topic five商业广告的翻译.handout

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第一篇:topic five商业广告的翻译.handout

Topic five


•广告的目的, 功能和构成 •广告语言的特点


•信息功能, 美化,表情功能, 呼唤功能

•功能的实现: 说理和移情

广告的构成 标题, 正文, 口号, 商标, 插图 广告语言的特点

•词汇特征 •句法特点 •修辞特征


(1)大量使用形容词 fine ,great, wonderful 表称赞和推荐 crisp, delicious, fresh ,rich在食品广告中常用;clean, fresh, soft 常用在牙刷,洗发水等产品广告中;super-常构成超级,(2)创新的拼写方式Forget hot taste.Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolnees.Come up to cool.We know eggsactly how to sell eggs

(3)借用外来词Order it in bottles or in canes Perrier… with added je ne sais quoi

(4)灵活运用复合词 mass-product, light-blue, frist class, home-made, warm-heated, money-saving, innocent-looking 句法特点

•比较口语化, 句式大多简单明了, 采用多种句式。

(1)使用简单句, 一目了然

飞利浦电器, 没有最好, 只有更好 你的人生伴侣.钟表

(2)使用疑问句, 制造悬念, 激发好奇心.•Do you teach? If so, Please read on…

•The Seiko Ladied Quartz, Prettey, isn’t she?

(3)使用祈使句, 简单明快,车鼓动性强.别再犹豫了Take it now!读, 记忆, 行动 Red, remembered, rushed.(4)使用省略句, 语言凝练,重点突出

当代的经典, 永久的记时 A contemporary classic, a timeless timepiece.生机勃勃的领带, 献给那些沉静而有信心的人们.Bright ties, ties for the cool, and certainly the confidence.(5)使用 who’s on it.(2)暗喻

•To spread your wings in Asia share our vantage point..•Sophisticated, sweet-to drink pink Lady.(3)双关

•Mr Kipling(蛋糕牌子,又是对人的称呼)烤制出绝好的蛋糕Mr Kipling makes exceedingly good cakes.You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nut.It fills you up and gives you lots of go •(4)对偶

•The choice is yours, the honor is ours.选择在你们, 荣耀在我们

• See, sun, sand, seclusion and Spain!You can have all this when you visit the new Hotel Caliente.(5)压韵(头韵,尾韵)•健康,幽默,幸福……这就是我们的赠礼.Health, Humor, and Happiness…Gifts we’d love to give.高保真, 高乐趣, 高时尚-只来自索尼Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-Fashion, Only from Sony.•Flash.Dash.Classic splash.(6)反复

•电脑设计,激光消音,机器人制造.Designed with a computer;Silenced by a laser;Built by a robot(7)排比

•THE CORDIA, shaped by the wind, born for the road.CORDIA汽车,流线型设计,天生地实用与道路行驶

•We will tell you the odds before they are out.We will published what other publications dare not.We will give you inside information you won’t find elsewhere.(杂志广告).缩减

•Wherever you are.Whatever you do.The Allianz Group is always on your side.安联集团

•The man who have achieved success are the man who have dared, who have had the courage to act upon their convictions招商


•Not all cars are created equal.三菱汽车 • Tasting is believing 食品


•Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition.•广告文本的翻译处理

广告文本应该在谋篇布局上应该本着功能相似的原则, 不拘泥与原文的遣词造句, 因该以文本为翻译单位, 再现原文的功能.•The perfect companion for 2001 Since you depend on a diary every day of the year, Pick the one that’s perfect for you.Bright, attraction, colourful, always for a smile… •

•100%COTTON •GENTLE AND SOFT enough for a baby’s skin.•A NATURAL WAY to remove, makeup and cleaner, nail polish, lotion, cream, etc.•PERFECT for any use where a soft absorbent applicator is needed



2.根据广告性质采用不同的翻译方法.3.对说理类广告多用直译, 移情类广告比较自由, 实现关高宣传和劝购 4.Double Star Takes you Afar

5.考虑社会文化因素, 注意读者的审美需求.It is the taste.6.译文要符合译入语的广告文体.Safe, Easy, Quick, and with fun!7.使用安全,操作简单, 高效快捷, 乐在其中!Exercises and Keys

•It is gives me hair a top-quality look.•Just do it •You and northwest, business at its best •Old product.New Design •Kodak is Olympic Colour.•A word to wealthy •The world smiles with Reader’s Digest.•The Globe bring you the world in a single copy •Unlike me, my ROLEX never needs a rest •Chromatic exclusive sunglasses •A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.•Quality first, advanced technology, scientific management and best service.•Where there is South, there is a way •Everything is extraordinary;Everything tempts.



Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people;to suit the people's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活

bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life;providing amenities for the people;making life easier for the population 各式俱全 wide selection;large assortment 顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods.规格齐全 a complete range of specifications;complete in specifications 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available.客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs;fashionable(in)style;novel(in)design;up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome.品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles;a great variety of goods 让我们的商品走向世界 Let our commodities go to the world.色彩鲜艳 bright in colour 色泽光润 bright luster 色泽艳丽 beautiful in colour 深受顾客欢迎 We have won praise from customers;to win warm praise from customers.深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉 to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.深受消费者的欢迎和好评 to be highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public 式样美观 aesthetic appearance;attractive fashion 式样新颖大方 modern and elegant in fashion 式样雅致 elegant in style 式样众多 in many styles 适合男女老幼四季穿着 suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons 外型大方 elegant shape 享有声誉 to win a high admiration 新品迭出 new varieties are introduced one after another 行销世界 to be distributed all over the world 以工艺精细、针法灵巧多样、图案典雅大方而闻名中外

to be renowned both at home and abroad for exquisite workmanship, skillful knitting and elegant design 以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称

famous for selected materials, novel designs, delightful colors and exquisite workmanship 以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种花样繁多而著称

famous for high quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great variety of designs and colours 誉满中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad 在国际市场上享有盛誉 to enjoy high reputation in the international market 造型美观 attractive appearance;handsome apprearance 质量第一,用户至上 quality first, consumers first 种类繁多 wide varieties 安心益气 to make one feel at ease and energetic 包君健康 keep you fit all the time 保健治病 promoting health and curing diseases 保暖防风 warm and windproof 补肝益肾,调和气血,益髓添精,强健筋骨,乌须黑发,驻颜养血

an enricher and nutrient for the liver and kidney, for improving blood circulation, beneficial to essential medulla, strengthening sinews and bones, preventing hairs from greying and helpful to retain complexion 补气,健脾,益精滋肾,祛风活血,强筋壮骨

good for energy and the spleen, beneficial to the sperm, nourishing the kidneys relieving rheumatism, activating blood circulation and strengthening sinews and bones 补血和气,壮腰强筋 norishing blood and adjusting spirit, strenthening waist and sinews 除湿散寒,祛风定痛 relieving rheumatism, chills and pains 穿着舒适轻便 comfortable and easy to wear 促进体质 to invigorate health effectively 涤烦疗渴 to clear out annoyance and quench thirst 冬暖夏凉 cool in summer and warm in winter 芳香开窍,理气止痛 removing obstruction, smoothing circulation and stopping pains.防病治病,延年益寿 to prevent and cure diseases, and to have a long life.富有浓厚诗情两画意 rich in poetic and pictorial splendor 瑰丽多彩 pretty and colourful 花色入时 fashionable patterns 华丽臻美 beautiful and charming 戒烟 making people refrain from smoking 经久耐用 durable in use;durable service 久享盛名 with a long standing reputation 居家旅行,工矿必备之良药 an indispensable sovereign remedy for home, travelling, factories and mines.老少良伴 good companions for children as well as adults 历史悠久 to have a long historical standing 男女老少皆宜 sutable for men, women, and children 其功若神 as effectively as a fairy does.轻身延寿 to reduce body weight and prolong life.清火明目,怡神醒脑,帮助消化 to produce an effect toward clear vision, refreshment, and digestion helping 清洁口腔 cleaning the oral cavity.清热润喉,止咳化痰,益气消哑

