2015年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(二)练习

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第一篇:2015年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(二)练习

第三部分 名人故事

(二)6.Johann Strauss, Another Famous Austrian Composer 约翰•施特劳斯—另一位奥地利著名作曲家


Johann Strauss was born in Vienna in 1825.His father, a well-known musician, was a strange and moody man.He did not want any of his children to be musicians.He whipped young Johann because the boy insisted he should study music.At last, Johann left his family permanently.He felt sad about leaving the family because the wonderful music he always had with him at home was gone forever.The only good thing about the family separation, it seemed, was that young Johann would be free to study music.The dance called the waltz developed from a peasant dance in three-quarter time.The waltz became popular in Vienna, so it was only natural that Johann would be attracted to it.The orchestra Johann‟s father had directed was prepared to break up when the elder Strauss suddenly died.Young Johann offered to take his father‟s place.Most of the musicians questioned that a young man would expect to fill the shoes of a famous father.They did not take into consideration that the son already had an orchestra of his own which was becoming well known.Finally, one of the members persuaded the others to let the two orchestras be combined.Their first performance was a memorial concert played in his father‟s honor.Soon Vienna was paying tributes to the son.He wrote such famous waltz as Tales form the Vienna Woods and the Beautiful Blue Danube, and his music is still played today.His waltzes are as beautiful and timely as when Strauss first wrote them.Comprehension Questions:

1.Johann Strauss left home permanently because ______ A.he felt sad.B.the wonderful music he always had at home was gone forever.C.he wanted to study music freely.D.he didn't want to learn music from his father.B.most musicians didn't believe that young Strauss' feet were as big as his father's.C.most of the musicians thought he was unable to do so.D.most of the musicians considered him able to do so.4.Johann directed the first performance of the newly combined orchestra ______ A.because people didn't believe his ability.B.because one of the members persuaded the others to let him direct the orchestra.C.in memory of his father.D.because he could enjoy the honor of his father.5.Tales from the Vienna Woods is ______ A.a collection of stories written by Johann Strauss.B.a piece of famous waltz by Johann Strauss.C.as good a story as The Beautiful Blue Danube.D.a piece of beautiful waltz written first by Johann Strauss.(CBCCB)7.Charles Chaplin, King of the Film World



More than one hundred years ago, in 1889, Charles Chaplin was born into the world.When a poor boy, he was often seen waiting outside the London theatres, hoping to get work in show business.His dream came true in the end.Chaplin became world-famous and almost a king in the world of the film.People everywhere have laughed at Chaplin‟s film until tears ran down their faces.From his very first appearance they know what to expect from the little man with a black moustache, wide-open eyes, a round black hat and shoes too large for his feet.He will fight men who are twice his size and fall in love with women who hardly noticed him..” Comprehension Questions: 1.Where do you guess Chaplin was from? ______

A.The USA.B.England.C.France.D.Canada.2.Why did Chaplin wait outside the London theatres? ______ A.Because he wanted to see some plays.B.Because he was asked to do something in show business.C.Because he wanted to find work in show business.D.Because he wanted to be a film star.3.What did Chaplin like to do in films? ______ A.To act as a poor man.B.To get into trouble.C.To make stupid mistakes.D.To make people laugh.4.What should we do if we want to succeed according to Chaplin? ______ A.We must have a secret.B.We have to learn a lot of performing skills.C.We should trust ourselves.D.We should tell others how to succeed in life.5.Charles Chaplin was considered to be ______

A.the king over the world.B.a very funny actor in the film.C.the best actor in the film world of his day.D.the best film producer of the world.(BCACC)

8.Louis Braille, the Man Who Made It Possible

For the Blind to Read and Write 路易斯•布雷尔—他使盲人读写成为可能

At first people did not believe that the system of Louis Braille was possible or practical.One day a girl who had been blind since she was born played the piano beautifully at a concert.Everybody was pleased.Then the girl got up and said that the people should thank Louis Braille, who had made it possible for her to learn music and to play the piano.Some of Louis‟ friends went to his home to see him.He was sick in bed.They told him what had happened.Louis began to cry.He said, “This is the third time in my life that I have cried.First, when I became blind.Second, when I heard „night writing‟, and now because I know that my life has not been a failure.”

A few days latter Louis died.He was only 43 years old.Comprehension Questions:

1.The Braille system is made up of _______ A.dots

B.dashes.C.holes.D.letters.2.Louis Braille wrote a book using the “Braille” system _______ A.not long after he arrived at the system.B.long before he arrived at the system.C.long after he arrived at he system.D.because people didn‟t believe his system.3.People began to believe that the Braille system was possible and practical as they ______ A.saw the blind girl play the piano beautifully.B.were asked to thank Louis Braille.C.were quite pleased with the blind girl.D.were told that the blind girl couldn‟t have succeeded without the Braille system.4.For the third time Braille cried because he knew_______ A.some of his friends had come to see him.B.he was sick in bed.C.he had succeeded in his life.D.he would die in a few days.等人的名声大,但他在艺术史上的位置却不容忽视。他的“图普医生的解剖学课”系列雕塑为他赢得了世界声誉。

Holland‟s most famous artist was Rembrandt van Rijn.He was born in Leyden in 1609, and even at an early age his drawing was brilliant and his understanding of light and shade was unusual among the artists of his day.In 1631, he settled in Amsterdam and painted a group of portrait called The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Tulp.It can be seen in the Mauritshuis Museum today.Rembrandt made a lot of money, but spent it just as quickly and was always in debt.His style, however, continued to mature and in 1634 he painted another group of portrait, known as The Night Watch.It is one of his finest works.The painting is now in the Rijn-museum in Amsterdam.After that, Rembrandt‟s reputation began to fall.So did his eyesight and funds.His art, however, did not fall, and his greatest masterpieces were produced towards the end of his life.He died in 1669, after giving to the world 600 paintings, including his wonderful self-portrait, landscapes and religious work paintings that are among our greatest treasures.Comprehension Questions:

1.When Rembrandt was very young, ______ A.his drawing caused great admiration.B.people liked his brightness.C.he was an unusual artist of his day.D.he left Amsterdam.2.Rembrandt was always in debt because ______ A.he earned little money.B.he spent his money as quickly as he earned.C.he lent his money to his friends.D.he liked to borrow money from others.C.Rembrandt was at the height of art in 1934.D.Rembrandt‟s art declined towards the end of his life.(ABBAA)

10.John Baird, Inventor of the First TV Set



An important thing can have a small beginning.The first television picture that was ever seen was not exciting.It was only a picture of a face, and the picture only traveled a few meters.But to the inventor, John Baird(1888-1946), it was wonderful.Baird had always been interested in science, but not all of his experiments had been successful.In 1900, when he was twelve, he and some friends built a private telephone system.It worked well, but one night a storm pulled down the wires.A man standing in the street was hurt by the falling wires, and the boys‟ telephone system had to be closed down.A few years later, Baird and a classmate built a plane, which they launched(with John in it)from a roof.Luckily, it fell on some grass, so John wasn‟t badly hurt.After studying electrical engineering at the University of Glasgow, John Baird got a job in a power station that supplied electricity to the Clyde Valley in Scotland.When he used the power supply at the station for one of his experiments, all of the electricity in the Clyde Valley was cut off!That was the end of his job.At this time, one of Baird‟s friends in Trinidad, Godfrey Harris, had often written to Baird about the wonderful climate there.Now John decided to go to live in Trinidad.When he arrived, Harris told him about a business idea that he had thought of.He said that he wanted to start a jam factory.Baird agreed, and they started the factory together.But, because they didn‟t know anything about making jams, all kinds of terrible things happened.Some kinds of insects fell into the jam.Also, when they put the jam into the jars, it spoiled.Finally, Baird became ill and left Trinidad.15-year-old boy.In January 1926, members of the British Royal Institution came to see his invention.Happily, Baird‟s demonstration was a success.Comprehension Questions:

1.Baird was interested in science ______

A.when he was studying at university.B.from his early childhood.C.only when was in his thirties.D.after he failed in a business.2.It took John Baird ______ to invent his television system.A.quite a long period B.almost three years C.no more than two years D.all his life 3.John Baird decided to go to Trinidad because ______

A.he had some inventions to make there.B.he wanted to go in for trade.C.he had jam factory to manage.D.the weather there was fine.

第二篇:高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(一)练习

第三部分 名人故事

(一)1.Alfred Nobel, Founder of the Nobel Prizes



诺贝尔奖颁发给在物理,化学,医学,文学,和平和经济六个领域中成就最突出的人。Some names have become famous because they are always connected with important things.One of these names is that of Alfred Nobel, who founded the famous Nobel Prizes.Nobel was born in Sweden in 1833.He became an engineer and an inventor.He was particularly interested in explosives.These were very dangerous in those days, and Nobel's own brother was killed in an explosion in their factory.In 1867, Nobel invented dynamite.This was a very powerful explosive, but unlike the others it was safe to handle.The invention made Nobel a very wealthy man.However, he was never particularly happy.He realized that his invention was being used for warlike purposes, and that thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people were being killed and injured in wars with his explosives.When he died in 1896, he left over 3 million pounds to be spent setting up five prizes each year.These prizes were to be given to people who had made outstanding contributions to peace, to science, and to literature.Originally there were five rewards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace.Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first award ceremony.These Nobel Prizes became famous and because of them we still remember the name of Nobel.Comprehension Questions:

A.it is less powerful and safe to handle.B.it is more powerful but less safe to handle.C.it is both powerful and safe.D.it won't kill people.4.Rich as he was, Alfred Nobel was never particularly happy because ______ A.his dynamite was not safe enough.B.his explosives were being used in wars.C.his brother was killed by the explosives invented by him.D.he had killed hundreds of thousands of people with explosives.5.Those who had made outstanding contributions to peace, to science and to literature ______ A.could get three million pounds.B.were given five prizes each year.C.could see Alfred Nobel himself.D.could receive Nobel Prizes.(CACBD)

2.The General and the Corporal, A Story

About George Washington 将军和下士—乔治•华盛顿的故事

乔治·华盛顿,美国首任总统(1789~1797),美国独立战争大陆军总司令。1789年,当选为美国第一任总统,因对美国独立作出了重大贡献,被尊为美国国父。他有一句关于自由的名言:“由于剑是维护我们自由的最后手段,一旦这些自由得到确立,就应该首先将它放在一旁。” 下面这篇小故事通过一件平凡事,反映了一个伟人的博大胸襟。

George Washington was the first President of the United States.It was he who led the armies during the long war that brought the American people independence and made America a free country.He was a great man, not only in great things, but also in little ones.He was never too great to do a kindness.He was never too high to stoop to those who were lower than he and in need of help.Then Washington ran up, and with his strong arms gave them the help they so much needed.The big log was lifted on the breastwork, and the men looked their thanks at the stranger who had been so kind.“Why don’t you take hold and help your men?” Washington asked the corporal.“Why don’t I? Don’t you see that I am the corporal?”

“Oh, indeed,” said Washington, as he unbuttoned his overcoat, and showed the uniform which he wore.“Well, I am the general, and the next time you have a log too heavy for your men to lift, send for me!”

