
时间:2019-05-14 03:54:59下载本文作者:会员上传



()1.Where have you_____, Sue?

I’ve been to Mount Huang.A.gone to


C.been to

D.gone()2.Have you _____been to Guangzhou? Yes, I have.And I hope I can go there a second time.A.always



D.ever()3.I cleaned the rooms and cooked for the disabled children last Sunday.Really?______wonderful experience!A.How


C.What a

D.It’s()4.______you_______the Summer Palace? No, I haven’t.A.Did;visit



D.Are;visiting()5.How do you usually keep in touch with your friends far away? _______Wechat.A.With



D.Of()6.Great changes have____in our hometown these years.Yes.People’s living conditions are becoming better ad better.A.come back

B.taken place

C.taken part

D.come out()7.dad, I’ve made great_____in my English this term.Congratulations!I hope you will keep on working hard at it.A.progress


C.a progress

D.the progress()8.What was the life in the 1960s like? ______families were rich, and people had____money to buy food and clothes.A.Few;little

B.A few;few

C.A few;a little

D.little;a little()9.What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

Fishing.To go fishing in my free time____me_____.A.make;worried



D.makes;relaxed()10.Kangkang has just come back from Mount Huang.__________, do you know where he is now? A.On the way

B.In the way

C.By the way

D.At the way()11.People have cut down____many trees_____the climate has changed.I think so.A.too;to



D.in order to;that()12.I haven’t seen Li Hong for a few days.Do you know where she is? Yes.She _____to Shanghai and she will be back in two days.A.is going


C.has been

D.has gone()13._____my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.What a clever girl!A.Though



D.So()14.Jerry, do you have any trouble studying here? Not too much._____my classmates_____my teacher helps me a lot.A.Both;and


C.Not only;but also

D.Not;but()15.Why is Jack so happy? Because he has____in passing the exam.A.spent



D.succeeded()16.When did you_____Hangzhou? Two days ago.A.get



D.arrive at()17._____is the population_____the USA? Over 300 million.A.What;with


C.How many;to

D.How much;for()18.I’m so sad that I lost my keys on my way home.Don’t worry._______someone has found it and will return them to you soon.A.Happily



D.Probably()19.Do you know Moyan? Yes.He is known_____a writer and won the Nobel Prize in Literature(文学)in 2012.A.for



D.with()20.School violence(暴力)has appeared in some school recently.So it has.Luckily our government has_____some policies to stop it.A.carried out

B.taken out

C.given out

D.come out()21.I want to______, but I don’t have your phone number.OK.Let me tell you.A.call up you

B.call you up

C.call on you

D.call you on()22.Why do you look so worried? Because we____a proper way to solve the problem so far.A.didn’t find

B.haven’t found

C.aren’t finding D.won’t find()23.Are you reading today’s newspaper?

Yes.The report says the population of Shanghai is larger than____of Shenyang.A.that



D.this()24.There are many students in Mr.Wang’s class.But only 35 percent of the students____boys.A.are



D.was()25.Hangzhou is a beautiful city with a population of 900_____.That’s true!And____of people come here for a visit every year.A.million;million

B.millions;millions C.millions;million D.million;millions()26.Are you feeling better after taking the medicine? Yes,_____better.Thanks!A.much



D.few()27.I could hardly see anything_____the fog and haze(雾)this morning.That’s too terrible!We should do something to stop it.A.thanks for

B.thanks to

C.because of

D.as for()28.Have you heard from him______? Yes, I have.I’ve____heard from him.A.yet;already


C.yet;just now

D.still;ever()29.Michael did well in the English competition._______, and________.A.So he did;so Tom did

B.So he did;so did Tom C.So did he;so Tom did

D.So did he;so did Tom()30.Have you finished the book yet? Not yet.I have just read_____of it.A.second three

B.two thirds C.two three

D.two third()31.You mother looks very tired.Yes.She works very hard_____my family can have a better life.A.because

