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一.齿轮 gear 行星齿轮

planetary gear/planet gear/epicyclic gear 小齿轮

pinion 大齿轮

wheel/gear 主动齿轮

driving gear 从动齿轮

driven gear 太阳轮

sun gear 直齿轮

spur gear 斜齿轮

helical gear 锥齿轮

bevel gear 外齿轮

external gear 内齿轮

internal gear 外直齿轮

external spur gear 内直齿轮

internal spur gear 圆柱齿轮

cylindrical gear 螺旋锥齿轮

sprial bevel gear 直齿锥齿轮

straight bevel gear 斜齿锥齿轮

helical bevel gear 弧齿锥齿轮

spiral bevel gear 圆柱齿弧锥齿轮

sprial bevel gear with circle arc tooth profile 8字啮合锥齿轮

octoid gear 锥齿轮当量圆柱齿轮

virtual cylindrical gear of bevel gear 曲面齿锥齿轮

curved tooth bevel gear 摆线齿锥齿轮

enicycloid bevel gear 零度锥齿齿轮

zerot bevel gear 冠轮

crown gear 链轮

sprocket 人字齿轮

double helical gear 配对齿轮/啮合齿轮

mating gear 端面齿轮

contrate gear 准双曲面齿轮

hypoid gear 椭圆齿轮

elliptical gear 非圆齿轮

non-circular gear 变位齿轮

X-gears/gears with addendum modification 非变位齿轮

X-gero gear 标准齿轮

standard gear 产形齿轮

generating gear


involute cylindrical gear 针轮

cylindsical tan tein gear/pin-wheel 柔性齿轮

flexspine 刚性齿轮

circular spline 摆线齿轮

cycloidal gear 圆弧齿轮

circular-arc gear/W-N gear 双圆弧齿轮

double-circular-arc gear 皮带轮belt wheel 减速器齿轮speed reducer gear 减速箱positive speed gearbox 前末端齿轮front terminal end gear 双齿轮double gear 人字齿轮、双螺旋齿轮herring bone gear 输出轴(取力器)power take off shaft 角磨机angle grinder 蜗轮 worm wheel 蜗杆

worm 锥蜗轮

spiroid gear 锥蜗杆

spiroid 锥蜗轮蜗杆spiroid gear pair 锥蜗杆spiroid平面蜗杆 planar worm wheel;IP-worm wheel 圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm 环面蜗杆

enveloping worm 圆弧圆柱蜗杆

ZC-worm 锥面包络圆柱蜗杆

ZK-worm 法向直廓蜗杆


planar double 锥面包络环面蜗杆

TK-worm wheel 渐开线包络环面蜗杆


TP-worm 变速箱

transmission 轴和套

shaft and sleeve



花键 spline 渐开线外花键

external involute spline 渐开线内花键

internal involute spline 渐开线公差

involute tolerance 花键齿节距

spline pitch(花键)外径/大径

major diameter(花键)内径/小径

minor diameter 成形直径

form diameter 花键类型:a.flat root,side fit平根,齿侧配合

b.fillet root,side fit 齿根圆角,齿侧配合

Product series: Spur gear, bevel gear, spiral bevel gear, internal gear, sprocket, transmission, reducer, shaft and sleeve etc.(直齿轮,斜齿轮,伞齿轮,螺旋伞齿轮,内齿轮,链轮,变速箱,减速箱,轴类,套类)30/40 型刮板运输机:type 30/40 scraper conveyor 取力器前后壳:power take before and after the shell 花键轴:spline shaft 变速箱取力器总成及配件:transmission power take off assembly and accessories 秸秆粉碎机齿轮:straw grinder gear(straw crusher)旋耕机:rotary 拖拉机:tractor 前驱动桥:front drive axle 拖拉机前驱动桥总成及配件:tractor front drive axle assembly and parts 玉米联合收割机: corn combine harvester 割台箱:box header 玉米联合收获机割台箱总成及配件:corn combine harvester header box assembly and parts.斯太尔汽车:Steyr automobile 中桥:vehicle bridge 驱动桥:driving axle 后桥:rear axle 齿轮加工,滚齿,磨齿,剃齿,插齿:gear machining, hobbing, grinding teeth, shaving, slotting 农机厂:agricultural machinery plant 矿山机械厂:mining machinery factory 弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机,滚齿机,磨齿机,剃齿机,数控车床,精密磨床,花键磨床,平面磨床,卧式拉床等:sprial bevel gear milling machine, hobbing machine, grinding machine, gear shaving machine, CNC lathes, precision grinding, spline grinding machine, surface grinder, horizontal broaching machine and so on.Numerical control lathes 数控车床 Black oxide 黑氧化

