
时间:2019-05-13 23:24:34下载本文作者:会员上传




26-30 CAABC

51-55 ABACB


66.problem6-10 CBBCB31-35 BACBA56-60 CBCCA63.vacation67.write11-15 CABCA36-40 CACAA61.A 64.sports68.busy16-20 BACBB41-45 BCBAC65.game 69.miss21-25 ACABC 46-50 CABCB70.advice


71.Whose is this watch

72.What kind of music do you like

73.Where are you going for vacation

74.listening to(English)songs

75.I would(like to)have a walk





* 但所有句子的意义完全不相关的则酌情扣分;




One possible version

Healthy life

To live a happier and healthier life, we must keep a healthy lifestyle.But how to keep fit? Here are some good ideas to share with you.First of all, we should have a well-balanced diet.There is an old saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.So, we’d better eat more fresh fruit and vegetables instead of junk food or too much meat.In this way, we can get all the nutrients we need.Even if the diet is very healthy, remember to do some exercise after meals, such as running, jogging, ball games and so on, which can make us feel energetic and be in good mood all day.What’s more, try to relax us by listening to some light music before going to bed.And it’s important for our middle school students to sleep at least eight hours every night.In a word, a balanced diet, regular sport and enough sleep can help us study better and get good grades.So you see, to keep fit is not difficult if you care it a lot.第一档(13-15分):能清楚地表述自己的观点和想法;语言准确、丰富、流畅,富有个性和说服力;基本无语法错误;





I.Listen and choose the right pictures.(听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍)

1.I like this hat.It looks great on you.2.He used to play soccer, but now he often goes swimming.3.Last night I went to Mike’s birthday and I gave him a CD as a gift.英语参考答案及听力录音稿(第1页,共3页)

4.Joy is my best friend.I get along well with her.II.Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.(听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍)

5.W: Jack, you have a cute daughter.M: Thank you.Lucy takes after her mother.Q: Who’s Lucy?

6.W: Bob is so short.M: Listen, don’t judge a book by its cover.He was the best basketball player in California last year.Q: What are they talking about?

7.M: My teacher criticized me today.W: You asked for it!You didn’t finish your report on time again.Q: What should the boy have finished today?

8.M: How soon can you get it ready?

W: In about 5 minutes.M: OK.Meet you at 9:30 at the school gate.W: No problem.Q: When will they meet?

9.W: Are you coming to my party?

M: I wish I could, but I’m busy on Friday.W: But I’m having the party on Sunday.M: Oh, I forgot it.Sunday is good.I’ll come.W: OK, see you then.Q: When is the party?

10.M: How are you, Cindy?

W: Pretty good.Tell me, Frank.The last time I saw you, you were going to a business school, weren’t you?M: Well, a lot has happened since we last saw each other.I decided to go to a medical school instead.Q: What school did Frank decide to go to at last?

III.Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to questions 11-16.(听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答11 – 16小题。听两遍)

Text A

Mark: Anna, who’s that guy?

Anna: Ma Qinghua, a famous Chinese driver.Don’t you know him?

Mark: I’ve never heard of him before.What’s he famous for?

Anna: The 24-year-old boy made history as the first Chinese-born driver to race in F1.Mark: Wow!When did he start car racing?

Anna: He started racing at the age of 8 and won the youth National Karting Championship when he was 12 years old.Mark: So he’s a talented driver.Anna: Yes.And he also works hard.I believe he will have a bright future.Text B

One day, taking a spaceship to a holiday place might be as common as taking a plane is today.The first paying space tourist was a sixty-year-old American, Dennis Tito.He paid the Russian Space Agency about US$20 million to take him to the International Space Station in 2001.His space holiday lasted eight days.A company called the Space

Island Group has big plans to build a space hotel.So book your tickets now!

IV.Listen to a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words.听一篇短文,用恰当的单词填空完成62-65小题,每空一词。听三遍)

One of the most challenging shopping activities is looking for a gift for dad.How about something to remind him of a great memory like a set of photos that he can place on his desk?

Buying gifts for Mother can be a hard thing to do as well.If you want to give her something special, a family vacation might be a good idea.Are you trying to guess what your friends want? It is always helpful to know what your friends’ hobbies are.If the guy you are shopping for a gift is a sports fan, one of the best ideas is to get him some tickets to a game.



