第一篇:英语演讲选修课chapter11 persuasive
chapter11 persuasive
I.Persuasive speeches on questions of fact
Questions of fact---A question about the truth or falsity of an assertion. We do not know enough information to know what it is
Will the economy be better or worse next year?
Will another earthquake strike California before the year 2010?
The facts are murky or inclusive
What will happen next in the Middle East?
Is sexual orientation genetically determined?
Speeches On questions of fact are usually organized topically
II.Persuasive speeches on questions of value
Questions of value?---A question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an
idea or action. What is the best movie of all time? Is the cloning of human beings morally justifiable?
What are the ethical responsibilities of journalists?
Matter of fact, value judgments
Speeches on questions of value are mostly organized topically
Your first main point is to establish the standards for your value judgment.树立价值判
Your second main point is to apply those standards to the subject.III.Persuasive speeches on questions of policy
Questions of policy---A question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken.是否采取行动
What to do during spring vocation?
Which strategy to use in selling a product?
How to maintain economic growth and protect the enviroment ?
They areto decide whether something should or should not be done.2.Organizing speeches on Questions of policy
Problem-solution order
Problem-cause-solution order
Comparative Advantage order
D.Monroe’s motivated sequence
D.Monroe’s motivated sequence
A method of organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action. The five steps of the motivated sequence are:
Part 2: Methods of persuasion
Listeners will be persuaded by a speaker from one or more of four reasons:
I.Building credibility
Factors of credibility:
A.Competence---how an audience regards a speaker’s intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject.B.Character---how an audience regards a speaker’s sincerity, trustworthiness, and concern for the well-being of the audience.2.Establishing common ground with your audience
Creating common ground---a technique in which a speaker connects himself or herself
with the values, attitudes, or experiences of the audience.3.Deliver your speeches fluently, expressively, and with conviction
II.Using evidence
Tips for using evidence
1.Use specific evidence.2.Use novel evidence.3.Use evidence from credible sources
4.Make clear the point of your evidence.III.Reasoning
Reasoning---the process of drawing a conclusion on the basis of evidence. Four types of reasoning:
1.Reasoning from specific instances
2.Reasoning from principle
3.Causal reasoning
4.Analogical reasoning
Guidelines for reasoning from specific instances
A.Avoid generalizing too hastily, make sure your sample of specific instances is large enough to justify your conclusion.B.Be careful with your wording.If your evidence does not justify a conclusion, qualify your argument.C.Reinforce your argument with statistics and testimony
2.Reasoning from principle
---Reasoning that moves from a general principle to a specific conclusion.For instance: All people are mortal. Socrates is a person. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.3.Causal reasoning
---Reasoning that seeks to establish the relationship between causes and effects. There is a patch of ice on the sidewalk.You slip, fall, and break your arm.You reason as
follows: “Because that patch of ice was there, I fell and broke my arm.” or
“If the patch of ice hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have fallen and broken my arm.”
4.Analogical reasoning
---Reasoning in which a speaker compares two similar cases and infers that what is true for the first case is also true for the second. If you are good at racquetball, you’ll be great at Ping-Pang. In Great Britain the general election campaign fro Prime Minister lasts less than three
weeks.Surely we can do the same with the U.S presidential election.IV.Appealing to emotions
Emotional appeals are intended to make listeners feel sad, angry, guilty, afraid, happy,proud, sympathetic, reverent, or the like.These are often appropriate reactions when the question is one of value or policy.
