接下来,就要认真练习在泛听中掌握大意。这个过程比较难。建议在选择泛听材料时,先选容易的开始。比如多听慢速英语广播,最好是实时练习听VOA的SPECIAL ENGLISH节目,包括听其中的专题报道和小说播讲。第一遍听大意,第二和第三遍听细节。由此过度到听大学专业英语的中级听力磁带。我认为,上海海文出版社的标准英语听力入门是很好的泛听材料。其程度介于慢速英语和标准英语之间。而且信息量大。练习听力千万不可小看慢速英语。学习者如果达到一遍完全听懂VOA慢速英语的各种广播节目,就可以说基本掌握了英语(作为一种外语)。建议学友们在苦读新概念英语的时候,也给予慢速英语一定的位置。实际上,只靠一套教材(如新概念英语),是无法学会英语听力的。
最后,练习精听泛听都离不开阅读水平。道理是,成年人学习听力是在学习阅读之后进行的,所以大脑的思维程序是,先把听到的声音转为文字,再领会意义。也就是说,能否听懂取决于能否读懂。当听力提高到几乎自己认得的词都能听懂时,再提高就需要阅读水平也上一个台阶。培养阅读能力要注意快速读懂。可以把时钟设定在十分钟左右,硬要求自己读完三千字的文章,并且了解主要内容。可以把阅读材料按照难易程度分成几个级别,循序渐进。具体方法可以参考美国出品的英语教学软件GLOBAL ENGLISH,此教材共分十级,从初级水平达到基本掌握的程度。建议你上网查询这套教材,具体地址是www.xiexiebang.comEWS网站,每天跟踪最新时事报道。这个网站的文章都是原版的世界四大通讯社稿件,词汇量很大。如有条件,还可以订阅一份美国或海外出版的大报,每天翻阅。我坚持看香港的SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST,系由英国人编辑的百年老报纸。
选择阅读材料要精,深,美,博。新概念第四册的文字不少达到了这一要求,是阅读的好材料。另外,该书的作者还有一本专门用来阅读的教材,《ENGLISH THROUGH READING》约收入20几篇文章,都很有价值。不知为何出版社只认《新概念》,却把这本书冷落了。当年它是和《新概念》一起引进国内的。据我的经验,上海复旦大学1995年左右的博士生英语精读教材就很好,所选文章很讲究,文学,艺术,哲学,历史,音乐等都有涉猎,难度比《新概念》第四册又高出若干。
于是我反省,学英语是否可以借鉴自己的这段经历。从ABC起步阶段,我就使用录音机。最早听BBC的灵格风发音磁带,稍后听英语900句,以后听ESSENCIAL ENGLISH(此书当年同新概念一样风行)和现代美国口语,《今日美国》,再就是听《新概念》。总之,从认字起就没离开语音和听力。当初并不很自觉。现在回想起来,与我小时学说汉语有巧合之处。
方法固然重要,但是不可强调过头。每天不可不操练英语,但可以不天天研究方法。我最爱去的网站是“英语特快”。那里每天都有众多爱好者的听力帖子,好不热闹。我注意跟踪过几位爱好者,眼看他们在一年左右水平大长。比如BBC新闻,刚开始听的朋友似乎都有听天书之感。其实坚持下去,破译天书也是办得到的。学会BBC以后,听口播专题节目,如TALK TO AMERICA,或是COAST TO COAST之类,又有弟兄姐妹们顶上去。又过了一段时间,他们中就涌现出听力基本过关者。
其实,钟教授在《听遍全世界》中早有提醒,要学习标准英语听力,必须具备一遍听懂慢速英语的基础。而我在起步时,需要三遍才能完全听懂SPECIAL ENGLISH。现在看,以如此初级的基础,就幻想在半年之内突破听力难关,显然是太幼稚了。
──段德盛(1999 年 4 月)(钟教授的嫡系弟子吧,呵呵)
我高中时一直是班里英语学得较好的学生之一。在第四军医大学我先后参加过全国第一次四级考试和第一、第二次六级考试。90 年大学毕业时我是全区队 40 人中唯一通过六级的学员。毕业后到某医院从事医疗仪器维修工作,需要读一些英文说明书。我记得第一次是一台生化分析仪的说明书,看得很吃力。我对不懂的单词逐个查字典,将这份说明书彻底看懂翻译出来。以后再看英文说明书时就容易一些了。在医院工作期间我曾用三个多月的时间背过《新概念》第二册全部一百多篇课文,每日一篇,背好后让同事听,比较流利、一词不错就算完成任务。
准备考研时,我在 92 年 9 月份背了《新概念》第三册前 30 课后,就再也没管英语。尽管那次研究生入学英语考试较难,许多人因此落马,我还是拿到了南京通信工程学院的入学通知书。上研究生伊始,刚读研究生时我的英语水平在班里算中等,不如大多数通院本科毕业的同学。每天早晨看到他们拿着收音机听 Special English 广播,我就很羡慕,心里暗想:我什么时候能听懂?
