report title unit code and unit name declaration i hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.原创性声明
兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。signature(签名): ________________ date(时间): ________________ table of contents(字体times new roman, 四号,)(空一行)1.introduction.............................................................................................4 2.sample title.............................................................................................4 2.1 sample title..................................................................................................................4 2.1.1 sample title........................................................................................................4 2.1.2 sample title........................................................................................................4 2.2 sample title..................................................................................................................5 2.3 sample title..................................................................................................................5 3.conclusion..............................................................................................5
bibliography...............................................................................................6 appendices i...............................................................................................7(制作目录请选择菜单中的:插入——引用——索引和目录——目录——确定,即可,然后将字体改为小四号。不要自己输入)1.introduction(标题1样式,字体times new roman, 字号三号,标题与正文之间不空行。)this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.(正文字体使用times new roman,字号用小四号字体,1.5倍行距,两端对齐,顶头式即每段开头不空格)
(每段结束之后一定要空一行)2.sample title 2.1 sample title(第二层标题,选择标题2的样式,样式框在字体框之前;然后将字体改为times new roman,字号改为小三号,字体加粗;下面不空行)2.1.1 sample title(第三层标题,选择标题3的样式,样式框在字体框之前;然后将字体改为times new roman,字号改为四号,字体加粗;下面是正文则不空行)this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.2.1.2 sample title this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text:(a)this is sample text.(b)this is sample text.(c)this is sample text.(d)this is sample text..(每一小标题中如果有多个要点,请放在一个整段中,用(1)(2)或者(a)(b)等标出;如果是并列的几个词组,可以用分号隔开;不要每个单独成行,也不用分到下一级1.1.2.1 和 之类的标题了。)2.2 sample title this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.2.3 sample title this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.3.conclusion this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.this is sample text.篇二:英文读书报告撰写格式
1.字体均为times new roman 报告题目为3号黑体居中
英文读书报告写作知识 the book report 1.three main parts of a book report generally speaking, a book report consists of the following three main parts: ? information about the author and his times ? a summary of the book a description of the author’s times should be given together with a brief account of his life.it should include the circumstances that led to the writing of the book under discussion and the historical and social background related to the content of the book.to make these things clear, the writer perhaps needs to read some reference material, such as biographies of the author and histories of the period described in the book.2.writing of the book report 1)the summary of the book should be self-contained, clear, and easy to understand.above all, it should be objective.3)the summary of a novel or a play is usually written in the present tense, while that of nonfiction, in the tense of the original work: for example, the past tense should be used for a history, and the present for a scientific work.weekly report name day, month and year 1.achievements planned in the last report.make sure the information is presented in such a way understandable by the readers.it is not expected to have significant achievements every week.but you should achieve something at least every two weeks.3.activities list your main research related activities in the week.if you have some other major work, list them as well so that i can know your workload and difficulties.4.work planned next week 5.attachments list attachments included with the report.it is not necessary to have attachments every week.? must limit this report to one page.you can use smaller fonts or page margins if needed.? email your report to me.weekly report example from xxx to xxx 1.achievements ? ? ? 3.activities ? ? ? ? ? 