You can imagine how the little corporal felt when he saw it was General Washington who was standing before him.It was a good lesson for him, and there are little men still living who may learn a good lesson from the story.Comprehension Questions: 1.______ he was a great man, George Washington was ready to do a kindness.A.Because B.Though C.If D.As long as 2.At first the corporal and the soldiers did not know ______ A.who was the general.B.who was Washington.C.what the general was.D.the man was Washington.3.The corporal was ______ A.too little to do the heavy job.B.too weak to help his men.C.so great that he could not do such a small thing.D.feeling he was such an officer that he was ashamed of giving help.4.The little corporal felt very ______ when he knew it was General Washington who was standing before him.A.glad B.proud C.sorry D.crazy 5.When do you think the story most probably took place? ______ A.During the War of Independence.B.During the Civil War.C.During World War I.D.During World War II.(BDDCA)


People had known about steam power for hundreds of years, but they did not know how to apply it to machines.About 300 years ago, some mining engineers discovered that they could use steam power to force water out of deep mines.This helped miners dig deeper than ever.But little more was done with steam power until one man, James Watt, discovered how to make steam turn a wheel.When he was a boy, James Watt's parents had scolded him for playing with mechanical things.There were few complicated machines then.And almost nobody could make a living by fixing them.So Watt's parents thought that fooling around with machines was a waste of time.But someone asked Watt to repair a steam coalmine pump.Watt fixed the pump and he began to build models of other pumps.Once Watt had built his first steam engine, steam power was used to do many things.Machines were built that could weave, spin, grind flour, drive a boat or a train, and even make other machines.Nearly anything that needed pushing or turning could be powered by steam.Within 50 years of Watt's invention, steam engines were producing and transporting things in ways that were impossible with muscle, wind, or waterpower.Comprehension Questions:

1.James Watt was the first person who ______ A.applied steam to machines.B.discovered steam power could be used to force water out of deep mines.C.helped miners to dig deeper than ever.D.discovered how to make steam turn a wheel.2.Steam power was not used to turn a wheel until ______ A.three hundred years ago.B.some mining engineers discovered how to force water out of deep mines.C.James Watt was born.D.James Watt found out the way of doing so.5.Nearly half a century had passed ______ A.since James Watt's steam engines were used widely.B.until James Watt had invented his steam engines.C.before steam engines could be used to produce and transport things.D.and steam engines were doing things that were impossible to be done in the past.(DDACD)4.Galileo, Famous Italian Astronomer



Galileo(1564-1642)was an Italian physicist and astronomer.He was born in Paris, where he studied medicine and later became professor of mathematics.During this period he made two important discoveries.The first was that a pendulum always wings at the same time.The second was that bodies of different weights fall with the same speed.He made the second discovery by making an experiment from the leaning tower of Pisa.Galileo was one of the first men to look at the skies through a telescope.He discovered that the moon has mountains and valleys, that the Milky Way is made up of innumerable stars, and that Jupiter has four large satellites.He discovered sunspots and noticed that they move across the surface of the sun.In 1632 Galileo was condemned by the Inquisition because, like Copernicus, he had stated that the earth traveled round the sun.The Church's view then was that the earth was the center of the Universe.Galileo was tried by the Inquisition and forced to say he was wrong.He lived the rest of his life under house arrest.Comprehension Questions:

B.the moon has mountains and valleys.C.sunspots move across the surface of the earth.D.there are innumerable stars in the Milky Way.4.The Inquisition condemned Galileo because ______ A.what he said about the movement of the Earth didn't agree with the Church's view.B.he said that the Earth was the centre of the Universe.C.he liked Copernicus.D.he was wrong.5.As a result, Galileo ______ A.knew that he was wrong to say that the Earth was the centre of the Universe.B.knew that he was wrong to say that the sun was the centre of the Universe.C.lost his freedom.D.changed his view.(DDAAC)

5.Mozart, Well-known Austrian Composer



Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus(1756-1791)was born in Salzburg, Austria.He had love for music when he was only three and took daily music lessonsfrom his father, a musical director.When he was five, he could not only play several musical instruments, but also had composed a number of short pieces of music.When he was seven he went with his family on a long music tour.Everywhere he went, he won great applause for his harpsichord, organ and violin playing.From the age of 13, he began to give concerts.In 1781, he moved to Vienna, where he met Haydn and they became great friends.This friendship proved to be important to both men, each learning a great deal from the other.Both composed their best music during the 10 years of their friendship, which ended only at Mozart’s early death.Comprehension Questions: 1.Mozart was born in ______ A.a rich family.B.a poor family.C.a musical family.D.a big family.2.Mozart was warmly welcomed everywhere he went because ______ A.he was very small.B.he had composed a number of short pieces of music.C.his father was a well-known musical director.D.he was very good at playing several musical instruments.3.If Mozart hadn’t made friends with Haydn ______ A.he wouldn’t have died so early.B.he couldn’t have composed such wonderful music as he really did.C.his music couldn't have received so much praise.D.his music would have become better than that of Haydn.4.Mozart’s health began to break because ______ A.he had worked too hard.B.he got too little money for the music that he had composed.C.his music was well received by the public.D.he had to support his family.

