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Unit1 Where did you do on vacation? 阅读课Section B(2a-2e)

Learning Goals: 学习目标 知识目标:


1.activity 活动,enjoyable,Penang 槟城,Malaysia 马来西亚,decide 决定,try 尝试/努力,paraglide滑翔伞运动,feel like 感觉像/想要,bird鸟,Malaysian马来西亚人,bicycle自行车,Georgetown 乔治市building建筑物,Weld Quay海墘街,trader商人,wonder想知道,difference变化,差别,hill小山,Penang Hill 槟城山,top顶,顶部,wait 等待,umbrella雨伞,wet湿的,because of因为 below下面的,enough足够的,hungry饿的,as像…一样 2.Feel likefeel like doing in the past wait for because of arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到达某地 decide to do sth.决定做某事

try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事 start doing sth.开始做某事 wonder to do sth ,想知道做某事 3.理解本课的主旨大意

4.对本课的内容进行归纳、对话改写、及仿写。能力目标: 培养通过表格休息完成对话与阅读,达到综合运用语言的能力 学会谈论发生在过去的事情;能听懂以谈论假期做过的事情和谈论过去的事件及自己的感想为话题的语言材料,并获取相关信息。能以“Talking about holidays and vacations”,“Talking about past events”为话题与他人进行交流;能利用该话题进行情景对话及角色表演。情感目标: 回味生活,使学生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中学习。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,容易激发学生的兴趣,从而乐于运用简单的英语与他人进行交流。学习活动中学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,从而促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进友谊。重点和难点



仔细阅读课文---理解课文大意----重点句子理解----完成相关任务。本单元的主题是谈论过去的事情,教学内容贴近学生的实际生活,因而在课堂教学中主要采取情景教学和活动教学,让学生回忆假期中做过的有意义的事情,用以前学过的及本单元所学的词汇与句型进行交流;采取直观教学法,运用照片、图片、多媒体学习新词汇,掌握重点句型。教学过程 目标引领: In the last summer vacation, we went somewhere interesting.It impressed us.Where did you go , what did you do ,how did you feel it, what was the weather like? Pre-review.Post-reading activities读后活动

1.Read after the tapes and retell the first diary entry according to the form in 2b2.Time Weather Activities Feelings Monday Sunny and hot Went to the beach and tried paragliding Felt like a bird, so exciting Monday morning…Had Malaysian yellow noodles delicious Monday afternoon…Rode bicycles to Georgetown Enjoy walking around the city.2.Retell the second diary according to the questions in 2b2 and the key words below.… wanted to … but…, so … decide to …;waited..for … because …;When …, … raining hard;…an umbrella …;… not enough money , so …;… tasted good because ….2e Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day.fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(读后活动是接近实际生活的各种情境,语言实践活动要循序渐进,主要培养学生用英语做事情的能力,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力及交流与合作的能力,形成语感,以便在具体情境下开展有效交流。)、拓展

1.Decide 在此处为实意动词,意为“决定”,常构成短语decide to do sth.相当于decide on doing sth.和make a decision to do sth.:决定做某事.它的否定为:decide not to do sth.? 2.start doing sth = start to do sth.开始,可与begin 互换。He started doing his homework.但以下几种情况不能用begin.创办,开办: He started a new shop last month.机器开动: I can’t start my car.出发,动身: I will start tomorrow morning.3.because of 介词短语,因为,由于,后接名词、代词或动名词,不能接句子。He can’t take a walk because of the rain.because 连词,因为,引导状语从句,表示直接明确的原因或理由。I don’t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.4.feel likefeel like doing 5.wait for 6.arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到达某地

7.try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力做某事 8.wonder to do sth The test:

1.arrive in 和arrive at 的异同: ___________________________________ 2.try to do 和try doing的异同: ___________________________________ 3.because 和 because of的异同: ___________________________________ 4.feel like 后接句子也可以接动词,接动词用什么形式?


