
时间:2019-05-14 18:37:12下载本文作者:会员上传


In this part each candidate’s task is to choose one topic from a set of three, and to talk about it for one minute.Candidates have one minute in which to prepare and should use this time to make brief notes.The other candidate listens to the talk and is invited to ask one or two questions at the end.Candidates may make notes while listening to their partner.Each candidate is given a different set of three tasks from which to choose.General procedure

A choice of three different topics One minute preparation while making notes A/B starts with the other listening---one minute Question asked

1.Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customers

Offering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty.If you offer incentives such as vouchers, complementary tickets, miles, gifts in the promotion or sales, you will attractive more customers and get them buy your products or services.At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers.2.Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairs

You should send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair.They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair.Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients.You should use advanced technology to display your products at the fair.Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products.You should design your show room and stand carefully to attract more customers.Your stand should be put up at an obvious place so that every customer can get an easy access to your products.3.How to reduce labor turnover rates

In order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company.Thus no one will complaint about unfair promotion which once forced some of your staff to leave their jobs.If permits enhance the staff benefits including their base pay annual bonus and other benefits.An incentive system should also be necessary to encourage the staff to work with the company longer.Improve the work environment of your company or factory.Try to foster a spirit of mutual help among your staff and let them understand that the company or factory is far more than just a workplace.It’s a family where all members are supported and valued.4.Career development: the importance of being willing to acquire new skills throughout your career

With the unceasing development of science and technology the workplace is now undertaking profound changes.The way you do your work and the equipment you use in your work will definitely change or upgrade in the future, which means you have to learn new skills to deal with these changes.Remember: you are never too old to learn.New skills will make you keep up with the latest technology and help develop yourself throughout your work life.5.International sales: how to research foreign markets effectively

You should notice the difference between foreign and domestic market and set your target according to specific situation of foreign market.For example: given the different state of living standard the purchasing power of your target market may be higher or lower than the domestic market.If you ignore the difference you are likely to make mistakes in products’ pricing in foreign market.You should ensure that your research team is excellent at carrying out research in a foreign country.That means every member of the team should mater the native language and be familiar with the specific culture of the target market.6.Production management: how to implement an effective just-in-time system What is a JIT production system? JIT is an approach to achieving excellence in a manufacturing company based on the continuing elimination of waste(waste being considered as those things that do not add value to the product).A repetitive production system in which both the movement of goods during production, and deliveries from suppliers, are carefully timed so that at each step of the process, the next(usually small)batch arrives for processing just as needed.The logic behind JIT: Nothing will be produced until it is needed.7.Travel: the importance of being able to speak foreign languages in international business

8.Marketing: how to assess whether there is a market for a new product

You should carry out a research on the customer demands to see if there is a read need in the market for your new product.The feedback or result will help you to decide whether to launch the new product on the market.You should pay special attention to your competitors.Detect whether they are going to launch their new product onto the market.if the answer if yes that probably means there is a demand in the market for some new product.Then be quick and put on your rival product to coincide with them.9.Human resources: how to use staff appraisal schemes

You should see to it that the staff appraisal schemes be a chance for management and employees to come together and exchange ideas, set joint targets and improve the way decisions are reached.The scheme should have a clear appeal process and any negative feedback should be accompanied by evidence such as dates, times and outcomes.Most importantly ratings should reflect measurable element of the job requirements.10.Advertising: the importance of television and cinema advertisement

In fact television and cinema advertising both function as a kind of media which tells or even guides people to buy products or services.With the development of the telecommunication television has become the most important carrier of advertisement and as a result of that TV advertising has the largest amount of audience all over the world.They have penetrated into people’s daily life and persuaded them to buy whenever they turn on them.On the other hand the popularity of the movie make every audience be under the influence of cinema advertising at the beginning and end of the movie.11.Staff management: how to ensure effective lines of communication between the workforce and management

