
时间:2019-05-14 12:36:10下载本文作者:会员上传




One of the greatest early writers said “Knowledge is power”, such is the reward of...“……”.That is how SB comments(criticizes/praises...).“……”.How often we hear such words like these.下面这些名言收集,希望对大家有所帮助。

啃骨头原理——John F.Kennedy

We choose to go to the moon and other things.Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.化整为零——Henry Ford

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.聚宝真经——Robert Collier

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.一句话,一辈子——Winston Churchill

Never, never, never, never give up.打遍天下无敌手——Napoleon

Victory belongs to the most persevering(坚韧的,不屈不挠的).另解:巧妇难为无米之炊——Mother Teresa

To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.一语惊醒梦中人——谚语

Where there's a will there's a way.天冰两吃——William Penn

No pains, no palm;no thorns, no throne;no gall, no glory;no cross, no crown.付出与收获的正比逻辑——Crassus

Those who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly.最廉价却又最昂贵的资本——Thomas Edison

There is no substitute for hard work.你在睡梦中押韵,我在耕耘中押注——Benjamin Franklin

Plough deep while sluggards sleep.独孤新解——Henry David Thoreau

In the long run men hit only what they aim at.黑客?!——Samuel Johnson

Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.年底大分红——Ray A.Croc

Luck is a dividend(红利)of sweat.The more you sweat, the luckier you get.没得花肥,哪有扑鼻香——Emily Dickinson

Luck is not chance...It's toil...Fortune's expensive smile is earned.最原始的生存数学——Thomas Edison

Genius is one-percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.幸运的信徒——Thomas Jefferson

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.谁拐走你的胜利——Ralph Waldo Emerson

No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.失败之后…——Vince Lombardi

It's not whether you get knocked down...It’s whether you get up again.人生何其丰富多彩,但谨记上色原则——Winston Churchill

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity;a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.失败赞歌——Henry Ford

Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.思及:金钱不是万能的,没有金钱却是万万不能的——Vince Lombardi

Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.昨日重现?!——Aughey Lost time is never found again.孔子亦云——Confucius

Our greatest glory is not in never falling...but in rising every time we fall.不倒翁密籍——谚语

There is no failure excepting no longer trying.心动不如行动——Theodore Roosevelt

Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are.应聘的标准回答,但请做个性化配置——Publilius Syrus Maxim

No one knows what he can do till he tries.当地球上最后一个人听见敲门声——Will Rogers

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over...If you just sit there, opportunity rarely knocks on your door.Knock rather on opportunity's door if you ardently wish to enter.从设想到起飞——Norman Vincent Peale

Plan your work for today and every day;then work your plan.阴文幽幽地质问:你是真心爱我还是迫不得已的?——Thucydides

The strong do what they will.The weak do what they must.近水楼台先得月——James Allen

The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do.反打:临阵磨枪,比200瓦灯泡还亮——Abraham Lincoln

I will prepare and some day my chance will come.变心——Terence

There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly.有感:梦中走了千里路,醒来还是在床上

You'll learn more about a road by traveling it...than by consulting all the maps in the world.(实践出真知)


The mind of a man can achieve What it can conceive and believe.巨人肩膀罚站记——Thomas Edison

I start where the last man left off.天长地久——Voltaire


Leave no stone unturned.金字塔三维标准——John Wooden

Talent is God given--Be Humble.Fame is man given--Be Thankful.Conceit is self-given--Be Careful.水润自然界中万物,火呢——Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.大叔问:烙饼要什么馅的?——Albert Einstein

Imagination is more important than knowledge.如你所愿——Henry Ford

Whether you think you can or think you can't--you are right.激将法又一例——Walter Begehot

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.反思:我等到花儿也谢了——谚语

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.逆境的黑白道——Robert Collier

In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage.In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.化妆舞会上的艳遇——Ann Landers

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.还君明珠——Albert Einstein

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.点时成金——Thomas Fuller

A wise man turns chance into good fortune.顺境与逆境的造化——William Hazlitt

Prosperity is a great teacher;adversity is a greater.(抄来的)a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.2 money is a good servant but a bad master.3 there is no friend so faithful as a good book.4 pain past is pleasure.a willful man will have his way.gratitude takes three forms--a feeling in the heart, an expression in words,and a giving in return.7 every tub must stand in its own bottom 8 virtue is the only true nobility.beauty is in the eye of the beholder.10 to save time is to lengthen life.

