
时间:2019-05-14 11:08:28下载本文作者:会员上传


一. 听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。请从6幅图中选出你所听到的5个选项,写在横线上。(5分)



E F __ 1.2 _ 3 _ 二.听句子,选答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)()

6、A.It’s a book.()

7、A.They are 16.B.It’s green.C.It’s twelve B.It’s on the desk.C.It’s black.()

8、A.My favorite sport is swimming.B.They are yellow bananas.C.His name is Jm.()

9、A.I can sing.B.I like football.C.Yes, I am.C.I am Chinese.()

10、A.They aren’t American.B.I’m 13 years old.三.听短文,选最佳答案。短文读两遍。每题2分。(10分)()11.How old is Sam?.()12.Sam is()13.Helen is




____________.A.Chinese.B.American.C.English.years old.A.11 B.12


C.13 C.Three()14.They are in Class.A.One()15.Are they friends? can’t.笔试部分(80分)四.选择题。(15分)()




3、Dave Smith’s

.A.No, they aren’t.B.Yes, they are.C.No, they is your name? A.How B.What C.Who D.Where C.How

D.is he from? –He’s from China.A.What B.Where

name is Dave.C.last D.the first

D.Are B.on


D.at A.family B.given A.Do()

4、---Wang Hui from American?---No, he isn’t.B.Does C.Is()

5、She writes the blackboard.A.in()

6、What’s ______favourite colour?--______favourite colour is red.A.your, My

B.His, My C.Her, His D.His, Y.A.parent B.student

C.friends D.teacher()

7、They are my()


9、What’s , please!A.down B.up C.at B.where

D.on C.What

D.is the weather like in spring? A.How


10、I’m from.A.china C.Chinese D.American


11、Tom is in Grade Seven.A.class one

B.Class one

C.one class


D.Class One D.from()

12、Betty is my class.A.in B.on()

13、Tony is from America()

14、I like

he is American.A.but B.and C.or D.B.swim

C.swimming D.swims.A.to swimming()

15、--Can you _______flower?---Yes, F-L-W-E-R, flower.A.spell B.say C.spelling D.draw

五.单词分类。请把属于同类的单词选出来写到相应的横线上。注意要写单词序号!(10分)1.--What’s your favourite sport?--I like _____ / ____.2.--What’s your hobby(爱好)?--I like ____ / _____.3.--What’s the weather like in Nanning now?--It’s ____ / ____.4.--Can David speak ______ / ____ ?--Yes, he can.5.--How old are you?--I’m _____ / ____ years old.六.情景交际。从方框中选出正确的句子,完成对话, 并写在横线上。(5分)A: Betty, please look at the photo.1__ B: No, she is my friend.A: 2_

B: Susan Brown.She likes music.3___ A: Who’s the man? Is he her father? B: Yes.4 __ He can speak English.A: Is the woman her mother? B: Yes, she is.A: 5 __

B: She is a hotel manager.1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4.______ 5._______ 七.补全对话(5分)A: Hi, Ann!Good morning.B: Hi, Tom 1.___________ morning.A: 2._____________ are you? B: I am 3._____________ Thanks.And you ? A: I’m fine, too.Thank you.B: How 4.______________ are you? Are you twelve? A: No, I’m 5._____________.I’m thirteen.B: Nice to see you again.A: Nice to see you too.Goodbye.B: Bye.八.用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1.Where _______ 3.I like

(be)he from?

2.How many ____________________(chair)are there in your classroom?.____ _____(swim).4.What ___(be)these?—They are books.5.Tony is from ________(American).九.连词成句。(10分)

1.Betty, My, is, name→

___ ___________________

__ ________ ______ __._____ __________ ___ ___ __.2.England, is, from, Sam→ _____ 3.old,is, She ,thirteen, years→ _____ 5.Are, you ,old, How → 4.favorite, sport, is, What, you→ ____ ____ ___ ______________ _ ?

