
时间:2019-05-14 08:22:01下载本文作者:会员上传




作为一名当地导游小李,你在史密斯先生的带领下从美国接你的旅游团。你拿着一块写着“史密斯”和公司名称的欢迎牌。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.问候

b.询问是否是史密斯先生带的团 c.询问相关细节

对话2 作为一名中国国际旅行社的导游,你将会见一位来自美国的布莱克先生。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.确认客人身份 b.介绍你自己 c.介绍贵公司 d.确认行李

对话3.作为一名当地导游与陪同人员讨论明天早上的叫醒时间,并请他通知游客。在确认时间以后,打电话给客房部让他们提供叫醒服务。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.相互问候 b.确认叫醒时间



对话4 作为一名当地导游,你要带着汤姆,一个从机场到酒店的客人。当你正在和他交谈的时候,旅游车马上就要出发了。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.在去酒店额路上,介绍你自己和旅游车 b.回答客人提出的问题 c.对酒店做大概的介绍

对话5 作为导游介绍北京,在去酒店的路上,一些客人会问你一些问题。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.介绍人口、地区、气候等 b.回答至少三个客人提出的问题

对话6 假设你是一名导游,在确认你的旅行团后,你发现其中一名客人丢了一件行李,看起来很着急。你试着帮他找回来。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.安抚旅客

b.询问行李的详细信息:尺寸、颜色。材料等 c.尝试联系机场有关部门

对话7 作为一名导游,你要去机场接一群来自美国的客人,你会遇见你的老朋友史密斯先生,他是这个旅游团的领导。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.问候老朋友

b.确认旅游团人员的详细信息 c.检查所有客人及其行李是否存在


旅游团的领队要求换一家更好地酒店,并宣称他已经在附近预定了一家新酒店。作为当地导游和他进行对话。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.确定改变的原因


对话9 有位旅客对中国剪纸很感兴趣,想买一些作为纪念品。你作为导游,为客人介绍中国剪纸。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍中国剪纸的历史和主要特点 b.推荐一些纪念品商店 c.回答相关问题


作为旅行社的接待员,你正在和一名客人讨论旅行计划。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.询问客人对此次旅行的期望 b.对旅行安排提出一些建议


一个入境旅游团的成员在家遇到紧急情况要求退出旅行团。作为当地导游与他进行对话。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.询问退出原因 b.安抚旅客

c.告诉他如何处理相关费用 d.帮助他离开

对话12 史密斯小姐作为你们旅行团的领队,来商讨在这个城市的旅行计划。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.介绍行程中的著名景点 b.在观光方面给些意见

对话13 作为一名导游,你的客人想了解中国菜。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍一些经典的中国菜 b.介绍一些当地特色小吃 c.推荐一些餐厅

对话14 作为一名当地导游,你的客人想了解中国茶叶。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍一些代表性种类的中国茶叶 b.推荐一些适合他们口味的茶叶

对话15 作为一名当地导游,你的客人想品尝当地小吃并征求你的意见。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍一些有代表性的当地小吃


对话16 作为一名当地导游,你和你的旅游团在去往景区的路上,客人对中国画非常感兴趣,你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.介绍中国画的代表性种类 b.介绍一些中国著名画家

对话17 按照计划,旅行团今天上午将参观长城,但是雨下的很大,对客人来说很危险。作为一名当地导游,你想取消行程安排,去咨询旅行团领队。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.分析在大雨中去旅行的危险性 b.道歉 c.给出解释 d.提供解决方案

对话18 作为导游带团去海边,在旅行之前做好相关准备。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.提醒游客随身携带的物品

b.为旅客如何在海边更好的放松和享受提出建议 c.未经允许禁止下海游泳 d.告诉大家集合的时间

对话19 第一次用餐时间,当八菜一汤上好后,两名游客告诉当地导游王先生说他们是佛教素食主义者,并请导游为他们安排另外一餐。你扮演当地导游王先生与他们对话。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.告诉游客你将与旅行社确认 b.为错误道歉 c.提供解决方案

对话20 作为一名当地导游,你和旅行团在去风景区的路上,今天你们将参加傣族的泼水节,游客们似乎非常感兴趣。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍傣族


对话21 一名来自英国的游客加入了张先生的旅行团,他想在一家指定的商店买一件玉雕,但是他发现这个唯一剩下的玉雕存在瑕疵,这个游客给张先生留了一些钱,并让张先生在合适的时候帮他买一个寄到英国。扮演张先生和客人的对话,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.首先拒接



对话22 作为一名当地导游,你和旅行团在去参观苏州园林的路上,游客们似乎非常感兴趣。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍苏州园林的特点

b.介绍苏州一些有代表性的园林 c.回答旅客提出的任何问题

对话23 作为一名导游打电话到北京饭店为你的旅行团预订房间,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.告诉接线员你是谁

b.提供你们旅行团的详细资料 c.与前台再次确认预定信息

对话24 作为导游第一次打电话到上海饭店为你的旅行团预订餐点,你的对话将包括以下几点:




对话25 假设你是一个导游,你打电话到spring酒店为你的旅行团更改预订,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.告诉接待员你是谁

b.告诉接待员你更改预订的要求 c.表达你的谢意

对话26 假设你是一个导游,你打电话到summer酒店为你的旅行团更改预订,但是没有空房间了,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.告诉接待员你是谁

b.告诉接待员你再想要一间双人间给两个新客人住 c.告诉接待员,如果有房间尽快通知你

对话27 假设你是一个导游,司机正在吧长途汽车停在autumn酒店的停车场,你和你的旅行团还在车上,你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.请旅客待在旅行车里直到你们从酒店前台回来 b.向旅客要护照 c.让司机关车门

对话28 假设你是一个导游,你到autumn酒店前台为你的旅行团办理入住手续,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.告诉前台你是谁

b.为你的旅行团办理登记手续 c.请行李员帮忙提行李



a.把房卡分给游客,让他们有序下车,提醒他们不要落东西在车上 b.帮助旅客把他们行李搬出车厢



对话30 作为当地导游为你的旅游团讲解洗衣服务,你的对话将包括以下几点: a. 告诉游客酒店有洗衣服服务 b. 告诉旅客如何获得这项服务 c. 告诉游客他们需要自己付洗衣费

对话31 以领队的身份,在晚餐结束的时候向旅游团讲解明天的行程。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a. 告诉旅客明天的行程 b. 告诉旅客往返时间

c. 告诉游客叫醒时间是早上6点

d. 请旅客今天晚上早点睡觉,明天应该准时



a. 告诉客房部你是谁

b. 你想为808房间的李小姐提供夜床服务,因为明天是她生日

c. 旅游团外出时候,一个小蛋糕和一些玫瑰花酱被送到饭店,你想把蛋糕放在808房间的桌子上,把花放在花瓶里



a. 告诉游客今天下午自行安排 b. 告诉游客你的旅游团是无购物的 c. 介绍酒店内外的纪念品商店

对话34 一个领队要前台结账,作为领队和接待人员对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:





一个当地导游在前厅为你们旅行团的十间双人房办理退房手续,但是出纳搞错了。你作为导游去和前台沟通。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.表明身份



对话36 假设你是一个导游,你和你的旅行团在回酒店的旅行车上,这是你们行程的最后一天。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.告诉旅客的这是参观的最后一天 b.提醒旅客收拾行李,今晚早点睡觉 c.告诉旅客旅游车出发的时间

对话37 假设你是一个导游,一些游客想在晚上去观看西湖印象的表演。你的对话将包括以下几点:


b.建议他们坐出租车出行,从酒店到西湖开车大约半小时。c.表演结束以后,他们可以用滴滴打车回酒店。对话38 假设你是一个导游,你在前台为你的旅行团结账。你问你的旅行团是否可以在他们的房间待到下午3点。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.表明自己身份 b.为你的旅行团退房





b为旅行团退房 d.存放20件行李 e.下午四点回到酒店

对话40 一些出境旅客要求在旅游团完成预定行程并准备离开中国时留在中国以延长他们的行程,作为导游,用以下几点对话: a.确保游客的签证在预定行程结束后还有效 b.帮助他们安排航班和旅店 c.游客应该自行支付费用 对话41 一个游客丢了护照,旅行团打算乘坐飞机出行。作为导游设置一个对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.认真听他的要求 b.解决方案

对话42 一位游客抱怨说,这家酒店光一件大衣就收了20美元,但是洗衣单上一件大衣只要10美元。你的对话将包括以下几点:












b.确认手机的品牌和型号 c.向经理求助 d.告诉旅客结果


作为一名当地导游,在你去北京路上,你要给你刚接来的旅游团做路上旅游介绍。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.更加注意工作程序 b.北京概况介绍



作为一名当地导游,你和你刚接到的旅游团一起在去往桂林的路上。一位名叫彼得的旅客问了你一些关于芦笛岩的详细信息当你在路上给游客做讲解时。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.桂林的概况介绍


对话47 在安排好行程后,作为当地导游和领队史密斯先生核对行程。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.减轻史密斯先生对在上海短暂逗留的担忧

b.同意史密斯先生关于星期天参观东方明珠塔的建议 c.回答史密斯先生提出的所有问题

对话48 作为当地导游和旅游团陪同人员史密斯先生核查行程。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.更加注重原始细节

b.同意史密斯先生的建议,把传统晚餐改成当地特色菜 c.重新确认出发时间

对话49 假设你是当地导游小张,根据行程安排,明天游览完名胜古迹之后,游客们会在步行街购物。但是,一对夫妇建议他们想早上去动物园看大熊猫,下午去购物,他们想让你安排,你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.给游客一个答案并解释原因 b.以适当的方式安慰这对夫妇

对话50 作为一名当地导游,你发现还有两个景点在旅游团陪同人员史密斯先生的旅游计划中。当你和史密斯先生核对行程时,史密斯先生坚持认为旅行应该按照他的计划安排。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.为这个错误向史密斯先生道歉 b.找出错误是如何产生的 c.提供可能的解决方案和补偿

对话51 一位客人抱怨行程中的自然风景景点太多,并要求其中一些改为历史景点。作为一名当地导游和客人对话,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.道歉 b.解释原因