4.work planned next week ? ? ? ? the results will be documented in a simple draft report 5.attachments ? ? inrush current plotted and my analysis list of papers read篇四:英文论文写作格式要求 精华 implicational meaning of the scarlet a in the scarlet letter by name a thesis submitted to foreign languages department in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of b.a in english university may, 2011 contents 1.introduction................................................................................................................1 3.different meanings of the scarlet a to various characters.........................................2 3.1 different meanings of the scarlet a to hester prynne..........................................2 3.1.1 a for “agony” and “anguish”......................................................................2 3.1.2 a for “able”, “admirable” and “angel”......................................................2 3.2 different meaning of scarlet a to dimmesdale....................................................2 3.2.1 “a” for “apostle” and “adam”....................................................................3 3.2.2 “a” for “arthur”...........................................................................................3 4.the influence of the scarlet letter “a” on various characters....................................3 4.1 hester prynne.......................................................................................................3 4.2 arthur dimmesdale..............................................................................................3 5.conclusion.................................................................................................................3 references....................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
目录页的要求 1)单独占一页,不加页码,目录用contents一词表示,目录中的字体用小四号times new roman字体,不加粗,1.5倍行距。2)目录页从introduction开始(前面加阿拉伯数字形式的序号1),其次为各级标题,conclusion前面也要加序号,最后一项为bibliography(前面不加序号)。3)中英文摘要和关键词均不出现在目录中。4)目录如有两页或更多,则双面打印,打印时加页码,页码形式为i, ii, iii„。implicational meaning of the scarlet a in the scarlet letter(论文题目:小二号,times new roman,与其后的内容之间不空行)name:xxx student id: xxx(学生姓名与student一词之间空五个空格。此行内容与摘要之间空一行。)abstract the novel the scarlet letter is the masterpiece of nathanial hawthorne;the well-known romantic novelist of america in the 19th century, in this book, the author uses a scarlet a as the focus and center of the book.this thesis, focus on different meanings of the scarlet a, its influence on the four main characters and their results, reveals various implications of the scarlet letter a.key words hawthorne;scarlet a;implication(摘要部分字数要求在200-250字之间,摘要部分的行距为固定值20磅,内容全部用五号,times new roman字体。其中,abstract一词加粗,其后空一格;key words是两个单词,加粗,其后空一格,关键词中除专有名词外,其他关键词一律不大写,关键词之间用分号隔开,最后一格关键词后没有任何标点。关键词这一行之后,论文的introduction部分之间空一行,行距为固定值20磅。)1.introduction(introduction 作为论文正文的第一部分,相当于一级标题,前面要加序号,序号样式为阿拉伯数字1,数字后面加句点,字体为小四号times new roman,加粗,标题1.introduction与后面的内容之间空一行,行距为固定值20磅。introduction 部分中的内容用五号times new roman字体,此部分的应包括以下及方面: 1)选题的目的和意义;
2)国内外对该选题的研究状况综述,选择罗列主要研究者的主要文献及观点; 3)本论文的研究内容,方法,角度和意义; 4)本论文的结构,例如:this thesis consists of four parts, the first part introduces „., the second part studies „, the third part explores„, and the last part is conclusion.5)字数不少于500字。introduction前面的序号作顶格,此部分的内容,分段即可,无需用小标题的形式。introduction的内容之后,下一个标题之前,空一行,行距为固定值20磅。this novel is notable for its allegory and symbolism.(此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.different meanings of the scarlet a to various characters.(同标题2的要求)
3.1 different meanings of the scarlet a to hester prynne.(二级标题为小四号times new roman,行距为固定值20磅,与正文内容之间不空行。二级标题的序号左缩进两个空格,标题中的内容除第一个单词的首字母大写外,其余单词的首字母一律不大写,但专有名词除外。)hester prynne, the heroine of the novel, wears the scarlet letter a for seven years.(此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.1.1 a for “agony” and “anguish”(三级标题的序号之前向右缩进四个空格,字号为五号times new roman字体,行距为固定值20磅,与正文内容之间不空行,)chang ruifang writes “the implication of the scarlet letter is actually agony and anguish.”[1](此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.1.2 a for “able”, “admirable” and “angel”(同标题3.1.1的要求)as the story develops, the scarlet letter is a “hymn on the moral growth of the woman” [2](此部分内容的字体为五号,times new roman)3.2 different meaning of scarlet a to dimmesdale(同标题3.1.的要求)dimmesdale always has a scarlet letter in his heart, which represents “apostle”, “adam” [1] chang ruifang.analytical discussion on the implication of the scarlet letter a and its dual nature, 2001:75.[2] 常耀信.美国文学简史,2003:289.篇五:英文实验报告的格式和写法
英文实验报告的格式和写法【转】 2010-10-04 06:03 一份最标准的实验报告的格式: 1.abstract 2.introduction 3.method 4.results 5.discussion 6.conclusion 7.reference 分别来分享下近来学到的。abstract 摘要摘要,就是整篇文章摘出来的要。
一个abstract 的模板: 1 一两句话说明这个实验的主要理论依据,或者实验需要证明的假说。2 一两句话说一下这个理论或者假说的相关的研究。3 两三句话描述一下实验 4 两三句话概括一下实验结果 5 一句话说一个结论,解释一下这个实验的意义或结果的重要性
