土木工程专业英语讲稿Lesson_2 Building and Architecture五篇范文

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第一篇:土木工程专业英语讲稿Lesson_2 Building and Architecture

Lesson 2 Building and Architecture



The purpose of a building is to provide a shelter for the performance of human activities.


From the time of the cave dwellers to the present,one of the first needs of man has been a shelter from the elements.


In a more general sense, the art of building encompasses all of man’s efforts to control its environment and direct natural forces to his own needs.


This art includes,in addition to buildings,all the civil engineering structures such as dams,canals,tunnels,aqueducts,and bridges.


The scientific basis for the design of buildings as shelters and for the design of civil engineering structures for other purposes is identical.


It is only as a result of the specialized requirements of our modern society that these two fields have developed along separate paths.


In a similar manner,the master builder concerned with the building as a shelter is no longer an individual;instead,his work is done by a team of several specialists:the planner,the architect,the engineer,and the builder.


The execution of a modern building depends on the collective talents of this team.


The form of a building is an outgrowth of its function,its environment,and various socioeconomic factors.


An apartment building,an office building,and a school differ in form because of the difference in the functions they fulfill.


In an apartment building every habitable space,such as living rooms and bedrooms,must have natural light from windows while bathrooms and kitchens can have artificial light and therefore can be in the interior of the building.


This set of requirements places a natural limit on the depth of an apartment building.


In office buildings,on the other hand,artificial light is accepted for more uniform illumination,and therefore the depth of such buildings is not limited by a need for natural light.


Environment may affect both the shape and appearance of a building.


An urban school may create its own environment by using blank walls to seal out the city completely,and a country school may develop as an integral part of the landscape,even though both schools fulfill the same function.


A prestige office building will be more generously budgeted form than other office buildings.


The bulk of a building and its outline may be limited by zoning restrictions.建筑物大小和轮廓可能为区划所限制。

In all these examples,buildings with similar functions take on different forms.



Architecture is the art of building.


Virtually all architecture is concerned with the enclosure of space for human use.实质上建筑学是与供人使用的围合空间有关的科学。

The precise activities to be housed in any specific building--ranging from an assembly line in a factory to a living room in a home--should dictate the size and shape of the several areas within.


These spaces also must be arranged in some logical relation to each other.


Furthermore,the movement of human beings within the building--“circulation” in architectural parlance--requires halls,stairs,or elevators whose size is governed by the expected load of traffic.


The plan of a structure,always the first consideration of an architect,is the resolution of these different purposes into an organization of spaces that will fulfill the intent of the building.


Good planning guides the visitor to his destination in the structure and impresses him,perhaps subconsciously,by visibly relating the several units of the edifice.


Conversely,a bad plan results in inconvenience,waste,and visual confusion. 相反,规划较差将造成不便、浪费和视觉混乱。

Furthermore,a structure must be well built;it should have such permanence as the purpose for which it is intended demands and as the mate edifice materials chosen may allow.


The raw materials of architecture—stone,brick,wood,steel,or glass—in part govern the forms of the building and are expressed by them.


Stone can resist compression,the force that squeezes together,almost indefinitely.


While it is possible to crush stone in a laboratory,for practical purposes its compressive strength is unlimited.


On the other hand,stone is weak in withstanding tension,the force that pulls apart.


Any beam spanning a void tends to bend downward between the supports,putting the lower half of the beam under tension.


It follows from the tensile weakness of stone that beams of this material must be comparatively short and supported at frequent intervals.


Moreover,stone columns must be sturdy,rarely more than 10 times as high as they are wide.


In stone buildings,windows,doors,and the spaces between columns are almost compelled to be taller than they are wide—the vertical rectangle of the stone aesthetic.


Stone has been so dominant in the architecture of the Western world that forms appropriate to it have been preserved even in buildings constructed of wood,as in the American Georgian period.


Stone,then,lends itself to the kind of construction in which walls support the floors and roof,to post and lintel construction with rather closely spaced columns,and to arch construction where the stresses are predominantly compressive.

