A Typical City Sewer System: Washington D.C.Modern urban sewage treatment can best be described by reference to a specific city.The Washington D.C.system has many aspects typical of any large modern city, though its early history is not representative of many others.The town’s first bathtubs were installed in the White House and the Capitol, for the members of Congress in the 1840s;in 1850 the U.S.Congress authorized the Corps of the Engineers of the U.S.Army to develop a city-wide water supply from the Potomac River.At this point Washington caught up with New York, London, and Paris, which were also encountering the problem of disposing of used water along with wastes.Washington’s solution was the same as that of other cities;the existing system of culverts and drains, built for street drainage only, was extended and developed into a sewer system for the disposal of domestic waste water from residence , government offices, and businesses.The system followed the drainage pattern of the city street network and in general made a system of pipes with a sewer available to each private property.At the same time, again in common with other cities, streets drains wee built to empty into the nearest surface watercourse without any thought of degradation of the water quality.This was in spite of the fact that an engineering study and report(1890)recommended that all extensions of the sewer system separate storm runoff from domestic waste water.With continued growth of the city, the District of Columbia constructed in the first decade of the 20thcentury a series of intercepting sewers and a pumping station to lift the domestic waste water into an outfall line for discharge into the Potomac River south of the city.At the same time, pumping facilities were installed for the lifting of storm water drainage directly into the nearly Anacostia River.It was impossible to keep domestic and storm flow completely separate, but practical separation was attempted.With he accelerated growth of the 1920s , concern over pollution of the Potomac increased.The Potomac estuary had a remarkable ability to assimilate pollution because of the large “flats” on both sides of the river that were kept in a state of constant circulation by tidal variations, but a study made by the Public Health Service in 1932 revealed that the river was in such a condition that low flow would bring about serious pollution effects.As a result, Congress decided to proceed with the construcation of facilities for the treatment of waste water.This again was in line with decisions being made in many U.S.and European cities at the same period.Treatment plan at Blue Plains.During 1934-38 a plant was constructed on the left bank of the Potomac in the part of the city known as Blue Plains to accommodate a flow of 130,000,000 gallons per day and serve a population of 650,000.Initially, with the help of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, money was allowed for construcation of a plant that would remove 90 precent of the organic matter from the waste-water flow.That level of treatment was in accordance with the Public Health Service recommendation contained in the 1932 report.Instead of constructing the plant in accordance with that recommendation, the District of Columbia decided to eliminate the second step in the treatment and construct a sedimentation plant, generally known as primary treatment.The plant was able to remove about 36 percent of the organic matter when in went into operation in August 1938, but, as the population load increased, accelerated by World War II, the plant was unable to maintain this level, and year by year efficiency dropped until it was regularly under 30 percent.During World War II, initial plans were made for the relief of the treatment burden, and by
1950 the District of Columbia had begun major construction to increase the capacity of the plant and make further plans for inclusion of secondary treatment.Activated-sludge plant.The activated-sludge process pioneered in Britain had by now been widely tested.Washington constructed a high-rate activated-sludge treatment plant in anticipation of 70 percent removal of organic matter.While the new plant brought a major improvement in the river, there was no real possibility of keeping up with the pollution burden, even though the plant grew to a capacity of 290,000,000 gallons daily.In the early 1970s the District began planning to extend treatment to a much higher level-once more, a decision that was forced on many cities of the United States, Europe and Asia.Coordination with surrounding areas.One of the awkward problems confronting city engineers of the 20 century in nearly all countries has been the impossibility of isolating a metropolitan area from neighboring regions.Rivers carry pollution from city to city, even country to country.In Washington the problem was encountered in a relatively mild form: much of the Maryland suburban area drains into Rock Creek and the Anacostia River, which flow through the District of