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第一篇:A DREAM OF HANFU汉服英语演讲稿

A Dream of Hanfu

Ten years ago, on November 22nd ,2003, Wang Letian, wearing hanfu , walked in a busy street in Zhengzhou, people passing by heckled him with loud whistles: Look, a Japanese man!Get out of China!.Seven years later, On Double ninth festival of 2010, Sun Ting, A pretty girl in Chengdu was assaulted by some so-called young cynics.They forced Sun Ting to take her clothe off despite that Sun Ting and her classmates told them that the clothe is not kimono but hanfu, the traditional clothe of our han nationality.Both of the news had been widely reported.What I do particularly care about is why we are so strange to our traditional clothes, even to such an extent that mistaking it for kimono or hanbok?

The tradition of hanfu can date back to remote antiquity.In fact, national costume of Japan and Korea, are mostly developed from Hanfu.Due to the replacement of the dynasties and despotic rules, our traditional clothe has been away from our life for more than 300 years.We have no energy to focus on the continuation of hanfu and its culture.until these years, our country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity.Old culture that has been shunned and forgotten can finally be rediscovered and synthesized with modern life.There were many events during the past decade since 2003, especially the year 2013 just passed.On April 30th, Cross-Strait Hanfu and Culture Festival was held in Fujian Province, over 70 associations participated in this festival.On June 24th, Fang Wenshan and Xu Jiao walked the red carpet wearing hanfu at the 2013 Shanghai International Film Festival.Their beautiful clothe drove a lot of attention.In November, Chinese Han Clothing Cultural Week kicked off in Xitang, after that Chinese Rituals and Music Culture Ceremony was hosted by Hendian.Thousands of “like-minded” friends traveled long distances to get together to promote the culture of hanfu.For some reason, I miss the ceremony in Xitang.It is really a pity of my 2013.But I have seen the daylight of hanfu's renaissance since Han-style clothes are more and more popular nowadays.So, I have a dream today.I have a dream that one day, when our han people talk about Sunday best, we can easily think of Hanfu and wear it during festivals and ceremonies, even in daily life.Nobody will think it's not okay.I have a dream that one day, when we walk in street wearing hanfu, No one will mistake it for kimono.People passing by will just take it for granted, since wearing hanfu has already been commonplace.I have a dream that one day, when 56 ethnic groups get together, the representatives of us will not wear western suits or chi-pao borrowed from other nationalities any more.There is no need to envy others, bcause we, han people, can wear our own fantastic apparels.I belive that day will come finally and Hanfu will have its due status in our national cultures soon.


Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech.1.As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditional costumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu.Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people.So what is Han People’s traditional clothes?”

2.Cheongsam? Or the nowadays T-shirt?No!We have our clothes.3.It’s called Hanfu.It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people.4.However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays.When a person who is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok.What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire.How ridiculous!

5.Now let me introduce our Han people’s traditional clothes to all of you.Hanfu, means “Clothing of the Han people ”in Chinese.It refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese.It has the history of more than 3000 years.And it influenced Japanese kimono and Kroean hanbok.6.Hanfu is wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front.But there are also other kinds of collars.Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.7.When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).8.If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).9.When it is classified by its height of the skirt,we can called it qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.10.Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest.11.There is another kind of Hannfu.When its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾)12.As we can see, Hanfu has many features , like curve, graceful ,elegant, generous and unfettered.13.According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days.One the day you are 15(for girls)or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate to be an adult.And remember the responsibility.14.Nowadays, many people love our traditional culture , so they wear Hafu, found clubs, hold activities and so on.This summer, Chengdu’s Cherry Blossom Festival, a little girl who dressed in Hanfu left a deep impression on visitors.Here are some pictures of her.She is really cute, isn’t she ?

15.Chinese civilization, also called “Hua-Xia”.“Hua” means the beauty of the dress and decoration which is Hanfu clothing;“Xia”(“Shia”)is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.And Hanfu reflects the philosophy of Chinese people: Living elegantly and poetically.I like Hanfu, so today I’m not just telling you a type of clothing called Hanfu.I hope more and more people focus on our traditional culture and don’t let such precious and beautiful things disappeared.OK , that’s all what I want to say, thank you.













A:Hanfu(汉服)is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years.It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi.It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization

2、Han Dynasty(汉代)

A:The Han dynasty praised highly of zhou li zhi(周礼制),so Han Closes was spread in the whole country.B:Han dynasty was a dynasty whose conception of centralization was the most early, most complete, most advancing, most powerful.(汉朝的中央集权的国家概念最早,最完备,最先进,最强大。)

C:Han nationality was named after Han dynasty.Han Clothes was named after Han dynasty too.3、Disaster for Hanfu(汉服的灾难)

A:However, it has been eliminated during the establishment of Qing Dynasty(the Manchu minority ruled dynasty)in about 300 years.The ruling class of Manchu banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume.This is why today's Chinese national costume was widely known as Qipao(Chi-Pao), a Manchu style of clothing.B:Qing wanted ordered people must wear their nation’s clothes.C:If someone did not obey the law,he would be killed, since then Han Costume was not worn by People.4、Zhongyi(中衣)Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhongyi(中衣)is usually worn inside,which like a shirt.Wearing in the house as pajamas,too.Usually,it’s white or other plain colour.5、Ruqun(襦裙)

Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.A:When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).B:When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the chest.Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the waist


Shenyi(深衣)is usually worn as a full dress(礼服),which we can wear on Chinese holiday and some important ceremonies.If its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾).If its edge is straight,it’s called Zhiju(直裾).And they can both worn by women and men.7、Zhiduo(直裰)Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men.It’s a kind of gown(长袍)which kicks pleat(开叉)on both sides.It’s popular among intellectuals(书生)in Ming Dynasty.And now it’s still worn by Taoist(道士)so far.So it also can be colled Daopao(道袍).8、Zhaoshan(罩衫)

Zhaoshan(罩衫)is a kind of coat which has two kinds.Half-arm sleeve and long sleeve.Usually there is chalaza(系带)in the front.It can be long or short.9、Duanda(短打)Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Duanda(短打)or Shuhe(裋褐)is a kind of Hanfu,which is really convenient.It can be worn in daily life.When you go hiking or do some muscular labor.What’s more, it is worn by kids.、Ceremony According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.成童礼 One the day you say good bye to your chidhood.Usually when you are 10 or 12 years old.It’s depends on your hometown’s costume.成人礼 One the day you are 15(for girls)or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate it.And remember the responsibility.婚礼Which are hold in the evening.It’s usually once for the couple.There are three kinds of Hanfu for couples.


汉服文化 蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜,所谓伊人,在水一方。溯洄从之,道阻且长,溯游从之,宛在水中央。

——《诗经 秦风》






几百年后,我坐进麦当劳的厅堂,我穿起古奇牌的时装,我随口唱着my heart will go on,却莫名其妙的心伤,因为我听到一个声音大声的说:忘了吗?你的祖先名叫炎黄。我记得了,一群褐发篮眼的豺狼,带着坚船利炮,拆了我们的庙宇,毁了我们的殿堂。于是在历经无数灾难之后的今天——






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