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NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH SB2 Lesson 8 Do you speak English?(NCE lesson 14)

Teaching goals: 1.Target language

a.Learn the following words and phrases: amusing experience leave village next town south drive wave ask sb.for a lift French reply same language apart from word not…at all neither speak during journey nearly reach suddenly slowly soon himself b.Learn some important sentences: ①.I had an amusing experience last year.②.Neither of us spoke during the journey.③.After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.2.Ability goal Develop the students’ abilities to listen, speak, read and write in English.3.Learning ability goal Make the students know about the writer’s an amusing experience.Teaching Important Points: 1.How to improve the students’ reading ability.2.How to write a summary.Teaching Difficult Points: 1.Help the students master some useful words and expressions.2.Help the students understand the text.3.Enable the students to use the sentence patterns correctly.Teaching Methods: 1.Asking-and-answering activity to go through the text.2.Discussion before and after reading to make the students interested in what they will read and further understand what they have read.3.Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text.4.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.5.Listening and repeating method to improve the students’ pronunciation.

Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder 2.multimedia Teaching Procedures: Step1.Greetings and Revision

Check the homework.Step2.Lead-in 1.Free talk with the students: Have you ever tried to talk to someone who didn’t know your language? What happened? 2.T: Now, please look at the pictures on the screen and answer the question: what do

you think is happening in the picture?(Individual work)

T: Today we’re going to learn lesson 8 “Do you speak English?”.It is about a man who had an amusing experience last year .

Step3.Listening T: Now let’s listen to the tape.First we’ll learn some new words on the blackboard.(Write the new words on the blackboard.)Let the students listen to the tape twice and find the answers to the questions.Q1: Do they talk to each other? →No, they don’t.(Check the answers with the whole class after the students listen to the tape.)

Step4.Reading 1.Let the students read the text and have a discussion with the partners.(Pair work and Individual work)

These questions are on the text.Write a complete sentence in answer to each question.Q1.What happen when the writer was driving to a town in French?

→.A young man waved to the writer and asked for a lift.Q2.In which language did the young man reply to the writer’s greeting? →He replied in French.Q3.Does the writer speak any French or not? Q4.Why did neither of the speak during the journey? →.Because both of them thought the other was French and both of them knew little French.Q5.What did the young man say at the end of the journey? →He said very slowly: “Do you speak English?”.(Teacher goes among the students and collects the difficult points that the students can’t understand after having a discussion.)

2.Deal with some language points.(on the screen)1)On the way;在路上,在途中

2)Wave to sb;冲某人挥手

3)ask sb for sth;请求某人要求得到什么东西

4)As soon as;一….就。后面一定要加一个句子(时间状语从句),后面的先发生 强调两个动作几乎连在一起。

Eg.As soon as I had received the letter, I ringed/called him back.*只要是状语从句,一旦遇到将来时,变为一般现在时。

例如:As soon as you arrive, you must call me.5)Say goodby, say sorry, say hello, say good morning to him,6)Except for = apart from, 喜欢放在句首

Except 和besides 可放在句子中间,besides指在整体上加上,except要从整体减掉。

7)As+主语+动词 +逗号+句子,As 正如。

As I learnt, learn: 知道,得知。I learn 我得知,I know 我知道。As we know, the New Concept English is very good.正如我们知道的,As I think, it is the coldest day in the year.As my mother said /

As I heard As he said, English is easy to learn.3.Ask the students to translate the following phrases on the blackboard.(Individual work)1)一次有趣的经历

an amusing experience


in the south of 3)在途中

on the way 4)想某人要求搭便车

ask sb.for a lift 5)一……就……

as soon as 6)向某人问早上好

say good morning to sb.7)用同样的语言

in the same language 8)除……之外

apart…from 9)根本不

not… at all 10)两者都不

neither of 4.The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat.Step5.Post-Reading 1.Ask the students to choose the right answers on the screen.(Group work)Reading comprehension 1.The young man stopped the writer because ____________.A.he wanted to speak to him

B.he wanted a free ride in the car

C.he recognized him(认出)

D.he spoke French 2.The two men didn’t speak to each other during the journey because __________.A.neither of them spoke French

B.neither of them spoke English

C.they each thought the other was French

D.they each thought the other was English

3.Let the students fill in the blank according to the text and then(Pair work and Individual work)3

I had an amusing _____last year.After I _____ a small village in the south of France, I______ on to the next town.On the way, a young man ______to me.I stopped and he ______________.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him_____ French and he replied in the same language._______ a few words, I do not know any French______.______ of us spoke during the journey.I had nearly _______the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' ______I soon learnt, he was English himself!4.Retell the story according to the key words.1.amusing experience----year.2.left----small village----south of France-----drove 3.On the way-----man waved-----me.4.stopped-----asked------lift.5.into----car--------good morning-----French 6.he-----same language.7.-----few words-----not------any French------next town 8.neither-----spoke------journey

9.nearly----town------suddenly------speak English?'

