
时间:2019-05-14 21:31:39下载本文作者:会员上传





eg, He said he was good at drawing.(动词宾语)

He asks him how long Mike has been down.(动词宾语)

Miss Zhang is angry at what you said.(介词宾语)


(1)陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用that,口语中常常省略。e.g, She told me(that)she would like to go with us.(2)以 whether 或 if 引导的宾语从句, 主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语从句,从句同样是陈述语序

eg, I wonder if /whether u have told the new to Li Lei.注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外。

a.当从句做介词的宾于是只用whether 不用if

eg, We are talking about whether we'll go on the pinic.b.引导词与动词不定式或 not 连用时,只用whether.eg, Please let me know what to do next.Could you tell me whether u go or not?


E.g.Could you tell me what's the matterwrong with you? 特殊情况::当do you think后接特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,句式结构应为引导词+do you think+陈述句语序。



Do you know(if/whether he has seen the film)? b.当主句是一般过去时,从句要用过去时的相应时态。例如: I didn't know(if/whether he had seen the film.)

注意:当主句是一般过去时,而从句表示的是客观真理,自然现象,科学原理,格言等,从句仍然要用一般现在时。例如: He said(that the earth moves round the sun.)

The teacher told us(that light travels much faster than sound.)

三、直接引语和间接引语在宾语从句中的运用 1.直接引语和间接引语概述


The teacher asked, “Do you like English? 老师问:“你喜欢英语吗?”(直接引语)

The girl said that she liked English very much.女孩说她非常喜欢英语。(间接引语)

一般在直接引语或间接引语当中都有一个引述动词,如 tell, ask, say 等。这些引述动词和它们的主语所放位置比较灵活,可以放在直接引语之前、之后或其中。主语如果是名词时,可以倒装。“主语+引述动词”放在间接引语当中就相当于宾语从句的主句部分。例如:

He told me, “I am going to Changchun tomorrow.”


"Where are you from?” asked Linda.“你来自哪里?”琳达问。2.直接引语变间接引语的变化形式


指示代词this和these通常变为that和those。人称代词也要根据情况做适当调整。从句中的第一人称多变为第三人称,第二人称根据情况改为第一人称或第三人称,第三人称不变。例如:He said, “I came to help you.” 他说:“我是来帮助你的。”

→He said that he had come to help me.他说他是来帮助我的。2.时态的变化



一般现在时→一般过去时 一般过去时→过去完成时

现在进行时→过去进行时 现在完成时→过去完成时

一般将来时→过去将来时 【注意】




now → then last month → the month before today → that day three days ago → three days before tonight → that night tomorrow → the next day

this week → that week next month → the next month yesterday → the day before the day after tomorrow → in two days 地点状语的变化 here → there

谓语动词的变化 come → go 3.直接引语变为间接引语的情况 1.直接引语为陈述句

(1)将直接引语变为由that 引导的宾语从句,接在谓语动词之后(that 可以省略。)例如:

He said, “I forgot to call you yesterday.”


→He said that he had forgotten to call me the day before.他说她前一天忘记给我打电话了。

(2)如果引述动词是say to sb.,则通常改为tell sb.sth.结构。例如:

He said to me, “Your bike is broken.” 她对我说:“你的自行车坏了。”

→He told me that my bike was broken.他对我说我的自行车坏了。2.直接引语为一般疑问句

直接引语为一般疑问句,将直接引语变为由if /whether 引导的宾语从句,句中时态、人称、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要做相应的变化。其语序为陈述语序,若直接引语的引述动词为say,应改为ask.例如:

Mary asked me, “Is Helen from the United States?”


→Mary asked me whether/if Helen was from the United States.玛丽问我海伦是否是美国人。3.直接引语为特殊疑问句


John asked me, “Where does Zhou Xun come from?” 约翰问我,“周迅是哪儿的人?”

→John asked me where Zhou Xun came from.约翰问我周迅是哪儿的人。4.if 引导的条件状语从句

(1)主句用一般将来时,if 从句用一般过去时。例如:

We will go to Bao Du Zhai if it is fine tomorrow.如果明天天好的话我们就去抱犊寨。

We will to travelling if we have time tomorrow.如果明天我们有时间我们就去旅行。

(2)主句祈使句,if 从句用一般现在时。例如:

Please call me if you need help.如果你需要帮助请打电话给我。

Sing a song if you feel happy.如果感到快乐就唱首歌吧!(3)主句含有情态动词,if 从句用一般现在时。

You can make a lot of money if you run a company.如果你经营一家公司的话你会装很多钱。

You can get number one if you study hard.如果你努力学习你就可以得第一。

—Mary, what about going boating if it doesn’t rain?


