英语课堂口语练习_对话_演讲_有关大学生活_ University life[合集5篇]

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第一篇:英语课堂口语练习_对话_演讲_有关大学生活_ University life

University life Bill:

Hi, John, nice to meet you.We haven’t seen each other for a long time.John:

Oh, Bill.Nice to meet you!And, you don’t know how much I miss you!Bill:

Really? And, what do you think of your university life? John:

Well.I had a pretty good still, met some new friends, recently we had a hot pot.What

about you? Bill:

En, same as you.But the most time I just go to the library and reading the books.John:

Well, you just like a super student.Bill:

You're flattering me.John:

Witch subject do you like the best? Bill:

En, I like physical exercise.John:

Oh, I like sport too!Do you playing badminton as usual? Bill:

Well!Sure.I often play badminton once a week.I haven't played with you for a long time.How about sometimes we compares together!John:

Oh, I’d love to!Bill:

En, but in cultural courses, I prefer to learn English.John:

Oh, why? I hate English.I think it is so boring and it’s hard to learn, and I always get a low marks in the exam.My favorite course is math.Bill:

No!John, you are wrong, you shouldn’t hate it because of your low marks.You should find out the interesting in English.From learning English, we can appreciate western

cultures, and broaden our view.John:

OK, I agree with you, and I will try my best to learn English.Bill:

I hope you can get a high mark next time.John:

Thank you!I will try my best to learn English.Bill:

Oh, it’s eleven o'clock.I have to go now.Let's exchange the phone number so that we can keep in touch.John:

OK.This is my phone number.Goodbye!Bill:


第二篇:英语课堂口语练习_对话_演讲_有关大学生活_ University life

University life

Bill:Hi, John, nice to meet you.We haven’t seen each other for a long time.John:Oh, Bill.Nice to meet you!And, you don’t know how much I miss you!

Bill:Really? And, what do you think of your university life?

John:Well.I had a pretty good still, met some new friends, recently we had a hot pot.What

about you?

Bill:En, same as you.But the most time I just go to the library and reading the books.John:Well, you just like a super student.Bill:You're flattering me.John:Witch subject do you like the best?

Bill:En, I like physical exercise.John:Oh, I like sport too!Do you playing badminton as usual?

Bill:Well!Sure.I often play badminton once a week.I haven't played with you for a long

time.How about sometimes we compares together!

John:Oh, I’d love to!

Bill:En, but in cultural courses, I prefer to learn English.John:Oh, why? I hate English.I think it is so boring and it’s hard to learn, and I always get a

low marks in the exam.My favorite course is math.Bill:No!John, you are wrong, you shouldn’t hate it because of your low marks.You should

find out the interesting in English.From learning English, we can appreciate westerncultures, and broaden our view.John:OK, I agree with you, and I will try my best to learn English.Bill:I hope you can get a high mark next time.John:Thank you!I will try my best to learn English.Bill:Oh, it’s eleven o'clock.I have to go now.Let's exchange the phone number so that we

can keep in touch.John:OK.This is my phone number.Goodbye!



18、Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

A:Hi, Jim, long time no see.嘿,吉姆,好久没见了。

B:Ben!What’s new? 本,怎么样?

A:Nothing much.不怎么样。

B:How was your Thanksgiving?


A:Oh, it was great—I slept late.噢,过得很好。我睡了个大懒觉。

B:So did I.We didn’t have lunch till three.我也睡懒觉了。我们到3点才吃中午饭。

A:I took my little sister to see the Thanksgiving Day parade before dinner.She loved it.Then we had a big family dinner around six.晚饭前我带我的小妹去看了感恩节游行。她很喜欢看游行。我们一大家子人6点左右吃了顿团圆饭。

B:Who came? Anyone I know?


A:Well, my older sister and her husband came for the whole weekend.You met her a couple of years ago, remember? And, of course, my stepbrothers stopped by for dinner on Thursday, and so did my aunts and uncles, with all their kids.The oldest is only nine.I had to play games all day long.我姐姐和她丈夫来度周末。你几年前见过她,记得吗?当然,我的继兄弟星期四来吃晚饭了。我的伯母伯父带着孩子也来了。他们最大的才9岁。我一整天都得陪着他们玩游戏。

B:What a drag!So, how’s your sister doing? I haven’t seen her in ages.真没劲。那你姐姐怎么样?我好长时间没见过她了。

A:She’s fine.She loves her new job.她很好。她很喜欢她的新工作。

B:I didn’t know she had a new job.我还不知道她换了新工作。

A:Neither did I.Also, she and Mike just bought a new house.我也不知道呢。而且她和迈克刚买了一幢新房子。!

