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大连市2014年初中毕业升学考试英语 注意事项:


2.本试卷共七大题,72小题,满分140分。考试时间100分钟。(受版面限制,完型填空、阅读理解 图略)

第I卷 选择题(共70分)


从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.At primary school,I dreamed of being_____astronaut.A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.I often go to the cinema with my parents _____Saturdays.介词 A.at B.by C.on D.in 3.The boys in my class are interested in_____,especially ball games.名词 A.music B.science C.art D.sport 4.--Betty,_____do you start celebrating New Year in America?--On December 31st.副词

A.when B.where C.why D.how 5.The Australians are like the English in many ways_____they have many British relatives.连词(结果状语从句连接词)A.if B.because C.so D.although 6.It's_____to throw away old things.Some of them can be reused.形容词 A.normal B.dangerous C.wasteful D.necessary 7.The air is very clear today,so we'll_____the whole park from up the hill.动词


A.visit B.enter C.see D.cross 8.My friends are going to different schools,but I hope we will_____with each other.动词短语

A.go back B.grow up C.have a word D.stay in touch 9.The CD player will go wrong if you don't use it _____.副词 A.properly B.carelessly C.quietly D.clearly 10.--I passed my PE test yesterday.情景交际--Did you?_____ A.It doesn't matter B.What a Pity!C.Thanks a lot.D.Congratulations!II.完形填空


阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In a small village in Parkville,there is an unlocked(未锁的)shop that has no workers in it.The shop is run(经营)in a telephone box.Lewis Cooke,who provides goods(商品)for the shop ,said,“Nothing has been stolen__11__it opened.”

In1998,the only shop in the village__12__.The villagers had great difficulty in getting goods.To solve this problem,the __13__ to change a telephone box into a shop.In the shop ,you __14__find many kinds of goods.Mr.Cooke brings goods to the shop every morning before 7am.He puts__15__the things the shop has in the shop.People can call him if __16__want anything else.The next day,they can go to the phone box to __17__.Mr.Cooke will write down the name of the people who want the goods and put the __18__beside the goods.When the customers come to the shop ,they will be able to find their goods__19__.People can either leave __20__or a cheque(支票)for the goods.“The phone box isn't locked and people can go there whenever they want,__21__no one has stolen a thing.This shows how ___22__everyone around here is,”said Mr.Cooke.11.A when B.until C.before D.since 12.A.opened B.disappeared C.closed D.started

13.A.promised B.decided C.refused D.forgot 14.A.might B.can C.must D.need 15.A.a number of B.a couple of C.a pair of D.a list of 16.A.we B.I C.they D.you 17.A.try it out 试验 B.take it off脱下,起飞

C.write it down写下 D.pick it up拿出 18.A.report B.menu C.paper D.news 19.A.easily B.safely C.regularly D.suddenly 20.A.messages B.advice C.money D.lestters 21.A.so B.and C.or D.but 22.A.honest B.rude C.brave D.polite III.阅读理解


A.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Passage 1 Would you like to visit Britain one day?--Our country would like to welcome you!Overseas travel can be expensive.But there are ways of visiting Britain cheaply.We hope that we can give you some good ideas.When to come?If you can avoid the busy months--July and August ,your visit may be cheaper.There will be smaller numbers of visitors.British weather is pleasant from April to the end of September.Of course,you can visit it in winter,but it is often dark by 4pm.Many places,such as large houses and castles(城堡),are closed early in winter.However,if you are interested in museums,art galleries or theatres,winter may be a good time to visit.Be prepared.If you are a student,it's a good idea to apply for(申请)an International Student Identity Card(身份证).With this card,you can save a lot of money.You can get the card from your local student travel office ,and you can also call(44)-08708-413224 to get it.To get the card,you need to show that you are a student,get a passport photo ,and pay a little money.23.Which is the most popular time for visitors to Britain?细节题 A.July and August B.The winter season C.From April to September D.The vacation season.24.What's the weather like in winter in Britain?细节题 同意转换 A.There is lots of snow.B.The daytime is short.C.It's neither hot nor cold.D.The weather is pleasant.25.If you are a student with an International Student Identity Card,_____.细节题 A.you have to prove you're a student B.you will pay less money for your trip.C.you can call(44)-08708-413224 for help.D.you must apply for a trip from the student travel office 26.The writer of this article is _____.细节题 A.a German B.a Chinese C.an Englishman D.an American 27.This passage is mainly about_____.2009fashion 特例 每一段讲什么 纠结两项用核心概念

A.when to visit Britain B.why to take a trip to Britain C.what to do and see in Britain D.how to trip cheaply in Britain Passage2 Mr.Dawson was an old man with a bad temper.Kids(孩子)were afraid to go into his yard(院子)to pick apples.One day ,12-year-old Janet and her friend Amy had to walk past Mr.Dawson's house.When Janet saw him ,she suggested crossing the street to the other side.But Amy said they needn't.When Mr.Dawson saw Amy ,he smiled and said ,“Hello,Amy!I see you have a new friend with you today.”Amy smiled back.Mr.Dawson looked friendly and gave them each a fresh apple.Later Janet asked Amy,“Everyone says he is the most unwelcome person in town.Why was he so kind to us?”Amy explained that when she first walked past his house,she was also afraid of him.But she imagined there was an invisible(看不见)smile on his face and then started talking to him.Beginning with a “hello”at first,and then speaking more each time.“An invisible smile?”Janet was puzzled(困惑的).“Yes,”answered Amy.“My grandma told me to think so.She says smiles can spread.If we keep smiling at someone ,sooner or later they will smile back.”

Remember what Amy's grandma said,and we will find that most people can't refuse our smile.28.Mr.Dawson was thought to be a(an)_____person.细节 A.warm-hearted B.unhappy C.badly-behaved D.unfriendly 29.How did Janet feel when Mr.Dawson gave them two apples? 细节 A.Happy B.Surprised.C.Proud.D.Terrible.30.Why was Mr.Dawson kind to Amy?细节

A.Because Amy was never afraid of him.B.Because Amy's grandma was his old friend.C.Because Amy was kind to Mr.Dawson first.D.Because Amy was the most popular girl in town.31.From the story,we know Amy is a girl who_____.推断题 A.likes helping others B.never says no to older people C.enjoys working with her friends D.would like to take others' advice 32.Which can be the best title of this passage? 主旨 A.How to be a welcome person B.Smiles build a better world C.what's the best thing about life?.Is it important to get on well with others? Passage3 What will the house of the future look like?Could it have gardens on its walls,or a pool with fish for dinner ? Architects(建筑师)believe that they are all possibilities.The only thing for sure is that the house will be as green as possible.The tree house Many architects in the world would like to build a “tree house”.Like a leaf ,the surface of the house collects sunlight during the day.The energy can be used to heat water,produce electricity,and even create fresh air for the home.The “root(根)”of the house is deepunder the ground so that it can control(控制)the home's temperature.The lizard(蜥蜴)house

Like a lizard ,changing colour with the weather is the most important design of a lizard house,When it's in the bright sun,the cover of the house will turn dark to protect it from strong heat.During dark days,it rurns white and takes in as much light and heat as possible to produce energy.Meals at home The future of food production is taken as one part of the design of the building.Gardens may appear on the outside walls of the house.People can plant tomatoes,carrots and green tea on them.So every day in the morning,you just need to walk outside and collect your meals.Learning from the past Looking to the future isn't the only way to be green.Sometimes,ancient techniques(技术)can also help cut down energy use.For example,a chimney(烟囱)can be a useful air conditioner because it is easier for hot air to flow out of the chimney.33.The tree house is special for _____.细节 同义转换

A.fresh air creation B.energy collection C.its recycling system D.electricity production 34.What is the colour of the lizard house in sunny days? A.White.B.Black.C.Bright D.Dark.turn用法 35.“Meals at home”means_____.段落主旨 A.we needn't buy food any more B.the house can produce food itself C.meals will be cooked more easily at home D.plants will be grown on the walls of the house 36.The last kind of the house is different from others because_____.细节 A.it looks as the same as an old house B.it makes less use of natural materials C.it gets the idea from ancient techniques

D.it is easier for hot air to flow out of the house 37.All the houses above are designed to _____.A.reduce air pollution B.cut down energy use C.make our life greener A推出B 选A D.create a news environment B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)

Passage4 关键信息

Freedom of riding bicycles There isn't any other type of transportation that is as common as bicycles.In China,they have a very long history.But now ,not only in China,bikes are becoming popular in many European countries.__38(_F_)Bicycles are popular for many reasons.The most important one is prodably its great use in protecting the environment.__(D)39__In some European countries,bike-griendly facilities(设施)have helped clear busy roads.As a traditional “cycling capital”,Copenhagen's roads keep bicycles and cars separated(分开)as much as possible.On these routes(路线),there are pre-green lights for cyclists.These kinds of bicycle traffic lights turn green a few seconds before car traffic lights do.It gives the cyclists time to avoid traffic while crossing.Cycling also gives people a feeling of freedom.__40_(C)_In cities like Amsterdam and Hague ,up to 70 percent journeys are made by bike.To make biking easier,many European cities like Paris and Berlin allow cyclists to bring their bicycles onto subway trains.主旨题