good for antipyretic and throat soother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration and relieving hoarseness 清晰突出 clear and distinctive 祛风散寒,活血止痛 relieving rheumatism and cold, invigorating blood circulation and stopping pains 染制精良 meticulous dyeing processes 柔软轻盈 soft and light 色彩夺目,迥然不俗 colours are striking, yet not vulgar 色彩奇异大方 in pain, fancy colours 色彩协调 matching in colour 色泽鲜艳可爱 lovely luster 设计华丽 luxuriant in design 手感舒适 comfortable feel 提神,生津 refreshing and enriching the saliva 条纹清晰 clear-cut texture 消热止渴 relieving heat and thirst.消暑解热,明目怡神 relieving heat and sunstroke, refreshing and beneficial to the eyes 颜色调和 harmonious colours 益气强壮,延缓衰老 bracing up the whole system and strengthening it, delaying senility 益气养阴,生津增液,补肺健脾 supplement the vital energy and nourish yin, promote the production of body fluid and saliva 雍容华丽 rich and magnificent 永不褪色 fast colour 优点出众 outstanding features 质地考究 superior(in)quality 质地优良 fine quality 助消化,除油腻 to help digest greasy food 按质论价 fixing prices according to quality of products 包装多样 diversified in packaging 包装牢固 strong packing 包装美观牢固 elegant and sturdy package 包装新颖美观 fashionable and attractive packages 保温性强 extremely efficient in preserving heat;good heat preservation 保险性强 high safety 保质保量 quality and quantity assured 备用详细目录,惠索即寄 catalogues will be sent upon request 备有各种款式的现货,任君挑选 available in various designs and specifications for your selection 备有塑料盒,便于安全保存 a plastic case is compartmentalized for safe storage.表面光泽 lustrous surface 薄利多销 volume large, profit small 不可退货 without return 不惜工本 spare no cost at any cost;at all costs;at any cost 采用先进技术和工艺 to adopt advanced technology 采用最新设备和工艺 with the most up-to-date equipment and techniques 操作简便 easy and simple to handle 产品按质分等 grade products according to quality 常饮绿茶,增进健康 regular tea drinking improves your health 敞开供应 sufficent supply;products are sold without limitations;commodities are available without restriction 传送灵活 to ensure smooth transmission 传统绣工精湛 exquisite traditional embroidery art 大贱卖 sale price;crazy price;terrific value;special buy 定牌包装 packing of nominated brand 独特的民族风味 to have a unique national style 多年使用,不出故障 to assure years of trouble-free service.防水、防震、防磁 waterproof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic 防缩 shrink-proof 防皱 crease-resistance 富有弹性 high resilience 工艺精良 sophisticated technologies 供不应求 in short supply;demand exceeding supply 光洁度高 highly polished 回味隽永 pleasant in after-taste 货源充足 ample supply and prompt delivery 技术先进 modern techniques 技艺精湛 exquisite craftsmanship;fine craftsmanship 价格公道 reasonable price;street price;moderate price 价格适中 moderrat cost 价谦物美 high quality and inexpensive;less expensive, high quality goods;high quality and low overhead 节日送礼之佳品 ideal gift for all occasions 洁白纯正 pure whiteness 洁白如玉 jade white 洁白透明 pure white and translucent 结构坚固 sturdy construction;firm in structure 经久耐用 structural durabilities 精打细算 be shrewd in money matters;careful calculation and strict budgeting 居同类产品之魁首 to rank first among similar products 具有传统风味特色 distinctive for its traditional properties 具有中国风味 possessing Chinese flavours 抗冲击强度高 excellent in cushion effect 抗热耐磨 strong resistance to heat and hard wearign 科学精制 by scientific process 口味鲜美 delicious in taste 快干 drip-dry 买一送一 buy one give one;buy one get one free 免烫 non-ironing 能多次翻新 can be repeatedly remoulded.您想购买中国土特产品吗? Do you want to buy some Chinese native produce? 烹制简便 convenient to cook 品质优良 excellent(in)quality 清仓大拍卖 clearance price 清货大减价 big clearance sale 清香爽口 pleasant to the palate 请君常购中国绿茶 always buy Chinese green teas.韧硬兼顾 to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness 入口和醇 mild and mellow 软硬适中 neither too hard nor too soft 散热迅速 rapid heat dissipation 色泽光洁,柔软防滑 lustrous, soft and antislippery 色泽清澈 limpid in sight 设计合理 professional design 设计新颖 modern design 生意兴隆 driving a roaring trade 使用方便 easy to use 使用极便 utmost in convenience 使用寿命长久 long perfomance life 岁末大减价 year-end bargain sale 甜而不腻 agreeable sweetness 外观色泽透明 bright and traslucent in appearance 外型永葆如新 to ensur a like-new appearance indefinely 维修简易 easy to repair 味道纯正 good taste 味鲜可口 agreeable to taste 物价稳定 price remains stable 夏季特别大减价 special summer sale 香浓可口 aromatic character and agreeable taste 香气馥郁 fragrant aroma 香气高雅 elegant in smell 香味纯和 pure and mild flavour 香味浓郁 aromatic flavour;fragrant(in)flavour 性能可靠 dependable performance 性能可靠 reliable perormance 性能无与伦比 unequal in performanc 性能优越 superior performance 选材精良 superior materials 选料讲究 high quality materials 选料考究 choice materials 沿用传统的生产方式 with traditional methods 易于润滑 easy to lubricate 用料精选 carefully selected materials 用料上乘 selected material 优质西瓜,消暑解渴 top watermelons, quell summer thirst 制作精巧 skilful manufacture 制作精巧 perfect in workmanship 质量高,卫生严 high standard in quality and hygiene 众所喜爱品尝之佳品 delicacies loved by all 走时准确 punctual timing 最新工工艺 latest technology 做工讲究 exquisite(in)workmanship 做工精细 fine workmanship


(一)-the-line advertising 线上广告

广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等。account executive(AE)客户经理



2.内部协调(coordination); 3.将广告设计稿提供给客户;

4.监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);

5.利润管理(agency profit management)。客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的服务。

account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作关系,及推动广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务。它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能。advertising agency 广告代理商

习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营者,一般设有许多职能和业务部门。advertising campaign 广告活动


advertising department 广告部

分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部。企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划。一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作。媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视的时间等。airport advertising 机场广告

利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上制作的广告。Appeal 诉求

广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同,或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由。诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的。诉求所用语句应具有强烈的感染力。area sampling 区域抽样

群体抽样的一种形式。样本空间按区域进行划分,选定某抽样区域,如一个县、一个行政区、一个街区,从中确定调查对象。Audience 受众


(二)bus stop pillar advertising 站牌广告


bus stop shelter advertising 候车亭广告

设置在公共车辆候车站的广告。一般设计成遮阳篷形式,同时作为车站的识别标志,并美化街道。button 其实是从banner广告演变过来的一种广告形式,图形尺寸比banner要小。一般是120*60像素,甚至更小。由于图形尺寸小,故可以被更灵活的放置在网页的任何位置。clicks 点击次数

访问者通过点击横幅广告而访问厂商的网页,称点击一次。点击这个广告,即表示他对广告感兴趣,希望得到更详细的信息。Click rate广告被点击的次数与广告收视次数的比率。即click/impression。如果这个页面出现了一万次,而网页上的广告的点击次数为五百次,那么点击率即为5%。目前,亚太区的点击率平均为1.5%。点击率可以精确地反映广告效果,也是网络广告吸引力的一个标志。

CPM cost per thousand impression 千人成本 即广告主购买1000个广告收视次数的费用或者是广告被1000人次看到所需的费用。

demands 需求

有能力并愿意购买某个产品的欲望。当消费者有购买能力时,欲望便转化为需求。有许多高档商品是许多人所梦寐以求的,但却只有少数人有能力购买。因此,厂商要估量有多少人想要这种产品,更要了解有多少人真正愿意并有能力购买。demonstration 演示