1-5 ACCBC6-10 BCBBA11-15 ABCAA

26-30 CBCAA31-35 CABBC36-40 ABBAC

51-55 BCBCA56-60 BBBCA61-65 CAACB




90.money91.decide 16-20 CAABC21-25 BACBA 41-45 ACCBA46-50 ACBCB 66-70 BAACA71-75 BCBAA 79.Three/three80.8825063 84.Hundreds85.collections 88.For89.cost


92.doesn’t matter

93.How often do you go to

94.Would you mind turning down / Could you please turn down?

95.is a good place to go sightseeing

96.different customs / culture

97.the same

98.instead of


99.Don’t listen to music in class./ You are not allowed to listen to music in class.100.She used to have curly hair when she was sixteen(years old)/ at the age of sixteen.101.She will be / wants to be a nurse when she grows up.102.It’s bad for your health if you eat /have lots of junk food.注:99-102题除了次要单词的拼写及大小写等非关键性错误外,应从写的层次进行较高要求的评阅。One possible version

The gift I want most is my father’s time.My father is a businessman, so he is very busy.When he gets home in the evening, I have fallen asleep.When I get up in the morning, he is still sleeping.I love my father and I believe he loves me, too.I don’t need more money, I just need my father.I want to spend more time with him so that we can enjoy the family happiness.Father’s day is coming, I want to write my father a letter.I’ll tell my father how much I love him and ask him to give me the special gift.It will be the best and the most important gift for me.短文写作评分参考标准






英语参考答案及听力录音稿(第 1 页,共 4 页)

厦门市思明区2010年初中毕业班质量检查英语听力试题录音稿 I.Listen and choose the right pictures.(听音,选择符合内容情景的图片。听两遍)

1.The children had a good time in the park yesterday.2.Alice isn’t feeling well.She has a terrible headache.3.Tom likes playing football with his classmates after school.4.You may use a computer to send an e-mail to your pen pal.5.He had to take a bus to work today because something was wrong with his car.II.Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions youhear.(听简短对话,然后挑选最佳答案回答所听到的问题。听两遍)

6.M: Hi, Betty.Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?

W: Sorry, Jack!I don’t have one.But Lily has.M: Where is Lily?

W: She is in the teachers’ office.Q: Who has a dictionary?

7.M: Good morning, Mrs Black!Do you want to buy meat or fish today?

W: I like fish.But my daughter loves beef.Give me some beef, please.M: OK.Q: What does Mrs Black want to buy?

8.W: Excuse me, are you from France?

M: No, I’m not.I’m from Australia.What about you?

W: I’m English.Q: Where is the woman from?

9.M: What was the weather like in Xiamen last week?

W: Bad weather!It was cloudy and rainy every day until Friday.M: Really? What was the weather like on Friday?

W: Well.It was fine all day.Q: How was the weather on Friday?

10.W: Can I see you at 9:00, Uncle John?

M: I am sorry, Susan, but I am having a meeting then.Why not come an hour later? Q: When should Susan meet Uncle John?

11.M: Hello!Maria.What do you think of these TV shows?

W: Well.Sports shows and Animal World are exciting and interesting.But I can’t

stand sitcoms and soap operas, they are so long and boring.Q: What does Maria think of soap operas?

12.W: How nice the day!Let’s go fishing!

M: No, this is not the best day for fishing.W: So, you mean we have to stay at home?

M: How about playing tennis instead?

W: Yeah!

Q: What are they going to do?

13.M: Hi, Lucy!Where is Nick?

W: He is upstairs.He is having a bath.M: How about Tim then? I need someone to help me with these heavy boxes.W: He doesn’t have to go to school today.So he has gone to the cinema.Q: What is Tim doing?

14.M: Mom, may I take this T-shirt?

W: Let me see.Try it on, Sam.Emm….It’s too large.What size is it?

M: Look!There is an ―M‖ here.It’s ―medium‖.Q: What size does Sam need?

15.M: Look, the car is making noise and smoke.It pollutes the air.W: Yes.If more people drive cars, there will be more pollution.M: I agree with you.Q: What are they talking about?

III.Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the right answers to

questions 16-20.(听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,然后选择正确答案作答16 – 20小题。听两遍)

Text A

W: Ted, can you go out to buy some tomatoes for me now? We don’t have any.M: All right.How much is it?

W: Four and a half yuan a kilo.M: How many do you want?

W: 2 kilos, please.M: OK.Mom.Text B

Today, SMS—Short Message Service is popular, and China Mobile says that every second, there are 410 messages being sent.Look around you!People are watching their mobiles, smiling or laughing.Fingers are moving quickly on mobiles, bringing happiness to their friends.Through SMS, we know the weather report, share jokes and news, show love and friendship.SMS is becoming more and more popular.It is reported that most of young people like to send short messages to greet each other.Internet SMS will be more helpful to people.I am thankful for SMS because it saves me much money.Just on the top end of a finger, so much joy can be found!