第二篇:TOEFL 教学计划

TOEFL 教学计划

1.在考试之前这一段时间,要扩展词汇量和知识面,电视剧就全部换成美剧、纪录片、科教片等等。关于科学的,旅游的,文学的,医学的,心理学的都要有所了解。你自己需要就读的那个专业就更甭提了。最新的 through the wormhole 就挺不错的,还有与霍金一起探讨宇宙起源等等探索频道的节目。2.要读一些古希腊神话等的书。能找到里面的一些英文名字更好,起码有些常见的古希腊神话里面的英文名字,不要求能听写下来,但是起码要看见了就能知道指的是哪个人物。没事的时候,找一本古希腊神话的书或者上网看或者放到手机里面看。3.常见的英国文学或者美国文学家的名字要知道,他们主要作品的风格要了解。看汉语的就可以了,但是一些比较知名的作家的名字的英文要知道。

4.平时在生活中要多注意想一想汉英两种语言所代表的思维习惯的差异。比如中国人为主的东方人比较注重“关系”但是英语为代表的西方人比较注重的是“事实”。开始的时候不太具备英语的语感,但是时间长了就好了,通过看电视、电影、朗读等具备了基本的语感之后就可以试着多想想这个问题,在实际生活中体验一下。5.TOEFL的官方指南里面一再强调,该考试是 integrate skill 也就是听说读写四种技能完全融合的一种技巧性测试,或者叫能力测试。不是四级那样的,不是六级那样的,甚至跟专业八级的测试都不一样。你不能跟以往一样单凭题海战术来应付。我是说不能单凭,题目还是要做一些,来熟悉熟悉考试的流程。考试的难度比较大,涉及到的学科范围比较广,但是涉及到的生活范围不是很大,就是校园里面的一些基本生活。但是大学生的知识面宽泛,所以语言素材比较专业。



新托福口语考试Task 1模版

Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most/ a valuable possession I want to talk about/ the place I would most like to go is______________.And there are a couple of reasons to name.The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________.So that’s why ____________________.新托福口语考试Task 2模版

Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________.More importantly, ____________________.So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above.新托福口语考试Task 3模版

The school has implemented a new policy that________________ ______________ due to _______________________________.And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement.The first reason s/he gives is that____________________.And the second one is based on the fact that____________________.Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion.新托福口语考试Task 4模版

In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech.The first one is that____________________.The other one is that____________________.And that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea.(The conclusion is optional.)

新托福口语考试Task 5模版

In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that ____________________.And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions.One is ____________________.The other is ____________________.And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because____________________.新托福口语考试Task 6模版

In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________.The first one is that____________________.Another example is that____________________.And that’s the two examples the speaker

presented to explain the theory/phenomenon.(Still, the conclusion is optional.)

注:1.2题模板比较口语,比较自然。有些许的well,um,you know之类的词,是可以理解的。It's a good way for you to buy time to think.But remember not to use them too much.希望同学们好好总结,写出自己的口语模版并背诵,这样才能拿到较好的托福口语成绩.这套托福托福口语第四题万能模版之所以称之为万能是因为没有限制口语考试时候的类型,只是给出了相应的句型,所以大家可以应用到任何类型的托福口语第四题中去。

1.TOPIC SENTENCE: The professor talks about the theory that……。

SUPPORTING DETAILS: He/she gives one/two examples to illustrate/explain such a point.(接下来陈述实验对象,实验过程,实验结果)。


The reading passage: definition

Listening passage: examples,study,research


The reading passagegives the definition of……(关键的抽象词)。XXX is……(定义的内容)

In the listening passage,the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some researches / examples.This first is……(最后一句注意挂钩)

The second is……(同样挂钩)


