
时间:2019-05-14 19:02:48下载本文作者:会员上传


Time sensitive 时间上棘手 Get a hold of 找到

Pretty sure 相当肯定

Time slot 时间段

Right off the bat 马上

Be green 没有经验

X:00 sharp X 点整

No kidding 不是开玩笑 Up in the air 悬而未决

Cut sb.Slack 放某人一马

Heavy meal 有点腻的菜

Jet lag 时差

Are you serious? 你开玩笑吗?Brand new 崭新的

can’t wait any longer 不能等太久 ASAP 尽可能快地

away from one’s desk 不在办公室feel free 随时

bulk orders 大订单

staying in budget 没有超过预算

be nuts 发疯的+about 热衷于,狂热于

business proposal 商业提案

stressed out 筋疲力尽

foot the bill 买单

annual conference 年会

go back and forth 来来往往地

get down to earth 脚踏实地

dress down 穿平常的衣服

Make under one’s name 以某人名字登记

check in(旅馆、飞机等)登记

single /double bed 单/双人床

Non-smoking room 无烟房间

Subway line 地铁线

Head back 返程

Hop on 换乘

Figure out 了解

check out 付账离开旅馆

standard room 标准间

subway station 地铁站

transfer station 中转站

on one’s own 独自地

ride on 乘

follow the crowd 随大流

Financial advisor 财政顾问

Right here 正好

Quality control 质量控制

I’ll bet 我敢打赌,我敢说….Plastic surgeon 整形外科医生

once in a while 间或,偶尔

check in counter 检票口

next to nothing 差不多没有

you guys 你们这些人

limited edition 限量版

go in the hole 亏本

fill a vacancy 填补空缺

hold a meeting 开会

have say 有发言权

executive branch 行政层

opening exercises 开幕典礼

fiscal year 财政年

make it out 成功

factory site 工厂

test cubicle 测试台

do the math 自己算算,自己想想West Coast 西海岸

hardly ever 几乎没有

go to press 发布消息

a few bucks 一点钱

pick up the tab 承担运费

in the neighborhood of 大约

you have my word on it 你相信我,我保证

financial statement 财务报告

hold stock 持有股票

hot shot 关注的焦点

get down to the nitty-gritty 归根结底

at ease 无拘无束

In line with 符合go for 尝试

take off like a rocket 像火箭一样急速上升

main point 要点

domestic and overseas 国内外的see success 见证成功

slow starter 起步慢

get back 取回,回复

production date 生产日期

customer base 顾客群,顾客基础

to a fair degree 在很大程度上

file cabinet 文件柜

immediate supervisor 直接主管

standard procedure 标准程序

Show sb.the ropes 告以内情

a ton of 大量的

Clean off one’s desk 处理手头未完成的工作

Behind schedule 落后于预定

put in overtime 加班

no time to lose 抓紧时间

competitive advantage 竞争优势

make leeway 留余地

boost sales 增加销售额

bog down 陷入困境

subject line 主题词

get the word out 传达信息

send along 发送

better safe than sorry 宁愿稳妥免


spite sb.激怒某人

a consignment/shipment of 一批货物

place regular orders 签订长期合同

specialize in 专营

be subject to 有…倾向; 从属于

at the very first time 最开始

Accounts Department 会计部

The law 警方

cut down on 减少

be a drag 无聊或令人厌倦的事

right from the top 直接从最上面开始

market penetration 市场渗透 wider range 范围广

address problems 处理问题

bulk email 群发邮件

compressed file 压缩文件

make an attachment 粘贴文件

personal email 私人邮件

first thing 一大早,立刻 be a rip-off 骗钱,冒牌货

a range of 一些列; 一套

deal with 经营

exclusive of 除了….之外

at the very beginning 在一开始

a demand for 对…的需求

Finance Manager 财务部经理

artificial person 法人

hosting service 寄存服务

Search engine 搜索引擎

web page 网页

extra income 额外收入

cash in 发财

get started 着手

go all out 竭尽全力

Get(sth.)off the ground 使(某事)有进展

pop up 突然出现

memory stick 记

site traffic 网站流量

electronic gadgets 数码产品

USB device USB 设备

USB port USB 接口

day planner 日计划表

GPS unit GSP 全球定位系统

spare time 业余时间

palm pilot 掌上 向导

Hook up 以钩钩住

be a hassle 是个麻烦

web-based marketing 网上营销sales volume 销售额

network browser 网络浏览器

not half bad 不错

in on the action 在发挥作用

contract information 联系信息 stumble onto 偶然找到

word of mouth 口头传播

fiscal year 会计年度

profit margin 利润

rope(sb.)in 拉(某人)参加

With an eye toward 着眼于

be smashing 好极了

From a …standpoint 从…角度 pick up(a link)获得(链接)

