
时间:2019-05-14 18:27:21下载本文作者:会员上传


To Whom It May Concern: I take great pleasure in recommending Longgang Wu, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program in Machinery Manufacturing.I have known Mr.Wu 5 years since his freshman year at Harbin Engineering University.At that time, he took the course “Advanced Manufacturing Technology”, which I taught mainly for junior students Majoring in Mechanical Engineering.To my surprise, I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures.Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course.Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him.The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at Mechanical Engineering.As you can see, he got excellent scores on the course.In fact, he ranked No.1 on this 27 hours course.After the course, he was admitted as a Master of Mechanical Engineering.As his research adviser, I direct his research and found his a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity.During the following two years, Mr.Wu worked on a computational theory study of Drag Reduction Characteristics of Bionic Jet Surface.To make the theory model meet the actual materials, he faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques.Working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence.In my experience with Mr.Wu, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence.I am sure that Mr.Wu will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in.So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application.I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yours sincerely Gang Zhao

Intelligent Manufacturing System Lab

Harbin Engineering University




This year academic misconduct has occurred frequently, in April 2009, Shanghai University, Professor, Ph.D.Chen Zhan even exist due to two papers plagiarism phenomenon is informed by the school exempt academic committee duties, and the withdrawal of International Business and Management School a post.University academic misconduct has become a hot topic.What causes a large number of academic misconduct occur? 首先,目前我们国家的科研经费分配制度有关。各种科研经费,都需要你有前期的大量的基础研究工作,目前只能通过发表的文章来证明,这是导致很多学术腐败的主要原因。

First, with the current distribution system of our country on research funding.Various research funding, require that you have a lot of pre-basic research work, currently only through post to prove it.This is the main reason leading many academic corruption.其次,与目前我国学术不端行为立法不健全有关。全国人大代表闫希军认为,从根本上遏制学术诈骗行为,就必须加强学术诚信的法制化管理,他建议:一应尽快把遏制学术不端行为纳入立法体系。通过立法,明确学术行为人的权利与义务关系,使学术诚信的要求能够标准化和可操作。通过立法,建立健全对学术不端行为的投诉举报机制,形成完善的外部监督。二应加强执法监督,加大对学术不端行为的惩处力度。特别是对以虚假课题或项目等形式骗取扶持资金,甚至以虚假成果损害他人或社会利益的,建议设立独立的“学术欺诈罪”,予以严厉处罚。

Secondly, with the current legislation of academic misconduct related unsound.NPC Yan Xijun that fundamentally curb academic fraud, we must strengthen the academic integrity of the legal management, he suggested: One should stop as soon as possible into the legislative system of academic misconduct.Through legislation, a clear academic perpetrator's rights and obligations between the academic integrity requires the ability to standardize and operational.Through legislation, establish a sound academic misconduct complaint mechanism, the formation of a sound external oversight.Two should strengthen law enforcement supervision, increase the punishment for academic misconduct.Especially on issues of false or fraudulent funds to support the project in the form, or even harm others with false results or social benefits, recommended the establishment of an independent “academic fraud” be severely punished.第三,与学术不端行为现代化的评估手段不健全有关。目前论文发表系统还缺少抄袭、剽窃的检测手段。只要建立起这些现代化的手段,对学术不端行为是一个极大的威慑。

Third, the modern academic misconduct related assessment tools are not perfect.Currently Papers system also lacks plagiarism detection means.Just build these modern means of academic misconduct is a great deterrent.目前,我们已经充分认识到学术不端的危害,相关的法律、措施、手段,也在不断的完善,相信在不久的将来,学术不端行为会一段历史。

Currently, we have fully recognized the dangers of academic misconduct, the relevant laws, measures and means, but also continuous improvement, I believe that in the near future, will be a history of academic misconduct.




The influence of the earthquake disaster and earthquake disaster mitigation measures analysis

There are three main reasons for the earthquake hypothesis , namely “ elastic rebound ”, “the magma shock to say” ' said phase change.“These three hypotheses have some reasonable, but what causes earthquakes, pending further study

