2014年4月26日雅思考试写作 考题回顾

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第一篇:2014年4月26日雅思考试写作 考题回顾


Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

雅思考试写作 A 类考题回顾

朗阁海外考试研究中心 曹美玲

Task 1

考试日期: 2014.04.26

类别Bar chart

题目The charts below give information about the percentage of films released and the ticket sales in 1996 and 2006.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the

main features, and make comparisons where relevant.题目翻译以下图表描述了在 1996 年和2006 年电影的发行数量和票房的变化。选取主要的特征对信息进行概括,在相关的地方进行比较。



Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

写作指导 1)第一段开头段,用现在时,介绍两个图表的基本信息内容

2)主体段分为两段,用过去式。一段写percentage of films released, 写作顺序从上到下简单写,前三个是分别上升的,最后一个Romance

保持不变。另一段写percentage of cinema ticket sales, 除了写趋



重点表达式 A glance at, respectively, dramatic, there is a dramatic increase / decrease in, as can be seen from, moderate


推荐练习剑桥 9, Test 2



Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

Task 2

考试日期: 2014.04.26


题目 In some countries, with the widespread use of the Internet, people have more freedom to work or study at home instead

of travelling to work or college.Do the advantages of this

development outweigh the disadvantages?


写作指导 1)注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子)





C.让步段:诚然,远程工作学习会有一些缺点,比如缺乏监管,以及 缺少面对面的交流


重点表达 lack of supervision, social isolation, facilitate, time-saving, convenience, personalized scheduled



Nowadays, people in some countries can choose to live and work anywhere they want, because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport.Do advantages of this development outweigh the



第二篇:2014年8月朗阁雅思 写作考题回顾




1)对工作考量因素的讨论,如:性别差异、年龄因素、社交技能及学历 e.g.The workplace nowadays is trying to employ the equal number of

females and males.Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?(可延伸 到男女生招生问题)



e.g.Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of.To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend reducing this problem? 动物类:

3)人类对动植物进行利用的利弊,如对动物进行实验、将动物当成食物等 e.g.Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans.Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.4)对动物园利弊的讨论及如何保护动植物

e.g.Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have been aware of this problem for a long time.Why 朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

do people do so little about it? Give your suggestions on how to solve this problem.犯罪法律:


e.g.Recent years, the number of crimes committed by young people in

major cities throughout the world is increasing.Discuss this issue.Give reasons and suggest some solutions.6)对惩罚措施的讨论,如坐牢、社区服务、教育

e.g.Some people think the only purpose of prison is to punish crime.Others think it has other functions.Discuss the two views and give your opinions.7)自由与遵纪守法的关系

e.g.Society is based on rules and laws.It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they want.To what extent do you agree or disagree?



e.g.Nowadays, people get information through news and papers, but

meanwhile are uncertain about the truth of these news.Should we believe the journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?


e.g.News media is important in our society.Why is it so important? Do you think its influence is generally positive or negative?


e.g.If a product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it.Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

第三篇:海口朗阁雅思 2014年8月9日雅思考试阅读考题回顾


Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 雅思考试阅读考题回顾

朗阁海外考试研究中心 李珂 考试日期:2014年8月9日 Reading Passage 1 Title: 新西兰的路 Question types: 句子填空题6题


新西兰和澳大利亚道路历史的介绍,毛利人和早期欧洲人是如何出行 的。现在道路情况的介绍,几条新道路。政府对修路不感兴趣,志愿 者自己建设。第一条道路是为了recreation, 有计划但未实行,最后一 条道路把很多美景连起来。相关英文原文阅读

The assertion that the first pathways were the trails made by animals has not been universally accepted;in many cases animals do not follow constant paths.Others believe that some roads originated from following animal trails.The Icknield Way is given as an example of this type of road origination, where man and animal both selected the same natural line.By about 10,000 BC, rough roads/pathways were used by human travelers.The world's oldest known paved road was laid in Egypt some time between 2600 and 2200 BC.Stone-paved streets are found in the city of Ur in the Middle East dating back to 4000 BC.Corduroy roads(log roads)are found dating to 4000 BC in Glastonbury, England.The Sweet Track, a timber track causeway in England, is one of the oldest engineered roads discovered and the oldest timber track way discovered in Northern Europe.Built in winter 3807 BC or spring 3806 BC, tree-ring dating(Dendrochronology)enabled very precise dating.It was claimed to be the oldest road in the world until the 2009 discovery of a 6,000-year-old track way in Plumstead, London.Brick-paved streets were used in India as early as 3000 BC In 500 BC, Darius I the Great started an extensive road system for Persia(Iran), including the Royal Road, which was one of the finest highways of its time.The road remained in use after Roman times.In ancient times, transport by river was far easier and faster than transport by road, especially considering the cost of road construction and the difference in carrying capacity between carts and river barges.A hybrid of road transport and ship transport beginning in about 1740 is the horse-drawn boat in which the horse follows a cleared path along the river bank.朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations From about 312 BC, the Roman Empire built straightstrong stone Roman roads throughout Europe and North Africa, in support of its military campaigns.At its peak the Roman Empire was connected by 29 major roads moving out from Rome and covering 78,000 kilometersor 52,964 Roman miles of paved roads.In the 8th century AD, many roads were built throughout the Arab Empire.The most sophisticated roadswere those in Baghdad, which were paved with tar.Tar was derived from petroleum, accessed from oil fields in the region, through the chemical process of destructive distillation.The Highways Act 1555 in Britain transferred responsibility for maintaining roads from government tolocal parishes.This resulted in a poor and variable state of roads.To remedy this, the first of the “Turnpike trusts” was established around 1706, to build good roads and collect tolls from passing vehicles.Eventually there were approximately 1,100 trusts in Britain and some 36,800 km(22,870 miles)of engineered roads.The Rebecca Riots in Carmarthenshire and Rhayader from 1839 to 1844 contributed to a Royal Commission that led to the demise of the system in 1844, which coincided with the development of the UK railway system.朗阁名师题型难度分析