—Good idea.好主意。


1.2.当主句谓语动词是hope,wish,decide,forget,plan,agree等,且主句主语与从句主语相同时,从句可简化为不定式结构。如: She agreed that she could help me with my maths.→She agreed to help me with my maths.2.当主句的谓语动词是know, learn, forget, remember, decide等后面带特殊疑问句转化的宾语时,主从句的主语也须一致这时从句可以简化成“疑问词+不定式结构”。例如:

I don't know which sweater I should buy.→I don't know which sweater to buy.3.当主句的谓语动词是ask,tell, show, teach等后面带双宾语时,从句的主语和间接宾语一致,且从句是由特殊疑问句转化来时,从句可以转化成“疑问词+不定式结构”,或者在连接代词/副词引导的宾语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语或间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“连接代词/副词+不定式”结构。如:→Could you tell me how to get to the park? 4.当主句谓语动词是find,see,watch,hear等感官动词时,从句常简化为“宾语+宾补”结构,宾补为不带to的不定式或V-ing形式。如: She found that the wallet lay/was lying on the ground.→She found the wallet lie/lying on the ground.相应练习:

(一)1.Have you decided ________for Australia? A.when will you leave

B.when do you leave C.you will leave when

D.when you will leave 2.Can you tell me _________ ? A.where does Tom live B.where Tom lived

C.Tom lives where D.where Tom lives 3.The old man asked me ________.A.where was the cinema

B.where is the cinema C.where the cinema was

D.where was the way to the cinema 4.I think _______ you will like him.A.that



D.how 5.I didn’t know _______ he will come or not.A.that B.whether C.weather

D.how 6.I wonder _________.A.how much cost these shoes

B.how much do these shoes cost C.how much these shoes cost

D.how much are these shoes cost 7.She asked me _________.A.who he was

B.who was he C.who is he D.who he is 8.Ask him ___.A.whose cup this is B.whose cup is this C.this is whose cup D.whose is this cup 9.I don’t know _________.A.what time the movie starts

B.what time starts the movie C.the time to start the movie

D.the movie what time starts 10.The doctor asked me how long ________.A.was I ill

B.have I been ill

C.I have been ill

D.I had been ill 11.The weather forecast doesn’t say _________.A.if it rains tomorrow

B.if does it rain tomorrow C.if it will rain tomorrow

D.if will it rain tomorrow 12.Do you know _________? A.whose pen is this

B.whose pen this is C.whom does the pen belong to

D.whom the pen belong to 13.Could you tell me where _________? A.the tape was

B.was the tape

C.the tape is

D.is the tape 14.They want to know _________? A.where is the hospital B.how old are you C.when the train will leave D.why is the boy crying 15.Tony wanted to know _________.A.what had Father Christmas put in his stocking B.when Father Christmas had put in his stocking C.what Father Christmas had put in his stocking D.where Father Christmas had put in his stocking 16.No one knows ___ the professor will come to our school tomorrow to give us a talk or not.A.when



D.if 17.July didn’t know_________.A.where is Tim’s father

B.when was the first watch made C.who the old man is

D.what was wrong with her watch 18.No one told us _________, so we need your help.A.how should we do

B.what we should do

C.what to do

D.what should we do 19.We don’t know _________ with the rubbish and it pollutes out land and sea.A.how do it

B.how to do

C.what do it

D.what to do 20.He asked me _________.A.whether I find out the sender of the money

B.whether did I find out the sender of the money C.whether the sender of the money found out

D.whether I found out the sender of the money

(二)()1.Your T-shirt is so cool.Could you tell me ________? A.where you buy it B.where do you buy it C.where you bought it D.where did you buy it()2.—Excuse me.Could you tell me _____I can get to the Space Museum(太空博物馆)?