Sprial bevel gear axle螺旋伞齿轮轴



number of teeth/teeth guantity 当量齿数

virtual number of teeth 头数

number of starts/threads 齿顶

crest/top land 比率

ratio 齿圈

ring gear 螺纹

thread 螺纹孔

tapped holes 毛边,毛刺

burr 心轴

arbor 齿条

rack 基本齿条

basic rack 产形齿条

counterpart rack 直齿条

spur rack 斜齿条

helical rack 基本齿条类型

basic rack type(heel end 末端)轴承

bearing 半轴

half-axle 离合器

clutch 刀片

blade 毛坯

blank 卡盘

chuck 圈

lap 刀盘

cutter 切齿干涉

cutter reference 刀具半径

cutter radius 刀刃圆角半径

cutter edge radius 传感器

sensor 大端接触

heel pattern 与成对轮齿大端接触

heel pattern with the pair gear tooth 齿锥度

tooth taper 打字

joined tooth gear lettering 中凸齿

barrel-shaped teeth

四.关联词汇 基圆

base circle 基圆直径

base diameter 基节

base pitch 基圆半径

base radius 节圆

pitch circle


pitch diameter


diametral pitch 节线

pitch line 节线跳动

pitchline runout 分度圆

reference circle 分度圆直径

reference diameter 根圆

root circle 根圆直径

root diameter 顶圆

tip circle 顶圆直径

tip diameter 顶隙圆

clearance circle 周节

circular pitch 外径

outside diameter 齿根圆

dedendum circle 齿根直径

root diameter 齿根圆角半径(过滤圆角半径)fillet radius 背锥

back cone 面锥

face cone 节锥

pitch cone 根锥

root cone 分锥

reference cone 分锥顶点

reference cone apex 齿顶高

addendum 齿根高

dedendum 全齿高

whole depth 齿高

tooth depth/height 弦齿高

chordal height 固定弦齿高

constant chord height 齿宽

face width 有效齿宽

effective width 齿厚 tooth thickness 端面齿厚

transerse tooth thickness 法向齿厚

normal tooth thickness 端面基圆齿厚

transverse base thickness 法向基圆齿厚

normal base thickness 弦齿厚

chordal thickness/arc tooth thickness 端面弦齿厚

transverse chordal tooth thickenss 固定弦齿厚

constant chord 弧齿厚

circular thickness 前锥面

front cone 中锥面

middle cone 背锥面

back cone 背锥母线

backcone element 总误差

total accumulated spacing error

五.角 angle 背锥角

back(cone)angle 面锥角

face angle 节锥角

pitch angle 根锥角

root angle 分锥角

reference cone angle 顶锥角

tip angle 齿锥角

tooth cone angle 压力角

pressure angle 主压力角

main pressure angle 轴交角

shaft angle 齿顶角

addendum angle 齿根角

dedendum angle 传动轴角

transmission axes angle 螺旋角

spiral angle 任意点螺旋角

spiral angle at a point 重点螺旋角

mean spiral angle 大端螺旋角

outer spiral angle 小端螺旋角

inner spiral angle 齿形角

nominal pressure angle 倒角

chamfer 啮合角

working pressure angle 齿宽角

width angle 工作压力角

pressure angle(operating)齿厚半角

tooth thickness half angle 槽宽半角

space width half angle 任意点压力角

pressure angle at a point 任意点法向压力角

normal pressure angle at a point 任意点端面压力角

transverse pressure angle at a point 总作用角

total angle of transmission 导程角

lead angle 端面作用角

transverse angle of transmission 纵向作用角

overlap angle 轮廓有效位置渐开线绞孔角度

the evolvent reaming angle of the profile active site 有效面积渐开线展开轮廓角度

the angle developed profile of involute of the active area 六.距 distance 齿距

pitch 齿距公差

pitch tolerance 锥距

cone distance 外锥距

outer cone distance 内锥距

inner cone distance 内锥距

inner cone distance 重(中)点锥距

mean cone distance 背锥距

back cone distance 背角距

back angle distance 花键齿节距

spline pitch 中心距

centre distance 标准中心距

reference centre distance 实际中心距

center distance(operating)位置距

offset 冠顶距