10.learnt-----English himself!Step6.Summary writing Give the students a few minutes to write a summary according to the tips.(Pair work and Individual work)

(Two students write their summary on the blackboard.)

Step7.Discussion After you have heard the story, what do you think of the two speakers? They are both English themselves.Actually they both thought the other man was French.Step8.Homework

1.Write the summary with the help of the retelling the story.2.Finish the exercises.


Lesson 8The best and the worst

Teaching aims: 1.to learn the new words: competition, neat, wooden, pool, path;enter for, more

interesting, neat paths, a wooden bridge, over a pool, hard work

Teaching focuses: important phrases, such as enter for, win a prize

Teaching difficulties: the structure of the comparative degree of adjectives

Teaching methods: communicative teaching approach

Tools and materials: a tape and ppt.Teaching procedures:

Step I.Lead in

1.the topic of garden competition and how to win the competition

2.introduce new words and teach the key word “compete”

Step II.Read the text s.by s.Step III.Teach the language points: nearly, enter for, win a prize, more, the most + adj.Step IV.Fast reading with questions

Step V.Retell the story with the given words

Step VI.Grammar(Comparative and superlative degrees of adj.)

1.lively cases of comparison to introduce the structure of comparative and superlative

degrees of adj.2.sentence pattern of comparative degrees: A is adj.-er/more+adj.than B

3.sentence pattern of superlative degrees A is adj.-est/the most+adj.限定范围

Step VII.Topic discussion: the most beautiful garden or park

trees and flowers;neat paths more interesting than roads;clear pools;wooden bridges over the pools;the most beautiful/popular park in our city;because there are colorful lights


Class:nce2-4 Place:whl

Date:2016-10-7 Time: Sun.4:00-6:00 Teaching type&title:new lesson62 after the fire Teaching contents&aims:control smoke desolate threaten surrounding destruction flood authority grass-seed spray quantity root century patch blacken


control/check great/big soil/ground Key points: control smoke desolate threaten surrounding destruction flood authority grass-seed spray quantity root century patch blacken


control/check great/big soil/ground Difficulties: control smoke desolate threaten destruction flood authority blacken


control/check great/big soil/ground Tools:

computer Procedure: Step one

revision read the passage together

translate Step two

dictation Step three

new lesson 1.Lead in:have you ever seen forest fire? How does it happen? 2.Introduce the story:after a forest fire,the village is in great danger.3.Listen and answer:what was the danger to the villages after the fire? 4.Listen,imitate and learn: ★control n 控制

control sth.(v): 控制

I can control it.I can manage it.我能对付(口语)介词短语 :

in control : 在控制之内

under control : 在控制之下,被控制

out of control : 失控 ★smoke n 烟

smoke : 吸烟

Don't smoke!/ No smoking!cigarette, cigar:(n)香烟

smoke :(n)烟雾

full of smoke : 充满烟雾 名词加-y, 变为形容词: rain – rainy / cloud-cloudy smokey :(a.)多烟的

smoking area;smoking room 吸烟室 / smoking apartment 火车上的吸烟车厢 smokey area : 吸烟区 / nonsmokey area : 禁烟区

heavy smoker : 烟瘾重的人 / nonsmoker : 不抽烟的人 / He smoked heavily.★desolate adj 荒凉的

lonely adj : 孤独的, 荒凉的, 偏僻的(与地方连表示孤零零的,但并不表示无人居住)desolate : 荒凉的, 极度孤独的(与人相连时)desolate+地方--无人居住, 荒无人烟的 ★threaten v 威胁的

threaten to do : 威胁着要做...threaten sb with sth : 以什么来威胁某人 It threatened to rain有迹象表明天要下雨了 ★surrounding adj周围的

surroundings n : 环境(在周边的事物)

atmosphere n : 大气层, 氛围(在周边的人文环境)

★destruction n 破坏, 毁灭 destroy(v): 破坏

destructive(adj): 毁灭性的

construction(n): 建设, 建筑 / construction bank 建设银行 build : 建设(具体的建某物)construct(v): 建设(为...创造更好的条件)

