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4、词语理解跳脱语境。单是“Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation…”一句,其中“right”、“lay”、“command”、“situation”理解就千奇百异。

5、句子语法逻辑解析不明。如“there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns…”,正常归属关系应是“of meadows and forest lawns”是限定“interspace”的,而“between them”是嵌入状语。英语作为一种形合语言,一句之中,各部分间关系处处有法可依,也有有形标识可寻。但从试卷译文来看,解析不清,理解不准确的相当普遍。



8、粗心致错。最明显的莫过于开篇第一句“I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May…”不止一位考生将“Sunday”译为“星期六”、“星期五”什么的,“May”一词也有错译。相信这更多是考生紧张粗心所致,而非真的不认识如此常用的词语。













I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May, that it was Easter Sunday, and as yet very early in the morning.I was standing at the door of my own cottage.Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams.There were the same mountains, and the same lovely valley at their feet;but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height, and there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns;the hedges were rich with white roses;and no living creature was to be seen, except that in the green church-yard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child, whom I had tenderly loved, just as I had really seen them, a little before sunrise in the same summer, when that child died.(作者Thomas De Quincey,节选自Confessions of an English Opium Eater,1821。选作考题时略有修改。)


I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May, that it was Easter Sunday, and as yet very early in the morning.I was standing, as it seemed to me, at the door of my own cottage.Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams.there were the same mountains, and the same lovely valley at their feet;but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height, and there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns;the hedges were rich with white roses;and no living creature was to be seen excepting that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the verdant graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had tenderly loved, just as I had really beheld them, a little before sunrise in the same summer, when that child died.3、杨自伍译文






第二篇:英语专业八级 语言学 总结

英语专业八级 语言学 总结



1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features oflanguage





信息功能 informative

人际功能 interpersonal

施为功能 performative

感情功能 emotive function

寒暄功能 phatic communication

娱乐功能 recreational function

元语言功能 metalingual function3、语言学主要分支

语音学 phonetics研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音音位学 phonology 研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列

形态学 morphology 研究词的内部结构和构词规则

句法学 syntax研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则

语义学 semantics不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。如语素和句子的意义

语用学 pragmatics在语境中研究意义

4、宏观语言学 macrolingustics

心理语言学 psycholinguistics 社会语言学 sociolinguistics人类语言学 anthropological linguistics 计算机语言学 computational linguistics


规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的描写式:descriptive 说明事情本来是怎么样的共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic 研究某个特定时期语言






运用:performance 真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用



发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生

声学语言学acoustic phonetics 研究语音的物理属性

听觉语音学 auditory phonetics 研究语言怎样被感知IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的三、音位学

1、最小对立体minimal pairs2、音位 phoneme

3音位变体 allophones

4互补分布 complementary distribution

5自由变体free variation

6区别特征distinctive features

7超音段特征 suprasegmental feature

音节 syllable 重音stress 语调tone 声调intonation

四 形态学

1词的构成语素morpheme 自由语素free morpheme 粘着语素bound morpheme

Root 词根词缀affix词干stem

屈折词汇和派生词汇 inflectional affix and derivational affix

2特有的词汇变化lexical change proper


首字母缩写词 acronym逆构词汇back-formation例:editor—edit

类推构词analogiacal creation 例:work-worked,slay-slayed

外来词 borrowing

五 句法学



2结构主义学派the structure approach

组合关系 syntagmatic relation词和词组合在一起

聚合关系 paradigmatic 具有共同的语法作用的词聚在一起

结构和成分 construction and constituents :句子不仅是线性结构liner structure还是层级结构hierarchical structure(句子或短语被称为结构体,而构成句子或短语即结构体的称为成分)

