4.3 Fortune 500 companies(财富500强)
For 45 years, Fortune magazine has been ranking the largest companies in the United States.The result is their annual ―Fortune 500‖ list.Sometimes people will refer to the top 100 companies on the list as the ―Fortune 100‖.Essentially, the magazine lists the U.S.based corporations with the largest revenue in the past year.Fortune calculates revenue using publicly available data, therefore private companies, i.e., those whose stock is not traded on a public market, are excluded.U.S.subsidiaries of foreign companies are also excluded.―Fortune 500‖ companies are among the biggest, most profitable, and most powerful companies in America.In terms of profits even the bottom end of the Fortune 500 list isn’t too shabby.On last year’s list, the company at the bottom still had a respectable sum of over $3 billion.While the ―Fortune 500‖ is limited to American companies, the magazine also publishes the ―Global 500‖, which ranks publicly held companies from around the world.Of course, because the U.S.dominates as much of the global economy, many Fortune 500 companies rank high in the ―Global 500‖ too.Fortune magazine also publishes other lists, such as the ―100 Best Companies to work for‖ and the ―100 Fastest-Growing Companies‖.It’s an interesting exercise to compare all the lists and see where companies overlap.For example, the No.1 company to work for may not rank on the ―Fortune 500‖ at all.With the top companies on both the U.S.and worldwide 500 lists, you won’t find them on either of the most admired companies list.Maybe the Beatles were right – money can’t buy you love.45年来,《财富》杂志一直给美国的大公司排名,这就是一年一度的“财富500强”,有时也将前100名称为“财富100强”。上榜的上市公司基本上都是头年收入名列前茅的美国本土公司。《财富》杂志根据上市公司的公开数据来计算收入,未上市公司没有列入,因为他们的股票没有公开发行。国外公司在美的分公司也不参与排名。
4.4 艾滋病的防治
Well, in China, HIV/AIDS has become a very serious problem related to social development.There’ve been cases of people being accidentally infected with HIV/ AIDS, through accepting polluted blood from hospitals, babies acquiring the disease from their mothers, having improper sexual relationships.From the time we discovered the first AIDS infections.Experts estimate that more than 900,000 people had been infected with HIV by the end of last year.If we don’t take some efficient measures, this number will double by 2010.First, because of poverty, people lack education and information about the prevention of HIV/ AIDS.Second, ignorance.People do not pay much attention to this problem.Third, they lack proper resources, things like training, money and information.According to reports, we still do not have an efficient medicine to cure HIV/ AIDS.6.4 外交为民
Recently, I came across a group of figures form a western newspaper.Let’s take a look at them together to see whether the “China threat theory” makes sense or is nothing but ridiculous nonsense.In 2004, the defense expenditure of the US was US$455.9 billion, accounting for 3.9%of its GDP, while that of China in the same year was only RMB211.7billion, making up 1.6% of China’s GDP.The US defense expenditure was
17.8 times that of China. In 2004, the per capita defense expenditure in the US was US$1,540while that of China was about US$20, with the US figure being 77 times that of China.In 2003, the US defense expenditure accounted for 47%fo the global total, exceeding the total of the other 25 countries in the world with the largest defense expenditures.The figure was also 3.5 times the total sum of the defense expenditure of the other four permanent members of the Security Council. China follow the road of peaceful development.To maintain peace is both the starting point and the purpose of Chinese diplomacy.I believe that all those who respect the truth will see China as a staunch force for peace in the world.8.1US Vice president’s speech at Fudan University Thank you very much, Mr.Mayor.I appreciate your kind words of introduction and we’re delighted to be here today.My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in china.We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University.We thank you for the honor and we bring you good wishes from President Gorge W.Bush and the people of the United States.I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university.I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and degree from Fudan University simplifies years of hard work and discipline.I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks 99-history of Fudan University.美国副总统复旦演讲