在推销中,按所推销产品的说明,对其功用进行提示性或模拟性的操作。对无法直接演示的产品,可采用放映录像片的办法。商店的营业员也可采用演示的方法推销商品,如将衣料半披在自己身上,让顾客观看颜色和花样的衣着效果。diary survey 日记本调查

收集初级数据方法之一。散发预先编制的一种日记本,要求家庭主妇或特约对象把他们在一段时间中采购商品的数量、牌号记下来,由企业家期回收,以统计消费者购货的频率和所购商品的牌号。在国外还采用日记本调查的方法调查消费者收看或收听广告的情况。direct mail(DM)直接邮递广告

既是直销的一种方法,也是广告的主要形式之一。美国1991年用于直接邮递的广告费占全部广告支出的19.3%,仅次于报纸广告和电视广告。主要是直接邮递各种形式的印刷品,如信件(letter)、传单(leaflet)、小册子(booklet)以及其他材料,如订购单(orderform)等。在国外不少家庭和办公室的信箱中每天会塞满邮寄品,被称为junk mail。为此直接邮递的印刷品必须精心设计,如果没有吸引力就会被收件人随手丢入垃圾箱。


(三)magazine advertising 杂志广告 刊登在杂志上的广告。杂志可分为专业性杂志(professional magazine)、行业性杂志(trade magazine)、消费者杂志(consumer magazine)等。由于各类杂志读者比较明确,是各类专业商品广告的良好媒介。刊登在封


三、封四和中间双面的杂志广告一般用彩色印刷,纸质也较好,因此表现力较强,是报纸广告难以比拟的。杂志广告还可以用较多的篇幅来传递关于商品的详尽信息,既利于消费者理解和记忆,也有更高的保存价值。杂志广告的缺点是:影响范围较窄。因杂志出版周期长,经济信息不易及时传递。mail order advertising 邮购广告

在邮购目录上刊登的广告。形式之一是由邮购商店向客户分寄或分发邮购目录,由客户按目录上的商品编号及定价,把货款汇到邮购商店,商店收到后即向客户寄发商品。这类邮购目录有成册的,也有配合时令分季零页寄发的,在前者上刊登广告一般要收费,后者大都是免费的。mail survey 邮寄调查

将事先设计好的调查表(亦称问卷,questionnaire)投寄给调查对象,要求填好后寄回。这种形式是在被访问者不愿面谈及其反应可能受访问者或曲解的情况下所能采取的最好办法。问卷必须简洁,问题明了。邮寄调查表的回收率一般较低,回收时间较迟缓。mailing list 寄发表

直销需要编制寄发表。寄发对象的名单可来自电话簿、行名录、本企业客户的名单,和广告中索取说明书的回折。也可以收集各种协会的会员录,报刊杂志的订户名录。国外有些会员录和订户名录可以付费购买。maintenance advertising 维持性广告

在大规模广告以后,刊登地位较不显著或时间较短的广告,以保持消费者或用户对大规模广告内容的印象。margin 页边空白 印刷广告(如报刊广告)在排版时应在广告四周留有一定的空白,这样可以在视觉上起到良好的效果。market research 市场调查 market segmentation 市场细分化

亦称为市场区隔、市场分割或市场划分。企业在市场经营活动中,为了更好满足消费者日益增长的物质和精神需求,一般需要根据一定的标准,把市场划分为拥有特定消费者群以更细小的市场。市场细分是企业制定市场营销策略和选择目标市场的前提,通常把经济形态、地理环境、消费者性格和购买行动等因素作为划分的标准,从而对成千上万消费者构成的市场进行细分。media buying 媒介购买

媒介计划经客户通过后,向所采用的媒介订购版面或时间。media department 媒介部门 media evaluation 媒介评价

负责媒介评价的人员,一般被称为媒介计划员。媒介计同经过评价和选择拟订广告的媒介计划。广告代理商须收集各种有关备选媒介的资料,有时还需要为特定的客户或行业在媒介资料方面做专门服务。发达国家的媒介单位也主动提供有关读者、观众、听众的资料,并印成专册(media kit)免费提供给广告代理商和广告主。媒介计划员要对这些资料进行评价、核实。media mix 媒介组合

在同一媒体计划中,使用两种及两种以上不同的媒介,称媒介组合。媒介组合所产生的协同作用,其总和效果远大于各媒体分别相加之和。media objectives 媒介目标

是媒介和整个市场营销和广告计划的关系,包括:要通过媒介达到的目标市场;能支配的预算;必要的到达度(reach)和广告出现的频率(frequency);按年或按月的持续情况;必要的伸缩性;媒介和创意的关系 media recommendations 媒介介绍





例 1 Our present Principal/Chief Executive has reached retirement age and the governing board wants to make the crucial appointment of his replacement in 1994.If you are a highly qualified and experienced individual and you think you have the vision, energy and enthusiasm to lead the college into the next century, please write for further information and post particulars to xxxxx.2)在许多情况下,广告为了产生一种幽默和诙谐的效果,故意使用一些不正式的语言。

例 1 Each transfer weight advantage and power into real, all round performance at prices we know won't freak you out.在这则广告中,freak out 是一非正式词组,意思是精神恍惚,极度兴奋(尤其指吸毒之后),它在此的意思是frighten(使人害怕),或是scare 的意思。例 2 What's more, during our new appliance sale we've knocked up to 50% off top name brands.knock 在此的意思是defeat(击败),比起defeat来却很不正式,但是表达效果却比defeat要生动得多。例 3 Keep the frog out of your throat.这是一个咽喉片的广告中的最后一句话,广告策划者故意用这样一个非正式的短语取得一种幽默的效果。

在许多广告中,使用了大量的俚语和非正式的词汇,使广告显得通俗活泼,给人留下深刻的印象。如在一件外衣的广告中,为了强调该外衣的特色、衣袋设计的不同凡响,甚至可以防盗,文字是这样的pity the pickpocket(可怜那些三只手吧),其中pickpocket 就属于口语体,相当于汉语中的“三只手”或“扒手”。假如把它换成thief(贼),效果就不如pickpocket 生动有趣。

专有名词的使用在广告中也很广泛,利用名人或名地等可以增加广告的说服力,引起读者的注意。如 This is one place Mick Doohan will never race.中,Mike Doohan 就是一位著名的赛车手,这是本田汽车公司的广告,意思是“这是一块连Mike Doohan 都不去比赛的地方。”又如,From the country that brought you Alain Delon: a new range of traditional cast-iron pots and pans, with smooth bottoms for use on all types of hob.广告中Alain Delon(阿兰·德龙)也是一位著名影星。


英文广告中不止用词别出心裁,句型也很有特色。下面我们就来看一看。英语广告的句型也多种多样,但最常用的句型有以下几类: 1)祈使句 这是出现最多的句型。

例 1 Ask any one who owns one.(汽车广告语)询问一下有这种车的人吧。

例 2 Lay down your arms.(桌子广告语)放下您的胳膊吧。例 3 Please do not leave it too late.事不宜迟。2)一般疑问句 通常用在广告的前面。例 1 Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of a great temple built to the gods?(旅行社广告)您是否梦想过登上为众神修建的宏伟庙宇的台阶?