__41__(A)There are some safety rules you need to follow.Stop at all stop signs and obey red lights just as cars do.Wearing a helmet(头盔)can protect your head if you fall down.If you are cycling with friends,ride in a line.Don't face each other while riding side by side.A.However,cycling is not always easy.B.They're especially popular among students.C.Some young people see cycling as a fashion.D.Cycling is also a great way to reduce heavy traffic.E.That's why many young people choose it as a way to get around the city.F.According to the BBC,more bicycles were sold than cars in Europe last year



Betty:What are you going to do on holiady,Tony? Tony:__42__(D)Betty:You'll love it!I Went there two years ago.We had a great time.Tony:__43__(G)Betty:It took about nine hours.Tony:__44__(C)Betty:Well, first, we went to Disneyland.Then we went to Hollywood.Tony:__45__(B)I can't wait to go there.Betty:It's really a wonderful place.__46__(E)Tony:Thank you.(有两项

A.I've no idea.B.It sounds brilliant!C.Where did you go? D.We are going to Los Angeles.E.I'm sure you will have a nice trip.F.Did you see anything interesting? G.How long did it take to get there? 第II卷 非选择题(共70分)




many classroom good a few get family ill stop hear of have

Hope for the future 初三课文原文

Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province.His parents want him to drop out of school.It's important for him to work on their farm because there are seven people in Liu's __47family__ and they are very poor.Li Yinming is 14 and from hangxian in Gansu Province.He __48stopped__ going to school a few years ago.His parents have been __49ill and he has to look after them.Many children like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi can't __50get__ an education because their families are poor.Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope.In the last 15 years, this project __51has__ raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside.People in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion yuan.With this money, Project Hope has built __52_many_ schools and libraries.It has also trained teachers and it has sent students to high schools.Last year Shen, a boy from Shanxi Province, went to a school with no electricity and only __53a few__ books.But this year he's at a new school with big __54classrooms__ and lots of books.Project Hope paid for it.Most people in China have __55heard of__ Project Hope and have given money.But 40 million children from poor families still need help.Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have __56better__ lives.Perhaps we should all ask: What can we do for Project Hope? How can we help? B.阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词)

Did you know that Earth is home to __57millions__ of animals? A recent survey shows that scientists have found more than 2 million kinds of animals and there are over 10 million we haven't discovered yet.Animals are much more than food or pets for humans.Animals are __58_clever_.Some of them do very unusual things.Research shows that animals can use tools.For example, chimpanzees(黑猩猩)use sticks to get white ants out of the ground.They even teach each other how to use tools.Scientists find that animals have their __59own_ ways to communicate.Did you know dolphins(海豚)use ultrasound(超声)to communicate? Birds learn to sing from their parents.They also learn to tell the difference between the sound of their group and those of other groups.Animals have societies too.Let's take ants as an __60example__.An ant family usually has millions of ants.Some ants are strong enough to fight against enemies(敌人).Some take care of babies.Others go looking for food.They have organizations that make the group work well.Animals can help humans in many ways.Long age, people used pigeons(鸽子)to send mail over long distances.Dogs have been the best friends to humans since ancient times.Nowadays some dogs are even __61__helpful to guide blind people.Dogs also use their noses to search out drugs for the police.Ⅵ.阅读理解



Jessica Ennis:a role model for teenagers Jessica Ennis,a British track and field(田径运动)star,was chosen as the World Sportswoman of the Year 2013.The 27-year-old athlete(田径运动员)was the face of the London 2012 Olympics and is a role model to many teenagers.Ennis developed her interest in track and field at a young age.When her parents took her to hurdle events at a stadium in England,she fell in love with the sport immediately.In addition to the hurdles,Ennis tried her hand at the heptathlon(女子七项全能),a race combination(结合)of high jump,long jump,100-metre hurdles and four other sports events.Throughout high school,she spent much of her time on training.However,many of her schoolmates didn't believe she could be an athlete.“When I started practicing the heptathlon,I was always getting people saying‘You’re too small and you won't be good at this event because of your height,'”Ennis said.But other people's words didn't make her feel sad.Instead,she started practicing even harder than before.She dreamed of being an Olympic champion one day,and her dream came true finally.Ennis's success inspires(鼓舞)many teenagers:if you want to achieve anything,you just give this all your attention and don't worry about other people's words.If you have a dream,please follow your heart and try your best to make it happen!62.How old was Ennis when she became an Olympic champion?26years 63.What did Ennis's schoolmates think of her as an athlete? too small and you won't be good at this event because of your height 64.Did Ennis believe she could be a successful athlete? Yes, she did 65.Why did Ennis become successful? you have a dream,please follow your heart and try your best to make it happen!

66.Why did the writer call Ennis a role model for teenagers?


A.句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)67.艾尔斯岩(Ayers Rock)长3,600米,高348米。

固定用法 Ayers Rock is 3.6 kilometers long, and 348 meters high.68.摄影比赛你获奖了吗?

一般过去时 Did you win the photo competition? 69.妈妈让我每天自己整理房间。每天| 一般现在时 Mum asks me to tidy up the room myself every day.70.孔子是中国古代伟大的思想家,今天我们依然受他思想的影响。被动语态 Confucius is known as a great thinker in ancient China, we are influenced by his thoughts today.71.对外国人来说,如果他们以前没用过筷子,用起来就会很难。If 条件状语从句 | it is adj.to do It is difficult for foreigner to use chopsticks if they haven’t used them before.B.书面表达(共20分)














1、阅读:旅游、道理、科技、环保、健康、励志 翻译:1几米高 时态 一般过 一般现

3被动 固定句式 it is adj,5从句



Jimmy was five years old and lived with his parents, the Watsons, in Smithville, in the southern United States.He loved his big black __56__, Big Boy.Last week, in the early hours of the morning, a strong smell suddenly woke Big Boy up __57__ his sleep.The dog got up and walked into the kitchen.There the smell and the heat grew stronger.Big Boy could __58___ that something was wrong, very wrong.He barked(吠)and ran up to the second floor.He barked and barked at the door of Jimmy’s room, __59__ there was no answer.The he ran to Mr.and Mrs.Watson’s room.He barked again, more loudly, and tried to __60__ the door open.Mr.and Mrs.Watson didn’t wake up.Big Boy ran back to Jimmy’s room.He made as much _61___ as he could.Finally, Jimmy came to the door and opened it.“Big Boy, what’s wrong?” Jimmy said.Big Boy took Jimmy’s __62_ in his mouth and tried to pull him down to the first floor.“Big Boy, Big Boy, stop!Stop!What are you _63__? Mum, Dad, come quickly!Help!Help!” Jimmy shouted loudly.His parents ran out of their room.They understood that there was a fire.They __64_ picked Jimmy up and ran out of the house.Big Boy ran after them.Just then, the fire came all the way up to the top of the __65__.Big Boy saved the family!He’s a hero today in Smithville.56.A.hat



D.dog 57.A.for



D.with 58.A.feel



D.remember 59.A.so



D.because 60.A.keep



D.close 61.A.food



D.friend 62.A.head



D.hand 63.A.doing



D.drinking 64.A.quietly



D.seriously 65.A.tree



D.mountain A Philip is a school boy.On his twelfth birthday, he decided to give up eating meat.“I don’t think it’s right to eat animals,” he said.“They live on the Earth just like us and they are our friends.” Philip’s parents were not happy about that.“You are a growing boy,” his mother said.“You need meat.Do you want to stay short and be weak?” His mother put some beef, rice and carrots in front of him.“I want you to eat all your food now,” she said.“Don’t leave anything.” Philip didn’t want to make his mother sad.But he ate only the rice and the carrots.“You’re a silly boy!” said his father.“I’m getting very angry at you.”

“I’m sorry, Mum and Dad,” answered Philip.“I don’t want you to be sad or angry.But I really don’t want to eat any meat.”

“Then have some fish, dear,” said his mother.“Oh no, I can’t!” cried Philip.“Fish are living things too.”

“Well, you can’t have anything to eat at all if you don’t eat any meat or fish,” said his father.The next morning Philip got up hungry.His father walked to the school with him and asked to see the teacher.“Is this what you teach the students at school?” he asked the teacher.“Philip refuses to eat meat at home.He doesn’t listen to what I say.”

“I don’t agree with Philip,” replied the teacher.“But I think he’s brave to do what he thinks is right.We teach the students to do that.”

71.Philip decided to give up eating meat on his __________ birthday.A.fifth



D.twelfth 72.Philip’s mother thought that Philip would ___________ if he didn’t eat any meat.A.stay short

B.feel happy

C.get hungry

D.keep healthy 73.What did Philip’s mother ask him to eat when he refused to eat meat?