___ ___________________ ?


favorite, swimming, aren’t, I’m, How old, weather, England, How many, Nice, How 1.What’s the 2. ___ _____ like in New York in spring? Are they? They are 13.___

and she can speak English.not.3.She is from 4.Are you in Class Seven? No, ___ 5. 6.We 7. __ Students are there? There are 46.___ English , we are Chinese.to meet you.Me ,too.8.Do you like ?No, I don’t.9. do you spell ―bird‖? B---I---R---D.10.---What’s your sport?---I like football best.十一.阅读理解。(10分)(A)Hello.My name is Tom Smith.I am thirteen years old.I’m in Class Five, Grade Seven.I’m in Miss Li’s class.My friend is Sam.He’s from England and I’m from America.()

1、What is the boy’s family name?.A.Tom B.Smith C.Sam D.Tom Smith

.C.China D.()

2、Sam is from A.England B.American


3、Tom is in A.Class Five B.Class Seven C.Class One D.()

4、Tom is..A.Chinese B.English C.American



5、Tom’s teacher is.A.Miss Smith B.Mr.Li C.Mrs.Li D.Miss Li


My name is Zhang Min.I’m a girl and I’m Chinese.I like blue.My favorite food is noodles and fish.I like dancing and swimming.Do you like playing the piano? I like it.I can p draw and I can write Chinese.I can ride a bike but I can’t drive a car.()

6、What is the girl’s given name?

.D.I don’t know.A.Zhang B.Min C.Zhang Min()

7、Where is the girl from?.A.American


C.China D.()

8、Zhang Min likes.A.green B.red C.blue D.black


9、Can she drive a car?.A.Yes, she can.B.No, she can’t.and.C.I don’t know..C.fish , apples()

10、Her favorite food is A.noodles, meat B.noodles, fish 十二.书面表达。(10分)

假如你叫Zhang Hui ,请你根据所给的信息,写一篇自我介绍的小短文,至少写6句话,所给的信息必

须用上。词数:40--50。参考词汇:Zhang Hui , China, Chinese, 13 years old, student , in Class Five Grade Seven



七年级英语(上)期中考试试题 听力材料: 一.

1.My telephone number is 874-5361.2.There is an office next to our classroom.3.Daming can play football.4.Look.The chair is yellow.5.The flower is red.二

6.What’s this in English? 7.What colour is your bag? 8.What’s your favourite sport?

9.Lingling, are you a new student here? 10.How old are you? 三.

This is my friend Sam.Sam is thirteen years old.Sam isn’t from China.He is English.Helen is in Sam’s class.They are in Class Two, Grade Seven.Helen is eleven years old.They are good friends.




2、四处寻找„ ________________

3、按响门铃 _______________



6、追赶 _______________

二、独立完成P96 C1, C2两部分

三、根据短文内容猜谜语写单词 1)He is very small and soft.He has a long tail and small face.He run around the house at night and he is afraid of cats._________________ 2)It is the cleverest bird of all.Its feather is very beautiful.It can sing and some of them even can speak like a man.___________


一、Language points

1、My cat is very friendly.我的猫非常友好。Friend 是名词,“朋友”的意思,friendly 是形容词,意思是“友好的”。be friendly to sb.是“对某人友好”。eg: We should be friendly to the animals.2、She is never any trouble.她一点也不麻烦。trouble 这里是名词,“麻烦,苦恼”。如:My heart is full of trouble.我的内心充满了烦恼。Do you have any trouble(in)learning English?你学英语有困难吗?

3、make a lot of noise 吵吵闹闹eg:Don’t make a big noise in class.不要在班上大吵大闹。

4、Some people are afraid of Eddie.一些人害怕埃迪。be afraid of害怕,后面跟名词或动名词。Some girls are afraid of walking at night.一些女孩害怕在夜间走路。be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher questions.请别害怕问你老师问题。

