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Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标


1.Talk about how to study.学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。

2.Find out your suitable learning methods.找出适合自己的学习方法。




(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud pronunciation discover

repeat note

pronounce increase speed

partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born


(2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends ask the teacher for help

read aloud

look up

practice pronunciation


pay attention to


How do you study English?

I learn by working with a group.Do you learn English by reading aloud?

Yes, I do.It helps my pronunciation.How can I read faster?

You can read faster by reading word groups.How can I improve my pronunciation?

One way is by listening to tapes.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.重点、难点(Key points and difficulties)


2.学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法 或途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。





Period 1 Section A 1(1a-2d)Period 2 Section A 2(3a-3b)Period 3 Section A 3(Grammar Focus—4c)Period 4 Section B 1(1a-2e)Period 5 Section B 2(3a-selfcheck)

Section A 1(1a-2d)Step 1 Warming up

T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways?(Show some pictures and present the important phrases.)

T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ______.by working with friends.by making word cards.by asking the teacher for help.by reading the textbook.by working with a group.by listening tapes.Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English.Then add other ways you sometimes study.___ a.by working with friends.___ b.by making word card.___ c.by reading the textbook.___ d.by listening to tapes ___ e.by asking the teacher for help.…

Step 3 Listening

1)Listen.How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.2)Check the answers: b(Meiping);e(Peter);d(Tony)Step 4 Guess Show some pictures.Guess: How does he/she study English? He/She studies English by…

How do they study English? They study English by… Step 5 Pairwork

1c Make conversations about how you study for a test.A: How do you study for a test?

B: I study by working with a group.A: How do you study for a test?

B: I study by… Step 6 Listening

2a Listen and check the questions you hear.1 ____ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2 ____ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3 ____ What about listening to tapes? 4 ____ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5 ____ Have you ever studied with a group?

Answers: 1, 2, 4, 5 2b Listen again.Match each answer below with a question above.a.Yes, I have.I’ve learned a lot that way.b.Oh, yes.It really improves my speaking skills.c.I do that sometimes.I think it helps.d.No.It’s too hard to understand spoken English.Answers: d, b, c, a Step 7 Pairwork 1.2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b

A: Have you ever studied with a group?

B: Yes, I have.I’ve learned a lot that way.Show some pictures.1)A: Do you learn English by watching movies?

B: Yes, it’s a very interesting way.C: No, it’s too hard to understand spoken English.2)A: What about writing letters to a pen pal in America?

B: Yes, it helps to improve my writing skills and know a lot about

America.3)A: Do you have conversations with friends in English?

B: Of course, we can talk about plenty of things like school, pets,movies, and our parents.2.2c Role-play the conversation.Jack: Annie, I’m a little nervous.I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.Annie: That doesn’t sound too bad.Jack: But I’m a very slow reader.Annie: Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first.Don’t read word

by word.Read word groups.Step 8 Summary

How do you study English?

1.by working with friends 2.by watching English movies.3.by making word cards.4.by reading the textbook.5.by listening to tapes.6.by asking the teacher for help.7.by reading aloud.…

Step 9 Language points

1.I study by working with a group.我通过小组活动来学习。



1)Come and sit by us.2)Peter goes to work by bus every day.3)Tony will come back by 10:00 pm.4)English is spoken by lots of people.5)My brother studies history by working with a group.【结论】







(3)by + V-ing形式


1)Annie went to Beijing _______(乘火车)yesterday.2)His grandfather made a living _________(靠卖水果)in the past.3)The scientists have to arrive at the village _________(八月以前).4)Allen goes _______________(经过邮局)on his way to school every

morning.5)The book was written ____________(由几个工程师).Answers: 1)by train 2)by selling fruits 3)by August

4)by the post office 5)by several engineers

2.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?


辨析aloud, loud和loudly aloud 出声地;大声地。常与read/ call等词连用, 不用于比较级。

e.g.Don’t read aloud in the library.不要在图书馆大声朗读。

loud 大声地;喧闹地。指说话声和笑声,常与talk/ speak/ laugh/ sing等词连用, 常用比较级。

e.g.We can’t hear you.Please speak louder.我们听不到你的声音。请再大声点。

loudly 高声地;喧闹地。可以和loud互换,含有“吵闹”的意思,不悦耳。

What about/ How about…?


e.g.What about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?

