
时间:2019-05-14 10:47:15下载本文作者:会员上传






绝对的内容:分工可以提高劳动生产力;分工的原则是发挥绝对优势或绝对利益;国际分工的基础是有力的自然禀赋或后天的有利条件 绝对的评价:绝对优势论是建立在劳动价值论基础上的,是对国际贸易问题的第一次科学的解释具有十分重要的意义。它指出了分工对劳动生产率的重要意义;阐明了国际贸易是贸易双方都能获利,贸易利益的普遍性为自由贸易政策提供了理论基础。但绝对优势论本身有一定的局限性,它不能解释国际贸易的全部情形,而只能说明国际贸易中的一种特殊情况,既具有国际优势的国家参加国际分工和国际贸易能够获利。比较的内容:两优取其重,两劣取其轻

比较的评价:比较比优势更全面、更深刻;比较在历史上起过重大的进步作用。局限性:所所揭示的各国获得的贸易利益是静态的短期利益,这种利益是否符合一国经济发展的长远利益则不得而知;对于更复杂的问题没有触及;大卫 李嘉图的劳动价值论是不完全的、不彻底的。3.关税和非关税的影响

关税对进口国消费者的影响:提高了进口国商品的价格,增加了消费噢者的负担;增加进口国政府的税收收入;保护了进口国国内与进口商品竞争的部门;征收关税会引起进口国国内的再分配效应 4.倾销的必要条件和种类

必要条件:出口国将本国产品以低于正常价格的价格挤入进口国;使进口国相同行业出现重大损害或重大威胁 5.对外直接、间接投资的种类











1、平等性原则(1)谈判各方地位平等 2)谈判各方权利与义务平等。(3)谈判各方签约与践约平等。








影响 :1利:有利于高新技术产品和高附加值服务的引进,促进国内产业转型和优化升级;有利于国内企业走出去,对外投资成本低,利于扩大对外投资,增强影响力;有利于人民币国际地位的提高。2.弊:不利于出口企业的对外出口;影响我国企业和许多产业的综合国际竞争力。

















(3世界银行 4.关税的种类(分类):

从商品流向分为进口税、出口税、过境税;从征税标准分为从量税、从价税、混合税、选择税;从税率高低分特惠税、普惠税、正常贸易关税 5.贸易的种类(3类):一般贸易、加工贸易、其他贸易。贸易制度统计:制度方法,统计范围,商品分类,统计价格,统计国别,资料来源。

6.非关税措施的种类:数量性措施(配额和许可证)、技术性贸易限制、政策性措施(进口管制、政府政策、政府采购、国内税、进口押金、海关估价、政府宣传等)、道德壁垒 7.补贴的种类:直接补贴(现金补贴)、间接补贴(亏损补贴、优惠收费、减免税收、提供廉价资源、优惠贷款和出口担保、信息服务和优惠汇率)

8.影响汇率变动的因素:一国经济的发展状况、国际收支、利率水平、货币政策、政治事件的影响、心理预期 9.地区经济组织一体化的表现形式:优惠贸易安排、自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济同盟、完全经济一体化

10.贸易术语的解释通则 13种术语:P243至245 用简明的语言来概括说明买卖双方在货物交接方面的权利与义务,主要内容是规定买卖双方在货物交接方面的责任、风险和费用的划分。贸易条件是在长期的贸易实践中形成的。工厂交货、货交承运人、船边交货、装运港船上交货、成本加运费、成本保险费加运费、运费付至、运费及保险付至、边境交货、目的港船上交货、目的港码头交货、未完税交货、完税后交货


1服务贸易:通过跨境交付、境外消费、商业存在、自然人流动等形式跨越中华人民共和国国境提供服务的贸易 2.贸易保护主义是指在对外贸易中实行限制进口以保护本国商品在国内市场免受外国商品竞争,并向本国商品提供各种优惠以增强其国际竞争力的主张和政策。在限制进口方面,主要是采取关税壁垒和非关税壁垒两种措施。前者主要是通过征收高额进口关税阻止外国商品的大量进口;后者则包括采取进口许可证制、进口配额制等一系列非关税措施来限制外国商品自由进口。

3.对外贸易依存度:对外贸易依存度又称为对外贸易系数(传统的对外贸易系数),是指一国的进出口总额占该国国民生产总值或国内生产总值的比重。其中,进口总额占GNP或 GDP的比重称为进口依存度,出口总额占GNP或GDP的比重称为出口依存度。对外贸易依存度反映一国对国际市场的依赖程度,是衡量一国对外开放程度的重要指标。









































课程名称 商务英语翻译 考试时间 90 分钟 总分

I.Match the following Phrase with its Translation(20 points, 1 point for each)

