Da Jia Hao!Mona and I would like to take this opportunity to greet our friends here in China and our old friends back home in America.The Chinese lunar new year is a time for people to return to their laojia, reunite with family, and gather around a holiday meal with loved ones and friends.大家好!李蒙和我想借此机会,问候我们在中国及美国国内的朋友。中国农历新年是人们回老家,与家人团圆,与索爱的人和朋友聚在一起共享节日大餐的时刻。
Those born in the year of the snake are said to be marked by wisdom and determination.In line with this tradition, 2013 should also be a year of new beginnings for the US and China as new leaders in both countries join together to forge stronger Asia-pacific relations.据说蛇年出生的人的标志是智慧和决心。与传统相应,随着美中新领导人一起铸造更强的亚太关系,2013年也应该是新开始的一年。
years ago, President Nixon came to China and ushered in a new era of relations between our two great countries.That became the relationship that has existed almost since the very founding of the United States.Indeed, America launched our trading relationship with China only two years after the end of our war of the independence, when the United States first sent a trading ship to one of the world's oldest and most vibrant civilizations.40年前,尼克松总统来到中国,开启了我们两国关系的新时代,这个新时代重新点燃几乎从美国成立之初就已存在的关系。事实上,美国在我们的独立战争结束后仅两年就开始了我们与中国的贸易关系。当时美国第一次派出了贸易船到世界上最古老和最有活力的文明之一。Our connection was cemented by the tireless labor and entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese
immigrants who came to the United States to realize their dreams of prosperity.Their contribution to the construction of the transcontinental railroad helped America become a proceeding power by the end of the 19th century.我们的联系因中国移民的不懈劳动和创业精神而得到巩固,这些移民为了实现他们的繁荣梦想来到美国,他们为横贯大陆的铁路建设作出的贡献帮助美国在19世纪末成为太平洋强国。We fought together in World War II to restore peace and prosperity to East Asia.Today, our scientists and engineers are working together to cure diseases, solve the resource challenges that face our world, and leave our planet a better place for our children and their children.第二次世界大战中我们与东亚恢复和平与繁荣一起战斗,今天,我们的科学家和工程师们一起努力治疗疾病,解决我们世界面临的资源挑战,为我们的孩子和他们的孩子让我们的星球成为一个更好的地方。
Here in China, we are proud to represent the millions of Chinese Americans and Americans of all heritages who appreciate the values of family and community that the Chinese new year embodies so well.在中国这里,我们自豪地代表重视家庭和团体观念的数以百万计的华裔美国人和各族裔的美国人,中国新年特别好地体现了这种观念。
Mona and I wish each and every one of you wisdom and strength in this Year of the Snake, and happy reunions with your family and loved ones.李蒙和我祝愿你们每一个人在这个蛇年拥有智慧和力量,与家人和心爱的人团聚快乐!新年快乐!恭喜发财!
Happy Year of the Snake!
虎跃前程去,兔携好运来。在紧张纷繁而又有序的工作中,我们度过了不平凡的2010年。过去的一年里,**市邮政局在**区公司党组的坚强领导下,在全市干部职工的共同努力下,以饱满的精神、富有激情的工作态度和扎实的工作作风,统筹兼顾,突出重点,全力以赴做好全年各项工作,在经营发展、服务管理、创建和谐企业方面都取得了新的成果,开创了**邮政和谐发展新局面。尤其是全年实现邮政业务收入***万元,完成预算和增长率列五市局第二,总资产收入率为**%,列全区第二位,业务费对收入的贡献率**%,列全区第二。报刊收订款上划及时率列全区第一,私费订阅比重列全区第一。劳动生产率完成**万元,增长率**%,列全区第一位。职工人均年收入较去年增加**元。这是值得我们欣慰和自豪的。这些成绩的取得,离不开广大职工家属的支持,凝聚了全局干部职工的心血和汗水,是全局干部职工顾全大局、无私奉献、团结拼搏的结果。在此,我代表局领导班子向广大职工的辛勤努力表示崇高的敬意!向在座各位的默默付出表示感谢。希望大家在新的一年里将这种精神继续发扬光大。春天代表着希望,更孕育着希望。展望2011年,我们充满了必胜的信心和奋进的力量。今年是实施“十二五”规划的开局之年,也是全区邮政深入推进“建设大邮政跨越式大发展”战略的决胜年。随着邮政体制改革的不断深入,我们的事业进入了一个全新的发展阶段。在这挑战与机遇并存的年代,学习、竞争和拼搏已经成为我们生存的主旋律。新的一年里,我们要充满激情的去面对我们的未来,希望在座的同志们要以“务实、创新、敬业、奉献”的企业精神为指导,狠抓第二轮西部大开发的有力契机,积极投身到 “三年跳起发展再添一亿”实施的目标之中,坚持一个确保、达到两个实现、力求三个突破、狠抓四个重点、推进五个着力,努力构建和谐企业,使我们在邮政事业这个大舞台上,让潜能得到释放,能力得到认可,个性得以张扬,在2011年续写辉煌!