作为一名当地导游,你要去拜访香港旅行团的领队史密斯先生,告诉他在北京三天的行程安排。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.向旅游团表达你的想法 b.三天的详细安排

对话53 作为一名当地导游,你要和旅游团一起去一个需要4小时车程的景点,为了活跃气氛,你想组织一些游戏。你向领队史密斯先生求助。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.向史密斯先生解释游戏的目的 b.明确游戏规则 c.奖励获奖者的

对话54 作为旅游团的导游在酒店办理入住手续,有人告诉你,他们的一些双人房已经被三人房代替,因为现在是旅游旺季,酒店客房供应不足,但被安排在三人房的旅客拒绝入住。就有关情况和相关人员进行对话,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.解释被替换的原因 b.安抚旅客 c.解决方案



a.为给他带来的困扰而向他道歉 b.向他解释真相 c.请他参加这个游戏

对话56 作为一名当地导游,旅游车在去往景区的路上突然停下,司机告诉你车辆出现了机械故障,在得知情况之后,你和领队史密斯先生进行了一次谈话。你的对话将包括以下几点:


B 告诉他这是一个小问题,大约半小时可以解决 C 在旅游团等待时。组织一些游戏或者活动 对话57

作为一名当地导游,张先生,你和你的旅游团一起去一个风景区,但是,当你数人数的时候发现有两个人不在场。一些旅客告诉你,这两个游客更愿意待在酒店。你和领队史密斯先生谈话,你的对话将包括以下几点: a.问他是否知道这件事


对话58 作为一名当地导游小张,你正在和旅游团陪同人员史密斯先生讨论行程。由于百年难得一遇的特大洪水,行程不得不调整,一个主要景点被取消。你的对话将包括以下几点:




对话59 作为一名当地导游,你正在去颐和园的路上,一个游客突然昏倒在地。在对他进行简单的检查之后,你和领队史密斯先生进行了谈话。你的对话将包括以下几点: A. 告诉他这很像心脏病发作的症状

B. 告诉他旅游车必须停下来,你必须叫救护车 C. 请他帮忙安慰大家

对话60 一个叫做tom的游客向你抱怨他的沐浴器坏了。作为一名当地导游和客人对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:

A. 给汤姆带来的不便向他道歉 B. 问他详细的情况 C. 提供解决方案







在巴士上的旅游行程快要结束时,一位名叫大卫的游客询问第二天的行程。作为导游和客人对话,你的对话将包括以下几点: A.注意你的工作程序


对话63 作为一名当地导游,你正在从颐和园回来的路上。当你在做路上导游介绍时,一位叫做彼得的游客公开表示反对。你的对话将包括以下几点: A.感谢他的提醒



对话64 他所在的旅游团的一名游客想搬到另一个房间,因为他的室友整夜打鼾导致他无法入睡。作为当地导游去和国家导游与客人对话,你的对话将包括以下几点: A.请求领队帮助他和团里的其他客人交换房间 B.如果行不通,请确认可用的房间


对话65 一个旅游团被交通堵塞耽搁了,作为一名当地导游和陪同人员史密斯先生进行了谈话。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A.和史密斯先生讨论这个问题 B.请史密斯先生帮忙安慰大家 对话66


A.告诉他们你会先得到宗教事务所和公安机关的许可 B.给他们肯定的答复


对话67 一位当地导游正带着旅游团游览长城 A.简单介绍长城 B.介绍孟姜女的故事

C.介绍塔台(应该是烽火台?)在墙上的作用 D.回答游客提出的任何问题 对话68


A.询问详细的信息:时间、地点、情节、劫匪的身体特征 B.得到以上信息后报警

C.向旅游团操作人员报告情况 D.安慰旅客

对话69 入境旅游团的一对年长夫妇要求在他们的酒店房间提供早餐,作为导游和客人对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:



对话70 作为一名导游,在登记入住后你接到了一个来自身患严重感冒和流感的客人电话。你冲进他的房间和他对话,你的对话将包括以下几点: A.帮助旅客联系酒店诊所

B.说服他待在酒店,并安排他吃饭 C.告诉他自己支付医疗费

对话71 一些年轻的旅客要求他们要去附近的海边游泳。作为导游和客人对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:

A.耐心告诉他们,开阔的水域是不适合游泳的,这十分危险。B.带他们去游泳池 C.给他们提供安全措施 对话72 作为导游,在最后一分钟接到“更改计划”的通知,要求你马上去火车站接旅游团。当你到达时,旅游团已经等了很长时间,满腹牢骚。请设置一个对话解决这个问题,你的对话将包括以下几点: A.道歉 B.解释原因 C.解决方案

对话73 作为一名导游带一个外国游客的旅游团游览黄山,你的对话将包括以下几点:

A.介绍黄山四大奇观:奇松,怪石,云海,温泉 B.回答客人问题 对话74 作为导游带着一个外国旅游团参观桂林。你的对话将包括以下几点:


b列出桂林著名景点 c游览漓江

对话75 作为导游带着一个外国旅游团参观玉佛寺。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A.介绍玉佛寺的历史 B.介绍玉佛寺的古典建筑 C.介绍两尊玉佛像