1.unfavorable balance of trade


单据与表格 2.bank portfolio


光票付款信用证 3.housing mortgages


另函 4.barter trade


会计制度 5.bills and forms


国际分工 6.fiscal year


财政 7.cargo insurance

()易货贸易 8.carrying vessel


标题货物 9.clean payment credit


清仓削价销售 10.clearance sale


经济动机 11.accounting systems

()贸易逆差 12.comparative advantage


统保单 13.economic incentives

()记名提单 14.financial statements

()财务报表,15.bills of exchange


汇票 16.captioned goods


货物保险 17.floating policy

()银行资产 18.international specialization


比较优势 19.straight B/L


装货船只 20.under separate cover



II.Multiple Choice(20 points, 2 points for each)1.As the information requested in our letter dated October 29 is now urgently required, your early reply would be highly appreciated.()



D.由于急需我方10月29日去信要求的信息,如蒙贵方及早答复,不胜感激。2.Should for certain reasons the Buyers not be able to inform the Seller of the foregoing details 10 days prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of loading or should the carrying vessel be advanced or delayed, the Buyer or their chartering agent shall advise the Sellers immediately and make necessary arrangement.()


3.All the banking charges incurred in Licensee's Bank shall be borne by Licensee while those incurred outside Licensee's Bank shall be borne by Licensor.()A.所有在许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承担,所有在许可方银行外发生的银行费用由许可方承担。



D.所有在被许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承担,所有在许可方银行外发生的银行费用由被许可方承担。4.It was found that a country benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods that other countries can make at lower costs than by producing everything it needs within its own border.()


5.This Convention does not prevail over any international agreement which has already been or may be entered into and which contains provisions concerning the matters governed by this Convention.()




D.本公约并不优先于业已缔结或可能缔结的与本公约有关条款的任何国际协定。6.Rising damp, if not treated effectively, could in time cause extensive damage to the structure of your home, ruin decoration and furniture.()




处 论 弊 舞 作 者 违 :,名记姓标 他 其 作 或 名 姓 写 禁 严:外号线考封 密 ; 理 处 分 零 作:者级违班,题答禁严内D.如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into English(10*2)面积破坏

1.科技以人为本---------诺基亚广告 7.The seller must supply the goods in conformity with the contract of sale, together with

such evidence of conformity as may be required by the contract.()

2.分分秒秒欢聚欢笑-----麦当劳广告 A.卖方有责任供应符合买卖所规定的货物,如合同有规定,尚须提供货物符合合同 的要求的凭证。

3.我的劳力士不像我。它从不休息----手表广告 B.卖方有责任供应符合买卖合同所规定的货物,如合同有规定,尚须提供货物符合


4.留出时间读时代----杂志广告 C.卖方有责任供应符合买卖合同所规定的货物,如有规定,尚须提供货物符合合同 的要求的凭证。

5.人生似旅行,游历须尽兴----航空公司广告 D.卖方有责任供应符合买卖所规定的货物,如另有规定,尚须提供货物符合合同的


8.We would be interested in receiving your inquiries for our computers of different models, 7.有钱能使鬼推磨 against which we will send you our quotations in dollars, FOB U.S.Ports.Shipment will

be arranged immediately after receipt of your L/C.()

8.有其父必有其子 A.我们希望贵方来函询问我们的电脑。我们一定会寄来美国口岸船上交货的报价


9.寸金难买寸光阴 B.我们希望贵方来函询问各种型号的电脑。我们一定会寄来美国口岸船上交货的报


10.岁月不等人 C.我们希望贵公司来函询购我们的电脑。我们一定会寄来以美元计价的美国口岸船


Ⅳ.Translate the following phrase into Chinese(10*2)D.我们希望贵公司来函询购各种型号的电脑。我们一定会寄来以美元计价的美国口

岸船上交货的报价单,并保证在收到信用证后立即装运。1.a broken man

9.The EEC’s Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family.()

2.a broken soldier A.欧共体的农业共同政策简直像个恐龙,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品单上多支


3.broken money B.欧共体的农业共同政策简直就是恐龙,它使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销上多支


4.A special cola.A special choice.C.欧共体的农业共同政策像恐龙一样不合时宜,使英国家庭平均每周在食品单上多


5.Anything is possible.D.欧共体的农业共同政策已不合时宜,它使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销上多支出

13.50英镑。6.A secret for perfect skin.10.The new prosperity may represent a long, sustained plateau of brisk demand, plentiful jobs, 7.You leave “Managing Money” alone;Money will manage to leave you alone.and increased living standards.()

A.新的繁荣可能表现为一段持续时间较长的旺盛的需求、大量就业机会,生活水平8.No dream is too big.也得到了改善。

封B.新的繁荣可能表现为持续时间较长的旺盛需求、大量的就业机会,生活水平也得9.Give me a chance, and you’ll have a big surprise.到了提高。

