
时间:2019-05-15 04:06:38下载本文作者:会员上传



1.这次研讨会圆满完成了预定日程,今天就要闭幕了。Having completely accomplished its goals as scheduled, the seminar comes to an end today.2.我们可利用科学的手段把文物的损毁减少到最低限度。We can use scientific means to reduce to the minimum the damages to the relics.3.根本的出路在于努力推动建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序。The ultimate solution is to promote the establishment of a new fair and reasonable international

economic order.4.我们相信还有扩大双边贸易的可能。We believe there is still possibility of expanding bilateral trade.5.许多毕业生选择到中国西部地区工作。

A lot of graduates have chosen to work in the western areas of China.6.许多毕业生决心为我国的西部大开发战略贡献力量。

A lot of graduates are determined to contribute to our country's grand development strategy of the

west regions.7.我们需要改革教学方法,提高教学质量。We need to reform the teaching methods in order to upgrade the quality of teaching.8.为期四天的展览会将展示先进的环保技术与设备。The four-day exhibition will display advanced technologies and equipments of environmental

protection.9.世界知识产权组织的成员国现有171个。World Intellectual Property Organization now has 171 member countries

10.全体运动员必须尊重并遵守奥运会的各项规则。All athletes must respect and observe all the rules and regulations of the Olympics.11.中央政府坚定地支持香港和澳门特别行政区政府和行政长官的工作。The central government firmly supports the government of Hong Kong and Masco Special A

administrative Regions and their executives in their work.12.尽管我们在一起相聚的时间很短,但这次会议却极大地增进了彼此间的了解和友谊。Although we got along with each other for a short time, the conference has enhanced our

understanding and friendship.13.博物馆近期会开办一些专题展览.In the near further, the museum will start some exhibitions on special subjects.14.这场金融危机波及了整个世界经济。The financial crisis has affected the world economy.15.我此次来访的目的就是探讨发展双方的贸易前景。My visit this time is to explore the prospects of the mutual trade development.16.我们应该重视利用信息技术发展远程教育。We should stress the use of information technology to expand the remote education.17.到2010年,北京市居民人均绿地面积达到 15平方米。By the year 2010,the per capita greenery coverage of Beijing will have reached 15 square meters.18.请允许我代表中国政府,对到北京参加这一盛会的世界各地的朋友表示欢迎。Please allow me ,on behalf of the Chinese government , to express welcome to friends from all

over the world to attend this grand meeting in Beijing.19.亚洲国家和地区正在积极促进多边贸易体制的健康发展。

Asian countries and regions are working for a sound development of a multilateraltrade regime.20.2005 年,中国国内生产总值达到12.5万亿元。In 2005, China's GDP reached 12.5 trillion yuan.21.借助不正当手段获胜,会败坏体育竞赛的声誉。To win through unjust means will damage the reputation of the sport competition.22.他们的辛勤工作确保了会议的顺利进行。Their hard work has ensured the smooth running of the conference.23.博物馆中最古老的藏品已有170万年的历史。The oldest collection of the museum has a history 1.7 million years.24.中国通过双边渠道向该国提供了援助。China provided assistance for the country through bilateral channels.25.多年以来,中国政府在保护环境方面做出了不遗余力的努力。For many years the Chinese government has done its utmost to protect the environment.26.人类在第二次世界大战的废墟上重建和平。Mankind rebuilt the peace on the ruins of world war two.27.经济全球化是一把双刃剑。Economic globalization is a double-edged sword.28.中国将大力发展电子商务加快信息化进程。China will strive to develop e-commerces accelerate the process of informationalization.29.本组织及其成员国必须顺应并受益于信息技术领域的变革。The organization and its member countries must comply with and benefit from the transformations

in the field of information technology.30.亚洲一定能够为促进世界的和平与发展做出更大的贡献。Asia will surely make greater contributions to promoting the world peace and development.31.公司要隔一定的时间付利息给债券持有者。The company will at certain intervals pay interests to the owners of bond.32.这些博物馆每年吸引游客三千万人。These museums attracts 30 million tourists each year.33.我们正在深化改革努力实现今年经济社会发展的目标。We are pushing forward the reform and trying to achieve the goals of this year's economic and

social development.34.我们需要加快高中阶段教育和高等教育的发展。We should speed up the development of secondary education and higher education.35.到2010年北京的绿地面积将达到百分之四十五。By 2010,the greenery coverage of Beijing will have reached 45 per cent.36.在世界知识产权所从事的各项工作中,进行交流和开展国际合作是其关键所在。Among all the jobs that the World Intellectual Property Organization undertakes, the key is to

develop international exchange and cooperation.37.人权和基本自由已成为世界各地人民共同最求的目标。The human rights and fundamental freedom have become the common goals of allthe people in

the world.38.亚洲有着丰富的自然资源和人力资源。Asia has abundant natural and human resources.39.人生最重要的不是庆祝胜利而是努力奋斗。What is the most important about life is not the celebration of victory, but the endeavor to work.40.位于市中心的中国历史博物馆于1959年10月竣工。The National Museum of Chinese

History in the center of the city was completed in October 1959.41.国际社会的所有成员应共同维护世界经济的稳定发展。All the members of the international community should join hands in maintaining the stable

development of the world economy.42.与人口增长相伴的是越来越多的人渴望更高的生活水平。What comes along with the population growth is that more and more people long for higher living

standard.43.国际人权事业仍面临着众多的困难与障碍。The international human rights cause still faces many difficulties and obstacles.44.亚洲有49个国家和地区大部分是发展中经济体。There are 49 countries and regions in Asia, and most of them are developing economies.45.中国将继续改善投资环境扩大利用外资。China will continue to improve its investment environment and further make use of foreign

capital.46.我衷心祝愿我们的事业蒸蒸日上我们的友谊地久天长。I sincerely wish our career prosper and our friendship last forever.英译汉部分

1.Please allow me to introduce the representatives' names, their positions and brief background.请允许我介绍各位代表的姓名.职位和简要背景。

2.The city and this country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy

that are required to meet the challenges.这座城市和这个国家都体现了迎接挑战所需的一种进取精神奉献精神和活力。

3.The city and this country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy.这座城市和这个国家都体现了进取精神奉献精神和活力。

4.The U.S.and China have a special responsibility to act together to reduce these threats to our


5.The government needs to instill the concept of environmental protection among city residents.政府应向城市市民灌输环保意识。

6.Let us recommit ourselves to ensuring that all people living in cities have a say in the decisions

that affect their lives.让我们再次承诺:保证居住在城市里的所有人,使他们在影响自己生活的决定中有发言权。

7.Visitors to the zoo can have breakfast or tea with an orangutan.参观动物园的游客可以和一只猩猩共进早餐或喝茶。

8.Visitors to the zoo must book in advance.参观动物园的游客必须预先订票。

9.Your claim is untenable, and we can see no point in pursuing it further.你的观点是站不住脚的,我们没有必要进一步坚持。

10.Instead of grading students only on test scores, teachers evaluate papers, group projects and

class participation, as well.老师根据学术论文 集体项目和课堂参与评价学生,而不仅仅是考试成绩。

11.Education is compulsory from ages five to sixteen.5至16岁接受教育是强制性的。

12.Public education is free to all children in the elementary and secondary grades.公办教育对中小学的所有学生都是免费的。

13.We have developed many leading-edge technologies to clean up environmental damage.我们已经开发出许多尖端技术来消除环境危害。

14.We must prevent pollution before it damages our natural heritage.我们必须制止污染,以免损坏我们的自然遗产。

15.The environmental problems of the U.S.mounted until in 1963, they passed the Clean Air


16.We look to the further with great hope and look to you to be our partners in further developing

the market.我们满怀希望期待未来期待你们在进一步发展市场中成为我们的伙伴。

17.Lack of education, training, competitive job markets and mis-guide policies undermine the

productivity of the urban poor.教育和培训的缺乏,充满竞争的就业市场以及政策的误导性,削弱了城市贫民层的生产力。

18.Different ethnic groups all add their dash of spice to Singapore's rich cultural blend.不同的民族都在新加坡丰富的文化交融中,增添了一道自己的调味品。

19.Protection against international piracy ranks high on the government's trade agenda.反国际盗版在政府的贸易日程表上出于重要的位置。

20.Other activities occupy students' time after school hours.其它活动占据了学生的课余时间。

21.More high school students feel they need a competitive edge to help them get in.越来越多的高中生感觉他们需要竞争优势帮助他们进入大学。

22.We must look well beyond our own cities and countryside, and make environment a core

foreign policy objective.我们的眼光必须跨自己的城镇和乡村,使环境成为外交政策的核心目标。

23.Students with less academic goals may enroll in vocational schools or community colleges.学业目标较低的学生可以就读于职业学校或社区学院。

24.More than other bilateral relationship, that between the UK and the USA permeates all areas

of British foreign policy.与别的双边关系相比,英国与美国的双边关系更是渗透到英国外交政策的各个方面。

25.Over the next day and a half we will have the opportunity to get to know each other.在接下来一天半的时间里我将有机会彼此了解。

26.Homelessness prevents the poor from exercising rights, including the right to privacy and

family life.无家可归-使得穷人难以行使自己的权利,包括隐私权和家庭生活权。

27.I am grateful this symposium has provided me the opportunity to meet so many

distinguished guests.感谢这次研讨会给我提供机会结识这么多的嘉宾。

28.These people lead insecure lives, and have little or no say in decisions that shape their lives.这些人过着毫无保障的生活,在形成他们生活的决策方面几乎或者根本没有发言权

29.The government of Singapore fosters a tolerant society, it encourages citizens to be clean,courteous and law-abiding.新加坡政府提倡一个包容的社会,他鼓励市民讲究卫生礼貌待人和遵纪守法。

30.The Great Lakes are the largest group of lakes in the world, covering 95,170 square miles in


31.Universities are regarded as ivory towers and consequently enjoy total academic freedom.大学被看作象牙塔,因此享有完全的学术自由。

32.Tending to the environment has not weakened our economy.爱护环境并没有削弱我们的经济。

33.Students often have to think creatively to solve problems---not just memorize facts.学生们必须经常以创造性的思维来解决问题 --而不仅仅是机械记忆。

34.The objective of today's meeting is an open exchange of information and encourages you to

ask questions and open dialogues.今天会议的目标是开放的交换信息,我鼓励大家提出问题展开对话。

35.Many millions of people live in overcrowded slums and squatter settlements, without access to

basic service.成千上万的人居住在过分拥挤的贫民窟及违章建筑区,享受不到基本的服务。

36.Singapore surprises visitors with its many languages, cultures, races and religions.新加坡以其多种语言 文化 种族及宗教令游客惊叹不已。

37.In 1872, Yellowstone became the world's first national park.1872年,黄石成为世界上第一个国家公园。

38.We regret that we are unable to comply with your request to reduce the price.很遗憾我们不能满足你们提出的降低价格的要求。

39.Oxford University attracts scholars from many parts of the world to join its teaching and

research staff.牛津大学吸引了来自世界各地的学者加入他们的教学和科研队伍

40.A green product is one that less impact on the environment。

41.These women are engaged in a battle that has been waged for most of the past decade.这些妇女从事着一场在过去十年的大部分时间里都在进行的斗争。

42.Freedom of choice is another American value not absent from school life.选择的自由是体现在学校生活中的另一个美国价值观。

43.The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years 绿色产品就是对环境影响较少的产品。

are very encouraging.过去几年,经济发展显著管理良好,形势令人鼓舞。

44.I can safely say we will have even closer cooperation in the future.我敢肯定的说在未来我们将会有更加紧密的合作。

45.When local government work in genuine partnership with civil society----the entire

environment thrives.当地方政府和民间团体结成真正的伙伴关系时,整个社会就会繁荣起来。

46.The Mississippi flows some 6400 kilometers from its northern sources in the Rocky

Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico.密西西比河从北部落基山发源,流经6400公里,注入墨西哥湾。

47.In University course selections, women are entering some professional programs in increasing


48.Protecting the environment is today a bedrock American value.保护环境是今天美国一个基本价值观.49.The finding, which were published in Science, offer new evidence of global warming.发表在科学杂志上的调查结果为全球变暖提供了新的证据。


四级听力 短对话部分


1. 推理原则:一般需对对话进行推理,故直接在对话中听到的一般不是正确答案。2. 挫折原则:通常要办的事情都是不顺利的(如买东西买不到,订房间客满等)3. 男女原则:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛。男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。



4. 父母一般只有一个作用教育子女好好学习

5. 除了父母教育子女外,家里(包括朋友家,阿姨家等等)发生的事情一般是不考的,故遇到地点推测题类似 at home / at Mary’s home之类的选项一般都是不对的。