--Of course.You can take bus No.1.A.where



D.why()3.—Do you know ________the new mobile phone last week?--Maybe 900 yuan.I’m not quite sure.A.how much she paid for B.how much will she pay for

C.how much did she pay for()4.Michael Jordan has failed over and over again in his life.And that’s ____ he succeeds.A.what B.when C.why

D.where()5.--Excuse me, could you tell me ________?--Certainly.Go straight ahead and you’ll see it on your left.A.where the post office is

B.when you will visit the museum C.where is the post office

D.when will you visit the museum()6.—Do you know ________the girl in red is ?

—I’m not sure.Maybe a teacher.A.when B.how

C.where D.what()7.—What did your parents thank about your decision?--They always let me do_______I think I should.A.when B.that


D.what()8.I want to know ________.A.when we should arrive at the airport

B.when should we arrive at the airport C.when the airport we should arrive at

D.when the airport should we arrive at()9.--Would you please tell me __________?

--At 10:00 this evening.A.when will the train leave

B.when the train will leave

C.when does the train leave()10.--Do you think ________ a concert in our school hall this weekend?--Yes, there will.A.there will have

B.there will be

C.will there be

D.will there have()11.I don’t know if my uncle ________.If he ________, I will be very happy.A.comes;will come

B.will come;will come


D.will come;comes()12.--Tommy, do you know if Frank ________ to the zoo this Sunday if it ________?

--Sorry, I have no idea.A.will go;is fine

B.goes;is fine

C.will go;is going to be fine

D.goes;will be fine

()13.No one can be sure_________ in a million years.A.what man looks like

B.what will man look like

C.what man looked like

D.what man will look like()14.Sue told me that she _________ shopping with her sister the next day.A.will go B.would go C.goes D.has gone()15.The new-designed car is on show now.I wonder _________.A.how much it cost B.how much did it cost C.how much it costs D.how much does it cost

(三)将下列句子中的直接引语改为间接引语: 1.“I am very happy.” said Fisher proudly.2.Dinny said: “I saw Mr Muskam yesterday.”

3.He said: “I will have finished my work by that time.”

4.“I have never seen anything more beautiful than this.” he said.5.Mr Rochester said;“I’ve settled everything;and we will leave Thornfield tomorrow.”

6.“It is too late.” he said.7.“Here is Miss Eyre, sir,” said Mrs Fairfax.8.“I will try it,” said Kate.9.“I’ve studied biology,” he said.10.“We will go back to the house,” he said.






I hear(that)you have passed the examination.以从属连词if 和whether引导的宾语从句(一般疑问句)

I don‘t know if you can come tomorrow.以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句(特殊疑问句)

Please tell me how you can get here.二、宾语从句三要素:一连词, 二语序, 三时态。

1)从句为陈述句时用that连接(常省略), 从句语序不变;


主句为过去时态, 从句用相应的过去时态

I think(that)she is a clever girl.We all know(that)they reached Shanghai yesterday.Do you know(that)there is going to be a football

match tonight?

I saw(that)they were swimming in the river.1There will be a meeting in five days.Jack didn’t know.Jack didn’t know that there would be a meeting in five days.2.These flowers are from Guangdong.He said.He said that these flowers were from Guangdong 3.Tony can come to the school.I think.I think that Tony can come to the school 4.They returned to Shanghai.I am afraid.I am afraid that they returned to Shanghai 2)从句为特殊疑问句时连接词用特殊疑问词引导,从句改为陈述句语序;


主句为过去时态, 从句用相应的过去时态

Do you know who she is? Please tell me how long I can keep this book.Nobody knows when he came back.He asked the policeman which is the way to the school.1What size shoes does Mary wear? She wanted to know.She wanted to know what size shoes Mary wore.2.When will the train leave? I want to know.I want to know when the train will leave 3.Who is the new girl in the class?

He asked her.He asked her who was the new girl in the class..4.What do the words mean? The boy asked the teacher.The boy asked the teacher what the words meant..从句为一般疑问句时,连接词用whether 或 if,从句改为陈述句语序;主句为一般现在时,从句可为任何时态。主句为过去时态,从句用相应的过去时态

Can you tell me whether/if you can mend the bike?