虽然我一入校就知道”逆向法“,但是仍然用背的方法学英语,不久就觉得太枯燥而难以为继。在无奈的情况下,我从第二学期期中的时候尝试用”逆向法“学英语。那时还没有电脑语言学习机,只能用单放机返过来、倒过去地听。第一面 30 分钟的 Special English 我听了一个月左右。1994 年上半年,也就是研究生第二学期,我开始听写 Special English 广播节目,工具是词典和一本《英语学习逆向法》。一开始听写第一盘磁带时真困难,一个小时下来只写几行是常事。至今我清楚地记得有一次一个词花了 50 多分钟也没听出来。但是正是如此,我才体会到逆向法的价值,我才真实地知道自己的英语水平。到了期末,我断断续续地听写了大约有六七十个小时,这个学期的英语课,我一节也没有去上。
期末的英语考试是交一篇作文、听力测试和口语测试。考听力用的是 TOEFL 试题,我考全班第一。考口语时我们坐在教室里,教员给出几个话题,谁准备好了就去找教员讲几分钟。我看了一下题目,稍微准备了一下就第一个去找教员讲。这六七十个小时的听写有效果了,我的英语开始在同学中略显突出。第三个学期,我给自己规定每天要听写三节课(150 分钟),每听写完三节课就在笔记本上划一杠,到 1995 年一月,一共划了 108 个杠。也就是说,这个学期我用逆向法学习了 108×2。5=220 个小时。经过这段时间的学习,我已经可以顺利地听懂 Special English 广播了。到学期结束时,我已经相信,如果在研究生班里找三个英语比较好的人,其中应该有我。第四学期时南京某研究所请我们几个研究生去做技术讲解的口头翻译,其中就有我。我心里直打鼓,”我能行吗?"可是当站在讲台上,翻译完中方教员的第一段话后立刻就知道:我能行!因为人的听和说的能力是相关的。我一年来的听写锻炼了用英语思维的能力,听写完一面磁带后我总是对着听写记录跟着录音机朗读,自然而然就形成了用英语表达思想的能力。这次外训任务,我是几个同学中翻译天数最多的。
研究生毕业后我从事通信系统的规划论证和建设工作,有时要与外方进行技术洽谈。我既是工程师,又是翻译。因为我专业和英语都懂,所以彼此间的交流准确、顺利,也容易进行深入细致的讨论。平时还要用英语与外方进行传真往来,对他们提出技术要求、进行咨询,对其方案或配置进行修改或认可,提出我方建议等。一般是我先起草中文稿,呈领导审阅修改后翻译成英文件,再呈领导审阅,同意后发出。我现在的直接领导是清华的 MBA,他说我写的英文比较地道。我写的信函曾加快了谈判的进程。我写的系统技术要求被外方原封不动地作为其建议书的附件。有一次我参加国家无委组织的一个国际频谱管理研修班,由三名加拿大政府无线电管理的退休官员讲课。我的英语水平相对突出一些。有人问我的英语是在哪里学的,我回答说“我的英语水平的提高,主要得益于长期坚持用逆向法学习。我没出过国,没有花大价钱去上什么学习班。字典和周围英语比我好的人就是我的老师。”
我感到用逆向法学习英语是我在学习方法上的质变。有人说逆向法太费时间,其实它的时间效率比很高。我用大约 400 个小时,就使我的英语水平从一般、不能熟练地阅读英语文献、基本上说不了,进步到名列前茅、能熟练地阅读英语文献和口语较流利的程度。400 小时相当于一个本科生一年课内课外英语学习时间的总和,用常规的学习方法恐怕难以达到此效果。
Ⅰ.情景反应 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
1.A.Yes, I think so.B.Very interesting.C.I'm not sure.2.A.I will try it.B.Thank you very much.C.I think so.3.A.Really? B.All right.C.Never mind.4.A.You are lucky.B.Have a good journey.C.Really?I am very glad.5.A.Of course, I will.B.Not very often.C.Around a day.Ⅱ.对话理解 根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(共10分,每小题1分)
6.A.Sometimes.B.Never.C.Every day.7.8.A.They’re workers.B.They’re old friends.C.They’re classmates.9.A.To the lake.B.To the beach.C.To the park.10.A.Buy a pen.B.Change a pen.C.Take a pen.听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。
11.A.This Sunday. B.This Thursday. C.This Saturday.12.A.They’re going to have a party.
B.They’re going to have a picnic.
C.They’re going to have a big dinner. 听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。13.A.Size L B.Size M C.Size S 14.A.Brown B.White C.Black 15.A.$ 45 B.$ 46 C.$ 48 Ⅲ.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
16.A.China.B.A park.C.A town.17.A.Three hours.B.More than four hours.C.Less than four hours.18.A.bread and water B.apples C.both A and B 19.A.*** B.*** C.*** 20.A.Go shopping.B.Go camping.C.Go boating.中考英语听力训练1听力原文
1.What do you think of the film? 2.Don't be nervous.You are sure to win!3.I'm sorry I forgot to bring my notebook here.4.I will go to England for a holiday tomorrow.5.Will you join our club? Ⅱ.对话理解
6.M: How often do you exercise? W: I keep running every day, sometimes I go swimming, but I never play ball games.Q: How often does the woman go swimming? 7.W: How many students are there in your class? M: There are only thirty-two.And half of them are girls.Q: How many girl students are there in the class? 8.W: Hi!I don’t know if you remember me.My name is Maria.M: Sure, I remember you.You sat next to me.W: Yeah, that’s right.How are you doing? M: Fine.Nice to see you again.Q: Who are the two speakers? 9.M: Hi, Cathy!What did you do last Saturday? W: I had a picnic near the sea with some friends.M: Then you must have had a good time.W: Sure.Q:Where did Cathy go last Saturday? 10.M: Excuse me.I bought a pen here yesterday.But I can’t write with it now.W: What’s the problem? M: It doesn’t work.Would you mind giving me another one? W: Sure.Here you are.Q: What does the boy want to do in this conversation? 听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。W:Jack,your father’s birthday is coming.M:Really? When is it? W:This Saturday.
M:Oh,what shall we do for him? Shall we have a party? W:I’d like to go out to have a picnic. M:That’s great!Questions: 11.When is Jack’s father’s birthday?