对话76 旅游团即将去往下一个目的地,你作为国家导游为他们的离开去和与当地导游对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:


b.为旅行团代办客票和行李检查 对话77 作为一名导游回答领队关于中国道教的问题。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.关于老子的问题 b.对道教的简介 c.解释老子无为的思想


一名导游正在带领一个外国旅游团游览文化古街,游客们对一些纪念品表现出特别的兴趣。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.中国书法和中国文房四宝的简介 b.简介中国扇子

对话79 春节期间,作为当地导游带领旅游团前往景区。游客们对中国文化很感兴趣,比如:武术,春节。你的对话将包括以下几点: A武术简介,比如:太极拳 B春节习俗简介




b.提醒游客确认自己的物品,特别是证件和贵重物品 c.去看看还有什么可以为他们做的在他们离开之后

对话81 扮演当地导游史密斯先生去酒店前台为旅行团结账。收银员跟他打招呼。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A确定团队的所有房间 B 付款

对话82 一个美国的游客在观光的时候弄丢了证件,作为导游和他对话,你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.告诉游客丢失的解决办法 b.告诉游客申请新护照需要照片 c.让游客挂失


对话83 作为一名导游在机场为一对夫妇送行,这对夫妇在中国呆了两天。你的对话将包括以下几点:


b.表达你的遗憾,并询问他们对中国的印象 c.表达祝福

对话84 一个旅游团正在去机场的路上,作为导游跟旅游团告别。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.回顾整个旅游的过程。感谢客人的配合 b.向游客征求一些建议

c.对旅途中的让他们不满意的事情道歉 d.表达祝福

对话85 旅游团到达机场后下车,他们将乘坐hj006航班去上海。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.为他们的行李准备一些手推车 b.为游客准备好登机牌和行李认领卡 c.提醒游客准备好登机牌,准备接受安检 d.与旅游团告别

对话86 去中国的旅行团即将过海关。作为导游,告诉领队罗伯特在海关时候要做什么。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A 告诉他以下手续:移民局—检疫检查—海关—出示护照和入境卡—填写你的海关表格 –列出你的物品 b 告诉他要申报的物品

对话87 作为一个导游,在早餐时间,你注意到一个客人看起来很虚弱。你对他表示关心并对他提供帮助。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A. 表达你的关心

B. 询问客人是否需要就医 C. 提出建议 对话88

假设你是当地导游,你陪同客人去医院。你告诉医生客人的病症。你的对话将包括以下几点: a. 描述症状

b. 询问客人是否可以继续参加接下来的旅游行程 c. 询问有关细节



a. 首先道歉 b. 做出解释 c. 提供方案

对话90 假设你是当地导游,你的一个客人告诉你他的行李丢了,你的对话将包括以下几点: a. 请客人冷静 b. 询问细节 c. 提供帮助

对话91 领队告诉当地导游一些客人呕吐严重。假设你是当地导游,设置一个与领队的对话来处理这件事。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A. 询问细节


提议他们可能遭受了食物中毒 C. 让客人大量饮水 D. 叫救护车

对话92 假设你是当地导游,你的一个客人告诉你他的钱包丢了,你的对话将包括以下几点: A. 安抚客人

B. 询问细节,包括:颜色/尺寸/钱包里的东西等等 C. 提供帮助

对话93 一天的参观结束以后,你的一个客人想独自出门。假设你是当地导游,设置一个与他的对话。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A. 如果不影响整个旅游团的行程,满足他的要求。B. 提醒客人带上酒店名片,不要在外面逗留太晚。C. 让客人注意安全

对话94 午餐前半小时,旅游团的旅客要求把他们的西餐换成中餐。假设你是当地导游,请和客人协商。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A. 导游要跟客人解释,这样的要求应该提前三小时提出。B. 如果客人坚持要换,他们需要自己承担额外费用。

对话95 假设你是一个导游,你发现你的一个外国客人在一个卖古董的路边摊讨价还价,你向前和客人交谈。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A 说服客人不要在路边摊买古董 B 提供一些有发票的正品古董店 C 介绍有关古董的海关规定



A 如果时间充足可以安排参观

B 如果他们坐出租车去那里,给司机指路并提出建议

C 向游客明确表示到步行街的行程是不退款的D 提醒他们照顾好自己,不要回来的太晚

对话97 假设你是导游,两个入境的游客告诉你,他们与久违的老朋友取得联系,想邀请他们参加旅行团的活动。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A 告诉他们应该得到领队和其他游客的同意 B 辨别客人朋友的身份

对话98 假设你是导游,一个入境游客想要了解更多关于中国食物的知识。你为他做一般的介绍并回答问题。你的对话将包括以下几点:

A.介绍中国八大菜系 B.介绍一些著名菜肴

对话99 一名入境旅客想要买一些北京当地的产品,并征求你的意见。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍北京当地著名产品



一位游客对京剧很感兴趣,请你简单的介绍一下。他还请你帮他订一张演出的门票。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍京剧的主要特点 b.确认演出门票的细节

对话101 假设你是旅游团的领队,你打电话给酒店负责人,因为明天早上你的旅游团要乘坐早班的飞机去北京。a.需要叫醒服务 b.确认叫醒的细节 对话102 假设你是导游,一名入境旅客想要买一些特别的纪念品给他的朋友,并征求你的意见。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.介绍中国著名的纪念品 b.说明纪念品店的位置


