2012年秋季学期高二英语复习题unit 13答案

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第一篇:2012年秋季学期高二英语复习题unit 13答案

2012年秋季学期高二英语复习题unit 13 – unit16 参考答案


1.benefit 2.absorbed 3.transported 4.pure 5.decreased 6.trust 7.sensitive 8.Relationships 9.advantage 10.relatively 11.murder 12.arrested 13.regardless 14.political 15.ridiculous 16.Revolution 17speech 18.soul 19.freedom 20.forbade 21.surroundings 22.analyses 23.passport 24.rate 25.budget 26.Arrangements 27.complaints 28.upset 29.guarantee 30.downtown 31.insisted 32.greedy 33.unemployment 34.reconstruction 35.afterwards 36.dawn 37.supply 38.overcome 39.eventually 40.sacrifices


1.D。句意:他想到什么做什么,毫不考虑我的话。regardless of是复合介词,意为“不管,不顾,不考虑”,后接名词或代词。instead of“代替”;in relation to“与„„有关联”;in need of“需要”。

2.C。句意:他没有回答我,他一定是在全神贯注地想事情。be absorbed in“全神贯注于”。3.D。句意:“你不要弄出声音,王先生正在隔壁房间睡觉。”“好的,我不会的。”故应选D项。

4.C。句意:多香啊,我从未吃过这么好吃的一顿饭。根据句意,把他吃的饭同以前吃的饭进行比较,用比较级。在英语中,“否定词(no, never)+比较级”常表达最高级的含义。

5.A。句意:你叔叔似乎是个开车好手;即便如此,我还是不敢乘他的车。even so“即使如此”;even though“即使,纵然”;therefore“因此”;so“那么”。


7.B。manage it“做了某事,设法做成了某事”。

8.B。one指代moment作同位语。I will always treasure是定语从句,作one的定语,省略了that。



11.B。that is相当于that is to say“也就是说”。in a word“总之”;generally speaking“一般来说”;选项D应改为in other words。

12.A。句意:“你能射到树顶上那只鸟吗?”“不能,它超出了射程范围。”out of reach“够不着”;out of control“失控”;out of distance“超出距离”都不符合题意。out of range“超出射程范围”,故答案选A。


14.D。考查形容词区别。句意:这位歌手在演出时总是对观众的反应非常敏感。be sensitive to“对„„敏感的”;sentimental“多愁善感的”;positive“积极的,肯定的”;sensible“明智的,可感知的”。

15.C 16.B。“...really made me decide to buy it”是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用what作主语。17.B。in prison“在坐牢”;go to the prison“去探监”。

18.A。句意:布鲁斯离家的原因之一是他想进行环球旅行。The reason why...is that...“„„的理由是„„”。the reasons后接定语从句,且从句中缺少状语,故选择why。


20.C。which替代前面的句子,引导非限制性定语从句,after which“在那之后”。

21.B。考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管他不时地要做一些兼职的工作,他在学校的成绩总是很好。in spite of“尽管”,表示让步关系;regardless of“不管;不顾”,表示不去考虑后果,强调主观;on account of“由于,因为”;in case of“万一”。

22.B。考查虚拟语气和动词短语辨析。此句表示与将来事实可能相反的虚拟条件句。当if省略时,should提到从句主语之前。call off“取消”,故选B。


24.C。looking into my eyes作said的伴随状语。

25.C。to make things worse是插入语,意为“更糟的事情是”。26.C

27.B。考查动词短语“提供某人某物”的用法区别。只有provide与for搭配正确。其他词的搭配是supply sth.to sb./supply sb.with sth., offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb., D项搭配正确,但不符合句意。

28.B。本题考查介词to和过去分词作定语的用法。“the key to...”中的to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词形式,排除C、D两项;made by the customers为过去分词,作demand的定语。

29.A。本题考查定语从句。先行词a small village在从句中作状语,所以要选A项。

30.B。根据所提供的情景Could you leave me alone for a while?可判断出一方打扰了另一方,所以打扰者向被打扰者道歉。Take it easy.“别着急。” Not a bit.“一点儿也不。” It depends.“看情况”。


