
时间:2019-05-12 20:58:21下载本文作者:会员上传




无论使用哪套教材,我们都牢牢把握这样一个理念:在实施教学过程中要做到以教材为样本,创造符合学生实际的教材。教师在读懂、读透教材的基础上,做到挖掘、深化、跳出教材,使教材服务于学生,真正体现“带着学生走向教材”这一理念。1.1 合理安排课时

从课时来讲,我们每个单元基本是安排六课时左右。由于我校大部分学生来自农村,小学的英语基础十分薄弱,所以在七年级的时候,有时甚至会安排七课时(见课件)。语言输出的基础是在获得大量的语言信息输入后才能发生。七上所有的话题对学生来说都是陌生的,词汇量大,目标语没有重复性,学生需要有个知识积累的渐进性和心理的适应过程。所以七年级时每个单元的第一课时通常需要大半节甚至整节课的时间来解决Section A部分单词,这样才能保证目标语的顺利介入和后续的语言活动的顺利开展。到了八年级,我们在课时上做了一定的调整(见课件)。八年级二十二个话题中有八个话题是复现的,并且从起始阶段我们就介入单词音标教学,并贯穿始终,到八年级时学生的单词拼读能力已经慢慢形成,所以我们把词汇融入目标语和篇章教学中。同时我们加强了Section B的语篇教学,目的是培养学生的阅读策略。对于Self-check的内容,我们不做单独处理,而是根据教学需要把它融合在Section A 或Section B中。

1.2 灵活处理教材

无论是哪个阶段,我们都需要根据每个单元的难易程度、话题特点、学生的实际水平和教师上课需要的不同,对教材进行适当改编、重组,做到Section A 和Section B 的协调统一。如八年级上(见课件):Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?这个单元的话题是讲述制作食物的步骤。根据教学安排,我们把三种食物的制作过程集中放在第一节课进行展示,起到了较好的效果。英语(新目标)书面文字量少,所以我们依据学生的实际状况与教学的具体需求尽量丰富教学步骤与内容。八年级时,我们经常给学生补充跟话题有关、有利于学生表达的单词和句子结构。我们相信任务型语言教学的原则:书上有的不一定都要教,老师教的不一定都要会,学会的不一定都要考。


在《英语(新目标)》的教学中,我们始终贯彻话题结构和语言功能相结合的原则,以任务型教学理念为指导,以合作学习为模式,培养学生用英语交流信息、获取信息和处理信息的能力。在教学设计上,把学习生活相结合作为指导原则。新课程标准也明确告诉我们,语言学习的过程要关注“学生过去,现在与未来的生活”。所以我们的教学尽可能贴近学生的生活,以引起他们的共鸣。当然,在具体的实施过程中,根据学生的实际情况,我们设计教学活动的目的是不同的。七年级时,我们通过各种形式巩固词汇,操练目标语,而对于八年级的学生,我们更强调新旧知识的融会贯通,培养他们运用语言的自主性和灵活性,同时给予他们足够的能力体验,让他们在想象和创造的空间里感受到英语语言的魅力。下面我举几个例子: 2.1 游戏

语言游戏是一种积极的学习方式。对于任何年龄阶段的学生来说都永远乐此不疲。如七下:Unit 4 I want to be an actor.为了复习有关职业的词汇,我们开展了这样一个游戏(见课件)。同样一个游戏,在八年级时我们采用了不同的方法。八上:Unit 3 What were you doing for vacation?(见课件)。在这个游戏中,七年级的学生输出的是词汇,八年级的学生输出的是符合场景的句子,而且想象的余地更大,要求更高。2.2信息调查

在英语课堂教学中,调查是一种非常实用也是我们经常采用的教学形式。(见课件)七年级下:Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? 这份调查表的目的是通过与同伴之间信息差的交流进一步巩固目标语。(见课件)八年级上:Unit 1 How often do you exercise?先分别了解其他组内某个同学的信息,然后把信息在小组内综合,最后评选出符合条件的the English star / sports star / the Chinese star in the class。所以这项任务不是一个简单的信息交流活动,而是以调查为载体,学会将信息归纳综合,然后表达自己的观点。2.3 创造性活动


八上:Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.“Class Chairman Wanted”(P35)Unit 12 What’s the best radio station?

