第一篇:英语中级听力课程Lesson 21and22
Lesson 21
Stuart: What did you do last night then? Did you work all night?
Judy: Yes, I did some work(Yes)but erm...I watched a bit of TV...(Uh-huh)got to relax, you know.Stuart: Did you watch the football?
Judy: No, no I didn't.I can't bear football.Stuart: Really?
Judy: Yes.I really hate it.(Yes)Well, actually, just before the football came on, I switched over(Yes)just to...just to protest.Stuart: What did you see then?
Judy: Well, I saw the programme before...just the end of a film(Uh-huh)that was on before the football.It looked quite good actually.It's a shame I didn't erm...switch on earlier.It was some kind of love story...with Dustin Hoffman, you know, the erm...Stuart: The Graduate?
Judy: That's it.The Graduate.Stuart: Yes.I know.I've seen that.(Yes)Yes, good...good film.Judy: Yes, and nice music.(Mm-mm)And then, when the football came on I turned over.Stuart: Terrible, terrible!
Judy: I hate it!I really can't stand it.Stuart: It was a great game!
Judy: Yes?(What did)Who was playing?
Stuart: England of course.(Oh)What did you see then that was more important than football?
Judy: Foxes.Yes, a good programme on foxes.(Uh-huh)Yes, they spent ages watching these foxes in a house.(Yes)They were watching them all night and these little baby foxes...it was tremendous.Stuart: Yes, sounds all right.Judy: Yes, it was good;better than football...and then, then I turned over, back to the other channel(Mm-mm)to see who won the football, but I missed it and I just saw the beginning of the News and packed up and went to bed.Stuart: Well, I'm sorry you missed it.It was a good game.Judy: Yes? Who did win?
Stuart: England, of course.Who do you think?(Ah)Six nil.(Yes)Yes.Judy: Must have been quite good then!
Stuart: Yes, it was good, actually.It was very good.(Mm)Commentator: It's Carter to serve—he needs just one more point.He serves.AND SMITH MISSES!WHAT A GREAT SERVE!...So the championship goes to 19-year-old Harry Carter.Who d've believed it a week ago? Poor old Smith just shakes his head in bewilderment.Well, well!What a way to finish it off!...And now I'll hand you over to Peter Plumber, who's on court waiting to interview the two finalists.Plumber: Thank you, David.Well Harry, congratulations on a marvellous victory.You were on tremendous form.Carter: Thank you, Peter.Nice of you to say so.You know, well, I think I won because, well, I just knew all along I was in with a good chance.Plumber: Yes, you certainly were pretty convincing today, but what about the earlier rounds? Any nervous moments?
Carter: Well, you know, I was a bit nervous against Jones when he took the lead in the second set, but then...er...Plumber: Yes, that was in the quarter-finals, wasn't it? And of course you met Gardener in the next round, didn't you? Er...the score was...er...6-4, 7-5, wasn't it?
Carter: Yes, that was quite a tough match, I suppose, but...er...Plumber: Anything else you'd like to add?
Carter: Well, I would like to say how sorry I am for John Fairlight not making it past the quarter-finals.He's unbeatable, you know, on his day, and...er...I'd also like to say what a terrific job the officials here have done you know, the ballboys and linesmen and umpires and so on.You know...er...lots of players have been complaining, but...er...Plumber: Well, that's great.Harry, Well done again.And now let's have a quick word with the runner-up to the title, Mark Smith.If you just stand over here, Mark...that's right...Well, bad luck, Mark.It wasn't really your day, was it? I mean, what a terrible final set!Anyway, the less said about that the better, as I'm sure you'll agree.Smith: Yeah, but you know, I did pretty well to beat Hutchins in the semis and...er...what's his name?...Brown in the quarter-finals.And, I mean, what a terrible umpire, eh? I mean, half of Carter's points were on...er...doubtful decisions, weren't they?
