后世医家进一步对“君火”、“相火”进行探讨,张景岳提出:“邪火可言贼,相火不可言贼。”实际上是强调将朱丹溪所论之生理相火与病理相火区分开来。赵献可则提出:“君火为阳火,可以直折;相火为龙 火,仅可温顺,导之归源。”提出对实火与虚阳浮越之证的不同治法。李中梓则着重从“水火互济”来论述火热病机,指出心肾相交,水火互济是正常生理,如水不足而火旺,用六味丸壮水之源以制阳光;火不足而水盛,用八味丸益火之主以消阴翳。张景岳还总结了治内伤热病的法则:“治热之法,凡微热之气,宜凉以和之;大热之气,宜寒以制之;郁热在经络者,宜疏之、发之;结热在脏腑者,宜通之、利之;阴虚之热者,宜壮水以平之;无根之热者,宜益火以培之。”(《景岳全书》)
火(热)邪性质 火性燔灼 火性炎上 伤津耗气
易致肿疡 易扰心神
在六淫之中,火、暑均属热邪,其区别正如王孟英《温热经纬》指出:“暑独盛于夏令,火则四时皆 有。”因此,火热病机不限于时令,是一种广泛多发的病邪。
1、实火:刘完素将《内经》病机十九条加以扩充,指出:诸病喘呕吐酸、暴注下迫,转筋,小便浑浊,腹胀大鼓之如鼓,疖疽疡疹,瘤气结核,吐下霍乱,瞀郁肿胀,鼻塞鼽衄,血溢血泄,淋门必,身热,恶寒战栗,惊惑,悲笑,谵妄,衄血蔑血汗,皆属于热;诸热瞀疒契,暴喑冒昧,躁扰狂越,骂詈惊骇,月付肿疼疒皴,气逆冲上,禁栗,如丧神守,嚏呕,疮疡喉痹,耳鸣及聋,呕涌,嗌食不下,目昧不明,暴注 目闰疒恝,暴病暴死,皆属于火。其所列五十多证,多为实火的表现。对实火之证,又可分外感、内伤。外感可因火热之邪侵犯人体,刘完素提出可以辛凉或甘寒以解表,创制了辛凉解表、表里双解等法则,成为温病学派的源头;内伤则正如何梦瑶所言:“阴阳水火,原自和平,不寒不热,是谓正气。一有乖违,不无偏胜。《经》云:‘阳胜则热’。此为亢阳之火。”是阳偏胜导致的热象,亦即如朱丹溪所云“气有余便是火”。对于内伤实火,刘完素提倡用下法,下其里热。朱丹溪也指出可以“热者寒之”,以苦寒直折为正治,如云:“人壮气实,火盛癫狂者,可用正治,或硝黄冰水之类。”他提出用大补丸(一味黄柏)、三补丸(黄连、黄芩、黄柏)治疗,是以清为补之意。此外,朱丹溪还善于对火热炽盛之证用反佐法:“凡火盛者,不可骤用凉药,必兼温散。”其法如于苦寒药中加入姜汁,或清热药用姜汁拌炒等。当然用寒凉清火亦不可过用,张景岳指出:“夫实热者,„„元气本无所伤,故可以苦寒折之,信手任心,何难之有?然当热去即止,不可过用,过则必伤元气。”是为一戒。
肾热(火)《素问·刺热论》:“肾热病者,先腰痛骨行酸,苦渴数饮身热。热争则项痛而强。骨行寒且酸,足下热,不欲言,其逆则项痛员员淡淡然。”肾之火热,多由阴虚所致,朱丹溪之相火论、张景岳之阴虚虚火,都是着重针对此证而述,具已见前。朱丹溪云:“房劳则火起于肾”(《格致余论》),提出补肾 水,降相火之大补阴丸,张景岳则强调治阴虚之火忌用苦寒,提出:“善补阴者,必阳中求阴,则阴则阳升而泉源不竭。”创左归丸以补阴精为主。
(二)内分泌系统疾病。内分泌疾病的糖尿病、甲状腺机能亢进症等,从中医角度看都与火热病机密切相关。以甲亢为例,有人[6]分三型论治:(1)胃火型,养阴清胃火,用养阴泻火汤(石膏、麦冬、花粉、乌梅、石莲肉、夏枯草、三黄、四物汤);(2)肝经实火型,清泻肝火,用龙胆泻肝汤加减;(3)肝郁化热 型,疏肝清热,用丹栀逍遥散加减,治疗32例治愈9例,总有效率93。75%。另有人[7]治疗81例,辨证分型为:(1)肝郁心热,治以疏肝理气,清心安神,药用:丹皮、栀子、柴胡、赤芍、当归、茯神、山药、生地、黄连、朱砂、玄胡索、炒香附、甘草等;(2)肝胃火旺,治以清泻肝胃。药用:龙胆草、黄芩、生栀子、生地、赤芍、生石膏、知母、花粉等。(3)心肾阴虚,治以养心益肾、滋阴清热,药用:生地、五味子、麦冬、天冬、玄参、丹参、太子参、当归、茯神、灸远志、柏子仁、枣仁、朱砂等。(4)痰气凝结,治以燥湿化痰、行气散结,药用:海藻、昆布、海带、半夏、陈皮、茯苓、贝母、炒枳壳、桔梗、郁金、当归、川芎等,共治81例,3个月内治愈29例,显效11例。综之,甲亢现代临床分型大致主要有:肝郁痰结、肝火亢盛或肝阳上亢、中焦蕴热胃火炽盛、肝肾阴虚虚火内扰、气阴两虚、脾肾阳虚等。因此,甲亢责之肝气郁滞、化火伤阴是最常见的病机,如有瘿瘤,则多为痰浊所致,痰火互结。
(三)神经精神系统疾病。从中医角度认识,神经精神疾病如癫痫、精神分裂、中风等多与火热有关。以中风为例,有人[ 8]认为中风辨证以痰、火、风、虚、瘀五方面,其中虚(肝肾阴虚和气虚)为本,而痰、火、风、瘀为标实,其中中风急性期以标实为主。以上诸因素都属火热或是导致火热产生的因素,全国中风协作组也将中风(中经络)分为:肝阳暴亢、风火上扰;风痰瘀血、痹阻脉络;痰热腑实、风痰上扰;气虚血瘀;阴虚风动五型。这些都与中风急性期临床表现是吻合的。王永炎[9]将缺血性中风分为风痰瘀血、痹阻脉络型,治以平肝熄风、化痰通络;风痰上扰、痰热腑实型,治以通腑化痰;气虚血瘀型,治以益气活血;阴虚风动型,治以育阴熄风法。共治急性缺血性中风220例,结果痊愈90例,显著进步65例,进步38例,总有效率87.7%。吴银根[10]将出血性中风分为肝阳肝风型(用镇肝熄风汤加减)、肝火肝风型(用龙胆泻肝汤加减)、痰热交阻型(用涤痰汤加减)、气虚血瘀型(用补阳还五汤加减)、风中经络型(用大秦艽汤加减)、肝肾虚衰型(分阴阳补肝肾),共治25例,存活17例,恶化1例,死亡7例。
