
时间:2019-05-14 06:57:34下载本文作者:会员上传


Man:13 meters.You should see it.距离13公尺,应该看得见了 Okay, take her up and over the bow rail.越过船头的栏杆(Over Radio): Okay, Mir2, we're going over the bow.和平二号 Stay with us.我们要到船头了,跟好

Okay, quiet.We're rolling.好了,安静,我们开始录影了

Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship 看她像鬼船一样地出现

still gets me everytime--每次都让我胆颤心惊

To see the sad ruin of the great ship sitting here 看到这艘巨轮长眠海底

where she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15, 1912 一九一二年四月十五日 凌晨两点半

after her long fall from the world above.她从海面上缓缓堕入海底(Man Snickers)You are so full of shit, boss.老板,你太夸张了吧(Mechanical Whirring)(Sonar Pinging)Man: Dive six--Here we are again on the deck of Titanic 第六度来到泰坦尼克号甲板

21/2 miles down 水深两里半

3,821 meters.就是三千八百二十一公尺

The pressure outside is 31/2 tons per square inch.每方寸水压达到三吨半

These windows are nine inches thick and if they go 这窗户九寸厚 万一玻璃破裂,我们就瞬间“莎约哪拉”了(“莎约哪拉”--日文“再见”)it's sayonara in two microseconds.All right, enough of that bull shit.好了,狗屁放够了(Mechanical Whirring)Just put her down on the roof of the officer's quarters like yesterday.将潜艇降在干部舱的顶上

-Man: Sure.Man: Tether out.放出缆绳 放出缆绳

Man(Over Radio): Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull.布洛克,沿船舱往下放

Roger that.Okay, drop down and go into the first-class gangway door.知道了


I wantyou guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon.看看D层、接待大厅和餐厅 Man(Over Radio): Copythat.知道了

-Tether out.Now left, left.I see it.I got it.(Cracking)Make your turn.Watch the wall.转弯,小心墙

Yeah, Brock, we're at the piano, you copy? 布洛克,我们看到钢琴了 知道了

Brock: Okay, copythat.听到没? Brock: Okay, right there.Right there.That's it!就在那里,就在那里I see it.I see it.就是那道房门!看见了

We're in!We're in, baby.We're there!到了 到了,找到了

Brock: That's Hockley's bed.That's where the son of a bitch slept.这张床就是姓贺克利的那个王八蛋睡的

Lewis: Oops, somebody left the water running.有人忘了关水龙头 Hey, hold it just a second.Go back to the right.等一下,回到右边 That wardrobe door--get closer.衣柜的门,靠近点

-You smelling something, boss?(Mechanical Whirring)让我操作手臂 All right.好极了

-Take it easy, it might come apart.We did it, Bobby.Bobby, my cigar.Brock: A dozen other places.或是在百慕达三角… 还有很多地方要找

Guys, look, you've just got to trust my instincts.I know we're close.要一个一个排除 我相信快找到了

We just got to go through a little process of elimination.Hang on a second.等一下

-Let me see that.Hello, Brock.Turn that up, dear.什么事?

I have museum-trained experts out here making sure 我们请了很多专家

that these relics are preserved and catalogued properly.所有发现的物品都会被妥善保存

Take a look at this drawing that we found just today: 看我们今天发现的这幅画

A piece of paper that's been underwater for 84 years 它在海底已经八十四年了

and my team were able to preserve it intact.我们却能加以保存 Should this have remained unseen at the bottom ofthe ocean for eternity? 难道这应该永远留在海底? I'll be goddamned.有这种事?

Man(Over Loudspeaker): Vnimanye, vnimanye...Bobby: Brock!There's a satellite call for you.布洛克!有找你的卫星电话

Bobby, we're launching.You see these submersibles going in the water? 鲍比,我们要下海了 看到潜艇没有?

Trust me, buddy.You want to take this call.相信我,不接你会后悔 This better be good.最好别骗我

You got to speak up.She's kind of old.你得大声点,她年纪很大了 Great.This Brock Lovett.好极了 这是罗威特,请问题有何指教?

-How can I help you, Mrs.--If she had lived, she'd be over 100.对,否则要一百多岁了

next month.下个月满一百零一岁

Okay, so she's a very old goddamned liar.好的,她是个老“骗子” Look, I've already done the background on this woman 我查过她的底细

all the way back to the '20s when she was working as an actress.她在20年代是个演员

An actress!There's your first clue, Sherlock.演员,你看吧 Her name was Rose Dawson backthen.Then she marries this guy named Calvert.她当时叫萝丝·道森 后来她嫁给卡维特先生

They move to Cedar Rapids and she punches out a couple of kids.搬到柏湍镇,生了两个小孩

Now, Calvert's dead, and from what I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead.她老公死了 柏湍镇也没落了

And everybody who knows about the diamond 知道钻石的人全都死光了 is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows.但她却知道 Doesn't exactly travel light, does she? 她的行李可真不少

Mrs.Calvert, I'm Brock Lovett.Welcome to the Keldysh.卡维特太太,我是罗威特 欢迎登上凯尔迪希号

Okay, let's get her inside there.送她进去Hi.卡维特小姐,您好 Welcome to the Keldysh.欢迎登船 谢谢

Man: Hey.Hey!Rose: Yes?Rose: Oh,yes, very nice.房间还舒适吗? 很舒适

Have you met my granddaughter Lizzie? 见过我孙女莉西没有? She takes care of me.都是她在照顾我

We met just a few minutes ago.我们刚才见过了 Remember, Nana, up on deck? 在甲板上,记得吗? There, that's nice.哦,对了 这样就对了

Have to have my pictures when I travel.我出门都一定带着照片 Can I get you anything? ls there anythingyou'd like? 需不需要什么? Yes.有

I would like to see my drawing.我想看看我的画像

Brock: Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone 路易十六世有颗“王冠碧钻” that was called the Blue Diamond ofthe Crown which disappeared in 1792 在一七九二年时不见了

about the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up.差不多就是在他上断头台那年

The theory goes that the crown diamond was chopped, too 有人说,钻石被分割了

recut into a heart-like shape that became known as “Heart of the Ocean.” 重新切割成心形 叫“海洋之心”

Today it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.如今它的价值,可远超过“希望之钻”

It was a dreadful, heavything.I only wore it this once.那东西重得不得了 我只戴过一次

Lizzie: You actually think this is you, Nana? 奶奶,你真的认为这是你吗?

It is me, dear.Wasn't I a dish? 这当然是我,亲爱的!我那时很美吧? I tracked it down through insurance records--我翻遍保险资料 An old claim that was settled underterms of absolute secrecy.理赔条件是要绝对保密

Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose? 获理赔的人是谁? I should imagine someone named Hockley.我想应该是个姓贺克利的人

Brock: Nathan Hockley, that's right.Pittsburgh steel tycoon.对,奈森·贺克利 匹兹堡钢铁大亨

Claim was for a diamond necklace 他掉了一条钻石项链

his son Caledon bought his fiancee--you 是他儿子买给未婚妻..你的

a week before he sailed on Titanic.那是上船之前一星期时买的 It was filed right after the sinking 沉船后就马上办理赔了

so the diamond had to have gone down with the ship.因此项链一定跟着船沉入海底了

You see the date? 看到日期没有? “April 14, 1912.” 一九一二年四月十四日

Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is 如果你祖母就是那女的

she was wearing the diamond the daythe Titanic sank.泰坦尼克沉没时… 这也就使你成为我的新好友

And that makes you my new best friend.她就戴着那条项链 These are some of the things we recovered from your stateroom.这是从船上找到的 This was mine.这是我的 How extra ordinary!真不可思议!

And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it.跟我最后一次看到它时一模一样

The reflection has changed a bit.我倒是变了一点(Gasps Quietly)Areyou readyto go back to Titanic? 准备好重返泰坦尼克号了吗? Lewis: Okay, here we go.She hits the berg on the starboard side, right? 好,是这样的 船的右舷撞到冰山

She kind of bumps along punching holes like Morse code--dit-dit-dit--船身在水线以下破了一排的洞

along the side, below the waterline.前舱便开始进水

Then the forward compartments start to flood.水位上升,越过防水隔板

Now as the water level rises, it spills over the water tight bulkheads which unfortunately don't go any higher than E deck.因为隔板最高只到E层 So now as the bow goes down, the stern rises up 船首下沉,船尾就翅起

slow at first, then faster and faster until finally 速度由慢变快 she's got herwhole ass is sticking up in the air and that's a big ass.到整个船尾朝着天空

We're talking 20,000, 30,000 tons, okay? 船尾重达二、三十万吨 And the hull's not designed to deal with that pressure, so what happens? 船身承受不了 结果船身从中间裂开

She splits, right down to the keel 船尾掉回海面 and the stern falls back level.Then as the bow sinks, it pulls the stern vertical and finally detaches.船首下沉时,就把船尾拉直了 两截终于脱离

Now, the stern section just kind of bobs there like a cork 船尾浮了几分钟后

for a couple of minutes, floods and finally goes under about 2:20 a.m.在凌晨两点二十分沉没

two hours and 40 minutes after the collision.离出事两小时四十分钟后

The bow section planes away landing about a half a mile away 船的前半部往前滑 在半里之外

going 20, 30 knots when it hits the ocean floor.以二、三十里时速着地

(lmitates Crashing)Pretty cool, huh? 很酷吧?

Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr.Bodine.谢谢你这番精致的分析

Of course, the experience of it was 当然,亲身体验是有些不同的 some what different.Will you share it with us? 说来听听,好吗?(Music Playing)(Crying)No.我带你去休息 走吧

-Come on, Nana.Right here.Daddy, it's a ship.I put myfaith in you, good sir.拜托你了,我要照顾女士

-Now, kindly see my man.Oh, yes, right.那部车上全部的箱子 All the trunks from that carthere 12 from here, and the safe...这部车有十二箱 还有保险箱,送到宫殿套房

to the parlor suite, rooms B-52, 54, 56.B52到56号Ladies...better hurry.小姐们,快点(People Saying Good-byes)Woman: I have it.我的外套在我这儿

Man: All third-class passengers due here for a health inspection.All third-class passengers due here for health inspection.头等舱旅客这边请 Head up.Welcome aboard, ma'am.Welcome to Titanic.欢迎登上泰坦尼克号

Rose: It was the Ship of Dreams to everyone else.对别人来说,她是艘梦幻之船

To meit was a slave ship 对我而言,她像是艘奴隶船 taking me back to America in chains.要把我押回去美国

Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought-up girl should be.表面看来


Inside, I was screaming.内心里,我却在呐咸(Steam Whistle Blows Loudly)(Speaking Swedish)(俄文)Jack, you are pazzo.You bet everything we have.杰克,我们只剩这些钱了

When you got nothing you got nothing to lose.没钱就没烦恼 白痴,连船票也拿来赌 Sven? 史文?(俄文)All right, moment of truth.好,关键时刻

Somebody's life's about to change.Fabrizio? 有人一生即将改变 法布里吉欧?-Niente.-Niente.没有Nothing.欧拉夫? 没有

Sven? 史文?

Uh-oh.Two pair.两个对子

I'm sorry, Fabrizio.抱歉,法布里吉欧

Che“sorry?” Ma vaffanculo!You bet all the money.抱歉?钱都输光了!

I'm sorry, you're not going to see your mom again for a long time 抱歉,得跟你妈说再见了

because we're going to America.因为我们要去美国了Whoa!胡芦![三带二]Dio mio, grazie!(Cursingln Swedish)(俄文)Figlio diputtana!快走!我要回家了(Cursingln Swedish)I go to America.我要去美国了

Man: No, mate.Titanic go to America in five minutes.不,泰坦尼克号要去美国 只剩五分钟了

-Come on.Come on.Here.Driver: Whoa, whoa!You're pazzo!Aspetta!Wait, wait!Hey, wait!等一下…

We're passengers.Passengers.我们是乘客

Haveyou been through the inspection queue? 你们通关了没有? Of course.Anyway, we don't have any lice.当然有 我们没有虱子

-We're Americans, both of us.Ofcourse not.That's not the point.有认识的人吗? 有什么关系?

Good-bye!I'll missyou!再见,我会想你的

Good-bye!I'm going to never for get you.我永远不会忘记你的(Crowd Cheering)All the way, darling.十六号… 360, 360.Excuse me, ma'am.对不起 十六号在哪呢?

Oh, right here.Hey, how you doing? 在那边 你好,我是杰克,幸会 Jack.Nice to meet you.I'm Jack Dawson.Nice to meet you.杰克·道森,幸会 How you doing? Who says you get the top bunk? 你好 谁说你能睡上铺的?