A.Some hamburgers.B.Some fish.C.Some pears.D.Some ice-cream.74.Philip’s father went to the school with Philip because ____________.A.he was a teacher there

B.Philip got up very late C.he wanted to see the teacher

D.Philip had a new teacher 75.Philip’s teacher teach students _____________.A.to go to school on foot

B.to give up eating animals C.to listen to their parents

D.to do what they think is right B When I was a boy my mum used to say I would read the back of a medicine bottle if I didn’t have a book in my hand.It was true, and even now that reading habit has been with me.I always have at least one book being read, sometimes I might have two or three.And I’m talking about real books, books made out of paper, books that you can hold in your hand, to read, at the table, on the subway or my favorite place to read—in the bath.But the number of people reading books is dropping.A recent survey tells us that Chinese people only read 4.77 printed books a year on average(平均)and in the US, 25 percent of the population say they didn’t read a book last year!So what’s stopping people from reading?

The answer of course is the huge influence that technology has had on our life.Why read a book when you can watch a movie or TV play on your smart phones or iPads ? For younger people, books may not be as exciting as online games.With stories you have to work at it, closely follow the turns of the plot(情节).There are no shortcuts with a book.You have to turn page after page.But you can still get lost in a book.We all have this thing called imagination.It’s much more powerful than any computer;in fact, it’s worth remembering that any online game was first written in words as a story by its writer.It’s all about his or her or their imagination.So we need to read—if we do not read, it will be hard for us to improve our ability to think widely, to have an imagination.Reading is a process in which we need to compare and connect other things we have read and seen in the past.If you do not read, this will not only influence your study, but also your social life in the future.So why not follow me from now on? Run a hot bath, or find a comfortable chair and read a good book for a few hours—there are quite many, for free, in your local library.76.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A.The writer used to enjoy playing with a medicine bottle.B.The writer has had the reading habit since his childhood.C.The writer always has two or three books in his hand.D.The writer often reads books at a table on the subway.77.The number of people reading books is dropping because _______________.A.books are becoming less interesting

B.technology has greatly influenced our life

C.25% of Americans don’t read books

D.there aren’t enough printed books to read 78.What does the word “shortcuts” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean in Chinese?




D.短文 79.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Reading can help to develop our imagination.B.All online games were first written in words.C.We need to think a lot while reading a book.D.Younger people prefer books to online games.80.In the last paragraph, the writer mainly suggests that we should __________.A.run a hot bath to read books

B.borrow books from the library

C.read more books in our life

D.read books in a comfortable chair C Do you like eating chocolate? The answer is probably “Yes”.Children and adults both love its smooth, sweet taste.But how much do you know about chocolate? September 13th is International Chocolate Day.It’s a great chance for us to learn more about this special food.Chocolate comes from an ancient civilization(文明)called the Maya.The Mayan people had a special food called cocoa.The word cocoa means “gift from God”.Five hundred years ago, the Europeans found the Mayans and used cocoa to make chocolate.All this changed when European companies started to produce chocolate bars(棒)in the 19th century.Chocolate bars took off in popularity.They also took off in space: Russian and American astronauts took them into space in the 1960s.For centuries, chocolate was eaten only by the rich.Now it’s very common and there is even a chocolate museum in Cologne, Germany.Here you can find everything about chocolate.You can first take a walk in a cocoa tree forest.Then, go to the workshop nearby.Workers there make cocoa beans into delicious chocolate.The chocolate makes a 3-meter-high chocolate fountain.You can taste it!

Chocolate comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.The biggest chocolate bar ever was made in Italy in 2011 and weighed almost 6 tons!That’s as big as an elephant.People often eat chocolate at Easter, or during other festivals like Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Christmas.Many people say chocolate is bad for health and skin.Not necessarily so!Scientists now say it is good for health in some ways, and can even help people lose weight.Acne(粉刺)and chocolate have no direct connection, according to the World Cocoa Foundation.Healthy food and habits lead to healthy skin.Be careful not to eat too much chocolate—it’s rather high in sugar and fat.The country that eats the most chocolate per person each year is Switzerland.They eat 19 pounds(9 kilos)per person on average!People in the US eat the most chocolate in total.They get through half of the world’s chocolate.Chocolate is also used in movies.Sometimes people use chocolate to make “blood” and dirt in the movie.In the 1994 movie The Shaw shank Redemption, the main character needs to crawl(爬行)through a sewer pipe(下水道).The pipe is full of smelly waste which is actually made from sweet chocolate syrup.Isn’t it interesting? 81.Who first made cocoa into chocolate? A.The Mayans.B.The Europeans.C.The Chinese.D.The Americans.82.From Paragraph 3, we can learn that _____________.A.chocolate bars became popular in the 19th century B.chocolate bars were produced in space in the 1960s C.chocolate is now eaten only by some rich people D.people can buy chocolate in the chocolate museum 83.The writer tells people not to have too much chocolate because ______________.A.it can even help people lose weight

B.it can lead to many serious heart problems C.there is too much sugar and fat in it

D.Americans eat half of the world’s chocolate 84.According to the passage, which of the following is true? A.The biggest chocolate bar looks like an elephant.B.People only eat chocolate at important festivals.C.Chocolate is popular in Switzerland and the US.D.Scientists say chocolate is very harmful to health.85.What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the passage? A.To show how chocolate was first made.B.To encourage more people to buy chocolate.C.To show how people use chocolate in movies.D.To tell people some information about chocolate.2015 济南真题


71-75 DABCD 76-80 BBADC 81-85 BBCCD





26.—Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes,Tony? —Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this _________,I think. A.matter



D.difficulty 27.—What do you think of _______ Chinese teacher,Jim?

—She’s an excellent teacher,I’ve improved a lot since she taught _______ Chinese.




D.ours;our 28.—The 15th Chinese Bridge—Chinese Proficiency Competition will be held this year!—That’s great!_______ foreign college students are interested in Chinese learning.

A.Hundred of



D.Thousands of 29.—Junior high school days will be over _______ a week.How are you feeling? —I’m trying to keep my cool because we’ve been together ________ three years.




D.for;for 30.—My parents are crazy about Running Man.How about your parents?

—_______ my dad _______ my mom likes it,But they prefer Ode to Joy(欢乐颂)

A.Not only;but also



D.Neither;nor 31.—Your father never shops online.Why’s that?

—He says they’re much ________ but the products are not really good.




D.cheaper 32.—Would you like to attend the farewell party next week,Mr.Huang? —Sure,I’d love to.I have no reason to _______ your invitation.

A.turn down

B.turn off

C.turn up

D.turn on 33.—Where are you going,Bob?

—To go hiking.Eric ________ for me at the school gate!

A.was waiting



D.is waiting 34.—How do you like Treasure Island,Lucy? —It’s so exciting that I _______ it twice.

A.am reading

B.have read

C.was reading

D.had read 35.—You aren’t supposed to smoke in public.It’s bad for our health. —Sorry,I will ______ my cigarette right now.

A.give up

B.put down

C.put out

D.give away 36.—Tom is always careless with his schoolwork.Could you help him? —No problem!I think he _______ to think twice before starting.

A.should be told

B.can tell

C.should tell

D.can be telling 37.—I’m sorry,Mr Hu.I _______ my English exercise book at home. —It doesn’t matter.Please remember ________ it here this afternoon. A.forgot;to bring B.left;to take C.forgot;to take D.left;to bring 38.—I really want to relax myself.Could we see City Danger tonight?

—Sure!The actor _______ a hero used to be a schoolteacher.I like him very much.

A.who play

B.which plays

C.who plays

D.that play 39.—I haven’t seen your English teacher for a week.Where is he? —Sorry,I don’t know _______. A.where has he been B.where he has been C.where has he gone D.where he has gone 40.—Our head teacher is responsible for his work.He spends most of his time with us. —________ He always communicates with our parents in his free time. A.I hope so!


C.That’s for sure.



阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ladies and Gentlemen,Thank you for coming to attend the graduate ceremony.First of all,I’d like to ____41___ all the students who are here today.I remember ____42____ all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school.You were so full of energy and thirsty ____43____ knowledge.And some of you were a little difficult to deal with!But today,you’ve all grown up so ____44____ and I am so proud of you.

Although you’ve all worked very hard over the last three years,none of you did it ____45____.I hope you’ll remember the important ___46_____ in your lives who helped and supported you.Please consider what they’ve done for you.Never ____47____ to be thankful to the people around you.

Lastly,the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new ____48____.You will have many difficult tasks ____49____ you.You’ll make mistakes along the way,but the key is to ____50____ your mistakes and never give up.But along with difficulties,there will also be many ____51____ things waiting for you.Learn the new things,and you’ll have the ability to make your own choices.Choose ____52____ and be responsible for your decisions and actions.____53____ you have to go your separate ways now,I hope that you’ll come back to visit our school in a few years’time.As you ____54____ on your new journey,you shouldn’t forget where you came form.The future is ____55____.

Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!




