
时间:2019-05-14 14:04:32下载本文作者:会员上传



Scene 1 Wake up, sleepyhead.场景一 起床了,小懒虫。Wake up, sleepyhead.起床了,小懒虫。One more minute.再睡一分钟。It's time to get up.该起床了。

It's still early.I want to sleep some more.还早呢,我想再睡一会儿。

But you move so slowly.但是你很磨蹭。

Get up, or you'll be late.起床了,要不就要迟到了。Ok, but I'm still sleepy.好的,可我还困着呢。

Scene 2 The alarm clock went off.场景二 闹钟响了。The alarm clock went off.闹钟响了,Get up right away.快起床。

Give me five more minutes to snooze.再让我小睡5分钟。

Mom, it's too late.妈妈,太晚了,Did you set the alarm clock last night? 昨晚你设闹钟了吗?

Yes, I set it for six thirty.设了呀,我设在6点半了。Why didn't the alarm go off? 闹钟怎么没响呢? I didn't let it go off.我没让它响,I wanted you to sleep more.我想让你多睡会儿。

Scene 3 I slept like a baby.场景三 我睡得可香啦。Did you sleep well last night? 昨晚睡得好吗? Yes, I slept like a baby.我睡得可香啦。

Did you have a good sleep last night? 昨晚睡得好吗? Yes, I had a very good sleep.我睡得很好,How about you? 你呢?

How did you sleep last night? 昨晚睡得怎么样? Not very well.不太好,I had a bad dream.做了个噩梦。

I'm sorry to hear that.听你这么说,我很抱歉。

Scene 4 Hurry up.Time is running out.场景四 别磨蹭,没时间了。

Hurry up and get dressed.快点,穿好衣服。I'm still sleepy.我还困着呢,Please help me get dressed.请帮我穿衣服吧。Don't move so slowly.别那么磨磨蹭蹭的,I can't stand it.真让人受不了。Don't rush me.别催我,I'm doing my best.我在尽力呢。Go brush your teeth!去刷牙!Hurry up.别磨蹭,Time is running out.没时间了。Don't worry.别担心,There are still ten minutes left.还剩10分钟呢。

Family show 家庭剧场

Money is running out.快没钱了。

Toothpaste is running out.快没牙膏了。Toilet paper is running out.厕纸快用完了。Toothpicks are running out.牙签快用完了。

My pocket money is running out.我的零花钱快用完了。

Scene 5 You are wearing it inside out!场景五 你里外穿反啦!

Hurry up and get dressed.快去穿好衣服。

Please get me my school uniform.请把校服拿给我。Can you help me tuck in my shirt? 你能帮我把衬衣塞进裤子里吗?

Tuck it in yourself.你自己塞吧。

Look at your shirt.It's all wrong.看看你的衬衣,全乱套了。

Sorry, I buttoned it up the wrong way.对不起,我上下扣错了。

And you are also wearing it inside out.你还里外穿反了呢。

Scene 6 I want pigtails, not a ponytail.场景六 我想扎辫子,不要马尾辫。

Look at yourself in the mirror.去照照镜子吧。My hair is a mess.我的头发好乱呀,Can you comb it for me? 能帮我梳梳吗?

How do you want your hair? 你想梳什么样的头发呢? Do you want a ponytail? 想梳个马尾辫吗? No, I want pigtails.不,我想扎辫子。

Mom, I want to wear my hair long.妈妈,我想留长头发。But I don't have time to comb your hair in the morning.但我早上可没有时间替你梳头哦。

Scene 7 Don't skip breakfast.场景七 不要不吃早饭哦。What's for breakfast? 早饭吃什么?

Soy milk, boiled eggs and bread.豆浆、煮鸡蛋和面包。The same thing again.又是老一套,Can you help me peel the egg? 能帮我剥一下蛋壳吗? Do it yourself.自己剥。

You are eating too slowly.你吃的太慢了,大口点吃。Take bigger bites.大口点吃。

But if I eat fast, I'll throw up all the food.但是如果我吃快的话,会把吃进去的都吐出来的。

Mom, I'm too late to eat anything.妈妈,太晚了,我来不及吃东西了。

Do you want to skip breakfast? 你想不吃早饭吗?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.早餐可是一天中最重要的一顿饭哦。

Scene 8 Where is my red scarf? 场景八 我的红领巾呢?

We need to get moving.我们要出发了。Wait a moment.等一会儿,I forgot to put in my pencil box.我忘了把铅笔盒放进去了。

My red scarf is missing.我的红领巾不见了。

Here is money to buy a new one.给你钱,买条新的。No, thank you.不用,谢谢。

It must be somewhere in the living room.肯定在客厅的什么地方。

Where is my red scarf? 我的红领巾呢?

You're always looking for your red scarf.你总是在找红领巾。

Please help me find it.请帮我找到它。It's around your neck.在你脖子上围着呢。

Family show


What are you looking for? 你在找什么呢?

I'm looking for my red scarf.我在找我的红领巾呢。Oh, I found it.噢,我找到了。

What are you looking for? 你在找什么呢?

I'm looking for my school uniform.我在找我的校服呢。Oh, I found it.噢,我找到了。

What are you looking for? 你在找什么呢?

I'm looking for my glasses.我在找我的眼镜呢。Oh, I found them.噢,我找到了。Where are they? 在哪儿呢?

They are on the bridge of your nose.在你鼻梁上呢。What are you looking for? 你在找什么呢?

I'm looking for my school bag.我在找我的书包呢。Oh, I found it.噢,我找到了。Where is it? 在哪儿呢?

It's on your back.在你背上呢。

Scene09 I can carry the school bag by myself.场景九 我可以自己背书包。

Put on your shoes.穿上鞋,Tie your shoelaces.系好鞋带。Time to go.该走了,Mom, good-bye.妈妈,再见。Have fun.开心点哦。

Pick me up after school.放学来接我哦。

Have you got everything ready? 一切都准备好了吗? Yes, I'm ready.我准备好了,Let's go.我们走吧。

Shall I carry your school bag? 我可以替你背书包吗? No, thank you.不用,谢谢,I can carry it by myself.我可以自己背。

Topic 2 I wear a school uniform on Mondays.星期一 我穿校服。

Scene 1 It's too cold for short sleeves today.场景一 今天穿短袖太冷了。

Mom, can I wear my skirt? 妈妈,我可以穿裙子吗? Don't be silly.别傻了。It's cold outside.外面冷。

Mom, I want to wear a T-shirt.妈妈,我想穿T恤衫。It's too cold for short sleeves today.今天穿短袖太冷了。What a cold day!天气真冷呀。

Your coat is too thin.你的外套太薄了,You need a thicker one.需要一件厚外套。

Scene 2 We can't wear jeans to P.E.class.场景二 我们不能穿牛仔裤去上体育课。

What do you want to wear today? 今天你想穿什么衣服呢?

Today is Monday.今天是星期一,I'll wear my school uniform and red scarf.我穿校服,佩戴红领巾。

Why do you wear them only on Mondays? 为什么只有星期一要这样穿戴呢?

