(演讲稿)当孔子遇见柏拉图when Confucius meets Socrates

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第一篇:(演讲稿)当孔子遇见柏拉图when Confucius meets Socrates

When Confucius Meets Socrates Today my topic of this speech is “when Confucius meets Socrates”.To begin with, I’d like to introduce these two giants.As we know, Celebrities always represent their era, they are always the symbol of their civilization.In the east, Confucius is considered as the greatest saint.Confucianism, which was developed by his students later, has a magnificent influence on the format of our national characteristics.Meanwhile , Socrates was shining in the sky of the west.I know little about him , but an image has deeply rooted in my mind—an aged man, barefoot, in rags, immersed in contemplation.His wisdom lighted the dark sky in Europe, inspiring people.Both they had a great impact on education.However, they are different in methods and the key points.When they meet, what will happen? let me show you.Just picture that Confucius and Socrates were privileged to teach in the same school.One day ,a student asked,“A man fell into the well, I saved him and then his family prepared to send me a basket of eggs, should I accept it or not?”Confucius would tell him to accept it, because the family gave him the repay in order to express their gratitude to him.And on the other hand, when others see it, they will recognize the benefit of saving.Thus it will raise the enthusiasm of saving people.But when it comes to Socrates, he would bring it back to the student, ask the student’s view.Then the student would argue, “It is wrong to receive people’s gift, saving is a good thing to be, but I think I should take it, in this case everyone will know the benefit of saving, preferring to save lives.”

Obviously, what Confucius used is teaching students knowledge.He focused on the pursuit of knowledge and stressed respecting and understanding teacher.He figured out “two heads are always better than one.”, encouraging people learning from others.While Socrates said “Education is not the filling of a vessel, but the kinding of a flame.” He used raising question, arguing and thinking, emphasizing student’s reasoning ability and self-awareness.In a nutshell, Confucius taught people to believe, but Socrates taught people to suspect.That’s why people called Socrates wise and Confucius person of virtue.Bring them to nowadays, to manager, Confucius’ education suits it more.But to scholar, it’s quite the contrary.Therefore, when Confucius meets Socrates, no matter what views on education they hold, the most important is they want to leave their wisdom to the next generations.Sages are like lighthouses to point the right direction when human are confused.


In ancient Chinese and western, there are two education masters can be comparable to each other.one is Confucius [kənˈfju:ʃəs] in China and the other one is the ancient Greek Socrates[ˈsɔkrəti:z] , which up to now are still praised in the world.Imagine, when Socrates meets Confucius, what sparks will they collide out(碰撞出)? As we know, Confucius is considered as the greatest of theancient Chinese sages[seɪdʒz](圣人), and Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher[fəˈlɒsəfə(r)](哲学家)who was regarded as a saint(圣人)dying for the pursuit(追求)of the truth.When it comes to educational mode[məʊd](方式), they have something in common, but at the same time they still hold volume[ˈvɒlju:m](大量)of different views.From the perspective(观点)of Confucius, Confucius's teaching method is the gentleman type, although in the teaching he is an amiable['eɪmɪəbl](和蔼可亲的)old man, he established[ɪˈstæblɪʃt](建立)the basic specification of teacher’s absolute authority(权利,权威).In general, Confucius taught students by the knowledge-transference way.Although he also prompted[p'rɒmptɪd](鼓励)the student, what he did was intended to find ways to let them understand what the teacher said better.So he was not happy for students against the intention(意图)of their teacher.This educational mode is more to cultivate(培养)students to the teacher's loyalty and understanding, to believe in authority.However, Socrates’ teaching methods were quite different from Confucius’.He never taught students the ready-made answers, but took dispute[dɪ'spju:t](辩论), cross-examine and so on to force students to think for themselves, and finally found the answer to their questions.He didn’t care whether they thought the same with their teacher and they believe what the teacher said or not.The Socrates’ mode is more to cultivate students





and self-awareness[ˈselfəˈweənis](自我意识)

So Plato['pleɪtəʊ](柏拉图), who was good at thinking and pursued(追求)the dialectical [ˈdaɪə'lektɪkl](辩证的)way, became the heir[eə(r)](继承人)of Socrates' education style.From the way of education, Confucius transmitted(传播)knowledge while Socrates forced students themselves to get knowledge;Confucius taught people to believe while Socrates taught them to doubt.Of course, they both paid attention to the heuristic[hjuˈrɪstɪk](启发式的)teaching and encouraged independent thinking instead of the force-feeding teaching with results given directly.If they two learnt the teaching idea from each other, the world culture will be further integration[ˈɪntɪ'ɡreɪʃn](整合,一体化).Also, China's feudal[ˈfju:dl](封建的)culture bound[baʊnd](文化界)won't continue for so long.Last but not least(最后), the cultural conflicts will be reduced and the world will be more peaceful.