3直接成分分析法 immediate constitutional analysis


4向心结构和离心结构endocentric and exocentric constructions

向心:指一个结构中有中心词,例an old man ,中心为man

离心:指结构中没有明显的中心词。例:on the shelf

5生成学派the generative approach

深层结构deep structure指机构关系中的潜在层面underlying level

表层结构surface structure指结构形成的最后结果阶段final stage

6功能学派the functional approach

主位与述位 theme and rheme

主位:谈话中已知的信息,说话者从它谈起known,述位:与说话者内容有关的内容what the speaker states about

7交际力communicative and dynamism简称CD



1利奇的意义七分法Leech and his 7 types of meaning

概念意义conceptual meaning 字面意义

内涵意义connotative meaning 实际交往过程中所指的事物


情感意义 affective meaning

反射意义 reflective meaning 由一个词语联想起来的另外一种意义

搭配意义 collocative meaning

主位意义 thematic meaning 通过调整信息的顺序和强调内容所表达的意义

2指称论 referential theory


3语义三角semantic triangle 奥格登和理查兹提出

Symbol或form 指语言要素(如词和语素),the linguistic elements


所指reference 指经验世界中的物体the object in the word of experience涵义sense语言形式的意义



地域同义词dialectal synonymy

风格同义词 stylistic synonyms

感情同义词 synonymys that differ in connotation意义相同,但内涵不同,有褒有贬


等级反义关系gradable antonymy 例cool-warm;hot-cold

互补反义关系 complementary antonymy,肯定A就否定B,否定B 就肯定A,例dead-alive

反向反义关系converse antonymy.reversal of a relationshipbetween 2 enti

ties.例 husband-wife;teacher-student

○上下义关系hyponymy 意义包含关系。例:花-水仙、玫瑰、百合补充:同音同形异义关系homonymy

一词多义 polysemy


1言语行为理论speech act theory奥斯汀提出John Langshaw Austin


○施为句和叙事句performative and constative



○行事行为理论a theory of the illocutionary act

言内行为:locutionnary act表述字面意思

言外行为:illoutionary act 因为言语本身的习惯力量随之产生的其他一些行为言后行为:perlocutionnary act 话语在听者身上产生的效果

2会话含义理论 the theory of conversational implicature

格赖斯提出Herbert Paul Grice

○合作原则:说话人和听话人为达一定的交际目的,都有一种默契,一种都遵循的原则○ 四个准则four categories of maxims



○关联理论:relevance theory:交际应被看做一种表明自身说话意图的行为every act of ostensive(直接表明的)communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance

○数量关系和关系原则the Q-and R-principles

由霍恩Laurence Horn 提出

八 现代语言学理论和流派

1索绪尔Saussure瑞士语言学家,“现代语言学之父”或者“使语言学科走向现代的大师” 2布拉格学派Prague School




4伦敦学派 the Lundon School:系统语言学和功能语言学



5美国结构主义American Structuralism

共时语言学分支,由博厄斯提出F.Bos.○撒皮尔-沃尔夫假说Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis


○布隆菲尔德Bloomfield《语言论》-20世纪被大西洋两岸同时奉为科学的方法论典范和语言学领域的杰出代表。描述语言学的代表人物转换生成语法transformational–generative grammar

乔姆斯基提出Chomsky.认为语言是某种天赋,语言习得机制Language Acquisition device






1.abide by(=be faithful to;obey)忠于;遵守。

2.be absent from….缺席,不在

3.absence or mind(=being absent-minded)心不在焉

4.absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated on;be focused on;be centered on

5.(be)abundant in(be rich in;be well supplied with)富于,富有


7.by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外.Without accident(=safely)安全地, 8.of one’s own accord(=without being asked;willingly;freely)自愿地 ,主动地

9.in accord with 与…一致 / out of one’s accord with 同….不一致

10.with one accord(=with everybody agreeing)一致地

11.in accordance with(=in agreement with)依照,根据

12.on one’s own account

1)为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

2)(=at one’s own risk)自行负责

3)(=by oneself)依靠自己

on account 赊账;on account of 因为;on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.13.take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去

14.give sb.an account of 说明, 解释(理由)

15.account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释, 说明.16.on account of(=because of)由于,因为.17.on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)18.accuse…of…(=charge…with;blame sb.for sth.;blame sth.on sb.;complain about)指控,控告

19.be accustomed to(=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.20.be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of)了解;(=to have met socially)熟悉