5、run after追赶Don’t run after each other after class.下课后不要互相追赶。

6、look for寻找look around for四处寻找 eg:我正在到处寻找我的钥匙。I’m looking for my keys everywhere.eg:那男孩四处找他的妈妈。The boy looked around for his mother.辨析:look for 寻找,强调找的动作与过程find找到,重在找的结果 eg:我奶奶在到处找眼镜,可是没有找到。My grandma is looking for her glasses,but she can’t find them.二、选择正确的单词完成诗歌(bitehunts tricks fightchaseend)My dog is the cleverest animal of all.He doesn’t just __________and catch a ball.With eyes open wide,He _________when I hide.He does wonderful _________,Builds me camps out of sticks.He’d never bark or _______,And he doesn’t like to______.My dog is my best friend,And I’ll look after him until the___.(三)达标检测:


1、Don’t make any noise.The baby ____________(sleep)now.2、When my cat feels __________(hunger), she miaows.3、I think I ________(take)care of my lovely pet until the end.4、A cat is running after the two __________(mouse).5、We must do our homework ___________(care).6、My dog is the _________(clever)animal of all.二、把下列句子翻译成英语。

1、我的狗玩精彩的把戏。My dog ________ ___________ ___________.2、每当我回家时,我的鹦鹉总向我问好。When I come back home, my ________ always says _______ _______ me.3、大部分时间,我的猫只想睡在我的膝上。_____________ the time my cat just wants to sleep ______ my _______.4、有些人害怕Eddie,因为他们认为他或许会咬他们。Some people are ______ ___ Eddie, because they think he might _______ them.5、你能照顾好这个小孩吗?Can you _________ _________ _________ _______ the child?


1、This evening there is going to _______ an interesting film on the farm.A.haveB.beC.will beD.will have()

2、She has to _______ the animals every day.A.feedsB.is feedingC.feedD.feeding()

3、There are many kinds of ___ in the river.You can go ___ there.A.fish;fishingB.fishes;fishC.fishes;fishingD.fish;to fish()

4、We’d better _________ to school on time every day.A.goB.goesC.goingD.to go()

5、He ________ finish his homework __________ his Dad came back.A.not;untilB.didn’t;untilC.won’t;beforeD.isn’t;after()

6、Who is __________ student __________ your class.A.cleverest;ofB.the cleverest;inC.clever;inD.more cleverer;of


Unit I Can you play the guitar

Girl: I want to join the music club.Boy: Oh, can you sing? Girl: Yes, I can.Girl: Can you swim? Boy: No, I can't.Girl: I want to join the art club.Boy: Can you draw? Girl: Yes, I can.David: What club do you want to join, Lisa? Lisa: I want to join the chess club.David: Can you play chess? Lisa: No, I can't.What about you, John? John: I can.Bob: Hi, Mary.Here are all the clubs.Mary: What club do you want to join? Bob: I want to join the English club.I like to speak English.How about you? Mary: Hmm.I want to join the chess club.Can you play chess? Bob: No, I don't like chess.Do you like music? Mary: Oh, yes.I can sing and dance.I like music.Bob: Me, too.Let's join the music club.1.the sound of a guitar 2.the sound of drums 3.the sound of a piano 4.the sound of a violin

