Do you like meat? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.教具准备:PPT、word cards、paper, crayons, stickers.教学过程: Step 1.Warming up 1.Greeting

T:Good morning,boys and girls!Ss:Good morning, Ms wu!T:Sit down,please.2.Say a chant T:Let‟s say the chant: I like coffee together!(播放歌曲,全班齐唱,复习like 的用法)Step2.Lead in.1.T:(1)用彩色卡纸或气球引入

Look ,what colour ? yellow, I like yellow.Do you like yellow? 依次引入green, blue.问几个学生。

(2)Lingling and Amy are playing a game,Let's look.学生进入Part one的学习。播放DVD中Part one.第一次听后 问what game?第二次听,说,做。

2.用meat单词卡导入,What's this? Meat.Do you like meat? 导入Module4Unit1 并板书领读课题 Do you like meat? Step 3 Learn the text 1.Learn new words T:Lingling and Amy are hungry, they will go home for dinner.Now let's look :What do they have? 播放CD-ROM,学生看后,教师用头饰逐个问并教单词: Ms Smart-rice Lingling-meat Sam-noodles Amy-meat/fish Tom-milk

操练1:图片闪现食物,让学生快速说单词。操练2:火眼金睛Which word is flying? 学习5个新单词:meat, noodles, rice, fish and milk.(全班齐读,看口型,大小声操练单

词)出示单词图片: please、teacher中ea发音与meat相近,练习读音,师板书,生拼读。2.Present the sentence pattern.T:Do you like meat/ rice…?

Sa:Yes, I do./No,I don‟t(将其中的两张卡片放于作肯定回答的学生处,以便操练Pass me the…,please.这个句子。)3.listen ,point and find: Do you like---?

播放CD-ROM,听后要抽生读出Do you like--?的句子。然后利用课件对句型总结操练,并把句型编成chant:

Do you like meat?

Do you like meat?

Yes ,I do.Yes ,I do.Do you like fish ? Do you like fish ?

No , I don't.No, I don't.4.T: Read after the CD-ROM and try to imitate the intonation and emotion.(全班读,小组读,个别带读)Step 4.Practice 1.Do role play.T:Now I‟ll give you 2 minutes to read the text with your partner.Then we‟ll have you do role play on the platform.(Pick 3 groups to come to present on the platform)2.Do Activity Book 1 and 3,let the students listen for the first time, choose correct answers the second time and check answers together.Step 5 Extension 将学过的动物或运动以图和拼写的形式一一罗列在上面,让学生使用Do you like dog?这样的句子来互相询问,进行调查,如果答案是肯定的,那么应回答Yes, I do.I

like dog.T:Please make a form about your investigation result in groups of 4.If the answer is yes,please tick.If the answer is no,please cross.Choose some groups to present on the platform and give them encourage words and stickers.Step 6 Summary T:Let‟s say the chant we have learnt together!(全班齐读学过的chant复习今天所学的内容)Step 7 Homework 1.Read the text 5 times;2.Make a survey about what your family members likes and dislikes about colors and sports.Make the result on the paper.板书设计:

Module 4 Unit1 Do you like meat? Do you like meat/rice/noodles/fish/milk?

Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.Please pass me the rice.Here you are, mum.Module 4 Unit 2

Does Lingling like oranges? 教学目标


1.全体学生能理解并初步运用does,orange,apple,banana,pear,doesn‟t=does not

2.全体学生能运用Do you like…?Yes,I do./No,I don‟t.来简单谈论自己的喜好并询问和谈论他人的喜好;部分学生能初步运用Does he/she like…?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn‟t.3.能感知包含实义动词的一般疑问句的语音语调.4.学习书写字母:Hh,Ii 技能目标:

1.全体学生能听懂会说Do you like…?Yes,I do./No,I don‟t.2.全体学生能听懂Does he/she like…?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn‟t.情感目标:(1)培养学生的文明礼貌习惯,增进师生间的感情,营造良好的英语学习氛围,以激发学生学习英语的兴趣和对生活的热爱。



1、学习新单词: banana, apple, pear, orange

2、学习句式: Does Lingling like oranges? Yes, she does./No, she doesn‟t.教学难点:助动词do, does及其否定式在句子中的正确运用。教学用具:CD-ROM, PPT, headwear, fruit, stickers and so on.Step 1 Warming up: 1.Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Ms Wu.T: How are you? Ss: I‟m fine,thank you!2.Say the chant.rice, rice, I like rice.Meat, meat, I don‟t like meat.Fish,fish, I like fish.Milk, milk, I don‟t like milk.3.Revision: Read the text of Unit1.T: Please tell me what do Sam, Lingling, Amy and Tom like and dislike.各喜欢什么食物和不喜欢什么食物。Ss:……… Step 2 Presentation

1、教师拿出一个香蕉,请学生品尝一下,T:“What‟s this?” 如果学生不知道如何说,教师读出单词,并板书banana。

2、T:I like bananas.,Do you like bananas? 学生回答后教师板书问句与肯定回答:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do.3、T: Does he/she like bananas? 并启发学生回答Yes, he/she does.(板书并领读)

4、T:Do you like bananas?