D.support 42.A.meeting



D.to meet 43.A.of



D.in 44.A.little



D.many 45.A.lonely



D.correctly 46.A.things



D.people 47.A.fail



D.continue 48.A.job



D.idea 49.A.across form

B.ahead of


D.above 50.A.copy

B.write down


D.learn from 51.A.exciting



D.bored 52.A.quickly



D.quietly 53.A.If



D.Although 54.A.set off

B.set out

C.set up

D.set down 55.A.theirs






One day,Mr.Li was reading a book in his office after school.To his surprise,a ball flew in suddenly and hurt him on the head.He took the ball to the window,but he only saw a group of boy students running away quickly and disappearing in a minute.He sat down again and continued his reading.As it got dark,it was time for him to leave for home.Looking at the ball,he wondered what to do with it.He knew the owner of the ball must be nearby and wished to get it back.He went downstairs and walked to the playground.It was at the center of the playground that he placed the ball with a piece of paper,on which he wrote “Be careful next time!”.Then he walked away.

The next morning,as Mr.Li opened the office door,he found the same piece of paper on the floor.Some words were added after his words:“Thank you for your kindness.Anyway,you are a clever fellow.”

56.What happened while Mr.Li was reading in his office? A.The window was broken by a ball. B.A ball hurt him on the head. C.A ball hit the window.

D.The door was broken by a ball.

57.Why did the owner of the ball run away quickly? A.He was afraid of Mr.Li.

B.He wanted to get the ball back. C.He wanted to go home. D.He went to look for the ball.

58.How did Mr.Li deal with the ball? A.He took it home. B.He put it in his office.

C.He put it back on the playground. D.He had no idea about it.

59.According to the passage,we can know that ________. A.Mr.Li is interested in reading B.Mr.Li is too hard on his students C.Mr.Li is good at playing sports D.Mr.Li is a clever teacher with kindness(2)


June 2,2016,Thursday BEIJING—The Chinese military(军方)sent a specialist medical team to Mail on Thursday to join Chinese peacekeepers there and help deal with casualties(伤亡者)from a Tuesday terrorist attack,On Thursday the Defense Ministry confirmed(证实)that a soldier Shen LLiangliang,29,was killed in the attack,and another five soldiers were hurt.

China Daily

June 4,2016,Saturday A team of refugeets(难民)will compete for the first time at this summer’s Olympics in Rio.In the past,athletes(运动员)who did not represent(代表)a country were not allowed to compete.“The team

will likely number between five and ten athletes,”the committee said in a statement,“it will be treated at the Olympic Games like all the other teams.We want to send a message of hope to all the refugees of the world.”

China Daily

June 6,2016,Monday NANNING—Floods(洪水)have caused three deaths in South China’s Guangxi.More than ten cities and counties in Guangxi were hit by floods in the last three days.About 592 people were displaced,and 27,800 people were affected,it said.Direct economic loss(经济损失)totaled 28 million yuan(about $4.26 million).

60.When did the terrorist attack happen in Mali? A.On June 2,2016. B.On June 4,2016. C.On May 31,2016. D.On June 6,2016.

61.What is special at this summer’s Olympics in Rio?

A.Athletes who represent a country are allowed to compete ai this summer’s Olympics B.A team of refugees can compete at this summer’s Olympices in Rio.

C.A refugee can represent his or her own country to compete in Rio Olympics. D.This piece of news sends all the athletes a message of hope.

62.How many people died in Guangxi during the floods in the last three days? A.3 B.592 C.27,800 D.28 63.According to the news above,which of the following is TRUE? A.These three pieces of news are reported by China Daily.

B.Many people were affected in Guangxi because of the earthquake.

C.There may be over 10 members in a team of refugees at this summer’s Olympics. D.The government of China is trying to cure the casualties in Mali’s terrorist attack.


Last week,Chicago became the first city in the US to join the “Lights Out Plan”.People turned off the lights in the city’s tallest buildings,so that thousands of birds could get to their winter homes.Every year in autumn,some birds fly over Chicago on their way to the south,and come back the next spring.

Lights mean danger to birds.Birds find their way by looking at the stars in the sky.Lights in tall buildings are so bright that birds may mistake them as stars.This means they can not find the right way to go home.

This month,about 300 types of birds are flying over Chicago to go back to the south to live through the cold winter.Birds fly to warmer places for a few reasons.Many birds cannot live in the cold,so they fly to warmer places.But there are other reasons,too.Birds need to look for food in the south.Another reason is that they want to have baby birds.Many birds like to have their baby birds in the same “house” they lived in last year,so they fly back there.

There are about 9,000 kinds of birds in the world,and about 600 kinds of birds migrate(迁徙).Some birds can fly a very long way.Sometimes they fly to other countries.We have fewer birds today because there are fewer places for birds.

64.Why did people in Chicago turn off their last week? A.Because people wanted to save money. B.Because people liked the dark night.

C.Because people were a afraid that birds would make much noise. D.Because people were a afraid that birds would lose their way. 65.What does the underlined word “migrate” mean in Chinese? A.迁徙 B.定居 C.冬眠 D.重生

66.Today we have fewer birds because __________. A.lots of birds are often ill B.people kill lots of birds C.there are gewer places for birds D.other animals eat them 67.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.All birds fly to warmer places every year.

B.Some birds have to fly to warmer places in autumn. C.Some birds can fly a long way to other countries. D.About 600 kinds of birds migrate in the world.



It is said that the eyes are the windows of our soul.however, you have to look after them properly.Your eyes need everyday attention.Firstly, you have to pay more attention to your diet.Have more fresh fruits,vegetable,fish,egg and milk,It’s good for your eyes.Besides,a regular amount of VitaminsA and B2should also be taken.Secondly,you must have a regular and sound sleep.It relaxes the eye muscles(肌肉)and gives them the rest required,sleep can help the body to repair its tired tissues(组织).Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day.Loss of sleep can give you dark cicles under the eyes.Next,it’s necessary for you to exercise eyes every day.blink(眨眼)your eyes at regular periodes,which makes the eyeballs watery,and gives them a good wash.Lastly,you should use your eyes in right ways,Fox example,if a small thing goes into your eye you start rubbing it,which is wrong.Rubbing is harmful to your eyes, Don´t read or write in you start rubbing it,which is wrong.Rubbing is harmful to your eyes.Don´t read use sunglasses to stop the sunshine from shining directly into your eyes.Too much reading,writing,watching television or eorking on the computer can also cause eye tiredness,so a good rest is required.If you always take care of God´s most beautiful gift, your will be very colorful!阅读上面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中的信息(每空最多不超过四个词)

diet  Eating food that __________your eyes, such as fresh fruits and vegtables. Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly.¬¬¬_________  Having a regular and soun sleep is a must. Getting enough sleep is nessary.Eye exercising  Having your eyes exercised every day. Blinking your eyes at regular periods.Eye using  It´s wrong________when something goes into your eye. You have to use sunglasses to keep away from bright sunshine. You should _________after reading,writing,watching TV or working on the computer.五、补全对话


(It´s 6:30p.m.Li Ming with her father on the phone.)Li Ming: Hello!This is Li Ming.Is that dad speaking? Father: Yes, it´s me,your dad,____72____ Li Ming: Pretty good!what about you, dad? Father: Everything gose well,___73_____ Li Ming: It´s raining heavily these days!Father: That´s too bad!Please be safe on the way to school.Li Ming : Ok!i will.Are you free this weekend,dad? Father: yes,____74____ Li Ming: This Saturday is mom´s…… Father: Oh, it´s your mom´s birthday, Well do something special for her,OK? Li Ming: ____75_____ Father: Good idea!Oh, Mingming.It´s a little late.____76___ Li Ming:Yes, I enjoyed the food.It´s so delicious.Now,I must do my homework,dad!Father: Ok!See you soon!



77.有些父母认为孩子们的爱好会妨碍他们的学业。Some parents think that children´shobbies can __________of their schoolwork.(get)78.即使有时候你的妈妈误会了你,你不应该顶撞他。Although your mother mistakes you sometimea,you aren´t supposed to ______her.(talk)79.Jack很喜欢上网,但是他从浏览不健康的网页。

Jack likes surfing the Internet but he never______unheathy web pages.(look)80.中国正在努力为孩子们提供更好的教育。

Nowadays China is _____to offer children better education.(make)81.上周我们学校举行了经典名著阅读比赛。

Last week the classic reading competition _________in our school(take)82.Li Ping 经常通过听英文歌曲学习英语。

Li Ping usually studies English by _______English songs(listen)83.遗爱湖公园被认为是湖北最美的公园之一。Yi´ai lake Park _____one of the most beautiful park in hubei


The girl is too young _____the things in her schoolbag.(clear)



基本情况 姓名 江明

班级 九(3)

日常表现 1.文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人; 2.团结友好,能与他人和睦相处; 3.富有爱心,力所能及帮助他人。

具体事例 任选日常表现之一,举例介绍。愿望 做一个善良、有爱心的人。

参考词汇:say hello to;make friends;kindness;get on well with;care about 写作要求:1.次数不少于80(短文的开始语已给出,不计人总词数);



Good morning,everyone!Today I am to introduce a teenager.his name Jiang Ming.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

参考答案 单项选择





21-25.ABABA 完形填空



54-55ACDBB 综合阅读



64-67.DACA 68.is good for


70.to rub it

71.have a good rest/rest 补全对话 72-76DCFGE 完成句子

77.get in the way

78.talk back to

79.looks through

80.making an effort/efforta 81.took place

82.listening to

83.is regarded as

84.to clear out 书面表达

One possible version Good morning,everyone!Today I am to introduce a teenager.his name Jiang Ming.He is in Class Three.Grade Nine.Wherever he meets teachers or classmates, he has made many good friends and gets on well with them.Whenever we have problems with our schoolwork.he is always ready to help out.he often tries to help people who are in trouble.One day,on his way to school,he foud a boy crying at the corner of the street.he ran to him and helped him find his parents,Through he was late for school,he didn´t feel sorry.What a good student!(one day, I met with a very difficult math problem.Itried many ways to work it out,but I failed.I was about to give up when Jiang Ming came to my desk.he esplainde it to me clearly until I understand it

completely,)Jiang Ming wishes to be a man full of kindness,and to do what he can to help others.




Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)

V.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共26分)

()31.Can I have ____ look at the photo of your pen friend?

A.a B.an C./ D.the

()32.The teacher often takes his students to visit the Science Museum ____ Saturdays.A.in B.by C.at D.on

()33.The foreign visitors asked ____ lots of questions about Chinese culture during the tour.A.I B.my C.me D.mine

()34.____ of these two hats looks good on my daughter.Do you have another one?

A.Both B.All C.Neither D.None

()35.The little boy saved his classmates in the earthquake.____ brave he was!

A.What B.How C.What a D.What an

()36.The American student could speak only ____ Chinese, but he managed to communicate with us.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little

()37.Thanks to the new inventions, our lives are much ____ than before.A.convenient B.more convenient C.most convenient D.the most convenient

()38.The home-made ice-cream in this restaurant tastes ____.Would you like some?

A.softly B.greatly C.nice D.well

()39.When summer ____, some children will go to the seaside for fun.A.comes B.came C.will come D.would come

()40.I ____ you already that washing hands often will help prevent the A-H1N1 Flue.A.tell B.told C.have told D.am telling

()41.He was still working on his project while other people ____ a rest.A.were having B.are having C.will have D.have

()42.Many houses ____ in the big fire a few days ago.What a shame!

A.were damaged B.damage C.were damaging D.damaged

()43.To everyone’s surprise, Alex ____ play chess very well when he was only four.A.might B.should C.would D.could

()44.The woman feels that she should let her son ____ his own decision this time.A.makes B.make C.to make D.making

()45.Susan finally became a poplar singer after she practiced ____ for years.A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.sang

()46.____ John failed to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didn’t give up.A.Although B.Because C.Whether D.Unless

()47.Keep an English diary, ____ your English will improve.A.or B.since C.when D.and

()48.Could you please tell us ____ in Shanghai?

A.when will you visit the World Expo B.when you will visit the World Expo

C.when the World Expo will you visit D.when the World Expo you will visit

()49.The room is very dark.I can’t ____ anything clearly without a light.A.watch B.look C.see D.notice

()50.It’s ____ to read the map before you travel to a new place.A.helpful B.harmful C.powerful D..awful

()51.Once a year, people take part in “____ Lights” activity to help save energy.A.Show off B.Turn off C.Take off D.Put off

()52.Our headmaster invited Christine to ____ the English Festival last term.A.be late for B.be angry with C.be familiar with D.be responsible for

()53.Many sports players became well-known after they joined in the Beijing Olympic Games.The underlined part means ____.A.rich B.strong C.lucky D.famous

()54.Be careful!There’s some broken glass on the ground.The underlined part means “____”.A.Look out B.Go ahead C.Get ready D.Keep quiet

()55.— How about raising some money for the charity?

— ____

A.Enjoy yourself.B.Good idea.C.You’re welcome.D.Never mind.()56.— You’ve done a great job, Grace.— ____

A.I’m afraid not.B.Thanks a lot.C.I agree with you.D.It’s hard to say.VI.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给的单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一次)(共8分)

57.Many historical __________ will be shown on National Day.(movie)

58.With the help of Yellow Pages, we found the address of the theatre __________.(easy)

59.Eric, the __________ son of the family, has a special interest in physics.(three)

60.It’s __________ for him to be so active today as he is always a man of few words.(usual)

61.Who is the __________ of the book War and Peace?(write)

62.The short play was very __________.I laughed from beginning to end.(fun)

63.It’s raining heavily.I’d __________ you call a taxi home now.(suggestion)

64.I think the girl is old enough to tie up her shoes by __________.(her)

VII.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共12分)

65.They work on the farm with their parents every weekend.(改为一般疑问句)

___________ they __________ on the farm with their parents every weekend?

66.Let’s take a picture in front of the fountain.(改为反意疑问句)

Let’s take a picture in front of the fountain, __________ __________?

67.The Shanghai International Arts Festival is held once a year.(对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ is the Shanghai International Arts Festival held?

68.He was very nervous.He couldn’t go on with the job interview.(合并为一句)

He was __________ nervous ___________ go on with the job interview.69.I have no idea how I can operate the new machine.(改为简单句)

I have no idea __________ __________ operate the new machine.70.I’m going to make an early start in order not to miss the train.(保持句意基本不变)

I’m going to make an early start ___________ ___________ I won’t miss the train.Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)

VIII.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共6分)

A.True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用 “T” 表示。不符合的用 “F”表示):(7分)

Daily News

A 14-year-old boy from the USA was descried as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.Dean Bluey from Dallas, Texas, was a school boy who was interested in computer.One day, he was sending an e-mail to a friend on the Internet.Suddenly he received a message saying “Help!Help!Help!” The message was from Finland,(芬兰)thousands of kilometers way from the USA.“I didn’t know what I should do, “ Dean said to a reporter afterwards.“It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.” So Dean did nothing at first.But the message kept coming.“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained.He replied and discovered that the sender was a 20-year-old student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library.She was very ill.What was worse, there was no phone around her.Her only way of communicating with the world was by e-mail.Dean got in touch with the Texas police.The police immediately realized that the situation was quite serious.They found it necessary to telephone the police in Finland.Then an ambulance rushed to the university, and soon doctors found Tarja.Luckily, she was still alive and was quickly sent to the hospital.“I’m glad she’s OK,” Dean said.“It’s hard to believe, but e-mail saved her life.”

()71.Dean Bluey was a 14-old-year boy from Dallas, Texas, the USA.()72.When he was sending an e-mail, Dean heard someone calling outside.()73.Dean didn’t know whether the message was real when he first got it.()74.Tarja was a university student in the USA, thousands of kilometers away from Dean.()75.At that time in the library, Tarja was able to ask for help in many ways.()76.Dean made a phone call to the police in Finland and told them about Tarja’s trouble.()77.From the story we know that the Internet played an important part in saving Tarja’s life.B.Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(7分)

Have you ever had an embarrassing(尴尬)experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences.We received thousands of letters!Here is a selection.Tony:

My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university.I had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school.One morning my alarm clock didn’t ring.I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine.I quickly washed, dressed, jumped into my car and rushed to school.When I arrived, the students had already gone into class.I didn’t go to the office, but went straight into class.After two or three minutes the students began laughing, and I couldn’t understand why!Suddenly I looked down and understood.I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe!


The most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had, happened two years ago.After seeing a film, my wife and I had lunch in our favorite restaurant in town.Then we decided to take a walk along the street.The street was very busy and we started looking at some watches in the new window.After a minute or two I reached for my wife’s hand.There was a loud scream, and a woman slapped my face.I hadn’t taken my wife’s hand.I’d taken the hand of a complete stranger!


My wife and I had decided to buy a new house, and I’d made an appointment to see our bank manager.I’d never met him before and I was a bit nervous.I went into town in my car and I was lucky enough to find a

parking space outside the bank.I’d just started reversing(倒车)into the space when another car made its way into it.I was irritated!I opened my window and shouted at the man in the car.He ignored me and walked away.It took me twenty minutes to find another space.As soon as I had parked the car, I rushed back to the bank.I was ten minutes late for my appointment.I went to the manager’s office, knocked and walked in.The manager was sitting behind his desk.He was the man who had taken my parking space!