Because we have the flag-raising ceremony on Monday mornings.因为星期一早上我们有升旗仪式。

Why don't you wear jeans to school today? 今天为什么不穿牛仔裤去上学呢?

I have P.E.class.我有体育课,We can't wear jeans to P.E.class.我们不能穿牛仔裤去上体育课。

You can wear your new skirt to school.你可以穿这件新裙子上学。

I'd love to, but I have P.E.class today.我很想,但今天有体育课。

How often do you have P.E.classes? 你多长时间上一次体育课?

Three times a week.一周三次。

Family Show 家庭剧场

Can you give me a hand? 能帮我一下吧? I'd love to, but I'm busy right now.我很愿意,可我现在没空呢。

Can you answer the phone for me? 能替我接个电话吗?

I'd love to, but I'm in the bathroom.我很愿意,可我在洗手间。

Can you go shopping with me? 和我一起去买东西,可以吗?

I'd love to, but I have to do my homework.我很愿意,但我要写作业。Scene 3 We don't have to choose what to wear every day.场景三 我们不必每天选择穿什么。

What do you think of school uniforms? 你是怎么看待校服的?

I don't like them.我不喜欢,Everybody wears the same thing.每个人穿得都一样。It's good for students to wear uniforms.学生穿校服好。I agree.我同意。

We don't have to choose what to wear every day.我们不必每天选择穿什么。

When students wear uniforms to school, 学生穿校服上学,no one can tell who has more money.没人看得出来谁更有钱。

Yes, it can avoid fashion competition.是的,这样可以避免攀比时髦。

Scene 4 Does this skirt go with this shirt? 场景四 这裙子和衬衫搭配吗?

Does this skirt go with this shirt? 这裙子和衬衫搭配吗?

Well, they don't match exactly,嗯,他们并不非常搭配,but they still look nice together.但配在一起看起来还可以。

Does this necklace go with these earrings? 这条项链和这对耳环搭配吗?

Yes, they are a perfect match.是的,太搭配了。Stop laughing and tell me what's so funny.别笑了,告诉我有什么好笑的。

You look funny in that hat.你戴那顶帽子怪怪的,I just can't help it.我真的忍不住。

Scene 5 Do I look good in red? 场景五 我穿红颜色好看吗?

Do I look good in red? 我穿红颜色好看吗?

No, red is not your color.不好看,红色不适合你。

That tie doesn't look good on you.你戴那条领带不好看,It's too gaudy.颜色太艳了。

I'll try another one.我在试一条。

What do you think of my sunglasses? 你觉得我的墨镜怎么样?

They look very good on you.你戴起来很好看。

Family Show 家庭剧场

You look good in that skirt.你穿那条裙子真好看。That skirt looks good on you.那条裙子穿在你身上真好看。

You look great in that necklace.你戴那条项链真好看。That necklace looks great on you.那条项链戴在你身上真好看。

You look good in that hair pin.你戴那个发卡真好看。That hair pin looks good on you.你戴那个发卡真好看。You look great in those sunglasses.你戴那副墨镜真好看。

Those sunglasses look great on you.你戴那副墨镜真好看。

Scene 6 I got the buttons wrong.场景六 我把扣子扣错了。

Look, you are wearing two different socks.看,你穿得短袜不成对啊。

But I can't find the other one.但我找不到另一只。Your slippers don't match.你的拖鞋不搭配,They are not the right pair.他们不是一双的。Sorry, I put them on in a hurry.对不起,我穿得时候太匆忙了。

Your shirt looks funny.你的衬衣看起来怪怪的。Oh, I got the buttons wrong.啊,我吧扣子扣错了。And you are wearing it inside out.而且你还里外穿反了呢。

Scene 7 Can I go out in pajamas? 场景七 我能穿睡衣出去吗?

Can I go out in pajamas? 我能穿睡衣出去吗? No, you can't.不,你不可以。

You can't go out in slippers.你不能穿着拖鞋就出去。But I can't find my running shoes.可我找不到运动鞋呀。Don't go out in your underwear.不要穿着内衣出去。Sorry, I forgot to change.对不起,我忘记换了。

Topic 3 How can I keep my teeth healthy? 话题三 我怎样才能保持牙齿健康呢?

Scene 1 I don't like the flavor of this toothpaste.场景一 我不喜欢这种牙膏的味道。

Do you like this toothbrush? 你喜欢这把牙刷吗? Yes, I like the handle.是的,我喜欢这个牙柄。It's so cute.好可爱哦。

Do you like the flavor of this toothpaste? 你喜欢这种牙膏的味道吗?

No, I don't.不,我不喜欢。

Please buy me strawberry flavored toothpaste.请给我买草莓味的牙膏吧。

Mom, this toothpaste tastes bad.妈妈,这牙膏味道不好,I don't like mint flavor.我不喜欢薄荷味的。

Sorry, this is not made for kids.对不起,这不是儿童用的牙膏。

Scene 2 Brush your teeth every night before bedtime.场景二 每晚睡前刷牙。

How can I keep my teeth healthy? 我怎样才能保持牙齿健康呢?

Brush your teeth every night before bedtime.每晚睡前刷牙。

I've got something stuck in my teeth.我塞牙了。Go brush your teeth.去刷牙吧。

You have bad breath.你嘴里有味儿。

Sorry, I ate garlic for lunch.对不起,我中饭吃大蒜了。It doesn't matter.没关系,It could happen to anyone.这事谁都会有的。

Scene 3 Don't use too much toothpaste.场景三 别用太多牙膏。

Don't use too much toothpaste.别用太多牙膏,A pea size amount is enough.豌豆大小的量就够了。Can you help me squeeze the tube? 你能帮我挤(牙膏)管吗?

Mom, we are running out of toothpaste.妈妈,牙膏快用完了。

Let me help you squeeze it.我帮你挤吧。

I got the last bit out of the tube.我把最后一点从管理挤出来了。

We need to buy a new tube of toothpaste.我们需要买管新牙膏了。

What flavor would you like? 你想要什么味儿的?

Scene 4 Don't brush too hard.场景四 别刷得太用力了。Mom, my teeth are bleeding.妈妈,我牙齿出血了。Don't brush too hard.别刷得太用力了。

You didn't brush your teeth the right way.你刷牙的方法不对。

Can you show me the right way? 你能把正确的方法做给我看一下吗?

Look at me.Brush up and down, rather than side to side.看着我,上下刷,而不是左右刷。

Take your time while brushing.刷牙时不要着急,Spend at least three minutes.至少要刷3分钟。I think two minutes is enough.我想2分钟就够了。

Scene 5 Open your mouth and let me smell.场景五 张开嘴巴,让我闻一闻。

Mom, I have finished brushing my teeth.妈妈,我刷完牙了。

Open your mouth and let me smell.张开嘴巴让我闻一闻。

Wow, you did a good job.哇,你刷得好干净哦。

Put on the toothpaste cap when you are done.刷完牙把牙膏盖盖上。

But I can't find it.但我找不到牙膏盖。

You didn't do a good enough job brushing your teeth.你没有好好刷牙啊。

Sorry, I will spend more time next time.对不起,下次我多花点时间。

Family Show 家庭剧场

My school bag is not big enough.我的书包不够大。My pencil box is not big enough.我的铅笔盒不够大。This pencil is not sharp enough.这支铅笔不够尖。I'm going fast enough.我动作够快的了。Is it wide enough? 这样够大吗?