As the leader of the company you should open up a channel for the workforce and management to communicate directly.For example you can hold a monthly meeting within the company, which is attended by both the reps from workforce and management.They are allowed to talk with each other openly and freely to exchange views and opinions.They can also set common objectives.You should achieve this effectiveness by making use of up-to-date technologies.For example you can set up a forum on the intranet of your company so that every member can air and exchange their views on the forum.In this way a effective line of communication will be set up.You should set up an incentive system to make your staff talk with their line managers.12.Finance: how to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts

you should establish a monitor system in the first place to detect any possible cashflow gap which will occur during your production and operation.This system can calculate the balance between your income and expenditure on a daily base.And should there be any sign of cashflow problems the system will warn your staff to do something about it before hand.In order to achieve the accuracy you must set up a report system which demands every manager report the current financial status of his or her departments.The information will be collected everyday for you to take consideration.13.International sales: how to decide which sales incentives to offer a new foreign customer(本题做为思考题,请大家自行考虑一下。)

14.Recruitment: how to ensure that the best applicant for a job is selected(how to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected)

During the selection process we should pay attention to the candidates’ quality and attribute.Quality refers to the candidate’s ability to conduct his or her future work.During the interview candidates will have to be asked to demonstrate their ability to solve problems and deal with emergencies.In addition the other important factor should also be considered.That is the attribute of the candidate.It has something to do with the candidate’s character and value.Those whose value is in the conflict of the company’s ethics will not be considered as best candidate even if they demonstrate remarkable ability in their work.15.How to decide whether to float a company on the stock market

A: we should check the policy concerning listing a company onto the stock market.Different stock exchanges have different policies and requirements.We should check these policies or requirements to see that if our company meets the demand so as to be listed on the stock market.For example according to the policy of many SEs, the total capital of a company should meet a certain level before it can be listed.Besides, its after-tax profits should also reach a certain level.So check these policies to see if our company is qualified to be listed onto the stock market.Second, we should understand and are willing to take the responsibilities that a listing company has to bear such as disclosure director’s duty all kinds of expenses tax and so on.16.Training: the importance of training staff to use new technology

A: it is a very important step to train your staff in how to use the new technology.First of all most of your staff won’t be familiar with this technology since it is new and unless you train them they will spend much more time in getting used to it.Therefore your training is worthy in getting your staff to understand the new technology.Secondly you still won’t enjoy the high efficiency brought up by the new technology if you can’t achieve the perfect combination of your staff and the new technology which is only possible through training.The last but not the least you can improve your staff’s ability to harness the new technology through your training program and make them more confident in their work, which will definitely enhance the efficiency of your company.17.The importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitions

A: your aim of exhibiting your products at the trade fair is to show your customers the high quality of your products through fine demonstration and careful explanation, which will only be achieved by selecting right staff to attend the trade fair.The staff you select should at least have a good understanding of the products you display.They must know the quality function description production packing and other important fields of your products.Besides they must have strong ability of promoting and marketing.These elaborately-selected staff can answer any kind of question produced by the customers about your products and can secure contracts with them skillfully, which will make your display a complete success.18.Production management: how to organize an effective stock control system

A: there are three important steps: first step up a monitoring system in the company to watch closely the level of inventory so that the inventory can be maintained at an appropriate level.Second set up a reporting system to inform the manager of any possible changes in the level of inventory.If the level is too low try to improve it and reduce its negative effect on the production.If the level is too high try to reduce it and pay attention to the lack of capital and difficulties it will exert on the management.Third make everyone in the company clear about the importance of stock control so that every part of this system is operating effectively and altogether achieve a high proficiency of the whole.注释:stock control system 存货控制(对各种物资库存量的管理。目的在于使各种物料的库存量保持在适当的水平,既不会因库存过低而使生产收到影响,也不会因库存过多而占压资金并增加管理上的困难。)

19.Meeting: the importance of regular meeting with suppliers

A: first improve your cooperation with your supplier.It is not just a simple deal you make with your supplier.That is to say you should do your business with your supplier on the basis of equality mutual respect and mutual benefit.Second try to let your suppliers know that you are willing to establish the long-term relationship with them so that they are more confident in the current business with your company.Third it is your PR department’s job to communicate with your suppliers on the regular basis and enhance the friendly relationships between you and your suppliers.20.The importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects

A: to manage projects involves heavy workload and requires much of the company’s energy and human resource.However by using teamwork we can make this complicated work become simple and easy.First when we set up a project-oriented teamwork all members of the projects are united and work in a teamwork spirit.That means they work more systemically and coordinate more with each other.As leaders we won’t worry about the time we will have to waste on the coordinating procedures anymore.Second by using teamwork we can create a sound and effective communication with the project and monitor the communication between members as well as the communication between boss and subordinates.Third in a team everyone tries to help others in their work and a lot of problems can be solved quickly after they occur.The managers can thus save the energy and time for trouble-shooting.21.The importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions

