
时间:2019-05-14 16:48:30下载本文作者:会员上传



问:是什么让人类比其他动物更聪明?答:烹饪。这个答案真是吃货的福音!烹饪熟食能够使得我们在短时间为身体提供更多能量,而充足的能量使大脑进化出超出普通哺乳动物的数倍的神经元……啥都别说了,菌菌要去吃热乎乎的夜宵了!片长:13分22秒,人类大脑最特别的地方在哪里? 以下内容整理自:TED | 人类大脑最特别的地方在哪里?对于人类的大脑来说,什么是最特别的?我们为什么要研究其他的动物?而不是他们研究我们?有没有什么是人类大脑可以做的,而其他动物的大脑不能做的?十年前,我对这些问题产生兴趣。所有的大脑的构成方式不尽相同科学家认为,他们知道大脑不同的组成部分,即使那些都是基于一些非常小的证据。科学界认为所有的哺乳动物的大脑,包括人类的大脑,是由同样的东西组成,一系列的神经元和大脑的大小总是成为成正比。这个意味着,两个同样大小的大脑应该有同样数量的神经元。如果我们说神经元是大脑功能信息处理的单位,那么两个大脑各自的拥有者应该有的相近的认知能力。然而,其中一个是黑猩猩,而另一大脑属于一头母牛。也许牛有很丰富的精神生活,并且很聪明,他们选择不会让我们意识到这一点,但我想大多数人会同意,相比于牛来说,黑猩猩具有更加复杂以及灵活的行为。所以这是第一个征兆,显示“所有的大脑的构成方式都是一样的”不是特别正确。我们不妨继续这个比喻。如果所有的大脑由相同的方式组成,那么将大脑大小不同的动物拿来做比较,大一点的大脑对于小一点的大脑来说应该具有等多的神经元,并且越大的大脑,它的主人应该更有认知能力,所以最大的脑应该具有最好的认知能力。这里有个坏消息:我们的大脑,不是最大的一个。我们的大脑重量在1.2和1.5公斤之间,而大象的大脑在四、五公斤之间,鲸鱼大脑可重达9公斤。这就是为什么科学家们说我们的大脑肯定是非常特别的,来解释我们的认知能力。它必须是真的非同寻常,一个例外情况。他们的大脑可能会更大,但我们的更好,并且我们的大脑可以变得更好。对于我们的身体的大小,我们的大脑皮层面积比我们应该有的更大。因此,这样将会给我们额外皮质去做更多有趣的事情,而不是只主管我的身体。比较我们自己和巨猿,大猩猩可以是比我们大两到三倍,但它的大脑比我们的小,我们的大脑比大猩猩的大三倍。人类的大脑需要消耗很多能量人类的大脑也特别在它使用的能源的量。虽然它的重量只有全身的2%,但是它单独使用你身体每天所需能量的25%。2000卡路里中的500卡路里仅仅只是为了让你的大脑的工作。人类的大脑已经比应有的大小大出很多了,相对他应该消耗的来说,它消耗了更加多的能量,所以它很特殊。为什么进化的规则应用到了其他生物,但不是我们?也许两个大小相似的大脑,实际上可以由数目不同的神经元组成;也许是一个非常大的大脑,相对于一个更具规模适度的大脑,不一定需要具有更多的神经元;也许相比于其他大脑来说,人类的大脑具有最多的神经元,无论其规模大小。所以这成为了对于这个答案来说最重要的问题。您可能会听到或读到过我们有1000亿个神经元。10年前,我就问我的同事们他们是否知道这个数字是从哪里来的,但没人知道。我通过深入细致的研究文献,试图找出该数字的原始参考,但我找不到它。似乎其实没有人去真正的数过人类大脑里面的神经元数量,或者其他任何的大脑里面神经元的数量。所以我想出了我自己的方式,来统计大脑里面的细胞,它最重要的一个步骤是将大脑溶解在试剂里。它的工作方式:你将一个大脑或部分的大脑,让它溶化在洗涤剂里,洗涤剂会破坏细胞膜,但保持细胞核不变,所以你最终会看到细胞核悬浮。溶液中包含所有细胞核,可以摇晃它,并使这些细胞核在液体中均匀分布。通过在显微镜下观察,只需四个或五个这种细胞核均匀分布的样本,可以数数原子核,并能够计算知道有多少脑细胞。这样很简单、非常直接,并且速度也很快。所以我们使用了这种方法来计数神经元。目前为止,我们计数了几十个不同的物种。结果发现,所有的大脑都是由不同的方式组成的。以啮齿类动物和灵长类动物为例:在大一些的啮齿类动物大脑里,神经元的平均尺寸在增加。所以,大脑非常迅速地膨胀,尺寸增长比获得神经元更加快。但灵长类动物的大脑增加神经元,而不是神经元平均尺寸增大。在大脑里添加神经元的结果是,灵长类动物的大脑和啮齿动物相同大小的脑相比,总有更多的神经元。大脑越大,这种差异性也会越大。人类的大脑又是如何呢?我们平均有860亿个神经元,其中有160亿个存在于大脑皮质里。