在这个时期,石料主要用于支撑楼板和屋顶的墙、与密排柱一起施工的柱和过梁及拱梁。Wood and Steel

Wood,a fibrous material,withstands tension as readily as it does compression.木材是一种坚韧的材料,既可抗拉也可抗压。

Wooden beams may be relatively longer than stone beams,and wooden posts slender and widely spaced.


A horizontal rectangle,wider than it is high,results from the natural properties of wood,as may be seen in Japanese architecture.


Steel also has tensile strength that is equal to or greater than its compressive strength.


Anyone who has observed a steel building under construction must have noticed the gridiron of horizontal rectangles produced by the slender,widely spaced columns and the long beams of each floor.


The nature of wood and of steel suggests frame construction—a skeleton to support floors and roof—with whatever surfacing material may be necessary.


Wood and steel also permit cantilever construction in which beams project beyond the last point of support.


Finally,architecture must do more than meet the physical requirements of strength and space;it must also,content the spirit of man.


The building should form an aesthetic unity to which the several parts contribute.


Thus,the sides and rear of a structure should bear sufficient correspondence to the front to make them all related parts of a single whole.


The major internal divisions,too,require some expression in the external design.The nave,aisles,transepts,apse,and radiating chapels of Gothic cathedrals,for example,are all visible on the exterior,so that the visitor is subconsciously prepared for what he will find inside.


Architecture calls for good proportions—a pleasing relationship of voids to solids,of height to width,of length to breadth.


Many attempts have been made to explain good proportions by mathematical formulas,such as the golden section.


These efforts have not found general acceptance,however,although good results have been achieved through the repetition of some dimension(for example,a module that is half the diameter of a column)throughout the design.Such repetitions help to produce the visible order that the human mind seems to crave.


A building also should have what architects call scale;that is,it should visually convey its true size.


Such elements as benches,steps,or balustrades,though slightly variable in size,are,by their very purpose,related to the normal dimensions of human beings.


They therefore become,almost imperceptibly,units of measurement for gauging the size of the whole edifice.


Because these units are so small in comparison to the whole building,other elements of intermediate size are needed.


Stairs and a balustrade may give a clue to the size of a doorway;that,in turn,to the height of a colonnade;and finally,the colonnade to the whole structure.


The Petit Trianon at Versailles is perfect in scale.The absence of small elements in St.Peter’s in Rome makes it difficult to perceive its vastness.


Although all decoration is rejected in some modern architecture,it was employed in the past either for its inherent beauty or to emphasize some point of importance in the building.虽然在某些现代建筑中极少使用装饰装修,但过去却使用较多,这或是由于其天然的美感,或是为了强调建筑物某一部分的重要性。

Decoration or ornament may be used to contribute the character,the visible expression of the purpose of the building.装饰装修可用来表达建筑物的特征,即成为其用途的视觉表现形式。

Thus a bank should look like a bank,and a church should be immediately identifiable as such.因此,银行看起来就像银行,而教堂则应该立刻被认出是教堂。

Ideally,too,any building should seem to belong on its site,with some relationship to its architectural neighbors and the local geography.


Through the related architectural forms shaped by their purpose,governed by the materials,proportioned and given scale and character by the designer,buildings become expressions of the ideals and aspirations of the generations that built them.The successive styles of historic architecture are incarnations of the spirit of their times.



水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土 concrete强度 strength 非线性 nonlinear桩 pile刚性 rigid隧道 tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force

位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性 plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear

正应力 normal stress路面 pavement

钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度 compressive strength 土木工程 civil engineering岩体力学 rock mass mechanics粒径 grain diameter 容许应力 allowable stress土力学 soil mechanics斜拉桥 cable stayed bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑 civil architecture地质成因 geologic origin临界截面 choking section

岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point

横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error

预应力混凝土 priestessed concrete先张法 pretensioning concrete 后张法 post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测 soil investiagation