Plumber: Well, that's probably a bit of an exaggeration, but anyway it's time for us to leave the tournament now at the end of a tremendously exciting week, and I hand you back to the studio in London.Chairman: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I declare the meeting open, and I take it you all have a copy of the agenda, so we'll take the minutes of our last meeting as read and get straight down to business.Now, the proposal before you is that we should see if we can reduce the size of the Olympic Games in any way and thereby ease the burden placed on the host city.We all know that each time we hold the Games this burden increases because of the vast undertaking it is to host them.Today, however, I only want to sound out your opinion of this proposal, so this is really no more than an exploratory meeting.Mrs.Armstrong: Could I say something straight away, Mr.Chairman?
Chairman: Yes, Mrs.Armstrong.Mrs.Armstrong: I can't accept your proposal at all on the grounds that I feel that to reduce the size of the Olympic Games would seriously damage their character, detract from their universal appeal and penalize certain countries if we start arbitrarily throwing things out before...Herr Müller: Yes, Mrs.Armstrong, if I may interrupt you for a moment.I think we all sympathize with your point of view, but we mustn't overlook the main point of this meeting put forward by the Chairman, which is to see if we can cut down the programme a bit, without in any way damaging the overall appeal of the Games, so let's not reject the proposal out of hand before we've had a chance to discuss it.Mrs.Armstrong: Very well, Herr Müller, but I'd like to state here and now that I'm totally opposed to any reduction in the number of events in the Games.Chairman: Your objections will be noted, Mrs.Armstrong, but to get back to the point of the meeting, could I hear from the rest of you what you feel? Sr.Cordoba, for example, what's your opinion?
Sr.Cordoba: Reluctant as I am to alter the composition of the Olympic Games, I can see the point that in terms of space and financial demands, the host city is subjected to a lot of difficulty.The costs seem to soar phenomenally every time we stage the Olympics, so we might be able to make one or two savings here and there.There is, for instance, quite a strong lobby against boxing because of its apparently violent nature so I did wonder if...Mrs.Armstrong: But that is one of the most popular sports in the world, and one of the oldest.Sr.Cordoba: Agreed, but people get a lot of boxing on their television screens all the year round, so I was just thinking that we might be able to drop that from the programme.Football, too, is another thing which already enjoys a lot of television coverage, and as it takes up a lot of space accommodating all the football pitches, mightn't we also perhaps consider dropping that too?
Mrs.Patel: Mr.Chairman...Chairman: Yes, Mrs.Patel.Mrs.Patel: I wholeheartedly endorse what Sr.Cordoba said about boxing and football.In my opinion we should concentrate on some of the more unusual sports which are rarely seen on our screens such as fencing and archery, for a change, since it is on TV that the majority of people watch the Games.Herr Müller: Perhaps we could cut out hockey along with football because, relatively speaking, that too takes up a lot of space, as measured against its universally popular appeal.Mrs.Patel: I can see your point, Herr Müller, and as one of the basic tenets of the Olympic Games is individual excellence, I feel we ought to concentrate on those sports which really are a true test of the individual, I, therefore, suggest we cut out—that is, if we go ahead with this idea—the team games such as basketball, volleyball, football and hockey.Mrs.Armstrong: But then you're sacrificing some of the most interesting items in the programme.People like to watch team games as well as take part in them;it'll be very dull without them.Chairman: I think Mrs.Armstrong has made a very valid point.We ought to keep some of the team games, although I am inclined to agree with what has been said about football.Sr.Cordoba: There's one thing I would like to say about this and that is to suggest that we could remove from the programme sports like sailing and canoeing and possibly the equestrian events, where the test is not so much of the stamina of the competitor but of his skill in handling the boat or whatever.Mrs.Armstrong: What about the pentathlon, then? Riding is one part of that, so we are going to need facilities to cater for that in any case, so why not use them for horse-riding as well—or do you think we should axe that too?