ballpark figure 大概数字

bottom line 底线

sticker price 定价

set in stone 固定不变

in the neighborhood 大约

cut corners 减少 费用

make a killing 牟取暴利

be in bad shape 处于不好的状态

on the up and up 光明磊落

prove by the numbers 用数字证明 keep a running tally 记流水账

trade deficit 贸易赤字

be headed for 朝着…方 向前进

give a boost 起推进作用

hands-off 无为而治的,不插手的 keep abreast of 了解…的最新情况,与…并驾齐驱

turn around 扭亏 为盈

stand out from the herd 鹤 立 鸡群 的,与 众 不 同 的get off the ground 取得进展

hands-on 亲 身 实 践 的

to the limit 到最大限

run-of-the-mill 普通的,一般的whatever the odds 无论胜算多少

mergers and acquisitions 兼并收购 higher workforce productivity 更高的劳动生产力

churn out 大量生产,泛滥制造

irrespective of 不顾,不管 不顾 get through 做完,通过

prime important 极 重 要 的go through 经 受,参 加

it’s a necessity for us to do 对我们而言做..是必要的

set out to do sth 开始做某事

gym room 健身房

cover the loss 弥补损失

fit in meet incremental market demands 满足增加的市场需求

streamline supply chain be in want of 需使供应链成线型

enterprise resource planning 企业资源计划

tactic and strategy 战略政策

winter/summer vacation 寒/暑假

learn lessons from 从…中汲取教训 主张,拥护

for a time 暂时

at the time 在那时

pull off 努力实现

go for severance

payment(redeemable(move payment))


with strong backgrounds 有深厚的背景

sell off 廉价出售

save from 免于

top dog 头

currency 领,掌权人

market share 市场份额

rates 现价,成交价

split up 分裂

move over 挪开

on condition that 条 件 是 … share price 股价

in the search for 寻找

with maximum of goodwill and a

minimum of friction 以最大的友好和最少的摩擦…

fed up with 对...感 到厌倦 遇,赶上 不取决于

breathe down my neck 时时刻刻监督

up to scratch 达到标准

foot the bill 付账

catch up(with)遭

independently of 与…无关

out of pocket 现金支付,赔钱的

salary increase financial incentives 财务奖励

set to rise 开始上升 加薪

one-off payment 一次付清

legal entitlement 合法权利

pay scale 工资标准

move outplacement service 新职介绍服务

sort of 有点,几分

work round the clock 没日没 发火 water dispenser 饮水 夜地工作

get hot under the collar 气极了

pass over 忽略

bring up 提出

get out of 免于

be averse to 反对

put one’s money where one’s mouth is 用真金白银来押注自己的话

qualitative analysis 定性分析

sb 与…争吵

stand-off 冷淡 经验,一般来说

arm-length 保持距离的

fall out with make out of 用…做原料

as a rule of thumb 根据

change out of 脱下

share option 股票认购权

bring in 引进

and rightly so 而且这么做没错

a lot at stake 很大风险

value-added private enterpris 私企

old tug of war两派之间的激烈争辩

tax corporate ethics 企 业 道 德

marketing perennial 市场长期存在的问题

drum up 招揽(顾客)竭力争取

do the trick 做成功,达到理想效果

lock into 受困于

lose out 亏损,输掉

flat sales 销售平平

lag behind 落后,拖欠

discharge a debt 清偿债务

fall short of 达不到,缺乏

knock-on effects 装机作用

strive for 奋斗

all the while 一 直,始终

in the name of 以…的名义强制性


labor practice 劳动条例

mandatory compliance for strictly selfish reasons 完全出于自私原因

simply put 简单讲

in exchange for 作为… 交换

all things considered 所有的都考虑在内

conventional business models 传 统 的 商 业 模 式 break with 断 绝 关 系,结 束

cash crop 经济作物

third-world country 第三世界国家

cut out 删去

take off 起飞,开始

drive down prices 压低价格

publicity-seeking 公 众追捧

pay lip-service to do sth.口头上答应做

15% uplift on current sales 销售额上涨15%

report to 在(某人)直接管理下

account 活期账户

deposit account 定期账户

a demand for 对…的需求

a fleet of 一组,一队

apart from 除了… 之外(还有)

date stamp 日期戳记

day book 日记账

declining stage 衰落阶段

faulty goods 劣质品,次货

health and safety 职业健康安全

insurance claim 保险索赔

mail shot 通过邮政发出的类似广告的宣传材料

media coverage 媒体报道

product life cycle 产品寿命周期 product mix 企业出售的产品组合 sick leave 病 假 sick note 病假条

sick pay 病假工资

sickness benefit 病假补助

team building 团队建设

video game 电子

work station 工作地点

skilled employee 熟练工

work order 生产名单 a certain level of 一定程度的absorption costing 归纳成本法

accidental damage 意外损坏 accepting house/accepting bank 承兑银行

accidental losses 意 外 损 失

accounts payable 应 付 账 款

against all accounts receivable 应收账款

after-sales service 售后服务

risks 全险

aged debtors 长期债务人

bad faith 欺诈 条形码

artificial person 法人

bank book 存折

bar chart 条(柱)状图

bar code batch size 批量大小

bear batch processing 成批处理


bill of materials(B.O.M.)材料清单

board meeting 董事会议

board directors 董事会

brand image 品牌形象

brand leader 品牌领导者 brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度

bring up 提出,养育,把…举高

bulk carrier 散装货

bull market 牛市(行情看涨的市场)