Columbia;to try to keep the two streams as clean as possible the District of Columbia and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission(of Maryland)entered into an agreement to handle each other’s flow at a reasonable cost.All the domestic waste water of the suburban areas is now connected into District sewers, with payments made to handle the waste waters.As part of the agreement, the Maryland Commission helps to finance both the construction and the operation of the District of Columbia Water Pollution Control Plant.Other developments.With continued growth and rising pollution control standards of the 1960s and 1970s, Washington like most other major cities has been turning toward additional treatment, including chemical treatment.One proposal calls for achieving so high a level of treatment that the Potomac estuary into which the effluent floes could be used as an emergency water source.Another direction in which Washington had headed in company with many other modern cities is toward separation of systems.This is a tedious and expensive process, requiring piping changes on private property.Its longrange wisdom, however, is irrefutable.The redevelopment of certain major areas, such as southwest Washington, has given favorable opportunities for large-scale separation.An important advance in financing improvments has been adopted by Washington: the sewer-service charge on all those served by the drainage system.This system has been followed more and more by drainage systems serving both municipalities and industry.Since about 1959 the D.C.sewer system has been interconnected with the areas in Maryland that naturally drain through the District via the Potomac River and major areas in Virginia related to the intercepting sewer serving Dulles International Airport near Herndon, Virginia.As a result of this connection, the area served increased by 436 square miles(1,129 square kilometers)in Maryland and 228 square miles(590 square kilometers)in Virginia.The Metropolitan area in Arlington County and much of the Virginia suburban area adjacent to Arlington County are served by other treatment plants.Present treatment facilities.At the District of Columbia Water Pollution Control Plant(see Figure 1)the raw waste water enters the plant pumping station and is treated in the following successive steps: girt removal, preliminary sedimentation, aeration., and final sedimentation.In addition, chlorine treatment may be given the flow prior to preliminary sedimentation or it may be th
given to the final effluent.With the first application, the effect of chlorine is to minimize odours from the sedimentation tanks.When fed to the final effluent, chlorine has a disinfectant effect.The purpose of the sedimentation tanks, both preliminary, is to separate solids from the wastewater flow;the solids removed must be given further treatment.At the D.C.palnt these solids are exposed to anaerobic digestion and dewatering on vacuum filters.The final product is a moist cake with approximately 70 precent water, suitable for land application as a soil conditioner.During the digestion of sludge, a gas consisting of approximately two-thirds methane is produced that is burned for heat for the plant building and to provide some power generation.The sludge gas has a heat value of about 600 BTU(British thermal units)per cubic foot and the quantity produced is about one cubic foot per person.Per day.A sludge gas engine of 1, 200 horsepower drives an 800-kilowatt generator for production of electric power.Initially, the power produced supplied about 90 percent of the needs of the plant, but with the growth of the plant, power requirements have increased rapidly and now the gas engine supplies only a minor proportion of the electric power.It supplies, however, through its jacket water-cooling system, a large amount of the heat necessary to maintain active biological digestion in the sludge digestion tanks.The total cost of the plant exceeds $ 25,000,000 and the annual operating costs in the late 1960s approximated $ 2,500,000.More than 250 persons are employed in operation and maintenance.The full extent of the undertaking may be appreciated when the vast waste-water collection system serving property throughout the area in visualized.In the District of Columbia alone, more than 1,700 miles(2,720 kilometers)of sewers serve this purpose, while 2,700 miles(4,320 kilometers)in the Maryland area give similar service to the properties of that jurisdiction.The maintenance of the system is a major activity, as 200 men are engaged in regular maintenance and minor construction related to the sewer system in the District of Columbia alone.Proper maintenance involves regular inspection of the lines and periodic cleaning to avoid difficulties that could cause great inconvenience and possibly properly damage to those served by the drainage system.
水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土 concrete强度 strength 非线性 nonlinear桩 pile刚性 rigid隧道 tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force