The reading passage: the phenomenon / the problem/the process /somefunctions/some features

Listening passage: research,analysis.。.模版:

the reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the process /somefunctions/some features(关键的抽象词)。XXX is……(定义的内容)In the listening passage,the professor goes on to demonstrates it by introducing some researches/analyses

This first is……(最后一句注意挂钩)

The second is……(同样挂钩)


The reading passage:a conception held by/the principle/ theapplication/the cause/the effect

Listening passage: specific aspects


The reading passage introduces a conception held by/the principle/ theapplication/the cause/the effect

In the listeningpassage argues/indicates several specific aspects of

The first*** is

The second *** is


The reading passage: ***

Listening passage: examples,study,research


The reading passage introduces the definition/ phenomenon/ problem/ process /some functions/some features/ principle/ application/ cause/ effect of……(关键的抽象词)。XXX is……(定义的内容)

In the listening passage,the professor continues to demonstrate it by providing some researches/examples.This first is……(最后一句注意挂钩)

The second is……(同样挂钩)


From the reading material,we know that…(关键术语,定义)

To demonstrate it,the speaker provides two examples/reasons/researches.One example is that……

Another example is that……。.So the suggestion is that……



“In the lecture,the professor mainly talked about the theory that。..。To reinforce the theory,the professor gave two reasons in his speech.The first one is that …。The other one is that …。And that‟s the two reasons the speaker presented to explain his idea.(The conclusion is optional)”


The Dead Sea

In this set of materials,the reading part describes the abody of water,and listening part provides additional information about the body of water.The reading part describes the body of water named the Dead Sea.This body of water is said to be “dead” because its high salt level prevents life in it.It„s so salty for the reason that it‟s landlocked with no outlet,and it„s in an area with a high temperaturem this causes rapid evaporation.The listening part makes an additional point about the Dead Sea.The new point says that the Dead Sea isn‟t actually a sea.A sea is a body of water that„s part of the ocean or opens into the ocean,while a lake is a body that;s entirely enclosed.The Dead Sea has no outlet and is therefore a lake.自我测评标准:

Self-Assessment Checklist:

1.I noted the main points of the reading passage.2.I noted the main points of the listening passage.3.I read the question carefully.4.I used careful planning to outline my response.5.I began with an overall topic statement.6.I used strong supporting ideas.7.I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.新托福口语考试备考及模版之综合口语第五题主要考察同学们对于校园生活的适应能力,具体














准备时间: 20s

答题时间: 60s






Solutions针对Problem不同层面提出,注意提炼中心句。关切性的话可以略去。答题时在复述问题和解决方法后,一定要给出自己的建议,想不出来就选择一个S提出的方案或把S提出的各种办法按照轻重缓急排序,形式上不可缺少!一定要说 “the man/woman offers her/him TWO(or THREE)solutions.”This is to ensure that you get all the solutions even if you can’t finish you answer in time,so the examiner will still give you a good score.4、时间分配:The OPTIMAL time allotment is: 10 seconds for the problem,17 seconds for each solution,and 10 seconds for your choice and why,and about 6 seconds pausing throughout your answer.5、问题不用听!每次都一样!省下10-15秒整理笔记。问题:“briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conversation and to state which of the two solutions you prefer,and finally to explain why you prefer that solution”。











1、In the conversation,the man/women has a problem with his/herschedue/report/essay /study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)He or she couldn’t get/check out/afford ***(问题具体化)

He/she needs to***

The woman/man/professor/officer gives him/her twosolutions/options

(基本上是2个solution)The firstsolution/option is(概括,不用具体化)

Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is(概括,不用具体化)

And I think the second choice is preferable for the following reasons:

(自己的建议)First,the woman may confront the same problem in the future,itis better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiencesAlso,I have once faced thesame situation as the woman does,and I***

2、(1)The man/woman has a problem/situation,which is that„.+but/however(如果有冲突的话)

(2)The man/ woman gives two suggestion.Suggestion one is„„„ suggestion two is„„。

(3)If I were the man/woman,I would follow the first/second suggestion.或者是 In my opinion/as far as I’m concerned,the best thing for the man/woman to do is„。