How about you? 你呢?

What /How about going to the zoo this afternoon?


3.It’s too hard to understand spoken English.句中的it是形式主语, 不定式短语to understand spoken English是真正的主语。该句句型为: It’s+too+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.意思是“(对某人来说)做某事是……的”。如:

It’s too important to keep healthy.It’s difficult for him to learn two languages.【链接】

too...to...结构常表示“太……而不能……”, too后面接形容词或副词, to后面接动词原形。如:

The room is too dirty to live in.He walks too slowly to get there on time.【运用】



It’s dangerous for the children to swim in that river.2)晚饭后散步太有必要了。

It’s too necessary to take a walk after supper.3)水太烫, 不能喝。

The water is too hot to drink.Step 10 Exercises

Ⅰ.Choose the best answer.1.He goes to school ____ bike.A.by




2.— How do you study English so well?

— By ____ lots of books.A.read




Answers: A, D

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences.1.大声朗读以练习发音怎么样?

What about ____________ to practice pronunciation?


She studies English __________ the textbook.3.She improves her English _______________(通过加入英语俱乐部).Answers: 1.reading aloud 2.by reading 3.by joining an English club




Answers: 1.The teacher asked me to read aloud the text.2.Don’t talk so loudly.The baby is sleeping.3.My father often goes to work by car.Step 11 Homework How do you study English? What about physics and Chinese? Make a list.


unit1How can we become good learners

Section A

1.______the picture.Can you see the man in the picture?He isn‘t ________ the book.He is ______TV.()____ the board , child!Read the words on it after me.A.Look B.Look at C.See D.Watch

2.()① If you have difficulty in learning English, you should ask your teacher or your classmates ___ help.A.forB.ofC.inD.on

()②The young should ___ the old ___ advice at work.A.ask;for B.ask;to C.ask for;/ D.asks;/

【2013北京中考】Our teacher often asks us _____ questions in groups.A.discuss B.to discuss C.discussing D.discussed

3.(1)by sth 通过…方式介词短语作方式状语,回答以How开头的问句,表示“怎样做”。①I study English by ___________(listen)to the tapes

②Tom learns Chinese by ____________(watch)Chinese movies.③Lin Lin often practices English ____ chatting with her American friend.A.inB.byC.forD.with

(2)by+ 交通工具(交通工具前不能加限定词)by bikeby train

--____ did you get there? — By ___ a taxi.A.How;takingB.How;takeC.How;tookD.What;takingI usually go to school ___ bike.but sometimes I go to school ___ foot.A.with;onB.on;byC.on;withD.by;on


(1)What about sth ?=How about sth? ….怎么样?(5)You‘d better(not)do sth 最好做/不做某事

(2)Why don‘t you sth? 为什么不呢?(6)Will/Would you please do sth 请你做…好吗?

(3)Let‘s 让我们一起做某事吧。(7)would you like to do sth.你想去做某事吗?

(4)Shall we/I do sth?我们做…好吗?(8)Would you mind(doing)sth?你介意做某事吗? 回答


◆ Good idea./ That‘s good idea.好主意 ◆OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了 ◆ Yes, please./ I‘d love to 是的/ 我愿意 ◆ I agree with you 我同意你的看法◆ No problem 没问题◆Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以◆Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想


◆ I don‘t think so 我认为不是这样 ◆Sorry, I can‘t 对不起,我不能 ◆I‘d love to, but…◆ I‘m afraid我愿意,但恐怕…… ① –What about _______(listen)to some English songs?--It‘s great.② Why not ___ your teacher for help when you can‘t finish _____ it by yourself?

A.ask;writeB.to ask;writingC.ask;writingD.asking;write

5.① What about ____________(大声读)to practice your spoken English?