令人高兴的是,在座诸位对中国事务都抱有研究兴趣。虽然我们两国地理上相距万里,但在日常生活中却非常相近。好莱坞影片、麦当劳快餐成了许多中国人生活中的内容。而中国加工的服装、日用品也天天伴随着美国人民。我希望通过今天的交流,能增进在座诸位对中国和中国外交政策的了解,为未来彼此的友谊与合作锦上添花。Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening.It is an honor for me to be invited to your seminar tonight.For me, for my colleagues and many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name.With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US President, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T.S.Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few.As the former President Bill Clinton said in 1996 in celebration of the 250 anniversary of Princeton: “At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, its students have played a crucial role.” I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China.Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have lots in common.While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald's fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China.I hope that today's seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus further deepening our friendship and cooperation.8.4 温总理在世界旅游大会上的发言(必考)
21世纪头20年,是中国全面建设小康社会, 加快推进社会主义现代化的重要战略机遇期,也是中国旅游业发展的有利时期。我们要把旅游业培育成为中国国民经济的重要产业,合理保护和利用旅游资源,努力实现旅游业的可持续发展。中国政府欢迎各国朋友到中国旅游观光,我们将全力保障广大旅游者健康和安全;同时鼓励更多的中国人走向世界。我们愿同各国广泛开展合作,推动世界旅游业的发展。
As a country with a civilization of a long history, China is also a big oriental country full of modern vitality, not to mention its unique, rich and varied tourism resources.Besides the picturesque natural scenery, profound history and extensive culture, China embodies the different folk customs of 56 nationalities.Currently, there are 29 places that have been listed as World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites.Thanks to the further push by the opening up and reform, china’s modern construction is surging ahead, and the cities and the country are experiencing daily changes.The ancient glory of China and its modern boom add radiance and charm to each other, joining to create most favorable conditions for developing our domestic and international tourism. The first 20 years of the 21st century represent an important strategic period for China to achieve the all-round construction of a well-off society and to speed up its socialism modernization.It also provides a favorable time for the further development of China’s tourism industry.We shall promote tourism as an important industry in China’s national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainable tourism development.The Chinese government welcomes all international friends to visit China, We shall do our best to protect their health and safety;and at the same time encourage more Chinese people to go abroad for visits.We are ready to develop extensive cooperation with other countries and contribute to global tourism growth.10.3 speech at inauguration of new facility 12.2Extreme sports(必考)12.4中国菜肴
―Color, aroma, taste and appearance‖ are often used to describe Chinese food.Great attention is paid to aesthetic appreciation of the food because the food should be good not only in flavor and smell, but also in color and appearance.The principal aspects of Chinese culinary art includes: the selection of raw material, combination of ingredients, cutting, seasoning, temperature and cooking techniques. Chinese cooking styles can generally fall into four major cooking schools, which have their own distinct characteristics.As representative of northern china’s cooking, Shandong cuisine is generally salty, with a prevalence of light-colored sauces.With a rich variety of strong flavor, Sichuan cuisine is famous for being spicy-hot.Cantonese cuisine has borrowed the culinary essence of the western-style food in the process of its development.Yangzhou cuisine bases itself largely on the three local cooking styles of Yangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou, all within Jiangsu Province.It emphasizes the original flavors of well-chosen materials.数字转换
Unit 1 meeting and seeing-off 迎来送往
1、Our general manager asked me to come and meet you because he is chairing a meeting at this moment.He sends his warmest regards.我们总经理此时在主持一个会议,所以要我来接你们。他要我带他先向你们致意。
2、For your convenience and comfort, we accommodate you in one of the company’s villas for overseas visitors.It is located by the beach, overlooking the sea.It is only 20 minutes’ drive from our company.I am sure you will like it.考虑到你们的方便和舒适,我们把你们安顿在公司的外宾别墅。别墅在海边,俯瞰着大海。离公司只有20分钟。你们一定会喜欢的。
That’s wonderful.I love living in a house with an open view.4、Just to confirm—you know that tomorrow’s meeting is set for 9:30 a.m.at our office.确定一下,你们知道明天的会议是早上9:30,地点在我们办公室。
5、Tomorrow evening at 7:oo we will host a reception dinner in your honor.By the way, are there any sights you’d like to see while you are here?
Well, it depends!If anything comes out good and satisfactory, I’d leave a day for sightseeing.7、I’ll make some arrangements for this tour around.观光的事由我来安排。
8、我的行李都进去了,看来该说再见了。All my bags are checked in, I guess I’m all set to go.9、我们能在一个月内收到你们的第一批货,对吧? So, we’ll be expecting the first shipment within a month?