第三篇:2015年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(五)练习

第三部分 名人故事

(五)21.Albert Einstein, a Great Scientific Thinker



Albert Einstein(1879-1955)was one of the greatest and most original scientific thinkers of all time.Born of Jewish parents at Ulm in Germany, he completed his education in Switzerland and got his Ph.D.at the University of Zurich.He went to live in the United States in 1933 because of the rise of Nazism in Germany and Hitler’s persecution of the Jews.In 1905, while still at Zurich, he published his Special Theory of Relativity, which was based on things everyone may have noticed.If two trains are standing alongside each other and one train starts to move, a person sitting in the train may wonder whether his own train is moving or the other is moving, and before he finds out what is happening, he can see that one train is moving relative to the other.From this and also from other more complicated facts, Einstein came to the conclusion that all motion is relative and that there is really no such thing as absolute motion.Some of the other conclusions he drew are that nothing can go faster than light, and that if something such as a ruler was moving faster and faster it would seem to get shorter and shorter as its speed was near the speed of light.By 1915, Einstein had made known his General Theory of Relativity.He also improved on Newton’s theory of gravity.Most of his theories have been tested and found to be true though some may sound strange.For his important work he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics.Towards the end of his life, Einstein was asked by a group of students to explain his complicated Theory of Relativity.He said, “When you sit with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute;but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, it seems like an hour.That is relativity.” Comprehension Questions:

C.still in Switzerland at the age of twenty-six.D.still at the University of Zurich at the age of thirty-six.3.One of the conclusions drawn by Einstein is that ______ A.planes can go faster than trains and buses.B.people couldn't run as fast as vehicles.C.light goes the fastest of all things.D.two trains can never go at the same time.4.Einstein added that if something such as a ruler was moving, it would seem to get shorter and shorter ______ A.because the ruler itself was short.B.when it was moving faster and faster.C.because we can't see it clearly.D.because the ruler was broken into pieces.5.Albert Einstein was world-famous for his ______ A.Special Theory of Relativity.B.General Theory of Relativity.C.improving on Newton’s theory of gravity.D.all his work mentioned above.(DCCBD)

22.Madame Curie, the First Winner of Two Nobel Prizes



with another scientist, metallic radium.For this she received the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.So she was the first to get a second Nobel Prize.Comprehension Questions:

1.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? ______ A.Madame Curie was a chemist and physicist.B.Warsaw is the capital of Poland.C.It was Marie’s father who had her interested in science.D.Marie Curie and Pierre Curie studied at the Sorbonne.2.According to Marie Curie’s report in 1898, ______ A.there was a new powerful radioactive element existing in some metal.B.the two elements polonium and radium existed in pitchblende ores.C.some new powerful radioactive elements might exist in pitchblende ores.D.she had found out the nature of uranium.3.The 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics was given to ______ A.Madams Curie.B.Pierre Curie.C.the Curies.D.the Curies and Becquerel.4.After husband’s death, Madame Curie ______ A.succeeded in becoming a professor of physics at Sorbonne.B.took his place and became a professor of physics at the Sorbonne.C.was a successful professor of physics at the Sorbonne.D.was successful as a professor of chemistry at the Sorbonne.5.Madame Curie was the first to ______ A.get a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry.B.win the Nobel Prize as a woman.C.win a second Nobel Prize.D.discover radioactivity.(DCDBC)

23.Abraham Lincoln, the 16 American President



already left the Union;four more states would soon follow them.The start of the Civil War was only weeks away.Many people doubted Lincoln's ability to pull the Union together.He was then just a country lawyer.He had only a few years of schooling, and he had served one term in Congress.His only real fame came from a serious of debates over slavery.Lincoln's firm stand against slavery helped him win the Republican nomination for president.Lincoln did keep the Union together by the only way possible---winning the war.He slowly built the North's army into a powerful fighting force.By such acts as freeing the slaves, Lincoln won wide support.In 1865, he began his second term.He hoped to bring the South back into the Union without bitterness on either side.Six weeks later, he was murdered, his great task still unfinished.The following is detailed information about Lincoln’s death.On April 14, after a very busy day, the President and his wife went to see the performance of a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington.In an inn near the theater was a 25-year-old unsuccessful actor named John Wilkes Booth.He was a supporter of the defeated South.As the play was going to start again after the interval, Booth entered the theater and walked slowly towards the President’s box and opened the door.The sound of a shot broke in and Booth leaped from the box onto the stage and hurried out through an exit door.Smoke was seen coming from the President’s box and the theater was filled with shouting, madly excited people.Soldiers hurried in to clear the building, and Lincoln, shot through the head, was carried unconscious to a house across the road from the theater, and laid on the bed.He never recovered consciousness and died next morning.Comprehension Questions:

1.From the passage we know that James Buchanan was probably ______ A.Lincoln's political enemy.B.one of Lincoln's neighbors.C.the 15th American President.D.a minister of the White House.th

4.Lincoln's firm stand against slavery ______ A.made it possible for him to be elected President.B.made the Southern slave owners give up theirs.C.provided him with a chance to win the war.D.helped build up an army of his own.5.Lincoln's leading achievement as President was that ______ A.he worked for the people heart and soul.B.he was firmly against slavery.C.he reunited the nation and did away with slavery.D.he was a warm-hearted and honest man.(CBBAC)

24.Beethoven And His Moonlight Sonata



One moonlight evening Beethoven was walking in a street when he suddenly stopped outside a little house.“What is that? It is form my Sonata in F.How well it is played!”

Following a sudden break came the voice of sobbing.“I can’t play any more.This piece of music is so difficult to play.How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!”

“Ah, my sister, but we are so poor, ”said a young man.“And the ticket to the concert is too expensive.”