Teacher: I want some students for the school concert.What can you do, Bill? Can you sing? Bill: No, I can't.But I can play the guitar.Teacher: You can play the guitar!Good.OK, what can you do, Cindy? Cindy: I can sing and I can play the drums.Teacher: You can!Great, Cindy.Can you play the piano? Cindy: No, I can't.Frank can play the piano.Teacher: Frank, can you play the piano? Frank: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I can’t sing or dance.Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Interviewer: What time do you usually get up, Nick? Rick: Um, I usually get up at six thirty.Interviewer: And what time do you brush your teeth and take a shower? Rick: I brush my teeth and take a shower at six forty Interviewer: Hmm.What time do you eat breakfast? Rick: Seven o'clock.Interviewer: And what time do you usually get dressed? Rick: I usually get dressed at seven twenty.Interviewer: And my last question.What time do you go to school? Rick: I usually go to school at seven thirty.Interviewer: Thank you.Interviewer: You have a big family don’t you, Jim? Jim: Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters.Interviewer: Wow!How many showers do you have? Jim: We only have one shower.Interviewer: Is that difficult.Jim: No, because we have a shower schedule.My brother Bob takes a shower first at five thirty Interviewer: Wow!That's early!Jim: Yeah.Then my sister Mary takes a shower at five fifty.Next my brother Jack takes a shower at six fifteen.I take a shower at six thirty my sister Anna at six forty-five...Interviewer: Tom, I Want to know about yow day.Tom: OK.Interviewer: r: When do you get up? Tom: When do I get up? Hmm.Usually about half past five.Then I run at six o'clock.Interviewer: You run at six in the morning? Tom: Uh-huh.Interviewer: And what time do you eat breakfast? Tom: Breakfast? Usually about seven.And then I usually go to school at a quarter to eight.Interviewer: Wow!And you go home at… Tom: A quarter past four in the afternoon.Interviewer: And what do you do in the evening? Tom: I do my homework at about five thirty and I eat dinner at seven fifteen.I go to bed at nine o'clock.Interviewer: That's early!But then you get up early.Tom: Uh-huh.Unit3 How do you get to school? Boy: How do Bob and Mary get to school? Girl: Bob takes the train and Mary takes the subway Boy: How does John get to school? Girl: He takes the bus.Boy: How do Paul and Yang Lan get to school? Girl: They walk.Look, there they are now!Boy: Does Jim walk to school? Girl: No, he doesn’t.He rides his bike.Mary: How do you get home from school, Tom? Tom: I walk.Mary: How long does it take? Tom: It takes about 20 minutes.Mazy: Wow!That’s quick!How far is it from the school to your home? Tom: Only about two kilometers.Peter: How do you get home from school, Jane? Jane: I take the bus.Peter: How long does it take? Jane: Oh, about one hour and 30minutes.Peter: Wow!That's along time!Jane: Yes, I only go home on weekends.Peter: How far is it from your home to school? Jane: It's about 60 kilometers.May: I love your home, Bob.It's so big!Bob: Thanks, Mary.My grandparents'home is very big, too.Mary: Where do they live? Bob: Very far from my home.Mary: Oh, how far? Bob: It's about 500 kilometers from here.Mazy: Wow!That’s far.Bob: Yes, it is.So I go there and see my grandparents only one or two times a year.Mary: How do you get there? Bob: I usually take the train.Mary: How long does it take? Bob: It takes about six hours.And then I take a bus from the train station to their home.Mary: Wow.That's along trip.Unit 4 Don't eat in class.Ms.Clark: Hey Peter.You know the rules.Don’t run in the hallways.Peter: Sorry, Ms.Clark.Mr.Smith: Amy don't eat in the classroom.You must eat in the dining hall.Amy: Oh, sorry Mr.Smith.Mr.Smith: Hey Mike, don't listen to music in class.Mike!Boy: He can’t hear you Mr.Smith.Cindy: What are the school rules, Alan?

Alan: Well, We can't listen to music in the classroom or hallways.But we can listen to it outside or in the music room.Cindy: Uh-huh Alan: And we can’t eat in the classroom, but we can eat in the dining hall.Cindy: Oh.And can we wear hat in class? Alan: No, we can't.What else? Oh, you can't fight with your classmates.That makes the teachers really unhappy Cindy: I see...Emily: Hi, Dave.Do you want to watch the basketball game in the park this evening? Dave : I'd love to, but I can’t go out on school nights Emily: Oh, that's too bad.Dave: Yeah, I have so many rules.Emily: Really? Dave: Yeah, I can’t see my friends on school days and I have to do my homework after school.Emily: What other rules do you have? Dave: Mmm...I must practice the guitar before dinner and then I have to do the dishes after dinner.And I can't watch TV in the evening.Emily: Oh.Well, I have to help my mom make dinner sometimes.Dave: Me, too.I have to help my mom make breakfast every morning.And I must clean my room every Saturday Emily: wow!You do have a lot of rules!

Unit5 Why do you like pandas? Girl: Let's see the pandas first.They're my favorite animals.Boy: Why?

