
时间:2019-05-14 19:52:03下载本文作者:会员上传


people [5pi:pl] n.1.[用作person的复数]人;人们 2.[the ~]人民,国民;民众;平民 3.[用作单或复]一国人民;民族 v.居住于,构成…的人口

【例句】The government of the ~, by the ~, and for the ~ shall not perish form the earth.民有、民治、民享的政府将永世长存。【认知】广义词。―peop‖与―pop‖为变体,含义为―crowd;nation‖(人民;民众)。在言语中使用时常不包括说话者自己在内。

job [dVCb] n.1.(一件)工作,活儿,活计;零活 2.做的工作,需特别费力的事

【例句】Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small ~s.如果化整为零,什么工作都不会太【认知】本词的核心意义与―工作‖具有关联性。本词侧重于困难性。

world [wE:ld] n.1.世界,地球,天下2.人类;世人;众人 3.人世,今世;来世

【例句】Naked came I into the ~.and naked must I go out.我赤身来到民世上,也必须赤身离去。【认知】G。本词的核心意义与―人 — 纪元‖具有关联性。本词强调人文的方面。

work [wE:k] n.1.工作(量),劳动,作业 2.职业,差事 3.工作成果;产品,著作,作品 4.作用,效果 v.1.工作;干活,劳动(~ out)2.起作用,有效

【例句】The English public takes no interest in a ~ of art until it is told the ~ in question is immoral.在有人说一件作品不道德之前,英国大众对这一作品不感兴趣。【认知】广义词。本词的核心意义与―to do;act‖(做;行为)具有关联性。

society [sE5saiEti] n.1.社会,2.(社会)阶层,界 3.交往,相处;交往活动

【例句】Books introduce us into the best ~;they bring us into the best ~;they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived.书籍把我们引入最好的交际圈,带我们去见古往今来最伟大的智者。【认知】广义词。词根为―soci‖,含义为―companion;to join‖(联合)。

age [eidV] n.1.年龄 2.成年;法定年龄 3.生命中的一个阶段(for ages)4.老年;老 v.变陈旧;变老;显老 【例句】Age is very high price to pay for maturity.年龄是为成熟付出的极高代价。

first [fE:st] a.1.第一(位)的,首要的;第一流的,(地位、职位)最高的 2.最先的,最早的,最前面的 3.基本的,概要的 n.第一个人;第一件事 【例句】Read the best books ~, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.先读最好的书,否则你也许永远没机会读它们了。【认知】本词整体含义具有积极色彩。

study [5stQdi] n.1.学习;攻读;[常作studies]学业 2.研究;探讨 3.书房 v.1.学习;攻读;研读 2.研究;调查 【例句】I ~ myself more than any other subjects;it is my metaphysics, and my physics.我研究自己多于别的任何题目。这是我的形而上学,我的物理学。

well [wel] ad.1.好,妥善地有利地令人满意(或愉快)地 2.完全地,充分地 3.很相当;可观地 4.有理由地;正确地(as ~)a.良好的;妥善的;有利的;令人满意(或愉快)的

【例句】There are two kinds of people: those who are always ~ and those who are always sick.Most of the devils of the world come from the first sort and most of the achievements from the second.人分成两种:总是健康的和总是病弱的。世上大多数坏事都出自第一种人,大多数成就都出自第二种人。

want [wCnt] v.1.要,想要,希望 2.缺乏,缺少(for ~ of)3.想与(某人)谈话 4.缉拿,追捕

【例句】Knowledge itself is power.知识本身就是力量。【认知】G。

practice [ 5prAktis ] n.1.(反复)练习2.熟练 3.(in ~)实践;实施,实行;(知识的)应用;经验 4.惯常做法,惯例;习俗

【例句】When you say that you agree to thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in ~.当你说你原则上同意时,意思是你实际上要本就不打算去做。

view [ vju: ] n.1.观看,看 2.视力;视域;视野 3.被看见的东西;(从特定处所看到的)景色 4.[有时作~ s]看法,见解;观点 5.目标;打算(with a ~ to)

【例句】Nothing would more contribute to make a man wise than to have always an enemy in his ~.视域里总是有个敌人,再没有什么比这更能使人明智了。

different [5difrEnt] a.1.差异的,不同的(~ from, than)2.不平常的,与众不同的,别致的,罕见的

【例句】Every man is ~ from other people, and he is not the same self from day to day.每个人都与他人不同,每一天他也不是同一个自我。

developments [di5velEpmEnt] n.1.形成,研制,培育,开发 2.生长,进化,发展 3.发展(或培育等)的结果,产物 4.发达 5.发展(或成长,进化等)的阶段 6.事态发展,新情况,新闻7.开发的房地产

【例句】The psychic ~ of the individual is a short repetition of the course of ~ of the race.个体的精神发展是人类发展过程的短暂重复。

happy [ 5hApi ] a.1.(显得或感到)愉快的,高兴的,满意的 2.(表示)乐意的 3.(事情)幸运的

【例句】The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history.最幸福的女人犹如最幸福的民族,没有历史可言。【认知】本词的核心意义与―hap(机缘,运气,偶然发生)‖具有关联性。

death [ deW ] n.1.死,死亡;(植物的)枯萎 2.灭亡,破灭,毁灭,终止,结束 3.致死原因 【例句】We understand ~ for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love.当死神的手落在我们所爱的人身上时,我们第一次懂得了死亡的含义。

kind [ kaind ] a.1.友好的;亲切的 2.和蔼的;仁慈的3.富于同情心的;宽容的,心胸宽在的 n.1.种类 2.[the ~] 特定种类的人;同类的人(或事物)3.(动、植物等的)类,族;种,属

【例句】Knowledge is of two ~s.We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.知识分为两种:自己掌握一门学问,或者知道在哪里可以获得关于它的资料。

live [ liv ] v.1.活;生存(~ by, on, upon)2.度(过),经历(过)(~ through)3.(小说、戏剧中的人物)栩栩如生 a.1.活的,有生命的 2.生动活泼的3.精力充沛的ad.[laiv] 在(或从)现场,以现场直播方式

【例句】 He most ~s who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.思考最深广、感受最高尚、行为最优秀的人活得最充实。

needs [ ni:dz ] v.1.需要 2.须要,定要 3.缺少,欠缺 n.1.需要(物);必要 2.缺少,欠缺 3.缺衣少食,贫困 【例句】 Do not buy what you want, but what you ~;what you do not ~ is a dear at a farthing.不要买想要的东西,而要买需要的东西。不需要的东西即使花一文钱也是昂贵的。

shortage [ 5FC:tidV ] n.1.不足,短少 2.不足之额


place [ pleis ] n.1.地方,地点;场所,所在地 2.合适的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置;适当的时刻(或场合)3.(社会)地位,等级,身份;重要地位,高位;名望 v.放置;安置;安排

【例句】Everyone has talent.What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark ~ where it leads.人人都不乏才能。罕见的是跟随才能到它所指引的暗处去的勇气。

word [ wE:dz ] n.1.词,单词;字 2.谈话 3.话;词句;言辞,言语 4.消息,信息;传闻,谣言(Word has it that …)【例句】A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other ~s, that he is wiser today than he way yesterday.人绝不应耻于承认自己犯过的错误。换一句话,勇于承认错误不过是说明他今天比昨天更聪明。

perfect [ 5p:fikt ] a.1.完美的;理想的 2.完好的,完整的;健全的 3.完全的,绝对的;十足的,地道的 4.精通的;娴熟的 5.精确的;绝对正确的 v.1.(使)完美,改善,提高 2.(使)完全;完成 【例句】Perfect courage is to do without witnesses what one would be capable of doing before all the world.十足的勇敢是在没人在场的情况下做众目睽睽时做到的事。

food [ fu:d ] n.1.食物;(固体)食品 2.资料;精神滋养

【例句】If God were to appear to starving people, he would not dare to appear in any other form than ~.上帝假如对饥饿的人们显圣,他是不会以除了食物之外的任何形态出现。

human [ 5hju:mEn ] a.1.人的,人类的 2.显示人的本性的;有人性的;通人情的 n.人

【例句】I am a man, and nothing ~ can be of indifference.我是个人,对有关人的一切都不能无动于衷。【认知】本词的核心意义与―homo;man‖(土地;泥土)具有关联性;英语文化宗教认为―人是上帝使用黏土制造的‖。

government [ 5^QvEnmEnt ] n.1.[常作G-] 政府,内阁 2.政体;体制 3.治理,管理,支配

【例句】Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself ~.言论自由只有在政府认为自己安全时才能存在。【认知】G。

play [ plei ] n.1.玩;游戏;玩笑 2.剧本;戏剧;(戏剧的)演出 3.活动;操作;(才智等的)运用 4.作用;影响(to give full play to)v.1.玩,做(游戏)2.参加(体育活动、比赛等)3.开(玩笑)4.扮演(角色等);演出


pay [ pei ] v.1.付钱给,给…报酬 2.付,支付 3.给予(注意等)(to ~ attention to);致以(问候等);进行(访问等)(to ~ a visit to)4.对…有利,对…有好处(to ~ off)5.产生…利润;(工作等)有…报酬 n.1.工资,薪金 2.报偿;报应,惩罚 3.付钱

【例句】Censure is the tax a man ~s to the public for being eminent.遭受指摘是一个人由于出众而向公众纳的税。

buy [ bai ] v.1.买,买得 2.(出一定代价)获得,换得,赢得 3.向…行贿,收买 4.<口>相信,接受;同意 【例句】It‘s good to have money to ~ things that money can ~, but it‘s better not to lose things money cannot ~.有钱买钱得到好东西,别失去钱买不到的东西更好。

【例句】Beauty ~ little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire.徒具华丽的服吏美人增色不多,却使丑人减色不少。

medical [ 5medikEl ] a.1.医学的;医疗的;医用的 2.内科的

【例句】If a man is good in his heart, then he is an ethical member of any group in society.if he is bad in his heart, he is an unethical member.To me, the ethics of ~ practice is as simple as that.一个如果内心是善良的,在任何社会集团都是道德的成员;如果内心是邪恶的,就是不道德的成员。对于我,从医的道德和这一样简单。

remember [ ri5membE ] v.1.记得,回想起 2.牢记,记住,不忘记

【例句】Happiness isn‘t something you experience;it‘s something you ~.幸福不是你经历的事情,而是你记得的事情。

success [ sEk5ses ] n.1.成就;成功;好结果,好成绩;胜利 2.发迹;兴旺;升迁 3.成功的事物;取得成就的人 4.结果;效果

【例句】 There is only one ~ to be able to spend your life in your own way.成功只有一种:能够以自己的方式度过一生。

difficulty [ 5difikElti ] n.1.难,困难性,困难程度 2.困难,难事3.费劲 4.难点,难题 5.麻烦;麻烦的起因 【例句】Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one‘s thoughts into action is the most ~ in the world.思想容易行动难,把思想化为行动则是世上第一难事。

bring [ briN ] v.1.把…带至说话人所在处(或指定处),带来,拿来 2.把…引来 3.促使,说服,劝使,影响 4.导致,招致;产生(~ about)

【例句】You will not find poetry anywhere unless you ~ some of it with you.如果不自己带些诗,你在哪儿也找不到。

believe [ bi5li:v ] v.(Believe it or not)1.相信,相信…的真实性 2.相信(某人)的话 3.认为;猜想,料想 【例句】 The liar‘s punishment is not the least that he is not ~d, but that he cannot ~ anyone else.说谎者受到的惩罚绝不是没有人相信他,而是他无法相信任何人。

improve [ im5pru:v ] v.1.改进,改善;增进 2.提高(土地、地产)的

【例句】People seldom ~ when they have no other model but themselves to copy after.人们在除了自己便没有其他榜样效仿时,难取得进步。

mind [ maind ] n.1.头脑;智力;知识(to bear in mind)2.理智;健全的心智,正常的神志 3.(区别于身躯或物质的)心,精神 4.心情,情绪 5.想法,见解,意见;主意 v.1.注意 2.小心,当心 3.[我用于否定句或疑问句]介意;反对

【例句】The purpose of education is to replace an empty ~ with an open one.教育的目的是将空虚的头脑换成开放的头脑。

science [ 5saiEns ] n.1.科学 2.自然科学;(科学的)学科 3.(可用科学方法研究或应用科学方法的)科学事物 4.技术,技巧 5.科学研究;真理探索

industry [ 5indEstri ] n.1.勤奋,勤劳 2.(创造价值的)有组织劳动;经常的工作 3.工业,企业;行业,业;(有利可图的)行当

【例句】In the ordinary business of life ~ can do anything which genius can do, and very many things which it cannot.在普通的生活事务中,勤劳能够做天才能做的任何事情,以及天才所不能做的许许多多事情。

die [ dai ] vi.1.死亡,死 2.(植物)枯死,凋谢 3.消失,灭亡;停止,结束 4.减弱,逐渐消失,(声音等)渐变微弱 5<口>[常用于进行时态]渴望,切望(~ for)

