2017冀教版九年级英语UNIT 1 教案(推荐阅读)

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第一篇:2017冀教版九年级英语UNIT 1 教案

第一课时 Lesson 1 What’s Wrong,Danny?

1.记忆单词stomach,regret,fever,pale,examination,pain,pardon,X-ray;短语和句型: regret doing…,get/have a(high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。

2.掌握重点句型:I don’t feel well.You look pale.You’ll be all right.How are you feeling?I regret eating so many donuts now.You’ve got a high fever,son.Danny’s father gets dressed quickly.I’ve got a pain here.We may need to take an X-ray.3.能够听懂用情态动词should来讲述句子,并掌握询问“生病”的重要交际用语。





3.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:wake up,hurt,should,need,regret,get dressed。

1.能够正确应用词汇regret,stomach,fever,examination,pale,pain,X-ray,掌握重点短语regret doing…,get/have a(high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。

2.能准确应用句型I don’t feel well.You look pale.You’ll be all right.How are you feeling?并运用这些句型听懂课后的听力材料。

StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】

T:Hello,boys and girls.Now you are the ninth graders.Congratulations to you and I will be with you to achieve a great success this year!This week we will learn Unit 1 Stay Healthy.Staying healthy is not only about our physical bodies,it’s also important to exercise our brains by having hobbies and good habits.Today we’ll learn Lesson 1 What’s Wrong,Danny?

Show the Think About It questions at the top of Lesson 1 on PPT and help the students talk about them.T:When you don’t feel well,what do you usually do? S1:I stay in bed and have a rest.S2:I drink some hot tea with honey or sugar.S3:I take some medicine.S4:I usually tell my parents and ask them to take me to the hospital.…

T:When you don’t feel well,it’s nice to have someone who can take care of you.My husband takes care of me when I’m sick.But if you get really sick,your family members can’t help you.When you get really sick,you should go to the hospital and see a doctor.What does the doctor do? Ss:The doctor checks you,and then gives you medicine to make you feel better.T:That’s right.What is the worst illness you’ve ever had? S1:The worst illness I’ve ever had was the chicken pox.I was very weak and I had a very high fever.My skin was itchy and I always felt tired.T:I see.Did you go to the doctor?How did the doctor help you? S1:The doctor checked my fever and gave me a blood test.And then he gave me some medicine.It helped me get better.T:That’s good.What about you? S2:Pneumonia.T:How did you recover from your illness? S2:I stayed in hospital for several days.Thanks to the doctors and nurses,I soon recovered from my illness.T:That’s good.Can you guess what happens in this lesson? S3:Danny doesn’t feel well so his parents take him to the doctor.T:I think you’re right.Let’s read and find out.[设计意图] 教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,从而调动了学生们的学习积极性,参与课堂教学活动的热情。

Leading in 【情景2】

1.T:Hello,boys and girls.Now you are the ninth graders.Congratulations to you and I will be with you to achieve a great success this year!We all have experiences about being sick.If you are sick,what do you usually do? S1:I stay in bed.S2:I drink hot tea.S3:I go to the hospital.…

2.Get the students to look at the picture on PPT.Show students the following picture.Divide students into small groups(4~6 students a group).Ask these groups to discuss the following questions on PPT.•Can you guess what is happening? •What can the doctor be saying? •What can the patient be saying? •If you don’t feel well,what should you do? •What is the worst illness you have ever had? Suggested answers: •A girl is ill.The doctor is looking over the patient.•The doctor may be saying: What’s wrong with you? Have you taken your temperature today? Do you have a fever? Did you have anything to eat?What did you eat? Don’t worry.There’s nothing serious.•The patient may be saying: My stomach hurts.I can’t sleep well all night.I have taken my temperature and the temperature is…

Yes,I ate ten donuts for dessert.I don’t want to eat anything.•If I don’t feel well,my father will take me to see a doctor.•The answer is various.[设计意图] 通过PPT课件和图片提示,努力创造更加真实的语言交际情景,让学生围绕本单元的中心话题“看病”进行学习和知识积累,学习运用目标语言知识。StepⅡ.Presentation Read the text and find out some key phrases and sentences.Key phrases: •wake up •sit up •all right •get dressed •have a fever Key sentences: •I don’t feel well.•I regret eating so many donuts now.•My stomach has never hurt this much before.•You are sick,aren’t you? •Danny’s father gets dressed quickly.•He points to the right side of his stomach.☆教材解读☆

1.It’s 3:00 a.m.Danny wakes up his parents.wake up醒来,把某人吵醒,叫醒,是由“动词+副词”构成的动副短语。当其宾语是名词时,名词既可以放在wake与up中间,也可以放在wake up的后面;但当宾语是代词时,代词只能放在wake up中间。

Please wake her up!请把她叫醒!Wake up your sister.=Wake your sister up.叫醒你妹妹。

2.What’s wrong,Danny? What’s wrong?意为“怎么了?”,常用来询问别人发生了什么事情。

【拓展】(1)表示“……怎么了/出什么事了?”还可用:What’s the matter/trouble(with…)?或What’s…trouble?(2)Something is wrong with…相当于There is something wrong with…,表示“……出了毛病”。

3.I don’t feel well.◆本句表示“我感觉不舒服”,常用一般现在时和现在进行时两种时态。


4.I regret eating so many donuts now.regret既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“遗憾,后悔,懊悔,惋惜”。regret doing sth.表示“后悔做了某事”,指对做过的事情感到遗憾、后悔。regret to do sth.表示“对要做某事表示遗憾”。

I regretted to tell him that he had been dismissed.To my surprise,he said to me,“I have no regrets.I only regret having taken the wrong job.”我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。使我惊奇的是,他对我说:“我没有任何遗憾。我唯一后悔的是选错了工作。”

5.My stomach has never hurt this much before.◆本句中的this为副词,经常用于口语中,意为“到此程度,如此”。此处可用so来代替this。






(6)某人+have/has+a+pain+in one’s+身体部位。

(7)There is something wrong with one’s+身体部位。

6.You are sick,aren’t you? 本句是一个反意疑问句。反意疑问句通常由一个陈述句和一个简短的疑问句组成。当陈述句为肯定句时,疑问句为否定;当陈述句为否定句时,疑问句为肯定。

7.Danny’s father gets dressed quickly.get dressed穿衣服,指给自己穿衣服,get undressed脱下衣服。

8.He points to the right side of his stomach.point to为固定短语,意为“指向,指着”,to是介词,着重于指的方向。

【拓展】(1)point at指着,at是介词,着重于指的对象。

(2)point out指出,out是副词,指给某人指出方向、要点、错误等。

[设计意图] 教师引导学生找出本课的重点短语和句型,进行讲解,扫清了学生理解文章的障碍。StepⅢ.Reading 1.Read the text.Ask one student at a time to read a part of the dialogue.Monitor the students’ pronunciation and comprehension.2.Show Let’s Do It!No.1 the four questions on PPT.Ask students to read the text again and answer the questions.(1)Why does Danny wake up his parents early in the morning?(2)What does Danny regret doing?(3)How do they get to the hospital?(4)What does Dr.Ling ask Danny to do? 【Keys】(1)Because he doesn’t feel well.His stomach hurts.(2)He regrets eating so many donuts.(3)They drive to the hospital.(4)Dr.Ling asks Danny to stay in the hospital.[设计意图] 通过学生们反复朗读课文,加强学生们的记忆,同时也锻炼学生们的口语表达能力。StepⅣ.Listening 1.Show Let’s Do It!No.2 on PPT.Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answers.(1)What’s wrong with the woman?

She has a high fever.She has a cold.(2)Did the medicine help her get well?

Yes,it did.No,it didn’t.(3)What advice did the man give to the woman?

She should go to see the doctor.She should try other medicine.【Keys】(1)She has a cold.(2)No,it didn’t.(3)She should go to see the doctor.2.Play the audiotape for Lesson 1.Play it once and ask the students just to listen.3.Play the audiotape a second time and ask the students to answer the questions.4.Check the answers.[设计意图] 学生反复听磁带并跟读。第一次听,要求大概理解对话的意思。第二次听,改为一句一句听,仔细听出每句的内容,并完成问题,通过反复听磁带并跟读培养学生们的听说能力。

StepⅤ.Pair Work:Let’s Do It!No.4 1.Divide students into small groups(4~6 students a group).Ask them to make up some dialogues of their own.The dialogue must be about the stories in the hospital.This is a good time for students to use their imagination.The teacher can help students prepare something that is useful in the action.Give them some useful sentences: Doctor:What is wrong with you?/What is the matter? How are you feeling now? Have you taken your temperature? Did you eat anything this morning? Don’t worry.There is nothing serious.You will be all right soon.Take this medicine three times a day.Drink more water and you had better stay in bed.Eat more fruit and vegetables.Don’t eat too much meat.Patient:I have got a headache/toothache/stomachache/cold/fever and so on.I can’t sleep well these days.I don’t want to eat anything.2.Ask each pair to present their dialogues in front of the class.[设计意图] 教师创设情景让学生们做对话,能够吸引学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,并且在对话中巩固了本课所学的一些词组和词的用法。StepⅥ.Practice Ⅰ.Complete Let’s Do It!No.3.Students do the exercise independently,and then check the answers in groups.Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词

1.If you eat some bad food,your s

will hurt.2.Danny has a cold today.He has a high f

.3.The doctor took me to an e

room.4.There is no colour in the boy’s face and he looks p

.5.You’d better take an X

so the doctor can see your problem with the clear picture.Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我妈妈每天早晨叫醒我,我感到很幸福。

My mother

every morning and I

very happy.2.我的胃以前从没这样疼过。

My stomach







for a week.5.丹尼,你怎么了?

,Danny? 【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.colour 2.clear 3.stupid 4.couldn’t Ⅱ.1.stomach 2.fever 3.examination 4.pale 5.X-ray Ⅲ.1.wakes me up,feel 2.has,hurt so much before 3.have got,bad cold 4.has been ill/sick 5.What’s wrong [设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的情感。StepⅦ.Summary In this class,we’ve learnt something about seeing a doctor.Also,we have learnt some key expressions and sentences.[设计意图] 给学生以总结,让学生明确这节课的学习内容。StepⅧ.Homework 1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.2.Preview the next lesson in the student’s book.[设计意图] 让学生通过习题巩固本节课内容,并提前做好预习。

Lesson 1:What’s Wrong,Danny?

Main phrases:

Main sentences: wake up

I don’t feel well.sit up

You look pale.get dressed

You’ll be all right.feel well

How are you feeling? 第二课时 Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist

1.记忆单词dentist,refuse,toothache,rotten,fortunately,headset,aching,German,wolf;短语go to the dentist,have no choice but to…,right away。

2.掌握重点句型:I’m really afraid of going to the dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry.Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.3.能够正确运用情态动词should来讲述句子。



2.掌握重点短语:be afraid of…,need to do…,have no choice but to do…,dress in,on the way to。

3.掌握重点句型:It was difficult to do…,I’m really afraid of going to the dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.1.能够正确应用词汇dentist,refuse,toothache,fortunately,German,wolf;掌握重点短语go to the dentist,have no choice but to…,right away。

2.能正确应用句型I’m really afraid of going to the dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.并运用这些句型听懂课后的听力材料。思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语的第二课,主要以“我”去看牙医来引出话题,描述了“我”在牙医诊所的所见、所闻、所感。设计一系列与本课相关的问题来导入新课,例如:Have you ever had a toothache?How do you take care of your teeth?以学生感兴趣的话题开篇,培养学生的学习兴趣。让学生在轻松的环境中尽可能多地学到知识。



StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Let’s get started with today’s lesson.Show the Think About It questions at the top of Lesson 2 on PPT and help the students talk about them.T:Have you ever had a toothache? Ss:Yes,I have.T:What do you do when you have a toothache? Ss:I go to see the dentist.T:Oh,today we’ll learn Lesson 2,A Visit to the Dentist.This text talks about toothache and the dentist.[设计意图] 教师用学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,吸引学生的兴趣,调动学生参与课堂教学活动的热情。

Leading in 【情景2】

Get the students to look at the picture on PPT.Show students the following picture.T:Can you guess what is happening? S1:A boy is ill.The dentist is looking over the boy’s teeth.S2:A dentist is fixing the boy’s tooth.…

[设计意图] 通过PPT课件中的图片提示,引出本课的话题“看牙医”,努力营造更加真实的语言交际情景。StepⅡ.Presentation 1.Ask one student to read the title of Lesson 2(A Visit to the Dentist)and discuss the Learning Tip.T:What does a dentist do? Ss:A dentist checks your teeth.T:Right.A dentist is one kind of doctor.There are many different kinds of doctors.Can you name some different kinds of doctors and what they do?(Students may answer this question in Chinese.)S1:A veterinarian is an animal doctor.They take care of animals.S2:An optometrist is an eye doctor.They take care of people’s eyes.…

[设计意图] 让学生了解不同的医生具有不同的职责,从而区分各自的任务。

2.The teacher lets students read the text by themselves first,and then gives the students several minutes to find out some key phrases and sentences in the text.Key phrases: •be afraid of…

•need to do…

•have no choice but to do…

•dress in •on the way to…

Key sentences: •I don’t know why,but I have had this fear since I was very young.•I had no choice but to go with her.•My tooth did not hurt at all.•It can be used to address doctors such as dentists,surgeons,physicians and some professors.•Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.☆教材解读☆

1.I’m really afraid of going to the dentist.be afraid of害怕……,后跟名词、代词或动名词,表示害怕会发生某事或某情况,相当于be scared of。

I’m afraid of going out at night.我害怕晚上外出。

【拓展】(1)be afraid to do sth.表示“因害怕而不敢做某事”。

He is afraid to go out alone at night.他不敢晚上一个人出去。

(2)“I’m afraid+从句”表示“我恐怕……”,常用来表达不愿发生的事情。

I’m afraid I can’t go there with you.我恐怕不能和你一起去那儿。

2.I don’t know why,but I have had this fear since I was very young.since为连词,意为“自从……以来”,与现在完成时连用,其后可跟句子,也可跟“时间段+ago”。

I have worked here since two years ago.我在这儿工作两年了。

3.I had no choice but to go with her.have no choice but to do sth.意为“除了做某事以外,别无选择”或“只好做某事”。

I have no choice but to give up.我没有办法,只好放弃。4.Fortunately,the dentist,Dr.Hu,was very kind.fortunately为副词,意为“幸运地”,其同义词为luckily,反义词为unfortunately/unluckily;其形容词形式是fortunate。fortunately多用作插入语,比luckily更具强调性。

5.She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry.◆right away意为“立刻,马上”,其同义短语有:at once,in a minute/moment。

◆scared为形容词,意为“对……感到恐惧的,害怕……的”。主语通常是人,指人对某事恐惧/害怕。be scared of…意为“对……感到害怕”。

6.Before I knew it,my aching tooth was fixed.◆aching为形容词,意为“疼痛的”,它是由ache去-e加后缀-ing构成的形容词。

【辨析】 pain,ache(1)pain既可指一般疼痛,又可指剧痛。疼痛范围可以是全身或局部,时间可长可短。


◆was fixed是被动语态形式。当谓语动词与主语之间是动宾关系时,句子就用被动语态。被动语态中谓语动词为“be+过去分词”。fix的过去分词在词尾直接加上-ed。

7.My tooth did not hurt at all.not…at all意为“一点儿也不,根本不”。

I don’t know about it at all.对那件事我一点儿也不知道。

8.It can be used to address doctors such as dentists,surgeons,physicians and some professors.be used to do sth.意为“被用来做某事”,属于被动语态结构。

Wood can be used to make paper.木头可被用来造纸。

[设计意图] 教师引导学生找出课文中的重点短语和句型,进行讲解,从而便于学生掌握本课的知识点。StepⅢ.Reading

Show Let’s Do It!No.1 on PPT.Ask students to read the lesson and write true(T)or false(F).1.Wang Mei was scared to see the dentist.2.Wang Mei showed great interest in everything at the dentist’s office.3.Dr.Hu asked Wang Mei to watch TV while she worked.4.Dr.Hu was kind and good at fixing teeth.5.Wang Mei’s mum told her an old Russian story on the way home.【Keys】 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F [设计意图] 通过学生们反复朗读课文,加强学生们的记忆,同时也锻炼学生们的口语表达能力。StepⅣ.Drill Show Let’s Do It!No.2 on PPT.Match each paragraph with its main idea.Then retell the story.Wang Mei was nervous at the dentist’s office.Dr.Hu let Wang Mei listen to music to relax.Wang Mei is really afraid of going to the dentist.Wang Mei’s mum told her a saying.Wang Mei had a terrible toothache this morning.Dr.Hu fixed Wang Mei’s tooth quickly.【Keys】 Paragraph 1——右三;Paragraph 2——右五;Paragraph 3——右一;Paragraph 4——右二;Paragraph 5——右六;Paragraph 6——右四

[设计意图] 让学生反复听磁带并跟读。熟记课文,掌握文章各段的段落大意,并借此来复述课文,训练学生的口语表达。StepⅤ.Pair Work:Let’s Do It!No.4 1.Ask the students to talk about one of their experiences at the doctor’s office with a partner.Students may use the questions in the Task Tips to help them begin their discussion.Task tips: •Do you still remember one of your visits to a doctor? •Are you afraid of going to see a doctor? •How do you overcome fear when you face a difficult situation? 2.Students should each write down some points about their visit to the doctor.3.Ask the students to write a story about their visit to the doctor including two true events and one false event.Then have the students work in groups to read their stories aloud and see if their group members or classmates can guess which event is true and which is false.[设计意图] 教师让学生在创设的情景中谈论自己的经历,更加贴近学生的生活实际情况,使学生更加容易地融入其中,激发起学生的热情及学习的兴趣。StepⅥ.Practice Ⅰ.Complete Let’s Do It!No.3.Find the words in this lesson that have the same meaning as the circled words.Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词

1.I went to see a d

to fix my rotten tooth yesterday.2.She r

to accept that there was a problem.3.I got a t

and couldn’t sleep the whole night.4.F

,he was soon offered another job.5.A w

is a large animal that lives and hunts in groups.Ⅲ.单项填空

1.The bag

to the teacher’s office so I couldn’t find it everywhere.A.took



D.was taken 2.You look so sad.Have you got

? A.a toothache

B.toothache C.teethache

D.a teethache 3.There are many

in the forest.We must be careful.A.wolf



D.wolves 4.The boy refused

the question,so the teacher left him in the classroom after school.A.answer

B.to answer C.answering

D.answered 5.The little girl was afraid

on the wooden bridge,for she is afraid

into the river.A.to walk,of falling B.to walk,to fall C.of walking,of falling D.of walking,to fall 【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.refused 2.toothache 3.fortunately 4.headsets 5.rotten Ⅱ.1.dentist 2.refused 3.toothache 4.Fortunately 5.wolf Ⅲ.1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A [设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的语感。StepⅦ.Summary Sometimes illness can’t be avoided.But talking about the disease is not so easy.We have so many things that we can’t describe correctly.So we must learn more words and expressions about the disease.The teacher must help them immediately if possible.Remember to discuss how to keep healthy in details.[设计意图] 给学生以总结,让学生明确这节课的学习内容。StepⅧ.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Preview the next reading in the student’s book.[设计意图] 让学生通过习题巩固本节课内容,并提前做好预习。

Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist Key phrases: •be afraid of… •need to do…

•have no choice but to do… •dress in… •on the way to… Key sentences: •I don’t know why,but I have had this fear since I was very young.•I had no choice but to go with her.•My tooth did not hurt at all.•It can be used to address…

•Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.第三课时 Lesson 3 Good Food,Good Health

1.记忆单词grain,vitamin,mineral,fibre,corn,protein,bean,Asian,soy,calcium,bone,yogurt, contain,balanced,diet,include;短语be rich in…,East Asian countries。

2.掌握重点句型:①Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains.②Fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins,minerals and fibre.③The help you grow and stay healthy.④Salads are very popular in Western countries.⑤Your body needs calcium to stay healthy.⑥A balanced diet will keep you healthy and give you lots of energy!3.能够总结归纳情态动词should的用法。

4.理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。1.学会正确使用单词和短语:grain,vitamin,mineral,fibre,corn,protein,bean,Asian,soy,calcium,bone,yogurt, contain,balanced,diet,include,be rich in…,East Asian countries。



1.能够正确应用词汇:grain,bean,Asian,bone,yogurt,corn,protein,soy,vitamin,mineral,fibre,contain,balanced, diet,include;掌握重点短语be rich in…,East Asian countries。






StepⅠ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Let’s get started with today’s lesson.What foods do you often eat every day? S1:I usually eat bread.S2:I usually eat dumplings.S3:I usually eat meat,soup and so on.…

T:In your opinion,what is good food?Is it the food that tastes good?Ice cream tastes good.So is ice cream a kind of good food? Ss:No.Good food is the food that is good for you and good for your health.T:Very good.In your opinion,what’s a healthy and balanced diet? Ss:In my opinion,a healthy and balanced diet should contain all kinds of foods.T:What should we do to keep a healthy and balanced diet? Ss:We should try to eat all kinds of foods.T:OK.It seems that all of you know what a healthy and balanced diet is and how to keep a healthy and balanced diet.Now,let’s open your text books and turn to Page 6,Good Food,Good Health.[设计意图] 教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,给学生们更多说英语的机会,从而调动了学生们的学习积极性,锻炼了学生们的口语表达能力。

Leading in 【情景2】

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Let’s get started with today’s lesson.Show students some pictures about food on PPT.Divide students into four groups.Then ask students some questions: •What food would you choose if you are hungry?Why? •Do you think you have a balanced diet? •Do you think having a balanced diet is an important thing?Why or why not? Now please have a discussion.(The answers are open.)[设计意图] 通过PPT课件和图片提示,努力创造更加真实的语言交际情景,让学生围绕“食物”话题展开,进行讨论什么是均衡膳食。StepⅡ.Presentation Read the text and find out some key phrases and sentences.Key phrases: •be rich in…

•be made of •be popular in •Western countries Key sentences: •Here are the four food groups.•They help you grow and stay healthy.•Your body needs calcium to stay healthy.•Actually,other foods like fish,eggs and beans have a lot of protein,too.•A well-balanced diet includes foods from each food group.☆教材解读☆

1.Here are the four food groups: Here are…是一个倒装句型,意为“这些是……”,其中的be要根据be后的名词确定单复数,单数名词要用is;复数名词要用are。

Here is a card for you.这儿有你一张卡片。

Here are the problems they can’t solve.这些是他们不能解决的问题。

2.Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains.be made of意为“由……制成”,指用原材料制成东西后,从成品中还能看出原材料是什么(不改变本质,只改变形状)。

【拓展】(1)be made from意为“由……制成”,表示原材料往往经过化学变化,从成品中已看不出原材料。

(2)be made in意为“在……被制造”,后面通常接地点名词,表示其产品的产地。

(3)be made by意为“由/被……制造”,后面接动词的执行者。

(4)be made into意为“被制成……”,主语是原材料,后面接成品。

3.Fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins,minerals and fibre.be rich in表示“在……方面很富有,充裕”。

Vegetables are rich in vitamins.蔬菜富含维生素。

4.They help you grow and stay healthy.stay healthy,keep healthy,keep in good health都表示“保持健康”。stay healthy侧重某人一直处在一种健康的状态;keep healthy侧重在主观意愿上“保持健康”,特别是通过某种方式,如锻炼、运动、饮食等方面来保持健康。

5.Your body needs calcium to stay healthy.to stay healthy在这里是动词不定式短语作目的状语。动词不定式短语作目的状语时,既可以放在句首,也可以放在句末,翻译时常译为“为了……”。

6.Milk,cheese and yogurt contain calcium.contain为及物动词,意为“包含,含有”,不用于进行时。可表示包含事物的全部或部分,强调“整体中含有……,某物体中含有……,容器中有……”,是指包含的内容。

7.A well-balanced diet includes foods from each food group.本句也可以写成A well-balanced diet contains/has foods from each food group.[设计意图] 教师引导学生找出本课的重点短语和句型,使学生明确学习目标和学习内容,激发学习的热情。StepⅢ.Reading Instruct the students to read Lesson 3,choose the food words from the lesson and put them in the correct food group.【Keys】 grains——bread,noodles,rice,breakfast cereal,corn fruits and vegetables——salads protein foods——meat,chicken,fish,eggs,beans,tofu,soy milk calcium foods——milk,cheese,yogurt,green vegetables [设计意图] 通过学生们朗读课文,加强学生们对单词的记忆。朗读课文也锻炼了学生们的口语表达能力。StepⅣ.Practice and Play 1.Divide the class into groups to complete the exercise.2.Show Let’s Do It!No.2 on PPT.Match each word with its definition.Then complete the passage using the four words.corn

a thick,white and creamy dairy food yogurt

a tall plant with yellow seeds that can be eaten beans

the food that you eat and drink regularly diet

a good source of protein It’s important for us to keep a balanced

.To do this,we must eat many different kinds of foods.Bread,noodles,and rice are all grains.Grain foods give us vitamins,minerals and fibre.Fish,meat and

are full of protein.Calcium,which can be found in cheese,milk and,is good for our bones and teeth.【Keys】 corn——a tall plant with yellow seeds that can be eaten yogurt——a thick,white and creamy dairy food beans——a good source of protein diet——the food that you eat and drink regularly diet,corn,beans,yogurt 3.Then ask the students to work in their groups to write down the words in this exercise and their definitions on separate pieces of paper.Ask the students to cut up the definitions so that the words are all mixed up.4.Then time the groups and see which group can put the words back in the correct order to form the correct definitions for each word.[设计意图] 学生们通过反复朗读课文,明确四个重点词汇的英文意思,并且能借助题中的所给内容总结全文。达到熟练掌握课文内容的目的。StepⅤ.Read and Answer Read the text again and answer the following questions.Show the questions on PPT.1.What are bread,noodles and rice made from? 2.If you eat foods from grains,what can they give you? 3.What foods are full of protein besides meat and chicken? 4.What can calcium foods do for us? 【Keys】 1.They are made from gains.2.Vitamins,minerals and fibre.3.Fish,eggs,beans,tofu,other bean products and soy milk.4.Make our bones and teeth strong.[设计意图] 让学生们再次阅读课文,抓住文章的主要内容,同时,对食物的营养成分有进一步了解,增长知识。StepⅥ.Practice Ⅰ.Complete Let’s Do It!No.3.What do you usually eat at every meal?Do a survey and compare your eating habits with those of your classmates.Grains Fruits and Protein vegetables foods Calcium foods Breakfast Lunch Supper

Ⅱ.用方框中所给的词填空 by,from,like,with,in 1.My pencil-case is different

yours.2.Many foods

fish,eggs and beans are full of protein.3.The kite was made

Li Ping.4.The bag is filled

junk food.5.This kind of car is made


1.The bookunits,from Unit 1 to Unit 12.A.have



D.contains 2.Are you

or Europeans? A.Asia

B.Asian C.Asians

D.Africa 3.Protein helps your body

.A.keep healthily

B.stay strong C.stay strongly

D.keep health 4.These knives are made

metal and wood.A.from



D.in 5.Oranges are rich

Vitamin C.A.on



D.at 【Keys】 Ⅰ.略

Ⅱ.1.from 2.like 3.by 4.with 5.in Ⅲ.1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C [设计意图] 巩固学生们的基础知识,强化记忆。StepⅦ.Summary In this class,we have learned something about healthy foods and some key sentences.[设计意图] 总结本节课所学内容,明确学习方向。StepⅧ.Homework 1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.2.Preview the next lesson in the student’s book.[设计意图] 让学生通过习题巩固本节课的内容,并提前做好预习。

Lesson 3 Good Food,Good Health Key phrases: •be rich in… •be made of… •be popular in •Western countries Key sentences: •Here are the four food groups.•They help you grow and stay healthy.•Your body needs calcium to stay healthy.•Actually,other foods like fish,eggs and beans have a lot of protein,too.•A well-balanced diet includes foods from each food group.第四课时 Lesson 4 Don’t Smoke,Please!

1.记忆单词smoke,harmful,disease,lung,harm,breathe,public,law,cigarette,whenever,risk,somebody;短语millions of,as a result of,second-hand smoke,take a risk,get into the habit of…,stay away from…。

2.掌握重点句型:①Every year,millions of people around the world die as a result of smoking.②Don’t take that risk.③Once you get into the habit of smoking,it’s not easy to give it up.④Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long,healthy and happy life.1.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:smoke,harmful,disease,lung,harm,breathe,public,law,cigarette,whenever,risk,somebody,millions of,as a result of,second-hand smoke,take a risk,get into the habit of…,stay away from…。




1.能够正确应用文中的重点词汇:smoke,harmful,disease,harm,whenever,somebody,risk;掌握重点短语millions of,as a result of,second-hand smoke,take a risk,get into the habit of…,stay away from…。


思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第一单元的第四课,主要围绕“请不要吸烟”,描述了吸烟有害健康的原因,最后给出了关于吸烟这一问题我们应该怎么做。首先,讨论“No Smoking”sign的含义,接着询问家里有人吸烟吗?然后询问他们提什么建议,引出吸烟有害的原因。让学生在学习课文的过程中尽可能多找出描述性的句子并记忆,培养学生的学习积极性。



StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Did you eat a healthy breakfast/lunch today? What did you have? Why was it healthy? Students will answer.The answers are open.Show the“No Smoking”sign on PPT.Let the students discuss the“No Smoking”sign.Ask the students what this sign means.Where have they seen this sign before? T:Do people in your family smoke? S1:Yes.My father smokes.S2:Yes.My uncle smokes.S3:Yes.My grandpa smokes.…

T:What do you advise him/her to do? Ss:I advise him/her to give up smoking.[设计意图] 明确本课的教学内容,引导学生进入本课的话题讨论。

Leading in 【情景2】

The teacher can begin the class by showing the pictures about smoking and drinking on PPT and then ask questions: 1.What are the people in the pictures doing? 2.Do your parents smoke? 3.Do you think smoking is a good habit?Why or why not? 4.Do you think drinking wine is a good habit?Why or why not? 5.What should they do to stay healthy? Let students have a discussion in groups and give the answers in three minutes.【Keys】 1.They are smoking and drinking wine.2.Yes,they do./No,they don’t.3.No,it is a bad habit.Because smoking is bad for our health and the people around us.4.We shouldn’t drink too much wine.We should drink properly.5.They should do more exercise,give up smoking and not drink too much wine.[设计意图] 通过PPT及图片内容,了解吸烟和喝酒都是坏习惯,对自己及周围的人的健康都会造成伤害,从而明确本课的学习内容。StepⅡ.Presentation 1.Show the picture“No Smoking”.T:Smoking is“吸烟”.Smoking is bad for you because the smoke and chemicals in cigarettes are harmful to your body.Cigarettes damage your lungs and heart,and increase the risk for cancer and many other diseases that can kill you.Write the words “harmful” and “risk” on the board,and then show the students some images to reinforce the dangers of smoking.Let students look at two pictures:smoker’s lungs and non-smoker’s lungs.T:Our health is important and that’s why we should stay away from smoking.Present the new words of this lesson and teach them.Give the students five minutes to remember the words.[设计意图] 呈现本课中出现的词汇,领着学生们朗读并记忆,让学生们了解重点词汇,起到巩固基础的作用。

2.Read the text and find out key phrases and sentences.Key phrases: •millions of •as a result of •second-hand smoke •take a risk •get into the habit of…

•stay away from…

Key sentences: •Every year,millions of people around the world die as a result of smoking.•Don’t take that risk.•Once you get into the habit of smoking,it’s not easy to give it up.•Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long,healthy and happy life.☆教材解读☆

1.As a student,you should never smoke.as为介词,意为“当作,作为”。

2.Smoking is bad for your health.◆本句为动名词作主语的句子。当动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。动名词作主语的句子可改为用动词不定式作主语,此时

常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语——动词不定式放在句末,即“It is+形容词或名词+to do sth.”。

◆be bad for意为“对……有害”,其反义词组为be good for,意为“对……有益”。

3.It can cause diseases of the heart and lungs.disease为名词,意为“疾病”,是用以指各种病的术语,特指严重的,长期的疾病,如肝病、心脏病等。


4.Every year,millions of people around the world die as a result of smoking.◆millions of表示模糊概念,意为“数百万的”,此时million用复数形式,且与of连用。

We plant millions of trees every year.每年我们种植数百万棵树。


three million三百万



The old man died of cancer yesterday.昨天这位老人死于癌症。

The doctors have saved the dying man.医生们已经救活了那个垂死的人。

◆as a result of由于,因为,相当于because of,后面接名词或代词。

He was late as a result of the heavy snow.由于大雪,他迟到了。

5.If you smoke,you harm yourself,and you’re also harming the people around you with your second-hand smoke.harm在本句中为及物动词,意为“伤害,损害”。harm oneself意为“伤害某人自己”,与hurt oneself同义。

6.Whenever someone offers you a cigarette,you should always say no.◆whenever为连词,意为“无论何时,在任何……的时候”,相当于no matter when,引导


【拓展】 whatever=no matter what无论什么 wherever=no matter where无论哪里

however=no matter how不管怎样

◆offer为及物动词,意为“(主动)提供,给予”,其后可接双宾语,即offer sb.sth.,相当于offer sth.to sb.,意为“向某人提供某物”。

【固定搭配】 offer to do sth.主动提出做某事

7.Don’t take that risk.risk为名词,意为“危险,风险”。take a risk冒险。take the risk of doing sth.意为“冒险做某事”。

A good pilot never takes a risk.优秀的飞行员从来不冒险。

8.Once you get into the habit of smoking,it’s not easy to give it up.◆get into the habit of为固定短语,意为“习惯于……,养成……的习惯”。

I get into the habit of listening to music every night.我养成了每天晚上听音乐的习惯。

◆give up为固定短语,意为“放弃”,若宾语为人称代词,则须放在give与up之间。give up doing sth.意为“放弃做某事”,give up不能接动词不定式作宾语。

He gave up smoking at last.最终他戒掉了烟。

9.Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long,healthy and happy life.◆stay away from为固定短语,意为“离开,远离”,与keep away from同义。

Why did you stay away from school? 你为什么没上学? ◆live a…life表示“过……的生活”。

live a happy life过幸福的生活

live a hard life过艰苦的生活

[设计意图] 对文中的重难点句型进行讲解,帮助学生明确语言点,为课文的理解清除障碍。StepⅢ.Reading 1.Read the text.Monitor the students’ pronunciation and comprehension.2.Show Let’s Do It!No.1.Fill in the chart with the information from the lesson.Harmful effects of smoking Advice to stay away from cigarettes •Smoking is bad for your

.It can cause

of the heart and lungs.•Smoking

the environment.•Second-hand smoke is

to people who don’t smoke.cigarettes.•When somebody talks about smoking,change the


your family members to stop smoking.•Eat more fruits and

.Do more

.Form good

.【Keys】health,diseases,pollutes,harmful;touch,topic,Encourage,vegetables,exercise, habits [设计意图] 通过学生们反复朗读课文,加强学生们的记忆,同时也锻炼学生们的口语表达能力。StepⅣ.Task Group work:Project 1.Instruct the students to work in groups to discuss the negative effects of smoking and take down notes during the discussion.2.Then ask them to come up with a theme for next years’ World No Tobacco Day and create a poster to go with it.The theme and the poster should focus on why smoking is bad and how we can help to get rid of it.You may want to provide the students with some research materials to help inspire them.3.Ask the students to present their posters to the class.Put them up on the bulletin board in your school![设计意图] 培养学生们的写作能力及创造力。StepⅤ.Practice


Ⅰ.Show Let’s Do It!No.2.Read the following sentences and pay attention to the modal verb “should”.Then give advice for each problem using “should”.•We should go to the hospital right now.•As a student,you should never smoke.1.I have a very bad toothache!You should go to see a dentist.2.My new bicycle was stolen._________________________________ 3.My bedroom is a mess._________________________________ 4.My computer is broken.I can’t work without it._________________________________ 5.I was late for school this morning,and my teacher was angry with me._________________________________

[设计意图] 锻炼学生们的思考问题和总结问题的能力,培养自主学习的意识和习惯。Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子


his hard work,he passed the exam easily.2.吸烟是一个坏习惯,它能引发癌症和心脏病。

Smoking is a bad habit,and it can cause cancer and


We shouldn’t be


We mustn’t

when we cross the street.5.如果你习惯了吸烟,就不容易戒掉。

If you

smoking,it’s not easy to give it up.Ⅲ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.Smoking is h

to your health.2.Smoking can cause d

of the heart and lungs.3.When s

talks about smoking,change the topic.4.Smoking can not only harm yourself,but also harm the people around you with your s

smoke.5.We often go to the country to b

fresh air on weekends.【Keys】 Ⅰ.2.You should call 110./You should ask the policeman for help.3.You should tidy it up.4.You should ask someone to fix it.5.You should get up early and never be late again.Ⅱ.1.As a result of 2.heart disease 3.against the law 4.take a risk 5.get into the habit of Ⅲ.1.harmful 2.diseases 3.somebody 4.second-hand 5.breathe [设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的语感。StepⅥ.Summary In this class,we’ve learnt something about smoking and some key words and sentences.[设计意图] 给学生以总结,让学生明确这节课的学习内容。StepⅦ.Homework 1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.2.Read the next reading in the student’s book.3.Write a poster in your exercise book.[设计意图] 让学生通过习题巩固本节内容,并提前做好预习。

Lesson 4 Don’t Smoke,Please!Main phrases: •millions of •as a result of •second-hand smoke •take a risk •get into the habit of… •stay away from Main sentences: •Every year,millions of people around the world die as a result of smoking.•Don’t take that risk.•Once you get into the habit of smoking,it’s not easy to give it up.•Stay away from cigarettes and you can live a long,healthy and happy life.第五课时 Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life

1.记忆单词damage,unable,dare,wheelchair,control,telephone,hers,cheer,kick,disabled,focus,pity;短语:dare to…,be unable to…,focus on。

2.掌握重点句型:①She is unable to do many things.②But she dares to try many things.③Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.3.能够用情态动词can来讲述句子。




2.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:damage,unable,dare,wheelchair,control,telephone,hers,cheer,kick,disabled,focus,pity,dare to…,be unable to…,focus on。

1.能够正确应用词汇damage,unable,dare,wheelchair,control,telephone,hers,cheer,kick,disabled,focus,pity;掌握重点短语dare to…,be unable to…,focus on。

2.能正确运用句型:She is unable to do many things.But she dares to try many things.Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.3.Ask the students to learn the spirit of the disabled people.Know about the difficulties that the disabled people have to face in the world.思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第一单元的第五课时,主要围绕“简的幸运生活”这一话题展开,描述了简作为一个残疾人的生活状态和生活态度。首先复习上节所学内容——吸烟对人健康的影响,接着询问同学们是否知道海伦•凯勒及进行一系列问题的讨论导入新课。以学生感兴趣的话题开篇,培养学生的学习兴趣,让学生在朗读课文时尽可能多地记忆重点句型。



StepⅠ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

1.T:Good morning/afternoon,class.Last class we talked about how smoking is bad for you and how it affects your health.I’d like to start today’s class by showing you how smoking affects your breathing.Hand out drinking straws to all the students and ask them to hold their noses and only breathe through the straw.Then ask the students to stand up and run in place for 15 to 30 seconds while breathing through the straw.T:How do you feel? Allow several students to respond.Then conclude.T:When people smoke,they damage their heart and lungs.This affects their ability to take in and hold oxygen(air),which makes breathing difficult,especially during exercise.2.T:Please look at this picture.Do you know Helen Keller?