B.so that

C.in order to

D.though()32.How long have you______China? Since two years ago.A.come to

B.gone to

C.been in

D.arrived in()33.Is it interesting to play computer games? Yes, but_____you are interested in playing computer games, you’ll have trouble giving it up.A.once

B.even if

C.as if

D.on purpose()34.Why do you come here? We are here_____the public_____services.A.to provide;to

B.to provide;with

C.to provide;for

D.provide;in()35.I heard the weather in North China is very cold in winter.I’m sure you’ll_____it very soon if you come.A.be interested in

B.get used to C.be used for

D.used to()36.Do you often go shopping online? Yes.The rapid_____in science and technology makes people’s life easier and quicker.A.program



D.government()37.Your grandfather used to be a soldier in the army, right? Yes.But he____the army for twelve years.A.has left for

B.has been away from C.has been in

D.has joined()38.What do you know learning English? Well, the four____skills of learning English are listening, speaking, reading and writing.A.serious



D.basic()39.What do you think of staying here? _________,it’s not a good place to live.The traffic is too terrible.A.As a result

B.In the end C.As soon as

D.As a matter of fact()40.How do you like your Chinese teacher? I like her very much.She always_____us_____her own children.A.thinks about;as B.thinks of;as C.thinks about;for

D.thinks of;for()41._____your help, I could not finish the work on time.So thank you very much.You’re welcome.A.Without



D.As()42._____is very important_____children about the road safety.I agree.Some of them ride too fast.A.That;to teach


C.It;to teach

D.It;teach()43.Mrs.Black is an excellent teacher.So she is.She often_____her students to work hard.A.trains



D.lets()44._____you do, you should try your best and never give up.Then you’ll succeed.OK, I will.Thanks a lot!A.Whatever



D.Wherever()45.Could you tell me_______________? For half an hour.A.when the movie began

B.how long has the movie been on C.when did the movie begin

D.how long the movie has been on


仁爱英语九年级上册UNIT 1 单选练习TOPIC 1-1 Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)

()1.—Where are Maria and Kangkang? —They _____ England.A.have been to A.Thanks for A.a progress

B.are away B.Thanks to B.progress

C.have gone to

C.Thank to

D.had been in

D.Thank for D.progressed()2._____ the Great Green Wall, the land produces(生产出)more crops.()3.I think that you have made so rapid _____ in math.C.progresses

()4.—How do you like Beijing, Miss Read? —I’ve no idea.I _____ there.A.have gone

B.have been

C.haven’t been

D.haven’t gone

()5.—What _____ to your village in recent years? —Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on.A.takes place

B.have happened C.has happened

D.happened()6.—What did you do during your summer holiday? —I spent my holiday _____ English in Summer Classes.A.improving A.to

B.improves B.at

C.to improve


D.improve D.for()7.I have broken your glasses.I feel sorry _____ it.()8.The family was _____ poor _____ they couldn’t buy a TV set.A.so;that



D.so;but()9.—_____ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.—What a clever girl!A.Because



D.So()10.—Have you seen my brother? —Yes.I _____ him in the library five minutes ago.A.met


()1.He used to ____ TV on Saturday last year.A.watch B.watching C.look at()2.Have you ____ heard of such a funny story ? A.often B.ever C.yet

B.have met


D.have been met()3.____ the development of China, people’s living conditions have improved a lot.A.For B.As C.With()4.---Kitty, will you go to see Pirates of the Caribbean with us this evening ?---Sorry.I _______ the film already.A.have seen B.saw C.had seen()5.Liu Xiang said it was the most ____ day of his life when he got the gold medal.A.exciting B.excited C.surprised()6.The drink is ____ delicious ____ I enjoy it very much.A.too, to B.so, that C.such, that()7.____ their help, we finished the work in time.A.Because B.Under C.With()8.---I found your English much better than before.How did you ____ it ?---By getting a lot of listening and speaking training.A.develop B.improve C.impossible()9.The Olympic Rings stand for the five ____ of the world.A.counties B.area C.parts()10.---Have you ever ____ Paris before ?---Not yet.But I’ve planned to go there next month.A.been with B.been in C.been to()11.---Hello!Is Xian Hua in the classroom ?---No, she _____ the library with her friends.A.has gone to B.has been to C.have gone to()12.---Our hometown ____ a lot so far.---Yes.I hope it will be even ____.A.has changed, well B.has changed, better C.changed, better()13._____ wonderful experience we had during this summer holiday!A.How B.What C.What a()14.---Did you watch the World Cup yesterday, Mike ? My TV broke down.---________.That was quite a wonderful match.A.That’s a great pity!B.Is that possible ? C.I’m sorry to hear that.()15.Which organization can offer help to kids ? A.World Health Organization B.China Children and Teenagers’ Found