1.去掉it。考查固定搭配。do without sb./sth.是固定搭配,常与can和could连用,意思是“不用或没有某人(某物)也行”。如:He cannot do without(the service of)a secretary.他不能没有秘书(的协助)。


4.suffer后加from。考查固定搭配。suffer后面直接接名词时,意为“受到,遭到”;而suffer from意为“受„„之苦”。比较:He has suffered punishment.他已经遭到惩罚。He often suffers from headaches.他经常头痛。








1.D。细节题。根据第一段第三句“I found they took half a closet to store...I took them back...”可知她把东西送回去主要是因为它们太占地方了。

2.B。词义理解题。根据第一段“...save time and money by passing up bargains”可知passing up在这里意思是“放弃,放过”,即放弃讨价还价可以节约时间当然也节约金钱了。















6、综合检查。准备每一单元做一次练习,主要以结合当前教学内容为主要测试内容, 间或分块测试,习题的训练在于精而不在于多。在教学中尽量按照高考的知识体系有针对性地选择典型性题目。针对共性问题进行精讲,让学生在书本中找到解决问题的源泉,学会思考、整理和归纳。





课时1:new words、warming up、pre-reading

课时2:reading 和 comprehending

课时3:language points

课时4:using language(listening, reading)

课时5:reading task

课时6:translation and exercises






单 元

内 容

备 注



Unit 1

Great scientist



Unit 2

The United Kingdom




Unit 3

Life in the future




Unit 4

Making the news



Unit 5

First aid




Unit 1




Unit 2





Unit 3

A health life




Unit 4

Global warming



Unit 5

The power of nature







一 情景交际考查(10分)1—5 BABBB6—10 ABBCC

二 词汇和语法知识考查(15分)

11—15 DCBDB16--20 DABCB21--25 CDBDA


26—30 D C A D B31--35 B C D A B36—40 D C B A B41—45 C C A A B


46-50 DADCC51--55 BADBA56--60 CADBB61---65 AEGBD

五 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)

guided67 mild68 deadline69 bleeding70 lack71 ambulance72 ceremony73 conflict74 department75 union

六 短文改错(每小题1.5分,共15分)

1加be 或 worry2 in---to3learn –learning4 because—that5 lose—lost6 and---but7 will be –will be an8 Beside—besides9 hardly –hard10 a good news –goodnews

七 书面表达(满分30分)

I'm now safely back home.Thank you very much for all the kindness I got from you during my stay.Hope everything is fine with you there.

Now I wonder whether I could ask you a favor.When I came back, I suddenly realized that I had left my novel Call of the Wild behind at your place.It is a precious gift from my American teacher.Would you please be so kind as to send it back to me? I’ll pay for the postage.The novel must be on the bookshelf in my bedroom.Thanks and all the best.

Yours,Li Hua


第四篇:高二英语Unit 3教案


Unit 3 Life in the future

Period One

Teaching aims: 1.Talk about life in the future.2.Practice making predictions.Teaching procedures: Step 1.Leading-in As we all know, the moment people landed on the moon for the first time, science and technology began to develop very rapidly.People will invent more and more advanced things and explore the universe further.Can you imagine what our life will be like in the future? Step 2.Warming up Ask Ss to talk about the life in the future.1.Divide the Ss into four groups or more to talk about the pictures one page 41.2.Ask the Ss to have a discussion on what the new technology can do for us.Try to give typical examples and explain your reasons.You may use expressions or questions in the boxes below on Page 41 to help you.Period Two

Step 1.Listening 1.Listen to the tape of Part 1 for the first time and answer the questions on Page 42;2.Listen to the tape again and check the answers with the whole class.3.Listen to the tape of Part 2 and fill in the forms.4.Listen to this part again and ask one student to describe what Mekanika wants to know.Step 2.Speaking 1.Divide the Ss into four groups to talk about the pictures on page 42 and then ask one of them to share the idea with the whole class.2.Ask the Ss to list the advantages and disadvantages of having a double.Then let them give


some ideas whether a new technology should be used.Step 3.Homework Ask the Ss to try to predict a new technology in the future and discuss the change it brings to the life.Period Three