Listening silently, the young man laid away his work.The girl, with her head bent slightly forward, and her hands pressed tightly over her breast, sat silently near the piano, lost in thought„

The brother and sister were fully attracted by the music.They both lost themselves in it.Beethoven rushed to the place there he was staying and spent a whole night writing down the piece of music he had played at the blind girl’s house.That was the origin of the Moonlight Sonata.Comprehension Questions:

1.The girl was playing ______ one evening.A.the violin B.the Moonlight Sonata C.a piece composed by herself D.a piece composed by Beethoven 2.From the story we know that the girl ______ A.was a musician.B.liked singing.C.loved music.D.could not see or hear.3.How did the girl learn to play? ______ A.She learned to play form Beethoven.B.She learned to play by listening to a neighbor play.C.She was taught to play by a woman teacher.D.She learned to play form her brother.4.Beethoven composed the Moonlight Sonata ______ A.on a night with the moonlight shining brightly.B.when he was walking in a street.C.on a dark evening without moonlight.D.before he met the blind young girl.5.Beethoven played the Moonlight Sonata ______ A.to the young man.B.to the moon.C.to the blind young girl.D.at a concert.(DCBAC)

For the first 19 months of her life, Helen Keller(1880-1968)was like other happy babies in every way.Then a sudden illness injured her eyes and ears.From then on, she could neither see nor hear.She did not even learn to talk when other children did.Think what that would be like!Such a world was full of darkness.You could not see all kinds of flowers and animals.You would not hear songs of a friend’s voice.You would not know what your friend looked like.This was Helen’s world---still and dark.There seemed to be no way to teach Helen.For a long time her parents did not know what to do for her.And then, when she was six years old, they sent for a teacher with the name Anne Sullivan, who was almost blind herself.She felt she could help Helen to learn to live like other children.Anne found it hard to teach Helen.The child was a wild thing!She cried and shouted in a strange voice.She always acted like a young animal, rushing around, throwing things, and hitting anyone she could reach.Indeed, this was a very difficult pupil for the young teacher.However, Anne was clever.And, in the end Helen came to love her.Anne began teaching with a kind of spelling that used the sense of touch.Several times each day, she would draw the letters of a word on Keller’s hand.Then she would put in the child’s hand the thing which was named by the word.A few weeks later Keller knew more than 100 words.As time went on, with Anne’s help, she could give talks and write books.Helen had grown to be a clever, busy woman.The wild young child had come to a long way!Comprehension Questions:

1.Helen Keller could not see or hear because ______ A.her parents themselves could not see or hear.B.she was born blind and deaf.C.her eyes and ears were injured by a sudden disease.D.there was nothing to see or hear around her.2.At first, because she couldn’t see or hear, Helen did not learn to ______ A.talk.B.walk.C.eat.D.shout.3.Helen was a very difficult pupil for the young teacher because ______ A.Anne was blind, too.B.Anne was not strict with the child.C.the child could not speak or hear.D.the child was so wild.

第四篇:第三部分 典型例题(二)

第三部分 典型例题


1、在下列关于商业银行和中央银行本质特征的表述中,正确的是()。A.都能对工商企业发放贷款 B.都追求利润最大化

C.商业银行能吸收社会公众的活期存款,中央银行则不能 D.商业银行承担货币发行任务,中央银行则没有 【正确答案】:C

2、商业银行通过吸收存款和发放贷款,发挥着化货币为资本的作用。这是它的()职能的体现。A.支付中介 B.信用中介 C.信用创造 D.货币创造


3、比较典型的单一银行制模式的商业银行主要设立于()。A.英国 B.美国 C.日本 D.法国


4、银行资金主要来源于()。A.吸收存款 B.再贴现 C.发行债券 D.同业拆借


5、在商业银行的主要业务中,无风险业务通常是指()。A.负债业务 B.中间业务 C.投资业务 D.资产业务




A.必须保有一定比例的现金资产或其他容易变现的资产 B.要能够按期收回本息,特别是要避免本金受损 C.要有较强的取得现款的能力 D.必须获得尽可能高的收益 【正确答案】:B

7、根据芝加哥大学教授法玛对有效市场的分类,如果有关证券公开发表的资料对证券的价格变动没有任何影响,则证券市场达到()。A.零效率 B.弱型效率 C.半强型效率 D.强型效率



A.货币基金市场 B.短期政府债券市场 C.股票市场

D.同业拆借市场 【正确答案】:D

9、企业为了筹措短期资金,在货币市场上发行在将来一定时期内偿付本息的凭证,这种凭证称为()。A.大额可转让定期存单 B.商业票据

C.银行承兑汇票 D.期权


10、由于借款人或市场交易对手的违约而导致损失的金融风险属于()。A.市场风险 B.信用风险 C.操作风险 D.声誉风险


11、下列说法中错误的是()。A.金融监管首先是从对银行进行监管开始的 B.银行在储蓄-投资转化过程中,实现了期限转换 C.银行作为票据的清算者,大大增加了交易费用

D.实施金融监管是为了稳定货币、维护金融业的正常秩序 【正确答案】:C

12、存款保险制度是()这一金融监管理论的实践形式。A.金融风险控制论 B.信息不对称论 C.保护债权论 D.公共利益论 【正确答案】:C

13、下列国家中,采用独立于中央银行的综合监管体制是()。A.美国 B.英国 C.法国 D.印度



A.竞争加剧趋势 B.全球化趋势 C.分业经营趋势 D.混业经营趋势 【正确答案】:D 15、2003年底修改的《中国人民银行法》明确规定中国人民银行及其分支机构负有维护金融稳定的职能,并明确赋予中国人民银行在金融监督管理方面拥有监督检查权。这表明()。


B.中国人民银行对其他金融监管机构处于超然领导地位 C.中国人民银行在金融监管中依然发挥独特作用 D.中国人民银行不再具有金融监管职能 【正确答案】:C

16、自20世纪80年代以来,我国金融监管体制的演变历程是由单一全能型体制转向()体制。A.独立于中央银行的综合监管 B.以中央银行为重心的混业监管 C.独立于中央银行的分业监管 D.以中央银行为重心的分业监管 【正确答案】:C 17、1988年《巴塞尔报告》要求,自1992年底起,所有签约国从事国际业务的银行,其资本充足率的最低标准应为()。A.8% B.6% C.4% D.2% 【正确答案】:A