如果你认为大脑皮质是下列功能的基础:意识、逻辑和抽象推理,那么这160亿个神经元对大脑皮质来说是最重要的。我想这是对于我们能拥有卓越的认知能力最简单的说明。我们发现了大脑的大小和其神经元数目之间的关联是可以用数学模型来计算的,我们可以计算出人类大脑如果被作成像是一个啮齿类动物的大脑会如何——有着860亿神经元的啮齿类动物大脑将重36公斤。巨大的大脑将会被它自己本身的重量所挤压,这个不可能的大脑需要一个89吨的身体。和其他的灵长类动物作比较,你会发现一般的灵长类动物,如果有着860亿神经元,将会有一个约1.2公斤的大脑,在大约66公斤身体中这似乎刚刚好。我们的大脑和其它灵长类动物的大脑一样。所以人类大脑的特别之处不在于其神经元的数目,从这方面看它只是一个大的灵长类动物的大脑。我想这是个非常谦卑和发人深省的思考,提醒了我们在自然界的位置。能量的摄入量限制了大脑的大小为什么我们的大脑消耗这么大的能量?人类和其他物种的大脑神经元消耗相同的能量,平均每日,每十亿个神经元消耗六个卡路里的热量。所以一个大脑全部精力的消耗是简单的,线性函数可计算其神经元的数目。结果发现,人类的大脑消耗如此多的能量的原因是,它有大量的神经元;而且由于我们是灵长类动物,在一个特定大小的身体里,人类比任何其他的动物,有着更多的神经元。因为我们是灵长类动物,我们的大脑的相对消耗量是很大的。所以我们为什么有数量巨大的神经元,特别是,如果巨猿比我们更大,那为什么他们沒有一个有着更多神经细胞,比我们还大的大脑呢?我想,可能有一个简单的原因。他们只是不能负担一个大型的身体,以及多量的神经细胞共存所需的能量。一方面,我们计算着一个灵长类动物每一天借由吃生的食物获取多少能量;另一方面,有多少能量在一个特定大小的身体中消耗,有多少能量在含有特定数量神经元的大脑中消耗。然后我们结合身体尺寸,找到灵长类动物每天花一定时间在吃上面,能够负担得起的大脑神经元数目。然后我们发现,一个灵长类动物每天吃八个小时,才能够负担最多530亿神经元,但是与此同时,它的身体不能超过25公斤。任何比这更重的重量都使它必须放弃一些神经细胞。当你吃的像灵长类动物时,庞大的身体和大数量的神经元不可兼得。一个方法超出此种代谢限制就是每一天花更多的时间在吃饭上面,但是,这样是很危险的,某种程度上,它是不可能发生的。例如大猩猩和红毛猩猩,能够负担约300亿个神经元。它们每天花八个半小时吃饭,这似乎是它们所能做的一切。9个小时的每日饲喂是灵长类动物的实际限制。人类通过烹饪提高了能量的摄取效率那我们呢?根据我们的860亿神经元和60到70公斤的体重,我们应该每天要花超过九个小时在吃饭上,这是不可行的。如果我们像灵长类动物一样吃,我们不应该在这里。我们怎么在这里呢?唯一的选择是以某种方式从相同的食品上获取更多的能量。引人注目的是,这和我们的祖先早已发现的完全匹配。在一百五十万年前,他们发明了烹饪,在食物进入你身体前预先消化食物。煮熟的食物比较软,所以他们更容易嚼烂,在你的嘴里完全粉碎,这就使他们能够完全被消化并且被你的肠道所吸收,这使得它们在更少的时间内带来更多能源。所以烹饪让我们有更多的时间,去用我们的神经元做更多有趣的事情,而不是只想着食物,寻找食物,并吞噬下食物,花去整整一天。由于烹饪,曾是一个沉重的负担且极其昂贵的、有着一大堆神经元的大脑,现在能够成为一项重要资产。我们可以为神经元提供能量,并且把时间用在去做一些有趣的事情。这就解释了为什么人类的大脑在进化过程中增长如此之快。由于烹饪,我们可以负担得起这么大的大脑,我们迅速地进步着,从生食到文化、农业、文明、杂货店、电力、冰箱,所有这些事物。现今使我们能够快速得到我们一整天所需的所有能量,来自于你最喜欢的快餐食品。所以曾经的一种解决办法,现在成为了一个问题。讽刺的是,我们在生食中寻找解决方案。人类的优势是什么?我们有什么东西是其他动物没有的吗?我的答案是我们有最大数量神经元存在于大脑皮层中,并且我认为这能最简单地解释为什么我们有卓越的认知能力。还有就是我们做了什么是没有其他动物做的?我认为使我们能够达到这么多的,最多数量的神经元存在于大脑皮质中的基本原因是两个词,我们做饭。没有其他动物烹饪它们的食物,只有人类才做。而且我认为,这就是我们是怎么成为人类的。研究人类大脑改变我对食物的想法。现在我看看自己的厨房,然后我向它鞠躬,然后我谢谢我的祖先想到这个有可能使我们成为人类的发明。

