China,a global view例文5篇

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第一篇:China,a global view例文


Hi, everybody!Have you ever seen the film Wolf Warriors 2 shown on July 27? This film is a blockbuster!It has become the highest-grossing Chinese film ever released.The film broke numerous box office records and is the first and only included in the list of 100 all-time highest-grossing films worldwide.So I feel honored to go to the cinema to witness the historic moment.Plus, that highlights in one way, what incredible potential China has.China is on a quest for excellence, a quest not only to improve itself but to contribute to the whole world.The CCI 2016 released by the Chinese Survey and Assessment Center showing that China is experiencing a transition from quantitative to qualitative growth and Chinese people have strong confidence in China’s development.That’s really the point.The film producer seizes an ideal opportunity for tertiary sector advancement.As Chow Youguang, a famous Chinese scholar, once said: We should not see from inside, we should see from the outside.And what matters, or so it seems to me, at least, are the following items: Know yourself.Start thinking global.Only in this way, can we seize the historic opportunities of world economic restructuring, build extensive development partnerships, and blaze a new path to development that is fair, open, comprehensive and innovative, so as to make greater contribution to world economic growth.注:





When I was a kid, I had a dream.In the dream, the sky is blue, the field is green, the sun is bright, people from all over the world are singing together and relish the moment.Everything is just harmonious and peaceful.It is a dream of people from all over the world.However it is a dream.In reality, there are still conflicts, casualties, turbulence in many countries.But meanwhile a lot of countries are devouring to address these problems.China is regarded as a main force of safeguarding world peace.The Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation and it did a lot to safeguard world peace.To begin with, it makes itself an example in peace guarding.For the internal peace, it put forward the “one country, two systems” idea to promote the reunification of motherland.And it endeavors to establish friendly relations with other countries based on the five principles of peaceful coexistence.It also exerts non-aligned policy and promised never ally it with any other powerful countries in help them maintain social order.China also plays an important role in six-party talks.We can see that China made positive contributions to the world peace.While there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people 's eyes.A few people still hold the China Threat Theory.But I firmly believe that China is not and will never be an aggressive country.As China emerged as a great political, economic and military power, China wanted to assure other countries that its rise will not be a threat to peace and security.China implements the “peaceful rise ” policy by internally harmonizing China’s society and externally, promoting a peaceful international environment.It seeks to characterize China as a responsible world leader.China and France:“China, a lion used to sleep, is awaking.But this lion is a peaceful, amiable and civilized one.”

Peace is a mutual dream of the whole world, it needs every country strive for it hand in hand.And China is a country which endeavor to safeguard world peace, an amiable lion,but not a threat.That's all, thank you.第三篇

To lookis an act of choice----John Berger.Every day, we use our eyes, our minds andour hearts to see things.We may see the same things, but how we see them makesall the difference.Our views may be influenced by what we know or what we wantto know, by what we believe or what we what we want to believe.When in love,our beloved appeared perfect in a way that no words can explain;when feelingresentment, however, we may see the person with all their flaws.Viewed fromdifferent standpoints, at different times and for different purposes, thingswill rarely look the same to us all.As human beings on this planet, we havebeing exploring mother earth, viewing and reviewing it for thousanr able to see “the whole things”.Even then,there might be millions of different views of the earth.Similarly, throughouthistory, we Chinese and the world have been exploring China viewing and reviewing,inwards and outwards its past, its present and its future.What is China? It isa nation, an old one and a new one.It is a place, a big one and a small one.Itis in Asia.It is in the East.It is here!It is there!A famous Chinese scholaronce said, we should not see it from the inside, we should see it from theoutside.The topic for the prepared speech is “China, a global view”.Make aspeech on the topic and add your own subtitle.第四篇

The global population may not have an insightful view of China in the past, many being foreigners who only knew china from the ridiculously fabled tales they may have heard from the wrong pals who most likely have not visited china.China has been doing its citizens proud in all aspects.their technology has thus far been acknowledged in the camera-phone market for its immaculate camera features and appealing consumer prices made possible by these corporations with their affordable price tags than other notable rivals.While Technology advances plays a part in bringing china further up the global stage, we should also mention sports such as china Super league.The league being competitive with greater stadiums and sponsors, are able to appeal to European and South American players to transfer clubs into china such as shanghai shenhua, further ensuring China's effort to promote national involvement in sports and their aim to do well.好啦不知道多少字,抱歉只是海外华侨所以对中国的表达可能不好,请见谅。