Girl: Because they're very cute.Boy: Let's see the giraffes.Girl: Why do you want to see them? Boy: Because they're beautiful.Girl: Let's see the koalas now.I like koalas.Boy: Why? Girl: Because they're interesting.Julie: Let's see the pandas, John.John: Why do you like them, Julie?.Julie: Because they're kind of interesting.John: Where are they from? Julie: They're from China.John: Well, I like koalas.Julie: Why do you like them? John: Because they're very cute and they're from Australia.Julie: Well, I don't like lions.John: Why don’t you like them? Julie: Because they're really scary.John: Where are they from? Julie: Most of them are from South Africa.Tony: Where do you want to go now? Mary: Let's see the elephants.Tony: The elephants? Why do you like elephants? Mary: Oh, they're interesting.And they're really smart.Tony: Yes, but they're lazy too.Mary: Oh, Tony!So, where do you want to go? Tony: Let's see the pandas.They're kind of cute.Mary: Oh, yeah.I love pandas.They're beautiful.But they're also kind of shy.Where are they? Tony: They're over there, not far from the koalas

Unit 6 I'm watching TV.Bob: Hello, Jenny.Jenny: Hi, Bob.Bob: Jenny, what are you doing? Jenny: I’m watching TV.Bob: Do you want to play tennis? Jenny: No, his TV show is interesting.What's John doing? Jenny: Well, what are Dave and Mary doing? Bob: They're listening to a CD.Jack: Hello, Steve.Steve: Hi, Jack.Jack: What are you doing, Steve? Steve: I'm watching TV.What about you? Jack: I’m listening to a CD, but it's kind of boring.Steve: Yeah, my TV show is also not very interesting.Do you want to go to the movies? Jack: That sounds good.A: Hello.Is Alice there? B: No, she isn’t.She's at the supermarket.A: Oh, is she shopping? B: Yes, she is.She's buying milk and bread.A: Hello.Is Mike there? B: Sorry he's still at school.A: Oh.Umm, is he doing his homework? B: No, he isn’t.He's playing basketball.A: Lisa? B: No, this is her sister, Julie.A: Oh.Is Lisa there? B: No, she isn’t.She's at the library A: Oh.Is she reading? B: Yes, she is.Unit 7 It's raining!Tom: Hey, Peter.Peter: Hi, Tom.Tom: How's the weather down there in Shanghai? Peter: It's cloudy.How's the weather in Moscow? Tom: It's snowing right now.Peter: Hi, Aunt Sally.Aunt Sally: Hello, Peter.Peter: How's the weather in Boston? Aunt Sally: Oh, it's windy.Peter: So, how's the weather in Beijing? Julie: It's sunny.Peter: Hi, Uncle Bill.Uncle Bill: Hello, Peter.Peter: How's the weather in Toronto? Uncle Bill: It's raining, as usual!

Jim: Hello, Linda.This is Jim.Linda: hello, Jim!Jim: Is Uncle Joe there? Linda: No, he isn't.He's outside.Jim: Outside? It's cold, isn't it? Linda: No, it’s sunny and really warm.Jim: What's Uncle Joe doing? Linda: He's playing basketball.Jim: Is Aunt Sally there? Linda: Yes, she is, but she's busy right now.Jim: What's she doing? Linda: She's cooking.Jim: How about Mary? What's she doing? Linda: Not much.She's only watching TV.You want to talk to her, don't you? Jim: Yes, thanks.And can I say“hi”to Jeff, too? Linda: Sure.He's just playing computergames.Mary: Hello, Eric? Eric: Mary!Hi!Where are you?