例 2 Can a tired, overworked voice command attention in class? 一个疲惫、过劳的声音能吸引全班的注意力吗? 又如下面这个广告全部由一般疑问句构成:

People with PhDs should have inquiring minds.Consider this a simple test.A)Do you want to work in world-class research laboratories? B)Do you want to apply your research skills to keep a successful business at the cutting edge of world technology? C)Do you want to build your career with a major international company headquartered in Australia? If your answers to these questions are “yes”, BHP would like to talk to you.Your first challenge is to discover more by calling Theoni Parthimos, our Senior Personnel Officer.3)省略句 在英语广告中,省略句比比皆是,甚至整篇广告都由省略句构成。例 Serviced Greenfield sites aplenty.Ready for development.For sale.For manufacture.For business.For services.For leisure.A million square feet of ready-to-wear premise.Brand new business parks.Four-star conference facilities.Backed by 14 years' success in helping business to relocate, set-up, prosper, expand.4)比较级 比较级在广告中用得非常多,这是由于英语广告中有大量的形容词和副词做修饰语的缘故。例1 Today in business fast is no longer fast enough, even faster is still too slow to keep pace with the incredible demands placed on people and the computers they work with.That's one reason why IBM developed P60/D.60MHz 64-bit Pentium Chip computers so fast, so powerful, it makes today's conventional computers like they are moving at a snail's space.例2 These days succeeding in business means getting more competitive and making tougher decisions.例3 The new Minolta Riva Zoom 105EX is the most compact camera in a very prestigious class.例4 In short, the stronger your character, the brighter your future.5)直接引语 在英语广告中直接引语出现得很多,原因:一是直接引语使得广告显得形式活泼、新颖;二是采用直接引语从心理学的角度看可以增强说服力。例1 “It's like we're all in the same office.The office just happens to be spread across 7,000 miles of ocean,” Tom Hughes MIS Director, Construction.这是IBM公司的一则广告的开头语,通过该公司经理的话,使广告显得生动具体。

例2 “Through the NVQ initiative we have discovered talents and competencies we would never otherwise have known about.” Says Ian McDermot of Philips Components in Blackburn.这是用人单位对NVQ职业培训机构的赞扬。



商务信函的文体特点 1.词语使用特点 1)用词规范正式


We are pleased to advice you that your order No.103 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.In accordance with your request, we are sending you herewith our price list and some pamphlets.We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.In such a case, Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss or damage sustained therefrom.2).表意准确、专业性强

大量使用专业术语,行话,外来借词,缩略语及一般词汇在商务语境中的特殊用法。Trimming charges平仓费 Insurance policy 保险单 Coverage 险别 Premium 保险费 Underwriter 保险人 Establishment 开证 Counteroffer 还盘

Proforma invoice 形式发票

We shall cover TPND on your order.我们将为你方的货物投保。

It would be appreciated if you would let us know by return your lowest possible price for the following goods FOB London.Average is of two kinds;General Average and Particular Average.The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.The market here for this product is active, and the best price we can offer is US $ 150 or over per long ton.3).用语朴素,淡于修饰 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your interest in our fireworks.In reply to your enquiry of November 10, we are really sorry to say that we cannot divulge any of our sales information.We hope this will not bring you too much inconvenience.Yours truly,2.句子结构特点 1)句式正规完整


In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am studying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States.2)用陈述句表示委婉的祈使意义。

We should be glad to have your immediate shipping instructions.We should be obliged if you would send us by air a copy of the packing list for the shipment to be dispatched by sea.3)大量使用套语


We have not received your payment of the balance of US& 5 000.We regret having to remind you that we have not received your payment of the balance of US $ 5,000.使用please Please see to it that your goods meet our requirements.使用be grateful(obliged)We should be grateful/ obliged if you could provide us with all possible information on your market.使用invite We wish to invite/ draw/ call your attention to the fact that the buyers are in urgent need of the contracted goods.Thank you for your letter of June 6 and we enclose our Order No.2245 for ladies’ shoes.With reference to your letter of May 6, we are pleased to give an order for the following.This is a trial order.Please send us 35 sets only so that we may tap the market.If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.If you can accept &275 and send us a proforma invoice, we will open a letter of credit for 1 000 sets.商务信函翻译要点


The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and inspection certification were airmailed to you today.Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges the quotations is subject to change without previous notice.Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.We are looking forward to a favorable reply.Would you let us know what your terms of payment are? We should be grateful if you would give us further details of Chinese leather shoes.Please inform us how soon you can make delivery.1)熟悉普通词语的特殊表达意义

The product will find a good market in USA.At present, we cannot entertain your counteroffer, as our price is quite reasonable.You claim should be supported by sufficient evidence.We shall take out insurance at this end under our Open Policy.2)理解原文结构,语法和逻辑关系

The goods we received contrary to our instructions are packed in wooden cases without iron hoops.Please note that the 200 machine tools you ordered on September 15 will be dispatched tomorrow by rail to San Francisco for shipment by s.s Sichuan, which leaves for Shanghai on October 28.we enclose our invoice and shall draw on you at sight against this shipment through Bank of China here, as agreed.We ask you may place with us will always be carefully attended to.翻译下列信件: Dear Sirs, Our market survey informs us that you are a big buyer of Cotton Piece Goods.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we take this opportunity to express our wish to establish direct business relations with you at an early date.In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of Cotton Piece Goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list.Quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.We look forward to your favorable reply.Yours faithfully, Gentlemen, I have been informed that MARBLE is being imported and used in your country in the manufacture of figures, art objects, architectural ornaments and for many other purposes.There are quantities of this item here, in different weights and sizes, with varied colours and shapes.The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request.In order to promote business of mutual benefit, I am willing to exchange goods with you.I’ll be glad to hear from you at an early date and possibly, with all particulars.You will have my immediate attention.Yours Sincerely,Dear Sirs, Your inquiry of Sept.10 has received our attention, and thank you for your interest in our leather

shoes and handbags.A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today.All the goods we supply are made from leather of the very best quality.The bright colors and elegant designs together with the super workmanship can meet the requirement of a fashion trade such as yours.A representative of our company is now in Hong Kong.He will be pleased to call on you next week with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines.He is authorized to discuss the terms of order with you or negotiate a contract.We shall be most grateful if you will give him the benefit of your advice and assistance.Your truly, Dear Sirs, We have carefully studies your letter of Dec.14.As our two firms have done business with each other for so many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the prices of our underwear.But there are difficulties.Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and to reduce prices by 5% you mentioned could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality.This is something we are not prepared to do.Instead of 5% reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of 3% on all lines.On orders of this size we would manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and we look forward to receiving orders from you as in the past.Yours truly, Shipping instructions Gentlemen, We are in receipt of your telegram of May 6, from which we understand that you have booked our order for 2 000 dozens of shirts.In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that the confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.7634, amounting to $ 17 000, has been opened this morning through the Commercial Bank, Tokyo.Upon receipt of the same, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay.We are informed that s.s.“Wuxi” is scheduled to sail from your city to our port on May 28.We wish that the shipment will be carried by that steamer.Should this trial order prove satisfactory to our customers, we can assure you that repeat orders in increased quantities will be placed.Your close cooperation in this respect will be highly appreciated.In the meantime we look forward to your ship advice.Yours sincerely,Dear Sirs, We are writing to you at the suggestion of our Commercial counselor’s Office of the Embassy in your country.We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan.We are specialized in the above business and recall that many years ago, considerable business was done with your country on such items.Now that the diplomatic relation between our two countries has been established, we are desirous of establishing direct business relations with your corporation, knowing that you are the buyer of silk piece goods.We shall be grateful if you will let us know whether you are interested in the above items.If so,please inform us of the quality required.Yours faithfully

Dear Sirs, We hae received with thanks your letter dated March 17, 2006 and wish to extend you our warm welcome for your desire to establish business contact with us.We are a state-operated enterprise, and wish to carry on trade with manufactures and merchants of all countries on the basis of quality and mutual benefit for the development of commercial relations with people of different nations.In compliance with your request, we are enclosing herewith our catalog and a range of pamphlets for your guidance.If you find any of the articles illustrated in the pamphlets of interest, please let us have your specific enquiries so as to enable us to send you our quotations.Yours faithfully,August 15, 2006 Vemeer Manufacturing Company P.O.Box 200/3840 New Sharon Road Pella, Iowa 50129 U.S.A Gentlemen, From the samples sent us on June 5, we have made selections, and have the pleasure of handing you the following order, which we commend to your immediate and best attention, viz:

500 chests of Ceylon Black Tea,500 sacks of Brazilian Coffee, not ground.Kindly forward these by fast freight, Enclosed please find a draft as per price list you sent us.Yours truly,F.McFARLAND & Co.(signature)President Dear Sirs, From your letters of April 2 we note that you wish to have a change in payment terms.We regret that we cannot accept your proposal because our usual terms of payment by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit remain unchanged in all ordinary cases.For future shipment, however, we shall do our best to fulfill your orders within the time we agreed.We trust you will appreciate our cooperation.Yours sincerely,Dear Mr.Johnson, Would you please quote for delivery and installation of new furniture for the refectory and office of our company? 1.The refectory area is approximately 30mX20m and we require six dining tables, each with four chairs from your No.4 range, and twelve “Junior Executive” chairs.2.Would you please quote price inclusive of transportation and insurance, and informs us when

delivery will take place? We look forward to receiving quotation soon, as we shall need to make a final decision in the matter before the end of this financial year.Yours sincerely,Purchasing Department Manger 答复函

Dear Mr.Holmes, “Export Guides for Asia” is being mailed to you today with our compliments.If you need additional copies, just let me know.You’ll see in the circular enclosed that International Air Cargo also has available export guides to other areas.If you have to use any of the guides listed, just drop me a note and I’ll send them.Please be assured, Mr.Holmes, that if there is any way that International Air Cargo can assist you with your exporting problems, we’d be delighted to hear from you.Thank you for your writing.Yours sincerely, 答复函 Dear sirs, We are delighted at the receipt of your letter of 7th April and note what you write.We note with pleasure that you are sending us samples of imitation Fancy Earl Necklaces and Earrings, on receipt of which we shall examine same along with the price-list you have furnished us with, and if your designs are quite acceptable to our clents and prices competitive, we shall immediately pass on our orders.We have also received Price-list of Toys and Pens, but we would say that we should like to have some latest designs, which have not yet come to our market, and if you can furnish us with such items, we shall be obliged if you will kindly let us have a couple of samples of these, as our clients would like to see samples before placing their orders.You can rest assured that we shall do our best to pass on our orders.Yours faithfully,Martin Thomas

President of California Trading Company 拒绝函 Dear Sirs: We are informed in your letter of October 22 that our price for the above article is too high, since Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.Although we do not doubt about what you say, we are of the opinion that the quality of other makes does not measure up to that of our products.Desirous as we are to expand our business with you, we feel very regretful that we cannot accept your counteroffer or even meet your half-way.The best we can do is to make a reduction of 2% in our previous quotation.We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior quality of our products.We hope to hear from you soon.Yours truly





广告语言是广告的核心内容,它作为一种功能性语言,其主要目的是刺激消费。因此“广告语言通常具有注目价值(attention value),记忆价值(memory value),表达功能(expressive function),引导功能(directive function)和美学功能(aesthetic function)。”[2]广告语言不只是单纯的商业性,而是汇集文学、美学、心理学、市场营销学和消费行为学等学科为一体的鼓动性艺术语言(loaded artistic language)[3]。为了取得最佳的诉求效果,广告语言必须具有较强的艺术美感。为适应当代文化语境,广告语言成为产品的包装手段,塑造了具有极大附加值的产品形象。它通过制造审美幻像,不仅给人带来精神上的愉悦,“消除”受众的困顿劳累,获得现实矛盾的象征性解决,而且刺激了受众的消费兴趣,引导着受众的消费时尚,连其自身也成为受众语言消费的对象。中英广告语言风格的差异主要体现在以下4个方面。1.1 语音差异。中英语言的发音极不相同,同样的一句话能引起不同的听觉效果,激起不同的心理反应。一句念起来朗朗上口的英文广告词在直译成中文后不一定能带给中国消费者同样的效果。而一句平平仄仄的中文广告语在翻译成英文后也常变了味道。“可口可乐”商标的翻译就是一个典范。1920年,“Cocacola”开始进入中国市场,被译为“蝌蚪啃蜡”。可想而知,起这样一个怪名字的饮料吸引不了多少消费者。直到1979年,“Cocacola”再次重返中国内地市场时,中文译名改为“可口可乐”,才从此打开了中国市场。“可口可乐”既保持了原词的音节和响亮,又使人一听便知是饮料商标。这就把原本没有什么含义的商标翻译得有声有色,令人回味无穷,译名的效果远远超过了原名。又如“海尔”公司的英文商标“Haier”与“海尔”的中文拼音写法一样,而且“Haier”的发音还与英文单词“higher”(更高)的发音相同,意在表达“海尔”的产品将会在欧洲等海外市场取得越来越好的成绩。这也为海尔在海外的发展迈出成功的第一步。许多公司在刚开展海外市场时倾向于尽量使用这种保留原文发音的音意相结合翻译法。

1.2 措词差异。“中国广告语幅较长(high context),注重解说词等声音造型,表意性强,往往通过营造一种美好的气氛使观众对其产品产生某种直觉或好感,讲究的是以情动人,比较侧重感性认识。”[4]我国大多广告语的特点是注重以传统美德为基础并结合时代精神,树立正面的形象。在表现形式上,国内广告语遣词用句大都严谨、工整,且喜欢用诗句。词语是语言的基本单位,中式广告语言中词语的运用主要表现在词语的意义上。常见的一词多义现象为词语的巧妙运用提供了基础条件。常用义与非常用义,字面义与原义的混合使用,巧妙搭配,使广告出语惊人,妙趣横生,给人新颖奇特之感。心理学认为新奇感会吸引人的注意力,从而激发兴趣,增强记忆。汉语广告常用的措词方法有[5]:①一词多义。广告创作常常使一个词语表现出两个以上的意义,以人们对词语常用义的熟悉为前提,利用人们的心理定势,一开始只理解词语的常用义,同时又出人意料地表现出另一层意义,从而使广告语出语惊人,幽默风趣,增强了广告的感染力,便于人们记忆。例如:“阿里山瓜子,一嗑就开心。”(阿里山瓜子广告)———“开心”既表示瓜子很容易嗑开,又表示心情愉快;“40年风尘岁月,中华在我心中。”(中华牙膏广告)———把中华这个品牌与中华民族巧妙地联系起来,既宣传了产品,又使人们从内心深处产生一种强烈的爱国之情,蕴含了丰富深刻的文化内涵。②曲解词义。有些词语的字面形式与产品的特点有着密切的联系,因此某些中式广告利用其字面义,有意曲解词义产生新义。这种方法一方面把产品特点一目了然地表达出来,另一方面由字面义曲解出新义,推陈出新,给人在心理上造成新奇之感,进而加深印象[6]。

例如:“人人爱戴”(首饰广告)———“爱戴”作为一个词指敬爱并且拥护,但在该广告中被故意分割成两部分,意为喜欢佩戴。英语广告通常比较客观,广告语精短,强调语言的精准、概括以及画面造型语言的推理和联想,因而理性的成分居多,整个广告多以一段有所寓意的画面作铺垫,最后给出画龙点睛般的广告语。英国广告语的特点则注重直接宣传企业与产品。在用词方面,英语广告可以说是兼收并蓄,不拘一格,绚丽多姿。在许多情况下,广告为产生一种幽默与诙谐的效果,故意使用一些不正式的语言。许多广告使用了大量的俚语和非正式词汇,使广告显得通俗活泼,给人留下深刻的印象。例如:“Keep the frog out of your throat.”这是一篇咽喉片广告中的最后一句话,广告策划者故意用这样一个非正式的短语取得一种幽默的效果。在某外衣的广告“Pitythe pickpocket.”(可怜那些三只手吧)中,突出了服装的特色,衣袋设计的不同凡响,甚至可以防盗。其中“pickpocket”就属于口语体,相当于汉语中的“三只手”或“扒手”。如将其换成“thief”(贼),效果就不如“pickpocket”生动有趣。