Ss:Yes,we know.T:Can you say anything about her? S1:I only know she is a very famous writer,but she is blind.T:Yeah,you are right.She is a disabled person.Sit down,please.Thanks.(To the whole class)Now,boys and girls,do you know other disabled people?Can you say their names? S2:Zhang Haidi.S3:Sang Lan.S4:Jin Jing.T:Thank you.You are right.(To the whole class)You know Helen Keller,Zhang Haidi,Sang Lan and Jin Jing are all disabled people,but do you know what their attitudes are toward life? Suppose: If you don’t have arms or legs,what do you do? If you can’t see anything,what do you do? If you can’t hear anybody say anything,what do you do? S5:I’ll buy a wheelchair to help me.S6:I’ll cry.S7:I’ll try my best to touch everything in the world.T:OK,stop here.If I were a disabled person,I would try my best to enjoy the life.[设计意图] 让学生从海伦•凯勒、张海迪、桑兰和金晶四个人身上找出她们的共同点,用这样的问题提问,使学生积极思考,调动他们学习的主动性。

Leading in 【情景2】

Show students the following picture: Divide students into small groups(4~6 students a group).Have a discussion and try to finish the questions in five minutes.1.Do you know who the girl is? 2.Is she healthy or disabled? 3.What do you know about the girl? 4.What can we learn from her? 【Keys】 1.Yes,I do./No,I don’t.2.She is disabled.3.She is Jin Jing,a disabled girl.But she lived a happy life and she tried to protect the Olympic torch in Paris.4.From the disabled girl we should learn how to face our life.We should work harder and do something for our country.[设计意图] 通过PPT课件和图片提示,让学生看图片讨论问题,使学生们感兴趣,并能积极思考,与文中的简一样,让学生明白要积极乐观地面对生活。StepⅡ.Presentation Read the text and find out some key phrases and sentences.Key phrases: •be unable to…

•dare to do…

•focus on Key sentences: •This disease damaged Jane’s body.•She controls her wheelchair with her mouth.•She has a special telephone that is hers alone.•She can answer it just by saying“hello”.•Jane is married and has two children.•From her wheelchair,Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.•People who don’t know how lucky they are.•Could you open the door for me,please? ☆教材解读☆ 1.This disease damaged Jane’s body.damage在本句中为动词,意为“损害,损坏”,主要指对于物的损害,强调对价值、用途、外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成。一般暗示损坏后价值或效益会降低,这种损坏是部分性的。

The earthquake damaged several buildings.地震使一些建筑受到了损坏。

【拓展】 damage还可作名词,意为“损失,损害,损坏”。

The storm did a lot of damage to the drops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。

2.She is unable to do many things.be unable to do sth.意为“不能做某事”,可以用be not able to do sth.来替换,unable为形容词,意为“不能的,不会的”,其中un-是否定前缀。

A little baby is unable to walk or talk.婴儿是不会走路或说话的。

【注意】 在附加疑问句中,若陈述部分含有带否定意义前缀或后缀的单词,整个句子仍视为肯定句,其附加问句遵循“前肯后否”的原则。

3.But she dares to try many things.dare在本句中为实义动词,意为“敢,敢于”,其后多接带to的不定式,dare to do sth.意为“敢做某事”。

【拓展】 dare也可作情态动词,意为“敢”,其后接动词原形,通常用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句。

4.She has a special telephone that is hers alone.◆that is hers alone为定语从句,修饰限定前面的名词telephone。用一个句子作定语,这个句子就是定语从句,定语从句放在它所修饰的名词之后。当定语从句所修饰的词是表示物的名词时,常常用that或which来引导这个从句,that或which指的就是从句所修饰的那个事情或物。


【辨析】 alone,lonely(1)alone为形容词或副词,意为“单独的(地);独自的(地);仅仅,只有”。作表语,强调客观上的单独,没有同伴,并不表示心灵上寂寞,不能放在名词或代词前作定语,但可放在名词或代词后,表示“仅仅,只有”。(2)lonely为形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,偏僻的”,具有感情色彩,强调心灵上的寂寞、孤独,通常用作表语,表示人所处的状态,作定语时一般修饰地点,有“荒凉的、偏僻的”之意。

5.She can answer it just by saying“hello”.by为介词,意为“通过,靠”,表示方法、手段,其后可接名词、代词或动名词。

6.Jane is married and has two children.be/get married意为“结婚”,be/get married to sb.意为“与某人结婚”,be married结婚,强调状态,可以和时间段连用;get married强调动作,不能和时间段连用。

【拓展】(1)marry sb.意为“与某人结婚”。

(2)marry sb.to sb.意为“(父母把女儿)嫁给某人”或“(父母为儿子)娶媳妇”。

7.From her wheelchair,Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.◆cheer为动词,意为“欢呼,喝彩,加油”,常构成短语cheer…up,意为“使……高兴起来”。cheer还可作名词,意为“欢呼声,喝彩声”。


8.If you only focus on your problems,you’ll have a life full of them.focus on意为“集中于,致力于”,表示在一段时间内专注于某一件事情。

【固定搭配】 focus one’s attention/mind/effort on sth.把某人的注意力/想法/努力集中在某事上

9.People who don’t know how lucky they are.who在这里引导定语从句,其先行词为people。在定语从句中,若先行词为人,那么定语从句的引导词常用who;若引导词在从句中作宾语,则引导词用who/whom皆可。

【注意】 who是主格,在定语从句中作主语,此时不能省略;但在非正式英语中,who也可作宾语,且可以省略。

10.—Could you open the door for me,please? —Sure!在日常用语中,表示“请求对方做……”可用Could you…for me?/Would you please…?/May I have…?常用回答有:Certainly./Of course./Sure./I’m afraid I can’t.。[设计意图] 教师引导学生找出本课的重点短语和句型,进行讲解,扫清了学生理解文章的障碍。StepⅢ.Reading 1.Read the text.Instruct the students to read the text in pairs.2.When they read,ask the students to keep in mind the questions from Let’s Do It!No.1.Then have them answer the questions with their partner.Show the questions on PPT.(1)What happened to Jane when she was ten years old?(2)How does Jane move around?(3)What special thing does Jane have?(4)Who does Jane think is really disabled? 【Keys】(1)She became ill with a terrible disease.(2)She has a wheelchair.She controls it with her mouth.(3)She has a special telephone that is hers alone.She can answer it just by saying“hello”.(4)People who don’t know how lucky they are.3.Ask the pairs to share their answers with the class.[设计意图] 通过学生们反复朗读课文,加强学生们的记忆,同时也锻炼学生们的口语表达能力。

StepⅣ.Complete Let’s Do It!No.2.1.Have the class complete the sentences with the clues given independently.(1)The traffic lights are

by a central computer.(2)The

rang,and Peter answered it.(3)These are not her gloves.are on the table.(4)Let’s go to see the basketball game and

for our team.(5)The boy is

a ball in the yard.(6)What a

it is that you missed the concert!【Keys】(1)controlled(2)telephone(3)Hers(4)cheer(5)kicking(6)pity 2.Then draw the crossword on the board and split the class into two teams.Ask one person from each team to correctly fill in one of the words in the crossword and read the matching clue aloud.[设计意图] 让学生们进一步学会运用本课的重点词汇,以达到熟练使用的程度。StepⅤ.Practice Ⅰ.Pairwork:Let’s Do It!No.3.Instruct the students to work in pairs to make grammatical sentences using the given information.Example A:millions of people die/smoking→Millions of people die as a result of smoking.1.thousands of people lost their homes/the fire →

________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.he lost his job/his big mistake →

________________________________________________________________________________________ Example B:my life/good things →My life is full of good things.1.his room/history books →

________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Danny’s mind/funny ideas →

________________________________________________________________________________________ [设计意图] 让学生熟练运用两个固定短语as a result of与be full of。Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词

1.His computer is new but h

is old.That’s why she’s begging her mum to buy her a new one.2.Tim k

the ball hard and it flew away.3.It’s really a p

.You missed your flight to America.4.Hearing the terrible news,she couldn’t c

her feelings and cried.5.Look,the students are c

up the children who are disabled.[设计意图] 通过句意及语境的练习,让学生们掌握并熟练运用本课的重点词汇。Ⅲ.句型转换

1.She controls her wheelchair with her mouth.(对画线部分提问)


her wheelchair? 2.The father has an eight-month-old baby.(同义句转换)The baby of the father is

old.3.He has been married for three years.(同义句转换)He

three years ago.4.He can’t brush his teeth.He can’t put on his clothes,either.(合并为一句)He

brush his teeth

put on his clothes.5.I have a happy life.My life is full of good things.(合并为一句)I have a happy life

good things.【Keys】 Ⅰ.A:1.Thousands of people lost their homes as a result of the fire.2.He lost his job as a result of his big mistake.B:1.His room is full of history books.2.Danny’s mind is full of funny ideas.Ⅱ.1.hers 2.kicked 3.pity 4.control 5.cheering Ⅲ.1.How does,control 2.eight months 3.got married 4.can’t,or 5.full of [设计意图] 锻炼学生的思考能力,进一步巩固本课的语言点。StepⅥ.Task—Let’s Do It!No.4.1.Which of these things do you think is the most important:money,family,a good job,health,good looks or friends?Why? Ask the students to talk about it with each other.You can use this expression: I think that

is the most important because

.For example: I think money is important because money can buy many things.I think health is the most important because…

I think family is the most important because…

2.Invite a student to read the instructions.3.Invite one student to read the sample sentence and students try to finish it individually.4.Group work:divide the class into groups of four.Exchange the ideas and find out why different people have different ideas.[设计意图] 让学生用句型练习,锻炼口语表达和写作能力。通过讨论让学生明白健康的重要性,同时引导学生正确处理家庭、金钱、荣誉、健康、容貌及朋友在生活中的关系。

StepⅦ.Consolidation Show the following exercise on the screen and ask students to do the exercise with books closed.Try to fill in the blanks according to the text.Jane is a disabled woman.She is forty

old now.She cannot move her arms

(and)legs.She is

(not able)to do many things such as

(brush)her teeth and putting on her shoes.But she dares

(do)many things.She is


(have)two children.She likes to watch her son

(play)soccer and her daughter play the piano.She says,“If you think about your problems,you

(have)a life full of problems.”She thinks everyone should know how

(luck)they are.【Keys】 years,or,unable,brushing,to do,married,has,play,will have,lucky [设计意图] 让学生对整篇课文所讲述的内容进一步加深印象,培养他们总结文章主要内容的能力,同时,有助于学生抓住重点。StepⅧ.Summary In the class,we’ve learned about a disabled woman and understood we should face our life bravely no matter what happens.[设计意图] 给学生以总结,让学生明确这节课的学习内容。StepⅨ.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Preview the next lesson in the student’s book.[设计意图] 让学生通过习题巩固本节内容,并提前做好预习。

Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life Main phrases: •be unable to… •dare to do… •focus on Main sentences: •This disease damaged Jane’s body.•She controls her wheelchair with her mouth.•She has a special telephone that is hers alone.•She can answer it just by saying “hello”.•Jane is married and has two children.•From her wheelchair,Jane cheers as her son runs and kicks the ball.•People who don’t know how lucky they are.第六课时 Lesson 6 Stay Away from the Hospital

1.记忆单词appendicitis,appendix,sleepy,mention;短语take out,now that,so that。

2.掌握重点句型:①I slept all day after my appendix was taken out.②Now that you mention it,Wang Mei also had a bad day.③I think we should try hard to form good habits so that we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital!④I will write to you again soon.⑤I’m sorry to hear that you were sick this week.3.复习并掌握情态动词should的用法。



1.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:appendicitis,appendix,sleepy,mention,take out,now that,so that。2.能够用情态动词should讲述句子。


1.能够正确应用文中的重点词汇:appendicitis,appendix,sleepy,mention;掌握重点短语:take out,now that,so that。





StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Have you ever visited anyone in the hospital? S1:Yes,I have visited my friend in the hospital.S2:Yes,I have visited my uncle in the hospital.S3:Yes,I have visited my grandparents in the hospital.S4:Yes,I have visited my mother in the hospital.S5:No,I have never visited anyone in the hospital.S6:No.I have been to the hospital before.I went to the hospital when I had a very high fever.…

T:What do you want to do when you are sick? S1:I don’t want to eat anything.S2:I just want to sleep.S3:I want to stay in bed.S4:I want to drink hot tea and rest.T:When I am sick,I want to stay in bed and eat watermelons.When we are sick,we feel bad.So we should try our best to stay away from the hospital.[设计意图] 通过简单的对话导入本课的学习内容,使学生明确教学内容。

Leading in 【情景2】

1.Show students two pictures.Picture 1 Picture 2 Ask students some questions:(1)What’s in Picture 1?(2)What are the doctor and the nurse doing?(3)Do you remember the last time when you were ill?(4)How did you feel when you were ill?(5)What did you do to recover? 【Keys】(1)Many ambulances.(2)They are saving a patient.(3)The answer is open.(4)I felt terrible.I didn’t want to eat anything at first.(5)The doctor told me to stay in bed and drink plenty of water.Every day I had something good to eat.I ate fresh fruit and vegetables.2.Divide students into small groups and let them have a discussion.Five minutes later,one student in each group will give the answer.[设计意图] 通过PPT及图片内容,明确本课的学习内容,呼吁大家要远离医院。StepⅡ.Presentation 1.The teacher shows some examples of sick people on PPT,and then tells the students the importance of health.Picture 1 Picture 2

2.Lead in today’s topic:Stay Away from the Hospital.3.Show the words:appendicitis,appendix,sleepy,mention,and then teach them.[设计意图] 通过图片,进一步让学生明确健康的重要性,更要远离医院,并学习词汇。StepⅢ.Reading 1.The teacher reads the text and asks students to listen carefully.Then ask some students to read the text and help them correct the pronunciation.2.Let the students find out the main phrases and main sentences of this text.Main phrases: •take out •now that •so that •write to sb.•one of…

Main sentences: •I don’t have it anymore ,but I don’t have an appendix,either!•The next day,when I woke up,I felt terrible and very sleepy.•My doctor said I had a fever.•She told me to drink plenty of water and have a good rest.•Now I’m feeling much better.•My mother brought me some new books to read(but no homework).☆教材解读☆

1.I don’t have it anymore,but I don’t have an appendix,either!either在本句中意为“也”,用于否定句中,放在句末,其前用逗号隔开,其后用句号。【拓展】(1)too表示“也”,常用于口语,一般只用于肯定句中,也可用于一般疑问句中,too通常置于句末,其前用逗号与句子隔开,其后用句号;有时也可插入句子中间,这时too前后都要用逗号。


(3)as well和too通常用于句末。

2.The doctor took it out!take out为动副短语,意为“取出,拿掉”,代词作宾语时,要放在动词与副词中间;如果名词作宾语,则放在短语中间或短语之后都可以。

3.The next day,when I woke up,I felt terrible and very sleepy.sleepy为形容词,意为“欲睡的,困倦的”,既可作表语,也可作定语。

【拓展】 sleep可作动词或名词,意为“睡觉;睡眠”,asleep为形容词,意为“睡着的,睡熟的”。

4.My doctor said I had a fever.本句是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,主句 是一般过去时,从句要用相应的过去时态。

5.She told me to drink plenty of water and have a good rest.◆本句用不定式作宾语补足语,句式tell sb.to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”;如果表示“告诉某人不要做某事”则用句式tell sb.not to do sth.,除动词tell外,ask,want,order也有这种用法。

◆plenty of意为“很多,足够的”,后接复数可数名词或不可数名词。通常用于肯定句;在疑问句中用enough,否定句中用much或many;plenty of的用法与a lot of和lots of相同。

◆have a rest意为“休息”。

6.Now I’m feeling much better.much在本句中为副词,意为“……得多”,修饰比较级。比较级前还可以用even,still,far,a bit,a little,a lot等词加以修饰。7.My mother brought me some new books to read(but no homework).to read在本句中作后置定语,修饰前面的名词books。动词不定式作定语时常放到被修饰词的后面。

8.I will write to you again soon.write to sb.意为“给某人写信”,相当于write sb.a letter或write a letter to sb.。其反义词组为get/receive a letter from sb.或hear from sb.,意为“收到某人的信”。

9.I’m sorry to hear that you were sick this week.sick为形容词,意为“病的,生病的”,与ill同义。作表语时,sick多用于美式英语,ill多用于英式英语;作定语时通常用sick而不用ill。

【注意】 形容词前加定冠词the表示一类人时,用sick不用ill。the sick病人。

10.Now that you mention it,Wang Mei also had a bad day.◆now that为连词词组,意为“既然,由于”,用来引导状语从句。在原因状语从句中,now that和since意义相近,都表示“既然,因为”,但语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实。

◆mention为及物动词,意为“提到,写到”,后接名词或代词。mention sb.提到某人;mention sth.提到某事;not to mention更不用说。

11.One of her teeth was rotten,so she had to go to the dentist.one of…意为“……中之一”。one of后的名词要用复数形式,形容词要用最高级;one of…在句子中作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。

12.I think we should try hard to form good habits so that we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital!so that意为“以便,为了,目的是”,用来引导目的状语从句,常和can,could,may,might等情态动词连用。so that还可用来引导结果状语从句,意为“结果,以至于,因此”。

【拓展】 “so…that…”意为“如此……以至于……”,so后接形容词或副词原级。StepⅣ.Read aloud and answer 1.Read Lesson 6 as a class.Monitor students’ pronunciation and comprehension.2.Show Let’s Don’t It!No.1.Read the lesson and answer the questions.(1)Why did Danny stay in the hospital?