I really appreciate all of your hospitality and you accompanying me on the tour around the city.It’s been a most interesting and rewarding trip.11、这是最后一次登机广播了。我们得说再见了。
There’s the last call for boarding.We must say goodbye now
1、Respected Mr.President First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the faculty and students of my university, to express our most sincere thanks and a warm welcome to your group for your visit to our university.尊敬的校长先生:
2、I feel very proud that we devote ourselves to the sacred cause of higher education.我也为我们共同从事高等教育这一神圣的事业而深感自豪。
3、Huangqing University has become a comprehensive university as it enters the 21st century.In retrospect, the University has undergone different stages of development。
4、I hope that the two universities will further their cooperation and exchanges in the fields of scientific research, teaching and administration as to promote the development of both institutions and to strengthen the friendship between the two parties.我希望我们两校能在科研、教学和行政管理等领域加强协作以促进两校的发展,并增进双方的友谊。
5、Huangqing University is founded on the basis of the following three philosophical ideas, which will be continuously observed and put into practice.华庆大学创校的理念或教育的理想,有三项应该永久持续地坚持并实践之。
6、University should abide by the rule—Students First and Teachers First.Campus administration is the realization and performance of rendering service to people.大学要落实学生第一、教师优先、行政是服务之理念与作为。
Unit 2 礼仪致辞
Ceremonial Speeches
I take great pleasure to welcome you and thank you for attending tonight’s dinner in recognition of the hard work that all parties concerned have contributed to the Taizhou Bookcenter Online Project.2、我谨代表康博公司,向台州市政府基础设施办公室、台州信息发展有限公司以及其他要人表示感谢,正是由于他们的支持和努力,我们才得以建立台州图书大厦网上书店项目创建过程中的一座座重要里程碑。
On behalf of Compag, I thank Taizhou Municipal Government Information Infrastructure Office and the Taizhou Information Highway Corporation as well as other dignitaries for their support and efforts that have led to the achievement of significant milestones towards the success of the Taizhou Bookcenter Online Project.3.1996年,我们公司跻身于世界计算机公司三强的行列。1998年,我们收购了数字设备公司,排名跃居世界第二。
In 1996, we became one of the top three computer companies in the world, and in 1998, with the acquisition of Digital Equipment Corporation, we became the second largest computer company in the world.4.如今,我们又建立了一项新的宏伟目标,那就是要成为互联网领域的领导者。And now we have set another ambitious goal—the Internet leadership.5、互联网和电子商务能够让我们和新的世界市场接轨,吸引新客户,而且颇具发展潜力。因此,通过电子商务发展自己的经济,对中国来说是一个巨大的机遇。中国不仅可以利用电子商务延伸自己与世界市场的接轨面,而且可以在中国国内加强组织和机构之间的有效联系。The Internet and E-commerce promise to reach out to new markets, to attract new customers, and to grow, which represents a tremendous opportunity for China to expand its economy through E-commerce not only by expanding the reach to global markets but also by building more efficient connections between organizations and institutions within China.6.我们期待者今后更长时间的互利合作关系。
We look forward to many more mutually beneficial years together in the future.Unit 3 Sightseeing 旅游观光
1、我叫Peter,我是今天的导游。我们现在去麦哈顿。大家知道,纽约市由五个区组成。I am Peter.I am the tour guide today.We are now on our way to Manhattan.Well, you know, New York City is composed of five boroughs ['bʌrə, 'bə:əu].2、曼哈顿位于曼哈顿岛上,面积约58平方公里,被视为纽约市的象征。
Manhattan is located on the Manhattan Island, covering about 58 square kilometers.It is taken as the symbol of New York City.3、现在,请告诉我,你们最感兴趣的是什么?最想看的是什么?
Now tell me, what you are most interested in and what you want to see most here?
The Statue of Liberty is located on 12-acre Liberty Island in New York Harbour, a gift from the
people of France to the people of the United States to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the independence of the USA.5、等到了那儿,你自己就可以亲眼目睹她的风采了。When we get there, you will see its spendor yourself.6、我想看帝国大厦。我在很多美国电影里面看到了。我觉得它非常浪漫。
I want to see the Empire State Building.I have seen it in many American movie.It looks so romantic to me.7、帝国大厦是纽约市的象征,也是纽约市最具吸引力的景点之一,每年游客达200多万人。The Empire State Building is a symbol of New York itself and one of the major attractions here.It is visited by more than 2 million tourists each year.8、帝国大厦地处曼哈顿中心,远离金融区和中城的摩天大楼,因而你能远眺四周的景色,这在麦哈顿是少有的。
The Empire State Building is situated in the center of Manhattan, away from the skyscraper clusters downtown in the financial district and midtown so this one of the few places in Manhattan where you have a great 360 degrees view.9、大厦高381米,有102层,过去有64个电梯,现增至73个。It is 381 meters high, 102 storeys, had 64 elevators, now 73.10、纽约市曾经被称为“充满犯罪的城市”,部分原因是成千上万的电视和电影造成的,这些电视和电影中的犯罪活动都是以纽约市为背景。
New York has had a reputation as a crime-ridden city, partly due to the hundreds of TV and movie crime dramas set in it.11、但由于麦哈顿倒是纽约的主要旅游区,纽约市的警察局已经采取了很多措施,以确保这座城市更安全。
But as Manhattan is the main tourist destination in the city, the New York Police Department have generated many schemes to make the City a safer place.12、在纽约市,你可以听到上百种语言。
Hundreds of languages are spoken in New York City.Unit 4 Business Negotiation 商务谈判
1、这一年对我们双方来说都是一个丰年呀。That’s a great year for both of us.2、我们销售的四种产品的总额去年已经达到20万美元。Total sales on the four models were US.$200,000 last year.3、毕竟是新产品嘛,要求太高也不现实。
It’s a new product, you know.How could you do better?