()78.Tony arrived at school late that morning because ____.A.he couldn’t find his shoes B.his alarm clock didn’t ring

C.he washed and dressed slowly D.his car went wrong on the way

()79.The students began laughing when they saw Tony ____.A.wearing a wrong shoe B.carrying an alarm clock

C.looking down suddenly D.rushing into the classroom

()80.Henry and his wife held hands ___.A.at the cinema B.in the shop C.at the restaurant D.along the street

()81.Henry was embarrassed because he ____.A.slapped the woman in the face B.took the hand of a complete stranger

C.heard his wife screaming in the street D.knocked over some watches in the shop

()82.James went into town to ____.A.put money in the bank B.look for a job C.meet the bank manager D.buy a new car

()83.The underlined word “irritated” probably means “____”.A.angry B.nervous C.worried D.embarrassed

()84.The best picture for each story is ____.A.B.Tony Henry James Tony Henry James

C.D.Tony Henry James Tony Henry James

C.Choose the words or expression_r_r_r_r_rs and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文):(14分)

Sometimes you may not understand your parents.One minute they’re friendly, the next minute they’re shouting and screaming loudly enough for the whole street to hear.So who makes them so __85__? You, probably!

When you take your clothes off, remember to __86__.Get into the habit of taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen.Before long you’ll be doing it without thinking.Even though you may not realize it, your parents have bought you many clothes.But they’re not buying themselves new things every week, are they? The simple truth is that there are more __87__ things to spend money on, like the electricity bill and food.You may hate missing a party to visit some boring old relatives.They may go on and on about what a sweet baby you were.You have no choice but to listen.Even if you __88__, your parents won’t change their minds.Parents like to show off their family.The best thing you can do is to help entertain your relatives.Your parents will be so pleased with you afterwards that they’ll probably allow you to go to the next two __89__.You might not want to eat, but think of it from the parents’ point of view.If you cook two meals a day, it means 730 meals a year.Can you imagine how boring this can get? Imagine how your parents feel when you say you’re not really hungry.__90__, your parents are probably worried that you aren’t eating enough.Eat fewer snacks and leave room for your meals.Finally, offer to __91__ after the meal.Your offer may not be accepted, but your parents will be pleased.()85.A.friendly B.lonely C.changeable D.comfortable

()86.A.hang them up B.leave them alone C.put them on D.throw them away

()87.A.interesting B.difficult C.important D.surprising

()88.A.agree B.complain C.listen D.win

()89.A.concerts B.meetings C.classes D.parties

()90.A.In addition B.In return C.At most D.At last

()91.A.do the cooking B.lay the table C.buy some snacks D.wash the dishes

D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,是其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

E.Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(14分)

Kyra Komac, 28 years old, now has 25 furniture stores all over the country.The new store, in London’s Camden High Street, takes her back to where it all started.She tells us about how the business began.When I was little, my mother began selling flowers in Camden Market.She couldn’t leave me at home on my own, so I had to go to the market with her.To begin with, I didn’t have to do anything.I just sat there, and my mum told me jokes and stories so I didn’t get bored.When I got older, I gave my mum a hand and I really enjoyed it.Then, one year, my grandma gave me a book for Christmas.It was all about making candles and I loved it.I was 14, and I didn’t have to go to the market any more because mum could leave me at home on my own.I spent my free time making candles of all shapes and sizes.I made hundreds of them.One day, my mother was ill so I had to go to the market on my own.I decided to take some candles with me and see if I could sell them.They were sold out in twenty minutes!The next week, my mum gave some money to buy some wax(蜡)to make more candles.They sold out really quickly, too.Nine months later, we decided to stop selling flowers.My mum and I couldn’t make enough candles during the week, so some of my school friends started to help us.I paid them one pound for every candle, and we used to sell them for three or four times that.It was fun and my friends worked with me in the market.At the age of 22, my uncle lent me some money and I opened my first shop in Portobello Road.Since then, I’ve never looked back, even in difficulties.In the first store, we only sold candles, but now we sell everything from designer furniture to paintings.Oh, and candles, of course.99.How many furniture stores does Kyra Komac have now?


100.Where did Kyra’s mother sell flowers?


101.What did Kyra do in her free time when she was fourteen?


102.Did the candles sell well on the first day in the market?

______________________________________________________________ 103.Who helped Kyra and her mum when they couldn’t make enough candles during the week?


104.How did Kyra’s uncle help her to open her first shop?

He helped her ___________________________________________________

105.What do you think of this story?

I think _________________________________________________________


106.Write at least 60 words about the topic “I want to do something for my school”.(以“我想为学校做件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


Use the following points as a reference.(以下内容仅供参考)

l What do you want to do for your school?

l Why do you want to do it? l How are you going to do it?

Keys to the above:

31.A 32.D 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.C 41.A 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.C

46.A 47.D 48.B 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.D 54.A 55.B 56.B 57.movies 58.easily 59.third 60.unusual 61.writer 62.funny 63.suggest 64.herself 65.Do, work 66.shall we 67.How often 68.too, to 69.how to 70.so that 71.T 72.F 73.T 74.F 75.F 76.F 77.T 78.B 79.A 80.D 81.B 82.C 83.A 84.C 85.C 86.A 87.C 88.B 89.D 90.A 91.D 92.nobody 93.different 94.again 95.instead 96.less 97.drive 98.reduce 99.(She has)twenty-five / 25(furniture)stores.100.(She sold flowers)In Camden Market / a market / the market.101.She made candles(of all shapes and sizes)/ spent her free time making candles.102.Yes(, they did).103.Some of Kyra’s school friends(did)/(helped Kyra and her mum).104.by lending her some money.105.it is encouraging / inspiring / interesting / a success story…(Any reasonable answers are acceptable.)



1.March 8th is _______Day(1998省中考题)A.woman’s B.women’s C.womans’

2.Uncle Wang bought two_______yesterday.(1999省中考题)A.watchs B.watches C.watch 3.His parents_______coming to meet the teacher tonight.(2000省中考题)A.are B.were C.is 4.How much milk ________ in the bottle?(2000省中考题)A.has B.are there C.is there 5.-Where’s Mr Wang? -He has gone to the ________.(2001省中考题)A.doctor B.doctor’s C.doctors 6.The Japanese ________will not leave China until she finishes her study(2002省中考题)A.woman B.women C.man D.men 7.The little boy will not go to sleep until his mother__________back.(2004中考题)A.comes B.will come C.is coming D.would come 8.-What did you do on May Day?(2005中考题)-I went shopping with my family.There ________so many people in the street.A.was B.are C.were 9.I’m very hungry.Would you give me some __________?(2005中考题)A.water B.juice C.cakes 10.How many _________are there in the international village?(2006中考题)A.Chinese B.Russian C.American


1.If you have no dictionary with you ,you may use ___________(2000省中考题)A.my B.mine C.our 2.Lucy has two aunts, ___________of them are nurses.(2000省中考题)A.each B.both C.all 3.I have two brothers.One is a teacher, _________is a driver.(2000省中考题)A.another B.other C.the other 4.Is there __________ in today’s newspaper ?(2000省中考题)A.new something B.any new things C.anything new 5.Is there __________ I can do for you?(2001省中考题)A.something B.anything C.nothing 6.You should do your homework by _________, children.(2001省中考题)A.you B.yourself C.yourselves 7.-Do you speak Japanese, Mr Smith? —No.I can speak _______ Chinese.(2001省中考题)A.a few B.little C.a little 8.-Would you like _________ coffee?(2003中考题)-Yes, please? A.some B.a few C.much D.little

9.Can I use your bike for a while? Yes, you can use ______bike.Tom’s bike is here.I can use ______.(2004中考题)A.my, mine B.mine , his C.my , his D.her, hers 10.-Is this your dictionary?(2005中考题)-No, ________is in my bag.A.hers B.mine C.yours 11.Don’t worry.He’s got much food.You can share____________.(2006中考题)A.some of mine B.some of yours C.some of his.12._________have finished the work can leave.(2006中考题)A.Those who B.Anyone C.The one who

三 .数词

1.A quarter to six is _________.(1997省中考题)A.6:45 B.6:15 C.5:45 2.-How much is eleven and ________? -It’s twenty.(1998省中考题)A.seven B.nine C.eight 3._________is the most difficult in this book?(1999省中考题)A.Lesson second B.The second lesson C.Second lesson 4.July is the ________month of the year.(2000省中考题)A.fifth B.seventh C.sixth 5.My father has got eight _________stamps from all over the world.(2001省中考题)A.hundreds B.hundred C.hundreds of 6.This picture is quite old.We can still see it was drawn in _____century.(2002省中考题)A.sixteen

B.the sixteen


D.the sixteenth 7.We all think that the _________century will bring us more.(2003中考题)A.twenty-first B.twentieth-first C.twenty-one D.twentieth-one 8.The ________man on the left is Backham, a famous football player.(2005中考题)A.two B.second C.three


1.Ann is often late ________ school.(1998省中考题)A.to B.for C.at 2.The teacher will be back ________an hour.(1999省中考题)A.in B.after C.on 3.Tom was born _________May 3rd, 1985.(2000省中考题)A.on B.of C.at 4.-Would you please put up the picture for me? -___________.(2000省中考题)A.With pleasure B.No, thanks C.That’s nothing 5.Jack ________ China _______two years.(2001省中考题)A.has been in , for B.has been in , since C.has come to , for 6.Mr Brown has gone to Canada.He will be back ________two weeks.(2002省中考题)A.for B.after C.in D.at 7.Letter B is ________A and C(2003中考题)A.between B.next C.near D.beside 9.Li Hua was born ________May 1, 1989_________Guangzhou.(2004中考题)A.in , on B.on, in C.in ,at D.at , in 10.My father goes to work _________his car.(2005中考题)A.by B.in C.on 11.Would you please send ________a doctor? My grandfather is ill.(2006中考题)A.away B.for C.off