第二篇:Unit 5

《Hello Teddy 1》

Unit 5






face 句型:Touch your ear/eye/nose/mouse/head/face.字母:Ee eye

Ff face 歌曲:《Touch your eyes》


Warm up : 《Touch your eyes》



教学总结:本单元主要学习五官,其中ear 和 eye 小朋友不太容易分清,所以这是一个难点,另外就是mouth 发音时注意咬舌头,提醒小朋友多注意。在本单元的教学中除了让宝贝认识并记住五官的名称外,还要提醒宝贝养成良好的卫生习惯,如每天洗脸,不用手揉眼睛等。另外可以提醒家长和宝贝一起玩指五官的游戏,有利于宝贝儿及时复习巩固所学的知识,而且可以锻炼宝贝的反应能力,同时还可以增进亲子感情。

第三篇:Unit 4My home教案

2013-2014学第一学期公开课教案 Unit.4 My home 第五课时教案





1.学生能够听说认读上述单词,能够熟练运用句型Where are the keys ?They´re „询问物品位置并作出回答。2.本部分教学时应引导学生正确使用方位词表述物品位置。三.课前准备:


3.本课多媒体课件 四.教学步骤

1.热身(Warm –up)

(1)学生唱歌谣:Go to the living room.Watch TV.(2)师生表演和唱歌谣。2.新课展示(Presentation)(1)导入

T:Look at some pictures.This is the living room.It´s big.T: What’s this ? Ss : It´s the bedroom.It´s nice.It´s the kitchen.It´s nice.It´s the study.It´s cute.It´s the bathroom.It´s clean.(2)单词呈现

教师利用多媒体课件,依次呈现5个家具单词,T: Now,What´s in the living room ? A bed in the living room.Read after me.Ss answers the questions.教师同时利用图片,教单词bed,table,phone,sofa,fridge.学生以开火车的方式练习。(3)词汇操练

(1)Let´s play a game.四人一组,每个人增加一句话来描述房间里的家具和它的摆放位置。For example:„两分钟时间后请学生进行表演。(2)音义训练活动


T: John is looking for the keys.Where are the keys ?Are they in the bed ? Are they on the sofa ?Are they on the table ?Are they under the chair ? Ss :No ,they aren´t.T: Can you help them ?Where are the keys ? Ss: They´re on the fridge.T: Read after the tape.要求学生模仿录音中的语音和语调。3.趣味操练

(1)游戏:Read words.请五个学生拿卡片,请一个学生读单词,读到谁的单词,谁就把单词举起来.然后全班跟读。(2)口语练习:根据生活经验说一说。It´s a sofa.It´s in the living.It´s a bed.It´s in the bedroom。同桌两人说一说,然后请学生表演。



Unit 4.My home




phone fridge


Where are the keys ? They´re on the fridge.2013-11-26 2013-2014学第一学期公开课说课稿 Unit.4 My home 第五课时教案





人教版小学英语四年级上册第四单元《My home》,本教材特点与生活实际相结合,以学生交际功能为主要线路,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。


四年级的学生有一定的英语基础,对英语有好奇心和兴趣,他们的特点是活泼好动,喜欢展示自己。以学生为主体,以激活他们对英语的兴趣为着入点。《My home》这一课围绕家具设施展开对单词的认知,所以我把本课运用我们多样化教学手段使学生轻松掌握重难点。


知识与技能:本课重点是学习房间里的设施等5个单词,能够运用句型:Where are the keys ?They´re on the fridge.情感态度价值观:引导学生在日常生活中学会保管好自己的物品,养成良好的生活习惯。













1.教师出示多媒体图片,T:Today Let´s look at some pictures.(让学生感知今天的新单词有哪些,把图片形象,直观的展示给学生更能凝聚学生的的注意力,唤起他们的好奇心.)




2.读单词游戏。Let’s do.T:Do you feel happy? S:Yes!


五、作业Homework 1.想象并设计一个自己理想中的家庭居室,用简笔画出来。并能标出房间名称和设施名称,然后向家人和朋友介绍。



Unit.4 My home第五课时教案



本节课的授课内容为四年级上册第四单元My home,Part B Let´ Learn.难点是在实际情景中运用所学单词和句子。本课的教学对象为四年级的学生,活泼好动,表现欲强,学习英语的热情很高,但已有知识不多,在表达与描述上有一定的困难。所以需要教师的大容量输入,才能让学生有可能输出。要不断用新鲜的事物与多样的活动来保持学生的兴趣,同时要用积极的评价,让他们品尝成功的喜悦。