(4)Because I think„„每一个省略为2句话。

3、In this conversation,the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that „。And the woman/man offers him/ her two possible solutions.One is„„ The other is „。And if it were my choice,I would choose the former/latter one,because„„”

4、In the conversation,the man/woman has a problem with his/her schedule/report/essay /study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)

He or she couldn’t get/check out/afford ***(问题具体化)

He/she needs to***So,the woman/man/professor/officer offers him/her two solutions/options

The first solution/option is(概括,不用具体化)

Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is(概括,不用具体化)

And from my point of view/As for me,the second choice is preferable for the following reasons/the best way to solve this problem is :

(自己的建议)First,the woman may confront the same problem in the future,it’s better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiences.Also,I have once faced the same situation as the woman does,and I ***(这么干的),it works well pretty well for me.5、The woman/man is facing the problem that„„ So the man/woman offers him/her two solutions.One is„„.Another is„。Well,to me,I prefer the first/second one.because(理由,常直接来自听力)„„,(如果有时间),I was once faced with the similar trouble;I chose to(说支持的具体选择)and everything turned out to be all right.(记主要观点,要求发表自己观点)



1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The world is changing fast, people are less happy.AGREE a.b.The rapidly changing environment is towards a deteriorating direction and people suffer from all kinds of pollution.Coming with the convenience which was brought by the advancement of technology, people’s life are at stake considering wars are always on edge.c.People’s relationship with each other is alienated by Internet, telecommunication and other kind of virtual interaction patterns.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic for politician is to accept responsibility for mistake.DISAGREE a.It is very important for politician to accept responsibility for mistake considering.Because only after recognized and took the responsibility of mistakes can politician make an effort to progress.b.The most important skill the politician should possess is communication skill.For one thing, it is important for politician to a good listener to public.c.Communication skill can help politician to express themselves better, consequently, having the policy or implementation carried out well.3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make and learn from their own mistakes.PARTIALLY AGREE a.b.It is very helpful to cultivate a child’s sense of independence by letting him/her dealing with their own mistake.Their own experience will be more impressive to them and is a better way to educate children than solely didactic instillation.c.Nevertheless, this process should be carefully moderated by parents because children are lack the ability to draw a clear line between right and wrong.And they cannot always recognize the seriousness of their mistakes.4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people nowadays have no influence on decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.DISAGREE a.b.Politically, youth play an increasingly crucial role in decision-making.Scientifically, youth’s interest of study will determine where humankind will head to in the future.Disease combat, climate change, outer space exploration.c.Culturally, what young people tend to believe and how young people decide to behave may become part of the trait of the nation.5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problem that affects the society today will be solved during my life time?(61)