(Speaking Swedish)史文呢? This is your private promenade deck, sir.这里专供你们使用 Would you be requiring anything? 有别的吩咐吗?Excuse me.告退

-Woman: This one?What's the artist's name? 真实却不合逻辑


-Something Picasso.At least they were cheap.德加的画挂在卧室 还好很便宜

Ah, put it in the wardrobe.放进衣柜

At Cherbourg, a woman came a board named Margaret Brown.在瑟堡,有个妇人上船 名叫玛格丽·布朗

We all called her Molly.我们都叫他莫莉

History would call her “the Unsinkable Molly Brown.” 历史将称她为“不沉的莫莉·布朗”

Well, I wasn't about to wait all day for you, sonny.别叫我等半天 Here, you think you can manage? 来,提得动吗? Her husband had struck gold some place out West 可以 她丈夫在西部发现金矿

and she was what mother called “newmoney.” 她就是母亲所说“新钱”

By the next afternoon, we were steaming west from the coast of lreland 第二天下午 我们从爱尔兰向西航行 with nothing out a head of us but ocean.前面什么都没有 只是一片汪洋大海

Take her to sea, Mr.Murdoch.默多克先生

-Let's stretch her legs.Very good, sir.全速前进 是

-(Bells Ringing)All ahead full.Was it you, Bruce?What's gotten into you?She's a pistol, Cal.真是失礼 她好野,希望你能应付得来

-Hope you can handle her.Is English, no? 是英国的吧? 她是由一万五千名爱尔兰人所制造的

No, it was built in lreland.15,000 lrishmen built this ship.不是的 非常的坚固

Solid as a rock.Big lrish hands.爱尔兰人所造出来的

That's typical.First-class dogs come down here to take a shit.又有头等舱的客人 带狗到这儿来拉屎了

Uh, it lets us know where we rank in the scheme of things.好让我们知道自己是啥身份啊

Like we could forget? 难道我们会忘记吗?Jack Dawson.我叫汤米·雷恩 杰克·道森

-Hello.Do you mind?(Woman Grunts)The fall alone would kill you.我很会游泳 你会摔死

-It would hurt.How cold?(Screams)Please get me!Fetch the master-at-arms!Cal...看着我,你这下流的东西!你们干了什么好事?

-What do you think you were doing?An accident? 意外? It was.Stupid really.对啊 真是难为情

I was leaning over, and I slipped.我趴在栏杆上,结果滑倒了 I was leaning far over to see the, uh...我趴在栏杆上,想看… uh...uh...the, uh...uh...想看…propellers and I slipped.推进器吗? 对,结果我滑倒了

And I would have gone over board but Mr.Dawson here saved me 我差点掉下去 是道森先生救了我

and almost went over himself.他也差点掉下去

You wanted to see...She wanted to see the propellers.她想看推进器!

Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.我说嘛 女人碰上机器就完了

Was that the way of it? 事情是这样的吗? Yeah.Yeah, that was pretty much it.对,差不多

Well, the boy's a hero then.Good for you, son.Well done.这孩子英雄救美 好极了,孩子

So it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh? 没事,回去喝酒吧 Look at you.You must be freezing.Let's get you inside.看,你一定冻坏了 快进去吧

Perhaps a little something for the boy.该给点奖赏吧? Of course.Mr.Lovejoy, I think a 20 should do it.应该的 赖福杰先生,二十元够吧? Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? 我的行情就只有这么一点吗?

Rose is displeased.What to do? 萝丝不满意 该怎么办呢? I know.有了

Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening 就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧

to regale our group with...your heroic tale.还可以向我们叙述,你英勇救人的故事

Sure, count me in.好啊,没问题 Good.Settled then.好,就这么说定了 This should be interesting.Mmm.有好戏看了(Whistles)Can l, uh...bum a smoke? 来根烟好吗? You'll want to tie those.你鞋带松了 It's interesting.怎么小姐突然间滑倒.The young lady slips so suddenly and you still had time 你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子?

to remove your jacket and your shoes.(Knock At Door)(Door Opens)I know you've been melancholy.我知道你心情不好 I don't pretend to know why.我也不会假装知道原因 I intended to save this 原本想等到…

until the engagement gala 下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来 next week.但我觉得… But I thought tonight.今天晚上…

Good gracious.我的天啊!

Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you.让你知道我对你的真心

-Is it a...Pardon me?(Nervous Laughter)就回答我的问题啊

This is absurd.You don't know me, and I don't know you 这太荒唐了!你我根本不认识

and we are not having this conversation at all.我们没什么好谈的了 You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous and I am leaving now.你非常无礼而且自以为是 我要走了,杰克..道森先生

Jack.Mr.Dawson, it's been a pleasure.真是幸会

I sought you out to thank you and now I have thanked you...我找你出来是要向你道谢的

-And you've insulted me.Right.好吧

-I thought you were leaving.(Chuckles)(Both Chuckle)Ah, she had a good sense of humor, though.她很有幽默感 Oh, and this lady...这位小姐

she used to sit at this bar every night 每晚总是坐在酒吧里 wearing every piece of jewelry she owned 身上穿带着她所有的首饰

just waiting for her long-lost love.等她的爱人回来 Called her Madame Bijou.我们都叫她“珠宝夫人” See how her clothes are all moth-eaten? 她的衣服都破了 Well, you have a gift, Jack.你很有天份,杰克 You do.You see people.你真的有 你会观察人

I see you.我会观察你 And? 我怎么样?

You wouldn't have jumped.你不会寻短的

But the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.上大学的目的是为了钓金龟婿

Rose has already done that.这点,萝丝已经做到了

Look, here comes that vulgar Brown woman.那个粗俗的女人来了 Quickly, get up before she sits with us.快,我不想跟她坐在一起 Hello, girls.I was hoping I'd catch you at tea.我还正想跟你们喝茶呢

We're awfully sorry you missed it.抱歉,我们正要到甲板上散步 The countess and I werejust off to take the air on the boat deck.What a lovely idea.I need to catch up on my gossip.好极了,我也来跟你们聊聊

Molly: Countess.伯爵夫人

Soyou've not yet lit the last four boilers? 最后四个锅炉还没用到吗?

No, I don't see the need.We are making excellent time.没有必要,我们的速度已经很快了 The press knows the size of Titanic.新闻界知道这艘船很大 Now I want them to marvel at her speed.但不知道她的速度 We must give them something new to print.要给他们点新闻写写 This maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines.泰坦尼克号的处女航,可是要上头条新闻的

Mr.Ismay, I would prefer not to push the engines 伊士美先生 引擎是新的,先得让它们跑顺 until they've been properly run in.Of course I'm just a passenger.我只是个乘客,一切由你做主 I leave it toyour good offices to decide what's best.But what a glorious end to your final crossing 但你马上就要退休了 if we were to get into New York on Tuesday night and surprise them all.若能在周二抵达纽约 报纸马上就会登出来

Make the morning papers.Retire with a bang, eh, E.J.? 这样退休多光彩啊? Good man.好船长

Well, after that I worked on a squid boat in Monterey.后来,我又在蒙特里的鱼船上工作

Then I went down to Los Angeles to the pier in Santa Monica 接着又到洛杉矶

在码头画人像,一张一毛钱 and started doing portraits there forten cents apiece.Why can't I be like you, Jack--just head out for the horizon 如果我也能这样就好了 要走就走,想去哪就去哪 whenever I feel like it? Say we'll go there sometime to that pier 说我们会去那码头 even if we only ever just talk about it.哪怕只是说说 No, we'll do it.不,我们一定会去

We'll drink cheap beer.We'll ride on the roller coaster till we throw up.可以去喝便宜的啤酒 坐云霄飞车直到吐

Then we'll ride horses on the beach right in the surf.我们还要在海滩上骑马

Butyou'll have to do it like a real cowboy.None of that sidesaddle stuff.但要跟牛仔一样,不能侧坐

-You mean, one leg on each side?Can you show me?And chew to bacco like a man.教我如何像男人一样地骑马 跟男人一样嚼烟草

And spit like a man.还有跟男人一样地吐口水 They didn't teach you that in finishing school? 你在学校没教吗?Well, come on, I'll show you.没有 来,我教你

Let's do it.I'll show you how.Come on.我吐给你看 Jack, no!Jack, no!杰克,不行啦 不行,等一下

Wait, Jack.No, Jack.I couldn't possibly, Jack.我不可能这么做的,杰克

Watch closely.看清楚

-That's disgusting!Mm-hmm.Jack: Okay, go.好,吐!(Hawks)Really? 有进步,多练习Really try and hawk it up and get some body to it, you know? 越重吐得越远

You got to...(Snorting)(Swallows)妈 Mother.May I introduce Jack Dawson? 我给你介绍,杰克·道森 Charmed, I'm sure.真是幸会

The others were gracious and curious 其他人对杰克的态度很好 about the man who had saved my life 想认识这位救了我一命的人 but my mother looked at him like an insect--我妈却当他是个虫子 a dangerous insect which must be squashed quickly.一个得立刻除掉的害虫

Well, Jack, sounds like you're a good man to have around in a sticky spot.看来你是个见义勇为的人

(Trumpet Playing Fanfare)为什么他们每次叫人吃晚饭

Why do they always insist on announcing dinner like a damn cavalry charge? 都得像骑兵要冲锋一样?

-(Laughs)You shine up like a new penny.看你人模人样的(Laughs)Good evening, sir.先生晚安

(Orchestra Playing “On The BeautifuI Blue Danube”)Good evening.晚安 Man: Hello.Cal: Do you know that there are several thousand tons 这船用了很多我们家的钢铁

of Hockley steel in this very ship? 用在什么地方?

-Ruth: Hmm.Which part?Oh, she'll be along.萝丝呢?Hello, my dear.女伯爵在那里Cal: So good to see you.晚安

I saw that in a nickelode on once and I always wanted to do it.我在电影上看过 一直想这么做(Snickers)Ruth: I'll see you at dinner.亲爱的

Darling? Surely you remember Mr.Dawson.你一定还记得道森先生吧?


Well, it's amazing.You could almost pass for a gentleman.你几乎像个绅士

-Almost.It's mad, isn't it?Hmm.本杰明·古根海姆先生跟他的情妇 And that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress Madame Aubert.当然,古根海姆太太正在家陪孩子

Mrs.Guggenheim is at home with the children, of course.这边是柯士摩爵士和露锡儿

And over here we have Sir Cosmo and Lucille Lady Duff-Gordon.She designs naughty lingerie, among her manytalents.她设计性感内衣


Very popular with the royals.她非常受皇室的宠爱

Congratulations, Hockley.She's splendid.真是恭喜你了,她好标致 Why, thank you.谢谢

-Care to escort a lady to dinner?(Chuckling)Ain't nothin' to it, is there, Jack? 其实也没什么 Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a gold



自稳零 : 自动归零模式

application [,æpli'keiʃən]


time drive


scan [skæn]






autosave ['ɔ:təuseiv]


Sample info

样品信息 ;采样信息

identity [ai'dentəti]


ordinate ['ɔ:dinət,-neit]


baseline correction


curve [kə:v]


intercept [,intə'sept]


number of revolution

[机] 旋转次数;转数;重复测定次数

response [ri'spɔns]


use exipedition calibration


enter calibration edit



n.[仪] 再校准;重新校准已存标准曲线

output ['autput, ,aut'put]


number of samples to average


replace [ri'pleis]


delete [di'li:t]



看吸血鬼日记学英语 Vampire Diary 第一季 01

-Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret;century: 世纪 secret: 秘密 一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活。

Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.hiding: 隐匿 shadows: 有阴影的

藏身暗处,独自一人。Until now, I am a vampire.vampire: 吸血鬼

直到现在,我是一个吸血鬼。And this is my story.这是我的故事。-Darren: An hour's drive to hear that crap.crap: 屎;垃圾

一小时的车程都听这种垃圾。You know, it wasn't even a band.A guy with a guitar.连乐队都称不上,只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。An hour each way.还有回来的一个小时。-Darren’ wife: He wasn't that bad.没你说的那么糟。-Darren: He sounded like James Blunt.听着像James Blunt。-Darren’ wife: What's wrong with that? 不是很好么?-Darren: We already have a James Blunt.One's all we need.我们已经有一个James Blunt,一个就够了。

-Darren’ wife: So why did you come? 那你为什么要来?-Darren: Because I love you.因为我爱你。

-Darren’ wife: Nicely done.nicely: 漂亮的 嘴真甜。

What's with all the fog? fog: 雾


-Darren: It'll clear in a second.马上就会散去的-Darren’ wife: Watch out!watch out: 密切注视;当心 小心!

-Darren: Are you ok? 你没事吧?

-Darren’ wife: We just hit someone!Oh, my god!hit: 碰撞

我们撞人了!我的天呐!-Darren: Call for help.打电话呼救

-Darren’ wife: Come on, come on!

快接!快接!-Darren: Please be alive!alive: 活泼的;活着的 千万别出人命啊!Oh, my god.老天!

-Darren’ wife: There's no signal!Darren!signal: 信号 没有信号!Darren!

Darren? Darren?

-Stefan: I shouldn't have come home.我不该回来的。

I know the risk.But i had no choice.risk: 冒…危险


I have to know her.我必须认识她。

-Elena: Dear diary today will be different.It has to be.亲爱的日记: 今天会是不同的一天,一定要。I will smile, and it will be believable.believable: 可信的 我会发自内心地微笑。My smile was “I’m fine, thank you.”

告诉别人“我很好 谢谢”。yes, I feel much better.嗯,我已经好多了。I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.no longer: 不再 lost: 失去 我不再是痛失双亲的,那个可怜的小女孩儿了。I will start fresh, be someone new.fresh: 新鲜的

我要打起精神,重新开始。It's the only way I’ll make it through.make it through: 度过难关 只有这样我才能够支撑下去。-Jenna: Toast.I can make toast.toast: 吐司

吐司,我会做吐司。-Elena: It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.Jenna阿姨,有咖啡就行。-Jeremy: Is there coffee? 有咖啡吗?