Chairman: Well, let's not get too heated about it, as this is only a preliminary discussion about possibilities and we are not yet in a position to make any final decisions.I will, however, briefly summarize what has been said so far, as I understand it.Mrs.Armstrong is totally opposed to reducing the size of the Games in any way at all.There is one body of opinion in favour of removing from the Games those sports which are already well represented in other international contests and in the media.Another strand of thought is that we should concentrate on individual excellence by cutting out the team games featured in the programme, and Mrs.Patel suggested we ought to focus attention on the more unusual sports in the programme which do not normally gain so much international attention.Sr.Cordoba also brought up the idea that we could drop boxing because of its seemingly violent nature.There was also an opinion voiced that we might exclude events where the skills of a competitor in handling a horse or yacht, for example, were being tested, rather than the stamina of the individual himself, as is the case with, say, athletics.Well, it is quite clear that we shall need to discuss this further, but in the meantime I think we'd better move on to something else...1.The houses they lived in were not meant to be permanent dwellings;as a matter of fact, we have no remaining evidence of their houses.Probably in the summertime they lived up on the mesa top near their fields, in temporary structures made of poles and brush.In winter they most likely moved down to the caves in the cliffs for warmth and protection against the snow.2.People were experimenting and changing their methods of potting;the broken pieces are evidence of the steps in the process.The first attempt at pottery came as women mixed clay, a kind of dirt, with water to make pots.When the clay dried, however, it crumbled and fell apart.Clearly this would not work.The second idea was to add extra material to bind the clay together: grass, straw, or pieces of bark.This held the pot together very well until it was set on the fire.Then the binding material burned up, leaving a pot full of holes.Again the Anasazi women tried to find the secret of success.They added sand or volcanic grit to the clay to make it harder, and they baked the pots before using them.This final step proved to be successful, and it is the basic method which is still used today.3.The pots which the women made this way were far superior to baskets for carrying, cooking, and storing food and water.Now the people could add beans, a rich source of protein, to their diet.Water could be stored safely over long periods.Life became much easier, and so effort could now be spent on other developments.4.Their culture developed to its height, and the main improvement was in housing.The earlier pit houses were modified to one-story row houses, made with pieces of stone.Several separate buildings stood near each other like a small village.Some villages were as large as several hundred rooms and could contain as many as a thousand people.The name for this kind of house and for these Indians is “Pueblo”, which is the Spanish word for “village”.Christine: Harry, as an American, have you noticed any strong class distinctions in English society since you've been here?
Harry: Strong class distinctions? Yes, they haven't changed at all—that's what—that's what amuses me—in fifteen years or fourteen years—that the stratification is exactly the same as it was when I first came.It's extraordinary that it pervades everything.Anna: What is class distinction? Because I don't know whether it's what job they do or...Harry: It's people's accents.In Pygmalion, you know, it goes back to, as soon as you open your mouth in England you're immediately you know placed.Anna: Do you mean that there aren't different accents in America?
Harry: Not—of course there are different accents—but they're not as—they're not nearly as clearly defined.Anna: But I mean, don't—doesn't a certain strata of American society use perhaps more slang than another one? More correct?
Harry: Not the way they do in England.In England they seem to really stick together.I mean I went the other week for the first time in my life to a point-to-point and I couldn't believe what I found.There I was in the middle of Lincolnshire and we went through muddy fields and suddenly we came upon this parking lot with nine thousand Range Rovers in it and everyone going 'Oh, hello darling.How are you?' you know and it was hilarious I mean and they were all you know this meeting of the clan and that certainly doesn't happen in America and all those people spoke the same way.Barrie: But that—yes, I live in the middle of the country in the south and I must say when I moved there I noticed—I mean of course I'd been aware of class before that but I had no idea that the lines between them were so rigid.I lived on an estate of a very big and successful farm until recently, and so the farm of course was run by the landed gentry who all went hunting and to point-to-point and all the rest of it.I lived next door to the groom who was—who despised them because they did all this and he had to just get the horses ready, um but at the same time he was terribly fond of them and they of him and there was all this sort of paternalistic attitude to the country workers that still goes on.I was staggered and nobody knew where to put me because I was living in a tied cottage that was tied to the farm, um but because I didn't work with any of them they were all uneasy with me.Most peculiar.Christine: But I think you raise a very good point there Barrie because you're in fact talking about yourself not fitting into either of these two extremes and I'd like to ask Harry again how many classes he can see very clearly defined.Barrie: In England?