位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性 plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear
正应力 normal stress路面 pavement
钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度 compressive strength 土木工程 civil engineering岩体力学 rock mass mechanics粒径 grain diameter 容许应力 allowable stress土力学 soil mechanics斜拉桥 cable stayed bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑 civil architecture地质成因 geologic origin临界截面 choking section
岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point
横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error
预应力混凝土 priestessed concrete先张法 pretensioning concrete 后张法 post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测 soil investiagation
在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。These two kinds of stress, the former is a compressive stress, which is the tensile stress.许多情况下可能会指派土木工程师参与其他项目的工作。In many cases, civil
engineers may be assigned to engaged in the work of other projects.需要强调数学、力学、计算机技术在土木工程应用中的重要性。It should be stressed that mathematics, mechanics and computer applications in civil engineering is importance.钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。Basic
materials are steel and concrete bridge construction, the main disadvantage is the low tensile strength of concrete.混凝土的抗压强度是水泥、骨料、水及混合料中所含的各种添加剂的用量所控制。它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中它们能减少水泥硬化时释放出的热量。They are mainly used for large dams;dams in the heat they can reduce cement hardening release.They are mainly used for large dams, the dam in which they can reduce hardening of the cement when the heat release.水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土 concrete强度 strength 非线性 nonlinear桩 pile刚性 rigid隧道 tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force
位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性 plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear
正应力 normal stress路面 pavement
钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度 compressive strength 土木工程 civil engineering岩体力学 rock mass mechanics粒径 grain diameter 容许应力 allowable stress土力学 soil mechanics斜拉桥 cable stayed bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑 civil architecture地质成因 geologic origin临界截面 choking section
岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point
横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error
预应力混凝土 priestessed concrete先张法 pretensioning concrete 后张法 post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测 soil investiagation
在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。These two kinds of stress, the former is a compressive stress, which is the tensile stress.许多情况下可能会指派土木工程师参与其他项目的工作。In many cases, civil
engineers may be assigned to engaged in the work of other projects.需要强调数学、力学、计算机技术在土木工程应用中的重要性。It should be stressed that mathematics, mechanics and computer applications in civil engineering is importance.钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。Basic
materials are steel and concrete bridge construction, the main disadvantage is the low tensile strength of concrete.混凝土的抗压强度是水泥、骨料、水及混合料中所含的各种添加剂的用量所控制。它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中它们能减少水泥硬化时释放出的热量。They are mainly used for large dams;dams in the heat they can reduce cement hardening release.They are mainly used for large dams, the dam in which they can reduce hardening of the cement when the heat release.水力学 hydraulics水泥 cement桁架 truss 沥青 bitumen混凝土 concrete强度 strength 非线性 nonlinear桩 pile刚性 rigid隧道 tunnel砾石 gravel柱子 column力 force
位移 displacement线性的 linear砂浆 mortar弹性 elastic塑性 plastic沉降 settlement 弯矩 moment扭矩 torque剪力 shear
正应力 normal stress路面 pavement
钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete抗拉强度 tensile strength抗压强度 compressive strength 土木工程 civil engineering岩体力学 rock mass mechanics粒径 grain diameter 容许应力 allowable stress土力学 soil mechanics斜拉桥 cable stayed bridge 悬索桥 suspension bridge中性面 neutral plane水灰比 water-cement ratio 民用建筑 civil architecture地质成因 geologic origin临界截面 choking section
岩土工程 geotechnical engineering屈服点 yield point
横截面(transverse)cross section 安全系数 safety factor抗剪强度 shear strength反复试验 trial and error
预应力混凝土 priestessed concrete先张法 pretensioning concrete 后张法 post-tensioning concrete 土质勘测 soil investiagation
在这两种应力中,前者是压应力,后者是拉应力。These two kinds of stress, the former is a compressive stress, which is the tensile stress.许多情况下可能会指派土木工程师参与其他项目的工作。In many cases, civil
engineers may be assigned to engaged in the work of other projects.需要强调数学、力学、计算机技术在土木工程应用中的重要性。It should be stressed that mathematics, mechanics and computer applications in civil engineering is importance.钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。Basic
materials are steel and concrete bridge construction, the main disadvantage is the low tensile strength of concrete.混凝土的抗压强度是水泥、骨料、水及混合料中所含的各种添加剂的用量所控制。它们主要用于大型水坝,在大坝中它们能减少水泥硬化时释放出的热量。They are mainly used for large dams;dams in the heat they can reduce cement hardening release.They are mainly used for large dams, the dam in which they can reduce hardening of the cement when the heat release.