★ Long time no see.好久不见。

★ What’s new? 过得怎么样?

★ Nothing much.不怎么样。

★ What a drag!真没劲/真扫兴!

★ I really pigged out.我真是吃了个痛快。

★ Are you kidding? 你开玩笑吧?

.I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color their skin but by the content of their character.I have a dream today.(我梦想有一天我的孩子将生活在一个以他们的品质而不是以他们的肤色来评判他们的国度里。)

2.The world won’t end even if we fail a hundred times.As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll succeed in the end.(即使我们失败一百次,世界也依然存在。只我们不失去信心,我们最终会获得成功。)


3.You must take a blow or give one.You must lose and you must risk.Be a man and face the battle.It’s the only way to win.It takes a little courage and a little self-control.And some grim determination, if you want to reach the goal.(你给予打击或施加打击。你必须付出,你也必须冒险。象一个男子汉那样去迎接战斗。这是成功唯一的方法。这需要一些勇气,一些自制,以及一些严峻的决心,如果你真的想达成目标。)

4.Trust no future, however pleasant.Let the dead past bury its dead.Act, act.Act in the living pleasant.Heart within and God overhead, if you fail, let it be.Just try again until you make it.(不要信*未来,无论未来的憧憬多么可爱。让死亡的过去永远埋藏。坚定的心灵,上帝的指引,如果你失败了,就让它去吧。爬起来再努力一次,直到成功。)

5.Improve your pronunciation by practicing in front of a mirror.Use the tapes as a guide.Listen to the tape, then listen to yourself.When you sound like the tape notice how your mouth looks in the mirror.This will help train your international muscle and work magic on your pronunciation.(在镜子前面来改进你的发音。把磁带来做一个指导。对比一下你和磁带的差距。这将有助你练成国际肌肉,对你的发音有奇迹般的作用。)


6.Always have English learning material with you so you can use every spare minute to improve your English!It doesn’t matter if you’re waiting for the bus or your girlfriend to call, every minute can be used to practice crazily.(随时将学习资料带在身边,这样你就可以利用每一分钟来学习英语。不管你是在等汽车还等女朋友的电话,每一分钟都可以用来进行疯狂操练。)

7.Make English study a part of your daily routine, the same as eating or brushing your teeth.Try to blurt out sentences before you do each of these daily activities.You can even blurt out sentences while you take a shower.(把英语变成你的生活的一部分,就像吃饭和刷牙一样。当你在做这些事之前,最好都能脱口而出一些句子。你甚至可以在洗澡的时候操练句子。)疯狂的激励:永远记住:当你把心灵深处的英语梦想播放到100遍的时候!奇迹就会出现!这是自然界永恒不变的定律!而成功的法则就象太阳的东升西落一样,是永恒不变!只要你能够做到,成功就是可以被预期的,你就一定会成功!

8.Try to speak English to somebody each day.It doesn’t have to be a foreigner, it doesn’t have to be someone who understands you!It’s important to get in the habit of saying sentences aloud daily.Who knows you may just find a new partner who wants to practice English!(尽量每天都和别人说英语。你不一定要找外国人,也不一定要找听得懂的人!养成每天大声说句子的习惯是非常重要的。也许碰巧你可以找到一个愿意和你一起操练英语的新伙伴。)

9.Use colored pens to mark your own personal favorite sentences in each book.See how many different situations you can imagine use them, then say these sentences aloud for every situation you imagine.(用彩色笔在把每本书上你最喜欢的句子画出来。看一下每个句子你能想出多少场景,然后在你想象的每一个场景中来说这个句子。)


10.If a particular sentence gives you trouble, you can write it and hang it on a wall or a door.Keep a book under your pillow to remind yourself to practice first thing in the morning and before you go to sleep at night.Every time you see the sentences, yell it out.There is no sentence too difficult to master using this crazy method.(如果某个句子有点难度,你可以把它写下来,贴在墙上或门上。把英语书放在枕头下面提醒自己早晨起床的时候或晚上入睡前操练英语。每当你看到一个句子的时候就把它脱口而出。用这个疯狂方法,没有攻克不了的难句子。)