转一个别人的example: does a child’s focus correlate with barometric pressure? if so, does it correlate positively or negatively? tucker(1999)hypothesized a negative correlation, but this assertion has never been tested.our team used the misha cpt to measure the focus of a group of 150 third-grade students.we divided the students into three groups of 50 students.one group took the misha cpt when barometric pressure was low, another group took it when barometric pressure was neutral, and the final group took it when barometric pressure was high.the results found that children focused significantly better when barometric pressure was low than when barometric pressure was neutral or high.the results suggest that when diagnosing adhd, practitioners should give the cpt when barometric pressure is neutral.introduction introduction以实验目的为开头,解释一下这个实验需要证明的东西。具体实验目的视全篇实验报告长度而定,几段到几页都有的。
实验目的写完后介绍实验基本理论。介绍一下前人或者文献里的相近相关的实验,写一下他们的成果以及不到位的地方。(well, 如果是学校安排的每年都要
再转一篇我认为写得很好的introduction example introduction in this lab, we explore the theory of optimal foraging and the theory of central place foraging using beavers as the model animal.foraging refers to the mammalian behavior associated with searching for food.the optimal foraging theory assumes that animals feed in a way that maximizes their net rate of energy intake per unit time(pyke et al.1977).an animal may either maximize its daily energy intake(energy maximizer)or minimize the time spent feeding(time minimizer)in order to meet minimum the central place theory is used to describe animals that collect food and store it in a fixed location in their home range, the central place(jenkins 1980).the factors associated with the optimal foraging theory also apply to the central place theory.the central place theory predicts that retrieval costs increase linearly with distance of the resource from the central place(rockwood and hubbell 1987).central place feeders are very selective when choosing food that is far from the central place since they have to spend time and energy hauling it back to the storage site(schoener 1979).the main objective of this lab was to determine beaver(castor canadensis)food selection based on tree species, size, and distance.since beavers are energy maximizers(jenkins 1980, belovsky 1984)and central place feeders(mcginley and whitam 1985), they make an excellent test animal for the optimal foraging theory.beavers eat several kinds of herbaceous plants as well as the leaves, twigs, and bark of most species of woody plants that grow near water(jenkins and busher 1979).by examining the trees that are chewed or not-chewed in the beavers’ home range, an accurate assessment of food preferences among tree species may be gained(jenkins 1975).the purpose of this lab was to learn about the optimal foraging theory.we wanted to know if beavers put the optimal foraging theory into action when selecting food.we hypothesized that the beavers in this study will choose trees that are small in circumference and closest to the water.since the energy yield of tree species may vary significantly, we also hypothesized that beavers will show a preference for some species of trees over others regardless of circumference size or distance from the central area.the optimal foraging theory and central place theory lead us to predict that beavers, like most herbivores, will maximize their net rate of energy intake per unit time.in order to maximize energy, beavers will choose trees that are closest to their central place(the water)and require the least retrieval cost.since beavers are trying to maximize energy, we hypothesized that they will tend to select some species of trees over others on the basis of nutritional value.methods 这部分通常包括material 和 procedure两个部分。material:
详细的写出实验用到的材料,设备,器材。像下面这样是不够详尽的: chromatography light bulbs 比较一下下面的:
lc-10avp plus high-performance liquid chromatography 24 incandescent 60w light bulbs arranged in a 6*4 rectangular matrix(see figure 2)dell precision t7500(xeon x5550 2.66ghz, 6gb ram, 64 bit windows 7 professional)另外,如果实验对象中有人的话,介绍人数,群体背景。用subjects 来称呼。比如 subjects we tested 150 third-grade students chosen at random from a pool of 346 applicants from eight london public and private elementary schools.the students represented a fairly wide range of economic backgrounds.all agreed to participate in our study in exchange for a 25 pounds gift certificate from a local toy store.procedure 详细写出每一步步骤。不要虚构理想化实验,不要夸大某个过程