【例句】Better to ~ on one‘s feet than live on one‘s knees.站着死胜过跪着生。

education [ 7edju(:)5keiFEn ] n.1.教育,培养;训练;教育程度 2.受到的教育;通过教育(或训练等)所得到的知识(或技能,修养)3.教育学

【例句】Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.教育是学过的东西被忘掉后尚存的东西。

chance [ tFB:ns ] n.1.机会,际遇 2.可能性;或然性;[常作~s]很有可能发生的情况(by ~)

【例句】In the field of observation, ~ favours the prepared mind.在观察的领域里,机遇垂青于有准备的头脑。

interesting [ 5intristiN ] a.有趣的;引起兴趣的;令人关注的

【例句】The secret of a man who is universally ~ is that he is universally interested.引起大家兴趣的人,其秘密在于他对事事都感兴趣。

true [ tru: ] a.1.真实的,确实的;如实的 2.真的,真正的,非人造的 3.实质的,基本的 4.忠实的,忠诚的 5.可靠的,确凿的,无疑的

【例句】He who thinks himself more blessed because he enjoys benefits which others do not, is ignorant of ~ blessedness.由于享有他人所无的好处而自以为更幸福的人,不懂得什么是真正的幸福。

newspaper [ 5nju:speipE ] n.1.报纸,报 2.报社 【例句】Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without ~s, or ~s without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.假如由我来决定应当要个政府而没有报纸,还是要报纸而没有政府,我会不迟疑地选择后者。

saying [ 5seiiN ] n.1.要说的话;所说的话;意见 2.发言机会;发言权 3.[常作the ~] 决定权

【例句】 Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, not less wise, to balance it.几乎所有的名言都有意思相反的一句,其智慧并不逊色,以便使之平衡。

birth [ bE:Ws ] n.1.出生 2.分娩 3.血统;出身 4.起源;根源(to give ~ to)【例句】Birth is nothing where virtue is not.品德不好,出身微不足道。

technology [ tek5nClEdVi ] n.1.技术(学),工艺(学),工业技术 2.[总称]术语,专门用语 3.技术应用(或方法)

【例句】Technology … is a queer thing;it brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.技术……是种古怪的东西。它一手递过不非凡的礼物,一手在你背后戳上一刀。


【例句】The university brings out all abilities including incapability.大学使学生显露所有才能,包括无能。

condition [ kEn5diFEn ] n.1.状况,状态;[~s]环境,形势 2.健康状况,病3.良好状况(或程度);可工作(或使用销售等)的状态(或程度);健康(程度)4.地位,身份 5.(先决)条件,前提v.是……的条件,决定(~ed to);使取决于(~ on);影响,变更

【例句】All art constantly aspires towards the ~ of music.一切艺术都不懈地追求音乐的状态。

enjoy [ in5dVCi ] v.1.喜爱,享受……的乐趣;乐于;欣赏,喜爱 2.享有,享受 3.经历

【例句】Optimist: A man who gets treed by a lion but ~s the scenery.乐观主义者:被狮子逼得上了树还欣赏风景的人。

attention [ E5tenFEn ] n.(~ attention to)1.注意;专心;留心 2.注意力 3.考虑;关心;照料

【例句】No one is safe from slander.The best way is to pay no ~ to it, but live innocence and let the world talk.没有谁免于诽谤。最好的办法是不予理会,洁身自好,任凭人们去说。

ill [ il ] a.1.[常作表语]有病的;不健康的;要呕吐的 2.坏的;邪恶的;有害的;令人讨厌的 3.不利的;不吉利的 4.敌意的,不友善的;冷酷无情的,残酷的 5.不良的;不恰当的

【例句】One of the minor pleasures of life is to be slightly ~.人生的若干小快乐之一是得场小病。

progress [ 5prEu^res ] n.1.进步,上进;生长;进展;(不断的)改进 2.前进,行进

【例句】Modesty makes one ~ whereas conceit makes one lay behind.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

choose [ tFu:z ] v.1.选择,挑选;(投票)选举2.情愿;决定;认为…妥当(to choose A over B)

【例句】Life isn‘t a choice.Something comes up or it doesn‘t.A lot of choices ~ you.人生不是选择。有些事情也许发生,也许不发生。有许多选择在选择你。

open [ 5EupEn ] a.1.开着的 2.无遮盖的 3.空旷的;开阔的 4.散开的;稀疏的;稀松的 5.(道路等)可通行的,无障碍的(~ to)6.(职位等)空缺的;可利用的 7.空闲的,无约会的 8.开始营业(或工作)的;活动着的 9.正在考虑的,尚未决定的 10.无偏见的,能接受新思想的 11.慷慨的,大方的 v.1.开,打开;睁开;张开;展开 2.开辟;清除(道路等)的障碍物;开垦 3.开始;开设,开办 【例句】 Don‘t tell a woman she‘s pretty;tell her there is no other woman like her, and all roads will ~ to you.别对女人说她漂亮。对她说她与众不同,所有道路就都会向你开放。

finish [ 5finiF ] v.1.完成,结束 2.用完;吃完;耗尽 3.给…最后加工

【例句】Genius begins great works;labor alone ~ed them.天才开创非凡的工作,劳动独自完成它们。

spend [ spend ] v.(~ on)1.花费,用(钱)2.花(时间等);度过;消磨 3.消耗,用尽(气力等)4.浪费,滥用

【例句】To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, but to ~ it wisely most difficult.取得财富难,保持它更难,但明智地运用它最难。

cause [ kC:z ] n.1.原因,起因(可指事物或人)2.(正当的)理由,(充分的)根据;动机3.事业;运动;勾当 4.要求决定的事,有争议的事 v.1.(使)产生,(使)发生,引起 2.使,促使

【例句】The best way to restrain one‘s anger is to ~ calmly how shameful it is when one is angry.抑制怒气的最好办法,是平静地观看别人愤怒时的表现有多么丢脸。

economic [ 7i:kE5nCmik ] a.1.经济学的 2.经济的,经济上的 3.关系国计民生的;有实用价值的 4.节约的,省俭的(常用economical)

【例句】We talk of freedom, but today political freedom does not take us far unless there is ~ freedom.我们谈到自由,但如今若没有经济上的自由,政治自由就起不到多大作用。【认知】 ―eco-‖有两层含义,其一―环境的,生态的,生态学的‖,其二为―房子 — 家庭的,经济的(money)‖。本词核心含义为―domestic management‖。

fit [ fit ] a.(~ for)1.适合的,合适的,恰当的 2.正当的,正确的 3.健康的,强健的 4.相称的,称职的 v.1.(使)适合;(使)符合;与…相称 2.(使)配合 3.(使)适应,(使)成一致

【例句】When you read a biography remember that the truth is never ~ for publication 在读传记的时候,别忘了真相是不宜于公开的。

healthy [ 5helWi ] a.1.健康的,健壮的,显得健康的 2.<喻> 有益健康的

【例句】I have no relish for the country;it is a kind of ~ grave.我对乡下不感兴趣。那是一种有益健康的坟墓。

run [ rQn ] v.1.跑,奔 2.(和…)交往,结伴 3.(道路等)伸展,延展 4.(活动、报道等)继续,持续5.开动(机器),操作(机器)6.经营;管理;开办 【例句】You take all the experience and judgment of men over 50 out of the world and there wouldn‘t be enough left to ~ it.把年过半百者的经验见识统统拿走,剩下的将不足以管理这个世界。

match [ mAtF ] n.1.火柴 2.对手;敌手 3.相配(或相同、相似)的人(或物)4.比赛,竞赛的约定 【例句】I‘m not denying that women are foolish;God Almighty made them to ~ the men.我不是在否认女人愚蠢,全能的上帝造成了她们以与男人相配。

answer [ 5B:nsE ] v.1.回答,答复 2.对…作出反应,响应 3.适应,适合 4.负有责任,须作交代(~ to;~ for)n.1.回答 2.反应;回报 3.答案,解决办法 4.(在地位、实力等方面)相当的人;对应物

【例句】A man usually falls in love with the woman who asks the kind of questions he is able to ~.男人通常爱上所提的问题不出他所能够回答的范围的女人。

policy [ 5pClisi ] n.1.方针;政策 2.计谋;办法

【例句】In the field of world ~, I would dedicate this nation to the ~ of a good neighbor.在世界政策方面,我将使我国致力于睦邻政策。

rich [ ritF ] a.1.富的,有钱的 2.富饶的;繁茂的 3.盛产的;肥沃的(~ in)4.宝贵的;精致华丽的 5.意味深长的;内容丰富的 n.[the ~] [总称] [用作复] 富人,有钱人

【例句】One is not ~ by what one owns, but more by what one is able to do without with dignity.一个人的富有不是凭着他所拥有的东西,而更是凭着他能够没有而保持尊严的东西。【认知】词根―rich‖与―rex‖为变体关系,含义为―king‖(国王 — 富裕的)。

environment [ in5vaiErEnmEnt ] n.1.环境 2.环境艺术

【例句】What is the thing called health? Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his ~.Obviously, such states cannot be common, for the ~ is in constant flux.称为健康的东西是什么?


term [ tE:m ] n.1.专门名词,名称,术语 2.期,期限;任期 3.学期 4.[~s](契约、谈判等的)条件;条款 5.[~s]说话的方式,措辞(in ~ of)6.[~s]关系,交谊;地位 v.把…称为,把…叫做

【例句】Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in ~s of the not worth knowing.神学就是努力用不值一知的词语去解释可知的事情。

possible [ 5pCsEbl ] a.1.可能的;有可能做得到(或行到)的 2.有发展前途的,有潜在价值的

【例句】How is it ~ to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning? 人类甚至连警告都无意接受,期待他们接受劝告又如何可能?

present [ pri5zent ] v.1.赠送;授予;呈献 2.提出;提供;递交;向…提出(或提供、递交)3.显示,呈现;表现;描述,向…显示(或表现)4.(尤指在正式场合)引见,介绍 a.1.[一般作表语]出席的;存在的 2.现在的;正在处理(或考虑)中的 n.1.礼物,赠品 2.(at ~)现在,目前

【例句】The man who is perfectly pleased with the ~ state of things is a failure.完全满足现状的人是个失败者。

lead [ li:d ] v.1.(尤指前行而)为…带路;领(路);为…指路;引领 2.牵;引;运 3.致使;使得(~ to)4.劝导;怂恿;引诱 5.度过(时间、生活)6.开始;开创(时尚)

【例句】He who has confidence in himself will ~ the rest.自信的人将领导其余的人。

market [ 5mB:kit ] n.1.集市;市场,商业中心 2.商品买卖活动 v.销售,出售

【例句】If fools went not to ~, bad wares would not be sold.傻瓜不上市场,劣货不会售出。

information [ 7infE5meiFEn ] n.1.信息,情报;资料 2.通知,告知 3.[计](可在计算机中贮存和查找的)数据,资料 【例句】As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best ~.一般而言,生活中最成功的是拥有最佳信息的人。

prevent [ pri5vent ] v.1.阻止;制止;妨碍(~ from)2.防止,预防

【例句】The most correct way to ~ war is not afraid of it.防止战争的最正确方法是无惧于战争。

suddenly [5sQdEnlI] ad.突然地;出乎意料地

【例句】 You‘re never quite sure how you feel about a neighbor until a ―For Sale‖ sign suddenly appears in front of his house.在―待售‖的招牌突然出现在邻人屋外之前,你永远拿不太准自己对他的看法如何。

period [ 5piEriEd ] n.1.(一段)时间,时期,阶段;时代 2.[the ~]该时期,该时代;当代,现代 3.周期

【例句】I never think that half an hour is an insignificantly short ~ of time.我从不以为半小时是微不足道的一小段时间。

strong [ strCN ] a.1.强有力的;强大的;强健的 2.牢固的;坚牢的 3.坚定的;积极的 4.有说服力的 5.精通的,擅长的 【例句】The weak have one weapon: The errors of those who think they are ~.弱者拥有一种武器:那些自以为是强者的人的错误。