Guidelines for generating emotional appeal
1.Use emotional language
2.Develop vivid example
3.Speak with sincerity and conviction
Lesson Four Introduction 1.Getting attention and interest(1)Relate the topic to the audience(2)State the importance of your topic(3)Startle the audience(4)Arouse the curiosity of the audience(5)Question the audience(6)Begin with a quotation(7)Tell a story 2.Reveal the topic 3.Establish credibility
Credibility: the audience’s perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.Your credibility need not be based on firsthand knowledge and experience.It can come from reading, from classes, from interviews, from friends.4 Preview the body of the speech
Preview statement
A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech.Tips for preparing the introduction
1.Keep the introduction relatively brief.Under normal circumstances it should not constitute more than 10 to 20 percent of your speech.2.Be on the lookout for possible introductory materials as you do your research.File them with your notes, so they will be handy when you are ready for them.3.Be creative in devising your introduction.Experiment with two or three different openings and choose the one that seems most likely to get the audience interested in your speech.4.Don’t worry about the exact wording of your introduction until you have finished preparing the body of the speech.After you have determined your main points, it will be much easier to make final decisions about how to begin the speech.5.Work out your introduction in detail.Some teachers recommend that you write it out word for word;others prefer that you outline it.Whichever method you use, practice the introduction over and over until you can deliver it smoothly from a minimum of notes and with strong eye contact.This will get your speech off to a good start and give you a big boost of confidence.Some common faults of introductions
Don’t apologize.Don’t pretend
Don’t make hollow promises
Don’t rely on gimmicks
Don’t preface your introduction
Lesson 5 Conclusion Teaching Aim and Requirement Acquire a basic knowledge of topic,purpose and central idea of a public speech。
Teaching methods PPt, interact between teacher & student Assignments
Write a short passage covering the general purpose , specific purpose and central idea.Checklist for purposes Teaching procedures
To let the audience know you are ending the speech
• • • • • “In conclusion”
“One last thought”
“In closing”
“My purpose has been”
“Let me end by saying”
Reinforce the central idea 1.Summarize your speech 2.End with a quotation 3.Make a dramatic statement 4.Refer to the introduction 5.Motivate
Tips for preparing the conclusion 1.As with the introduction, keep an aye out for possible concluding materials as you research and develop the speech.2.Conclude with a bang, not a whimper.Be creative in devising a conclusion that hits the hearts and minds of your audience.Work on several possible endings, and select the one that seems likely to have the greatest impact.3.Do not be long-winded.The conclusion will normally make up no more than about 5 to 10 percent of your speech.Nothing aggravates audiences more than a speaker who says, “In conclusion” and keeps on talking.1
Lesson one
Public Speaking A B C Teaching Aim and Requirement Aimed at ensuring the Ss to have a basic knowledge of public speaking.Teaching methods PPt, interact between teacher & student Assignments
What are the essentials of an effective speech? How to overcome nervousness? Teaching procedures
Why study public speaking Increase personal and social abilities Public speaking provides training in a variety of personal and social competencies.For example, self-awareness, self-confidence and dealing with the fear of communicating. Enhance your academic and career skills As you learn public speaking, you also will learn a wide variety of academic and career skills.These skills are central, but not limited, to public speaking.A few additional abilities that you should refine during this course that will help you throughout your career are the abilities to: Explain complex concepts clearly Support an argument with all the available means of persuasion Understand human motivation and be able to use your insights in persuasive encounters Organize a variety of messages for clarity and persuasiveness Refine your general communication abilities Public speaking also will develop and refine your general communication abilities by helping you to improve competencies such as: Developing a more effective communication style Enhancing your self-concept and self-esteem Adjusting message to specific listeners Detecting and responding to feedback Developing logical and emotional appeals Building and communicating your credibility Increase your public speaking abilities What is public speaking? “A man speaking is four things,… First, he is a will, an intention, a meaning which he wishes others to have, a thought;second, he is a user of language, molding thought and feeling into words;third, he is a thing to be heard, carrying his purpose and words to others through voice;and last he is a thing to be seen, shown to the sight, a being of action to be noted and read through the eye.”--Woolbert “Speech is thought conceived, transmitted, and expressed by brain, voice, and body, producing stimuli for auditors and for the speaker himself and influencing subsequent thoughts, feelings and actions.” Wilson Public Speaking Vs Conversation Purpose: both communicate with a certain purpose Audience: a public speech is usually directed at more listeners.Feedback: public speaking is relatively uninterrupted discourse.Delivery: public speaking requires intensified volume of voice and bodily action.Materials and organization: public speeches are mostly prepared ones.Impromptu speeches are rare.The essentials of a speech Objective: Before you start to prepare a speech, you would ask yourself: “Why am I making this speech? Do you need to inform, to persuade, to train or to sell? ”Your objective should be clear in your mind.If it is not clear in your mind, it cannot possibly be clear to your audience.Audience: “Whom am I making this speech to?” Sometimes this will be obvious, but not always.You should try to inform yourself.How many people? Who are they? Business people? Professional people? Political people? Experts or non-experts? Will it be a small, intimate group of 4 colleagues or a large of 400 competitors? How much do they know already and what will they expect from you? Place: Where am I making this speech? In a small hotel meeting-room or a large conference hall? What facilities and equipment are available? What are the seating arrangements?