12.What are they going to do for Jack’s father's birthday? 听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。W: Good morning!Can I help you? M: Yes, please.I want a T-shirt.W: What size do you want? M: Size M, please.W: OK!What about this one? M: Sorry!I don’t like black.Have you got any other colors? W: Oh, yes.We’ve also got blue, brown and white ones.M: Can I have a look at the brown ones? W: Certainly.M: How much is it? W: $ 48.M: OK, I’ll take it.Questions:
13.What size T-shirt does the man want? 14.What color T-shirt does the man like? 15.How much is the T-shirt? Ⅲ.短文理解
Hello, boys and girls!Here is some information about our trip to the town of Chinese.We’ll go there by bus.It’s a long trip, over 4 hours.So we have to start early.The bus will wait for you at the school gate at 7:00 tomorrow morning.We’ll take some bread, water and apples for lunch with us and we will eat together in a park.After that we will walk around the old market.You will be able to buy all your presents there.We will meet at the place where our bus stops.If you are lost, please give me a call.My mobile phone number is ***.Any questions? OK.See you tomorrow.Questions:
16.Where will they go? 17.How long will it take them to go there? 18.What will they have for lunch? 19.What’s the speaker’s mobile phone number? 20.What can they do after lunch? 中考英语听力训练2听力试题
Ⅰ.情景反应 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
1.A.Look, I’ve bought a new watch.B.Oh, it’s still early.C.It’s a quarter to nine.2.A.That’s a good idea.Let’s make a plan for the journey.B.What do you think of it?
C.The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.3.A.It was all right.B.It was cloudy.C.It was dark.4.A.It doesn’t matter.B.Don’t be so serious.C.I’m sorry.I got up late again.5.A.Last week.B.In the library.C.Very interesting.Ⅱ.对话理解 根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(共10分,每小题1分)
6.A.My birthday.B.Thursday.C.Friday.7.A.In the super market.B.In the classroom.C.In the cinema.8.A.She watched a table tennis match.B.She played table tennis.C.She saw a film.9.A.She is reading.B.She is writing.C.She is drawing.10.A.The report on the radio.B.The war on Iraq(伊拉克).C.The life of the president of Iraq.听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。
11.A.Husband and wife.B.Father and daughter.C.Mother and son.12.A.In a big house with a garden.B.In a small flat without a balcony.C.In a small flat with a balcony.听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。
13.A.It’s sunny.B.It’s raining.C.It’s cloudy.14.A.The Summer Palace.B.The space museum.C.The Great Wall.15.A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.Sorry, I don’t know.Ⅲ.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
16.A.In America.B.In England.C.In Australia.17.A.For one year.B.For two years.C.For three years.18.A.Three.B.Four.L.Five.19.A.England.B.Japan.C.Japan.20.A.Because they won't have to move any more.B.Because they will go to another new country.C.Because they can see their friends all over the world.中考英语听力训练2听力原文
1.Excuse me, what’s the time by your watch, please?
2.How about going and visiting the Great Wall this summer vocation?
3.What was the weather like yesterday?
4.Tim, it’s the third time that you have been late this week.5.When did you borrow the book?
6.M: What day was it yesterday? W: It was Thursday.Q: What day is it today? 7.M: May I use your dictionary? I forgot to bring mine.W: Certainly, here you are.Q: Where do you think the man and the woman are talking now? 8.M: Did you watch the table tennis match on TV last night, Jenny? W: No, I went to the cinema.Q: What did Jenny do last night? 9.M: Don’t read in bed, Mary.It’s bad for your eyes.W: OK, Dad.Q: What is Mary doing? 10.M: When did the war on Iraq break out? W: It broke out on March 20, 2003.M: Where is the president of Iraq? Has he died? W: Yes, he has killed by the US.Q: What are they talking about? 听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。W: Our flat is too small, dear.M: Yeah, I know, but it's in the middle of the city center.W: Well, I want to live in a big house with a garden.So I can sit in it and relax.And our son can play ball games there, not in the bedroom.M: You talk about sitting in the garden, but now, we haven't even got a balcony!We must work hard, dear.Questions: 11.What's the relationship between the speakers? 12.Where are they living now? 听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。
W: It’s raining again, John!I really wanted to go skating today!M: Oh, well.Hey, have you ever been to the Great Wall, Tina? W: Yes, I went there last year.Have you ever been there ? M: No ,I haven’t.W: Well, I’d really like to go there again.M: Great.Which bus do we take to get to the Great Wall ? W: We can take No.657 bus.The station is near our school.Questions: 13.What’s the weather like today? 14.Where has Tina been ? 15.Is the bus station near their school ? Ⅲ.短文理解
Jim Green is a 15-year-old English schoolboy.His sister Kale is 14.At present,Jim and Kate are at a school in Sydney,one of the biggest cities in Australia.They have been there for two years.They like the school,but they know that soon they will leave and return to England with their parents.Jim and Kate have also been to schools in America.France.Japan and China.This is because their father,Mr Green,works for a very big international company.The company has sent him to work in many different countries.Mr Green usually stays in one country for about two years.Then the company moves him again.His family always goes with him.The Greens are a happy family and love seeing the world.Jim and Kate have learned to speak French,Japanese and a little Chinese.The two children have friends all over the world.But they are glad that they are going to return to England.Recently,the children told their parents.””We want to stay in England We don’t want to move again.”Their father agreed and he asked his company to keep him in England.The Company has agreed.Jim and Kate are very happy about this.Questions: 16.Where are Jim and Kate now? 17.How long have they been in that country? 18.How many languages can Jim and Kate speak? 19.Which country are the Greens going to return to? 20.Why are Jim and Kate very happy? Questions:
16.Where will they go? 17.How long will it take them to go there? 18.What will they have for lunch? 19.What’s the speaker’s mobile phone number? 20.What can they do after lunch? 中考英语听力训练3听力试题
Ⅰ.情景反应 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
1.A.Yes, I think so.B.Thank you.C.Nice to meet you, too!2.A.Good idea.B.Yes, please.C.Never mind.3.A.Sorry, I can’t.B.Thank you for your help.C.Yes, I’d love to.4.A.The same to you.B.Have a good time.C.You’re so kind.5.A.You’re welcome.B.That’s right.C.I’m afraid not.Ⅱ.对话理解 根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(共10分,每小题1分)
6.A.To ask for help.B.To say “hello”.C.To visit her friend.7.A.In a restaurant.B.At home.C.In the street.8.A.He is a child.B.He thinks the novel is boring.C.He likes the novel very much.9.A.Before he came to the UK.B.Before he came to China.C.After he came to China.10.A.He is easy-going.B.He is humorous.C.He is helpful.听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。
11.A.$1,000,000 B.$100,000 C.¥1,000,000 12.A.Buy a car.B.Go travelling.C.Raise money for charity.听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。
13.A.Millie's history teacher.B.Millie's doctor.C.Millie's geography teacher.14.A.Go climbing.B.Take an exam.C.Stay at home and study.15.A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Autumn.Ⅲ.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
16.A.He joined the army B.He was eighteen.C.He was nineteen.17.A.His father B.His captain.C.He himself.18.A.He went to see Jimmy.B.He bought a watch.C.He asked Jimmy to mend his watch.19.A.no money at all.B.not too much money.C.two pounds 20.A.Yes, he is.B.No, he didn’t.C.Yes, he did.中考英语听力训练3听力原文
1.Nice to meet you, boys and girls.2.How about going out for dinner this evening? 3.Let me help you take the bags.4.I’m going to Hong Kong this summer holiday.5.Thank you for showing me your family photos.Ⅱ.对话理解
6. W: Good morning.M: Good morning.W: I've come over to say “hello”.My family has just moved into the house next door.M: Great!Nice to meet you, Miss...W: Call me Helen.Qusetion:Why does Helen come to the man's house? 7.M: Well, that was a wonderful meal!W: Lovely, I enjoy eating out.Waiter, come here please.Question:Where are they talking? 8.W: What are you doing, Daniel? M: I'm reading this novel.It's really exciting.I can hardly put it down!W: Shame on you, it's written for children.M: But adults like me enjoy it too.Question:Which is true about Daniel? 9.W: Oh, Peter, what a surprise!You use chopsticks so well!M: People here in China always ask me if I can use chopsticks.It's not hard.In fact I could use them before I came to China.We have a few Chinese restaurants in the UK, you know.They are really very popular.Question:When did Peter learn to use chopsticks(筷子)? 10.W: Tom, you look funny today!Ah, your shirt.Where did you get this ugly shirt? M: Well, it was a present from my grandma.She said it was the most beautiful shirt in the world.What could I say? W: Why didn't you wear your own T-shirt? M: That's the thing.I don't want to hurt her feelings so I just said I loved it.And she insisted on making me wear it the whole day!Question:What is Tom like? 听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。M: Anna, I had a strange dream last night.W: Really, Victor? What is it? M: Someone gave me one million dollars.W: One million dollars? Well, what did you do with it? M: I was thinking about it the whole night.I need a car.I want to go travelling.Then I decided to raise money for charity.W: I never knew you were so kind.Did you donate all the money? M: No.I was laughing aloud, and then I woke up.Questions: 11.How much money did Victor get in his dream? 12.What did Victor decide to do with the money in his dream? 听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。
M: What about your history class this afternoon, Millie? W: We were supposed to have a history class, but Mr Johnson was ill in hospital.So we had a geography class instead.M: Your mother and I will go climbing on Saturday.Will you join us? W: I'd like to, but I have to take an exam on Sunday.I think I'd better stay at home and study.By the way, will you go climbing in the mountains? M: Yes, why? W: I know it's summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in June, so bring a coat with you.You'll need one in the early morning.M: OK, we will.Questions: 13.Who is Mr Johnson? 14.What will Millie do on Saturday? 15.Which season is it? Ⅲ.短文理解
When Jimmy was young, he always liked watches and clocks very much.When he was eighteen years old.He joined the army,and after a year, he began to teach himself to mend watches.A lot of his friends brought him broken watches, and he mended them for them.His captain heard about this, and one day he brought him a watch and said , “My watch doesn’t work ,can you mend it for me ?”“Yes, sir.I can.” Jimmy answered.After a few days, he brought the watch back to the captain.“How much do I pay?” “Nothing,sir.” Jimmy said,“He took out a small box and gave it to the captain and said,”Here are three wheels from your watch, I couldn't find a place for them when I put everything back.“ Questions: 16.When did Jim begin to mend watches? 17.Who taught him how to mend watches? 18.What did the captain do one day? 19.How much did the captain pay to Jim? 20.Did Jim make the watch work at last ? 中考英语听力训练4听力试题
1.A.Yes, I’d love to
B.Yes, please
C.No, I didn’t
2.A.Thank you
B.It’s not good
C.The same to you 3.A.It’s my pleasure
B.I’m sorry to hear that
C.Never mind 4.A.Yes, I did
B.No, I didn’t
C.No, I don’t 5.A.For a year B.In a month
C.Once a month