C.International Committee of the Red Cross TOPIC2 Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)

()1.—They have been to Australia.—So _____ I.A.do A.that B.have been B.it


D.have()2.The population of Shanghai is larger than _____ of Shenyang.C.one

D.this()3.—_____ the population of the U.S.A.in 2005? —It _____ about 296 million.A.What is;is

B.What was;was D.How many was;is

C.Two thirds C.isn’t he


D.Second three D.wasn’t he D.increases C.How many is;was A.Two third A.hasn’t he A.increase A.already

()4._____ of the teachers are women in our school.B.Two threes B.doesn’t he B.increased

()5.He’s read this book before, _____?

()6.The _____ population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.()7.The little girl has _____ finished reading the book you lent her.B.yet


D.once()8.—What has happened in your hometown? —Great changes _____ in my hometown recently.A.have been taken place C.have been happened knowledge at school.A.in order to —_____ A.So have I.TOPIC2-2

()1.Two thirds of the surface of the earth ____ covered with water.A.is B.are C.has()2.The number of workers in this factory _____ increasing.A.are B.is C.will()3.---It seems to me that you are very hard-working, Maria.B.So I have.C.Neither have I.D.I haven’t now.B.unless


D.because of()10.—I have never visited a paper factory.B.have taken place D.was happened()9.Students today have a lot of pressure(压力)_____ they have to learn too much---I have to.I have a lot of _____ from my family and society.A.time B.efforts C.pressure()4.---______ have you done with the waste ?---I have thrown it away.A.How B.What C.Where()5.---Which country has a ____ population, England or Germany ? A.smaller B.less C.few()6.About one fifth of the people in the world _____ in China.A.live B.is living C.has lived()7.---Excuse me, is Joan in ?---Sorry, she isn’t here.She ___ to the airport to see her parents off half an hour ago.A.went B.has gone C.has been()8.---Who will go to the airport to meet Jenny ?---I will.I _____ her several times.I can find her easily.A.met B.have met C.will meet()9.We are tired.We have studies for ____ hours.A.a couple B.couple C.a couple of()10.The more excellent our public transportation is, _____ our life will be.A.the happier B.the more happy C.the more happily()11.---What did Jeff say about the lost girl ?---He said that he had seen her _______.A.three days ago B.three days before C.for three days()12.---Dad, my teacher said I had made a lot of progress recently.---I’m glad to hear that.But I think you still _______.A.have a long way to go B.have a rest C.live in the present()13.---I went swimming last Sunday.---_________.I like it very much.A.So I do B.So I did C.So did I()14.---We haven’t been to the Great Wall.---_________.A.So has she B.Nor she has C.Neither has she()15.---Did you know _______?---They had a quarrel about the answer to the question.A.what did they happen B.what happened to them C.what they happened TOPIC3 Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)

()1.She has _____ this car for nearly ten years.A.buy A.look

B.bought B.see


D.had()2.You can’t trust what he said, you should go and _____ for yourself.C.find

D.study()3.—Is it interesting to play computer games? —Yes, _____ you are interested in playing computer games, you’ll have trouble giving it up.A.once A.on



D.as soon as()4.The supermarket provides customers _____ plastic bags for free.B.with



D.to;to()5.I think it’s good _____ us _____ eat healthy food.A.for;to A.happily



()6.We should do our best to help homeless people live a _____ life.B.bad


D.terrible()7.The traffic in the city _____ be terrible, but now it has improved a lot.I think you will _____ it soon.A.use to;use to