Mary: I’m in Mexico!I’m calling to say “Happy birthday!” Eric: Oh, thanks!Mary: So, how's it going there? Eric: Great!How's it going with you? Mary: Not bad.What are you doing? Eric: I'm having a party.My family is here.Mary: Oh, that sounds like fun.How's the weather? Eric: Terrible.It's cold and it's raining.How's the weather in Mexico? Mary: Hot.Hot and dry.And sunny.Eric: Sounds good...Mary: Uh-huh.Eric: So, what are you doing there? Mary: I'm visiting my grandmother...Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? A: Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street? B: Yes, there is.A: Is there a post office near here? B: Um, yes, there is.There's one on Long Street.A: Is there a hospital on Center Street? B: No.there isn’t.A: Excuse me.Is there a police station near here? B: Yes.It's between the restaurant and the hospital.A: Where's the park? B: The park? Oh, it's across from the bank,A: Excuse me.Is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, it's on Bridge Street A: Where's the pay phone? B: It's next to the post office.A: Excuse me.Are there any restaurants near here? B: Yes, there's one in front of the post office.A: Where's the hotel? B: The hotel? It's behind the police station.A: Excuse me.Is there a hotel around here? B: Yes, there is.Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library.Go along Long Street and it's on the right.It’s next to the supermarket and across from the bank.A: Thanks!And is there a restaurant near the hote1? B: Yes.Go along New Street.Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, across from the pay phone.A: Thank you very much.B: You’re welcome.Unit9 What does he look like? Girl: Is that your friend? Amy: No, it isn’t.Girl: What does he look like? Is he short or tall? Amy: Well, he’s really tall.And he has curly hair.A: Is that your brother David? B: No, it isn’t.A: What does David look like? Is he tall or short? B: He's tall.He's heavy.And he has curly hair.A: Is that Sally B: No, it isn’t.A: Does Sally have long or short hair? B: She has long straight hair.She's of medium height.And she's thin.A: Is your friend Peter short or tall? B: He's short.He's of medium build.And he has short hair.Laura: Don't you love Johnny Dean, Bob? Bob: Johnny...? Laura: Dean.The singer.Bob: I don't know.What does he look like? Laura: He’s really tall and really thin.And he has curly hair.And he has funny glasses.Look, there he is.Bob: Oh, yeah, I see him.Laura: Here come the movie actors.Bob: Oh, wow!Laura: Who's your favorite actress? Bob: I like that woman with long blonde hair.Laura: Is she tall or short? Bob: She's of medium height.Laura: Oh.Tina Brown? Bob: Yeah.I think she's really cool.She's very beautiful and a great actress.Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.Waitress: What would you like? Boy: I'm not sure yet.Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? Waitress: Yes, there are some tomatoes.Boy: OK, I’d like the beef noodles, please

Waiter: What size would you like? Boy: I’d like a large bowl of noodles.Waiter: And what kind of noodles would you like? Boy: I’d like chicken, potato and cabbage noodles.Waiter: And how about you? Girl: I'd like a medium bowl.Waiter: What kind would you like? Girl: I’d like beef and tomato noodles, please.A: Hello, House of Dumplings!B: Hello!I want to order some food, please.A: Sure.B: I'd like chicken, fish and cabbage, please.A: Uh-huh.B: And twelve dumplings.A: What kind of dumplings would you like? B: Beef and carrot dumplings, please.A: OK.What else? B: Umm...I’d like some soup, too.A: OK.What kind of soup would you like? B: Tomato soup.A: OK, one tomato soup then.Would you like any drinks? B: One large green tea and two small orange juices.A: OK.What's your address, please? B: 15 North Street.A: And what's your telephone number? B: 398-2845.A: 398-2845:.B: Yup.A: Thank you.That'll be 65 yuan.Unit 11 How was your school trip? Bob: Hi, Carol.How was your school trip yesterday? Carol: It was great!

Bob: Did you go to the zoo? Carol: No, I didn't.I went to a farm.Look, here are my photos.Bob: Did you see any cows? Carol: Yes, I did.I saw quite a lot.Bob: Did you ride a horse? Carol: No, I didn't.But I milked a cow.Bob: Did you feed any chickens? Carol: Well, I saw some chickens but I didn't feed them.Bob: What else did you do? Carol: My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.Bob: So, Carol, was the farmer nice?

Carol: Yes, he was very friendly and he showed us around the farm.Bob: Really? What did you see? Carol: We saw a lot of interesting things and we learned a lot from him about farming.Bob: That's great!Did you ask him any questions? Carol: Yes.I asked him if the farmers grew strawberries.Bob: Do they? Carol: Yes, they do.They grow them from December to June.Bob: And apples? Do they grow apples? Carol: Yes, they do.They pick the apples around September.Bob: Did you pick any strawberries? Carol: Yes, we did.And we took some home, too.Bob: Oh, wow!Were they good? Carol: They were delicious!