6. 四级听力短对话只考日常生活学习中遇得到事情,问题,故如果选项中出现一些日常生活中不太可能发生或很少发生的事情一般不会是正确选项

短对话十大场景及一般思路 1. 借车:车一般是借不到的

2. 吃:匹萨,海鲜吃了一般会有不适反应,“派”一般比较好吃

3. 考试:作业、论文一般比较难,或须要熬夜


选修课较难较多 4. 坐车(飞机、轮船):一般都需要等 5. 事故(灾难):光明原则,一般不会死人

6. 听讲座:题目一般是比较有趣丰富的,内容一般是比较复杂难懂的

7. 论文:一般需要修改(polish)或重写(rewrite)

8. 休闲:男生一般喜欢待在家里看TV或者看moive,女生一般喜欢高雅艺术如


9. 医院:需要预约make an appointment 10买票:基本上是买不到的 短对话的常见场景 1.学校场景 课程分类

Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课 Day course 白天的课 Evening course 晚上的课 经常出现的科目或专业 Chinese 中文 English 英语 mathematic 数学 history 历史 chemistry 化学 Literature 文学 考试

Final exam 期终考试 middle exam 期中考试 make up 补考 test测验

pop test 事先没有说好的测验 quiz 测验 oral test 口试 考试临近

draw on / in sight of / draw nearly 考试延期或取消

delay / be off / defer / hold up postpone / put off / suspend 学校分类

public school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 religious school 教会学校 学校中的人 president 校长 dean 院长 professor 教授 lecturer 讲师

coordinator 管理员 doctor 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士

freshman 大一新生


sophomore 大二学生 junior 大三学生 senior 大四学生 图书馆

借书 lend / borrow / check out 参考书 reference book 续借 renew 过期 overdue 还书 return 罚金 fine attend / have a lecture 上课 cut a class 逃课

miss a class 错过了课 scholarship 荣誉奖学金 assistantship 助教奖学金 teaching assistant 助教 research assistant 助研 semester 学期 2.交通运输场景 fare 车票 licence 驾照

rush hours 高峰时间

traffic jam 交通堵塞 overtake 超车

one way street 单行道 over speed 超速 police officer 交警 ticket 罚单 fine 罚金

fast way / express way / high way 高速公路

motor way 机动车道 super way 飞机机动车道 free way 免费高速公路


plane / train(女)

/ bus / bike(女)

/ walk(女)

/ taxi

(女):女生比较喜欢 tunnel / channel 隧道 ring road 环线





metro 地道地铁 underpass人行地道

overhead 轻轨 flyover 人行天桥 mag – lev 磁悬浮 take a taxi 乘出租车

call a taxi 招出租车/订出租车 catch a train / bus 赶火车/汽车 3.电话场景

mobile phone 手机 pay phone 公用电话

telephone box/booth 电话亭 yellow page 黄页

dial(拨电话号码)/ press(按电话号码)extension 分机 operator 总机 put~through 接通

wrong number / there is no one by this name 电话号码错了/ 没有这个人 is not in 不在?be not in hold on 不要挂断,稍等 take/leave a message 留言 hang up / get off 挂断 credit call 记账式电话

bill the call into the 3rd party 免费电话 collect call 对方付费电话 4.机场场景

plane / craft 飞机 book 订票

timetable 时间表

destination 目的地 open ticket one way ticket 单程票 round trip ticket 来回票


/ direct flight 直航

transfer / lay over / stop over 转机 first / business / economy cabin

头等 / 商务 / 经济 舱

confirm the flight 确认航班 check in 登记

boarding card 登机牌 security check 安检 see

off 送行 送别时的祝语

keep in touch 保持联系 safe landing 安全着陆

board 登机 take off 起飞 departure 离港

safety / sect belt 安全带 land 着陆 arrival 进港 pick

up 接机 5.公司场景

job vacancy 有空缺职位 letter of application 求职信 resume 简历


basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料

academic background 教育背景

work experience 工作经验

certificates and honours interview 面试 offer 聘用信

work experience 工作经验 work overtime 加班 ask for a raise 加钱 wage 周薪

salary 日薪 bonus奖金 allowance 津贴

annual income 年收入 promotion 升职 fire 解雇 resign 辞职 retire 退休 laid-off 下岗

work / job / career / course 工作 post / position / vocation / title 职务 假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday 假日,假期 vacation 休假

annual leave 年假 sick leave 病假 rest 休息

break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息break away 离开一会 公司职位从大到小 chairman of the board


president--general manager—manager – department manager—head – officer – specialist(专员)

--clerk 6.租房场景

live on campus 住校 live off campus 住校外 for sale 可销售的房子

for rent / lease 可出租的房子 to let 同上 rent 租金

utilities 公用事业费 location 位置

suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心 condition 住房条件 furnished 配家具 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水 blackout 断电 environment 环境 transportation 交通 land lord 房东

land lady 房东太太 tenant 房客

roommate 室友

好的室友:neat 整洁的considerate 体贴的,细心的

不好的室友:messy / untidy 脏乱的noisy 吵闹的 7.医院场景

see a doctor 去医院看医生 send for a doctor 让医生出诊

health center / clinic 卫生所

/ 门诊部

physician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist 牙医

make an appointment 预约 emergency 急诊

check up / exam 检查 cold(感冒)—— flu(流感)—— headache(头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)——

fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼)—— stomachache(胃疼)

prescribe 开药方 pill / tablet 药片 liquid 喝药水

injection => shot 注射 operation 手术

medical result 诊断结果


make a reservation 预订房间 confirm a reservation 确认预订 cancel a reservation 取消预订 fully booked / full up / full 客满 porter 行旅员 tips 小费

reception 前台 check in 登记入住 single room 单人房

double room 一张大床的双人房twin room 两张单人床的双人房 suite 套房


toilet / w.c restroom



room service 客房服务(四级听力中的客房服务一般只有考一种——送餐)lounge 男士用休息区 lobby 大堂

business center 商务中心 salon 美容厅 ball 舞厅 bar 酒吧

night club 夜总会 check out 退房 9.邮局场景

post / send / mail 寄 letter / mail 信 registered mail 挂号信 regular mail平信 airmail 航空信

parcel / package 包裹 telegram / cable 电报 rate 费率

overweight 超重 postage 邮资 email 电子邮件

reply 回复 forward 转发

cc(carbon copy)抄送

bcc(blind carbon copy)秘密抄送 subject 主题

attach 附件attachment 10.饭店场景 eat out 出去吃 take away 外带 fast food 快餐

book a table 订位子

waiter / waitness 服务员waitress menu 菜单 order 点菜

appetizer 开胃菜 main course 主食 dessert 餐后甜点 bill 账单

service charge 服务费 change 找零 tips 小费

keep the change 不用找零了

11.其他 closed 关门 open 开门

office hours / business hours / working hours 工作时间,营业时间 关于开关

power on / off 开/关 turn on / off 开/关

switch on / off 开/ 关(这个词只能用于与电有关的开关,不能用于水龙头之类的开关)干杯 cheers

propose a toast to bottom up the best book 最好的书圣经 the best thing 最好的事情选择 the last thing 最不愿意做的事情 the last man 最不愿意见的人 best seller 畅销的东西 sell up 卖完,卖光 售罄

sell out卖完,卖光 售罄 / 出卖朋友或原则

sell off 低价处理库存商品 selling machine 自动售货机 selling point 卖点 count the days 渴望

count on = dependent / rely on depend on count in 把„„考虑在内 count for nothing 一钱不值 count for little 无足轻重 count for much 举足轻重 count down 倒计时 count up 相加 count up to 共计 关于旅行 travel

journey 陆上长途旅行 trip 陆上短途旅行 outing 远足 stroll 散步 wander 徘徊 picnic 野餐 camping 野营 tour 周游

cruise 水上短途旅行 voyage 水上长途旅行 关于死亡的说法

没有感情色彩的:die / end up / meat one’s death / decease

褒义的: pass away 贬义的:kick the bucket 关于和别人相处的好的说法 get on with = get along(well)with be in good term with live in peace with 关于强调 point out emphasize lay / put emphasis on give emphasis to 达成协议找到出路 find a way out reach an agreement reach a consensus 关于“得失” gains and losses

give and take 关于拜访

drop in / at / over / by stop in / over / by call on sb call at / round sw look in / up pay a visit to pay / make a call to 关于碰见,偶遇 come across run into bump into happen to meet 关于花钱、花费的词 Take Spend Cost Charge Pay Buy 关于水


running / tap ~ 自来水 fresh ~ 活水 still ~ 死水 pure ~ 纯净水 purified ~ 净化水 mineral ~ 矿泉水 be used to do 被用于 be used to dong习惯于

get used to doing 渐渐习惯于 used to do 过去常常 单复数意思不太一样的词 ruin 毁灭

ruins 废墟

authority 权威 authorities 当局 brain 头脑 brains 智力,智慧 custom 风俗习惯

customs 海关

damage 破坏,损坏

damages 赔偿费 ground 地面 土地

grounds 院子,监狱 manner 礼貌 方式

manners 外貌 minute 分钟

minutes 会议记录 paper 纸张

papers 试卷 time 时间

times 时代

关于“调查” research survey 市场调查

opinion poll 名义调查民意调查 questionnaire 问卷调查 investigation 很正式的调查 interview 会见,访谈 belong to 属于 participate in 参加

be engaged in 从事、参加

be involved in 卷入 消磨时间 kill time pass time count one’s thumbs 用完、缺少 run out of be short of

be lack in lack of / in a little 一点

not a little 很多 a bit 一点

not a bit 一点也没有


1.表示期待、希望、渴望做某事的说法 expect / hope / wish be eager / anxious /dying to look for ward to wait / yean / thirst / long for can not wait counting the days 2.下列词语与“but”一样含有转折的的意思 actually well really in fact as a matter of fact to tell you the truth 3.表示建议的句型

how about„„

做„„如何 I heard about„„

我听说„„ If I were you „„

如果我是你„„ It seems to me that„„ 在我看来似乎„„ Let’s „„ shall we ? 让我们„„怎么样?

Let us „„ will you ? 让我们„„怎么样?

Shall I / we ……

What about „„


Why don’t you „„

你为什么不„„ Why not + 动词原型

为什么不„„ Would you like „„

你要„„吗? Wouldn’t „„ be better / wiser 做„„不是更好吗?

4.表示同意、附和的句型 I agree with you Exactly

I couldn’t agree with you more / better I think so I can’t wait any minute Believe it or not I will „„ if

假如„„我就会 It’s my turn

轮到我了 我请客 Why not ? You are right

I guess so

我猜也是 No problem


Of cause

Out of question 毫无疑问 So do I / me too 我也是

Sure / absolutely / beautiful 当然,很好 Good idea

That sounds really nice 听起来真不错 5.表示询问的句型

Any questions / any thing wrong 有什么问题吗?