1.3 句型差异。汉语广告简短,采用精练句式,便于记忆。心理学研究成果表明,减少记忆性材料的数量可以增加记忆的深度,因此简明的广告内容会比复杂的记忆效果好[6]。汉语广告常用的句型有:①广泛采用短句,复句多为一重复句。例如:“味道好极了!”(雀巢咖啡广告);“东方,东方的风格,东方的情调。”(上海东方家具厂广告)②多用省略句。例如:“任劳任怨,只要还剩一口气。”(轮胎广告);“少一份噪声,多一份宁静。”(双鹿冰箱广告)③多用整句,整句即结构相同或相似的一组句子。例如:“来自深山,穿过密林,带着凉爽,飘来幽香,送来愉快。”(盛夏矿泉水广告);“是献给妻子的一份体贴,是回报母亲 的一颗孝心,是赠送朋友的一种礼物,是带给家庭的一片温馨。”(洗衣粉广告)英语广告在表现形式上多趋向不拘一格的自由体。英语广告的句型也多种多样,最常用的句型有以下几类:①祈使句。祈使句在广告中的出现频率也较大。广告的最终目的就是鼓动、劝说人们去购买特定的商品。祈使句的恰当使用可以很好地达到广告的引导功能。例如:“Askany one who owns one.”———询问一下有这种车的人吧。(汽车广告);“Lay down your arms.”———放下您的胳膊吧。(桌子广告)②一般疑问句。英语广告中平均30句话便有一个疑问句,疑问句的使用缩短了广告与读者的距离,因为疑问句通常需要对方作出反应,似乎甲乙双方在交流。

有的疑问句不是真正发出疑问,不需要回答。这种疑问句增加了渲染力度,加强语势,启发读者思考,突出主题,吸引读者的注意力。这些也正是广告的初衷所在。例如:“Canyou tell cheese from real cheese?”———您能把普通奶酪与真正的奶酪分开吗?“Why smoke if you don’t enjoy it?”———如果您不喜欢,又为什么要抽呢?“The Seiko Ladies QuartzPretty, isn’t she?”———精工牌女士石英表,潇洒漂亮,不是吗?③比较级。由于英语广告中有大量的形容词和副词做修饰语,比较级在广告中广为运用。例如:“These dayssucceeding in business means getting more competitive and makingtougher decisions”“;In short, the stronger your character, thebrighter your future.”④直接引语。英语广告中直接引语出现得很多,因为直接引语能使广告显得形式活泼、新颖,从心理学的角度看可以增强说服力。例如:“It’s like we’re allin the same office.The office just happens to spread across 7000miles of ocean.”———Tom Hughes MIS Director, Construction.这是IBM公司一则广告的开头语,通过该公司经理的原话,使广告显得生动具体。

1.4 修辞差异。汉语广告习惯使用大量的修饰语,偏好华丽的词汇,并有意识地重复使用某些语句加深受众印象,增强表达效果的修辞手段。常用的修辞手法有:①连续反复。广告语中的连续反复多是商品品牌名称的重复,这是由广告的目的和人们的记忆特点所决定。广告的目的就是刺激消费者去消费广告中的那种商品,而广告刻意突出反复商品的品牌名称,可以增强人们对这种商品的印象,达到宣传目的。[7]例如:“丰华丰华,笔中精华。”(丰华笔广告);“盾牌,盾牌,可靠的盾牌。”(盾牌头盔广告)②间隔反复。最常见的是同一个语言单位的重复。既有反复,又有变化,在重复中增添新的信息,消除人的厌烦情绪和抗拒心理,发挥记忆功能[7]。例如:“中国人的生活,中国人的美菱。”(美菱冰箱广告);“留下山留下水,留下青春留下美。”(照相机广告);“在特别的日子,把特别的爱,给特别的您。”(轻骑摩托车公司广告)③引用。中国五千多年的悠久文化造就了无数优秀的成语、俗语和诗文名句,而这些是中国人在日常生活学习中所熟知的。广告语中使用这些熟语使人们直接跨越记忆过程中的识记阶段,唤起头脑中已存在的对于成语、俗语的记忆,并把此记忆的印迹作为表象在脑海中重新呈现出来,这样对加深人们的记忆,增强广告语的感染力起着很大的作用[9]。例如:出自魏曹操《短歌行》的诗文名句———“慨当以慷,忧思难忘。何以解忧,唯有杜康。”(杜康酒广告);成语———“一毛不拔”(牙刷广告);俗语———“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。”(中国人民保险公司广告)

英语广告则忌滥用修饰语,由于其语言本论文由无忧论文网www.xiexiebang.com整理提供本身的特性,同一个词组或句式,过度重复会适得其反。如果将汉语广告中过多的修饰词直译成英语,会给人一种虚假的感觉,导致情感传递的障碍,不能达到原有广告的功效。所以翻译时不能机械地直接对应,而应从英语的文化习惯和可接受性出发,或改译,或省略,以保持译文地道自然、平实无华的风格。例如:“Selected materials, fine workmanship, mod-ern designs, reasonable price, various specifications.Orders wel-come.”———用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合理,规格齐全,欢迎选购[1]。上述译文既保留了原义,又简洁流畅有节奏,符合中国人的审美习惯。为了使广告语言具有强烈的说服力给人们留下深刻的印象,使之能刺激受众的消费欲望,打动受众去购买和使用产品,许多英语广告并不单纯是靠大量使用修饰语,而是靠运用各种修辞手法,以为数不多但精练独到的语言给人们留下深刻的印象。常用的修辞手法有[10]:①排比(parallelism)。“The Milk Chocolate melts in yourmouth, not in your hand.”(牛奶巧克力:只溶在口,不溶在手。)②重复(repetition)。“Extra Taste.Not Extra Calories.”暗示该产品有额外的口味,却无额外的热量,不会使人发胖。通过重复“extra”,使该食品更具诱惑力,从而使消费者不再犹豫。③仿拟(parody)。“A Mars a day keeps you work, restand play.”(火星巧克力,生活原动力。)巧妙仿拟“An apple aday keeps the doctor away.”(一天一苹果,医生远离我。),在消费者心中产生强烈的共鸣和奇妙的联想,激起他们购买的欲望。④明喻(simile)。“Light as a breeze, soft as acloud.”用明喻的形式描述了衣服质地的轻柔以及穿上之后舒适飘逸的感觉,让人跃跃欲试!⑤暗喻(metaphor)。“Soft, enchanting, smiling color, that’s the gift of Focus to yourhair.”把使用发油后发质柔软、颜色可人的效果说成是发油赠送的礼物,使该产品更具魅力和人情味。⑥拟人(per-sonification)。“Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest.”用拟人的手法把Rolex表人格化,从其不需休息这一点暗指该表走时准确,劲力十足,其质量值得消费者信赖。⑦夸张(hyperbole)。“We have hidden a garde n full of vegetables whereyou’d never expect in a pie.”(在您意想不到的一个地方,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,那是在一个小小的馅饼里。)⑧反衬(contrast)。“Othello is a game that takes only a minute to learnbut a lifetime to master.”(奥赛罗电子游戏:一分钟入门,一辈子玩味。)原文通过“a minute”和“a lifetime”的反衬,突出该电子游戏容易上手又经得起琢磨的特性。中英广告互译策略

通过对中英广告语言风格差异的分析,我们发现广告翻译不仅是简单的语言翻译,也是一种文化翻译。成功的广告翻译需要译者认真研究相关的翻译策略。2.1 了解西方国家的禁忌。任何国家、民族都存在许多这样那样的忌讳,如英国人不喜欢大象,信奉伊斯兰教的国家忌用猪、狗作广告,西方人多喜爱白色,厌恶红色等等。各种禁忌无奇不有,这在民俗学中是一种专门的学问。对于千百年来形成的文化风俗和传统习惯,我们应给予必要的尊重。例如:“白翎”不能直译成“white feather”,因为英语习语“to show the white feather”表示临阵脱逃、软弱无能;“白象”不能直译成“white elephant”,该词在英语中意味着“clumsy”或“awkward”。在语义上,由于中西方在风俗习惯、文化传统、礼仪等方面的不同,导致许多词语在中西两种文化中有着不同的文化内涵。缺乏对这些词语所传递的文化含义的理解而进行误用或滥用,会造成交际和翻译中的失误。在广告翻译中,一定要注意避开容易产生歧义和不愉快的联想意义的词语,以免引起负面的情感反映。例如:“黑人”牙膏,曾被译为“Darkie”,而“Darkie”在英文中是对黑人的蔑称,正好涉及种族歧视这一敏感问题。“藕粉”不能直译成“lotus root starch”,“starch”(淀粉)会让外国人担心产品会导致肥胖,改译为“lotus root powder”更容易让人接受。因此,译者应对译入语国家的历史、政治有一定了解,避免使用有特殊含义、容易引起负面联想的词语。

