
时间:2019-05-14 20:32:25下载本文作者:会员上传



9.16.2010 Today I participated in training on Catia in E10a.Catia was a new concept to me before I joined in Foxconn.After the training I learnt much information about Catia.Although I can`t draw some complex mechanical parts, I had learnt the products and services of Catia.The modularized products of Catia is aim to supply the customer`s need in the activity of developing new products.It includes style or shape design, mechanic design, equipment or system engineering, management of digital proto, machining and analysis or simulation.The products of Catia base on scalable frame of V5.Catia can solutes project and speeds up the needs of the market of a business.Its digital prototyping process is used widely in market from 1999.So it has become the most common system of developing new products.The products of Catia have become the chief scheme of 3D design and simulating solutions in seven areas, such as cars, aviation or astronavigation, shipbuilding, workshop designing, electric power or electron, consumables and common mechanic processing.In Foxconn, Catia is mainly used to plan mobile parts and computer parts.Since I have learnt Catia for a short time, I can`t show much more information about it.Afterwards I will check on much more information about it such as the central technology, the main function and module, the history of development, the application of industry, advantage in competition and its major customer.Although I can`t share much more information about Catia that I have learnt with my companion, I can show some skills of Catia.If you want to hide the directory tree in operating platform, you can press F3.If you want to rotate the part, you can press left key or right key and press middle key at the same time.Also you can translate the figure by pressing the middle key.Press any keyboard arrow, the preselection navigator appears.And you can achieve the point by pressing Ctrl and F11 at the same time.Before this morning I didn`t know how to define the direction of a sketch.I asked my teacher, he gave me a useful way.It is that pressing Ctrl key and selecting the edge which is X axis at the same time, then selecting the sketch function.After the above steps the sketch can turn to the need direction automatically.After the training, I found a problem about the lecture.Also it is quite difficult to sole.Because our team have only three computers in office, and the three computer haven`t been fixed with Catia.Although we have private computer in dormitory, we have no way to fix Catia.The technology needs a lot time to practice.Although we can squeeze out time to learn to practice, it is regrettable that we have no chance to contact Catia.I think that if we can make contact with the manager of classroom.If it is possible, we can borrow the classroom on the night or at Sunday and Saturday.In this manner, we can learn Catia quickly and steadily.So long as we have begun to learn the technology, we must learn it well.If not, we will waste time that we spend on learning the technology.





1、Failed to authenticate ourselves to peer







2、Time out waiting for PADO packets







Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow.When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere.Friend is who can give you strength at last.2.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.3.我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

We all live in the past.We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.4.一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。

One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime.When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.5.曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。

Don’t forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can’t get.Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.6.我喜欢并习惯了对变化的东西保持着距离,这样才会知道什么是最不会被时间抛弃的准则。比如爱一个人,充满变数,我于是后退一步,静静的看着,直到看见真诚的感情。

I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time.For example, when you love someone, changes are all around.Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.7.男人的爱是俯视而生,而女人的爱是仰视而生。如果爱情像座山,那么男人越往上走可以俯视的女人就越多,而女人越往上走可以仰视的男人就越少。

Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up.If love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men.8.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。

Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.9.在自己面前,应该一直留有一个地方,独自留在那里。然后去爱。不知道是什么,不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人。可是,这种等待,就是爱情本身。

We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves.And then begin to love.Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be.Just wait for one love.Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.10.有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?我们总以为那份痴情很重,很重,是世上最重的重量。有一天,暮然回首,我们才发现,它一直都是很轻,很轻的。我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。

Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world.But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light.We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin.The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.11.一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。

An unacceptable love needs no sorrow,but time-sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.12.一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love.Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.13.我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。

I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything.Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least.And then be a simple man.