()② The boys are talking____ in the class and it makes the teacher unhappy.A.aloud B.loudly C.louder D.loud

6.practice v 练习practice doing sth 练习做某事

【拓展】finish doing sth,enjoy doing sth , mind doing sth ,give up , can‘t help

①We often practice ____________English among English.(speak)

②This term I enjoy ______________(watch)English movies.7.pronounce v 发音 → pronunciation n 发音

① Please tell me how to __________________(pronunciation)the word.② What‘s the ___________________(pronounce)of the word ?

8.It _______________(提高)my speaking skills.improve =make …better →improvement n 提高

9.some time /sometime/some times/sometimes

【口诀】:分开是一段,合起是某时; 分开s 是倍次,合起s是有时

Mr.Green went to Sanya _____________(几次)last summer.()I hope to visit the USA _____ in the future.A.sometimes B.some times C.sometime D.some time

10..too…to… 太….而不能….()① They are ____ tired ____on.A.too;to walkB.too;walkingC.can‘t;to workD.very;to walk

()②– This box is ___ heavy for me to carry.Can you help me? —Certainly.A.so B.much C.very D.too

11.voice/noise /sound

(1)voice 多指人说话、唱歌、鸟的叫声。

(2)noise n → noisy adj.吵闹的 指不悦耳的吵闹声 如嘈杂声、噪音等make a noise制造噪音

(3)sound ①n 泛指人听到的任何声音。② v 听起来

There was a loud ________ outside the classroom.The physics teacher had to raise his __________: ― Light travels much faster than __________‖.()① At the foot of Wulian Mountains, you can hear the ____ of running water.A.sound B.noise C.voice D.silence

()②–Do you like the song You and Me?--Of course.It ____ great.A.sounds B.looks C.smells

()③ Oh, my god!The kids are making too much ____ here.I can‘t do anything.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.footstep

12.I’ve learneda lot 很多,做副词短语,修饰动词,放在动词之后。

()He knows ____ about this event.A.a lot of B.lots of C.many D.a lot

()He drinks _____.He‘s got ___ money but not ____ friends.A.a lot;plenty of;muchB.much;a lot of;manyC.a lot;a lot of;manyD.a lot of;a lot;a lot of

2d1.The harder you study, the better result you will get

()____ you eat, ____ you will get.A.The much;the fat B.The more;fatter C.The more;the fatter D.More;the fatter


1.find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难

()She found ___ hard to finish the work by herself.A.thatB.it‘sC.itD.this

2.be afraid to do害怕去做某事

The girl was afraid to go across the bridge, for she was afraid of falling down from it.()Tina is so shy that she is afraid of ____ in front of a group.A.to speak B.speak C.speaking D.spoke

3.Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Storycall v叫做

That’s the girl named/called Lily.= That’s the girl ___ ____ ____ Lily.4.fell in love withfall → fell→ fallen v 落下

(1)不及物v,―落下,跌落 fall into 跌进……

(2)系动词 ―变成 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 生病

(3)n, ―秋天‖ = autumn

【短语】:fall into 落入 fall off 跌落 fall down 倒下fall behind 落后 fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with 爱上

()① — What‘s wrong with Tom? —Bad luck!Tom ____ his bike and hurt his leg.A.fell B.fell off C.dropped D.drop off

()② Mr.Brown ____ China last year and ____ in love with it.A.flies to;falls B.flew;fell C.flew to;felt D.flew to;fell

5.The students are __________in these ______books.(interest)

They are __________at the ___________news.(surprise)

We are _____ about the ________news.(excite)

6.I discovered that ____________(listen)to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning.【解析】listen v 听 →listener n 收听者 listen to 听……

①My father is a good ________(listen).【拓展】listen to/hear

()He _____but could _____ nothing.A.heard;listened B.listened;heard C.heard;heard

()When the little boy _____ someone coming upstairs, he stopped _____.A.heard;to cryB.listened;cryingC.heard;cryingD.listened;to cry

7.look up 查找(跟代词作宾语,代词放中间)

look after 照顾 look like 看起来像 look out 当心,小心

()– Can you ___ the time of the next train to Tianjin?--OK, I ____ right now for you.A.look up;look it upB.look it up;look upC.look up;look at D.look up;look up it

Section B

1.speak→ spoke → spoken

spoken English 英语口语written English 书面英语speaking skills 口语技巧an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家

①Can you understand ________(speak)English?