Our reports indicate a great deal of interest in the products there, especially in cities that have a higher than average proportion of people in the higher income bracket.5、要让顾客放弃自己熟悉的产品,转而购买一种新的产品,幷不容易。It’s not easy to persuade customers to switch to a new product.6、不过现在我可以肯定地告诉你们,要是我们成为你们的中国代理,年销售量会翻一番。Right now I can tell you for sure that we could double the annual turnover as your agent in China.7、一份二年的代理期,佣金是多少? What is the rate for a period of two years?
I feel 10 percent is really out of the question.9、为了打开局面,在上海以外的地区我们得做大规模的广告宣传。
A big advertising campaign will be needed to pave the way in the new areas outside Shanghai for the products.10、你刚才也说到,为了从其他厂家抢生意,要做大量的前期工作。
As you indicated just now, a lot of initial work has to be done to draw business away from other manufacturers.11、你们必须把广告费考虑在内。
You should take advertising expenses into account.12、我感觉佣金要达到百分之十五才行。What I have in mind is 15 percent.13、Tell you what, the best I can do is 12 percent for one year if your sales reach $400,000.那这样吧,如果销售额达到40万美元,我们最多给百分之十二。
Unit 5 business talk 商务洽谈
1.2.谈妥了订货量问题 have settled the question of quantity 这些汽车的保修期多长时间?6个月。What’s the period of warranty on these cars? It’s 6 months.3.给某人破例 make an exception in one’s case
4.So free repairs if any cars develop a fault within a one-year period.在一年内如果任何一辆车子出了问题,你们会免费维修。
车子一年后出了问题怎么办? What happens if a car breaks down after a year? A special scheme 特别的维修方案
It’s $500 or so for a year’s cover.费用大概是每年500元。
进行现场维修 carry out any repairs on site 当日到达 come to your place the same day 那交货日期呢?What about the delivery time? 履行第二批订单 execute the second order 销售旺季the season for the cars in our market have a firm order with a 10% deposit确认订单,并交纳10%定金
我们会优先处理你们的订单We will give your order top priority...provided we receive the full amount in ten days from now如果十日内支付全部货款
他们通常的做法是什么? What is their usual practice? We demand payment by confirmed ,irrevocable Letter of Credit payable against documents.我们要求可兑保的、不可撤销的即期跟单信用证。
18.托收、汇款和银行担保书 payment by collection, payment by remittance, or bankers’ letter of guarantee 19.Would it be possible for you to make an exception and accept D/A or D/P? 你们能否破例接受承兑交单或付款交单呢?
20.I’m afraid we cannot accommodate you.我恐怕不能破例。
21.将押金降低到最低限度 reduce the required deposit to a minimum amount 22.我会看看他们能降低多少。I’ll see what the best they can do.23.提单 Bills of Landing 24.发票an invoice 25.出口许可证an export license 26.保险单an insurance policy 27.产地证明a certificate of origin 28.检验证书a certificate of inspection 29.一式三份带签名的发票 a signed invoice in triplicate 30.保险单一式二份,投保金额为发票金额的120%
31.the insurance policy in duplicate, for the invoice value of the goods plus 20% 32.Let’s iron out the remaining details.谈谈其它细节问题。
a)Racing bicycles赛车
b)An indication of the prices参考价格 c)In fact, you’ll find your prices compare unfavorably with those of other makes.事实上,跟其它厂家的价格相比,你们在价格上没有优势可言。d)Large dealers大宗产品经营商
e)There’s a promising market in our areas for moderately priced bicycles of the models mentioned.如果价格适中,贵方赛车在我们的市场上将会有很大的销路 f)Slash your cost降低价格
33.Sign a contract at a 16% discount on your quoted prices(以你报价的八四折签约)a)The dominant makes(主流产品)
b)Price yourself out of the market(失去市场)c)Stick to one’s own price(坚持己见)
d)Let’s meet each other halfway so as to conclude the business.我们各让一半,生意就成交 了)
e)A structured deal阶段性协议 34.询价