bull position 多头地位

buyer’s market 买方市场

call on 拜访

business school 商学院

capacity inventory 库 存 能 力

capital gains tax 资 本 增 益 税

captive market 垄断市场

casual labor 临时工人

catch a cold 亏本

cater for 供应

catering industry 餐饮业

certificate of origi货物原产地证书 certificate cheque 保兑支票

charge account 赊购制,赊账

classified advertisement 分类广告 competitive edge 竞 争 优 势

collective bargaining 集体协定

conditions of employment雇佣条款

consumer behavior 消费者行为

consolidated accounts 合并账目

consumer goods 消费品

consumer durables 耐用消费品

core time core time(弹性工作制中的)基本工作时间

corporation tax 公司所得税

credit account 赊账账户

credit card 信用卡

credit control 信用 控制

credit limit 信用度限额

credit rating 信用等级

critical path analysis 关键途径分析法

currency futures货币期货,外汇期货

current assets 流动资产

cut back 削减

current account 活期存款账户

current liabilities 流动负债

current year 本年度

cut-throat 残酷的,凶狠的;凶手 cut-price 打折的,廉价的

cut-rate 削价出售的,便宜的

cycle inventory 循环存盘

cycle time 周期 时间

danger money 危险工作津贴

dear money 高利息借贷资本

debt ratio 负债比率

debt-to-equity ratio 权益负债率 deferred



management 需求管理 延期付款

delivery cycle 供货周期

direct cost 直接成本

direct debit 直接借记

direct flight 直航

direct mail 直接邮寄广告

direct selling 直销

disability benefit 残疾抚恤金

dividend per share 每股股息

down market 低端市场

down payment 分期付头款,定金 down time 停工期

earned income 劳动收入,工资

economic efficiency 经济效益

economic sanctions 经济制裁

economy class 经济舱

first class 头等舱

economy of scale 规模经济

endowment assurance 养老保险

environmentally friendly 环保的equity capital 股本

equity method 产权法

estimated demand 估计需 求

fail-safe system 安全系统

family business 家族企业

feasibility study 可行性研究

finance meeting 财务会议

finished goods 制成品

finished goods inventor制成品库存first aid 急救

fixed assets 固定 资产

fixed capital 固定资本

fixed change 固定支出

fixed cost 固定成本

fixed income 固定收入

fixed property 固定财产,不动产 flexible working arrangement 弹性工作安排

flip chart 活动挂图 不可抗力

free gift 赠品

flow chart 流程图

force majeure frequent flyer 经常乘飞机出差的人

go public 上市

going hire fringe benefits 额外福利

get into debt 负债

rate 时价

hard sell 强行推销

header paper 带信头的信纸

purchase 分期付款购买

holiday entitlement 休假权利

idle money 闲散资金

in the black(银行存款)有盈余

in triplicate 一式三份

indirect cost 间接成本

industrial action罢工等的劳工行动

industrial(labor)dispute 劳资纠纷 industrial(labor)relations劳资关系 interior decoration 内部装潢