Christine: In England, yes.Harry: Well, I guess, three off the top of my head.I mean not counting immigrants and foreigners.Yes, I mean there's the middle class is the most snobbish of all it seems to me.You know, they're the most aware of the whole system really because they're upwardly mobile usually you know they hope to be, and they're the ones—I mean the upper class are what I find extraordinary—they seem to be totally uninhibited for the most part.I think it's extraordinary.I mean I'm not passing any moral judgements on them but it still exists...John: Because they've got the confidence...Anna:...and the money...Barrie:...confidence and the money...John: Well no, I don't think money's much to do with it actually.Anna: How can you change it? I mean how would you change it? Harry: I'm not saying it should be changed...Anna: No, no, no, no.I don't—I mean people do say that it should be changed.Politicians say that we should have total equality which I don't believe you can ever have in anything.Harry: Well there should be equality of opportunity.I mean at least it's a nice ideal to have, isn't it? Public school was hard compared to what I'd had before, day school on the reservation and a year at Sequoyah Government School.I almost flunked eighth grade at the public school, and it was a miracle that I passed.I just didn't know a lot of things, mathematics and stuff.I survived it somehow.I don't know how, but I did.The man who was head of the department of education at the Agency was the only person outside of my family who helped me and encouraged me to get an education.He understood and really helped me with many things I didn't know about.For a long time the white public school for the Big Cypress area would not let Indian children attend.A boy and I were the first Big Cypress Indians to graduate from that school.He is now in the armed forces.After I graduated from high school, I went to business college, because in high school I didn't take courses that would prepare me for the university.I realized that there was nothing for me to do.I had no training.All I could do was go back to the reservation.I thought maybe I'd go to Haskell Institute, but my mother was in a TB hospital, and I didn't want to go too far away.I did want to go on to school and find some job and work.So the director of education, at the Agency said, maybe he could work something out for me so I could go to school down here.I thought bookkeeping would be good because I had had that in high school and loved it.So I enrolled in the business college, but my English was so bad that I had an awful time.I had to take three extra months of English courses.But that helped me.I never did understand why my English was so bad—whether it was my fault or the English I had in high school.I thought I got by in high school;they never told me that my English was so inferior, but it was not good enough for college.It was terrible having to attend special classes.At college the hardest thing was not loneliness but schoolwork itself.I had a roommate from Brighton, one of the three reservations, so I had someone to talk to.The landlady was awfully suspicious at first.We were Indians, you know.She would go through our apartment;and if we hadn't done the dishes, she washed them.We didn't like that.But then she learned to trust us.College was so fast for me.Everyone knew so much more.It was as though I had never been to school before.As soon as I got home, I started studying.I read assignments both before and after the lectures.I read them before so I could understand what the professor was saying, and I read them again afterwards because he talked so fast.I was never sure I understood.In college they dressed differently from high school, and I didn't know anything about that.I learned how to dress.For the first six weeks, though, I never went anywhere.I stayed home and studied.It was hard—real hard.(I can imagine what a real university would be like.)And it was so different.If you didn't turn in your work, that was just your tough luck.No one kept at me the way they did in high school.They didn't say, “OK, I'll give you another week.” Gradually I started making friends.I guess some of them thought I was different.One boy asked me what part of India I was from.He didn't even know there were Indians in Florida.I said, “I'm an American.” Things like that are kind of hard.I couldn't see my family often, but in a way that was helpful because I had to learn to adjust to my new environment.Nobody could help me but myself.Well, I graduated and went down to the bank.The president of the bank had called the agency and said he would like to employ a qualified Indian girl.So I went down there, and they gave me a test, and I was interviewed.And then they told me to come in the following Monday.That's how I went to work.I finished college May 29, and I went to work June 1.I worked there for three years.In the fall of 1966, my father and the president of the Tribal Board asked me to come back to Big Cypress to manage a new economic enterprise there.It seemed like a dream come true, because I could not go back to live at Big Cypress without a job there.But it was not an easy decision.I liked my bank work.You might say I had fallen in love with banking.But all my life I had wanted to do something to help my people, and I could do that only by leaving my bank job in Miami.Being the person I am, I had to go back.I would have felt guilty if I had a chance to help and I didn't.But I told my daddy that I couldn't give him an answer right away, and I knew he was upset because he had expected me to jump at the chance to come back.He did