B.get used to;used to

D.get used to;use to

D.how long

D.wanting D.make C.used to;get used to A.since A.aim

()8.His father has worked in this factory _____ he came here in 1980.B.for

C.when()9.Project Hope is _____ to help the poor children go to school.B.aiming


()10.She _____ great progress in the past 2 years.A.made


()1.—How long have you ____ Wuhan ?---Nearly fifteen years.A.been to B.been in C.gone to()2.---What’s the room ____ for ?---Meeting people, I think.A.used B.cared C.looked()3.---How was the concert given by S.H.E last night ?---Wonderful!_____ people were attracted to it.B.had made

C.has made A.Five thousands B.Several thousand of C.Thousands of()4.She seldom helps others, _____? A.does she B.doesn’t she C.did she()5.---How much did you ____ all these things ?---About 300 yuan.A.cost B.pay for C.spend()6.---It is said that China is _____ in launching another communication satellite.---So she is.She’s developed rapidly in recent years.A.excellent B.succeed C.successful()7.---Wow, your city looks so clean and beautiful!---Yes, it is.Great changes _____ in it in the past ten years.A.are taking place B.have taken place C.took place()8.---It’s very useful for students to join in ____.---Yes, they can learn how to help people in need.A.cruel wars B.child laborers C.community services

TOPIC2-3 二

1.He has been to New York ,________ and _________.A so he is;so she has B so he has;so have I C so is he;so have I D so has he;so have I 2.---Have you seen the film ______?

----Yes.I saw it three years_____ A ago;before B before;ago C ago;ago D before;before 3.His parents are very strict_____ him ______his studies.A in;with B with;in C with;on D in;to.There is____ 80—year—old man living ____in the_____ house , but he never feels_____.A an;alone;lonely;alone

B a lonely, lonely, lonely

C an, alone, lonely, lonely

D a, alone, lonely, lonely 5.----We have already seen the movie.-----When____you___it ? A did ,see B have, seen C will ,see D do, see 6.—Shall we go for a drive ?

---Good idea.Unless it _______ A will rain B is raining

C rained D rains 7.That boy is _____happy _____ study in No.1 Middle School.A too ,to B so ,that C enough, to D very, to 8.I_____ride a bike to school , but now the bike ____taking exercise.A used to , is used for B used to, used to C used to, is used to D use to, is used 9._____is really hard ____him to sing in English, but he finds ____very interesting to do it.A It , of , it B It, for ,that C That, of, it D It, for, it 10.He is really busy.He has so important a meeting_____.A to listen B to listen to C listening to D listen to-11.Do you enjoy______ football ? I hear there _____a football game tomorrow.A playing, will have B play, is going to have C playing, will be D play ,is going to be 12.I’m sorry I _____ my book in the car A forgot B remember

C lose

D left

13._____friends you have ,_____time you can see them.A The more , the fewer B The more, the less C The most , the least D More, less 14.Kate says her grandfather’s ______since 10 years ago A died B been dead

C dying

D death 15.My mother asked me_____? A how much did I pay for the book


how much I spend on the book C how much the book cost me

D what’s the price of the book


一、1.We __________ our breakfast.We __________it at school at 6:30.A.have had;have had B.have had, had C.had, have had D.had, had 2.What’s __________ people in Australia? A.the number of A.if B.a number of

C.number D.the population of

D.even though 3.Don’t touch anything __________ your teacher tells you to.B.though


4.He __________ to school by bike, but now he __________ to school on foot.A.used to going;get used to go C.used to go;gets used to go 5.He was ________ the work.A.successful to finish C.success in finishing A.gone to

B.successfully in finishing D.successful in finishing

C.come to

D.been in

B.used to go, gets used to going D.get used to going;used to go 6.Mrs.King has __________ China for over 3 years.B.been to

7.─By the way, where is Li Lei?

─ He __________ swimming.A.has been B.has been to

C.has gone

D.has gone to 8.─ Have you ever __________ my stamps?