如实叙述即可。如果步骤比较多就用数字标出每一步。example: t = mr(g-a), where a is the acceleration of the mass.if the assumption holds that the only friction affecting the potentiometer was constant coulomb friction, then each mass would undergo a constant acceleration.the potentiometer measured voltage versus time for the masses as they dropped, but the measurement of interest to us was position versus time.for that reason, a ‘calibration’ was performed before we measured any data.in the calibration, the potentiometer’s initial voltage was measured.then the string was pulled a set distance(2 inches), and the voltage was recorded.this process of pulling the string a set distance and recording the voltage continued another two times(see appendix a for the results).to determine the relationship between voltage and position, the differences in the voltages were averaged and divided by the length.the resulting relationship was 0.9661 volts/inch.five different masses were used to test the assumption of constant acceleration.for each mass, the string was rolled up on the shaft, the oscilloscope was triggered, and the shaft was released.as each mass dropped, the oscilloscope collected the potentiometer’s voltage versus the time.after obtaining plots for each mass, we used the voltage-position relationship, mentioned above, to convert the data from the form voltage versus time to the form position versus time squared.the residuals of the data determined whether the assumption of constant acceleration was valid.results 实验的数据,公式,图表,计算过程,用一种对读者最友好的形式展示出来。实验的原始数据通常都是放在附录的,这里都是放处理过的数据。
如果有大量的计算,至少要列出其中一个sample calculation.results部分的开头最好重复一下实验目的。
如果结果很多,最好分成不同的section example: results overall, beavers showed a preference for certain species of trees, and their preference was based on distance from the central place.measurements taken at the study site show that beavers avoided oaks and musclewood(fig.1)and show a significant food preference(x2=447.26, d.f.=9, p<.05).no avoidance or particular preference was observed for the other tree species.the mean distance of 8.42 m away from the water for not-chewed trees was significantly greater than the mean distance of 6.13 m for chewed trees(t=3.49, d.f.=268, p<.05)(fig.2).the tree species that were avoided were not significantly farther from the water(t=.4277, d.f.=268, p>.05)than selected trees.for the selected tree species, no significant difference in circumference was found between trees that were not chewed(mean=16.03 cm)and chewed(mean=12.80 cm)(t=1.52, d.f.=268, p>.05)(fig.3).discussions 对于results中描述的实验数据,在这个部分中进一步诠释,解释每个结果的含义,为后面conclusion做准备。
然后几个方面说明这个观点 what results confirm the opinion is there reasonable doubt for your opinion? any possible flaws in the experimental design or holes in the results? example: our team attempted to determine whether barometric pressure influences children’s ability to focus.in particular, we tested tucker’s(1999)hypothesis, which states that children’s focus correlates negatively with barometric pressure.the result show partial support for tucker’s hypothesis.in particular, children focus significantly better when the barometric pressure is low than they do when the barometric pressure is neutral or high.however, children focused only slightly worse during high pressure than normal pressure.the unusually high standard deviation on the high-pressure day(thursday)suggests that high barometric pressure might affect some children greatly and others very little.the results suggest that, when diagnosing adhd, practitioners should give the cpt when barometric pressure is neutral.conclusion 概括一下results and the discussion的最主要最精华的部分。因为abstract和conclusion是被最常看的部分。discussion 和conclusions 永远是两个不同的部分。
Since the past several tens of years, it has witnessed the prosperous period of industrial development in most countries in the world, bringing incalculable wealth and prosperity to human beings.However, with what it comes is unexpected ecological degradation.According to historical records in Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, in 2005, nearly two-thirds of the world’s ecosystems were degraded and being used un-sustainably, leading to inestimable as well as irreversible damage.Therefore, currently humans are faced with a series of issues caused by ecosystems degradation, such as global warming, deforestation and desertification, acid rain, industrial accidents and toxic wastes and more, thus causing a series of social problems including the goals of eliminating poverty ,food safety issues, world economic collapse, the survival and continuous development of mankind, the negative effect caused by the consumption manners of people, resources competition among countries and more.In order to solve these problems, the idea of sustained development comes into being and has a profound influence on the society.Now we are going to usher in a new transition to sustainability is absolutely necessary, but what is sustainable development? And how to understand the content involved in sustainable development? IS it a supreme political issue?
