
时间:2019-05-13 22:03:07下载本文作者:会员上传


Lesson 25 Mrs.Smith’s kitchen Lesson 27 Mrs.Smith’s living room.Warm up : There be 句型


There is a hill, there is a temple on the hill.There is an old monk in the temple.~~~~山上有个庙

There are two hills, there are two temples one the hills, there are two old monks on the hills.有趣的例句:(1)There is a stomach(胃)讲一下stomach的两种句法 in my stomach(肚子)(2)There is a baby in my stomach.(3)There are two flies in my stomach(4)There are three girlfriends in Jackie’s room.二.Scene.Jackie和Rain 正在谈话,阿华在旁边议论Jackie和Rain.Jackie 生气地对Rain说: There is a fly in his mouth: Rain却接着我:No, there are 1000 flies in his mouth.Jackie 和妈妈一块去玩,妈妈指着天空说:look!Jackie.There is a kite in the sky./ There is a bird in the sky.介绍家庭成员时我们也用:

There are three people in my family.总之,英文中如果说某个地方有某物,即用there be句型。三Grammar First, look at the sentences below.① There is a cup on the desk.② There is some milk in the bottle.③ There are so many books on the table.④ There is a tiger and four monkeys in your house There be 句型的以上四种情况分别可记为 ① There is 后用可数名词的单数。② There is 后用不可数名词。

③ There are 后用可数名词的复数。④ There be 句型具有就近原则,即离谁近就照谁来(也就是is 或are根据紧跟其后的名词来定)

四: New words and Text.1.Mrs.-----已婚女士专用。

2.kitchen----magic kitchen 魔幻厨房

3.refrigerator----fridge(简写)bridge 比较记忆法 f---b

4.right-----left on the right/left turn rightturn left 5.electric cooker----电炉子 cook 指厨房 cook 也可以指厨师 6.in the middle of Eg: There is table in the middle of the room.7.where----特殊疑问词 to where----去哪儿(口语)

8in---in the roomin the mouth in the housein the bagin the bed 9.living room----客厅

10.near----ZHONG YUAN ROAD is near here.11.window---windows 98, windows XP 12.armchair---arm(胳膊)and chair(椅子)

13.Picture, wall----There is a picture on the wall.14.trousers/Pants-----长裤 15.Shorts-----短裤子。Text: Lesson 25 Mrs.Smith's Kitchen 史密斯太太的厨房

Listen to the tape then answer this question.What colour is the electric cooker? 听录音,然后回答问题。电灶是什么颜色的? Mrs.Smith's kitchen is small.There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.The refrigerator is white.It is on the right.There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.The cooker is blue.It is on the left.There is a table in the middle of the room.There is a bottle on the table.The bottle is empty.There is a cup on the table, too.The cup is clean.参考译文 : 史密斯夫人的厨房很小。












1.泛听课文,回答课文前提出的问题。2.精听。逐句跟读正音。3.教师领读 纠正语音语调。

设计几个场面,或手里拿着几幅画,让学生们来描述图画中东西的位置,在此之前我们可以先给出几个预备词,如:on in in the middle of near Pay attention to some new words.Cooker 炉子。炊具,而cook则是炊事员的意思。The second cook 二厨 Refrigerator 电冰箱可简写为fridge.---bridge 比较着来记 第一场景:Kitchen.---chicken The kitchen is very small.描述范例:

There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.It is very big.It is on the right.There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.It is blue.It is on the left.There is a table in the middle of the room.The table is very long.There is a bottle on the table.The bottle is empty.There is also a cup on the table There is a cup on the table too.It is clean.第二幅图:sky.There is a bird in the sky.It is very lovely.There are four kites near the bird The kites are very beautiful.There are some clouds in the sky.There are some stars in the sky(夜空)There is a sun in the sky.There is a moon in the sky.我们可以在单句描述完之后,让学生们试着将某些句合并。如: There is a bird and some clods in the sky.There are some sears and a moon in the sky.第三幅画:living room[客厅] Jackie’s living room is very large.There is a very big television in the living room.The television is near the door.There is a table in the living room.There are some magazines on the table.There are some armchairs near the table.There is a stereo in the room.It is near the widow.There are some pictures on the wall.They are very beautiful.并句:

如:There is a television and a table in the living room.(给学生讲一下为什么用is 而不用are)

There is a table and a stereo in the room.There are some armchairs an a TV in the room.There is a TV and some armchairs in the room.单数变复数

a book→ some books.a man→ some men a house wife→ some housewives 将以下句子改为There are句型