谢竹藩等[18]人发现,虚寒组PGE2排出量低于对照组,而虚热组明显高于对照组。虚寒组PGE2a明显增高,而虚热组无明显变化,PGE2 /PGE2a比值虚寒组明显低,而虚热组增高。
清热法又有清热泻火、清热解毒、清营凉血、清热除湿、清热开窍等几类,其中清热药物多属苦寒。唐代孙思邈《千金要方》指出:“凡除热解毒,无过苦酢之物,„„夫热盛非苦酢之物不解也。热在身中既不时治,治之又不用苦酢之物,此如救火不以水也。”目前,大量药理作用证实,清热类中药具有以下药理作用:(1)抗病原体。有的药物根据药敏试验单用或组方治疗感染性疾病,收到良好的预期效果。从清热解毒药中提出的抗菌成分(如黄连、黄柏中的小蘖碱、鱼腥草中癸酰乙醛)抗感染效果不比抗菌素差。从青蒿中提取的青蒿素口服后,血液中能达到有效抗疟浓度。(2)抗炎。清热类方药可抑制炎症渗出,抑制炎症介质合成和释放,增强肾上腺皮质功能,且一般不抑制白细胞趋化,甚至促进趋化,因而不致削弱机体抗炎的屏障功能。(3)解热。清热类方药的解热作用与解表类相比,不同的是一般无明显出汗主要是降低体温中枢兴奋性,促进皮肤血管扩张散热,抑制产热代谢。(4)解毒。细菌释放病毒素是引起发热、组织损伤,机体代谢和血液动力学、血液流变学紊乱,削弱免疫功能的重要原因,实验证实,清热药具有解毒作用,拮抗内毒素,且口服给药能达到血药浓度,个别复方可达到与地塞米松相似的效果[19]。现认为大多数抗生素缺乏这种作用。(5)增强机体免疫。清热解毒方药能增强大、小吞噬细胞吞噬功能,提高补体、溶菌酶活性,诱生 干扰素,改善特异性体液免疫和细胞免疫。此外,据研究,清热泻火药尚有降低中枢兴奋性并加强保护性抑制过程,使脑内5-羟色胺增多,稳定内环境等作用[20]。
[1] 李寿深,论东垣所创阴火为气虚之火,山东中医杂志,1987(3)8。[2] 赖祥林,广西中医药,1985,(1):7。[3] 李华佳,广西中医药,1985,(1):7。
[4] 兰州化学工业分司职工医院,中医杂志,1983,12:939。
[5] 上消化道出血证治(笔谈),中医杂志,中医药治疗上消化道出血近况,1985;26(8):4。[6] 张俊文,上海中医药杂志,1981(8):10。[7] 蒋珠玉,湖南中医药杂志,1987(7):29。[8] 黄柄山,吉林中医药,1986,(2):14。[9] 王永炎,等。辽宁中医杂志,1984,9(9):15。[10] 吴银根,湖南中医杂志,1986,(1):10。[11] 谭宗健,湖南中医学院学报,1986;(3):19。[12] 张志礼,中医杂志,1989;(9):547。[13] 王仲英,中西医结合杂志,1989;(8):465。
[14] 候灿,八纲病理生理学基础初步探讨,中医杂志,1964(12):32。
[15] 重庆医学院新医病理研究小组,“八纲”之病理学基础初探,新医药学杂志,1975,(3):114。[16] 梁月华等,中医寒热本质的初步研究,中华医学杂志,1979,(12):705。
[17] 谢竹藩等,从虚证患者尿中儿茶酚胺量探讨病证的寒热,中西医结合杂志,1988,8(11):647。[18] 谢竹藩等,从尿中儿茶酚胺及cAMP、cGMP的排出量探讨中医寒证、热证的本质,中西医结合杂志,1986,6(11)651。
[19] 李鸣真等,中药“热毒清”注射液抗内毒素的实验研究,《科研资料选编》(武汉同济医科大学中西医结合研究所),1986。
[20] 梁月华等,寒凉药温热药对中枢递质的影响(摘要),中西医结合杂志,1985,5(2):82。
兹有我单位李安祥同志,硕士研究生,方剂学专业,工作年限1年;从2012年 8月至2013 年 8月在我单位从事中药科研及中药饮片管理工作(身份证号41***03016,网络报名号:020421)
单位(盖章)2013年7 月 23日
第三篇:藏象学说 讲稿
留学生班《中医学》第三章 脏腑学说
Hello, everyone!Today we’ll talk about the theory of viscera and bowels.I am from the third affiliated hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, my name is Zhou Yingfang.I know you have learnt Yin-yang and the five elements doctrines, which make it easier to understand what we’ll learn today.Objectives
