
时间:2019-05-14 20:51:00下载本文作者:会员上传










“仁者寿”这句话既然是孔子之言,我就用孔子之言来解释:“若夫智士仁人,将身有节,动静以义,喜怒以时,无害其性,虽得寿焉,不亦可乎?”这句话出自一个小故事: 有一次,哀公向孔夫子请教,问:「夫子,是聪明有才智的人比较长寿,还是心地仁慈、厚道的人比较长寿呢?」孔子回答道:「是这样的。人有三种死,并不是他寿命到了,而是自己折损掉的。比如起居没有定时,饮食没有节制,时常让身体过度疲劳或无限度地放逸。这些都是因自己不懂得爱惜身体,使身体受到损伤,这样,疾病就可以夺去他的性命。第二,居下位的人却无视君王,以下犯上;对于自己的嗜好欲望,不肯节制,贪求无厌。这样的人,刑罚也能夺去他的寿命。再者,人少却去冒犯人多的人;自己弱小,却还要去欺辱强大;忿怒时不懂得克制自己,意气用事;或者不自量力,不计后果地行动。这样,刀兵战事就可以让他夭折。

像这三种情况:『病杀、刑杀、兵杀』,是死于非命,也是咎由自取的。而仁人廉士,他们行动有节,合乎道义,喜怒适时,立身行事有操守,懂得培养自己高尚的性情,这样他们得享长寿,不也是合乎道理的吗?」 子曰:“知者乐水;仁者乐山。知者动;仁者静。知者乐;仁者寿。”智者和仁者,他们的智和仁在于他们的生活态度,在于他们的高尚的品德,这才让他们成为世间的智者和仁者。





现在我们学习论语大多数是为了应付老师,应付考试,有多少人是自愿 主动去学习的呢?子曰,你将何去何从?





Hello everyone, I’m glad to be here and share something about American politics.At first, I’d like to ask how much do you know about American politics?(OK……)A Suspicion of Strong Government Looking back to the history, there has been a deep suspicion(怀疑)that government is the natural enemy of freedom, even it is elected by the people cause America had been the colony(殖民地)of Britain.(They believed the government of Great Britain wanted to discourage(阻碍)the freedom and economic opportunities of the American colonists by excessive taxes and other measures which would ultimately benefit the Britain.)However on June 21, 1788, the constitution of the United States was adopted which divide the government into three branches.It’s the basic law from which the US government gets all its power.Here comes the question what are these three branches? As we know from our history book, the three branches are: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.So, how do they work? The legislative branch makes the law;the executive(行政)branch applies and enforces the law and the judicial branch interprets the law.The legislative power is exercised by Congress, the executive by the President, and the judicial power by the Supreme Court.Then three branches area in dependent of each other.No one of the three branches may dominate the others The Legislative Branch.The legislative branch is called Congress.It’s composed of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.The two houses are equally important.The Senate has 100 numbers two senators from each state.Senates are elected for six terms.Every two years, one third of all senators face reelection.The House of Representatives has 435 members, all of whom are elected every two years.The number of representative from each state is determined by the state’s population, but each state should have at least one seat.The job of Congress is to pass laws.Before a law is passed is called a bill.In order to become a law a bill must be approved by a majority of each house of the Congress and the president.The Executive Branch Recently, President Election in the US have attracted great attention all over the world.I haven’t got the result, but at least, it shows how important a president is.The president is the nation’s chief executive.He/she must see that all national laws are carried out and make decisions about foreign policy.The Judicial Branch The last branch isjudicialbranch which consists of the federal courts, including the highest court of the US, the Supreme Court.They determine what federal laws mean and whether they are constitutional.Each branch of the government prevents improper actions by the other branches;if any one of the three branches starts to abuse its power, the other two may join together to stop it.Local government

Local governments generally mean the government of counties, cities, towns and local districts.County governments perform duties which are closely related to people’s life.Most cities have an elected major as the head of the government with an elected council to help him.US Foreign Relations The United States enjoys strong ties with United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Israel and fellow NATO members.Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States have been stable with some periods of tension, especially later the breakup of the Soviet Union, which removed a common enemy and ushered in a world characterized by American dominance.Tensions arise mainly because the United States interferes into Chinese internal affairs and violates Chinese core national interests on such issues as Taiwan, Dalai Lama, as well as trade friction and so called human rights issues in China.










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第五篇:sports and health配套演讲稿

 Good morning everyone , my name is zhangwei ,and today I will talk about sports and health. so what is the definition of health ? Health is a state of complete physical, mental,and social well-being according to the World Health Organization.Physical is about the body.Mental is about how people think and feel.Social talks about how people live with other people. and how to keep yourself healthy? Doing some sports is a good way!the Research has shown that exercise can make people to be strong and relaxed.

as you can see , these photos illustrate the common phenomenon around us.For young people , it is necessary to choose a sport as your interest.doing sports can keep fit , lose weight and relax ourselves under studying pressure. nowadays , basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world.people watch basketball games , talk about basketball players and enjoy playing basketball matches.basketball is not only a kind of sports but also a part of our daily life.some great basketball associations , like NBA can influence the whole world. and playing basketball with friends has many advantages.it needs you to run , jump , and cooperate with others.it

can Exercise your eyes your hands your legs and all of your body.It can bring people with health, self-confidence and joy.what's more , you can Make friends by it.and you know, tomorrow is weekend , let's call some friends to play together! We like sports , we are healthier!that is all , thanks for your listen.



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