第二篇:TED演讲 恋爱中的大脑 精选台词 中英对照

15.Around the world people love.世界各地的人都有不同的爱情。

16.They sing for love, they dance for love, they compose poems and stories about love.人们为爱情歌唱,人们因爱情起舞,人们通过诗赋和故事来抒发爱情。17.They tell myths and legends about love.人们讲述关于爱情的神话和传说。

18.They pine for love, they live for love, they kill for love, and they die for love.人们渴望爱情,因爱而生,人们为爱着迷,甚至为爱而死。19.As Walt Whitman once said, he said,“Oh, I would stake all for you.”

沃尔特.惠特曼曾说过: “我愿意为你赌上我的一切!”

20.Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies.人类学家在170个社会中发现了爱情存在的证据。21.They've never found a society that did not have it.爱情普遍地存在于每一个人类社会。22.But love isn't always a happy experience.但爱情并不总是愉快的经历。

23.In one study of college students, they asked a lot of questions about love, but the two that stood out to me the most were, “Have you ever been rejected by somebody who you really loved?”


24.And the second question was, “Have you ever dumped somebody who really loved you?”

而另一个则是 “你曾经拒绝过真心爱着你的人吗?”

25.And almost 95 percent of both men and women said yes to both.对于这两个问题,有95%的人作出了肯定的答复。26.Almost nobody gets out of love alive.要活着走出爱情几乎是不可能的。

27.So, before I start telling you about the brain, I want to read for you what I think is the most powerful love poem on Earth.那么,在开始讲述关于大脑的事情前,我要读一段 在我看来最富深情的情诗。

28.There's other love poems that are, of course, just as good, but I don't think this one can be surpassed.当然,很多情诗都很不错,但我认为它们都无法超越这首。

29.It was told by an anonymous Kwakutl Indian of southern Alaska to a missionary in 1896, and here it is.在1896年的南阿拉斯加,一位不知名的夸扣特尔印第安人 把它讲述给了一名传教士。

30.I've never had the opportunity to say it before.这是我第一次当众读它。

31.“Fire runs through my body with the pain of loving you, pain runs through my body with the fires of my love for you.“爱你之痛如熊熊烈焰穿透我的身体; 对你如火一般的热恋让疼痛贯穿我的身体。

32.Pain like a boil about to burst with my love for you, consumed by fire with my love for you, I remember what you said to me.痛楚如沸水,饱含我对你的爱,爱的火焰将其蒸发殆尽。我仍记得你对我说的话,33.I am thinking of your love for me, I am torn by your love for me.我想着你对我的爱,它将我的躯体撕裂。

34.Pain and more pain, where are you going with my love?