In general,plumbing refers to the system of pipes,fixtures,and other apparatus used inside a building for supplying water and removing liquid and waterborne wasters.In pratice,the term includes storm water or roof drainage and exterior system components connecting to a source such as a public water system or a point of disposal such as public sewer system or a domestic septic tank or cesspool.The purpose of plumbing systems is,basically,ti bring into,and distribute within,a building a suplly of safe water to be used for drinking purposes and to collect and dispose of polluted and contaminated wastewater from the various receptacles on the premises without hazard to the health of occupants.Codes, regulations,and trade pratices are designed to keep the water system separated from drainage systems;to prevent the introduction of harmful material such as chemicals, micro-organisms, and dirt;and to the keep the water system safe under all operating conditions.These protective codes also are designed to prevent flooding of drainage lines,provide venting of dangerous gases, and eliminate opportunities for backflow of dangerous waste water into the water system.It is essential that disease-producing organisms and harmful chemicals be confined to the drainage system.Since the time of Moses man has been cautioned to dispose of his wastes safely, and cleanliness has been related to the availability ot water and associated with social coustom.Early man often lived near a water source that served as his water supply and drainage system in one.It was also his bath.Latrine-like receptacles with crude drains have been found in excavations in the Orkney Islands of Neolithic stone huts at least 10,000 years old.Both a water system and piping used as drainage fashioned of terra-cotta pipe were part of the royal palace of Minos in Crete, about 2000BC.The palace also had a latrine with water-flushing reservoir and drainage.Nothing comparable to it was developed in Europe until the 18th century.Even the equipment of the modern bathroom, though much improved with hot and cold water under pressure and less crude provisions for drainage, is in concept little different from the Minoan version.It was out until the end of the 19th century that advance in plumbing practice were given serious attention as an integral part of housing.A building plumbing system includes two components, the piping that brings potable water into the building and distributes it to all fixtures and water outlets and the piping that collects the water after use and drains it to a point of safe disposal.Water systems.When a building is served by a public water system, the plumbing begins at the service connections required to make water available at outlets serving the fixtures or equipment within the building.Many premises in rural areas are not served by public water supply.These may include private dwellings, apartment houses, hotels, commercial centres, hospitals, institutions, factories, roadside stands, and restaurants.Public water supplies have surface water or groundwater as their sources.Large water system are almost entirely supplied with surface water.In smaller communities and in certain areas groundwater is obtained from wells or springs.Independent semipublic, industrial, and private-premise water systems frequently take water from wells on the premise but may, under certain condtions draw water from a spring, lake, or stream.Public water systems supply treated water meeting public water-supply drinking-water
standards.Private-premise systems are expected to provide water of equal quality, and to do so the private system requires a water-treatment plant including chlorination as a minimun and possibly sedimentation(settling out of solid particles)chemical treatment, primarily for softening, and filtration.Water is supplied to fixtures and outlets under pressure provided by pumps or elevated storage tanks or both.In some installations a pump controlled by a pressure-activated switch on a pressurized storage tank takes water from a well and pumps until the upper limit ot pressure for the system has been reached.If water is being used at the rate it is being pumped., the pump operates continuously.Elevated storage tanks are usually equipped with high-and low-level-float control switches to activate the pump.When the tank gets loe the pump starts and continues pumping until the tank is full.A storage tank may be constructed as illustrated in Fig.1, or it may be located on the roof of a high building.Water from the tank feeds the distribution system by gravity.Water flowing through pipes causes a loss of head due to friction.Since building piping systems are designed to deliver water at the required outlet pressure, pipe size is a critical variable.Plumbing codes have tables and graphs to show typical water demandsof fixtures and outlets in a building.If the required water demand is not met because of undersized piping or underpowered pumping, the pressure dops and some outlets may have little or no water flow.Pumping codes usually specify pressure and rates of flow for the fixtures in a building.The total amount of water that may be needed to supply the demand can be calculated from tables of fixture water demand.Minimum pipe sizes for different fixture in a