Can you give me some ideas

可以给我一些建议吗? Do you know …… Do you want to……

Do you find any wrong with


How long will it take


I am thinking of „„


I suppose think „„

我猜想„„ What’s your plane plan


What happens if „„


What shall we do



Actually / as a matter of fact 事实上„„ How can you do sth

你怎么可以„„ I can’t afford any disturbance 不要再烦我 I couldn’t agree with you

I didn’t men to

我本不打算 I don’t think so

It doesn’t matter 无所谓 I wish „„


I’d like to but 我很愿意但是„„ I’d love to but I just can’t bear I am afraid not I am sorry but „„ is not everything

„„不是关键 no bother / why bother 不要麻烦 no , thanks really

That’s his opinion To tell you the truth Well , as far as I know 7.表示“不得不”

have to 表示客观上不得不做某事 must 主观上的必须做某事 be bound to cannot but have no choice but 8.表示“迟到” behind time be delayed / overdue behind schedule be late 9.表示“紧张” tremble shake all over get one’s tongue tied have one’s mind go blank nervous 10.以下词组听到后意思取反 mean to


planned to

原计划„„ intended to 原打算„„ tended to

used to


11.以下句型要引起重视,重点听取,就算本身不是考点也一定直接引向考点 反意疑问句(„„,didn’t you ?)反问句 倒装句

助动词 do / did / does it is „„ that / who / when„„ 的句型


1. 含义肯定的不是正确选项,模糊的是正确选项




2. 含有一下单词的一般是正确选项

neither / either / also / besides / almost / especially / possibly / probably / likely perhaps / might / may / maybe / could /can / all / none 3. 含有以下三种结构的一般可能是正确选项




4. 含有四级词汇替换项的一般是正确选项 5. 表示“同意或不同意”,“喜欢或不喜欢”,“应该或不应该的”的一般为正确选项 6. 以下三种选项一般其中有一个可能是正确选项

反意项 形似项近似项

7. 同意项不可能是正确选项,等例排除。等立排除

8. 绝对化选项,一般不是正确答案,可直接排除


1. 直接听到的不选

2. 极限值即值最大和最小的选项一般不选 关于数字计算题

1. 灾难题(如飞机失事、交通事故):一般选总和 2. 号码题

double 表示两个,double two =22 triple 表示三个,triple two = 222 凡是遇到一时反映不过来或听不懂的数字一般为“0” 3. 价格计算题


discount of 10% 表示打9折


单价题 one / each 此类题目较难也很少考,一般在有倍数关系的一对数字中选小的那个

语段题部分 语段题概述

从文章题材来分:三分之二考说明文,三分之一考记叙文,偶尔也考议论文,新闻报道 从文章内容来分:二分之一考社科类,三分之一考故事,其他还考自然科学,人物传记


1. 学校题材(剑桥大学等)


2. 机构介绍(监狱,图书馆等)重点:地点,规模,制度,专业 3. 社会热点


4. 灾难题(毒品,车祸等)重点:问题类型,起因,危害,解决方法(尤其是科学家、研究人员提出的事实、观点、方法、结论)5. 新闻题

重点:when where who why which(what)how 6. 人物题


7. 科普题(太阳风等)


究发现和初步结论 8. 故事 重点:主人公遭遇、变故、主人公做的决定、原因、结局


1. 听即原则:所听即所得,听到什么就选什么(正好与短对话相反,短对话时听到的一般不选)

2. 重读原则:某单词被反复读到或是在语音上加以重读,因引起重视如果选项中出现很可能是正确答案

3. 顺序原则:出题顺序一般与行文顺序相同除了主题题和部分说明文

4. 主题原则:主题一般出现在段落的头尾部分,所以要集中精力听清前三句话和最后两句话

5. 原因原则:凡出现表示原因,目的的很有可能是考点如:because so as 等词前后要着重听

6. 转则原则:凡出现表示转则的词如:but however yet 等,后面的句子往往是考点,要引起重视

7. 光明原则:事情一般都是向着好的方面发展的,主人公多数是大难不死的,事情总是逢凶化吉,绝处逢生的 8. 男女原则:同短对话

9. 穷学生原则:学生一般都是比较穷的,不能继续学业一般都是因为经济原因,因为穷一般还比较喜欢DIY一些东西 10.偏怪小原则:一般故事总是稀奇古怪的,经过总是曲折离奇的,结局总是出人意料的。宗旨就是意料之外、情理之中 语段题的做提步骤

1. 先预读备选项,从备选项推测文章的体裁和大致内容

2. 更据十大原则和该类文章的重点大致推测考点可能出现的位置

3. 听语段,尤其抓住标志词,确定考点 4. 听问题,将原文的意思对应选项。确定考点后用原文对应选项

对应选项一般有四种情况按难度依次为 原词复现:选项中的用词和原文完全一样 同义复现:选项中用一个同义词或词组替换原文中的词



据研究有90%以上的考点都是由标志词引导活提示的,因此在语段听力中听到下列标志词时要引起高度的重视,集中注意力听清标志词前后的句子。1. 最高级标志词

形容词、副词最高级、most / chief / primary / main / leading / „„

2. 唯一级标志词

only / unique / prefer / every / one / of all / perfect / …… 3. 因果项标志词

cause / lead to / contribute to / thanks to / owing to / question / answer / why / reason / 其他形式的问句

/ „„ 4. 转则项关键词

despite / in spite of / instead / while / from ~ to

~ / although ~(yet)~ / not only ~ but also ~ / „„

5. 序数项标志词

所有的序数词(first , second)/ another / the other / next / last / in addition / on the other hand / „„

6. 时间项标志词

when / how / today / as / before / after / since / then / until / …… 7. 解释项标志词

or / namely / in other words / that is / that is to say / ……

8. 目的项标志词 to / for / ……

9. 总结项标志词

all in all / in brief / to conclude / at last / in summary / in short / …… 10.强调项标志词

副词:especially / particularly / almost / always / usually / „„

动词:show / remember / note / notice / say / pronounce

/ „„

说明文的特点及解题技巧 说明文的选项特征

1. 选项简洁概括、不完整句子居多,最多有一至二题细节体

2. 选项往往比较抽象,一般以 it / they / man / woman /等抽象名词做主语

3. 选项往往表达因果、目的、手段的小词 如:because / by / to 4. 选项具备科学性、客观性的特点,但选项之间缺乏逻辑关系 说明文的文章特点

1. 文章紧紧围绕一个事物或事件进行描述,深入浅出,要求知其所以然

2. 文章紧扣一个中心事物,着重描写一个熟悉事物的与众不同处

3. 语言平实、简洁、明白,有时会用以下修辞方法:分类法、举例子、做比较、列数字

4. 层次结构清楚,多为总分结构

5. 开篇引题,重点不分明。但以设问开头 的说明文除外。


1. 在每个层次的启承处

判断个层次的启承主要有两种方法一种是听序数项标志词如:on the other hand / another / second等等;第二种是听“气”即语速,语音,语调有所变化的地方。2. 段落开头、结尾处,前三后二 科技类说明文

重点注意三个“age”即 advantage 优势 disadvantage 劣势 usage 用途 环境类说明文

重点在于产生环境问题的原因及解决方法 实验类说明文 重点在于:

实验目的、实验手段、实验结果 演讲类说明文 重点在于:

演讲主题、说话人的观点、文章走向 应该重视的原则

听即原则 主题原则 层次原则 原因原则 转折原则

求异原则 注意事物的与众不同处

替换原则 数字,年代等一般需要重新定位 记叙文的特点及解题技巧

记叙文的内容一般为记叙人物经历,故事、事物发展过程、游记等 记叙文的选项特征

1. 提供大量细节,选项中经常有时间名、地点名、人物名。2. 选项基本是完整的句子主语常为he / she / the man / the women 3. 选项多位叙述性的句子,比一般说明文来的长

4. 选项符合时间顺序,但没有逻辑关系 记叙文的文章特点

1. 人物简单,事实清楚,中心明确 2. 故事情节相对完整

3. 故事本身无主题无重点

4. 写作方法一般有顺叙和倒叙两种,以顺叙为主倒叙为辅

5. 叙述顺序一般有两种:时间顺序和事务发展顺序

记叙文可能出现的考点 1. 考主题 前三句后两句 2. 考原因 3. 考转折

4. 靠顺序,时间顺序,事物发展顺序 5. 考对话,可在选项旁边适当做笔记如:a选项是tom说的那就在a旁边写个t,反之如果选项是人名,那么就在每个人名边上写下这人说的话中最关键的一词 记叙文解题应该重视的原则

1. 听即原则,尤其重视重读、重读现象 2. 主题原则,段首往往是考点

3. 特别重视三类标志词:因果 转折 时间 4. 光明原则:事情一般都是逢凶化吉的 5. 偏怪小原则:事情结局一般总是出人意料的,如果没听清楚切忌按常理推断,要猜也要猜最偏最怪的那个

新闻稿类型文章的特点及解题思路 新闻稿的选项特点 1. 选项具有时效性 2. 选项具有灾难性 新闻稿的文章特点

1. 文章叙事的结构有两种:金字塔型和倒金字塔型。四级听力语段一般为金字塔型,即最重要的放在最前面,导语引领全文 2. 注重实效性,在原文和选项中都体现出刚发生的感觉,有时还会涉及将来时 3. 内容一般是两大类:天灾,人祸 新闻稿可能出现的考点 1. 考导语即第一句话

2. 靠宾语 即语段中线类似 It is said / reported / pronounces / declared /„„/ that „„


3. 考查四方面的信息:时间、地点、人物、数字

4. 考转折 5. 考原因

议论文章的特点及解题思 议论文的选项特征

1. 选项多位概括性的句子 2. 选项有表明观点的作用 3. 选项有内在逻辑关系 议论文文章特点

1. 在三大要素中(论点、论证、论据)论点和论据是文章的重点。论点一般在文章开头,篇尾也会点题

2. 文章通俗易懂,道理浅显,说理的过程叙事化

3. 主题明确,围绕一个论点展开

4. 层次结构清楚,一般为总分总结构。小论点明显,态度鲜明 议论文的常见考点

1. 考论点,中心论点和分论点都是必考的 2. 考问答,文章中出现设问及其回答都是很重要的

3. 考观点:如think„„,suppose „„ 4. 标志词(最高级标志词,唯一级标志词,原因项标志词,转折项标志词)


复合式听写答题顺序及技巧 听之前:pre – listening 1. 对全文进行全局性预览:尤其是第一句(topic)最后一句(conclusion)2. 观察空格前后的特殊现象,判断词性,单复数,时态语态



1. 省略虚词如:如冠词,助动词等

2. 遇到词组记每个单词首字母如 break down 就记作B D,但一定要自己看得懂的 3. 长单词记前三个字母 如:experience 就记作 exp 4. 符号记忆 如:more than 就记作”>” less than 记作 “<” equal to 记作 “=”等等 5. 混合记忆 就是把上面几种方法混合起来用,还可以夹杂中文字等等

6. 随便记忆 如果实在一时想不出是什么词,就用拼音,音标或者读音相近的词先把他记下来。总之就是不管对错,先把大致读

音记下来再说,然后等有时间再慢慢研究。7. 无论采取何种记录方法最重要的原则是记得自己看得懂,待会能很方便的回想和复原出来。不要记得到时候自己也想不起来是什么东西。

听之后:after – listening 全面检查和补全前面记录下的东西 1. 检查漏词

a 检查漏掉的:介词(in on at „„),冠词(a an the),代词(it this that „„)b 漏词缀:漏掉单词前缀,漏掉非谓语形式(“ing”„„),漏掉过去时态(最容易出错的是以下四个短语 decided to / surprised to / learned to / started to)2. 检查错词

a 长单词容易发生拼写错误,要仔细检查一遍

b 短单词容易和同音异义词混淆,检查时要和上下文连起来看看意思是不是对 3. 检查大小写

人名 地名 国家名 时间名(月份什么)节日名 书名 文件名 商标名 历史事件名 宗

教名首字都要大写 句首单词首字母也要大写

4. 检查名词单复数,形容词、副词比较级最高级,动词事态,语态

关于最后三句话的听写注意事项和技巧 这个三句话一般比较难,要全部听出来有一定难度。但无论如何有两点要避免,1. 把句子写成一个个单词,把没听见的地方位置空出来。这个是绝对不可取的,老师看都不用看肯定扣分。因为这都不是句子嘛!

2. 把句子的内容不断的涂改,搞的卷面非常难看。这个首先给老师的印象就很恶劣,然后如果有一点点错误本来可以扣0.5分,1分什么的,这下就说不定全部扣光了


1. 逐字逐句听写(适合比较简单的句子或比较牛的同学)

2. 听懂之后写句子大意,无语法错误(适合于比较长的句子)

比较常用的方法是判断这句话表达的是正面的意思还是反面的意思,正面的意思尝试用 it is good / important 之类的句子改写

反面的意思尝试用 it is bad / harmful 之类的句子改写

3. 前后随便抄一句(反正空着也是空着,就随便写一句咯。:P 因为阅卷老师只有答案没有考卷的啦。对是肯定不对的但总比空着强)

4. 呵呵,连随便抄抄这种方法也讲了,还剩下什么呢?这个我就不说了,估计大多数人也是不会用地说 :)




1. 切忌拿到考卷就去翻看作文题,因为那样会打乱你正常的思路,或不知不觉开始构思或造成不必要的紧张,而这都势必会严重影响你听力的效果。作文最后有专门整块的时间可以构思和写作,完全没有必要这样迫不及待。

2. 拿到考卷后除了填准考证什么的就因马上把思想集中在听力部分,因为这是考试中唯一只有一次机会的题目。机不可失,失不再来。

3. 预读选项应该从最后一篇文章往前读,因为section b 的 direction 很较短且选项难度也较大,所以很可能会来不及读的。所以尤其是后两篇文章的选项一定要先读,第一篇实在来不及还可以在direction时读。但在预读选项时,耳朵一定要注意听 当听到

section a 的 direction 读到中间有个“therefore”这个单词时(这个单词在那个例子讲完后一点),无论看到哪里都马上停下来回到section a 读第一题的四个选项。因为“therefore”这个单词到第一题开始正好是10秒,而后面每一题的间隔也正好是10秒。大家一定要让自己适应在10秒内读完四个选项,要知道如果来不及的话也就意味着后面的题目你统统都来不及,因为后面的10秒还要去除答前面一题的时间呢。