C.新的繁荣表现为一段时间持续较长的旺盛的需求、大量就业机会,生活水平也得10.Go my own way.(运动鞋广告)到了提高。

D.新的繁荣表现为持续时间较长的旺盛需求、大量就业机会,生活水平也得到了改Ⅴ Translation Improvement from English to Chinese.For each English sentence, there is 善。

one or more errors in the translation provided.Please underline the error or errors, and then write the whole of your improved version in the space provided below.(20 points, 2 points for

○ ○ ⊙ each)

1.原文:The purpose of engineering is to create useful goods, to make them better, cheaper and more abundant.译文:工程的目的是要创造有用的物品,使它们更好、更便宜、更充足。改进的译文: :

2.原文:We also realize the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy.译文:我们也认识到使某些经济部门实行产业化越来越多的需要和必要。改进的译文:

3.原文:The Contract is in octuplicate, four in the Chinese language and four in the English language.译文:本合同一式8份,中文4份,英文4份 改进译文:

4.原文:Commercial business is very profitable, and most radio and TV stations depend on the income.译文:商事很赚钱,大部分电台和电视台都靠这部分收入而生存。改进译文:

5.原文:There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems;more than transient everydayness.译文:他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的合经济的问题,远不止一时的日常事物。改进的译文:

6.原文:she is considered as Helen of Troy in her class.译文:她被认为是他们班的海伦。改进的译文:

7.原文:I won’t go there unless you go, too.译文:我不去,除非你也不去。改进的译文:

8.原文:A road accident caused my being late.译文:交通事故导致了我迟到。改进的译文:

9.原文:We regret the four of the items enquired for in your Fax are unfortunately not available

for export.译文:很遗憾,贵方传真所询商品有4项无货可供。改进的译文:

10.原文:The moderate price coupled with the superiority of our goods will surely induce you to

pass us orders.译文:由于价钱公道,货物优势,相信贵公司必乐于向我们定购。改进的译文:




四、名词解释 1.进口替代战略2.出口导向战略4.对外贸易 P3813.贸易术语15.托收










四、名词解释 1.国际服务贸易2.过境交付






四、名词解释 1.转口贸易4.国际展览会 P1215.国际博览会7.补偿贸易











1.进口配额制2.进口许可证制3.“自动”出口配额制 5.出口信贷9.保税区

五、简答题 3.经济特区的特点。4.经济特区的类型。5.出口管制的对象。




五、简答题 1.企业跨国经营与国际化经营二者之间的异同。



五、简答题 1.国际投资环境的涵义及其特点。




六、论述题 1.跨国公司的涵义及其全球战略的主要内容。



1.国际贸易一般指不同国家当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素。因而比国内贸易要复杂的多。International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries.It involves mort factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business.2.随着经济一体化进程的发展,很少人和公司能完全独立于国际商务之外而存在。因此,在此方面具有一定的知识是十分必要的,这既有益于企业的发展,又有益于个人的进步With the development of economic globalization, few people or companies can enterprises and personal advancement 3.其他参与国际贸易的形式有管理合同,承包生产和“交钥匙”工程。completely stay away from international business.Therefore, some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of Other forms for participating in international business are management contract, contract manufacturing, and turnkey project 4.国际贸易最初以商品贸易的形式出现,即在一国生产或制造商品而出口或进口到另一国进行消费或转售。International consumption or resale in another.5.除了国际贸易和投资,国际许可和特许经营有时也是进入国际市场的一种方式

Besides trade and investment, international licensing and franchising are some times taken as a means of entering a foreign market.(二)

1.国民生产总值和国内生产总值是表明一国收入的两个重要概念,区别在于前者强调的是生产要素的所属权而后者着重于进行生产的国家。business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e.exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for GNP and GDP are two important concepts used to indicate a country’s income.The difference between GNP and GDP is that the former focuses on ownership of the factors of production while the latter concentrates on the place where production takes place 2.要估评某一市场的潜力,人们往往要分析其收入水平,因为它为那里居民的购买力高低提供了线索In assessing the potential of a market, people often look at its income level since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents.3.世界各国被世界银行分为三大领域,高收入国家、中等收入国家和低收入国家

Countries of the world are divided by the World Bank into three categories of high-income, middle income and low income 4.中国现在的年人均收入为1100美元以上,但几年前它还是个低收入国家。

China with an annual per capita income of over $1100 is a middle income country though it was a low income country just a few years ago.5.就中国来说,周围还有其他应特别关注的市场,如亚洲四小虎,东盟国家,俄罗斯等国,这些国家都具有前景看好的市场潜力,能为中国提供很好的商机。As far as China is concerned, other markets we should pay particular attention to are those around us: the Four Tigers, the ASEAN countries, Russia, etc.Those are countries with very promising market potential and can offer good business opportunities to China.(三)1.过去的几十年,地区经济一体化越来越严重。