在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。These two kinds of stress, the former is a compressive stress, which is the tensile stress.许多情况下可能会指派土木工程师参与其他项目的工作。In many cases, civil

engineers may be assigned to engaged in the work of other projects.需要强调数学、力学、计算机技术在土木工程应用中的重要性。It should be stressed that mathematics, mechanics and computer applications in civil engineering is importance.钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。Basic

materials are steel and concrete bridge construction, the main disadvantage is the low tensile strength of concrete.混凝土的抗压强度是水泥、骨料、水及混合料中所含的各种添加剂的用量所控制。它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中它们能减少水泥硬化时释放出的热量。They are mainly used for large dams;dams in the heat they can reduce cement hardening release.They are mainly used for large dams, the dam in which they can reduce hardening of the cement when the heat release.水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土 concrete强度 strength 非线性 nonlinear桩 pile刚性 rigid隧道 tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force

位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性 plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear

正应力 normal stress路面 pavement

钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度 compressive strength 土木工程 civil engineering岩体力学 rock mass mechanics粒径 grain diameter 容许应力 allowable stress土力学 soil mechanics斜拉桥 cable stayed bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑 civil architecture地质成因 geologic origin临界截面 choking section

岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point

横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error

预应力混凝土 priestessed concrete先张法 pretensioning concrete 后张法 post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测 soil investiagation

在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。These two kinds of stress, the former is a compressive stress, which is the tensile stress.许多情况下可能会指派土木工程师参与其他项目的工作。In many cases, civil

engineers may be assigned to engaged in the work of other projects.需要强调数学、力学、计算机技术在土木工程应用中的重要性。It should be stressed that mathematics, mechanics and computer applications in civil engineering is importance.钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。Basic

materials are steel and concrete bridge construction, the main disadvantage is the low tensile strength of concrete.混凝土的抗压强度是水泥、骨料、水及混合料中所含的各种添加剂的用量所控制。它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中它们能减少水泥硬化时释放出的热量。They are mainly used for large dams;dams in the heat they can reduce cement hardening release.They are mainly used for large dams, the dam in which they can reduce hardening of the cement when the heat release.水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土 concrete强度 strength 非线性 nonlinear桩 pile刚性 rigid隧道 tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force

位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性 plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear

正应力 normal stress路面 pavement

钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度 compressive strength 土木工程 civil engineering岩体力学 rock mass mechanics粒径 grain diameter 容许应力 allowable stress土力学 soil mechanics斜拉桥 cable stayed bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑 civil architecture地质成因 geologic origin临界截面 choking section

岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point

横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error

预应力混凝土 priestessed concrete先张法 pretensioning concrete 后张法 post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测 soil investiagation

在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。These two kinds of stress, the former is a compressive stress, which is the tensile stress.许多情况下可能会指派土木工程师参与其他项目的工作。In many cases, civil

engineers may be assigned to engaged in the work of other projects.需要强调数学、力学、计算机技术在土木工程应用中的重要性。It should be stressed that mathematics, mechanics and computer applications in civil engineering is importance.钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。Basic

materials are steel and concrete bridge construction, the main disadvantage is the low tensile strength of concrete.混凝土的抗压强度是水泥、骨料、水及混合料中所含的各种添加剂的用量所控制。它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中它们能减少水泥硬化时释放出的热量。They are mainly used for large dams;dams in the heat they can reduce cement hardening release.They are mainly used for large dams, the dam in which they can reduce hardening of the cement when the heat release.

第三篇:土木工程专业英语讲稿Lesson_8 Bridge Design and Construction

Lesson 8 Bridge Design and Construction


Planning 规划

The first step leading to the construction of a modern major bridge is a comprehensive study to determine whether a bridge is needed.建一座现代化大型桥梁的第一步就是广泛研究并确定建桥的必要性。

If it is to be a highway bridge, in the United States for example, a planning study is initiated by a state bridge authority, possibly in cooperation with local governments or the federal government.比如在美国,如果要建一座公路桥梁,州桥梁专家发起规划研究,且需要与当地政府或联邦政府合作。

Studies are made to estimate the amount of bridge traffic, the relief of jammed traffic in nearby highway networks, the effects on the regional economy, and the cost of the bridge.要评估过桥的交通量,能否缓解附近公路网交通拥堵情况,对区域经济的影响以及桥的造价。