Bb: Yes, I do.Sc: No, I don‟t.当得到否定回答之后板书Do you like bananas? No, I don‟t.T:Does he/she like bananas? 并启发学生回答No, he/she doesn‟t.(板书并领读)

5、分别出示banana, apple, pear, orange这些水果的图片或实物,带领学生先读词,后问答Do you like….? Does he/she like…?要求学生根据自己的喜好来回答。Step3 Learn the text

1、提示学生黑板上所写单词banana, apple, pear, orange 为可数名词。在问Do you like….? Does he/she like…?时,一般使用这些单词的复数形式。教师要带领学生练习这些单词的单复数发音。T:Today Daming is making a survey about what Lingling and Sam like and dislike,Let‟s look at the cartoon together.And answer the following questions: Does Sam like bananas? Does Sam like pears?

Does Lingling like oranges? Does Lingling like apples? Check answer together.3.T:Please listen and read after the CD-ROM.(Read together and in groups)Step 4 Practice 1.Do role play.T: Now please read the text by yourselves then I will ask some students to perform on the platform.If you have any questions, lease put up your hands.Choose 3 groups of students to the platform wearing the headwear of the character they play.After their performance, give them praiseful words and stickers.2.T: Please turn to page 25 Play the game.This is a guessing game You can use the sentence pattern: Do you like…? to guess what Sa likes.The faster, the better.(请每位学生想好自己喜欢的水果是什么,上台后,由同学进行猜测,最快猜出答案的同学可得贴纸一张)3.Learn the chant t:Noodles and rice, are very very nice.Teach new words: ginger,spice.T:Let‟s listen the music for the first time.(听chant 感知节奏)Ok,now let‟s read the chant together(跟读chant 内容)Now, please sing with the rhythm.(sing the chant for 3 times and then have a match among groups)Step 5 Extension T:Boys and girls, let‟s look at Activity 3,(Read the sports and food together)Who wants to make a dialogue according to text on the platform?(请两位同学上台表演对话)T:You made a good example!Now please make a dialogue with your partner about their

family members‟ hobbies.(仿照示例调查同伴家庭成员的喜好)Choose some pairs to perform on the platform and give them praiseful words and stickers.Step 6 Summary T:Let‟s read the new words and sentences together!(齐读黑板上的板书)Step 7 Homework 1.Read the text 5 times;2.Do role play with your partner;3.Continue to do the investigation and write it down.板书设计

Module 4 Unit 2

Does Lingling like oranges? Does Lingling like oranges?

banana, apple, pear, orange Yes,she does./ No, she doesn‟t.教学反思:


Module 5 Unit 1She goes to school on Mondays.教学目标 知识目标:

1.理解、识记词汇:goes, go to school, on, Monday, play, phone , on the phone, with, friend, at,home, at home, who, only, year.2.会初步运用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.Does Tom go to school on Mondays.3.让学生初步感知第三人称单数。技能目标:

1.全体学生会听说He/She goes to school on Mondays.2.部分同学能运用所学句型,简单谈论家庭成员的日常活动。情感目标:


理解识记本课单词、短语,会听说并能运用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.教学难点:

1.理解识记本课单词、短语,会听说并能运用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.2.动词单三形式的变化:go—goes, play—plays.教学用具:CD-ROM,PPT,word cards,stickers.教学过程: Step 1.Warm-up 1.Greetings: T:Class begins.Stand up!Ss:Good morning,Ms.Wu.T:Good morning,boys and girls.How are you? Ss:I‟m fine,thank you.And how are you? T:I‟m fine,too.Thank you!2.Chant.T:Now let‟s say a chant together,OK?

Ss:OK!(PPT展示chant 内容)I like coffee.I like tea.I like cats and they like me.I like coffee.I like tea.I don‟t like lions and they don‟t like me.(chant together)Step 2.Lead-in 1.展示足球以及踢足球图片

T:He likes football.He is playing football(加上动作帮助学生理解)T:Do you play football?引出并教学play ,分组读,高低音读,开火车,抽读

2.T:Do you play football on Monday/on Mondays? 引出并教学on Monday/on Mondays(Read together and in groups)引导学生回答:Yes,I do/No,I don‟t.3.T:Do you play football on Mondays? Sa:Yes, I do.Sb:No,I don‟t.T:Do you go to school on Mondays? 教授go to school(搭配上背书包上学动作,让学生加深记忆)Sc:Yes, I do./No,I don‟t.T:Does he/she go to school on Mondays? 引导全班学生回答:Yes,she/he does./No,she/he doesn‟t.Pick up two students and ask them to whisper answers.T:OK.Now only I know the answer, do you want to know? Ss:Yes!T:Ask me with the sentence I taught you.(PPT上有呈现该句子)Ss:Does he/she go to school on Mondays? T:Yes,she/he does./No,she/he doesn‟t.4.(PPT上出现little Tom 照片)T:look ,who‟s that boy?引出并教学who