疼痛,更多的疼痛,你要把我的爱带至何处? 35.I am told you will go from here.你对我说,你将从这里出发; 36.I am told you will leave me here.你对我说,你将在这儿把我遗弃。37.My body is numb with grief.我因此悲痛,因此失去知觉。38.Remember what I said, my love.带上我的只言片语,我的爱人!39.Goodbye, my love, goodbye.”


40.Emily Dickinson once wrote, “Parting is all we need to know of hell.”


41.How many people have suffered in all the millions of years of human evolution?


42.How many people around the world are dancing with elation at this very minute?


43.Romantic love is one of the most powerful sensations on Earth.爱情是世上最有力的感情。

55.Romantic love is an obsession.It possesses you.爱情萦绕于心,占据着你。56.You lose your sense of self.你失去自我意识,57.You can't stop thinking about another human being.不能自主地去想他

58.Somebody is camping in your head.——他一直盘踞在你脑中。

59.As an eighth-century Japanese poet said, “My longing had no time when it ceases.”

就如8世纪的一位日本诗人所说,“我的渴求永不停止。” 60.Wild is love.爱情是狂热的。

61.And the obsession can get worse when you've been rejected.当你被抛弃之后,牵挂会更深。66.What a bad deal.这是多么坏的事情啊!67.You know, when you've been dumped, the one thing you love to do is just forget about this human being, and then go on with your life,当你被甩之后,你会想着要忘掉他,并继续你的正常生活,68.but no, you just love them harder.但事与愿违,你只会更爱他了。

69.As the poet Terence, the Roman poet once said, he said, “The less my hope, the hotter my love.”

就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的: “我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。” 83.No wonder people suffer around the world and we have so many crimes of passion.难怪世界各地的人们都遭受着痛苦,难怪我们中这么多人被负心的情人伤害 84.When you've been rejected in love, not only are you engulfed with feelings of romantic love, but you're feeling deep attachment to this individual.当你被爱抛弃时,你不仅被对爱情的渴望吞没,而且感到对他深深的依恋。85.Moreover, this brain circuit for reward is working, and you're feeling intense energy, intense focus, intense motivation and the willingness to risk it all

此外,大脑的奖赏回路开始工作,这使得你感到强烈的精力,强烈的专注,强烈的干劲,和想要不顾一切地 86.to win life's greatest prize.赢得生命中最高奖赏的愿望。

87.So, what have I learned from this experiment that I would like to tell the world?


88.Foremost, I have come to think that romantic love is a drive, a basic mating drive.最重要的一点,我的结论是 爱情是人类最基本的寻求配对的冲动。

89.Not the sex drive--the sex drive gets you out there looking for a whole range of partners.这不是性冲动——性冲动让你寻找 能够成为性伴侣的人。

90.Romantic love enables you to focus your mating energy on just one at a time, conserve your mating energy, and start the mating process with this single individual.而爱情让你同时只对一个人产生配对的冲动,并节制地使用它,开始同他恋爱。

91.I think of all the poetry that I've read about romantic love, what sums it up best is something that is said by Plato over 2,000 years ago.我脑海中浮现出读过的所有关于爱情的诗篇,其中最适合概括这一点的是 2000多年前的诗人柏拉图的一首诗,92.He said, “The god of love lives in a state of need.“爱神栖于爱欲之国。93.It is a need.It is an urge.爱是欲求,是冲动,94.It is a homeostatic imbalance.是恒久的失衡。

95.Like hunger and thirst, it's almost impossible to stamp out.”