The Characteristics of earthquake disasterissudden and strong, destructive big , serious secondary disasters , far-reaching social , defense difficult.Sudden strong make it difficult to predict and the effect of prevention becomes weak.His devastating is to see, such as the Tangshan earthquake which caused 24.2 million deaths , injuries 16.4 million.The Secondary disasters such as fires , floods , tsunamis , landslides , mudslides , gas leaks, pandemics, radioactive contamination is also very scary.2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which has razed to the ground in several cities.Due to sudden strong earthquake , suffered heavy casualties, huge economic losses , tend to produce a chain reaction , causing a huge impact on a region or even a social life and the country 's economic activity , resulting in a profound impact on society.Compared with floods, droughts, typhoons and other weather disasters , earthquake prediction is much more difficult.At the same time , improve the seismic performance of buildings , requires a lot of capital investment , this is not a short period of time can do.Although it is difficult to predict the devastating earthquake , but there is a history of China successfully predicted miracle.At 19:36 on February 4, 1975 occurred in Liaoning Haicheng earthquake prediction is accurate , which makes more than 100 million people in southern Liaoning Province promptly evacuated their homes and workplaces.This success is due to the abnormal situation in a timely manner to collect a large number of earthquake precursors , and timely induction, analyze, summarize the results , thanks to good policies of prevention group prevention and measured.Haicheng earthquake prediction can be successful, professional workers contributed to the earthquake, but it was the implementation of ”mass monitoring and prevention" approach, also played a crucial role.Generally speaking, professional workers in the earthquake, earthquake forecasting long, medium, and have a good chance, but the short-term forecasting, grasp not so big.The earthquake disaster prevention, the short-term forecasting truly decisive.References:

1, The cause of the earthquake

2, The characteristics of earthquake disasters

3, NOVA: Wave That Shook The World—Site and special report shot within days of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.4,changmengfei,Shockproof ,Please reference the historical experience[N].Procuratorate Daily, 2008-05-14.参考文献:

1, 地震灾害的成因


3,新星:波浪摇动了世界——直击近日2004年的印度洋海啸的现场特别报道 4, 常梦飞,防震.请借鉴历史经验[N].检察日报, 2008-05-14.


1.词汇替换(这题全部出自课文后的formal words练习)



Iceberg Theory


3.Collective unconscious

4.Artistic merit

5.Literary theory

6.Gender studies

7.Figure of speech

8.Literary criticism


10.historical data

11.national identity

12.the pastness of the past

13.the Mandate of Heaven

14.historical consciousness






20.formal developments 1.3.释义(给学生8句的范围准备,考试考2句)

1).The nature of artistic merit is less easy to define than to recognize.The writer need

not even pursue it to attain it.2).The test in individual cases would seem to be one of enduring satisfaction and, ofcourse, truth.3).By embracing literary theory, we learn about literature, but importantly, we are also

taught tolerance for other people’s beliefs.4).Although each reader’s theory and methodology for arriving at a text’sinterpretation differs, sooner or later groups of readers and critics declare allegiance

to a similar core of beliefs and band together, thereby founding schools of criticism.5).“History teaching by example” is one phrase that describes this use of a study of the past — a

study not only of certifiable heroes, the great men and women of history who successfully

worked through moral dilemmas, but also of more ordinary people who provide lessons in

courage, diligence, or constructive protest.6.The same aesthetic and humanistic goals inspire people to immerse themselves in efforts to reconstruct quite remote pasts, far removed from immediate, present-day utility.The method of conceptual analysis might sometimes seem picky, but unclarity or imprecision in our concepts is often what leads us into paradoxes and incoherence in our world views.Every claim, no matter where it comes from, is subject to scrutiny.Even common sense is not taken for granted, which leads

philosophers to put forward some very weird views.7.8.翻译来自第六单元的A课文




第一部分: Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语 Specialty English 3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程 Civil Engineering 5 地下工程 Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程 Road(Highway)Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程 Port Engineering 13 安全性 safety 17木结构 timber structure 18 砌体结构 masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构 steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土 plain concrete 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 钢筋 rebar 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构 truss structure 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure 30近海工程 offshore engineering 31 静力学 statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics

简支梁 simply supported beam 35 固定支座 fixed bearing 36弹性力学 elasticity 37 塑性力学 plasticity 38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics 40 土力学 soil mechanics 41 水力学 hydraulics 42 流体力学 fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力 concentrated force 45 压力 pressure

静水压力 hydrostatic pressure

均布压力 uniform pressure 48 体力 body force 49 重力 gravity 50 线荷载 line load 51 弯矩 bending moment 52 torque 扭矩 53 应力 stress 54 应变 stain 55 正应力 normal stress 56 剪应力 shearing stress 57 主应力 principal stress 58 变形 deformation 59 内力 internal force 60 偏移量 挠度 deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳 buckle 63 轴力 axial force 64 允许应力 allowable stress 65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis 66 梁 beam 67 壳 shell 68 板 plate 69 桥 bridge 70 桩 pile

主动土压力 active earth pressure 72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure

承载力 load-bearing capacity 74 水位 water Height 75 位移 displacement

结构力学 structural mechanics 77 材料力学 material mechanics 78 经纬仪 altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科 discipline 81 子学科 sub-discipline 82 期刊 journal ,periodical 83文献literature

ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号

ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号

卷 volume

期 number 88 专著 monograph 89 会议论文集 Proceeding 90 学位论文 thesis, dissertation 91 专利 patent 92 档案 档案室 archive 93 国际学术会议 conference 94 导师 advisor

学位论文答辩 defense of thesis 96 博士研究生 doctorate student 97 研究生 postgraduate

EI Engineering Index 工程索引

SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引

100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目 title 102 摘要 abstract 103 全文 full-text 104 参考文献 reference

联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词 Subject 107 关键字 keyword

ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会

FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization 111 解析方法 analytical method 112 数值方法 numerical method 113 计算 computation 114 说明书 instruction 115 规范 Specification, Code



1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程

2.foundation engineering基础工程 3.soil, earth土

4.soil mechanics土力学 cyclic loading周期荷载 unloading卸载 reloading再加载

viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基

viscous damping粘滞阻尼

shear modulus剪切模量 5.soil dynamics土动力学 6.stress path应力路径

7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学

二.土的分类 1.residual soil残积土 groundwater level地下水位 2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table地下水位 3.clay minerals粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals次生矿物 5.landslides滑坡 6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图 7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘

察 8.boulder漂石 9.cobble

卵石 10.gravel砂石

11.gravelly sand

12.coarse sand

砂 13.medium sand中砂 14.fine sand细砂 15.silty sand粉土 16.clayey soil粘性土 17.clay粘土 18.silty clay粉质粘土 19.silt粉土 20.sandy silt砂质粉土 21.clayey silt粘质粉土 22.saturated soil饱和土 23.unsaturated soil非饱和土 24.fill(soil)填土 25.overconsolidated soil超固结土

26.normally consolidated soil

土 27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土 28.zonal soil区域性土 29.soft clay软粘土 30.expansive(swelling)soil膨胀土 31.peat

泥炭 32.loess

黄土 33.frozen soil

土 24.degree of saturation饱和度 25.dry unit weight干重度 20.underlying soil(stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)

26.moist unit weight湿重度

45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会


1.Darcy’s law 达西定律 2.piping管涌 3.flowing soil流土 4.sand boiling砂沸 5.flow net流网 6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流 8.seepage pressure渗透压力 9.permeability渗透性 10.seepage force渗透力

11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度 12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数


1.soft soil软土 2.(negative)skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力 3.effective stress有效应力 4.total stress总应力

5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度

6.low activity低活性 7.sensitivity灵敏度 8.triaxial test三轴试验 9.foundation design基础设计 10.recompaction再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力 12.soil mass土体 13.contact stress(pressure)接触应力(压力)

14.concentrated load集中荷载 15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体 16.homogeneous均质 17.isotropic各向同性 18.strip footing条基 19.square spread footing方形独立基础

21.dead load =sustained load恒载 持续荷载 22.live load活载 23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载

24.long-term transient load长期荷载 25.reduced load折算荷载 26.settlement沉降 27.deformation变形 28.casing套管 29.dike=dyke堤(防)30.clay fraction粘粒粒组 31.physical properties

物理性质 32.subgrade

基 33.well-graded soil级配良好土 34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土 35.normal stresses正应力 36.shear stresses剪应力 37.principal plane主平面

38.major(intermediate, minor)principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力 39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件 40.FEM=finite element method有限元法 41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法 42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力 43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力 44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量 45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数

46.compression index压缩指数 47.swelling index回弹指数 48.geostatic stress自重应力 49.additional stress附加应力 50.total stress总应力 51.final settlement最终沉降 52.slip line滑动线

六.基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方)2 dewatering(基坑)降水 3 failure of foundation基坑失稳 4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护 5 bottom heave=basal heave(基坑)底隆起 retaining wall挡土墙 7 pore-pressure distribution孔压分布 8 dewatering method降低地下水位法 9 well point system井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point


验 13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力 14.low pile cap低桩承台 15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台 16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力 17.silent piling静力压桩 18.uplift pile抗拔点 11 vacuum well point真空井点 12 braced cuts支撑围护 13 braced excavation支撑开挖 14 braced sheeting支撑挡板

七.深基础--deep foundation 1.pile foundation桩基础 1)cast –in-place灌注桩 diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩 bored pile钻孔桩 special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩 piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩 rammed bulb pile夯扩桩

2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础 drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩 under-reamed bored pier 3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩

4)steel pile钢桩 steel pipe pile钢管桩 steel sheet pile钢板桩

5)prestressed concrete pile预应

土桩 prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩 2.caisson foundation沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙 截水墙 4.friction pile摩擦桩 5.end-bearing pile端承桩 6.shaft竖井;桩身 7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析 8.pile caps承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力 10.lateral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验 11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力 12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试

桩 19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩

20.pile groups群桩 21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)

22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应 23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术

24.final set最后贯入度 25.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验

26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验 27.pile head=butt桩头 28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头)29.pile spacing桩距

30.pile plan桩位布置图 31.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置

32.group action群桩作用 33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端

阻 34.skin(side)friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻

35.pile cushion桩垫 36.pile driving(by vibration)(振动)打桩 37.pile pulling test

拔桩试验 38.pile shoe

靴 39.pile noise打桩噪音 40.pile rig打桩机 九.固结consolidation

1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论 2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论

3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论 4.over consolidation ration(OCR)超固结比 5.overconsolidation soil超固结土 6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力 7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结 8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结 9.primary consolidation主固结 10.secondary consolidation次固结

11.degree of consolidation固结度 12.consolidation test固结试验 13.consolidation curve固结曲线 14.time factor Tv时间因子

15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数 16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力 17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理 18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结

十.抗剪强度shear strength 1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度

2.residual strength残余强度 3.long-term strength长期强度 4.peak strength峰值强度 5.shear strain rate剪切应变速率


7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法 9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论 10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角 11.cohesion粘聚力 12.failure criterion破坏准则 13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度

14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度

15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线 16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数 十一.本构模型--constitutive model

1.elastic model弹性模型 2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型

3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型 4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型

5.boundary surface model边界面模型

6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型 7.rigid plastic model刚塑性模型 8.cap model盖帽模型 9.work softening加工软化 10.work hardening加工硬化 11.Cambridge model剑桥模型 12.ideal elastoplastic model


型 13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则 14.yield surface屈服面

15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型 16.elastic modulus弹性模量 17.Winkler foundation model文克尔地基模型

十二.地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil 1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏 2.general shear failure整体剪切破化 3.local shear failure


坏 4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态 5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载 6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性

7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力 8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力 十三.土压力--earth pressure 1.active earth pressure主动土压力 2.passive earth pressure被动土压力 3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力

4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论 5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论 十四.土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis 1.angle of repose休止角 2.Bishop method毕肖普法

3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数 4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法 5.Swedish circle method瑞典圆弧滑动法 6.slices method条分法 十五.挡土墙--retaining wall

1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性

2.foundation wall基础墙 3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙 4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙 5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙 6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙 7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙 8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙 十六.板桩结构物--sheet pile structure 1.steel sheet pile钢板桩

2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩 3.steel piles钢桩 4.wooden sheet pile木板桩

5.timber piles木桩

十七.浅基础--shallow foundation 1.box foundation箱型基础 2.mat(raft)foundation片筏基础 3.strip foundation条形基础 4.spread footing扩展基础 5.compensated foundation补偿性基础 6.bearing stratum持力层 7.rigid foundation刚性基础 8.flexible foundation柔性基础

9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 10.net foundation pressure基底附加应力

11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析

十八.土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils

1.dynamic strength of soils动强度 2.wave velocity method波速法 3.material damping材料阻尼 4.geometric damping几何阻尼 5.damping ratio阻尼比 6.initial liquefaction初始液化 7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期

8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量 9.dynamic ma 二十.地基基础抗震

1.earthquake engineering地震工程 2.soil dynamics土动力学

3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间 4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱 5.earthquake intensity地震烈度 6.earthquake magnitude震级 7.seismic predominant period

周期 8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度 二十一.室内土工实验 1.high pressure consolidation test高压固结试验 2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验 3.falling head permeability变水头试验 4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验

5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)8.compaction test击实试验

9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验 10.quick direct shear test快剪试验

11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验

12.sieve analysis筛分析 13.geotechnical model test土工模型试验 14.centrifugal model test离心模型试验

15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪 16.direct shear test直剪试验 17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验

18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验 19.dynamic simple shear动单剪 20.free(resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验


1.standard penetration test(SPT)标准贯入试验 2.surface wave test(SWT)表面波试验 3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验 4.static cone penetration(SPT)静力触探试验 5.plate loading test静力荷载试验 6.lateral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验

7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验 8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验 9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验 10.pressuremeter test旁压试验 11.light sounding轻便触探试验

12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测 13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验 14.field permeability test现场渗透试验

15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测

16.in-situ soil test原位试验



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