Does he go to school on Mondays? Ss:No ,he doesn‟t.Step3 Learn the text 1.T: Yes, he doesn‟t go to school on Mondays.Do you know why?(课件示图)Because he‟s only two years old.教学only,two years old(Read together and in groups)T:today we are going to learn Module5 unit1 She goes to school on Mondays.read after me(板书课题)Listen and answer:A.Is Amy at home?(引出at home并教学)

B.Is Sam at home? Look at the cartoon and then choose some students to answer these questions.Who answers right can get a little star.2.Listen,and find „goes,does‟.3.PPT,词卡以及实物新授:phone, on the phone,with, friend.Ms Smart is on the phone with her friend.4.T:Let‟s read after the CD and imitate the intonation and emotion of them.5.T:Stand up and read again.(Read together,read in groups and the best group can get a mark.)Step 4 Practice 1.T: You did a good job!Now I‟ll give you 2 minutes to read the text with your partner.Then we‟ll have you do role play on the platform.(Pick 3 groups to come to present on the platform)T:Wonderful!I think your accent is good,keep it!Here‟s the sticker.(给予上台同学贴纸奖


2.Do Activity book Unit1 练习1 T:Look at the pictures,try to describe their activities in English or in Chinese.(你能不能描述他们的动作?)Ss:......T:OK,now let‟s listen to the CD carefully.(请学生认真完整听一遍)T:This time,please listen and tick the correct answer.Check answers together.T: Let‟s read it together,OK?(全班齐读句子)Step 5 Summary

通过本节课的学习我们知道 Ms Smart的朋友因为在美国,那里可能是周日的晚上,所以才不清楚 Sam, Amy 是否在家。如果大家有兴趣了解更多中外文化的差异,可以回家上网查一查。

Step 6 Homework.1.Read the text twice;2.Search information about culture differences between China and foreign countries.板书设计:

Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays She goes to school on Mondays.Sam goes to school on Mondays too.Module5 Unit2 Does Your Mum Go to Work on Saturdays? 教学目标: 知识目标: 全体学生能初步运用句子:Does your mum /dad go to work on Saturdays? 2 全体学生能初步运用单词及短语: work ,go to work, 部分学生能初步运用单词及短

语:Saturday ,shopping ,go shopping ,dad.3.学习书写字母:Jj,Kk.技能目标:掌握一般疑问句的第三人称单数的句型及回答。情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

教学重点:掌握单词和句子Does she/he.?”及其回答 “Yes, she does/ No, she doesn‟t.” 教学难点:掌握单词和句子Does she/he.?”及其回答 “Yes, she /he does/No, she/he doesn‟t.”

教学用具:CD-ROM, PPT, word cards, headwear, stickers.教学过程:

Step1: Warm up and lead in 1.Greeting T:Class begins.Stand up!Good afternoon,boys and girls!Ss:Good afternoon,Ms.Wu.T:Nice to meet you!Ss:Nice to meet you,too!2.Show pictures of the cat and dog in Unit1 T: Who are they?还记得他们吗?上一单元中,我们看到小猫把小狗惹怒了,今天我们再来看看,小猫和小狗又在干什么。” 播放学生课本Unit 2 活动1 的录音,学生看图,理解语境:Daming和Sam在街上看到小猫和小狗在吃东西,不过这一次小猫没有向小狗问问题,而是在吃了一条鱼之后,又去和小狗抢肉吃,这让Daming和Sam感到非常惊讶。T:Now I‟ll play the cartoon again,please read after the CD and try to imitate the intonation.(Read together)5 T:Who wants to do role play on the platform?(请学生两人一组分角色戴上小猫小狗头饰

表演对话。)T:Great!You did a good job!Here are your stickers!Step 2 Presentation T: Lingling is talking with Amy? What are they talking about? Lingling在和Amy 聊天,她们在聊些什么?Oh, they are talking about Lingling‟s parents‟ weekend plan.原来Lingling在询问 Amy她的父母在周末的活动安排。Today let‟s learn the text and study to introduce and make posters about your family members‟ weekend plan, OK? 现在,让我们一起来学习课文,然后制作介绍自己及家人周末活动的海报吧!Step 3 Learn the text 1.T:(Show a picture of Amy)Who is she? Ss:She is Amy.T:Yes.Does Amy go to school on Mondays?

Sa:Yes,she does.T: Does she go to school on Saturdays? Ss: Yes,she does./No,she doesn‟t.T: No,she doesn‟t.Why?(PPT出示日历,将全部周六圈起,让学生明白Saturday是周六)Read after me.Sa-tur-day(触摸头,肩膀,腰,帮助学生正确读出单词)Ss: Sa-tur-day, Sa-tur-day, Sa-tur-day T:Saturday is coming,I am happy,Saturday!Ss:Saturday!T:Bad weather,I can‟t go out to play.Saturday...Ss:Saturday...T: On Saturday/on Saturdays.Ss:On Saturday/on Saturdays.(Read together and in groups)2.T: Who are they?(展示Amy父母亲照片)They are Amy‟s Mum and Dad.(教授Dad)Does Amy‟s Mum/Dad go to work on Saturdays?(教授go to work)Let‟s listen and find out the answer.播放动画,请学生观看,并推测go to work 的意思。3.T:OK,who can tell me the meaning of “go to work”? Sb:去工作