The past decades witnessed increasingly growing importance of regional economic integration.2经济联盟的成员国不仅要在税收、政府开支、企业策略等方面保持一致,而且还应适用同一的货币。

The members of an economic union are required not only to harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies, etc, but also use the same currency.3欧洲委员会是欧盟的管理机构之一,此机构将提议呈交给部长理事会做决定,并监督各成员国根据所制定的条约履行自己的义务。

The European Commission is one of the governing organs of the EU.It is the body which puts proposals to the Council of Ministers for decision and sees that the members carry out their duties under the treaty 4APEC建立与在澳大利亚首都堪培拉召开的一次部长级会议上。当时有12位成员国出席,分别是澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、日本、朝鲜、新西兰和东盟六国。APEC was set up at the Ministerial Meeting held in the Australia capital Canberra attened by 12members of Australia,the united states,canada,japan,republic of korea,new zealand and six ASEAN countries.5著名的自由贸易区是北美自由贸易区,它是由美国、加拿大和墨西哥于1991年建立的。

The most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Area, the largest free market formed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1991(四)1.经济全球化为世界经济发展提供了新的动力和机会, 同时也使各经济体更加相互依赖、相互影响。Economic globalization is giving new impetus and opportunities to world economic development and meanwhile making the various economies more and more interdependent and interactive 2.跨国公司是在一个以上国家拥有、控制和经营资产的商业组织。

A multinational enterprise is a business organization that owns, controls and manages assents in more than one country 3.许多人欢呼经济全球带来的好处,但同时也有强烈的反对声音。

An MNE may also have various regional or operational headquarters, in addition to international headquarters 4.跨国公司的内部交换在整个国际贸易的一个很大的比例。

The transfer of the intra-MNE transactions constitutes a very significant proportion of total international trade 5.尽管公司的日常管理工作下放到跨国企业的子公司,但重要决策,如有关公司和新投资等都由母公司来决定。

Although the day-to-day running of corporate operations may be decentralized to the affiliate MNCS, the major decisions, such at those on corporate goals and new investments are made by the parent company 6.无论人们是否喜欢,经济全球化已成为世界经济发展中的一个客观趋势。

Like it or not, economic globalization has become an objective trend in world economic development


In the complex economic world, no country can be completely self-sufficient 2.随着制造业和技术的发展,出现了另一个刺激贸易的因素,即国际专业化。

With the development of manufacturing and technology, there arose another incentive for trade, i.e.international specialization 3.按照比较利益学说,两个贸易伙伴均可从贸易中得到好处。

According to the theory on comparative advantage both trade partners can benefit from trade.4.比较利益并不是一个静止的概念,一个国家可以通过自己的行为发展某种特定的比较利益。Comparative advantage is not a static concept.A country may develop a particular comparative advantage through its own action 5.比较利益理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。

The idea of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade

6.根据绝对利益理论,只有当一个国家生产的某一商品对另一个国家具有绝对优势时,贸易才会发生。According to the absolute advantage theory, trade occurs only when each country has an absolute advantage over the other in the production of one commodity.(六)


The cost of a product will decrease with the expansion of production scale 2.在实际中,即使完全的专业化在经济上有利,也可能永远不会发生。

In reality, complete specialization may never take place even though it is economically advantageous


Quotas or quantitative restrictions are the most common form of non-tariff barriers 4.国家从事贸易种类是多样的,复杂的,往往是有形贸易和无形贸易的混合。

The kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.5.贸易不是建立在两个国家生产能力上而是建立在不同的消费偏好上。Trade will be based not on difference in the production capabilities of the two countries but on different consumption preferences 6.各国政府经常采取的贸易保护主义措施是贸易壁垒,典型的例子是关税和配额。

Protectionist measures which are often taken by governments are also barriers to trade and typical examples are tariffs and quotas.7.由于战略或国内的原因,一个国家可能继续生产不具备优势的产品。

For strategic or domestic reasons, a country may continue to produce goods for which it does not have an advantage 8.有形贸易指货物的进出口贸易而无形贸易涉及的是国家间的劳务交换。Visible trade,.which involves the import and export of goods,there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between countries.(七)

1.包装需按运输的要求进行,在大多数情况下,卖方明确知道把货物安全地运到目的地所需要的包装。Packing should be made according to the requirement of transportation.In most cases, the seller knows clearly the particular type of packing required for transporting the goods safely to destination.2.在许可情况下,应通知买方在卖方将货物启运之时或之前安排验货。除非合同另有规定,否则卖方必须支付为其自身利益而安排的验货费用。