Scene 6 Wash your hands after playing outside.场景六 从外面玩回来要洗手哦。

Can I eat without washing my hands? 妈妈,我可以不洗手就吃饭吗?

No, you must wash your hands before eating.不可以,吃东西前必须洗手。

My hands are clean.我的收很干净,I don't want to wash them.我不想洗手。

Germs are just about everywhere.细菌无处不在,We can't see them.我们看不见。

Wash your hands after playing outside.从外面玩回来要洗手哦。

But I didn't touch anything.但我什么也没有碰过呀。

Family show 家庭剧场

Wash your hands before eating.吃东西前要洗手。Wash your hands before cooking.做饭前要洗手。

Wash your hands after using the bathroom.上卫生间后要洗手。

Wash your hands after blowing your nose.擤鼻涕后要洗手。

Wash your hands after coming in from outside.从外面回来要洗手。

Wash your hands after touching the pet.接触宠物之后要洗手。

Scene 7 We are out of liquid soap.场景七 洗手液用完了。

Do you like liquid soap or a bar of soap when you wash your hands? 你洗手时喜欢用洗手液还是肥皂? I like liquid soap.我喜欢用洗手液。

Mom, we are out of liquid soap.妈妈,洗手液用完了。Why not use the bar soap.那就用肥皂吧。

Put the soap on the soap dish.把肥皂放在肥皂碟上。Ok.But the soap dish is dirty.好的,但肥皂碟脏了,I'll clean it.我把它洗干净。

Scene 8 Don't dry your hands on your pants.场景八 别在裤子上擦手。

Don't dry your hands on your pants.别在裤子上擦手。Sorry, but where is my towel? 对不起,但我的毛巾呢? Dry your hands with a towel.用毛巾擦干手。

Can I dry them with a paper towel? 我可以用纸巾擦吗?

Use hand lotion after washing your hands.洗完手擦点护手霜。

Why? 为什么呢?

To keep your hands moist and make them look better.保持手的湿润,让它们更好看些。Topic 4 This is dinner time, not lecture time.话题四 这是晚饭时间,不是批评人的时候。

Scene 1 I could eat a horse.场景一 我快饿死了。Are you hungry? 你饿吗?

Yes, I could eat a horse.是的,我快饿死了。Mom, I'm hungry.妈妈,我饿了,Can we eat without Dad? 能先吃不等爸爸吗?

We'd better wait until Dad comes home from work.我们最好等到爸爸下班回家吧。What's for dinner? 晚饭吃什么? I'm starving.我很饿了。

Nothing special, just leftovers.没什么特别的,就是剩菜剩饭。

But they are two days old.但是他们已经两天了,I'm afraid they are not safe to eat.恐怕不能放心吃了。

Scene 2 I don't feel like eating anything.场景二 我什么也不想吃。

Time for lunch.吃中饭了。

Mom, I'm not hungry.I had a late breakfast.妈妈,我不饿,我吃饭吃得晚。

I don't feel like eating anything.我什么也不想吃。Are you okay? 你没事吧?

I have no appetite for anything.我对什么都没胃口。Please don't eat any snacks before meals.饭前请不要吃零食了。

Scene 3 Don't be picky.场景三 别挑食。

What would you prefer for your dinner, beef or pork? 晚饭你想吃点什么,牛肉还是猪肉? Neither.Chicken, please.都不想,请来吃点鸡肉吧。

Don't be picky.别挑食了。

I want to eat something sweet.我想吃些甜的东西。Stay away from sugar.别吃糖,It's not good for your health.对你的健康不好。Have you cooked rice? 你做米饭了吗?

Yes, it's in the rice cooker.做了,在米饭窝里呢。But I want to eat noodles.但我想吃面条。

Scene 4 Put garlic and ginger in the dishes.场景四 在菜里放大蒜和生姜。

Mom, why are you crying? 妈妈,你为什么哭呢?

Oh, it's the onion.I'm chopping the onion.哦,是洋葱,我在切洋葱。

Mom, why do you put garlic and ginger in the dishes? 妈妈,你为什么要在菜里放大蒜和生姜呢?

To make the dishes taste better.为了让菜味道更好些。I'm cooking tomato egg soup.我在做西红柿鸡蛋汤。Let me help you crack the egg.我来帮你敲鸡蛋吧。No, you will make a mess.不,你会搞得一团糟的,But you can help me beat the egg.但你可以帮我打鸡蛋。

Scene 5 Can I set the table for you? 场景五 我可以帮你摆一下餐桌吗?

Can I set the table for you? 我可以帮你摆一下餐桌吗? Sure.Thank you.当然可以啦,谢谢。

Excuse me, I'm coming through.对不起,让一下,This soup is very hot.这汤很烫。

Mom,you'd better use a tray next time.妈妈,你下次最好用个托盘。

This dish smells good.这道菜闻起来真香。It tastes good, too.吃起来也很香,Can I eat first? 我能先吃吗? Wait a second.稍微等一会儿,We'd better sit down to have dinner together.我们最好坐下来一起吃晚餐。

Family show 家庭剧场

It smells good./It smells great.(闻起来)好香啊。It smells bad./It smells terrible.(闻起来)好臭啊。It tastes delicious./It tastes wonderful.味道真好吃啊。It tastes bad./It tastes terrible.味道好难吃啊。

You look nice./You look beautiful.你看上去真漂亮!

You look ugly./You look awful.你看上去很难看/很糟糕。It sounds good./It sounds great.这个挺起来不错(好主意)。

It sounds bad./It sounds terrible.这个真难听。

It feels smooth./It feels soft.这个摸起来很光滑/柔软。It feels rough./It feels coarse.这个摸起来很粗糙。

Scene 6 This dish doesn't have any flavor.场景六 这道菜没味道。

How do you like this dish? 这道菜怎么样? There's too much oil in it.油太多了。

This dish doesn't have any flavor.这道菜没味道。Oh, dear!I forgot to put in any salt!哎呀,我忘了放盐了。I don't like this tomato egg soup.我不喜欢这道西红柿鸡蛋汤。

I don't like it, either.It's too spicy.我也不喜欢,太辣了。And there are bits of egg shell in it.而且里面还有蛋壳呢。

Scene 7 No more rice.I'm full.场景七 不再要米饭了,我吃饱了。

Would you like some more meat? 要不要再吃点肉? Okay, just a little.好的,就一点。One more bowl of rice? 再来碗米饭?