2.2 文化因素的变通和处理。由于原有的语言在新的环境中失效,翻译并不是一味追求与原文意义最高程度的吻合。在中英广告翻译中,译者面对着两种截然不同的表达方式,译文只要符合受众国消费者的语言文化和习俗,就是合适的翻译。原文的文字可以舍去不用,但应尽量产生对应的形象效果,达到同样的销售目的。实际上,广告翻译的灵活性很强,留给译者发挥的空间很大。译者只要熟知译入语国家的文化习俗,充分挖掘产品的特征并尽可能地去寻找最贴近当地文化的表达法即可。例如,中国人认为红色代表喜庆,常在商标或广告语中使用“红色”,而西方人大多不喜欢红色,因为“red”是危险、暴力和流血的标志。因此,“红星”牌电风扇就可被巧妙地译为“Bright StarElectric Fan”或“Shining Star Electric Fan”,效果自然比从原文直译的“Red Star Electric Fan”要好。又如,中国人熟悉的“蚊子杀!杀!杀!”广告语中的“杀”字,若直译成英文“kill”很不文雅,而译文“Mosquito bye bye bye!”显得更地道、更符合英语的表达习惯。再如,“芳芳”牌口红若直译成“Fangfang”让英语读者联想到毒蛇的牙齿并兴致全无,用“Aroma”或“Fragrance”进行变通则可以避免尴尬。

2.3 注重创新翻译。广告本身就极具丰富的想象力和极大的创造力,翻译也绝非只是一一对应的文字转换,而是在保持原文含义的基础上进行的二次改造。“实达”电脑与“瑞星”杀毒软件分别被巧妙地通过音意相结合译为“Star”与“Rising”,既保留了原文的发音,译名又新颖生动,表示该产品将成为同行业中的一颗新星。如果采用原音直译,或谐音取义,都无法传神地体现出商品的特色和与众不同。在这种情况下,译者就应该果断地放弃原来的广告词,另辟蹊径,融合受众国的文化,大胆创新,赋予商品美好的联想意义,才能让商品迅速进驻另一个市场,吸引更多的消费者。又如“,昂立一号”在英译时就抛开原来的发音,经过再创造变为“Only one”这个商标,一进入国际市场,就取得良好的销售业绩,其品牌知名度大大提升。创新,是使新产品快速深入人心的必胜法宝。商品是国际化的,而广告是本土化的。由于英汉语言的差异,原文为达到新奇独特目的而采用的修辞手法可能在翻译过程中无法保留,译者只能进行合理的变通甚至运用其他修辞手法加以转译,尤其是双关语,大多只能通过其他手法来别具一格地翻译。例如,某家海滨旅馆为吸引前来度假的年轻情侣的“Twogether”广告,取“together”的谐音,译为“双宿双栖”可重点突出“two”,套用韩剧片名译为“浪漫满屋”则更具时代气息,别有风味。又如,某服装店的“We have coats for every wear, every-where.”运用“every wear”与“everywhere”的谐音进行重复强调加深读者印象,汉译成四字结构“天下衣仓”、“衣行天下”或“随心所欲,随时随地”显得朗朗上口,通俗易记。其他修辞手法则比较容易在译文中得以再现,例如,某啤酒广告语“too good to forget”看似平淡而又极为夸张地给人以“永难忘怀”的印象,可以再用夸张的手法译为“一口钟情”、“一醉千年”或“欲罢不能”,也可套用雪津啤酒的广告词“真情的味道”。某女装品牌“XS”的汉语拼音读法接近“西施”,其广告语“穿上XS,西施就是你!”也可运用隐喻译为“You are a beauty in XS!”。学生街某餐馆的押韵广告语“有酒有菜,红颜自己带”也可运用再现押韵的手法译成“come for dinner, with your lover”。结束语


参考文献: [1] 徐莉林.从中英文广告的差异看广告翻译[J].内蒙古社会科学,2005(4):84.[2] 赵静.广告英语[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1992:159.[3] 谭卫国.中西文化与广告语言[J].上海师范大学学报:社会科学版,2003(2):108-109.[4] 王紫娟.广告语言与大众心理[J].上海外国语大学学报:社会科学版,1995(4):74.[5] 林乐滕.广告语言[M].济南:山东教育出版社,1992:42.[6] 朱清阳.广告金句[M].长春:吉林科技出版社,1993:49.[8] 刘雪春.反复在广告语中的创新[J].汉语学习,1998(4):26.[9] 倪宝元.修辞手法与广告语言[M].杭州:浙江教育出版社,2001:105.[10]吴希平.英语广告修辞种种[J].中国翻译,1997(5):27.



毕 业 论 文

题目: 商业广告中押韵、反复修辞及其翻译

系 部 外语系 专业名称 商务英语 班 级 03级2班 姓 名 杨思亮 学 号 03040204 指导教师 郑 贤 贵

2006年 6 月 4 日


目 录





(一)直译法(Literal Translation)....................................3




(五)意译法(Meaning Implication)...................................5


五、结语.................................................................6 致谢.....................................................................6 参考文献.................................................................6






Rhyme and Repetition in Advertising English and Translation Approaches(三号 Times New Roman)

Abstract:(四号Times New Roman)Rhyme is the most important and widely used method in English Advertising.It makes advertising sound good and easy to remember.Customers can remember it at a glance and have the desire to purchase it.Rhyme makes advertising perfect in form and connotation , seeing and hearing.Repetition can make the image of the advertisement vivid, charm and humor, so as to increase charm force to the commodity propagated.Thus, it is widely adopted in all kinds of advertisements to achieve the best communicative purpose and to arouse the customers' emotional appeal and provoke certain purchasing action.For the translation of rhyme and repetition, we should take different translation approaches according to different contexts.(小四 Times New Roman)

Keywords:(四号Times New Roman)rhyme;repetition;translation(小四

Times New Roman)



随着社会经济的发展,广告已深入到了社会的各个角落,成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。它在促进销售、繁荣经济等方面起到了不可估量的作用。而广告语言也以其独特的魅力越来越受到人们的青睐。广告英语是激烈的竞争以及设计者的独具匠心、精雕细琢的产物,它除了词语的运用、句型的谋划巧妙精细之外,在修辞的运用上也颇为讲究,从而产生了新颖别致、形象生动、引人注目的效果。为此,广告撰稿人通常要调动一切修辞手段来渲染气氛、烘托主题,大有“ 语不惊人死不休”之势。英语广告中的修辞手段相当丰富,本文着重讨论其中的押韵、反复修辞,与大家共商。


押韵(Rhyme)修辞是英文广告中最重要、运用最多的修辞手段。常用的主要是 Alliteration(头韵)和 End Rhyme(尾韵),头韵指相同的词首辅音在一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现。尾韵指相同的词尾辅音在一组词、一句话或一行诗中重复出现。押韵在广告英语中非常普遍,其主要作用有:


My Goodness!My Guinness!