understand, though, that I had to think about it.He knew when I went to live off the reservation that I had had a pretty hard time, getting used to a job, getting used to people.He knew I had accomplished a lot, and it wasn't easy for me to give it up.But that's how I felt.I had to think.At one time it seemed to me that I could never go back to reservation life.But then really, through it all, I always wished there was something, even the smallest thing, that I could do for my people.Maybe I'm helping now.But I can see that I may get tired of it in a year, or even less.But right now I'm glad to help build up the store.If it didn't work out, if the store failed, and I thought I hadn't even tried, I would really feel bad.The basic thing about my feeling is that my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews can build later on in the future only through the foundation their parents and I build.Maybe Indian parents don't always show their affection;but they have taught us that, even though we have a problem, we are still supposed to help one another.And that is what I am trying to do.Even when we were kids, if we had something and other kids didn't, we must share what we had...By the age of nine, girls were expected to take complete care of younger children.I too had to take care of my little brother and sister.I grew up fast.That's just what parents expected.Now teenagers don't want to do that, so they get angry and take off.Head Start and nurseries help the working mothers because older children don't tend the little ones anymore.The old ways are changing, and I hope to help some of the people, particularly girls about my age, change to something good.There are people on the reservation who don't seem to like me.Maybe they are jealous, but I don't know why.I know they resent me somehow.When I used to come from school or from work back to the reservation, I could tell some people felt like this.I don't think that I have ever, ever, even in the smallest way, tried to prove myself better or more knowing than other people.I have two close friends here, so I don't feel too lonely;but other people my age do not make friends with me.I miss my sister, and I miss my roommate from Miami.My two friends here are good friends.I can tell them anything I want.I can talk to them.That's important, that I can talk to them.That's what I look for in a friend, not their education, but for enjoyment of the same things, and understanding.But there are only two of them.I have not been able to find other friends.The old people think I know everything because I've been to school.But the old people don't have the kind of experience which allows them to understand our problems.They think that it is easy somehow to come back here.They think there is nothing else.They do not understand that there are things I miss on the outside.They do not understand enough to be friends.They are kind, and they are glad that I am educated, but they do not understand my problems.They do not understand loneliness...1.One wonders how, then, these students have arrived at such a false conclusion.One reason, of course, may be that they're science students.Scientific terms generally possess only one, precisely defined, meaning.It is, in fact, exactly this quality that makes these words distinctive in English, or indeed in any other language.Another reason could be the way in which these students were taught English.For example, long vocabulary lists are still an important feature in the foreign language learning programmes of many countries.On one side of the page is the word in English;on the other side a single word in the student's native language.2.Practically all the students think that every word in English had an exact translational equivalent in their own language.Again this is a gross distortion of the truth.Sometimes a word in the student's native language may not have an equivalent in English at all, which may have to employ a phrase as a translation.Sometimes one word in the student's language may be translated by one of two possible words in English.The difficulty that many students have with the two verbs 'do' and 'make' is an example of this.Often the area of meaning covered by one word in the student's language may be wider or narrower than the area of meaning covered by a corresponding word in English.This sometimes happens with the naming of colours, where most students would expect an exact correspondence between their language and English.The borders between the primary colours of the spectrum are, however, drawn at different places in different languages.Translation, in fact, is a particularly difficult thing to do well.It certainly can't be done by matching single words from one language by single words from another.At first, those computer scientists who attempted to construct an automatic translation machine made this mistake.The machines often produced nonsense.3.What, then, is the best way to increase one's vocabulary in a foreign language? This can be answered in three words.Firstly, observation: the unknown word should be observed in its context;in other words, the neighbouring words and the grammatical construction should be noted.A good dictionary should be referred to and examples of the usage of the word should be noted.Secondly, imitation: the student should use the new word in appropriate contexts, imitating the examples he has noted.Finally, repetition: he'll need to practise using the word several times before he's confident that he can use it correctly;in other words, repetition is necessary if the new word is to 'stick', and especially if it is to enter the student's active vocabulary.