-Jenna: Your first day of school and I’m totally unprepared.totally: 完全的 unprepared: 没有准备

你们开学第一天,我还完全没有准备。Lunch money? 午饭钱要么?-Elena: I'm good.我不用

-Jenna: Anything else? A

number two pencil? What am I missing?

还有别的吗? 2B铅笔? 我还忘了什么?

-Elena: Don't you have a big presentation today? presentation: 介绍;陈述 你今天不是有个很重要的报告么?

-Jenna: I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...Now.Crap!thesis: 论文 advisor: 指导老师 我和论文导师约在...现在 糟糕!

-Elena: Then go.We'll be fine.快去吧,我们没事的。-Elena: You ok? 你还好吧?-Jeremy: Don't start.别提

-Bonnie: So grandmother is telling me I’m psychic.psychic: 巫女 奶奶说我是个巫女。Our ancestors were from Salem, which isn't all that, I know crazy, ancestor: 祖先

我们的祖先来自塞伦,还不止呢!可不是吗?疯了吧!but she's going on and on about it, and I’m like, put this woman in a home already!可她一直唠叨个没完,我都想把她送去敬老院了。But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, predicted: 预言

但之后我想,我料到Obama当选,还料到Heath Ledger英年早逝。

and i still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands.break off: 中断 resort: 休闲度假之处

我还相信佛罗里达会分裂,变成一个个旅游小岛。Elena!Back in the car.Elena!回过神来吧

-Elena: I did it again, didn't I? I’m sorry, Bonnie.我又走神了么? 抱歉,Bonnie。you were telling me that...你跟我说...-Bonnie: That I’m psychic now.我现在能通灵了。

-Elena: Right.Ok, then predict something.About me.哦对,那就预言下吧!预测下我。-Bonnie: I see...我看到了...What was that? Oh, my god!Elena, are you ok?

那是什么? 我的天!Elena 你还好吧?

-Elena: It's ok.I'm fine.我没事。

-Bonnie: It was like a bird or something.It came out of nowhere.好像是只鸟还是什么,不知道从哪儿就飞出来了。-Elena: Really, I can't be

freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.freak out: <美俚> 抓狂 说真的,下半辈子我可不能一直对车有阴影。

-Bonnie: I predict this year is gonna be kick ass.kick ass: <美俚> 很厉害;了不起

我预言今年一定很棒。And i predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are gonna be beyond happy.beyond: 远处;今后

我预言所有悲伤黑暗都将过去,你会无比幸福快乐的!Major lack of male real estate.lack: 欠缺 male: 男性 estate: 时期

如今真真是男生人才凋零。Look at the shower curtain on Kelly beach.curtain: 窗帘


She looks a hot--can I still say “tranny mess”?


-Elena: No, that’s over.不,已经过时啦!

-Bonnie: Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase.It's a busy year.常言道,谈恋爱吧,让日子充实起来。-Elena: He hates me.他恨我。

-Bonnie: That's not hate.才不是恨呢

That's “you dumped me, but I’m too cool to show it, dump: 倒垃圾


but secretly I’m listening to air supply's greatest hits.supply: 供应

实际上我是悄悄在听 空气补给乐团的精选专辑

-Caroline: Elena.Oh, my god.How are you?

Elena 谢天谢地 你还好么? Oh, it's so good to see you.How is she? Is she good? 能见到你真好 她怎么样? 还好吗?

-Elena: Caroline, I’m right here.And I’m fine.Thank you.Caroline 我就在这儿啊,我很好,多谢!-Caroline: Really? 真的吗?

-Elena: Yes.Much better.嗯,好多了。

-Caroline: Oh, you poor thing.噢,小可怜。-Elena: Ok, Caroline.好了,Caroline。-Caroline: Ok, see you guys later?

那好,回见了!-Elena: Ok!Bye.好!再见

No comment.I'm not gonna say anything.comment: 评论

无语,我什么也不想说。-Jeremy: Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.六小时内不要多过两片-Tyler: Hey, Vicki.I knew I’d find you here with the crackheads.crack heads: 瘾君子 嘿,Vicki!我就知道你跟这帮瘾君子混在一起。-Vicki: Hey, 嘿!

-Tyler: Pete Wentz called.He wants his nail polish back.nail: 指甲 polish: 使发亮 Pete Wentz打给我了,他想把指甲油要回去。

-Jeremy: Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L.of you.Carson Daly fan? Pete Wentz是吧? 你丫几十年代生的呀? Carson Daly的粉丝?-Vicki: Oh, Tyler, be nice.Be nice.That's Elena's little brother.Tyler,别冲动!别冲动!那是Elena的弟弟!

-Tyler: I know who he is.I'll still kick his ass.我知道,一样要给点颜色瞧瞧。

-Bonnie: Hold up.Who's this? 等等,这是谁?-Elena: All I see is back.只能看到个背影。-Bonnie: It's a hot back.很帅的背影。

-Teacher: Your records are incomplete.record: 记录 incomplete: 不完全的


You're missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts.immunization: 免疫 insist: 坚持;一定要 transcripts: 学生成绩报告单

没有你的免疫记录,我们还要求有成绩单。-Stefan: Please look again.请你再看看。

I'm sure everything you need is there.我肯定你要的都在这儿。-Teacher: Well, you’re right.So it is.你说得没错,都在。-Bonnie: I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.sense: 感觉 Seattle: 西雅图人


-Elena: You're really gonna run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?

你还真开始通灵了是吧?-Bonnie: Pretty much.差不多。

-Elena: I’ll be right back.我马上回来。-Bonnie: Please be hot.千万要长帅点。-Man: Whoa!Pants down, chick.chick: 少女 裤子掉了,小妞。

-Elena: Great.It's the first day of school and you're stoned.stoned: 迷幻了的

好啊,开学第一天你就嗑药!-Jeremy: No, I’m not.我没有。

-Elena: Where Is it? Is It on you?

在哪儿呢? 在你身上?-Jeremy: Stop, all right? You need to chill yourself, all right? chill: 变冷

住手,你冷静点儿,行吗?-Elena: Chill myself? What is that, stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool.冷静点儿?这算什么?瘾君子的”忠告“?诶,老弟!你可真行啊!

-Jeremy: Look, stop!I don't have anything on me.Are you crazy?


-Elena: You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!


I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself.destroy: 摧毁


No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead.Keep it up.go ahead: 前进 keep up: 继续 不不不,你继续吧!继续!But just know that I am gonna be there to ruin your buzz every time, you got it? ruin: 毁灭 buzz: 嗡嗡声 但每次磕在兴头我都会来捣乱的,听到了吗? Jeremy, I know who you are.And it's not this person.Jeremy,我了解你,你不是这样的!

So don't be this person.所以别再这样了!-Jeremy: I don't need this.用不着你管我-Stefan: Thank you.谢谢

-Teacher: You're welcome.不客气

-Stefan: Uh, pardon me.Is this the men's room?

不好意思,这是男厕所吗?-Elena: Yes.Um, I was just, um…I was just…


It’s a long story.说来话长 Just...就是...Thank you.谢谢。

-Mr.Tanner: Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, Virginia: 弗吉尼亚 confederacy: 邦联

我们弗吉尼亚州曾在1861年加入了美国南部邦联。It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.created: 造成 tremendous: 巨大的 amount: 重量 tension: 紧张

致使州内局势异常紧张。People in Virginia’s northwest region had different ideals than

those from the traditional Deep South.region: 区域 traditional: 传统的 Deep South: 南方腹地;来自西北部地区的人民,和南部保守居民态度不同。Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union.divided: 分裂 union: 联盟 所以弗吉尼亚州于1863年分裂 西北部加入了同盟军 HAWT-E.STARING @ U. HAWT-E = hottie STARING @ = stare at 帅哥在盯着你看呢-Elena: Dear diary, i made it through the day.亲爱的日记,我熬过今天了。I must have said, ”I’m fine, thanks,“ at least 37 times.我很好,谢谢这句话至少说了37次。

And i didn't mean it once.可都不是出自真心。But no one noticed.notice: 注意 不过没人知道。

When someone asks,” how are you?” 当别人问你,你好吗? They really don't want an answer.他们并不是真想知道些什么 Ok.Hi, bird.That's not creepy or anything.creepy: 毛骨悚然的 好吧!你好,小鸟。没什么好怕的。

That's what i thought.我就说嘛!-Stefan: You ok? 你还好吗?

-Elena: Were you following me? 你在跟踪我吗?

-Stefan: No, I, uh, I just…I saw you fall.不,我…我刚刚看到你摔倒。-Elena: Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery.cemetery: 墓地


-Stefan: I'm visiting.I have family here.我来扫墓的,我家人葬在这。-Elena: Tactless.I'm sorry.我太失礼了,对不起。It's the fog, it's making me foggy.就怪这雾气,我也被搞的晕乎乎的!

And then back there, there was this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second.在那边有一只鸟,那一刹那像极了希区柯克电影里的场景。

That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?

希区柯克关于鸟的那部,对吧?(指群鸟 经典悬疑片)I'm Elena.我是Elena。-Stefan: I'm Stefan.我是Stefan。

-Elena: I know.We have history together.我知道 我们一起上历史课-Stefan: And English and French.还有语文课和法语课。-Elena: Right.没错。Thanks.谢谢。Nice ring.戒指很漂亮。

-Stefan: Um, it's a family ring, yeah.I'm kinda stuck with it.It's weird, huh?

kinda: <美俚> = kind of stuck: 卡在喉咙 weird: 诡异的 哦!家族的戒指,好像把我套牢了,奇怪吧?

-Elena: No, no.It's just, i mean, there are rings and then there's that.不不。我的意思是,戒指么,就这样。

-Stefan: Did you hurt yourself? Did you hurt yourself?

你受伤了吗?你受伤了吗?-Elena: Oh, uh, i don't know.噢 我不知道

Look at that.That is not pretty.瞧瞧,可不太好!You ok? 你没事吧?

-Stefan: You should go.Take care of that.你得走了 保重

-Elena: Really, it’s nothing.这没什么,真的。-Stefan: I lost control today.control: 控制 我今天失控了。

Everything I’ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.buried: 埋葬的 rushing: 急流出 surface: 表面


I'm simply not able to resist her.simply: 简单的 resist: 抵抗 对她,我毫无抵抗!-Jeremy: Thanks.谢谢。-Vicki: Working.工作中。

-Matt: Thanks, Vick.谢啦!Vick!

-Vicki: Do you need another refill?

refill: 再装满 要续杯不?-Tyler: I'd love one.谢谢!

-Matt: Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.hook up: 钩住


-Tyler: I'm not hooking up with your sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹!-Matt: You're such a dick.你个败类

-Jeremy: Hey, what's your deal? 嗨!你是怎么回事? I mean, summer you act one way and then school starts and you can't be bothered.bother: 打扰


-Vicki: Look, Jeremy, i really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals, 听着!Jeremy!我非常谢谢你那些药。

but you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.puppy: 小狗


-Jeremy: When's the last time you had sex with a puppy? 你上一次和小狗上床是什么时候的事了?

-Vicki: Hey, keep It down.嘿!小点声!

I don't want to tell the whole world i deflowered Elena’s kid brother.deflower: 使失去童贞 我可不想告诉全世界我夺走了Elena弟弟的童贞。-Jeremy: Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.是啊!一次又一次的!-Vicki: We hooked up a few times in a drug haze.It's over.haze: 迷糊


You have got to back off between you ruin things between me and Tyler.have got to: <美俚> = have got to 必须


-Jeremy: Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche.douche: <美俚> 白痴 拜托!那家伙就是一笨蛋!

He only wants you for your ass.ass: 臀部

他只想和你上床而已!-Vicki: Yeah? What do you want me for?

是吗?那你想和我干嘛?-Caroline: His name is Stefan Salvatore.他叫Stefan Salvatore He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.和叔叔住在Salvatore家的老房子。

He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.他还小的时候就不住这了。Military family, so they moved around a lot.military: 军事的 军人家庭,经常搬家。He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue.Gemini: 双子星座


-Bonnie: You got all of that in one day?

短短一天就知道这么多?-Caroline: Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period.period: 课;期间


We're planning a June wedding.wedding: 婚礼

我们筹划六月的婚礼来着!-Elena: I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.我要去烤肉店见Bonnie!-Jenna: Ok, have fun.Wait, I got this.好,玩得愉快。等等,我来一句这个。

Don't stay out late, it's a school night.别玩得太晚,已经开学了!-Elena: Well done, aunt Jenna.做得好 Jenna阿姨

-Stefan: Sorry, I was about to knock.抱歉,我是打算敲门来着。I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.I know it was...Strange.apologize: 道歉 disappear: 消失

我想为早先的消失而道歉,我知道,这有点…奇怪。-Elena: No worries.I get it, blood makes you squeamish.squeamish: 洁癖的

不用在意,我明白,因为血的关系感到不舒服么?-Stefan: Um, something like that.差不多吧!How's your leg? 你的腿怎么样了-Elena: Oh, it's fine.Just a scratch, barely.scratch: 擦伤 barely: 仅仅 没事,就是表面擦伤。How did you know where I lived?

你怎么知道我住这?-Stefan: It's a small town.I asked the first person I saw.镇子不大,我就是问了遇见的第一个人。

Um, I thought you might want this back.我想你可能想拿回这个。-Elena: Oh, I must have dropped it.thank you.drop: 遗失

噢,我肯定是掉了,谢谢你!-Stefan: Don't worry, i didn't...Read it.别担心,我没看!-Elena: No? Why not? Most people would have.没看,怎么没看?大多数人都会看的!