Tony: How was your school trip, Jane? Jane: Oh, it was terrible.Tony: Really? Where did you go? Jane: Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain.But the weather was so cold.It rained and rained all day long.Tony: Oh, that's too bad.Jane: Ugh!How about your school trip, Tony? Tony: Well, it was raining here too, so we didn't go to the countryside.Jane: So what did you do then? Tony: We went to an art museum.It was great.There were so many interesting things to see.I saw some really beautiful paintings.Then we had lunch at the museum restaurant.The food was really delicious!After that, we went to a special art room and drew pictures.It was so much fun!Jane: Sounds like you had a great school trip.Tony: Yes.We had a really good time!

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Bob: Hey, Lucy.Lucy: Hi, Bob.Bob: How was your weekend? Lucy: It was great.Bob: So, what did you do? Lucy: Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.In the afternoon, I went to the beach, and at night, I went to the cinema.Bob: Cool.What about Sunday? Lucy: In the morning, I camped by the lake with my classmates.In the afternoon, we went boating, and at night I did my homework.Teacher: So, did everyone have a good weekend? Students: Yeah, we did, Ms.Clark!Teacher: Good.What did you do last weekend, Becky? Becky: I visited my grandma, and I did my homework.Teacher: Great.And how about you, Carol? Did you go out? Carol: No, I stayed at home.I studied for the English test.Teacher: Wow, good for you.Jack, how about you? Where did you go? Jack: I went to a farm, and I fed some cows.Teacher: Sounds like you had fun.Jim: Hey Sally!I didn't see you last weekend.Sally: Yeah.I stayed at home on Saturday I was quite busy Jim: Why? Sally: I had a lot of things to do.Jim: Like what? Sally: Well, I did my homework and studied for a test.Jim: You did? Not much fun, huh? Sally: Well, it wasn’t too bad.On Sunday, I went to the library.How about you? Did you go out? Jim: Well, I sang and played the guitar on Saturday morning.On Sunday afternoon, I flew a kite in the park.And on Sunday night, I had dinner with my friends.Sally: Wow!You had a relaxing time!Jim: Yeah, I had fun.But I didn't do my homework, so school this morning wasn’t fun!











1、可爱的人指中国人民志愿军,抗美援朝 1950年10月到1953年7月(1950年6月朝鲜内战爆发),以彭德怀为司令员的中国人民志愿军开赴朝鲜前线,同朝鲜军民一起抗击美国侵略者。











3、成就: 1953年底,鞍山钢铁公司大型轧钢厂等三大工程建成投产(鞍钢); 1956年,长春一汽生产出第一辆汽车;中国第一个飞机制造厂试制成功第一架喷气式飞机;沈阳第一机床厂建成投产。1957年,武汉长江大桥建成;川藏、青藏、新藏公路修到世界屋脊。



第5课三大改造 鲁教版七年级历史下册复习提纲





1、中共八大:(1)中国共产党第八次全国代表大会于1956年9月15日至27日在北京政协礼堂召开。1958年5月,中共八大二次会议在北京召开。制定了“鼓足干劲、力争上游,多好快省地建设社会主义”的总路线。(2)任务:②集中力量发展社会生产力,实现国家工业化,逐步满足人民日益增长的物质和文化需要。(3)意义:是探索建设社会主义道路的良好开端。(4)中共八大和十一届三中全会的比较 ①两次会议的相同点:都提出要集中力量发展社会生产力。②两次会议的不同点:实施的情况及影响不同。八大后,社会主义建设蓬勃展开,成就显著,但由于“左”倾错误的影响,正确的路线没鲁教版七年级历史下册复习提纲