1.___________you have any trouble, you can call me.(1996省中考题)A.And B.Or C.If 2.Because it was very cold, _______he put on a coat before he went on.(1997省中考题)A.so B.不填 C.and 3._______you have any questions, yon can phone me.(2000省中考题)A.Or B.And C.If 4.The nurse doesn’t feel well today , _______she still work very hard.(2002省中考题)A.but B.and C.or D.then 5.Doctor Li went to see the patien _______it was raining heavily.(2004中考题)A.because B.and C.since D.though 6.I didn’t finish my homework, ________my teacher was angry with me.(2005中考题)A.so B.不填 C.or 7.“You can’t have them both.You can choose __________the skite _______the toy car, “ said mother.(2006中考题)A.either;or B.both;and C.not only;but also.六.形容词

1.The pencil is _______than that one.(1999省中考题)A.longest B.long C.longer 2.Which language is _________, English, Japanese or Chinese?(2000省中考题)A.the most difficult B.difficult C.more difficult 3.Is there ________in today’s newspaper?(2000省中考题)A.new something B.any new things C.anything new 4.In summer the weather is_________ in Hainan than in Liaoning.(2001省中考题)A.much hot B.more hotter C.much hotter 5.You made a lot of spelling mistakes in the exam.Be _______next time.(2001省中考题)A.carefully B.careful C.care 6.I don’t like this film.It’s __________that one.(2002省中考题)A.as interesting as B.less interesting as C.more interesting than D.not so interesting as 7.Of all the teachers in our school, Mr Brown is ________.(2003中考题)A.tall B.taller C.the tallest D.tallest

8.The water in this river is ________the water in that one.It can’t be used for drinking.(2004中考题)A.as clean as B.not so clean as C.as good as D.not as dirty as 9.-Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry?(2005中考题)-Sure, It is one of __________cartoons I have ever seen.A.wonderful B.the most wonderful C.more wonderful 10.-Do you like the two skirts?(2006中考题)-The yellow one is good but the green one looks __________.A.nicer B.nice C.best.七.副词

1.We are _______ready to do something for the people.(1996省中考题)A.never B.ever C.always 2.-Has Tom started to work in your factory? -No.He is ________in school.(1997省中考题)A.yet B.then C.still 3.We are not sure________.(1998省中考题)A.when to leave B.when leave C.when leaves 4.John knows _______a computer.(1999省中考题)A.how to use B.how use C.how uses 5.He drives much _________than he did half a year ago.(2000省中考题)A.more careful B.more carefully C.carefully 6.Jim always comes to school _______of all because he has to open the door for other.(2002省中考题)A.early B.earlier C.most early D.earliest 7.-Excuse me.Has the train arrived________?(2004中考题)-Sorry, sir.I’m afraid you have to wait another hour.A.already B.either C.yet D.just 8.-_________do you know English?(2004中考题)-I can read most of the books here, but I can’t speak English well.A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How well 9. - __________will you stay in America?(2005中考题)-About two months.A.How many B.How often C.How long 10.Look at the man over there._________he is!(2005中考题)A.How tall B.How high C.What a tall


1.Jane is ________girl.She is _______English girl.(1997省中考题)A.a, the B.a, an C.an, the 2.There is a book on the desk and ________book is Mary’s.(1998省中考题)A.an B.a C.the

3.People often go to swim in _________summer.(1999省中考题)A./ B.a C.an 4.________pen on her desk is red.(2000省中考题)A.An B.The C.A 5.The computer is ________useful invention in the modem world.(2001省中考题)A.a B.an C.the 6.Mr Black didn’t go to work yesterday because he was ill in ______bed.(2002省中考题)A.a B.an C.the D.不填

7.They have never been to _________America.(2003中考题)A.a B.an C.the D.不填

8.Did you do well in _________English exam?(2004中考题)Yes.I got ________”A”.A.the , an B.an, the C.a , 不填 D.the , a 9.He is ________honest boy, so we all like him(2005中考题)A.a B.an C.the 10.People like to see films on ______TV instead of going to _______cinema.(2006中考题)A.the;the B.不填;the C.the;不填


情态动词 must, could, might, 和 can’t表示推测的区别 这几个词都可以表示推测

must 是“一定,准是”的意思,表示可能性非常大。


Can’t表示推测,是“不可能”的意思,表示推测是不可能的。Eg.1.The book must be Ning’s, it has her name on it.2.The French book could be Ali’s, she studies French.3.The guitar might belong to Ali’s, she plays guitar.4.The T-shirt can’t be John’s, it is much too small for him.1.His parent _________coming to meet the teacher tonight(2000省中考题)A.are B.were C.is 2.How much milk ________in the bottle?(2000省中考题)A.has B.are there C.is there 3.He went ________his sister yesterday.(2000省中考题)A.and see B.saw C.to see 4.Tom began to learn how to _______Chinese when he was five.(2001省中考题)A.say B.tell C.speak 5.-Must I hand in the weather report this morning? -No, you ________(2001省中考题)A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.may not 6.My birds can _________by one of my friends while I’m away.(2001省中考题)A.be looking after B.look after C.be looked after 7.________smoke in the cinema, please.(2001省中考题)A.Not B.No C.Don’t 8.It’s cold outside.please ________your coat.(2001省中考题)A.put on B.take off C.take care of 9.Class 3 won the football match!________ it be true!.(2002省中考题)A.May B.Must C.Will D.Can 10.One of the shirts _________Tom’s, but mine is not here.(2003中考题)A.is B.are C.was D.were 11.There is a lot of milk in the bottle, __________?(2003中考题)A.isn’t it B.is it C.isn’t D.is there 12.Oh, it is five to eight.I _______hurry to school.My class begins at eight.(2003中考题)A.had to B.can C.have to D.may 13.Will you _______finish your homework before 8:00 this morning?(2004中考题)A.can B.may C.be able to D.are able to 14.Satellites are often used to help us ________ telephone calls to the pepple far away(2004中考题)A.make B.mend C.find D.get 15.________your coat.It is very hot outside(2004中考题)A.Wear B.Put on C.Take off D.Dress 16.-What did you do on May Day?(2005中考题)-I went shopping with my family.There ________so many people in the street.A.was B.are C.were 17.-Hi , John.Shall we go to Australia for the long holiday?(2005中考题)-Sorry.I ________ there twice.A.have gone B.was C.have been.18.-Shall we invite Tom to play football now?(2005中考题)-Oh, no.He _________his clothes.A.is washing B.washes C.has washed 19.Look out!The cup is ________hot water(2005中考题)A.full of B.fill with C.full 20.Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over.We ________stay in our classroom.(2006中考题)A.should B.must C.had to 21.-Why didn’t you go to the party last night?(2006中考题)-Because I ____________.A.wasn’t invited B.didn’t invite C.haven’t invited 22.We’re looking forward to _________the world Cup 2006 in Germany.(2006中考题)A.visiting B.watching C.looking 23.You’d better __________her number in the phone book.(2006中考题)A.look into B.look for C.look up 24.There is going to _______a sports meeting next week.If it_________, we’ll have to cancel it.(2006中考题)A.be;will rain B.have;will rain C.be;rains

25.-I called you this morning, but nobody answered.(2006中考题)-I ________the flowers in my garden at that time.A.watered B.was watering C.water


1.His parents _________coming to meet the teacher tonight(2000省中考题)A.are B.were C.is 2.How much milk ________in the bottle?(2000省中考题)A.has B.are there C.is there 3.Look!The bird ________in the sky.(2000省中考题)A.is flying B.flies C.fly 4.I don’t know if he __________here next week.(2000省中考题)A.comes B.came C.will come 5.-I have seen the film “Titanic”(铁达尼号)-When _______ you ________ it?(2000省中考题)A.have, seen B.did, see C.will, see 6.Jack _______ China ________ two years.(2001省中考题)A.has been in, for B.has been in, since C.has come to , for 7.-Must I hand in the weather report this morning? -No, you _________.(2001省中考题)A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.may not 8.She’ll go shopping as soon as she ________the clothes.(2001省中考题)A.will finish washing B.finishes washing C.finish washing 9.I’m sorry.Mr white can’t see you now.He _______a meeting.(2002省中考题)A.has B.has had C.is having D.will have 10.I’m really getting too fat.From now on , I ________ more exercise and eat less food.(2002省中考题)A.do B.am doing C.have done D.will do 11.Lily turned off the light and then _________the classroom.(2003中考题)A.leaves B.will leave C.left D.is leaving 12.The students ________more than 1000 words by the end of last term(2003中考题)A.had learned B.learned C.would learn D.has learned 13.When I moved to this city two years ago, the government ________several moden buildings here.(2004中考题)A.built B.will build C.had built D.has built 14.-What did you do on May Day?(2005中考题)-I went shopping with my family.There ________so many people in the street.A.was B.are C.were 15.-Hi , John.shall we go to Australia for the long holiday?(2005中考题)-Sorry.I ________there twice.A.have gone B.was C.have been.16.-Shall we invite Tom to play football now?(2005中考题)-Oh, no.He _________his clothes.A.is washing B.washes C.has washed 17.Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over.We ________stay in our classroom.(2006中考题)A.should B.must C.had to 18.There is going to _______a sports meeting next week.If it_________, we’ll have to cancel it.(2006中考题)A.be;will rain B.have;will rain C.be;rains 19.-I called you this morning, but nobody answered.(2006中考题)-I ________the flowers in my garden at that time.A.watered B.was watering C.water