A: if you give your employees clear job descriptions they will have a better understanding of what their jobs are and what their bosses expect from them.Then they can work according to their aims without any misunderstanding of their jobs which will definitely improve the efficiency of your employees’ work.In addition for managers clear job description can enable them to know their subordinates’ work better and to monitor and control their work effectively.22.The importance of understanding cultural differences when working in an international environment


23.How to ensure that company growth proceeds at the optimum rate A: first we should control the expansion of our company which if not appropriate can cause too much bubble and give a false impression of prosperity.Second plan our company’s future carefully.This includes considering in detail the budget of our company;opening more markets for the company’s products and gearing our company towards a right direction in which its development can be sustainable sound and rapid.Third make sure that we can get all the resources needed for our company’s development including the materials we need to produce our products the capital we need to make investments and the human resource we need to keep our staff highly-qualified.24.How to manage a heavy workload effectively

A: first we should have a timetable illustrating all the details about the work of every staff within a day, a month or even a year.We can deal with more workload while shouldering more responsibility if we can arrange our work in advance.Second make sure that we can communicate with our colleagues effectively so that we can make use of their advice or ideas to help us solve the problems or unexpected things occurring in our work.Third as for ourselves we should keep ourselves physically sound to handle the stress a heavy workload might bring about.25.The importance to a company of having a Health and Safety policy

A: as a kind of legal document Health and Safety policy can help a company to reduce the possible injuries or accidents that may happen in the process of production or office work as it explains in detail what the staff should and should not do in order to keep themselves safe in their work.If those accidents or injuries do happen the Policy made by the company can also be used as reference in case of civil liability.Besides the Health and Safety policy can serve as a record which will be very useful if an inspector questions the company’s precautions on health and safety.26.How to ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate feedback on individual performance

A: we should establish a complete set of evaluating system within the whole company to monitor individual performance of every employee and to report their performance to the board and the department they belong to.Their performance is judged on the basis of their position and responsibility and in accordance with their personal abilities.Of course any other factors that will affect their performance directly or indirectly will also be taken into consideration.Besides the feedback will be sent directly to our employees’ mailbox immediately after their performance is evaluated.27.How to maintain customer interest in a company’s products A: usually customers are interested in the products which have high reputation or world-wide brand names.Therefore a company should try to keep the fame of their products and develop its products into a global brand in order to attract its customers.And of course customers are often concerned about the quality of the products they are intended to buy.In this regard a company should make their products reliable to use.In addition a company should upgrade their products in a direction that will lead to a multi-functional and user-friendly kind of products.Try to show your customers that your products have great potentials so that they will keep their interest in your products.28.The importance of having a career plan in order to achieve high levels of success at work

A: a career plan is very important for employees.If you plan your career in advance you will have a better idea of what you should do and what you have to achieve at the different stages of your career, which will make you more realistic at work.The plan will guide you throughout your career and make you easier to climb the ladder within the framework of your company.Every time you start your work you will find there is a clear goal before you and every time you achieve your goal another goal has already been set for you to continue.You will never feel lost in the complicated environment and can gain advantage among the tense competition with your colleagues.Gradually you will find yourself moving steadily towards your success and finally reach the top of your career.All of these are not your dreams and they can be realized if you have your career plan.29.The importance of product diversification to the success of a business

A: in today’s increasingly-competitive market product diversification is crucial to the success of a business.Today’s market is becoming more and more diversified which means a single range of products produced by a certain company cannot survive since the competition is extremely high.And even if you survive you will find your earnings via a single product won’t cover even a small fraction of your cost.Therefore a business should diversify its product range.A diversified product range will make you avoid the tense competition in the specific area and give you more opportunities to open up more potential markets which will reduce to a large extent the risks due to the high competition.(还可从吸引顾客的角度来说)