4. 答题的时间一般最长不要超过4秒至少要留6秒时间给下一道题的预读。前6秒答题,后8秒预读下一题选项。超过4秒还选不出答案的要么就随便选,要么就记下点什么待会再选。而且事实证明在4秒钟之内不能选出答案的,就算选了错误的几率也是非常大的。所以千万不要拼命狂想,否则后面的就是多米诺骨牌式的效应了。

5. 考前注意休息,营养均衡,早餐定时定量。

6. 强烈建议考试当天早上不要看什么单词书,也不要听什么听力,也不要背什么作文。


7. 对于少部分考试慢热型但心理素质又很好的同学早上也可以随便拿一套听得很熟得真题来听听,但就算要听也一定要听平时听得滚瓜烂熟的千万不要找陌生的来听。(不太推荐)这不是我说的。

8. 古人云,不战而屈人之兵,很大程度上取决于心理因素。所以不要给自己任何负面的心理暗示,早上起来大声地告诉自己我这次一定可以过的,我很强的。然后可以听一些轻音乐之类的舒缓自己紧张的情绪。










据统计,保留完整的四级真题不超过三十套,所以,真题的资源是非常有限,甚至是稀缺的。所以,做真题,不仅仅是一个做题的过程,而且是一个做精做透,精益求精,不断提高的过程。那么怎么样才能在听真题的时候达到以上的要求呢?根据听真题的不同层次,基本上,可以把听题分为以下五个阶段: 1. 初听





I've long heard of you and as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies.您若愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的假日酒店下榻,从假日酒店开车三十分钟可到我们的实验室。旅馆住宿费由公司负担。

If you don't mind, we'd like to accommodate you in Holiday Inn, which is located in the downtown area, a thirty-minute drive from our lab.The company will pay for the hotel rooms.我们会尽力为你们服务,使你们在上海有一种舒适如归的感觉。您在生活或工作中若有不尽如人意之处,请立即与我联系,我很乐意为您排忧解难。

We'll do everything we can to accommodate you and make you feel at home.If you should encounter any inconveniences in your life and work, do not hesitate to let me know and I'll be very glad to help you out.I've been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel very honored and pleased that I'll be working with my Chinese colleagues in the head office of your automobile group.我一直期待着能够访问这个美丽的国家,同时我为自己能够在贵汽车工业集团的总部所在地与中国同事合作共事而深感荣幸和愉快。

There's so much to learn about this mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform.想了解这个神秘之国的东西真是太多了,从古老的文明到当代的改革。


I would like to show you our tentative itinerary.对您短暂的访问,我们为您安排的日程很紧,希望您不介意。

We have a tight schedule for your short/brief visit/stay.I hope you don't mind.自从我们收到您来访日期的电子邮件后便一直期待着您的到来。根据您的要求,我们为您预订了我中心东楼的“明寓”客房。“明寓”从设计到装潢都体现了中国明朝的建筑风格,我相信您一定会喜欢这套古典式房间。

We've been expecting you ever since we received your e-mail message informing us of your date of arrival.Upon your request, we have reserved for you our Ming House suite, which is located in the East Tower of the Center.It is a classic Chinese residence designed and decorated in the architectural style of china's Ming Dynasty.I'm sure you'll like our Ming House.我很高兴地告诉您,先生已被筹委会选为第一轮报告会的主要发言人。如果您需要复印一些发给与会者的报告材料或打算使用投影机,请与我中心的设备服务部门联系。

I'm pleased to tell you that you have been chosen by the organizing committee as a keynote speaker for the first session of the workshop.If you would like to use a photocopier for your handouts, or an overhead projector for your presentation, please do not hesitate to contact our Equipment Service.You'll be staying at the Hilton Hotel.The hotel is located in the downtown area, a few minutes' walk from the office of the Edinburgh Tourist Centre.你们将在希尔顿旅馆下榻。希尔顿旅馆位于市中心,距爱丁堡旅游服务中心的办公楼仅几步之遥。

After the dinner, you will watch a video entitled “Touring Around Edinburgh”, which I believe will give you a bird's-eye view of the tourist attractions and the services provided in Edinburgh and its surrounding areas.餐后,我们将为各位播放题为“爱丁堡之旅”的录像片,让各位对爱丁堡以及附近一带的旅游胜地及其旅游服务设施有一个总观性的了解。

我为能在此设宴招待威廉斯副总统和夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快。我愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs.Williams and other distinguished guests.I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all.显而易见,威廉斯副总统的这次访问表明了阁下愿意继续推进我们两国之间友好合作关系的决心。我深信,两国高层领导人之间的频繁互访,不仅有助于我们两国之间关系的改善,而且还有助于亚太地区,乃至整个世界的和平与稳定。

Evidently, Vice President William's current visit has demonstrated his determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries.I'm deeply convinced that frequent exchanges of visits between the top government officials of the two countries are beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations, but also to the peace and stability of the Asian-Pacific region and the world as a whole.我们两国建交以来的这些年里,我们在政治、经济、贸易、文化、教育、科技、卫生等领域里进行了真诚的、卓有成效的合作。

Over the years since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between our two countries, we have carried out sincere and rewarding cooperation in political, economic, trade, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, public health and other fields.当前中国正在全国范围内进行着一次前所未有的经济改革。

Currently, china is engaged in a national drive for an unprecedented economic reform.如果我们没有社会与政治稳定的国内环境,没有和平与发展的国际环境,没有中外经济与技术合作,我们的这次重大改革是不可能奏效的。It would not be possible for this grand reform program to yield successfully results if China should be deprived of domestic socio-political stability, of an international environment of peace and development, and of economic and technical cooperation between China and other countries.中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,社会生产力水平总的还比较低,还需要经过几十年的艰苦奋斗才能实现现代化。我们需要长期的和平国际环境,尤其是长期的睦邻友好环境。As the largest developing country in the world with a relatively low level of productivity on the whole, china needs a long-term peaceful international environment and a good neighborly environment in particular to realize its modernization program through decades of arduous struggles.我们很高兴地看到,贵国一贯奉行谋求世界和平的政策,在过去的十年中始终与我们保持着良好的贸易伙伴关系。

We are very pleased that your country is in persistent pursuit of a world peace policy and has remained a decade-old trading partner of China.On behalf of all the member of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。

China's rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific region has attracted a growing number of business and financial giants in our country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas.中国迅速崛起成为亚太地区最具实力的经济强国之一,吸引了我国越来越多的商业和金融巨头来华投资,尤其是在上海及其周边地区的许多长期项目上的投资。

Last but not the least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向上海市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请。

We would like his Honor to visit our city at his earliest convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoy here.希望市长阁下在其方便的时候尽早访问我市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待

There are a variety of restaurants to suit all tastes and pockets from top-class restaurants with international cuisine to small coffee shops serving snacks.在澳大利亚可以找到各式各样的餐馆,从具有国际烹饪水准的一流豪华饭店,到供应快餐的小咖啡馆,各种风味,一应尽有,可以满足各类顾客的不同口味要求和不同价位要求。这座寺庙历史悠久,可追溯到初唐时期。

This temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.该城市有该国规模最大、最负盛名的园林。

The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country.这座殿堂的建筑艺术集中代表了我国宋朝时期的建筑风格。

The architecture of this hall best represents the architectural style of China's Song Dynasty.这些旅游景观制作精巧、工艺精湛,其中大多为原作的精确复制品,用料均为白玉、大理石、上乘花岗岩或其他优质石料。

The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of excellent workmanship.Most of them feature the exact replicas of the original, with white jade, marble, top-grade granite and other superior quality stone.公园的东北角有一条300米长的国际街,这条具有欧美建筑风格的国际街集餐饮、购物和娱乐于一体,游客可以在这里领略异国情调,品尝他乡风味,购买纪念礼品,参加各种娱乐活动。

Located in the northeastern corner lies the 300-meter-long International Street with its European and American architectural styles encompassing services of catering, shopping and amusement.Tourists can experience the obvious exotic atmosphere, taste the inviting foreign food, purchase attractive souvenirs and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities.The quotation for each tour includes all expenses in the destination country.This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and international airfare.The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more adults.The quotation for smaller groups will have to be determined by this travel agency.我社每项旅游的报价含游客在旅游国所需的一切费用,其中包括住宿费、膳食费、交通费、游览费、导游费、机场离境税以及国际机票等费用。报价是根据有10名成年游客,或10名成年游客以上组成的团体,按个人计价。本旅行社对人数少于10人的旅游团体,保留重新报价的权利。

And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary, but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseen circumstances.We will give you notice of these changes as they occur, together with reasons.最后,严格按照所定计划办事是我们的原则,对可能出现的一些不可预见的情况,我社则保留修改原定计划的权利。倘若出现这种情况,我们会及时通告各位,并对变动原因做出解释。风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊、各种各样的珍禽奇兽,这些都构成了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。This land features perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests, stretches of serene lakes, and various rare and precious birds and animals, all contributing to the unique views of Jiuzhaigou.I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the variety of machine tools you manufacture.我已看过贵公司的宣传小册子,贵公司的经营范围,特别是贵公司生产的机床品种,已给我留下了极为深刻的印象。

不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们展品 Actually the brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools.You can come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show-room if you please.Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable.If you don't mind, I'd like to make an inquiry.贵公司的产品颇有吸引力,当然产品的工艺还不尽如人意。如果你不介意的话,我想向您询价。

My demand is bulk, but of course I'll have to reduce the quantity of my intended purchase substantially with your offer.我要的数量很大,当然啰,按您的报盘我只得削减预定的购买量。

我们打算长期从贵公司进口一些汽车零部件,当然这得看贵方的价格是否比他人优惠。We would like to import auto parts from your company on a regular basis, provided your prices compare favorably with those of others.As usual, we'd like to quote our new customers the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part.按我们的惯例,为了推动我们将来业务关系的发展,我们愿意给新客户以最公道的价格,即使这样做会使我方蒙受相当大的损失,我们也在所不惜。


But my knowledge of the auto parts market tells me that your offer is very unattractive.Besides, I need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff.In any case, I'd rather wait and hunt around, if you were unable to include any reasonable discount.We guarantee the quality of our supplies.And we have free samples for your inspection.As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%.我们保证货物的质量。我们有免费样品供您检查。至于折扣问题,我们可以将价目单上的开价再减去5%。


I would like to have a quote on a C.I.F.basis valid for 90 days to Los Angeles, with an inclusion of a 5% agent's commission in your quotation.在我们结束谈判之前我想在合同里加一个条款,我对口头约定不放心。

Before we wrap up everything, I'd like to add a clause to the contract.I'm not comfortable with the verbal agreement.根据我们这几天的会谈,我希望今天能与你们草签一份协定,然后定下正式签约的日期。Today I would like to sign a protocol with you based on our meetings during the last few days, and set up a date for an official signing ceremony.这是我方在原价的基础上削减了3.5%以后的报价单。您一定会感到我们的报价在今天这个需求量上升的市场上最有竞争力。

This is our list of quotations with a recent reduction on the original prices by 3.5%.I'm sure you will find our offer the most competitive one in this rising market of today.I did a lot of research lately and I'm sure you'll agree with me that a growing number of suppliers in other Southeast Asian countries have joined this market.I foresee a substantial drop in price next year.我最近作了一番调查研究,我发现越来越多的东南亚国家的厂商也加入了这个市场,我想您一定会同意我的看法。我预测明年的价格会大幅度下跌。


Although some new manufacturers from our surrounding countries and regions may attract their customers with lower prices, our quality guarantee policy plus this latest substantial price reduction is sure to prevail.为了庆祝我们10年来在生意上的合作,也为了继续推进我们的商务关系,我乐意给您追加1.5%的特别折扣。I'm willing to grant you a special reduction of n additional 1.5% discount in honor of our ten years' business cooperation and to promote our business relation into the future.It's not that none of these things is happening.It's the importance of these things compared to what we have been used to for the last 200 years.问题不在于这些事情有无发生,问题在于现在所发生的这一切与我们200年来习以为常的事相比是否具有重要意义。

But because of what I view as higher productivity, I see the possibility of sustained economic growth without the threat of inflation, more jobs and higher wages.但是我感到由于生产率的提高,经济仍有可能持续增长,而且不会引发通货膨胀,我们会有更多的就业机,得到更高的工资。

The emergence of electronic business has created enormous and exciting challenges for business managers.Internet commerce immediately opens global and more efficient markets.电子商务的出现给公司经理人员带来了巨大而又激动人心的挑战。因特网商务即刻打开了全球性的更有效率的市场。

In any case, the Internet will transform the way companies do business.And those companies that do not address that issue will not be the market winners.不管怎样,因特网将改变公司的经营方法。那些不愿正视因特网商务现实的公司是不会成为市场的赢家的。