job mobility 工作流动性

job description 职位描述

job rotation 岗位轮换

job satisfaction 工作满意度

job shop 加工车间

job security 工作保障

job vacancy 职位 空缺

joint bank account 共同银行账户

junk bond 垃圾债券

junk mail 广告宣传邮件

labor market 劳动力市场

labor shortage 劳动力短缺

labor union 工会

laser printer 激光打印机

limited liability 有限责任

line manager 业务经理,部门经理worker 流水线工人

line process 流水线加工

line listed company 上市公司

log on/in 登录

majority loss leader 亏本销售商品 lucrative market 可获利的市场

shareholding 大股东

accounting 管理会计

managed float 管理浮动

managing director 执行总裁

management manpower resources 人力资源

mass media 大众媒体

mass production 大批量生产

maternity leave 产假

near money 准货币

net margin 净利 总账

nominal ledger 名目账项

null and void 无效的

organ gram 公司组图

organization chart 组织系统图

out of debt 不欠债

parent company 母公司

pay packet 工资袋

pay day 发薪日

petty cash 零用钱

pay off a debt 偿清债务

phase out 逐步控制或停止

pie chart 饼状图

predatory pricing 掠夺性价格

prestige valu拥有奢侈品的荣耀感

price differential 差价 prompt day 清帐日

public sector 国有企业

random check 随机抽查

report to 在…直接管理下

resort hotel 旅游胜 地的旅馆

retained earnings 未分配利润

risk capital 风险资本

risk-free investment 零风险投资

market 卖方市场

selection board 选拔委员会

seller’s shoot up 猛涨

shelf life 货架期,保存期限

shop floor 车间

shop steward 工人代表

single proprietorship 独资

soft currency 软通货,软性货币

soft market 疲软市场,不景气市场

soft sell 软推销,劝买

soft terms 优惠条件

staff turnover 员工流动率

strong room 保 险 库

synthetic materials 人工合成材料

take charge of 负责

task force 特别工

technology transfer 技术转让

tailor-made products 定制品

tax allowance 收入免税额

time off 公休,病休,请假

track record(多年的)业绩的记录 trade secret 商业机密

trade terms 贸易术语

trade union 工会

trading profit 销售毛利

traveler’s training budget 培训预算 travel agency 旅行

check 旅行支票

trouble shooting 问题解答

unearned value of money 价值

wage waste income 非劳动收入

urgent order 订单

drift 工资浮动

wage freeze 工资冻结

wage sheet 工资表

disposal 废物处理

waste utilization 废物利用

white goods 大型家用电器

windfall loss 意外损失

wind up 终止,结束

workforce diversity 劳动力差异

working conditions 工资状况

working pattern 工作方式

work-in-progress inventory 在制品盘存

yield margin 收益差额

yield possession 让出所有权

abandon a claim 放弃索赔

abandoned option 放弃期权

abandoned property 废弃的财产

abate a tax 减税

abide by the law 守法

abide by one’s commitment信守承诺

abject poverty 赤贫

abnormal profit 超额利润

abnormal spoilage 非正常破损

abrasion of coin 铸币磨损

accelerated amortization 加速摊销

accelerated depreciation 加速折旧

accelerated depreciation allowance 加速折旧扣除

acceptance credit 承兑信用

acceptance draft 承兑汇票

accession rate 就业增长率

accession tax 财产增益税额

accessory claim 附带权要求

accessory contract 附带契约

accessory product 副产 品

accessory risk 附加险

accident beyond control 不可抗力灾害

account executive广告/服务业业务 accidental cost 意外费用

accumulated deficit 累积亏损

acquisition cost 收购成本

act of God 不可抗力

active assets 活动资产

active money 流通货币

actual depreciation 实际折旧 additional charge 附加费

additional clause 附加条款

adhere to 遵循,黏着

adjudication of bankruptcy宣告破产

admissible assets 可课税资产 adulterant goods 冒牌货

advance bill赤字

adverse exchange 逆汇

trade balance 入超,贸易逆差

advertisement rates 广告费率

advice for collection 托收委托书

advice note 商业通知单

affidavit of means 偿债能力证明书

affidavit of service 送达证明书

after sight 见票后付款

agency bill 代理票据

agency commission 代理佣金

aggregate agency contract代理合同aggregate demand 总需求

discount 总折扣

aggregate liability 债务总额

aggregate losses 累计损失

aggregate supply 总供应

agricultural commodity 农业商品

aid account 经援账户

allocated quota 分配配额

annual accounting 年度决算

annual bonus 年度奖金

annual expenditure 年支出

annual general meeting 年度股东大会

annual income 年收入

annual report 年度报告 antecedent money 押金

anticipatory letter of credit 预支信

application form 申请表

application for insurance 投保单

aptitude testing 能力测试

assembly line 装配线

assembly point 集合地点

assented stock 同意调换股票

at one’s disposal 由某人随意支配

at par平价

at the helm of 掌握… audio conference 电话会议

authentic text 正本

authorization of resources财政资源 autonomic nervous system 自 主 神 经 系 统

au pair 互惠/互惠生 average cost平均成本

award of bid 决标

away from the market 不按市价

baby bust 生育低估

back a bill 背书票据

back order 积压 订单

back out 食言

back up 支持

bail out 保释

balloon payment 最末期大笔还清

bank account 银行账户

bank discount 银行折扣

bank holiday 银行假日

bank statement 银行结单

bank transfer 银行 转账

bankable bill 银行可承兑票据

barter trade 实物交易

base pay 基本工资

bell-shaped curve 钟形曲线

beneficiary country 受惠国

bid quotation below par 低于市价bespeak to 投标截止日期

bid up 哄抬(物价)

big cuts 大规模裁员

bilateral monopoly 双边垄断

bill of entry 报关单

bill of lading 提单

binary system 二进制

black market 黑市

black list 黑名单

blank check 空头支票

blank endorsement 空白背书

blank note 空头支票

blanket clearance 出入港通行证

blind competition 盲目竞争

block booking 大量预定

blue chip 蓝筹股

blue chip client 重要客户

bogus goods 赝品,伪造商品

bonded goods 保税货物

bonded house 保税仓库

book confirmation 确认订货

sales 推销,促销

even 收支平衡

book value 账面价值

boost border trade 边境贸易

bottom price 底价

break breakeven point 收支平衡点bubble up 迅速上升

buffer inventory 缓冲存货

buy long 买空,购买期货

buy on credit 赊账

buy up 全数购买,全部买进

carbon copy 副本

card index 卡

carriage free 运费免付

cardinal rule 基本法则

carriage paid 运费已付

carry forward 结转,转下期

cash dispenser 自动提款机

cash flow 现金流量

cash ratio 现金比率

cash register 现金出纳机

Chamber of Commerce 商会

chartered accountant 特许会 计师cheque card 支票卡

closed circuit TV cameras 闭路电视照相机

closed shop 封闭式企业

closing down sale 清仓甩货

comity of nations 国际礼让

community diversity 群落多样性 computer system 计 算 机 系 统concentrated marketing 密集性市场策略

conduct a survey 进行调查

consignment note 托运单

continuous process 连续

convertible currency 可兑换货

counter 生产

convertible bond 可兑换证券币

cope with 处理

correspondent relationshi代理关系

purchase 产品购买,对等购买

counter trade 反向贸易,对消贸易

courtesy card 优惠券

distribution countervailing duty 抵消性关税,反倾销税

dispatch note 发货通知

disposable income 可支配收入

chain 分销连锁店

distribution channel发行/销售渠道 distribution system 分销系统

domestic dispute 内部争端

door-to-door service 送货上门 drainage divide 分水界 用费加倍

emerging market 新兴经济

duplicate expenses 收据副本

emerging market 新兴市场

exchange rate 汇率

estate agent 房地产中介

ex coupon 无息票

excise duty 消费税

executive committee 执行委员会

export tariff 出口关税

external audit 外部审计

face value 面值 f amily-run business 家族生意

fast delivery 快递

fast-moving consumer goods 快消 fast-track authority 临机处置之权 favorable balance of trade贸易逆差fees charged 收取费用