DISAGREE a.It is true that some scientific problem will be taken under control.Flu=smallpox, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, energy efficiency.b.Many other scientific issues will not bear fruit if without hundreds of year’s efforts.Climate change, sending human to outer space.c.More issues are far from solely scientific.Cases like religious conflict, regional war, overpopulation and climate change cannot be solved in decades.6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although new technology and science will continue to advance and improve people’s life, the most significant improvement has been made.(33)DISAGREE a.Admittedly that many inventions and researches have benefit all human races and even change the way we live.Combustion engine, penicillin, rocket, Internet, electronic devices.b.There are advances in technology that will make a great difference within immediate future.Cure for diabetes, AIDS, and cancer.c.People will never know what is going to happen unless we have experienced it.Immigrate to the Mars maybe possible in the next millennium.7.Which is more important: having more facilities or hiring more teachers? TEACHERS ARE MORE IMPORTANT a.More teachers means each student will have more time discussing academic issues with teacher, and they will have appropriate teaching methods placed on them according teacher’s observation on student’s strength.b.More teacher employment ensures each teacher to have more time can free them from burdensome education duties.Hence they will have more time to devote into scientific research which will benefit more people than an elite few.c.However, facility is also important.Teacher also needs favorable facility to enhance their teaching and research.8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to know about what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives.AGREE a.Learning what is going on around the world help people keep pace of time.By doing this horizon will be broaden as a result.b.Different issues, even those seem to have completely no connection, may have possible implications with each other.By learning what is happening around the world will sometimes help people with their own career.c.It is also a recreational process to learn different thing going on around the globe.And knowledge or information acquired can be put into conversation to make communication not so tedious.9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the ways that parents can help children be ready for adult life is to ask them to do a part-time job.PARTIALLY AGREE a.Doing a part-time job can help cultivate many favorable characteristics that are crucial for adult life.Independence, financial responsibility, time arrangement.b.Doing a part-time job can help children or teenagers form a new circle of friends and foster a sense of remaining friendship with different kind of people.c.However, negative impact cannot be neglected.Doing part-time job can make up too much time and prevent children to achieve a satisfactory academic performance.10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about the person from the type of friends the person has.AGREE a.Someone is the average of his/her friends combined.They share similar interest, having alike values, pursue in the same direction.b.c.Friends always share same financial ability and live on the similar living standard.Friends affect each other to a great extend.Peer pressure, behavior, trend.11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s more important for the government to build new housing than preserve old and historical building.DISAGREE a.Building new house and demolishing the old ones will result in massive construction waste, which is detrimental to environment.b.Building new housing will cost a lot of money which could have been used on improving sanitary condition, providing food and clean water.Those issues are more urgent than improving housing condition.c.Some historical buildings have special meanings, they could have culture meaning and can stimulate tourist industry.12.When a new technological device become available.Some people buy it right away, while others will wait until many have acquired it.Which view do you agree with and explain why.BUY IT LATER a.b.c.New products may not be in perfect functional condition and have potential drawbacks not yet revealed.New products can be expensive, but later, price will goes down.Buy new products right away may lead to purchasing products sole out of impulse.Money can be wasted on unnecessary stuffs.13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from.(34)

DISAGREE a.Friends share interest, so they will feel relieved and comfortable around each other.Accordingly, they are likely to have fun, and in favor of this recreational function.b.Fun can never be the core essence of friendship.Friends are made to support and help each other.They help each other to solve tough problems.c.Friendship is an avenue to broaden social network, introducing novel things into someone’s life and sharing pleasure and sorrow.14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do alone.AGREE a.Working together will help improve work efficiency and have a clearer and deeper understanding of a certain subject.Because everyone’s task is much focused.b.c.Working together can help students to learn from each other’s idea which lead them to be more all-rounded.Working together can bring new thoughts to a particular subject during brainstorm or other kind of communication.15.If one of your friends needs assistance in one of the courses you are good at, is it better for him to turn to you for help or ask a tutor? TURN TO ME a.b.I am more familiar to my friend than is the teacher or tutor, so I know how to talk or teach effectively.Schedule would be more flexible for me to help him, because many more students also need a tutor.So the tutor may not have enough time and effort to cover so many students.c.Friends will be mutually honest with each other.That is, I will point out the problem immediately while he will tell me what he does not understand without hesitation.Case would be much different considering the generation gap between student and tutor or teacher.16.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees.(56)