As modern science and technology are experiencing explosive development and the trend toward multi-polarization and economic globalization is gaining momentum, the human society and its progress are now at a critical historical juncture.日新月异的现代信息技术,给国际邮政事业的发展注入了新的活力。

Modern information technology, which is developing with each passing day, has brought fresh vitality to the development of the international postal services.邮政事业要适应当今经济发展和社会进步的新形态,发挥更大的作用,必须进行体制改革和技术创新。

In order to adapt to the new situations of economic development and social progress and to play a bigger role, postal services must go through restructuring and technological renovation.各国应根据本国的实际情况,本着有利于社会需求、促进社会进步和普遍服务的目的,积极进行改革的探索与实践。

Therefore, it is important that all countries explore vigorously ways to reform or take reform measures in the light of their respective national conditions and for the purpose of meeting social demand, promoting social progress and realizing universal service.The agenda you've set forth here for the next two-and-a-half days is one that goes to the heart of what is exciting and important to business and industry today.你们所制订的两天半的议程将探讨的问题对今天工商界来说是一些既令人兴奋又有重要意义的核心问题。

Even though we have more yet to do, we have been reaping exciting rewards by effectively using work teams to reengineer processes to gain improvements in costs, quality and response times.虽然我们还有许多事要做,但是由于我们在调整营运过程中有效地发挥了工作小组的作用,我们已经在降低生产成本、提高产品质量、缩短反应时间等方面收到了令人鼓舞的成效。More than five years ago, we began gathering the leaders of all Wilson divisions together monthly for the purpose of integrating separate efforts of authority, sharing best practices and seeking creative ways to use our resources cross-functionally.五年多前,我们开始每月召开一次威尔逊公司属下各部门负责人的例会,协调不同部门的领导工作,交流最佳做法,寻求创新途径,使资源得到跨功能的使用。

Also, we've been using work teams to shorten new product development cycles;to implement demand flow manufacturing to shorten deliver cycles to customers and reduce inventory;and to encourage innovation in all business processes.同时,我们还用集体协作的方式缩短产品的开发周期,实施按需流量安排生产的方式,缩短交货日期,减少库存积压,鼓励每个经营环节中的改革创新。

These efforts have persuaded fourteen key analysts, who follow the company, to recommend that investors buy our stock.我们的成就使追踪我公司业绩状况的14名重要投资分析师信服,他们建议投资者购买我公司的股票。

Increasingly, U.S companies are becoming relationship focused.美国的公司越来越重视协调关系。

We are moving from a manufacturing economy to a value-added, service-oriented economy.我们经济正由制造业经济向含附加值服务型经济转轨。

In fact, emphasis on teamwork has long become the most frequently valued managerial competence in studies of organizations around the world.事实上,在研究世界各地的机构的工作中,对协同工作的重视早已成为最为看重的一种管理能力。

If there's no trust and honesty among employees and everyone is maneuvering based on what is might do for their own careers, you're not going to accomplish much.如果员工之间缺乏相互信任的态度,缺乏襟怀坦白的诚意,每个人都在按照是否有利于自己事业的考虑来行事,那样的话,我们是不会取得什么成果的。You're never too old to learn something new.我们要活到老学到老。


On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the meeting on the topic of environmental protection.我愿借此机会,就中英经贸关系的发展前景,发表自己的一些不太成熟的看法,供各位参考。

On this occasion I wish to discuss with you my tentative/preliminary/not too well-conceived thoughts on the prospect of Sino-British economic and trade relationship.我怀着非常愉快的心情出席这次会议,我很高兴能就各位感兴趣的问题发表自己的看法。It gives me great pleasure to be together with young friends in a discussion on how mankind should rise up to the challenge in the new century and build a better future.本届年会为我们交换意见、消除误解、达成共识提供了理想的场所。

The current annual meeting provides us with an ideal arena to exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground.剑桥大学是具有七百年历史的世界著名学府,曾经培养出牛顿、培根、弥尔顿、拜伦、达尔文等对人类进步事业作出杰出贡献的伟大科学家、思想家和诗人。Cambridge University is a world-renowned university with a history of more 700 years.It has nurtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made an outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.贵校已故的李约瑟博士在中国学术界享有很高的声名。他倾注毕生心血撰写的《中国科学技术史》,是一部研究中国古代科学技术和文明成就的鸿篇巨作。

The late dr.Joseph Needham of Cambridge University enjoyed a high prestige in the Chinese academic circles.He devoted his entire life to the writhing of science and civilization in china, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.今天,中国学术界和剑桥大学继续保持着良好的交流与合作。这对加强中英人民的文化交流和友谊,推进科技和思想进步产生了积极的作用和影响。

Today, the Chinese academic community still maintains good exchanges and cooperation with Cambridge.This has played a positive role in and exerted a sound influence on enhanced cultural exchanges and friendship between the Chinese and British people and progress in science and technology as well as in thinking.各国人民走过了不同的历史发展道路,有着不同的文化背景、社会制度和价值观念,延续着不同的生活方式。这种多样性正是世界充满竞赛、活力和创新的根本原因。

People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.This diversity is the very reason why the world is full of competition, vigor and innovation..各国之间应该加强交流和了解,在相互尊重和平等相待的基础上共同前进,而不应让这种多样性成为阻碍各国人民携手共进的隔阂,更不应人为地从中挑起对立和冲突。

Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality.They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation and conflict.尊重和发展世界文明的多样性,并在这种多样性中找到共同利益之所在,是人类社会向前发展的伟大动力。

To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward.Specifically, I will describe how Merck is pursuing a grown strategy that is grounded in the belief that innovation is the key to global success.具体来说,我要介绍摩克公司的发展战略,这个发展战略是建筑在创新即全球性成功的关键这一认识的基础上的。

Weoperate in a dynamic environment that is growing more complex and competitive.作为企业界、学术界和政府机构的领导人,我们是在一个越来越复杂、竞争越来越激烈的动态环境中工作。

To succeed, we need a winning strategy that will make us unique and set us apart, and one that will make us a clear competitive advantage.若要取得成功,我们需要一种可以使我们超群绝伦、出类拔萃、处于明显竞争优势的战略。Innovation as a strategy can be high risk,but as a means to grow and compete in today's global economy, innovation offers, I believe, the highest return.创新作为一项战略可能有高风险,但是作为今天全球经济中一种发展和竞争手段,我认为创新有着最高的回报。

Because Merck is a research-based pharmaceutical company, it should come as no surprise that innovation plays a central role in our strategy for growth.由于摩克公司是一家以研究为基础的制药公司,所以创新在我们的发展战略中起着重要作用也就不足为奇了。

Our strategy is to discover truly innovative medicines through breakthrough research that are unique-in-class and have proven health outcomes.我们的战略是通过突破性的研究开发那些有真正创新价值的药品,即品种独特又被证明确有疗效的药品。

We focus on medicines for diseases with large patient populations worldwide, taking advantage of new knowledge to come up with a novel drug.我们集中研究一些可以医治世界各地大批患者的药品,我们充分利用对疾病途径的新认识来生产新药物。

The economic prosperity the United States enjoys today, despite the financial turmoil in the global market, shows that we are reaping the benefits of innovation.尽管国际市场发生了金融危机,美国今天所享有的经济繁荣表明我们正在享受创新产生的效益。

Last year, we strengthened our commitment to innovation by doubling the rate of increase of spending for basic and applied research compared to the rate in the year before.去年,我们加强了对创新工作的投入,以前年两倍的增长速度加大了对基础研究和应用研究的投入。


Only six years ago, in this Lujiazui District of Shanghai's Pudong area, where we are gathering this evening, there were only run-down houses and farms.Now it is a vibrant modern financial and business zone, full of high-rise buildings.随着经济改革的日益深化,这座昔日被誉为远东金融、经济和贸易中心的城市正在为促进长江流域的经济发展起着龙头作用。

With its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic and trade hub of the Far East, is playing a leading role in boosting economic development in the Yangtze River valley.早在唐宋时期上海便是中国的一座外贸重镇,与日本、朝鲜和东南亚各国之间有着商贸关系。到了清朝乾隆、嘉庆年间,上海成了中国东南部的大都市和海运中心。

Back in the Tang and Song dynasties, Shanghai functioned as China's key foreign trade port and had mercantile ties with Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.During the reigns of Emperor Qianlong(17361821)of the Qing Dynasty, Shanghai turned into a navigation hub and metropolis in southeast China.上海作为中国的一座历史文化名称,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分展示了特色鲜明的海派文化。

One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, Shanghai has over 70 sites of historical interest and cultural relics under the protection of the state and the municipal governments, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of Shanghai regional culture.By European standards, London is physically spread out and dispersed, without a predominant focal point.London's metropolitan area is divided into 32 boroughs and the city of London.按照欧洲的标准,伦敦可算是一座布局很分散的城市,没有一个占主导地位的中心。伦敦的城区分为32个区和伦敦城。

The East End of London, in strong contrast to the prosperous West End, has frequently been characterized by slums, poverty, and crime.与西区的繁华形成鲜明对比是伦敦东区,常以贫民窟、贫穷和犯罪的形象出现。What Londoners do for a living has changed considerably since the city was a commercial and industrial center in the 19th century.Manufacturing has steadily declined and today accounts for less than 10 percent of total employment.自19世纪伦敦成为工商中心以来,伦敦人的谋生方式发生了显著的变化。制造业逐步萎缩,今天在伦敦的就业人员中,制造业从业人员所占的比率不足10% 任何两个物体都相互吸引,其引力大小与每个物体的质量成正比。

Every body attracts every other body with a force that is proportional to the mass of each body.相对论的一个显著成果在于它改变了我们的时空观,结束了亚里士多德和牛顿所持的绝对时间的观念。

A remarkable consequence of relativity is the way it has revolutionized our ideas of time and space;it has put an end to Aristotle’s and Newton’s idea of absolute time.霍金教授的“从大爆炸到黑洞”的理论推断,膨胀着的宇宙一定有个开端,也将有个终结。Professor Hawking’s theory of “from the big bang to black holes” predicts that the expanding universe must have a beginning and an end.几百年来,中国向全世界传播了其在5,000年的历史长河中所积累的医疗保健知识。今日中国的传统保健方法,如太极拳、气功和按摩等,正日益显示其重要性。For hundreds of years China has spread across the global its knowledge of traditional medicine and health care, acquired over 5,000 years of history.Today, the traditional Chinese health preservation methods, such as taijiquan boxing(or shadow boxing), static qigong breathing(or controlled deep breathing exercise)and therapeutic massage, are gaining increasing importance.中国人认为,太极是天地万物之根源。太极分为阴阳二气,阴阳二气产生木、火、土、金、水这五行。

We Chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on earth.Taiji comprises yin and yang, two types of vital energy.The five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water derive from yin and yang.今天世界各地学打太极拳、学做气功以及学习按摩的人越来越多。这些健身之法不仅对人体健康有效,而且对心脑健康、性功能健康以及减肥,都有很好的疗效。

There is an increasing number of people worldwide learning taiji boxing, static qigong breathing and therapeutic massage.These methods are effective not only in preserving physical health, but also in mental health care, sex health care and weight reduction.My topic today is “the car and air pollution”.In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution;and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car.我今天的话题是《汽车与空气污染》。具体说来,我想先谈一谈汽车污染空气的途径,然后研讨一下控制或减少这种污染的方法。

So-let’s focus our attention now on ways of controlling or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car.I want to mention five possibilities.所以,我们还是来研讨一下我们如何做才能控制或减少汽车对空气的污染。我想谈一下可以采用的五种措施。

First, we can discourage the use of cars.For example, we can put higher taxes on petrol, and on cars themselves---especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol.首先,我们可以抑制人们用车的愿望。譬如说,我们可以提高汽油以及轿车的税率,尤其对耗油量高的大型轿车。

Second, we can encourage alternative methods of transport, both between and within urban areas.其次,我们可以鼓励人们选择其他交通工具,无论是市内交通,还是城市之间的旅行,都应该这样做。

For instance, we can make train and bus services cheaper and more convenient.例如我们可以使人们感到乘坐火车和公共汽车既便宜又方便。

As I’m sure you can see, there are problems with each of these ways;but at least they’re a step in the right direction.我想你们会注意到,这五种方法都有各自的弊病。但不管怎样说,这些方法都朝着正确的方向跨出了一步。


There are only less than 1000 pandas still alive in the wild;pandas are on the verge of extinction.当然我们还应该充分意识到,大熊猫生存的主要威胁不是来自于大熊猫的繁殖能力,而是来自于人类对大熊猫自然生态环境的破坏。