─ Yes, I __________ them on your desk yesterday.A.saw;saw B.saw;seen


D.seen;was seeing 9.─You have made great progress in English.─ __________.A.So I do.B.So do I.C.So I have

D.So have I.D.was happen 10.I didn’t know what __________ to her last night.A.was happened likes it.A.not only;but also

B.neither;nor C.both;and

D.either;or 12.Japan is a __________ country while China is a __________ country.A.developing;developed C.developed;developing A.If B.When

B.developing;developing D.developed;developed

D.Even though B.happening C.happened

11.Mr.Green has bought a MP3 as a present, but _______ his son _______ his daughter 13.__________ it rains tomorrow, we’ll still go to the Great Wall.C.Though

14.I didn’t know ______ because it was very noisy.A.what did you say

B.what you said

C.what you say

D.what do you say

C.worked good in D.worked well in C.third fifths

D.three fifths 15.One-child policy has ______ controlling China’s population.A.done well in B.been good at A.three fifth B.third fifth 16.In China, about ______ of people live in the country.17.In our school library there ______ a number of books on science and the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.A.are;is B.is;are


D.has;is 18.Mr.Black said, “ I have walked a long way this week.” Mr.Black said that ______ a long way ______.A.I had walked;last week.C.I walked;last week

B.he had walked;that week.D.he has walked;last week.19.─ Why don’t you come and have lunch with me?

─ Thanks, but I have ______ had mine.A.ever A.to B.already B.for

C.still C.on

D.yet D.with 20.When I saw children working for a cruel boss, I felt sorry ______ them.单元检测

1.We __________ our breakfast.We __________it at school at 6:30.A.have had;have had B.have had, had C.had, have had D.had, had 2.What’s __________ people in Australia? A.the number of A.if B.a number of

C.number D.the population of

D.even though 3.Don’t touch anything __________ your teacher tells you to.B.though


4.He __________ to school by bike, but now he __________ to school on foot.A.used to going;get used to go C.used to go;gets used to go 5.He was ________ the work.A.successful to finish C.success in finishing A.gone to

B.successfully in finishing D.successful in finishing

C.come to

D.been in

B.used to go, gets used to going D.get used to going;used to go 6.Mrs.King has __________ China for over 3 years.B.been to

7.─By the way, where is Li Lei?

─ He __________ swimming.A.has been B.has been to

C.has gone

D.has gone to 8.─ Have you ever __________ my stamps?

─ Yes, I __________ them on your desk yesterday.A.saw;saw B.saw;seen


D.seen;was seeing 9.─You have made great progress in English.─ __________.A.So I do.B.So do I.C.So I have

D.So have I.D.was happen 10.I didn’t know what __________ to her last night.A.was happened likes it.A.not only;but also

B.neither;nor C.both;and

D.either;or 12.Japan is a __________ country while China is a __________ country.A.developing;developed C.developed;developing A.If B.When

B.developing;developing D.developed;developed

D.Even though B.happening C.happened

11.Mr.Green has bought a MP3 as a present, but _______ his son _______ his daughter 13.__________ it rains tomorrow, we’ll still go to the Great Wall.C.Though

14.I didn’t know ______ because it was very noisy.A.what did you say

B.what you said

C.what you say

D.what do you say

C.worked good in D.worked well in C.third fifths

D.three fifths 15.One-child policy has ______ controlling China’s population.A.done well in B.been good at A.three fifth B.third fifth 16.In China, about ______ of people live in the country.17.In our school library there ______ a number of books on science and the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.A.are;is B.is;are


D.has;is 18.Mr.Black said, “ I have walked a long way this week.” Mr.Black said that ______ a long way ______.A.I had walked;last week.C.I walked;last week

B.he had walked;that week.D.he has walked;last week.19.─ Why don’t you come and have lunch with me?