No, thank you.I'm full.不了,谢谢,我饱了。

Finish everything in your bowl.把碗里的东西都吃了。Sorry, I can't eat anything else.对不起,我再也吃不下了。Your eyes are always bigger than your stomach.你总是眼大肚子小。

Scene 8 Put the leftovers in the fridge.场景八 把剩菜剩饭放到冰箱里。

I feel sleepy after such a big meal.大吃一顿后我觉得很困。

So do I.我也一样。

You are the last one to finish dinner.你最后一个吃完晚饭,So please clear the table and put the dirty dishes in the sink.那就请把桌子收拾一下,把脏碗碟放到水池里吧。Okay, but you'll have to do the dishes.好的,但你得洗碗哦。

What shall we do with the leftovers? 这些剩饭剩菜怎么办呢?

Put them in the fridge.放到冰箱里,We can warm them up for the next meal.下一顿热一热再吃。

Scene 9 We'd better ask for a to-go box.场景九 我们最好打个包。

Let's go Dutch.我们AA制吧。No, it's my treat.不,我请客。

What shall we do with the leftovers? 没吃完的我们该怎么处理?

Just leave them on the table.就留在饭桌上吧。We'd better ask for a to-go box.我们最好打个包。For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?

To go.带走。

All the seats are taken.没位子了。

Scene 10 It's bad to waste food.场景十 浪费食物不好。It's dinner time, not lecture time.现在是晚餐时间,不是批评人的时间。

Yes, mom.是的,妈妈。

Please don't turn dinner time into lecture time.请别把晚餐时间变成批评人的时间。Eat up your rice.把米饭吃光,It's bad to waste food.浪费粮食不好。But I'm full.可我吃饱了,Can I leave it for the next meal? 能留着下一顿吃吗? I have got some meat stuck in my teeth.我肉塞牙了。Don't clean your teeth with your fingers.别用手指剔牙。But I can't get the meat out if I don't.但是如果不那样的话,肉就弄不出来。

Family Show 家庭剧场 Sit up straight!坐直了!Stand up straight!站直了!

Don't speak with your mouth full.嘴里塞满东西时别说话。

Don't make any noise when you are eating.吃东西时别出声。

Eat up the rice!把饭吃完了!Drink up the milk 把牛奶喝完了!

Don't clean your teeth with your fingers.别用手指剔牙。Don't clean your teeth with your tongue.别用舌头剔牙。Don't drink from the bowl.不要直接从碗里喝。

Topic 5 Too much homework.I can't stand it.话题五 作业太多,我无法忍受了。

Scene 1 Do your homework as soon as you get home.场景一


Please do your homework as soon as you get home from school.请你放学一回家就写作业。

If I finish my homework before dinner time, 如果我晚饭前做完作业,can I watch TV for a while? 我能看一会儿电视吗? If you finish your homework in one hour, 如果你在1小时内做完作业,you can watch TV for 30 minutes.就可以看30分钟的电视。

Really? I'll try my best.真的吗?那我会尽力的。

Can I take a short break before starting homework? 开始做作业前我可以休息片刻吗?

Sure.You can eat some fruit while taking a break.当然可以。你休息的时候可以吃些水果。

Scene 2 Look at my homework journal.场景二


What's your homework for today? 今天你有什么作业? I've got lots of homework.我有很多作业,Look at my homework journal.看看我的记事本吧。Chinese, math, English and something else.语文、数学、英语,还有点别的。

Mom, I have too much homework.妈妈,作业太多,I can't stand it.我无法忍受了。Stop complaining.别抱怨了,Let's get down to work.赶紧做吧。

Mom, I have no homework for today!妈妈,我今天没作业啦!

Let me check your homework journal.让我看 一下你的记事本。

No written homework, but you have “reading” and “memorization”.没有写作业,但有“朗读”和“背诵”呀。

“Reading” and “memorization” aren't real homework.但有“朗读”和“背诵”不是真正的作业。

But they need to be done well, too.但也要好好完成的哦。

Family show 家庭剧场 Stop eating.别吃了。Stop reading.别看书了。Stop smoking.别抽了。

Stop complaining.别抱怨了。

Stop complaining about the price.别抱怨物价了。Stop complaining about the weather.别抱怨天气了。Stop complaining about the food.别抱怨饭菜了。

Scene 3 Give me a ten-minute break.场景三 让我休息10分钟吧。

Do your homework at once.马上做作业。Don't rush me, mom.妈妈,别催我,Give me a ten-minute break.让我休息10分钟吧,I just ate my dinner.我刚吃完晚饭吧。

I have finished my Chinese homework.我做完语文作业了。

Can I take a short break before I go on to do my math homework? 我可以先休息一小会儿,在接着做数学作业吗?

Yes.Go to the living room.可以啊,到客厅里,Do ten sit-ups and ten push-ups.做10个仰卧起坐和10个俯卧撑。

Sit up straight!坐直了!

You are bending your head over the book.你把头都埋到书里了。Sorry, mom, I fell asleep.对不起,妈妈,Scene 4 I hate diaries.Nothing to write about.场景四 我讨厌日记,没什么可写的。

Mom, I have a diary to write for my homework again.妈妈,今天又有写日记的作业了。

Keeping a diary is good for you.记日记对你有好处呀。But I can't find anything to write about.但我没什么可写的,Every day is the same.每天都一样的事。

I can't learn this poem by heart.这首诗我背不下来。Take it easy.You can read it first.别着急,你可以先读一读。

Can you first explain the poem to me? 你能先给我解释一下这首诗的意思吗?

May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗? Sure, go ahead.当然可以了,问吧。What's the meaning of this word? 这个词是什么意思呢?

You can look it up in the dictionary.你可以查一下字典。

Scene 5 I can't work out this math problem.场景五


What's today's math homework? 今天的数学作业是什么?

Exercise Three and Exercise Four on Page 30.第30页上的练习3和练习4。

This math problem has more than one solution.这道数学题的答案不止一个。

Let me think it over.让我好好想想。

I can't work out this math problem.这道数学题我不会做,I want to give up.我不想做了。

Use your head and think hard.动动脑筋,好好想想。

Scene 6 My spelling is terrible.场景六 我的拼写差极了。What's today's English homework? 今天英语有什么作业?

No written homework, just reading and memorizing the text.没有写的作业,就是朗读和背诵课文。

Can you spell the word “strawberry”? 你会拼写strawberry这个词吗?

Sorry, my spelling is terrible.对不起,我拼写差极了。What letter is missing in this word? 这个单词中少了什么字母?

Oh, I made a mistake.哦,我出错了饿。

Be careful with your spelling next time.下次拼写时要细心哦。

Scene 7 May I have your attention? 场景七 你能专心听我讲嘛?

Listen to me when I'm talking to you.我和你说话是你要听我说。

Sorry, I'm sleepy.Let's call it a day.对不起,我困了,今天就到此为止吧。

May I have your attention? 你能专心听我讲吗? Sorry, I'm tired.对不起,我累了,I can't do anything but sleep.我除了睡觉外,什么也做不成了。

Can you help me with the dictation? 你能帮我听写吗? Ok, I'll read you the words.好的,我给你读词。Pay attention to your handwriting.注意书写。I'm doing my best.我在尽力呢。

Family show 家庭剧场

Can I help you with the dishes? 我可以帮你洗碗吗? Can I help you with the bag of rice? 我可以帮你拎这袋米吗?