18、下列各项中,不属于2003年《新巴塞尔资本协议》中“三大支柱”的是()。A.最低资本要求 B.市场约束 C.综合监管

D.监管当局的监督检查 【正确答案】:C

19、在2003年的巴塞尔资本协议中,巴塞尔委员会继承了过去以()为核心的监管思想。A.治理结构 B.资本充足率

C.监管当局的监督检查 D.内部评级模型 【正确答案】:B

20、资本监管是2010年巴塞尔协议Ⅲ的核心。巴塞尔委员会确定了3个最低资本充足率的监管标准,其中普通股充足率应达到()。A.1.5% B.3% C.4.5% D.8% 【正确答案】:C

21、在2010年巴塞尔协议Ⅲ中,自2011年初按照()的标准(一级资本/总资产)开始监管杠杆率的变化。A.1.5% B.3% C.4.5% D.8% 【正确答案】:B

22、在金本位制度下,各国货币汇率的决定基础是()。A.购买力平价 B.利率平价 C.铸币平价 D.黄金输送点 【正确答案】:C

23、金本位制下的汇率制度属于()。A.自发的浮动汇率制度 B.自发的固定汇率制度 C.人为的浮动汇率制度

D.人为的可调整的固定汇率制度 【正确答案】:B

24、根据新的人民币汇率管理规定,银行对客户的美元现钞卖出价与买入价之差不得超过交易中间价的()。A.1% B.3% C.4% D.5%


25、在国际储备中,()是在国际货币基金组织的普通账户中会员国可以自由提取使用的资产,包括会员国向基金组织缴纳份额中的25%可自由兑换货币和基金组织用去的本币两部分。A.货币性黄金 B.特别提款权 C.外汇储备

D.国际货币基金组织的储备头寸 【正确答案】:D

26、布雷顿森林体系所实行的汇率制度属于()。A.自发的可调整的固定汇率制 B.人为的不可调整的固定汇率制 C.自发的不可调整的固定汇率制 D.人为的可调整的固定汇率制 【正确答案】:D

27、在国际货币基金组织,成员国的投票权和借款数量取决于()。A.成员国缴纳的份额 B.特别提款权 C.外汇储备 D.一般提款权 【正确答案】:A

28、国际货币基金组织最基本、最早设立的一种贷款,是为解决成员国暂时性国际收支困难而设立的是()。A.备用安排 B.中期贷款

C.减贫与增长贷款 D.应急信贷额度 【正确答案】:A





D.国际清算银行 【正确答案】:A

30、在世界银行集团中,主要通过向低收入国家的生产性企业提供无需政府担保的贷款和投资,以推动私营企业成长的机构是()。A.国际金融公司 B.国际开发协会

C.多边投资担保机构 D.解决投资争端国际中心 【正确答案】:A


1、商业银行的主要职能包括()。A.支付中介 B.货币创造 C.信用中介 D.货币发行 E.信用创造


2、以下属于商业银行支付中介职能的业务包括()。A.发放贷款 B.非现金结算

C.异地货币资金汇兑 D.吸收存款 E.票据贴现



B.到国际市场借款 C.投资

D.吸收存款 E.贷款


4、商业银行外来资金的形成渠道包括()。A.发行金融债券 B.未分配利润 C.吸收存款 D.发行股票 E.同业拆借


5、商业银行的资产业务主要包括()。A.票据贴现 B.贷款 C.再贷款 D.结算 E.证券投资



B.票据贴现 C.咨询 D.信托 E.再贴现


7、下列各项中,属于商业银行基本管理原则的有()。A.盈利性原则 B.公平性原则 C.流动性原则 D.公开性原则 E.财政性原则


8、同业拆借市场的作用包括()。A.弥补短期资金不足 B.弥补票据清算的差额 C.解决临时性资金需求 D.解决长期性资金需求 E.解决投资性资金需求 【正确答案】:ABC

9、按市场工具划分,货币市场包括()。A.票据市场 B.股票市场

C.长期债券市场 D.投资基金市场 E.同业拆借市场 【正确答案】:AE


B.股价指数的涨跌可以反映具体某只个股的涨跌方向 C.活跃的流通市场是发行市场得以存在的必要条件 D.投资基金具有专家理财的优势 E.场外交易市场也称柜台交易市场 【正确答案】:CDE