T:Yes, you are clever!Here is your sticker!Everyone,read after me:work,work,work,go to work.Ss:Work,work,work,go to work.(全班读,开火车读)

T:Good!Now who can answer my questions?Does Amy‟s Mum go to work on Saturdays? Sc:No,she doesn‟t.T:Does Amy‟s Dad go to work on Saturdays? Sd:No,he doesn‟t.T:那么他们的周末做了什么事情呢?Let‟s listen again.(再次播放动画)Check answers together.引出并教授go shopping.4.T: Now we have known the general idea of the text.Let‟s read it after the CD and try to imitate the intonation.(全班跟读)

5.T:Please do read and point.(再次跟读,小组分开读)Step 4.Practice 1.Role play T: Now I‟ll give you 3 minutes to read the text with your partner, then some pairs will be invited to show on the platform.(Choose three groups to present and give them remarkable

words and stickers)I think your accent is very good, you were trying to imitate the intonation.You did a good job!2.Do Activity book Exercise 1 and check answers together.Step 5 Summary Step 6 Homework 1.Read the text 5 times;2.询问同伴及其家人的周末活动。然后将这些照片或图画粘贴在一张白纸上,制作成海报。(四人一组)板书设计: 板书设计

Module5 Unit2 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays? Does she/he go shopping on Saturdays?

Yes,she/he does.play football

No,she/he doesn‟t.play basketball


本课的重点教学能容是学习pear, apple, orange, banana这四个词汇及掌握Do you like„?--Yes, I do./ No, I don‟t.并能在实际生活中会灵活运用这些词汇和句型。单纯的单词教学是很枯燥的,学习起来也很无味,考虑到学生的好奇心及求知欲,我大胆运用洋思中学“先学后教 当堂训练”的教学理念,在课堂上努力为学生营造一个宽松、民主、和谐的学习氛围,设计了不同的教学游戏和操练方法学习本课内容。



Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays? 教学目标 知识目标:

1.能认读,会写单词:play, Sunday,watch,TV,watch TV,sleep 2.能听懂,会读会写句子:What do you do on Sundays? I play football.能力目标:能够用英文询问他人周末的安排,以及描述周末期间经常进行的活动 情感目标:敢于英语进行表达并乐于学习英语。

教学重点:能运用What do you do...?询问对方 做了什么,并回答。


教学用具:CD-ROM,PPT,word cards, two boxes and stickers.教学过程 Step 1.Warming-up 1.Greeting.2.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的Free Talk。Step 2.Presentation 1.教师出示学生周末的活动卡片,例如出示一张学生踢足球的卡片,T: I play…?

S: football.T: Good.Play ,play, play(边打节拍三下), I play football.教师可以以同样的方法(边有节奏地说,边做出相应的动作)和学生一起回顾之前学过的有关活动的动词词组,如:

Go, go, go, I go swimming.Watch, watch, watch,I watch TV.Fly, fly, fly, I fly a kite.Dance, dance, dance, I dance, I dance.Run, run, run, I run, I run.2.教师对学生刚才的表现给以积极的肯定,并询问学生

T: Do you know what Daming and Sam do at the weekend?

T: Do Daming and Sam go swimming / play basketball / play ping pong?




5.老师认为学生理解和掌握了生词之后,再放录音,每句后停顿,学生跟读.6.教师让学生分成小组进行课本剧表演,最后鼓励学生到台前汇报演出,对踊跃参与和表现优秀的同学要发送小礼物表示奖励。Step3.Practice 教师和学生一起做游戏“趣味组句子”

教师准备两个盒子,一个盒子里装有表示活动的卡片,如踢足球,看电视,游泳等,另一个盒子里装有表示活动地点的卡片,如家,公园等。请两名学生到讲台前来,这时全班学生问:“What do you do at the weekend?”其中一名学生从盒子里抽出一张卡片,看图回答问题。如果他抽出的是一张踢足球的卡片,则回答:“I play football.”全班同学继续问:“Where do you play football?”于是另一名学生从第二个盒子里抽出一张卡片,看图回答问题。如果图片上画的是公园,则回答:“In the park.”接下来让全班学生将他们的回答连成一句话并读出来:“I play football in the park.”并请这两位同学一起表演出在公园里踢足球的动作。Step4.Summary T:Let‟s review what we have learned today.Step5.Homework 课下和小伙伴一起采访调查家庭成员或同学在周末的活动,并评价谁的周末最有益。板书设计:

Module 6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays? What do you do on Sundays? I play football.watch TV

in the morning sleep

in the afternoon

Module6Unit 2 What does she have at school? 教学目标:

知识目标:1.单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has

2.句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has …

3.学习歌曲We like school.能力目标:1.能听说读写单词: today music Art PE.2.能灵活运用所学句型进行对话: 情感目标:激发学生对英语的兴趣并且乐意开口。教学重点:

1.单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has 2.句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has … 3.学习字母Ll, Mm, Nn 教学难点:

主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化。教学用具:PPT,CD-ROM, word cards and stickers.教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting 2.T: Let‟s sing the ABC song!3.Revision 复习上一节课学过的单词。T: What do you have at school? Ss: I have Music, Art and PE.T: What does she have at the school? 引导学生说:

She has Music Art and PE.板书句子,以及教读句子。(全班读,小组读,个人读)

T:OK.now, allthe studentread these sentences together very good.T: First group read the new sentences.The second , the third , the fouth… T: Who wants to read the new sentence ? 4.呈现新知识。1)

①教师出示 Ling Ling 的图片边说:“ I gong swimming at the weekend.How about Lingling ? What does she do at the weekend ? ”

引导学生回答:“ She _____ at the weekend.”