96.I've also come to believe that romantic love is an addiction: a perfectly wonderful addiction when it's going well, and a perfectly horrible addiction when it's going poorly.我同样也相信爱情让人成瘾: 爱若甜蜜,人们沉溺其中; 爱若苦涩,人们深陷其中,难以自拔。

97.And indeed, it has all of the characteristics of addiction.确然,爱情拥有成瘾的所有特征,98.You focus on the person, you obsessively think about them, you crave them, you distort reality, your willingness to take enormous risks to win this person.你专注于他,执念于他,渴望得到他,并扭曲现实,愿不顾一切以赢得他的爱。

119.You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.就如同在了解一块巧克力蛋糕中的所有成份后,我仍然能够品味 吃蛋糕的乐趣。

126.There are still many questions to be answered and asked about romantic love.关于爱情 还有很多未解开的迷。

127.The question that I'm working on right this minute, and I'm only going to say it for a second and then end, is why do you fall in love with one person, rather than another?

现在我简短地说一下 我正研究问题: 为什么你会爱上他,而不是别人? 128.I never would have even thought to think of this, but Match.com, the internet dating site, came to me three years ago and asked me that question.原本我并没有想要去思考这个问题,但在三年前,一个约会网站Match.com找到我,并问了我这个问题。129.And I said, I don't know.我只能说“我不知道”。

130.I know what happens in the brain, when you do become in love, but I don't know why you fall in love with one person rather than another.我所知道的是人们恋爱时,大脑中到底发生了什么,但我却不知道 为什么他就是你命中注定的爱人。

131.And so, I've spent the last three years on this.所以,这三年我都在思考这个问题。

132.And there's many reasons that you fall in love with one person rather than another, that psychologists can tell you.心理学家告诉我们 一定有很多原因使你爱上他,而不是另一个人。

133.And we tend to fall in love with somebody from the same socioeconomic background, the same general level of intelligence, the same general level of good looks,我们会倾向于 在同等的社会、经济背景,同样智力水平,同等的相貌,134.the same religious values.以及相同的宗教信仰中找到自己的爱人。

135.Your childhood certainly plays a role but nobody knows how.而童年的经历也会影响人们的爱情,但如何作用却无人知晓。136.And that's about it, that's all they know.就是这些,心理学家知道的只有这些。

137.No, they've never found the way two personalities fit together to make a good relationship.而且,他们不知道在良好的关系中,双方的人格是如何配合的。

138.So, it began to occur to me that maybe your biology pulls you towards some people rather than another.因此,我开始思考 为什么我们接近这一群人,而不是其他人,这是不是有生物上的解释。

150.Faulkner once said, “The past is not dead, it's not even the past.”


151.Indeed, we carry a lot of luggage from our yesteryear in the human brain.确实是这样,我们把从过去带来的大量的行李 堆放在大脑中。154.Women tend to get intimacy differently than men do.女人们倾向于更亲昵的言行而不像男人们那样。155.Women get intimacy from-face to-face talking.女人们从面对面的交谈中获得了亲切感,156.We swivel towards each other, we do what we call the “anchoring gaze” and we talk.我们转向对方,并在交谈中注视着对方。157.This is intimacy to women.这就是女性相互理解的方式。

158.I think it comes from millions of years of holding that baby in front of your face, cajoling it, reprimanding it, educating it with words.我想这是源于长久的进化岁月中,女人总是把婴儿抱在面前,哄他们、训诫他们、教导他们。

159.Men tend to get intimacy from side-by-side doing,(Laughter)As soon as one guy looks up, the other guy will look away.而男人们总是在侧坐的交谈中找到亲切感。(笑)当一个人看着对方时,另一个人会望向别处。

160.(Laughter)I think it comes from millions of years of standing behind that--sitting behind the bush, looking straight ahead, trying to hit that buffalo on the head with a rock.(笑)我想这源自远古时期,男人们藏在灌木丛中,看着前方,并想着用手中的石块砸向野牛的头。

161.(Laughter)I think for millions of years men faced their enemies, they sat side by side with friends.(笑)在数万年的人类历史中,男人们和朋友坐在一起,一起面对共同敌人。

162.So my final statement is: love is in us.所以我的主张是:爱就在我们心中。163.It's deeply embedded in the brain.它深深地扎根在大脑中。

164.Our challenge is to understand each other.Thank you.理解对方是我们所追求的目标。谢谢大家!