在吃晚饭的时候,有一位女客人对佛跳墙这个名字很感兴趣,并询问你相关文化信息。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.介绍菜肴的原料,烹饪方法 b.描述一下这道菜的背景



a.对给他带来的不便道歉 b.给出理由




假设你是导游,一个客人想要买一些当地水果,但是不知道怎么去超市。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.指明方向


对话106 假设你是导游,在一个空闲的下午,一个客人想去国家历史博物馆,询问你相关信息。你的对话将包括以下几点:

a.介绍国家历史博物馆 b.指明方向


对话107 假设你是一个导游,客人抱怨所有的菜都太辣了。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.道歉 b.给出解释 c.解决方案

对话108 假设你是一个导游,一对老夫妻要求不要参加登山项目。你的对话将包括以下几点: a.了解原因并且表达你的理解

b.如果他们可以照顾好自己,就答应他们的要求并采取一些保护措施 c.明确集合的时间,地点,旅游车的车牌等。


三年级英语口语测试 D










1.Hi ,Mike.2.Good morning,Sam.3.Yes, I am.4.Are you John?


sisterbrother me


The fox and the cock

One morning a fox sees a cock.Hethinks, “This ismy breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock

and says,”I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''

Thecock is glad.He closes his eyes and beginsto sing.The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth

and carries him away.The people in the field

see the fox.They cry, “Look, look!The fox is carryingthe cock away.''The cock says to the fox,”MrFox,do you understand? The people say you are

carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox andflies into the tree.小学生英语口语大赛自我介绍


Goodafternoon, teachers!Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here.Now, let me introduce myself.My name is ZhuRuijie.My English name is Molly.I`m 12.I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.I`m an active girl.I like playing basketball.Because I think it`s very interesting.I`d like to eat potatoes.They`re tasty.My favourite colour is green.And I like math best.It`s fun.On weekend, I like reading books in my room.I have a happy family.My father is tall and strong.My mother is hard-

working and tall, too.My brother is smart.And I`m a good student.My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future.Thank you for listening!Please remember me!


Good afternoon, teachers!I`m very happy to introduce myself here.I`m Scott.My Chinese name is SunZijing.I`m 13.I`m from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.I have many hobbies, such as playing ping-pong, playing badminton, listening to music, reading magazines and so on.My favourite food is chicken.It`s tasty and yummy.So I`m very strong.I`m a naughty boy.I always play tricks.And I just like staying in my room and reading books.But I have a dream, I want to be a car-designer.Because I`m a car fan.This is me.Please remember SunZijing!Thank you very much!


Good afternoon, teachers!My name is YangXiaodan.I`m 11 now.I`m from Class2 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.My English teacher is Miss Sun.She`s quiet and kind.She`s short and young.My good friend is ZhangBingbing.She`s 12.She`s tall and pretty.We`re in the same class.We both like English very much.I like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and reading books.My favourite food is chicken.It`s tasty and yummy.I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays.This is me.Please remember YangXiaodan.Thank you very much!


Gooda fternoon, teachers!My name is XuLulu.I`m 11.I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.There are 4 people in my family.My father is tall.My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair.And I`m a good student.However, my home is near the school, I often get up early.Because I must work hard.after school, I like playing computer games and reading books.I`d like to eat apples.They are sweet and healthy.And I like Tuesday best.We have English, music, computer and P.E.on Tuesdays.My math teacher is Miss Huang.Her class is so much fun.So my favourite class is math.And I like Chinese and English, too.This is me.An active girl.Please remember XuLulu.Thank you very much!


1)Introduce yourself.(自我介绍)

示例:My name is _____.I am _____ years old.I’m in Grade Nine.I will graduate this summer.I love reading and listening to music.And I can play the guitar.2)Say something about your family.(谈谈你的家庭)

示例: I have a happy family.There’re three people in my family, my father, my mother and I.My father is a worker, he works very hard.My mother is a teacher.She teaches Chinese in a primary school.I’m a middle student.I really love my family.3)Talk about your parents.(谈谈你的父母)

示例1: My mother is forty years old.She works in a hospital.When she gets home, she does some housework.She looks after me very well.When I have difficulties, I usually ask her for help.She is not only my mother, but also my friend, and my teacher.示例2:My father is a kind man.He is not tall but very strong.He is a worker in a factory.He works hard.Though he’s very busy, he still often plays with us.I love my father very much.4)Say something about your family rules.(谈谈你家的家规,至少说出五条)

示例:Here are my family rules:

I have to stay at home on school nights.I have to be home by 10:00 pm on weekends.I have to clean up my room every day.I am not allowed to go swimming in the river.I am not allowed to go to the Net bar.etc.5)Say something about your school.(谈谈你的学校)

示例: My school is a beautiful garden.There’re many trees and flowers in it.Everything here is clean and neat.Our school is not very large, but there’s a playground in our schoolyard.We can play basketball on it.There’s a tall teaching building where we have lessons every day.6)Say something about your school rules.(谈谈你校的校规,至少说出五条)