12.17.2012Pehaps it is the arrangement of the god I am cowardly.I admit many people around me once I believe I am so lucky but now she my sister let me see clearly all things.these experiences tell me being a person ,who should preserve her benefit I could not bear and accept that my friends betray me unexpectedly.for a long time ,I have been convinced of her..so everyone is unbelievable.i think it is time for me to correct the mistakes.even if I don not want to believe.I have lived with a person who don not like me and betray me, but I should come to sober.Wasting time is a slow sucide.I know tomorrow is another day.everyday is a wonderful day.i should make the best use of my time.study reading or just sleeping.Regardless of what I have been hurt ,I should be a strong person forget all unhappy thing speak loudly what I want what I don not want.



Fog disappeared.Manoeuvred her at full sea speed(or Fog cleared and full speed ahead).(37)雾已散,起锚,继续航行

Fog cleared off, weighed anchor and got underway.(38)顶流

Current against her.(39)顺流 Current with her.(40)已观测到花鸟山岛在东北方位15海里

Observed Hua-Niao-Shan Island bearing N.E.distance 15 nm.(41)我们正顺沿岸的潮流航行

Navigated with coastwise tidal stream.(42)由于受海流影响,以致船舶偏航

Deviated her intended voyage owing to current force.(43)船舶航行在33o58′.5N 132o35′.6E处突然遭遇强流

Sailed at POSN 33o58′.5N 132o35′.6E and suffered from strong current.(44)于120oE处从南半球到北半球过赤道 Passed equator in long.120oE from(the)South hemisphere to(the)North hemisphere.(45)于北纬10o之地通过180o的子午线 Crossed the meridian of 180o in lat.10oN.(46)在南纬20o23′处,从东半球到西半球通过了子午线

Passed the meridian in 20o23′S from(the)east hemisphere to(the)west hemisphere.(47)开始测深 Commenced sounding.(48)在30o58′.5N 122o35′.6E处测深20拓 Sounded 20 fathoms at 30o58′.5N 132o35′.6E.(49)锤测水深20拓

Took a cast of lead 20 fathoms.(50)再次测深,仍未达底

Re-sounded.No bottom(has been)touched down.(51)用锤测水深不见底

Took cast lead.Bottom has not been touched.(52)用测深仪测得水深为拓,底质未粗沙

Cast a lend of echo-sounder 15 fathoms, block sandy bottom.(53)一艘集装箱船用声号警示从右舷追越,时速22节 A container sent siren to inform of overtaking from starboard with 22 kn.(54)一艘客滚船用声号警示从左舷追越,时速25节

A RO/RO passenger ship transmitted whistle to inform of overtaking from port side with 25 kn.3.


A tug ordered(for moving operation).(2)“连港15”在我码头不远处等候拖带工作

Tug ―Lian Gang 15‖ stands by off the pier for towing operation.(3)拖船从右舷船首顶推 Tug pushed at her starboard bow.(4)拖船从左舷船尾顶推 Tug pushed at her port quarter.(5)带拖缆上羊角桩 Put tug lines to cleat.(6)带拖缆上桩

Put eyes of towing line on bitts.(7)拖船正拖我船处港口

Tug pulled her outward from the harbor.(8)我轮主机故障,已经要拖船准备拖带入港

M/E OOO.Ordered tug to tow her inward to the harbor.(9)拖带工作结束,已经签了拖轮付款单据 Tug operation finished.Signed towage paper.(10)用巴拿马导缆轮

Panama lead(has been)utilized.(11)缆绳穿过了“牛鼻孔” Passed through bull nose.4. 锚泊(Anchoring)(1)锚位正常 目录

Check anchoring.Found in correct position.(2)用GPS核对锚位。33o58′.5N 132o35′.6E Check ANCH POSN by GPS at 33o58′.5N 132o35′.6E.(3)抛左锚,升锚球,锚位距大泓塔真方位291 o,距离2.05海里,水深19米,泥沙底,船首向161 o Port anchor(was)let go.Anchor ball(was)hoisted.Anchoring position at TB 291o, distance 2.05 nm.Depth of 19m with sandy bottom, HDG 161o from Da Hong lighthouse.(4)锚备妥,6节甲板,锚位卫道设备测得37o29′.0N 122o15′.4E Anchor stood by, 6 shackles on deck.SF 37o29′.0N 122o15′.4E.(5)引航员Ha Ji Awbng上船,升H旗