I don't know whether/if they lived in Paris last year.I want to know whether/if she will lend you the money.I don't know whether/if he'll come the day after tomorrow.She wondered if/whether it rained last night 1.Is there a hotel near here?(Can you tell me).Can you tell me if/ whether there is a hotel near here? 2.Would they be back in three days?(She wants to know).She wants to know if / whether they would be back in three days 3.Do people like watching boat races.I wondered.I wondered if / whether people liked watching boat races.4.Does the goddess give him the magic medicine? She asked.She asked if/ whether the goddess gave him the magic medicine.几个需要注意的问题:

宾语从句为客观事实或真理时, 从句只能用一般现在时。The teacher told me(that)the earth is bigger than the moon.2.If 和 whether的区别。

1)Whether 后能跟 or not, if 不行。

I’d like to know whether he will come or not.2)Whether 后能加 to do, if 不行。

He doesn’t know whether to work or play.3)在介词后只能用whether不能用if.He is trying to find out whether the medicine works 4)whether 置于句首时,不能换用if。

Whether this is true or not , I can't say.Complete the sentences with if / whether.1.Uncle Wang came up to see __________ there was anything wrong with the machine.2.The shop keeper asked my father ________ or not he wanted to choose a big Christmas tree.3.I don’t know __________ to go or stay.4.________ that is true, what should we do? 5.________ they will ever become future Olympic champions only time will tell.3.人称问题。一说二听三不改。

从句中第一人称改成说话的人,第二人称改成听话的人 We are going to pick apples for the farmers.The students said

The students said they were going to pick apples for the farmers.2.Will you go there with my parents?(He asked her)

He asked her if she would go there with his parents.3.Can I finish it by myself ?(The old man didn’t know)

The old man didn’t know if he could finish it by himself.3.Can I finish it by myself ?(The old man didn’t know)

The old man didn’t know if he could finish it by himself.连词that不能省略的几种情况

在下列that引导的宾语从句中,that 2.that从句中含有主从复合句。

I’m afraid that if you’ve lost it, you must pay for it.则不能省略。3.主、从句之间有插入语时。如:

It says here, on this card, that it was used in plays.4.若出现两个或两上以上的由that引导的宾语从句,且由并列连词连接时,只有第一个连词that可以省略。如:

She said(that)she would come and that she would also bring her son.她说她要来,还要带她的儿子来。


宾语从句教学设计 板书:He knows me.He knows what’s wrong with his wife.说出2个句子的宾语。


第一个句子的宾语是一个词构成的,第二个句子的宾语是一个句子,我们称这种做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。其中 he knows 叫主句,what’s wrong with him是从句。


A.He said that he had a very good journey home.B.He asked if /whether they had come.C.He told me that the earth goes around the sun.D.He asked me how he could get to the nearest post office.总结:。是主句,剩下的是由that,if,how引导的宾语从句。

初步认识了宾语从句,下面我们开始了解宾语从句的三要素 引导词(连接词)语序 时态

1)从属连词that引导陈述句宾语从句,在口语或者非正式语中可以被省略 比如上面四句话中的A,C就是that引导的陈述句的宾语从句。如果省略掉that,该如何修改。(让学生口头修改)2)由从属连词 whether, if 引导一般疑问句的宾语从句,表示“是否”,比如上面的B就是由if引导的宾语从句,3)由连接代词

who,whom,whose,which,what, whoever, whichever, whatever 和连接副词 where, how, why,when引导的宾语从句

代词或副词连接主句和从句,并在从句中担任句子成分,具有一定的意义,不可省略,比如上面的D。注意:关于是否if/whether.Whether,if 引导宾语从句:两词可互换,但是下列情形除外:

1).whether从句中有or not


3)whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以.4)在不定式前只能用whether.(如:I can’t decide whether to stay.我不能决定是否留下。)


1.I asked her __________ she had a bike.2.We’re worried about ________ he is safe.3.I don’t know ________ or not he is well.4.I don’t know _______ to go.继续观察上面的四句话,请问宾语从句的语序有什么特点?(陈述句语序)不管原来的句子是陈述句,一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,放在宾语从句里都是陈述句语序。

(板书)改写宾语从句。陈述句Doctor Li is very patient.It is well-known that _____.一般疑问句Is Doctor Li very patient? John wants to know __________(用if或者whether引导)特殊疑问句How is Doctor LI? John wants to know ____ 练习

Part 1 课堂练习(paper)