6.A.It’s rainy B.It’s cloudy C.It’s fine 7.A.Two B.Three C.Four 8.A.At 6:00 B.At 8:00 C.At 5:00 9.A.In the bookshop B.In the post office C.In the library 10.A.She missed the math exam B.She failed in her math exam C.She lost her math book
三、听下面的两段长对话,回答下面的问题 听下面第一段对话,回答第11-12小题
11.A.Yes, she does B.No, she doesn’t C.She’s not sure yet 12.A.Those who can write loud and energetic songs.B.Those who can sing words clearly C.Those who can write his own songs 听下面第一段对话,回答第13-15小题 13.A.One B.Two C.Three 14.A.For changing the style of shoes B.For seeing in the dark
C.For adjustable heels 15.A.Shoes with adjustable heels B.Battery-operated shoes C.Battery-operated slippers
16.A.Talking to the tourists B.Helping some friends C.Visiting a garden 17.A.In the London Museum B.On River Thames(泰晤士河)C.On their way to London 18.A.About 17 million B.About 7 million C.About 1.7 million 19.A.Poor and interesting B.Busy but uninteresting C.Busy and beautiful 20.A.There are many parks and gardens in London B.People working in London have a lot of time to visit museums C.There are only a few places of interest in London 中考英语听力训练4听力原文
1.Would you like to play football with me? 2.Your pants are beautiful.3.Thank you for helping me with my math.4.Do you often play computer games? 5.How often do you go to see your grandparents? 对话的听力原文:
It's sunny and warm now.But the radio says, it will get windy, and cloudy tomorrow I hope not.Tomorrow we will hold a sports meeting, on the playground Question: what's the weather like today?
Did you go to the film last Sunday? Yes, I went with my parents,and my brother Jerry Question: how many people went to the film?
When do you usually get up? I usually get up at six.But I got up late today.I slept late.I get up at eight.Question: What time did the woman get up today?
第9段听力材料 Can I help you? Yes, please.I want to borrow a science book Question: where are they?
Hi, Jenny, you look unhappy, what's the matter? I didn't pass the math exam Question: what happened to Jenny? 对话或独白的听力原文: 第11段听力材料 回答第11~12题。What a great professional musician, he is!Do you think of being a professional musician? No, never.I think,to be a musician is great,but he can be quite creative.I am not able to.By the way, what kind of musician do you enjoy? well, I enjoy the musician, who writes his own songs Questions: 11.Does the woman think of being a professional musician? 12.what kind of musicians does the boy enjoy?
第12段听力材料 回答第13~15题。What are these? They are battery-operated shoes What are they used for? They are used for seeing in the dark Do you know any other new inventions? Of course, there are shoes with adjustable heels.They are the latest invention, made by Jayce Coziar and Jamie,Ellsworth.What are they used for? They are used for changing, the style of shoes, according to your need That sounds wonderful.I will get a pair.Thank you.Bye!Questions: 13.how many new inventions do they talk about? 14.what are battery-operated shoes used for? 15.what are the latest invention made, by Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth? 对话或独白的听力原文:
第13段听力材料 回答第16~20题。
Hello,ladies and gentlemen.I am your guide today.First, I'd like to tell you something about London, before we arrive.As you know, London is the capital of England.It's a very big city,with a population of about 7 million.The people are usually friendly and helpful, especially the policemen.They are always glad to tell visitors, about their city.London is a busy place.People work in offices, banks, or for companies.They are always in a hurry all the time.London is also a beautiful city.It has lots of parks and gardens.When you are in London, you should visit the London Museum.It can tell you a lot of interesting stories.You may also visit many other places of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on Questions: 16.what's the guide doing? 17.where are the visitors? 18.what's the population of London? 19.what kind of place is London, in the guide's eyes? 20.which of the following is right, according to the passage? 中考英语听力训练5听力试题
根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语,每小题读两遍。(共5小题, 每小题1分)1.A.I’d love to.B.With pleasure.C.It’s my pleasure 2.A.Sorry.B.That's right C.It doesn't matter.3.A.It was sunny B.It is Sunday.C.It’s hot in summer.4.A.See you later.B.Excuse me.C.Yes, please.5.A.Good luck.B.I can’t stand it.C.I'll try it.Ⅱ.对话理解
根据你听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题各读两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分)6.A.Buy the sofa B.Buy some chairs C.Pay less for the sofa 7.A.Teacher and student.B.Father and daughter.C.Classmates.8.A.He missed the movie.B.He was late for the movie.C.He didn’t like the movie.9.A.At 6:00.B.At 8:00.C.At 10:00.10.A.They are talking about fish B.They are going fishing.C.They are having dinner.听第一段长对话,完成11-12小题
11.A.She was ill.B.She lost her way C.She was stressed out.12.A.Because she lost her money..B.Because she had no money..C.Because she left her money at home.听第二段长对话,完成13-15小题
13.A.At home.B.At a cinema.C.At a shop.14.A.One bag.B.Two bags.C.One bottle.15.A.Four.B.Five.C.Three.Ⅲ.短文理解
根据你听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案,短文及问题各读两遍。(共5小题, 每小题1分)
16.A.He starts school B.He goes to school by bus every day C He helps his mother cook in the kitchen 17.A.She was helping Dick with his homework.B.She was watching TV in her room.C.She was doing some housework.18.A To do his homework.B.To wash some apples.C.To call his father back.19.A.The smallest one B.The biggest one C.The nicest one 20.A.He is a rude boy.B.He is a careless boy.C.He is a polite boy.中考英语听力训练5听力原文
根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语,每小题读两遍。1.Could you help me to carry the bag? 2.I'm sorry I broke your ruler.3.What’s the weather like in Xiaogan ? 4.Would you like some coffee ? 5.What do you think of the game show? 对话理解
根据你听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题各读两遍。6.M: How do you like the sofa?