21.act on 奉行,按照…行动;act as 扮演;act for 代理

22.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

23.adapt…(for)(=make sth.Suitable for a new need)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)24.in addition(=besides)此外, 又, 加之

25.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

26.adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief)粘附;坚持, 遵循

27.adjacent(=next to, close to)毗邻的, 临近的28.adjust..(to)(=change slightly)调节;适应;

29.admit of(=be capable of, leave room for)…的可能,留有…的余地.30.in advance(before in time)预告, 事先.31.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐




32.have an advantage over 胜过.have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

33.take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.34.agree with 赞同(某人意见)agree to 同意

35.in agreement(with)同意, 一致

36.ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;…………….ahead of time 提前.37.in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体.2)在谣传中.38.above all(=especially, most important of all)尤其是, 最重要的.39.in all(=counting everyone or everything, altogether)总共, 总计

40.after all 毕竟,到底;(not)at all 一点也不;

all at once(=suddenly)突然;once and for all 只此一次;above all 最重要的;first of all 首先;all in all 大体上说;be all in 累极了;all but 几乎.41.allow for(=take into consideration, take into account)考虑到, 估计到.42.amount to(=to be equal to)总计, 等于.43.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责.44.answer to(=conform to)适合,符合.45.be anxious about 为…焦急不安;或anxious for 46.apologize to sb.for sth.为…向…道歉

47.appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁.appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力

48.apply to sb.for sth.为…向…申请;apply for申请;apply to 适用.49.apply to 与…有关;适用

50.approve of(=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)赞成, approve vt.批准

51.arise from(=be caused by)由…引起.52.arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.安排…做…

53.arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大地方);54.be ashamed of(=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth.done)以…为羞耻

55.assure sb.of sth.(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)向…保证, 使…确信.56.attach(to)(=to fix, fasten;join)缚, 系 ,结

57.make an attempt at doing sth.(to do sth.)试图做…

58.attend to(=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after)侍候,照料

59.attitude to/ toward …对…的态度.看法

60.attribute…to…(=to believe sth.to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果

61.on the average(=on average, on an average)平均

62.(be)aware of(=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道.63.at the back of(=behind)在…后面

64.in the back of 在…后部(里面);on the back of 在…后部(外面);be on one’s back(=be ill in bed)卧病不起.65.at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.)支持,维护;have sb.at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台

66.turn one’s back on sb.(=turn away from sb.in an impolite way)不理睬(某人),背弃,真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐





67.behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)68.be based on / upon 基于

69.on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上

70.beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢

71.begin with 以…开始.to begin with(=first of all)首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)72.on behalf of(=as the representative of)以…名义

73.believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider sth./sb.to be true)相信,依赖,信仰.74.benefit(from)受益,得到好处.75.for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)76.for the better 好转

77.get the better of(=defeat sb.)打败, 胜过.78.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时;give birth to 出生

79.blame sb.for sth.因…责备某人.blame sth.on sb.把…推在某人身上

80.in blossom开花(指树木)be in blossom开花(强调状态)come into blossom开花(强调动作)

81.on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机

82.boast of(or about)吹嘘

83.out of breath 喘不过气来

84.in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之

85.in bulk 成批地,不散装的86.take the floor 起立发言

87.on business 出差办事.88.be busy with sth.于某事。be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

89.last but one 倒数第二.90.but for(=without)要不是.表示假设

91.buy sth.for…money 用多少钱买

92.be capable of 能够, 有能力

be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被…的

93.in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost, whatever happens;anyhow)无论如何

94.in case(=for fear that)万一;

95.in case of(=in the event of)如果发生…万一

in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

96.in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)97.be cautious of 谨防

98.center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

99.be certain of(=be sure of)有把握, 一定.100.for certain of(=for sure)肯定地,有把握地 人文知识

1.A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens.2.Phonology: The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to

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their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.音位学;在语言或一门语言中,对有关其分类和模式以及为大家所默认的发音规则的研究音韵学, 音系学

3.Syntax: The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences.句法,研究词或其它句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科