Mike gets up at seven in the morning.He says that---Mike gets up at seven in the morning

The teacher asks--if Mike gets up at seven in the morning..The teacher asks what time---Mike gets up in the morning.我们已经了解了宾语从句的引导词和语序,下面我们来学习下宾语从句的时态。(卡片,贴在上面时态的旁边)口诀:主现从任意

主过从过去 从真理用现在 一张paper发 朗读并且分析主句从句的时态 1. 主句用现在时,从句可用任意时态。可归纳为“主现从任意”

Do you know what time the ship leaves? Do you know when John was born? Do you know if John has passed his exams? 2. 主句用过去时,从句用过去的某个时态。可归纳为“主过从过去” He said he had a very good journey home.He asked if they had come.3.主句用过去时,从句是科学真理、客观常识、名人格言时用一般现在时。

He told me that the earth goes around the sun.(自然真理客观现象)He didn’t know that summer comes after spring when he was five years old.注意:4情态动词could/would用于,“请求”,表示委婉、客气的语气时,从句不受主句的约束。

Could you tell me where I can buy a pencil sharpener?


• The teacher told me she was born in 1960.• I heard that he went to Paris last night.宾语从句的一些特殊句式

• 1动词think, find, consider, believe, feel, make等后it为形式宾语,后跟名词或形容词作宾补,而真正的宾语——that从句则放在句尾)We think it our duty that we should help others.I find it impossible that he should finish the work in two days.2.否定转移

若主句主语为第一人称且谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。

I think he won’t come here.()I don’t think he will come here.()

2.当宾语从句的引导词正好做主语的时候,语序不变,比如常用的what和who Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?

The small children don't know what is in their stockings What’s wrong?(what was wrong)What’s the matter?(what was the matter)

What’s happening? What happened? eg:

I don’t know what’s the matter.I don’t know what the matter is.(F)Can you tell me who is over there?(who做主语)Can you tell me who he is ?(who做表语)连接词


引导词+主语+谓语 时态



This lesson we will learn object clause.I divided my lesson into three parts: the structure of a sentence, what is object clause, then do some practice.First, let’s come to the first one.Sentence structure:

What is subject: it refers what’s the sentence talking about.And it is usually put at the first of the sentence.E.g.1.I enjoy reading.2.Playing basketball is interesting.3.Lily loves running.We know that the subject is “I, Playing basketball, Lily”

Next is what’s the verb.Verb meaning how’s the object or what’s the subject doing.Look at the example sentences, we know that the verb is “enjoy, is, loves” Then let’s come to the object.It refers to the result of the verb.And usually put behind the verbs or prep.We get to know “reading, interesting, running” is the object.Ok, let’s come to here.One sentence: I know you.We just learn that I is the subject.Know is the verb, and you is the object.We call this sentence simple sentence.Let’s look at another sentence: I know who you are.We know I is the subject, know is verb and who you are is the object, right? So It change ya word into a sentence who you are, we call this object clause.Then who is the introducer, and you is the subject of the clause, are is the verb of the clause.I know is the main sentence and who you are is the object clause.接下来我们学习宾语从句的定义:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。宾语从句的结构为:主句+引导词+宾语从句。

接下来我们看到下面四个句子:1.I'm afraid that I can't remember your name.2.He wondered whether you went to school yesterday.3.Lily knew why she came here.4.My teacher told me how I can get the right answer.然后学生找出宾语从句的引导词,然后找出宾语从句。

接下来讲解宾语从句三要素:引导词,语序,时态。在这里特别提醒同学们注意第三点时态。引导词:that连接陈述句 if/whether连接一般疑问句

特殊疑问词如what, how, when, why, how much...连接特殊疑问句 语序:尤其注意,从句一定使用陈述语序。时态:


从句:时态可根据实际情况而定 eg.I know she went to Beijing yesterday.2.主句:过去时态


eg.Mike believed that Ken couldn't finish the work alone.3.客观事实,真理,公式,定理时


eg.She told me that the earth turns around the earth.练习题:

Lucy asked ___there was a match on TV




D.what He didn’t say___this afternoon.A.that he will go there

B.how will he come

C.whether he would go there

D if he will go there I don’t know if he___.If he ___,please call me.A.will come;comes

B.comes;will come

C.will come;will come

D.comes;comes 最后check answer:BCA Thanks for your listening.