W: It’s nice.But $600 is much more than I want to spend.I think I’ll get the chairs instead.Q: What will the woman buy? 7.M: Hand in your exercise books, please
W: I was ill last night.So I haven’t finished my homework.Q: Who are the two speakers? 8.W: You didn’t go to the movie last Friday, didn’t you?
M:: Yes, I did.But I missed the beginning.Q: What does the boy mean? 9.M: Alice, you must do your homework.It’s nine o’clock.W: I finished it an hour ago.Q: When did Alice finish her homework? 10.M: Help yourself to some fish, please.W: No thanks.I’m full
Q: What are they doing? 听下面一段较长对话,回答第11和12两个小题,对话和问题读两遍。You look stressed out, Tina.I am.I had a bad afternoon.Really? What happened? First of all, by the time I bought lunch at the dinning hall, I found I had lost my money.Oh, what a pity!So, I had to borrow some money from my classmates.And by the time I had lessons, I found I had left my backpack in the dinning hall.Oh, no!Oh, yes!I ran all the way to the dinning hall, I found it had closed.What did you do then? I had to find the owner and got my backpack back.And then? When I returned to the classroom, the teacher had started teaching.Oh poor Tina!Questions: 11.What’s wrong with Tina? 12.Why did she borrow money from her classmates? 听下面一段较长对话,回答第13至第15三个小题,对话和问题读两遍。W: Can I help you? Yes, I want 6 eggs, please.OK, 6 eggs.Do you want this kind of fish? One kilo, please.OK.And can I have two bottles of milk—those big ones, and do you have any rice? Rice? Yes, of course.We have some.One bag? Yes, One bag, oh, no.Two bags, please.Yeah, I see.Anything else? Let me see, eggs, fish, milk, rice, um„er, yes, that’s all.How much are these things? Um.Just a minute.They are 30 dollars all together.OK.Here is the money.Questions: 13.Where are they talking? 14.How much rice did the man buy? 15.How many kinds of things did the man buy? 短文理解
Dick is seven years old.He starts school this year.He studies very hard and likes sports very much.He is polite to others.So his teachers and friends all like him.Last Saturday, Dick and his mother stayed at home.His mother was doing some housework and Dick was doing his homework.At ten Dick' s father came back from the farm with a basket of apples.He had a look at his son and then went to his room to watch TV.The boy saw the apples and wanted to eat one.His mother gave him some and said, ”Go and wash them, please.“
Dick washed the apples and took the smallest.His mother saw this and asked,” Why don' t you take a bigger one, Dick?“
”Teachers tell us that we should be polite to others and care about the old, our parents and friends.So I take the smallest and leave the big ones for you and Dad,“ answered the boy.”Good boy!Thank you, “said his mother with a smile.Questions: 16.What does Dick do at the age of seven?
17.What was Dick' s mother doing that Saturday?
18.What did Mother ask Dick to do? 19.Which apple did Dick take for himself? 20.What do you think of Dick?
1-5: BCCCB
6-10: BABBC
11-15: CACBA
16-20: ACBAC 21-25: CBDCC
26-30: CBDCC
31-35: CCABC
36-40: ADBCC
41-45: ADACB
46-50: DBCCB 51-55: ABBAA
56-60: DABCC
61-65: BBAAC 66.charity
73.reminds 74.to be
75.him playing
76.Can you 77.unless
78.have known
79.spoken to 80.How do you spell your last name? 81.How long have you learn English? 82.Have you ever been to an English speaking country? 83.When was that? 84.Why do you want to improve English? Dear Mayor: I'm a middle school student.I'm writing to tell you something aroud us.Nowadays, there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometowns.Most of them are from the coutryside, you know, they have many problem.They are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their parents' love.At the same time, they are easy to make mistakes even do some thing against the laws, because they're short of their families' care.How to solve their problems? In my eyes, the government can set up a parents school for these children on holidays, you can organize” hand-in-hand“ activity to call on more people to help them.You can also raise money to donate to these children.As the song says:”If everyone gives their love, the world will be better." It's very important for us to pay more attention to these children if we want to build a harmonious society.Best wishes to you!