7.31 & 8.4商务词汇
Production line 生产线
Production line 生产线
Assembly line 装配线
Line director/ manager 线上负责人
Automated自动化的automatic machine
Manpower 人力,劳动力labor-intensive
Component 零件,组件
Overtime 加班
Quality control 质量监管
Batch 一批
Random sampling 随机抽样 / sample survey 抽样调查
Basic testing 基本测试inspection检测员/ inspector 检测
Glitch 差错defect 瑕疵,错误,不足
Fix / correct the glitch 解决问题
Meet the requirement/ standard
QC history 质量控制记录
QC procedures 质量控制流程
Quality Standard 质量标准 QS
Customer services 客户服务
Assemble / installation / put together
Assembly instruction
Defer payment / delay payment / layaway 先付定金,再分批交余款,交齐后交货 Installment plan 分期付款
Customer service hotline
Break down / fail / out of order /defective
Troubleshooter 修理工 / repairman /engineer
Apologize / refund 退款/ replacement /partial refund 折旧,部分退款
Warranty /guarantee
Warranty period 质保期限
Under warranty
Lifetimewarranty 终身质保
Manual / guidebook / handbook/ pamphlet/ brochure
Membership card 会员卡/ registered user 注册用户
Subscribe 订购 / order / renew 续订
Subscriber 用户
Research and development 技术研发
Accounts management 账户管理
Appreciation and depreciation 货币升值/贬值Raising funds 融资活动
Stocks and securities exchange 股票及证券交易 3.Marketing(市场营销)
Marketing strategy 营销决策
Allocation of budget and resources预算及资源分配
Advertising campaign 广告宣传4.Accounting(财会)
Balance sheet 资产负债表Income statement 损益表
Cash flow statement 现金流量表Annual financial report 财务年报
packing area 包装区contract 外包 delivery yard 交货区consultant 顾问 shop floor/workshop 车间investment 投资 recruitment 招聘assembly 装配
quality control 质量管理despatch 派遣,发送 diploma 文凭purchasing 采购部 certificate 证书postpone 推迟 asset 财产,优点bulk 大量 penalty clause 违约惩罚条款8.6
Exhibitions & fairs 会展/展销会Enquiries & quotations 询盘及报价Negotiation 谈判
Contracts & renewals 合同及续约合同
Breaches & penalty clauses违约及惩罚性条款Deliveries 发货Payments 付款
Complains & compensations 索赔及理赔 •Routine business(日常工作)
Memos & message notes 备忘录及留言条E-mail 电子邮件
Correspondence 商务函电
business document 商业单据(发货单、订单等)•Business management(企业管理)M&A 并购
Project management 项目管理
Manufacture structure 公司管理构架 •Human Resources(人力资源)Recruiting 招聘Training 培训
Performance appraisal 绩效考评Motivation 员工激励 •Public Relations(公共关系管理)
PART TWO personnel