Of course, we should also be fully aware that the main threat to the survival of the panda species comes not from the poor propagation of the species, but from mankind’s destruction of pandas’ natural habitat.我国政府早已明令禁止在长江中上游砍伐树木,这对保护大熊猫及其生态环境无疑是一个良好的开端。The Chinese government has long before outlawed tree felling in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River.This, we believe, is a good start for the protection of pandas and their habitat.Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated with the balance of qi-an energy force that flows through the body.中国传统医学认为,健康的体魄与气脉平衡有关。所谓“气”就是流动于体内的能量。

According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yang in balance-and this is done by inserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body.根据传统理论,针刺疗法的目的就在于使阴阳二气平衡从而加强气脉的流动。其方法是将针刺入体内交错的主要脉络上的各个穴位。

In china acupuncture is used to alleviate postoperative pain.Medical experts believe that inserting needles into the body at precise points can stimulate nerves that cause the brain to release its natural pain-killing chemicals.针刺疗法在中国被用来减轻病人手术后的疼痛。医学专家认为,将针准确刺入穴位可以刺激神经从而使大脑分泌出天然止痛化学物。

Our principal concern in evaluating acupuncture’s effectiveness has been the so-called placebo effect-the possibility that beneficial outcomes drive not from the treatment itself, but from the patient’s belief that it works.我们在评估针刺疗效时所关心的主要问题是所谓的“心理作用”,即良好的疗效可能不是源于针刺疗法本身,而是来自于病人对针刺疗效的笃信。

Acupuncture is widely employed in easing cravings and withdrawal pains of heroin addicts.40% of the drug courts in the United States use acupuncture as part of their therapy.在接受理疗的同时接受针疗的双疗法被广泛用以缓解海洛因吸毒欲望以及戒毒带来的痛苦。在美国,40%的戒毒所将针刺疗法用作治疗的组成部分。


China’s long history, vast territory and extensive contact with other nations and cultures have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.评判中餐烹调的优劣可依据中餐的三大要素,即“色、香、味”。

The three essential factors, or key elements, by which Chinese cooking is judged are known as “color, aroma and taste”.8人一桌的标准晚餐含四道冷盘、四道热炒,外加汤和米饭。外国宾客见之,常常惊叹不已,将其视为一次丰盛的晚宴。

Visitors to China are often surprised when a typical dinner for a table of eight people consists of four courses of cold dishes, four courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice.They consider this a lavish spread.来华访问的海外宾客应记住,赴宴不可贪吃,每道菜 ”浅尝即止”。

Overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a Chinese banquet.作为一种世代相袭的传统,中国人就餐时围桌而坐,人人手里都有一碗主食,炒菜放在桌子中央,大家一起食用。Traditionally, everyone at the Chinese dining table has his or her own bowl of staple food, that is, steamed rice, noodles or steamed bread, while the dishes are placed in the middle of the dinner table to be shared by all.当然,在一些卫生意识比较强的地方,人们在共食放在餐桌中央的菜肴时,必须使用“公筷”或“公用”汤匙,以防疾病传染。

In more health-conscious environments, however, only “public” chopsticks and spoons are used to remove food from the plates in the middle of the dining table, so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases.The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes.Now we have many different alternatives to choose from.美国人多年来那种丰盛的,一成不变的肉制品加土豆的传统餐,早已为世人所熟知。而今,我们美国人可以有多种不同的选择。

Ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the United States.Because the United States is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its catering cultures.民族餐馆在美国比比皆是。由于美国是一个由移民组成的国家,因此它有着丰富多彩、纷然杂陈的饮食文化。

Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical well-being.保健餐因人们开始重视自身健康而倍受青睐。

The very term “health food” is ironic because it implies that there is also “unhealthy food”.“保健餐”这种说法本身就具有一种讽刺味,因为其言下之意还有一种“非健康餐”。

Health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i.e., there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better.保健餐的食物包括那些尽可能不予以加工的天然食品,也就是说,这些食品中不含延长食物保鲜期的防腐剂,不含用以改善食物味道的食用味素,不含用以美化食物的食用色素。

Fast-food restaurants can be seen all over the country.Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.全国各地到处可见快餐饮食店。速度是美国人生活中的一个非常重要的因素。

Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting.由于快餐饮食店可以在很短的时间里向数以百计的客人供餐,所以人们通常无需排队。不要客气,桌上菜,请自便。

Make yourself at home and help yourself to the dishes.请尝尝我的拿手菜。

Would you like to try my special recipe?

如果某人说“我喜欢中国菜”,这种说法似乎过于简单了。其实并不存在所谓的“中国菜”这一简单的概念。If you hear someone say “I love Chinese food”, he is taking too much for granted.As a matter of fact, there is no such simple thing as the so-called “Chinese food”.像中国这样幅员辽阔、历史悠久而又复杂的国家,千百年来必然会形成具有鲜明地方烹饪特色的区域性菜系或帮菜。

With a territory as large and a history as long and complex as China’s, it is inevitable that distinct regional differences in cuisine have evolved over the course of centuries.虽然中国究竟有多少种地方菜系并无定论,但是有关人士认为,中国有鲁菜、川菜、粤菜和扬州菜等四大地方菜系。

Although there is no agreement on the precise number of Chinese regional cuisines, those concerned with such matters agree that the four principal culinary regions are Shandong, Sichuan, canton and Yangzhou.扬州菜系的范围,覆盖了人口居住密集的整个长江三角洲地区,汇集了无锡、苏州、上海和杭州等菜式。

The cuisine of the entire densely populated Yangtze River delta area, including Wuxi, Suzhou, shanghai and Hangzhou dishes, falls under the category of Yangzhou cuisine.由于地方菜系之间存在着频频交覆现象,以及相互借鉴的情况,人们因而认为,区分地方菜系最为简便的方法是按菜的知名度,而不是按菜的烹调风格或口味进行辨别。

The frequent overlapping and borrowing that take place among the regional cuisine leads one to the conclusion that they are most conveniently distinguished by their famous dishes, rather that by any prevailing style or taste.At all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register, but you usually have to clear the table when you finish!在那里,你可以挑选自己喜欢的食物,然后到账台付钱。不过通常用完餐后,你得把自己餐盘从餐桌上端走。

Like most fast food restaurants and cafeterias, many restaurants don’t serve alcoholic beverages.This is often because they want people to feel comfortable bringing their children.同大多数快餐饮食店和自助餐厅一样,许多餐馆不供应酒,这样做常常是为了使带孩子上餐馆的客人可以无所顾忌。

You may be asked to show some ID that proves your age before you go into a bar.In the United States, the law forbids people under the age of 21 from drinking alcoholic beverages.你可能会被要求出示某张可以证明自己年龄的身份证,然后方可进入这些场所。在美国,法律规定21岁以下者不得饮酒。


China continued its in-depth economic restructuring, which brought about the rapid growth in the national economy.Industrial and agricultural performance improved noticeably.The objective for the growth rate of the gross domestic product was attained.根据建设社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我们对财税、金融、外汇、外贸、投资、价格和流通体制进行了重大改革。

In accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy, we carried out important reforms in fiscal taxation, finance, foreign currency, foreign trade, investment, pricing, and the circulation system.我们要正确处理改革、发展和稳定三者之间的关系,在提高效益的前提下保持国民经济持续快速健康发展。

We should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability, work hard to maintain sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy on the basis of better performance.我们要加快经济结构的战略性调整,优化经济结构,坚持以市场为导向,依靠科技进步,采取适应社会主义市场经济发展的新机制、新办法。

We will accelerate the strategic restructuring of the economy and improve the economic structure.These efforts should be market oriented and backed up by scientific and technological advances.And therefore, we will adopt new systems and methods compatible with the development of a socialist market economy.我们要进一步稳定和加强农业的基础地位,加大工业结构调整力度,大力发展第三产业。We will further stabilize and strengthen agriculture as the foundation of the economy, intensify industrial restructuring efforts, and strive to develop tertiary industry.我们要深化企业劳动、人事、分配等各项制度改革,建立企业激励机制和约束机制。

Restructuring of the labor, personnel and income distribution systems of enterprises needs to be further promoted to establish incentive and restraint mechanisms.我们要重视和加强基础研究和高技术研究,支持一支精干的高水平科研队伍,在这些领域进行开拓性的工作。

We will place much emphasis on strengthening basic research and high technology research by supporting a contingent of highly qualified, top-notch researchers engaged in making pioneering advances in these fields.我们必须抓住加入世贸组织的新的机遇,以更为积极的姿态扩大对外开放。We must seize the new opportunities opened up by China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, and take a more active stance in opening china wider to the outside world.我们要继续实行以质取胜和市场多元化战略,努力扩大出口。

We will continue to implement the strategy of success through quality and market diversification and market diversification and spare no efforts to expand exports.我们要积极吸引跨国公司来华投资,尤其是对农业、基础设施、环保产业和高新技术产业的投资。

We will work actively to attract investment from transnational corporations, especially their investment in agriculture, infrastructure development, the environmental protection industry, and high and new technology industries.Of course, the high technology part of china’s economy remains only a tiny fraction of the whole.The industrial and commercial sector employs only about 20 per cent of Chinese workers, and high-tech is a small fraction of that.当然,中国经济中的高科技部分在整个经济中所占的比例非常之小。中国的工商部门只雇用中国从业人员的20%,而高技术产业仅占这20%中的很小部分。

Shenzhen, a 20-year-old high-tech city of four million people opposite Hong Kong, has a gross domestic product per head of us $7000, which is expected to double by 2005.与香港隔河相望的深圳是一座人口为400万、历史为20年的城市,其人均国内生产总值为7000美元,预期到2005年这个数字可以翻一番。


China commits herself to her long-term state policy of opening to the outside world and introducing foreign investment.我们希望开拓国际市场,发展加工生产和创汇产品。

We hope to explore overseas markets, and develop processing industries and hard –cash earning exports.我国的低税收、低工资、大市场、稳定的政治社会环境,吸引了越来越多的海外投资者来华。

China’s low taxation, low wages, large consumer market, and stable political and social environment have attracted more and more overseas investors.我们想与贵公司探讨建立合资企业的可能性,生产最新式样的洗碗机。

We are seeking a possibility of forming a joint venture with your company for manufacturing the dishwashers of the latest design.我们希望在合资企业中占50% 以上的资金份额,合资期限为20年。

We expect to hold a minimum of 50% of the equity in this joint venture, with a term of 20 years.合资企业所得到的技术必须是先进、成套和可靠的,同时也是我国所急需的。

The technology provided to the joint venture must be truly advanced, integrated, reliable, and of course appropriate to china’s urgent needs.在公元1500年前的整整1000年间,我国无疑是世界上技术最先进的国家。

During the thousand years before 1500, china was undoubtedly the world’s most technologically advanced country.但是此后的中国闭关锁国,错过了工业革命,数百年停滞不前,并受到西方列强的欺凌达100年之久。

China thereafter closed its door to the outside world.Centuries of stagnation followed as the Industry Revolution passed us by, and our country experienced the bully of western powers for as long as 100 years.中外投资者都认为,软件、电信、材料技术、生物工艺和保健技术是中国的强有力的核心技术。

Local and foreign investors identify software, telecom, materials technology, biotechnology and health care as core technology strengths in China.但是要使技术不断更新,开发更先进的产品,沈阳自动化研究所需要大量的资金投入。研究所需要新的外国合作伙伴。

However, the Shenyang Institute of Automaton is in need of a lot of funds and investment to keep technology up to date and develop more advanced products.They are looking for new foreign partners.我国有些大学研究所开发的技术难以产生效益,甚至找不到市场。

Some of our university research institutes focus on technology that has little chance of ever being profitable or even marketable.例如,久负盛名的上海交通大学早在30年前就开始研究集成电路,并成功地研制出一个微型马达,体积仅为一粒芝麻的四分之一大小,比美国、欧洲和日本的一些大学所设计出的样品还要小,还要轻。

For example, Shanghai’s prestigious Jiaotong University pooled research efforts on the development of integrated circuits as early as 30 years ago, and has come up with a micro motor about one-quarter the size of a sesame seed, smaller and lighter than prototypes designed at universities in the United States, Europe and Japan.由于生产这类产品需要大量的设备和高水平的技术,因此我们要寻求实力雄厚的大公司的合作,使样品尽快转化为商品。

Because the production of the motors requires a lot of equipment and a high level of technology, we’re looking for strong, big companies to work with us to commercialize the invention as early as possible.我国是世界上的发明大国,但是很多发明无法走出实验室,归根结底是资金问题。