【例句】No man really becomes a fool until he ~s asking questions.只要没有停止提问,一个人就没有真正成为傻瓜。

benefit [ 5benifit ] n.1.益处,好处;帮助 2.(生病、年老、失业等时的)救济金;(根据保险规定所得的)保险金(或服务)vi.得益,得到好处(~ by, ~ from)【例句】Heroes exterminate each other for the ~ of people who are not heroes.英雄好汉为了不是英雄好汉的人们的权益而互相残杀。

common [ 5kCmEn ] a.1.(in ~)公共的,共有的,共同(做)的;(影响)公众的 2.普通的,通常的;日常的 3.无特权的,平民的 4.劣等的,次的 5.粗俗的,粗鲁的

【例句】Common sense is not sense ~ to everyone, but sense in ~ things.常识不是对每个人都属平常的知识,而是关于平常事物的知识。

relationship [ ri5leiFEnFip ] n.1.关系,关联 2.(国际、人际等的)关系;感情关系 3.亲属关系,家属关系;姻亲关系

【例句】There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming ~, communion, or company than a good marriage.世上没有比美满的婚姻更愉快、友好和迷人的关系、交流或陪伴。

control [kEn5tr[Jl] v.1.控制;指挥;管理 2.克制,抑制

【例句】If we can ~ wealth, we will live in abundance and freedom;if we are ~ed by wealth, we will be poor to the bone.如果能够支配财富,就会生活得富裕而自由;如果被财富所支配,就会穷困到潦倒不堪。

rather [ 5rB:TE(r)] ad.1.宁可,宁愿;最好 2.[常接用于or后,修正或补充上文]更确切些 3.[用以使证据婉转]有几分,有点儿 4.[用以强调] 相当,颇 【例句】True friendship foresees the needs of others ~ than proclaims its own.真正的友谊预见别人的需要而非显示自己的需要。

happen [5hApEn] v.1.(偶然)发生 2.[后接不定式] 碰巧;恰

【例句】Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.人们间或绊倒在真理上,但大多数都爬起来就匆匆离去,似乎什么事也没发生。

thank [ WANk ] v.谢谢,感谢

【例句】I‘ve had an happy life, ~s to God.我有过幸福的生活,感谢上帝。

wish [ wiF ] v.1.希望,想要 2.[表示不能实现或与现实相悖的愿望]但愿 3.祝,祝愿 4.向…道(早安等)5.[表示婉转的命令]请求,要求

【例句】He is great who can do what he ~es;he is wise who ~es to do what he can.想做什么便能做什么的人伟大,能做什么便愿做什么的人聪明。

greatly [5^reItlI] ad.1.大大地,非常,很 2.崇高地;高贵地;威严地

【例句】We love justice ~, and just men but a little.我们极其热爱公正,而公正的人只是略为喜欢而已。

master [ 5mB:stE(r)] n.1.(男)主人;(男)户主;雇主 2.有控制(或使用、处理)权人 3.(技艺高超的)艺术

【例句】A wise man never ~s anything if he have himself.智者只拥有自己就什么都不会失去。

reform [ ri5fC:m ] v.1.改革;改良;改造(社会等)2.改造(人),使改过自新 3.革除(弊病、陋习等)【例句】 To ~ a man is a tedious and uncertain labour;hanging the sure work of a minute.改造人是冗长而无把握的工作,绞刑则是举手之劳。

solve [ sClv ] v.1.解决;阐明;解释 2.解,解答(数学题)

【例句】Science is always wrong: it never ~s a problem without creating ten more.科学总是有毛病:它每解决一个问题都必定再造出十个来。

various [ 5vZEriEs ] a.①不同的,各种各样的 ②多方面的

【例句】Such and so ~ are the tastes of men.人们的口味千差万别。

special [ 5speFEl ] a.1.特殊的,特别的 2.异常的,独特的 3.专门的;特制的;有特种用途(或作用)的4.增加的,额外的 5.特别亲密的;受到高度尊重的;首要的 6.具体的;明确的 【例句】Love is a ~ affection for a man or a woman, which is stronger than that for any other person.爱情是对一个男人或女人的特殊的好感,它比对其他任何人的好感都强烈。

power [ 5pauE ] n.1.力,力量 2.能力;本领 3.权力;政权;影响力 4.强国 5.国家力量;政治力量 6.活力;强度 7.动力;电力 8.[数]幂,乘方 v.1.给提供动力,使开始 2.促进,推动

【例句】The ~ of fortune is confessed only by the miserable;for the happy impute all their success to prudence or merit.命运的力量只得到不幸者承认,因为幸运儿把所有的成就都归功于自己的精明或长处。

begin [bI5^In] v.1.开始;开始进行;开始存在 2.开始讲话(~ with)

【例句】It is the customary fate of new truths to ~ as heresies and to end as superstitions.新出现的真理往往遭遇这样的命运;起初被视作异端,最后被奉为迷信。

name [ neim ] n.1.名字;姓名;姓;名称 2.名义;虚名 3.名声,名誉;名望 v.1.给…取名字,为…定名2.陈说,列举(to name a few)

【例句】What‘s in a ~? That which we call a rose, by any other ~ would smell as sweet.名称又有什么意义?我们称作玫瑰的花,换成任何名称都会同样芬芳。

speed [ spi:d ] n.(at ~)1.迅速,快 2.速率;动量 v.促进;加快…的速度(~ up)

【例句】In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our ~.在薄冰上溜冰时的安全在于高速。

lesson [ 5les[n ] n.1.功课,课业 2.一堂课,一节课 3.教训;经验 5.惩戒;告诫;训斥

【例句】The education of a woman‘s heart is a series of ~s with a series of men until she falls in love for the rest of her life.女人的感情教育就是由与一系列男子交往组成的一系列课程,直至她终其余生爱上一个人为止。

certain [ 5sE:tEn ] a.1.确实的,无疑的 2.可靠的 3.不可避免的,必然发生的 4.[只作表语]肯定的;确信的 5.[只作定语]某,某一,某种,一定的 6.[只作定语]一些

【例句】A doubtful friend is worse than a ~ enemy.不可靠的朋友比确定无疑的敌人更可怕。

busy [ 5bizi ] a.1.忙碌的,不得空闲的 2.繁忙的,热闹的 3.(尤指电话线)正被占用的 4.爱管闲事的


public [ 5pQblik ] a.1.公众的,公共的;社会的 2.公开的;公开做的 3.国家的,政府的 n.公众,民众,众人 【例句】There is no such thing as discretion when it concerns ~ matters: ~ things and ~ people permit neither mystery nor silence unless tyranny rules.牵涉到公共事务时,不存在像独断慎言这样的做法。公共的事情和公众既不允许神秘也不允许缄默,除非专制当道。【认知】G。

department [ di5pB:tmEnt ] n.1.(行政、企业等机构的)部,司;局;处;科;部门 2.(学校、学术机构等的)系,研究室,学部,所 3.部分,分科 【例句】Focus on the most important things to do to help your department or organization be successful.Don‘t focus on the easiest things 集中于一些最重要的事情来做,以帮助你的部门或组织成功。不要集中于最容易的事。

graduate [5^rAdjueit] v.1.接受学位 2.使升级 n.学位获得者(尤指学士学位获得者)

【例句】 to ~ from the comics to Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe 从看连环画进到读《金银岛》和《鲁滨孙漂流记》

clean [ kli:n ] a.1.清洁的;爱清洁的 2.正派的,无辜的 3.不色情的,语言干净的 4.公正的,遵守规则的 5.简洁的,匀称的,端正的 6.不掺杂的,非混杂的 ad.1.完全地,全部地,一直 2.干净地 3.干净利落地,熟练地 4.公正的,诚实地 v.1.把……弄干净 2.清除

【例句】 Bath twice a day to be realy ~, once a day to be passably ~, once a week to avoid being a public menace.一天洗两次澡是真正清洁,一天一次算得上清洁,一周一次是免于成为公害。

decided [di5saidid] a.确定的, 坚决的

【例句】Few men are of one plain, decided color;most are mixed, shaded or blended;and vary as much from different situations, as changeable silks do from different lights.几乎没什么人具有单纯固定的颜色,大多数的色彩都是混合、渐变或融合的,并像多变的丝绸随着光线不同变化一样随着情况不同而变化。

punishment [5pQniFmEnt] n.罚,惩罚,处罚

【例句】 The ~ on the lazybones is that they can‘t win success, they could only watch others do.懒汉受到的惩罚是自己得不到成功,只能眼看着别人收获。

company [ 5kQmpEni ] n.1.(一)群,(一)队,(一)伙 2.公司,商号 3.陪同,交往

【例句】The worst crime against working people is a ~ which fails to operate at a profit.对劳动者犯下的最大罪行,是一家经营而不赢利的公司。

road [ rEud ] n.1.(两地间的)路,道路;公路 2.街道,马路 3.(去目的地该走的)路线 4.<喻> 路,途径(~ to)

【例句】There is no royal ~ to learning.学无坦途。

trouble [ 5trQbl ] n.1.烦恼;忧虑 2.困难;不幸;灾难 3.麻烦,打扰 4.工夫,力气 5.[常作 ~s](社会等方面的)纷争,**,骚乱 6.病,疾病;(机器等的)故障

【例句】Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.困难不过是穿上工作服的机会。

plan [ plAn ] n.1.计划,规则,方案,打算 2.计划表,计划表,进度表,程序表 3.方法,办法 4.轮廓;概略

heavy [ 5hevi ] a.1.重的 2.大量的;浓密的 3.沉重有力的;剧烈的;强烈的

【例句】The chain of wedlock is so ~ it takes two to carry it, sometimes three.婚姻的锁链是如此沉重,以致承受它需要两个人,有时还要三个。

rest [ rest ] n.1.休息;睡眠 2.平静,安宁 3.暂停;静止 4.[the ~]剩余部分,其余;其余的人 v.1.休息,睡眠 2.安定下来;放心 3.依靠,仰赖(~ on, upon);信赖(~ in)4.在于,存在于;归属于(~ with)【例句】Without haste, but without ~.做事不必匆忙,又不可停顿。

popular [ 5pCpjulE ] a.1.多数人喜爱(或赞同、接受的);通俗的;流行的 2.讨人喜欢的;广受欢迎的 3.民众的,大众的

【例句】 Isn‘t it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a ~ fellow? 只写过不受欢迎的书的我会成为如此受欢迎的人,这岂不奇怪?

fight [ fait ] n.1.战斗,斗争 2.争吵;争论 v.战斗;打仗 【例句】You can refuse to love a man or to lend him money, but if he wants to ~ you have got to oblige him.你可以拒绝爱一个人,或者拒绝借给他钱,可是如果他想要跟你打架,你就得帮他这个忙了。

visit [ 5vizit ] v.1.去…看看;参观;游览 2.访问,拜访 3.视察,巡查 4.探望;为(病人)出诊 5.(灾害、疾病等)侵袭,降临

【例句】When you get the entrepreneurial urge, go ~ someone who‘s started a business — it may cure you.在你涌起当企业家的冲动时,去访问某位开办过实业的人 —— 这也许会使你平静下来。

quality [ 5kwCliti ] n.1.性质,特性 2.品德,品质 3.身份,地位

【例句】We attract hearts to the qualities we display;we retain them by the qualities we possess.我们以自己所展示的品质吸引人心,我们以自己所拥有的品质留住它们。

skills [ skilz ] n.1.(专门)技术;技能,技艺 2.熟练性,熟巧,能力

【例句】She had the ~ to cope with a difficult job.她善于对付困难的工作。

crimes [ kraimz ] n.1.罪,罪行2.[总称]犯罪,犯罪活动 3.罪恶;罪过

【例句】It‘s no crime to mispromounce a word.读错一个词的音不用感到难为情。

position [ pE5ziFEn ] n.1位置;地点 2.恰当(或习惯、有利)位置 3.地位,身份;职位 4.处境,状况 5.态度,立场 6.假设,假定,设想

【例句】Words are very much like lizards: they change color according to ~.单词非常像蜥蜴:它们随着在句子中的不同位置而变换色彩。

actually [5AktFuElI] ad.实际地,事实上地,真实地

【例句】Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is ~ no truth to be discovered;there is only error to be exposed.和生活中的情形一样,在艺术中,十之八九实际上没有真理可供发现,只有错误可供暴露。

value [ 5vAlju:,-ju ] n.1.价值2.有用性,重要性(to place a high value upon)3.价值观念,行为准则 v.1.尊重,3


party [ 5pB:ti ] n.1.党,政党,党派;党性 2.(共同工作或活动的)队,组,群 3.社交聚会 4.(条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人