Does she play football at the weekend ? 帮助学生回答 : —Yes , she does.—No, she doesn‟t

同时引导学生使用完整句子回答:She plays football at the weekend.然后学生两人一组进行回答,操练句型。

②.教师把挂图贴在黑板上,听录音机,跟读句子,跟读课文。听一遍时老师提出一些问题: What does Lingling have at school today ? What does she do at the weekend ? 请学生带着问题听录音,并且跟读。第三遍时,请同学边看边读画出新单词,试着找答案,最后让学生分角色表演课文。2).歌曲练习

① 先熟悉歌词的曲调,教师教读歌词。② 教师教唱,学生跟唱。

③ 待学生熟悉后请学生边表演边唱。(全班唱,小组唱,个人唱)。


T: Who can tell me :What do you want to do on weekends ? S1: I watch TV.S2: I play basketball.S3: I play the computer.S4: I do my homework.T: How wonderful your weekends!What does Ling ling do at the weekend ? Ss: She plays basketball/goes swimming/watches TV and sleeps.5.小结

1)全班齐读课文句子。2)sing the new song.6.作业










Module 7 Seanson Unit 1 We fly kites in spring

一、教学内容:新标准英语三年级起点第二册Module7 Unit1 We have a big family dinner.二、教学目标:

知识目标:让学生学会在过春节时用学到的句子互相问候及介绍自己怎样过春节,在春节中吃什么,玩什么。Happy New Year!At Spring Festival, we have … 能力目标:学会和别人交流节日盛况。


三、教学重难点:At Spring Festival, we have …







1.Warm-up: Say a chant.(教师和学生一块说唱并伴有动作,调动学生的情绪,使他们积极地投入到学习中来。)小组评价。2.New Words

T: Let‟s play a game,OK? Look at the pictures.Read it please.(学生齐读,分行读)Now close your eyes.Please open your eyes.What‟s missing? Very good!Follow me, please.Peanuts.(男生、女生分读,齐读)Please close your eyes.Now open.What‟s showing up? Great!Follow me.Family.(男生、女生分读,one by one)同样的方式多练习几组单词,让学生在快乐的游戏活动中学会新单词。出示单词幻灯片,进行直观记忆。采取小组读,单个读,分行读,男、女读,开火车读,全体读等多种多样的方式,让学生读会,牢固地掌握。及时给予小组评价。3.Sentences: 我出示实物,拿苹果,说句子,让学生跟读。At Spring Festival, we have apples.Yes?(板书句子)我再拿花生,引导学生说句子。At Spring Festival, we have peanuts.我接着拿橘子,点名让学生说句子,及时奖励小贴画,激发学生的学习热情。我再拿别的东西:梨、糖果等,让学生说出句子,并在此过程中纠正学生的发音问题。尽量让每个小组的成员都能参与进来,恰当地运用小组评价,形成竞争学习的画面。小组内两人一组练习说句子。



小组内分角色朗读,充分掌握课文句子。学会用英语交流。5.Activity 3.40

学生利用活动3的图片进行练习,巩固课文重点句子。教师及时给小组评价,看哪一组练习的认真。6.Game: Magic box.我利用幻灯片设计了一个“魔力宝盒”的游戏。学生任选一个字母,看一看,宝盒给同学们准备了什么样的礼物过节。比一比,谁的手气好。点击宝盒的字母后,你将得到一份礼物,而且要用本课的句子At Spring Festival, we have…把你得到的礼物介绍给大家,让大家分享你的快乐。说得好的同学可以给小组加分。老师及时进行小组评价。7.Activity book.Do exercises.8.Sum-up.Everybody is the best.给优胜组发奖品。9.Homework.课后,收集有关其他节日的图画或照片,了解风俗习惯,介绍给同学听。

Unit2 It’s warm today.教学目标:


A.单词:Christmas,England, sing, tree, present B.句子:We sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.C.歌曲:We wish you‟re a merry Christmas.D.字母Oo, Pp, Qq的读音和书写。


A.句子:We sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.We have presents.B.自主介绍圣诞节。

C.演唱歌曲We wish you‟re a merry Christmas.D.掌握字母Oo, Pp, Qq的读音和书写。辅助资源:

录音机、磁带、配套图片。教学过程: I.Warming up:

全班一起唱歌:Happy New Year!.II.Revision:

1.问学生中国最热闹的节日是什么节日?学生答Spring Festival.2.教师提问What do you do at Spring Festival? What do you eat at Spring Festival? 3.听第一单元课文录音。III.Presentation: A 1.教师说Spring Festival is the most import festival in China.What‟s the most important festival in England? 启发学生回答Christmas,然后教师领读单词Christmas。