The means for financing the project, such as public taxes or sale of revenue bonds repaid by toll charges, are considered.还要考虑工程资金的筹措,如公共税收,或通过收取过路过桥费偿还借贷的国债。

If the studies lead to a decision to go ahead with the project, the land needed for the bridge and its approaches is acquired at the selected site.At this point, field engineering work is started.若经过研究决定要实施路桥工程,那么就需要征用选址处的建桥用地和建设通向桥址的道路占地。此后,现场工作便开始了。

Accurate land surveys are made.Tides, flood conditions, currents, and other characteristics of the waterway are carefully studied.Boring samples of soil and rock are taken at possible foundation locations, both on land and under the water.现场要做好精确的勘测工作。潮汐、洪水状况、水流以及航道特点等都要进行仔细研究。尽量在基础施工现场(包括岸上和水下)进行土体和岩石的钻孔取样。

Selection of bridge design 桥梁设计的选择

The chief factors in deciding whether a bridge will be built as a girder, cantilever, truss, arch, suspension, or some other type are:(1)location; for example, across a river;(2)purposes;for example, a bridge for carrying motor vehicles;(3)span length;(4)strength of available materials;(5)cost;(6)beauty and harmony with the location.决定将桥建成梁桥、悬臂桥、桁架桥、拱桥、悬索桥还是其他类型桥的主要因素有:(1)桥梁位置;如跨越河流;(2)用途,如汽车运输;(3)跨距;(4)可用材料强度;(5)造价;(6)美观以及与场地环境的协调性。

Each type of bridge is most effective and economical only within a certain range of span lengths, shown in the following table:


As indicated in the table, there is a considerable overlap in the range of applicability of the various types.表中数据表明,不同类型桥的跨距值存在相当大的交叠。

In some cases, alternative preliminary designs are prepared for several types of bridge in order to have a better basis for making the final selection.有时,为了使最终方案论据充分,通常要准备多种类型桥梁设计方案进行初步比较。

Selection of materials 选材

The bridge designer can select from a number of modern high-strength materials, including concrete, steel, and a wide variety of corrosion-resistant alloy steels.桥梁设计人员可以选择多种现代高强材料,如混凝土、钢材和不同类型的抗腐蚀合金钢。

For the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, for example, the designer used at least seven different kinds alloy steel, one of which has a yield strength of 50, 000 pounds per square inch(psi)(3, 515 kg/sq cm)and does not need to be painted because an oxide coating forms on its surface and inhibits corrosion.比如,维拉扎诺海峡大桥的设计者用了至少7种不同类型的合金钢,其中任何一种的屈服强度都达到3, 515 kg/平方厘米, 而且无需喷涂,因为在其表面已经形成了氧化层可以抑制侵蚀。

The designer also can select steel wires for suspension cables that have tensile strengths up to 250, 000 psi(17, 577 kg/sq cm).设计人员还可以选择抗拉强度高达250000磅每平方英寸的钢丝束作悬索。

Concrete with compressive strengths as high as 8,000 psi(562.5 kg/sq am)can now be produced for use in bridges, and it can be given high durability against chipping and weathering by the addition of special chemical agents and control of the hardening process.如今用于桥梁的混凝土其抗压强度高达8000psi。通过添加特殊的化学添加剂可控制硬化过程;这种砼使用年限长,可抗剥落和抗风化。

Concrete that has been prestressed and reinforced with steel wires has a tensile strength of 250, 000 psi(17, 577 kg/sq cm).预应力混凝土和钢筋混凝土的抗拉强度为250000psi。

Other useful materials for bridges include aluminum alloys and wood.其他建桥材料还包括铝合金和木材。

Modern structural aluminum alloys have yield strengths exceeding 40,000 psi(2,812 kg/sq cm).现代结构使用的铝合金其屈服强度超过40000psi。

Laminated strips of wood glued together can be made into beams with strengths twice that of natural timbers;glue-laminated southern pine, for example, can bear working stresses approaching 3,000 psi(210.9 kg/sq cm).多层胶合木材能制成强度比普通木材多一倍的梁。比如,层压胶合的南方松木,能承受接近3000psi的有效应力。Analysis of forces 受力分析