Lesson 1: Poetry, Please Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: poem, decide, nature, express, learn/know …by heart, pleased, happiness, shut Oral words and expressions: poetry, description, continue, beyond Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the poems in foreign countries.2.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to make suggestions.2.The grammar: infinitives.3.Some words and expressions: learn/know …by heart Teaching Difficult Points: The grammar: infinitives Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK AOBUT IT”.Let the students talk about the questions in groups.1.Have you written a poem in Chinese? Is it hard? Why? 2.What kinds of poetry do you like best? After a while, let the students in each group present their ideas to the class in front of the class.Step2: Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1.Have Brian finished his poem? 2.What’s Danny’s poem about? Step3: Reading task: 1.Read the text and underline the new words in this lesson.Present the meanings of the words with the help of the media computer.We can use our body language if necessary.3.Tell the main idea of this lesson.Step4: Read the text again and decide the statements are true or false.1.Jenny wrote a Chinese poem.2.Brian wrote a poem about nature.3.Danny learned his poem by heart.Step5: Deal with the language points.How to make a suggestion: Maybe you could write a description of your favourite place.The infinitives: I haven’t decided what to write about.Would you like to hear my poem? Do you really want to hear? I don’t need to read it.Let the students sum the use of infinitives of this lesson.Then encourage them to make more sentences with the grammar.Step5: Activities 1.Divide the class into several groups.Then let them translate a Chinese poem written by Li Bai or other famous poets.Then compare the translations of the groups.Let’s see which is the best.2.Each group writes an English poem about the familiar things around us.Then let them change the poems in groups.They may give their own advice to the poems written by others.Step6: Describe the picture in English.Ask the students work in their formal groups.Then let them read their poems in class loudly.Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work with a partner.Let the students talk about the question: which do you think is more difficult to understand, English poetry or Chinese poetry? All of the students have seen much Chinese poetry, but few of them have seen English poetry.So present the students several English poems.Let them discuss the mean ideas of the poems.Then let them finish the task.Step8: Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Get more information about the English poetry after class.Summary:

The students more little of the English, so that the teacher provides them more information about the English poetry is very necessary.We can use the Internet to help us.The teacher should stimulate the students’ interests about the English poetry.The students can have more time to search more information on the Internet after class.Lesson 2: Poems About Nature Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: hill, clear, brave, pale, golden, softly, kiss, noisy Oral words and expressions: swiftly, tiny, warmth, scene, related, topic Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ guessing ability of the whole text.2.Enjoy the charming of the English poetry.3.Compare the differences between the English and Chinese poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn the English poetry about nature by hearty.2.Know how to write an English poem.Teaching Difficult Points: Use what we learn to write an English poem.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Divide the class into several groups.Talk about the next questions: Have you read any poems in English? Which one do you like best? Why? What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter? Choose several best poems and let the students read them in front of the class.Show some pictures of winter to the students.Help them to find more words to describe winter.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1.Does the poem make you think of _______? 2.You can write a poem about _______, too.3.Before you start writing your poetry, think about your _______.Step3: Read the text and find the new words.1.Let the students guess the meanings of the new words.Most of the new words are related nature.So present some pictures to the students to help them understand the new words.2.Ask some students to tell the main idea of this text.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the new words we learn in this text.Ask if someone can tell a story with the words we learn today.Encourage them to stand in front of the class and tell his story to us.Step5: Reading task Encourage the students to ask questions about this text.Finish the task in groups.Let the students design questions and exchange them in groups.They can ask questions like this: 1.What are your ideas for a nature poem? 2.What can you do to describe about something? Step6: Activities.Work in groups.Write a poem about the two pictures.Finish a poem.Then each student in the group correct it before reading it to the class.Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT!”

The task is similar to the step6.Finish it in class.Try to write a poem about one of the seasons.The teacher shows some pictures about the seasons to the students.Step8: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is fun and interesting to write a poem in English.The teacher tries to write a poem and presents it to the class.Let the students correct it if they have any good ideas.Some students are interested in English, and they are also interested in poems.So give them more chances to create their minds.Lesson 3: Say It in Three Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: direction, form, poet, simply, a set number of, middle, clearly, dark, sleepy, unexpected, frog, feeling Oral words and expressions: petal, cherry, grebe, Matsuo Basho, Haiku, particular, pattern, set, syllable, interruption, plop, splash, limerick, adverb Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ reading comprehension.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and Japanese poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn about an old style of Japanese poem: Haiku.2.Know some styles of poems: Haiku, Nature Poem and Limerick.Teaching Difficult Points: The old form of Japanese poetry: Haiku.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show pictures of Japanese poets and poems.Then introduce Haiku to the students.The teacher can find some music to match the poem.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Usually Haikus are about _______.Haiku always has ______ lines.The first line of a Haiku has _______ syllables.Check the answers in class in oral.Step3: Read the text and guess the meanings of the new words.Sometimes some new words are too hard to understand, so the teacher can find some related pictures to help them.If the students bring some pictures about nature to the class, let them show them in front of the class.Step4: Read the text and find the answers to the questions: 1.Do Haikus tell a story? 2.What’s a syllable? Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.1.Divide the class into groups to finish the task.2.Finish the three poems in the text.Use the sentence: I need a ______.Let the others give the answers, one student write the words down.3.After finishing the poems, read it to the class.All the groups have different poems.Do they sound funny? 4.Decide a subject by each group.Then make a pattern according to the subject.Then finish the poem as the models in the text.5.Read the poem to the class.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary: Some students may think the foreign poems are funny and easy.The teacher may also think so.It is possible for the students to create poems like those we have learned in the class.Give them more chances to create their minds.The teacher can try some poems, too.The class and the teacher can find much fun in learning foreign poems.Lesson 4: The Wish Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: wish, in the middle of, stone, friendship, recite Teaching Aims: 1.Learn how to sing foreign songs.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Learn about the styles of all kinds of poems in other countries.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the main idea of the song.2.Grasp the use of “without”.3.Make a similar song like this.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of “without”.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to the tape for several times.At the same time, ask the students to sing after it.Test how long they grasp the rhythm of the song.Step2: Read the song as a poem.Let the students read the poem as a lyric line by line.Step3: Make a poem like this.Divide the class into several groups.Make the similar this.Every group makes a poem.Then present it to the class.If the others have other better ideas, they can give their advice.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the important phrases: in the middle, without.S1: Danny sits in the middle of the classroom.S2: There is a stone in the middle of the road.S3: Fish can’t live without water.S4: We can’t finish the work without your help.Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.Finish the task in groups.1.Everyone in the group chooses one pattern of these poems and writes one by yourself.2.After writing the poem, show it to the others in the group.3.Each exams the others’ poems and gives his advice.4.After examine all of their poems, change them with the other group.Give their reasonable advice.5.The teacher gives them chances to express themselves.Step6: Homework.1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The students are familiar to the Chinese poetry, but the foreign ones are hard for them.When the students practice, the teacher should give them a hand if necessary.It is a challenge for the Chinese students to write foreign poems.Encourage them more in order to stimulate their interests of learning English.Lesson 5: That’s a Funny Limerick!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: both…and… Oral words and expressions: blank, motion Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ ability of learning by themselves.2.Master one of the patterns of foreign poems.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the limerick.2.Learn more words about describing weight, size, feeling and age.Teaching Difficult Points: Know how to write a limerick.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Let the students answer the questions in class in oral.1.Ask several students to say funny sayings in English.If they can’t express themselves in English, they can say them in Chinese.2.Let some students tell jokes.Encourage them to tell jokes in English.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1._______ and _______ help Jenny fill in the blanks in her limerick.2.They choose _______ to describe the weight.Step3: Read and get the main idea of the text.1.Let the students scan the text.Then tell the main idea of the text.2.Find the new words and guess their meanings according to the text.Step4: Do with some language points.Either…or…, both…and…

Let some students make sentences with the help of the pictures.S1: He eats either apples or oranges.S2: Either he or I am good at dancing.S3: Both his teachers and his parents love him.S4: Susan loves both reading and listening.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Limerick is a kind of poem that has a pattern.Study the “Limerick”.Get the results.1.There are five lines in the limerick.2.From Jenny’s limerick, we can see the first, second and fifth lines have rhyme.Look in the library or search on the Internet to find some information about limericks.Show them to the class and let them find the patterns of “limerick”.3.Let different groups act the dialogue out in front of the class.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Limerick is fun.It’s interesting for the students.The students may like to practice it very much.Everyone writes a limerick.The class will be full of laughter.Ask the students to begin the similar dialogue in class to practice the limerick.Lesson 6: Say It in Five Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: create, single, thought Oral words and expressions: fur, stretch, hum, adjective Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ listening and reading abilities.2.Know more about the foreign poetry.3.Learn the American five-line poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Grasp the pattern of the five-line poem.2.Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Difficult Points: Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.We all know Chinese poetry has different kinds of patterns.Let the students give some examples.Step2: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who created the five-line poem? 2.How many poems does the text show us? Finish the listening part in class in oral.Step3: Reading task: Read and tell the main idea of the text.This is a game to practice the students’ memories.It can improve the students’ summary abilities.Step4: Read and decide the statements are true or false.1.Today we learn a pattern of French poetry.2.The second line has three words.3.The topic of the poem is a noun.Finish the questions in class in oral.Step5: Activity: Show some pictures to the students.Let them the favourite one to describe.They can work in pairs.Then show their poems to the class.It’s easy to finish the task, but it is hard to do it well.Step6: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups of three or four students.1.Say the differences between a Haiku and a five-line poem.Say about their different forms and different patterns.A haiku is just a description of a scene.It is simply what is happening in this place, at this moment.Five-line poem has five lines.It is always about a single topic.Each line has a set number of words.The first line has one word.The second line has two words.The third, or middle, line has three words.The fourth line has four words.The last line has one word.2.Finish the task in groups.Choose one topic as they like.Then exchange the poems among the groups.Step7: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Ask the students to find more topics after class.Summary:

We learn different kinds of foreign poetry.They are limericks, five-line poems and Haiku.The students may think they are very interesting.Some students have surprising poems that you didn’t think of.Give them more chances to practice so that they can create their minds.Lesson 7: Trading Poems Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: awake, riddle Oral words and expressions: avenue Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Create the student’s cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the written style, letter.2.Learn the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Difficult Points: Write a letter with what we learn in this unit.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show the type of the letter.Let the students sum how to write a letter.Pay attention to the written style of the envelope.Step2: Listening task Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1._______ is a beautiful way to express thoughts and feelings.2.Danny’s teacher says Danny’s always saying _______ things.Let the students listen to the tape and finish the listening task in class in oral.Step3: Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Does Danny think it is hard to write a poem? 2.Did Li Ming write back to Danny? Ask the students scan the text and answer the questions.Step4: Practice Write a letter to your friends about what we learn in this unit.The teacher encourages them to write a poem to their friend, too.It’s hard, so they can choose any topic that they like.They only write for friends.We don’t need to demand too much.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in groups of three or four students.In a small group, write a poem like the one in Li Ming’s postcard.1.First, choose a word your group like.They can choose any word that they like.Because the task is to begin a poem with the letters in this word, everyone can write a word on a piece of paper.Then they can choose one from these.2.Use each letter in this word to begin a line of our poem.Everyone in the group can write different poem according to the word.Then they can exchange their poems and give advice to each other.3.Make a poster to display your poems on the wall.It takes some time to design the poster.4.Which one do you think is the best? Give your reasons.Let the students choose the best poem that they like best and give their reasons in front of the class.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The last poem that we learn in Li Ming’s postcard is very interest

Lesson 8: Unit Review

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson7.Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson7.Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ ability of using what we learn in this unit.2.Stimulate the students’ mind of learning about Chinese and foreign poetry.3.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Making suggestions.2.Master the use of infinitives.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of infinitives.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to some beautiful poems in Chinese or in English.Music usually creates atmosphere for the students.If anyone can recite some English poems, the teacher can give them chances to recite in front of the class.Step2: Do the exercises in Lesson8.At the same time, the teacher walks in the classroom and see if they have any trouble to solve.Step3: Let the students write some difficulties on the blackboard.Then let’s try to solve them together.The most important grammar is the infinitive.For example: I haven’t decided what to write.Li Ming has something important to do, so he can’t come to your party.My wish is to go to space.It’s not easy to walk against a strong wind.Step4: Practice the spoken English.Make a similar dialogue according to the Speaking the Language part.It’s how to make suggestions.Ask the students work in pairs to make up dialogues like this.Then present it in front of the class.Step5: Play “Story Game’.Work in groups to finish the task.When the students play the game, the teacher walks around the classroom and see if any group needs help.At last, ask each group presents their stories to the others in front of the class.Whose story is the funniest?

Step6: Homework 1.Finish the exercises in activity book.2.Preview the next lesson.Summary:

Poetry is an important part of culture.So it is useful to learn it well.This unit gives us opportunities to practice.Making suggestions is important, too.So let the students make dialogues to practice it.The teacher should pay attention to the infinitives in this unit.We should practice more in this class.Lesson 9: What’s a “Horkey”?

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: helpful, at the same time Oral words and expressions: DNA, combine, juicy, mule, donkey Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about cloning.2.How to combine two different things.Teaching Important Points:

1.Talk about the ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Combine two different things.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about the ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the class by showing some pictures about combining to the students.They may be about different things, such as food, fruit, animals and other things.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Can Danny combine a donut and a pizza? 2.Who wants to combine a cow and a chick? Let the students answer the questions with the help of the pictures.Finish the task in oral in class.Step3.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct words.1.We can combine two different ______ or two different ______.2.Brian would combine ______ and ______.Look through the whole text quickly and answer the questions in class in oral.Step4.Encourage the students find the new words in this lesson.Give more examples and let the students understand more about the words.I would combine a donut and a pizza.Then I could have breakfast and lunch together.Then I would have little, juicy bananas.Do you know what a mule is? It has a horse as mother and a donkey as a father.Step5.Read the text again and encourage them to find more questions about the text.One student stands up and asks a question.The others who want to answer can stand up and answer it as quickly as he can.For example: 1.What would you combine? 2.What about combining a duck and a deer? 3.Can we combine apples and bananas? Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.Finish the task in groups of three or four students.Think about something that is combined by two different things.Each of the group writes his answer down and shows it to others.Then choose the most meaningful one to study.What will your group combine? What if you combine the two things? What can it do for us? What’s its advantage?

Talk about the questions above, then sum their ideas.Give a report in front of the class.Demonstrate your ideas.Describe the thing that you combine in detail.Describe its advantages and disadvantages.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary In this lesson, we learn to combine two different things together.In order to get new living things, we must make full use of our imagination.What can the things that we combine are used for? It is important for us to discuss.During the discussion, we practice our spoken English.Lesson 10: What is DNA? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: generally, twin, clone, not only…but also Oral words and expressions: blueprint, identical, egg, identify Teaching Aims: 1.Know how to write a passage on science.2.Learn something about DNA.3.Know more about our body.Teaching Important Point: 1.Master the words and expressions of this lesson.2.The ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Point: The use of DNA.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the text by discussing what DNA is.Divide the class into several groups.Then talk about the subject for several minutes.Then one of the groups presents their opinions in front of the class.Step2.Listening task:

Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.Generally speaking, a ______ is a drawing.2.______ for identical twins, each living thing has its own unique DNA.Play the tape once.Then let the students try to finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: 1.Where does your DNA come from? 2.Is your DNA in every part of your body? Finish the reading task in class in oral.Try to get more information about the text at the same time.Step4.Read the text again.Find the sentences with the new words.Try to create situation about the new words.Then make sentences with the new words.If someone can make a whole story with the new words that we learn in this lesson, the teacher must encourage her.The sentences with the new words: Generally speaking, a blueprint is a drawing.Identical twins are two children that grew from the same egg.They are clones.From your DNA, scientists can identify not only you, but also people related to you.Step5.Let some students tell some details about the text.What is DNA? Where is your DNA from? What is DNA used for? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task with a partner.Find the things about you that show your parents’ DNA.Talk about if for a while.Then let some volunteers come to the front to talk about the subject.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

You look like your father or your mother.That identifies the DNA of your body from your parents.DNA is very fascinating.Each living thing has its own unique DNA.Try to find more ways to use the DNA in many fields.Discuss the use of DNA in this class.Make full use of it to help more people in the world in more fields

Lesson 11: Cloning People? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: exactly, divide, crazy Oral words and expressions: human being, original, adult, Dolly, insect Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about cloning.2.Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.Teaching Important Points: 1.The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.2.The expression of ability and disability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:

Step1: Show a picture of Dolly.Then let the students discuss what our life will be if we make a clone of ourselves.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Discuss for five minutes.Then present their results to the class.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.The clones are the ______ height.2.There are ______ ways to clone people.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.We can make clones from dead animals.2.Each clone would be a different person.3.We can combine the DNA of pigs and dogs.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Pair work: Read the text again and find more details about the text.Try to solve the following problems.Talk about them with your partner.At the same time, encourage them to ask more questions about the text.How many ways are there to clone people? What are they? Do you want a clone of your self? Why? What is the use of cloning? Try to finish it in a limited time in order to improve their comprehension ability.Step5.Read the text by the students.Give the students time to listen to the tape again.Then make a chance for them to practice in front of the class.Step6.A debate Divide the class into two groups.One group is for the advantages of cloning.The other is for the disadvantages of cloning.The teacher designs the task in order to find out the meanings of cloning.Step 7.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.This task is similar to the one is step6.This topic is about the food.The students can use their imaginations.Of course the best way is to search on the Internet for more information about the subject.Step8.Homework 1.Search more information about cloning on the Internet or in the newspaper.2.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.Summary:

Cloning is a popular subject in the modern society.It is good for the students to know more about that.Encourage the students to find out more information on the Internet.They can use other tools to get more.Give them chances to present their results in the next lesson.Lesson 12: Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?