After the learning of this chapter, you should master the concept of viscera and bowels, the characteristics, the main functions of the five zang-organs and the six fu-organs, and the mutual relationships among them.At the beginning of learning TCM, not only you, but also the Chinese students have the problem in understanding and accepting the theory of TCM, because it is really different from that of the western medicine.I hope, from now on, you can make yourselves completely into the thinking mode of traditional Chinese medicine.Just like the picture, western medicine and TCM are two different ways, but their purposes are to deal with diseases and make human beings healthy.Let’s see the meaning of the Chinese words of viscera, 藏象。Zang has two pronunciations, one is cang, which means hiding;another is zang, which means the internal organs.Xiang indicates the phenomena and shapes/forms.These two words together implicate the physiological functions and pathological changes of the organs inside our body.The visceral manifestation theory is an important component of TCM.It consists of the study of the physiology and pathology of all the viscera, and the relationship between viscera.In Chinese medicine, each organ is a complex system which encompasses many aspects, such as, the material-anatomical body parts, mind-body-spirit connection, individual constitution, tissues, organs, and surrounding environment.This paradigm is the core of TCM.We divide the internal organs of the body into three kinds: The first one is five zang-viscera, which includes heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.Their physiological function is to produce and store essential qi.Essential qi is composed of the congenital essential qi, and the qi from food and drink by transformation and transportation of the spleen and stomach.The second one is six fu-viscera, they are gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder and san-jiao.Their physiological function is receiving, transforming, and transporting food and water.If the passage way is not smooth, been obstructed, the person will feel distension in the stomach or the abdomen area.(The five zang-viscera store the essential qi but not discharge it, so they are full, but cannot be filled up.The six fu-viscera transform and digest the matter but do not store it, thus, they are filled, yet are not full.)