The objective of this article is to discuss whether sustainable development is a supreme political issue or not.Based on the basic concepts of sustainable development, the paper focus on different ideologies, values, ethics or discourses associated with sustainable development and how to weigh up the the proposition above in terms of whether sustainable development is about values, choices and whether it is a political issue or not.At the end of the paper, it discusses some solutions associated with politics to boost the implementation of sustainable development.What is sustainable development? 专业定制各类报告,淘宝ID:华中秘书网
Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future(United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development(WCED),1987), also known as the Brundtland Report:”Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.It organizes its topic around the key factors of sustainable development to spread out, in particular suitable for those interdependent and multilateral nations in the search for a sustainable development path.Similarly, since early in 1972, the United Nations had held the Stockholm Conference focus on the spirit of Human Environment.And also that was the first time that environmental concerns had been brought into the formal political development sphere.Here is another commonly accepted definition is “Sustainability and sustainable development itself are about collective values and related choices, and are therefore a political issue, almost certainly the supreme political issue of our century”(Prugh & Assadourian, 2003: 11).It also considers the values, choices and the politics embedded in these different explanations of sustainable development.Additionally, there exist some other similar definitions but focus is different.Emphasizing inter-generational equity “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”(United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987).Deriving from this concept, a commonly accepted explanation is that development must be sustainable in social, economy and environment and cannot be short of one in the three.It is necessary for us to find ways to achieve the inter-generational equity under the threshold of sustainable development.专业定制各类报告,淘宝ID:华中秘书网
Therefore, we should emphasize firmly the inter-generational equity in meeting essentials and improving the standards of living,but while minimizing the utilization of resources and the generation of wastes and pollutants over the full life cycle of products.Reduction, reuse and recycling of resources in both production and consumption processes are the core part of circular economy.Emphasizing social justice and limits to growth Herman Daly suggested that sustainable development is “development without growth beyond the environmental carrying capacity, where development means qualitative improvement and growth means quantitative increase”(Daly, Introductory chapter, 1999).He called for an approach to sustainability that “strives for sufficient per capita wealth – efficiently maintained and allocated and equitably distributed – for the maximum number of people that can be sustained under these conditions.”(Daly, On Wilfred Beckerman's Critique of Sustainable Development, 1995)To some degree, sustainable development must also be socially just.Apart from keep ecosystem resilience and stability, conditions of social justice may include: 1)not compromising future generations’ capability to meet their needs;2)the rights of poor countries and poor people to get rid of poverty and the obligations of rich countries and rich people to alter their immoderate consumption levels;3)equal treatment of women in access to opportunities and jobs.In addition, issues of good governance and democracy are also vital to assure social justice and equity.Emphasizing science: Still some others hold that sustainable development is not just a supreme political issue.According to them, science seems to be more important on the road of sustainable development(Boulding, 1966).Despite of all the technological and scientific triumphs of the current century, the gap between poor and wealthy is largest in history, and the number of poor is continuously increasing.Additionally, there exist a lot of serious issues related to the human survival and sustainable development.Therefore,it may be more important than ever for scientists to keep the doors of their laboratories to economic,social, political and ideological fields, because most of the challenges we are facing in the pursuit of sustainable development rooted rely on technology and science.If there is no a perfect balance between the most up-to date scientific data information and committed political leadership, it could never have been achieved.But on my opinion, the role of the science is magnified to some extent.I admit that science is very crucial to sustainable development, but it cannot cover as many as aspects just as politics, so generally speaking,I agree that sustainable development is a political issue.
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new imaging spectrometric method for rotary object(1.department of electronic engineering, school of information science and technology, beijing institute of technology, beijing 100081, china;2.school of mechatronic engineering, beijing institute of technology, beijing 100081,china)
abstract: a new technique for imaging spectrometer for rotary object based on computed-tomography is proposed.a discrete model of this imaging spectrometric system is established, which is accordant to actual measurements and convenient for computation.in computer simulations with this method, projections of the object are detected by ccd while the object is rotating, and the original spectral images are numerically reconstructed from them by using the algorithm of computed-tomography.simulation results indicate that the principle of the method is correct and it performs well for both broadband and narrow-band spectral objects.key words: aerodynamic characteristics;stealth characteristics;numerical calculation;polarization clc number:tp374.2