A bridge must resist a complex combination of tension, compression, bending, shear, and torsion forces.桥梁必须能抵抗拉、压、弯、剪和扭的合力作用。

In addition, the structure must provide a safety factor as insurance against failure.此外,结构还必须保有抵抗破坏的安全系数。

The calculation of the precise nature of the individual stresses and strains in the structure, called analysis, is perhaps the most technically complex aspect of bridge building.精确计算结构的应力和应变变化,称为受力分析,这也许是桥梁建造技术中最繁复的方面。

The goal of analysis is to determine all of the forces that may act on each structural member.受力分析的目的是确定可能作用在每个构件上的所有力。

The forces that act on bridge structural members are produced by two kinds of loads—static and dynamic.这些力分为两种:静荷载和动荷载。

The static load—the dead weight of the bridge structure itself—is usually the greatest load.静荷载——桥梁结构本身的恒载——通常是最大的荷载。

The dynamic, or live load, has components, including vehicles carried by the bridge, wind forces, and accumulations of ice and snow.动荷载,或活荷载,有很多分力组成,包括桥梁承担的交通工具的作用、风力和冰雪堆积物的作用。

Although the total weight of the vehicles moving over a bridge at any time is generally a small fraction of the static and dynamic load, it presents special problems to the bridge designer because of the vibration and impact stresses created by moving vehicles.尽管桥上移动车辆的总重任何时候都只是静、动荷载的一小部分,但因为车辆的移动会产生振动和冲击,所以对于桥梁设计人员而言这仍然是一个需要特别注意的问题。

For example, the severe impacts caused by irregularities of vehicle motion or bumps in the roadway may momentarily double the effect of the live load on the bridge.比如,由公路上车辆移动或颠簸的不规则性产生的剧烈冲击可以瞬间使得动荷载对桥梁的影响倍增。

Wind exerts force on a bridge both directly by striking the bridge structure and indirectly by striking vehicles that are crossing the bridge.风通过直接作用于桥梁结构和间接作用于穿过桥梁的车辆上而对桥梁施加荷载。

If the wind induces aeroelastic vibration, as in the case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, its effect may be greatly amplified.如果风引起空气弹性振动,就像塔科马海峡大桥的情况一样,其效应可能会被无 限放大。

Because of this danger, the bridge designer makes provisions for the strongest winds that may occur at the bridge location.因此,桥梁设计人员采取措施对可能作用在桥梁上的最大风力做出防范。

Other forces that may act on the bridge, such as stresses created by earthquake tremors, must also be provided for.其他可能作用在桥梁上的力,如地震作用,也须加以预防。

Special attention must often be given to the design of the bridge piers, since heavy loads may be imposed on them by currents, waves, and f1oating ice and debris.设计时必须特别留心,因为桥墩要遭受水流、波浪、浮冰和碎块产生的重荷冲击。

Occasionally a pier may even be hit by a passing ship.有时,桥墩甚至可能被一艘过往的船只撞到。

Electronic computers are playing an ever-increasing role in assisting bridge designers in the analysis of forces.电子计算机在桥梁设计人员进行受力分析的过程中起到了越来越重要的作用。

The use of precise model testing, particularly for studying the dynamic behavior of bridges, also helps designers.使用精确的模型进行测试对设计人员会有所帮助,尤其是在桥梁动力特性的研究过程中。

A scaled-down model of the bridge is constructed, and various gauges to measure strains, accelerations, and deformations are placed on the model.有时还要建造桥梁的缩尺模型,并且在模型上安装能测量应变、加速度和变形的各种测量仪器。

The model bridge is then subjected to various scaled-down loads or dynamic conditions to find out what will happen.然后,对模型桥梁施加不同的按比例缩减的荷载或动力条件来观测结果。

Wind tunnel tests may also be made to ensure that nothing like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge failure can occur.可能还要进行风洞实验,以确保不再发生像塔科马海峡大桥一样的破坏事件。

With modern technological aids, there is much less chance of bridge failure than in the past.在现代技术的帮助下,桥梁损坏的几率比起过去小得多。Construction the foundations 桥梁基础的施工