② ______ well is very useful to us all.A.Speak English B.Speaking English C.Spoken English D.Speaks

③Reading aloud is good for your _____________(speak)English.④He wants to improve his __________ English, by ________English with native ____________.(speak)

2.(1)说某种语言speakEnglish 说英语,(3)强调说话内容say it in English 用英语说

(2)与某人交谈talk with sb.talk to sb.(4)告诉某人tell sb.to do sth

【重庆中考】— The radio ______ that there will be another heavy rain in Guangdong.— Too bad.It has rained for the whole week.A.tells B.talks C.says D.speaks

3..I don’t know how _____________(improve)my reading speed“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语

注:what to do 后不需要跟宾语how to do 后必须跟宾语

① — We can use QQ to communicate with each other online.— Good.Will you please show me ___?

A.which to use B.how to use it C.what to use D.where to use it

4.mistake →mistook → mistaken

(1)make mistakes犯错(2)mistake …for… 把…误认为…(3)by mistake 错误地

①Yesterday I ____________(犯错误),I_________ Mr.Wang ___ Mr.Zhang(把……误认为),and said hello to Mr.Wang ___________(错误地).② My brother often makes mistakes _____ grammar.A.ofB.byC.atD.in

③Tom was so careless that he often _____ in the exam.A.make mistakeB.made mistakesC.by mistake

④ She seldom(很少)speaks English after class, for she was afraid ____ mistakes ___ grammar.A.to make;of B.making;of C.to be made;in D.of making;in

【make短语】:make the bed 整理床铺make face 做鬼脸make a living 谋生

make friends 交朋友make fun of = laugh at 取笑make money 赚钱

5.join/join in/take part in

(1)join=be a member of 参加 ,指加入某种组织,并成为其中的一员。

join the army / party 入伍/ 党join the club 加入俱乐部

◆ join in 后接活动名称

◆ join sb.加入到某个人群之中

(2)take part in 参加,指加入群体活动中并在活动中发挥重要作用。

6.succeed v 成功,达到 →success n 成功→successful adj 成功的→successfully adv成功地

◆succeed in doing sth

①If at first you don‘t ____________(success),try again.② She works very hard ,so she will ____ in ____ the exam.A.successful;passB.success;passingC.succeed;passingD.successful;passing

7.pay attention to 对……注意

①You should _________________(更关注)your study instead of playing computer game.②You should pay more attention to ______(pronounce)the words.8.the best way to do sth= the best way of doing sth 做某事最好的方法

()The best way _____ English is doing more practice.A.learnB.learningC.learnsD.to learn

9.try v 试图,设法,努力

①We should __________________(尽最大努力)to be happy in the future.find out 查明,找到,指经过调查,询问等弄清事实的真相

()The window is broken.Try to_____ who broke it.A.find outB.findC.lookD.look for

11.come from = be from 来自She is from France=She comes from France.①Her pen pal is from China.=Her pen pal _________China.(2)My classmate is not from China.=My classmate ___________ China.12.It‟s + adj.(easy,difficult,important,necessary)+(for sb.)to do sth

若形容词表示事物特征的,如:easy ,difficult, hard ,important等,须用介词for 【形容物,用for】

若形容词表示人的性格、品质与特点,如:good ,kind ,nice, wrong等,用介词of。【形容人用of】

【东营】It‘s very convenient ___ us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the Internet.A.to B.of C.by D.for

① It‘s important for us _______(learn)English well.②It‘s hard for us ____________(finish)this task in two days.③ It‘s very nice ____ you to help me a lot.A.for B.of C.in D.on

④ –It‘s very ___ of you to work out the problem for me.A.kind B.polite C.clever D.easy

13.stressed out “有压力的,紧张的 焦虑不安的” ,通常和be / get 连用;构成be / get stressed out

Jim failed in the test because he was _______ last weekend.A.stressed outB.fall asleepC.attentionD.happily