-Stefan: Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.我也不希望别人看我的日记-Elena: You keep a journal? journal: 日记 你记日记?

-Stefan: Yeah, if I don't write it down, I forget it.对,我要是不记下来就会忘掉!

Memories are too important.memories: 记忆 记忆对我非常重要。-Elena: Yeah.没错。

I'm just gonna, um, you don't have to stay out there.gonna: <美俚> = gonna 将要 我正要去,你不用一直站在门外。-Stefan: I'm fine.没关系。

Sorry, were you going somewhere? 不好意思,你打算去哪儿吗?-Elena: Yeah, I’m meeting a friend.对,去见一个朋友。Do you want to come? 你要一起来吗?-Matt: How's Elena doing? Elena怎么样了?

-Bonnie: Her mom and dad died.How do you think? 她父母去世了,你觉得她怎么样呢?

She's putting on a good face, but it's only been four months.put on: 装作


-Matt: Has she said anything about me? 她有提到我什么吗?-Bonnie: Oh, no.So not getting in the middle.You pick up the phone and call her.middle: 中间


-Matt: I feel weird calling her.She broke up with me.weird: 怪异的


-Bonnie: Give it more time, Matt.多给她点儿时间,Matt。

-Matt: More time, huh? 还多点儿时间?哼? Hey, I’m Matt, nice to meet you.你好,我是Matt,很高兴认识你!

-Stefan: Hi, Stefan.Stefan。

-Caroline: So, you were born in mystic falls?

mystic: 神秘的 fall: 瀑布 这么说,你出生在神秘瀑布镇?

-Stefan: And moved when I was still young.小时候就搬走了。-Caroline: Parents? 你父母呢?

-Stefan: My parents passed away.pass away: 去世 他们去世了!

-Elena: I'm sorry.Any siblings? siblings: 兄弟姐妹 抱歉!兄弟姐妹呢?-Stefan: None that I talk to.I live with my uncle.没什么来往,我和叔叔住在一起。

-Caroline: So, Stefan, if you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow.Stefan,既然你刚来,那还不知道明天的派对吧?-Bonnie: It's a back to school thing at the falls.就是秋季的返校活动。-Stefan: Are you going? 你去吗?

-Bonnie: Of course she is.她当然会去。-Zach: You promised.你保证过。BODIES FOUND MUTILATED BY ANIMAL Mutilated: 致残

发现被动物撕裂的尸体-Stefan: This was an animal attack.attack: 袭击


-Zach: Don't give me that.I know the game.You tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack.tear: 撕扯 suspect: 怀疑 别跟我来这个,我知道怎么回事,是你把他们撕得粉碎,让他们怀疑是动物袭击。You said you had it under control.你说过你能控制得住!-Stefan: And I do.而且我做到了!

-Zach: Please, Uncle Stefan.别这样,Stefan叔叔!

Mystic falls is a different place now.神秘瀑布镇和以前不一样了。It's been quiet for years, but there are people who still remember.这儿已经平静了很多年了,可还有人记得。

And you being here, it's just gonna stir things up.stir: 搅拌


-Stefan: It's not my intention.intention: 意图 我没有这个意思!

-Zach: Then what is? Why did you come back? After all this time, why now?

那你想干嘛? 为什么要回来? 都这么长时间了!为什么是现在?

-Stefan: I don't have to explain myself.explain: 辩解

我不需要自我辩解吧?-Zach: I know that you can't change what you are.我知道你没法改变自身!But you don't belong here anymore.但你也不再属于这里!-Stefan: Where do I belong? 那我该去哪?

-Zach: I can't tell you what to do.我无法告诉你你该怎么做。But coming back here was a mistake.mistake: 错误

可回来一定是个错误!-Mr.Tanner: The battle of willow creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own mystic falls.battle: 战争 willow: 柳树 creek: 小溪


How many casualties resulted in this battle? casualty: 受害者 result: 计算结果

有多少人在这场战争中阵亡? Ms.Bennett? Bennett小姐?

-Bonnie: A lot? I'm not sure.Like a whole lot.很多吧? 我不确定,应该非常多。

-Mr.Tanner: Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms.Bennett.dumb: 不说话的 instant: 瞬间 可爱瞬间变成了愚蠢 Bennett小姐。

Mr.Donovan.Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype? opportunity: 机会 overcome:战胜 embedded: 深入的 stereotype: 老套


-Matt: It's ok, Mr.Tanner, I’m cool with it.不必了,Tanner先生,我觉得这样挺好!

-Mr.Tanner: Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?

enlighten: 启发 significantly: 意味深长 historical: 历史的 event: 事件

Elena? 我想你一定能讲讲我们镇历史上的这次重大事件?-Elena: I'm sorry, I… I don't know.抱歉 我...我不知道

-Mr.Tanner: I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena,lenient: 仁慈的 obvious: 显然的

去年,因为某种原因,我可以慈悲为怀,Elena。but the personal excuses ended with summer break.personal: 个人的 excuse: 借口 可这些个人借口到暑假就结束了!

-Stefan: There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians.civilian:平民


-Mr.Tanner: That's correct.Mister...Mister: …先生 没错,贵姓?-Stefan: Salvatore.Salvatore。

-Mr.Tanner: Salvatore.Salvatore。

Any relation to the original settlers here at mystic falls? relation: 关系 original: 最初的 settler: 移民者


-Stefan: Distant.distant: 疏远的 远亲。

-Mr.Tanner: Well, very good.哦,很好!

Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle.except: 除外


-Stefan: Actually, there were 27, sir.actually: 事实上

事实上,死了27人,先生!Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons.confederate: 同盟者 church: 教堂 weapon: 兵器

盟军烧了教堂,因为他们以为里面都是武器。They were wrong.It was a night of great loss.loss: 损失


-Mr.Tanner: The founder's archives are, uh,founder: 创立者 archive: 档案馆

创建者档案保存在市政厅。-Stefan: Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts.Mr.Tanner.brush up: 刷新 你可以去那温习一下。Tanner先生。

-Man: What do you mean, you never hooked up?

不会吧?你从没采取行动?-Caroline: People look up to me.I have to set an example.example: 例子

大家这么抬举我,我总得树立榜样。Just admit it, Elena.admit: 承认

你就承认了吧!Elena!-Elena: Oh, ok, so he's a little pretty.哦!好吧!他是挺帅气!He has that romance novel stare.romance: 浪漫史 novel: 小说 stare: 注视

他有浪漫小说里的眼神。-Bonnie: Stefan looked deep into her eyes, piercing her very soul.piercing: 刺穿的

Stefan深情地看着她,像要看穿她的灵魂。-Caroline: you made it!你来啦!-Stefan: I did.是啊!

-Caroline: Well, let’s get you a drink.去找点喝的!-Stefan: Well, I’m… 可我...-Caroline: oh, come on.哦!来嘛!

-Bonnie: So where is he? 他在哪?

-Elena: I don't know.You tell me, you're the psychic one.不知道,你说啊?你说你能通灵。

-Bonnie: Right, I forgot.Ok, so give me a sec.Grams says I have to concentrate.concentrate: 集中注意 那是!差点忘了!给我一秒钟,奶奶说我必须集中注意力。

-Elena: Wait, you need a crystal ball.What? crystal: 水晶的

等等,你需要个水晶球。什么?-Bonnie: That was weird.奇怪了!

When I touched you, I saw a crow.touch: 碰 crow: 乌鸦

我碰到你时,我看到了乌鸦。-Elena: What? 什么?-Bonnie: A crow.There was fog, a man.乌鸦,一只青蛙,一个男人。I'm drunk.It's the drinking.There's nothing psychic about it.我醉了,一定是酒的问题,这儿没什么灵异现象。Yeah? Ok, I’m gonna get a refill.refill: 再一杯

是吧? 那么,我要再来一杯。-Elena: Ok.Bonnie!好吧!Bonnie!

-Stefan: I did it again, didn't it? 我又吓到你了,对吧?-Elena: yeah.没错。

-Stefan: I'm sorry.You're upset about something.upset: 烦乱

对不起,你有心事。-Elena: Oh, uh, no, it's Bonnie.She's...哦!不是Bonnie 她...You know what? Never mind.You're...Here.不想了!你...来了呀!-Stefan: I'm here.我来了!

-Elena: You know, you’re kind of the talk of the town.你知道吗?你是全镇的新话题。

-Stefan: Am I? 是吗?

-Elena: Mysterious new guy, oh, yeah.神秘的新人,就是这样。-Stefan: Well, you have the mysterious thing going, too.你也挺神秘的。Twinged in sadness.Twinge: 剧痛 满脸哀伤。

-Elena: What makes you think that I’m sad?

你为什么觉得我很悲伤?-Stefan: Well, we did meet in a graveyard.graveyard: 墓地 我们在墓地见过面!-Elena: Right.Well, no,technically we met in the men's room.technically: 技术上


You don't want to know, it’s...你不会想知道,这个...It's not exactly party chit-chat.chit-chat: 闲聊

这可不算是派对闲聊话题。-Stefan: Well, I’ve never really been very good at, uh, chit-chat.我从来不善于闲聊,-Elena: Last spring...今年春天...My parents' car drove off of a bridge into the lake.我父母的车翻到了桥下的湖里,And i was in the backseat and i survived, but...survive: 幸存

我就在后座,我幸免了,可...They didn't.So that's my story.他们没有,这就是我的秘密。-Stefan: You won't be sad forever, Elena.你不会永远都悲伤的,Elena!-Vicki: No, Tyler.I'm not having sex against a tree.against: 逆着


-Tyler: oh, come on, It would be hot..哦!别这样,肯定刺激!-Vicki: For whom? No, it’s not gonna happen.对谁来说? 得了吧,没可能!It's not gonna happen, not here, not like this.No.不可能!不是在这!也不是这样!不!

I said no.I said no!Ow, that hurts!


-Jeremy: Hey, leave her alone.嘿!离她远点!

-Tyler: You know, you’re starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert.nerve: 神经

你可要把我惹急了,Gilbert!-Vicki: Just go, Tyler, get the hell away from me.hell: 地狱

走吧!Tyler,离我远点!-Tyler: Vicki Donovan says no.That's a first.Vicki Donovan说了不?那是第一次!

-Vicki: I didn't need your help.我不需要你帮忙!

-Jeremy: It seems like you did.看起来你需要。-Vicki: He was just drunk.他只是喝醉了。

-Jeremy: I'm drunk.Am i throwing myself at you? 我也醉了!可我对你急吼吼了吗?

-Vicki: No, you're worse.You want to talk to me, get to know me, 不!你更糟!你想跟我聊天,了解我。

See into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you're done with me.soul: 灵魂 screw: 钻 看穿我,然后钻呀钻呀,直到你厌倦了我!

-Jeremy: Is that what you think? 你就是这么想的?-Vicki: That's what i know.没错!

-Stefan: I like Bonnie, she seems like a good friend.我喜欢Bonnie,她是个很好的朋友

-Elena: Best friend in the world.这世上最好的朋友!-Stefan: And Matt, he can't seem to, uh, take his eyes off of us.那个Matt,他一直盯着我们看!

-Stefan: Matt's that friend since childhood that you start dating childhood: 童年 dating: 约会 Matt是那种从小到大的朋友,然后就和他开始约会!

because you owe it to

yourselves to see if you can be more.owe: 感激;欠

因为一直想看看自己是否能做到朋友以上!-Stefan: And? 然后?

-Elena: And then my parents died, and everything changes.然后我父母去世了,一切都变了!

Anyway, Matt and I, together we just, i don't know, it wasn't, um...anyway: 不论怎么样

不管怎么样,Matt和我一直,我不知道,一直没有...It wasn't...没有...-Stefan: Passionate.passionate: 热情的 热情!-Elena: No.是的!

No, it wasn't passionate.是的!不是很热情!Hey, um, are you ok? Um, your eye, it just, it's…

嘿,你还好吧? 你的眼睛,有点...-Stefan: Yeah, no.It's, um, it's nothing.没关系,没什么!

Um, are you thirsty? I'm gonna get us a drink.thirsty: 口渴

你渴吗? 我去找点喝的!-Vicki: Jeremy? Is that you? Jeremy?

Jeremy? 是你吗?Jeremy?-Matt: Looking for someone? 在找人?

When you broke up with me, you said it was because you needed some time alone.你跟我分手时说,你需要一个人静一静。

You don't look so alone to me.可我看你并不是一个人。

-Elena: Matt, you don't understand.It’s…

Matt,你不明白,是...-Matt: that's ok, Elena.You do what you have to do.没关系,Elena,做你该做的!I just want to let you know that...I still believe in us.我只是想让你知道...我仍对我们有信心!

And I’m not giving up on that.give up: 放弃 我不会放弃的!-Elena: Matt.Matt。

-Caroline: There you are.Have you been down to the falls yet? 你在这儿,你去过瀑布吗? Because they are really cool at night.那儿晚上非常冷。And I can show you.If you want.我可以带你去哦!如果你愿意的话!

-Stefan: I think you've had too much to drink.你喝多了!

-Caroline: Well, of course i have.So…

当然咯!那么...-Stefan: Caroline.You and me, it's not gonna happen.Sorry.Caroline,你和我,永远不会有戏,不好意思!

-Elena: I was wondering who abducted you, but now I know.abduct: 诱拐


-Caroline: Is she like that with, uh, all the guys?