板书课题We have Christmas in England.学生读出课题。2.教师问What do people do at Christmas? Let‟s listen.42


3.让学生指第一幅图听录音的第一句话,然后问What do people do? 学生答They sing songs.教师再接着问What songs do they sing? 请会唱圣诞歌的同学唱歌。4.教师再放录音,请学生听第二个句子。听后教师指着第二幅图问What‟s this?学生回答后,教师领读Christmas tree.5.教师接着放录音,再指第三幅图上的礼物说What are they? 学生回答后,教师领读present,并说明复数应读presents.并指图说They have presents at Christmas.6.请学生听最后一句后问What do they have? 学生回答They have peanuts and sweets.7.教师说词组(sing songs, Christmas tree, presents, peanuts and sweets),学生指向正确的图。

教师说Picture 1/2/3/4,学生则说出相应的句子。8.听录音,重复。


9.学生两人一组指图说圣诞节习俗和活动。如指第一幅图说They sing songs at Christmas.B 1.问学生是否还知道其它的西方节日,请知道的同学向大家做介绍。

2.向学生介绍一些西方节日,如Halloween, Easter等,并请学生谈一谈What do people do then? What do people eat then? C.Songs:


请学生看书上插图,说出歌词周围的物品和人物,包括Star, trumpet, snowman, Santa Clause, Christmas tree, toy duck,moon。学生分句读歌词,教师解释kin为family的意思。3.放录音,在每一句歌词后停顿,学生跟唱。








告诉学生一起看一个以字母Jj开头的单词。用单词卡片出示orange请学生读出。告诉学生Oo for orange。

3.以同样方式学习字母Pp, Qq, 告诉学生Pp for panda.Qq for question.4.教师请学生从Aa说到Qq,巩固已学过的字母。IV.Practice:

1.学生三人一组,一人说It‟s Chinese New Year/Christmas today!另两人则相应说Happy New Year/Happy Christmas!2.做学生活动用书。




1.请学生自己总结What have we learned today?。



1.合理安排教学内容。先对图片描述来复习spring, summer, autumn, winter这四个季节,最后再加上动作fly kites, go swimming, play football, go skating,将教学内容由易而难,各个击破。





2.词组fly kites, go swimming, play football, go skating虽有放在句子中教授,与句子

We____ in____很好地结合起来,但没有对这个句型进行操练,导致最后学生不能熟练地输出。


Module8 Seasons and Weather Unit1 It‟s hot in summer.教学目标:

1.学习的词汇有:spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cool,cold; 2.句型有:It's...in...3.认识了四个季节以及相关的活动 教学重点、难点:




Step 1: Warming-up(1)师生互相打招呼问候。老师做动作让学生猜:fly a kite,go swimming,play

football,play table tennis(2)播放英文歌曲,调动学生学习新课文的积极情绪,创造快乐学习英语的氛围。Step 2: Introduction

老师问学生:How many seasons are there in a year?(一年有多少个季节?),然后展示春夏秋冬四季的图片,并把四个单词写在黑板上,边指图片边说:“It‟s spring/summer/autumn/winter.”有意识地引导学生重复四季的单词,并纠正其发音。老师领读新单词,引出本模块的内容。Step 3:Presentation(1)老师指着春天的图片说:“It‟s spring.It‟s warm in spring.”老师模仿动作表现出很暖和的样子,教授新单词“warm”.接着问学生:“What do we do in spring?”老师边模仿放风筝的动作,边在黑板上写词组“fly kites”,让学生跟读,然后以同样的方法教授新单词“hot,cool,cold”.(2)老师播放录音,让学生听录音试着理解课文内容。在播放第二遍录音前向学生提出问题:“What do we do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”让学生带着问题听录音,试着找出具体答案。再放录音,每句话后停顿,请学生模仿并跟读课文。然后让学生以小组为单位读课文并鼓励学生把课文表演出来。Step4: Practise

让学生分组练习描述四季,四季的气候以及相关的活动。Step5: Homework(1)朗读课文并试着背诵课文。

(2)观看电视天气预报节目,并试着用英语向家人介绍天气状况。Step6: 板书设计

spring---warm---fly kites


autumn---cool---play football

winter---cold---watch TV and play table tennis

Unit2 It‟s hot and sunny today.一、教学目标:

1.能会说、认读单词:sunny/windy/rain/snow, sping/warm summer/hot autumn/cool winter/cold;

2.能用It is … today.描述天气;It is … in sping.描述季节天气特征;We …in sping.介绍简单的季节活动。

3.词汇:sunny snowy windy rainy 主要句型:It‟s sunny/snowy/windy/rainy.4.表演唱歌曲:Rain,rain,go away.5.能用恰当的形容词介绍天气;





1、单词的发音和认读: sunny/windy/rain/snow

2、句型: It‟s windy/sunny/raining/snowing today.48

3、使用What do you do in summer(winter, etc)?进行询问。



五、教学过程: Step1 Warming up 四季欣赏:复习sunny/windy/rain/snow,为下面的环节的进行做好知识与情感的铺垫;欣赏四季美景,激发对大自然的向往和热爱之情。