─ Thanks, but I have ______ had mine.A.ever A.to B.already B.for

C.still C.on

D.yet D.with 20.When I saw children working for a cruel boss, I felt sorry ______ them.三、Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分)

()1.—Where are Maria and Kangkang? —They _____ England.A.have been to A.Thanks for A.a progress

B.are away B.Thanks to B.progress

C.have gone to

C.Thank to

D.had been in

D.Thank for D.progressed()2._____ the Great Green Wall, the land produces(生产出)more crops.()3.I think that you have made so rapid _____ in math.C.progresses

()4.—How do you like Beijing, Miss Read? —I’ve no idea.I _____ there.A.have gone

B.have been

C.haven’t been

D.haven’t gone

()5.—What _____ to your village in recent years? —Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on.A.takes place

B.have happened C.has happened

D.happened()6.—What did you do during your summer holiday? —I spent my holiday _____ English in Summer Classes.A.improving A.to

B.improves B.at

C.to improve


D.improve D.for()7.I have broken your glasses.I feel sorry _____ it.()8.The family was _____ poor _____ they couldn’t buy a TV set.A.so;that



D.so;but()9.—_____ my daughter is only ten years old, she knows a lot.—What a clever girl!A.Because



D.So()10.—Have you seen my brother? —Yes.I _____ him in the library five minutes ago.A.met

B.have met


D.have been met



The crow was sitting on the tree doing nothing all a day.A small rabbit saw the crow,and asked him:“Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?” the crow answered:“sure ,why not?” So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow,and rested.All of a sudden.A fox appeared,jumped on the rabbit and ate it.moral of the story is :To be sitting and doing nothing ,you must be sitting very very high up!有一只乌鸦整天坐在树上什么事也不做。一只小兔子看见了,就问它:“我能像你一样整天坐着什么事也不做吗?”这只乌鸦回答道:“当然可以。为什么不呢?”于是小兔子坐在树底下开始休息。突然一只狐狸出现,跳起抓住小兔子就把它给吃了。这个故事的寓意是:如果你想什么也不做,就必须坐得很高。



monochrome television





Chinese tunic suit

fashionable dress


(一)单词 take place

shut communication various keep in touch with since satisfy progress succeed in doing sth.ever already yet increase



take measures to do sth.supply so far thanks to sb.opportunity





have a good summer holiday

come back from„


not only....but also...in the past/ future

call sb.up

has a population of


从„„回来 从„„当中学习不仅...而且...在过去/ 在将来 给...打电话




即“过去的动作 + 现在的结果”,强调结果。如:

I’ve lost my key.我的钥匙丢了。(因此无法进屋)

I’ve got a letter from my aunt.我收到阿姨一封信。(因此知道她的近况)I’ve washed my car.我洗过车了。(因此车现在很干净)

I have bought a new bike.(= I bought a new bike, and I have a new bike now.)我已经买了一辆新的自行车。(强调我现在有了一辆新车。)

构成形式: 助动词have / has + 动词的过去分词

1. 肯定句:

I have seen the film.我已经看过这部电影。


I haven’t seen the film.我没看过这部电影。一般疑问句: Have you seen the film?

你看过这部电影了吗? 回答:

Yes, I have.是的,我看过了。

No, I haven’t.不,我没看过。

特殊疑问句: What have you done?

你已经做了什么? 2. 肯定句:

He has finished the task.他已经完成了任务。


He hasn’t finished the task.他还没有完成任务。一般疑问句: Has he finished the task?

他已经完成任务了吗? 回答:

Yes, he has.是的,他完成了。

No, he hasn’t.不,他没有完成。

常常和just, already, yet, recently,ever, never, yet, since这类副词连用。He’s just left.他刚走。——Has he phoned you yet? ——No, not yet.他给你打电话了吗?——还没有。Have you seen my mom recently?你最近见到我妈妈了吗?

(二)have/ has been to与 have/ has gone to have/ has been to + 某地,到过某地,说话时人已经回来了。have /has gone to + 某地,说明去了某地,说话时人还没回来。如: I have been to Beijing twice.他去过北京两次。

----Where is Jim? 吉姆在哪儿?