4.Semantics: The study or science of meaning in language forms.语义学,以语言形式表示意思的研究或科学

5.acronym : 首字母组合词,首字母缩略词,比如,NATO, UNESCO, BASIC,它们可以连拼,但VOA是 Initialism。

6.Metonymy: A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power.换喻或转喻,一种,一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美==或用剑代替军事力量,对面来了三个“红领巾”也是,以红领巾指代少先队员。

7.Simile: A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as, as in How like the winter hath my absence been or So are you to my thoughts as food to life(Shakespeare).明喻, 一种修辞手法,把两种基本不相像的东西进行比较,通常在由 like或 as引导的短语中,如 “我的离开好象是冬天来临”或“你对我的思想就象食物对于生命一样重要”(莎士比亚)

8.Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in a sea of troubles or All the world's a stage(Shakespeare)隐喻一种语言表达手法,通常用指某物的词或词组来指代他物,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处,如 “忧愁之海”或“整个世界一台戏”(莎士比亚)the ship of desert 沙漠之舟

9.Oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.矛盾修饰法, 一种把互相矛盾或不调和的词合在一起的修辞手法,如在 震耳欲聋的沉默和悲伤的乐观 cruel kindness 10.The affection name given to the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster is Big Ben.11.John Milton the poet wrote of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden in Paradise Lost.Paradise Regained was also written by him.12.Sonnet: A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes.十四行诗体, 一种由十四行组成的诗歌形式,通常有一种传统的押韵形式, 莎士比亚用过此诗体。

13.Slang: A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect.俚语主要出现在非正式的、游戏性的话语中的一种语言,基本由存在时间很短的派生词和修辞构成,它们被故意地用来取代标准的词语以达到生动、幽默、无礼或其它效果

14.Catch Phrase: A phrase in wide or popular use, especially one serving as a slogan for a group or movement.警句,妙句,吸引人的词句广泛使用的或流行的用语,尤指用作集团或运动的口号的用语。

15.Jargon: The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group.真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐




行话, 一个行业、职业或类似的团体中使用的专业的或技术的语言.terminology

16.Platitude: A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or significant.陈腔滥调, 陈腐的或平庸的评论或陈述,尤指某人表述它时好象它是新颖的或有意义的

17.Hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.夸张法,一种比喻,使用夸张来强调或产生某种效果,比如在我能睡一年或这书有一吨重

18.onomatopoeia: The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.象声词, 词的构成或用法,例如 buzz或 nurmur模仿事物或行动的声音.19.hypotaxis: 从属关系

20.parataxis: 并列结构,指 短语或分句间不用连词,如:I came, I saw, I conquered.21.Transcendentalism: A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.超验主义, 一种文学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫•沃尔多•爱默生和玛格丽特•富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握

22.Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the Scarlet Letter.美国

23.Morphology: The study of the structure and form of words in language or a language, including inflection, derivation, and the formation of compounds.词法,词态学,形态音位学, 语言或某一语言中对于单词的结构和形式的研究,包括词尾变化、派生和合成词的构成24.affricate: A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant辅音 followed by a fricative摩擦;for example, the initial sounds of child and joy.塞擦音由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如 child和 joy的第一个音Also called: affricative.25.Vanity Fair 名利场 was written William Makepeace Thackray

26.Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins 尼尔.阿姆斯特朗、埃德温.奥尔德林、迈克尔.柯林斯

27.The title of the national anthem 国歌 of Canada is O Canada.此种类型题同学们可自己多找几个国家。

28.Henry David Thoreau’s work, Walden, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of New England Transcendentalism.29.etymology: the history of a word.词源学

30.The dominant accent in the United States is General American.除纽约市、南方、新英格兰

31.John Lennon is a member of the band of Beatles 披头士或甲壳虫乐队in the 1960s.32.In Gulliver’s Travels格列佛游记, Jonathan Swift describes the island of the Houyhnhnms as the world’s most perfect society.有理智和人性的马 Houyhnhnms are horses in fact.33.Ceoffrey Chaucer wrote Canterbury Tales in fourteenth century.34.morpheme: A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as-ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts.词素, 一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如-ed在单词 walked中,不能被划分为更