再就是隐性的不良资产,主要是银行贷款违规入市的资金。中央银行在2000年秋天发现了这个问题,要求进行清理。违规部分到底有多少呢?最高的估计有 6000~7000亿,低的估计有2000~3000亿。有一位经济学家分析,货币供应的增长率连续好几年都超过了国民生产总值的增长率,钱到哪里去了呢?他的回答就是大量货币进入了股市。






关于银行业的监管。现在整个金融系统是分别监管的,监管的效率不是很高。不要把regulation(监管)和 governance(治理)混淆起来。治理归根到底是所有者的治理,它通过董事会这么一套体系来治理。因为所有者不在位,所以就发生了混乱,发生了混乱以后,就交由政府来管。这是错位了。其实管也管不好,被监管商业组织的活力没有了。经验表明:政府外部的监管,比起公司内部的财务控制,作用要小得多。一个要点是,政府的watchdog(监管)和企业内部的governance(治理)要同时进行,而且内部控制比政府的监管更重要,是基础性的。因为出现舞弊、诈骗等活动,如果没有一个很好的内部管理体系,光靠政府或中央银行是做不好的。


那么怎样实现内部控制呢?我认为最重要的是实现“产权明晰”,这样才有可能建立有效的公司治理,在此基础上才有可能加强内部控制。中国的一些上市公司,应该说corporate governance的框架是搭起来了,但开起会来多少有点像顾问委员会。而比如说香港的上市公司就完全不一样了,董事会代表所有者,对高层经理人员提出的要求就很不一样了。有些董事会关于财务状况提出的问题,指定高层经理人员回答,非常具体、严厉。



第四篇:28 个最精彩的 TED 演讲

I've watched more than 800 TED talks in the last 7 years.Last night, I went through all 1400 TED talks and picked out the talks that left long-lasting impressions.Education: Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity(Part 1)Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!(Part 2)“Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children.He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.”

E.O.Wilson: Advice to young scientists

“Biologist E.O.Wilson explores the world of ants and other tiny creatures, and writes movingly about the way all creatures great and small are interdependent.“

Life Lessons: Ben Dunlap: The life-long learner

“Ben Dunlap is a true polymath, whose talents span poetry, opera, ballet, literature and administration.He is the president of South Carolina’s Wofford College.”

Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything

“Tim Ferriss is author of bestsellerThe 4-Hour Workweek, a self-improvement program of four steps: defining aspirations, managing time, creating automatic income and escaping the trappings of the 9-to-5 life.”

Terry Moore: How to tie your shoes

“Terry Moore is the director of the Radius Foundation, a forum for exploring and gaining insight from different worldviews.”

JJ Abrams: The mystery box

“Writer, director and producer J.J.Abrams makes smart, addictive dramas like TV's Lost, and films like Cloverfield and the new Star Trek.”

Performance: Kenichi Ebina's magic moves

“Self-taught dancer Kenichi Ebina blends hip-hop, martial arts, modern dance, magic and a blast of pop culture in his mesmerizing performances.”

Rives: If I controlled the Internet …

“Performance artist and storyteller Rives has been called ”the first 2.0 poet,“ using images, video and technology to bring his words to life.”

Science: Aubrey de Grey: A roadmap to end aging “Aubrey de Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging.He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born.”

Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes

“Elaine Morgan is an octogenarian scientist, armed with an arsenal of television writing credits and feminist instincts, on a mission to prove humans evolved in water.”

VS Ramachandran: 3 clues to understanding your brain

“Neurologist V.S.Ramachandran looks deep into the brain’s most basic mechanisms.By working with those who have very specific mental disabilities caused by brain injury or stroke, he can map functions of the mind to physical structures of the brain.”

Stephen Petranek counts down to Armageddon

“When he was editor-in-chief ofDiscover magazine, Stephen Petranek tangled with questions as big as the universe.Here he confronts the biggest question on the planet: What are the 10 most likely ways that life on the Earth could end?”

Society: Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action“In 2009, Simon Sinek released the book ”Start With Why“--a synopsis of the theory he has begun using to teach others how to become effective leaders and inspire change.”

Derek Sivers: How to start a movement

“Through his new project, MuckWork, Derek Sivers wants to lessen the burdens(and boredom)of creative people.”

Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world

“Reality is broken, says Jane McGonigal, and we need to make it work more like a game.Her work shows us how.”

Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds

“Through groundbreaking research and the lens of her own autism, Temple Grandin brings startling insight into two worlds.”

Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread

“Seth Godin is an entrepreneur and blogger who thinks about the marketing of ideas in the digital age.His newest interest: the tribes we lead.”

Jonas Eliasson: How to solve traffic jams“Jonas Eliasson is dedicated to researching transportation flow, analyzing how people think about their commutes and what can influence their travel decisions.”

Larry Lessig: Laws that choke creativity “The U.S.Congress is broken, and law professor and legal activist Lawrence Lessig wants you to help him fix it.In ”Republic, Lost,“ he tells you how.”

Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce“Detective of fads and emerging subcultures, chronicler of jobs-you-never-knew-existed, Malcolm Gladwell's work is toppling the popular understanding of bias, crime, food, marketing, race, consumers and intelligence.”

Jason Fried: Why work doesn't happen at work“Jason Fried thinks deeply about collaboration, productivity and the nature of work.He's the co-founder of 37signals, makers of Basecamp and other web-based collaboration tools, and co-author of Rework.”

Entrepreneurship: Thulasiraj Ravilla: How low-cost eye care can be world-class

“Thulasiraj Ravilla is the executive director of the Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology, helping eye-care hospitals around the world build capacity to prevent blindness.”

Amos Winter: The cheap all-terrain wheelchair

”Amos Winter and his team at MIT built the Leveraged Freedom Chair, a cheap lever-powered wheelchair whose design and develop put the user first.“

Economics: George Ayittey on Cheetahs vs.Hippos

“Economist George Ayittey sees Africa's future as a fight between Hippos--complacent, greedy bureaucrats wallowing in the muck--and Cheetahs, the fast-moving, entrepreneurial leaders and citizens who will rebuild Africa.”

Music: Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music“A leading interpreter of Mahler and Beethoven, Benjamin Zander is known for his charisma and unyielding energy--and for his brilliant pre-concert talks.”

China: Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China

“Yang Lan is often called “the Oprah of China.” The chair of a multiplatform business empire, Yang is pioneering more-open means of communication in the communist nation.”

Hans Rosling: Asia's rise--how and when

“In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings.Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life.And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus.”

Leslie T.Chang: The voices of China's workers “In her reporting and writing, Leslie T.Chang explores the lives of workers in China, focusing on the experience of women.”

Not From TED: But they're so good you can't ignore them Randy Pausch: Really achieving your childhood dreams

“Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch motivated thousands of students with his passionate teaching.Millions more around the world found inspiration in his moving 'Last Lecture.'”

Bobby McFerrin plays...the audience!

“Listening to Bobby McFerrin sing may be hazardous to your preconceptions.Side effects may include unparalleled joy, a new perspective on creativity, rejection of the predictable, and a sudden, irreversible urge to lead a more spontaneous existence.”

Jeff Bezos: What matters more than your talents

“As founder and CEO of Amazon.com, Jeff Bezos defined online shopping and rewrote the rules of commerce, ushering in a new era in business.Timemagazine named him Man of the Year in 1999.”


She reflected the current situation of China.We want to be rich, we want to be respected , we want to be democratic, we want to be happy and we are on our way to it!1 day ago: Your mistake and downfall is your want--need--obsession--for being rich.You will not find happiness in money.You might live a more comfortable life, even see more of the world--but like consuming name brands--it only makes you happy for a short time--and then crash, and need another fix.Narcotic capitalism.True happiness is within.The man who has nothing, if he wants to,can have everything.Give, don't take.Be.BMW and Nike and Apple is not the meaning of life--its is the destruction of it.find out more.JZ Wang +1Edit Delete Reply Yang intentionally choose to ignore the key reason that underlines all of serious social problems, as well as people's disappointment and anger Actually, she is focusing on letting the world know what situation we face in China at present, numbers of problems looking for solutions.IT IS complicated but we are now experiencing.going to a university does not make you educated or intelligent or a critical thinker)I do appreciate YANG Lan for telling the world about these.At least all the examples she uses are what were once a hot topic in mainland China.And they are much more updated than what the outside world tend to believe.I think these examples truly reflect the young generation in China today, and how they are responding and transferring the Chinese society.I think she only “truly reflect some of the young generation in China”, I believe she can do something more.James Yao +6Edit Delete