她对所有男生都这样吗?-Caroline: No.You're fresh

meat.She'll back off eventually.fresh meat: 鲜肉;小伙子;新目标 eventually: 最后 不!你只是新目标,她最后总会罢手的。

-Elena: God, you have got to be kidding me!上帝啊!不会吧?-Stefan: What Is it? 怎么了?-Elena: my brother.是我弟弟。

-Stefan: The drunk one? 醉醺醺的那个?

-Elena: That would be the one.Excuse me.是的!失陪!

-Stefan: Need some help? 需要帮忙吗?

-Elena: Trust me, you're not gonna want to witness this.Jeremy!witness: 目击者


Jeremy!Jeremy, where the hell are you going? Jeremy!Jeremy!你要去哪儿?-Jeremy: I don't want to hear it!Yeah, well, too bad!我不想听!太糟了!Vicki? No!Vicki? 不!Oh, my god, it's Vicki!天哪!是Vicki!-Elena: Oh, my god!上帝啊!-Jeremy: No!不!

-Elena: Somebody help!救命!

-Matt: Vicki? Vicki, what the hell? Vicki? Vicki!到底怎么了? What happened to her? Somebody, call an ambulance!ambulance: 救护车 她怎么了?叫救护车!-Tyler: Everybody back up, give her some space!space: 空间

大家往后退,给她点空气!-Elena: It's her neck.Something bit her.She's losing a lot of blood.bit: 咬 blood: 血


-Tyler: Put this on her neck.Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me.把这个缠上,Vicki!睁开眼看看我!

-Zach: What's going on? 出什么事了?

-Stefan: Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn't me.今晚又有人被袭击,Zach,不是我干的!-Stefan: Damon.Damon。

-Damon: Hello, brother.你好啊!老弟!

-Stefan: Crow's a bit much, don't you think?


-Damon: Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你还没看到我放雾呢?-Stefan: When'd you get here? 你什么时候来的?

-Damon: Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school.我怎么能错过你的开学第一天呢?

Your hair's different.I like it.你的发型变了哦!我喜欢!-Stefan: It's been 15 years, Damon.15年过去了!Damon!-Damon: Thank god.I couldn't take another day of the nineties.nineties: 第九十

谢天谢地 我真受不了九十年代

That horrible grunge look? horrible: 糟糕的 grunge: 乱糟糟的

那身蹩脚的“邋遢风”打扮!Did not suit you.suit: 适合 不适合你呢!

Remember, Stefan, it's

important to stay away from fads.记住,Stefan,别去搞什么时尚!

-Stefan: Why are you here? 你为什么要来?-Damon: I miss my little brother.想念我的弟弟了呗!

-Stefan: You hate small towns.It's boring.There's nothing for you to do.你讨厌小镇生活,单调沉闷,让你无所事事。

-Damon: I've managed to keep myself busy.managed to: 设法

我找了些事做,还挺忙的!-Stefan: You know, you left that girl alive tonight.That's very clumsy of you.clumsy: 笨拙的


-Damon: That can be a problem...For you.确实是个问题,不过是对你而言!

-Stefan: Why are you here now? 你为什么现在来?-Damon: I could ask you the same question.我本想问你相同的问题。However, I’m fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word...fairly: 清楚的 certain: 肯定 summed up: 总结


-Bonnie: We're gonna go

Mainline coffee, wait for news.我们去Mainline咖啡,在那等消息。

-Jeremy: I have got to take Jeremy home.我要带Jeremy回家。-Bonnie: Elena, there’s no way I’m psychic.I know that.Elena 我知道自己不可能是通灵。

But whatever i saw, or i think i saw, i have this feeling...但依我所见,我有预感...-Elena: Bonnie, what? Bonnie 什么预感?-Bonnie: That it's just the beginning.这一切还只是个开始。-Damon: She took my breath away.Elena.她让我大吃一惊,Elena She's a dead ringer for Katherine.dead ringer for: 酷似某人 简直就是Katherine的翻版啊!Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive? 有用吗?Stefan? 守在她身边,融入她的世界,会让你觉得重获新生?

-Stefan: She's not Katherine.她不是Katherine!

-Damon: Well, let’s hope not.We both know how that ended.希望不是,否则下场怎样你我都清楚!

Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel? squirrel: 松鼠


-Stefan: I know what you're doing, Damon.It's not gonna work.我知道你要干嘛?Damon,没用的!

-Damon: Yeah? come on.Don't you crave a little? crave: 渴望获得

是吗? 来嘛。你一点都不想吗?-Stefan: Stop it.别说了!

-Damon: Let's do it.Together.I saw a couple girls out there.我们一起吧!我看到外面有几个女孩儿!

Or just, let’s just cut to the chase, let's just go straight for Elena!

或者干脆直奔主题,咱们去吃Elena!-Stefan: Stop it!住嘴!

-Damon: Imagine what her blood tastes like!imagine: 想象

想像一下她的血是什么味儿!I can.我能想像得到!-Stefan: I said stop!我让你住嘴!

-Damon: I was impressed.impress: 使有印象 不赖嘛!

I give it a six.Missing stylle, but I was pleasantly surprised.pleasantly: 愉快的

给你打六分,虽然招式差点,但还是蛮让我惊喜的!Very good with the whole face thing.It was good.非常喜欢你那个脸部表情,超赞!

-Stefan: You know, it’s all fun and games, Damon, huh? 你当这个象玩儿一样,Damon?

But wherever you go, people die.wherever: 无论在哪里 只要有你出现,人们就活不了!

-Damon: That's a given.given: 赠予的 这是天赋。

-Stefan: Not here.I won't allow it.allow: 允许


-Damon: I take that as an invitation.invitation: 邀请 你这是发出邀请咯?

-Stefan: Damon, please.After all these years, can’t we just give it a rest?

Damon,求你了,这么多年了,我们就不能消停一下吗?-Damon: I promised you an eternity of misery, so I’m just keeping my word.promise: 承诺 eternity: 永远 misery: 不幸


-Stefan: Just stay away from Elena.别去伤害Elena!-Damon: Where's your ring? 你的戒指呢?

Oh, yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes.poof: 我走了 ashes: 灰烬 还有几个小时,太阳就要升起,到时尘归尘 土归土!Relax.It's right here.别紧张,在这儿呢!You should know better than to think you're stronger than me.你就不该认为你比我强!You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people.自从不喝人血后,你就输了!I wouldn't try it again.如果我是你,就不会再比试!I think we woke Zach up.我们把Zach吵醒了!Sorry, Zach.不好意思,Zach!

-Elena: You ok? I called Jenna, she's on her way.你还好吗?我给Jenna打了电话,她马上来。

Those people in uniforms, last time i checked, they're the police.uniform: 制服


People are gonna stop giving you breaks, Jer.breaks: 休息


They just don't care anymore.他们不会再关心。They don't remember that our parents are dead, because they've got their own lives to deal with.不会一直记得我们的丧亲之痛,他们有自己的生活。The rest of the world has moved on.所有的人都在往前走!You should try,too.你也应该这样!

-Jeremy: I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary.我看见你在墓地写日记。Is that… is that supposed to be you moving on? supposed: 假象的 你这样就是往前走吗?-Elena: Mom and dad wouldn't have wanted this.爸妈不会愿意看到我们这样!-Bonnie: Are you sober yet? sober: 使清醒 你清醒些没?-Caroline: No.没有。

-Bonnie: keep drinking.I have got to get you home.没,再喝点,我得把送你回家啊!

I have got to get me home.还得把自己送回家!-Caroline: Why didn't he go for me? 他为什么不喜欢我? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me? 为什么我喜欢的男生都不喜欢我?

-Bonnie: I'm not touching that.我不想谈这个!

-Caroline: I'm inappropriate.I always say the wrong thing.inappropriate: 不适当的 我不合时宜,总是说错话!And...Elena always says the right thing.Elena就总能说对话!She doesn't even try!And he just picks her.根本不费吹灰之力!他就是喜欢她!

And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything.她总是被所有人喜欢!And i try so hard, and...我使尽浑身解数,但...I'm never the one.就是做不到!

-Bonnie: It's not a competition, Caroline.competition: 比赛

这又不是什么比赛,Caroline!-Caroline: Yeah, it is.就是一场比赛。

-Matt: Vicki...Hey, it's ok.You're gonna be ok.Vicki 没事了,你会好起来的!-Vicki: Matt… Matt...-Matt: Hey, don't try to talk, ok? You're fine.嘘!别说话!你没事了!-Vicki: Vampire.吸血鬼。

-Elena: Dear diary, i couldn't have been more wrong.亲爱的日记,我真是大错特错!

I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it, pretend like it would all be ok.nod: 点头 pretend: 假装 本以为我可以点头微笑,应付自如,假装一切都会好起来!

-Stefan: I had a plan.我本来有个计划。

I wanted to change who I was;本想改变自己。

create a life as someone new, someone without the past.past: 过去

塑造全新的自我 没有历史-Elena: Without the pain.pain: 痛苦 没有痛苦

-Stefan and Elena: someone alive.真正活着的人。

-Elena: But it's not that easy.但这并非易事。

The bad things stay with you.困难总是追随你!-Stefan: They follow you.不愿离去!

You can't escape them, as much as you want to.escape: 逃离


-Elena: All you can do is be ready for the good.唯一能做的就是为美好的明天做好准备!

So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it.当它降临时,我们能欣然接受,因为我们需要它!I need it.我需要它!

-Stefan: I know it's late.But, uh...我知道已经很晚了,但...I needed to know that you were ok.我想确认你没事。

-Elena: You know, for months, that's all anyone's wondered about me.wondered: 好奇


If I’ll be ok.我是否会没事?

-Stefan: What do you tell them? 你是怎么告诉他们的?-Elena: That I’ll be fine.告诉他们我会没事!-Stefan: Do you ever mean it? 真心话么?

-Elena: Ask me tomorrow.明天再说吧!

It's warmer in the house.We can talk.屋内要暖和得多,我们可以聊聊!

Would you like to come in?

想进来吗?-Stefan: Yes.是的。


过去的一个多世纪 我都秘密地活着

For over a century I have lived in secret 藏身暗处

Hiding in the shadows 独自一人

Alone in the world.直到现在 Until now.我是个吸血鬼 I am a vampire.这就是我的故事

And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐 An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队

You know it wasn't even a band.一人抱一把吉他

A guy with a guitar.每人一小时

An hour each way.他没你说的那么差 He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特 He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢

What's wrong with that? 问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了 We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了

One's all we need.那你为什么还要来 So why did you come? 因为我爱你

Because I love you.答得不错

Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾

What's with all the fog? 刚才还没有的

It'll clear in a second.小心

Watch out!你没事吧

Are you ok?!

我们撞到人了 上帝啊

We just hit someone!Ohmy god!快打电话叫救护车 Call for help.快接电话 快啊 Come on come on!千万别出人命啊 Please be alive!哦 上帝啊 Oh my god.这里没信号

There's no signal!达伦 Darren!达伦 Darren? 《吸血鬼日记》第一季 第一集 我不该回家来的

I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险 I know the risk.但我别无选择

But I had no choice.我必须去认识她

I have to know her.亲爱的日记 Dear diary 今天将会不同以往

Today will be different.必须要

It has to be.我会微笑 让别人相信

I will smile and it will be believable.告诉他们“我很好 谢谢关心” My smile was “I'm fine thank you.” “是的 我好多了” “Yes I feel much better.” 我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩

I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.我要重新开始 做不同的自己

I will start fresh be someone new.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法

It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司面包怎么样 我可以做

Toast.I can make toast.只要咖啡就行 珍娜姑妈

It's all about the coffee Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗

Is there coffee? 你们开学第一天

Your first day of school 我却毫无准备

And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗 Lunch money? 我不用了 I'm good.还有什么别的吗 Anything else? 一支两号铅笔 我还漏了什么没

A number two pencil? What am I missing? 你今天不是有个重要报告会吗

Don't you have a big presentation today? 我要和论文导师见面 就是现在

I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.糟糕 Crap!那走吧 我们自己能行 Then go.We'll be fine.你还好吧 You ok? 别这么跟我说 Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒

So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的 Our ancestors were from Salem 我知道 听起来有点不靠谱

Which isn't all that I know crazy 但是她不停地说啊说

But she's going on and on about it 我就在想 快让我离开这儿

And I'm like put this woman in a home already!但是我开始想

But then I started thinking 奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了

I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger 而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生

And I still think Florida will break off 今后就不再是度假胜地了

And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜 Elena!注意力回到车里 Back in the car.我又犯病了 是吗

I did it again didn't I? 对不起 邦妮

I--I'm sorry Bonnie.你在跟我说

You were telling me that...我是个灵媒

That I'm psychic now.对 那么预言点什么

Right.Ok then predict something.关于我的 About me.我想想 I see...那是什么东西 What was that?!哦 上帝啊 Oh my god!埃琳娜 你没事吧 Elena are you ok? 没事 我很好

It's ok.I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西 不知从哪飞出来的

It was like a bird or something.It came out of nowhere.说真的 看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了

Really I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我预言今年是不得了的一年

I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束

And I predict all the sad and dark times are over 你会过得快乐至极

And you are going to be beyond happy.房地产行业里男性匮乏

Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘

Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她看上去挺辣的

She looks a hot 你还是以前那个“悲伤小姐”嘛

Can I still say “tranny mess”? 不是 都已经过去了 No that's over.就该这样 找个男人 起个新绰号 Ahh find a man coin a phrase.又是忙碌的一年 It's a busy year.他恨我