apex to crown 轮冠距

tip distance/crown to back 安装距

mounting distance/locating distance 齿端距

angular pitch 工具头部刀顶距

point width of the tool head


flank 齿面

tooth flank 右侧齿面

right flank 左侧齿面

lefe flank 同侧齿面

corresponding flank 异侧齿面

opposite flank 上齿面

addendum flank 下齿面

dedendum flank 工作齿面

working flank 非工作齿面

non-working flank 啮合齿面

mating flank 共轭齿面

conjugate flank 可用齿面

usable flank 有效齿面

active flank 产形齿面

generating flank



face 齿根面

flank 阿基米德螺旋面

screw helicoid 球面渐开螺旋面

spherical involute 定位面

locating face 凸面

convex side 凹面

concace face 圆环面

tosoid 齿根圆环面

root tosoid 分度圆环面

reference tosoid 圆环面的母圈

generant of the tosoid 圆环面的中性圈

middle circle of the tosoid 圆环面的中间平面

middle plane of the tosoid 圆环面的内圈

inner circle of the tosoid 基准平面

datum plane 轴平面

axial plane 节平面

pitch plane 端平面

transverse plane 法平面

normal plane 啮合平面

plane of action 中平面

middle plane 喉平面

gorge plane 咽喉面

gorge 咽喉半径

gorge radius 喉圆

gorge circle 齿根过渡曲面

fillet 啮合曲面

surface of action 分度曲面

reference surface 节曲面

pitch surface 齿顶曲面

tip surface 齿根曲面

root surface 假想曲面

imaginary surface 分度圆柱面

reference cylinder 节圆柱面

pitch cylinder 基圆柱面

basic cylinder 齿顶圆柱面

tip cylinder 齿根圆柱面

root cylinder

九. 线


tooth trace 渐开线

involute 延伸渐开线

prolate involute 缩短渐开线

curtate involute 球面渐开线

spherical involute 渐开螺旋线

involute helicoid 螺旋线

helix 分度圆涡旋线

reference helix 圆锥螺旋线

conical spiral 阿基米德螺旋线

archimedes spiral 基准线

datum line 连心线

line of centres 摆线

cycloid 长幅摆线

prolate cycloid 短幅摆线

curtate cycloid 内摆线

hypo cycloid 外摆线

epoi cycloid 长幅外摆线

prolate epoicycloid 长幅内摆线

prolate hypocycloid 短幅外摆线

curtate epoicycloid 短幅内摆线

curtate hypocycloid 瞬时接触线

line of contact 端面啮合线

transverse path of contact



mating gear 啮合平面

plane of action 啮合曲面

surface of action 相啮齿面

mating flank 啮合干涉

meshing interefence 啮合区域

zone of action 啮合角

working pressure angle

十一.Pitch Pitch 齿距

Pitch tolerance 齿距公差 Pitch circle 节圆

Pitch diameter 节圆直径 Pitch line 节线 Pitch point 节点 Pitch plane 节平面 Pitch surface 节曲面 Pitch cylinder 节圆柱面 Pitch cone 节锥

Pitch cone angle 节锥角

十二.Tooth/teeth Tooth type 齿形

Tooth trace direction 齿向:a)right-hand teeth 左旋齿

b)left –hand teeth 右旋齿 tooth crown 齿冠 tooth trace 齿线 tooth tip 齿棱 tooth depth 齿高 tooth flank 齿面 tooth profile 齿廓 tooth space 齿槽 tooth guantity 齿数 pitch 齿距


bottom land



common apex

十四.模数 模数

module 端面模数

transverse module 外端面模数

exterior transverse module 法向模数

normal module 轴向模数

axial module平均正常模数

average normal modle 十五.比(率)/重合度 齿数比

gear ratio 传动比

transmission ratio 总重合度

total contact ratio 端面重合度

transverse ratio 纵向重合度

overlap ratio 精确度

accuracy degree 修正度

degree of correction

十六 齿廓(profile)齿廓

tooth profile 齿廓型修

profile modification 端面齿廓

transverse profile 法向齿廓

normal profile 法基本齿廓

normal basic rack profile 轴向齿廓

axial profile 背锥齿廓

back cone tooth profile 基本齿廓

basic tooth profile



modification coefficient/shifting coefficient 切向变为系数tangential MC 齿顶系数、顶隙系数addendum coefficient /bottom clearance coefficient 径向变位系数