A real patriot is not the one that blindly praises his own country even the country is in real problems, but one that humbly learn from others and find solutions to build a better country.The country's future lies not in good praises alone, but in good actions with real results that deserver good praises.stepping on TED stage to her is just a show, not spreading ideas.she has no valuable ideas.as far as this speech is concerned.I hope more native Chinese can stand here and tell whole world how China looks like now and what will be in the future.I know there are lots of problems in China right now, but I really believe that things are going better.The quickly improvement of internet in China is one example.The media is opening out in some extent, much better than ten years ago, I think.Actually, I feel lucky that I was born after the policy of reformation and opening, and that I am living in the era of China with peace.The elder generation, our parents, they were working very very hard for decades to achieve a high-speed increasing economy.As my father told, when he married with my mother nearly thirty years ago, what they possessed were only few articles of furniture in a very small room, less than 20 meter square.And both my parents did not have the opportunity to gain education for the poverty at that time.Though the soaring housing price make a great amount of young people(plain office workers)despaired, the situation is much better than our parents when they were young.As young people, we are often dissatisfied with a lot of phenomenon in China and like to complain the government’s ability together.However, I believe deep in my heart that the government is trying to do its best(上有政策,下有对策), and China is developing all the time.And we are the generation to achieve it, remaking China and building a better society for the next generation.Just like our parents work for us.We are on the way!TED is one of my favorite website for its purpose that to spread great ideas from the whole world.But it is a pity that there are so few native Chinese to give lecture here.Hope for more such lecture in the future.China needs to introduce itself to the world.Yafim Simanovsky +7Edit Delete Reply I think she is taking a very Eastern approach towards the talkchinese media is no exception to this rule.The “real” China is difficult to grasp, as well as the “real” West.Is the West treated equally in chinese Media? I can read chinese and I found chinese media being biased as wellsomething we have in common.China is treated unfairly by western media.Well, please take a number-America is treated unfairly as well by german Medial, Africa, South-America...And personally I am tired of the “you can´t speak chinese so you don´t get the real China” argument.Sometimes it might be true, but any other time it is just an excuse.Can every Chinese explain to me the real China? Can every Westerner explain whats really going on in America, Italy, Spain? Samuel Morse 0Edit Delete Reply Oct 4 2011: Hey Ray, I live in Ninbo right now, and I do know some people who speak English, but none so well as this speaker...just sayin' Arthur Borges 50+ 0Edit Delete Reply 6 days ago: I'm afraid we still have the stereotype of the man in the local Chinese laundry who can't pronounce their “R”s correctly.Never mind that R is a problem for Cantonese rather than Mainlanders in general.And for most of the world, “Chinese” food is actually Cantonese cooking because historically, that's where most emigrants hailed from.Benjamin Blank 0Edit Delete Reply 5 days ago: At most it is ignorant not to speak and write Chinese.....isn't it implying that the Chinese are dangerous for Westerners not to speak and write Chinese? Welcome to the Lazy west.Chinese influence is inevitable everywhere, and at some level all of us know that.It is the idea that Chinese are “foreign” that is dangerous.We will adapt when the info is in our face, everything is completely in our face here.A little numb, but not completely stupid and fat.All of us in the world have something to offer that is probably vital for our evolution as humans, otherwise extinction would be a fact.It is learning each other that is the most amazing part of living now, something we did not have at this level of intensity in the past.When the “real” Global Social Network arrives I will be happy to argue on.Joy Zhang 0Edit Delete Reply 4 days ago: Can't agree with you too much Stefan Alexiev 0Edit Delete Reply 5 days ago: I feel like the latest generation can change the world everywhere.We now have the sources through which we can speak and be heard and we do not have to listen to the manipulated, biased, and corrupt mainstream media.We now how our own voices and we can build followings of like minded people and make things happen.For example the current financial crisis, Occupy Wall Street Movement, and more on the financial related news can be found on sites like http://www.xiexiebang.com/ which are unbiased, individually run, and have no interest in bringing you false information.We can eventually block out mainstream media, stop being follower sheep, and think for ourselves because the truth is out there through blogs and other media.Load more comments…



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