In today's world of globalization, China, an ancient as well as modernized country, is viewed as playing a significantly essential international role, which is also called “China trending”.First and foremost, as “both peace and development are the mainstream of the times” attached great importance by Mr Xi and stimulated public attention, China's economy is becoming more and more powerful in the world.According to Bruce Stokes,What's more, it is universally acknowledged that Chinese culture, for which numerous countries feel admiration, is enhancing its impact with the establishment of Confucius Institutes.Two hundred and eighty two schools and two hundred and seventy two classes had been opening within 88 foreign countries by the end of 2009.Last but not least, there is no denying that our techniques like high-speed rail and big internet giants like Tencent, Baidu and so forth are increasingly internationalized.Alibaba, China's biggest e-commerce group, handles more transactions each year than eBay and Amazon combined do.Together with Taiwan's Foxconn, a giant contract-manufacturing firm, the firm invested $175 million last year into Hike Messenger, an Indian messaging app akin to America's WhatsApp.It was also an early investor in America's Snapchat, another popular messaging app, whose parent company Snap went public in March.On no account can we ignore the value of globalization.All that is needed for better living standards and developing environment throughout the word is that all countries including China make joint efforts to curb and harness global problems and help each other.It is conceivable that China is developing the entire world far beyond itself.It's a responsibility more than a success.

第二篇:中国银行 BANK OF CHINA










第三篇:英语演讲稿《 China》

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen:

Today, my topic is that China is the word that has changed the world.China is not only a word, but also a kind of high quality porcelains originally made in China, a symbol that has been well known all around the world, a culture that has been producing great effects on the world literature.Above all, it is a nation that stands in the East like a giant.China is a nation with a history of five thousand years.So China began to change the world at the very beginning.Chinese porcelain, was one of the greatest inventions of Ancient China.Europeans began to make copies of those beautiful Chinese porcelains as soon as they were introduced to Europe in seventeenth century.China made the whole of European porcelain industry blossom.At the same time, it promoted the development of European economic history and the European Industry Revolution.Moreover, four great inventions of Ancient China are known to every household.They gave enormous impetuses to China’s politics, economics, and civilization.What’s more, they made great contributions to the world civilization.They were introduced to the west in succession long before the production of European modern civilization.Then they became the necessary premise of Bourgeois development and provided material base for Bourgeois to board the stage of politics.China has changed the world from the past to the present.Now, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture.As a second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners.This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay.Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicines, and martial arts.They are also interested in kung fu films, fashions and crafts.Seemingly outlandish words such as dimsum, ginseng, gingko, oolong cha have crept into their everyday language.The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, and ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement.China changed the world yesterday.China is changing the world today.China will keep on changing the world tomorrow.So China is the very word that has changed the world.We are proud that we are Chinese.I wish China, our motherland, is more thriving in the years ahead.杨华生2011-9-27


Lesson 10:China教学设计

教学目标: 1.知识目标:

学生可以读,写,说出并听懂China, speak, Chinese , flag和the capital city。2.能力目标:(1)、学生通过学习,能用英语简单介绍中国。(2)、能运用所学知识介绍自己.3.情感目标:(1)、加强对自己的祖国------中国的自豪感。(2)、培养学生的跨文化意识 教学重难点:




1、利用以Chant复习“Nortn pionts up.South points down.West points left,East points right."(利用Chant强化识地图方法。)、通过游戏“Simon Says”来练习north, south, east, west和map。利用以下短语:Simon says: “Point north / south / east / west to a map.”



Today I take here some pictures.Now let's look at them.(准备一些国庆阅兵图片)Did you see them ? Where did it happen? It happened in China.China is our country.This lesson, let's learn about China.(板书课题)




(1)What is it? It is Beijing.(2)What is Beijing? Beijing is the capital city of China.(3)where is the U.S.? The east of China.(用问答形式复习the capital city和中国与美国的地理位置关系。)

(4)教师用手偶演示“讲汉语”,手上放一个手偶,教师讲英语,手偶讲汉语,试图彼此对话,但行不通,教师最终用英语道出问题的所在:Oh!I speak English, but you speak Chinese!We are Chinese.We speak Chinese.“Chinese”:汉语;中国人;中国的。



(1)What is the capital city of China?

(2)Where is the U,S,?

(3)What do we speak?