一、课 标 要 求

掌握宾语从句引导词的用法 掌握宾语从句的语序 掌握宾语从句的时态

二、教 学 重 点


三、教 学 难 点

if/when引导的是宾语从句还是状语从句 宾语从句中的“否定转移”现象

四、教 具


五、教 学 过 程


引导宾语从句的关联词主要有:that,if ,whether,what,who,which,how,where,when,why等.



2.一般疑问句变为宾语从句时,引导词用if或whether,意为“是否”(注意:当和or not连用时必须用whether);3.特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时,用特殊疑问词作引导词,其意义要以特殊疑问词本身的含义来确定.


宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序,即主谓语序.Do you know where he lives? Can you tell me when the plane will arrive? I don’t know if/whether he will come.He asked how we could get there.考点三:考查宾语从句的时态



where he lives.I want to know what he is doing in the garden.when he will come here.how long he has been in China.2.主句是一般过去时态,从句的时态要变成相应的过去时态.例如: where he lived.(一般现在时变为一般过去时)I wanted to know what he was doing.(现在进行时变为过去进行时)when he would come here.(一般将来时变为过去将来时)how long he had been in China.(现在完成时变为过去完成时)注意:当宾语从句是客观真理自然规律时,不管主句用什么时态,从句总用一

般现在时.The teacher told us that the earth goes round the sun.考点四:考查宾语从句的“否定转移”现象 在“I think/believe/suppose+that”从句中,对从句的否定往往前移到主句的谓语部分,习惯上称为“否定转移”.


--Shall we invite our teacherto the party?--That’s a good idea.But I_____think she_____come.A.don’t;will B./;won’t C.won’t;will D.do;won’t 考点五:考查if/when引导的是宾语从句还是状语从句 试比较一:I don’t know if he will come tomorrow.(if “是否”,引导宾语从句.时态:根据句意该用什么时态就用什么时态)If he comes, we will go to the zoo.

(if“如果”,引导条件状语从句.时态:主句将来时,从句一般现在时)试比较二:I have no idea when he will come.(when“什么时候”,引导宾语从句)I will tell you when he comes.(when“当...的时候”,引导时间状语从句)限时小测验

1.Do you remember________?

A.where did you buy the dictionary B.where you bought the dictionary C.where do you buy the dictionary D.where you buy the dictionary 2.—Could you tell me __________?-Sorry, I don’t know.You can ask the Policeman over there.A.where the science museum is B.how can I get to the science museum C.where is the science museum D.the science museum is where 3.Can you tell us ________________________? A.If your father does B.what does your father do C.Your father does what D.what your father does 4.Do you know ____________________? A.what are you listening B.what you are listening C.What you are listening to D.what are you listening to 5.I don’t know if his uncle____.I think he_____if it doesn’t rain.A.will come, comes B.will come, will come C.comes, comes D.comes, will come 6.I don’t know when Mr Green_______.When he _____,you must tell me.A.comes back, comes back B.will come back, comes back C.will come back, will come back D.comes back, will come back 7.We don’t know if it_______tomorrow.If it______, we will go hiking.A.will rain, won’t rain B.rains, doesn’t rain C.will rain, doesn’t rain D.rains, won’t rain 8.--Shall we invite our teacherto the party?--That’s a good idea.But I_____think she_____come.A.don’t;will B./;won’t C.won’t;will D.do;won’t 9.My uncle remembered_____.

A.when we moved to the town B.when did we move to the town C.when we move to the town D.when do we move to the town 10.We were told that light______much faster than sound.A.Travelled B.travels C.was D.will be 11.—Could you tell us how long___________?-About three days.A.does the sports meeting last B.the sports meeting lasts C.will the sports meeting last D.the sports meeting will last 12.Mr King didn’t know_____yesterday evening.A.when does his son come back B.when his son comes back C.when did his son come back D.when his son came back 13.They wondered if the teacher____them some English songs the next week A.would teach B.had taught C.will teach D.taught 14.--Could you tell me___ she is looking for?--Her cousin, Sue.A.that B.whose C.who D.which 15.Do you know___ we will talk about at tomorrow’s meeting? A.what B.that C.where D.how 16.The teacher asked me___I needed any help.A.whether B.that C.what D.which



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