11、金融风险的主要特征包括()。A.不确定性 B.相关性 C.必然性 D.高杠杆性 E.传染性


12、常见的金融风险类型包括()。A.市场风险 B.规模风险 C.信用风险 D.流动性风险 E.操作风险


13、金融监管的一般性理论有()。A.公共利益论 B.保护债权论

C.金融风险控制论 D.市场失灵理论 E.信息不对称理论 【正确答案】:ABC


B.资产重估储备 C.呆账准备金 D.长期次级债券 E.普通准备金

【正确答案】:BCDE 15、2010年巴塞尔协议Ⅲ的主要内容包括()。A.强化资本充足率监管标准 B.引入杠杆率监管标准

C.建立流动性风险量化监管标准 D.监管当局的监督检查 E.市场约束




C.进出口贸易的商品结构 D.自然资源赋存状况 E.相对的通货膨胀率 【正确答案】:ABCE







18、以下选项属于国际储备的有()。A.货币性黄金 B.外汇储备 C.特别提款权

D.IMF中的储备头寸 E.向IMF缴纳的份额 【正确答案】:ABCD

19、国际货币体系的主要内容有()。A.确定国际储备资产 B.确定汇率制度

C.确定国际投资规则 D.确定通货膨胀率

E.确定国际收支调节方式 【正确答案】:ABE

20、作为一种国际货币体系,布雷顿森林体系的运行特征有()。A.可兑换黄金的美元本位 B.多元化的国际储备体系 C.可调整的固定汇率


E.由国际货币基金组织提供信贷解决短期国际收支失衡 【正确答案】:ACE

21、作为一种国际货币体系,牙买加体系的主要运行特征有()。A.可兑换黄金的美元本位 B.多元化的国际储备体系

C.多种汇率安排并存的浮动汇率体系 D.可调整的固定汇率

E.国际收支短期失衡调节主要依靠国际货币基金融资 【正确答案】:BC

22、国际货币基金组织的资金来源主要有()。A.成员国缴纳的份额 B.债权转让 C.业务净收益 D.从资本市场融资 E.对外借款安排 【正确答案】:AE

23、世界银行贷款的特点主要有()。A.贷款是临时性的 B.贷款期限较长

C.贷款程序严密,审批时间较长 D.贷款实行浮动利率

E.贷款仅限于货物和服务所需的外汇部分 【正确答案】:BCDE



(二)1、倒叙 《马伶传》、《金鲤鱼的百裥裙》《哭小弟》《纪念傅雷》 插叙 《爱尔克的灯光》平叙 《张中丞相后传》 2细节描写:《垓下之围》、《张中丞传后叙》、《先妣事略》、《哭小弟》、场面描写:《垓下之围》、《马伶传》、《西湖七月半》、《香市》、《蚂蚁大战》


《秋夜》 天空、枣树、小粉红花、小青虫

《爱尔克的灯光》 故居大门内昏暗的灯光、爱尔克的灯光、“我的心灵的灯” 《都江堰》 “金杖玉玺,铁戟钢锤” 《我与地坛》“地坛和母亲” 《蚂蚁大战》 蚂蚁大战


《爱尔克的灯光》 叙事、抒情、议论相结合《哭小弟》 叙事、抒情、写人相结合《都江堰》 夹叙夹议、思辨色彩浓

《我与地坛》 叙事、写景、记人和抒情于一体

《纪念傅雷》 叙后评议

《秋夜》 写景、叙事和抒情

《前赤壁赋》 景、事、情、理交融(《我与地坛》)

《张中丞传后叙》 叙事和议论紧密结合

5、人物刻画的方法:出题角度:人物性格特征←→描写方法←→具体的句段 《冯谖客孟尝君》 行为、对话

《垓下之围》 语言、行动、心理

《张中丞传后叙》 肖像、行为、言语、细节描写 《赵武灵王胡服骑射》对话 《先妣事略》 细节描写

《哭小弟》 细节描写、侧面描写 《我与地坛》 行为、心理、侧面烘托


冯谖:不甘屈居人下、报效知己、深谋远虑 孟尝君:宽容大度、礼贤下士



张巡:从容镇定、视死如归、博闻强记 南霁云:嫉恶如仇、忠贞刚烈

《先妣事略》母亲:勤劳、简朴、待人厚道、严以教子 傅雷:坚持真理、刚直不屈


《秋夜》 选择题

1.《秋夜》中,象征旧势力的事物是()A.天空 B.小青虫C.小粉红花 D.发白的月亮 E.夜游的恶鸟 2.《秋夜》中,抗击旧势力的事物是()A.小青虫 B.枣树

C.天空 D.小粉红花E.发白的月亮 阅读

这上面的夜的天空,奇怪而高,我生平没有见过这样奇怪而高的天空。他仿佛要离开人间而去,使人们仰面不再看见。然而现在却非常之蓝,闪闪地睞着几十个星星的眼,冷眼。他的口角上现出微笑,似乎自以为大有深意,而将繁霜洒在我的园里的野花草上 A.这里运用了什么表现方法?象征


C从哪里看出夜空对民众的迫害? 将繁霜洒在我的园里的野花草上,象征着统治者对民众的压迫


后窗的玻璃上丁丁地响,还有许多小飞虫乱撞。不多久,几个进来了,许是从窗纸的破孔进来的。他们一进来,又在玻璃的灯罩上撞得丁丁地响。一个从上面撞进去了,他于是遇到火,而且我以为这火是真的。两三个却休息在灯的纸罩上喘气。那罩是昨晚新换的罩,雪白的纸,折出波浪纹的叠痕,一角还画出一枝猩红色的栀子 A.这里运用了什么表现方法和修辞手法?象征和比拟 B.“小飞虫”的寓意是什么?追求光明的年轻战士



《香市》 选择题

《香市》整体构思主要特点是()A.以小见大 B.场面描写 C.对比 D.象征 阅读



B.为什么要写香市冷落的情景?为了与往昔的热闹进行对比,突出主题思想 C文中”市面”为何要引号?意味着香市十分冷落,已名存实亡。

在我看来,这所谓”南洋武术班“的几套把式比起从前”香市“里的打拳头卖膏药的玩意来,委实是好看得多了。要是放在十多年前,怕不是挤得满场没个空隙儿么?但是今天第一天也只得二百来看客。往常”香市“的主角——农民,今天差不多看不见 A.”南洋武术班演出为什么会冷落?农民没有钱看演出 B香市冷落的情景说明什么?农村经济凋敝对市镇的影响 C作者用什么方法凸现冷落的情景?通过对比反托主题。武术班技艺高看客少和以前技艺低看客多比较,凸现出农村经济凋敝的主题

《爱尔克灯光》 选择题



B.阶级的不幸遭遇C.三种灯光的依次闪现 D.“长宜子孙”的联想 2.《爱尔克的灯光》抒情方式有()