RecruitmentRecruitment Officer/Specialist Vacant PositionPosition VacancyHR DepartmentInterviewerIntervieweeCandidate TempResume Academic/ Education BackgroundGraduation School/ YearMajorFamily BackgroundWork ExperiencePrevious JobPrevious SalaryQualificationWell-QualifiedOverqualifiedSuitableProficient/ ProficiencyBe Proficient/ Skilled InStrong PointWeak PointSalaryPay/ PaydayIncome 个人收入 revenue 国家收入 CompensationCompensation PackageAnnual leaveBonusInsuranceUnpaid/ Paid Vacation Sick LeaveMaternity LeavePersonal LeaveProbationary Period 产假 Trial Period 试用期 Evaluate/ Evaluation 评价 Work PerformanceEvaluation PeriodHiring Criteria 雇用标准 Working HoursFlexible Working HoursWorking TimeCoffee Break 茶歇时间 Overtime加班 Business Travel 出差 Business Trip出差 Training On-The-Job Training 在职培训 Hands-On Training 实践培训 Employee Training 员工培训 Promotion 升职 Demotion降职 Rise Through The RanksRelocationResignation辞职 Retirement退休 Pension养老金
Suspension停职 Turnover Rate人员流动率 Lay Off fire get your sack dismiss
Job-Hopping跳槽 8.9
company profile
affiliated company附属公司 parent company母公司 subsidiary子公司 branch office分公司 branch store分店
company structure公司架构 company history公司历史 core business核心业务 main business主营业务 diversification多样化 multinational corporation 跨国公司
enterprise企业 consortium联合财团 found/ founder创立
co-found/ co-founder 联合创办 headquarters总部 base
joint venture合资企业 partnershipoperation agreement
listed company上市公司 initial public offering stock exchange
merger收购 board meeting董事会 approve
dividend分红 CEO
president总裁 general manager
managing director常务董事 chief of staff人事部主管 chief financial officer 首席财务官 chief operating officer 首席运营官chief technology office首席技术官counselor顾问 adviser顾问 division部门 department部门 entrepreneur企业家 management
account executive客户专员 human resources personnel manpower staff
jurisdiction职权范围 duty责任 responsibility责任 leadershipoversee supervise监督 report to述职 sales representative销售代表
用PPT展示问题:在北京市场上销售量最大的西瓜是哪个品种? 教师听前准备:下面一段话我们将听到几个西瓜的品种,用汉字或拼音记下来,第一遍念完,问下学生写了什么,紧接念第二遍,在听第二遍前处理语言点“仅次于”。这样听完第二遍后检查学生的答案,并公布答案“京欣一号”
用PPT展示问题:请你听后说一说:发生了什么事? 教师听后准备:该段材料教师念完之后,学生可能回答不好,教师则用递进追询来提问学生:孩子在哪儿?为什么在那儿?孩子怎么了——丢了(预想答案),公布答案:王先生粗心把孩子弄丢了,3、遗憾的是中国队自己也没有抓住进一步扩大比分的机会,尤其是第33分钟时,队长将一个宝贵的点球踢飞,使中国最终和本次比赛的冠军无缘 用PPT展示问题:最后中国队得了冠军吗?
用PPT展示该材料问题: 1人们为什么讨厌闹钟?
B醒了就睡不着 C 闹钟没有用D 闹钟损害健康 2闹钟对身体的影响,课文没提到什么?
C 血压高 D增加压力 3想早起,最好的办法是什么?
B 离闹钟远一点 C用柔和的音乐当铃声D早点儿睡觉,早点儿起床
听完一遍后把问题展示出来,当放第二遍时提示学生把关键词记下来,两遍过后检查学生答案,答案是:(D A D)如果有错在问题关键处停顿,让学生模仿重复原句。
中级汉语听力教案 茶
第一阶段:听前导入阶段 1引出主题 ⑴ 老师提问:同学们,我们每天除了吃饭之外必做的一件事情是什么呢? 学生回答:(其他答案)、喝水······
1、款待—— kuǎn dài
2、独特——dú tè
3、来源——lái yuán
4、名副其实——míng fù qí shí
5、积累——jī lěi、保健——bǎojiàn
7、种植——zhòng zhí
8、功能——gōng néng
9、举世闻名——jǔ shì wén míng
10、制作——zhì zuò
第二阶段:听中整体认知及听后讨论总结阶段 1.让学生听一遍录音。
第三阶段:能力发展阶段 再听课文一遍,然后请学生根据已有信息完整复述课文大致内容锻炼学生听说结合能力。请学生总结课堂收获。