Construction starts with the foundations, which may cost almost as much as the superstructure.桥梁施工是从基础开始,这部分的造价可能和上部结构差不多。

Foundations built in water usually present the greatest difficulties.通常水中修建桥梁基础遇到的困难最多。

One of the older methods, which is still used in shallow waters, is to erect cofferdams similar to the ring of closely spaced piles that the Romans used.在浅水区仍然使用较原始的方法,即修建围堰,这类似于罗马人使用过的环形密 排桩。

For constructing foundations in deep water, caissons have long been used.深水区内基础施工,一直都采用沉箱法。

The caisson, which is a huge box closed on all sides except the bottom, is lowered onto the river bed.沉箱是指除了底面的所有面都被密封起来的巨大箱体,它被沉降到河床上。

Workers inside the caisson, which is filled with compressed air to keep out the water, dig deeper and deeper, and the caisson sinks as the digging proceeds.箱体内充满压缩空气而将水排出。施工人员在箱体内开挖的越来越深,箱体随着开挖的进行而下沉。

When a suitable depth is reached, the caisson is filled with concrete and becomes part of the foundation itself.当到达适当深度时,箱体内浇筑混凝土,而后沉箱就成为基础的一部分。

Another deep-water method, less hazardous and less costly than the caisson method, uses steel or concrete piles.另一种比沉箱方法危险性更小、更经济的深水基础施工法是使用钢桩或混凝土桩。

With modern pile drivers, long heavy piles can be driven even in deep water.The piles can be cut off and capped either above the water level or below it.If they are capped below the water level, a prefabricated hollow pier case is floated out to the site, sunk on the piles, and then filled with concrete to form the pier.现代打桩工具能把长重桩夯入深水中,在水面或水下截桩并套上桩帽。若在水下套上桩帽,那么要将预制好的中空墩架运到现场,沉到桩头上,然后浇筑混凝土形成桥墩。

Erecting the superstructure 上部结构施工

After all piers and abutments are in place, the erection of the superstructure begins.The method of construction used depends largely on the type of bridge being built.There are six construction methods:falsework, flotation, cantilevering, sliding, direct lifting, and suspension.所有的墩台完工后,就开始上部结构的施工。施工方法很大程度取决于建造的桥梁类型。共有六种施工方法:临时支架法、浮船施工法、悬臂法、滑动施工法、直接起吊法和悬索法。

In falsework construction, mainly used in building concrete arch bridges, metal or wood supports are built temporarily to support the erection.临时支架法,主要用于混凝土拱桥的施工,搭建临时金属支架或木支架支撑结构。

A great deal of ingenuity is often required just to erect the falsework, especially for structures over swift rivers or deep canyons.Temporary piles and trestles are commonly used in wide shallow rivers.通常要求脚手架搭建要做工熟练,特别是对湍急河流和深山峡谷的结构施工有用。一般在宽浅的河流中搭设临时桩柱和脚手架。

In the floatation method, mainly used in building long bridges, large bridge sections are prefabricated on shore and floated out on barges to the bridge site.The sections are then hoisted into place, either by floating derricks or by winches placed on previously constructed sections of the bridge.浮船施工方法,主要用于长桥施工。先在岸上预制好型的桥梁部件,用驳船运到施工地点。然后用移动的起重机或用桥上事先固定好的绞盘把这些部件吊装到位。

The cantilevering technique is used not only for cantilever bridges but also for steel arch bridges.Construction starts at an abutment and extends toward the center piece by piece.Moving derricks and cranes on the completed portion of the structure handle the heavy material.悬臂技术不仅用于悬臂桥而且也用于钢拱桥。施工是从桥台开始,向着中间一段一段地延伸。在部分已完工结构上移动吊车起吊超重材料。

Sliding construction is used only rarely.In this method, a prefabricated unit, such as a truss, is erected on shore and slid out over a temporary or permanent support until it comes to rest on another support.滑动施工法很少使用。它事先在岸上制作好预制构件,比如桁架,然后在临时或永久的支架上滑运直到它静置在另一个支座上。