A.在记叙中抒情 B.在议论中抒情C.在夹叙夹议中抒情D.直抒胸臆E溶叙事抒情议论为一炉 阅读


A.“长宜子孙”的本意是什么?为什么要恨不能削去它?本意是给后辈安排的道路:礼教财富幸福。作者认为那是一条摧残青春和生命的罪恶路,所以恨不能削去它 B.从这里看文章的中心思想是什么?否定封建家庭和礼教



⑴阴暗中一线微光有何象征意义?象征封建家庭和礼教的苟延残喘⑵哈立希岛上的灯光有何象征意义。象征着生活的悲剧和希望的破灭⑶我好像看见一个盛满希望的水碗一下子就落在地上打碎了比喻的喻义是什么?收制于旧家庭旧礼教的姐姐悲惨命运 4这段文字在抒情和达意方式上有什么特点?在记叙中抒情,在议论中抒情,溶叙事抒情议论为一炉,类比中达意






C.人物性格鲜明 D.叙事后评议 E短小精悍,质朴情深 3.《纪念傅雷》作者引用俗话“秀才人情纸半张”,表现方法是()A.欲扬先抑B.欲抑先扬 C.比拟 D.夸张




我知道傅雷的性情刚直,如一团干柴烈火,他因不堪凌辱,一怒而死,这是可以理解的,我和他虽然几乎处处不同,但我还是尊敬他。在那一年,朋友中像傅雷那样的毅然决然不自惜其生命的,还有好几个,我也都一律尊敬。不过,朱梅馥的能同归于尽,这却是我想象不到的,伉俪之情,深到如此,恐怕是傅雷的感应。1傅雷的性格特征是什么?坚持真理,刚直不屈 2作者为什么要写象傅雷那样的人有好几个?揭示文革是一场浩劫

3写傅雷的妻子同归于尽,对刻画傅雷的形象来说是怎样的表现方法?侧面烘托 4写出其中的一个比喻及其意义。干柴烈火;比喻傅雷性格易怒、刚直不屈 《哭小弟》




A.生动形象B.质朴无华C.真挚缠绵D.感情激烈E.哀婉动人 2.《哭小弟》的内容是按照什么方式来安排的()

A.时空交错B.块状垒积C.夹叙夹议D.倒叙呼应E线状顺序 阅读


A.作者所哭的这些人共同性格和命运怎样?都是无私奉献的英年早逝的知识分子 B.这里塑造人物形象采用了何种描写手法?典型细节描写 C.这里采用了什么表现方法和修辞手法?象征;排比和比喻



C.这里运用了怎样的表现方法刻画小弟的?侧面烘托 《都江堰》


颓壁残垣: 邈远: 圭臬:濡养:

二、选择题 1.《都江堰》采用拟人手法的有()

A.长城摆出一副老资格等待人们的修缮B.那把长锸,千年来始终与金杖玉玺、铁戟钢锤反复辩论C.也许水流对自己的驯顺有点恼怒了,突然撒起野来D.就像一大拨翻越各种障碍的马拉松健儿,把最强悍的生命付之于规整,付之于企盼,付之于众目睽睽E.他未曾留下什么生平资料,只留下硬扎扎的水坝一座 2.《都江堰》主要表现方法()




D.烘托与对比 阅读




3这里运用了什么修辞手法?雕塑和母亲是比喻;摆老资格和不炫耀;无所求是拟人 脚下的江流,从那么遥远的地方奔来,一派义无返顾的决绝势头,挟着寒风,吐着白沫,凌厉锐进。我站得这么高还感觉到了它的砭肤冷气,估计它是从雪山赶来的罢。但是,再看桥的另一边,它硬是化作许多亮闪闪的河渠,改恶从善。人对自然力的驯服,干得多么爽利。如果人类干什么事都这么爽利,地球早已是另一副模样。


B.这段文字使用了何种写作方法?运用类比方法 C.指出文中同时使用了两种修辞手法的语句

脚下的江流,从那么遥远的地方奔来,一派义无返顾的决绝势头,挟着寒风,吐着白沫,凌厉锐进。拟人:“义无返顾”、“凌厉锐进”。对偶:“挟着寒风,吐着白沫” 《我与地坛》




B.在写景中抒情 C在记人中抒情

D.在回忆中抒情 E.在议论中抒情 2.《我与地坛》中用多种事物来类比四季,这种联想方式是()A.相似联想B.时间统一性联想 C.相反联想 D.地点统一性联想、阅读



B这里运用了怎样的人物描写方法? 行为描写





⑶第二个层次运用的是什么表现方法?象征 ⑷整体上第二层次采用了什么修辞?排比

⑸指出第二层次中心句。幸好有些东西的任谁也不能改变它的 ⑹指出运用比拟的地方。描写雨燕、古柏、落叶的地方用了比拟 《蚂蚁大战》







D.背景描写 蚂蚁大战生动的原因有()

A.观察细致 B.描写细腻 C.画面清晰 D.类比贴切 E.拟人传神










我用放大镜观察最初提到的红蚂蚁,看到它狠狠咬住敌方的前腿上部,且咬断了对方剩下的触须,可自己的脸部却被黑武士撕开了,露出了内脏,而黑武士的胸甲太结实,无法刺穿.这痛苦的红武士暗红的眸子发出战争激发出的凶光.它们在杯子下又缠斗了半小时,当我再次观战时,那黑武士已使敌人身首异处,但那两个依然有生命的脑袋,挂在它身体的两则,犹如悬吊在马鞍边的两个恐怖的战利品,两个红蚂蚁头仍死咬住不放.⒈这里描绘了什么?表现了什么?描写的是红黑武士生死对决的结局。表现了蚂蚁大战的残酷性⒉从那里可以看出红武士极度的精神狂热。暗红的眸子发出 身死异处仍死咬住不放⒊这里运用了怎样的联想方式和表现方法?类比联想;象征


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