Teaching aims: 1.Make the Ss get more information about the change of life in the future.2.Improve the Ss’ ability of getting the main idea of each reading subject.3.Help the Ss to grasp some useful words and expressions by using them.Teaching procedures: Step 1.Leading-in We all know that many things are affecting the quality of our life.What are they? Would you like to list them? You may think about clothes, food, transportation, education or health.Step 2.Pre-reading Scan the text to find out in which paragraph you can find the answers to the pre-reading questions.1.How will people shop in the future? 2.How will people travel in the future? 3.What will schools be like in the future? 4.What will the future be like in general? Step 3.Reading 1.Skimming Ask the Ss to read the whole text quickly and try to grasp the general idea.Do the following multiple-choice questions.1.What can we infer from the first paragraph? A.It is impossible for people to predict the future life.B.It is quite easy to know what life will be like in the future.C.People can know exactly what future life will be like through examining the contemporary


society.D.It is possible to forecast about future life by examining some of the major trends of the contemporary society.2.Which statement about the current life is true according to the text? A.People pay much attention to a healthy diet instead of regular exercise.B.Public transportation is well developed in all areas of China.C.E-business is so popular that people are doing more and more online shopping.D.E-schools have taken the place of common classrooms.3.What can we learn from the text? A.Scientists are trying to protect what life will be like in the future.B.We had better keep on studying all life to keep up with the changeable world.C.Life in the future won’t change too much.D.Life in the future will be completely different from what it is today.(Answers: 1—3 DCB)2.Scanning After getting the general idea of the text, Ss will be encouraged to get more information from the text by doing the following multiple choices.1.For what purpose is the example of “the new train” introduced? A.To show the great achievement in science.B.To tell new technology is used to reduce the pollution of transportation.C.To show the modern transportation is much faster.D.Both B and C.2.In the future people will shop ________.A.not for basic goods B.only for entertainment C.using special small cards instead of cash D.in less crowded malls 3.What is the main advantage of e-schools? A.Students can save time on the way by attending e-schools.B.They will help people study whenever and wherever they like.高中英语教学资源库

C.They supply more knowledge than common classrooms do.D.Attending e-schools is fashionable.4.The word “predict” in the first paragraph is close to ______ in meaning.A.learn B.guess C.forecast D.describe 5.To live a longer and healthier life, people believe in _______.A.eating healthy food and taking regular exercise B.eating more C.doing much exercise every day D.having physical examinations often 6.People can deal with new diseases like SARS mainly through __________.A.advances in medical science B.regular exercise C.a healthy diet D.good treatment of doctors and nurses 7.It is better to be lifelong learners because ______.A.learning is pleasant B.things are changing all the time C.we’d better prepare ourselves well for the coming changes in our life D.we can’t forecast what will happen in the future(Answers: 1—7 DCBCAAC)Step 4.Post-reading 1.Ask the Ss to discuss the post-reading questions(2---5).2.What should we do to make sure we can have a bright future? Please write a short passage according to the text and your imagination.Period Four

1.catch/get/have a glimpse of 瞥见,望见一眼

e.g.I thought I caught a glimpse of Meg at the station this morning.高中英语教学资源库

I got a glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I doubt I would recognize her if I saw her again.2.ensure v.担保,确保(1)ensure that…

e.g.The role of the police is to ensure(that)the law is obeyed.(2)ensure sb.sth.e.g.Following the plane crash, the airline is taking further steps to ensure public safety on its aircraft.3.without doing…

e.g.Lily went back home without saying goodbye.4.make it easier for sb.to do sth.make it +adj.+(for sb.)+to do make it +n.+(for sb.)+to do e.g.The Internet makes it quite easy for us to look for information.试比较:find it +adj +(for sb)+to do find it +n +(for sb)+to do e.g.I find it difficult to find what he likes.5.keep in touch with 与……保持联系 be in touch with 与……保持联系(状态)get in touch with 与……取得联系 lose touch with 与……失去联系

be out of touch with 与……没有联系(状态)e.g.Let’s keep in touch.We’ve been out of touch with John for years now.6.search…for…寻找…… e.g.The police searched her for drugs.7.deal with 对付,处理;涉及,讨论;与……做生意 e.g.How will you deal with the bad boy? 8.lead to 引起,造成,导致 e.g.The misprint led to great confusion.高中英语教学资源库

lead to a place 通往某地 e.g.The road leads to the town.lead sb.to do 使得,导致(某人做谋事)e.g.He led a guest to his room.9.appreciate vt.欣赏,感激

e.g.You can’t fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.I really appreciate a good cup of tea.10.in store 储备着,贮藏着

e.g.Please keep your energy in store for the trip.He always keeps several cases of wine in store.in store for 等待着(某人)e.g.There’s a surprise in store for you.Period Five