final demand 最终需求

financial baking 财政支柱

floor price 底价

flow shop 流水线车间

free market 自由市场

free of charge 免费

free trade zone 自由贸易区

freight forwarder 货物转运人

gear up 促进,增加

gray market 灰色市场

green product 绿色产品

green purchasing 绿色购买

gross profit 毛利润

impulse buying 即兴购买

in a contemplative mood 沉思默想

institutional investors 机构投资人

interim dividend 期中股利 internal audit 内部审计

international distribution 国际销售

international logistics 国际物流 international

operations management 国际经营管理 international reply coupon 国际回信券

intra-corporate transfer公司内部转让

intra-industry trade 行业内部贸易

Internet literate 精通网络

intrinsic value 内部价值

invisible assets 无形资产

keep accounts 记账

keep irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证

in stock 库存,有货

keep top side up 请勿倒置

keep track of 跟上… 的进 展

kerb/curb transaction 场外贸易

kindly remit 请即付款

knock down 拍板成交

leveraged buyout 融资收购 kiting check 空头支票 make-to-order


strategy 照订单生产策略

monetary disturbance 金融动荡 make-to-stock库存生产

morning session 上午市

multilateral compensation多变抵消mutual fund 共同基金

non-commercial activities 非商业性活动

note discount 票据贴现

nutritional non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒

disturbance 营养障碍

object tax 客体税

ocean disposal 海洋排放

outward on the verge of 在…边 缘 appearance 外表

opportunity cost 机会 成 本

overhead costs 营业间接成本

overtime allowance加班费

own-brand product 自主品牌产品

income 人均收入

per diem 每日津贴,每日酬金

plough back 利润再 投资

portfolio management 投资组 合 管理

prime goods 精品

prime location 黄金地段

quoted company 上市公司

quoted price 上市 证券牌价

quoted share 上市股份

rights issue 增股,权利股发行

round up/down 四舍五入为整数

sales ledger 销货账

scrap value 废 料价值

seasonal fluctuation 季节性波动

seasonal rate 季节性收费

shipping senior management 高级管理

sexual harassment 性骚扰

invoice 装船发票

sick market 呆滞的市场

side benefit 附带利益

Sight draft 即期汇票,见票即付

similar benefit 疾病福利 sinking fund 偿债基金

slack season 淡季

sliding budget 弹性预算

slot machine 自动贩卖机

slow sale 滞销

sluggish market 市场疲软 slump in demand 需求急剧下降

socialize with 同…交往

spare part 备用零件

specific tariff 从量关税

spell out 清楚地说明

spot cash 货到付款

start-up capital(funding)启动资金

status quo 现状,对峙的局面

transaction 互惠信贷交易

state subsidy 国家补贴 sustainable growth 可持续增长

SWOT analysis 斯沃特分析

take-home pay 净收入

tangible asset 有形资产

tariff-rate quota 关税税率配额

tax avoidance =tax loophole(合法的)避税

tax evasion 逃税

tax relief 免税额

tax yield 税收收益

temporary post 临时职位

triterary industry 第三产业

threshold effect 临界效应

time sheet/card 考勤卡

trade creation effect 贸易开拓效果 trade dispute 贸易争端

trade discount 商业折扣

transition trade fair 交易会,商展 economy 转轨经济

ultimate consumer 最终用户

under supervision在监督下争论中 under the sponsorship of在赞助下under/in dispute 在

undifferentiated marketing 无差别市场策略

unlisted securities 不上市证券

virtual bank 虚拟银行

virtual reality 虚拟现实

visible trade 有形贸易

volume discount 大批量交易

waive duty 免收税款

warrant money 保证金

warrant of attachment 财产扣押令 water weak warrant of attorney(律师)委托书

waste assets 损耗资产

damage 水渍险

water stock 虚股

wax and wane 盈亏

product 滞销货

wear and tear 自然磨损

whole life insurance 终身保险

wholesale discount 批发折扣

with effect from 自..起效

with proviso 附有条件

withdraw deposit 提款

withdraw shares 退股

working withdraw receipt提款收据

without margin 无订金


working cash 周转资金

write up 提高账面价值

writing contract 书面合同

written permission 书面许可证

written statement of claim索赔清单

zero coupon bond 零息票债券

zero defect 无瑕疵

zero incremental cost 无增支成本

zero inventory 零库存

zero of indifference 无差异区域

zone of merchandise 商品 销售区 rub out 擦掉

loss-leading 低价吸引顾客

deliver the goods 信守承诺,交货

fly out 突然冲出

art editor 美术编辑

per rush into needless issue 每期

in the first place 首先

clash off 匆忙完成doing sth.冲动地做某事

to say 不用说的

In the heat of 在最激烈的时候

at the mercy of sth.受…支配

All sorts of 各种各样

let out 出 租

go through the roof 飞涨

fish for information 打探消息 blue stocking 才女

pay up service 只

pad the bill 作假帐

go native 入乡随俗

sing the blues 垂头

plump for 丧气

taken as a whole 作为一个整体

look back on 回顾 选中 financial news 财金新闻

product ranges 产品系列 on account of 因为

profound implication 深刻意义

even so 即便如此

lay a plethora of 过多的of necessity 必然地

area of expertise 专业领域

land a job 找一份工作

through thick and thin 不畏艰难困苦

factions 敌对势力连续

push through 完成warring cyber café 网吧

time off 休假,休息

in a row at one’s medical certificate 诊断书,健康状况证明书

discretion 自行决定

small and medium enterprises 中小型企业

float the company 让公司上市

job fair 招聘会

tremendous enlargement of brand portfolio 品牌组合方面有很大的扩张

general public 普通大众

get ahead of 胜过

knowledge array of 知识经济

fend off 避开

make a stand 停下,做个决定

take account of 考虑,顾及

unparalleled prosperous 空前繁荣




















An application has been filed by [name of applicant] for a [variance,exception,special use permit] to permit [purpose for zoning request] at[address]in the City of[city],County of [county],State of[state]