对当天的天气情况作一下描述,It‟s today, but it‟s… 然后对课文中的四副图做一下观察。





1.出示几张关于天气的图片,比如:raining ,windy, snowing, sunny,认读并记忆这些词。可以画出一些图示来表示这些词。2.用以下几种方法进行操练:



(四)探究、感知课文 活动1:Listen and point.1.听录音,指向正确的图。




5.小组内两人一小组,各选一副图进行描述,比一比谁描述的准确。活动2:Point and say.1.老师随便说出一副图里的句子,请学生说出季节。2.小组内互相练习。


4.找一个组内两名学生起来,一个说气候和天气,一个说出对应的季节。多练习几组。活动5:Colour game.1.请学生认真观察并记住四副图中分别代表四季的人物有什么特点。小组内进行讨论交流。

2.老师先来做个示范,随便说出两种颜色,让学生来猜是哪个季节。示意学生用 Is it … ?来猜,用 Yes, it is..或 No, it is‟t.来回答。3.小组练习。

4.最后请一组的学生上台表演,其他小组进行评论。歌曲学习:Rain, Rain, Go Away 1.领读歌曲题目。2.告诉学生歌词大意。

第三篇:外研社三年级英语下册Its red

Module 4 Colours Unit 1 It’s red.一、Teaching background: Teaching material:

New Standard English Book 1 Module 4 Colours Unit 1 It’s red.Grade:The students of Grade 3 Class hour:A class hour

二、Teaching aims:

1、Knowledge aims:(1)To listen, read and say “red, yellow, green, blue, black and chameleon”.(2)To describe the colors of something with “It’s…”.2、Ability aims:(1)Ss can use the color words exactly.(2)Ss are able to describe the colors in their lives freely.3、Emotional aims:(1)Let the students love the colours around them.(2)To develop their interest in English.三、Important points and Difficult points

1、Important points:(1)Listen, read and say: red, yellow, green, blue and black.(2)To describe the colours with “It’s…”.(3)To develop students’ interest in English.2、Difficult points:(1)The pronunciation of “green and chameleon”.(2)The intonation of the sentence: “Now, It’s red, blue, green, and yellow.” 四:Teaching procedure Step1:Warm-up 1.Greetings 2.Sing a song “Good morning, Sam” Step2:Lead-in T: Now let’s enjoy a video and what can you see from the video? T: What can you see?(你们看到了什么呢)Ss: 变色龙。(引出变色龙,感知chameleon,拍手有节奏地教授chameleon)T: Chameleon 有什么特征呢? Ss: 会变很多种颜色。Step3:Presentation T:(出示各种颜色变色龙)Yes, chameleon has so many colors.,它会随着背景颜色的不同、环境的变化而改变颜色(出示各种颜色变色龙,并以此进行分组评价)T: Team A is red chameleon, Team B is blue chameleon, Team C is yellow chameleon and Team D is green chameleon.这节课呢,哪种颜色变色龙表现最棒,得到的变色龙就越多哦!

T:Today our new friend Panpan will take us to go to the chameleon world.今天我们的新朋友panpan将带我们走进变色龙多彩的世界。Step4: Text-learning

1、T: Now please open your books to page 20.Let’s watch the video and answer: How many colors dose chameleon have?(让我们一起去看看变色龙变出几种颜色吧?)Ss: 红色,蓝色、、、T:(再次播放变出红色的视频)第一次变出什么颜色呢? Ss:红色。

T:Yes, it’s red.(引出课题 It’s red.)Today we are going to learn Module4 Unit1 It’s red.(板书)操练:(PPT分别出示红苹果,葫芦娃,红旗)T: What color? Ss: It’s red.2、T:接下来变色龙又变出什么颜色呢?(播放课本视频,引出蓝色,并感知now)Ss: 蓝色。

T:(教授blue)板书 It’s blue.操练:(PPT出示蓝色哆啦A梦)T: What color? Ss: It’s blue.3、T: 现在让我们再来看看变色龙又变出什么颜色来呢?(播放课本视频,引出黄色)教授yellow 操练:(PPT出示海绵宝宝,香蕉)T: What color? Ss: It’s yellow.4、复习三个颜色并操练:快闪单词卡片

5、T:变色龙已经变出了三个颜色了,你们想不想知道变色龙又要变出什么颜色呢?(播放课本视频,引出绿色)Ss: 绿色

操练:(PPT出示西瓜)T: What color? Ss: It’s green.6、(PPT出示红绿灯)操练red, green, yellow T:(情感态度价值观教育)同学们,我们要遵守交通规则,遇到红绿灯的时候应该怎么办呢? 红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯亮了等一等。

7、你们猜猜,现在变色龙会变出什么颜色呢?(播放课本视频,引出黑色)教授black 操练:(PPT出示黑葡萄,黑猫警长)T: What color? Ss: It’s black.8、T:同学们,你们知不知道变色龙还会同时变出好多种颜色,你们想不想看一看呢?