constructive(adj): 建设性的(意见)★flood n 洪水, 水灾

flood / floods 都对,都可以用,无区别 ★authority n(常用复数)当局

authorities : 当局(应为复数)/ authority : 权威(单数)★spray v 喷撒

spray sth over/on往什么上喷洒

spray water over/on flower

spray grass-seed over/on the ground ★quantity n 量

quality : 质量

quantity : 数量

sth with good quality : 具有好质量的东西

quantities of : 大量的 ★root n 根 root of...的根

what is the root cause? 根本原因 take root : 生根 ★patch n 小片

a patch of : 一小片 / a piece of / a bit of / a sheet of

patches of : 许多片

piece : 片, 块

patch(平面上的)一片, 补丁(本意)★blacken v 变黑, 发暗

-en--表示动词, 使...变得...weak虚弱的weaken使...变弱, 削弱 【课文讲解】

firemen had been fighting the forest fire.fight sth : 和...作搏斗

get+宾语+介词短语--作宾补: get the room in order.(get : 使)for miles around方圆几英里

a short time before--从过去某一点时间算起, 一段时间以前 a short time ago--从现在算起, 一段时间以前

a short time before和a short time ago都可以放在段时间之后 rose up(from): 升上来

over the desolate hills:(烟、雾)弥漫

winter was coming on: 冬季即将来临(季节的来临的通用表达式)threaten sb.with sth.: 有...迹象 serious: 严重的 put out 扑灭 order 定购

several tons of a special type of grass-seed.Type : 强调与其他同类的东西有明显不同的特征的种类,与kind有区别 in huge quantities--介词短语作状语, “大量的" was sprayed over the ground : 被动语态 take root: 生根

in place of : 替代(只能指代位置、空间,原来放的东西现在不在了)instead of : 替代+没做的事 instead of staying home, I went to school.此句就不能用 “in place of”, 而指地点空间时, 既可以用 “in place of” 也可以用 “instead of”.In place of a cup , I put a vase there.green n : 绿地,草地

Step four revision and grammar 【Key structures】关键句型 过去完成时: 这个动作在过去的过去

过去完成进行时: 这个动作非但从过去的过去开始,而且是延续的

Step five difficulties 【Special Difficulties】 难点 :

control : 控制

check : 检查, 核对

great : 大的(强调重要性)

big大的(强调面积, 体积上的)soil : 泥土(能让植物生长的)

ground: 地表,地面(与土壤无关)

Step six

revision and do some exercises


Class:nce2-4 Place:whl


Time:Sun.4:00-6:00 Teaching type&title: new lesson 70 red for danger Teaching contents&aims: bullfight drunk wander ring unaware bull matador remark apparently sensitive criticism charge clumsily bow safety sympathetically

介词for with of to at from in on about与动词的搭配

Key points: drunk wander ring unaware remark apparently sensitive criticism charge clumsily safety sympathetically

介词for with of to at from in on about与动词的搭配 Difficulties: runk wander unaware apparently sensitive criticism charge safety

介词for with of to at from in on about与动词的搭配 Procedure: Step one


ask and answer Step two

new lesson 1.Lead in: Have you drunk the redbull? It’s a kind of drink and it makes you very energetic.Bull is a kind of animal.in Rome, there are lots of bullfights.Do you think it is dangerous or not? 2.Introduce the story: A drunk walked into a ring and he didn’t know it was very dangerous.3.Listen and answer: How was the drunk removed from the ring? 4.Words 5.Listen,imitate and learn:



Mary is sensitive to smells.You’re too sensitive.Mary has a sensitive ear.★charge


① vt.&vi.要价,收费

They charged us too much for repairs.How much do you charge for this dress?

② vt.指控,指责

The police charged him with murder.He charged Gary with speeding.③ vt.&vt.猛攻,冲向,冲锋,向前冲

The bull charged at the drunk.★bow


① vt.&vt.鞠躬,欠身,低下(头等)

The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.As she couldn’t answer the question, she bowed her head.② vi.让步,屈服,服从

Why did you bow to their decision? He finally bowed before money and married the other girl.③ vt.压弯,压倒

My mother is bowed with age.The little tree is bowed with snow.【课文讲解】

1、The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.be unaware of…


While she read the book, she was unaware of the noise around her.I was unaware that you were coming.我不知道你要来。

2、The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.catch sight of…


As I came out of the shop, I caught sight of Dan in the crowd.3、The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.be/feel sure of oneself


She’s always so sure of

herself.4、Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at thedrunk.sensitive to criticism


charge at …


5、The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.break into cheers


break into…


On hearing the news, she broke into tears.When Sally saw the woman wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse, she broke into laughter.6、Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.look on


Many people just looked on while the two men robbed a woman.out of the way


While making meat pies, I always order the children to keep out of the way.在做肉馅饼时,总是命令孩子们不要碍事。

Step three

Key structures

与 for,with,of,to,at,from,in,on和 about连用的形容词

与 for 连用的形容词:eager for(渴望),enough for(足够),famous for(以……而闻名),fit for(合适),grateful for/to(因……而感激),qualified for/in(能胜任),ready for/to(准备好),responsible for(对……负责),sorry for(对……感到遗憾),sufficient for(充足的),thankful for/to(感谢),valid for(有效期为……)

We have enough apples for the children.They were eager for the performance to begin.My aunt is famous for her beauty.与 with连用的形容词:angry with sb./at sth.(因某人或某事生气),busy with/at(忙于……),consistent with(与……一致),content with(对……满足),familiar with/to(与……熟悉),patient with(有耐心),popular with(为……所喜爱)

Why was Mary angry with you?