Teaching Content: There are no new words and expressions in this lesson.Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about combining.2.Find the differences between the Chinese and foreign songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expression of ability and disability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Sing the song fluently.Teaching Difficult Points: Combine two different living things.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of animals to the students.Let them imagine what animals what animals they would like to combine.What would they look like? What are they used for? Divide the class into groups of three or four.Then discuss the questions for five minutes.After a while, show their results to the class in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the song and repeat after it.Play the tape for several times.Let the students to be familiar to the rhythm of the song.Step3.Read the song as a lyric.Then let the students make up other similar songs according to their imagination.Let some volunteers present their song to the class.Step4.Let the students try to sing the song together.Play the tape again.Ask them to sing after it for several times again.Step5.Ask some volunteers to sing in front of the class.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in a small group to finish the task.Use the pattern in the song to tell customers about your new animals.Describe the new animals in the following ways.What animals will you combine? What is the new animal look like? What are they used for? What will you name them? At last, they can present their result in words or in pictures.Let the students talk about the subject for five minutes.Then let one of the members come to the front and present their result.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Practice the song after class.Summary:

This song is about combining.Combine two different things together by changing their DNA.It is a new technique.We must make full use of it in many ways.The students today are the future scientists and engineers.So let them know more about coming is good for them.Give them more chance to search after class.Help them to use many tools to teach themselves.Lesson 13: Clones Are the Same Teaching Content: Oral words and expressions: laboratory Teaching Aims:

1.Practice the students’ spoken English.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about cloning.2.The expression of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The expression of ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question “What would you like to clone?” in groups.They can use the following patterns: What would you like to clone? Why? Give the students five minutes.Then let them act their dialogues out in front of the class.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Jenny would like to clone a dog.2.Danny would clone himself.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Scan the text and answer the following questions: 1.What would Jenny like to clone? 2.What would Brian like to clone? 3.Why would Danny like to clone himself? Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the main idea of the text.Ask some students to say it in front of the class.Step5.A Game Make up a similar dialogue according to the text.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Give them five minutes.And then ask the students to present their dialogues in front of the class.Step6.Discussion Discuss the use of the clones of yourself.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like him to do for you? Do you think it is very useful? Step7.Come to “PROJECT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Talk about the subject “Have you heard of cloned animals?” The next is “If you are a scientist, what would you like to clone? Why?”

Talk about the subjects in groups.The students may have five minutes to finish the task.Then try to present your result to the class in front of the class.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Cloning is new to some students.It is useful to give them more time to talk about the subject.They can find more information about cloning on the Internet or with other tools.Encourage them to know more after class by themselves Lesson 14: A Clone of My Own Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: secret, copy, doubt, stupid, chess, robot Oral words and expressions: foolish, flute, closet, prefer, play chess, prefer…to… Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students’ written ability.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Imagine the use of cloning in our daily life.2.The expression of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question:

Would you like to have a clone of yourselves? Why? Finish the task in groups.Give the students five minutes to discuss the subject.Then let the students present it in front of the class.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the flowing questions: 1.How old is Kate? 2.What does “foolish” mean? Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Scan the text and decide the following statements are True or False: 1.Katie would like a secret clone.2.Katie already has three sisters.3.Katie’s clone would live the living room with Katie.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and try to find the sentences with the new words.What does Katie mean by “a secret clone”? I doubt what she says!“Foolish” means “silly or stupid”.Also, she would play chess with me.Maybe I need a robot!She would feed my tow cats, clean my room and practise my flute.Step5.Ask some students to tell the main idea of the text.Let some students say it in front of the class.Step6.Group Work Talk about the subject in groups.Talk for about five minutes.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like her or him to do for you?

Write what you think of down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their ideas in groups.One of the members sum what they think of.Then present it in front of the class.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in pairs.Make up a dialogue with a partner and act it out in front of the class.Encourage them to make the story funny.Make the ending surprising.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is fun to give the students chances to speak in front of the class.Sometimes they think they are not happy in their daily life.They don’t want to do something sometimes, so they want someone else to do it for him or her.Maybe some students think clones of themselves are useful to them.Lesson 15: Cloning Questions

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: neither, nor, neither…nor…, dead Oral words and expressions: mammoth Teaching Aims:

1.Be familiar to the e-mail.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expressions of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by showing some pictures of cloning.Let the students talk about the use of cloning.What is cloning? What is cloning used for? What can we do with cloning? Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What did Li Ming study this week in school? 2.What’s the name of the first cloned animal?

Ask the students to answer the questions in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are True or False.1.Li Ming doesn’t think cloning is interesting.2.Li Ming knew how the sheep Dolly cloned.3.Jenny has ever studied cloning.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the sentences with the new words.Let the students guess the meanings of the new words.Give more examples with the new words.I knew that English scientists had cloned a sheep, but I knew neither how nor why.I chose mammoths.Ask the students to make sentences with neither…nor… He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.Neither he nor I am thirteen years old.Step5.Sum the main idea of the two e-mails.Let the students tell them in their own words, not word by word according to the content of the e-mails.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Use the Internet or other tools to find more information about cloning.Talk about what, where, when, why and how cloning is taking place.Everyone writes down a short passage, then exchange it with the others.Next one of the members of the group gives a report in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Ask your parents for some information about cloning.Summary:

Cloning is new to the students.Let them get more information on the Internet.That is helpful for them.It is helpful for them to use the Internet for some important information.On th the coordination conjunctions are important in this unit.So make more practice in class.Lesson 16: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions in this unit.Oral words and expressions in this unit.Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to use the Internet and other tools to search more information.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expression of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Group work Talk about the question in groups.“What do you like to clone the most? Why?” Let the students write their opinions down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their opinions.At last, one of the members sums the opinions and gives a report in front of the class.Step2.Finish the exercises in this lesson.Find out the problems and write them down on the blackboard.Discuss the problem together and find out the correct way to solve the problems.Step3.Do with “Grammar in Use”.Let the students finish the exercises.Then ask the students to make some sentences with neither…nor…, not only…but also….Not only he but also his father is handsome.Neither my mother nor my father likes this kind of fruit.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Complete the dialogue.Then ask the students to make a similar dialogue with his partner.Then present it in front of the class.Step5.Play the game “Stop-Go”

Play the game in front of the class.Start the game with 10 volunteers from the class.Play the game to practice the “ability and inability” expressions on this page.Change the students to play the game if the time is enough.Step6.Group work Divide the class into several groups.Ask them to introduce themselves in the group.Then choose two best ones to present in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Find out more information about cloning on the Internet.Summary:

This unit is designed to review the main language points in this unit.It is used to build the vocabulary of the unit.Practice the grammars and spoken English in this unit.All those are put in a situation of cloning.Cloning is a new subject for the students.It is very interesting to discuss.Lesson 17: Do Mistakes Matter?

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: pardon, mention, pocket, double, mistake, make a mistake, depend, common Oral words and expressions: Bruce, confused, confusing, depend on, bargaining Teaching aims: 1.Know the cultural differences between China and western countries.2.Improve the students’ abilities of speaking English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Target language: I made a mistake.He looks confused.Buying things in China is confusing.2.Train the students’ focus abilities and cooperation spirit.Teaching Difficult Points: the difficult cultures of different countries Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Lesson: new lesson Teaching procedures: Step1.Lead in The teacher shows some pictures to the students with the Multi-media computer.The pictures show the differences between China and Western countries.From the people’s appearance and the colour of the skin,We can tell the differences.The others show cultural differences.We use chopsticks but they use the fork and knives.Divide the class into several groups and finish the task.Encourage the students to speak more.They can use their own pictures to help them.Step2.Listening task

Listen to the text and answer the following question: 1.Where is Bruce from? 2.What does Bruce’s father do?

3.How much does Li Ming pay for the two pops? 4.How much did Bruce pay for one pop?

Ask the students to listen carefully and answer the questions.We can arrange the students to listen to the part that is connected with the two questions.Step3.Read and find the new words: He looks confused.Buying things in China is confusing.I made a mistake.Let the students try to make sentences with the new words.Step4.Reading task:

Read the text again and answer the questions: What are Bruce and Li Ming doing? Is Bruce confusing?

Where don’t people try to change the price, in China or in North America? Encourage the students to ask more questions by themselves.Step5.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1.My brother is _______(迷惑的).2.It is so ______(迷惑的)a thing.3.Does he often ______(犯错误)?

This part is used to check if they have grasped the new words.Step6.Activity

Suppose you and Bruce are shopping, you are bargaining with the clerk.Bruce can bargain, too.Divide the class into several groups and talks about the questions.After a while, let the students act their out in front of the class.Encourage the students to speak loudly in front of the class.Choose the best group and praise them.Step7.Think about: What’s the difference between people in China and North America when they are shopping?

Use the formal group to finish the task.When the students discuss, the teacher walks around the classroom to see if they need any help.Step8.Talk about: Where would you like to buy things, in shopping center or market?

Let them debate the questions.As usual, the class can be divided into two groups.One group thinks the shopping center is good.The other thinks the market is better.Let them debate for five minutes.Then let one student in each group to sum the opinions of his own group.Step9.Homework

Find more information about the differences between China and western countries.Summary: This interesting text is about bargaining in China.It’s based on the different cultures between Chinese and Western countries.In some countries in North America, people don’t try to bargain, so some foreign friends feel confused when they buy things in China.Try to help them when you meet foreigners.Try to find more differences between Chinese and Western countries on the Internet.Lesson 18: Wait!Don’t Eat Yet!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: society, politely, manner, especially, unless, polite, fork, serve, forever, act, compare, theirs Oral words and expressions: custom, tablecloth, rude, toothpick, Spaghetti, sauce Teaching Aims: 1.Find the differences between the Chinese and Western customs at table.2.Cultivate the students’ creation and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expressions of similarities and differences.2.Grasp the Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Points: The expressions of similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: a pair work.The teacher asks the students the following question: Have you ever traveled to other places? Where have you been?

Show some pictures with the help of the multi-media.The pictures are from Australia, France, China, England, America and Japan.Let the students discuss for 2 or 3 minutes.Then let them say in front of the class.When the student is speaking, the others can ask him or her questions about his subject.Step2.Listening task Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Table manners in China and Canada are quite ______.2.In China, if your guests have no food on their plates, putting food on their plates is ______.3.It’s ______ to use a toothpick at the table.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and find out the sentences with the new words.All societies have customs about how to eat politely.We call these customs “table manners”.It’s okay to eat it, especially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread.In Canada, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you pick it up and put it on your plate.Parents are forever telling their children: “Don’t talk with your moth full!” Step4.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.In China, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you usually pick it up and eat it.2.In Canada, to finish the food in front of the class in rude.In China, everybody has a knife at the table.Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1.I think______(sing)loudly at table is not polite.2.It’s rude ______(point)to the others when you eat at table.3.His mother said he ______(return)the fork to the restaurant tomorrow.4.Nobody ______(know)the secret except me.Step6.Activity:

Project: What’s the story? 1.Find pictures in magazines.2.Make up a quick story about your picture.3.Trade your picture with the students from another group.Practice:

Show some pictures to the students.Let the students picture them.Show some different pictures in different situations.Let them give vivid description.When they finish one picture, try to show them the whole story.If we don’t have enough time, show them the main idea.Step8.Consolidation

Suppose you have a foreign friend.He will come to China.Make a chart.Write down his/her name, his nationality, his language and his aims.Show it to your partner, then finish it in class.Lesson 19:Sayings

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: culture, several, action, fly, as soon as Oral words and expressions: saying, penny, earn, boil, hatch, judge, prevention, cure, worm, fence, spoil, broth, honey, vinegar, Nick, giggle Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the differences between the Chinese and Western table manners.2.Train the students focus abilities.3.Cultivate the students’ cooperation abilities.Teaching Important Points:

1.Understanding the English saying.2.The expressions of similarities and differences.3.The past future tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Learn the expressions of similarities and differences between Chinese and Western countries on table manners and sayings.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: The teacher begins the class by discussing the question.It is a group activity.Ask the students to tell the manners at the table.In the activity, the students will think of many funny stories.Give them chance to speak in front of the class.Praise the groups that act well.Step2.Listening task: Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Who does Nick sit beside? 2.Is Nick full at last? Listening is necessary for training the students listening abilities.Remember to give them a few easy questions to answer.Step3.Reading task:

Read and find the new words:

But as soon as his bowl was empty, the grandmother put more in it.Wu Yang’s little sister giggled.Let the students make sentences with the new words.S1: The students stop talking as soon as the teacher comes in.S2: My mother came in as soon as I watched TV.S3: While I am speaking, Wang Yan giggles all the time.Step4.Read and find the difficult language points: 1.Nick ate it all up.2.The grandmother kept giving him more.3.Wu Yang was trying not to smile.Let the students try using the phrases in English.S5: I’m so hungry that I eat up all the food on the table.S6: He was not good at English, but he kept trying his best.We all admire him.S7: Try to pass the exam, please.Step5.Divide the class into several groups in three or four.Guess the meanings of the English sayings.First let them exchange the meanings of the sayings in the group first.Then exchange the meanings in groups.Let the students decide which are the correct answers to the English sayings.Step6.Exercises:

1.I will call you __________(一„„就)I come back.2.You must _________(解释)it to your parents.3.Although he failed, he kept _________(努力).4.What _______(其他的)can I do for you? If the teacher wants to know if they have grasped the language points of this lesson, he can give them some exercises to see the result.Step7.Project: It is a group activity.Divide the class into several groups to finish the task.The people in the story have a problem.They don’t understand each other very well.Write an ending for the story.Explain why you choose you ending.Search more information about the differences between China and western countries at the table.Lesson 20: Where I Come From Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: greeting Oral words and expressions: forgive Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the cultural differences among different countries.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The different greeting ways in different country.2.The Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Points: The similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Lead in by discussing in groups.Finish the task with the help of the flashcards.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Let each group discuss the following questions with the help of the pictures.He /she will come to your home for dinner next Sunday.What will you prepare for him/her? Try to finish the task in five minutes.Step2.Listen to the tape and let the students sing after it for several times.Step3.Show a globe to the foreign students.Let’s see where we are.Ask some students come to the front and point up where we are on the globe.A game.Ask two students to the front.Let’s who can find more places in limited time.The one who finds more is the winner.Step4.Read the text as a poem and find the new words.Then make sentences with in greeting, forgive

Where I come from we shake hands in greeting and ask, “How are you?” During a meeting and forgive a mistake or two.Step5.Group work.Ask the students to say some special customs of the foreign countries.For example, the schools are different in China and other countries.Divide the class into groups of three or four to finish the task.Step6.Activity

Work in groups.Think about your culture.List some special Chinese customs that aren't found in other cultures.Step7.Homework

1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

English songs sometimes are the same as the Chinese songs.They also describe a subject and the content is all about it.Because of the English songs, the students know more about the foreign customs and culture.Lesson 21: What’s in a Name? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: given name, family name, sir Oral words and expressions: formal Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Cultivate the students’ learning abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The structure of English names.2.The differences between English and Chinese names.Teaching Difficult Points: The structure of English names.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing: How much do you know about the differences between Chinese and Western names? Work in groups.Then one of the members of the groups gives a report to the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.1.In Western countries, people have ______names.2._______ is Li Ming’s first name.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read and find the new words in the text.1.My given names are “Brian” and “James”.2.My family name is “Smith”.3.That’ formal in English.Practice the new words in class.Stp4.The language points: I’m a little confused.But in China it comes last!What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion? Make sentences with the language points.Step5.Practice: Tell us why Danny is confused.If you understand, give us an example.Let some students say give some examples to show the differences between Chinese and English names.Step6.Work with a partner.Write a dialogue in which Brian and Wang Mei meet and introduce themselves.What do they say when they meet on a formal occasion.Step7.Homework

Give English names to each of your family members.Summary:

English names are so different from Chinese names that some Chinese students are confused about them.Let the students choose English names themselves.Then they can choose English names for their family members.I believe practice makes perfect.Lesson 22: Do Manners Matter? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: praise Oral words and expressions: Joe Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities about learning English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Good manners in China and North America.2.Apologies, similarities and differences.3.Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Tense: Past Future Tense.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by a group work.Ask the students to tell the differences about the manners when you receive the presents.Work in groups of three or four.Everyone writes his or her answers down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their ideas.Next sum the main ideas and present them to the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words.1.Wu Zhou has lived in Canada for ______ years.2.Good manners in North America are ______ from good manners in China.3.When people give you gifts in Canada, you ______ them with many words.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.In North America, there are no words for being polite.2.When people give you gifts in Canada, you might say, “I don’t want your gift.” 3.Wu Zhou is a teacher in a university in Canada.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Tell the main idea of the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about the text.They can ask questions like these: S1: Wu Zhou calls himself Joe Wu, why? S2: Because “Joe” is an English name that sounds like “Zhou”.S3: If you don’t say “please” or “thank you”, what will people think of you? S4: They will think you are rude.Step5.Act

Work with your partner.Suppose you receive a present from your friends, what will you say if you are Chinese and what will you say if you are Canadian? Act your dialogue out in front of the class.Let the students get the differences by their acting.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”

Before we do this, the teacher can show the students more about the differences between Chinese and Canadian culture on the Internet.Divide the class into groups of three or four to finish the task.Everyone write his or her ideas down then exchange the ideas in the group.Make up a dialogue or give a report.Then present it in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The culture differences show in different ways.Let the students think of more situations and let’s find out how to do on the Internet.Teach the students how to learn is more important than what to learn.So give the students more time to practice in class.Lesson 23: Supper with the Bradshaws

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: trouble Oral words and expressions: peppermint, tradition Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the similarities and differences between China and Western countries.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.Apologies.2.Similarities and differences.3.Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Past Future Tense Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing what you will do when your friends say goodbye to you.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Everyone writes their ideas down then exchange them in groups.Sum the ideas then give a report in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.We just came home from the ______.2.Bruce and his father had trouble with Chinese ______ and culture.3.Last night, we eat in the ______.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Scan the text and answer 1.Did Bruce and his father make mistakes in China? 2.Western people never eat duck’s feet, do they? 3.Does Li Ming like peppermints? Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Find the sentences with the new words.But he and his father sometimes had trouble with Chinese customs and culture.At the end of the meal, Mr.Bradshaw opened a box of peppermint candies.In good Chinese tradition, I told him that I enjoyed it.Show some pictures to help the students remember the new words.Step5.Act it out.Divide the class into several groups.Ask each group to act one part of the text out.Before doing this, let them read the text fluently and decide which part to act it out.If they don’t have real peppermints or something they must use, they can use something else to replace them.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into groups.Ask them to discuss what makes them embarrassed when they are guests at a dinner.Everyone writes his ideas down.Then exchange them in groups.At last, one of the groups sums the group’s ideas and presents it in front of the class.They can write a diary entry, an e-mail or a letter about the dinner.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is not easy to make friends with foreigners.It is helpful to know more about the differences between Chinese and western customs and culture.Acting the text out is interesting.The teacher can ask the students to bring something useful into the class.If they don’t have real ones, they can use something to replace it.Lesson 24: Unit Review