30.The importance in business of maintaining personal contact with clients

A: some of your clients are your important suppliers and others are your distributors.Therefore keeping contact with them means you keep a good communication with your suppliers or distributors whose information is crucial to your production and sales.Any information you gain from your client can be used to test the popularity of your products.Usually formal or official contact with your clients won’t give you much more opportunities to get the information you need.Personal contact however can be developed into a very useful contact since it can produce a sound environment in which you talk to your clients personally.And you can even get some information about your revival through personal contact which you can use to take the advantage in the competition.And of course you will know better what your clients think of your products and what they expect from you since most of your clients are reluctant to tell you because of the strict environment of formal contact.31.How to balance company growth with production capacity

A: in order to balance company growth with production capacity we must keep our production capacity at an appropriate level so that it can promote the growth of our company.If we pay too much attention to the development of production capacity while neglecting the possible harms it can cause we will have to face the stagnation in the grow of our company or the growth bubble which will eventually burst.If we accelerate our production capacity without any consideration of the current market demand or current situation of the company’s sales we will definitely increase our inventory which will cause the break of the cash flow.32.How to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce

A: first set up an incentive mechanism within the company to ensure that every highly-motivated employee is awarded.Second try to produce a healthy and sound environment within the company to ensure that every employee know the importance and benefit of keeping high motivation in his or her job.Third help very employee to plan his or her future career within the company to make them sure that they are paid close attention to by the company and they will have a better future if they stay with the company.33.The importance of training staff in how to use new technology when introducing it into the workplace

A: it is a very important step to train your staff in how to use the new technology.First of all most of your staff won’t be familiar with this technology since it is new and unless you train them they will spend much more time in getting used to it.Therefore your training is worthy in getting your staff to understand the new technology.Secondly you still won’t enjoy the high efficiency brought up by the new technology if you can’t achieve the perfect combination of your staff and the new technology which is only possible through training.The last but not the least you can improve your staff’s ability to harness the new technology through your training program and make them more confident in their work, which will definitely enhance the efficiency of your company.34.How to maintain good relationships with suppliers

A: first improve your cooperation with your supplier.It is not just a simple deal you make with your supplier.That is to say you should do your business with your supplier on the basis of equality mutual respect and mutual benefit.Second try to let your suppliers know that you are willing to establish the long-term relationship with them so that they are more confident with the current business with your company.Third it is your PR department’s job to communicate with your suppliers on the regular basis and enhance the friendly relationships between you and your suppliers.35.How to achieve a strong visual impact in advertising

A: first we should use an impressive and unique color design or slogan in our advertising.Each of them is expected to achieve strong visual impact which will make your advertisement a complete one-off.In addition, we can apply multi-media technology to our ad to achieve some special visual effects such as 3D animation.36.The importance of being able to cope with the stress in a job

A: as today’s businessmen we shoulder more and more responsibilities and experience more intensive stress which if not appropriately deal with will lead to mental fatigue or other mental illnesses or even worse the total breakdown.Therefore the ability to cope with the stress in our jobs is one of the most important skills we should acquire in today’s business world.Furthermore, we will inevitably encounter some stress in our daily work.Without appropriately dealing with these stresses we cannot continue our work in a normal way and the stagnation will appear to offset any achievement we have made in the previous work.



口试第一部分考生在回答考官问题时,不要简单回答Yes 或No,还要用两三句话来做进一步解释说明。在考官问搭档问题时也不要插话,在旁边倾听即可,等考官问你,你再回答。考官可能会问你相同的问题,也可能问不同的问题。通过认真倾听,一方面可以有助于你熟悉考官和搭档的语音面貌,另一方面也可以熟悉他们交流的问题,以免当考官中途问你对这个问题的看法时,不知所云。


I choose topic A, 然后把题念一遍。

总括I think there are three points/aspects to consider.First,把题卡上第一点说一下,然后用两三句话解释

Second, 把题卡上第二点说一下,然后用两三句话解释



In conclusion,/In summary, I think 三个要点重复一下 are important when doing sth.(重复一下原题的要求)

Well, that‟s all I want to say.Thank you!或Well, I think I have covered the main points.Thank you!






Which do you think is the most important point? Why?(前提是搭档在发言时没有表明态度)要求搭档进一步解释某个要点。I am very interested in-----Could you further explain-----, please?

提出自己看法,然后要求搭档评论。I think---is also important.What do you think of it? 要求搭档说一下自己公司的有关情况?Could you say something about-----in your company, please?