In the direct lifting method, mainly used for light, short-span highway bridges a prefabricated bridge unit is lifted by a hoist and swung directly onto the bridge supports.直接吊装法,主要适用于轻型、短跨的公路桥,预制好的桥梁构件用起重机起吊,直接摆放到桥梁支座上。

In all methods of construction, it is necessary to determine the stresses and deformations at every stage of construction.Stresses in a partly completed bridge—constructed by the cantilever method—can exceed the stresses in a completed bridge because of the totally different conditions of support and loading.在所有的施工方法中,每个施工阶段都必须确定应力和变形。在悬臂法施工的桥梁中,因为完全不同的支撑和荷载条件,部分完工桥梁中的应力会超过竣工桥梁中的应力。

When the roadway is surfaced, and signs, lighting, guardrails, and other accessories are installed, the bridge is ready for use.当铺好路面,安装好标志牌、照明设施、栏杆和其他的附属设施后,桥梁即可投入使用。



土木工程civil engineering

钢结构steel struture

钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete structure

钢结构设计规范Code for design of steel structure reinforced concrete beds钢筋混凝土地基 reinforced concrete footing 钢筋混凝土基脚 reinforced concrete canopy 钢筋混凝土顶盖 reinforced concrete foundation 钢筋混凝土基础 reinforced concrete pile钢筋混凝土桩 reinforced concrete plate钢筋混凝土板

reinforced concrete T beam 钢筋混凝土T形梁 reinforcement加强 加固

reinforcing rib 加紧肋

reinforcing mesh 钢筋网

reinforcing rod钢筋, 钢筋条

reinforcing agent 增强剂

reinforcing bars 配筋





初步设计preliminary design


承载能力load-carrying capacity

脆断brittle fracture

强度标准值characteristic value of strength 强度设计值design value of strength

一阶弹性分析 first order elastic analysis

二阶弹性分析 second order elastic analysis 屈曲buckling

腹板屈曲后强度 post-buckling strength of web plate



专业英语是在大学基础英语之后结合专业知识进一步提高学生英语水平而设置的一门主干课程,是大学英语和研究生英语教学中一个重要的环节。当前,科学技术发展迅速,科技信息发达,能够直接及时地获取专业信息、掌握专业发展动态是工程技术人员和科研人员需要具备的基本能力,进行各种涉外合作和学术交流都要求专业人员熟练掌握专业英语。因此,培养阅读理解和翻译英文专业文献的能力,培养专业英语的写作能力和一定的语言交际能力都是非常重要的。1 专业词汇的学习

1.1 通过构词法学习专业词汇

从构词法的角度来解析土木工程专业词汇的来龙去脉,便于记忆单词,扩大词汇量。1.2 通过具体语言环境学习专业词汇

简单重复记忆某个专业词汇是一种方法,但显得枯燥,记忆效果往往不佳,容易忘记。如果把专业词汇融入具体的语言环境中,词汇的记忆一般长久牢固,不容易忘记。实现这种方法的途径就是大量阅读专业英语材料。1.3 通过写作学习词汇

在拥有一定的词汇量以后,写作表达或口语表达都能促进词汇的学习。2 翻译技能的学习


2.1 掌握翻译的基本理论知识

翻译是一门学科,经过千百年来翻译家的共同努力,已经在语言学、文学、文化、心理学、人类学、哲学和教育学等学科的基础上初步建立了一套理论体系,并在具体实践中总结出了一套行之有效的跨文化和语言转换模式。2.2 掌握专业英语的常用句式结构


2.3 进行翻译实践练习

翻译是一项创造性的语言活动,具有很强的实践性。2.4 通过阅读提高翻译能力



3.1 大声朗读专业英语材料

大声反复地朗读专业英语材料,锻炼英语的发音,语调与节奏,培养语感,使口腔各发音部位灵活,提高口语表达能力,并增加对专业词汇的熟悉程度。3.2 设立场景进行实际训练

3~5 人组成一组,设立实际场景扮演不同的角色进行练习。3.3 多参加以英语为媒介的专题讲座


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