Pilot in the name of Ha Ji Awbng embarked, and Flag H hoisted.(6)引航员下船,降H旗,船长自引航

Pilot disembarked.Lowered down Flag H accordingly, and ship is manoeuvred under the command of master.(7)绞锚 Anchor heaving.(8)起锚 Anchor hove up.(9)锚离底

Anchor clear of bottom.(10)锚已收回 Anchor home.(11)锚已绑牢 Anchor secured.(12)抛左锚

Port anchor(was)let go.(13)抛右锚

Starboard anchor(was)let go.(14)抛双锚 Both anchors(were)let go.(15)抛锚相对于凸码头真方位103o,距离2.5海里,船首向040o,水深13米,沙底

Anchored at TB 103o, distance 2.5 nm, HDG 040o, depth water of 13m of sandy bottom form jetty.(16)抛左锚6节甲板

Port anchor(was)let go and 6 shackles(were)on deck.(17)备双锚

Both anchors(were)stood by.(18)调整锚链及绞入左锚

Adjusted anchor chain and hove in port anchor.(19)开始绞锚,锚起,慢速前进;至港外,全速前进

Commenced to heave up anchor.Anchor weighed.Slow ahead and cleared harbor.Full ahead.(20)起锚后在引航员的指挥下向港外驶去

Hove up anchor and proceeded outward in command of pilot.(21)锚已经绞上,由引航员指挥沿河而上

Anchor up and proceeded upstream under command of pilot.(22)船抵达锚地,抛下左锚并放出3节的锚链,完车完舵,由驾驶员值班 Arrived at anchorage and anchored with port anchor with 3 shackles.Finished with engine and wheel.Set officer’s watch.(23)于水深7拓处抛下左锚,放出3节锚链

Let go port anchor in 7 fathoms of water with 3 shackles of chain.(24)起锚向南前进,在水深20米处再次下锚

Heaved up anchor and proceeded a little to southward and re-anchored in 20m depth of water.(25)在港外锚地抛锚等待潮水 Anchored at roadsteads to await HW.(26)左锚已备妥

Port anchor ready to let go.(27)右锚已备妥

Starboard anchor ready to let go.(28)双锚已备妥

Both anchors ready to let go.5.


Commenced to slack on lines.(2)艏单绑

Forward lines single up.(3)缆绳全部解掉 All lines(were)let go.(4)船长指挥离开码头,驶向锚地 目录

Operated outward under the command of Master and proceeded to anchorage.(5)艏清爽 Bow clear.(6)艉清爽 Aft clear.(7)艉缆解掉 Aft lines let go.(8)离开白石港:燃油74.58吨,柴油17.61吨,压载水1457.54吨,淡水100吨,常数61.3吨,载重1711.3吨,前吃水

3.35米,后吃水4.2米,海水比重1.025 Departed from White Stone Port.R.O.B.(Remaining on Board)at Departure: F.O.74.58 t, D.O.17.61 t, B.W.1457.45 t, F.W.100 t, C 61.3 t, D.W.1711.3 t, Draft F 3.35 m/A 4.2 m.s.g.of seawater: 1.025(9)由码头解缆后,离开横滨往大连

Cast off wharf and departed Yokohama for Dalian.(10)备车慢速前进 Her engine stood by and proceeded with slow speed.(11)减速出防波提

Reduced speed outward breakwater.(12)抵达1号浮并开始系泊

Arrived at No.1 buoy with mooring operation.(13)绞靠1号浮后结束用车

Made fast to No.1 buoy and finished engine operation.(14)用左舷靠码头 Alongside port side.(15)左舷船尾系牢浮筒