4.回答搭档的问题时,不要简单回答Yes或No, 要用两三句来解释。不知道如何回答,可以结合自己熟悉的事情,如自己生活和工作经验等来回答,举例说明是个很好的方法,口试第三部分参考框架


A: OK, shall we make a start?/let's start.OK?

B: OK.A: Let‟s start with the first question.然后把第一个讨论题念出来。


B: let‟s discuss the second question 或Let‟s move on to the next question.然后把第二个讨论题念出来


讨论过程中有观点和论据。在阐明自己的想法后,一定要询问搭档的看法。如果搭档说不出来,你要想办法给他一个台阶下,你可以说Do you agree with me? 如果他同意,那你们就可以把谈话进行下去,如果他不同意就让他解释原因。

如果自己没想好,可以先问搭档的观点(What‟s your opinion? How /What about you?)。以争取更多的时间思考。在倾听搭档表达个人观点时,自己也一定要积极思考。以免搭档卡壳,出现冷场。搭档没有表达清楚,要积极帮助搭档表达清楚,让考官看到你积极主动与人沟通的一面,充分体现你良好的沟通愿望和技巧,给考官留下非常好的印象。

如果你对题目毫无看法,当搭档问你的观点时,你可以说I agree with you., 然后用自己的话复述一下搭档的观点。也可以适当补充一下搭档的观点。这样也可以让考官看到你语言水平。最后总结讨论结果。可以用以下表达:

In conclusion,-----

To sum up-----





另外,考官会就某一方面问考生,如有关就业就可能问:What would your ideal job be? Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff? Is the opportunity to work abroad important to you? 等等。

当主考官在与一考生对话时,另一考生必须仔细听,因为主考官问了考生甲“Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff”后,可能会问考生乙“What do you think of it”,如果考生乙没有仔细听,就要对考官说Sorry或Please pardon 这样会影响口试效果。口试第一部分考试时间约为4分钟。

第二阶段、这一部分要求考生就某一主题进行阐述。考生就信息卡上的问题回答。如:What is important when … ? Opening a branch in a new cityl The locationl The potential purchasing power阐述完了之后,考官司就所阐述的内容提问。只要考生能对信息卡的内容有所了解,一般可以较好地回答问题。

第三阶段、这部分要求考生就某一题目进行讨论,主考官会适时介入谈话。两个考生在讨论都应该积极参与,不能将问题交给对方去阐述,讨论是双向的。如:Business SeminarYour company is going to hold a seminar on a certain topic about marketing.You have been asked to help with the preparation for the seminar.Discuss the situation together and decide:l What facilities and seminar arrangements you will need to makel Who you are going to invite to attend the seminar, and how to contact them.以上信息卡提供了两个讨论要点,即:研讨会需要什么设备,应做些什么安排;准备邀请什么人,怎样与他们联系。考生应该发挥想象力,举办一个研讨会,考虑需要那些设备,如白板、笔、投影仪、电脑、饮水机、咖啡机等,此外,还可能需要翻译人员、文秘人员等;考虑那些要员是必须出席的等等。

当一个考生在阐述意见时,另一考生需要在适当的时候介入。另外,考生要注意不要挖空心思去寻找对应的英语来表达汉语思维的内容,只要达到效果就行。如有的考生要表达‟沿海城市‟,如果不知道coastal city,可以用其它的方法来表示这个意思,如可以用the city along the coast 或 the city on the sea等。




是要透过经典题型例解的现象看本质。学会运用会话模式,如开题—质询—观点—扩展型对话,并掌握有效的相关口语技巧,如Echo, Objection, Proposition, Development, Hypothesis, Definition, Interrogation, Repetition等。这样,对于会话的总体框架与结构在心中有了一个蓝图以后,才能把注意力放在内容上。

对于如何使口语更自然更地道的一些语言点,也必须有所涉及。语言的丰富化与口语化不是一日之功,但也要总结规律。比如,用一些语气词如well,right?等和反义疑问句可以使语言较为自然。一些口语化的词组如icing on the cake,sell like hotcakes,ballyhoo,shelf sitter等也可以给会话增色。当然粗俗的俚语在商务会话中是不允许的。另外,书面用语如 nevertheless,furthermore, in addition, utmost 等非但不会让考官欣赏,反而显得做作,不自然。正所谓„过犹不及‟。要做到恰到好处,必须对词汇和短语的色彩有精确体会。必须指出的是,口语化不等于散漫化。BEC口语的目的还是为商务主题服务的,所以决不能沦为聊天式的极其随便的对话。关键在于应做到„casual without losing focus‟,即„外松内紧‟。