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35.The name of the famous stadium露天体育场 in the north of London is Wembley.36.Wimbledon温布尔登[英国英格兰东南部城市](位于伦敦附近, 是著名的国际网球比赛地)

37.Toad in the hole is a Traditional English recipe食谱, originating from Yorkshire, a county in the north of England.烤面拖牛肉,面拖烤香肠

38.Boycott: To act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion(强制).联合抵制, 联合起来拒绝使用、购买或经销以示抗议、不满或作为强制的手段

39.Segregation: The policy and practice of imposing the social separation of races, as in schools, housing, and industry, especially so as to practice discrimination against people of color in a predominantly white society.种族隔离, 强制实行种族的社会分离政策及实践,如在学校、居住和工业中,尤指在白人居多的社会中实行有色人种歧视的政策

40.Apartheid: An official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.种族隔离制, 南非共和国实行的一种官方的种族隔离政策,包括在政治、法律和经济诸方面对非白色人种的歧视.41.Integration: The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization;desegregation.种族或宗教融合, 在社会或组织中,使不同的种族或宗教派别的人处于无限制的平等的关系中;取消种族隔离

42.The majority of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec.43.Sir Thomas More coined the word “Utopia”, it means nowhere land in Greek.44.The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their indestructible spirit.45.Phoneme: any one of the set of smallest distinctive speech sounds in a language that distinguish one word from another 音位,音素, 语言中最小的语音单位,如英语里 mat中的 m和 bat中的 b 46.polysemy: 一词多义

47.patron saint:保护圣徒, 守护神

48.Parentese: 父母语

49.back formation: 逆构词 脱落一词的词缀以构成新词 typewriter → typewrite 50.allomorph: Any of the variant forms of a morpheme.For example, the phonetic s of cats, z of dogs, and z of horses and the en of oxen are allomorphs of the English plural morpheme.语素变体, 语素的一种变体形式,如语音学的中之 s在 cats中,z在 dogs中,和 iz在 horses中,还有 en在 oxen中都是英语复数语素的语素变体.听力新闻词汇


absolute majority 绝对多数 ad hoc committee 特别委员会 advisory body 咨询机构 anti-establishment反政府情绪 all-embracing agreement包罗万象的协定 arbitration 调停

bipartisan diplomacy两党一致的对外政策 carrot-and-stick 威胁利诱政策

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deadlock 僵局 shoe-string majority 微弱多数 embargo 禁运 summit conference 首脑会议 abstain from voting弃权 air of tension 紧张气氛 administrative authorities行政当局 amendment 修正案 apartheid 种族隔离 bare majority勉强过半数

briefing meeting 简要新闻发布会 nonaligned country不结盟国家 congressional hearing(美国)国会意见听证会

diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权 shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交


accumulated deficit 累计赤字 active trade balance 贸易顺差 business slump 生意萧条 dull market 萧条的市场 economic takeoff 经济起飞 broker 经纪人 reciprocal trade agreement 互惠贸易政笼 dividend 红利

wholesale dealer批发商 economic recession 经济衰退 gold standard金本位 devaluation 贬值

American Selling Price美国销售价格 retailer零售商 price index 物价指数 deficiency亏损 across-the-board tariff cut talks 全面削减关税会谈

demand and supply balance 供求平衡 gold reserve 黄金储备 price-curbing policy抑制物价政策

tycoon 巨头 petrodollar石油美元

non-confidence motion 不信任案 stalled peace talks陷入僵局的和谈 adverse trade balance 贸易逆差 economic sanction 经济制裁 switch trade 转手贸易 fiscal year 财政

balance of trade贸易平衡 cash transaction 现金交易 fluctuating salary 附加工资,浮动工资


active armed forces 现役武装部队 blanket bombing 地毯武轰炸 administration party 执政党 ambassador-at-large 巡回大使 anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀的措施 agenda 议程