【例句】Someone said that life is a ~.You join after it‘s started and you leave before it‘s finished.有人说生活是一个宴会。你在开宴后入席的散席前离去。

spare [ spZE ] a.1.剩下的,多余的;空闲的 2.备用的;额外的 3.不足的;贫乏的 4.节约的,俭省的;俭朴的 v.1.宽容,饶恕;赦免;不伤害 2.[主要用于否定句]节约,俭省;吝惜

【例句】Those that make the best use of their time have none to ~.最充分利用时间的人腾不出时间。

worry [ 5wQri ] n.1.担心,发愁,忧虑 2.令人担心(或发愁)的事(或人);令人忧虑的事(或人)【例句】Insomniacs don‘t sleep because they ~ about it, and they ~ about it because they don‘t sleep.失眠症患者由于担心睡不着而睡不着,又由于睡不着而担心睡不着。

game [ ^eim ] n.1.游戏,玩耍,娱乐,消遣 2.运动(项目)3.比分;胜,赢 4.策略,计谋;花招 5.[总称]猎物

【例句】 It should be noted that the ~s of children are not ~s, and must be considered as their most serious actions.应当出的是,儿童的游戏并非玩耍,必须被视为他们最严肃的行为。

hit [ hit ] v.1.打,击 2.(使)碰撞 3.袭击;使遭受 4.达到;到达 5.(无意中)碰上;(偶然)发现 6.攻击,抨击 n.[常sing.] 1.(一)击;击中 2.猛烈攻击;抨击 3.成功而风行一时的事物(如歌唱演员、作家等)【例句】He that shows passion tells his enemy where he may ~ him.显露激情的人告诉敌人可以从哪里击中自己。

normal [ 5nC:mEl ] a.1.正常的 2.平常的;通常的 3.正规的;规范的;标准的 4.师范的

【例句】The perfectly ~ person is rare in our civilization.完全正常的人在我们的文明中难得见到。

light [ lait ] n.1.光;光线;光亮 2.观察人、物等的)角度,眼光 3.(启发性的)事实,知识,信息(in the ~ of)a.1.明亮的 2.淡色的 3.轻的 4.少量的 4.愉快的;无忧无虑的 5.精致的;轻巧的 6.轻率的;轻浮的,轻佻的v.1.点燃;照亮 2.使容光焕发,使满面春风

【例句】In the eyes of youth we see a flame, but in the eyes of the aged we see ~.在青年人的眼中我们看到火焰,不过在老年人的眼中我们看到光。

sense [ sens ] n.1.感官;官能 2.感觉 3.观念;意识 4.认识;智慧 5.合理性;有用性 6.[one‘s ~s]知觉;理智,理性 7.意义;含意;意思(make ~)v.1.感觉到;意识到 2.了解,领悟 【例句】As my child struggles to sit, to search out the sounds and feel of the world, I ~ that my role these six months has been beneath him, supporting.From now on my role will be from above, lifting.在孩子努力坐起来,寻找声音来源,感受外界时,我意识到这六个月来我的任务是在下面支持他。从今以后任务就是在上面提高他。

harmful [5hB:mfJl] a.有害的,致伤的(~ to)【例句】They were trying to remove harmful substances from cigarettes.他们正设法去除香烟中的有害物质。

park [ pB:k ] n.1.公园(国家)天然公园 2.停车制动 3.远动场,体育场 4.专用场地 v.停放(车辆等)

offer [ 5CfE ] v.1.(主动)给予 2.(主动)表示愿意(做某事),提议 3.出(价);开(价);备有…出售 【例句】You can ~your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love you had originally.你能够将自己的爱全部提供给千百个人,而原有的一份爱依然保留。

professional [ prEJ5feFEnEl ] a.1.职业的;职业上的;从事特定专业的 2.职业性的,非业余性的 3.非常内行的;极为称史(或胜任)的 4.专业人员的;为专业人员的 n.1.以特定职业谋生的人(如职业歌手、舞蹈家等)2.专业人员;内行;专家

【例句】The devotion of millions of Americans to ~ sports is rooted in their deep faith that the games are honestly played and that the athletes give their best performance at all times.千百万美国人对职业体育的热爱,源于他们深信比赛是诚实的,运动员总是在竭尽全力。

sleep [ sli:p ] n.1.睡眠;睡觉2.睡意,倦意 3.夜,夜间;一昼夜的行程 v.1.睡(觉);使睡得 2.以睡眠消除;以睡觉度过;睡掉(~ off, away)【例句】 I never ~ comfortably except when I am at sermon.我从来没睡过舒服学,在教学听布道的时候除外。

form [ fC:m ] n.1.形状,外形,轮廓 2.模型;模板 3.(事物的)存在形式;形态 4.种类,类型 5.惯例,常规 6.表格 7.(良好的)情绪 v.1.(使)成形,塑造;制作 2.组织;建立(联盟等)3.构想出;作出(估计等)【例句】A thing long expected takes the ~ of the unexpected when at last it comes.久已预期的事终于一到时会采取预期之外的形式。

imagination [ i7mAdVi5neiFEn ] n.1.想象,想象力;创造力 2.空想,妄想;幻觉 3.想象出来的东西;幻想物 【例句】Imagination is more important than knowledge.想象力比知识更重要。

practical [ 5prAktikEl ] a.1.实际的,实践的 2.实用的,有实用价值的 3.有见识的;通情达理的4.实干的;有实际经验的

【例句】 Have you any right to read, especially novels, until you have exhausted the best part of the day in some employment that is called ~? 在把一天最好的时光用于做某种被称为实事的工作之前,你有仅利阅读,尤其是读小说吗?

choice [ tFCis ] n.1.选择,抉择 2.精华

【例句】When you have to make a ~ and don‘t make it, that is in itself a ~.在应该作出选择时不选择。这本身也是一种选择。

effect [ i5fekt ] n.1.结果 2.效力,作用;影响 3.要旨,大意;意义 4.实行;生效,起作用 v.1.使变化;实现;完成;实行;使生效 2.产生;造成

【例句】the happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general ~ of pleasing impression.最快乐的谈话是这种:除了令人愉快的总体印象,别的都记不清楚。

moment [ 5mEumEnt ] n.1.片刻,瞬间,刹那 2.重要(或极好、得意等)的时刻 3.(历史或事物发展的)关头,转折点 4.重大,重要

【例句】As every thread of gold is valuble, so is every ~ of time.和一丝一毫的金子都是宝贵的一样,一分一秒的时间都弥足珍贵。

process [ prE5ses ] n.1.过程;变化过程 2.步骤;程序;工序 v.1.对…进行加工 2.(使)接受处理(或检查、7

what they believe, falsely, to be the truth.我一向把人们分成两组。一组以自己知道是谎言的东西为生,一组以自己错误地认为是真理的东西为生。

impossible [ im5pCsEbl ] a.1.不可能的,办不到的 2.不可能发生;难以置信的;不真实的 【例句】The word ―Impossible‖ is not in my dictionary.我的词典是没有―不可能‖这个词。

reward [ ri5wC:d ] n.1.报答;报偿,奖赏;报应 2.酬金;赏格;奖品 3.赢利,收益

【例句】The ~ of a thing well done, is to have done it.一项工作完成得好,本身就是对完成这项工作的报酬。

support [ sE5pC:t ] v.1.支撑;扶持 2.给…力量(或勇气、信心);鼓励 3.支持;赞成;拥护 4.供养;赡养 5.为…提供资金;资助 7.保持;维持

【例句】One father can ~ ten children;ten children cannot ~ one father.一个父亲能养活十个子女,十个子女养不了一个父亲。

murder [ 5mE:dE ] n.谋杀,凶杀,杀害;谋杀罪;谋杀案,凶杀案

【例句】We hear war called ~.It is not: it is suicide.我们听战争被称为谋杀。但它不:它是自杀。【认知】词根―murd‖为―mort‖(死)的变体。

meaning [ 5mi:niN ] n.1.意义,意思;含义 2.重要性;价值 3.有效的内容;效力

【例句】It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of like that the ~ and shape of great whole of life dawn on you.是在耐心操劳着生活琐事的时候,你领悟到伟大的全部生命的意义和形式。

disease [ di5zi:z ] n.1.病,疾病 2.(精神,道德的)不健全(社会制度等的)弊病

【例句】The art of medicine consists in three things: the disease, the patient and the physician.The patient must combat the disease along with the physcian.医术由三样东西组成:疾病、病人和医生。病人必须和医生一道与疾病斗争。

including [ in5 klu:diN ] v.1.包括,包含 2.列为…的一部分;把…算入

【例句】Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life.Witness the fact that in the Lord‘s Prayer the first petition is for daily bread.工作是我们国家生活中一切事情的基础,包括我们的精神生活。主祷文首先祈求每日的食粮便是明证。

state [ steit ] n.1.状况,状态,情况 2.心情,心态 3.(物质的)形态,态 4.国家;政府;领土 v.1.陈述,说明,声明 2.确定,规定

【例句】The worth of a ~, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it.国家的价值归根结底是构成国家的个人的价值。

teach [ ti:tF ] v.1.教,讲授 2.训练,(使)习惯于 3.教导;教育

【例句】Books which teach and speak of whatever is highest and best are equally sacred, whatever be the tongue in which they are written, or the nation to which they belong.传授和讲述一切最高尚、最优秀知识的书籍都同样神圣,无论它们以何种文字写就,属于哪个国家。

beings [ 5bi:iNz ] n.1.存在;生存 2.生命

【例句】All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.都是生而自由的,都具有平等的尊严和

reach [ ri:tF ] v.1.到达;达到,及到 2.与…建立联系;影响 3.共达,合计达 4.覆盖面及于,包容

【例句】 The arm of friendship is long enough to ~ the other end of the world.友谊的手臂之长,足以伸至世界的另一端。

amount [ E5maunt ](~ to)n.1.总数,总额 2.全部意义;总效果 3.量,数量,数额

【例句】Nothing in education is so astonishing as the ~ of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts.在教育中,没有什么像它以僵化的事实为形式积累起来的大量无知更令人吃惊的东西了。

fear [ fiE(r)] v.1.畏惧,害怕 2.为…担心,为…忧虑;生怕,生恐 3.恐怕;为…感到遗憾;猜想

【例句】Courage is resistance to ~, mastery of ~, not absence of ~.勇敢是抵抗恐惧、控制恐惧 —— 不是没恐惧。

contribution [ 7kCntri5bju:FEn ] n.(~ to)1.贡献,促成作用;捐献;捐献(物),捐助(物)2.(投给报刊等的)稿件,文稿

【例句】the ~ of animal fats to deterioration of the arteries 动物脂肪对于动脉的损害作用

challenge [ 5tFAlindV ] v.1.向…挑战(要求格斗、竞赛、辩论等)2.要求得到有关…的证据;对…怀疑,对…质疑;反对,公然反抗 3.指责;否认 4.要求(人或事物)发挥最大的作用(或力量);考验(人或事物)的能力 5.引起;需要;要求

【例句】If scientific discovery has not been an unalloyed blessing, if it has conferred on mankind the power not only to create but also to annihilate, it has at the same time provided humanity with a suprme ~ and a supreme testing.如果科学发现不是纯粹的喜事,如果它赋予了人类不仅是创造还有毁灭的力量,它同时就向人性提出了最大的挑战和最大的考验。【认知】本词的核心含义为―责难,主张;(假)告发‖。

reunion [ ri:5ju:njEn ] n.1.再联合;再会合2.(家人等的)团聚,团圆;(校友等的)重聚;重聚联欢会

【例句】 the Aviators‘ Reunion Dinner to celebrate the anniversary of the Armistice 庆祝停战周年纪念的老飞行员联欢宴会

competition [ kCmpi5tiFEn ] n.1.竞争 2.比赛,竞赛,赛会

【例句】The biggest things are always the easiest to do because there is no ~.最大的事总是最容易的事,因为不存在竞争。

efforts [5efEts] n.1.努力;勉励(或艰难)的尝试 2.努力的成果,成就

【例句】To persists in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.不失目标地坚持努力将导致成功。

purpose [ 5pE:pEs ] n.(on ~)1.目的,意图 2.意志;决断;决心 3.效用,用途;效果,好处

【例句】I hate ot see men overdressed;a man ought to look like he‘s put together by accident, not added up on ~.我讨厌看到男人穿得过分讲究。男人应该显得穿着随便,而不是刻意装扮。

generally [ 5dVenErEli ] ad.1.一般地,通常;大体 2.普遍地,广泛地 3.笼统地,概括地;含糊地 【例句】General notions are ~ wrong.通常的看法通常都是错的。


immediately [ i5mi:djEtli ] ad.1.直接地 2.贴近地 3.紧接地 4.立即,马上

【例句】To try honor your obligation will reveal immediately how much value you have.履行义务的努力会立即显示你所具有的价值。

opportunity [ 7CpE5tju:niti ] n.1.机会 2.就业(或提升)机会,良机

【例句】A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.智者创造的机会更比他发现的多。

address [ E5dres ] n.1.地址,住址 2.演说,讲话 3.举止;谈吐;腔调 4.(善于灵活处理问题或对付人的)本领,技巧 v.1.向…作(正式)讲话,对…发表演说 2.对付,处理;满足(需求)