In many cases, the buyer shall be notified to go through the inspection of goods at or before the time of shipment.Unless otherwise specified, the buyer is supposed to undertake the charges of inspection thus incurred for his own sake.3.进口商可以通过可转让的运输单据将货物在运输途中卖给新的卖方,这类可转让单据用起来非常方便。very convenient for use The importer can sell the goods to a new buyer while they are being carried by means of negotiable shipping documents which are 5.2000年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子通讯使用的增加以及运输方式的变化。The 2000 revision of Incoterms took account of the spread of customs-free zones, the increased use of electronic communication, and the changes in transport practices 6.如果货物丢失或受损或因某种原因没有运到,买卖双方的信任就会下降可能会严重到引起法律纠纷的地步。If they are lost or damaged, or if delivery does not take place for some other reason, the climate of confidence between parties may degenerate to the point where a law suit is brought 7.买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一致的具体规则可供参考,他们就肯定简单可靠的确定各自的责任。If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to , they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely


A contract is enforceable by law, and the party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation.2.口头业务协商指的是面对面的直接谈判或通过国际长途电话进行的商谈。Oral business negotiations refer to face-to-face discussions or those conducted through international trunk calls 3.买方发出的询盘时为了获得拟定购商品的有关信息,它对发出询盘的人无约束力。Enquiries made by the buyer are to get information about the goods to be ordered and are not binding on the inquirer 4.有效期对于实盘是必不可少的。在规定的时间之前,或在被对方接受或拒绝之前发盘一直是有效的。The validity period is indispensable to a firm offer, that remains valid until a stipulated time or until it is accepted or rejected


A counter-offer is a refusal of the offer which will be invalid and unbinding once a counter-offer is made

6.还盘可以针对发盘中的价格、付款条件、装运时间或其他条款而提出。A counter-offer may be made in relation to the price, terms of payments, time of shipment or other terms and conditions of the offer 7.合同背面的规定是合同的组成部分,对合同双方同样具有约束力The stipulations on the back of the contract are constituent parts of the contract and are equally binding upon the contraction parties

(九)1.对销贸易一般是与有关国家的政治目标相互联系的,如应对外汇短缺和扩大出口之类的问题。objectives in these countries As counter trade often takes place in less developed economies and in centrally planned economies, it is often related with policy 2.实际上,反向贸易指的是各种货物和服务的直接交换。Fundamentally, counter trade refers to the direct exchange of assorted kinds of goods and services

3.回购贸易和互购贸易之间另一个重要的区别在于回购贸易一般比互购贸易要延续更长一段时间。Another important difference is that a buyback deal usually stretches over a longer period of time the a counter purchase deal 4.在正常的市场交易中,由于使用货币及市场手段,货物的买与卖是分别进行的。In normal market transactions buying and selling of goods are unbundled because of the use of money and the market


Despite all its advantage, counter trade can be very risky business


Among other modes of trade are processing trade, consignment, leasing trade, agency etc

7.对销贸易成为一个将卖方的出口,从买方的进口联系起来的跨国界合同的术语总称。Counter trade has become the generic term to describe a set of cross-border contracts that link a seller’s exports to imports from the buyer

(十)1.在国际贸易中进出口双方都面临风险,因为总存在对不履约的可能。In international trade, both the exporter and importer face risks as there is always the possibility that the other party may fail to fulfil the contract

2.为处理国际贸易中的不同形势,各种支付方法便发展了起来。Various methods of payment have been developed to cope with different situations in international trade

3.许多国际交易是通过汇票支付的,汇票是对银行是顾客的支付命令。A lot of international transactions are paid for by means of the draft, which is an order to a customers to pay

4.即期付款交单要求进口商立即付款以取得单据。Documents against payment at sight requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents

5.就出口商而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利,付款交单比承兑交单有利。So far as the exporter’s interest is concerned D/P at sight is more favorable than D/P after sight, and D/P is more favorable than D/A

(十一)1.在国际贸易中,几乎不可能使付款和实际交货同时进行。In international trade it is almost impossible to match payment with the physical delivery of the good

2.信用证付款方式对买卖双方都提供保障。The method of payment by the letter of credit offers security to both the seller and the buyer


Credits had substantial development after the First World War

4.要么因为信用证金额过大,要么因为对开证行不完全信任,出口商有时可能需要保兑的信用证。Either because the credit amount is too large, or because he does not fully trust the opening bank, the exporter may sometimes require a confirmed letter of credit


Letters of credit are varied in form, length, language and stipulations


The bilateral security is the unique and characteristic feature of the letter of credit 7.信用证不但保所购货物就是发票所开或所装运的货物。It does not guarantee that the goods purchased will be those invoiced or shipped