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson17 to Lesson23.Oral words and expressions from Lesson17 to Lesson23.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the differences between Chinese and western customs and culture.2.Cultivate the students’ learning abilities and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.Apologies.2.Similarities and differences.3.The past future tense.Teaching Difficult Points: The past future tense.Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about different table manners to the students.Encourage the students to act out a dialogue to show the differences.Give them five minutes.Let the students act in front of the class.Step2.Ask the students to talk about the different customs and culture between China and western countries.Show some pictures to remind the students.They can show them in all kinds of styles.They can make a dialogue or write a passage.Step3.Finish the exercises in class in oral.Write some problems down on the blackboard.Discuss in the class.Then choose the correct answer.Step4.Come to “Grammar in Use”.Let the students make more sentences with the past future tense.It is often used in the object clause, when the subject is past tense, the object clause is often used the past future tense.Encourage them to give more examples to practice it.Step5.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Ask volunteers to act the dialogue out in front of the class.Encourage the students to make other dialogues and act them out.Step6.Come to “Written work”.Let the students write it as homework if we can’t finish it in class.It’s practice of the main ideas of this unit.It can also build the students’ vocabulary.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The students practice their reading, speaking and written English in this text.It is used to build the students’ vocabulary.The teacher must make full use of this part.At the same time, encourage them to remind the main ideas of this unit.Give them more time to use what we learn in this unit.Think over after class :

Lesson 25: Talk!Don’t fight!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: fight, spend Oral words and expressions: fought, spent Teaching Aims: 1.Let the students know the importance of peace.2.Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.Grasp the object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about the agreement and disagreement.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Discuss the following questions: What would you do if you found some money on the street? Give the students five minutes to finish the task.Pay attention to all the students’ feelings.Let all of them take part in the discussion.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Jenny and Brian see Danny ______ on the street, _______ a bag.2.The money that Danny found was on the _______.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Who did Danny buy the shirt for? 2.How much money did Brian lose? Step4.Read the text and tell the main idea of the text in the students’ own words.Let the students speak in front of the class.Encourage them not to be shy when they stand there.Give the students chances to speak loudly in front of the class.Step5.Encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.Divide the class into groups of three or four to finish the task.Ask all of the students to take part in the discussion.They can ask questions like this: S1: When you are Jenny, what should you do to stop the fight? S2: Do you think the ten dollars is Brian’s?

S3: Do you think Danny should spend the ten dollars that he found on the street? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four, talk about what Danny should do.Everyone writes his or her opinion on a piece of paper.Everyone must write his or her reasons down.Choose the best from their opinions.Then report it to the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Activities are the main style of the class.The students learn their knowledge in the games and role-plays.It’s a good way to make the English class interesting.Always remember to improve the students’ cooperation spirit.Let everyone in the group to have the chance to speak.This is very important for the English teaching.Think over after class :

Lesson 26: Good Friends Shouldn’t Fight

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: enemy, behave, gentleman, honest Oral words and expressions: thief, unhappy, agreed Teaching Aims: 1.Let the student’s grasp the four basic skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.2.Know about the importance of peace in the world.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.Grasp the object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The agreement and disagreement Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Talk about the following questions: Have you ever had a fight with a friend? What happened? If you had a fight with your friends, how do you make up after the fight? Everyone writes their opinions down on a piece of paper, then show it to the others of the group.Remember to demonstrate their reasons.The group chooses the best to present in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.1.Brian thinks Danny is a ______.2.Jenny thinks Danny and Brian should stop _______.3.They will have a ______ at Jenny’s house.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Has Brian found his lost money? 2.Did Danny feel sorry to Brian? 3.Is Brian still angry with Danny? Step4.Read the text and act the role-play in front of the class.Encourage them to make up a role-play by themselves.If they like, they can add any ending for the story.After they act, the others can say where they should improve and how they should improve it.Step5.Group work Divide the class into groups of three or four.Discuss the following questions:

Talk about your fight with your members of the groups.Tell them: what happened to you? How long did the fight last? Who helped you to solve it? After one student finishes his speech, the others can tell him or her whether his actions are right or wrong.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Finish the task in pairs.Ask the students to think about the fight between Danny and Brian.Is Brian right to be angry with Danny? Why? The key is to describe the reasons.Is Danny right to say that he doesn’t want to be Brian’s friend anymore? With a partner, debate which character is right, Danny or Brian? Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Activities give the students chances to practice their spoken English.During the activities, some students may have trouble in expressing themselves.The teacher should help them if necessary.Provide them pictures to help them remind the stories or experience in their life.Show them some English words that are about their topics Think over after class :

Lesson 27: The Dove and the Olive Branch

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: flood, peaceful, raise, symbol Oral words and expressions: dove, olive, Adam, Eve, Eden, God, Noah Teaching Aims: 1.Stimulate the students’ ideas of loving our country.2.Improve the students’ spoken English.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.Grasp the object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: the object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:

Step1.Lead in by discussing “Do you know the story of the dove and the olive branch?”

Divide the class into group of three or four.Discuss the question.At the same time, show the students the picture of the dove and the olive branch with the help of the audiotape.Everyone in the group writes their answers down.Then discuss it in the group.Choose the best to show in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Noah is a good man.2.Noah and his family in the Great Flood for a hundred days.3.Since then, people use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace.After listening to the tape, ask the students to finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Scan the text and tell the main idea of it.Remember to say with their own words.Not one word by one word from the text.Step4.Read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1.Did God think there are too many bad people in the world? 2.What did Noah do to escape the Great Flood? Finish the task in class in oral.Step5.Group work Discuss the following questions in groups of three or four.What do you think breaks the peace in our life? What can you do to prevent this happen?

Make a list of it.Then exchange the ideas in groups.Choose the best to present in front of the class.Before the students finish the task, the teacher had better show some new words to them on the blackboard.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Ask the students to finish the task in formal groups.First, discuss whether or not you think the story of Noah is real.Why or why not? What do they think of the God’s idea?

Second, tell other famous stories about making peace.Many students may know some Chinese stories about making peace.Show some pictures to help them remind the old stories.Many people died in order to get a peaceful world for us.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Write down your story in the exercise book.Summary:

Remind the students to respect the dead men who died in the anti-Japanese wars.Many stories also write down some great men who devoted themselves to the peace of China.Let’s remember them forever.Without them, we haven’t the peaceful world and the happy life.Think over after class :

Lesson 28: Please Let There Be Peace Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: army, prepare, gun, agree, agree to, imagine Oral words and expressions: obey, battle, rage, suffering Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.2.Learn to love and care for the people around us.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show a picture of a dove and the olive branch to the class.Let them show their opinions about the peace of the world.If you are a member in the U.N, what should you do to stop fighting? Peace and development are the main topics now.Make a list of the plan that you make.Then present it to the class.Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.Let them know the rhythm of the song.Can someone sing in front of the class? If anyone can, the teacher let them have a try.Step3.Read the song as a poem line by line.Translate it into Chinese.If necessary, help them.There are some new words in it.Some words are difficult to understand.Step4.Play the song again for several times again.Let the students sing after it.Step5.Practice Divide the class into two groups to read the song.Then sing the song together.If necessary, play the tape again.If they can’t sing it well, the teacher teaches them line by line.Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Wars bring suffering to people.We all love peace and hate war.We have an organization called the U.N.which is to stop fight and keep peace in the world.It is made up of six main countries in the world.When there is a fight on the earth, we may think it’s time for the U.N.to play an important part.Now imagine you are representing China at the U.N.Make a speech about how the U.N.should work to stop war.Present your speech to a small group of classmates and listen to their speeches.As a group, talk about your speeches.Ask each other questions about your opinions and information.After five minutes, ask several groups to present their result to the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book Summary:

We all hate wars because we see what wars bring us on TV, in newspapers and on Internet.We must do something to stop them.Give the students chances to open their minds.Maybe it is they that can save the earth someday.Think over after class :

Lesson 29: Jenny’s Good Advice

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: agree with, probably, belong, belong to Oral words and expressions: opinion, have a talk Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ abilities of learning English.2.Know about the importance of peace.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”

Lead in by discussing the following questions: Why do you sometimes fight with others? How do you feel after the fight? Finish the task in groups.After discussing it for a while, make the best one to show it in the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where do Danny and Brian meet? 2.Do Danny and Brian stop fight in this lesson? Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and tell the main idea of the text.Pay attention to Danny’s and Brian’s opinions about this.Step4.Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.Danny and Brian both think Jenny’s cookies are good.2.Brain didn’t think the money that Danny’s picked up was his.3.Danny can’t agree with Brian’s opinion.Finish the task in class in oral.Step5.Pair work Work with your partner.If you were Jenny, what would you do to stop them from fighting? Do you have any other good ideas? Work in pairs.Then discuss it for a while.Let some volunteers come to the front to give their advice.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in group work.Ask them to make up a dialogue or a role-play.First, they must make a plan for the play.What happened to you? Who are fighting? Why? Give them five minutes to finish the task.If they don’t have enough people to play, they can ask the teacher to take part in it.Step7.Homework 1.Have you had a fight with your friend? Write it down.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The teacher can take part in the students’ activities.They can help the students make a plan to play it better.The teacher can provide them some new words if necessary.Praise them after they act a dialogue out.Think over after class :

Lesson30: Let’s Work for Peace

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: provide, disagree, trust Oral words and expressions: religion Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the importance of peace.2.Know more about the foreign culture.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know about a student council in Canada.2.Talk about the agreement and disagreement.3.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions: How many clubs are there in your school? What are they?

If there aren’t any clubs in the school, we can think about who works for the peace of your school.What do they often do when someone fights in school? Discuss it in groups.Then choose the best to present it in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What grade is Danielle in? 2.What does the student council do? Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.Student councils work to make schools better places.2.All the students in Danielle’s school wear the same clothes.3.We need to learn about different cultures and make friends with people from other cultures.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Tell the main idea of this text.Remember to answer the questions: 1.What does the student council do? 2.What is Danielle’s school like?

3.What do we do in order to make our school a better place? Step5.Group work Work in groups of four or three to discuss the following questions: If you are a member of the student council, make a plan about how to make the school a better place.Make a list of the things that you think must be done according to the situation of the school.Discuss the question in groups.Then show it to the others in class.Discuss the plan in class.At last, give the advice to school.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups.Plan a debate about this topic: countries should never go to war to solve disputes.Are there any wars today? Where are they? Are wars good or bad? Are there better ways to solve problems? Give them enough time to debate the interesting topic.Let them open their minds to create good ideas.Then present their ideas group by group in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Students are old enough to think about these questions.They watch TV to pay attention to the development of the world.They have much to say in this part.Show some pictures about the disaster that wars bring to the people in the world.Call on the students to study hard to create a more peaceful world for the people.Think over after class :

Lesson 31: Peace at Last Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: at last, pity, angry, decision, fair, conversation, regret There are no oral words and expressions in this lesson.Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to love and care for the others.2.Practice the students’ written English.Teaching Important Points: 1.Talk about agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the text by discussing the following question: What should you do if you have trouble with your friend? Finish the task in groups of three or more.Let’s see how they solve their problems.Many students may write a diary.Others tell his or her trouble to his friend or teacher.Tell the students: when you meet trouble, find some effective and fast ways to help yourselves out.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who has trouble with the basketball game, Li Ming or Danny? 2.Did Li Ming go to the basketball game at last? 2.What is Danny going to deal with the money problem? Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and then tell the others what Li Ming’s trouble is.Do you think how to solve it? Is Li Ming right or wrong? Tell the class the reasons.Step4.Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.Li Ming has been invited to a party on Friday evening.2.Li Ming’s friend was angry because Li Ming missed the game.3.Brian wrote a letter to Danny and told him he didn’t want the ten dollars any more.Finish the task in class in oral.Step5.Find out the sentences with the news and practice them in class.After I missed the game, my friend was very angry.What a pity.She said that the decision was mine.It wouldn’t be fair for me to go to the game.Jenny said we should have a conversation.I regret what I did.Let the students make up sentences with the words and expressions that we learn in this lesson.Show some flashcards to help them.S1.Don’t be angry with me.S2: It is necessary for us to have a conversation with my mother.S3: His sister regrets doing that.Step6.Group work Divide the class into groups of three or four.Write experience that you have had.Then share it with your members.Tell who is right in the story.What should we do to solve the problem correctly? Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.Finish the task in groups.Write a diary entry, an e-mail or a letter about the topic below.Have you or anyone in your family experienced war before? What is war like? If they have no experience, they can describe a war that they have heard before.After they write their experience down, share them in the group.Then choose a special to give a report in front of the class.Step8.Homework

1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

We all have a fight with our friends.Write your experience down and share with your classmates.You may think it’s funny for to do such a thing at that time.It will help you to analyze yourself.Think over after class :

Lesson 32: Unit Review Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions from Lesson25 to Lesson31.Oral words and expressions from Lesson25 to Lesson31.Teaching Aim: 1.Learn to love and care for others.2.Know about how important the peace is for us.Teaching Important Points:

1.Talk about agreement and disagreement.2.The object clause.Teaching Difficult Points: The object clause Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing the importance of peace for us in the world.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Show some pictures to the students.Analyze the disadvantages that wars bring us.Make a list of it and show it to the class.Step2.Do with the exercises the lesson.Write down some difficulties on the blackboard.Then discuss the use of them.Practice them again.Step3.Come to Grammar in Use.The object clause is the main part.Let some student make similar sentences in front of the class.The others listen and find if they are right.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Fill in the blanks with correct words.Make up similar dialogues in front of the class.Step5.Do with the comprehension part.Can the students answer the question fluently? If they have any difficulties, help them.Step6.Come to “Take This Quiz”.Search on the Internet to find more information.Ask the students what they want to know.Let them search on the Internet before the class.Then give a report to the class the next day.Step7.Do with written part.If we have time in class, finish it in class in groups.If we don’t have enough time to do with it, we can have it done after class.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

This is the summary of the unit.It includes the main points in this unit.Arranging it carefully before the class, we can have a good review in the class.We can do with the language points, the main grammar and practice the spoken English.Think over after class :

Lesson 33: Welcome, Guest!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: shape, perhaps, though Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Good manners at table.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn different cultures.2.Practice the object complements and attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complements.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions: What do you know about dinosaurs? List the names of some types of dinosaurs you know of.Discuss the questions in groups.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then discuss it in groups.Make a complete answer.Then present it in the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Where was Danny yesterday afternoon? He was at Dinosaur School.2.Did Danny learn Dinosaur song at school? Yes, he did.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and encourage the students to ask more questions about this part.S1: What did Danny learn at Dinosaur school? S2: He learned dinosaur culture.S3: When will they have dinner together? S4: On Saturday.Step4.Practice Do with the main grammar: the object complements.Point out the sentences with object complements: I find other cultures interesting.Make examples by the students: We must keep the classroom clean every day.Step5.Activity Invite your friend to your home.What do you do? Make up a dialogue with your partner.Then let them present it in front of the class.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.What do you think dinosaur food is like? Do you think Brian and Jenny will like the food? Write down your ideas.Then share it with your partner.After a while, let some students show their answers in front of the class.Remind them to tell the students why they think so.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercise book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Students are strange to hear of the Dinosaur culture.We all want to know what real Dinosaur culture is, including their food, songs, clothes and so on.Give the students time to say some other countries’ culture in front of the class.Let them search on the Internet for more information.Think over after class :

Lesson 34: Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: knock, hang, hang up, offer Oral words and expressions: hung, hanged Teaching Aims: 1.Know about the Dinosaur culture.2.Cultivate the students’ cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about having a meal.2.The object complement and the attributive clause.Teaching Difficult Points: Have a meal.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions:

Have you ever invited a guest to your home? Have you ever been a guest? What’s the worst food you’ve ever had?

Discuss the following questions in groups.Then present it in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.When Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home, he is in the _____.2.Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _____ to eat.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false.1.Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s home on Sunday.2.Jenny and Brian drink some milk in Danny’s home.3.Dinosaur food is certainly different.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and retell the story in their own words.Correct their grammar mistakes after he finish telling the story.Ste5.Do with the language points: Make sentences with the useful phrases: Would like to…? Help yourself to… S1: Would you like some dumplings? S2: Yes, I’d love to.S3: Would you like to have an apple? S4: No, thank you.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into several groups to finish the activity.Every member writes his ideas on a piece of paper.Are guests important in your home? What do you do to make guests feel comfortable? Let the students show their dialogues out in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in class.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is important for you to make your guests feel comfortable.At first, you must be polite.Then you can provide them with different drinks and fruits.Ask them what their favourite food is.Of course, as a guest, you must be polite enough, too Think over after class :

Lesson 35: Keeping Culture Alive Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: hand in, strange, mind, share Oral words and expressions: Chinatown Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about foreign cultures.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities.3.Grasp the important grammars.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the Chinatown.2.Having meals.3.Object complements.Teaching Difficult Points: Object complements Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing the following questions: Have you ever heard of Chinatown? What do you think of it?

Work in groups.Everyone writes his or her answers down.Then discuss for five minutes.Present it in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.This is the _____ time for Danny to Chinatown.Would Chinese students visit _____ _____ _____.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Did Brian enjoy the school trip?

2.Is there an area called Little North America in Beijing? Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again.Then ask the students to retell the story in their own words.They can practice with her partner first.Step5.Do with the language points: Let the students read the text again.Sum the new words and language points in this lesson.Make up sentences with the new words and the language points.S1: Must I hand in the paper now? S2: Let’s share the experience in the summer holiday.S3: I shall share the fruit with the little girls.S4: Will it rain tomorrow? S5: I don’t think so.Step6.Activity Group work.If there were Little North America in Beijing, what will it be like?