3、借助课件学习China's flag ,Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum.(1)What colour is China's flag?(It is red.It has yellow stars.)

(2)Do you know Tian'anmen Square?Look,this is Tian'anmen Square in Beijing.It is very famous!2009 is the National 60th anniversary of the day.There was a review of the troops to celebrate.(3)Next one is the Palace Museum.It is in Beijing ,too.In old days ,the kings and queens lived here.So it is very old and beautiful!(通过介绍历史,让学生认识Tian'anmen Square 和the Palace Museum)





介绍我国其他方面值得我们骄傲的东西。如:中国的万里长城、秦陵兵马俑、颐和园、长江、黄河和五岳等。最后播放歌曲《我爱你,中国》,将爱国激情进一步升华。让学生由衷地喊出:We are pride!We are Chinese,We love China!(进行知识拓展,让学生更加了解和热爱我们的国家,激发学生的民族自豪感。同时和后面的内容进行衔接,体现单元教学的系统性。)




第五篇:Our dream is China Dream (演讲稿)

Find our own dream, that’s my China Dream

Dear Colleagues,Ladies and Gentlemen,While I was preparing for today’s speech, I simply wanted to google some articles from the internet as the contents of my speech.And that’s exactly what I did as my first attempt.However, after reading so many articles from all kinds of people such as university professors, celebrities, college students, and even junior high school students,I found that none of them has anything to do with my own dream, and none of them reflects my real thoughts.Well, to be honest, I think evensome of the guys who wrote those articles do not believe in what they said.So, I wonder why?

Anyway, after my ‘google’ strategy didn’t work out, I gave up the idea and started to think what do I want from the bottom of my heart because I believe what I want is what I dream.China Dream is about finding our own dream, and go for it.When all of our dreams converging into one great river, that’s the culture of the company.When all these rivers converging into the sea, that’s China Dream.One world one dream, and thenwe have the ocean of mankind.Last year President Xi said,“We must forge ahead on the path of China Dream, thus no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

By the 2050, China will take the road to modernization in every way.China Dream is everybody’s dream, as a saying that goes, “where there is dream, there is future.” As former Premier Wen said that I have deep love for this country.I love every inch of its land.I love every river that flows on this piece of earth with deep passion and deep affection.No matter what you do, no matter how you do, no matter when you do, keep it in your mind, that you are wealthy means the country is wealthy.I was so deeply moved by our premier’s speech.So furthermore, I believe that we have dream means China has dream.We must first of all start to be ourselves find our own dream instead of talking clichés.And then, by doing what we are good at, we make contributions to our dear country, with pride.OK now,when it comes to my own dream, I’m going to talk about the two important things.First of all, passion.When I was in primary school, I had a dream.I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all, something like Doraemon’s AnyDoor.And I gave it up till I went to high school, because back then, my dream was to study hard and get into a goodcollege.And when eventually I got into college as I wanted to, my dream was to graduate and get a job, find a girlfriend, buy a house, get a car, blablabla.However, I found my dream was getting closer and closer to reality while on the other hand further and further from satisfaction and happiness.Like there’s something missing in my life, it is passion that’s missing.“We believe that people with passion can change the world for the better.” said Steve Jobs.Passion is in all of us, and undeniably part of who we are.Passion has changed me.As long as it can change a person, it will change the world, since everyone makes a difference.Passion is the fire in your heart.Find your inner fire, and live that passion daily.You will be changed, everyone will be changed, I believe, then, our great nation and even the whole world will be changed!

And the other important thing is Kindness.People may wonder why kindness has anything to do with dreams.The answer is kindness is the basic of anything, just like passion, it’s something deep in our hearts and needs to be found and valued.Do not hesitate to show your kindness, even though it seems rather small.What you have done to the people who are in need can really make a difference.Take an example to show about this idea.Once upon a time, a boy who wandered about the seaside found that there were numerous fish washed out to the shore.He picked up the fish and threw them back into the sea;ignoring the laughing from other kids.He had a strong belief that his action can be important to every fish struggling against the death.Besides, we can also learn that though we may not do great thing every day, but we can do the small thing with our noble mind.We are born into this world like a blank canvas.And each person that crosses our path takes up the brush and makes their mark upon our surface.And when we take up the brush, which color will we choose? My choice is kindness.Finally, I hope all of us can be the ones that have passion, show kindness to others.And simply this is mydream and my ChinaDream.Thank you!

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