IV.Listen to a dialogue and a passage, then fill in the blanks with the right words.(听一篇对话和一篇短文,用恰当的单词填空完成76–85小题,每空一词。听三遍)Text A

W: Xiamen Lujiang Hotel.Can I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to book two rooms for three nights.W: When will you arrive?

M: We will get to Xiamen just the day before the China International Fair for

Investment and Trade.W: Yes, sir.Single or double?

M: Two double.Two double rooms with a kitchen.W: All right.Two double rooms with a kitchen until September 9.M: How much will that be?

W: 400 yuan for one double room a night.M: That will be fine.W: May I have your name, please?

M: Bruce Brown.B-R-U-C-E B-R-O-W-N.W: What’s your phone number?

M: 8825063.W: OK!Got it.Thank you, Mr Brown.Bye.M: Bye.Text B

There are many kinds of museums everywhere.Museums are not just for visiting, there are also all kinds of activities for you.The Museum of Science is open on Thursday.It is open to the public from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon.This museum is very different from others.You may do everything with your own hands, such as cooking rice using the sun’s energy.The Air and Space Museum opens on Monday from nine in the morning to four in the afternoon.There are hundreds of famous spaceships, rockets, satellites in the museum.It would be a good experience for you.If you are interested in the art, you can visit the Art Museum.It’s free there every Saturday.There are famous personal or online collections.


九年级英语模拟试题 英语听力录音稿

第一节 听下面5段小对话和对话后的问题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1.W: What can I for you, sir? M:I’m looking for a shirt for my father.W:What size do you want? M: A large one, please.Q: Where are they talking? 2.M:What beautiful birds!I think you can buy one.W: But look at the price!I can’t afford it.I’d like some gold fish instead.Q: Why doesn’t the woman want to buy a bird? 3.M:Julie, you just finished your English exam, didn’t you? M: Yes, I did.It started at 9:00 in the morning, and lasted for 2 hours.Q: When did the English exam finish? 4.W: How do you go to school every day?

M: I usually walk, but when it rains, I take a bus.W: Really? I can’t walk.It takes too long.So I ride a bike.Q: How does the girl go to school? 5.M: How was the party last night, Shelly? W: Well, we expected eighty gusts but only half of them came.Question: How many guests came to the party last night? 第二节 听下面三段长对话和一段独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6-8小题。

M: Hi, Joan.How’re you doing? W: Not so good.M: Why? What’s the matter? W: To tell you the truth, Bob, a lot of things.First of all.I went to a small restaurant last night and then later got sick.学业水平测试 听力稿及答案 第1页 M: That’s too bad.M:Did you see the doctor? W: No.It’s not that serious.But that’s not all.I’ve also been having some problems at school.M: Like what? W: Well.I’m in trouble in my math class.I think math is difficult, I want to give it up.M: Oh, you shouldn’t do that? Why don’t you ask your teacher for help.W: She is too busy.There are always some people around her.M: Don’t worry, I’ll try my best to help you.W: That’s very kind of you.听下面一段对话,回答第9-11小题。

M: Hi, Joy.Would you like to help protect the environment?? W: I don’t know, What can I do?? M: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights.W: Yes.That’s easy.Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking.What’s next?? M: Second, you can ride a bike.Don’t take a bus or a taxi if you don’t have to.W:That will save money, too.What else? M: Try to recycle paper.W: Mm, newspapers, magazines, mails...We get a lot of paper at home.Good idea.M:And last, take a bag when you go shopping.Don’t use plastic bags.W: OK.My parents do most of the shopping.I’ll tell them.听下面一段对话,回答第12-15小题。W: Hello!M: Hello, Mary.It’s Li Ming.W: Hi, Li Ming!How are you? Are you going to come to England next month? M: Yes, I am.I’m really happy.I’m going to visit Manchester.That’s why I’m phoning.I have some questions.W:What do you need to know? M: First, what will the weather be like? Will it be cold? W: Well.It’ll be autumn, the temperature will be 14 degrees.M: So, what clothes shall I bring? 学业水平测试 听力稿及答案 第2页 W: Well, it rains a lot in Manchester, so bring a raincoat.M: OK, Next question, how do I get to Manchester from the airport? W: You can take the bus.M: OK, And finally, shall I bring you something from my country, Mary? W: Oh, yes, please!Could you please bring me some Beijing duck? I always like Chinese food.M: No problem.See you then!W: Bye!听下面一段独白,回答第16-20小题。