1.你怎样学习英语?我通过小组学习来学习英语。_______ do you study English?I learn _____ studying ______ a group.2.通过阅读句子的前后试着猜测词的意义。

Try to guess a ______ ______ by ________ the sentences_______ or _______ it.3.你读得越多就会读得越快。_____ ______ you read,______ _______ you ‗ll be.3aHow I learned to learn English

1.我只是躲藏在书后而什么也不说。I just ______ _______ my ________ and never said anything.2.我喜欢上了这部使人兴奋且有趣的电影。I_____ _______ _______ _______ this exciting and funny movie.4.虽然我不能理解人物所说的一切,但他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解意义。

Although I could not understand everything the ________ said,their _______________ and the ________ _______ _______ ________ helped me get the meaning.5.通过听英语电影里的有趣的英语交谈,我的发音也提高了。

My ________ also improved ______ _________ to the interesting _____________ in English movie.6.我发现听一些你感兴趣的内容是语言学习的秘诀。

I ___________ that listening to something you _____ _____ ______ ______ the _____ ______ language learning.7.通过查字典我能得到生词的意义。I can get the ______ ______ the new words by ____ _______ _______ in a _________.8.我怎样能提高我的发音?一种方法就是听磁带。(grammar focus)

_____ can I improve ______ _______ ?One way is _____ _______ ______ _______.2b How can you become a successful learner?


Good learners often ______ what they need ____ _____ _______ something they are interested in.2.即使你学得一些东西好,但你如果不用它将会忘记。

________ _______ you learn something well.you will forget it ______ you use it.3..好的学习者也不害怕犯错误。Good learners are also _____ ______ ______ making _______.4.他尝试了许多次成功了,并且从错误中学到很多。He succeeded by _____ _____ _______ and ____ ______ his mistakes.5.他们可以记下关键词来记笔记,或者画出思维图。

They may______ _______ by ______ ______ _____ words or _____ ______ _______.

第三篇:人教版英语九年级Unit1 教案7

unit 2 how do you study for a test?




任务一:我们的方法一样吗? 任务二:评价学习方法。任务三:伸出援助之手。任务四:择优而学。


通过本单元的学习让学生学会运用by +v-ing 句型谈论学习方法。谈论学习中遇到的困难,学会针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议,学会评价学习方法。

三、单元重难点: 重难点词汇:

1.flashcard 2.take notes 3.frustrating 4.memorize 5.aloud 6.comma 7.make mistakes 8.pronunciation 9.be afraid to 10.what about „? 11.why don’t you „? 重难点句型: how do you study for tests? well, i study by working with my classmates.have you ever studied with a group?yes i have.i’ve learned a lot that way]

i don’t have a partner to pratice english with „maybe you should join an english club.四、单元教学方法: 采用concluding, role playing 和 comparing 的学习策略,来展开课堂pairwork问大师的口语交际活动和讨论活动来谈论名人所采用的学习方法。词汇教学:情景操练,反复使用。







unit 1 how do you study english? the first period(grammar and vocabulary)1.知识目标:

重点词汇:flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation, be afraid to, what about, why don’t you„?

重点句型:how do you study for tests? /well.i study by working with my classmates.have you ever studied with a group? /yes, i have.i’ve learned a lot that way.i don’t have a partner to practice english with./maybe you should join an english club.2.能力目标: ⑴学会谈论学习方法 ⑵学会谈论学习中遇到的困难 ⑶学会针对学习中的困难,给别人提建议 ⑷学会评价学习方法


重点:verb + by with gerund 难点:运用所学知识谈论学习中的困难,并能提出相应建议。三.教学准备: tape recorder flashcards 四.教学方法:情景操练,反复使用,师生互动,生生互动。五.教学进程:

step one free talk 1.greeting.2.duty report step two presentation t: what do you do to improve your english?s1:i listen to the tape to improve my english.s2:i listen to the english songs to improve my english.s3:i watch english movies to improve my english.t:ok.we can also say: how do you improve your english? i improve my english by listening to the tape.i improve my english by listening to the english songs.i improve my english by watching english movies.2.ss repeat these sentences.then make the conversations in pairs.step three grammar by + v-ing 形式,by意为通过或凭,后面接动名词,该结构表示通过某事得到某种结果。如:i study by reading english every day.提示:be + v-ing 结构常用下列句子来回答: how do you „? how can i „? eg: how do you learn english ? i learn english by listening to the tape every day.practicess try to make sentences by using the structure.相关链接:by是个常用介词,以前所学的用法有:⑴表示位置,意为“在„旁边,靠近„”,如: there are some trees by the river.⑵表示运输或渠道的方式,意为“乘坐”,如: he goes to school by bus.⑶表示时间,意为“在„以前,不迟于”,如: i’ll come back by 4:00.step four new words ask ss to read the words, then read the words they can’t pronounce after the

teacher.the teacher explains the following words, then ask ss to make some sentences by using the given words.aloud/loudly/loud, pronounce/pronunciation, memorize/memory, afraid/be afraid of/be afraid to do sth, be angry with sb/be angry at sth step five summary

六.作业设计: ask ss to make a learning-method report.try their best to tell us he/she learn english.七.板书设计:

unit one

1.loudly/aloud/loud a: how do you study for a test? 2.memorize/memory b: i study by doing sth 3.be afraid of sth a: how do you improve your english? be afraid to do sth improve my english by doing sth 4.be angry with sb be angry at sth

b: i



Life on Mars Checkout Teaching aims: To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.To give students the opportunity to practice the programmer and vocabulary items,and to gain confidence through doing so.To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.Teaching importance To review key vocabulary and programmer items taught in this unit.Teaching difficulties:

To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.Teaching aids: Multi-Media Teaching procedures: Step 1:Revision Revise the use of can, could ,may, might and object clause.Step2:Exercise 1.Explain the context of Part A.Simon is dreaming about going into space.2.Ask students to read through the text.Then ask them to complete the sentences using the grammar items learnt in the unit.Step 3:Revision Revise the vocabulary in the unit.Step4:Exercise

1.Tell the students that in Part B they have to rearrange the letters to form words.2.Ask the students to unscramble as many words as they can without looking at the previous pages.When they have done as much as they can ,ask them to refer to the Vocabulary section on page 8 for extra help.3.Ask students to volunteer answers.Ask another student to write the words on the board as they are read out.Students

then write their scores in the paw.Step 5 Homework 1.Ricite the context of this unit.2 Draw a picture of what you think an alien looks like.And then write a guide to living on Mars in 2100.

第五篇:Unit1 Hello Lesson1小学英语一年级第一单元第一课时教案

课 题:Unit 1 Hello 总课时:2课时 本课时:第1课时

主备人:许月红 授课人:许月红 授课时间:



Teaching aims and requirement

1.会说Hi和 Hello,能使用 He、Hello互相问好。2.会用I’m介绍自己。

3.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并能在相应的场景中自如地表演运用。Teaching aids Recorder and tape Teaching procedure: 第一课时

Step 1 Introduction 1.师生问候;(师说英语,用手势示意,上课,起立,坐下。)2.简介英语的重要性,激发学生学习热情,鼓励学生学好英语。Step 2 Presentation Teaching ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’


2.让学生用Hi、Hello自由问好。Step 3 Presentation Teaching ‘ I’m„.’

1.师先用中文介绍自己,再用英文说I’m Miss Jiang,放慢语速反复多次。

2.鼓励学生用I’m„.介绍自己。(每个学生说完,全班给予掌声鼓励)Step 4 Practice 1.师用Hi/Hello, I’m Miss Jiang.与学生问好,引导学生用 Hi/Hello, I’m „作答。

2.学生分组用Hi/Hello, I’m 互相自我介绍。3.唱《找朋友》,让学生下位用“Hi/Hello, I’m”找朋友。4.指名上台表演。

5.引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的生活场景中运用所学语言。T: Hello ,I am Miss Jiang.S: Hello ,I am Mike.Step 5 Act 用Hi/Hello,I’m„.Goodbye /Bye向全班同学介绍自己。Step 7 Homework 回家用所学的句型与父母问好、道别。Some thoughts after the lesson:




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