“Design an idol clothing shop / restaurant /...? 在八年级, 我们还开始尝试一种高层次的语言活动—辩论。它能激活学生所有的语言细胞和思辩能力,能让学生把自己的生活实践和语言知识自主地结合起来。如八年级上:Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.虽然在辩论中学生所表达的观点还是比较幼稚,论据不够充分,但是他们快速的英语思维的反映让我们感到非常兴奋。2.4

如八年级上Unit 7:How do you make a banana milk shake?这个话题对于欧美国家的孩子来说,是他们非常熟悉的生活经历,但是对于中国的学生来讲,他们却缺乏类似的生活体验(见课件)。怎么上好这节课呢?我们决定尝试现场展示,将三种食物的过程直接制作给学生看。每完成一道食物,就邀请学生进行品尝,课堂效果出乎意料的好,直到现在学生对那堂课仍然记忆深刻。有趣的是我们在制作 banana milk shake过程中发现了一个问题.(见课件)。作为课堂教学的延伸,我们要求学生课外为父母做一道菜,并拍成照片,制作成小报,父母给予评价,最后在班级中进行展示。我想在这样一个学习过程中,学生享受到是创造的快乐,是语言活动为生活服务的快乐。






Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Section B 3a

1)阅读文章第一句,猜测文章的主旨, 为阅读行为的具体展开做好铺垫。2)快速阅读短文,归纳文中提到的健康生活的方式, 培养学生提炼信息能力。3)再次阅读短文,回答问题。4)根据表格提供信息,判断自己是否有健康的生活方式,将学习与生活实践结合起来,为写作做铺垫。八下:

Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? Self-check 2 1)快速阅读短文,归纳文章的主旨


4)Discussion: Is it good to send gifts for your friends’ birthday?

4.2 增加课外阅读量,提高阅读能力。


1、Daily report.从八年级开始,我们在每节课前利用五分钟时间进行free talk.(见课件)。由于我们是小班制授课,每班20人左右。这样每个学生每学期可轮到2~3次。学生在准备的过程中需要通过课外阅读来进行题材的选择和信息的加工。

2、课堂补充阅读材料。根据每个单元的话题,我们在课堂上适当补充课外阅读材料,既作为教学活动的延伸,也训练了阅读能力。如八上:Unit 2 What’s the matter with you?(见课件)。现在,A层的学生每二周一次学习新概念英语第二册,目的也是扩大阅读视野。





《英语(新目标)》特别强调对学生写作能力的培养,八年级的教材同样在每一单元的Section B都安排了写作活动。虽然每单元的写作都是紧紧围绕着本单元的话题展开,专题性很强,但是句式相对单一,这就造成了学生尝试自主表达的时候句式结构不够丰富多变,文章的深度与广度达不到一档作文的要求。所以我们采取循序渐进地方式来使学生的写作能力逐步提高。(见课件)第一步是正确写句。强调学生写对目标语,用对目标词汇。第二步是根据所给例文正确仿写,保证篇章内容完整、正确。第三步指导性写作。第四步自主写作。为了提高学生的写作能力,一方面我们把每单元教学过程中安排的一些教学任务最终落实到写。比如前面提到的像调查等最后都落实到笔头。另一方面通过定期上写作课,提供学生多种开放性的写作材料,教会学生写作基本思路的酝酿过程,了解作文的评价标准。(见课件)。第一步:看图片,给每幅图写出两到三个关键词。在写作教学中,我们要求学生一定要先学会把握信息,对信息进行处理、分析和归纳。词是语篇的基石,所以我们写作的第一步是找出关键词。第二步:根据关键词写出一到两句主题句。从关键词拓展为主题句是一个质的变化,将主题句拓展为篇章是一个质的飞跃。所以正确的主题句的确立关系到整篇文章的成败。第三步:小组讨论设想所有可能的结局。这给学生留下了思维的空间。第四步:语篇输出。经过前面几个步骤的积累和沉淀,学生能将零散的言语信息转化为完整的篇章形式,使英语思维能保持一致性和连贯性,在最后完成文章时做到一气呵成。第五步:教师点评学生习作。教师通过这种方式告诉学生作文的评价标准。第六步:学生小组活动。选择其中一位同学的习作集体互评。这时学生用自己已有的学习经验并结合教师提供的作文评价标准对所有的信息进行推敲、分析、整理和归纳,这样使学生再一次从与同伴的合作中锻炼了自己分析问题、处理问题的能力,并在文章的点评过程中熟悉了评价的依据,这对他们今后的写作是受益无穷的事。最后,选择几个学生朗读他们修改好的作文,并选择其中优秀的作文进行展示。通过这样的写作训练,学生谴词造句、谋局布篇的能力有了一定的提高。最后,七八年级单元测试中写作要求也有很大不同。(见课件:七年级与八年级单元测试卷作文的比较。)七年级:通过这种方式降低写作的难度,使每个学生都能尝到成功写作的快乐。八年级:试题更接近中考要求,开放性强,自主性大,能力要求高。