When Socrates Meets Confucius Common people come to the world with nothing, and leave with nothing.Great people come to the world with nothing, but they’ll leave with endless possibilities.Socrates and Confucius are such great people.Assuming these two wise individuals with their regional thoughts deeply in mind meet one day, what kind of spectacle will happen on them or even in the two countries, especially in China?

Firstly, Chinese will gradually realize the importance of the establishment of the legal system.The Confucianism centered on morality.It emphasizes that morality is much more important than the law, which inversely causes the citizen’s law consciousness to be light.While the Socrates lived in a more law-based country, comparing to the virtue, he attached greater importance to the legislation.So, when Socrates meets Confucius, he will share his legal awareness with Confucius and finally blend it to the Chinese culture.Secondly, Chinese will deal with things in a more rational and scientific way.In ancient China, most people are superstitious.The Confucianism spread some kind of mysterious figure, such as the god and the fairy.So, many times when it came to something difficult to deal with or explain to the civilians, the rulers may choose to advocate the illusory theology to comfort them.This kind of handling will only cover up the facts in short term.While Socrates’ thought is scientific, he may have an absolutely different way to deal with the same thing.Thus, when Socrates meets Confucius, as the days progressed, Chinese will be more rational and no longer depend on the so called god to bless for a good life, but try to work hard on their own.Thirdly, Chinese culture will be more inclusive and exoteric in academic.The Confucianism is almost authoritarian in the ancient times, especially in the Qing dynasty, which limited the development of other schools.Whereas the Socrates treats the academic in a broader way, he recognizes the freedom of learning.Therefore, when Socrates meets Confucius, Chinese culture will develop in a more inclusive and exoteric way.Different thoughts will integrate and the Chinese culture will“sparking”.In conclusion, if Socrates meets Confucius, great changes must have happened to China in the establishment of the legal system, the rational and scientific Chinese manners of dealing with things and the more inclusive and exoteric Chinese culture.


In ancient Chinese and western,there are two education masters can be comparable to each other.one is Confucius in Chinaand the other one is the ancient Greek Socrates, which up to now are still praised in the world.Imagine, when Socrates meets Confucius, what sparks will they collide out?

As we know, Confucius is considered as the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages, and Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher who was regarded as a saint dying for the pursuit of the truth.When it comes to educational mode, they have something in common, but at the same time they still hold volume of different views.From the perspective of Confucius, Confucius's teaching method is the gentleman type, although in the teaching he is an amiable old man,he established the basic specification of teacher’sabsolute authority.In general, Confucius taught studentsby theknowledge-transference way.Although he also prompted the student, what he did was intended to find ways to let them understand what the teacher said better.So he was not happy for students against the intention of their teacher.This educational mode ismore to cultivate students to the teacher's loyalty and understanding, to believe in authority.However, Socrates’ teaching methods were quite different from Confucius’.He never taught studentsthe ready-made answers, buttookdispute, cross-examine and so on to force students to think for themselves, and finally found the answer to their questions.He didn’t care whether they thought the same with their teacher and they believe what the teacher saidor not.The Socrates’ mode is more to cultivate students their own reasoning ability and self-awareness.So Plato, whowas good at thinking and pursued the dialectical way, became the heir of Socrates' education style.From the way of education, Confucius transmitted knowledge while Socrates forced students themselves to get knowledge;Confucius taught people to believe while Socrates taughtthem to doubt.Of course, they both paid attention to the heuristic teaching and encouraged independent thinking instead of the force-feeding teaching with results given directly.If they two learnt the teaching idea from each other, the world culture will be further integration.Also, China's feudal culture bound won't continue for so long.Last but not least, the cultural conflicts will be reduced and the world will be more peaceful.









指导老师:张丹 《当青春遇见梦想演讲稿》

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