DISAGREE a.Admittedly, it is very important to improve work skill of employees in order to guarantee a satisfactory quality of the products.b.c.Marketing is more important than improving work skills.Help promote products.Establishing an efficient and smooth manage and supply system is more prominent in increasing profit while cutting the costs.17.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to wait in patience than take action.(66)NEUTRAL a.They both have their merits.Patience can prevent people from impulsive action, which always lead to regrettable result.b.Patience can leave people enough time to get a clear view of the situation and prepare better for the coming assignment.c.Taking action in short time help people grasp once-or-never chances.Immediate reaction is in some cases necessary such as first aid and playing sports.18.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should do jobs that are similar to those of their parents.(71)PARTIALLY AGREE a.It is a beneficial choice to follow parent’s career.Children can get experience and advice from their parents.Thus, it will take less time for them to get familiar with their career.Also, they will make fewer mistakes considering the constructive suggestion made by their parents.b.c.Children can inherit their parents’ social relationship which is important in achieving successful career.However, children should have their own right to choose what to pursue as a career.Only in this way can they grow naturally and positively.19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Automobile has dad greater effects on society than airplanes.DISAGREE a.b.c.Airplanes travel greater distance with an amazing speed compared to automobile.Airplanes can be used as weapon which dramatically changed the world.During WW2.Airplanes stimulate economy to a greater extent than automobile.Global business, oil consumption, airline company.20.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to have more privacy than they have now.AGREE a.b.Privacy is basic human rights and all should be equally treated involving privacy issue.Celebrities are suffering from intrusion of privacy to a ridiculous extent.They should be protected by law and government.c.However, celebrities should burden more responsibilities than ordinary people.Because they have a big influence on society, so their privacy will never be as equal as the ordinary.21.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is much easier to achieve success with help from one’s family nowadays than before.AGREE a.b.More chances are available nowadays than before.Thus, help from family may be more effective than before.Families have accumulated more fortune than they did decades ago.Accordingly, family can provide better material support to its member.c.Communication technology narrowed the distance between people.Consequently, people will enjoy a broader range of social network, which will be of great significance in career.22.Some jobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends.Some jobs pay few salaries but allow employees staying with family and friend.Which job do you prefer? Why? PREFER HIGH SALARIES a.b.c.Technologies have made distance less a problem.Internet, airplane, high-speed rail.Higher salaries will guarantee the families a better living condition.A higher salary often suggests brighter working future.Thus, the career will be promising.23.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group.AGREE a.Having an opening attitude towards criticism will smooth the team and avoid conflicts.This make the team focuses much on establishing a harmonious environment rather than the work itself.b.People rejecting criticism are confident, most of the case, even conceit.This will make them never a good listener or speaker.Thus, won help each other.c.They themselves will never improve through teamwork, and they are constrained in their own circle.Hard for them to think out of the box.24.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.DISAGREE-THEY ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT AND MUTAULLY CONNECTED a.b.Job will provide sense of achievement, social status recognition and material satisfactory.Social life, in most cases, gives us recreation, share of interest and family.Interest club, hang out with friends, staying together with families.c.There is no clear line between job and social life.Co-workers can be good friends too.Families can start a business together, which attaches a working relationship over their kinship.25.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend.AGREE a.Honesty is a universally valued characteristic.Removing people’s guard when converse.Making the world a better place to live.b.Though honest is a favorable virtue in most of the cases, it can to hurtful sometime.They have a bad voice when singing.c.Though morally required to help others, people are inclined to protect themselves from danger or trouble, and then considering other’s need and difficulty.It is not about education or society norms.People have this spontaneously.26.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are now easier to become educated than in the past.AGREE a.b.Most of the world is free from the gripping of war.And this enable them more time and chance to receive education.People’s awareness of the importance of technologies has significantly promoted education.Receiving education seems to be a promising way to guarantee a bright future.c.The advent of information age especially promoted by the pervasive usage of computer and internet made it possible for children even in a remote area have equal access to knowledge.27.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.PARTIALLY AGREE a.b.It is true that some advice that are of no use because time has changed.Computer, new media.There are also some advice will give some useful information.How to make friends;deal with colleagues, academic experience.c.Some advice will always remain true regardless how time has changed.Stay honest, be diligent.28.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? College or university should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.AGREE a.Wide range knowledge will help students to be better-rounded.Broadening their horizons.Transferrable knowledge and skill.b.c.Help students find out what they really like to do and have a clearer career plan.Provided many courses available, students will gradually foster the ability to make reasonable arrangement and make the most of limited time, which are both crucial in career.29.Some people think university professor should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students.What is your view? THEY ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT FOR UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS a.Research can make real breakthrough in scientific realm.Cure for cancer, remarkable improvement in energy efficiency.b.c.Research will benefit the greatest number of people.Invention of penicillin, telephone.Professor should also propel the research into the next generation and motivate the young to pursue academic achievements.Thus, educating students are of equal importance.30.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good strategy.We should take action now rather than later.NEUTRAL d.They both have their merits.Patience can prevent people from impulsive action, which always lead to regrettable result.e.Patience can leave people enough time to get a clear view of the situation and prepare better for the coming assignment.f.Taking action in short time help people grasp once-or-never chances.Immediate reaction is in some cases necessary such as first aid and playing sports.31.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s more important for government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to building recreational facilities(such as swimming pool, playground).THEY ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT a.Art museum and music center can help enhance public’s spiritual richness.Make public feel relaxed, promoted, and edified.b.Spiritual fulfillment and the rise in public aesthetic awareness will make a country or nation motivated to be innovative and diligent.c.Basic recreational facilities are of the same importance.They will ensure a healthy body and positive living attitude.32.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who go out from their village will be more successful and happier than people who stay in their village.DISAGREE a.Though geographic location is an important factor, its impact on success is underlined with the advent of information age.Internet, computer.b.c.Village also provides a lot of chance to make a big achievement.Tourist industry, local economic boom.Individual‘s happiness and success has little to do with where they are, but relevant to what they do, how they work, and who they are with.33.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? An efficient leader will always try to make everyone feel that he’s in part of decision making.DISAGREE a.It is every individual’s right to be informed about every decision the group or community are making.Because the decision should benefit the largest number of people in that community.b.Practice is not the same, making every individual part of decision-making, in some cases, will take forever to reach the final solution.c.Leader will consider in a long-term while most people prefer pursuing instant benefit and put longer interest at stake.34.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.DISAGREE a.Reading book or watching movie can help those who are physically fatigued to relax.But it will involve intensive brain exercise.b.c.Reading book sometime consume no less energy than moderate physical exercise including jogging or walking.Physical exercise can lends mental relieve and be a great distraction if someone is under great working or studying pressure.Also, it can improve health which in turn guarantees a better physical condition to deal with more problems.Playing basketball, running, swimming.35.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.BEING A SOCIAL AND UNIQUE PERSON a.Being totally ordinary will prevent a person from standing out in a group of people.Thus, he/she will not have a good chance to be successful.b.Being dramatically eccentric will make someone isolated, and no one will make friends with him/her.Consequently, they are impossible to succeed because they lack other’s support.c.Man should be social, having a good social network.At the mean time, they need to have unique technique or skill that most people do not in order to be successful.