8.银行只关心代表货物的单据而不是所寄予的合同,银行对于货物是否符合合同不承担法律责任。The banks are only concerned with the documents representing the goods instead of the underlying contracts.They have no legal obligation whether the goods comply with the contract


Letters of credit are classified into different types according to their function, form, and mechanism

2.光票信用证主要用于非贸易结算,而在商品贸易中一般使用跟单信用证付款。Clean letters of credit are mainly used in non-trade settlement, while documentary credits are generally used in commodity trade

3.在即期信用证情况下,提示汇票和正确无误的单据后便立即付款。In the case of sight credits, payment can be made promptly upon presentation of draft and impeccable shipping documents

5.如果信用证可以有原受益人转让给另一个或几个人,那么这种信用证即为可转让信用证。A letter of credit is called transferable if it can be transferred by its original beneficiary to one or more parties 6.对于一笔具体交易来说,信用证不一定是最理想的付款方式,缔约双方应根据具体情况做出最好的选择。The letter of credit may not be the most ideal method of payment for a particular transaction, and the contracting parties should make their best choice according to the specific conditions 7.如果允许分批装运,信用证可以同时转让给多个受益人。Transferring a credit to more than one party at the same time is allowed provided partial shipments are permitted

(十三)1.在国际贸易中使用正确的单据很重要,否则进口商提货时会遇到困难。It is very important to use correct documents in international trade, otherwise the importer will have difficulties in taking delivery of the goods

2.商业发票,一般称“发票”这种单据对货物的质量和数量以及单价和总价进行概括性描述。The commercial invoice, generally called the invoice makes a general description of the quality, quantity, unit price, and total value of the goods

3.货物在运输过程中可能发生风险损失,需要办理货物保险。It is necessary to insure the goods against the possible risks they are exposed to in the course of transportation.4.已装船提单表明货物已实际装上开往目的港的承运船只。An on board bill of lading indicates that the goods have been actually loaded on board of the carrying vessel bound for the port of destination

5.清洁提单指货物在表面状况良好的情况下装船,这意味着提单上未加任何有关包装或货物外表不良的批注。A clean bill of lading refers to one that indicates the goods have been shipped in apparent good order condition, which means it is devoid of any qualifying remarks about the packing and the outer appearance of the goods

6.签发保险单的日期可以早于提单的签发日,但绝不能迟于提单签发日。The date on which the document can be made earlier but by on means later than the date of the bill of lading

(十四)1.毫无疑问,一个没有先进的运输系统的社会仍然是一个原始落后的社会。There is no doubt that a society without an advanced transportation system remains primitive

2.这些方式在运作特点和性能方面不同。从而使它们各有比较优势和劣势,五种运输方式是水路、铁路、公路、管道、航空。The modes differ in terms of operating characteristics and capabilities, giving them comparative advantages and disadvantages.The five major modes are water, rail, truck, pipeline and air

3.过去10年,公司自己提供运输能力的倾向越来越大。The past decade has seen an increasing tendency among business firms to provide their own transportation capability.4.作为一个社会,我们现在的生活比完全自给自足时更富裕、更消闲。As a society, we enjoy a richer and more leisurely life than we would be in a totally self-sufficient community

5.最近几年运输功能引人注目的另一个因素就是越来越多的使用零库存系统,这种系统是以公司保持很少数量的生产投入为基础的。Another factor that has thrust transportation into the limelight in recent years is the growing utilization of just-in-time inventory systems, on the basis of a production approach in which the firm maintains very small quantities of production inputs

6.运输业可能更容易的集中原料和劳动力的投入去生产某项产品。Transportation allows the entrepreneur to assemble more easily the raw material and labor inputs needed to make a specific product

(十五)1.保险是一种风险转换机制通过保险个人或企业可以将生活中一些不确定因素转移给其他人。Insurance is a risk transfer mechanism, by which the individual or the business enterprise can shift some of the uncertainty of life to the shoulders of others

2.即使是在这种情况下,大多数公司宁可付已知的费用即保险费用来转移风险,而不愿面对不确定的风险损失。Even under these circumstances, most of the firms prefer to pay a known cost or premium for the transfer of risk, rather than face the uncertainty of carrying the risk of loss 3.对企业来说损失的价值要比个人高很多。因此,保险费也比一栋房子或一两车高出许多。In the case of business enterprises,the values exposed to loss are usually much higher and the premium charged is substantially higher than that for a house or a car

4.企业投保的主要刺激时他们可以腾出资金,进行其他项目的投资。The main stimulus to the enterprise is the release of funds for investment in the production of other items

5.因此,货物保险是一种目的在于把风险从进口商和出口商的肩上转移到转敏承担风险的保险人一方的活动。Therefore, cargo insurance is an activity aiming at moving the burden of risk from the exporters and importers to the underwriters