inquiry a)订货量 order quantity b)轻型铝合金汽车 light aluminum alloy car c)售后服务 after-sales service d)配件 parts e)你觉得我们的价格太低吗?You think we should be asking for more? f)折扣的大小取决于订单的大小discount depends on the of the order g)订货量每增加200件,我们在降二个百分点。An additional 2% discount for each additional 200 pieces ordered h)i)j)k)l)
没什么赚头了I don’t know how we can make a profit with those numbers 低价low prices 恐怕没回旋余地—I’m afraid that we can’t make any further reduction.公司只能让到这个地步了。Our company cannot make any further concession.按实价打8折。Allow a special discount of 20%of net price
Unit 6 Culinary Culture 饮食文化
Shanghai food, at its heart, is a simple, rustic cuisine which makes the best use of the most naturally abundant ingredients.The emphasis in Shanghai cooking is on light, natural flavors and freshness.Two basic influences have driven the development of Shanghai cuisine: the unique geography of Shanghai, international influences.2、上海人靠大海提供基本蛋白质。在当今的菜单上鱼和其它海鲜仍然占据主要地位。墨鱼和鱿鱼最受青睐,可用很多方式来做,可烤、可炒还可清炖。
People rely on the sea to provide the essential proteins.Fish and other seafood still play a dominant role in contemporary Shanghai bill of fare.Cuttlefish and squid are very popular and prepared in a number of ways: grilled, stir-fried, and as an ingredient of stews.3、排在海鲜后第二位的当数鸡肉了。在上海,人们也吃牛肉、猪肉和羊肉,但不像吃鱼或吃鸡肉那么频繁,量也没有那么大。
After seafood, chicken is the second most popular meat.Beef, pork and lamb are eaten but not with as much regularity nor in the same volume as with either seafood or chicken.4、上海有日本的味噌(一种作为营养作料的发过酵的咸豆腐)和刺身。在上海也可以看到世
We have kept the Japanese “miso”-fermented soybean paste used as a nutrition flavoring and sashimi.Other foreign foods all over the world have also made their appearance in Shanghai, and the city is now filled with eateries serving American hamburgers, Italian pizza, Japanese sashimi, Swiss fondue, and just about everything else.All of these make Shanghai a veritable paradise for gourmands.5、这样做出来的菜形式简单,但其味无穷。
The resulting dishes thus make Shanghai cuisine simple in format yet complex in experience.6、上海菜肴据说源自中国南方数省。它没有西部的四川菜那么辛辣,但比北方的菜肴辛辣。除了常用的酱油、米酒和芝麻油外,上海才需要加大量的佐料,如黑豆、腌萝卜、花生、辣椒、芹菜等。
It is said that Shanghai cuisine originated in several provinces in the South of China.But on the whole, Shanghai cuisine is different from that of other provinces.It tends to be less spicy than Szechuan in the west but more spicy than food from Northern China.In addition to the ever-present soysauce, rice wine and sesame oil, Shanghai cuisine relies on an abundant array of seasonings for flavor: black beans, pickled radishes, peanuts, chili peppers, parsley.7、在上海,有些最好吃的东西不是在大饭馆里,而是在街边的夜市里。
Some of the best Shanghai food is not found in restaurants, rather it should be enjoyed on the street at the many night markets.8、最大的、最有名的夜市一般从晚上7点左右一直开到午夜,如黄浦区的云南南路就很值得一看。
The largest and most established night markets generally get started at around 7 p.m.and go on until about midnight, for example, the Yunnan South street market in Huangpu District is well worth a visit.9、这臭豆腐闻着臭,吃起来香,将之小块油炸,外表酥脆内层鲜嫩,再淋些酱油、醋、蒜汁撒上葱花加上一些腌制的泡菜,便是一盘又香又酥的臭豆腐。
This bean curd smells bad but tastes delicious.It is usually in bite-size, fried to get a crisp outside and tender inside, served with some seasonings of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic oil, chopped green onion and pickled root vegetables.Now you can get a plate of delicious and crisp smelly bean curd.Unit 7 Fashion and Trend