----He has gone to the library? 他去图书馆了。


1.Would you like to see the film with me? I'm sorry I __________it twice.A.see B.will see C.have seen D.am seeing 简析:C。从twice可知说话者已看过这部电影两次了。表示到目前的结果,用现在完成时。

2.In the past few years there_______ great changes in my hometown.A.have been B.were C.had been D.are 简析:A。over/in the last/past +一段时间为现在完成时的时间状语。

3.——Kitty, will you go to see the film Frozen this evening?

—No, I won't.I _______it already.A.saw B.have seen C.see D.will see 简析:B。用现在完成时表示过去的行为对现在造成影响。不去看电影的原因是因为已经看过了


1.Li Hong has ________ the army for 2 years.A.joined B.be in C.been in D.joined in 2.We have been friends since ______.A.children B.five years C.five years ago D.five years before.3.Those foreign friends left Guangzhou __.A.since last week B.a week ago C.for a week D.since a week ago.4.I _____ at this school for two years.A.am studying B.study C.studied D.have studied.5.They ______ in the city since last summer.A.live B.didn’t live C.have lived D.live 6.Mrs.Wang has lived in Haikou _________ 1992.A.since B.from C.after D.in 7.Mr.Black ______ China since the summer of 1998.A.has been to B.has been in C.has come to D.came to 8.His father _______ for years.A.has died B.has been dead C.died D.dies 9.----Would you like some more food?----Thank you.I _______ enough.A.will have B.have had C.have D.had


九年级英语上册Unit 1复习题






4.列单词表__________________________5.听磁带 ______________________

6.和朋友一起学习__________________ 7.向老师求助_________________

8.看英语电视录像____________________9.读英文杂志 __________________ 10.做笔记___________________11.记住流行歌曲歌词_______________________ 12.中断_________________意见与某人有分歧____________________________ 13.练习,实践做某事_________________ 去做某事的最好方法是____________ 14.处理 ____________________15.生某人的气(两种)_______________________ 16.没关系____________________ 17.犯错误____________________

18.根本不,一点也不_____________18.某人对某事感到兴奋__________________ 19.把...看作________________20首先;以……开始(三种)___________________________________做某事有困难(三种)________________ 21.终止做某事,结束做某事(三种)__________________________________ 22.以后,随后_________23.害怕去做某事(两种)____________________________________________________________ 24.嘲笑/取笑某人________________25.……的秘诀_________________________ 26.造完整的句子________________________ 27.组成/构成_________________ 28.impress sth on sb /impress sb with sth 使某人铭记某事;是深受感动的_____________

29尽力做某事________________________ 30.时光流逝_________________ 31.查词典___________________(代词置中)32.在某人的帮助下(两种)__________________________________________ 33.将....变为...__________________


1.你是怎样(为考试而)学习的?(两种)____________________________________ 2.我通过制作抽认卡来学习____________________________________________ 3.大声朗读发音怎么样?_______________________________________________ 4.听懂发音太难了____________________________________________________ 5.你曾经小组学习过吗?___________________________________________________ 6.我认为学英语的最好方法是用英语。___________________________________ 7.记住单词的最好方法是阅读英文报纸。__________________________________ 8.但是,有时候我发现,看电影也挺让人沮丧的。____________________________ 9.我们特别兴奋,然后就以讲汉语结束了。________________________________ 10.首先,对我而言,听懂老师的话并不容易。_____________________________ 11.我害怕课上发言,怕同学笑话。______________________________________ 12.我在语法方面出错误。________________________________________ 13.我不知道如何使用逗号。_____________________________________________ 14.首先,当老师讲课时我很难听懂老师讲的话。____________________________

15后来,我意识到听不懂每一个单词没关系。______________________________ 16.我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一名优秀语言学习者秘诀之一_____________________________________________________________________ 17.如果我们不处理好我们的问题,我们会很容易变得不开心。_____________________________________________________________________ 18.随着时间的推移,好的友情可能就这样失去了。

_____________________________________________________________________ 19.有时他们会意见不统一,并且决定相互不再说话。

_____________________________________________________________________ 20.作为年轻人,我们的责任是在老师的帮助下,尽我们的全力去解决教育过程中遇到的每一个挑战。__________________________________________________