引言(不编入章节号)1 1.1 1.1.1 2 3
references: [1] schölkopf b, burges c j c, smola a j.advances in kernel methods – support vector learning [m].cambridge,ma: mit press, 1999.……
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The analysis of the picture of Dorian Gray-------the destruction of the soul
Abstract: As the initiator for British aestheticism movement, Oscar Wilde, the ability of appreciation of the beauty was from those of others, which like the beauty he wanted to present in the Picture of Dorian Gray.At first, Dorian was just a beautiful young man both appearance and heart , but he couldn’t resist the temptation of hedonism from Lord Henry.In order to make the youth beauty permanent, he gradually began to have evil thoughts, and one step one step deeper, finally went to the extreme, he killed Howard who painted the picture for him, and became a people beautiful on appearance but ugly in heart.At last , he killed himself in front of the picture in one night because he couldn’t bear the suffering of the soul.After his death , he became beautiful but the picture was ugly.“Fashion is a kind of ugly, ugly to we can’t stand , so that each less than six months must change again”.In the eyes of wild, beauty is not equal to good-looking , the tragedy of Dorian Gray is a part of his beauty, he don’t think the perfect looking on Dorian is beautiful, and must fragment the soul of 专业定制英文报告
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this people before feeling beautiful---solemn and stirring beauty.In this thesis, I will firstly introduce Oscar Wilde and his fictions, then make a main point to analyze the internal and external reasons that Dorian Gray change from the first pure to later ugly spirit.The methods used during the research include Historical document method, Introduced comments method, Case study method, Inductive method, Method of comparative study and so on.Through these comprehensively analyze the reason for Dorian setting food on the road to perdition and the writer want to present the beauty of art through those.Key words : aestheticism, ugly, beauty, destruction
内容摘要: 作为英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者,奥斯卡王尔德的审美和鉴美能力自然不同于别人,就像《道林格雷的画像》里作者表达的美一样。最开始道林格雷只是一个容貌和心灵都美的少年,但是他抵制不了亨利勋爵享乐主义的诱惑。为了使青春美貌常驻,他渐渐的开始有了邪恶的想法,一步一步越陷越深,最终走到了极端,杀死了给他画像的霍华尔德,成为了一个外表美丽而内心丑陋的人,他终于忍受不了灵魂的煎熬,在一个晚上自杀于画像前,死后他容貌丑陋,而画像则年轻漂亮。
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本论文首先介绍奥斯卡王尔德以及他的小说,然后着重分析道林格雷从最开始的纯洁到后来的灵魂丑陋的内部原因和外部原因。在研究的过程中所使用的方法包括:史料文案法,引介评论法,个案研究法,归纳,比较研究等。通过这些来全方位的分析道林格雷踏上毁灭之路的原因及作者通过这些所要表达出来的艺术之美。关键字:唯美主义 丑陋 美丽 毁灭
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Oscar wilde was the advocates of the Aestheticism in British.His aesthetic standard was different to others.So he wrote many works to express his Aestheticism.The picture of Dorian Gray was one of the representative works from him.In this novel he used the special writing skills to express his thought to reveal the social ugliness.For this topic , I will firstly introduce Ascar wilde and his fiction , then focus on the road to perdition of Dorian Gray, and lastly, through the research above to throw light upon the author’s writing intention.During my research , I will use Historical document method, the introduced comments method the concluding method and the comparative study method to more clearly describe my studying process.Through the research , we can know that the moral standards to human beings are as weaken as possible in nowadays, at last , the writher cannot give up stating clearly that he was a aestheticism that the death of Dorian was the part of his aestheticism.专业定制英文报告
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Chapter 1 Oscar Wilde and his fiction
1.1 Aestheticism Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde, whose full name is Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde(1854-10-16-----1900-11-30).He is the British aestheticism advocate of art movement, and the famous British writer, poet, dramatist, artist, and story teller.As a youngster , Oscar Wilde was born in a brilliant family.His father was a doctor, and his mother was a poet and a write.He 专业定制英文报告
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stood out among the Victorian dramatists especially after being educated in Trinity College, Dublin, he attended Magdalene College, Oxford, where he won the new IGATE Prize for English Verse;he took a First Class degree in Classics in spite of a reputation for idleness.At Oxford, Oscar Wilde was affected by aesthetic innovators such as English writhers Walter Pater and John Ruskin, and he also contacted with the new Hegel’s philosophy and Send Darwinian theory pre-Raphaelite’s work , which established a direction for him to be a aestheticism avant-garde writers.Published in the first book of poems, he has taken off in the literary world, and came to the London to have a development.Although young Oscar Wilde haven't won a literary awards, but eye-catching clothing , quick-witted style of speaking and personal independence of conduct made him has a little famous in London society.some magazines even published ironic articles for him.In 1881, Oscar Wilde published first book, a collection of poems.A year later , Wilde went to New York on a successful lecture tour, where hid first plays, Vera.The Nihilists(1882)and The Duchess of Padua(1891), a blank verse tragedy, were produced yet without much success.His most characteristic play, The 专业定制英文报告