Today we’ll have a glimpse of this new stuff.2、It simply wasn’t done in his day.在他父亲的时代,的确没人这样做。
3、Determined to learn leadership skills and ways of handling the rising stress she has felt at the helm of a growing business, Laura has sought professional advice “to help me get more balance”.劳拉掌管着一家蒸蒸日上的企业,她感到了与日剧增的压力,决定要学习领导策略和应付压力的方法。为此,她一直在寻求专家的建议“以帮助自己获得更大的心态平衡。”
4、Into this stormy scene steps the flock of service providers, offering shelter from the rain and hail of uncertainty and inadequacy , including the “life coaches”.各种各样的服务从业者蜂涌般出现在这场疾风暴雨之中—为那些由于迷惘和无力而挣扎于风雨飘摇之中的人们提供避风港—其中就包括“生活顾问”。
5、And that’s not what it’s all about.而它的意义并不是这一点。
6、Life or stress coaches, career counselors, financial advisers, household managers, space organizers…myriad small businesses are cropping up to help you to help yourself.生活顾问或压力顾问、职业咨询人、金融顾问、家政管理员、空间设计师。。无数的小行当正应运而生,来帮助你自助。
7、While there’s no way of knowing how many Westerners are paying for some kind of personal development or advice, the anecdotal evidence is that it’s rising quickly.虽然目前还无法了解有多少人在花钱寻求某种个人发展或获取某种建议,但据传闻,其人数正迅速上升。
8、And it is no coincidence that these people turn to professional consultants as a way of coping with the change and stress.而这些人请职业顾问来帮助他们应付变化和压力并不是巧合。
9、According to the analysis of some experts, demand for such support services is the result of all the major post-war social upheavals-technology, feminism, longer work hours, family and neighborhood breakdown, more transient jobs and mobile lives, and the sheet speed of change.一些专家分析,这种援助服务的需求是战后所有重大的社会巨变的综合作用的结果—技术的发展、女权运动、工作时间的延长、家庭和邻居关系的破裂、易逝的工作、飘忽不定的生活,以及极快的变化速度。
10、Whatever other good they have brought, each one has stolen time and security.无论这些已给人们带来什么样的其他好处,它们都会占据人们的时间。
11、What’s more, there are many social upheavals following us home.更重要的是,有许多社会巨变随我们走进了家庭。
12、Moving more between jobs, we also move more, letting relationships slide and isolating ourselves from traditional support networks.在不断变换工作的同时,我们也不断搬家,这些各种关系日渐疏远,使我们自己与传统的援助关系网相隔绝。
13、Friends go far and wide.朋友们各奔东西。
14、It’s common for families to break or drift apart.家庭关系破裂或逐渐疏远屡见不鲜。
15、With more women in paid work, the traditional divisions of responsibility are also redundant.由于越来越多的妇女出去挣钱,传统的家务分工也就失去意义。
16、Yet the housework, and many other unloved labors, still have to be done and the children cared for.然而,家务及其他一些烦人的活还得干,孩子也要人照看。
17、In the end even the change itself, stressful and time-consuming as it is, urges us to call in help.最后,即使这种变化既给人压力又消耗时间,她本身也敦促我们请求别人帮助。
18、Modern solutions to modern problems in a modern society, our advisers give us an oasis of order in our lives when we often feel out of control.对于现代社会里的现代问题,就要有现代的解决方式—当我们在生活中常常感到失控时,我们的顾问就会给我们一片秩序的绿洲。
You must be Mr.Brown.I’ve heard a lot about you.2.欢迎您和代表团所有成员来我公司访问,愿你们访问愉快。We welcome you and all members of delegation to visit our company, and I wish you a pleasant visit.3.我想花几分钟时间介绍下明天的日程安排。
I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about your schedule here.4.相信福州有很多值得我们去看的地方。
I believe there are many places worth seeing in Fuzhou.5.此时此刻,我很荣幸能在亚太经合组织部长级会议上发言。It is my honor to be given the floor at this time of this APEC Ministerial Meeting.6.我建议是否先研究一下总体方案。
May I suggest we start with looking at the general proposal?