1、每个单元后期,会让学生对重要的短语或句子结构进行整理和归纳,包括Section A 和Section B中的语篇我们也是在完成对文章的整体处理后,把一些重要的知识点列举出来。2)对某些单元的知识进行补充。如:八上 Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball play.我们把将来时的概念引入,并比较will 和be going to的用法。但是尽管我们在教学中一直坚持适时地进行知识体系的归纳和总结,毕竟话题为纲的教材特点使知识体系出现断层。比如谈论过去的经历就是学生比较薄弱的地方。虽然在七年级下出现以一般过去时为功能的话题时,我们把一般过去时(规则与不规则用法动词的过去式)的用法进行归纳与小结,并以书面材料的形式发给学生,课后还做了相应的练习,但是由于此后的话题没有涉及这个内容,学生很快遗忘了。所以学生在这方面的错误比较多。我们也一直想如何去弥补这一点。也正因为本套教材的这些特点,我们一直主张教师出卷时以学生学什么、教材要求什么、老师教什么,考试就考什么为原则,也就是说出卷的老师对于教材应该有相当的认识。我们一直是坚持自己命题,主张测试卷的原创性。



Unit 11 How was your school trip? 教学设计


一,Knowledge and skills: Talk about events in the past and let Ss learn to use or master the simple past tense.二,Process and methods: pair work and task on groups 三,Emotion and outlook on value: Get students to realize the importance of protecting animals 教学重点:the simple past tense 教学难点:

a.The past form of the verbs.b.Let students use the past tense and talk about the events in the past.教学要点:

a.Learn some new words: aquarium, seal, shark, hang, hang out, souvenir b.The important drills: Did you go to the..? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.Were there any seals? Yes, there were.No, there weren’t.There were some„./ There weren’t any„

Was there a „? Yes, there was./No, there wasn’t.教学方法:Scene teaching method;Listening , speaking,reading and writing methods 教具:Multi-media computer 教学流程: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greeting.T:Hello, boys and girls!How are you today? Ss: Fine!T: Well, I am glad to hear that.Before class, Let’s sing a song “do re mi”(show flash card)(播放英文歌,可以营造一种气氛,让学生们在快乐中学习英语)2.Free talk T: Are you happy today? I’m very sad.Last weekend, I took an exam, I didn’t do it very well.What did you do last weekend?(让学生回忆上周末做过的事,同时也复习一些过去时态的短语)