Divide the class into groups to finish the task.Every member writes his or her answers down.Then change it with the others.Then choose the complete one to present in front of the class.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish this part in groups of three or four.One student sums his group’s advice.Then present it in front of the class.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Chinatown is used for Chinese in America.They can speak Chinese.It if convenient for those people who can’t speak English live there.They are all kinds of shops there.Think over after class :

Lesson 36: So We Can Be Friends Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: difference Oral words and expressions: Peru, Scotland, bagpipe Teaching Aims:

1.Learn more about the foreign culture.2.Learn to sing English songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.Keep one country’s culture.2.Grasp the object complement.3.How to use keep.Teaching Difficult Points: Keep one culture’s culture.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures about the foreign culture.Pointing to the pictures, ask the students to guess where they are and what special culture they have.Step2.Listen to the tape for two times.While they are listening, let the students sing after it in a low voice.Step3.Read the song as a poem.Let them find if it has rhythms.Step4.Ask the students to know the meaning of the song with the help of the pictures.Step5.Listen to the tape again and sing after if for several times.Step6.Let the volunteers sing in front of the class.Step7.Come to PROJECT.1.List the differences between the Chinese and Chinese cultures.Finish it in work group.Talk about the different ways in China and Canada.What are the differences between the two countries?

2.Ask the students to act short plays out in front of the class.Show what would happen in Canada and what will happen in China.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Different countries have different culture.We must keep it.Students should know more about it.It can help them when they go abroad to study further.Ask the students to search more after the class.Then present it in the next lesson Think over after class :

Lesson 37: The Fox and the Stock

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: fox, flat, hardly, fetch, thin, stick, regard, realize, promise Oral words and expressions: stork, Aesop, rudely, beak Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about more about the foreign culture.2.The importance of cooperation in the world.3.Improve the student’s creation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.The lessons we learn from the story.2.The object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Different Points: Practice object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by discussing the following questions: Tell a story about the animals.What can we learn from the story? Finish the task in groups.Let some students come to the front and tell his class his wonderful story.Step2.Listening task Listening to the tape and find the correct answers to the following questions.1.There is a _____ and a _____ in the story.2.The fox brought the soup in large flat _____.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Is the fox polite to the stork? 2.What are the stock’s noodles in? 3.Were they still friends? Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read and tell the stories by their own words.Step5.Do with the new language points in this text.1.“Certainly” said the stork, who was doing her best to be polite.Do one’s best

S1: I am doing my best to learn well.2.The stork fetched two tall, thin jars.Fetch=go and come back S2: Can you fetch me two bottles of water, please? Step6.Work in groups.Divide the class into groups.Then one member of the group tells a story which are with animals about characters.Then let the others sum the lessons that we learn from the story.Step7.Homework Find the most wonderful story after class.Prepare to tell the class in the next lesson.Summary:

All of the students know many interesting stories about animals.We can learn important lessons from the story.They must respect others in their life, or they might have a fight.This is the same as man.We must respect others in our life.Then we can have a peaceful world.Think over after class :

Lesson 38: One Country, Many Cultures

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: central, although, respect Oral words and expressions: immigrant, tolerant, dancer Teaching Aims:

1.Know about the culture in the world.2.Keep one country’s culture.3.Create the students’ basic abilities.Teaching Important Points: 1.The details about Canadian cultures.2.Different cultures have different features.1.Practice the object complement and the attributive clauses.Teaching Difficult Points: The object complement and the attributive clauses Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Lead in by discussing the following questions: How many cultures does China have? How many can you name? What are some of the interesting things in your culture? Discuss the questions above in groups.Then every group answers the questions one by one.Step2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear: 1.Only _____ percent of all Canadians are from First Nations.2.Canada has _____ official languages.Finish the task in class in oral.


Lesson 1: Poetry, Please Mastery words and expressions: poem, decide, nature, express,learn/know …by heart, pleased, happiness, shut

Oral words and expressions: poetry, description, continue, beyond Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the poems in foreign countries.2.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to make suggestions.2.The grammar: infinitives.3.Some words and expressions: learn/know …by heart Teaching Difficult Points: The grammar: infinitives Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK AOBUT IT”.Let the students talk about the questions in groups.1.Have you written a poem in Chinese? Is it hard? Why? 2.What kinds of poetry do you like best? After a while, let the students in each group present their ideas to the class in front of the class.Step2: Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1.Have Brian finished his poem? 2.What’s Danny’s poem about? Step3: Reading task: 1.Read the text and underline the new words in this lesson.2.Present the meanings of the words with the help of the media computer.We can use our body language if necessary.3.Tell the main idea of this lesson.Step4: Read the text again and decide the statements are true or false.1.Jenny wrote a Chinese poem.2.Brian wrote a poem about nature.3.Danny learned his poem by heart.Step5: Deal with the language points.How to make a suggestion: Maybe you could write a description of your favourite place.The infinitives: I haven’t decided what to write about.Would you like to hear my poem? I don’t need to read it.Let the students sum the use of infinitives of this lesson.Then encourage them to make more sentences with the grammar.Step6: Activities 1.Divide the class into several groups.Then let them translate a Chinese poem written by Li Bai or other famous poets.Then compare the translations of the groups.Let’s see which is the best? 2.Each group writes an English poem about the familiar things around us.Then let them change the poems in groups.They may give their own advice to the poems written by others.Step7: Describe the picture in English.Ask the students work in their formal groups.Then let them read their poems in class loudly.Step8: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work with a partner.Let the students talk about the question: which do you think is more difficult to understand, English poetry or Chinese poetry? Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Get more information about the English poetry after class.Feedback:

The students more little of the English, so that the teacher provides them more information about the English poetry is very necessary.We can use the Internet to help us.The teacher should stimulate the students’ interests about the English poetry.The students can have more time to search more information on the Internet after class.Blackboard Design

Lesson 2: Poems About Nature Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: hill, clear, brave, pale, golden, softly, kiss, noisy Oral words and expressions: swiftly, tiny, warmth, scene, related, topic Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ guessing ability of the whole text.2.Enjoy the charming of the English poetry.3.Compare the differences between the English and Chinese poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn the English poetry about nature by hearty.2.Know how to write an English poem.Teaching Difficult Points: Use what we learn to write an English poem.Teaching Aids: audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Divide the class into several groups.Talk about the next questions: Have you read any poems in English? Which one do you like best? Why? What should you do first if you want to write a poem about winter? Choose several best poems and let the students read them in front of the class.Show some pictures of winter to the students.Help them to find more words to describe winter.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1.Does the poem make you think of _______? 2.You can write a poem about _______, too.3.Before you start writing your poetry, think about your _______.Step3: Read the text and find the new words.1.Let the students guess the meanings of the new words.Most of the new words are related nature.So present some pictures to the students to help them understand the new words.2.Ask some students to tell the main idea of this text.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the new words we learn in this text.Ask if someone can tell a story with the words we learn today.Encourage them to stand in front of the class and tell his story to us.Step5: Reading task Encourage the students to ask questions about this text.Finish the task in groups.Let the students design questions and exchange them in groups.They can ask questions like this: 1.What are your ideas for a nature poem? 2.What can you do to describe about something? Step6: Activities.Work in groups.Write a poem about the two pictures.Finish a poem.Then each student in the group correct it before reading it to the class.Step7: Come to “LET’S DO IT!”

The task is similar to the step6.Finish it in class.Try to write a poem about one of the seasons.The teacher shows some pictures about the seasons to the students.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback:

It is fun and interesting to write a poem in English.The teacher tries to write a poem and presents it to the class.Let the students correct it if they have any good ideas.Some students are interested in English, and they are also interested in poems.So give them more chances to create their minds.Blackboard Design

Lesson 3: Say It in Three Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: direction, form, poet, simply, a set number of, middle, clearly, dark, sleepy, unexpected, frog, feeling Oral words and expressions: petal, cherry, grebe, Matsuo Basho, Haiku, particular, pattern, set, syllable, interruption, plop, splash, limerick, Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ reading comprehension.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and Japanese poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn about an old style of Japanese poem: Haiku.2.Know some styles of poems: Haiku, Nature Poem and Limerick.Teaching Difficult Points: The old form of Japanese poetry: Haiku.Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show pictures of Japanese poets and poems.Then introduce Haiku to the students.The teacher can find some music to match the poem.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Usually Haikus are about _______.Haiku always has ______ lines.The first line of a Haiku has _______ syllables.Check the answers in class in oral.Step3: Read the text and guess the meanings of the new words.Sometimes some new words are too hard to understand, so the teacher can find some related pictures to help them.If the students bring some pictures about nature to the class, let them show them in front of the class.Step4: Read the text and find the answers to the questions: 1.Do Haikus tell a story? 2.What’s a syllable? Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.1.Divide the class into groups to finish the task.2.Finish the three poems in the text.Use the sentence: I need a ______.Let the others give the answers, one student write the words down.3.After finishing the poems, read it to the class.All the groups have different poems.Do they sound funny? 4.Decide a subject by each group.Then make a pattern according to the subject.Then finish the poem as the models in the text.5.Read the poem to the class.Homework: 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback:

Some students may think the foreign poems are funny and easy.The teacher may also think so.It is possible for the students to create poems like those we have learned in the class.Give them more chances to create their minds.The teacher can try some poems, too.The class and the teacher can find much fun in learning foreign poems.Blackboard Design:

Lesson 4: The Wish Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: wish, in the middle of, stone, friendship, Teaching Aims: 1.Learn how to sing foreign songs.2.Know more about the foreign culture.3.Learn about the styles of all kinds of poems in other countries.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the main idea of the song.2.Grasp the use of “without”.3.Make a similar song like this.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of “without”.Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to the tape for several times.At the same time, ask the students to sing after it.Test how long they grasp the rhythm of the song.Step2: Read the song as a poem.Let the students read the poem as a lyric line by line.Step3: Make a poem like this.Divide the class into several groups.Make the similar this.Every group makes a poem.Then present it to the class.If the others have other better ideas, they can give their advice.Step4: Do with the language points.Make sentences with the important phrases: in the middle, without.S1: Danny sits in the middle of the classroom.S2: There is a stone in the middle of the road.S3: Fish can’t live without water.S4: We can’t finish the work without your help.Step5: Come to “PROJECT”.Finish the task in groups.1.Everyone in the group chooses one pattern of these poems and writes one by yourself.2.After writing the poem, show it to the others in the group.3.Each exams the others’ poems and gives his advice.4.After examine all of their poems, change them with the other group.Give their reasonable advice.5.The teacher gives them chances to express themselves.Homework:

1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback: The students are familiar to the Chinese poetry, but the foreign ones are hard for them.When the students practice, the teacher should give them a hand if necessary.It is a challenge for the Chinese students to write foreign poems.Encourage them more in order to stimulate their interests of learning English.Blackboard Design:

Lesson 5: That’s a Funny Limerick!

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: both…and… Oral words and expressions: blank, motion Teaching Aims: 1.Cultivate the students’ ability of learning by themselves.2.Master one of the patterns of foreign poems.3.Compare the differences between the Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about the limerick.2.Learn more words about describing weight, size, feeling and age.Teaching Difficult Points: Know how to write a limerick.Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Let the students answer the questions in class in oral.1.Ask several students to say funny sayings in English.If they can’t express themselves in English, they can say them in Chinese.2.Let some students tell jokes.Encourage them to tell jokes in English.Step2: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1._______ and _______ help Jenny fill in the blanks in her limerick.2.They choose _______ to describe the weight.Step3: Read and get the main idea of the text.1.Let the students scan the text.Then tell the main idea of the text.2.Find the new words and guess their meanings according to the text.Step4: Do with some language points.Either…or…, both…and…

Let some students make sentences with the help of the pictures.S1: He eats either apples or oranges.S2: Either he or I am good at dancing.S3: Both his teachers and his parents love him.S4: Susan loves both reading and listening.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Limerick is a kind of poem that has a pattern.Study the “Limerick”.Get the results.1.There are five lines in the limerick.2.From Jenny’s limerick, we can see the first, second and fifth lines have rhyme.Look in the library or search on the Internet to find some information about limericks.Show them to the class and let them find the patterns of “limerick”.3.Let different groups act the dialogue out in front of the class.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Feedback:

Limerick is fun.It’s interesting for the students.The students may like to practice it very much.Everyone writes a limerick.The class will be full of laughter.Ask the students to begin the similar dialogue in class to practice the limerick.Blackboard Design

Lesson 6: Say It in Five Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: create, single, thought Oral words and expressions: fur, stretch, hum, adjective Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ listening and reading abilities.2.Know more about the foreign poetry.3.Learn the American five-line poems.Teaching Important Points: 1.Grasp the pattern of the five-line poem.2.Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Difficult Points: Use the pattern to describe something.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.We all know Chinese poetry has different kinds of patterns.Let the students give some examples.Step2: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Who created the five-line poem? 2.How many poems does the text show us? Finish the listening part in class in oral.Step3: Reading task: Read and tell the main idea of the text.This is a game to practice the students’ memories.It can improve the students’ summary abilities.Step4: Read and decide the statements are true or false.1.Today we learn a pattern of French poetry.2.The second line has three words.3.The topic of the poem is a noun.Finish the questions in class in oral.Step5: Activity: Show some pictures to the students.Let them the favourite one to describe.They can work in pairs.Then show their poems to the class.It’s easy to finish the task, but it is hard to do it well.Step6: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups of three or four students.1.Say the differences between a Haiku and a five-line poem.Say about their different forms and different patterns.A haiku is just a description of a scene.It is simply what is happening in this place, at this moment.Five-line poem has five lines.It is always about a single topic.Each line has a set number of words.The first line has one word.The second line has two words.The third, or middle, line has three words.The fourth line has four words.The last line has one word.2.Finish the task in groups.Choose one topic as they like.Then exchange the poems among the groups.Step7: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Ask the students to find more topics after class.Summary:

We learn different kinds of foreign poetry.They are limericks, five-line poems and Haiku.The students may think they are very interesting.Some students have surprising poems that you didn’t think of.Give them more chances to practice so that they can create their minds.Lesson 7: Trading Poems Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: awake, riddle Oral words and expressions: avenue Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the foreign culture.2.Create the student’s cooperation ability.Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the written style, letter.2.Learn the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Difficult Points: Write a letter with what we learn in this unit.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show the type of the letter.Let the students sum how to write a letter.Pay attention to the written style of the envelope.Step2: Listening task Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.1._______ is a beautiful way to express thoughts and feelings.2.Danny’s teacher says Danny’s always saying _______ things.Let the students listen to the tape and finish the listening task in class in oral.Step3: Read the text and answer the following questions: 1.Does Danny think it is hard to write a poem? 2.Did Li Ming write back to Danny? Ask the students scan the text and answer the questions.Step4: Practice Write a letter to your friends about what we learn in this unit.The teacher encourages them to write a poem to their friend, too.It’s hard, so they can choose any topic that they like.They only write for friends.We don’t need to demand too much.Step5: Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in groups of three or four students.In a small group, write a poem like the one in Li Ming’s postcard.1.First, choose a word your group like.They can choose any word that they like.Because the task is to begin a poem with the letters in this word, everyone can write a word on a piece of paper.Then they can choose one from these.2.Use each letter in this word to begin a line of our poem.Everyone in the group can write different poem according to the word.Then they can exchange their poems and give advice to each other.3.Make a poster to display your poems on the wall.It takes some time to design the poster.4.Which one do you think is the best? Give your reasons.Let the students choose the best poem that they like best and give their reasons in front of the class.Step6: Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

The last poem that we learn in Li Ming’s postcard is very interest

Lesson 8: Unit Review

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson7.Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson7.Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students’ ability of using what we learn in this unit.2.Stimulate the students’ mind of learning about Chinese and foreign poetry.3.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.Teaching Important Points: 1.Making suggestions.2.Master the use of infinitives.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of infinitives.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Listen to some beautiful poems in Chinese or in English.Music usually creates atmosphere for the students.If anyone can recite some English poems, the teacher can give them chances to recite in front of the class.Step2: Do the exercises in Lesson8.At the same time, the teacher walks in the classroom and see if they have any trouble to solve.Step3: Let the students write some difficulties on the blackboard.Then let’s try to solve them together.The most important grammar is the infinitive.For example: I haven’t decided what to write.Li Ming has something important to do, so he can’t come to your party.My wish is to go to space.It’s not easy to walk against a strong wind.Step4: Practice the spoken English.Make a similar dialogue according to the Speaking the Language part.It’s how to make suggestions.Ask the students work in pairs to make up dialogues like this.Then present it in front of the class.Step5: Play “Story Game’.Work in groups to finish the task.When the students play the game, the teacher walks around the classroom and see if any group needs help.At last, ask each group presents their stories to the others in front of the class.Whose story is the funniest? Step6: Homework 1.Finish the exercises in activity book.2.Preview the next lesson.Summary:

Poetry is an important part of culture.So it is useful to learn it well.This unit gives us opportunities to practice.Making suggestions is important, too.So let the students make dialogues to practice it.The teacher should pay attention to the infinitives in this unit.We should practice more in this class.Lesson 9: What’s a “Horkey”?

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: helpful, at the same time Oral words and expressions: DNA, combine, juicy, mule, donkey Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about cloning.2.How to combine two different things.Teaching Important Points:

1.Talk about the ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Combine two different things.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about the ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the class by showing some pictures about combining to the students.They may be about different things, such as food, fruit, animals and other things.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Can Danny combine a donut and a pizza? 2.Who wants to combine a cow and a chick? Let the students answer the questions with the help of the pictures.Finish the task in oral in class.Step3.Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct words.1.We can combine two different ______ or two different ______.2.Brian would combine ______ and ______.Look through the whole text quickly and answer the questions in class in oral.Step4.Encourage the students find the new words in this lesson.Give more examples and let the students understand more about the words.I would combine a donut and a pizza.Then I could have breakfast and lunch together.Then I would have little, juicy bananas.Do you know what a mule is? It has a horse as mother and a donkey as a father.Step5.Read the text again and encourage them to find more questions about the text.One student stands up and asks a question.The others who want to answer can stand up and answer it as quickly as he can.For example: 1.What would you combine? 2.What about combining a duck and a deer? 3.Can we combine apples and bananas? Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.Finish the task in groups of three or four students.Think about something that is combined by two different things.Each of the group writes his answer down and shows it to others.Then choose the most meaningful one to study.What will your group combine? What if you combine the two things? What can it do for us? What’s its advantage? Talk about the questions above, then sum their ideas.Give a report in front of the class.Demonstrate your ideas.Describe the thing that you combine in detail.Describe its advantages and disadvantages.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary In this lesson, we learn to combine two different things together.In order to get new living things, we must make full use of our imagination.What can the things that we combine are used for? It is important for us to discuss.During the discussion, we practice our spoken English.Lesson 10: What is DNA? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: generally, twin, clone, not only…but also Oral words and expressions: blueprint, identical, egg, identify Teaching Aims: 1.Know how to write a passage on science.2.Learn something about DNA.3.Know more about our body.Teaching Important Point: 1.Master the words and expressions of this lesson.2.The ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Point: The use of DNA.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in the text by discussing what DNA is.Divide the class into several groups.Then talk about the subject for several minutes.Then one of the groups presents their opinions in front of the class.Step2.Listening task:

Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.Generally speaking, a ______ is a drawing.2.______ for identical twins, each living thing has its own unique DNA.Play the tape once.Then let the students try to finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text quickly and answer the following questions: 1.Where does your DNA come from? 2.Is your DNA in every part of your body? Finish the reading task in class in oral.Try to get more information about the text at the same time.Step4.Read the text again.Find the sentences with the new words.Try to create situation about the new words.Then make sentences with the new words.If someone can make a whole story with the new words that we learn in this lesson, the teacher must encourage her.The sentences with the new words: Generally speaking, a blueprint is a drawing.Identical twins are two children that grew from the same egg.They are clones.From your DNA, scientists can identify not only you, but also people related to you.Step5.Let some students tell some details about the text.What is DNA?