China, a major country of invention in the world, finds itself in the awkward situation of being unable to get many of its inventions out of the laboratories.A lot comes down to a simple problem of funding.我们将在短期内草拟一个鼓励高技术公司的一揽子计划,建立吸引大量资本所必须的法律和股市基础设施。

In the short-term, we’ll draft an incentive package for hi-tech companies and create the legal and stock market infrastructure required to attract massive capital.The economist John Maynard Keynes argued that market behavior could not be rational, or subject to improvement, since our existing knowledge did not provide a sufficient basis for a calculated mathematical expectation of investment returns.经济学家约翰。梅纳德。凯恩斯曾经说过,市场的行为不可能是理性的,也不能改进,因为我们现有的知识不能为经过精确计算而得出的投资收益预期提供充分的依据。

Modern financial theory attempts to surmount the problem of an unknowable future by suggesting that returns can be predicted by measuring the past volatility of share prices-shares that exhibit higher volatility are expected to yield greater returns.现代金融理论试图解决未来不可预测的问题。按照现代金融理论,投资收益可以通过对股价以往的波动幅度来预测,也就是说股价波动较大的股票可望带来较大的回报

The crowd mentality remains a potent source of investor irrationality, whether in London's coffee house stock market of the 17th century or in the Internet investment bulletin boards today.无论是17世纪的伦敦咖啡馆股市上,还是在今天的因特网投资电子布告栏上,从众心理仍然是投资者非理性行为的重要根源。

What makes matter even worse is that speculators as a group are susceptible to “cognitive dissonance”-they block out negative, or dissonant information and focus only on the positive aspects of their position.更糟糕的是,投机者作为一个群体容易患“认知不和谐”症,他们不愿听到消极或刺耳的消息,他们把注意力集中在对自己有利的事情上。Usually, speculators appear to forget their painful experiences more and more quickly.Hence we find the periodical recurrences of speculative booms.There must be a vast fund of stupidity in human nature, or else men would not be caught, a thousand times over, by the same snare.通常,投机者似乎会越来越快地忘却自己的痛苦经历。于是我们发现,投机狂潮周期性的出现。人类的本性中肯定存在着某种愚蠢的东西,否则人们就不会千百次地落入同一个陷阱里。


In this information age, no industry in China has grown so rapidly as the Internet industry, which is called “a sunrise industry” in china.我国的网络产业虽然前途光明,却也面临着许多挑战需要我们去应付,许多问题需要我们去解决,否则这个行业将难以得到充分发展。

Although the industry has bright prospects ahead, it has many challenges to face and many problems to deal with before it will develop in full swing.据中国因特网信息中心的统计数据,中国的公共网络已覆盖365个城市,上网电脑达520万台,经常上网者达1260万人以上,网址有23000个。

According to statistics from China Internet Network Information center early this year, the public network covers 365 cities, and the number of on-line computers reached 5.2 million, with 12.6 million regular Internet users and 23000 websites.大部分问题产生的原因是因为中国在准备不足的情况下飞速越入了这个信息时代,遇到的问题涉及到网络服务、网络信息、电子商务等。

Most of them unique to a country that virtually leapt into the information age without sufficient preparation, such as the problems concerning Internet service providers, Internet content providers and e-commerce.要想开发一个拥有12亿人口的市场,网络服务部门应该改进服务,使普通用户能轻松上网,使上网的简便程度如同打开家用电器一样。

In order to tap the market of 1.2 billion people, the ISPs should improve their service in such a way that ordinary users will be able to get onto the Net as easily as switching on household electrical appliances.虽然它们吸引了大量的投资以及媒体的关注,但因为上网广告有限,所以大部分公司处于入不敷出的境地。

Though they have been attracting large amounts of investment and media attention, most them are in the red due to insufficient online advertisements.尽管中国电子商务的发展引人注目,但要想进一步发展,就必须改进付费、交货和交易安全性这些问题,例如引进SSL和SET这类广泛用于万维网的安保技术。

Despite its impressive growth, e-commerce in China has to advance in its online payment, delivery and transaction security systems, such as the introduction of the SSL and SET security technologies which are widely used on the world wide web, if it wants to achieve further development.“中华网”网站公司去年7年进入纳斯达克,上市第一天的市值就上升了2倍。

China.Com, which entered NASDAQ last July, saw its stock value increase three fold the very first day.这些公司能否在海外上市在很大程度上取决于它们的业绩。

Whether or not these companies can be listed on the overseas stock market is largely dependent upon their performance.中国证监会认为,公司在海外上市应该具备三个条件:一是公司资产必须达到4亿元;第二是上市前一年的公司税后利润必须达到6000万元;第三是公司从股市上能筹到的资金不少于5000万美元。

According to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, a company that wants to be listed on the overseas stock market should meet the following requirements.First, its assets must reach 400 million yuan;second, the after-tax profit one year before the listing must reach 60 million yuan;and third, the minimum amount of money the company can raise from the stock market should be no less than US$ 50 million.首先,中国应该对国内和国外因特网市场的发展情况、网络投资政策以及反托拉斯政策进行研究。

First, China should conduct research on the development of the Chinese and international Internet markets, and the policies on Internet investment and antitrust.第二,政府应该尽快起草有关电信、网络投资和服务收费等方面的法规。

Second, the Government should draft, as soon as possible, laws and regulations concerning telecommunications, Internet investment, and rates for Internet services.第三,中国网络公司应该尽快在国内上市。

Third, Chinese Internet companies should be listed on the domestic stock market as soon as possible.我国的网络投资者往往把资金分别投在不同的公司上,我认为它们应该集中投资,使公司具备更强的金融能力。

Chinese Internet investors, who tend to divide their investment among different enterprises, should concentrate their investment so as to make the companies more viable in terms of financial strength.The Internet creates a channel for thousands of programmers around the world to collaborate on software development and debugging.Through collaboration, this community can push past the technical barriers to machine intelligence.因特网为世界各地成千上万的编程人员在软件的开发与调试方面进行合作提供了一个渠道。这种协作可以使软件编程界越过技术障碍,向机器智能的方向迈进。

Researchers have already tackled complex computing problems, such as interpreting interstellar radio signals with about a million PCs working in concert.研究人员早已解决了复杂的计算问题,例如通过约100万台个人电脑协同计算,来解译星际无线电信号。

Before long, discrete microprocessors will probably be knitted together into ad hoc distributed computers.用不了多久,分散的微处理器可能被编织在一起,组成一台台执行特定任务的计算机。Today's communications between earth and unmanned probes are expensive, proprietary, and complex.目前地球与无人驾驶探测器之间的通信不仅费用昂贵,而且信息专有、操作复杂。With Inter-PlaNet, we can simplify everything, cut costs, and engage the public more effectively.有了星际网之后,我们可以简化所有的程序,降低成本,更有效地使公众入网。今天的因特网具有强大的通信功能,它可以提供电子邮件、即时信息和聊天室等多种通信方式。

Today's Internet is a powerful way to communicate, including e-mail, instant messaging and chat room services.宽带技术可充分用以网上讨论所需要的四个渠道-文本、语音、影像和图形。

Broadband technology can provides four channels needed for online discussion-text, voice, video and graphics.商务和通信二十四小时不停地进行着。在有线电视的新闻节目中所报道的事件不是在几点钟发生,而是在一个小时或30分钟前发生。

Commerce and communications never cease but go around the clock.On cable-TV news shows, events did not happen at which hour, but an hour or 30 minutes ago.然而在这个信息时代,共同的日常作息制度已经消亡,人与社会将从根本上受到冲击。However, this information age has seen the death of shared routines and will shake people and society to their core.The old foundations of success are gone.For all of human history the source of success has been controlling natural resources-land, gold and oil.Suddenly the answer is “knowledge.” 昔日成功的基础已不复存在。在整个人类历史上,成功的源泉在于对土地、黄金和石油等自然资源的控制。突然之间,成功的钥匙变成了“知识”。No one ever becomes very rich by saving money.Information technology has opened up opportunities for new products with more advanced capabilities and new processes with much higher levels of productivity.无人可以储蓄致富。信息技术使人们有机会开发性能更先进的新产品,采用生产力水平更高的新过程。

In what has come to be seen as the information revolution, opportunities arising from new and high technology are creating fortunes faster than ever before.The United States has created more billionaires in the past fifteen years than in its previous history.在这个被视为信息革命的时代,高新技术带来的机会所创造的财富速度比以往任何时期都快。过去15年美国造就的亿万富翁超过以往历史上出现的所有富翁的总和。

Of what were the twelve largest American companies at the beginning of the twentieth century, eleven were not around to see the beginning the twenty-first century, eleven were not around to see the beginning the twenty-first century.Technological breakthroughs occur, the economic environment changes, and they could not adjust.在20世纪初曾名列美国最大的12家公司中,有11家没有看到21世纪的曙光。技术突破不断出现,经济环境不断变化,而这些公司未能适应新的形势。

When the microprocessor allowed the personal computer to replace the mainframe as the dominant growth market in the computer industry, the old industrial leader, IBM, fell off a cliff, and new leaders, Intel and Microsoft emerged.当微处理器使个人电脑取代大型计算机成为计算机行业中居主导地位的成长性产品时,该行业昔日的龙头老大从巅峰上栽了下来,而执牛耳的新公司英特尔和微软出现了。For countries or companies technological leadership is not the same thing as R&D spending.Europe spends its share on research, but if one looks at technological leadership, that spending does not seem to be paying off.对国家和公司来说,技术上的领先地位与研究开发投入是两码事。欧洲在研究方面花的钱并不少,但反观其在技术上的领先地位,这种花费似乎没有产生应有的效果。

To summarize, the information revolution is making obsolete old institutions and old modes of operation, requiring the individual, the firm, and the nation to change.现在我来总结一下以上所讲的话,信息革命使旧体制和旧的运作方式变得过时了,从而要求个人、公司和国家作出相应的变化。




Nanjing is one of seven Chinese ancient city , one of its famous spot is Qinhuai River.2、越来越多的中国人开始花时间到以前不经常去的健身中心或体育场去做健美操。

More and more Chinese people than ever are beginning to spend more their free time doing keep fit exercise in the Gym and sports center where they seldom go.3、20多年来,中国开展了双边合作、区域合作、多边合作等多种形式的国际空间合作。

In twenty years, Chinese carried out international cooperation just like bilateral cooperation、regional cooperation and multi-lateral cooperation.4、面临周边邻国货币贬值的压力,中国冒着出口崩溃的危险,保持住其货汇率的稳定。

Pressed by neighbor’s currency depreciation , China maintained the stabilization of currency at the risk of export meltdown.5、到1998年12月底,深圳累计批准外商投资项目达22050个。By the end of Dec.1998, there are altogether 22,050 foreign investment projects approved.6、新闻是一个相对自由的词汇。我认为,第一,新闻应该不受限


News freedom is a relatively word.I think, firstly, news should not be limited;secondly, news should be responsibility for the society;thirdly, news should be develop the society’s stability and progress.这三个方面互为联系,同等重要,不可分割。片面强调某一方面会带来问题,因而是有害的。

The three aspects are interconnected, are equal important, are not indivisible.It’s very harmful to emphasize one of them.西方媒体对中国的许多报道不是不正确的,有时是非常不客观的,是非常不公开的。

The reports form western press are incorrect, sometimes are not objective, even unfair.西方报纸很少报道中国的发展,它们感兴趣的不是中国的快速进步,而是存在的困难和问题。

The reports from western press seldom says China’s development, they are not interested in China’s rapid progress, only in difficulties and problems.如果人们中依据这些报道,无视中国的现实,那么中国在他们的脑海里便是一个很快就要垮台的社会。

They ignored the reality of China if they judge China according to

the reports, so China will be a collapse society in their minds.而事实恰恰相反,中国是一个政治上非常稳定的社会,是一个经济是快速发展的国家。

In contrast, China is a very stable society in political and a rapid progress country in economy.7、The open university has no formal entrance requirements for its students and is designed particularly for people who have missed out on a formal tertiary education because of lack of money or opportunity in the past.开放式大学对学生没有正式的入学要求,是专门为那些在高中毕业后缺钱或机会未能上学的学生而设立的。

8、It’s a great honor and pleasure to be invited today to share this happy occasion, not only with the members of the graduating class of 2006,but also with the families and friends who have no doubts supported you along the way with their kind words of advice and encouragement.非常荣幸能应邀来与大家一起来分享这欢乐时刻,除了在座的2006届的毕业生,还有这些年以来一直给予他们支持、良言和鼓励的亲朋好友。

9、Islam is introduced into China along corridor of the old Silk Road that passed through western and central Asia, present Xinjing Uygur Autonomous Region, Gansu Province and into Ningxia.伊斯兰教是沿古老的丝绸之路经过中亚传入中国,也就是现在的新疆自治区、甘肃省再到宁夏。