He hates me.那不是恨

That's not hate.是说“你甩了我 我不屑于表现出来” That's “you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it ”但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲“ ”But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits.“ 埃琳娜 我的天哪 Elena.Oh my god.你怎么样

How are you? 见到你真好

Oh it's so good to see you.她怎么样 她好吗

How is she? Is she good? 卡罗琳 我就站在这里 Caroline I'm right here.而且我很好 谢谢

And I'm fine.Thank you.真的吗 Really? 对 好多了

Yes.Much better.我的小可怜

Oh you poor thing.够了 卡罗琳 Ok Caroline.那么待会儿见

Ok see you guys later?-好的-拜拜Bye.不予置评 No comment.我什么都不想说

I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃粒

Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.薇姬

Hey Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起

I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads.皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱] Hey Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油

He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹 你活在啥年代啊

Pete Wentzhuh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧 Carson Daly fan? 泰 冷静点 冷静点

Oh Ty be nice.Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟

That's Elena's little brother.我知道

I know who he is.那我也要给他好看

I'll still kick his ass.等等 这人是谁

Hold up.Who's this? 我只看到个背影 All I see is back.很帅的背影

It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全

Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证

You're missing immunization records 而且我们必须要看成绩单

And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下

Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了

I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的

Wellyou're right.的确如此 So it is.我感知到了西雅图 还有他会弹吉他

I'm sensing Seattle and he plays the guitar.看来你真是把那种灵媒技能

You're really going to run this whole psychic thing-发挥到极致了-差不多

-Into the groundhuh?Where is it?-藏身上了吗-别翻了

-Is it on you?What is that 酒鬼的演讲吗 Stoner talk? 老弟 算你狠

Dudeyou are so cool.停 我身上什么也没有 你疯了吗

Lookstop!I don't have anything on me.Are you crazy? 你还没见识过我发疯呢 杰里米 You haven't seen crazy Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你

I gave you a summer pass 可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了

But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别 知道我怎么想吗 Nononoyou know what? 你走吧 爱干嘛干嘛 不过记住了

Go ahead.Keep it up.But just know 只要我发现你喝酒

That I am going to be there 见一次摔一次 明白没

To ruin your buzz every timeyou got it? 杰里米 我知道你是什么样的人

Jeremy I know who you are.不是现在这样的

And it's not this person.别这样下去了

So don't be this person.不用你来说教

I don't need this.谢谢

Thank you.不客气

You're welcome.对不起

Uh pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗

Is this the men's room? 是的 我只是

Yes.um I was just 只是...Um...I was just...说来话长了

It's a long story.谢谢

Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州

Once our home state of Virginia 曾于年加入南部的联盟国 Joined confederacy in 这使得州际内部极度紧张起来

It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士

People in Virginia's northwest region 与南方腹地的传统派意见相左

Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south.终于 弗吉尼亚于年分裂 Then virginia divided in 西北部加入了合众国

With the northwest region joining the union.[帅哥在看你] 亲爱的日记 Dear diary 我熬过了一整天

I made it through the day.我肯定至少说了次

I must have said ”I'm fine thanks“

”我很好 谢谢“ At least times.但没有一次是真心的

And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现

But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲 年月日 当有人问起”你好吗“时

When someone asks ”How are you?“ 他们其实并不想知道答案

They really don't want an answer.小鸟 你好 Hi bird.没什么可怕的

That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的

That's what I thought.你没事吧 You ok? 你在跟踪我吗

Were you following me? 没有 我只是看到你跌到了

No I uh I just...I saw you fall.是啊 你只是碰巧

Uh-huh and you just happened to be 在墓地闲逛

Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的

I'm visiting.I have family here.太失礼了

Wow.Tactless.对不起 都怪那雾气

I'm sorry.It's the fog 把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的 It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟

And then back therethere was this bird 有一霎那 一切都非常的”希区柯克“ And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》 对吧

That is the bird movie right the Hitchcock? 我叫埃琳娜 I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡

I'm Stefan.我知道 I know.我们是一起上历史课的

We have history together.还有英语和法语课

And English and French.没错 Right.谢谢 Thanks.很漂亮的戒指 Nice ring.是家传的

It's a family ring yeah.我永远不会跟它分开 有点诡异对吗

I'm kinda stuck with it.It's weirdhuh? 不会 戒指到处都有

No no.It's just I mean there are rings 这枚却是独一无二的 And then there's that.你是不是受伤了

Did you hurt yourself? 刚才是不是摔伤了

Did you hurt yourself? 不知道

I don't know.看啊

Oh!Look at that.这可不好看

That is not pretty.你没事吧 You ok? 你该走了

You should go.好好处理下伤口 Take care of that.真的没什么

Really it's nothing.今天我失控了

I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切

Everything I've kept buried inside 都冲破了束缚

Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她

I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活 Working.谢谢 薇姬 ThanksVick.还要续杯吗

Do you need another refill? 求之不得

I'd love one.摆脱告诉我 你没有勾搭我妹妹

Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.我没有勾搭你妹妹

I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋

You're such a dick.你怎么回事

Hey what's your deal? 夏天的时候你还好好的

I meansummer you act one way 开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗

And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米 我真的很感谢你的药

Look Jeremy I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals 但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我

But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.你上次和”小狗“上床是什么时候

When's the last time you had sex with a puppy? 小声点 我不想让整个世界知道

Hey keep it down.I don't want to tell the whole world 我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了

I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错 而且是一次次的

Yeah and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪 现在结束了

We hooked up a few times in a drug haze.It's over.趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前 快走吧

You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.得了吧 那家伙完全就是个傻逼

Oh come on the guy's a total douche.他要你只是为了想和你上床

He only wants you for your ass.是吗

Yeah? 你要我什么呢

What do you want me for? 他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托

His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓

He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.他孩提时就离开这里了

He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.典型的军人家庭 所以他们四处迁徙

Military family so they moved around a lot.他是双子座的 最喜欢的颜色是蓝色

He's a gemini and his favorite color is blue.你一天之内就知道这些了

You got all of that in one day? 摆脱 我在三四节课之间就知道了

Oh please I got all that between third and fourth period.我们将会举行一个六月婚礼

We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤

I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧 玩得愉快 等等 我得说 Ok have fun.WaitI got this.别待得太久 明天还要上课

Don't stay out late it's a school night.干得不错 珍娜姑妈 Well done aunt Jenna.抱歉 我正想敲门

Sorry I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉

I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier.我知道那有点...I know it was...奇怪

strange.别放在心上了 No worries.我懂 你晕血

I get it blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧

Um something like that.你的脚怎么样 How's your leg? 哦 没事了

Oh it's fine.只是皮外伤

Just a scratch barely.你怎么知道我住哪

How did you know where I lived? 这可是个小镇

It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人

I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个

Um I thought you might want this back.哦 我一定是把它弄丢了 Oh I must have dropped it.谢谢你

I...thank you.别担心 我没看

Don't worry I didn't...read it.没有吗 No? 为什么不看 大多数人都会的

Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的

Well I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.你写日记

You keep a journal? 是的 如果我不写下来

Yeah if I don't write it down 我就会忘

I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵

Memories are too important.是的 Yeah.我得去

I'm just gonna 你没必要站在外面

Um you don't have to stay out there.我没事 I'm fine.对不起 你是不是要出去

Sorry were you going somewhere? 是的 我要见个朋友

Yeah I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗

Do you want to come? 埃琳娜怎么样

How's Elena doing? 她的双亲亡故了 你觉得会怎么样

Her mom and dad died.How do you think? 她假装满面笑容

She's putting on a good face 但才过了个月

But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗-没有

-Has she said anything about me?Then what is? 为什么你要回来

Why did you come back? 过去这么久了 为什么偏偏现在 After all this time why now? 我不需要为自己作解释

I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移

I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了

But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里

Where do I belong? 我无法告诉你该怎么做

I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误

But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役

The battle of Willow Creek 战争末期在我们

took place right at the end of the war 神秘瀑布镇打响

in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡

How many casualties resulted in this battle? 贝内特小姐 Ms.Bennett? 很多

Um...a lot? 我不确定

I'm not sure.就是很多

Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐 可爱和傻气只有一步之遥

Cute becomes dumb in an instantMs.Bennett.多诺万先生 Mr.Donovan.你能否借这个机会

Would you like to take this opportunity 一改玩世不恭的形象

To overcome your embedded jock stereotype? 算了 泰纳老师 不必了

It's okMr.TannerI'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢 Hmm.Elena? 你一定可以给我们

Surely you can enlighten us about 讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧

One of the town's most significantly historical events? 抱歉 我不知道

I'm sorryI...I don't know.埃琳娜 你的情况大家都很清楚

I was willing to be lenient last year 如果是去年我完全能通融 For obvious reasonsElena 但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结

But the personal excuses ended with summer break.有人遇难

There were casualties 除去本地居民

Unless you're counting local civilians.正确

That's correct.你叫...Mister...赛尔瓦多 Salvatore.塞尔瓦多 在神秘瀑布镇 Salvatore.any relation to 有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗

The original settlers here at mystic falls? 远亲


Wellvery good.当然 除次之外 战争中没有

Exceptof coursethere were no civilian casualties 本地居民遇难 In this battle.其实有名 老师

Actuallythere were sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火

Confederate soldiersthey fired on the church 以为那里藏有武器

Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了

They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重

It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案

The founder's archives areuh 你可以去那里温习一下

Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts.泰纳老师 Mr.Tanner.什么意思 你从不钓凯子

What do you meanyou never hooked up? 大家都

People look up to me.我得保持形象

I have to set an example.承认吧 埃琳娜

Just admit itElena.好吧 他是挺帅的

Ohokso he's a little pretty.他的眼神很深邃

He has that romance novel stare.斯特凡深情注视她的双眸

Stefan looked deep into her eyes 洞悉她的灵魂

Piercing her very soul.你来啦

Hey!you made it!是的 I did.去喝一杯吧

Welllet's get you a drink.-我-来吧


Mysterious new guyohyeah.你也挺神秘的

Wellyou have the mysterious thing goingtoo.满脸哀伤

Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤

What makes you think that I'm sad? 我是在墓地遇见你的

Wellwe did meet in a graveyard.对

Right.不 准确来说应该是在男厕

Wellnotechnically we met in the men's room.还是不说了

You don't want to knowit's...不是派对的聊天话题

It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长

WellI've never really been very good atuh 聊天


Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下

My parents' car drove off of a bridge 掉进湖里

Into the lake.我当时在后座

And I was in the backseat 捡回一命

And I survivedbut...他们却没这么幸运 They didn't.这就是我的故事

So that's my story.埃琳娜 悲伤不会永远存在的

You won't be sad foreverElena.不行 泰 NoTy.我不要靠着树做爱

I'm not having sex against a tree.-别啊 多性感For who? 不 不行

Noit's not going to happen.不行 特别是这样的时间地点

It's not going to happennot herenot like this.不行 我说不行 No.I said no.不行 好痛

I said no!owthat hurts!放开她

Heyleave her alone.你让我有点反感 吉尔伯特

You knowyou're starting to get on my nervesGilbert.快滚 泰勒 离我远点

Just goTylerget the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不

Wow.Vicki Donovan says no.第一次见

That's a first.我不需要你帮忙

I didn't need your help.我看未必

It seems like you did.-他只是醉了-我才醉了

-He was just drunk.And Matt 他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开

He can't seem touhtake his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马

Matt's that friend since childhood 与他拍拖

That you start dating 是因为感觉欠了自己什么

Because you owe it to yourselves 想看看能否往下发展

To see if you can be more.然后呢 And? 然后我父母去世了

And then my parents died 一切都变了

And everything changes.不论如何 马特和我 Anyway Matt and I 在一起 我不知道

Together we justI don't know 不够

It wasn'tum...没有

It wasn't...激情

Passionate.对 No.没有一点激情

Noit wasn't passionate.你还好吗

Heyumare you ok? 你的眼睛 刚才

Your eyeit justit's--不 没事

Yeahno.It'sumit's nothing.你渴了吗

Umare you thirsty? 我去拿点喝的

I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米 Jeremy? 是你吗

Is that you? 杰里米 Jeremy? 在找谁吗

Looking for someone? 当你跟我分手的时候

When you broke up with me 你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间

You said it was because you needed some time alone.你看上去并不是孤身一人

You don't look so alone to me.马特 你不明白的 这

Matt you don't understand.It's--没关系 埃琳娜

That's ok Elena.你做任何你想做的

You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道

I just want to let you know that...我依旧相信我们会相爱的 I still believe in us.我不会放弃的

And I'm not giving up on that.马特 Matt.你在这里啊

Hey!There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗

Have you been down to the falls yet? 那里的夜晚非常漂亮

Because they are really cool at night.如果你愿意

And I can show you.我可以带你去 If you want.我觉得你喝多了

I think you've had too much to drink.那是当然的

Well of course I have.所以 卡罗琳 So--Caroline.你和我

You and me 是不可能的

It's not gonna happen.对不起 Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了

I was wondering who abducted you 现在我知道了 But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗

Is she like that withuhall the guys? 当然不是 No.你是新的猎物

You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的

She'll back off eventually.天呐 开玩笑的吧

God you gotta be kidding me!怎么了

What is it?-我弟弟-喝醉的那个吗

-My brother.Need some help? 相信我 你不会想看这个的

Trust meyou're not going to want to witness this.杰里米 Jeremy!杰里米 Jeremy!杰里米 你要去哪儿

Jeremy where the hell are you going? 我不想听

I don't want to hear it!薇姬 不 Vicki? No!天呐 是薇姬 上帝啊

Oh my god it's Vicki!Ohmy god!不 No!谁来帮一下

Somebody help!薇姬吗 薇姬 这怎么回事 Vicki? Vickiwhat the hell?!她怎么了

What happened to her? 谁能叫下救护车

Somebodycall an ambulance!所有人后退 给她点空间

Everybody back upgive her some space!看她脖子 什么东西咬了她

It's her neck.Something bit her.她正大量失血

She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上 Put this on her neck.薇姬 振作 睁开眼睛看着我

Vicki Vicki come on open your eyes look at me.发生什么了

What's going on? 有人今晚被袭击了 扎克

Someone else was attacked tonight Zach 但不是我干的

And it wasn't me.达蒙 Damon.你好 弟弟

Hello brother.周围人有点多 你不觉得吗

Crow's a bit muchdon't you think? 看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了

Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.你什么时候到的

When'd you get here? 我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢

Well I couldn't miss your first day at school.你发型变了

Your hair's different.我喜欢

I like it.已经年了 达蒙

It's been years Damon.感谢上帝 Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了

I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象

That horrible grunge look? 一点都不适合你 Did not suit you.记住 斯特凡 远离时尚很重要

Remember Stefan it's important to stay away from fads.为什么你会在这儿 Why are you here? 我想念我亲爱的弟弟了

I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的

You hate small towns.枯燥乏味 无事可做

It's boring.There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了

I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的 你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了

You know you left that girl alive tonight.你真是笨手笨脚的

That's very clumsy of you.对你来说 这会是个大问题

That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么

Why are you here now? 我也可以问你相同的问题

I could ask you the same question.然而 我想当确定

However I'm fairly certain 你的回答能总结为

Your answer can be summed up all into 一个词

One little word...埃琳娜 Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息

We're gonna go Mainline Coffee wait for news.我要带杰里米回家

I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜 我不可能有超能力的

Elena there's no way I'm psychic.我确定

I know that.但不论如何我所看到的 But whatever I saw 或者我以为我看到的 Or I think I saw 我有预感

I have this feeling...邦妮 是什么 Bonnie what? 这只是开始

That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了 She took my breath away.埃琳娜 Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样

She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗 斯特凡

Is it workingStefan? 在她身旁 进入她的世界

Being around herbeing in her world? 让你觉得自己还活着是么

Does it make you feel alive? 她不是凯瑟琳

She's not Katherine.好吧 但愿不是

Welllet's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的

We both know how that ended.告诉我 你最后一次吃

Tell me somethingwhen's the last time 比松鼠大的东西是什么时候

You had something stronger than a squirrel? 我明白你的用意 达蒙 没用的

I know what you're doingDamon.It's not gonna work.是吗 得了 你一点也不渴望么

Yeah? Come on.Don't you crave a little? 算了吧 来吧 我们一起做

Stop it.Let's do it.Together.我看外面有不少姑娘

I saw a couple girls out there.或者 我们直截了当

Or justlet's just cut to the chase 去找埃琳娜

Let's just go straight for Elena!够了

Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道

Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美 I can.我说够了

I said stop!真令我印象深刻 I was impressed.我给你打个分

I give it a six.姿势不好看 但还是给了我很大的惊喜

Missing stylebut i was pleasantly surprised.你的表情太棒了

Very good with the whole face--真不错

Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐 达蒙 是吧

You knowit's all fun and gamesDamonhuh? 你去过的地方 就有人死去

But wherever you gopeople die.-这是宿命安排-不要在这

-That's a given.Damon.埃琳娜 和凯瑟琳长得一模一样

Elena.She's a dead ringer for Katherine.你去过的地方 就有人死去 Wherever you go people die.天呐 是薇姬

My god.It's Vicki!什么东西咬了她 她正大量失血

Something bit her.She's losing a lot of blood.谁来帮帮忙

Somebody help!吸血鬼 Vampire.-你一点也不渴望吗-够了

-Don't you crave a little?Hear what? 打雷声

I heard thunder.没有打雷声

There's no thunder.你肯定吗

Are you sure? 如果下雨了

Because if it rains 我们就看不成彗星了

Then we won't be able to see the comet.不会下雨的

It's not gonna rain.听着 我


Got you a little something.我把它放在车里了

It's back in the car.别走开

Don't you move.别淋着雨 Stay dry.不会下雨的

It's not gonna rain.我就知道 I knew it!我和你说了要下雨吧

I told you it was gonna rain!快开啊 Open!不 No!求你了 Please!《吸血鬼日记》第一季 第二集 亲爱的日记本 Dear diary 今天早上不同寻常

This morning is...different.有些改变 我能察觉到

There is change.I can sense it 感觉到 Feel it.我醒了

I'm awake.在这么长时间以来我第一次

For the first time in a long time 完全清醒过来

I feel completely and undeniably wide awake.这一次 我没在一天开始前就失望

For once I don't regret the day before it begins.我迎接这新的一天 I welcome the day...因为我知道

Because I know...我会和她再次相见

I will see her again.我会和他再次相见

I will see him again.长时间以来我第一次

For the first time in a long time 感觉不错

I feel good.我看起来够成熟吗 Do I look adult? 像个为人父母的样子吗

As in respectfully parental? 这要看你去哪里了

Depends where you're going.去见杰里米的老师

Jeremy's parent-teacher conference.头发盘起来还是放下来好呢 Hair up or down? 性感空姐

Sexy stewardess.嗜酒主妇

Boozy housewife.还是盘起来好 Up it is.你今天很活跃啊

You're feisty today.我感觉很不错

I feel good which is rare.所以我想保持这感觉

So I've decided to go with it.随便逛逛 在阳光下走走 诸如此类的

Fly free, walk on sunshine and all that stuff.杰里米在哪里

Where is Jeremy? 他很早就走了 He left early.他说他要早点去木工工场

Something about getting to wood shop early 去完成个鸟笼

To finish a birdhouse.没有什么木工工场是吧

There is no wood shop, is there?-没有-是啊Yeah.你不能在这里 亲爱的 探视时间

You can't be in here.Hon.Visiting hours 从九点开始

Don't start till :.我只是

I just...她怎么样了 How is she? 她失血过多

She's lost a lot of blood.对啊 但是他很快就会好 是不是

Yeah.But she's gonna be ok, right? 她需要休息

She needs her rest.所以你一会儿再来吧

So you come back later.走吧

Come on.人们最初发现它是在五个世纪前

Originally discovered nearly centuries ago 它造访神秘瀑布镇已有一百四十五年

It hasn't been over mystic falls in over years.现在是这颗彗星最闪亮的时期

Now the comet will be its brightest 就在黄昏后

Right after dusk 在明天晚上的庆典上

During tomorrow's celebration.我们打扰到你们了吗 塞尔瓦托先生 Are we bothering you Mr.Salvatore? 吉尔伯特小姐 Ms.Gilbert? 我有这本书 I brought it.我告诉过你 Told you.呼啸山庄 艾力斯·贝尔著

Wuthering heights by Ellis Bell.我简直不敢相信她没有用真名

You know I can't believe she didn't use her real name.勃朗特姐妹都使用笔名

All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms.那个年代就是如此 It was the time.公众不认可女作家

Female writers weren't very accepted then.你从哪里找到的这本书 Where did you get it? 这是家里传下来的

Uh...It was passed down.家里长辈留传下来的 Through the family.我有很多书了 这本送你 拿着吧

I have lots of books.Go ahead.Keep it.不行 我

Oh, no.I...但是我很想再读一遍

But I would like to read it again.我保证一定回还给你的

I promise I'll give it back.好吧 Ok.我糊涂了

I'm confused.你是巫师还是灵媒

Are you psychic or clairvoyant? 理论上我祖母说我是一个女巫

Technically gran says I'm a witch.我的祖先那时都是

My ancestors were these really cool 塞勒姆很厉害的女巫什么的

Salem witch chicks or something.祖母想要给我解释清楚

Gran tried to explain it all 但是她醉得太厉害了

But she was looped on the liquor 所以我就没把它当回事 荒唐的家族吧 没错 So I kinda tuned out.Crazy family? Yes.女巫吗 我不相信

Witches? I don't think so.是啊 要是能用魔力算出

Yeah.Well.Feel free to conjure up the name and number 昨天那家伙的名字和电话号码该多好 Of that guy from last night.我没看见他 是你看见他的 I didn't see him.You did.为什么你不和他聊聊

Why didn't you just talk to him? 我不知道 我喝醉了

I don't know.I was drunk.泰勒 抱歉打断你们

Hey, Tyler.Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt.我想问问薇姬怎么样了

I was just wondering how Vickie's doing 既然你们那么亲密那你一定知道 Since you guys are so close.她还好吗 Is she ok? 她很好 你可以走了

She's fine.Now get out of here.她伤得厉害吗 How bad is she? 知道是谁袭击她了吗

Do they know what attacked her? 她会痊愈吗

Is she going to make a full recovery? 她愿意见你吗

Was she happy to see you? 她住哪间病房

What room number was she in? 我现在很想揍你一顿

I'm going to kick your ass.随你怎么说

Yeah, you keep saying that 不过你打算什么时候揍呢

But when are you actually going to do it? 现在就来干一架吧

'Cause I vote for right here and right now.滚开 吉尔伯特

Walk away, Gilbert.这是对你的最后警告

It's your final warning.不 是对你的最后警告 混蛋

No, this is your final warning, dick.我受够你一直耍薇姬了

I'm sick of watching you play Vickie.你要是敢再伤害她

You hurt her one more time.我发誓我会杀了你

I swear to god.I will kill you.妈的 真像是死亡威胁

Damn, that was like a death threat.你听到了吗

Did you hear that? 医生们让她留院观察一晚

They're keeping her overnight to make sure 确保她不受感染

There's no infection 明天应该就能出院回家了

But she should be able to come home tomorrow.真是太好了

That's good news.跟你妈妈联系了吗

Did you get in touch with your mom? 给她打电话留言了

Called and left a message.她跟男朋友在弗吉尼亚海滩

She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend 所以我们可以看看

So...we'll see how long it takes 她赶回家要多久

Her to come rushing home.薇姬没事真是太幸运了

Vickie's lucky that she's ok.是啊 现在还传言有野营者失踪

I know, and now there's talk of some missing campers.她有说是遭什么动物袭击吗

Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her? 她说是吸血鬼

She said it was a vampire.什么 What? 昨晚她醒来后就不停地咕哝着吸血鬼

Yeah, she wakes up last night and mutters ”vampire“ 然后又昏过去了

And then passes out.真是奇怪了

Ok, that is weird.我想她肯定喝醉了

I think she was drunk.你跟那个新来的是怎么一回事

So what's up with you and the new guy? 马特 我最不想做的就是伤害你

Matt, the last thing that I want to do is hurt you.我现在要回医院去了

You know, I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital.我希望薇姬醒来能看到我在身边

I want to be there when Vickie wakes up 弄清楚昨晚到底发生了什么

Get the real story about last night.好吧

OK.作为杰里米的老师 我很担心他

As Jeremy's teacher I'm concerned.开学才三天

It's the third day of school 他就翘了六节课

And he's skipped of his classes.泰纳老师 Mr.Tanner 你知道杰里米和埃琳娜的父母过世了吗

Are you aware that Jeremy and Elena's parents died? 四个月前的一次悲剧

months ago, a great loss.车祸

Car accident.如果我没记错的话 是在维克利大桥

Wickery Bridge if I remember correctly.你跟他们家什么关系

And you're related to the family how? 你是妈妈的小妹妹

The, uh, mother's kid sister? 妹妹

Younger sister.翘了六节课 你确定吗 classes? Are you sure? 我的意思是有点不太可能

I mean that's kind of hard to do.如果嗑药的话就有可能

Not when you're on drugs.萨默斯女士 种种迹象都表明

It's his attempt at coping.Ms.Summers.他想通过这种方式来处理问题 And the signs are there.他喜怒无常 孤僻 常与别人起冲突 He's moody, withdrawn, argumentative 宿醉


Are there any other relatives in the picture? 我是他们的唯一监护人 I'm their sole guardian.还有其他亲人吗 Could there be? 你在暗示什么

What are you suggesting exactly? 简直是不可能完成的事吧

It's an impossible job, isn't it? 抚养两个正处青春期的孩子 Raising two teens? 是很难

It's been tough 但并非不可能

But, no, it's not.你在敷衍

Wrong answer.这是非常难的事

It is an extremely impossible job 不可能有其它的答案 你没有完全尽责

And anything less and you're not doing it properly.薇 Vick.薇姬 Vickie 薇 我是马特 你怎么了

Vick, it's Matt.What's wrong? 不要 不要 No!no!走开

Get off!不要 No!不要 No!不要 No!护士 Nurse 袭击你的是野兽

It was an animal that attacked you.它从暗处跳出来扑到你身上

It came out of the night and jumped you.你被吓晕了

You blacked out.-你就记得这些-我就记得这些

-It's all you remember.It's all I remember.护士 快来帮忙

Nurse!I need help!我妹妹出事了 It's my sister.她很好啊

She seems fine.我和我祖母谈过了

Well, I was talking to Grams 祖母说彗星是厄运的征兆

And she said the comet is a sign of impending doom.上次彗星经过神秘瀑布的时候

The last time it passed over Mystic Falls 死了许多人 血流成河 尸横遍野

There was lots of death.So much blood and carnage 因此造成了很多超自然现象

It created a bed of paranormal activity.是啊 然后你给她倒了杯酒

Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot 她就跟你说了外星人的事

And she told you about the aliens.那又怎样了呢 So then what? 什么事都没发生 So then nothing.你跟斯特凡谈了一整晚