【例句】A man without an ~es is a vagabond;a man with two ~es is a libertine.无一住址者为流浪汉,住址有二者为放荡儿。

automatically [C:tE5mAtIklI] a.1.自动地 2.不经思索地,习惯性地 3.必然地;当然地,自然地 【例句】The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to betaken seriously.要人家听的权利并不自动包括要大家认真对待的权利。

defeated [ di5fi:tid ] v.1.击败,战胜 2.挫败,(使)落空 3.(使)失去,剥夺

【例句】A man can be destroyed but not defeated.男子汉可以被摧毁而不可被击败。【认知】前缀为―de‖;词根―feat‖与―faire(做)‖为变体关系;核心含义为―to ruin;to undo‖(破灭;破坏)。

depressed [ di5prestd ] v.1.(使)沮丧,使消沉,,使抑郁 2.按下,压下,(使)低下,放低 3.使不景气,使萧条

【例句】Some actors think they are elevating the stage when they're merely ~ing the audience.当一些演员不过是在败坏观众情绪的时候,他们还以为自己正提高着戏剧艺术。

humane [ hju:5mein ] a.1.人的,人类的 2.显示人的本性的;有人性的;通人情的 【例句】 The discovery and use of knowledge has always been relevant to a humane future.对于一个人道的未来,知识的发现和运用一向关系重大。

terminally [ 5tE:minli ] ad.1.末端地;终点地;结尾地;极限地 2.末期的,晚期的;不治的,致命的 【例句】It‘s all right to have a train of thoughts, if you have a ~.想法成串没关系,只要有个末端。

adapt [ E5dApt ] v.(~ to)1.使适应,使适合 2.改编,改写;修改

【例句】The reasonable man ~s himself to the world;the unreasonable one persists in trying to ~ the world to himself.明白事理的人使自己适应世界,不明事理的人硬要世界适应自己。

failure [ 5feiljE(r)] n.1.失败;失败的人(或事)2.缺乏,不足;不存在 3.失灵,故障 4.没做到,不履行;没发生

【例句】It‘s good to fail now and again — you learn a lot mote out of failure than you do out of success.偶尔失败是有好处的 —— 从失败中学到的东西要比从成功中学的多得多。

mental [ 5ment[l ] a.1.精神的;思想上的 2.智力的,脑力的 3.内心的;在脑中进行的 4.精神病的;治疗精神

【例句】A real genius possesses talents in many ~s, but they are brought into play only by chance and in a single field.真正的天才具有多方面的才能,只是出于偶然而仅在单一的领域中得到施展。【认知】前缀为―a-‖;词根为―spect‖意为―to look, sight‖(看)。

available [ E5veilEbl ] a.1.现成可使用的;可利用的 2.可获得的 3.可取得联系的;可接见的

【例句】 Opportunity is ~ for eryone, but many of them didn‘t know they had met with it.人人都能得到机会,但是许多人不知道自己遇到过它。【认知】词根―vail‖为―val‖变体,意义为―男性 — 价值‖。

responsibility [ ris7pCnsE5biliti ] n.1.责任;负责状态 2.责任感,责任心 3.职责,任务;义务,负担 4.(尤指智力或财力上的)责任能力;可靠性,可信赖性

【例句】A democracy in which everybody had an equal ~ in everything would be oppressive for the conscientious and licentious for the rest.所有的人对所有的事都负有同等义务的民主,对勤恳认真的人是重负,对其余的人是放纵。

inhumane [ 7inhju(:)5mein ] a.非人的;不人道的;残忍人

【例句】to turn out to be wasteful and inhumane 结果是浪费的和残酷的

appreciate [ E5pri:Fieit ] v.1.为…表示感激 2.重视,赏识,欣赏 3.(充分)意识到,领会,体会,觉察 【例句】Disease makes one ~ health.疾病使人认识到健康的价值。

principle [ 5prinsEpl ] n.1.原则;主义;原理 2.信念;信条 【例句】When a fellow says, ―It ain‘t the money but the ~ of the thing,‖ it‘s the money.当一个人说―这不是钱的问题而是原则问题‖时,那就是钱的问题。

provided [prE:5vaidid] conj.以…为条件,除非;假如,若是

【例句】Let every one follow his inclinations — ~ he go upward.让每个人都随意去做 —— 只要他趋于上进。

thought [ WC:ts ] n.(give ~ to)1.思想 2.思考;考虑;思维;思考能力;思想活动 3.推理;推理能力;想象;想象力 4.关心,注意 5.意图,打算,目的 6.想法;意见,见解 【例句】Chance gives rise to thoughts, and chance removes them;no art can keep or acquire them.偶然的机会产生思想,偶然的机会消除思想,没有什么技艺能保留或获得它们。

independent [ indi5pendEnt ] a.1.独立的,自主的,自治的;单独的 2.有主见的,有独立见解的 3.自立的,自力更生的 4.不愿受约束的,向往自由的

【例句】To be poor and ~ is very nearly an impossibility.贫穷而又不依赖他人几乎完全不可能。

unnecessary [ Qn5nesisEri ] a.不必要的;多余的

【例句】When two men in business always agree, one of them is ~.两个人在业务上意见总是一致,其中的一个就是多余的了。

challenging [5tFAlindViN ] a.1.挑战性的;困难的 2.引起挑战性兴趣的, 挑逗的 【例句】The Brown daughters had never ~d their mother‘s authority in these mattters.布朗家的女儿们从不怀疑母亲在这些事情上的权威。

obtains no hold on the mind.强制的身体锻炼不会损害身体,但被迫学习的知识占据不了头脑。【认知】词根―pul‖与―pel‖为变体关系,含义为―to drive;force‖(强迫,驱使)。

intelligence [ in5telidVEns ] n.1.智力,才智,智慧,聪颖;灵性,悟性 2.情报;情报工作,搜集情报,交换情报;情报机构,情报人员 3.消息,信息

【例句】Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.智慧就是迅速识别事物本来面目的能力。

interpretation [ in7tE:pri5teiFEn ] n.1.解释,说明,阐明 2.表演、演奏;艺术处理 3.翻译,口译 【例句】Necessity is not a fact but an ~.需要不是事实,而是解释。【认知】词根―pret‖为―price‖的变体,本词的核心意义与―评价者;解释者‖具有关联性。本词侧重主观的理解;而―explanation‖侧重客观分析。

circumstance [ 5sE:kEmstEns ] n.1.环境,条件,情况;事态;情势;形势 2.事实,事件,事情,证据 3.[~s]境遇,境况,经济状况 【例句】Man is not the creature of ~s.Circumstances are the creatures of man.不是环境的产物。环境是人的产物。

positive [ 5pCzEtiv ] a.1.有事实根据的,确实的 2.有把握的,确信的 3.肯定的,表示赞成的,同意的 4.建设性的,积极的;怀有希望的

【例句】The world has no sympathy with any but ~ griefs;it well pity you for what you lose, but never for what you lack.世人只对真正的不幸怀有同情。人们会为你所失去的表示同情,但从不为你所缺乏的表示怜悯。

capacity [ kE5pAsiti ] n.1.容量,容积;可容性 2.最大容量;最大限度 3.身份,地位,职位 【例句】The first half of life consists of the ~ to enjoy without the chance;the last half consists of the chance without the ~.前半生有享乐的能力而无机会,后半生有享乐的机会而无能力。

opening [ 5EJp[niN ] n.1.开,启 2.(尤指作为通道的)口子;洞,孔 3.(职位的)空缺;有利机会,机遇 【例句】Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen during a moment.诗歌就是门的开了又关,把往里看的那些人留在外边,去猜测一瞬间看到的是什么。

outdated [ aut5deitid ] a.过时的;不流行的

【例句】to discard an outdated theory抛弃过时的理论

painlessly [ 5peinlisli ] ad.无痛地,不痛地 【例句】to recover painlessly 没有痛苦地恢复

prosperous [ 5prCspErEs ] a.1.繁荣的,兴旺的,昌盛的;富足的 2.有利的,顺利的,吉利的,幸运的

【例句】The problems to be resolved demand, and create, spiritual resources with the ~ ease of a golden age will never inspire.等待解决的问题需要并且造成了黄金时代的顺利安逸不可能激发的精神资源。

necessarily [ 5nesisErili;nesi5serili ] ad.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定;必然地

【例句】A thing is not ~ true because a man dies for it.一件事并不因为有人为之献身而必定是真的。

revenge [ ri5vendV ] n.1.报复;报仇 2.复仇心;报复欲望

【例句】 Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.报复常常有如因为狗咬了你而去咬它。

【例句】No one can make you feel inferior without your ~.没有你的认可,谁也不能使你感到低人一等。

crisis [ 5kraisis ] n.1.危机,危急关头 2.决定性时刻,关键阶段;转折点 【例句】True love is born of despair and nurtured by one ~ after another.真正的爱出自绝望,由不断的危机滋养。

discrimination [ dis7krimi5neiFEn ] n.(~ against)1.区别,辩别 2.识别力,辩别力 3.差别对待,歧视

【例句】To be sympathetic without discrimination is so very debilitating.有同情心而无识别力是如此地虚弱之至。

independence [ 7indi5pendEns ] n.(~ of)独立,自主,自立

【例句】Love is generally confused with dependence;but in point of fact, you can love only in proportion to your capacity for ~.人们通常把爱与依赖混为一谈,然而事实上,你的爱的能力只能取决于你的独立能力。

vain [ vein ] a.1.(in ~)徒劳的,无效的,不成功的 2.自负的,爱虚荣的 【例句】 The ~ man is generally a doubter.自负的人常常是多疑的人。

comprehensive [ 7kCmpri5hensiv ] a.广泛的,综合的,无所不包的

【例句】 The right to be alone — the most ~ of rights, and the right most valued by civilized man.孤独的权利 —— 各种权利中内容最广泛的一种,文明人最重要的权利。【认知】词根―prehens‖与―prehens(掌握)‖为变体关系。

controversial [ 7kCntrE5vE:FEl ] a.1.争论的;辩论的2.引起争论的,有争议的 3.爱争论的 【例句】The controversial plan is now held in reserve for the future.这项有争议的计划现已搁置,留待日后再议。

intensive [ in5tensiv ] a.1.加强的;集中的;密集的;深入细致的,透彻的 2.集约(经营)的;精耕细作的 【例句】Knowledge requires repeated explorations, and farmland needs intensive cultivation.知识要求反复探索,土地需要精耕细作。

possibility [ 7pCsi5biliti ] n.1.可能(性);可能的事;可能的情况 2.[常作possibilities]发展前途,潜在价值 【例句】Truth is stranger than fiction;fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth isn‘t.事实比小说还离奇。小说不得不忠实于种种可能,事实则不必。

progressive [ prE5^resiv ] a.1.进步的,先进的;改革的,革新的 2.向前进的;前进中的,发展中的 3.渐次的;秩序渐进的;(疾病、暴力等)愈来愈严重的