addendum modification coefficient 中心距变位系数

centre distance modification coefficient 径向间隙系数

radial clearance factor 头部厚度系数

coefficient of head thickness 过滤曲线弯曲半径系数

factor of radius of curvature of transition curve 齿厚变化系数

coefficient of tooth thickness change



offset of tooth trace 容许加铅量

lead tolerance 变位量

addendum modification 渐开线公差

involute tolerance 内轴距测量极限偏差

limit deviations of measuring interaxle distance 报废限度

bore condemning limit 全程中成对轴角测量偏差余量

allowance for variation of measuring pair axes angle of one tooth 轴向运动测量偏差

varation tolerance of the measurement axial movement 十九.隙


(bottom)clearance 齿侧背隙

backlash 周圆侧隙

circumferential blacklash 法向侧隙

normal backlash 径向侧隙

radial backlash 最小侧间隙

min side clearance



tooth thickness 端面齿厚

transverse tooth thickness 法向齿厚

normal tooth thickness 端面齿顶厚

crest width 法向齿顶厚

normal crest width 弦齿厚

chordal thickness 固定弦齿厚

constant chord 端面弦齿厚

transverse chordal tooth thickness 弦上齿厚

tooth thickness on the chord 弧齿厚

circular thickness 外圆弧齿厚

external circular tooth thickness 分度圆圆弧上弧齿厚

circular tooth thickness on the arc of a reference circle 端面基圆齿厚

transverse base thickness 法向基圆齿厚

normal base thickness


face width 有效齿宽

effective facewidth 端面齿槽宽

transverse space width 法向齿槽宽

normal space width 涡轮齿宽

worm wheel facewidth 蜗杆齿宽

worm facewidth



point of contact 轴线交点

crossing point of axes 二十三.弧


total arc of transmission 端面作用弧

transverse arc of transmission 纵向作用弧

overlap arc



instantaneous axis

二十五.半径(radius)& diameter(原始轮廓)过渡曲线弯曲半径

radius of curvature of transition curve(original profile)刀具半径

cutter radius 刀刃圆角半径

cutter edge radius 齿轮刀具名义直径

gear cutter nominal diameter 有效分度圆直径

effective reference diameter



base tangent length


working depth 齿顶高

addendum 齿根高

dedendum 弦齿高

chordal height 固定弦齿高

constant chord height 全齿高

whole depth 齿高

tooth height 到弦的测量高度

measuring height up to the chard

二十八.其他 修缘

tip relief 修根

root relief 齿向修正

axial modification 齿端修补

end relief 鼓形修正

crowning 鼓形齿

crowned teeth 挖根

undercut 导程

lead 最小齿顶高修正

min addendum modification 凸台boss 紧固件fastener 加强肋rib 垫儿pad 凹槽recess 切洞cutout 夹具JIG



World Health Organization(WHO)联合国世界卫生组织

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)疾病控制与预防中心

Beijing municipal animal epidemic prevention centre 北京市动物流行病防治中心

bird flu / avian flu / avian influenza 禽流感,又称真性鸡瘟 outbreak 爆发

suspected cases 疑似病例 confirmed cases 确诊病例 test positive 检测阳性

highly pathogenic suspected cases高致病性禽流感疑似病例 poultry farms 养殖场

disease-affected areas 疫区

disposal of animal faeces/wastes 动物粪便的处理

disinfection 消毒

inactive virus 非活性病毒 contagious 接触传染性的

vaccine/vaccinate 疫苗/疫苗注射

influenza epidemic/pandemic/endemic 流感流行/大流行/地方性流行

infectious/communicable disease 传染病 virulent 剧毒的;致命的

populous 人口众多的,人口稠密的 trigger 触发,引起

respiratory symptom 呼吸道症状

human-to-human transmission 人与人之间的传染

within-family transmission 家庭成员间的传染

pathogen 病原体 mortality rate 死亡率 case fatality rate 病死率

acute respiratory distress syndrome急性呼吸窘迫综合征

viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎 消毒剂 disinfectants 防护服 protective clothing,masks of N95-type 扑杀(动物)cull,stamp out, destroy

兽体 carcasses

带病毒的(动物)粪便 contaminated manure/droppings/faeces

自然宿主 natural reservoir(of bird flu viruses)

禽传人 birds-to-human transmission 人传人 human-to-human transmission, person-to-person transmission

人患禽流感 human cases of bird flu

世界卫生组织全球流感监测网络 WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network 预防措施 preventative measures

有与其它流感病毒交换基因的倾向 to have the propensity to exchange genes with influenza viruses from other species.现有的疫苗 currently available vaccines, existing vaccines(病毒)分离 isolate 突然发病 sudden onset

引发流感流行 trigging an influenza pandemic

流感的亚型 influenza subtype 自然免疫力 natural immunity



























Ten Most Common but Most Important Words 1.The most selfish one-letter word is “I”.Avoid it.最自私的一个字母单词是: “我”。避开它。 2.The most satisfying two-letter word is “We”.Use it.最令人满意的二个字母单词是:“我们”。使用它。