Reading Comprehension

Time: 55 minutes(including the reading of the directions).Now set your clock for 55 minutes.Question 1-12

Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column.The column is designed so that a single pollination will fertilize hundreds of thousands, and in some

cases millions, of seeds, so microscopic and light they are easily carried by the breeze.Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals, sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes.The most noticeable of the

petals is called the labellum, or lip.It is often dramatically marked as an unmistakable landing

strip to attract the specific insect the orchid has chosen as its pollinator.To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors, and scents.At least 50 different aromatic compounds have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one, or at most a few, species of insects or birds.Some orchids even change their scents to interest different insects at different times.Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way obstacle

courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or removed.By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards of rampant

crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities.At the same time

they have made themselves irresistible to collectors.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?




(D)PerfumeThe orchid is unique because of

(A)the habitat in which it lives

(B)the structure of its blossom

(C)the variety of products that can be made from it

(D)the length of its lifeThe word “fused” in line 2 is closest in meaning to




(D)producedHow many orchid seeds are typically pollinated at one time?




(D)200,000Which of the following is a kind of petal?

(A)The column

(B)The sepal

(C)The stem

(D)The labellumThe labellum(line7)is most comparable to

(A)a microscope

(B)an obstacle course

(C)an airport runway

(D)a racetrackThe word “lure” in line 10 is closest in meaning to




(D)helpWhich of the following is NOT mentioned as a means by which an orchid attracts insects?




(D)PerfumeThe word “their” in line 13 refers to




(D)speciesWhich of the following statements about orchids scents does the passage support?

(A)They are effective only when an insect is near the blossom.(B)Harmful insects are repelled by them.(C)They are difficult to tell apart.(D)They may change at different times.The word “placed” in line 15 is closest in meaning to




(D)identifiedThe word “discrete” in line 18 is closest in meaning to







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