7.现在我高兴地向你们介绍第一位发言人,我们公司的销售部经理。I now have the pleasure of introducing to you the first speaker, sales manager of our company.8.本次研讨会对于信息技术在中国的普及与推广具有积极的作用和深远的意义,我预祝本次研讨会圆满成功。
This symposium will be constructive and significant in popularizing and promoting information technology in China.I wish the symposium a complete success.9.我要感谢会议的组织者和东道主的热情好客,同时对本次会议的出色组织接待工作表示祝贺。
My appreciation goes to the organizers and to the host country for the warm hospitality extended.At the same time I’d like to congratulate on the excellent manner in which this conference is being organized and received.10.2012年,中国微信用户累计达到973.8万人,预计到2015年,微信用户数量将超过872.95万。
In 2012, Wechat had 9.738 million registered users in China and this number is estimated to exceed 8.7295 million in 2015.11.中国的私家车保有量现为1.2亿辆,20世纪末时仅为1500万辆。China is now home to 120 million private cars, up from just 15 million at the turn of the century.12.在2013年黄金周期间厦门累计接待游客2711.21万人次,其中来自港澳台入境游客为31.15万人次,带动10月份GDP增长2.3个百分点。
During the Golden Week holidays in 2013, Xiamen received 27.1121 million tourists, including 311.5 thousand inbound tourists from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, which contributed 2.3 percentage points to the GDP growth of the city for October.13.2013年前十个月我市港口货物吞吐量完成27069.8万吨,同比增长12.07%。
In the first ten months of 2013, the city’s total port cargo throughput was 270.698 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 12.07% over the previous year.14.国家统计局发布的数据显示,全年进出口总额38667.6亿美元;出口20489.3亿美元,进口18178.3亿美元。进出口相抵,顺差2311亿美元。
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that imports and exports for the whole year totaled 3866.76 billion US dollars, of which exports were 2048.93 billion US dollars and imports were 1817.83 billion US dollars, with a surplus of 231.1 billion US dollars.15.如果是我的话,不会将时间浪费在这里。
If I were you, I would not waste my time pursuing that.句子翻译2
1.The CEO of Goldman Sachs earned a total compensation of 54 million US dollars in 2007, making him one of the highest paid executives on Wall Street.2007年,高盛集团首席执行官以5400万美元的总薪酬成为华尔街薪金最高的高管之一。
2.Chinese financial institutions extended 454.3 billion yuan of new loans in December, down from 522.9 billion yuan in November.中国各金融机构12月份新增人民币贷款4543亿元,低于11月份的5229亿元。
3.December exports soared 14% from a year earlier, the fastest pace in seven months, and up from just 2.9% growth in November.12月出口同比猛增14%,增速为7个月来最快,11月出口增速为2.9%。
4.The world’s largest pumpkin pie is 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,699 pounds.It was made of 1,212 pounds of pumpkin, 233 dozens of eggs, 109 gallons of milk, 14 pounds of cinnamon and 102 ounces of salt.世界上最大的南瓜饼直径20英尺,重3699磅,由1212磅南瓜,233打鸡蛋,109加仑牛奶,14磅肉桂和102盎司盐制成。
5.The shipping volume handled at Hong Kong’s container terminals fell 12.2% on year in April to 1.734 million 20-foot equivalent units, or TEUs.For the January-April period, total container throughput handled was down 8.1% from a year earlier to 7.053 million TEUs.4月,香港集装箱码头货物吞吐量同比下降12.2%,为173.4万标箱。1至4月,总吞吐量为705.3万标箱,比去年同期下降8.1%。
6.We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us.我们必须强调这个付款条款对我们很重要。
7.Would you consider accepting our counterproposal? 您是否考虑接受我们的反提案?
8.Maybe we should hold off until we have covered item B on our agenda.也许我们应该先讨论下议程B的内容。
9.Please be aware that this is a crucial issue to us.请注意,这对于我们而言是很重要的内容。
10.I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以最真挚的问候和美好的祝福。11.We gathered here today with great pleasures to welcome Mr.Brown from ABC company.今天我们很高兴聚在一起来欢迎来自ABC公司的布朗先生。
12.We are sorry that we shall be leaving.It is really a most interesting and rewarding visit.很遗憾我们要走了。这次访问真的十分有趣并收获颇丰。
13.I don't see what you mean.Could you have more details, please? 我不太明白你的意思,能给我们更多些细节吗?
14.What I am bringing today is a contract for a breakthrough technology, which has the potential to enhance our energy efficiency by 45%.我们今天要讨论的是一份有关于开创性科技的合同,这种科技能把我们的能效提高45%。
15.In China, we are accustomed to give the floor first to the guest.在中国,我们习惯让客人先发言。
CNN journalist: Hello, Mr.Li, very nice to meet you.Thank you for giving me this lesson in Chinese business etiquette.CNN 记者:李先生,你好!很高兴见到你。谢谢你教我中国的商业礼仪。
李先生:不客气。Mr.Li: Not at all.CNN journalist: Now I have to ask you, am I dressed for the part? CNN 记者:我想问一下,我现在的着装适合商业场合吗?
Mr.Li: Absolutely perfect for Chinese business meeting: conservative color, long skirt.CNN journalist: All right, good to hear.Well let’s start the lesson then.CNN 记者:那就好。我们现在开始上课吧。这是我的名片。
Mr.Li: OK.This is my business card.Notice how I present it to you with the English side facing you.CNN journalist: Oh, OK, then I should do the same for you.Here is my business card.CNN 记者:哦,那我也必须跟着做。这是我的名片。
Mr.Li: Oh, wonderful.You get yourself a Chinese name.Notice how I spend a little bit of time paying attention to detail of the card as a sign of respect.CNN journalist: A business meeting sometimes ends with a gift exchange.Here are some CNN-branded gifts.Would these be appropriate to give in China.CNN 记者:有时商业会议结束前会进行礼物交换。这里有一些CNN 牌子的礼物,用于礼物交换合适吗?