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Importance of Being Earnest(also 1895)was seen at the St James’s, which prove the most successful.Oscar Wilde’s last play, the poetic one-act Salome, written in French, was banned by the censor in England and was first seen privately in London in 1905.Wilde was well-known as an Irish-born playwright, novelist, essayist and poet.He is a great writer, and he left a lot of valuably spiritual wealth for people.Aestheticism philosophy criticizes the materialism and mediocrities socialist at that time in society.It advocates people should find beauty, identify beauty and enjoy beauty in life fully show individual characters.Known as the advocator and practitioner for aestheticism, either Wilde’s character or works are both charismatic.Wilde was bent on the pursuit of art form of beauty.He creates a unique aesthetic form in all aspects of life and successful reflect in his works.1.2 The Picture of Dorian Gray Written in his distinctively dazzling manner, Oscar Wilde’s story of a fashionable young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty is the author’s most popular work.The tale 专业定制英文报告
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of Dorian Gray’s moral disintegration caused a scandal when it first appeared in 1890, but though Wilde was attacked for the novel’s corrupting influence, he responded that there is, in fact, “a terrible moral in Dorian Gray.” Just a few years later, the book and the aesthetic/moral dilemma it presented became issues in the trials occasioned by Wilde’s homosexual liaisons, which resulted in his imprisonment.Of Dorian Gray’s relationship to autobiography, Wilde noted in a letter, “Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks me: Dorian what I would like to be—in other ages, perhaps.” Introduction by Jeffrey Eugenides
This novel told a young man was very beautiful, and he met the painter who was finding the art peak, and the painter painted a portrait for him.Then Dorian found his breathtaking beauty.under the instigation of Henry, he began to set foot on the road of wrong way, he became moral unbalanced , and did many bad things , at last he could not bear the moral torment, and killed himself in front of the picture.Written in his distinctively dazzling manner, Oscar Wilde’s 专业定制英文报告
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story of a fashionable young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty is the author’s most popular work.The tale of Dorian Gray’s moral disintegration caused a scandal when it first appeared in 1890, but though Wilde was attacked for the novel’s corrupting influence, he responded that there is, in fact, a terrible moral in Dorian Gray.” Just a few years later, the book and the aesthetic/moral dilemma it presented became issues in the trials occasioned by Wilde’s homosexual liaisons, which resulted in his imprisonment.Of Dorian Gray’s relationship to autobiography, Wilde noted in a letter, “Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks me: Dorian what I would like to be--in other ages, perhaps.”
Chapter 2 The road to perdition of Dorian Gray 专业定制英文报告
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2.1 The internal reasons 2.1.1.the pure beautiful young man “ looks as if he was made out of ivory and rose-leaves.” This is the evaluation from Basil Hallward in Chapter 1.“ yes , he was certainly wonderfully handsome, with his finely curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes, his crisp gold hair.There was something in his face that made one trust him at once, All the candor of youth was there , as well as all youth’s passionate purity.One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the world.” These are the descriptions Lord Henry meet him at the first time.Seeing from the information above all we can know that Dorian was a pure guy before he met Lord Henry.2.1.2.A deal with the devil Lord Henry advocates art first and hedonism.In the novel , he became the spiritual master of Daorian Gray.There are some thing he don’t had but Dorian had----youth.So in the teaching of Henry, Dorian ‘s character changed from pure to worldliness, soul became polluted from pure and went to his doom. The first pollution of Dorian Gray “Dorian Gray is my dearest friend, he has a simple and a beautiful mature.Your aunt was quite right in what she said of him.Don’t spoil him.Don’t try to influence him.Your 专业定制英文报告
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influence would be bad.” when Lord Henry told Haward that he want to meet Dorian, Haward seems realized that Lord Henry would have bad influence on Dorian, so he was very fear of it.“Some day, when you are old and wrinkled and ugly, when thought has seared your forehead with its lines, and passion branded your lips with its hideous fires, you have a wonderfully beautiful face, Mr.Gray.Don’t frown.You have.And beauty is a form of genius –is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation.It is of the great facts of the world, like sunlight, or spring time, or the reflection in dark waters of that silver shell we call the moon.It cannot be questioned.people say sometimes that beauty is only superficial.To me , beauty is the wonder of wonders.„„.When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it, and then you will suddenly discover that there are no triumphs left for you.” Henry revealed to him that the purpose of life is to self development , full realization of his nature at the first time he met Dorian.The new optimist Henry paid high attention to transient youth, so he warned Dorian not to throw the golden age.“How sad it is!I shall grow old , and horrible, and dreadful.专业定制英文报告
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But this picture will remain always young.It will never be older than this particular day of June„.If it were only the other way!If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old!For that –for that – I would give everything!Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give!I would give my soul for that!” After Dorian heard something about the youth is easy fleeting that he began to change.These words are the sign of his beginning of pollution. losing moral standard From the moment of Dorian explaining the volatizing of the youth and his appearance would become ugly, Dorian ‘s heart had been polluted.Then in the later times, Lord Henry became his guider to become a hedonist.It is for Dorian trying to enjoy all kinds of luxury and the process of good experience in later 18 years.He fell in love with many beautiful girls, and completely living in the brownstone luxury life.He made up himself to go to dirty obscene places, and met Sibyl and fell in love with her.Under the help of Henry , Dorian was 专业定制英文报告