back number过时的人或物 bluff diplomacy恫吓外交 closed-door meeting秘密会议 diplomatic channel外交途径 memorandum备忘录 showdown 摊牌

unanimous resolution一致通过的决议 belligerent powers 交战国 military expansion军备扩张 beam weapons激光束武器 scud missile飞毛腿导弹 aircraft carrier航空母舰

around-the-clock bombing 日夜不停的轰炸 general armistice全面停战

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adopted by consensus 经过协商一致通过 alien domination外国统治 amicable relations 友好关系 apple of discord 引起不和的争端 behind-the-scene maneuvering 幕后操纵 budget committee预算委员会 communiqué 公报 diplomatic maneuvers 外交策略

arms build-up 军备集结 unconditional surrender无条件投降 armament race军备竞赛 mushroom cloud蘑菇云 scout plane侦察飞机 airlift troop空降部队 destroyer驱逐舰 sweeper扫雷艇

chemical weapon化学武器 armored corps装甲兵团 ABM(anti-ballistic missile)反弹道导弹

marine corps海军陆战队 submarine潜水艇 nuclear weapon核武器

AAM(air-to-air missile)空对空导弹


academia 学术界 academic year学年

brain drain 人才外流 open classroom讨论式教学 atomic energy原子能 comet彗星 extraterrestrial外星的 hardware硬件 dispensary药房 laboratory实验室 injection注射 blood type血型 dysentery痢疾 chicken pox水痘 anemia贫血 euthanasia安乐死

industrial disease职业病 cramming system填鸭式教学法 astronomer 天文学家 chip晶体片 constellation星座 galaxy银河系

coeducation男女同 ambulance救护车 surgical department外科 inoculate注射预防针 disinfectant消毒剂 malaria疟疾 plague鼠疫 tumor肿瘤

genetic engineering遗传工程学 audio-visual aids视听教具 AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)爱滋病 CAI(computer-assisted instruction)计算机辅助教学 文体、娱乐新闻常用词汇

athletics运动 record-holder记录保持者 referee(足球、拳击)裁判员 goalkeeper足球守门员 a drawn game和局 semifinal半决赛 hurdle跳栏 elimination海汰赛 hamper因故停赛 columnist专栏作家 primetime黄金时间 athlete运动员

sprint短跑 umpire(垒球、网球)裁判员 linesman边线裁判员 trial预赛

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final决赛 relay race接力赛

feint假动作 intermission中场休息 audience rating收视率 acrobatics杂技 overture序曲 symphony交响曲 newsreel新闻片 rehearsal排练 relay转播 serenade夜曲

philharmonic爱乐 film festival电影节 telecast电视转播 karaoke卡拉OK


assault袭击 scandal诽谤,丑闻 hijack劫机 detention拘留 surrender oneself自首 verdict判决 bail保释 electrocute电刑 accused被告 accuser原告 criminal case刑事案件 subpoena传票

acquit宣判无罪 commutation of sentence减刑 population explosion人口爆炸 addict吸毒上瘾者 Buddhism佛教 Hinduism印度教 Protestant新教 bishop主教

fraud诈骗 embezzlement挪用公款 contempt of court蔑视法庭 confess供认 juror陪审员 sentence判刑

capital punishment死刑 supreme court最高法庭 witness证人 barrister大律师 civil case民事案件 indictment起诉 amnesty大赦 dropout逃避现实者 feminine liberation妇女解放 Christianity 基督教 Islamism伊斯兰教 Catholic天主教 Baptism浸理会 mosque清真寺