The third type is extraordinary fu-viscera.They are brain, marrow, bone, vessel, gallbladder and uterus.They are distinct from the fu-viscera in function.We’ll go into details later.The five zang-viscera 1.Heart The first content is heart.As we all known that the heart is located in the thorax and guarded externally by the pericardium.Let’s go into further understanding of the heart.The heart has the function of circulating blood through the vessels to nourish the whole body.Maybe it’s easier to understand, because it is similar to that in western medicine.The blood circulation looks like a ring without break, but the normal circulation of blood in the vessels depends on both the heart and vessels.The vessels are the pathways of blood circulation and the heart is the motive power of blood circulation.Heart qi can promote the blood circulation, and transport the nourishment materials to the tissues and organs.The beat of the heart relies on the promoting and regulating function of the heart qi.Shen refers to the control of whole body function in a broad sense.Specifically the heart governs spiritual activities, which includes mental aspects, consciousness and thought.Maybe it is the most difficult part for you to understand.In modern medicine, spiritual activities are the function of the cerebrum, or the cerebrum’s reflection, related to, and experiences with objective things.In TCM, heart governs the physiological activities of the organs and body orifices.The material basis of spiritual activities is blood.In physiological condition, if the function of governing spiritual activities is normal, one will be full of vitality, have a clear head, and be quick in both thought and response.But, in the pathological condition, the patient will be upset, have depressive psychosis and mania caused by phlegm-fire disturbing the heart, insomnia, frequent dreaming and palpitation.Here is an example, a person named Fan Jin in a novel of Qing dynasty, lived in poor, he had experienced the exams of more than 20 times, and all failed.Until nearly 60 years old, he got the former second degree candidate in the provincial examination.He was very very happy, and became mad.If we use TCM theory to explain it, it is because the overjoy emotion hurts the heart.In TCM, heart has close relationship with sweat.Sweat is derived from body fluid, and is important component part of blood.There are sayings, such as blood and sweat share a common source, sweat is the fluid from the heart.In normal condition, sweat can moist the skin, while too much sweating may injury heart blood and heart qi.For example, hot environment, too much clothes, or excessive exercises may cause abnormal sweat.And the patient may feel palpitation and feeling of fear.A much more serious condition is known as depletion of yang resulting from profuse sweat, which leads to night sweating.The heart opens to the tongue and manifests on the face.In acupuncture, the large divergent collateral of the heart meridian goes up to the tongue and the face.These areas are rich in blood vessels.You all know a TCM practitioner often looks at the tongue and face, so as to help he/she to make diagnosis.It is said that the tongue is the sprout of the heart.The physiological functions of the heart can be detected through changes in both color and luster of the face.In physiological condition, the heart functions are well, and the heart-blood is abundant, the face will be ruddy and lustrous, and the tongue will be light red and free in motion.In the pathological condition, the manifestations depend on the concrete reason.If the heart-blood is deficient, there will be a pallor complexion and pale tongue.If the heart blood is stagnated, purplish and dark complexion, echymoses or petechiae will appear.Dysfunction of heart in governing mental activities or spirit leads to stiff tongue, difficult in speaking, or aphasis.If the heart-fire is flaring up, there will be red tongue and carbuncles。
Hair is dependent upon the nourishment of blood, so it is said hair is the extension of blood.Pericardium It has the function of protecting the heart.In TCM, exogenous factors that invading the heart often first attack the pericardium.For example, febrile disease with high fever, coma, deep red tongue is known as “heat invading the pericardium” in TCM.2.Lung Governs Qi(1)Governs air breath “getting rid of the stale and taking in the fresh”(2)Governs Qi of the whole body Production of “pectoral qi”, which is composed of fresh air from nature inhaled by the lungs and essential qi from food, water, and stored in the thorax.Qi movement(ascent, descent, exit and entrance)of the whole body In charge of dispersing and descending The function of dispersing and descending involves the distribution of qi, blood, and body-fluid to the zang-fu organs, the muscles, skin and hair.Pathology: cough, difficulty in breathing;fullness of the chest, phlegm Smooth the water passages It means the ascending and descending functions of the lung qi have the function of smoothing and regulating the distribution, circulation and discharging of the water inside body.Discharge the metabolized water in the body in four processes: urine, sweat, respiration, and feces.