Made her stern fast to the buoy.(16)船抵达码头,并停泊该处,结束用车

Arrived at pier and made her fast.Finished with engine.(17)起锚移近岸边

Heaved up anchor and shifted close to shore.(18)艏缆上B15浮筒

First line(was)moored to Buoy B15.(19)锚链与B15浮筒挽牢

Made fast between anchor chain and Buoy B15.(20)检查锚链与缆绳系浮情况正常

Checked mooring both anchor chains and lines, without abnormality.6. 时间(Time)

(1)目录 GPS船位00o13′.3N 106o45′.8E,将船钟拨慢20分钟,即SMT=GMT+07小时40分钟并通知机舱

Retarded clock 20 min at GPS POSN 00o13′.3N 106o45′.8E.It makes SMT=GMT+07h40m, and informed E/R.(2)00o37′.3N 106o55′.8E将船钟在拨慢20分钟,即SMT=GMT+07小时20分钟并通知机舱

Retarded clock again in POSN of 00o37′.3N 106o55′.8E.That is SMT=GMT+07h20m, and informed E/R.(3)守听上海海岸电台的对时信号,校对天文钟

Listening to Time signal of Shanghai Radio Station, and checked chronometer.(4)在正午时分拨快时钟20分钟,以符合船上的标准时间

Advanced clocks 20 min to comply with SAT(Ship’s Apparent Time)at noon.(5)拨快时钟20分钟,以符合东经105o的标准时间 Adjusted clocks 20 min ahead for SAT at 105o00′E(6)拨快时钟20分钟,以符合新加坡标准时间

Adjusted clocks 20 min ahead for observing standard time at Singapore.(7)拨快时钟1小时,以符合当地夏令时 Advanced clocks one hour for local summer time.(8)在正午时分拨慢时钟20分钟,以符合船上的标准时间 Put the clock aback 20 min in compliance with SAT at noon.(9)在正午时分拨慢时钟20分钟,以符合船上的标准时间 Corrected clocks 20 min behind for SAT at noon.(10)在正午时分拨慢时钟20分钟,以符合船上的标准时间 Retarded clocks 20 min for SAT at noon.(11)拨慢所有的时钟20分钟,以符合北京时间

Retarded all ship’s clocks 20 min for Beijing Mean Time.(12)由于过国际日期变更线日期需要减一天。即现在的日期=原来日期-1 Passed the International Date Line.Set one day aback accordingly.That is, the new date=original date-1.(13)由于过国际日期变更线日期需要加一天。即现在的日期=原来日期+1 Passed the International Date Line.Increased one day ahead accordingly.That is, the new date=original date+1.7. 交接班(Handover)

(1)目录 交班人三副刘庆东,接班人二副张扬

Handed over by 3/O Liu Qingdong, Received by 2/O Zhang Yang.(2)奉公司之命,原大副邢来宝公休,由大副王东接任,已交接完毕,双方满意,从第24航次开始起工作由接班大副负 责。

Under the direction of our shipping company, ex-Chief in the name of Xing Laibao duty off.Mr.Wang Dong takes charge of Chief Mate duty.Hand-over finished.The incoming officer and outgoing officer satisfied.Mr.Wang Dong serves as Chief from voyage No.24.(3)原船长去向不明,根据公司的管理体系文件中大副职责第一条的规定,船长职务自当地时间1100起由大副接替,立


The former master is missing.Chief takes over master’s duty by 1100LT as per the requirement of item 1 in SMS for Chief Mate.Report this incident to Ship-owner immediately.(4)原轮机长退休,自当地时间2100时起由接班轮机长接替,交班人王刚,接班人刘庆冬

The former C/E retired.The incoming C/E takes over from 2100LT.outgoing C/E Wang Gang and incoming C/E Liu Qingdong.(5)新任大副Smith先生执行职务 Newly appointed C/O Mr.Smith on duty.(6)见习三副高清林升任三副