.Be well prepared.做好充分准备是成功的基本保障,这包括对考试风格,模式,题型和最新动态的熟悉,更包括大量的、有针对性的口语练习。但必须指出一点,准备的过程不应是背诵的过程。很多考生对自己在面试中的表现感觉良好,最终却对自己出乎意料的低分大吃一惊,百思不得其解,其实原因很简单:考官对考生背诵事先准备好的答案很反感,尤其当他/她听到同一种答案被很多考生重复使用时,那种令人作呕的感觉可想而知。在考官看来,Using a prepared answer is similar to cheating!所以给准备BEC考试的考生一个忠告:Over prepared is often as harmful as under prepared.2.Have an easy but concentrated state of mind.心态对于任何事的成功都是至关重要的,语言测试,尤其是一对一的口语测试更是如此。良好的心态可以使人超水平发挥;糟糕的心态却可以让人遭遇滑铁卢。在以往的BEC考试中,相当数量的考生是因为心态不好,主要是过度紧张导致失利的。应该说适度的紧张还是有益的。我们应该充分重视BEC口语考试,但没有理由惧怕它。调整心态,放松心情的几种方法:






3.Focus on your English instead of your ideas.考官在考察我们的英文而不是我们的思想,没有必要为了一个我认为“闪光”的思想强迫自己说那些说不清的英文句子,重要的是把我有把握的英文说清楚。考官基本上不会在乎我们的观点,而是根据我们的英文打分的,况且我认为很精彩的一个观点很可能其他人已经重复过多次。一个蹩脚的复杂句并不比简明流畅的短句给考官的印象更好。在口语表达中我是主动的,没有人强迫我说什么。不会说的词就换另一个词;没有把握的句型就换另一个句子;讲不清的观点可以马上用另一种观点,甚至违心地说几句话也无妨,为了拿到分数豁出去了。记住:虽然语言只是表达思想的载体,但那是在生活中。在语言测试中,尤其是当我们的语言手段不足以表达我们复杂的思想时,一定要让思想服从于语言,只讲能讲得清的观点。

4.Use your common sense.很多考生分丢得实在冤枉,当被问到一些常识性问题时,我们往往因为缺乏常识或不会利用常识而轻易放弃机会,白白丢分。要知道十几分钟的面试转瞬即逝,放弃一个问题可能就意味着分数降一个档次。有些问题被考生放弃并不是因为语言问题,而是他们认为对这个话题没有idea,不知道该说什么。例如被问到家乡最有趣的方面是什么时,很多考生吞吞吐吐说不出来,或者干脆说没什么有趣的。其实这是一个非常简单的问题,只要有一点常识就不难想到有太多话题可讲:自然风光、名胜古迹、地方风俗、历史、地理、风土人情、节日庆典、饮食习惯、教育制度、天气情况等等都可以成为谈论的话题。任何时候都不要放弃任何问题。Saying something is better than saying nothing!

5.Be calm in mind and active in attitude.回答问题时要沉着,冷静,思路清晰,同时表现出主动参与、喜欢交谈的态度。首先要保证听懂问题再回答,不要听到之言片语就慌忙回答,随后发现误解了考官的问题或答非所问;更不要没听懂考官的问题就沉默不语。如果真没听懂也不要慌,可以先根据此时的谈话背景迅速寻找线索,把自己的猜测大胆讲出来,待对方证实后继续回答。例如:Q: What's your line of business?

A: Excuse me, are you asking me to talk about my job?




1)Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

2)Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

3)Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能


4)A person with ability plus flexibility.有能力及适应力强的人。

5)A stable personality and high sense of responsibility.个性稳重、具高度责任感。

6)Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背


7)Bright, aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

8)Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。

9)Initiative, independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良


10)Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素



11)Willing to assume responsibilities勇于挑重担。

12)Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。13)Energetic, fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。

14)With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。


15)Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。

16)Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。

17)Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。

18)Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

19)The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

20)Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集



21)Be highly organized and efficient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。

22)Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。

23)Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。

24)Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

25)Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.善于同各种人员打交道。

26)Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

27)Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

28)Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头用。

29)Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下


30)Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅,个人性格好。BEC商务英语口试自我介绍必备用语4

31)With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。

32)The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and goodhealth.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。

33)Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。

34)Being active, creative and innovative.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神。

35)With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力。




Topic 1: Do you celebrate Christmas at home? What activities do you have to celebrate the festival?(你在家庆祝过圣诞节吗?庆祝这个节日有什么活动是你必须要做的吗?)