The property in question is presently zoned for[zoning],and the adjacent property is


As property owners in the area,the undersigned do hereby request that the pending application mentioned herein be denied by the [name of commission]on the following grounds:

[grounds for petition]


Unit 1 a Teamwork Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about teams and teamwork To practise reading for gist and specific information To enable students to make and change arrangements Important and difficult points:

Important words, the useful phrase to make an arrangement Teaching content: Assessing teams Speaking

rank requirements for successful teamwork and then decide if they work in good team.Reading 1

read through an article and decide how Cussons improved teamwork at its Polish subsidiary.Students then read the text again and match endings with sentence stems.Vocabulary

match verbs, preositions and nouns from the text, then summarise what happened at Cussons.Speaking

discuss how teamwork can help their class prepare for the Cambridge BEC exam.Unit 1 b Communication Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to take and leave telephone massages To raise awareness of clarity in spoken language To practise reading for gist and specific information To practise listening for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

Listening skills Teaching content: Keeping in touch Speaking

find out about each other’s use of various forms of communication Reading

read for gist through an article on English for international business and give each paragraph a heading.Students then answer comprehensiong questions.Speaking

discuss the difficulties of understanding spoken English.Leaving voice mails Listening 1

listen to five voice mails and match each with its purpose.The students then identify which of the calls they find difficult to understand and why.Language focus

focus on clarity in messages and phrases for leaving answer machine messages.Speaking

reformulate one of the voice mails to improve its clarity.Unit 2 a Entertaining a Client Teaching aims and requirements: To raise awareness of and practise techniques for encouraging conversation To practise speaking about general topics in preparation for the Speaking Test To practise reading for specific information Important and difficult points:

How to encourage conversation Teaching content: Choosing a restaurant Reading 1

look at a customer satisfaction form and choose the three most important criteria for judging a good restaurant.Speaking

students ask each other about the last restaurant they visited using the criteria from the form

Reading 2

read an advertisement for Porters restaurant to find which criteria are mentioned.Speaking

discuss the suitability of the restaurant for particular occasions.Describe the most memorable restaurant they have been to.Unit 2 b Corporate Hospitality Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about corporate hospitality To raise awareness of formal versus informal language in letters To review language for making and dealing with invitations To practise writing a letter of acceptance Important and difficult points:

How to mix business with pleasure Teaching content: Mixing business with pleasure Speaking

read mini-profiles and choose suitable ways of entertaining corporate guests

Reading 1

scan an article about a course on business socialising to find ways of entertaining corporate guests.Match paragraph heasing with paragraphs and then match endings with sentence stems.Speaking

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure.Arranging a company visit Reading 2

read a letter of invitation and decide what the invitation is for.And then read the letter again to answer true/false questions.Language focus

focus on the language of invitations: inviting/ offering/ thanking/ accepting/ declining.Writing

write a letter of a acceptance

Unit 3 a Ordering Goods Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about making and changing orders To raise awareness of clarity in writing and useful phrases for letter writing To parctise reading for specific information To practise writing short faxes To practise proof-reading Important and difficult points:

How to write short faxes Teaching content: Planing an order Speaking

discuss the qualities of a good supplier Reading 1

read a fax from the head office of a mail order company to a supplier and answer true/false questions Reading 2

read a badly organised fax about the order mentioned in the fax answer comprehension questions Writing

discuss ways of improving the calrity of the fax, then rewrite it.Discussing changes


listen to a conversation confirming details of an order.Listen again and note down funcitonal phrases.Then write formal written equivalents of these phrases.Language focus

match additional spoken and written functional phrases

Unit 3 b Cash Flow Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about day-to-day company finances To parctise reading for specific information To practise listening for specific information To practise note writing Important and difficult points:

The importance of cash flow Teaching content: Managing cash flow Speaking

brainstorm typical cash inflows and out flows at their company Reading

read a case study about a company with cash flow problems and answer some simple questions.then identigy the company’s cash inflows and outflows and complete a graph based on the company’s cash flow.Speaking

discuss reasons why small companies fail Improving cash flow Writing

read and respond to an e-mail to a consultant Listening

listen to a conversation with the consultant about early settlement discounts Language focus

focus on the use of conditionals 1 and 2 and look for examples in the tapescript Speaking

discuss ways of improving the company’s cash flow and their consequences.Unit 4 a Brand Power Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about brands and marketing To parctise reading for specific information To practise listening for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

The power of brand Teaching content: Selling points


say what brand they would buy for certain products and why Listening 1

listen to five short pieces and match reasons for buy products with the speakers Brandstretching

Reading 1

read an article and list ways in which supermarkets are stretching their brands.Speaking

discuss whether they would buy the products mentioned in the article Sainsbury’s bank Reading 2

read extracts from Sainsbury’s advertising leaflets and match them with financial products Speaking

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying several services from one provider

Unit 4 b Public Relations Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about PR To parctise reading for specific information To practise listening for specific information To practise writing a formal letter of invitation To enable students to describe their duties and responsibilities Important and difficult points:

How to organise a PR event Teaching content: What is public relations? Listening 1

sort duties into the responsibilities of the PR and Marketing Department.Students then listen to the PR Manager at Skoda describe her responsibilities Vocabulary

match verbs with phrases to list the PR Department’s duties and responsibilities Language focus

focus on language for describing duties and responsibilities Speaking

exchange informaiton about their own duties and responsibilites The benefits of good PR Listening 2

discuss how Skoda could have changed its image so dramatically.Students then listen to the Skoda Manager again and compare their answers.Speaking

discuss how they and the public see their own companies Organiding a PR event Reading

complete s schedule for organising a press launch Speaking

organise a press launch for a product of ther choice Writing

write a formal letter of invitation to the product launch

Unit 5 a Relocation Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about relocation To parctise reading for gist To practise listening for specific information To raise awareness of the features of report writing and practice writing reports To review comparative and language of similarity and difference Important and difficult points:

The reason for relocation Teaching content: Why do companies relocate? Speaking

discuss the reasons why companies relocate Reading 1

read a page from a brochure about relocating to Ireland and match paragraph headings with numbered paragraphs Language focus

focus on comparative and superlative forms Speaking

discuss the reasons given for relocating to Ireland and put them in order of importance for their company Arranging to relocate Speaking

discuss the reasons why people relocate and the arrangements they have to make Reading 2

read a report on a relocation company, Fenway Software, and tick the services which meet its needs Language focus

focus on the structure, layout and typical phrases used in reports Listening

listen to a conversation and tick the services a different relocation company offers

Unit 5 b New Premises Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about office space and facilities To practise listening for directions To practise letter writing

To review the language of suggesting Important and difficult points:

How to lease office space Teaching content: Finding the right location


listen to someone giving directions and mark an office site on a map Speaking

give each other directions Writing

write a letter requesting further information about office premises Reading

read an article about office location and match endings with sentence stems Leasing office space Speaking

allocate office space to management, staff and facilities in a company.Then discuss important considerations when choosing office sites.Unit 6 a Reporting Results Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about company performance To practise reading and listening for specific information To practise report writing

To review the language of change including cause and effect Important and difficult points:

How to describe the reporting results Teaching content: Measuring performance Speaking

discuss how companies measure performance and report results Listening

listen to a TV news report and pick out the performance indicators mentioned.Then listen again and answer comprehension question.Students listen once more and complete a graph.Vocabulary

scan the tapescript to find verbs/nouns describing change Speaking

do an information exchange activity in which they complete graphs/bar charts Annual reports


match sentences with extracts from the Chiarman’s Statement from annual reports Speaking

rank the extracts in terms of how positive the results are Vocabulary

skim the extracts for connectors of cause and effect and add alternatives Speaking

look at financial information about two companies and decide which company they would prefer to invest in


write a short report explaining their decision

Unit 6 b Environmental Report Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about the impact of business on the environment To practise listening for specific information To practise report writing

To review and practiselanguage of giving presentations Important and difficult points:

How to give presentations Teaching content: Assessing environmental impact Speaking

complete a questionnaire assessing the enviromental impact of each other’s companies.Students then think of three ways to reduce this impact Environmental performance Listening

listen to a presentation about ICI’s environmental record and answer multiple-choice questions Speaking

summarise the four main ICI initiatives and rank them.Students then discuss how companies can balance the interests of customers and shareholders with a commitment to the environment Language focus

focus on presentations including typical phrases for presenting


work in groups to prepare a brief presentation using information about a chemical company’s environmental performance Writing

write a brief report on the company’s environmental performance.Unit 7 a Health and Safety Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about health and safety To practise listening for specific information To practise reading for gist and specific information To review the language of obligation Important and difficult points:

How to describe the injuries at work Teaching content: Injuries at work Speaking

discuss what kind of injuries can happen in an office Reading 1

match percentages with the frequency of certain types of office accident Speaking

discuss how they think sucn accidents happen and how they can be prevented Listening

listen to a conversation and complete an accident report form Language focus

focus on language of obligation/absence of obligation Speaking

talk about employers’ and employee’s health and safety obligations in the workplace How safe is your workplace? Reading 2

match paragraph headings with paragraphs in a brochure about risk assessment.Students then insert missing sentences into the same text.Speaking

assess features of their working environment and discuss how the three worst features could be improved

Unit 7 b Rights at Work Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about work-related and their legal implications To practise listening for gist To practise reading for gist and specific information To review passives Important and difficult points:

How to describe rights at work Teaching content: Know your rights Speaking

discuss statements about smoking in the workplace Reading

read a bulletin about an industrial tribunal on smoking and answer gist questions then true/false questions Speaking

discuss the decision of the industrial tribunal.Language focus

read the bulletin to find examples of passives and group them under functions they perform Writing

formulate a smoking policy for their office and write a memo informing staff of the policy Problems at work Listening

listen to five short pieces to identify which work problems are being talked about Speaking

decide if the dismissals mentioned on the cassette were fair.Then disscuss how they would deal with other work-related problems.Unit 8 a Business Expenses Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about expenses To practise listening for gist and specific information To practise reading for specific information To practise memo writing Important and difficult points:

How to claim business expenses Teaching content: Claiming expenses Speaking

discuss the expenses people typically incur on business trips Listening 1

listen to three telephone calls about expenses and complete forms Speaking

explain the system for claiming expenses in their company and discuss how it could be improved A new expenses claims system Reading

read a memo about a new expenses claims system and answer questions.Speaking

discuss the advantages/disadvantages of the system Listening 2

listen to five telephone messages and match them with the purpose of the calls Writing

write a short memo to staff concerning expenses Speaking

tell each other about feelings which might be experienced when claiming expenses

Unit 8 b Business Travel Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about air thravel To practise listening for gist

To practise reading for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

Airline services Teaching content: Airline services Speaking

look at a list of airline services and agree on the top three services for business travellers Listening

listen to five short pieces to identify which airline services are being talked about


discuss which airlines they have flown with and their feelings about the services offered No frills flying


discuss differences between mainstream and low-cost airlines Reading 1

read an article and note the mainstream and low-cost airlines mentioned.The students think of a heading for each paragraphs then answer true/false questions based on the article Speaking

discuss how they see the future for mainstream and low-cost airlines Reading 2

read comments about flights with low-cost airlines and match seven statements with the appropriate comments Speaking

discuss their positive and negative experiences of air travel

Unit 9 a Flexible Benefits Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about employment benefits To practise listening for specific information To practise reading for gist and specific information Important and difficult points:

Know the flexible benefits Teaching content: Benefits


discuss the benefits offered by their own companies Reading 1

read mini-profiles and suggest suitable benefits for the people described Speaking

discuss which of the listed benefits would attract them Hwo flexible benefits work Reading 2

read an explanation of the PricewaterhouseCoopers benefits system, Choices, and explain in what way it is flexible.Students then read the text again and answer true/false questions Speaking

discuss the importance of benefits when considering a job offer.The advantages of flexible benefits Readign 3

match five short extracts with benefits options Listening

listen to a PricewaterhouseCoopers manager talk about Choices and answer multiple-choice questions Speaking

complete a table listing the benefits of Choices for both employees and company.And then discuss what employment benefits their own companies could introduce and what effect they would have.Unit 9 b Staff Appraisal Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about appraisals To practise listening for gist

To practise reading for specific information Important and difficult points:

The problems of appraisal systems Teaching content: The role of appraisals Speaking

discuss the purpose of appraisals at their workplace then decide on the three most important reasons for appraisals Listening

listen to five short pieces about appraisals and match them with the main topic of each extract Speaking

discuss how to ensure the success of an appraisal before, during and after the interview.Monitoring performance Reading

read an article about staff appraisals and discuss the problems with some appraisal methods Writing

write an e-mail to managers about staff appraisals

Unit 10 a Marketing Disasters Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about marketing To practise listening for gist

To practise reading for specific information To practise asking for information To review conditonal 3 and other ways of expressing hindsight Important and difficult points:

How to express hindsight Teaching content: The marketing mix Speaking

discuss the four Ps of the marketing mix and how they apply to a package holiday Reading 1

match sentences with four paragraphs about marketing disasters Speaking

discuss how these marketing mistakes could have been avoided Promotions that failed Reading 2

read stories about three promotions that failed and decide how each story ended Speaking

ask the teacher YES/NO questions to find out what went wrong in each case Listening

listen to three people talking about the same stories and identify which each speakers is talking about

Languages focus

read the tapescript to find examples of conditional sentences.Focus on different ways of expressing hindsight Speaking

rank the stories from most to least avoidable then students tell their own stories of marketing disasters

Unit 10 b Going Global Teaching aims and requirements: To enable students to talk about entering foreign markets To practise listening for specific information To practise reading for specific information Important and difficult points:

How to choose the product to go global Teaching content: Choosing the right product Speaking

think of three globally successful products and why they are successful.Students put the products into a framework for analysing the suitability of products for globlisation.And then they put four Marriot hotel brands into the framework Reading

read a Marriot cast study and check their analysis of the brands Speaking

discuss globalisation issues raised by the text Entering the market Listening

listen to a consultant discuss different ways of entering a foreign market and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions.Students listen again and list the advantages/disadvantages of the various methods of market entry Speaking

discuss their company’s exports and how they entered foreign markets.Students play a board game based on entering a foreign market.



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    近义词辨析1 facility, plant, works, function Facility 指“能够或易于做某事的环境、设备等”;plant等同于factory,意为“工厂、车间”, 多用于美语,尤为工业加工者;works指......


    剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试内容总体内容: 考试分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为笔试,包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试。考试时间分别为:BEC 初级 阅读、写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写......


    BEC商务英语口试自我介绍必备用语1 1)Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 2)Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。......


    BEC商务英语活学活用:办公设备 难度:适中 作者:沪江英语 来源:网络 沪江小编:BEC商务英语,商务英语考试中的No.1,含金量已经无需多言。但是,无论是还在犹豫是否要参加BEC考试的,还是......


    Telesales电话销售Telemarketing电话营销Cold-calling无约电话Hard sell强行销售inertia selling惯性销售confusion marketing混乱销售 a loss leader亏本出售的廉价品a nic......


    BEC备考经验收集 一、 1.重视同步辅导和口语书里里面的背景词汇和阅读里面的词汇。 2..研究真题研究考试,多动脑筋才是问题的关键。 3.缺乏工商和管理类的背景知识,就注重研究......


    Module 1 1.1 Business Topic World of work 词语准备 business n. 工商企业;商行;商业technique n. 技巧 cross-culture adj.跨文化的 Internet n.因特网,国际互联网 pr......