Teaching aims: 1.Learn some words and phrases in the reading passage.2.Learn about the noun clauses serving as subjects, object and predicative in a sentence.Teaching procedures: Step 1.Word study 1.Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks of exercise 1 on Page 45 with the correct form of the ten words listed below:

in general, forecast, trend, urban, consumer, keep in touch with, customer, tiny, cash, pay attention to, regularly, physician, lead to, effort, in store.2.Explain the meaning of each phrase in the box of Exercise 2.Then ask the students to fill in each blank with them and change the form where necessary.Go over the passage with the whole class.Step 2.Learning about Noun Clause(2).1.In pairs discuss the examples on Page 46 and the function of each clause.Do exercise 1.Then check the answers with the whole class.高中英语教学资源库

2.More examples are given to explain the usages of noun clauses.名词性从句的功能相当于名词,根据其在句中充当的成分可分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等。

(1)主语从句(subject clause)e.g.That they were in truth sisters were clear from the facial resemblance between hem.What she said is not yet known.注:若主语从句较长,常用it 作形式主语,而把主语从句放到句子的后面。e.g.It is not known yet whether they will come today.It is strange that he had made a mistakes.(2)表语从句(predicative clause)eg.The problem is who we can get to replace her.The question is how he did it.(3)宾语从句(object clause)A.用作及物动词的宾语 e.g.He told us that he felt ill.I know he has returened.B.用作介词的宾语

e.g.I walked over to where she sat.I don’t care(for)who marries him.Period Six

Teaching aims: 1.Foster the Ss’ ability to read English letters.2.Enable the Ss to write a predictable life in the future.Teaching procedures: Step 1.Leading-in Ask the Ss to have a discussion in pairs or groups about the following topic: “What will the life be like in the year 3000?” Step 2.Listening and reading


Ask the Ss to listen to the tape of this passage and then answer the questions on Page 47: 1.If you had an e-friend, what would you use it for? 2.Why is it something difficult for Mekanika to know what is real and what is an image? 3.How is your life different from the way people lived one thousand years ago? Step 3.Language points 1.company n.陪伴;与他人在一起 e.g.I enjoy his company.keep sb.company 陪伴某人,给某人做伴 e.g.I will stay here and keep you company.in company with sb.和某人在一起

e.g.I, in company with many others, feel his decision was wrong.for company 做伴,一起

e.g.I hate going out alone: I take my daughter for company.2.in the same way 用同样的方法

the way(that/in which/of doing/to do)做某事的方法 in the way 挡道,碍事 on the way 在路上 by the way 顺便问一下

in a way/in one way/in some ways 在某种意义上,在某种程度上 3.after all 毕竟,尽管

e.g.I didn’t invite him to my birthday party;after all, I don’t really know him well.The passenger was tired and walked more slowly, but he got home after all.in all 总共

all in all 大体而言,从各方面来说 above all 首要的,最为重要的 at all 全然,究竟,到底

4.more than 超过,不仅仅是,极其

e.g.The school now employs more than five substitute teachers.5.clean up 收拾,整理,弄赶净,整齐;清理,消除疑虑,天气放晴 e.g.I cleaned up the classroom after school.高中英语教学资源库

Pleas clear up the mess in her before you go.I hope it clears up this afternoon.6.some day(将来)某一天 one day(过去或将来)某一天 the other day 前几天= a few days ago another day 改天 Step 4.Writing Ask the Ss to write a short passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology.



教师: 何媛萍





使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。二班的及格率达到百分之十,优秀率百分之一,三班的及格率达到百分之一,优秀及格率达到百分之一。






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