“the lung is the upper source of water” Governs the skin and hair The skin and hair in this case, represent the entire surface of the body including skin, sweat gland pores, and hair.They acts as a barrier against the invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors.The lung spreads defensive-qi to the body surface, “warms the tissues between the skin and muscles, replenishes the skin, nourishes the muscles, and regulates the opening and closing of the pores”.Pathology: aversion to cold, fever, nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, cough, or even difficult breathing.Opens to the nose Nose is the gate of the lung, and the passage for air enter and exit.Proper function of the lung-qi: clear, unobstructed nasal breathing, smelling Pathology: stuffy nose, running nose, sneezing, itching of the throat.3.Spleen Governs transformation and transportation Substances:(1)food Function: digesting, absorbing and transporting nutritive substances Pathology: poor appetite, abdominal distention, diarrhea, lassitude, and emaciation(2)water Function: promotes water metabolism, moisten and nourish various tissues of the body, avoid retention of water, maintain water metabolism balance.Pathology: edema, phlegm-dampness syndrome, diarrhea Controls blood Function: controlling blood and circulating it within the vessels and prevents blood from extravasating.Pathology: bleeding Sends up essence “spleen qi is in charge of ascending”
Raising up Food Essence, raising up the Internal Organs Pathology: “sinking of the middle-jiao”
chronic diarrhea with proctoptosis uterine prolapse Dominates muscles and limbs Pathology: thin muscles, forceless, flaccid and atrophied limbs Opens to the mouth, manifests on the lips Appetite and taste Pathology: anorexia, tastelessness, or a sweet or sticky taste in the mouth, pale and lusterless lips 4.Liver Regulates the smooth flow of qi(1)Emotions Hypoactive: depression, sorrow, suspicion, sighing, and hypochondriac distress.Hyperactive: irritability, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, and dream disturbed sleep.(2)Digestion and absorption The ascent and descent of spleen and stomach qi The normal secretion of bile Pathology: poor appetite, indigestion, belching, acid regurgitation, abdominal fullness, and diarrhea.(3)The smooth flow of qi and blood Maintaining normal circulation of qi and blood Pathology: distending pain in the hypochondrium, breast, or lower abdomen.qi is the commander of blood, qi stagnation will be followed by blood stagnation----stabbing pain in the hypochondrium, abdominal masses, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea.Liver can smooth the flow of qi in the san-jiao to regulate water passages.Otherwise, edema or ascites may appear.The smooth flow of liver qi results in normal sexual function.Hypoactive: impotence and premature ejaculation, or amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea.Hyperactive:
males----over indulgence
in sexual activities,and spermatorrhea females----dreams
menstrual cycle, or metrorrhagia Stores blood Function: storing blood and regulating the volume of blood in circulation.Pathology: liver blood deficiency----blurred vision, night blindness, contracture of muscles and tendons, and motor impairment.women----scanty amenorrhea Dominates tendons and manifests on the nails Pathology: numb and impaired movement of limbs, tremor or spasm.heat-evil----loss of fluids----convulsion, opisthotonos, clenched jaw “the nails are the excretion of the tendons”
Opens to the eyes 5.Kidney The kidneys store vital essence, and are in charge of growth, development and reproduction Congenital and acquired essence Kidney qi in growth, development, reproduction and sexual function.Governs water metabolism
flow of menstrual blood
(1)in distributing body to nourish and moisten tissue(2)the discharge of utilized water by the tissue Governs the reception of Qi “the lungs govern respiration and the kidneys govern reception of qi” Kidneys dominate bone and manufacture marrow, which forms the brain and manifests in the hair.Pathology:
weak or underdeveloped bone, delayed closure of the fontanel, weak bones in children Teeth are an extension of bone.The kidneys manufacture marrow, and the brain is the sea of marrow.The nourishment of hair comes from blood.The kidney stores vital essence which can be transformed into blood.The kidneys open to the ears and have two yin parts.The hearing function of the ear depends on nourishment from kidney essence qi.The two yin parts of the kidneys are the anterior and posterior yin(or the genitals and the anus).Six Fu-viscera
1.Gallbladder Six fu-viscera: hollow in structure, excrete bile to help digest food.Extraodinary fu-viscera: the bile stored in the gallbladder is transformed from the essential qi with similar functions of the five zang-viscera.Function: store, concentrate and excrete bile In terms of mental state, it is in charge of judgment and decision making.Pathology: distending pain in the hypochondriac region, poor appetite, abdominal distension, loose stool, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting yellow-green and bitter fluid, jaundice.2.Stomach Location: below the diaphragm Function:
(1)Reservoir of foodstuff “barn”, “sea of water and cereal”, “reservoir of foodstuff”(2)Descending function of the stomach Along with the ascending function of the spleen The function of the whole digestive system Pathology: failure of descending of the stomach-qi may cause the adverse rising of the stomach-qi, marked by belching acid regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, etc.3.Small Intestine Function:(1)Stores and digests food(2)Separates the clear from the turbid Pathology: fullness of the abdomen, pain of the abdomen, diarrhea, short of urine.4.Large Intestine
(1)Passes and eliminates waste(2)Governs body-fluid Pathology: constipation or loose stool, diarrhea 5.Urinary Bladder Function:(1)Stores urine(2)Discharges urine
The turbid fluid is formed after the water metabolism, and is transported downwards to the kidneys, where it turns into urine by the qi transformation of kidney.6.San-Jiao
The concept of San-Jiao has two meanings.First, it is one of the six Fu-organs and secondly, it represents the partition of human body, i.e.the generic term of the upper energizer, middle energizer and lower energizer.(1)San-Jiao of the six Fu-organs Function: passing through the original qi and water.San-Jiao is the route for the circulation of original qi and water.Original qi is the most fundamental qi of the human body, the motive power of human vital activities, which is derived from the kidney.The distribution and excretion of the water inside the body are accomplished by the synergistic function of many organs, including lung, spleen and kidney, etc.But the normal circulation of water must be based on the channel function of San-Jiao.(2)Partition Meaning of San-Jiao
As the region, San-Jiao can be divided into three parts, i.e.the upper energizer, middle energizer and lower energizer.It includes the whole body from the head to the feet.Each energizer has its own physiological characteristics.Generally, the chest part above the diaphragm, include heart, lungs, head and face, is called upper energizer.Sometimes, the upper limbs are attributed to the upper energizer too.Upper energizer can disperse the defense qi, distribute the food essence and fluid, nourish and moisten the whole body.Middle energizer refers to the upper abdomen between the diaphragm and the umbilicus, which is consisted by the spleen and stomach.Middle energizer has the function of digesting, absorbing and distributing the food essence and fluid, and producing qi and blood as well.The part below the umbilicus is named lower energizer, which includes small intestine, large intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder and uterus and lower limbs as well.It has the function of discharging the residues and urine.Extraordinary Fu-Organs The extraordinary Fu-organs include brain, marrow, bone, vessels, gallbladder and uterus.Most of them have no internal-external relation with other organs and no attachment with the five elements, except gallbladder with liver, as one of the six Fu-organs.1.Brain Brain is formed by the accumulation of marrow, and then it is called the sea of marrow.(1)Dominate Vital Activities and Spirits Brain is an organ that can produce recognition, emotions, will and behaviors, and it is also the key position of spirit activities.Physiology: full of spirit, clear consciousness, quick thinking, strong memory, clear language and normal emotions.Pathology: apathetic, slow reaction, memory deterioration, manic and irritability, and even coma.(2)Dominate Sense and Movement It means that the eyesight, hearing, speak and movement of the human body are related to the brain.Physiology: good eyesight, sharp hearing, keen sense of smell, normal sensation, light and powerful movement.Pathology: dim vision, loss of hearing, poor sense of smell, dull sensation, fatigue and even hemiplegia.2.Uterus(1)Controlling Menstruation Pathology: irregular
amenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, or metrorrhagia.Since women take blood as the fundament, and the heart controls blood, liver stores blood, spleen produces qi and blood, the menstrual bleeding and cycle are closely related to the physiological functions of the heart, liver and spleen.(2)Dominating Pregnancy The uterus gets the ability of pregnancy at the time of the first menstrual bleeding.After the pregnancy, the uterus becomes a main organ for protecting and developing the fetus.Mutual Relations among the Five Zang-Organs(1)Heart and Lung
Both the heart and lungs are located above the diaphragm.The heart governs the blood and vessels, and the lungs control qi and respiration.The relationship between heart and lungs mainly manifests as the relation of qi and blood.(2)Heart and Spleen Heart governs blood and spleen generates blood.Heart can promote blood circulation, and spleen controls blood and prevents it from bleeding.The relation between heart and spleen are mainly manifested in two aspects, the production of blood and the circulation of blood.(3)Heart and Liver
Heart can promote blood circulation and liver stores blood.Heart controls Shen, while liver governs free flow of qi and adjusts emotional activities.The relation between heart and liver is manifested on two aspects, blood circulation and emotional activities.(4)Heart and Kidney