Sincerely,Li Hua
班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的单词或短语。((((()1.A.Miss Wang)2.A.today)3.A.I)5.A.OK)4.A.hello
B.Miss Yang B.fine B.you B.hi
C.Miss Fang C.name C.your C.bye C.thank you
三、听句子,选择恰当的答语。((((()11.A.I’m fine.)12.A.Bye.B.Bye.C.Good morning.C.Thank you.C.I’m fine, thank you.C.Yes, I do.C.Goodbye.B.Good morning.B.Yes, I am.B.I’m Lily.B.I’m OK.)13.A.No, I’m not.)14.A.Thank you.)15.A.Yes, I am.初一英语听力训练材料
班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.A driver.D.A cat.E.A nurse.C.A family.C.The boy’s mother.C.The girl’s brother.C.A teacher.C.A worker.)8.Mother
三、听对话,选择正确答案。)11.A.A photo.B.A dog.)12.A.The boy’s brother.)13.A.The girl’s mother.)14.A.A nurse.)15.A.A doctor.B.The boy’s sister.B.The girl’s father.B.A doctor.B.A driver.初一英语听力训练材料
班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
B.school B.chairs
C.student C.desks((()3.A.teachers)4.A.window)5.A.blackboard
B.friends B.door B.wall
C.students C.bottle C.room
()6.()7.()8.()9.(((((()10.)11.A.No, it isn’t.B.Yes, it is.B.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.B.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.Eight.C.No, it isn’t.C.Yes, I am.C.Yes, there is.C.There are five.三、听句子,选择恰当的答语。)12.A.Yes, there are.)13.A.Yes, there is.)14.A.No, it isn’t.)15.A.No, there isn’t.初一英语听力训练材料
班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
B.shoes B.coat B.coats B.bikes
C.dress C.blouse C.socks C.likes
三、听句子,选择恰当的答语。((((()11.A.OK.B.There is a cap in it.B.Yes, she is.B.It’s on the table.B.It’s over there.C.At home.C.It’s green.C.It’s my blouse.C.Yes, I do.C.They are black.)12.A.Yes, I do.)13.A.It’s big.)15.A.Yes, I am.)14.A.No, they’re his jeans.B.It’s great.初一英语听力训练材料
(五)班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
三、听句子,选择恰当的答语。()11.A.Yes, I can.B.Yes, I am.()12.A.This is my friend.B.His name is Jack.()13.A.She is nice.B.He is my brother.()14.A.Yes, there are.B.There are eighteen.()15.A.She is tall and thin.B.She likes drawing.C.fan C.blue C.sock C.brother C.forty
C.Yes, it’s my jacket.C.She is a student.C.She is my sister Jane.C.No, there aren’t.C.She is our teacher.初一英语听力训练材料
(六)班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
B.light B.pencil
C.big C.ruler C.cards C.angry C.run)3.A.crayons)4.A.sorry)5.A.jump
B.watches B.sad B.rain
三、听句子,选择恰当的答语。()11.A.Sorry, I don’t have a watch.B.We have a good time.C.It’s my favourite thing.(((()12.A.Yes, I do.B.Yes, I am.C.No, it isn’t.C.It is my favourite bag.C.No, he isn’t.)13.A.I have a light bag.)14.A.Yes, we are.)15.A.I like the toy.C.Linda has one.B.It’s a book in it.B.No, I am not.B.The toy plane is in the box.初一英语听力训练材料
(七)班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
二、听句子,将下面左右两栏中相应的信息连线。(((((((((()6.Those apples)7.Some bananas)8.Millie)9.Tom)10.Kate
A.wants to eat ice cream for lunch.B.has candy after dinner.C.on the table are big and red.D.likes rice for dinner.E.are in the big box.B.Fish.C.Salad.C.Some cakes.C.Milk.C.Five.C.Henry’s brother.三、听对话,选择正确答案。)11.A.Chicken.)13.A.Apples.)14.A.Three.)15.A.Henry.)12.A.Some milk.B.Ice cream.B.Chicken.B.Four.B.Henry’s sister.初一英语听力训练材料
(八)班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
A.goes to school five days a week.B.the children usually eat breakfast.C.I go home and do my homework.D.has a Computer lesson every day.E.they have Art and Music lessons.B.It’s eight o’clock.B.At seven fifty.B.Sunny but cold.B.At six o’clock.B.Play basketball.C.It’s nine o’clock.C.At eight fifty.C.Cloudy and cold.C.At seven o’clock.C.Make a model plane.)7.On Thursday)9.At about 4:30 p.m.)10.At 7:15 a.m.三、听对话,选择正确答案。)11.A.It’s seven o’clock.)12.A.At seven thirty.)14.A.At five o’clock.)15.A.Go swimming.)13.A.Sunny and warm.初一英语听力训练材料
(九)班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
B.parks B.under
C.lakes C.on C.tiger
()4.()5.二、听句子,将下面左右两栏中相应的信息连线。((((()6.The students)7.Andy)8.A lake)9.Boats
A.In the middle of the park.B.Behind the door.C.In the playground.D.Beside the shop.E.On the lake.)10.Wendy
三、听对话,选择正确答案。((((()11.A.A cat.B.A dog.C.bird.C.In the park.C.Yes, it is.C.A cat.C.Yes, there are.)12.A.On the bus.)13.A.Yes, there is.)14.A.A bird.B.In the classroom.B.No, there isn’t.B.A flower.B.No, it isn’t.)15.A.Yes, it is.初一英语听力训练材料
(十)班级_______ 姓名_______ 学号_______
B.football B.goldfish
C.volleyball C.cats()3.()4.()5.二、听句子,将下面左右两栏中相应的信息连线。((((()6.On the desk)7.In the garden)8.The lake)9.Mary)10.Lucy
A.is in front of the park.B.there are nine pencils and ten books.C.wears a yellow blouse, a pink sweater and a gray skirt.D.there are three boys and five girls.E.wears a white coat and a red sweater.三、听对话,选择正确答案。((((()11.A.It’s under the chair.)12.A.Lily’s.)13.A.Nick.B.It’s on the table.B.Nick’s.B.Peter.C.It’s in the tree.C.Tom’s.C.Tom.C.Eight.C.A white hat.)14.A.Eighteen.B.Twenty.B.A camera.)15.A.A red watch.