11.Learning English is a matter of skill mastery.If you want to drive, you have to get in the car and drive;if you want to dance, you have to turn on the music and dance;if you want to swim, you have to jump into the water and swim.(学英语就是学习一门技艺。你如果想学开车,你就必须坐到车里开起来;如果你想跳舞的话,你就必须打开音乐跳起来,如果你想学游泳,你必须跳进水里游。)



Raw silk

B:I am glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation.I hope to conclude some transaction with you.S: It is a great pleasure to meet you..May I know what particular items you are interest in?

B: I am interest in your Raw silk.I have seen your catalogues.I think same of the items willfind a ready market in New York.S: Thank you for your inquiry.But on what basis are we to offer,FOB or CIF? B: I would like to have your lowest quotations, CIF New York

S:Yes,we have.Here is our CIF quotation sheet.Please have a careful look.B:Are the prices on the list firm offers?

S:During the term of validity,the prices on the list are firm offer.B:ok,I have gone over the sheet.your prices are almost 25% higher than those of Japan S:Maybe higher a little ,but the quality of our products is better than that of other suppliers,you should take it into consideration

B:I’m afraid I don’t agree with you on this point.Your prices are higher than those we have got elsewhere.S: But last month the price of raw materials has risen a lot, the international market prices also rose a lot of these

B: Based on your price, the possible of conclude the transaction is very small,because the price is obviously not in line with the market price

S: Well,in order to conclude the business, we are willing to make some concessions.B:If you can give us 20% discount, We will place a large order

S:I’m sorry ,we barely make a profit on you price.But we can give you a discount of 10%.B: ok,Considering your silk is high quality, how about US $50 per kg? S:Ok, we can meet each other half way ,we will receive your price

B: We want to order 5000 kg Raw silk

S: No problem, we can supply

B: May I know what is your regular terms of payment?

S: Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed , irrevocable L/C in our favour, reaching us one month ahead of shipment.B:Could you accept D/A or D/P?

S:I’m afraid it’s out of the question.We have never made any exception so far..B: Open the letter of credit, we have to pay a large deposit, which bring us a lot of trouble

S: I know, but for large orders, we must insist on payment by L / C

B: If that’s the case, we have no choice, but to accept payment by letter of credit.How long should our L/C be valid?

S: Letter of credit is valid for 15 days after the date of shipment.B: May I know how long it takes you to make delivery?

S: Usually, we deliver our good within two weeks after receipt of the letter of credit

B :What is the time of delivery about our orders?

S: I'm afraid it will be at the end of June

B: Is it possible for you tomake prompt delivery?

S: I'm very sorry, becausewe received too many orders this year, it is very difficult to do.But we will make your delivery as soon as possible

B:well, May I know what your package?

S: We usually use cardboard box packing the goods

B: You don't think that the goods might be damaged by dampness or rain ? S: Don't worry, every box lined with waterproof material

B: How to stand rough handling?

S: We will reinforce the box with metal straps.B: I want to know what your insurance clauses cover?

S: We will cover insurance against all risks and the risk of breakage

B: Very good, we hope that we can sign the contract as soon as possible S: I think so



1.The classmates, we all have a warm home.Family members are how to call in English? Today let us to learn.同学们,我们都有一个温暖的家。家庭成员用英语是怎么称呼呢?今天就让我们来学习下吧。

2.Let us have a look at today’s learning objectives.让我们看一下今天的学习目标。

3.Let us listen to a song to review the words.先让我们听一首歌,复习一下学过的单词。

4.Every body ready?


5.Who is the first?


6.He/She said, right? OK or not?


7.Please hand!


8.Who will correct?


9.Who will fill?


10.See who do the fastest?


11.Let us do some exercise.让我们做一些练习。

12.See the answer.看答案。

13.Today we learned some of what contents? Let us do the summary.今天我们学了什么内容?让我们来做下小结。

14.Time for class.上课了。

15.(New)class is over.(新)课结束了。

16.Let us take a look at…


17.Now follow me.现在跟我学。

18.Look at the projection.请看投影。

19.Please follow the multimedia.请跟多媒体学一遍。

20.Please show me your family photos, and introduce your family.请出示你的家庭照片,并介绍你的家人。

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