6.通过向共同基金投保,投保方就得到了一旦遭受损失时要求从基金中得到赔偿的权利。By paying a premium into an insurance pool, the assured earns the right to claim compensation from the pool, the assured earns the right to claim compensation from the pool should he suffer loss.(十六)

1.没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的,而任何根据这类合同提出的索赔都不会被受理。An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained 2.尽管错误的陈述是无意的,保险人还是受到欺骗,从而保险合同无效。Even though the mis-statement is unintentional, the underwriter will still be deceived and the policy voidable.3.将受损失人的利益恢复到损害发生前的状况的合同就是保险合同。A contract of insurance is one which restores a person who has suffered a loss into the same position as he was in before the loss occurred

4.赔偿金额一般包括发票金额加上运输费用再加上保险费再加上一个商订的百分比如10%。The compensation payable generally includes the invoiced cost plus freight, the insurance premium, and an agreed percentage, say 10%

5.如果投保的险别不是造成损失的直接原因,保险公司将不予赔偿。The insurance company will not entertain the claim if the risk covered is not the proximate cause of the loss.6.每一份保险合同都需要有可保利益的支持,否则它就是无效的,任何根据此合同提出的索赔都不会受理。Every contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it, or otherwise it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained

7.若两份保险单承保同一事件,两家保险公司将按比例分摊损失赔偿这恢复保险人损失部分。If two policies do cover the same event, the insurance companies contribute pro rata to the loss, and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position

(十七)1.第一次世界大战以前,金本位制建立了固定汇率制,每个国家通过将本国货币与黄金挂钩来确定其货币的评价。Before the First World War, the gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pegged the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value 2.1944年44国在美国布雷顿森林举行会议签署了协议,计划在世界贸易和货币方面实现更好的合作。In 1944, 44 nations held a conference at Bretton Woods, U.S.A., to plan better cooperation in world trade and currency matter

3.弹性汇率从没有真正地“干净”或自由地浮动过。因为中央银行为了稳定汇率采取了各种措施对货币价格进行干涉。The flexible exchange rate system has never been clean float or free float, because the central bank takes various measures to intervene in the price of its currency in order to stabilize the exchange rate 4.在特定条件下,提高利率可以吸引国外短期资金,提高一国的外汇汇率。Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attract short-term international fund, increasing the exchange rate of one’s own currency 5.外汇汇率有三种形式,即:买进汇率、售出汇率、和两者的平均值----中间汇率。There are three types of foreign exchange price namely: the buying rate, the selling rate and the average of the previous two the medial rate

(十八)1.这些机构的共同目标是通过把发达国家的资金输送到发展中国家帮助这些国家提高生活水平。The common objective of these institutions is to help raise standards of living in developing countries by channeling financial resources to them from developed countries

2.国际复兴开发银行的资金有相当大一部分来自它的留存盈余以及偿还贷款的不断流入。A substantial contribution to the IBRD’s resources comes from its retained earnings and the flow of repayments on its loans

3.国际复兴开发银行的贷款是向处于经济和社会发展较高阶段的发展中国家提供的。The loans of IBRD are directed toward developing countries at more advanced stages of economic and social growth

4.国际货币基金组织旨在向那些在付款方面有困难的基金会员国提供中期贷款。The purpose of IMF is to provide medium term loans to those members with payment difficulties

5.为了承担这项使命,多边投资担保机构向投资者提供担保以防范非商业性风险,向发展中成员国政府提供咨询,并为国际商业界与东道国政府就投资问题安排对话。To undertake this mission, MIG offers investors guarantees against noncommercial risks, advises developing member governments on policies and sponsors dialogues between the international business community and host governments on investment issues.(十九)1.对外直接投资是国际投资的主要方式,一国居民为进行督控和经营通过对外投资获取另一国的资产。Foreign direct investment is the major form of international investment, whereby residents of one country acquire assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them

2.控制成本是一些企业进行对外投资的主要动机之一。而降低生产成本是考虑的一个重要发面。Controlling costs is one of the major motivations for some enterprises to engage in FDI.And lowering production costs is an important consideration

3.直接在国外经营提高一个公司产品的能见度,使当地客户对他们所购买的商品更加放心。Operating directly abroad enhances the visibility of a firm’s products, making local customers feel more assured about the things they buy

4.及时库存管理系统的引进能最大限度地降低库存从而提高经营效率。The introduction of JIT inventory management system can minimize the inventory of the stock so as to increase the efficiency of the operation

5.国外直接投资主要有三种形式:建立新企业、购买现有设施和建立合资公司。FDI is mainly practiced in three forms: Building new enterprises, purchasing existing facilities and forming joint ventures