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engaged to marry with her, there are some sentences to describe the scene” after the performance was over, I went behind and spoke to her, as we were sitting together suddenly there came into her eyes a look that I had necer seen there before.My lips move towards hers.We kissed each other.I cannot describe to you what felt at that moment.It seemed to me that all my life had been narrowed to one perfect point of rose-colored joy.She trembled all over an shook like a white narcissus„„..I can do what I like.I have been right ,I take my love out of poetry and to find my wife in Shakespeare’s plays? ”.these sentences are Dorian said his feelings about Sibyl to Basil when he thought to marry with the girl.But because of a misunderstanding, Dorian and Sibyl had a quarrel and he roughly insulted her and hit her.Then Sibyl cannot bear it and killed herself in the night.Dorian was very regretted about it when he heard the news of the death of Sibyl from Henry the next morning.although Henry helps make Dorian relax, but he had losing his moral standard on this sign. Completely setting food on the wrong road After the death of Sibyl, Basil came to persuade Dorian to turn over a new leaf, but his rebuke brought Dorian’s resentment, then Dorian killed Basil.James wanted to revenge for his sister, 专业定制英文报告
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but was killed in one hunting by Dorian’s partner.At the same time of pursuing the senses enjoyment, Dorian also committed a variety of crimes.He hurt such as Mrs.Lord Gloucester , Henry widowed sister WenDaiLin lady, the country girl Heidi and many other unknown woman to lead to their tragic life.The censure from Basil revealed the other sin : Dorian enticed many youth including Henry Ashton to let them out of society and the last destruction.all of those Dorian did made him lose moral standard, completely set food on the wrong road.2.1.3 A vile and ugly soul After the first pollution, Dorian’s soul had been set food on the way of destruction.Dorian realized that his appearance was very beautiful, so he wished to give up his own soul , maintain himself youth and let the picture bear the age aging and sin.His wish had come true Dorian found that “the expression looked different, one would have said that there was a touch of cruelty in the mouth.” 18 years of evil had been reflected on the portrait.The picture’s hands appeared blood after Dorian killed Basil.After the wish came true , he had had a deal with devil.2.2 The external reasons 专业定制英文报告
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In the later 18 years , Dorian had all kinds of life experience, but his youth was still possessed by himself.Even after the 18 years, his appearance was still young and beautiful.Then the community had a very strange eyes on him that the polices were looking into him.2.2.1 The fate trial and the destruction of the soul On some extent, the magic picture was the recording book for evil.18 years later, his soul cannot bear the burden which are more and more heavy, there were hallucination in his mind, so he killed himself in front of the picture when he thought he would killed the picture.There are some original description about his over at the last moment “it had been conscience.he would destroy it.” “He looked round and saw the knife that had stabbed Basil Hallward.It was bright , and glistened.As it had killed the painter, so it would kill the painter’s work, and all that meat.It would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free.It would kill this monstrous soul-life, and without its hideous warnings, he would be at peace.He seized the thing , and stabbed the picture with it” “there was a cry heard , and a crash.The cry was so horrible in its agony that the frightened servants woke and crept out of their rooms.” “When they entered , they found hanging 专业定制英文报告
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upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty.Lying on the floor was a dead man, in evening dress, with a knife in his heart.He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage.It was not till they had examined the rings that they recognized who it was.” these sentences are the end of the novel.When Dorian wanted to kill the picture , but the god of fate punished him , after his death , he became old and ugly, and the picture was beautiful.Some learner said that Dorian falters because he falls to establish and live by his own moral code.
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New Imaging Spectrometric Method for Rotary Object
CHUN Yu 1, DONG Xiao-xue2
(1.Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Information Science
and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China;2.School of Mechatronic Engineering, Beijing
Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081,China)
Abstract: A new technique for imaging spectrometer for rotary object based on
computed-tomography is proposed.A discrete model of this imaging spectrometric
system is established, which is accordant to actual measurements and convenient
for computation.In computer simulations with this method, projections of the
object are detected by CCD while the object is rotating, and the original spectral
images are numerically reconstructed from them by using the algorithm of
computed-tomography.Simulation results indicate that the principle of the method
is correct and it performs well for both broadband and narrow-band spectral
objects.Key words: aerodynamic characteristics;stealth characteristics;numerical calculation;polarization
CLC number:Tp374.2
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