S1: I did my homework.S2:I stayed at home.S3: I went to „

T: Now, I show you some pictures on the screen, please answer my this question: What did you do on your school trip?(呈现图片,操练本单元1a,1b部分已学过的过去时态短语)S1: I went to the beach.T: Now look at these pictures, let’s work in pairs, ask and answer freely.S1: What did you do on your school trip? S2: I took photos S3:„.S4:„..Step 2 pre-task 1.lead in T: On National Day, I had a trip.During the trip I did something interesting.Do you want to know about my trip.Let’s enjoy a video.(根据学生的好奇心理,本人以自己的旅行经历来导出本课重点单词及词组,首先本人采用播放录像的方式,使同学们直观的感受水族馆的氛围)Ss: Read after me(学读新词aquarium, shark, seal, hang out, souvenir)2.Memory test Ss: remember the words and phrases 3.Presentation T : The aquarium is very wonderful, Did you go to the aquarium?(很自然的导入到过去时的一般疑问句)Ss: Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.T: Were there any sharks in the aquarium?(呈现新句型)S1:Yes, there were.There were some sharks in the aquarium.T : Did you go to the zoo? S2: Yes, I did.T :Were there any seals in the zoo? S2: No, there weren’t.T : I show you a video about an animal, guess!What animals did we see? Was there a seal in the aquarium? Ss: Yes.There was.4.practice T : OK, Let’s read these new sentences.Were there any sharks in the aquarium? Yes, there were.There were some sharks in the aquarium./no, there weren’t.Was there a seal in the aquarium? Yes.There was./No, there wasn’t(老师在黑板上呈现板书,学生们跟读以达到反复操练本单元重点句型,以及肯定、否定回答的目的)T: Use some pictures on the screen to ask and answer in pairs.(给出几组图片,让学生们根据图片内容,用所学句型进行对话,目的是想让学生们熟练操练这个句型,更突出本节课重点句型的学习,为下面的活动打好基础。)Step3 while-task 1.Task1: listening to 1b T: My friend---Tina had a school trip.What did she do on her school trip? Here is a conversation between Tina and her friend Kevin.Let’s listen 1b and circle the expressions in the box.Ss: listen and finish 1b.Check the answers 2.Task2 :Talk show: Interview Time(采访活动)T: Now I’d like to know your trips.Let’s works in small groups, one is a reporter, Please interview your classmates.Reporter can ask like this and write down the answers.Hints(提示): 1.How was your last trip? 2.Where did you go? 3.Were there any„? 4.What did you do there? 5.Did you see„there? 6.Did you buy a souvenir? Ss: work in groups, and ask and answers the questions.(give the Ss some minutes)Step4 Post-task 1.Give a report 2.Act out.T: You did very well.Do you like animals? But some people killed the animals in our country.We must stop them from killing the animals.So we must try to protect the animals.Ok?(在每组学生采访表演之后,本人适时的对学生进行德育教育渗透,教育学生们要保护动物。)3.Summary T: Well, look, today what did we learn?(Let Ss talk about what they learned.)Key words: Shark, seal, souvenir, gift, hang out, aquarium„.Key patterns: Did you „.? Yes, „did./ No, „ didn’t.Were there any „s? Yes, there were.There were some„ / No, there weren’t.Was there a..?Yes, there was./No, there wasn’t.Key verbs of past form: go-went, do-did, are-were, have-had, eat-ate, buy-bought, take-took, see – saw, hang – hung Step5 Checking 1.Exercise go-___ do-___, are-___, have-___, eat-___, buy-____,take-___, see – __-, hang – ____ 2.Homework: Copy and read the key words and expressions.抄写新词和词组.Write a composition about your last school trip.写一篇关于自己旅行的经历的作文.板书设计:

Unit 8 how was your school trip? Did you „.? Yes, „did./ No, „ didn’t.Were there any „s? Yes, there were.There were some„ / No, there weren’t.Was there a..?Yes, there was./No, there wasn’t.



Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.教学设计

Period 1(Section A 1a---,2d)教学对象:八年级学生



1)知识目标:本课单词和短语yard sale, sweet, soft toy, bear maker, scarf, board game, check out

2)能听懂谈论人们拥有某物多长时间的话题,能熟练运用since, for 谈论自己的个人物品。


三、重点、难点 教学重点:

目标句型: I’ve had it for seven years.I’ve read it three times.教学难点:能够正确使用含有for和since引导的现在完成时态。



六、教学过程 Task1 Organization AndLead-in(3’)

1.Watch the pictures about yard sale, toy bear, bread maker, scarf, soft toys, board games and ask them to read.2.Read and answer:

Do you have any of these things at home?

How long have you had them? What are you going to do with them? Watch pictures and read the new words.(设计思路:通过观看图片和认读词语和问答问题,既能激发学习兴趣,又能自然的引入新课的学习。)Task2Presentation(4’)

.Let the students talk about them in pairs by using the important sentences.--How long have you had that bike over there?--I’ve had it for three years!I learned how to ride a bike on it.Work in pairs(设计思路:通过学习新句型,使他们感受现在完成时态的另一种含有for和since的时间状语的情况,为后面的内容的顺利学习做铺垫。)Task 3 Guessing game 1.Say what about Jeff and Amy do with their old things please listen and check the facts you hear in 1b.2.Play the tape for them to listen.3.Check their answers in class.Listen and finish the task.(设计思路:通过听力练习巩固学生刚刚学习的词汇和接触的现在完成时态的语法。)Task 4 Presentation(5)1.Practice the conversation of 1c.2.Then make conversations about other things in the picture above.3.Invite several pairs to act their conversations in class.1.Look at the conversations of 1c and work in pair.2.Then practice conversations about them own old things like 1c.3.Share their conversations in class.(设计思路:此环节是本课z导入新课学习后的很关键的一环,先通过学生的感知体会、听力训练到实际运用。是一个由感知导习得的必要过程,是很重要的一步。)Task 5 Practice(5)

1,Say please listen and check the things Amy’s family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping in 2a.2.Play the tape for them and check the answers in class.3.Listen again and fill in then blanks in 2b.4.Play the tape for them and check the answers in class.5.More practice.Listen again and choose the correct answers.1).Amy wants to give away the _____.A.book B.magazine C.bear D.hat 2).Why does the bear has special meaning to Amy?