Can I help you with the book? 我可以帮你取下书吗? Pay attention to your handwriting.注意书写。Pay attention to your spelling.注意拼写。

Pay attention to your table manners.注意你的用餐礼貌(吃相)。

Scene 8 I made a mistake again.场景八 我又出了个错。I made a mistake again.我又出了个错。Never mind.Be careful next time.没关系,下次细心点。You make the same mistake again and again.你总是犯同样的错误。

Sorry, mom, I did it in a hurry.对不起,妈妈,我做得太匆忙了。

Mom, I got four problems wrong on yesterday's math homework.妈妈,我昨天的数学作业有四道题做错了。How can you be so careless!你怎么能这么粗心呢? Did you correct them? 订正了吗?

I'll correct them right away.我这就订正。

Scene 9 Please sign my homework journal.场景九 请在我的记事本上签个字。

Mom, please check my homework.妈妈,请检查一下我的作业,I want to get full credit.我想得满分。

Okay„ Well done!You got everything right.好的„„做得真棒!全做对了。

This is my homework journal.这是我的记事本,Please sign it.请签字吧。

Mom, I have finished all my homework.妈妈,我做完作业了。

Let me check it.Shall I sign your homework journal? 让我检查一下。

Good job!Shall I sign your homework journal? 做得真棒!我要在记事本上签字吗?

Mom, I finished all my homework on time.Please check it.妈妈,我按时做完所有的作业了,请检查。

I'm afraid this is not the right answer.恐怕这个答案不对。

Let me think it over and correct it.让我仔细想想,然后订正一下。

Topic 6 Take out unnecessary things.话题六 把不需要的东西拿出来。

Scene 1 Pack your school bag before going to bed.场景一 睡觉前要先整理好书包。

Pack your school bag before going to bed.睡觉前要先整理好书包。

Mom, can you pack it for me? 妈妈,你能帮我整理吗? I'm very sleepy.我很困了。

Can I pack my school bag tomorrow morning? 我明天早晨整理书包可以吗? No, you can't.不可以.It must be done before bedtime.必须睡觉前做好。Mom, I have finished packing my school bag.妈妈,我已经整理好书包了。

Ok, please put it close to the door.好的,请把它放在离门近的地方。

Family Show 家庭剧场

This bottle is full of water.这个瓶子里装满了水。

This pencil box is full of pencils.这个铅笔盒里装满了铅笔。

This purse is full of money.这个钱包里装满了食物。Your mouth is full of food.你的嘴里塞满了食物。My weekends are full of classes.我的周末都是课。Our family is full of love.我们家充满了爱。

Scene 2 Put things back in the same place.场景二 把东西放回原位。

Put things back in the same place.把东西放回原位。It helps you to find what you need.这样会有助于你找到所需的东西。Good idea.好主意。

You've got lots of loose papers.你有不少散页。

I need a folder to hold them together.我需要一个文件夹把它们装在一起。

What are you doing? 你在做什么?

I'm organizing my backpack.我在整理书包呢。

Be sure you only put in what you need for tomorrow.确定只放进明天需要的东西。

Scene 3 Check your schedule and take out unnecessary stuff.场景三 对照功课表,把不需要的东西拿出来。Mom, my school bag is so heavy.妈妈,我的书包太重了。Take out unnecessary things to make it lighter.把不需要的东西拿出来,就轻些了。

My school bag is too full.我的书包太满了。I can't zip it up.拉链拉不上了。

Check your schedule for tomorrow and take out unnecessary stuff.对照一下明天的功课表,把不需要的东西拿出来。

Does your school have lockers? 你们学校有柜子吗? Yes, it does.有啊。

Can you leave the dictionary in the locker? 你能把字典放在柜子里吗?

It's too heavy to carry it around every day.每天背来背去的,太重了。

Scene 4 There isn't enough room for my water bottle.场景四 我的水瓶放不下了。

Mom, there isn't enough room for my water bottle.妈妈,我的水瓶放不下了。

You can carry it in another bag.你可以装在另一个袋里。Put your cell phone, pocket money and keys in this small pocket.把手机,零花钱和钥匙放在这个小袋里。Yes, it's much safer to put them there.是的,放在那里更安全。

Your school bag is full of unnecessary things.你的书包里装满了不需要的东西。

No, everything in it is very necessary.没有,每样东西都是很需要的。

Do you need this toy? 你需要这个玩具吗?

You go to school to study, not to play.你去学校是学习的,不是去玩的。

I will take it out.我把它拿出来。

Scene 5 You are too slow in packing your school bag.场景五:你整理书包太磨蹭了。Are you done?(整理)完了吗?

Not yet.Five more minutes.没呢,还要5分钟时间。You are too slow in packing your school bag.你整理书包太磨蹭了。

Sorry, mom.We can set a time limit.对不起,妈妈,我们可以定一个时间限制。

Let's use a timer to see how quickly you can finish packing your school bag.我们用计时器,看看你多快可以整理好书包吧。

Sounds great.好主意。

Family show 家庭剧场

Let's use a timer to see how quickly you can finish doing your homework.我们用计时器,看看你多快可以写完作业。

Sounds great.这个主意不错。

Let's use a timer to see how quickly you can finish eating your dinner.我们用计时器,看看你多快可以吃完晚饭。Sounds great.这个主意不错。

Let's use a timer to see how quickly you can finish taking a bath.我们用计时器,看看你多快可以洗完澡。Good idea!好主意!

Let's use a timer to see how quickly you can finish cooking dinner.我们用计时器,看看你多快可以做好晚饭。

Good idea!好主意!

Scene 6 Your pencil case is really a mess.场景六 你的铅笔盒太乱了。

Your pencil case is really a mess.你的铅笔盒太乱了。It's too small.它太小了,Please buy me a larger case with many pockets.请给我买一个有很多袋的大一些的铅笔盒。

My pencil box is too full.我的铅笔盒太满了,I can't close it.合不上了。

It's wise to carry spare pencils, but you don't need ten, do you? 带些备用铅笔是明智的,但你不需要带10支,是吧?

Pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, pencil sharpener.铅笔、钢笔、橡皮、尺子、铅笔刀。

All these should go in your pencil case.这些都 应该放进你的铅笔盒里。

Where does this key go? 这把钥匙放哪儿呢?

Topic 7 Take care not to get shampoo in your eyes.话题七 小心别让洗发水进眼睛哦。

Scene 1 Do you want to take a shower or a bath? 场景一 你想冲澡还是泡澡?

Do you want to take a shower or a bath? 你想淋浴还是盆浴?

I want to take a shower.我想淋浴。

How soon will you finish? 多快能(洗)完? In ten minutes.10分钟内。

Everything is ready: clean underwear, pajamas, socks and a towel.都准备好了:干净内衣、睡衣、袜子和浴巾。Mom, you forgot a washcloth.妈妈,你忘了拿小毛巾了。Can I play with toys while taking a bath? 我洗澡时可以玩玩具吗?