示例: My school rules are as follows(如下):

Don’t be late for school.Don’t fight.Don’t draw pictures on the wall.Don’t copy other’s homework.Don’t throw rubbish everywhere.etc.7)Say something about your class.(简单介绍你班的情况)

示例: I have a nice class.There’re _____ students in our class.We’re like brothers and sisters.We study together and play together all day.We always help each other and learn from each other.My class is really a warm family.I love my class.8)Describe one of your favorite teachers.(描述一下你最喜欢的老师)

示例:My favorite teacher is _____.He’s / She’s my English teacher.He’s / She’s tall and thin.He / She has big and bright eyes.He / She loves every student.He / She is kind to us.We all like his / her lessons, because his / her class is so interesting.I have learned a lot from his / her teaching.9)Say something about your favorite subject.(谈谈你最喜欢的学科)

示例:Of all the subjects, I like P.E.best,because it’s relaxing and brings me so much fun.I’m good at sports, such as swimming, football and basketball.I do at least two hours’ exercise each day to keep healthy and become stronger.I think good health is also important for our study.10)Say something about the library in your school.(谈谈你校的图书馆)

示例:There is a library in our school.It’s big and clean.There’re all kinds of books in it.We often borrow books that we are interested in.And also we can read some newspapers and magazines there.1

I think the school library has helped me a lot in my study.11)Say something abut your favorite book?(谈谈你最喜欢的一本书)

示例:My favorite book is “Harry Porter”.The story is long but very interesting.Harry is clever and brave.He is never afraid of fighting against bad people.He’s really a hero in my heart.I want to be a person like him.12)Talk about how you study for a test?(谈谈你为准备考试是如何学习的)

示例: I study for a test by doing a lot of exercises.In this way, I can remember a lot of key points.If I have any questions, I would like to ask my teachers or my classmates for help.They can help me deal with difficult problems.I believe I can do well in the test.13)Say something about how to learn English well.(谈谈如何学好英语)

I think the best way to learn English well is to learn English by using it.Just as a saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” We should read more, speak more , listen to English from time to time and practice writing every day.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.Only in this way can we learn it well.14)Talk about how to improve your oral English.(谈谈你如何提高英语口语能力)

示例: I like English very much, so I use some ways to improve my oral English.First, I often listen to the English tapes and read after them.It helps me improve my pronunciation and listening skills.Secondly, I read English aloud every day.Thirdly, I talk with my classnmates in English as much as possible.It helps improve my oral English quickly.15)Talk about your daily life.(谈谈你的一天)

示例:I get up at six every day.After breakfast I go to school by bike.I have five lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon.I study very hard and get on well with my classmates.School is over at half past five.After supper I watch TV for half an hour.Then I do my homework.I go to bed at about ten.16)Say something about your best friend.(谈谈你最要好的朋友)

示例:My best friend at school is _____.He / She is very tall.He / She loves sports very much and is good at playing basketball.He /She is always ready to help others.We have been best friends for a long time.17)Say something about your favorite season.(谈谈你最喜欢的季节)

示例1: In four seasons, I like spring best.In spring, everything begins to grow, everything is new and fresh.The weather in spring is warm;we can do a lot of things outside.For example, we can fly a kite, it’s so interesting.So I like spring best.示例2:I like autumn very much.It’s the best season to go outing because it’s neither too hot nor too cold.Autumn is harvest time;we have all kinds of fruits.Autumn is a colorful season.People wear different kinds of clothes in different colors.I enjoy my

life in autumn.18)Describe your home town.(描述你的家乡)

示例: Ningxia is my home town It’s really a nice and lovely place.There’re many places of interest here, you can enjoy them by yourself.The people in Ningxia are very friendly.And the food here is really delicious.I love my home town very much.19)Say something about the weather in your home town.(谈谈你家乡的天气)

示例: In spring, the weather is warm and windy, sometimes we have sandstorms(沙尘暴).The weather in summer is hot and dry.In autumn, it’s cool, we can eat a lot of delicious fruits.In winter, It’s cold, sometimes it snows.20)Say something about your favorite sport.(谈谈你最喜欢的体育运动)

示例: My favorite sport is basketball.Playing basketball makes me keep healthy.It is the most

popular sport in our school.Not only do students play it, but also teachers love playing it.Playing basketba is part of my life.I usually play it five times a week.I really love it.21)Talk about your favorite sports star.(谈谈你最喜欢的体育明星)

示例:I am a basketball fan.My favorite aports star is Yao Ming.Yao is a super star in NBA now.He is very popular throughout the world.He has never forgotten his country and his teachers in China.He is the hero in my heart.23)Say something about your favorite film.(谈谈你最喜欢的影片)

示例:My favorite film is Spider Man.I think it’s really an exciting movie.Also, it’s a wonderful action movie.The spider man in the film is so clever and brave.He tried his best to fight the bad people.In the end, he won.People like him so much, because he’s a hero in people’s heart.24)Say something about your favorite animal or your pet.(谈谈你最喜欢的动物或宠物)示例: I like dogs very much.Dogs are our good friends.They’re kind to their owners.They’re very clever, they can do a lot of things for us.For example, they can watch the door and buy things for us.So I think dogs are really good animals.25)Say something about one of the important festivals in China.(谈谈中国的某个重要节日)示例:Mid-Autumn Day is an important festival in China.Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day.Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival.At night, families often stay in the open air near their houses.There they look at the full moon, and enjoy delicious food and fruits.26)Talk about what you did last week.(谈谈你上周做的事情)