1.There is a pencil on the desk.2.There is a newspaper in the living room.3.There is a policeman in the kitchen.4.There is a keyboard operator in the office.将以下句子改为一般疑问句和否定句:

1. There are some books in the room.2. There are some ties on the floor.☆ 注意:some在改成疑问和否定的句中应改成any.例:1.Are there any books in the room? There aren’t any books in the room.改错:

1.There is two books and a cup on the desk.2.There are some water in the bottle.3.Are there some books in the desk? 4.There are a cup and two books on the de 5.There aren’t any water in the bottle.(需要让学生注意介词的用法)




对于一个英语初学者来说 在哪学? 跟谁学?很重要!如果没选好,很可能会影响你未来学习英语的热情。接下来我将会花几分钟时间来讲一讲为什么大家都选择一棵树学习新概念英语课程:①科学合理的课程设置,新概念英语本身是一套非常适合中国人学习的经典教材,它以交际教学法作为基础,以英语语音、语调、基础语法开始,帮你轻松迈出英语学习的第一步。②特有的学习模块,在第一册的课堂上我们将每一课分为6个模块,词、句、文、精讲缺一不可,更有课前热身,互动小练习,课外拓展增加学习乐趣。③在此基础上,我们的新概念教师团队依据多年的教学经验针对初学者的学习规律增设了重点知识复习课,词汇精讲课,听力能力训练课帮助大家进行阶段性的总结和提升,规避了大部分学习机构没有总结和训练学习效果差的尴尬。④事实说明老师在教学过程中起着至关重要的作用,而我们拥有最认真负责的主讲老师以及教研团队,大家听到的每一小时的课,每一个知识点的讲解都经过反复的讨论,每一道随堂练习都被精挑细选严格检查,确保提供给大家的内容准确无误且易于接受。⑤每个人在英语学习的过程总有一种不知道自己学到什么程度的期待和担心,所以我们在课程的设置中有阶段性的单元测试以及课程最后的毕业测试,方便大家及时了解学习效果,进而随时调整学习节奏。⑥我们不是做一锤子买卖,每一位在这里学习的学员都有权利享受到我们提供的独家学习资料、课后作业批改.适合对象:

















2.希望进一步巩固英语学习,在四级考试中取得优异成绩的大学生; 3.希望借助英语在学习、工作、生活中有所发展的中高级英语学习者;



2.掌握4500-5000的词汇量,扩大词汇、短语及语法的实战运用; 3.能写出较为复杂的英语句子,能进行较为深度的口语交流;

4.能基本达到BEC中级、中级口译、雅思6.0、托福85分的词汇和语法水平; 5.全面提升英语理解能力。

新概念英语第四册 课本难度增加,很多同学在学习的时候感到严重的信心不足。产生这种感觉是有理由的,主要原因不是因为大家掌握的词汇量不够,而是因为在这套教材里已经不再是简单的词汇、语法等较为孤立的语言单位,你会发现你突然被抛入了思想的海洋,新概念第四册的课文选自各种流派作家的作品,内容安排循序渐进,旨在使学生能熟悉各种不同的文体,逐渐把大家引入到一个百花齐放的思想的世界。他对大家的要求已经明显不同,比如说在写作的方面,能简单正确的写出叙述性和描述性的作文是不够的,还要注意文章的形式和内容,要学会处理素材和观点,能表达复杂的思想。对于处在这个阶段的同学来说,最大的障碍不再是词汇、语法等问题,而是心理状况的不成熟,理解认知能力的不足,缺乏较为广泛的基础知识,缺乏将这些知识融会贯通的能力。这个时候,老师的作用就尤其重要了,一个好的老师在你学习的过程中指点秘境,帮助你顺利完成有中高级水平向高级阶段的过渡。在我们的课程设置上,对课文内容的精讲依然是最主要的模块,继续对学员进行理解,口语,阅读,写作能力的训练。除此之外还特别安排写作提高课,来帮助学员学会合理运用素材来清除明确的表达观点,在每个单元结束的时候参加单元测试,检验一下自己的学习所得,在最后通过毕业测试对自己的学习进步一目了然。







2.掌握6000-6500的词汇量,能熟练使用多个学科的中高级词汇; 3.熟知更多地道的人文背景,深刻理解西方文化;