Almost everyone knows Beethoven was a famous musician.He loved music so much and write lots of beautiful music.One day, he felt very hungry, so he went into a restaurant to have supper.After ordering some bread and a glass of milk, he came up with a piece of music.He didn’t take a notebook with him, so he wrote the music on the back of the menu.The waiter waited to ask Beethoven if he was ready for his meal, but he saw him writing the music.So he left without asking.After an hour, Beethoven finished his music.When the waiter was going to ask him if he was ready for his food, Beethoven left the restaurant with the menu.第三节 听短文,完成表格,每空一词,短文读两遍。

Good morning, here is Sunshine High School on the radio.There’s a wonderful party in our school meeting room tonight.It starts at 7:30.It’s for our foreign teacher-Mr.Green.He has been teaching here for 2 years.He teaches so well that everyone likes him.But he’s going back to London next week.So we’ll have to say goodbye to him.To show our thanks, everyone can bring a small present for him.The Beaches Boys will play all their new songs.They’re our favorite band.Everyone will dance to the music.We’ll be enjoying ourselves here.Come and join us!See you at 7:30 tonight.九年级英语模拟试题




6-10 CBBCC

11-15 AACBC

16-20 CBACB 21.tonight





二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)26-30 ACCAD

31-35 CADBB


41—45 BCDDA

46—50 BADBA

51—55 BCADA 学业水平测试 听力稿及答案 第3页

36-40 DABCB

四、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)56-60 ACBCC

61-65 BCCBD 66.They don’t depend on books or teachers.67.②look;③for 68.对他们来说学会用语言思考比知道每个字的意思更重要。69.Because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it 70.How to be successful learners./Some techniques of becoming a successful language learner.五、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)

71.early;catches 72.used;to 73.dreams;realized 74.millions;of 75.valuable;goes


76.thirstier 77.covered 78.directly 79.including 80.resources 81.made

82.people’s 83.best




Dear teachers and classmates, good morning!

As we all know, nothing is more important than safety.As a middle school student, it is necessary for us to obey some safety rules at school or outside the school.We should walk on the right when going downstairs or coming downstairs.As for traffic safety, we can not break any traffic rules.To keep in good health, we must eat healthy food instead of junk food, especially the dangerous food on the street.Besides, summer vacation is coming;the students who enjoy swimming had better swim in swimming pools instead of in strange rivers alone.In order to have a happier life, please pay more attention to our safety.Thank you.评分说明:










学业水平测试 听力稿及答案 第4页





学业水平测试 听力稿及答案 第5页





二、单选选择: 21-35 ACBDC/BDCAB/ACDDB

三、完型填空: 36-45 ADBCA/BCDCB


五、词语运用: 66.secrets67.had68.makes69.Try70.because



76.What are you going to do/What’s your plan/Do you have any plans/Where would you like to go?

77.Then would you like/love to go(to the movie)with me?

78.That’s/sounds great/ Great/Good idea/Sounds great.79.When and where shall we meet?

80.Can/Shall/May I take some snacks or drinks to the cinema?



Boys and girls,Attention, please!It’s reported that many parts of China have been hit by heavy smog recently.And people have to wear face masks when they go out during the bad weather.As we all know, heavy smog is bad for our health, especially for the elders and the children.Then what can we do to reduce the harm it does to us? Here are some suggestions.First, we should try to reduce outdoor activities and try to stay inside as much as possible.Second, we should drink more boiled water and eat more fresh vegetables or fruits.They do good to our health.Third, we should open the windows more often on fine weather and let in more fresh air.Last, we should advise our parents to drive less and to go to work by bus, by bike or on feet.In a word, only if we realize the importantce of protecting the environment and do what we can to stop the air pollution will we stay away from the smog and have a bright and green future.Yours,Li Hua 评分标准:






























(2)紧扣学生。教学时学生是主体,复习时学生是“重体”,紧扣学生才算“得体”。复习时一定要因材施“复”,因生而异 ,切不可盲目,千篇一律。复习备课时应重点备好学生的英语程度,英语缺陷,复习对策及阶段成果预测,准确把握好复习进度,复习难度,复习广度。




第1-2节 英语词汇总复习(unit1-4,unit5-8)复习方法:教师导——学生强化记忆与训练


语法总复习(定语从句、四种句式、五种基本句型、句子基本成分、序数词、复合句)复习方法:教师系统讲解——专项训练 第8-10节


复习方法:学生强化训练——教师击破与点播 第11-12节







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