I'm afraid not.It's bath time, not play time.恐怕不行,现在是洗澡时间,不是玩的时间。

Please,please let me play with the rubber ducky.求你让我玩橡皮鸭吧。

Family Show 家庭剧场

How soon will you finish your bath? 你多久能洗完澡? In ten minutes.10分钟内。

How often do you take a bath? 你隔多久洗一次澡? Three times a week.一周三次。

How soon will you be back? 你多久回来? In about two hours.大约过两个小时吧。

How often do you go shopping? 你隔多久去买一次东西?

Once a week.一周一次。

Scene 2 Let me wash behind your ears, armpits...场景二 我来洗洗你的耳背、夹肢窝„„ Turn on the shower.打开莲蓬头,Let me check the water temperature.我来试一下水温,It feels just right.刚好。

I feel cozy in the warm water.在温水里我好舒服哦。Let me wash behind your ears, armpits, chin, and around your neck.我来洗洗你的耳背、夹肢窝、下巴、脖子周围。

Mom, give me the washcloth.妈妈,给我毛巾,Shampoo gets in my eyes.洗发露进我眼睛了。Mom, it's getting colder.妈妈,(水)变冷了。Let me check the heater.好的,我来检查一下热水器。

Scene 3 Don't wash my armpits.They are ticklish.场景三 别洗我的夹肢窝,那里痒痒。

Don't splash.You'll get me wet.别溅水啊,你会把我弄湿的。

Sorry, but it's fun to do it.对不起,但真好玩耶,Mom, please let me make a big splash.让我再踩个大水花吧。

Mom, don't wash my armpits.别洗我的夹肢窝,They are ticklish.那里痒痒。

Tickle, tickle, tickle.挠痒痒啦,挠痒痒啦。

I like this nylon bath ball.我喜欢这个尼龙浴球,It makes so many bubbles.能弄出这么多的泡泡。Yes, and it makes your skin feel great.是的,它让你皮肤感到很舒服。

I really enjoy taking a bath.我真喜欢洗澡。

Scene 4 Mom, I want to take a bath by myself.场景四 妈妈,我想自己洗澡。

Are you done yet?(洗澡)完了吗? Not yet.还没有呢,Five more minutes.还要5分钟。

Mom, I'm done.妈妈,我(洗)完了。Let me smell your hair.让我问问你的头发,Good job!洗得好干净哦!

Mom, I want to take a bath by myself.妈妈,我想自己洗澡。

Good girl.好孩子。

Take care not to get shampoo in your eyes.小心别让洗发水进眼睛哦。

Family show 家庭剧场

Take care not to get shampoo in your eyes.小心别让洗发水进眼睛。(对妈妈说)

Tell my mom not to get shampoo in her eyes.别告诉我妈让洗发水进眼睛。(对爸爸说)

Take care not to make any mistakes.小心被出错了。(对妈妈说)

Tell my mom not to make any mistakes.告诉我妈别出错了。(对爸爸说)

Take care not to drop the glass.小心别摔了玻璃杯。(对妈妈说)

Tell my mom not to drop the glass.告诉我妈别摔坏了玻璃杯。(对爸爸说)

Take care not to drink too much.小心别喝多了。(对妈妈说)

Tell my mom not to drink too much.别告诉我妈别喝多了。(对爸爸说)

Scene 5 I'm done.I'm clean all over.场景五 我洗完了,全身干干净净的。I'm done.我洗完了,I'm clean all over.全身干干净净的。

Yes, and you smell good, too.是啊,你还香喷喷的呢。I'm wet and cold.我又湿又冷。

Let me wrap you with a towel.我用毛巾裹着你把。Mom, please dry my hair.妈妈,请把我头发弄干了。Okay.好的,Where is the hairdryer? 吹风机呢?

Scene 6 I don't like shampoo.It gets in my eyes.场景六 我不喜欢洗头发,它会进我的眼睛。

Your hair smells a little.你的头发又味儿了,You need to give it a good washing.要好好洗洗了。I'll do it right now.我现在就洗。

I don't like shampoo.我不喜欢洗发水,It gets in my eyes.它会进入我眼睛。

Keep a washcloth nearby.身边放一块小毛巾。

Mom, I don't want to get my hair wet.妈妈,我不想把头发弄弄湿。

You can wear a shower cap to keep it dry.你可以戴个浴帽,让头发不湿。

Scene 7 Mom, we are out of liquid bath soap.场景七 妈妈,沐浴液用完了。

Which one do you like better when you wash your hands, a bar of soap or liquid soap? 你洗手时更喜欢用肥皂还是洗手液?

I like liquid soap better.我更喜欢洗手液。

Mom, we are out of liquid bath soap.妈妈,沐浴液用完了。

We have to use bar soap.我们只好用肥皂洗了。I'm not a baby any more.我不是婴儿了,I don't want to use baby shampoo.不想用婴儿洗发水。Okay, you can use mine.好的,你可以用我的。

Topic 8 Mom, can you read me a bedtime story? 话题八 妈妈,能给我读一个睡前故事吗?

Scene 1 It's almost nine.Time for bed.场景一 快9点了,该睡觉了。

It's almost nine.Time for bed.快9点了,该睡觉了。But I don't feel sleepy at all.可我一点也不困。It's bedtime.该睡觉了,You'd better hurry.你最好快点。Don't rush me.别催我。

Go to bed before nine.9点前上床,You need to get enough sleep.你需要足够的睡眠。Ok, I'll try my best.好的,我会尽力。

Scene 2 Go to the bathroom before you go to bed.场景二 上床前去趟卫生间吧。

Have you finished packing your school bag? 你的书包整理好了吗?

Yes, I have.整理好了。

Don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.睡前别忘了刷牙哦。All right.好的。

Go to the bathroom before you go to bed.上床前去趟卫生间吧。

I just did.我刚去过呢。

Scene 3 Be sure to wake me up at 6:30.场景三 6:30一定叫我起床哦。

What time will you get up tomorrow? 你明天几点起床?

At half past six as usual.和平时一样6点半。

Mom, don't forget to wake me up tomorrow morning.妈妈,别忘了明早叫醒我。

Ok.I set the alarm for six.好的,我吧闹铃设在6点了。Be sure to wake me up at 6:30.6:30一定要叫醒我哦。Don't worry.I won't forget.别担心,我不会忘记的。

Scene 4 Can I sleep with the light on? 场景四 我可以开着灯睡吗?

It's bedtime.Go get into bed.睡觉时间到了,快上床。Can you tuck me in? 帮我(把被子)塞好可以吗? Don't sleep on your stomach.别趴着睡。

But I don't like to sleep on my back.但我不喜欢仰着睡。

Can I sleep with the light on? 我可以开着灯睡吗? You'd better not.你最好不要,It's a waste of electricity.这样浪费电。

Scene 5 Mom, kiss me good night.场景五 妈妈,给我一个晚安的亲亲吧。

Mom, kiss me good night.妈妈,给我一个晚安的亲亲吧。Good night, dear.晚安,宝贝儿。

I'm tired.I'll go to bed early tonight.好累呀,今晚我要早点睡。

Sweet dreams.做个好梦。

Mom, I can't sleep.Can you read me a bedtime story? 妈妈,我睡不着,能给我读一个睡前故事吗?