(二十)1.选择权是指在特定的时间内按规定的价格购买或出售一种证券的权利。Options are contracts giving the right to buy or sell a security at an agreed price within a particular period of time 2.未挂牌证券市场是为了满足已经确立地位的,但是较小的,而且不太成熟的公司的需求而建立的。

The unlisted securities market is to meet the needs of established,but smaller,less mature companies 3.政府满足公共部门借贷需求的方法之一就是出售金边证券。One of the ways the government meets the public Sector Borrowing Requirement is by selling gilt-edged stocks

4.通过为证券的发行和交易提供中心市场,股票交易所长期为政府、工业以及投资商的需求服务。The Stock Exchange has long served the needs of government, industry and investors in providing the central market place for the issuing and trading of securities

5.国际股票交易所提供了一种途径,使人们的存货能够为那些需要资金的人所利用。The International Stock Exchange provides a channel through which the savings can reach those who need finance

(二十一)1.关贸总协定体系(现为世界贸易组织)是通过一系列的贸易谈判或回合发展起来的,它最初有三个基本目标。The GATT system(now WTO)was developed through a series of trade negotiations or rounds.It originally had three basic goals

2.加入世界贸易组织对中国有益,因为它将促进中国的改革和发展,提高商品和服务的质量,降低商品成本和服务费用,刺激投资和创造就业机会,改善法制。China’s WTO accession will benefit China because it will help advance its reform and development, improve the quality and reduce the cost of goods and services, spur investment and the creation of new jobs, and promote the rule of law.3.世界贸易组织的主要目的是为了促进自由贸易、进一步减少贸易壁垒并建立更有效的贸易纠纷解决机制。The main objectives of WTO are to promote free trade, further reduce trade barriers, and establish more effective trade dispute settlement procedures

4.WTO争端解决机制是当今国际水准上的最为活跃的体系而且对国际法的持续发展具有重大意义。The WTO dispute settlement system is the most is the most active one today at the international level and has tremendous importance for the progressive development of international law.5.尽管中国取得了很大的成就,但仍然面临巨大的挑战。一部分挑战和竞争来自于农业、银行业和保险业,还有一部分来自于一些国家所采取的贸易保护主义措施。Despite all the achievements, China still faces big challenges.Some of the challenges and competition are from the agricultural sector and banking and insurance industries.And some are caused by the protectionist measures in some countries

(二十二)1.尽管第一次会议没有制定出具体目标,联合国贸易和发展会议的总任务是制定、协商和实施改善发展进程的措施。Although no specific objectives were laid down at the first conference, the general target of UNCTAD is to formulate, negotiate and implement measures to improve the development process

2.在没有有效协议的情况下,一旦出口收入下降,应立即采用强制的合自动的补救措施。In the absence of effective agreements, compulsory and automatic compensatory measures should be introduced as soon as there is a decline in export earnings

3.实际上西方国家在使低收入国家繁荣起来的同时,其对这些国家的出口将增加,因此也能获得经济效益。The western nations would, in fact, also have an economic interest when they are bringing prosperity to the low-income countries, since their exports to these countries would thus be stepped up

4.国际经济新秩序主要是要求发达国家提供更多的现金和贸易发面的优惠。The new international economic order is mainly a demand for more cash and trade concessions from the developed countries


A Trade and Development Board is the permanent organ of the United Nations Conforence on Trade and Development



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    国际商务求职信 篇1各位领导:您好!我是xx,是xx外语外贸职业学院XX国际商务系的国际商务专业。由于我们即将踏上征途,我在此提交我的申请信并提出自己,愿意承担贵公司的评估和选择......


    西 安 财 经 学 院 试 题 课程名称 国际商务 学期 2012— 2013学年 第 1 学期 使用班级 物流1101班 考核方式 大作业 一.论述经济全球化的特征与效应。(15分) 二.论述竞争......


    《国际商务》习题 第一章:什么是国际商务 1、什么是国际商务? 2、国际贸易与投资的重要概念有哪些? 3、国际商务与国内商务有何不同? 4、国际商务的参与者有哪些? 5、你为什么要......


    international business 国际商务 merchandise exports 商品出口 merchandise imports 商品进口 visible exports 有形出口 visible imports 有形进口 service exports服务......


    国际商务调研 国际商务是超越了国界产生的围绕企业经营的事务性活动,主要是指企业从事国际贸易和国际投资过程中产生的跨国经营活动。国际贸易包括货物、服务和知识产权交易;......


    国际商务 名词解释 1.进口替代战略:所谓进口替代发展型,就是通过建立和发展本国的制造和其他工业,替 代过去的制成品进口,以带动经济增长,实现工业化,纠正贸易逆差、 平衡国际收......