Mr.Li: Er, some of them like the iPod might be too expensive;it could carry a bribery undertone.And the other side might feel uncomfortable, because he would have to reciprocate with something of equal value.CNN journalist: This is a photo CD.Would this be a more appropriate choice? CNN 记者:那这张图片光盘合适吗?
李先生:完美的礼物,可以用来介绍你的公司、城市或者国家。Mr.Li: That is a perfect gift;it can introduce your company, your city or your country.CNN journalist: Ok, well, that wraps up the session here but our etiquette lesson will continue tonight over dinner.CNN 记者:好的,这堂课结束了,不过我们的礼仪学习晚餐时还要继续。
李先生:好的,到时见。Mr.Li: Ok, I’ll see you then.对话口译2
Zhao: Welcome to Pazhou Exhibition Center of Canton Fair.Please allow me to introduce myself.I’m Zhao Ying, Deputy Director of Overseas Department of Chinese Export Commodities Fair.Guest: Thank you, Ms.Zhao.The members of my delegation are all from the exhibition industry of Cologne, Germany.It’s a great pleasure for us to have the opportunity to visit the exhibition center today.客人:谢谢您,赵女士。今天我所率领的代表团的成员均来自德国科隆展览界。我们非常高兴今天能有机会参观这个展览中心。
Zhao: It’s a great pleasure for us to receive German friends in Pazhou.I’d like to extend our warmest welcome to all the members of the delegation on behalf of the staff members of the Canton Fair.Guest: Thank you very much.Chinese people are famous throughout the world for their friendliness and hospitality.We have been overwhelmed by your arrangements.I believe this will be a very memorable visit.客人:非常感谢!中国人民素以有好和热情闻名于世。你们的安排非常出色!
Zhao: I’ll give you short briefing on the Pazhou Exhibition Center then will take you around.After that, there will be a 15-minute video show on the recent development of trade and economics of Guangdong province.Is the plan all right with you?
Guest: That sounds perfect with me!I can’t wait to explore a bit more in this magnificent building, thank you!
A:Welcome to Fuzhou Import and Export Commodities Fair.My name is Wang Ming.I’m sales manager of the Fuzhou Machinery Company Inc.B: Hi, Mr.Wang.My name is Shawn Black.I’m from Seattle, U.S.A..I’m in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.B: 您好王先生。我是肖恩·布莱克。我来自美国西雅图,是太平洋贸易有限公司的采购部经理。
A:I’m very pleased to meet you, Mr.Black.Please sit down and allow me to introduce our company and its products.B: Thank you.I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the variety of machine tools you manufacture.I believe my customers will like your new products.B: 谢谢。我已经看过贵公司的宣传册,贵公司的经营范围,尤其是贵公司生产的机床品种,都给我留下了深刻的印象。我相信我的顾客一定会喜欢你们的新产品。
A:您对我们的产品感兴趣,我很高兴。不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我们公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。A: I’m very glad that you’re interested in our products.Actually the brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools.Please come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show room.B: Sure.Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable.If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an inquiry.Here’s the list of our interested machine tools.I’d like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.F.Seattle.B: 好的,贵公司的产品颇有吸引力。当然产品的工艺还不尽如人意。我是否可以先向您询价?这份单子上列出来我感兴趣的机床。我希望您报一下西雅图到岸价的最低报价。
A:Thank you for.your inquiry.We can supply you with all the required tools on the list.Here’s the C.I.F.US Pacific Coastal City price list.We may adjust the prices according to the quantity you want.B: Well, Mr.Wang, your prices are not very competitive.My demand is bulk, but of course I’ll have to reduce the quantity of my intended purchase substantially with your offer.B: 王先生,贵方的价格没有什么竞争力。我要的数量很大,当然咯,按您的报盘我只得削减预定的购买量。
A:As I said earlier, Mr.Black, our prices are adjustable according to the quantity of your requirement.If our offer is the only thing that bothers you, you can look around and call again for another discussion of our quotation.B: I sure will.Nice meeting you.I’ll call home about your quotations and come back tomorrow with our decision.B: 那是一定的。能与您相会我很高兴。我要同公司联系,汇报一下贵方的报价,明天我会把我们的决定告诉您。
第五篇:2014南理工考研 企业管理学复习指导
2014南理工考研: 企业管理学复习指导