【例句】The grandest of all laws is the law of ~ development.一切法则之中,至高无上的是进步发展的法则。

enormous [ i5nC:mEs ] a.1.巨大的,极大的,庞大的 2.穷凶极恶的;横暴的 3.反常的;过度的

【例句】 Habit is thus the ~ flywheel of society, its most precious conservative agent.习惯因而是社会的巨大飞轮、社会最看重的是稳定因素。

pointed [ 5pCintid ] a.尖角的, 敏锐的, 锐利的, 率直的, 突出的 【例句】pointed movie fans 敏锐的影迷

potential [pE5tenF(E)l] a.潜在的,可能的 n.1.潜在性,可能性 2.潜力,潜能;获得成功的潜在能力

【例句】All was fair in love, war and parliamentary ~.在求爱、战争和议会程序中,怎么做都是公平的。

regardless [ ri5^B:dlis ] a.(~ of)毫不在意的,毫不顾及的 ad.<口> 不顾后果地;不管怎样,无论如何 【例句】Create work teams with the best available talent, ~ of function or background.以能够使用的最好的人才组成工作队伍,不必考虑职务或背景。

testimony [ 5testimEni ] n.1.证据;证明;[律](宣誓)证词 2.(信仰等的)声明,公开表白 3.表明,说明 【例句】We must rely on the ~ of historians.我们必须依据史家的记载。

adventure [ Ed5ventFE(r)] n.1.激动人心的活动,异乎寻常的经历,奇遇 2.冒险(性),冒险活动,冒险经历 【例句】A good critic is one who narrates the ~s of his mind among masterpieces.好的批评家是个讲述自己的精神在杰作中的历险的人。

diligence [ 5dilidVEns ] n.勤奋

【例句】Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.诚实和勤勉应当成为你永远的伙伴。

undoubtedly [Qn5daJtIdlI] ad.无疑地;无庸置疑地;肯定地;无可争辩地

【例句】Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and ~ be seen to be done.公道不仅应当实行,还应明白确实地让人看到实行。

witness [ 5witnis ] n.1.目击者,见证人 2.[律]证人;证据,证言 v.1.目击,注意到 2.是发生…的地点(或时间)3.为…作证;证明

【例句】The ear is less trustworthy ~ than the eye.耳朵是不及眼睛可靠的证人。【认知】本词的核心意义与―wit(to know)+ ness‖(认知)具有关联性。

democracy [ di5mCkrEsi ] n.1.民主,民主主义,民主政治,民主政体 2.(尤指作为政治力量的)民众3.民主精神,民主作风

【例句】Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.民主不过是意味着为了人民而由人民来强制人民。【认知】词根―demo‖含义为―people‖(人民);核心含义为―人民政府‖。

morality [mR5rAlItI] n.1.道德,(行为等的)道德性2.(尤指两性关系上的)德行,品行 3.(道德上的)教训,寓意;说教

【例句】Morality… is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike.道德……就是大多数人在一定时间、一定地点正好喜欢的东西,不道德的则是他们所不喜欢的。

ridiculous [ ri5dikjulEs ] a.引人嘲笑的,可笑的;荒谬的,荒唐的

【例句】A painting in a museum hears more ~ opinions than anything else in the world.博物馆里的一幅画听到的奇谈怪论比世界上其他任何东西听到的都多。

settings [ 5setiNz ] n.1.情景;情形 2.(舞台等的)布景;(小说、戏剧等的)背景;环境

【例句】Working in a university ~, you can‘t ignore these things.在大学环境中工作,你不能忽视这些事情。【认知】G。

slightly [ 5slaitli ] ad.1.少量地;轻微地 2.极不重要地,微不足道地

marvelous [ 5mB:vEl[s ] a.奇迹般的,惊人的,了不起的 【例句】Experience is a marvelous thing.It enables you to recognize a mistake whenever you make it again.经验是个了不起的东西。你每次重犯错误它都能让你想起来。

contents [ kEn5tents ] n.1.[常作~s]所容纳的东西;目录 2.内容,要旨;意义

【例句】Life is like a fable, it is not measured by its length, but by its contents.人生如同寓言,不是以长短衡量,而是以内容衡量。

perseverance [ 7pE:si5viErEns ] n.坚定不移;持之以恒

【例句】Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.锲而不舍就是失败19次而在第20次成功。

unique [ ju:5ni:k ] a.独一无二的;独特的;无与伦比的,无可匹敌的 【例句】Originality is the ~ way of thinking, observing, understanding and judging.独创性就是特有的思考、观察、理解和判断的方法。

accordance [ E5kC:dEns ] n.1.一致,和谐;符合 2.授予;给予

【例句】Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity.每个人的行动都不仅出于外部的推动,也同样依据内在的需要。

comparatively [kEm5pArEtIvlI] ad.1.比较地,用比较方法地 2.相比较而言地,相对地 【例句】the comparative ability of men 人的比较能力

controversy [ 5kCntrEvE:si ] n.1.(尤指以文字形式进行的)争论,辩论 2.争议;争吵 【例句】The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.衡量一个人的最终尽度,不是看他在安逸和顺利时站在哪里,而是看他的受到非难、出现争议的时候站在哪里。

critical [ 5kritikEl ] a.1.(~ of)批评的,批判的;评论(性)的;关于评论的 2.判断(或评价)审慎的;谨严的,一丝不苟的 3.决定性的,关键性的,重大的 4.(疾病等)危急的;严重的 5.必不可少的;紧缺而急需的

【例句】If we cannot love unconditionally, love is already in a ~ condition.如果不能无条件地爱,爱情就已经处于危机之中。

curiosity [ 7kjuEri5Csiti ] n.1.好奇(心);求知欲 2.奇物,古玩;珍品 【例句】Curiosity is a scholar‘s virtue.好奇心是学者的美德。

democratic [ 7demE5krAtik ] a.1.民主的;民主政治的 2.民众的,大众的 3.有民主精神(或作风)的,平等待人的

【例句】The freedom to persuade and suggest is the essence of the ~ process.说服和建议的自由是民主过程的精髓。

immoral [ i5mCrEl ] a.不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的, 淫荡的

【例句】All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening.我真正喜欢做的事,全都不是不


occasionally [E5keIVEnElI] ad.偶尔地,间或发生地;临时地

【例句】Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.人们间或绊倒在真理上,但大多数都爬起来就匆匆离去,似乎什么事也没发生。【认知】词根―cas‖与―cid‖(落下)为变体关系;核心含义为―convenient time‖(适时的时间)。

seemingly [5si:mINlI] ad.seemingly [5si:mINlI] ad.表面上,看上去

【例句】These phenomena seemingly defy rational explanation.这些现象看上去不能得到合理的理解。

abandon [ E5bAndEn ] v.1.放弃 2.离弃,丢弃 3.(不顾责任、义务等而)遗弃,抛弃 【例句】 I have long since ~ed the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness.Hothouses of learning do not always grow anything edible.我早就抛弃了高等教育对于成功和幸福都不可或缺这一观念,学问的温室培育出的东西并非总是可供食用。【认知】―a-‖表示―否定‖;―ban‖表示限制,理解为―没有限制‖。

abortion [ E5bC:FEn ] n.1.流产,小产;堕胎 2.(计划)失败 【认知】前缀―ab‖有否定含义,―ort‖含义为―生长,出发‖。

apparently [E5pArEntlI] ad.明显地;表面上的;貌似(真实)的;未必真实的

【例句】I got the story form John, who was apparently in at the kill.这事的经过我是从约翰那里听来的,看来他在事情发生的当时在场。

fashioning [ 5fAFEniN ] v.1.(常指用手工等)制作;使成形;形成;把…塑造成 2.使适应,使适合 3.改变;改革 【例句】If God consulted me I should have advised him to continue the generation of the species by fashioning them of clay.假如上帝征求我意见,我就会建议他继续用粘土制造人类。

identify [ ai5dentifai ] v.1.认出,识别;鉴定;(经考虑)确定 2.(~ with)认为…等同于 3.使与…有关联;使参与;使支持(~ with)

【例句】Any man over thirty identifies his youth with the worst fault he thinks he is capable of.一过三十,人都把自己的青年时代视为自认能够犯下的最大错误。

inevitably [ in5evitEbli ] ad.不可避免地,无法规避地;必然(发生)地

【例句】The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease;the happy man inevitably confines himself to ancient limits.世界把它的全部前进动力归因于不安分的人。满足的人总是将自己限制在旧框里。【认知】前缀分别为―in-‖和―en-‖;词根―vit‖含义为―avoid‖(避免)。

initiatives [ i5niFiEtivz] n.1.主动的行动,倡议 2.首创精神;进取心

【例句】If you show that you have ~, you will sooner or later be promoted.如果你显示出你有进取心,你迟早会得到提升。【认知】词根―ini‖含义为―to go in;to begin‖(进行);核心含义为―entering upon‖(开始;着手)。

addicted [E5dIktId] v.(~ to)1.(使)成溺,(使)入迷 2.(使)成瘾

【例句】Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.任何形式的成瘾都是糟糕的,无论让人上瘾的是酒精、吗啡还是空想。

【例句】Man is made in such a way that he continually has to define himself and continually escape his own definitions.人注定要不断地给自己下定义,又不断地逃避他自己的定义。

impulse [ 5impQls ] n.1.推动,驱使;冲力,推力 2.推动作用,冲力作用 3.冲动,突然的欲愿,一时的念头 【例句】There is one thing more important than knowing self;it is governing self.There is one thing better than crushing ~, it is using ~.有一件事比自知更重要,即自制。有一件事比压制冲动更可取,即利用冲动。

lethal [ 5li:WEl ] a.致命的


persistence [ pE`sIstEns,-`zIs-] n.坚持, 持续

【例句】Persistence is half the battle.坚韧是取胜的保证。

practically [ 5prAktikEli ] ad.1.<口>几乎,差不多 2.实际上;讲究实际地从实用角度;通过实践

【例句】I have often been struck by the fact that the symptoms of laziness and fatigue are ~ identical.这一事实常常给我以很深印象:懒散和疲劳的征候实际上是相同的。

respectable [ ris5pektEbl ] a.值得尊重的

【例句】The great artists of the world are never Puritans, and seldom even ordinarily ~.世上伟大的艺术家都不是清教徒,通常甚至很少是值得尊敬的人。

simultaneously [sImEl5teInIEsly;(?@)saIm-] ad.同时发生地;同时存在地;同时进行地,同步地 【例句】Eighty naval cruisers shelled simultaneously.80艘海军巡洋舰同时炮击。【认知】词根―sim‖含义为―like‖(像;相同)。

spiritually [ 5spiritjuEli ] ad.1.精神(上)地 2.神圣地

3.(思想、面貌等)崇高纯洁地 4.理智地;智力地 【例句】She was beneath him in every way, at leasst intellectually and spiritually.她在各方面,至少在智力和精神上,都不如他。

vocational [ vEu5keiFEnEl ] a.职业的,业务的

【例句】To have the courage to seek truth is everyone‘s vocation.勇于求真理是人的天职。【认知】本词的词根―voc‖含义为―to call‖;核心含义为―a calling(召唤;声音,呼叫)‖。

ambitious [ Am5biFEs ] a.1.有雄心的;有抱负的2.有野心的;反映野心(或雄心)的

【例句】The ambitious climbs up high and perilous stairs, and never cares how to come down;the desire of rising hath swallowed up his fear of a fall.野心家攀登又高又险的阶梯,从不考虑怎样下来。向上爬的欲望吞噬了对跌落的恐惧。

criterion [ krai5tiEriEn ] n.1.(批评、判断、检验等的)标准,准则,尺度 2.(人或事物的)特征,特点

【例句】If rationality were the criterion for things being allowed to exist, the world would be one gift field of soya bears!假如合理性是事物被允许存在的标准,世界就会成为一片巨大的大豆田了!【认知】本词词根―crit‖的含义是―to decide;to judge‖(分开,决定 — 标准)。

delicate [ 5delikeit ] a.1.(食物)鲜美的 2.纤细的 3.令人愉快的 4.需要小心处理的;微妙的,棘手的 5.脆的,7


proportionate [ prEJ5pC:FEn[t ] a.(~ to)成比例的 【例句】The prosperity of a people is proportionate to the number of hands and minds usefully employed.国家的繁荣与有效使用的人手和头脑的数量成比例。

reluctant [ ri5lQktEnt ] a.1.不情愿的;勉强的 2.阻挠的;顽抗的 【例句】Suggestion systems can work — don‘t be ~ to use them.建议制度是有效的 —— 不要不情愿使用它们。【认知】核心含义为―to resist(反对;反抗;斗争)‖。

starvation [ stB:5veiFEn ] n.饥饿, 饿死

【例句】If one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation will you prefer the grain to the vote? 如果一个给你民主而别一个给你一袋粮食,你饿到什么程度会要粮食而非选票?

attributed [ E5tribju(:)tid ] v.(~ to)1.把…归因于,把(过错的责任等)归于 2.认为…属于

【例句】I ~ the little I know to my not having been ashamed to ask for information, and to my rule of conversing with all descriptions of men on those topics that form their own peculiar professions and pursuits.我把自己这点儿知识归因于不耻于提问,归因于常常和各式各样的人攀谈,谈论那些造成了他们各自的专业与行当的主题。【认知】前缀―at‖加强词义,词根―tribu‖意为―to give‖(分派给氏族)。

basically [5beIsIkElI] ad.1.基本上,主要地2.从根本上说,大致说来

【例句】However cooperative the relation between husband and wife, there is usually the tacit assumption that the household is ~ the wife‘s responsibility.无论夫妻关系如何合作,这种不言自明的假定通常还是存在,即家庭基本上是妻子的责任。

denied [ di5naid ] v.1.否认 2.拒绝相信 3.拒绝给予,拒绝(某人)的要求 4.否认…是自己的,不承认;否认与…有关系,抛弃 5.拒绝接受