示例: Last week, I did many things.First, I took part in an English speech contest.I won the first prize.Then I went to the beach with my family, we had a good time there.Finally, I stayed at home and did my homework.27)Say something about your plan for vacation(谈谈你的假期计划)

I’m excited that the summer holiday is coming.Here are my plans for it.I plan to do exercise every morning.I will help my parents with some housework.During the holiday, I will go to visit my grandparents in the countryside.Of course I’m going to do some reading and prepare for the future study.28)Say something about what you did during your holidays.(谈谈你假期间做过的事情)示例: I spent my holidays happily.I went to Beijing with my parents.I visited many places of interest.I went to Tiananmen Square and climbed the Great Wall.I also went to a big bookstore and bought some interesting books.I really had a wonderful holiday.29)Say something about the healthy lifestyle.(谈谈健康的生活方式)

示例:It’s important for us to be healthy all our life.To keep healthy, we should take exercise every day, such as going for a run, playing ball games, climbing mountains and so on.And we should have a balanced diet.Please remember: “Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise.”

30)Say something about one of your birthday parties.(谈谈你的一次生日聚会)

Yesterday my parents hold a biththday party for me at home.I invited some of my classmates to the party.Dad and Mom bought me a big birthday cake and my friends gave me a nice present.We sang the song “Happy birthday to you!” together.I really felt very happy.31)Say something about your or your friends’ collections.(谈谈你或你朋友的收藏爱好)示例:Zhang Hua is my friend.He likes collecting stamps.He began to collect stamps five years ago.So far he has had about eight hundred stamps.He says he has learned a lot from his stamps.He will collect more in the future.32)Talk about your hobby.(谈谈你的课余爱好)

示例:I like reading books in my spare time.Books are like a wonderful world.I can learn and know more from it.Books are like a big mirror, I can see myself in it.Books are like my best friends, they can give me good advice when I meet trouble.I enjoy reading books very much.33)Talk about your favorite kind of music.(谈谈你最喜欢的音乐)

示例: My favorite music is country music.Because it’s gentle and quiet, it can make me hear the sound of my heart.It can also make me feel comfortable, I can get a lot from it.So I like it very much.34)Describe what you used to be or to do and how you have changed?(描述一下你过去的样


示例:I used to be short and thin, but now I’m tall and heavy.I used to have short curly hair, but now I have long straight hair.I used to wear glasses but now I wear contact lenses.I used to play basketball, but now I play football.I used to play the guitar, but now I play the violin.35)Talk about your dream.(谈谈你的梦想)

示例:I want to become a reporter in the future.As a reporter, I can communicate with different kinds of people.I can write interesting things to readers.As a repoter, I can travel around the world.I can understand different cultures better.From now on, I must study hard and try my best to make my dream come true.36)Express your opinion about playing computer games.(谈谈你对玩电脑游戏的看法)示例:Every coin has two sides.On the one hand, I think playing computer games is good for us, because it can make us relaxed and happy.On the other hand, it’s bad for us.If we spend too much time on it, it’ll influence(影响)our study and health.So we must be careful of doing it.


Unit 1 A:Hi Tina.T: Hi, Anna.How are you doing? A: Good, thanks.And you? T: Just Fine, Thank you.Why are you standing here? A: Oh, I just waiting for my friends to studying together.About you? T: I want to find a quiet place where I can improve my oral English.A: Wow, When did you start learning English? T: I started learning English several years ago.And how long have you studied it? A: I’ve studied English for more than ten years.T: That’s a long time.Do you like English?

A: No, I don’t like it.Because I find English grammar difficult to understand and it

quiet different from Chinese.So I don’t like it.T: ME too, I don’t like English grammar too.It rather confusing.But I like listening English songs, so I really like leaning it.A: Yes, you oral English are very well.I think it hardly to study.T: Maybe you can listen some tapes.it’s very helpful.A: Really,I will.Thank you.T: I need to go,let’s talk next time.Bye A:yeah bye.Unit 2 A:Cold this morning,isn’t it? T:Yes,and it’s supposed to get even colder.A:I hope it won’t get as cold as yesterday.T:Speaking of yesterday, how about you oral English test? A:That’s terrible.T:Why?What happened? A:I have learned English for several years, But I don’t often speak English with my classmates and friends.T:Me too.Every time I wanted to, but I open my mouth I seem to make errors, so sometimes I just give up.Maybe we can go to the English corner to improve our oral English.A:That’s a good idea.we can prepared a conversation about something which we can talk to a native speaker of English.But what topics are appropriate? T:Like songs , movies, or somethings we can talk.Do you thought how would you start and close a conversation? A:oh~I forget it.T:We can talk about the weather than make ourselves known to him that can make a conversation start.In the end, we can thanks for talking to us.A:Right.That’s OK.We can thought about it tonight.See you tomorrow.T:See you.Unit 3 A:Hi,Tina.Nice to meet you.T:Nice to meet you too.Where are you going? A:I will go to play the table tennis with Sam.T:wow~that’s good.Do you like other spots expect ping-pong.A:I also like play badminton.How about you? T:Me too.And I like tennis too.That really interesting.A:Yeah~Some spots really amusing.Some are not.I dislike football at all, because that is difficult.What about you? T:I don’t like push-up,because I can’t do that.I don’t have more strength in my arm.A:I can’t do that either.T:We have a lot in common.That day we can play badminton together.A:Yeah~Sam is coming.I need to go.See you.T:See you.Unit 4 A:Tina, I don’t want to go to Mary’s birthday party.T:Why? Mary really want you to go to her party and her birthday together.A:I know that, but I don’t want to go for I know nobody except Mary.I’m afraid that I may be alone.T:That’s OK.You can do it.You can find Sam play with you who you meet before.Also you can try talking with others.A:I don’t know how to communicate with others.T:You can talk with them about what present to Mary, then you introduce yourself.Next you can talk with others.A:Thank you for your advice.I have courage to go by myself.T:Nothing.Quick to prepare what you go to the party.Bye A:bye-bye