1.English ________ in many countries.(1996省中考题)A.is speaking B.is spoken C.has spoken 2.The TV set __________ in Japan(1998省中考题)A.made B.makes C.is made 3.The floor of our classroom _______every day(2000省中考题)A.is cleaned B.cleaned C.has cleaned 4.My birds can _________ by one of my friends while I’m away.(2001省中考题)A.be looking after B.look after C.be looked after 5.I wasn’t at home yesterday.I ____to help with the harvest on the farm.(2002中考题)A.asked B.was asked C.was asking D.had asked 6.Grandpa is badly ill.He _______to hospital at once.(2003中考题)A.must send B.must be sent C.will send D.may be sent 7.Two thirds of work in our office ________by the computer last year.(2004中考题)A.are done B.is done C.were done D.was done 8.邮票是用来寄信的

stamps __________________sending letters.(1994中考题)9.今天各个领域都在应用电脑

Today computers _________________ in many fields.(1995中考题)10.森林里可以抓到鸟。

Birds ________________in the forest.(1993中考题)11.在这里再也见不到那样的动物了。

Such an animal is no _________here.(1996中考题)12.山顶常年覆盖着雪。

The mountain top __________all year.(1997中考题)必须很好地保护这些动物

These animals must ________________ 13.这些蔬菜必须每天浇水。

These vegetables ____________________every day.(1998中考题)14.学校所有的教室与实验室都必须保持干净清洁。

All the classrooms and labs in the school must ________________clean and tidy.(2004中考题)15.The 29th Olympic Games __________ in Beijing in 2008.(2005中考题)A.is held B.will hold C.will be held.16.-Why didn’t you go to the party last night?(2006中考题)-Because I __________.A.wasn’t invited B.didn’t invite C.haven’t invited.十二。动词不定式

1.We are not sure ____________.(1998省中考题)A.when to leave B.when leave C.when leaves 2.John knows __________a computer(1999省中考题)A.how to use B.how use C.how uses 3.He went _________ his sister yesterday.(2000省中考题)A.and see B.saw C.to see 4.He is not sure ___________(2000省中考题)A.when leaves B.when leave C.when to leave 5.The teacher often tells Tim _________too much time playing computer games.(2001省中考题)A.not to spend B.to not spend C.doesn’t spend 6.The two watches are both very beautiful.I really don’t know ________(2002省中考题)A.what to choose B.which to choose C.to choose what D.to choose which 7.-Can you tell me ________English at home?(2004中考题)-Listen to the English programme and do a lot of reading.A.how to read B.how to learn C.when to use D.where to use


1.They were all pleased with _________them.(2004中考题)A.what you said B.what did you say to C.what you spoke D.what you had told 2.-Excuse me, do you know___________?(2005中考题)-I’m sorry.I am new here.A.where is the nearest bus station B.where the nearest bus station is C.where the nearest bus station was.3.We haven’t decided if _________________(2006中考题)A.will we take a field trip B.we take a field trip C.we’ll take a field trip


The Chinese government________________getting ready for the 2008 Beijing Olympic games.(2004)5.他的梦想就是长大后像杨利伟一样当一名宇航员。

His dream is to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei when he _______________(2004)6.你应该学会如何与老师和同学相处。

You should learn how to ________________with your teacher and schoolmates.(2004)7.学校所有的教室与实验室都必须保持干净清洁。

All the classrooms and labs in the school must ________________clean and tidy.(2004)8.我告诉她我对此一无所知。


We must study English harder___________________________(2005)10.她的梦想就是长大后当一名教师。

Her dream is to be a teacher when she_________________________(2005)11.你应该学会如何与他人相处。

You should learn how to ___________________________with others.(2005)12.植树可以防止土壤沙化。

Planting trees can __________________________changing into sand.(2005)13.他在照顾他妹妹。


Liu Xiang is one of __________________________in China.(2006)15.人们应该学会怎样保护自己。

People should learn ________________________________________.(2006)16.谁在敲门? 是汤姆吗?

_________________________the door? Is ____________________Tom?(2006)17.我们把吴爷爷当成好朋友。

Grandpa Wu ______________________________as our good friend.(2006)18.班会已经开了半个小时。


专题六 形容词



1.(2011深圳,5)----There is a smile on Miss Gao’s face.She must be _____ with Sam’s work.-----I think so.No one did as ____ as him in our class.A angry;well B pleasing;good C strict;good D pleased;well 2.(2011深圳,9)-----The doctor told me _____ too much, but I find it difficult.----The doctor is right.The less you drink, ____ you will be.A don’t drink;the healthier B not to drink;the healthier C not to drink;the more healthier D don’t drink;healthier 3.(2011广东,30)----Steve is good at writing short stories.-----So he is.But he writes _____ than us.So he can’t get good grades in writing.A most careful B more carefully C less carefully D least careful 4.(2011广东,40)-----Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011?----Yes, but I think it’s _____.I fell asleep when I saw it.A exciting B boring C bored D excited 5.(2011广州,23)The actress is already 50, but she looks _____ than she really is.A young B more young C more younger D much younger 6.(2011肇庆,22)Do you think which language is _____, Japanese or English? A difficult B the most difficult C more difficult 7.(2010茂名,35)The more you read, _____ vocabulary you will have.A the large B the largest C the larger 8.(2010梅州,29)Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?----Certainly, we can buy _____ one than this, but ____ this.A a better;better than B a worse;as good as C a cheaper;as good as D a more important;good as 9.(2010河源,36)----Mike, how are you feeling today?----Much _____.I think I can go to school tomorrow.A good B better C well D best 10.(2010韶关,38)There was a _____ talk between the two leaders last week.A friend B friendship C friendly D really 11.(2010广州,20)----Why don’t you like winter in Beijing?----Because it is _____ winter in Guangzhou.A as cold as B much colder than C not so cold as D not colder than 12.(2009深圳,5)----The cake looks ______.----Yes, and it tastes even _____.A well;good B nice;better C good;worse D better;best 13.(2009广东,31)The Changjiang River is the _____ river in China.A long B longest C short D shortest 14.(2009清远,28)He got _____ when he heard the bad news.A angry B angrily C happy D happily 15.(2009清远,32)Miss White is as _____ as Miss Brown, but she looks much _____ than Miss Brown.A old;younger B old;young C older;young D younger;old 16.(2009河源,44)Everyone was _____ when they heard the ______ news.A excited;excited B exciting;exciting C excited;exciting D exciting;excited 17.(2008茂名,36)----Which one of those two houses would you buy?----I would buy the _____ one, because I have a big family.A larger B largest C smaller 18.(2008广东,27)-----John, is Henry your twin brother?-----Oh, yes.He is twenty minutes _____ than me.A heavier B elder C taller D older 19.(2008广东,32)It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus.It’s _____ by train of the three.A faster B the fastest C fast D much fast 20.(2008深圳,31)----The teacher looked at her students _______ when they were saved.-----We also felt _____ for them.A happily;happy B happy;happily C happy;happy D happily;happily 21.(2008深圳,34)---______ plastic bags we use, _______ it will be to the environment.----I agree _____ you.A The less;the better;with B The fewer;the better;with C The less;the worse;to D The fewer;the worse;to 22.(2008佛山,30)With the increasing number of readers, _____ copies of the magazine are needed.A many B more C most 23.(2008广州)Though the player is over thirty, he can still run _____ some younger player.A as fast as B so fast as C much fast than D more faster than 24.(2008清远)This computer is ______ than that one, but it works much _____.A expensive;fast B the cheaper;the fastest C more expensive;faster D the most expensive;the faster 25.(2007广东,30)The doctor told Mary to eat ______ vegetables and ______ meat because she was getting fatter and fatter.A more;little B more;less C many;few D more;fewer 26.(2007湛江,27)Tina said that she didn’t feel very _____ this morning.A well B good C nice D better 27.(2007深圳)This dish tastes _____.A good B well C badly D terribly Key:

1-5:DBCBD 6-10:CCCBC 11-15:BBBAA 16-20:CADBA 21-27:BBACBAA



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