You and Stefan talked all night? 竟然没有激情的初吻

There was no sloppy first kiss 或者其他亲密接触吗

Or touchy feely of any kind? 没有 Nope.没到那个阶段

We didn't go there.连握手都没有吗

Not even a handshake? 得了 埃琳娜 I mean, Elena 我们是你的朋友

We are your friends.把你的情色故事说给我们听听

Ok? You are supposed to share the smut.我们只是聊了很久

We just talked for hours.还有什么好遮遮掩掩的

Ok, what is with the blockage? 直接开 ”干“ 就这么简单

Just jump his bones already!Ok, it's easy.男欢女爱

Boy likes girl, girl likes boy 这就是性 Sex.真深奥啊 Profound.你要去哪

Where are you going? 卡罗琳说得对 事情很简单

Caroline's right.It is easy.如果再坐一会

If I sit here long enough 我就会打消这个念头

I'll end up talking myself out of it 现在我就去

Instead of doing what I started the day 做自己一直想要做的事

Saying I was going to do.我买了晚饭 墨西哥薄脆饼 I picked up dinner.Tacos.我特想蘸鳄梨色拉酱

I had an urge for guacamole.不吃了 谢谢

No I'm good thanks.吃吧 反正这不是重点 Eat anyway.It's a ruse.我想跟你谈谈 I want to talk.你 过来

Hey you!Come.坐这儿 Sit.我上学那会 高一的时候

Back in school freshman year 能吃下跟我一样重的墨西哥玉米片 I could eat my weight in nachos 配奶酪

With extra cheese.我以前一嗨了就把那些当零嘴

It was my munchie food whenever I got stoned.你嗑药

You get high? 以前 Did.过去的事了 Past tense.是啊 沉迷过嗑药 But yeah.Loved it.只要能帮我从生活...Anything to get a little distraction 现实中抽离

From life...reality.也确实能

And it worked.管一阵子

For a while.不过都持续不了

Never lasts though.我不是不愿

Hey I'm not saying 正视过去 积极面对

I wouldn't love to rail back and kick it 但随着论文截稿日的逼近But with a thesis looming 加上腰身慢慢膨胀...And a waistline expanding...什么...What the...你终于醒了

Finally you're awake.你感觉如何

Hey.How are you feeling? 你看上去好点了 You look better.我之前好担心

I was worried before.你之前那个惨叫把我吓坏了

You really had me freaked out with all that screaming.等等 你说什么呢

Wait what are you talking about? 你不记得了吗

You don't remember? 我没事啊

I feel fine.好 好

Good good.医生说你明天能出院了

Doctor said you could come home tomorrow.薇 在森林里是什么袭击的你

Vick what attacked you in the woods? 一种动物 An animal.还能是什么

What else could it have been? 觉得好点了吗

Hey.How do you feel? 我挺好的 I'm ok.我...我去...I...I'm gonna...我去拿杯咖啡

I'm gonna go grab a coffee.好哦 杰里 Hey Jer.你来这儿干什么 Why are you here? 我只是想来看看你怎么样了

I just wanted to see how you were doing.你刚刚看见马特的表情了吗

Did you see that look on Matt's face? 他在怀疑什么 我不想别人

That was suspicion.I don't want people 发现我们俩的事 杰里米

To find out about us Jeremy.你别这么在意

Well you gotta get over that.泰勒刚开始有点感兴趣

Tyler is finally showing some interest.你得把这个也忘掉

You have to get over that too.看见 ”体贴“ 先生了吗

Do you see Mr.Concerned? 泰勒 你在下面吗

Tyler? Are you under there? 没有 No.被人知道我们的事不好

It's not cool for people to know.我比你大

Ok? I'm older than you 而且马特和埃琳娜会抓狂的

And Matt and Elena would freak.没人会怀疑什么

No one's going to suspect anything.我怎么不能来看看你

Why wouldn't i check on you? 是我先发现你出事的

I mean I'm the one who found you.是你吗 You are? 是啊 我把你从林子里背出来的

Yeah I carried you out of the woods.谢谢你

Thank you.不客气

Yeah, you're welcome.斯特凡 Stefan? 斯特凡 Stefan? 很抱歉擅自闯入 我看门是...I..I'm sorry for barging in.The door was...开着的 Open.你一定是埃琳娜 You must be Elena.我是达蒙 斯特凡的哥哥

I'm Damon, Stefan's brother.他没跟我提过他有个哥哥

He didn't tell me he had a brother.斯特凡向来话就不多

Well Stefan's not one to brag.这边请

Please come.我想斯特凡随时都可能回来

I'm sure Stefan will be along any second.这是你们的客厅吗

This is your living room? 客厅 会客室 苏富比拍卖行拍的

Living room, parlor, sotheby's auction.对我来说这屋子有点没品位

It's a little kitschy for my taste.我明白为什么我弟弟会这么着迷了 I see why my brother's so smitten.也该向前看了 毕竟也过了这么久了 It's about time.For a while there 我从未想到他能够放下前女友

I never thought he'd get over the last one.差点毁了他

Nearly destroyed him.前女友

The last one? 对啊 Yeah.凯瑟琳 他的女友

Katherine, his girlfriend? 你们俩还没谈到

Oh, you two haven't had 这个尴尬的前任话题上

The awkward exes conversation yet.没有 Nope.我确信这下你们会谈了

Oops.Well I'm sure it'll come up now.或者可能他不想告诉你这事

Or maybe he didn't want to tell you 因为他不想让你觉得

Because he didn't want you 他还在为过去的日子难过

to think he was on the rebound.我们都知道爱情的结局

We all know how those relationships end.你说得好像

You say it like 每段感情都注定会完蛋

Every relationship is doomed to end.我是个宿命论者 I'm a fatalist.好啊 斯特凡 Hello Stefan.埃琳娜 Elena.我不知道你要来

I didn't know you were coming over.我知道 我本该打个电话的 我...I know.I should have called, I just...别傻了 这里随时欢迎你

Oh, don't be silly.You're welcome any time.对吧 斯特凡

Isn't she, Stefan? 我该把相簿拿出来

You know I should break out the family photo albums 或者一些家庭电影 Or some home movies.但是...我得提醒你

But...I have to warn you.他可不是一直都这么帅气

He wasn't always such a looker.谢谢你来访 埃琳娜

Thank you for stopping by, Elena.很高兴见到你

Nice to see you.我想我该走了

Yeah, I should probably go.很高兴认识你 达蒙

It was nice to meet you, Damon.也非常高兴见到你 埃琳娜

Great meeting you too, Elena.斯特凡 Stefan? 斯特凡 Stefan? 正点

Great gal.她可是活力四射啊 She's got spunk.相反 你倒是显得精疲力竭了

You on the other hand look pooped.你今天过分控制自己了吗

Did you over-exert yourself today? 我猜猜...医院

Let me guess...hospital.有人得收拾你的烂摊子了

Someone had to clean up your mess.还是你忍住了呢

Well were you successful? 劝说的力量管用吗

Did the powers of persuasion work? 记住 如果你不好好的吸血

Remember if you don't feed properly 那些小把戏不会有用的

None of those little tricks work right.埃琳娜来了多久

How long was Elena here? 你担心了吗 斯特凡

Were you worried, Stefan? 害怕我们注定失败吗

Scared we may be doomed 重复过去的失败

To repeat the past? 这就是你为何玩

Isn't that why you play ”我是个高中生“ 的游戏吗

Your little game ”I'm a high school human"?-我没有玩游戏-你就是

-I'm not playing any game.Listen up!不要再逃课了要不然就禁足

Quit ditching class or you're grounded.没得商量

No discussion.玩家长的威信吗 我喜欢

Parental authority I like it.好好睡吧

Sleep tight.马特 Matt.马特 Mattie? 今晚有彗星晚会

Tonight, night of the comet.过来一起看吧

Would you like a program? 他没有打电话吗

He didn't call, huh? 或发短信 Or text.我发现我们从没发过短信

But I realized we never even exchanged that stuff.我们还没到发短信那步

We've never gotten to the texting part.在任何关系中这都是重要的一步

That's an important milestone in any relationship.是吗 反正时机不到

Isn't it? the timing is wrong, anyway.那何时是正确的时机 When is it ever right? 我还没准备好 邦妮 I'm not ready, Bonnie.谁又准备好了呢


看电影学英语 Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》

-Lewis: Thirteen meters.You should see it.meter: 米


-Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail.take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆 好吧,升上去,越过船头。

-Lewis: Okay, Mir-2, we're going over the bow.Stay with us.go over: 越过 stay with:(口语)与…并驾齐驱


-Brock: Okay, quiet.We're rolling.Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship…

quiet: 安静 roll:(机器)运转 come out of: 从…中出现 darkness: 黑暗 ghost: 鬼,幽灵


still gets me every time.每次都令我心头一颤。

To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting here…where she landed at 2:30 in themorning of April 15, 1912…

ruin: 废墟 land: 着陆 April: 四月


after her long fall…from the world above.fall: 沉没 above: 在上面


-Lewis: You're so full of shit, boss.full of: 充满 shit: 胡说八道 boss: 老板,上司


-Brock: Dive six.Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.Two and a half miles down, 3,821 meters.dive: 潜水 deck: 甲板 mile: 英里 meter: 米


The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.pressure: 压力 ton: 吨 per:(表示比率)每 square:平方 inch: 英寸 潜艇外的水压是每平方寸3.5吨。

These windows are nine inches thick and if they go…it's sayonara in two microseconds.thick: 厚 sayonara: 日语中再见(さようなら)的发音 microseconds: 微秒 这些窗户的厚度是9寸,要是破裂…所有的人转眼就没命。

All right, enough of that bullshit.Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters likeyesterday.enough: 足够的 bullshit: 胡说 put down: 降落 roof: 顶部 officer: 船长 quarter:(航海学)船员岗位


-Sub Pilot: Sure.没问题。

-Brock: Okay, Mir-2, we're landing right over the Grand Staircase.You guys set to launch?

land: 着陆 grand: 宏伟的 staircase: 楼梯 guy:(男)人,家伙 set to: 开始认真做 launch: 使下水


Tech A: Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now.Go, Charlie.是的,正在放出Dunkin(水下机器人)。开始吧,Charlie。

-Tech A: All right, tether out.tether: 系绳,栓绳


-Charlie: Tether out.放缆绳。

-Tech A: Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull.drop down: 顺着…向下移动 hull: 船身


-Brock: Yeah, roger that.Okay, drop down, and go into the first-class gangway door.roger:(无线电通信)已收到 first-class: 一等舱的 gangway: 舷门 知道了。继续向前,下潜。从头等舱入口进去。

I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon.deck: 层面 reception: 接待处 area: 区域 dining: 进餐 saloon: 大厅 先在D层的接待厅和餐厅进行搜索。

-Tech A: Copy that.Tether out.Tether out.copy: 复制【了解】 tether: 栓绳


-Brock: Okay, now left.Now left.Left, left.好,现在向左。向左。往左。

-Tech A: Snoop Dog is on the move.We're headed down the stairwell.snoop: 窥探 move: 移动 head down: 向下 stairwell: 楼梯井


-Brock: Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.drop down: 向下移动


-Lewis: A deck.Give me some rope, captain.rope: 绳索,缆 captain: 船长


-Brock: B deck.Get in there.Watch the door frame.Watch it.watch: 当心 frame: 框,框架


-Lewis: I see it.I Got it.We're good.Just chill, boss.chill: 寒冷【冷静】


-Brock: Okay, make your turn.turn: 转弯


-Lewis: Cable out, captain.cable: 缆绳


-Brock: Make your turn.Watch the wall.转弯。小心别撞上墙。

-Tech A: Brock, we're at the piano.You copy?

piano: 钢琴 copy: 复制【收到】


-Brock: Copy that.Right there.That's it.That's the bedroom door.bedroom: 卧室


-Lewis: I see it.I see it.We're in.We're in, baby.We're there.知道了。我看到了。进来了。我们进入卧室了。我们到了。

-Brock: That's Hockley's bed.That's where the son of a bitch slept.son of a bitch:(俚语)混蛋


-Lewis: Oops.Somebody left the water running.哦。这里有人忘了关水龙头。

-Brock: Hold it.Just a second.Go back to the right.That wardrobe door.Get closer.hold it: 等一下 just a second: 【等等】 go back to: 回去 wardrobe: 衣柜 close: 靠近的停下。等一下。回到右边。那是衣柜。靠近一点儿。

-Lewis: You're smelling something, boss?

smell: 嗅出 boss: 老板


-Brock: I want to see what's under it.我想看看下面。

-Lewis: Give me my hands, man.All right.等我打开机械臂,伙计。好了。

-Brock: Take it easy.It might come apart.Okay.Okay, go.Flip it over.Go.Turn over.Keep going.take it easy: 小心,仔细 apart: 成碎片 flip over: 翻过来 turn over: 翻转




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