一。通过听觉领悟语言是一个复杂的过程,它包括接受信息、识别、判断和理解声音信号等几个层次的心理活动。人们接受信息后,通过大脑来识别和 理解每个声音信号的意义,然后作出适当的反馈。反馈的快慢、判断的正确与否,同一个人的识别和理解能力及个人的知识、经验都有着密切的联系。传统的应试教学模式,重读、写能力训练,轻听、说能力的培养,留下了英语叫中的“聋哑”后遗症。如何提高学生听力水平,给我们从事基础英语教育的同仁们留下了深思。
课堂是实施英语听力训练的主阵地,要为学生创造一个良好的语言环境,就必须用英语组织教学。例如:在一篇课文的Dialogue教学中,向学生出示一副画着漂亮自行车的图片,然后对学生说:look at this picture , what can you see ?(I can see a bike).通过这样的情景教学,即使学生不看书,也能容易听懂对话内容,从而增加了学生在课内接受听力训练的机会。
⑴ 辩音训练要随时随地进行。
如:They like reading ,they like cooking.c.教师在黑板上写出若干句子,然后让学生听几组句子,最后让学生选出与教师所读句子意义相同或相近的句子来。
⑵ 听说对话训练要抓平时。
⑶ 听写训练要抓反复
⑷ 理解训练要抓突出。
⑴ 明确目的。
⑵ 掌握技巧。
⑶ 精心选择听力材料。
⑷ 引导学生用英语思维,使听力训练个性化。
()1. A.good
二、听录音, 根据你所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案。(10分)
()1.A.Reading novels.B.Reading picture books.C.Reading story books.()2.A.James is the tallest.B.Henry is the tallest.C.Henry is as tall as James.()
3.A.No, he doesn’t.B.No, he isn’t.C.Yes, he does.()
4.A.Playing the piano.B.Playing the violin.C.Playing the guitar.()
5.A.Something is good.B.Something is bad.C.Something is missing.三、听录音,把句子补充完整。(5分)1.He is playing the __________________.2.She is a famous _____________.3.__________ a pianist, you can’t make a good band.4.I want to do something ___________________.5.My father goes to work by ____________.四、听录音,完成短文。(每小题1分,共10分)
Today is Sunday.No.5 Middle School is having a 1 meeting.Students are 2 the events(竞赛).In the 1,000 meter race, Li Lei is running much 3 than the other 4 and his friends are cheering 5 him.At last, he breaks school record.He is the 7.Look!Lin Hong is 8.Who 9 jump higher than Lin Hong ? It’s Wang Dandan.She jumps 10 of all.()1.A.sport
C.to enjoy()3.A.fast
C.the highest
一、请根据句意以及首字母提示写出正确的单词。(每小题1分,共5分)1.May I c_____ in ?
2.We are p_____ for the talent show.3.I’m a good p_______.4.W_______ a good player, you can’t win the game.5.I don’t a_______ with you.二、根据要求写单词 :(10分)
he(反身代词)_________ good(最高级)__________
many(比较级)________ make(现在分词)_________
run(名词)_________ sing(名词)_________
bring(反义词)_______ with(反义词)________
2.业余歌手演唱会 ________ 3.马上,立即 ____________
4.做煎饼 ____________ 5.吉他手 _____________
6.be good at ____________ 7.something interesting __________ 8.by myself _____________ 9.a good pianist ___________
10.participate in ___________
四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分)1.Mother’s Day is ____________ soon.(come)2.Why don’t you __________ a bike ?(ride)3.Peter is the best __________.(run)4.I don’t want to participate in the show by __________.(I)5.My parents ____________(visit)the Great Wall next week.五、选择:(10分)
1.Mary is good at __________ the violin.A.plays
C.to ply 2.I want to do ____________________.A.something exciting B.exciting something C.anything exciting
3.Who’s ____________ singer?
A.the best
C.the better
4.How about ___________ a band? A.make
B.to make
5.We need a good cook, don’t we?-----_____________ A.Yes, we don’t.B.Yes, we do.C.No, we do.6.You are __________ young __________ join the band.A.too, to
B.to, too
C.so, so
7.__________ a good football player, you can win the game.A.With
8.I don’t have any _____________ on Sunday.A.class
C.classs 9.I am practicing songs _____________ the talent show.A.for
10.Here she ___________.A.coming
1. Why don’t you play the guitar?(变为同义句)
__________________________________________________ 2.I, by, do, to, myself, don’t, want, it(连成一句话)
__________________________________________________ 3.May I come in?(作肯定回答)
__________________________________________________ 4.We need a dancer, _______ ______ ?(变为反意疑问句,并作肯定
回答)_____________________________________________ 5.How of making a band?(找出错误并改正句子)
C _______________________________________________
七、根据短文回答问题:(短文A 5分,短文B 10分,共15分)A A boy goes home and he tells his mother he has a stomachache(胃疼).“Well, sit down and eat your cake.” Says his mother.“ Your stomach is aching(痛)because its empty(空的).It’ll be all right when you get something in it.” After a while, his dad comes in from the office.He says, “Oh, dear!I have a headache.(头疼)”
That’s because it’s empty.” Says his clever son, “You’d be all right if you get something in it..”()(1)The boy’s stomach is aching because his hungry.()(2)The boy’s mother is a doctor.()(3)The boy’s father is a farmer.()(4)The boy’s father is hungry.()(5)The boy is very foolish.B Mr.Green is from London in the United Kingdom.He teaches English in a high school in Beijing now.Mr.Green speaks little Chinese.He goes to Chinese classes every week.Mr.Green likes working in China very much.He says here students are very friendly and study very hard.Mr.Green has a son and a daughter.His son’s name is Jim.His daughter’s name is Kate.They go to school here in China.They like China very much.1.Where dose Mr.Green come from?
________________________________________________ 2.What dose he teach?
________________________________________________ 3. Can he speak a little Chinese?
________________________________________________ 4. Where does he go every week? _______________________________________________ 5. Where do his children go to school?
years old
guitar player
participate Children’s Day
coming soon
talent show