Assistant 3/O Mr.Gao Qinglin promoted to 3/O.(7)奉公司之命,船长休假,大副提升船长,二副提升大副,三副提升二副,新任三副刘铁军山船接任三副,并带来调

As per the direction of shipping company, the master will be in holiday.Chief promoted to master, and 2/O promoted to C/O and 3/O promoted to 2/O accordingly.The newly appointed 3/O in the name of Liu Tiejun embarked with the hand-over instructions.(8)3名水手由于不胜任被解雇

Three sailors dismissed due to incompetence.(9)轮机长由于吵架被解雇 C/E dismissed due to quarrelling.(10)大副由于触犯了本公司的条例被解雇

C/O unemployed due to violation of company rules.(11)二副由于语言不过关而被调下船

2/O disembarked due to incompetence for language ability.(12)原机工长退休,他的工作由机工王三接任

The former No.1 Oiler resigned.The Oiler Wang San promoted the responsibilities.(注:机工长可以说成head of oiler)8. 靠泊(Berthing)(1)抛锚协助掉头 目录

Anchoring for assisting turning.(2)第一根缆上桩挽牢 First line secured.(3)拖船解掉

Tugs off or Let go tugs.(4)所有的拖缆解掉

All tug lines(were)cast off.(5)船靠妥 Got alongside.(6)左舷靠

Alongside by portside.(7)右舷靠妥

Completed alongside starboard.(8)靠液化气(专用)码头 Alongside L.N.G.terminal.(9)放舷梯 Gangway rigged.(10)安放鼠挡 Rat guard fixed.(11)距Buffalo Rock方位078o.5距离0.52海里处艏拖Bararuda艉拖Armada带妥 Tug forward Bararuda and tug aft Armada made fast in POSN bearing 078o.5 distance 0.52 nm from Buffalo Rock.9.(1)引航员离船 Pilot disembarked.(2)0000当地时间引航员上船,挂两黑球,当地时间0030时过上海船厂5号浮筒

0000LT Pilot embarked.Hoisted two black balls.0030LT passed No.5 buoy of Shanghai Shipyard Lock.(3)定向,定速 Steady course and speed.(4)引航员Hermanc上船

Pilot in the name of Hermanc embarked.(5)船舶停泊在5号浮筒附近,以等候引航员

Stopped in the vicinity of No.5 fairway buoy for awaiting pilot.(6)起锚,由引航员引航从神户到门司

Anchor weighed and departed fro Kobe to Moji under navigation of pilot.(7)引航员上船指挥,全速前进

Pilot embarked and proceeded on with full sea speed under his charge.(8)船长和引航员下驾驶台,改由驾驶员操纵 Capt.And PLT left bridge and OOW manoeuvred her.(9)引航员上船,降G旗,升H旗

Pilot embarked.Flag G lowered and Flag H hoisted.目录



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    档案馆号 档 号 缩 微 号 总登记号 城 建 档 案 案卷题名 复桥农贸市场(复桥商贸楼)(第一卷) 1、开工报告2、图纸会审3、钢筋原材料检测报告4、装修材料检测报告5、防水材料检测......


    观《集结号》有感 不撤不退,只为那个诺言;苦苦的等待与煎熬,只因为一个集结号还未吹响;八年的期盼,只为兄弟情深。 战争注定给人带来灾难,不仅是生命上的摧残,也给财产带来巨大的损......


    原材料检验专用资料袋 编号:材料名称:材料来源:材料牌号:技术标准:质保书号:材料炉号:材料名称:材料牌号:技术标准:质保书号:材料炉号:材料规格:机试编号:化析编号:入库日期:原材料检验专用......


    统一思想 创新进取 技能过硬 成绩斐然 --二机架“全国工人先锋号”申报材料 二机架班组积极创建“工人先锋号”,以发挥榜样激励作用、争创先进班组为主要途径,积极开展岗位......