9、Listen and repeat T: Point and read after me.(指读)

Step5: Practice T: Now let’s enjoy a magic show.(PPT制作magic show)T:(利用手摇白色水瓶,水瓶变成别的颜色)T: What color? Ss: It’s … 请同学们来变魔术 Step6: Summary1、2、T:Today what have we learnt? Let’s say a chant.Red, red, it’s red.Blue, blue, it’s blue.Yellow, yellow, it’s yellow.Green, green, it’s green.Black, black, it’s black.Step7: Homework 画一只变色龙,并涂上自己喜欢的颜色。



动物:monkey, lion, tiger, elephant(猴子,狮子,老虎,大象)

日常活动:ride, go to school, play, go to work, go shopping, watch TV, go fishing, walk, sleep(骑,去上学,玩耍,去工作,去购物,看电视,去钓鱼,散步,睡觉)

季节:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter(春天,夏天,秋天的季节,冬季)

天气:nice, warm, hot, cold, cool, sunny, windy, snow, rain(好的,温暖的,热,冷,冷,阳光,风,雪,雨)

食物和饮料:meat, rice, noodles, fish, milk, orange, apple, banana, pear(肉,大米,面条,鱼,牛奶,橙汁,苹果,香蕉,梨)

课程:Music, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Science(语文,数学,音乐,艺术,体育,科学)



----What’s your favourite +名词?----It’s +喜欢的事物。/My favourite +名词+ is +喜欢的事物。

例句: What’s your favourite song?(你特别喜欢的歌曲是什么?)

My favourite song is the ABC song./ It’s the ABC song.(我喜欢的歌曲是ABC歌。)


----What’s this?----It’s a/an +动物名。

----What are they?----They’re +动物复数。

例句:What’s this ?(这是什么?)It’s a panda.(它是熊猫。)

What are they? They are tigers.(他们是什么?他们是老虎。)

3、描述自己的喜好:I like +….I don’t like + ….4、确认对方喜欢的食物/饮料:Do you like + …?----Yes, I do./No, I don’t.5、确认第三人称单数喜欢的食物/饮料:Does +she/he +like…?----Yes, she(he)does./No, she(he)doesn’t.6、描述某人的日常行为:主语+动词原型/动词第三人称单数(she/he)+其他。

例句:I get up at seven o’clock.(我在七点起床。)She goes swimming.(她去游泳)

7、询问对方的日常行为:----What do/does + 主语 + do + 时间?

例句:What doyou do at the weekend?Igoswimming.(What does she do at the weekend?Shegoesswimming.8、描述季节和天气:It’s + 表示天气的形容词 + in + 季节。

例句:It’s warm in spring.(春天里天气温暖。)It’s hot in summer.(夏天很热。)

It’s cool in autumn.(秋天天气凉爽。)It’s cold in winter.(冬天寒冷。)

9、询问位置:----Where is + 物品?----It’s + in/on/under/behind the+物品。

10、描述某人有某物:主语+ have/has got+ 某物。

11、描述某人没有某物:主语+ haven’t/hasn’t got+ 某物。

12、确认他人是否有某物:--Have you got a +物品?--Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.例句:Have you got a new book?Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.(你有一本新书吗?是的,我有。不,我没有。)

--Has she/he got a +物品?--Yes, she/he has.No, she/he hasn’t.例句: Has she got a bike?Yes, she has.No, she hasn’t.(她有一个自行车吗?是的,她有。不,她没有。)


Module 5 Unit 1 How many ?






(1)听懂,会读,会说one,two,three,four,five这五个数字。(2)能用“How many?”询问事物的数量。



1.听懂,会读,会说one,two,three,four,five这五个数字。2.学习运用How many?询问事物的数量。





师生相互打招呼,教师向多名学生用Good morning!How are you?打招呼,对此语句进行复习.2.导入:

四只小兔子跳进教室,带来单词卡one、two、three、four。T:小兔子们,你们怎么来了啊? R: 有一位魔术师让我们来的。

T:哦,你们是帮忙送台词的吧。Thank you。3.呈现:


T:Panpan真厉害,小朋友们,你们想想盼盼一样变魔术吗? S:想。



a.three:three的正确发音,尤其注意th/θ/的发音。(像小蛇吐舌头)b.five:five的正确发音,尤其注意v/ν/,利用give me five练习five。

(3)展示图片三只鸭子,五条小鱼,教读“How many?”,让学生数数回答,猜测句子含义。

(4)guessing:利用图片,对“How many?”及其回答进行练习。T:盼盼把他的魔术袋子借给了我,我们一起来练习练习吧!4.练习



(1)magic ears:闭上眼睛,听老师拍手掌,老师拍了多少次手掌就说相应的数字。(让学生用英语数数以及说数字)

(2)lucky bin:要求学生用英语说出指针知道的数字,检验学生的认读。(3)天才数学家 5.合作探究



T:小朋友们,为了学习变魔术你学到了什么呢? 1.开火车。用我们学习的内容练习一下开火车吧。

2.Magic eye。用最快的速度说出你看到的单词。检验学生认读情况。板书设计

Module5 numbers Unit1 How many?

one two

three four five



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