答案:yes,i do.i enjoy celebrating it at home.because i think it ‘sa festival we should stay at home with our families.what i have to do is having dinner with my parents.when i come into college ,After entering the University, I almost have no time to accompany my parents.I think Christmas is a good opportunity.So I like Christmas

Topic 2: Is air pollution a serious problem in the city where you live? How serious is it?(空气污染在你居住的城市是一个严重的问题吗?它很严重吗?)

答案:i think that the air pollution in Changsha is very serious, because of a cloudy day we can not see far away.On the other hand can explain the development of economy, but I think the expense of the environment is too high price to pay.Air is the survival of our things, we should cherish the resources抽到这个你就自求多福吧。

Topic 3: What do you think is the right attitude towards reformed criminals?(你认为对改造罪犯的正确态度是什么?)

答案:I think for people who do something wrong should be punished If they know the error can choose tolerant way to teach them。(这个是我唯一想的出来的两句话,这个也是个要自求多福的。)

Topic 4: Who do you think are braver, women or men? Please give examples to support your statement.(你认为是女人勇敢还是男人勇敢?请举一些例子说明你的声明。)

答案:i think men more brave, because they can take rational to analyze situations, and solve them。(例子自己搞定ok吧?)

Topic 5: Who is the Chinese political leader you admire most? Why?(你最佩服的中国政治领袖是谁?为什么?)

答案:温家宝,He is for the sake of the people, the people put in the first place.In addition, he is a top student, he loves Chinese traditional culture very much, I admire it.Topic 6: Where do you want to work? In a big city or a small city? Why?(你想要留在哪里工作?大城市还是小城市?为什么?)

答案:i want to work in big city,because big city can give me more oppotulity and to meet new frends.Topic 7: What kind of qualities do you think a person should have to become a scientist?(你认为一个人要成为科学家需要的素质是什么?)

答案:The most important is the professional knowledge, because scientists are leading in his fields involved.Second is the conscientious spirit, only seriously one thing, can very well do that。最后,我想说这个真的好难。。。。



Personal vs.Personnel

密切注意这些单词的拼写和重音!“Personnel”是个名词意思是公司的职员。例如“Our company has the best personnel in the industry.”重音落在单词的末尾。“Personal”是个形容词意思是私人或是个人。“I'm requesting a day of annual leave for personal reasons.”重音容落在单词的开头。如果你不仔细,你就可能说成“personal meeting”而不是“personnel meeting.”



executives,那就要注意单词的发音喽!如果你将重音落在 “u”上,那么“executive”马上就听起来象“execute”-将某人杀死或判死刑。

Present? Presentate? Presentation?

当你作presentation时present信息。Present是个动词意思是将某物呈现给别人。presentation是常在商务中推出新信息时使用的一种形式。许多人-就算是一些英语的本土人士- 认为“presentate”是 “presentation.”的动词形式。不要犯同样的错误!“I look forward to hearing from you.”

这个短语通常用于商务信件中。但是学习英语者常写成,“I look forward to hear from you.”这不正确并且让英语本土人士听起来有些滑稽。动词 “hear”在这个短语中总是要有“ing”的。

Headquarters and Information

许多的英语学习者把“headquarters”这个单词的“s”漏掉而在“information”后加上了“s”。Headquarters是个单数名词意思是公司的总部:“I'm going to headquarters this

weekend to meet with the CEO.” Headquarters是个微妙的单词因为它是以“s”结尾的。看起来象是个复数名词!但是漏掉“s”会把headquarters变成个动词,“to headquarter.” 在另一方面,许多学习者在information后加上了“s”。大多数人的理由是如果他们需要很多的信息,他们就需要把这个单词变成复数,例如,“I need informations on overseas study programs.”但是信息是个不可数名词(它没有复数名词)。你只需要说,“I need some information.”



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