Unit 5 A--Mrs.Lu

T--Jack A:Good morning, Mrs.Lu’s office.T:Good morning, Can I talk to Mrs.Lu,please? A:This is,Who’s calling? T:Jack from company of America and wanted to informed you about the right person for visiting the America this weekend and the arrangement.A:OK,please introduce the right person.T:We decided to delegation Tom to USA.Above all,Tom works conscientiously and can bear hardships, stand hard work.In the next place, Tom is good at communicating with others.It’s important for a team.So we make up, our mind to delegation Tom to America.What do you think of ? A:I support you decision.Then what do I need to prepare? T:You needn’t to care for it.We have booked the hotel.A:Thanks for your information.T:You’re welcome.Bye


Unit 6 A:Hello miss, What can I do for you? T:yes, I want to buy a T-shirt.A:We have more T-shirt in here.Which one type of shirt you want? T:Let me see.This T-shirt looks very nice.A:Your vision is very good.More and more people buy this one.That is METERSBONWE brand.The quality is very good.That have white,black,and gray.Which color do you want? And What size do you want? T:I want white X size.A:You can try it on.This shirt is looks good on you.T:Thank you.How much is it? A:350 yuan.T:That to difficult.Please be a little cheaper.I’m the older customer.A:That’s difficult.We can’t change the price by ourselves.T:Just a little.I’ll coming again.A:Em~ you can choose another one,and buy two shirt.I give you 700 yuan.T:OK~thank you.Just give me one white and one black.A:nothing,welcome to come again.Unit 7 A:Hi,Tina.Long time to see.What are you doing? T:Oh,I recently doing part-time.So you can’t always see me in our school.A:Really?What’s your job? T:I work at a fast food restaurant.It’s very interesting.A:En...But I think it maybe delay your lessons.What do you think of? T:Yes,It does take a lot of time.No doubt learning is also influenced by these effects.But doing part-time job also have many advantages.A:OK.I’m all ears.T:Taking a part-time job enables me to communicate with others to obtain the ability of practice.A:It sounds good.But you also don’t forget to go over your lessons.T:Thanks for your advice.A:You’re welcome.Good-bye.T:Bye.Unit 8 A--interviewer T--applicant T:Good morning interviewer.I’m the applicant of this work named Tina.A:Good morning Tina.My name is Anna.Welcome for this interview.You can introduce yourself in detail,like you educational background and working experiences, etc.T:OK.I have postgraduate diploma from AA university Department of Computer and communication and diligently study communicate.I go in for my teacher’s research project 2 years, I also have 1 year working experiences.A:You have a good educational background , but you don’t have long time working experiences,that not goodness for you.Can you give me a reason why you think you can be competent this job.T:Em~I think maybe I don’t have more working experiences compare with others,but I have more educations,and my think thought not limit in one way, I have innovation value.That my advantage area.A:Right, now.Do you have any question ask me? T:I want to know how long about this job working hours,and about the salary.A:This job working in 8 hours one day, but sometimes need you overtime work.Don’t worry about it.We have overtime premium.About salary, at the firs time,you can have 6000 yuan one month,then if you work harder and do it in the best.You can have more than 8000 yuan.And you have a lot promotion opportunity.T:That’s perfect.Thank you.A:Nothing, please waiting for our message in shout time.T:I will.thank you very much.Hope we can work together.A:Me too.Bye ~

Unit 9 A:Nice to meet you,miss.What can I do for you? T:Nice to meet you too.I wants to have some message about New York.A:OK~Do you know some things about New York? T:Yeah~Just a little about some famous places of interest.A:Now we can make up a dialogue basing on the traveling.Do you have post-card? T:yeah~I take it last week.Do you have tour group to New York? A:Yes, we have.that can take you play 5 places in New York in a week, or 9 places in thirteen days.T:Fun,but do we have personal time to visit other places in this tour group? A:of course.we have 2 days for tourist to go where they want to go.T:Thank you for you view.I will think about it.A:Noting,welcome to come again.see you~ T:see you.



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