1.72课时精讲48篇课文,英语综合运用能力稳步提升; 2.特色写作提高课,帮助你用英语流利表达自己; 3.配套阶段性测试,明确自己的进步和继续努力的方向; 4.班主任和助教不定期电话回访打造真正个性化学习; 5.班主任及助教团队24小时内解决学生提出的学习问题;


第三篇:新概念二 L3 详细教案

Lessen 3 Please send me a card Teaching procedure Step 1 Leading in T: Hello ,everyone!(teacher holds a postard)Do you know it ? Ss:Yes ,it is a card.T:What kind of cards do you know ? Ss:New Year card ,Birthday card ,Christmas card… T:I have received this postcard yesterday Postcard , a card used for sending messages by post.Today we’ll learn Lessen 3 Please send me a card This is a story about postcard,postcard always spoil the writer’s holidays.Last summer,he went to Italy and visited museums.A friendly waiter taught him Italian and gave him a book.but he didn’t understand a word.Every day he thought about postcards.He bought thirty-seven cards.At last ,he didn’t write a single card.Step 2 listening to the tape

Listen to the recorder and answer the following questions: 1.Where did the writer spend his holidays last summer ? 2.How many cards did the writer send ? Listen to the tape again and divide the passage into several parts And read after the tape.Step 3 new words send v.please send me a card postcard n.A card used for sending messages by post.postcards always spoil my holidays.spoil v.(spoiled or spoilt)postcards always spoil my holidays.friendly

a friendly waiter a friendly doctor She is friendly with anyone.lend(lent lent)v.I lent a book to my Lucy.I borrow a book from Lucy.Decision n.I made a big decision.Step 4 intensive reading

T:Postcards always spoil my holidays.What holidays.Ss: Postcards always spoil my holidays T: When did I go to Italy? Ss: Last summer , I went to Italy.T: Where did you visit ? Ss: I visited museums.always spoil my T: And …(sat in public gardens)Who taught me a few words of Italian.Ss:A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.T: What did he do then ? Ss:then he lent me a book.T:Who read a few lines ? Ss: I read a few lines ,but I didn't understand a word.T: now let's do a change role game

If I changed I into my uncle and changed museum into cinema ,how do you should make sentences.T :When did I think about postcards ? Ss:Every day I thought about postcards.T;How did my holidays ? Ss:My holidays passed quickly.But I did not send cards to my friends.T:When did I make a decision ? Ss:On the last day I made a big decision.T:who got up early and how many cards did I buy ? Ss:I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards..T:Where did I spend the whole day ? Ss:I spent the whole day in my room.T:Did I write any cards or not ? Ss: but I didn’t write a single card.T:We’ll do the change role again

If I change I into my uncle ,changed museum into cinema ,changed postcards into exerse books ,how should you say out the passage.Step 5 recall key sentences accoding to key words Step6 Recite the whole passage contact with the questions in Summary Writing.Step 7 Talk about Ss’s holidays Where did you go in your holidays ? How was your holidays ?



Lesson 1Excuse me!教学重点

1、辨析:Excuse me.和I‘m sorry.的用法区别。



4、句型:-Is this your…?-Yes, it is.教学步骤





5、提出问题:Whose handbag is it? 看一遍视频,解答问题。





引入话题: Ok, I have a question.我有一个问题,看看谁能回答上来。有谁注意到我刚进门的时候说的第一句话了么,What is it? 哪句话,No one? 没有人注意么,啊,我说的第一句话是:Excuse me, may I have your attention, please? Let‘s have 1 our class.对不起,请大家注意,我们要上课了。这里的第 一句话:Excuse me就是我们新概念英语第一课的标题,那 么我们今天要讲的这则小故事到底是什么呢,Well, today‘s story is about a handbag.啊,今天我们来讲一个关于手提包 的故事。Ok, now, please open your books and turn to page one.请大家打开书翻到第1页。Look at here, there are many pictures, right? 啊,这里有许多图片。So, how many pictures are there, who can tell me? 谁能告诉我有几幅图,Yes, very good, seven pictures.So, who can describe the pictures for us? 谁能给我们描述一下这些图片呢,What can you see in these pictures? 从这些图片中你能看到什么,Guess what happened? 猜猜究竟发生了什么,Ok, now, close your books and listen to the audio.好,下面请大家合上课本,只

听录音。Try to understand the main idea of the story.试试 你能不能听得懂,看看刚才我们猜的故事到底对不对,Ok? 【New words and expressions】 ?Excuse me.1、引起对方注意时