A.Because her father bought it for her.B.Because her Grandpa bought for her.C.Because her Grandma bought for her.3).Where can Amy take these things?

A.the children’s home

B.the old people’s home

C.the teachers’ home

1.Try to understand how to do it.2.Listen and finish the task.(设计思路:在学生理解了含有for和since的现在完成时态后进一步进行听力训练,既加深了对所学目标语言的掌握和运用,又提高学生的听力和理解能力。)Task 6 Survey and report(5)

1.Say work on 2c.Student A is Amy’s mom, Student B is Amy.2.Make new conversations according to 2c.3.Invite several pairs to share their conversations in class.1.Read the sentences carefully and know how to make a conversation 2.Work in pairs.3.Share the conversations in class.(设计思路:此环节是教学中的拓展和延伸,把前几个部分所学的零散的句型进行一个综合的练习,旨在加深学生对所学知识的掌握,通过汇报,进一步提高学生说的能力及综合运用知识的能力。)Task 7 Activities and listening(5)1.Say please read 2d aloud till to fluently.2.Read silently and try to understand the meaning 3.Ask them to Role-play the conversation 4.Show the following questions to answer 1).Who is Linda? 2).Who is Amy? 3).What does Amy want to do? 4).What things has Amy bought? 5).How long has Amy or her mom had them? 5.Check the answers.6.Help them with any difficulties 1.Read the conversation and try to understand the meaning.2.Role-play the conversation.3.Read and answer the questions 4.Ask for help about any difficulties they met.(设计思路:这部分完成的是课本上的2d。由于前面有铺垫,因此完成的很轻松。通过Role-play的练习,让学生在口语对话中加强了对目标语言的理解,同时回答问题也提高了学生的理解能力。)Task 8 Summary and Homework(2)

1.Lead Ss to sum up what we have learnt in this class.2.Homework Write a conversation according to 2c Finish the task.七、板书设计

Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.(Section A 1a---2d)

yard sale, sweet, soft toy, bear maker, scarf, board game, check out

--How long have you had that bike over there?--I’ve had it for three years!I learned how to ride a bike on it.


新目标英语八年级上册Unit 5 教学设计






本课的重点词汇短语:study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help my parents, visit my anut, thanks a lot for sth, have to culture club及时间短语;on Saturday afternoon,the day after tomorrow,the whole day等。

重点句型:can开头发出邀请的一般疑问句,和接受及拒绝的答句。Sure,I’d love to, sorry,I can’t, thank you for your invitation/asking, sorry I have to… 及用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动





SectionA The 1st period 一,新课导入(cead-in)1,用unit3 What are you doing for vacation?来提问,这样既可复习旧的句型,也可以图片呈现方式引处新的短语:study for a test, go to the doctor, have a piano lesson, help my parents, visit my aunt.2,下对全体同学:Halloween is coming ,I will have a party, can you come to my party?启发学生基础。

Students: Sure ,I’d love to.和I’m sorry I have to go to the doctor 以及Sorry, I can’t, I am studying for a test.etc.3,小组操练,就上述导入的新句型反复操练,进行强调及反复练习。并鼓励学生,发挥自己想象力,根据自己的实际情况创立真实的情境练习发出邀请,及接受或拒绝邀请。4,听力练习,完成1B,再让学生复述听力原文。

5,Guess game

Can you guess why? 准备一些遮住一部分的图片,然后逐步露出图片,让学生猜:

T :I invited come of my friend to my birthday party, but they have some plans, so they can’t come to my party, Can you guess why? Keys:Can he come to my party?No,he can’t ,He has to go to the movies.Etc He is playing soccer on starday? 这一部分即使一个猜图片的游戏,也是对Can引导的一般疑问句和have to及用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动的练习。6,导入听力,完成P26-2a,2b,Can jeff/many/may/claudia/poul come to the party? 7,pairwork(张靓颖本周来葫芦岛开演唱会,你有两张票,邀请你的同学和你一块去)

A:Can you go to the concert whit me?