经验教训:1立足国情 2.一切从实际出发,实事求是 3.遵循客观经济规律(3)表现:以高指标、瞎指挥、浮夸风和“共产”风为标志的“左”的错误泛滥(4)影响:是党在探索社会主义道路中的一次严重失误,再加上自然灾害等因素,使我国人民遇到了建国以来前所未有的严重经济困难。


6、社会主义建设时期的模范人物:党的好干部焦裕禄 铁人王进喜 人民的好战士雷锋 两弹元勋邓稼先 他们的精神品质:热爱祖国、艰苦创业、密切联系群众,全心全意为人民服务。


第7课“文化大革命“的十年 鲁教版七年级历史下册复习提纲


2、开始:1966年,中共中央接连发出开展“无产阶级文化大革命”的决定,成立“中央文革小组”,2刘少奇案是文革最大的冤案,可见民主法制被践踏到何种程度。3、1971年九月粉碎林彪反革命集团; 1976年10月粉碎江青反革命集团 文化大革命结束


























1、邓小平针对台湾问题提出了“一个国家,两种制度”的构想,一国两制的含义就是在中华人民共和国境内,大陆实行社会主义制度,台湾、香港和澳门实行资本主义制度。这是为解决台湾问题,恢复行使香港、澳门主权,以和平方式实现祖国统一而制定的一项重要 战略方针。








3、对我国统一台湾的看法 ①从历史角度看,台湾自古以来就是中国领土不可分割的一部分;




1、建国前建立中国人民解放军第一支海军—华东军区海军建立。新中国成立后,又相继建立了北海、东海和南海舰队 2、1971年,我国自行研制的导弹驱逐舰,完成了多次科学实验和对外出访任务。接着海军又陆续装备了我国自己制造的核潜艇。

3、1958年中国决定自行研制和潜艇。1974年研制出我国第一艘核潜艇 鲁教版七年级历史下册复习提纲












5、尼克松总统访华。中美双方在上海签署了《中美联合公报》。两人握手足有一分钟,尼克松说是为了纠正1954年美国国务卿杜勒斯拒绝和周恩来握手的失礼行为 鲁教版七年级历史下册复习提纲 6、1979年,中美正式建立外交关系。美国承认只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。中美关系正常化 7、1971年10月25日,第26届联合国大会恢复了中华人民共和国在联合国的合法席位,新中国终于重返联合国。














三、改革发展中的教育 1、1986年颁布实施了《中华人民共和国义务教育法》,国家增加了义务教育的经费投入,鼓励社会力量捐资办学。2、2000年,全国基本实现了普及九年义务教育。我国小学、初中发展水平,以居于发展中人口大国的前列。3、20世纪90年代以来,党和政府实施“科教兴国”的发展战略,明确提出“把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位”


四、百花齐放推陈出新 1、1956,我国提出“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针,促进了文化事业的繁荣。2、1959年,25届世界乒乓球锦标赛中,容国团夺得男子单打冠军,是我国第一个世界冠军。





1、改革开放前后人们衣食住行的变迁:(1)主要变化: 衣:改革开放前凭布票供应,色彩和样式单调,千篇一律的中山装、解放装。改革开放后衣着日益丰富,服饰成为人们显示风度,展示个性的方式。食:改革开放前凭粮票供应,食物匮乏、单调,人们营养不足,有些农村未解决温饱。改革开放后不但能“吃饱”,还要讲“吃好”,讲究营养均衡,粗细搭配。

住:改革开放前居住条件较差,多数是茅草房、土坯房、大杂院。改革开放后有很大变化,人居面积增加,室内装修和居住环境也有明显改善。行:改革开放前公交车、自行车是城市人的主要交通工具。改革开放后出租车、私家车开始成为城市人的主要交通工具,而且旅游坐飞机也不稀罕。(2)变化的原因:改革开放解放了生产力,促进了经济的发展和人民生活 水平的提高。






1.I like rice for supper.2.I see many birds on the playground.3.A plant grows very well.4.What’s the weather like today?

5.She spent her free time shopping.B:听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。

6.How much is four plus seven?

7.How are they?

8.What about playing football?

9.What’ the month of today?

10.Merry Christmas!



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