3.The most poisonous three-letter word is “Ego”.Kill it.最有度的三个字母单词是:“自我”。除掉它。

4.The most used four-letter word is “Love”.Value it.用得最多的四个字母单词是:“爱”。珍惜它。

5.The most pleasing five-letter word is “Smile”.Keep it.最令人快乐的五个字母单词是:“笑”。保持它。 6.The fastest spreading six-letter word is “Rumor”.Ignore it.传播最快的六个字母单词是:“谣言”。别理它。 7.The hardest working seven-letter word is “Success”.Achieve it.最艰苦努力的七个字母单词是:“成功”。获取它。 8.The most enviable eight-letter work is “Jealous”.Distance it.最引起妒忌心的八个字母单词是:“嫉妒”。远离它。 9.The most powerful nine-letter word is “Knowledge”.Acquire it.最有力量的九个字母单词是:“知识”。获得它。 10.The most essential ten-letter word is “Confidence”.Trust it.最重要的十个字母单词是:“信心”。相信它。



33.The consumer was paid $20 as(compensate)for the damaged

goods.34.Measures have been taken by Government to(preventive)AIDS from

spreading.35.Ms.Brown recommended that the student who was late this morning

(speak)to the director.36.The mayor made a number of(construction)suggestions for those

who attended the meeting.37.It is widely acknowledged that musicians and artists have to be very

(create).38.He decided to learn(biological)when he entered college.39.Nowadays if you don’t know internet, you are out of(fashionable).40.Your suggestion is good, but there are some(practice)difficulties in

adopting it.41.It seems there is something(mystery)about his family background.42.I could not help(look)around with a good deal of curiosity.43.Nowadays some readers think they can not rely on the(accurate)of

the media report.44.It is dangerous for your children to swim(lone).45.It was(courage)of the young man to try to save the drowning child.46.(ultimate), it depends on yourself whether you decide to buy the

house.47.Facts and figures are given to make students realize the(necessary)of

learning English.48.(compare)with London, Paris seems more lively and romantic.49.The thief picked up the bag and(hurry)off.50.He believes that everyone should be equal(regard)of color and race.51.The old man was very sad about the(dead)of his only son.52.It is said that every country has its own social and(economy)

problems.53.He was promoted to a post of great(responsible).54.If you want to deposit at a bank, the(minimize)initial deposit is one

Yuan.55.It was(fortune)that Jane had a car accident on her way to school.56.The only(accessible)to the main building is along that dark corridor.57.My daughter is a hard-working student, and often(study)deep into the

night.58.(be)he not a disabled man, he would have had more promotion prospect.59.China’s population(characterize)by its large proportion of

rural population.60.This bridge is of(strategy)importance for the enemy and must be

destroyed.61.The whole magazine is produced and edited in the(pursue)of

excellence. was respected(equal)by old and young.Our company met some(finance)problems last year.For me, learning Japanese is(easy)than learning English.(sex)equality is one of the most talked topics in this magazine.Asia(separate)from Africa by the Sues Canal.Don’t forget to put your(sign)before handing in your paper.The dustmen said they were(bad)paid and wanted more money.You can also(profitable)from your mistakes, as long as you pay attention to them.Look!Here(come)the bus.The government has set up a health care network to heal the(wound)and rescue the dying.Spring appears(be)the best season of the year.The government signed a bill(force)motorist paying their fees at the end of the month.What(love)weather it is today!John spoke slowly to make himself(understanding).His new novel is(concern)with tropical forest.She finished drawing the picture and examined it with(satisfy).I have been in Cuba for three months and know(few)about the cultures there.The happy time with my girlfriend was really(forget).China is an aging society, with 7% of its population(be)over 65 years old.When I got on the bus to buy the ticket, I found my wallet(miss).Mr.Wang(name)chairman of this group last week.It is(legal)to set up a company without registration.The teacher tells the boy if he cannot finish his(assign), he will get a minus mark.Mother agreed to buy the toys her boy wanted as long as he stopped(cry).Cooperation is more important than(compete).Police don’t think the witness’ description of the accident was(accept).We asked a local(art)to show us his work.Experts have found out different types of computer(virus).The typical symptoms of flu are(dizzy), headache and cough.Peter suggested that we(visit)the Summer Palace first.We can(communication)with relatives far away by internet.Government should permit free(express)of political opinions.You’ll never learn to use a computer if you don’t(practically)often.The(fast)you walk, the sooner you’ll get there.Is there any(possible)that you will persuade them?I would like to(emphasis)that we are ready to sign the contract at

any moment.98.It’s my first time to see such things, which is(usually)to me.99.It is hard to learn the(operate)of this complicated machine.100.All of us stared at her carefully, as though(try)to find out something.



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