【例句】Doubt comes in at the window when inquiry is denied at the door.询问被拒于门外,怀疑随即爬进窗。【认知】前缀为―de‖;词根―ny‖与―neg‖为变体关系,含义为―to say no‖(否认;否定)。本词侧重其宾语是事实存在。

grief [ ^ri:f ] n.1.悲伤,悲痛 2.悲痛的缘由

【例句】Time tames the strongest ~.时间能平息最强烈的悲伤。

immense [ i5mens ] a.1.广大的,巨大的 2.无限的;无边无际的 3.<口>非常好的,绝妙的

【例句】The thing is not only to avoid error, but to attain ~ masses of truth.重要的不仅要是避免错误,而且要获得大量的真理。【认知】前缀为―in-‖;词根―mens‖含义为―measure‖(计量)。

imposed [ im5pEuz ] v.1.(~ on, upon)征(税),加(负担、惩罚等)于 2.把…强加于

【例句】Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.通货膨胀就是那种无须立法便可实施的征税方式。

ingredients [ in5^ri:diEnts ] n.1.(混合物的)组成部分,成分,(烹调的)原料 2.(构成)要素,因素 【例句】Success can be only one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all the other ingredients have



二 公共场所的禁烟令没有得到很好的执行 给出建议

Dear Editor,Ourcountry has launched a ban on smoking in airports, railway stations and anyother public places, but few expect it to have much of such an impact in someareas.This is partly due to the fact that China is a country with largenumbers of smokers.Not surprisingly, the ban is getting into an embarrassing situation,although this

nationwide somke-free campaign is designed to bring our countrymore in line with health regulations in developed countries.Given all this,some legislative measures should be taken to keep our country more healthier.Not only must a nationwide public awareness to promote the ban be greatlyenhanced, but penalties should also be enforced in the light of rules andregulations concerned.Smoking in the public places not only does great harm to our health, butalso pollutes environment, so the gonvernment’s restriction on smoking is ofgreat necessity and importance to all of us.Yours faithfully,Li Ming

三 网购了一部手机 发现存在一些问题 写信给管理人员 要求解决问题

Dear Sir,I have just received the mobile phone which I bought online through yourweb service.However, this Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 does not appear to beworking properly as advertised.In particular, this phone has small availablestorage of only 60MB.I specifically bought this model because you claimed thatit has large storage.Further, the battery appears to be losing its power veryquickly, as the standby time(待机时间)is rather short.Also its bluetooth doesnot function normally.Please advise me how to obtain the full refund and the method I shouldus in order to return this faulty product.I await your reply.Yours faithfully,Li Ming

注:手机型号千万不能换成爱疯 以免引起改卷老师的妒忌!

四 微博发一篇求助信息,希望大家捐款帮助患病的学生

To those who are warm-hearted and alwaysready to help those in dire need of help, Misfortune has no mercy, while giving loveto others is really a noble act of kindness.(灾难无情人有情)

On February 22nd, Tang Xuefei, acollege student from Hunan Province, was diagnosed with an acute myeloidleukemia(骨髓性白血病)The disease suddenly threw the

wholefamily into a desperate situation, not only costing all their money, but alsoincurring a heavy debt.In view of this, a donation to save herlife is the utmost urgent matter.However you contribute, it shall carrythousands of love and cares.Don’t hesitate to put out your

generous,enthusiastic helping hands.The sum of all contributes will be through theHunan Red Cross Association and directly send to her.At the same time, let’spray for her and hope for a miracle.Yours faithfully,Li Ming

五 公司将更新会员资料 写封信给你的客户 让他们填表并说明信息的重要性 Dear Sir or Madam,The service department of our company isupdating our data file.We would be pleased if you could complete the datasheet enclosed in the letter.Should you spot any information that is out ofdate, you could remove it or replace it with the up-to-date information.Iwould appreciate your assistance in this matter if you mail the materials sothat we could distribute them to the

computer engineers as soon as possiblebecause this information is of great importance for their operation.If you have any questions, pleas don’thesitate to contact.Look forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Li Ming

六 写信应聘工作

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing for a golden opportunity to work in acompany that enjoys years of reputation.I read China Daily the other day,pleased to discover that your company is recruiting an accountant.I waswondering if you could be free to have a heart-to-heart talk with me, for allthe requirements specified in your advertisement tend to fit my presentsituation.To be exact, I received extensive training in accounting, analyticalthinking and business planning.Under these circumstances, I sincerely hopethat I can be one of contributing members of your company.I would appreciateyour assistance in this matter.I you have any questions, please don’t hesitateto contact me.Look forward to your reply.Yoursfaithfully,Li Ming


As is conveyed in the cartoon, a man lifting a Chinesecalligraphy(书法)upward seems to be totally immersed inthe self-satisfaction.On closer examination, we find that Chinese characterson the calligraphy——a pinyinged “Chuang Xin”, which literallymeans that “innovation”, ironically, is a clone of the original one on thedesk.The fake the cartoon reveals is but all too thought-provoking, remindingus to reflect upon the genuine meanings of “innovation”.Innovation plays a significant role in the progress ofa nation’s civilization.Not only does it give renewed impetus to(持续推动)the economic growth, but also it improves

people’sliving standards.As the arable land has been diminishing and the population iscontinually soaring up, Yuan Longping, who developed the first hybrid speciesof rice in the world, has successfully helped alleviate a worldwide plague offood scarcity.However, now the various” well-known” brands, whoselogos resemble the originals in such a “creative” way, can be seen everywhere.In view of this, drastic measures must be taken to solve this problem, and ournation should promote the independent innovation products, thereby establishinga more rigid admission system.(严格的准入机制)


Nowadays, a new trend of lifestyle called green livingis looming large across every corner of our country.Judging from the picture,where people enthusiastically enjoy pollution-free vegetables, ecologicalclothing, a return to nature and, above all, to a life of simplicity, it is notdifficult to discern that our daily life is becoming only too eager to be

moreenvironmentally friendly.Indeed, to serve as responsible stewards of the planetEarth, we should pour attention to environmental health, which is at the mercyof(受控于)such threats as global warming, carbonemissions, extinction of rare animals, and resources exhaustion.First andforemost, commuters(通勤人员), with a view to(为了)bringing the trend of green living to its full play,are advised to take public transportations more frequently, rather than

drivetraditional energy-consuming cars.We should also cultivate a good habit tostop wasting our precious natural resources and learn to recycle disposableproducts(一次性产品).All in all, only by the co-efforts of the wholesociety can we learn to live in harmony with nature.三、幸福指数

The cartoon depicts a farmer planting rice seedlingsin the fields.Catching a glimpse of an official in a car passing by, thefarmer sorrowfully sighs,” If I were the officer too, I need not toil and moilall my days(整天辛辛苦苦).” However, it is unimaginable for himthat the official shows a great envy of his simple and rewarding life as well.Not surprisingly, a heated debate among the public has arisen as to theperception of happiness.Most people now hold on to the belied that happinesscan be measured in terms of(根据)money.Small wonder, they spare no effortsfor(绞尽脑汁)earning more money, as they insist thatthe degree of being happy be weighed by the amount of money earned.Buthappiness, in fact, is a state of mind(心态).Consider the famous saying in the Bible,” it is more bless to give than toreceive.” Oftentimes happiness just springs from a little source——the pleasure you find from being loved, the company ofyour dear and near friends, or even the enchantment(心旷神怡的)you have while reading.To wind up(总之), thesense of happiness is not somuch an envy of others’ achievements as(不是。。而是。。)a mental state of self-contentment as wellas a commitment to the community.四、经典接力

China has a time-honored cultural tradition ofprofundity, as is illustrated at the top of the cartoon: from the classicalworks “Heroes of the Marshes”(水浒传)and “Romance of Three Kingdoms”(三国演义)to the thought of Confucius.While in the lower partof the cartoon, 4people are running a relay race, which conves the significanceof inheritance and preservation of Chinese cultural heritage.Classics as a form of cultural heritage are preciousand exquisite gem(瑰宝)for mankind.Not only can it make usappreciate the wisdom and essence of the Chinese language, but also it canenhance our sense of national pride.However, as globalization and modernization picks up(加速), China should undertake a great mission to protectand salvage(挽救)its traditional relics(遗迹).To be exact, some measures must be taken to pull itout of marginalization(避免边缘化).Boosting public

awareness is undoubtedlythe best way to cultivate people’s sense for protecting cultural resources.Accordingly, it is of great necessity that youngpeople be inspired to appreciate the importance of cultural heritageprotection.五、另类生活

Science and technology have brought with them manychanges in our lifestyles.As it is conveyed in the cartoon, man tends to beincreasingly reliant upon technological inventions such as cars, cellphones orcomputers through which he could travel, greet, or even exchange ideas evenwithout face-to-face communications.Besides, advanced medical treatments whichcan help patients recover soon drive man to give up exercising.But then, isthe advancement of science and technology really equal to the progress of humanbeings who are social beings in essence?

As a matter of fact, science and technology have madeus become more estranged from(疏远)each other, thereby leaving our criticalthinking impaired.Ties that once had tightly bound us together have beenweakened by the us of technical devices.According to a recent survey, onethird of Chinese homes experienced incidents of domestic violence, especiallyamong celebrities.That is partly because chatting through phone or online hasreplaced soul-to-soul social associations.Only when we take powerful advantage of science andtechnology in reasonable ways can we step into a normal way of human life.六、学会放弃

The art of life consists in the art of learning togive up.In other words, when we learn this art, we will come to appreciate thetrue value of what we possess.Then we will discover the undeniable fact thatwhat we gain will be definitely by far more valuable than what we lose.As is depicted in the thought-provoking picture, ourpursuit for material gains can make for unforeseeable tragedies in the days tocome(在未来的日子里).If the man persisted in his action ofcutting the tree of economic returns, his work would inevitably spell greatdisasters for the environment.How crucial it is that, mindful of the art ofgiving, the man decided to stop reaping economic rewards for the sake ofecological health.The decision is wise and rewarding, though painful andcostly.More often than not, great rewards will follow in the long run if weresolutely(坚决地)give up what now we are apparently inpossession of.七、堵车时的“想象”

Confronted with frustration and hardships, it isinevitable for one to feel down.As is

revealed in the cartoon, a commuter, whois stuck in a heavy traffic, indulges in flights of fancies(想入非非), for fear that he will be severely reprimanded bythe boss for his coming late and that the bonus will thus turn into bubbles.It is no surprise that our life of ups and downs——the path under our feet is long and arduous, notsmooth.Work stress, tension at home or a dramatic change in schedules are alllikely to drive us discouraged and disappointed.However, so long as we canlearn how to deal with miseries in positive ways, optimism will triumph over(战胜)pessimism, promises over threats.Frustration is also part of valuable life experience.In our process of growing up, situations won’t always come up to ourexpectations.It is a tough test of our courage when it befalls

us.If we canharness it and take it as our source of inspiration, we may ultimately enjoythe pleasure of success.八、啃老一族

NEET grout, referring to people who are not currentlyengaged in any form of education, employment and training, has been the focusof government and social concern for some time.As is shown in the cartoon, theyoung couple supported by their exhausted parents is sitting idly to reap wherethey have not sown.Then, what might account for this provocativescenario? For one thing, most parents are willing to shoulder theresponsibilities of helping their kids “get married and settle down to a job”(成家立业), out of the deep love for their kids or because oftheir traditional values.Regrettably, they often neglect to foster theirchildren’s sense of independence.Even worse, what complicates all this(使这些变得麻烦的是)is young people’s inadequacy(无能), because they can hardly find well-paid andsatisfying jobs.Small wonder, they are accustomed to live under thesponsorships(资助)of their parents.Admittedly, this issue should be dealt witheffectively and appropriately.As to young people, they should be aware thattowering trees could not grow up in a “greenhouse”.九、必然?偶然?

An actor’s performance gives rise to a heated debateamong spectators.Some maintain that success originates from his diligence andperseverance, whereas others argue that his success is nothing more than astroke of good luck.The contradictory arguments by the two groups ofpeople do illustrate a focal point in regard to one’s success.Undoubtedly,good luck does play a part in one’s career, but without diligence andperseverance, how can one acquire good survival skills?