这是吉尼斯黑啤酒广告用语。这则啤酒广告中,Goodness 与 Guinness 的头、尾韵相同,能产生音乐效果,读起来朗朗上口,便于记忆。能生动地刻画出人们饮用此啤酒时赞不绝口的情景,易激发消费者的购买欲望。


Clear it up.Don 't cover it up.(清除它,别掩盖它)

这是一则 Jergens Bars(洁根净香皂)的广告。it 是指面部皮肤的粉刺、面疮等,与其用化妆粉末掩盖面部瑕疵,不如用“ 洁根净”香皂来彻底根除。句中,以/k起/首押头韵,以p/收/尾押尾韵,头韵与尾韵相映成趣。广告英语运用押韵修辞技巧,使其音乐节奏性、和谐性均得到充分的发挥和表现。这样,广告读起来上口,给人以喜悦,因而对其介绍的产品产生兴趣,从而激发消费者的购买欲。


反复就是通过重复同一单词、词组或语句使人加深印象,重复部分往往含有强烈的情感或优美的旋律。一般来说广告英语力求简洁、避免重复,对某一词、词组、句法结构、概念等漫不经心的重复会使语言显得更累赘、单调。然而,有时为了强调某个意思,突出某种情感,可以特意安排重复,这是一种常用的修辞手段,通过对重点词、重要概念的多次重复可以引起消费者的注意以留下较深的印象,并可以达到某种特殊的效果。恰当地运用反复可以加强语势和强化旋律,以抒发强烈的感情,有力地表现情感,增强语言节奏感。使广告看来醒目,听来悦耳,读来上口,使消费者过目不忘,进而琢磨回味。从而达到向读者“ 渗透”广告内容,诱发消费者的喜爱与兴趣的目的,在心里产生一种“ 认可预购”的心理倾向,最终达到提高产品知名度、增加销售的目的。如:

Extra Taste.Not Extra Calories.滋味无穷,热量正好。(食品)Childhood isn't childhood without it.没有它就没有童年。(蜡笔)Extra 和 Childhood 就是一种重复。Extra 向消费者说明其食品好吃,而且不使人发胖。在如今讲究健康的时代里,此食品显然对大众具有吸引力。丰富多彩的 Childhood,是每一位孩子的渴望,尤其是对现在独生子女来说。这种重复具有一定的诱惑力,对于处于犹豫不决状态的消费者来说,无疑就像在其背后猛击一掌,促其下决心购买。




(一)直译法(Literal Translation)所谓直译,即指在不违背译文语言规范以及不引起错误联想的前提下,在译文中既保留原文内容又保留原文形式,特别要保持原文比喻、形象和民族地方色彩等。直译既可传达原文的意义,最大限度地获得与原文同等的广告效果,又可保持原文修辞的生动性,丰富译文的语言表达能力。

①Good teeth,Good health.这是 Clogate(高露洁)牙膏的广告词。译成汉语为:“ 牙齿好,身体就好”。无论从内容还是形式都保留了原文简洁、押韵、对仗工整的特点。

②Shop at CARSON'S GROCERY Look what we've got!We've got the best cakes in town.We've got the cheapest prices and We've got the best quality goods.Sorry,We've not got any stale bread,dry cakes or bad eggs!Try us.If you want the best value for your money,we've got it.请光临卡森食品店:请看我们有什么食品!我们有本城最好的蛋糕,我们的价格最便宜,我们的货物质量最好。对不起,我们店不卖不新鲜的面包、干硬的蛋糕或臭鸡蛋!尝尝我们的食品!您想买到最价有所值的食品,我们这里就有!

这是一个商店招徕顾客的售货广告,语言简明幽默,通过重复运用 ″we've got,″的语法结构,突出了该商店商品品种之丰富,商品质量之优越,使人不禁要去选购一番。




①Sweet,Smart &Sassy.(美国 Sunkist 柑橘广告)味道甜美,外形可爱,香气浓烈。②Emotion of motion.(三洋 XactiC4 款摄像机)(Newsweek,Dec.22-Jan.3,2005)动感飘逸,热情四溢。



汉英语言体系的不同,汉语修辞格中没有与英语 Rhyme 对应的修辞格。汉语的叠音词、双声、对偶句式和排比结构在语言表达效果上和 Rhyme修辞格神似。所以,我们可以采用上述汉语结构翻译英语 Rhyme 修辞格,以求最大限度地再现原文的 修 辞 效 果。这 种 方 法 被 称 作“ 弥 补 法 ”(Compensation)。①More experience in express.(DHL 特快专递广告)②You can have the smoother,softer,sleeker skin you want now and forever.(脱毛剂广告)以上两例都运用的是头韵(Alliteration)修辞格。试译:1.更多经验、更好服务尽在 DHL 特快专递。(排比结构)2.更光滑、更细腻、更亮泽,一旦使用,持久拥有。(排比结构)



①When it rains, it pours.-Morton Salt.这是莫顿食盐的广告口号,系仿拟谚语″It never rains but it pours(不雨则已,一雨倾盆)″演变而来,生动形象地突出了莫顿食盐的特点,对消费者很具诱惑力。可套译为“ 不下则已,一下倾盆”。②a.A Mars a day keeps you work,rest and play.(玛斯巧克力广告)每天一块玛斯巧克力,工 作娱乐自在悠闲。

b.One Man's disaster is another man's delight.(商家削价促销广告)一人开心一人亏损。

广告语 a 是由英语谚语 An apple a day keepsthe doctor away 和 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy糅合而成。广告语 b 是改写英语谚语 One's meat is another man's poison 而成的。而这些谚语在汉语言文化中早已被人们所熟悉,源语言和汉语言群体有相同的文化预设,容易被人们共同接受,此时采用套译法既能准确传达原文意境,又能在汉语言中被人们广泛接受,从而达到其宣传目的。

(五)意译法(Meaning Implication)。

意译法指由于英汉两种语言和文化的巨大差异,译文不能局限于字面意思,而应根据汉语的表达习惯以求译文通顺明畅。Give me Green World,or give me yesterday.如果直译,语义会显得模糊不清,可译为“ 要么给我绿世界晚霜,要么还我昨日青春容颜”,使爱美的消费者心理上产生共鸣和奇妙的联想,用了绿世界晚霜“ 今年 20 明年 18”,进而激起购买欲望。


有一些广告英语,直译后虽没文化冲突,却会造成误解,译语读者不能理解其含义。翻译时可直译其字面意义,再增译出其隐含意义,使译文形象生动,体现出原文的风格和韵味。在增译过程中,增添的词语要恰到好处,首先要忠实原文,切不可增加原文所没有的内涵意义。例如: Every Time A Good Time.麦当劳充满温馨和欢乐,每次到这里就餐都是一段美好时光。

这是麦当劳的宣传广告,利用 time 的反复,传达这样的信息。此句广告语若直译就显得苍白无力,根据语境适当增译出,给人一种温馨舒适之感。







[1] 戴桂玉英.语广告修辞及其汉译 [J].湘南学院学报2,004,(1):71-7 4.[2] 方梦之译.学辞典 [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004.[3] 钟馥兰.广告英语中的修辞格与翻译 [J] 黎.明职业大学学报,2003,(1)1:5-2 4.[4] 李坤汉.译押韵英语广告的影响因素及翻译策略 [J] 成都纺织高等专科学校学报2,006 : 42-4 4.[5] 张楠浅.谈英语广告修辞及其翻译 [J].内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版),2005,1:09-1 13.[6] 王冬梅.商业广告翻译漫谈 [J].江苏技术师范学院学报, 2005(01)[7] 谢小琼.论商业广告的翻译技巧[J].襄樊职业技术学院学报, 2004(06)[8] 靳涵身.商业广告翻译:性质·特点·技巧[J].四川外语学院学报, 2000(03)

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    商业广告模糊性词语的是永及翻译 内容摘要:在商业广告英语领域中模糊语言被大量使用,模糊性词语使广告隽永、含蓄、充满诱惑力,也使消费者在轻松愉悦的无限遐想中接受商品信息......


    商业广告片拍摄与制作合同委托方(简称甲方):__________________ 法定代理人:__________________联系电话:__________________ 项目负责人:__________________受托方(简称乙方):______......


    商业广告不宜进入中小学校园 当今社会,广告对促销有着巨大的作用。广告的花样千奇百怪,手段也越来越多。由于行业竞争日趋激烈,近来,一些精明的商家大起了“高明”的主意,广告的......

    英文歌曲赏析 hey jude学生handout

    Hey JudeHey Jude, don't _____ it ____Take a _________ and _____ it _______________ to ____ her into _____ ______Then ____ ______________________ _____Hey Jude,......