Heart belongs to fire in the five elements theory, and it is located in the upper part of human body, so it is subordinated to yang.However, kidney belongs to water in the five elements theory, which is located in the lower part of human body, and subordinated to yin.For the ascending-descending theory of water and fire, Yin-Yang as well, it’s good for those at the bottom to go upwards, and those on the top to go downwards.(5)Lung and Spleen
Lungs govern the respiration, and spleen can generate food essence by the function of transportation and transformation.Lungs regulate water metabolism and spleen is also in charge of water metabolism.The relation between lungs and spleen mainly shows in two aspects, production of qi and water metabolism.(6)Lung and Liver
Lungs has descending functions and liver is characterized by dispersing.The relation between lungs and liver is mainly about the ascending and descending of qi movements.(7)Lung and Kidney
Lungs regulate waterways, and kidneys govern water.Lungs dominate respiration and kidneys govern the reception of qi.The relation between lungs and kidneys are mainly manifested by two aspects, water metabolism and respiration.(8)Liver and Spleen
Liver governs the free flow of qi and spleen has the function of transportation and transformation.Liver stores blood and spleen can generate and control blood.The relation between liver and spleen is mainly manifested on two aspects, digestion and absorption, blood regulation.(9)Liver and Kidney
Liver stores blood and kidney stores essence.Liver governs the free flow of qi and kidney is in charge of storage.For the five elements theory, liver belongs to the wood and kidney is attributed to water.They have mother-son relations.The relationship between liver and kidney is mainly manifested on three aspects: essence and blood have a common source, interdependence between storing and discharging, mutual nourishment and interaction between yin and yang.(10)Spleen and Kidney
Spleen is the postnatal base of life, while kidney is the congenital foundation of human body.Spleen participates in the water metabolism by its function of transportation and transformation and kidney governs water.The relation between spleen and kidney is mainly manifested on two aspects, postnatal and congenital bases, and water metabolism.Relations among the Six Fu-Organs The six Fu-organs include gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and San-Jiao, all of which are characterized by transporting food and distributing fluids.The relations among the six Fu-organs are mainly manifested as the aspects of the digestion and absorption of food, distribution of fluid and discharge of residues.Relations among Zang-organs and Fu-organs(1)Heart and Small Intestine
Their relation is mainly manifested on the pathological aspect.If the heart has excessive fire, it will affect the small intestine along the meridians and scanty, red, painful or bloody urine occurs.If the small intestine has excessive heat, it also can influence heart by the upward flow of heat along the meridian and the symptoms include restlessness, red tongue and ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue.(2)Lung and Large Intestine
For the physiology, the descending of lung qi is helpful to the transportation of large intestine.The normal transportation of large intestine can assist the descending of lung qi.For the pathology, if the lungs cannot descend, the fluid will not go downwards and there will be constipation.If there is excessive heat in the large intestine, the qi of Fu-organs will not be smooth, which is able to affect the descending of lungs with symptoms of fullness in the chest, cough and asthma.If the lung qi is deficient and the large intestine is too weak to transport the residues, there will be constipation due to qi deficiency and difficulty in discharging feces.(3)Spleen and Stomach
Spleen and stomach accomplish the digestion, absorption and transportation of food together to nourish the human body, so they are called the postnatal basis.The relation between spleen and stomach is mainly manifested on three aspects:-coordination of receiving and transportation and transformation,-harmony between ascending and descending,-adjustment of dryness and dampness.(4)Liver and Gallbladder
The bile is derived from the liver and the storage and discharge of bile depend on the regulation of liver(free flow of qi).And the smooth discharging of bile is beneficial to the function of liver in governing free flow of qi.(5)Kidney and Bladder
Kidney is the Zang-organ of water and bladder is the Fu-organ of water.The function of bladder in storing and excreting urine depends on the qi transformation and controlling of kidney.
a.1, 2, 3
b.1, 3, 4
c.1, 2, 4
d.2, 3, 4 2.触觉刺激后新生儿仍无呼吸时,应采取哪项措施?()a.吸引气道 b.继续触觉刺激 c.给新生儿吸氧 d.正压通气给氧
3.大概有多少比例的新生儿至少需要一些帮助开始自发及规律的自主呼吸?()a.1% b.3% c.10% d.20% 4.足月的新生儿正常分娩后心肺会按怎样的步骤发生变化?()1.动脉导管闭合 2.清除肺泡里的肺液 3.肺充气扩张 4.肺动脉开始张开
a.1, 4, 3, 2
b.2, 1, 3, 4
c.3, 2, 4, 1
d.4, 2, 1, 3 5.新生儿出生时未能正常过渡,你将会可能发现以下哪种情况?
()a.紫绀 b.心动过速 c.增加呼吸功 d.以上全部
()a.对触觉刺激有反应 b.心率下降 c.喘息样呼吸
d.血压下降 7.在给早产儿复苏时会遇到特殊的挑战是因为:
a.肺缺乏肺泡表面活性物质,造成通气困难 b.不完全的体温控制c.脑血管脆性大易于出血 d.以上都是
8.每次分娩中最少应该有多少训练有素其主要职责是新生儿的处理的人员在场?()a.1 b.2
a.在1分钟Apgar评分后采取治疗措施 b.立即给予触觉刺激
b.开始胸外按压并继续正压通气 c.仅进行胸外按压
a.胎粪污染羊水的粘稠度 b.新生儿是否“有活力”
d.曾有异常胎心监测史 12.下列使新生儿呼吸的哪种刺激方式不可取?()
a.用温热的毛巾擦拭 b.轻柔地摩擦新生儿的背部
d.轻轻拍打或弹脚跟 13.复苏有呼吸暂停,且对擦干和摩擦背部无反应的新生儿最有效的措施是:()a.常压给氧
d.用气囊-面罩辅助通气 16.给新生儿数心率时,6s中心跳9次,这时其心率是:()a.27次/min b.45次/min c.90次/min d.180次/min 17.当无胎粪时,下列哪项关于清理气道的描述是正确的?