我运用新课程理念,结合学生的身心特点, 运用图片和多媒体课件开展教学,充分调动学生的多种感官,激发学生的学习兴趣与积极性,完全融入英语学习环境。在教学内容的处理上略有调整,采用循序渐进,层层递进的方式,让学生在不知不觉中既巩固和学会运用所学的语言知识,又进行一定的拓展,开阔视野,有效地提高学生的语言综合运用能力。




第四篇:7A Unit 5Going shopping

7A Unit 5Going shopping

Step One: Review the words.Step Two: Review important language points.1.want sb to to sthwant to do sth2.Here is my wallet.Here comes Mr Wu.3.need sb to do 需要某人做某事need to do sthneed a bookbe enough for our needs

4.cost---cost----cost/cost物作主语,指花钱spend 人作主语,指花时间或钱pay 人作主语,指花钱take 物作主语,指花时间


It造这样一座桥花费多。How much did it cost you? = How much did you pay for it? = How much did you spend on it? 花了你多少钱?

Itou spend an hour finishing each level.完成每级要花你一小时。

5.quite 相当(意思等同于rather, 拼写注意区别quiet)相当多quite a few +可数名词的复数= quite a lot of相当够quite enough相当不同quite different很有可能quite possible

I quite agree with this idea.我相当赞同这个注意。6.a discount on sth.某东西打折 7.match = go well with 相配

Blue and white are a good match.= Blue matches white well.8.also = as well,用于肯定句、疑问句,表示“也”;有时放在句首时,表示“而且”。否定句中的“也”用either。too用于肯定句或一般疑问句。9.enough放在形容词或副词的后面。

He’s strong enough to lift the box.= He’s so strong that he can lift the box.他够结实能提得动这个箱子。

The bridge is not big enough for the bus to go across.= The bridge is too small for the bus to go across.桥不够大汽车过不去。


Something unusual happened last night.昨晚发生了不寻常的事。

Shall we get something to drink? 买点喝的好吗?something作主语,反意疑问句用it代替。Something is wrong with the robot, isn’t it? 11.have a high price 高价high buildings 高楼jump high 跳得高fly high 飞得高 12.wait----waitingwait for

Time waits for no man.时不待人。

I can’t wait to see you.13.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事

Mr.Peng was invited to give a speech to us.彭老师被邀请给我们做演讲。invite sb.to dinner 邀请某人吃饭

14.It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。take turns to do sth.轮流做某事

in turn 依次,轮流wait for one’s turn 等着轮到某人 15.pay----paid

pay money for sth.付钱买东西pay sb.付钱给某人

How much do I need to pay? 我该付多少钱?buy sth for sb= buy sb sth 16.stay----stays-----stayed

How long are you going to stay? 你打算待多久?stay up late 熬夜stay out待在外面stay in the open air 待在露天

a short stay in sapce 在太空中的短暂停留during my stay here 在我待在这儿期间 17.raise sth.for ….为……募集donate sth.to … 捐……给……raise one’s head 抬头


This pair of shoes is too tight.What about that pair?19.fit(adj.)健康的keep fit 保持健康fit sb.well 很合某人的身

fit under the desk 在桌子下放得下20.a little sheep 一只小绵羊a little bread 一点面包

little + 不可数名词,表否定意义—There’s little milk in the bottle, is there?

瓶子里几乎没有牛奶,是吗?—Yes, there is.不,有。

—Do you speak English? —Yes, but only a little.21.Can I help you? = What can I do for you?

你要买什么(吃什么/借什么)? —Can I help you? —Yes, please.—Can you help me? —Sure.22.look for 寻找(强调动作)find 找到(强调结果)I looked for my keys everywhere, but I couldn’t find them.23.How much do/does …… cost? ……值多少钱?= How much are/is ……?

How much does this pair of trousers cost? = How much is this pair of trousers?

24.I’m sure + that从句

I’m not sure + if/whether从句

I’m sure that everything will be OK.相信一切都会好的。I’m not sure if it will rain tomorrow.不确定明天会不会下雨。25.现在进行时表示此刻正在发生的动作,也可表示现阶段正在发生的动作。常和now, at present, at the moment, right now连用。

My twin brother Tom is swimming in the pool now.Look!How low the plane is flying in the sky!