内江市五初中 吴腊梅

Ⅰ、Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Get the students to grasp the use of “by doing sth.”and some other phrases and patterns.Skill aim:Help the students to improve their reading ability.Emotion aim:Develop the students’ ability of dealing with different problems.Ⅱ、Key and difficult points:

1.Understanding of the passages.2.Methods of expressing ways of studying different subjects.Ⅲ、Teaching tools: 1.A tape-recorder.2.Several flashcards.Ⅳ、Teaching methods: Help the students to use dictionaries in reading to deal with the new words and try to understand them according to the context.Ⅴ、Teaching process:

Step 1: 1.Greeting.2.Check up the new words.Step 2: Presentation Ask the students to talk in pairs about how they study English.Then get several of them to tell the class their ways.And I’ll ask the others to discuss if they are successful or unsuccessful ways.Step 3:Tasks Task 1

1.Here I have an interview in which three students told us how they studied English.Let’s listen to the tape and try to find whose ways are successful and whose are not.2.Play the tape twice for the students.Then I’ll show them the following chart to complete.Ways of learning English Not successful OK Successful Lillian Li Wei Ming Liu Chang

I’ll ask several students to tell us their answers and the others will correct their possible mistakes.3.Play the tape again for them to understand it better.4.Have the students read the article in Section A, 3a and see if they have any difficulties in understanding the passage.Then I’ll explain to them some language points.① frustrating/frustrated e.g.I find it frustrating that I can’t speak other languages.As a nurse she got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit her.Other words that have the same usage are “interested/interesting, excited/exciting” and “bored/boring”.② not … at all e.g.I like milk very much.I don’t like coffee at all.③ get excited about=be excited about e.g.Are you excited about going to Beijing? ④ end up doing sth.e.g.We didn’t like it at first, but we ended up cheering.Task 2 1.I know that all of you want to learn English well, but it’s not easy for every one of you to do so.Next one student will tell us how he is successful in learning English, which will be very helpful to us.OK, let’s listen to the tape and try to find how he did it.2.Play the tape for the students to listen and understand.3.Ask the students to summarize the way that the student used to learn English in small groups.4.The students look at Section B, 3a and listen to the tape once more to understand the article better and find out the difficulties in it.5.Explain to the students the following.① begin with

e.g.We began our lesson with a song.② be afraid to e.g.She is afraid to go out at night.Task 3 1.Now, everybody, I know you all have your own successful ways of learning different subjects.Would you like to write them out and share with us? I’ll offer you several minutes to think about it and them try to form it an article.2.I’ll give the students some necessary guides while they are writing.3.“Who likes to tell us your ways? Now stand up and do it.” Next I’ll encourage them to offer their ways and exchange with each other.4.Now, please read the article “How do we deal with our problems?” Try to use your dictionaries to help you as much as possible.When they are reading, I’ll provide them what they need.Step 4: Summary

This class we mainly learned how to study through reading several articles.Step 5: Homework Write a short passage to sum up the ways of learning English that they have been using and analyze if they are successful or not and tell us how you will do later on.Blackboard-writing design

Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

How do you study for a test? By using English.memorizing words.reading.Ways of learning English watching English-language TV

studying grammar taking grammar notes


本节重点以使用“by ”来阐述或表达做事的方法,在教学设计中我重点强调了如何用“by” 说、写,用“I study English bylistening to music” 导入,之后让学生discuss学习中的策略,对程度较差的学生要求能用by 说一句话,对程度较好的学生要求用“by ”表达学习方法并能表明理由。这样做就是最大限度的为听力、阅读文章作出铺垫,而在文章的教学上首先让学生找出显在的方法句(即由“by ”引导的)和隐性的方法句(即没有“by ”引导,但仍然呈现一种方法),紧接着就是词汇的训练,将其体现在句子中,由词至句的操练,帮助学生明白意思并能掌握用法,而整个教学过程的检测体现于pair work和group work之中。本节着重从以下几点入手






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