She wasn’t content with her life.Uncle Sam is always popular with children.与of 连用的形容词:afraid of(害怕),ahead of(在……前面),aware of(知道),capable of(能够),careful of/with(小心),certain of(确信),conscious of(意识到),envious of(妒忌),fond of(爱好),guilty of(有……罪的),ignorant of(不了解),independent of(独立于),jealous of(妒忌),kind of/to(对……和蔼),north/south/east/west of(在……的北/南/东/西面),short of(缺乏),shy of(顾虑),sure of(肯定),worthy of(值得)

She is careful his coming.她注意衣着。

I was short of money at that time.与to连用的形容词:close to(接近于),contrary to(与……相反),cruel to(对……残忍),dearto(对……很重要),equal to(与……相等),faithful to(忠于……),fatal to(对……是致命的),harmful to(对……有害的),identical to(与……相同的),indifferent to(对……不关心),inferior to(劣于……),liable to(对……有义务的),new to(对……没有经验),obedient to(对……服从),obvious to(对……清楚的),polite to(对……有礼貌),previous to(先于),rude to(对……粗暴无礼),sensitive to(对……敏感),similar to(与……相似),useful to(对……有用)

Most people are sensitive to criticism.Though the bicycle is old, it is very dear to me.虽然这辆自行车破旧,但我很珍视它。

All these words are new to me.所有这些单词我都是第一次遇到。

It’s obvious to everyone that he’s lying.大家都清楚他在撒谎。

My car is similar to yours.我的车与你的车相似。

与 at 连用的形容词:bad at(不善于……),clever at(擅长),efficient at(能胜任的),expert at/in(能熟练做……),good at(善于),indignant at(对……感到愤慨),quick at(很快),sad at/about(因……而悲伤),slow at(对……迟钝),skillful at/in(熟练)

I am good/bad at swimming.Tom is quick/slow at learning new things.与 from 连用的形容词:away from(距……远的),different from(与……不同的),far from(远离),safe from(无危险的)

The man was far from comfortable while being confined to the wooden box.那人被闷在木箱里时一点儿也不舒服。

与 in连用的形容词:deficient in(缺少),fortunate from(在……很幸运),honest from(对……很诚实),weak from(在……薄弱的)

You’re fortunate in having a house of your own.Frank is honest in business.I’m weak in/at chemistry.与 on连用的形容词:dependent on(依赖于……),intent on(专心于……),keen on(热心于……)

She was keen on tennis.You shouldn’t be so intent on making money.Are you still dependent on your father? 与 about连用的形容词:curious about(对……好奇的),doubtful about/of(对……有疑问),enthusiastic

about(对……热心),reluctant about/to(勉强),right about/in(在……是正确的),uneasy about(对……感到不安)

She is uneasy about her future.她为自己的前途担心。

I’m doubtful about/of his words.Step four review and do the exercises

Step five conclude


Lesson Plan Name 罗玲 段姗姗 虞佳 Grade NCE2 Times Date

Place Ⅰ Lesson Type: New Lesson Ⅱ Contents & Purposes: Lesson 22 a glass envelope Ⅲ key structures and key words: 介词的用法

Ⅳ Teaching procedure: Step1 Greeting, Step 2 :Lead-in 1)T: In what way can we make friends? Ss: talk about how to make friends: talking on phone, chatting online(QQ, MSN, Skype),.T: Today I’ll tell you another way of making friends.T: Take out some bottles, and ask to Ss to write a letter to make friends, and put their letters into bottles.T: Put all the bottles into a bag.And let the Ss to choose one of them and read out the letter and find the friends and exchange their stickers.2)Let’s listen to the story today.And let’s see how Jane make friends.Step 3 Listen again and answer more Qs:(Summary writing)Step 4)words: Dream: T ask: What do you dream of? I dream of receiving a …on my birthday? What about you? Ss: I dream of receiving…/being… Age: of one’s own age

T ask S1 of 12: How old are you? And then ask another S2 of the same age So S1 is of S2’s own age.Let Ss ask others’ age and find out who is of their own age and tell the others: ….is of my own age.Channel: show pics of some famous channels.Intro the biggest channel in the world..Step 5 Key structures: prepositions Ask Ss do some exercise about prepositions: And Ask Ss to summarize the phrases and the meaning of the phrases.Ⅴhomework: 1.Listen to the tape for 30’ and recite the text.(Pay attention to the intonation.)1.Copy the words and phrases for 3 times.2.recite the text 3.Ex on Page 99 ⅥSummery



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