—Where’s your Mum?—She’s writing to her friend.注意:want/have(有)/need不用进行时

We each have a dictionary.=Each of us has a dictionary.26.动词现在分词的构成: waitinglisteningraining


shoppingchattingswimmingplanningcutting hittingmoppingdroppinggettingrunning lie---lying(躺;坐落)tie---tying(捆)die---dying

27.What size do you wear?=What’s your size? 你穿多大号?the same size as …和……一样大 My shoes are the same size as yours.28.Could I try them on? 我可以试穿吗?

could表示说话人的语气委婉,不表示过去式。Could you tell me what time it is? 请问几点了?

try it/them on 试穿它/它们(代词必须放在中间)【链接中考】

()1._____ wonderful news report he wrote!All of us were

proud of him..(2010.常州)

A.What aB.WhatC.HowD.How a()----2.Sorry, I have taken your book by mistake.----_______.(2010.芜湖)

A.That’s right.B.Not at all.C.All rightD.Never mind.()3.()1.It’s the library!So you _______ know shouting is

not allowed here.(2010南京)

A.canB.mustC.need D.may

()4.----I don’t think your uncle really likes drama series.----No, ____ he still watches the programme.(2010南京)A.andB.so C.or D.but

()5.----_______ TV do you watch every day?----About two hours.(2010扬州)A.How much B.How manyC.How long D.How often

()6.In the future, there will be more _______ in nursery schools(幼儿园).(2010泰州)

A.man teachersB.men teacherC.men teachersD.man teacher

()7.(2010泰州)----Have you ever seen _____ film

Roman Holiday?

----Yes.I think it is _______ excellent movie.A.the, an B.a, the C.a, an D.the, a

()8.—Do you know _____ the MP4 yesterday?—Sorry, I have no idea about it.A.how much did he pay forB.how much he paid for C.he paid for how muchD.he paid for how much()9.—_______ will the supper be ready? I’m very hungry.—In a minute.A.How soonB.How longC.How muchD.How often

()10.—What can I do for you?—______.A.Yes, you can give a skirt to me.B.I’d like a skirt.C.No, I can do it myself.D.I can do what I want.()11.—I’m leaving for the exam.Bye-bye, mum.—Well, make sure you’ve got ______ ready.A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing()12.(2010.通化)----It’s sunny today.How about going

skiing in Yingyue Par?

----____!Let’s ask the twins to go with us.A.Sounds greatB.Best wishesC.Good luckD.That’s OK.()13.(2010.荆州)----Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?----___.I’ll help my parents.A.Sorry, I can’tB.Yes, I’d love toC.Let’s goD.No, I don’t think so

()14.(2010.楚雄州)----Mike, could you tell me if Mary___ to my party tomorrow?

---I think she will if she ____time.A.come, hasB.comes, will beC.will come, hasD.will come, will have

()15.The music from the radio sounds so beautiful.Could you please _____ the radio a little, Mum?A.turn on B.turn offC.turn up D.turn down

()16.Simon's idea is _____ Sandy's.They don't agree witheach other.(2009.南通)

A.the same asB.similar to

C.as good asD.different from

()17.Look, Peter is still reading in the library, He _____ here for two hours.(2009.南通)A.has comeB.has been C.was D.came

()18---This coat is too large.Would you please show me

____ one?-OK.Here you are.(2009.泰州)A.the otherB.othersC.anotherD.other

()19.---Could you please tell me how to get to GuanghuaTheatre?-Sorry, I'm a stranger here.---That's OK._____.(2009.南通)

A.It's my pleasureB.Forget itC.Thank you all the sameD.Don't mention it(by Zhao Ricai)

第五篇:模块一unit 3 英文版

M1 unit 3 looking good ,feeling good

班级______________姓名______________ 得分___________

failure ___________contain ___________ chemical ___________ treatment___________ athlete___________ashamed___________ weight-loss___________ pill___________ kilogram___________ work___________ energetic___________ recover___________ branch ___________ downtown ___________freeway___________ midnight___________ equipment___________ skip___________ properly___________ mostly___________ system ___________ skin___________ count___________ peaceful ___________ concentrate ___________ sadness___________ useless___________

approximately___________ amount___________ effect___________ affect ___________achievement ___________ post ___________ including ___________ slim___________ figure___________ loss ___________ gain___________ painful___________ damage___________ attractive___________ embarrassed___________pressure ___________overweight ___________ diet ___________ prefer ___________ waist___________ suffer___________ marathon___________ expert ___________comfort___________



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