Time and length: When am I making this speech? How long will it be? Will it be 5 minutes or one hour? Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry, or just after lunch, when your audience will be sleepy? Method: How should I make this speech? What approach should you use? Formal or informal? Lots of visual aids or only a few? Will you include some anecdotes and humor for variety? Content: What should I say? Now you must decide exactly what you want to say.First, you should brainstorm your ideas.You will no doubt discover many ideas that you want to include in your speech.But you must be selective.You should include only information that is relevant to your audience and your objective.You should exclude all other ideas.You also need to create a title for your speech.The title will help you to focus on the subject.You can always give additional information during the questions after the speech.Notes: When you give your speech, you should be—or appear to be as spontaneous as possible.You should not read your speech!You should be so familiar with your subject and with the information that you want to deliver.Reading a text is boring, and will make your audience go to sleep.So if you do not have a text to read, how can you remember to say everything you need to say? The answer is WITH NOTES!You can create your own system of notes, Some people make notes on small, A6 cards.Some write down just the title of each section of their talk.The notes will give you confidence, but because you will have prepared your speech fully, you may not even need them.Rehearsal: You will become more familiar with what you want to say;
You will identify weaknesses in your speech.You will be able to practice difficult pronunciations;
You will be able to check the time that your speech takes and make any necessary modifications.Rehearsal is a vital part of preparation.You should leave time to practice you speech two or three times.Even the great speaker sometimes will be in panic and slip into a bathroom for practice before making a speech.Ten steps for preparation Step 1---Select a topic for your speech
Use audience centered approach to select your topic Step 2---Determine your specific purpose, central idea and main points
Use the audience centered approach as you compose these.Step 3---Research your speech
Internet resources Step 4---Be audience centered----Audience analysis;Who is your audience and what are their needs? Step 5---Supporting your speech
Use support materials that are: pertinent, varied, sufficient, detailed, appropriate Step 6---Outlining your speech
Use the basic informative outline to organize materials Step 7---Select visual aids for your speech
Be familiar with the Guidelines and tips for using visual aids Step 8---Practicing your speech
Perfect practice makes perfect.Step 9---Using creative visualization to ensure a successful speech.Tips on using visualization to help prepare you for your presentation Step 10---Presenting your speech on speech day
Tips on giving effective presentations and tips on dealing with nervousness.Practice your speech, you can try these ways: 1.practice alone 2.use a mirror 3.stand in a corner 4.record your practice 5.use a friendly audience 3
Lesson 7 Language delivery Teaching Aim and Requirement Acquire a basic knowledge of topic,purpose and central idea of a public speech。
Teaching methods PPt, interact between teacher & student Assignments
Write a short passage covering the general purpose , specific purpose and central idea.Checklist for purposes Teaching procedures
Language is important Meaning of words Using language accurately Using language clearly Using language vividly Using language appropriately A note on inclusive language Using language clearly 1.Use familiar words 2.Choose concrete words 3.Eliminate clutter 2.Choose concrete words Concrete words: words that refer to tangible objects
Abstract words: words that refer to ideas or concepts
Keep this in mind: few words are completely abstract or concrete.Abstractness and concreteness are relative.Two main ways to use moving and vivid language: imagery and rhythm 1.Imagery:(意象)
The use of vivid language to create mental images of objects, actions or ideas.It is a word picture that gets you totally involved.Three ways to generate imagery: A.Concrete words B.Simile(明喻)
An explicit comparison introduced with the word “like” or “as” between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.Example: C.Metaphor(暗喻)
Unlike simile, metaphor does not contain the words “like” or “as”.2.Rhythm(节奏)
The pattern of sound in a speech created by the choice and arrangement of words.Four basic stylistic devices to improve the rhythm
A.Parallelism(排比): the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences.Examples: ①Rich and poor, intelligent and ignorant, wise and foolish, virtuous and vicious, man and woman---it is ever the same, each soul must depend wholly on itself.(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
②There is no Negro problem.There is no Southern problem.There is no Northern problem.There is only an American problem.(Lyndon Johnson)③I speak as a Republican.I speak as a woman.I speak as a United Sates Senator.I speak as an American.(Margaret Chase Smith)B.Repetition
Repeating the same word or set of words at the beginning or end of successive clauses or sentences ①When you see your street, see my street.When you see your house, see my house.When you see your children, see my children.(Whitney Young, Jr.)②We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail.(George W.Bush)C.Alliteration(头韵法)
Repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words.Examples: ①Peace is essential for progress, but progress is no less essential for Peace.(Liaquat Ali Khan)②In a nation founded on the promise of human dignity, our colleges, our communities, our country should challenge hatred wherever we find it.(Hillary Rodham Clinton)D.Antithesis 对比法
The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure.Examples: ①Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what you can do for your country.(John.F.Kennedy)②Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens at the White House, but on what happens inside your house.(Barbara Bush)Using language appropriately 1.Appropriate to the occasion
2.Appropriate to the audience 3.Appropriate to the topic 4.Appropriate to the speaker A NOTE ON INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE
Inclusive language: language that does not stereotype, demean, or patronize people on the basis of gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or other factors.Four basic methods of delivering a speech
Reading from a manuscript: A speech that is written out word for word and read to the audience. Reciting from memory
Speaking impromptu: a speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation. Speaking extemporaneously: A carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes.The speaker’s voice
The aspects of voice you should work to control are: Volume
音量 Pitch
音高 Rate
Pauses 停顿
Vocal variety 嗓音变化 Pronunciation The speaker’s voice
volume : the loudness or softness of the speaker’s voice. Pitch: the highness or lowness of the speaker’s voice. Rate: the speed at which a person speaks.The speaker’s body
1.Personal appearance
2.Movement 3.Gestures 4.Eye contact
There are four basic methods of delivering a speech, They are Reading from a manuscript. Reciting from memory Speaking impromptu Speaking extemporaneously