Where is your DNA from? What is DNA used for? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task with a partner.Find the things about you that show your parents’ DNA.Talk about if for a while.Then let some volunteers come to the front to talk about the subject.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

You look like your father or your mother.That identifies the DNA of your body from your parents.DNA is very fascinating.Each living thing has its own unique DNA.Try to find more ways to use the DNA in many fields.Discuss the use of DNA in this class.Make full use of it to help more people in the world in more fields

Lesson 11: Cloning People? Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: exactly, divide, crazy Oral words and expressions: human being, original, adult, Dolly, insect Teaching Aims:

1.Know more about cloning.2.Create the students’ spirit of cooperation.Teaching Important Points: 1.The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.2.The expression of ability and disability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The advantages and disadvantages of cloning.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:

Step1: Show a picture of Dolly.Then let the students discuss what our life will be if we make a clone of ourselves.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Discuss for five minutes.Then present their results to the class.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.1.The clones are the ______ height.2.There are ______ ways to clone people.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.We can make clones from dead animals.2.Each clone would be a different person.3.We can combine the DNA of pigs and dogs.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Pair work: Read the text again and find more details about the text.Try to solve the following problems.Talk about them with your partner.At the same time, encourage them to ask more questions about the text.How many ways are there to clone people? What are they? Do you want a clone of your self? Why? What is the use of cloning? Try to finish it in a limited time in order to improve their comprehension ability.Step5.Read the text by the students.Give the students time to listen to the tape again.Then make a chance for them to practice in front of the class.Step6.A debate Divide the class into two groups.One group is for the advantages of cloning.The other is for the disadvantages of cloning.The teacher designs the task in order to find out the meanings of cloning.Step 7.Come to “LET’S DO IT’.This task is similar to the one is step6.This topic is about the food.The students can use their imaginations.Of course the best way is to search on the Internet for more information about the subject.Step8.Homework 1.Search more information about cloning on the Internet or in the newspaper.2.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.Summary:

Cloning is a popular subject in the modern society.It is good for the students to know more about that.Encourage the students to find out more information on the Internet.They can use other tools to get more.Give them chances to present their results in the next lesson.Lesson 12: Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?

Teaching Content: There are no new words and expressions in this lesson.Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about combining.2.Find the differences between the Chinese and foreign songs.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expression of ability and disability.2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.3.Sing the song fluently.Teaching Difficult Points: Combine two different living things.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of animals to the students.Let them imagine what animals what animals they would like to combine.What would they look like? What are they used for? Divide the class into groups of three or four.Then discuss the questions for five minutes.After a while, show their results to the class in front of the class.Step2.Listen to the song and repeat after it.Play the tape for several times.Let the students to be familiar to the rhythm of the song.Step3.Read the song as a lyric.Then let the students make up other similar songs according to their imagination.Let some volunteers present their song to the class.Step4.Let the students try to sing the song together.Play the tape again.Ask them to sing after it for several times again.Step5.Ask some volunteers to sing in front of the class.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in a small group to finish the task.Use the pattern in the song to tell customers about your new animals.Describe the new animals in the following ways.What animals will you combine? What is the new animal look like? What are they used for? What will you name them? At last, they can present their result in words or in pictures.Let the students talk about the subject for five minutes.Then let one of the members come to the front and present their result.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Practice the song after class.Summary:

This song is about combining.Combine two different things together by changing their DNA.It is a new technique.We must make full use of it in many ways.The students today are the future scientists and engineers.So let them know more about coming is good for them.Give them more chance to search after class.Help them to use many tools to teach themselves.Lesson 13: Clones Are the Same Teaching Content: Oral words and expressions: laboratory Teaching Aims:

1.Practice the students’ spoken English.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Know more about cloning.2.The expression of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The expression of ability and inability.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question “What would you like to clone?” in groups.They can use the following patterns: What would you like to clone? Why? Give the students five minutes.Then let them act their dialogues out in front of the class.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.Jenny would like to clone a dog.2.Danny would clone himself.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Scan the text and answer the following questions: 1.What would Jenny like to clone? 2.What would Brian like to clone? 3.Why would Danny like to clone himself? Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the main idea of the text.Ask some students to say it in front of the class.Step5.A Game Make up a similar dialogue according to the text.Finish the task in groups of three or four.Give them five minutes.And then ask the students to present their dialogues in front of the class.Step6.Discussion Discuss the use of the clones of yourself.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like him to do for you? Do you think it is very useful? Step7.Come to “PROJECT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Talk about the subject “Have you heard of cloned animals?” The next is “If you are a scientist, what would you like to clone? Why?”

Talk about the subjects in groups.The students may have five minutes to finish the task.Then try to present your result to the class in front of the class.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

Cloning is new to some students.It is useful to give them more time to talk about the subject.They can find more information about cloning on the Internet or with other tools.Encourage them to know more after class by themselves

Lesson 14: A Clone of My Own Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: secret, copy, doubt, stupid, chess, robot Oral words and expressions: foolish, flute, closet, prefer, play chess, prefer…to… Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students’ written ability.2.Create the students’ imaginations.Teaching Important Points: 1.Imagine the use of cloning in our daily life.2.The expression of ability and inability.3.The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunctions.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Talk about the question: Would you like to have a clone of yourselves? Why? Finish the task in groups.Give the students five minutes to discuss the subject.Then let the students present it in front of the class.Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the flowing questions: 1.How old is Kate? 2.What does “foolish” mean? Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Scan the text and decide the following statements are True or False: 1.Katie would like a secret clone.2.Katie already has three sisters.3.Katie’s clone would live the living room with Katie.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and try to find the sentences with the new words.What does Katie mean by “a secret clone”? I doubt what she says!“Foolish” means “silly or stupid”.Also, she would play chess with me.Maybe I need a robot!She would feed my tow cats, clean my room and practise my flute.Step5.Ask some students to tell the main idea of the text.Let some students say it in front of the class.Step6.Group Work Talk about the subject in groups.Talk for about five minutes.If you have a clone of yourself, what would you like her or him to do for you? Write what you think of down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their ideas in groups.One of the members sum what they think of.Then present it in front of the class.Step7.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in pairs.Make up a dialogue with a partner and act it out in front of the class.Encourage them to make the story funny.Make the ending surprising.Step8.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:

It is fun to give the students chances to speak in front of the class.Sometimes they think they are not happy in their daily life.They don’t want to do something sometimes, so they want someone else to do it for him or her.Maybe some students think clones of themselves are useful to them.Lesson 15: Cloning Questions

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: neither, nor, neither…nor…, dead Oral words and expressions: mammoth Teaching Aims:

1.Be familiar to the e-mail.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expressions of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Lead in by showing some pictures of cloning.Let the students talk about the use of cloning.What is cloning? What is cloning used for? What can we do with cloning? Step2.Listening task: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What did Li Ming study this week in school? 2.What’s the name of the first cloned animal? Ask the students to answer the questions in class in oral.Step3.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are True or False.1.Li Ming doesn’t think cloning is interesting.2.Li Ming knew how the sheep Dolly cloned.3.Jenny has ever studied cloning.Finish the task in class in oral.Step4.Read the text again and find the sentences with the new words.Let the students guess the meanings of the new words.Give more examples with the new words.I knew that English scientists had cloned a sheep, but I knew neither how nor why.I chose mammoths.Ask the students to make sentences with neither…nor… He is neither a teacher nor a doctor.Neither he nor I am thirteen years old.Step5.Sum the main idea of the two e-mails.Let the students tell them in their own words, not word by word according to the content of the e-mails.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into groups of three or four.Use the Internet or other tools to find more information about cloning.Talk about what, where, when, why and how cloning is taking place.Everyone writes down a short passage, then exchange it with the others.Next one of the members of the group gives a report in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Ask your parents for some information about cloning.Summary:

Cloning is new to the students.Let them get more information on the Internet.That is helpful for them.It is helpful for them to use the Internet for some important information.On th the coordination conjunctions are important in this unit.So make more practice in class.Lesson 16: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions in this unit.Oral words and expressions in this unit.Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to use the Internet and other tools to search more information.2.Know more about cloning.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expression of ability and inability.2.The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Difficult Points: The use of coordinating conjunction.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: review lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Group work Talk about the question in groups.“What do you like to clone the most? Why?” Let the students write their opinions down on a piece of paper.Then exchange their opinions.At last, one of the members sums the opinions and gives a report in front of the class.Step2.Finish the exercises in this lesson.Find out the problems and write them down on the blackboard.Discuss the problem together and find out the correct way to solve the problems.Step3.Do with “Grammar in Use”.Let the students finish the exercises.Then ask the students to make some sentences with neither…nor…, not only…but also….Not only he but also his father is handsome.Neither my mother nor my father likes this kind of fruit.Step4.Come to “Speaking the Language”.Complete the dialogue.Then ask the students to make a similar dialogue with his partner.Then present it in front of the class.Step5.Play the game “Stop-Go”

Play the game in front of the class.Start the game with 10 volunteers from the class.Play the game to practice the “ability and inability” expressions on this page.Change the students to play the game if the time is enough.Step6.Group work Divide the class into several groups.Ask them to introduce themselves in the group.Then choose two best ones to present in front of the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Find out more information about cloning on the Internet.Summary:

This unit is designed to review the main language points in this unit.It is used to build the vocabulary of the unit.Practice the grammars and spoken English in this unit.All those are put in a situation of cloning.Cloning is a new subject for the students.It is very interesting to discuss.Lesson 17: Do Mistakes Matter? Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: pardon, mention, pocket, double, mistake, make a mistake, depend, common Oral words and expressions: Bruce, confused, confusing, depend on, bargaining Teaching aims: 1.Know the cultural differences between China and western countries.2.Improve the students’ abilities of speaking English.Teaching Important Points:

1.Target language: I made a mistake.He looks confused.Buying things in China is confusing.2.Train the students’ focus abilities and cooperation spirit.Teaching Difficult Points: the difficult cultures of different countries Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Lesson: new lesson Teaching procedures: Step1.Lead in The teacher shows some pictures to the students with the Multi-media computer.The pictures show the differences between China and Western countries.From the people’s appearance and the colour of the skin,We can tell the differences.The others show cultural differences.We use chopsticks but they use the fork and knives.Divide the class into several groups and finish the task.Encourage the students to speak more.They can use their own pictures to help them.Step2.Listening task

Listen to the text and answer the following question: 1.Where is Bruce from? 2.What does Bruce’s father do?

3.How much does Li Ming pay for the two pops? 4.How much did Bruce pay for one pop?

Ask the students to listen carefully and answer the questions.We can arrange the students to listen to the part that is connected with the two questions.Step3.Read and find the new words: He looks confused.Buying things in China is confusing.I made a mistake.Let the students try to make sentences with the new words.Step4.Reading task:

Read the text again and answer the questions: What are Bruce and Li Ming doing? Is Bruce confusing?

Where don’t people try to change the price, in China or in North America?

Encourage the students to ask more questions by themselves.Step5.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1.My brother is _______(迷惑的).2.It is so ______(迷惑的)a thing.3.Does he often ______(犯错误)?

This part is used to check if they have grasped the new words.Step6.Activity

Suppose you and Bruce are shopping, you are bargaining with the clerk.Bruce can bargain, too.Divide the class into several groups and talks about the questions.After a while, let the students act their out in front of the class.Encourage the students to speak loudly in front of the class.Choose the best group and praise them.Step7.Think about: What’s the difference between people in China and North America when they are shopping?

Use the formal group to finish the task.When the students discuss, the teacher walks around the classroom to see if they need any help.Step8.Talk about: Where would you like to buy things, in shopping center or market? Let them debate the questions.As usual, the class can be divided into two groups.One group thinks the shopping center is good.The other thinks the market is better.Let them debate for five minutes.Then let one student in each group to sum the opinions of his own group.Step9.Homework

Find more information about the differences between China and western countries.Summary:

This interesting text is about bargaining in China.It’s based on the different cultures between Chinese and Western countries.In some countries in North America, people don’t try to bargain, so some foreign friends feel confused when they buy things in China.Try to help them when you meet foreigners.Try to find more differences between Chinese and Western countries on the Internet.Lesson 18: Wait!Don’t Eat Yet!

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: society, politely, manner, especially, unless, polite, fork, serve, forever, act, compare, theirs Oral words and expressions: custom, tablecloth, rude, toothpick, Spaghetti, sauce Teaching Aims: 1.Find the differences between the Chinese and Western customs at table.2.Cultivate the students’ creation and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points: 1.The expressions of similarities and differences.2.Grasp the Past Future Tense.Teaching Difficult Points: The expressions of similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: a pair work.The teacher asks the students the following question: Have you ever traveled to other places? Where have you been?

Show some pictures with the help of the multi-media.The pictures are from Australia, France, China, England, America and Japan.Let the students discuss for 2 or 3 minutes.Then let them say in front of the class.When the student is speaking, the others can ask him or her questions about his subject.Step2.Listening task Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Table manners in China and Canada are quite ______.2.In China, if your guests have no food on their plates, putting food on their plates is ______.3.It’s ______ to use a toothpick at the table.Finish the task in class in oral.Step3.Read the text and find out the sentences with the new words.All societies have customs about how to eat politely.We call these customs “table manners”.It’s okay to eat it, especially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread.In Canada, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you pick it up and put it on your plate.Parents are forever telling their children: “Don’t talk with your moth full!”

Step4.Reading task: Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1.In China, if you drop something on the tablecloth, you usually pick it up and eat it.2.In Canada, to finish the food in front of the class in rude.In China, everybody has a knife at the table.Exercises: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given.1.I think______(sing)loudly at table is not polite.2.It’s rude ______(point)to the others when you eat at table.3.His mother said he ______(return)the fork to the restaurant tomorrow.4.Nobody ______(know)the secret except me.Step6.Activity:

Project: What’s the story? 1.Find pictures in magazines.2.Make up a quick story about your picture.3.Trade your picture with the students from another group.Practice:

Show some pictures to the students.Let the students picture them.Show some different pictures in different situations.Let them give vivid description.When they finish one picture, try to show them the whole story.If we don’t have enough time, show them the main idea.Step8.Consolidation

Suppose you have a foreign friend.He will come to China.Make a chart.Write down his/her name, his nationality, his language and his aims.Show it to your partner, then finish it in class.Lesson 19:Sayings

Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: culture, several, action, fly, as soon as Oral words and expressions: saying, penny, earn, boil, hatch, judge, prevention, cure, worm, fence, spoil, broth, honey, vinegar, Nick, giggle Teaching Aims: 1.Know more about the differences between the Chinese and Western table manners.2.Train the students focus abilities.3.Cultivate the students’ cooperation abilities.Teaching Important Points:

1.Understanding the English saying.2.The expressions of similarities and differences.3.The past future tense.Teaching Difficult Points: Learn the expressions of similarities and differences between Chinese and Western countries on table manners and sayings.Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of Lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedures: Step1.Lead in: The teacher begins the class by discussing the question.It is a group activity.Ask the students to tell the manners at the table.In the activity, the students will think of many funny stories.Give them chance to speak in front of the class.Praise the groups that act well.Step2.Listening task: Listen and answer the following questions: 1.Who does Nick sit beside?


Lesson 21: Cookies, Please!

Teacher: Cao Juan Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: bill, purse, any other, afraid, safe, afford, coin Oral words and expressions: come up to, go over to, That’s too much expensive.I’m afraid I can’t afford it.Teaching Aims: Learn and review some words and expressions in interesting information about real and attempted products.Talk about shopping.Teaching Important Points: The adverbial clause and articles.How to introduce your products to the customers.Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about shopping.Teaching Preparation: pictures and some objiects Teaching Aid: audiotape, flashcards, pictures vedio Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step 1.Greeting

Step2.Lead in.Show something interesting to the students and then ask them : What are they?Do you want them ? Now ,let's go shopping with Danny and Brian.Step3.Listen and choose true or false.1.On Thursday, Brian and Danny are making their products.2.You can buy four cookies for 1 dollar.3.Danny’s products have bags and paper.4.The girl thinks Danny’s products are safe.Step4Read and answer the following questions: When are Brian and Danny selling their products? Who buy cookies from Brian? Does anybody buy Danny’s product?

Step5.Read the text again and find ind a few useful“shopping”sentences from the reading.Step6.Explain the language points.Analyze the text in details.Encourage them to ask more questions about the text.Such as:

What do you think of Danny’s product? What do you think Brian’s cookies made of? Do you want to make some cookies by yourself/ Step 7.Listen to the tape and let the students imitate after it.At the same time, they must keep silent.Step 8.Do some exercises

Step9.Make a new dialogue about going shopping then let the students act out their new dialogue in the class.Ask the students take out something interesting and sell them in the class.What do they want to sell? Who wants to buy? Do they have a deal? Observe if they have any difficulties.Help them in time.Write some new words and phrases on the blackboard in order to build their vocabulary.Step10.Homework Finish off the activity book.Go on the next reading in the student book.Preview Lesson 24.

第五篇:八年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson4教案 冀教版

冀教版英语八年级下Unit1 Lesson4教案

Lesson4 Sun Is Rising



导入:Do you like the song ?


1.牢记本课黑体词汇:climb/one by one/change等;







1.Weather is warming.2.Wind blows gently through the tree.3.See it bring the season's change.?Step4:师生互动、展示提升




知识点一:Weather is warming。


【类似用法】cold adj 冷的 v 使冷却、使„„变凉

Slow adj 慢的 v 放慢、使„„变慢

知识点二:Wind blows gently through the tree.【辨析】through/across/over

Through表示在某个空间范围内的一端到另一端,往往指穿过沙漠、森林、窗户等,含义与in有关,意为“穿、经过、从„„中通过”.Eg:You can see a group of little birds flying in the sky through.Across强调从某个范围的一边到另一边,含义与on有关,意为“横过、穿过”,一般用于过河、过马路等。

Eg:The old man walks across the road every day.Over强调从某个物体的一侧开始,经过其上方跨越到另一侧。

Eg:The horse jumped over the fence.?Step5:巩固练习、检测验收


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