SactionB The 2nd period 一,导入新课


并向学生介绍一周安排(如P27 4表格)二,设计日程表





Go to the piano lesson at 9:00 am.Visit my grand ma at 3:00 pm.Go to the concert in the evening.Watch a football game in the afternoon.三,教师呈现课前准备的几分邀请卡并教会学生阅读邀请卡,并设计几个问题,提问学生完成。以此为契机,讲解应用阅读理解的解题思路及方法。并选择一到两篇相应的应用文阅读理解,限时完成。为进一步提高阅读能力奠定基础。并完成P27-3a。









Saction The 3rd period 一,导入新课。

P29 3a 听力形式呈现,听后回答问题。

What is Sonia’s doing on Monday—Friday?


Thank you for doing sth.Have tennis training.On Friday evening etc.三,完成3b P29






五,Homework(给一定信息写一篇回复信)你的好朋友Anna邀请你去看演唱会,你不能去,原因如下: 1,你将为周一的物理考试做准备。



The fourth period 一,导入新课(lead-in)(准备一份台历)

(完成Scation B 1a)What’s the date today? What was the date yesterday? What day is it today?(tomorrow, the day after fromm并引出What’s today、It’s nonday the 14th

二,listening 完成P28 2a 2b 三,pairwork 引导学生根据2A录音内容,分小组展开课堂Pairwork对话及交流活动,培养口语能力,完成2C内容。

三,完成p30 slef cheak

并用Play soccer come to… have to 口头操练,以此夯实基础。

四,1,完成P30 2 当堂评讲,2,补充练习题《中学生英语》P30 1-10

第五篇:新目标英语八年级上册Unit9 教学设计

新目标英语八年级上册Unit9 教案

teaching goals: 1.general aims:

talk about recent past events 2.language goals: how was„.? it was „

what did „do last weekend? 3.grammar focus : the simple past tense.regular and irregular verbs.4.useful words and phrases: words: was, did, went, studied, visited, stayed, beach, test phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned one’s room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, studied for the test, practiced englishon saturday morning, last weekend.teaching difficulty: the simple past tense teaching method:

listen, read and say teaching procedures:

step 1: introduce myself and greet each step 2: review and warm-up free talk with students.ask them some questions like this: when is it today? what’s the weather like today? step3: presentation

1、show four pictures to the class, asking the students “what is he/she doing?” to review the present progressive tense.students answer the questions.then check the answers together.2、show the target sentence structure: “what did he / she do last weekend?”.let them guess how to answer it with the picture.explain the meaning of “last weekend” to the class.3、introduce the target grammar: the simple past tense

4、introduce some regular and irregular verbs.repeat them as possible.step4: listening

1、show one picture with a dialogue: a: what did lucy do last weekend? b: on saturday morning, she played tennis.2、let the students listen and write carefully in 1b.first listen and match the verb phrases with the picture, then listen and write the words like “morning” ”afternoon” or “night”.the check the answers.3、practice the dialogue about “what did lucy do last weekend?”

4、listen to a short conversation in 2a to answer several questions:(a)what did emma do over the weekend?(b)what did ben do over the weekend?(c)what did carol do over the weekend? then check the answers.step 5: practice(pairwork 2c)

1、let the students to make conversations in pairs, by using the information in the box.then ask some pairs to present their dialogues.2、fill in the blanks in a short passage and choose “t” and “f” of the questions according to the passage.then check the answers.how did they spend weekend?

lin tao ___(have)a busy weekend.on saturday morning, he ___(clean)his room then ___(go)to the library.he ___(study)english there.on saturday afternoon, he ___(play)tennis with his friends.they ___(play)it for about two hours.li hua ___(be)busy on saturday, too.in the morning she ___(wash)her clothes.in the afternoon, she ___(visit)her friend.they ___(play)computer games for three hours.on sunday morning, lin tao and lin hua ___(go)to the bookstore.they___(buy)some storybooks.in the afternoon, lin tao ___(busy).he ___(do)his homework at home.lin hua ___(be)bored.she just ___(watch)tv.step 6: listen to a song to summary this lesson.step 7: homework write down your great weekend!



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