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Nowadays, with the quick development of economy, we are embracing a tourism boom in China.More and more people want to spend their holidays in some famous tourism attractions and get themselves relaxed.Under this circumstance, whether the price of admission tickets in scenic spots should be charged high becomes a heated topic.In my opinion, the tickets price should be set at an affordable level for most of Chinese people and should not be too expensive, and the following are my reasons: First of all, all the natural and cultural tourism attractions are heritages which belong to the whole Chinese people, as a result, every citizen should have equal access to these spots.And affordable tickets price is a guarantee for this basic right.If the ticket price is too expensive, it actually means that the citizens who have lower income are deprived of their right to these places of interest.Secondly, tourism can make an important contribution to economic development, since tourism can create employment opportunities and boost the local economy.In this regard, affordable tickets price will help to attract more visitors and better finance the local economy as well as finance the protection of cultural and natural heritage.The last but not least, tourism helps to keep traditions alive and increase visitor appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage, which will give them a sense of national pride.Hence, affordable tickets price will provide this chance for most Chinese people instead of just the rich ones, and this is beneficial to the whole nation.All in all, affordable tickets price in scenic spots is beneficial to both the development of tourism and the development of local and national economy, and it is a wise decision to set the tickets price at an affordable level.

第五篇:2013 英语专业八级 作文

Is sound social environment good to the development of people

When it comes to the relationship of environment and people to be good to others, different men often see the same object in different lights.Some people

that our current society provides a “bad environment” for good

people doing good things, and it is surely that a sound social environment is necessary, while others do not think so.Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture, but nowadays many people dare not offer help to those in need, for fear of getting into trouble.The issue has aroused public debate over the climate of morality and credibility, and many people sigh over the moral degeneration.In my opinion, while social environment is necessary for people to be good to others, each individual should try his or her best to do good deeds and be sympathetic with others, instead of waiting for the environment to improve.There is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions, so people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.some people even wonder, „Is our society hostile to good people?‟ The question may sound ridiculous but many believe

people apparently think so.They believe that our current society provides a bad environment for good people doing good things, and good people pay a high price for being compassionate.In fact, such kind of things only accounts for a pretty small percentage, but massive media coverage makes the situation seem serious.Actually, most people around me are kind, warm-hearted and helpful, and I am quite delighted in their company.So I believe media should pay more attention to publicizing good people and exemplary deeds to enhance our confidence, rather than exposing disgusting behaviors.At the same time, as John Donne puts it, “No man is an island, entire of itself.Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Since everyone of us is a component of the society, it is each individual‟s conducts that form social morality.Just imagine it is you who need help, what would you feel if everyone watches indifferently or suspiciously? So, put yourself in other‟s position and be sympathetic.If we do nothing but wait for the environment to improve, nothing will happen.Only by removing the fence around our kind consciousness can we reverse the regress of social ethics, and make our world full of warmth and happiness.Therefore, if help is needed, never hesitate to lend a helping hand.It will make you happy and feel better about life.In sum, I contend the idea that while social environment is necessary for people to be good to others, it is each individual‟s responsibility to offer help to those in need, and together we build up a more harmonious society.Is sound social environment good to the development of peopleWith the great influence of globalization and rapid development of technology, our work and life has become more and more convenient.In the past few years, our economy has maintaining a high rapid development and to our astonishment, our GDP ranked second all over the world last year.The whole country in general is enjoying a peace and prosperity.However, to some extent, standards of morality are now dropping fast.One of the famous cases recently is that a girl dropped into the manhole and lost because someone who has stolen the manhole covers, which is definitely a tragic for all of the people in our country.Such cases lead heated discussion of the moral consciousness.Is a sound social environment necessary for people to have moral standards and be good to others? As far as I am concerned, I am strongly in support of this view.For one thing, a sound environment is indeed essential for providing an energetic living condition, as we all know, environment plays a vital role in our self-development as every one is a member of the

society in which one is supposed to take part in various activities frequently and cannot escape the influence of it.To me, a sound environment means fair justice, sincere communication, orderly society and harmonious relationship between man and nature in which people can treat each other heart and soul.For another, under a favorable social environment, we are expected to share a stable job, harmonious family and wonderful working atmosphere, thus we have adequate time and energy to learn and enhance the quality of life.With the wide spread of civilization, one will have the awareness of improving their basic essence and trust and good quality will be greatly advocated among the whole society.In this way, there will be no fighting, no cheating and filled with kindness and love.All in all, a positive environment will enable the majority to be a moral citizen.Everyone is suggested to learn to self-management and cultivate a good sense of morality.Striving for an aim of being a noble person and make a contribution to build a stable and prosperous society.



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