2、常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边 挤过,或在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时。在课文中,男士为了吸引女士的注意而用了这个表示客套的短语。?Pardon? 全句为I beg your pardon.意思是请求对方把刚才讲过的话 2 重复一遍。

? Thank you.= Thanks.? Me 宾格 人称代词表: 主格:用在句首,作主语 宾格:在动词、介词之后

形容词性的物主代词:不能单独使用,例如:my不能单独使用,后面一定要接名词。名词性物主代词:只能单独使用,例如:mine后一定不能再接名词。? Be动词有: amisare I am Sheheit is Youwethey are [Grammar] 含有be动词的陈述句、否定句和一般疑问句


Lesson 2Is this your…? 【New words and expressions】 ?watch的词组 Watch out!当心~ Watch out for… 当心……

?dress ? n.连衣裙;套裙 ? n.服装,衣服 casual dress 便服 evening dress 晚礼服 ?housen.房子

house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构 family 侧重家庭的成员 There are four people in my family.在我家里有四口人。home 抽象的家的概念

Lesson 3Sorry, sir 教学重点



3、句型:-Is this your…?-No, it isn‘t.This is not my....It isn‘t my....= It‘s not my....It‘s your....教学步骤





5、提出问题:Does the man get his umbrella back? 看一遍视频,解答问题。




9、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。引入话题: Ok, today I want to tell you a joke.今天我给大家讲一个小笑话。说有个人啊,初学英语,半懂不懂的。有一天,他上街不小心撞到了一个老外,他很有礼貌,就忙说:,I‘m sorry!‖那位老外也很有礼貌,马上应道:,I‘m sorry too.‖这个人听了又说:,I‘m sorry three.‖这时候老外就纳闷 了,问:,What are you sorry for?‖这个人本来想走了来着,这么一听就很无奈地继续说:,I‘m sorry five.‖哈哈,这 个小故事说明了什么呢,说明我们学东西就要真正地弄懂 它,不能一知半解,否则就会像这个人一样闹笑话了。Last week we learned Lesson 1-Excuse me!Today we will learn Lesson 2I‘m sorry.I‘m sorry about that.Answer:That‘s all right.a.一套西服 / 套装 b.发音 / su:t / /sju:t / 2)teacher – Never say Teacher Li, you should say Mr./ Mrs./ Miss Li.3)Your family great grandfather / great grandmother great grandson / great granddaughter Grandmother / grandfather grandma / grandpa father / mother(daddy, mummy, dad , mum)Uncle / aunt nephew / niececousin(first cousin 父母的兄 弟姐妹的孩子second cousin 父母的表兄弟、表姐妹的孩子)brother / sister(younger / elder)son daughter love children(私生子)step-mother / father / sister / brother / son / daughtermother / father/ sister / brother /-in-law 4)Do exercise: 课后练习

5)补充内容:How do you greet others?How are you? / How are you today?How are things?How‘s everthing going? Hello!Answer:Fine, thank you.And you?ing form of the verbs Teaching Method The teacher will combine interactive and teacher-center methods in this course to help students learn the new patterns and to build sound pronunciation with the foreign teacher.Pair and group work will be used throughout the class.Teaching Hours Approximately two hours will be used for the Unit 16.Teaching Procedures Listening comprehension T: Today we’ll listen to a story about a garden.Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: is the cat climbing the tree? S: No, Tim is.Intensive reading Comprehension ? Ask individual students questions.Students give natural answer.1.T: Are Jack and Jean in the garden?S: No, they aren?t.2.T: Are they in the kitchen? S: Yes, they are.32 3.T: Is Sally in the garden? S: Yes, she is.4.T: Is Tim in the living room? S;No, he isn?t.(he?s in the garden)5.T: Who?s sitting under the tree?S: Sally is.6.T: What?s Tim doing? S: He?s climbing the tree.7.T: Where is the dog?S: It?s in the garden.8.T: Is the dog climbing the tree? S: No, it isn?t.9.T: What?s the dog doing?S: It?s running across the grass.Lesson 31 Where ?s Sally? A.Dialogue Read this dialogue.Fill in the missing words.Jean: Jack, the ________ are in the ________.What?s Sally ______________? Jack: She?s ___________ under the ___________.She?s ______________ a book.Jean: __________ Tim in _________ garden, too? Jack: Yes, he __________.He?s ___________ the tree.Jean: And where?s the dog? What?s it __________________? Jack: It?s in the ___________ ,too.It?s __________ after 33 a cat.B Structure Write the correct –ing form of theses verbs.C.Vocabulary Answer these questions.Use the prompts.1.What?s Jack doing?(look out of the window)__________________________________ 2.What?s Jean doing?(cook a meal)___________________________________ 3.What?s Tim doing?(climb the tree)___________________________________ 4.What?s Sally doing?(sit under the tree / read a book)_________________________________ 5.What?s the dog doing?(run across the grass / run after a cat)___________________________ Homework Oral work: Ask individual students to look at the pictures and tell the storey.篇五:新概念英语第一册1-6课教案 1 2 3 34 4 5 35