Ok, what story would you like me to read you? 要我给你读什么故事呢?

Anything will do.什么都行。

Family Show 家庭剧场

What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么? Anything will do.什么时候都行。

What would you like to eat? 你想吃点什么? Anything will do.什么时候都行。

When would you like to go to your grandma's? 你想什么时候去奶奶家?

Any time will do.什么时候都行。

I'd like to drink some juice.我想喝果汁。Sorry, we don't have any juice.对不起,我妈没有果汁了。Then water will do.那水也行。

Would you like to go to your grandma's tomorrow? 你明天想去奶奶家吗?

Tomorrow won't do for me.明天我不行。

Would you like to try on this shirt? 你想试一试这件衬衣吗?

That color won't do.那种颜色不合适。

Scene 6 What is keeping you up? 场景六 什么事让你睡不着?

Mom, can I sleep with the light on? 妈妈,我能开着灯睡吗?

I'm afraid of the dark.我怕黑。

Mom and dad are in the next room.Nothing to be afraid of.爸爸妈妈在隔壁房间,没什么可怕的。

Mom, I can't sleep.Are there any ghosts in the world? 妈妈,我睡不着,世界上有鬼吗? No, I don't think so.我认为没有。

Why are you still awake? 怎么还没睡着? What is keeping you up? 什么事让你数不着?

I'm a bit nervous about tomorrow's test.明天考试,我有点紧张。

Take it easy, honey.宝贝,别紧张。

Scene 7 Turn down the TV.Your dad is sleeping.场景七 把电视音量开小点,爸爸在睡觉呢。

Turn down the TV.Your dad is sleeping.把电视音量关小点,爸爸在睡觉呢。

Ok.Where is the remote? 好的,遥控器在那个呢? Shh!Dad had a busy day.嘘!爸爸忙了一天了,He has just fallen asleep.刚睡着。Ok, I'll tiptoe.好的,我踮起脚走。Stop coughing.别咳嗽了,Your dad is sleeping.你爸爸在睡觉呢。I just can't help it.我忍不住啊。

Family show 家庭剧场 Stop coughing.别咳嗽了。

I just can't help it./I just can't help coughing.我就是控制不住。

Stop laughing.别笑了。

I just can't help it./I just can't help laughing.我就是控制不住。

Stop crying.别哭了。

I just can't help it./I just can't help crying.我就是控制不住。

Stop yawning.别打哈欠了。








克里姆林宫不愧为一座大型博物馆和艺术的殿堂。宫中原有一个大武器库,1720 年,彼得大帝将其改建成博物馆。馆内收藏着许多珍贵文物,有历代沙皇用过的物品、美术工艺品,以及掠夺而来的战利品。这里的皇冠、神像、十字架、盔甲、礼服和餐具无不镶满宝石,仅福音书封面就嵌有26 千克黄金,以及无以数计的宝石;哥登诺大帝的金御座上则镶有两千颗宝石。信步宫中宛如目睹沙皇奢侈的生活。

















大克里姆林宫是克里姆林宫中的主要建筑之一。大克里姆林宫外观为仿古典俄罗斯式,就像是戴在岗丘上的一顶皇冠。大克里姆林宫内部呈长方形,楼上有露台环绕的总面积达2万平方米的700 个厅室。从前,第一层除了处理政务的处所以外,全是沙皇私人宫室。二层各厅,这里曾是沙皇接见使臣的地方。苏联解体前,大克里姆林宫是苏联政府、苏共中央和社会团体举行会议的场所。



I like playing with a bubble gun.Can you buy one for me? 我喜欢玩泡泡枪,可以给我买一把吗?

I like blowing bubbles.Can you buy me a bubble blower? 我喜欢吹泡泡,能给我买一个吹泡泡的玩具吗? Wow, what a nice bubble gun!Is it for me? 哇,多好的一把泡泡枪啊。是给我的吗? Wow, what a nice bubble blower!Is it for me? 哇,多好的一个吹泡泡的玩具啊!是给我的吗? Let me show you how to shoot bubbles.我给你示范一下,怎么样射出泡泡。Let me show you how to blow bubbles.我给你示范一下,怎么吹泡泡的。Press the trigger ['trɪɡɚ].按住扳机。Look, what a nice stream of bubbles.看,多漂亮的一串泡泡呀。Look, more and more bubbles.看,泡泡越来越多了。Let’s catch the bubbles.我们来抓泡泡吧。It’s a lot of fun.真好玩。

Which bubble is the biggest? 哪个泡泡最大?

This one is the biggest.Oh, it’s going to pop.这个最大。哦,它要破了。Please don’t touch it.It will pop [pɑp]㊣.别碰它,它会破的。

Don’t shoot

/[ʃut]/ bubbles at me.不要对着我射泡泡。Don’t blow bubbles at me.不要对着我吹泡泡。

Mom, do you want to have a try? 妈妈,你要试试吗?

挠痒痒 对话1:

孩子:Can you fly? 你会飞吗? 妈妈:Yes, I can.我会。

孩子:Can you show me how to fly? 能给我示范一下怎么飞吗? 妈妈:Of course, I can.Look at me.我当然能啦,看着我。

孩子:Tickle, tickle, tickle.胳肢啦,胳肢啦!(挥手做挠痒痒状,下同)妈妈:Please don’t tickle me.I’m ticklish.请别胳肢我,我怕痒痒。

对话2 孩子:Can you swim? 你会游泳吗? 妈妈:Yes, I can.我会。

孩子:Can you show me how to swim? 能给我示范一下怎么游泳吗? 妈妈:Of course, I can.Look at me.我当然能啦,看着我。孩子:Tickle, tickle, tickle.胳肢啦,胳肢啦!

妈妈:Please don’t tickle me.I’m ticklish.请别胳肢我,我怕痒痒。

对话3 孩子:Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗? 妈妈:Yes, I can.我会。孩子:Can you show me how to dance? 能给我示范一下怎么跳舞吗? 妈妈:Of course, I can.Look at me.我当然能啦,看着我。孩子:Tickle, tickle, tickle.胳肢啦,胳肢啦!