building are specified in plumbing codes.Since it is uneconomical to design a water piping system that would provide flow with all outlets open simultaneously, judgment and experience are used to determine the probable maximum simultaneous demand.Average daily water requirements vary according to the type of premises being served.A single-family dwelling unit averages from 20 to 100 gallons(80 to 400 litres)per day.Apartment house occupants use less.Special users such as hospitals and industries usually require far greater allowances.Drainage Systems.Drainage of residential building includes the collection of sanitary wastes and roof drainage.The sanitary wastes are collected in soil pipes and stacks usually made of cast iron, although certain portions of connecting pipe may be galvanized iron.When corrosive liquids are collected, as in laboratories and industrial plants, the system may include plastic or glass pipes or coated piping.The joints, bends, tees, elbows, wyes, and many other special fittings are designed to carry away wastes without having obstructions in the pipe or creating condtions that will cause clogging if some large object is dropped into a fixture or a receptacle.Cleanouts and receptacle outlets are provided with screens or gratings to prevent the entry of clogging materials.The entire piping system is sized so that the smallest size is at the fixture outlet.Plumbing codes specify the minimum sizes for drainage connections and the standards applicable to all pipe and fitting materials.Normally all building drainage is constructed so that waste water flows by gravity to the main house drain.The house drain is usually connected outside the building to a gravity-flow house sewer that leads to a public sewer on a point of treatment.In large buildings such as apartment house, commercial buildings, hospitals, and industrial plants, the house drain may be lower than the point of discharge.Wastes are then discharged to a sump, or storage pit, and all of
the building drainage is lifted by pumps or pneumatic ejectors to a point of discharge to the exterior sewer system.These lifting devices empty water from the storage sump on a cycling basis activated by float controls that prevent flooding of the storage area.Such units are usually installed in duplicate and often have alternate sources of power such as a diesel-or gasoline-power generator for emergency pumping.Roof drainage is collected in gutters and leaders and taken by appropriate piping to a point of discharge permitted by law.Isolated dwellings may drain to surrounding ground, while larger buildings have a drainage system similar to the sanitary system that connects into a public storm-water sewer system.Home disposal systems are used in rural areas.The house drain is connected to a septic tank with a tile drainage field or to a cesspool.The septic tank removes heavy solid materials from the waste, and the effluent or treated water is allowed to percolate into the soil through buried, specially constructed, rock-filled trenches over which tiles with open joints are laid.Enough trench must be constructed to allow percolation without flooding the surface of the ground.The effluent from septic tanks contains disease-causing bacteria and cannot be allowed to flow directly into streams or underground waters.Health codes and regulations specify the sizes of home disposal units and control the discharge of effluent.Premises often have other water uses including swimming pools(both outdoor and indoor), ornamental pools, fish pools, and fountains, These require water and are part of the plumbing system.Since swimming-pool water is easily contaminated by bathers, it must either be replaced frequently or filtered, chlorinated, and recirculated.
专业英语是在大学基础英语之后结合专业知识进一步提高学生英语水平而设置的一门主干课程,是大学英语和研究生英语教学中一个重要的环节。当前,科学技术发展迅速,科技信息发达,能够直接及时地获取专业信息、掌握专业发展动态是工程技术人员和科研人员需要具备的基本能力,进行各种涉外合作和学术交流都要求专业人员熟练掌握专业英语。因此,培养阅读理解和翻译英文专业文献的能力,培养专业英语的写作能力和一定的语言交际能力都是非常重要的。1 专业词汇的学习
1.1 通过构词法学习专业词汇
从构词法的角度来解析土木工程专业词汇的来龙去脉,便于记忆单词,扩大词汇量。1.2 通过具体语言环境学习专业词汇
简单重复记忆某个专业词汇是一种方法,但显得枯燥,记忆效果往往不佳,容易忘记。如果把专业词汇融入具体的语言环境中,词汇的记忆一般长久牢固,不容易忘记。实现这种方法的途径就是大量阅读专业英语材料。1.3 通过写作学习词汇
在拥有一定的词汇量以后,写作表达或口语表达都能促进词汇的学习。2 翻译技能的学习
2.1 掌握翻译的基本理论知识
翻译是一门学科,经过千百年来翻译家的共同努力,已经在语言学、文学、文化、心理学、人类学、哲学和教育学等学科的基础上初步建立了一套理论体系,并在具体实践中总结出了一套行之有效的跨文化和语言转换模式。2.2 掌握专业英语的常用句式结构
2.3 进行翻译实践练习
翻译是一项创造性的语言活动,具有很强的实践性。2.4 通过阅读提高翻译能力
3.1 大声朗读专业英语材料
大声反复地朗读专业英语材料,锻炼英语的发音,语调与节奏,培养语感,使口腔各发音部位灵活,提高口语表达能力,并增加对专业词汇的熟悉程度。3.2 设立场景进行实际训练
3~5 人组成一组,设立实际场景扮演不同的角色进行练习。3.3 多参加以英语为媒介的专题讲座
土木工程civil engineering
钢结构steel struture
钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete structure
钢结构设计规范Code for design of steel structure reinforced concrete beds钢筋混凝土地基 reinforced concrete footing 钢筋混凝土基脚 reinforced concrete canopy 钢筋混凝土顶盖 reinforced concrete foundation 钢筋混凝土基础 reinforced concrete pile钢筋混凝土桩 reinforced concrete plate钢筋混凝土板
reinforced concrete T beam 钢筋混凝土T形梁 reinforcement加强 加固
reinforcing rib 加紧肋
reinforcing mesh 钢筋网
reinforcing rod钢筋, 钢筋条
reinforcing agent 增强剂
reinforcing bars 配筋
初步设计preliminary design
承载能力load-carrying capacity
脆断brittle fracture
强度标准值characteristic value of strength 强度设计值design value of strength
一阶弹性分析 first order elastic analysis
二阶弹性分析 second order elastic analysis 屈曲buckling
腹板屈曲后强度 post-buckling strength of web plate