Unit 1 excuse me

教学目标:handbag watch car house yes

教学重点:陈述句变一般疑问句 陈述句变否定句

1、Handbag['h]n手提包SchoolbagshoppingbagThis is a handbag.Is this a handbag? Yes it is/No it isn't2、Watch[w]n手表This is a watch.Is this a watch? Yes it is./ no it isn't

V.看watch TVwatch games辨析:lookseewatc

Look 强调动作,例:look!It's a bird.See 强调结果,例:I can see a bird.Watch 强调看到的画面是移动的,例:watch TV3、house[h]n房子辨析:roomhomehouse例句:this house is my home.4、Car[ka:]n小汽车by car/bus/ship/plane/ boat/jeep/trainby car =take a car

例句:I go to school by car= I5、Book[buk]nbook shop, book casebookworm 书呆子

.oo发u音,oo 在k,d 前,读短u, 但food 读长u.6、yes 读声调时,翻译成:“什么事?”

7、Thank you =thanks=thanks a lot=many thanks=thanks very much.8、V(verb)动词 adj.(adjective)形容词 adv.(adverb)副词 pron.(pronoun)代词 prep(preposition)介词 n(noun)名词

.conj(conjunction)连词 int(interjection)感叹词


动词be变化大,I 用am ,you 用are,is 用于 它 他 她,it is ,he is ,she is,复数一律要用are,切莫弄错闹笑话。

10、this 指示代词,that,thesethose11、陈述句变一般疑问句口诀:变疑问be前提,结尾问号莫忘记,变否定更容易,be加not莫迟疑,否定疑问随你变,句首大写要牢记。



Unit 2 Is this your......?


教学难点:陈述句变一般疑问句,This is my coat.Is that your coat?


2、dress[dres]n连衣裙a summer dress 夏装,an evening dress 晚礼服, dress oneself 打扮,3、coat []n上衣,外衣raincoat 雨衣 wintercoat棉衣

4、shirt[]n衬衣,(男)女衬衣:blouse ,做练习册,情景设置:西游记中师徒四人来到现代,买服装



Unit 3 sorry sir.教学目标:umbrellaticketnumbercloakroompleasehere1、umbrella []n



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    Teaching plan Lesson 67 The weekend Teaching aims: Master the new words and text Master the simple past tense, the usage of was and were Teaching importance an......

    新概念第二册Lesson 1教案

    Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 生词和短语 ★private adj.私人的it's my private letter/house ;private school:私立学校 public:公众的,公开的 public school ;......

    新概念第二册 lesson-63-详细笔记

    Lesson 63:She was not amused 她并不觉得好笑1. circle ['sə:kl] n. 圈子 1)圆,圆周,圆形空间 eg. Use your compasses to draw a circle. 用你的圆规画个圆。 2)一圈…… a......


    复习课 教学对象:小学四五年级 教学用材:新概念第一册 教学步骤:回顾之前的内容 教学内容:(复习内容) 复习课,复习内容比较多 祈使句的复习同样以学生举列分析为主; 先写两组祈使......


    GLOBAL EDUCATION 王森 新概念英语教材简介 《新概念英语》(New Concept English)作为享誉全球、最为经典地道的英语学习宝典,早已成为英语学习者的必选教材,以其严密的体系性、......


    Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 【课文讲解】 1. I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 1) Move a chair nearer to the fire. 2) move from…to…:e.g. He couldn’t p......


    Teaching plan Lesson:L94 L95 L96 Miss Mo Type:New Time: Teaching Periods: Three Teaching Aims& Demands: 1.Compare the grammar : The past-tense and The fut......


    陕西科技大学镐京学院新概念一册教案 Lesson 51 A pleasant climate 一、教学目标及重难点 1、掌握一些与天气、季节、有关的词汇以及十二个月份的英语表达。 2、学生掌握......