妈妈:Please don’t tickle me.I’m ticklish.请别胳肢我,我怕痒痒。


孩子:Where are you most ticklish? 你哪儿最怕痒痒呢? 妈妈:I’m ticklish under the arm.我胳肢窝怕痒痒。

孩子:Watch out!I’m going to tickle you under the arm.注意!我要挠你胳肢窝啦。(挥手做挠痒痒状,下同)

妈妈:Please, please stop.I can’t take it any more.请你停下吧,我受不了了。对话5 孩子:Where are you most ticklish? 你哪儿最怕痒痒呢? 妈妈:I’m ticklish around the neck.我脖子怕痒痒。

孩子:Watch out!I’m going to tickle you around the neck..注意!我要挠你脖子啦。妈妈:Please, please stop.I can’t take it any more.请你停下吧,我受不了了。

对话6 孩子:Where are you most ticklish? 你哪儿最怕痒痒? 妈妈:I’m ticklish behind the knees.我膝盖弯儿怕痒痒。

孩子:Watch out!I’m going to tickle you behind the knees.注意!我要挠你膝盖弯儿啦。妈妈:Please, please stop.I can’t take it any more.请你停下吧,我受不了了。


Too much homework.I can’t stand it.作业太多,真受不了。

(每周用语)I have no written homework for today.Only reading and learning by heart.今天没有写的作业,只有朗读和背诵。

(每周用语)I have to write a diary today.Nothing to write about.今天要写日记,可实在没什么好写的。

(写完作业必用语)Mom, please sign my homework journal.妈妈,请在记事本上签个字吧。

(经常性用语)I’m out of pencil lead.铅笔芯用完了。(每天必用语)I don’t like pencils.Too much sharpening.我不喜欢铅笔,老得削。

(整理书包必用语)Let me check the timetable.Put in only what I need for tomorrow.我来对照一下功课表,只放进明天需要的。

魔力句子一:It’s dinner time, not lecture time.(这是晚饭时间,不是听批评的时间。)

或Don’t turn dinner time into lecture time.(或:不要把晚饭时间变成批评时间。)

魔力句子一:It’s dinner time, not lecture time.(这是晚饭时间,不是听批评的时间。)

或Don’t turn dinner time into lecture time.(或:不要把晚饭时间变成批评时间。)

魔力句子三: Tomorrow is Saturday.I want to sleep late.Don’t wake me up.(明天是周六,我想睡个懒觉,别叫醒我哦。)

魔力句子四: May I keep the change?(找来的钱可以归我吗?)



I’ve lots of homework.Look at my homework journal.我有很多作业,看看我的记事本吧。

—What’s the homework for today? 今天有什么作业?

—I’ve lots of homework.Look at my homework journal.我有很多作业,看看我的记事本吧。

—Chinese, math, English and something else.语文、数学、英语,还有点别的。

注:journal(美国英语)日记,相当于diary(英国英语),homework journal(用来记作业的)记事本,也称“家校联系本”。

—Mom, I have no homework for today!妈妈,我今天没作业啦!

—Let me check your homework journal.No written homework, but you have “reading”

and “memorization”.让我看一下你的记事本。没有书面作业,但有“朗读”和“背诵”作业呀。—“Reading” and “memorization” aren’t real homework.“朗读”和“背诵”不是真正的作业。

—But they need to be done well, too.但也要好好完成的哦。

注:check 检查


—Mom, I have too much homework.I can’t stand it.妈妈,我作业太多了,忍无可忍了。

—Stop complaining.Let’s get down to work.别抱怨了,赶紧做吧。




get down to work 开始工作



I hate diaries.Nothing to write about.我讨厌日记,没什么可写的。

—Mom, I have a diary to write for my homework again.今天又有写日记的作业了。

—To keep a diary is good for you.记日记对你有好处呀。

—But I can’t find anything to write about.Every day is the same.但我没什么可写的,每天都一样的事。


keep a diary写日记(英国英语)

keep a journal 写日记(美国英语)

—I can’t learn this poem by heart.这首诗我背不下来。

—Take it easy.You can read it first.慢慢来,你可以先读一读。

—Can you first explain the poem to me?你能先给我解释一下这首诗的意思吗?

注:learn sth.by heart 记住,背诵


Take it easy.慢慢来,别着急。


—May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?

—Sure, go ahead.当然可以了,问吧。

—What’s the meaning of this word? 这个词是什么意思呢?

—You can look it up in the dictionary.你可以查一下字典。

注:go ahead 开始进行,往前行进,在句中要视具体语境进行理解和翻译。

look up 查询:Look it up on the internet.上网查一下。



Can you help me with the dictation?


—Listen to me when I’m talking to you.我和你说话时你要仔细听。

—I’m listening.我在听着呢。

—Can you nod your head if you understand? 听懂了能点个头吗?

注:nod your head点头,赞同(反义短语:shake your head 摇头,反对)

—May I ask for your attention? 请你专心点,好吗?

—Sorry, I’m sleepy.Let’s call it a day.对不起,我困了,今天就到这儿吧。

注:ask for要求

attention 注意

Let’s call it a day.= That’s all for today.今天到此为止

—Can you help me with the dictation? 能帮我听写吗?

—Ok, I’ll read you the words.好的,我给你读词。

—Pay attention to your handwriting.注意书写。

—I’m doing my best.我在尽力呢。

注:help sb.with„在„„上帮助某人

pay attention to注意„„

do my best 尽力 = try my best



Mom, please sign my homework journal.妈妈,请在我记事本上签个字。

—Mom, please check my homework.I want to get a full mark.妈妈,请检查一下我的作业,我想得满分。

—Ok.Well done!You got everything right.好的。做得真棒!全做对了。

—This is my homework journal.Please sign it.这是我的记事本,请签字吧。


full mark满分

Well done!= Good job!好样!


—Mom, I have finished all my homework.妈妈,我做完作业了。

—Let me check it.Good job!Shall I sign your homework journal?让我检查一下。做得真棒!我要在记事本上签字吗?

注:Good job!= Well done!好样的!做得真棒!(家长不要吝惜说这两句话哦。)

Shall I„? 我可以„„?表示征求对方意见。

journal日记(美国英语)= diary日记(英国英语)

—Mom, I finished all my homework on time.Please check it.妈妈,我按时做完所有的作业了,请检查。

—I’m afraid this is not the right answer.恐怕这个答案不对。

—Let me think it over and correct it.让我仔细想想,然后订正一下。

注:on time按时

I’m afraid„恐怕„„,用在此处使语气更加婉转

think it over = think it hard 仔细想想 跳绳

How many jumps can you do in a minute? 你一分钟能跳几个? How many jumps can you do without messing up? 你不间断能跳几个?(mess up弄糟)

Can you count jumps for me? 你能帮我数跳了几个吗? You messed up.你跳坏了。

I got tripped.我被拌倒了。

(也是“跳坏了”的意思)Run in.跳进来。


Can you do it with tricks? 你会花样跳吗?

(trick把戏)I can jump backwards.我会倒着跳。

Try crossing your arms and do some jumps.试着交叉双臂,跳几个。Try doing a double-jump.试着跳一个双摇。

(绳子摇两圈,跳一个)When you do a double-jump, jump high and turn the rope fast.跳双摇时,要跳得高,绳子要快摇。




有一堵wall 有些small只有一人tall飞过一只ball 在墙那边fall call下老妈她在shopping mall call下老爸他在dining hall 气得我们all一头撞向wall 有趣的海边课堂


第四篇:林克妈妈英文幽默小故事 -There is only one deer.(小编推荐)

There Is Only One Deer

Bob is an engineer.He likes drinking beer very much.He has a son named Tom.Today is Tom’s fifth birthday.After drinking lots of beer, Bob takes Tom to the zoo by bus.At the zoo, Tom asks his father, “Dad, mom says you shouldn’t drive when you are drunk, what does the word drunk mean? “ Well, my son,” Bob says, “look, there are two deer standing over there.If I regard the two deer as four, then I’m drunk.”

“But, dad,” Tom says, “there is only one deer.”









































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