Numerous cases exist to illustrate such anobservation, but one will suffices.Take Diego Maradona, for example, in theWorld Cup 1996, some people attributed his victory over England to his hand ofGod, emphasizing that luck brought him to the championship.But withoutdiligence, he could not have acquired good soccer skills, let alone earning hisreputation as the best player in the world.In a word, without diligence, one would not succeed.But diligence plus good luck bring people well on the way toward a miracle.After all, there is no pure luck in the world.十、分享阳光,分担风雨

The cartoon shows that two trees in close vicinitythrive both in sunlight and in

thunderstorms, reminding us that we should learnto share with others whatever joy or misery.Indeed, we can feel the warmth and consideratenessfrom our trusted friends who share our pains and sufferings.Just as the sayinggoes,” a happiness shared by two is double happiness;and a sorrow shared bytwo is half sorrow.” This is especially true when the disastrous earthquakehappened in Wenchuan city.The volunteers from all parts of the countrydedicated themselves to the rescue mission.Finally, the combined effort of

thewhole society has pulled the people in trouble through the difficulties, whichembodies the power of sharing.As long as we can share with our friends or familymembers who are always beside, we will not see the shadows or feel the pain.Instead, we will live in the paradise of love, together forever.十一、学会与人沟通

Communication is a social process in which individualscan build up interpersonal ties and bonds with others.Not surprisingly, goodpractical communication is of utmost importance.As ii depicted in these twocontrastive pictures, effective actual communication is by far better thancommunication skills learned from books.Effective communication that derives from face-to-faceencounters more often than not helps remove social misunderstandings.As theold saying goes,” practice makes perfect.” Mutual understanding can be establishedamong the public if we communicate with each other.For instance, the rapportbetween two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding minimized,if there is a dialogue channel.Briefly, try to understand other people and to beunderstood by others, and you will lead a substantial life.




1、作者:大报、西方名著obsure罕见 retoric隐性

2、命题者:一个字“绕”。暗示推理占34%(imply suggest)很多一语双意

3、考生 levels





① 词汇:紧扣大纲,区分主次,深度(多义词,难的,文化grandmother女性词有贬义)

② ②语法,以长句为主线学习(认识语法点),在语境中学习理解长句(分析),写作使用长句。(非限制性定语从句15% 限制性定语从句85%)③ 阅读(评论议论)精读100篇,泛读每日一篇。外刊(社会生活和文化教育:新闻周刊,时代周刊,华盛顿邮报,今日美国,泰晤士报,卫报。科普类:国家地理杂志,科学美国人,科学杂志,新科学家,探索杂志,自然。商业经济类:商业周刊,经济学家杂志,华尔街杂志。其它:英国电信日报,国际先驱论坛。)专业专著(北航出版社 考研英语标准阅读100篇)


① 考题命题②备战策略③知识点

他就是这样的“三好生” 当名词类被引着,表达的是怀疑,讥讽。研究真题。


①好的测试题②个人模式,作文,单词,句子,篇章。押韵。注意平时的积累。Arndd schwarzeneggar 阿若施瓦里格。Chrysarthemum菊花 越长越好。③最后要调节状态(最后不要背单词)



作者:高庆强 收录:中华论文网(www.zclw.net)

....................................................................................................................................................................................减小字体 增大字体


[关键词]同形异义词 多义词 英语学习

作为语言的基本单位,词汇是英语学习中非常重要的一部分。在词汇学习的过程中,我们会遇到诸多困难。其中之一便是多义词与同形异义词的区分。多义词即一个词具有多种意义、且意义之间密切相关。例如,hand的词义多达五个:He was walking with a book in his hand.(手);The hand of the clock goes around„(指针);He is a good hand at games.(有某种经验的人);He writes a good hand.(字迹,手迹);The sculpture of Lei Feng shows a master hand.(手艺,技能)。而同形异义词则是指那些形状相同、但各词义却相差甚远、毫无关联的词。以bear为例,She cannot bear children.可作出两种解释:第一,She has no ability to give birth to children;第二,She cannot tolerate children。由于多义词和同形异义词都是形同而义不同,所以学习者难以区别。


1.多义词的起源。多义词产生的第一种方式是辐射。在这个过程中,原有的词义作为核心词义派生出许多新的词义。换言之,多义词的产生就是一个单词意义结构的不断发展和扩张。当一个单词刚出现时,只被赋予一个词义,即原始词义。随着时间的推移和语言的不断发展,该单词被赋予越来越多的词义,即派生词义。例如,neck的核心词义是that part of man or animal joining the head to the body,即脖子,下列词义都是从这一词义派生而来:①that part of the garment,即衣领;②the neck of an animal used as food,即动物颈肉;③the narrowest part of anything,即细长部分,颈部。虽然neck的三个派生词义不尽相同,却都与其原始词义有关。其中,①为词义转化;②为词义专业化;③为词义延伸。

多义词产生的第二种方式是连锁变化,是指一个词可能在其它意义上失去其原始意义的意义转换过程,即一个词所产生的意义与其原始意义无关。cheater是词义连锁变化的一个典型例子。最初它是指充公产业官员(an officer who attended to escheats),后来又指不诚实的充公产业官员(an escheator who was dishonest)。如今cheater只保留了“不诚实的人”的意思,这与其原始词义大相径庭。









由于多义词有多个词义,同形异义词音和形都相同,二者经常在日常生活中引起语义含糊。例如Are you engaged?这个句子,由于engaged的多义性,可以至少有两种解释:“你忙吗?”和“你订婚了吗?”选择哪一种应视具体语境而定。鉴于多义词和同形异义词的这一特点,它们经常被作家、政治家等巧妙运用,以取得一种意想不到的效果。

英国著名作家狄更斯在其小说《雾都孤儿》中就利用board的一词多义,生动地叙述了这样的场景:当Oliver被董事会叫去时,听到有人喝声道:“Bow the board”(向董事会的人鞠躬),可Oliver未明白此话,在那里又未见到“木板”,只好向桌子鞠了一躬。这一场景的描述,通过多义词board的运用,将Olive表现出的尴尬描写得淋漓尽致。

美国历史上著名的政治家、科学家、作家、《独立宣言》的起草人富兰克林,就也利用多义词hang说过这样的话,“We must hang together,or we shall all hang separately。”此句中,使用两次hang,使整个句子寓意深刻,耐人寻味。第一个hang与together连用表示团结,第二个hang与separately表示若不团结则会出现相反的结果。




[1]胡世平,周尤亮.探讨英语多义词和同形异义词引起的语义含糊现象[J].海军工程大学学报,2002,(14).[2]卫岭.英语词汇的同形或同音异义关系[J].解放军外国语学院学报,1995,(4).[3]林承章.英语词汇学引论[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,1997.[4]Hatch,Evelyn.&Brown,Cheryl.Vocabulary,Semantics and Language Education[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.













[2]将“五行”译为five elements,five phase,Wuxing等诸多版本。这些因素导致了外国学习者的重重困惑,阻碍了中医的进一步发展。




“清”和“浊”是中医经典中常用的两个字。如《灵枢·营卫生会篇》言:“清者为营,浊者为卫”;《素问·阴阳应象大论》言:“清阳出上窍,浊阴出下窍”。现代翻译中多统一将“清”译作“lucid”,而“浊”译为“turbid”。《第六版牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(以下简称牛津词典)中对“lucid”的解释为:○1clearly expressed;easy to understand 表达清楚的,易懂的; ○2able to think clearly, especially during or after a period of illness or confusion(尤指生病期间或病愈后,糊涂状态中或过后)头脑清晰的,清醒的。对于“turbid”的释义为“full of mud, dirt, etc, so that you can not see through it ”浑浊的,污浊不清的。实际上清和浊的含义远非lucid和turbid能够概述。

就“清阳出上窍,浊阴出下窍”而言。《内经选读》对其的解释是:水谷之精气上奉于头面五官,饮食化生之后的糟粕经下窍二阴排除体外。即此处的“清阳”指水谷之精气,《素问·经脉别论篇》 :“饮入于胃 ,游溢精气 ,上输于脾。脾气散精 ,上归于肺 ,通调入道 ,下输膀胱。水精四布 ,五经并行 ,合于四时五脏阴阳 ,揆度以为常也。”即是说 ,饮食进入人体胃腑后 ,通过胃的腐熟 ,脾的运化,水谷精微转化成人体所需要的气、血、津液等 ,通过五脏六腑输布全身,维持人体生命不息。所以此处“清阳”翻译为“the essence of food and wanter”比单纯解释为“lucid”更为妥帖。“浊阴”指二便等经人体消化后的糟粕之物,牛津字典对turbid的解释“浑浊的,污浊不清的”含义用在此处较为妥帖,所以直接翻译为“the turbid yin”即可表达此意。

但“清者为营,浊者为卫”的含义有所不同。营气,是由脾胃化生的水谷精微中最精专柔和、最富有营养的部分所生,《素问·痹论》说:“荣者,水谷之精气也。”营气具有化生血液、营运血液、营养全身的作用,与卫气相对而言,属于阴,故又有“营阴”之称。卫气,是由脾胃化生的水谷精微中最剽疾滑利的部分所生。《素问·痹论》说:“卫者,水谷之悍气也。”卫气行于脉外,具有“温分肉,充皮肤,肥腠理,司开合”(引自《灵枢·本藏》)的作用。与营气相对而言属阳,故又有“卫阳”之称。现代通常翻译为“lucid part transforming into nutrient qi,turbid part transforming into defense qi”,根据上文提到的牛津字典对于lucid和turbid的释义,可知这两个单词用来翻译清浊实为不妥。此言中,清和浊都是精微物质,所以可用“essence”诠释。而相对的精专柔和和剽疾滑利的特点,可以用clear 和sharp来区分。牛津词典中对于clear的释义较多,其中“清澈”之意用在此处比较合适。而sharp既有“clear and define”之意,又有“sudden and rapid,especially of a change



[4]in sth”之意,此种表达方式既能表现卫气本是水谷精微的本质,又展现了其剽疾滑利之特性。所以清者为营浊者为卫的中清和浊应该分别翻译为“the clear of the essence“,”the sharp of the essence“ 由此可见,翻译中医时应结合语境,理解其具体含义,根据语境,一词多义,才能翻译出中医的精髓。音译法


2.1 音译在中医翻译中的使用现状


就目前中医的翻译现状来看,音译使用频率不高,且仅有Qi,yin yang 等少数词汇的音译得到了广泛的认可。

2.3 音译的特色及未来在中医翻译中的发展前途

在大部分人看来,翻译时采用拼音是一种无能的表现。殊不知,这正是汉语文化博大精深的体现,尤其是在中医文化中。如“阴阳”适用于天地、昼夜、男女„„简单的两个字几乎囊括世间万物,这是任何一种文化都难以比肩的。如若翻译,也只有”yin and yang“ 能够不损失其中的真谛。在文化空缺面前,我们必须承认,并且相互弥补,音译即为很好的途径。就此,笔者以“运气”和“痹”为例,详细论述中医英语,尤其是多义词的音译方法和原则。


此外,在气功中亦有“运气”之说,即把全身之气灌注到身体某一部分。五代王仁裕《开元天宝遗事·唤铁》:“ 太白山 有隐士 郭休,字 退夫,有运气绝粒之术。”清 纪昀《阅[5][7]微草堂笔记·滦阳续录三》:“其乡有导引求仙者,坐而运气,致手足拘挛。”由此可见,运气也是中国功夫神奇所在。

现在,运气又常用于指机遇机会等,此种用法时,英语有对应词汇,即可译为luck在此不作详解。而前两种含义是英语的文化空缺。现在“五运六气”的常用翻译法有five movements and six climates;five circuit phases and six atmospheric influences;five movements and six qi;five evolutive phases and six climatic changes.其中将“气”直译为”qi“或者”climate“尚可理解,而将“运”翻译为”movement“着实有些不可理喻,movement意为运动,与木火土金水的意思毫不相干,此种翻译将中医含义大打折扣。

此时,音译即可发挥其特色,与其片面的理解翻译,不如直接用”yun qi“,五运六气即可翻译为”five yun and six qi“。







[1] 刘国伟.中医英语翻译的标准化研究[D].山东师范大学, 2008.[2] 张晓明.中医英语翻译问题探讨[J].亚太传统医药, 2009(5(9)).[3] 李照国, 张庆荣.中医英语[M].第一版.上海科学技术出版社, 2009.[4] Hornby A S.Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary[M].第七版.牛津大学出版社, 2009 [5] 张新渝.内经选读[M].第一版.中国医药科技出版社, 2012.[6] 彭中斗.“饮入于胃,游溢精气,上输于脾。„„”之我见[J].河北中医杂志, 2003(7-12):815-816.[7] 方梦之.译学词典[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2005



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