I want to send my very best wishes to everyone celebrating the Chinese New Year in Britain, in China and all around the world.Britain's links with China are becoming ever stronger and ever deeper.We are on course to record our best ever year of trade, up more than 7 percent in the first half of 2012 alone.Britain today accounts for around a tenth of all Chinese foreign investment.And as the most open economy in Europe.I want Chinese investors to know that Britain will remain a voice for
openness and a force against protectionism in the European Union now and in the years ahead.我向在英国、中国及全世界庆祝中国春节的每个人致以最诚挚的祝福。英国与中国的关系正在越来越紧密和深化。记录显示去年是我们两国贸易往来最好的一年。仅2012年上半年,双边贸易就增长了至少7%。中国对英投资现在已占中国对外总投资的10%。最为欧洲最开放的经济体,我希望中国的投资者了解,英国会在现在和未来几年继续在欧盟内呼吁持续开放并坚决反对贸易保护主义。
But Britain's ties with China are about more than a great relationship between our businesses.They are about the relationship between our peoples and our governments too.Today there are more than 100,000 mainland Chinese and Hong Kong students in Britain and more than 3,000 British students in China.但是英国和中国的联系不仅限于两国之间繁荣的贸易往来,还包括我们民众之间、政府之间的联系。现在有超过10万来自中国大陆和香港的学生在英国学习,同时有3千多英国学生在中国学习。
And as we welcome in the Year of the Snake, the celebrations here in Britain will remind us once again of the richness of Chinese culture and the incredible
contribution that our Chinese communities make here in Britain.Our two countries are also working together in new and ever more innovative ways.For example, on international development, where Britain is the first Western country to agree a partnership with China on tackling poverty around the world.So I look forward to working with China's new leadership.在我们迎接蛇年到来的时候,英国各地举行的庆祝活动会再一次让我们想到中国丰富的文化,以及多年来华人群体为英国做出的杰出贡献。我们两国也在用创新的方式进行着合作,比如在国际发展方面,英国就是第一个同意与中国一起合作,对抗全球贫困的西方国家。我期待着与中国新一届领导人共同合作。
General Secretary Xi Jingping recently wrote to tell me that with joint efforts on both sides UK-China relations will continue to forge ahead.I share that determination.I look forward to working closely with China's leaders and people to realise our shared
dreams, and I hope that the year of the Snake can be a great year for Britain, for China and for us all.总书记最近写信给我说,在中英两国的共同努力下,两国关系将继续向前推进。对此我也很有信心,我期待着继续与中国领导人、中国人民一起共享梦想。希望蛇年可以成为对英国、中国以及我们所有人来说非凡的一年!
Xin Nian Kuai Le!
在先秦时叫“上日”、“元日”、“改岁”、“献岁”等;到了两汉时期,又被叫为“三朝”、“岁旦”、“正旦”、“正日”;魏晋南北朝时称为“元辰”、“元日”、“元首”、“岁朝”等;到了唐宋元明,则称为“元旦”、“元 ”、“岁日”、“新正”、“新元”等;而清代,一直叫“元旦”或“元日”。
The Spring Festival, the Chinese lunar New Year, is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and generally occurs sometime in the first half of February.China's traditional festivals have evolved through the centuries from past major events.For instance, long ago when people had a bountiful harvest, they gathered and celebrated their good fortune with gala performances.When natural disasters struck, they offered sacrifices to the gods and their ancestors, hoping for a blessing.The change of the seasons, flowers in spring, and the bright moon in autumn could all arouse their longing for a more beautiful life.Thus, creative activities were held to signify these events, Gradually these activities developed into festivals.农历新年的来源,有根据,且丰富而多采多姿的传说可追溯到几千年前;其中最有名的就是「年兽」的传说。「年兽」是一个残忍凶猛的野兽,古代人相信「年兽」在除夕夜时会出来吃人。传说「年兽」极惧怕红色、火光及吵杂的声音,人们就在门上贴著红纸条,并整夜点著火炬、燃放炮烛,来避开「年兽」。到了第二天一大早,「恭喜」之声不绝于耳,空气中弥漫著打败「年兽」胜利与重生的喜悦。
The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before;Most is famous is “the year beast” fable.“The year beast” is a cruel terrible wild animal, ancient times the person believed “year beast” when lunar New Year's Eve night can come out eats the person.The fable “the year beast” extremely fears red, the flame and quarrels
the mixed sound, the people on paste the red paper in the gate, and
selects the torch all night, is setting off the artillery candle, avoids “the year beast”.To second day early morning, “has congratulated” the sound to the ear, in the air does not fill the air is defeating “the year beast” the victory and the rebirth joy.