10、Promoting economic and technical cooperation among its members is a major task of APEC and a primary way to common development.促进各成员国之间的经济技术合作是各亚太经贸组织的主要任务,也是达到共同进步的主要途径。

11、What is clear about Silicon Valley is that it is adaptable, that it can cope with change.更清楚的地说硅谷适应性强,能应对不断的变化。

12、Despite almost universal acknowledgment of the vital importance of women’s literacy, education remains an elusive dream for fat to many women if far too many countries of the world.Worldwide, about 950 million adults lack literacy skills---the vast majority, women.几乎人尽皆知,妇女是否识字至关重要。尽管如此,对世界上许多国家的妇女来说,教育仍是一个虚无飘渺的梦。世界上大约有9.5亿成年人是文盲,而大多数是女性。

In the world’s two most populous countries, China and India, 50% of adult females are illiteracy.Women’s education carried many economic as well as health-related benefits.在世界上两个人口最多的国家,印度和中国有一半的成年女性

是文盲。女性的教育不仅有利健康,也能带来经济效益。In fact, a 1994 World Bank report concluded that enrolling girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today.实际上,1994年世界银行的一份报告得出结论,招收女生入学是当今发展中国家唯一有效的消除贫困的政策。

To further indicate its supports for this idea, the World Bank announced in late 1995 that it was earmarking up to $900 million each year for loans to promote the education of girls.为了进一步表明对这个观点的支持,世界银行在1995年宣布每年提供9亿美元贷款专门用于促进女童教育。1、1998年,旅游业的总收入为3430亿元人民币,比去年增长了10.2%。In 1998, the total volume of tourism industry is amounted $343US billion, up to 10.2 percent over the previous year.2、农业部的一部高级官员说,为保证广大干旱地区的粮食供应和消灭贫穷,中国迫切需要发展有效利用水资源的农业。

The senior officials from the agriculture ministry says, in order to secure the support of grains and eliminate poor from the arid region, China should develop the agriculture of utilizing the efficient water resources.3、根据中国的实际情况。中国政府制定了控制数量、提高质量的人口政策。

According to China’s real situation, Chinese government carried out the

population policy of controlling the quantity and raising the quality.4、从某种意义上看,环保可以促使企业制定更高的工业标准并着手节能化的生产,提高资源的使用率。

In a sense, environment protection can promote the enterprises to formulate the higher standard of industrialization and saving the energy, promote its reusage.5、在中国古代史上,黄河被称为中华民族的“母亲”,她哺育了千千万万中华儿女。

In our Chinese ancient history, the yellow river is called the mother river, she raised thousands of Chinese people.6、在这个举国欢庆的除夕夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾光临我们的春节联联欢晚会。

In the happy Eve evening , on behalf of the whole company, thanks for all of you come here to join the Spring Festive gala.春节是我国一年中的良晨佳时,我愿各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我们这家合资企业走过了10年的奋斗历程,这是辉煌的10年,富有成果的10年。

The Spring Festival is the best time of the year, I wish all the colleague may have a relaxation and pleasant night.The joint venture has been ten years, it’s a splendid and rich ten years.我们在这里略备薄酒,庆祝我们的友好合作。我愿借此机会向公司的各位同仁表示诚挚的感谢。

The sweet wine is ready for you to celebrate our friendly cooperation.I really want to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks for you.同时,我也希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼此沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成、吉祥如意。

Meanwhile(At the same time), I really hope you can use this chance to improve our communication and friendship.At last, thanks for your coming, I wish you healthy、successful and lucky in the new year.7、A number of countries have launched education and literacy programs that focus specifically on females.许多国家已着手教育和识字计划,特别是对于女性来说。

8、Our universities form a great intellectual countries round the world.Science has nationality, knowledge belongs to everyone.我们的大学应该世界上建立一个知识库,科学没有国籍,知识属于我们每一个人。

9、The exhibition provides a vivid demonstration of how the vitality and energy of contemporary British architecture and urban design are helping to create dynamic cities for the 21st century, in Britain and elsewhere.这个展会向我们生动的陈述了英国当代的建筑和城市的规划,很好的帮我们了解到了21世纪城市的多样性,在英国是这样在其它地方也是这样。

10、The Hui people are one of the ten minorities in China who are followers of Islam, and Ningxia has the largest Hui population in the country.回族是十大信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族之一,宁夏是回族聚集地。

11、Now, where the United States and China reached agreement that we would have a one-China policy, we also reached agreement that the reunification would occur by peaceful means。


12、For good or ill, globalization has became the economic buzz-word of the 1990s.National economies are undoubtedly becoming steadily more integrated as cross-border flows of trade, investment and financial capital increase.无论是好还是坏,全球化已变成了90年代最时髦的词汇。国际经济毫无疑问通过贸易已穿过国界一体化了,提高了国际投资和金融资本。

Consumers are buying more foreign foods, a growing number of firms now operate across national borders, and savers are investing more than ever before in far-flung places.消费者越越多的购买外国的产品,大量公司现在已开始对国际市场进行运作,越来越多的储户在世界各地进行投资。

Whether all of this is for good or ill is a topic of heated debate.One positive view is that globalization is an unmixed blessing with

the potential to boost productivity and living standards everywhere.不管这种情形是好是坏,现在都已成为一个非常热门话题了。积极的观点是经济全球化让各地的生产潜能和生活水平都达到了令人满意的程序。

This is because a globally integrated economy can lead to a better division of labor between countries, allowing low-wage countries to specialize in labor-intensive takes while high-wage countries use workers in more productive ways.全球经济一体化也导致了劳动力国家,特别是低工资的国家能专注劳动密集性的产业,而高工资国家的工人从事更有创造性的工作。

And with globalization, capital can be shifted to whatever country offers the most productive investment opportunities, not trapped at home financing projects with poor returns.随着经济全球化,资本被用到那些最有成效的投资国有,而不把资用到国内而获取较少的利润。


Al l the citizens ,you should have the chance to develop your ability no matter how special you are.2、上海是个充满活力的大都市,上海市民的居住正在发生着深刻的变化。

Shanghai is a big city of full of energy, the citizen’s housing condition is change deeply now.3、我们应深刻认识信息技术的伟大力量,积极推进信息技术的发展。We should recognize that the great power of IT, promote the development of the IT.4、世界贸易组织成立的时间虽不长,但初始建立在关贸总协定下的多边贸易体系已有50年的历史。

Although the WTO is not established for a long, the history of multi-lateral trade of GATT has been 50 years.5、新中国成立后,马术作为体育运动本项目得到有关部门的高度重视,得到了较快的发展。

After establishing New China, horsemanship is becoming more and more important by some administration, it has developed rapidly.6、麦当劳不仅把中国人带进一种新的餐饮方式,还使他们接受一种 的新的行为举止。这些行为举止表明,他们在接受麦当劳快餐的同时,也逐步接受伴随而来的外国餐桌行为文化。

MacDonald not only brings Chinese people into a new dining style,but also lets them accept a new behavior.These behaviors show that they should accept the new table manner while they accept the MacDonald.这种餐桌行为简洁地依靠一股温暖的纯黄体现出来,这使中国人对这种外来饮食模式空前认同。于是试图将中餐与麦当劳分店形式结合起来的尝试出现 了,我们也在各大城市里看到了各种中餐连锁店。

This kind of table manner shows according to the simple warm yellow

see it in the large-medium cities.它们的色调是橙色是最能勾起食欲的颜色无怪乎中西合璧之后的餐饮行当,无不是取调于这二者的均衡。

Its color orange can lure our appetite because of the chain stores.7、Only when the public are asked to supervise the government, the government cannot afford to slacken its efforts, and only when every person assumes his or her responsibility can we ensure the vigor and vitality of government.只有当公众请求监督政府时,政府才努力付出,只有当每个人努力承担他们的责任时,我们才相信政府活力四射。

8、Chinese culture is the tie that keeps the entire Chinese People close at heart, and it also constitutes an important basis for the peaceful reunification of the motherland.中国文化是把全中国紧密联系在一起的纽带,同时也构成我们祖国和平统一最重要的基础。

9、Canada has a population of twenty-seven million—rather less than four months’ climb in the world population.加拿大拥有2700万人中,不到全世界人口四个月的增长量。

10、“The Lower Yangtze River Tour” is an itinerary designed by the China National Tourism Administration.On this tour travelers have the chance to appreciate the beauty of

southeast China and the Yangtze Delta.江南水乡游是由中国国家旅游局组织的一个旅游路线。在这条旅游路线里,游客可以有机会欣赏到中国东南地区和长江三角洲的美景。

11、The role of the UN is indispensable to the achievement of genuine peace and development and to the establishment of a just and reasonable new international order.联合国在取得真正的和平与发展以及建立一个公正合理的新经济秩序上起到了不可或缺的作用。

12、To prevent financial risks and ensure economic security has become an urgent task confronting many countries, especially the developing countries.预防经济危机、保证经济稳定是许多国家面临棘手的问题,特别是发展中国家。

The World economy is an inter-related and indivisible whole.All members of the international community should step up cooperation and jointly promote a steady growth of world economy in a responsible and risk-sharing spirit.世界经济相互联系又互为一体。所有成员应该进一步加强合作、共同促进经济的发展、本着责任和风险共担的精神。

Therefore, it is necessary to reform the current international economic and financial systems.The United Nations and the international financial institution should

earnestly construct a framework to prevent and overcome financial and other economic risks.因此,改革现有的国际经济和金融体系很有必要。联合国和国际金融机构应该建立一个可以防止和战胜金融危机的新框架。

第五篇:口译与听力课本教案unit 7

Unit Seven Welcoming Speeches ⅰ.Teaching obejective Interprete passages about welcoming speeches.ⅱ.Teaching emphasis Some vocabulary and expressions about welcoming speeches.ⅲ.Teaching contents

Translation for the text 1.The Vice-mayor of Dalian’s Welcome Speech on the International Urban Water Conservation Workshop Delegates, ladies, gentlemen and friends: Firstly, I will extend our sincere congratulations on the opening of International Urban Water Conservation Workshop on behalf of the government and the people of Dalian.Let us express our warmly welcome to all the friends home and abroad to be present at the meeting.Dalian is one of the cities with a severe water shortage problem.Since 1954, Dalian has carried out the water conservation work and has made great contribution to the insurance of the safe water supply to the city.For twice Dalian has been conferred honorable awards on modal city of water conservation by the state.But compared with the advanced cities home and abroad, we still have a long way to go.This workshop provides us with an excellent opportunity to modestly learn their advanced experiences, carefully compare and find our weak points and thus promote our work.The People’s Government of Dalian has listed the water problem as one of the priorities of urban development and we have been taken effective measures to further improve the city’s water conservation, while building water conservancy projects.The city’s government proposed to stick to the policy of “broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure.”

We’ll not in the slightest degree, neglect the work of water conservation in the mitigatory situation of watre supply for the city, and strive for building Dalian into a city if water conservation.This international workshop has great significance to promote our city’s water conservation work.I hope the organizing department and the units concerned will do the service work well and enthusiastically and the seminar will attain the result as expected.Finally, I wish the International Urban Conservation Workshop a complete success.2.Welcome Speech of the Vice-mayor of Dalian on the Reception of the 9th Port Seminar of the Pacific Region

Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to merrily gather with all the friends from the port-shipping field of the Pacific region.All of you get together in the beautiful coastal city of China—Dalian from afar to attend the 9th Port Seminar of the Pacific Region and explore together the mutually concerned issues of the port field of the Pacific region.This is really the grand occasion of the field.Please allow me, on behalf of the People’s Government of Dalian to extend our warmest welcome to all of the friends.Ladies and gentleman: In the vigorous economic region of China, Dalian plays an important role.In 1997, the National Gross Products of Dalian were ¥82.9 billion, the general import and export values of the self-managing products was $5.1 billion and the actually invested foreign capital was $1.42 billion.The economy of Dalian is developed economy and has sold foundation, which supplies a vigorous support to the port’s development.Now Dalian port has become the largest comprehensive commercial seaport, the largest import and export seaport of grain, the largest transfer seaport of petroleum and fluid chemical products and one of the most important seaports for foreign trade in the northeast part of China.Dalian is the widest open city in the north of China.The people of Dalian are reputed for hospitality.Now spring is changing into summer in Dalian, where spring is very much in the air and fresh flowers are bright and beautiful.It is full of life, vitality and hope.I wish wholeheartedly a complete success to the 9th Port Seminar of the Pacific Region.!Wish all of you a pleasant stay in Dalian and may you a pleasant impression on it!Thank you!



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