d.停止正压通气,给予温和的刺激,并采取常压给氧 21.如果一个新生儿需要用气囊面罩较长时间的正压通气,则:()
d.新生儿应被重新摆正体位 22.下列哪项不是复苏中的新生儿状况有所改善的表现?
d.自主呼吸 23.为有效的使用复苏囊,你最好站立在:
d.仅在新生儿的右侧 24.下列哪项不是气流充气式复苏气囊的优点?
b.新生儿面部未密封好时容易被发现 c.挤压后总是能够重新充盈,即使无加压氧源
d.挤压时能够感受到肺的顺应性 25.下列哪项是自动充气式复苏气囊的缺点?
b.需要连接储氧器才能提供大于40%浓度的氧气 c.不能可靠的用于提供100%浓度的常压氧气
2.迅速给新生儿摆位;拿掉湿了的毛巾;吸引口和鼻;擦干新生儿;并刺激新生儿 3.测量新生儿的心率
a.3, 1, 4,2b.1, 2, 3,4c.2, 1, 3, 4
d.3, 4, 2, 1 27.胸外按压必须伴有:
d.给扩容剂 28.当协调正压通气和胸外按压时,大约每分钟多少次?
()a.40次呼吸,120次按压 b.30次呼吸,90次按压 c.60次呼吸,120次按压 d.20次呼吸,80次按压
b.停止胸外按压,继续每分钟40~60次的正压通气 c.给予肾上腺素
4.使血液运送到重要器官 a.1, 2, 3
b.1, 2, 4
c.1, 3, 4
d.2, 3, 4 33.刚刚分娩出后,新生儿青紫,软弱,呼吸暂停.对刺激无反应,心率每分钟40次,下列哪项最可能帮助恢复正常的自主性的心率?
d.给碳酸氢钠 34.下列哪项可以提高胸外按压的安全性和有效性?
a.在胸外按压放松的时候,使手指或拇指放在新生儿的胸部上.b.持续的压下2~4英寸的深度 c.按压时以1比1的频次间隔通气
d.每分钟40~60次的通气与心脏按压同步进行 35.下列哪项关于胸外按压和正压通气的配合的描述是正确的?
a.一个人同时进行按压和通气 b.每3次通气后,进行一次胸外按压
4.肌肉 a.1, 2
b.2, 4
c.1, 3
d.2, 4 38.在建立充分的通气之前不宜给予肾上腺素的原因是:
4.肾上腺素会增加工作负荷和耗氧量,那样可能会导致不必要的心肌损伤 a.1, 2
b.2, 4
c.2, 3
d.1, 4 39.哪项是肾上腺素的推荐计量?
d.1:1,000的溶液,1~3ml 40.以下哪些药可以通过气管内导管注入?
4.白蛋白 a.1, 2
b.2, 3
c.3, 4
d.2, 4 41.下面哪项不是目前推荐的用于治疗急性低血容量的方法?
2.30秒辅助通气和心脏按压后心率仍小于60次/min 3.严重的代谢性酸中毒,可疑的或确诊的4.苍白,脉弱,对复苏反应差 a.1, 3
b.1, 2
c.2, 3
d.2, 4 43.为什么在复苏过程中过早的静脉给予碳酸氢钠会有危害?
b 低张的碳酸氢盐对气道有腐蚀性 c.碳酸氢盐导致额外的二氧化碳产生
d.钠能转变成晶体盐从而阻塞血管 44.当需要给体重2400g的新生儿扩容剂时,应给多大剂量?
d.240ml 45.当需要给体重2400g的新生儿扩容剂时,应如何给?
d.气管,缓慢给药 46.下列哪项是碳酸氢钠给药的正确剂量,途径,和速度?
剂量途径速度a.0.5mmol/ml(4.2%)的溶液,2mmol/kg脐静脉慢速(小于1 mmol/min)
患儿,男,12月,因“解黄色稀水样便4天,伴神疲少尿半天”入院,查体:体重10kg,嗜睡,前囟和眼窝明显下陷,哭时泪少,口唇干,皮肤弹性差,腹稍胀,肠鸣音弱,余查体为见明显异常。入院后查肾功能示钠137mmol/L、钾3.0mmol/L、二氧化碳结合力18 mmol/L余正常。
6~10:ADABD 11~15:BCDAA
26~30:CBBAD 31~35:BBAAC
46~48:AAC 3