本篇文章题型难度较低,是非无判断题及句子填空题均具有顺序性原 则,只要考生平时注重定位能力的训练,在较短的时间内可以提高这 两种题型的做题速度和准确性。根据学员回忆,本篇文章篇幅较短,难度较低。1-6 填空题: 1.beach 2.scientist 3.funeral 4.recreation 5.hunters 6.huts 7-12 是非无判断题: 7.FALSE 8.NOT GIVEN 9.FALSE 10.FALSE 11.NOT GIVEN 12.TRUE 题型技巧分析


第一,是非无判断题理论上是具有顺序性的题型,因此考生在回到文 章中扫描定位词时可以按照题目顺序来依次定位。但是是非无判断题 的特殊性在于其中有“无”的情况,所以如果考生过于机械的遵循顺序定 朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 位的规律,对于答案是NOT GIVEN的题目,有可能会出现需要读完 更多内容才能判断出来的情况。所以建议考生在搜索某题的定位词时,可以同时关注后面题目的定位词是否出现。在下一题定位词已经出现 而本题定位词或者其同义替换的词仍未找到的情况下,则本题可以判 断为NOT GIVEN。

第二,考生在判断题目中的定位词时,不必只找唯一的一个词。如果 题目中出现了不止一个词可以用于作为定位词,建议考生可以全部找 出来,一起定位。因为这样能够准确定位到题目出现的位置。剑桥雅思推荐原文 练习

剑6 Test 2 Passage 1(文章话题相关)剑5 Test 3 Passage 3(题型搭配相关)Reading Passage 2 Title: 艺术的影响 Question types: List of Headings Matching(人名与理论配对)句子填空题 文章内容回顾

艺术对很多领域有影响。社区艺术可以促进旅游业,带来经济效益。列举社区可以发展的艺术形式,但很多人不参加社区艺术活动,分析 不想参加的原因。提到两个项目,鼓励儿童参加艺术活动。相关英文原文阅读

Motivated purposes of art refer tointentional, conscious actions on the part of the artists or creator.These may be to bring about political change, to comment on an aspect of society, to convey a specific emotion or mood, to address personal psychology, to illustrate another discipline, to(with commercial arts)to sell a product, or simply as a form of communication.Communication.Art, at its simplest, is a form of communication.As most forms of communication have an intent or goal directed toward another individual, this is a motivated purpose.Illustrative arts, such as scientific illustration, are a form of art as communication.Maps are another example.However, the content need notbe scientific.Emotions, moods and feelings are also communicated through art.Art as entertainment.Art may seek to bring about a particular emotion or mood, for the purpose of relaxing or entertaining the viewer.This is often the function of the art industries of Motion Pictures and Video Games.The Avante-Garde.Art for political change.One of the defining functions of early twentieth-century art has been to use visual images to bring about political change.Art movements that had this goal—Dadaism, Surrealism, Russian constructivism, and Abstract Expressionism, among others—are collectively referred to as theavante-garde arts.“By contrast, the realistic attitude, inspired by positivism, from Saint 朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations Thomas Aquinas to Anatole France, clearly seems to me to be hostile to any intellectual or moral advancement.I loathe it, for it is made up of mediocrity, hate, and dull conceit.It is this attitude which today gives birth to these ridiculous books, these insulting plays.It constantly feeds on and derives strength from the newspapers and stultifies both science and art by assiduously flattering the lowest of tastes;clarity bordering on stupidity, a dog's life.”-André Breton(Surrealism)Art as a “free zone”, removed from the action of the social censure.Unlike the avant-garde movements, which wanted to erase cultural differences in order to produce new universal values, contemporary art has enhanced its tolerance towards cultural differences as well as its critical and liberating functions(social inquiry, activism, subversion, deconstruction...), becoming a more open place for research and experimentation.Art for social inquiry, subversion and/or anarchy.While similar to art for political change, subversive ordeconstructivist art may seek to question aspects of society without any specific political goal.In this case, the function of art may be simply to criticize some aspect of society.题型难度分析


rates, attire, recognition 题型技巧分析

建议考生在做雅思人名观点配对题时不需要看完全篇再去做题,而是 可以采用定位法去有的放矢的解决,这样既快捷高效地完成了阅读任 务,也不再对阅读中的搭配题感到棘手和害怕了。今天要和考生们一 起探讨的是如何处理有关人名观点配对中,人名多次出现的试题。


(opinion)、评论(comment)、发现(findings or discoveries)。这样,一般这个题的答案在文中就只有两个答案区: 1.人名边上的引号里面的内容;

2.人名+ think /say /claim /argue /believe /report /find /discover /insist /admit /report...+ that从句。

人名在文中一般以以下方式出现: 1.全称(full name), 如:Brian Waldron 2.名(first name), 不常见

3.姓(surname), 如:Professor Smith 4.He/she(在同一段话中,该人再次出现时,用指示代词替代)因此,建议考生去文中找人名时,应该将上述四种情况均考虑进去。再者,应该谨记在心的是:如果一个人名在一段话中出现N次,也只 能算一次。如果一个人名在N段话中出现,就算N次。

该题的答案遍布于全文。因此应该从文章的开头往后依次寻找人 名。


Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 该题貌似是全篇文章的考察,其实考察的就是这些人所说的几句 话。故应先从文中找人名,再去找答案。

标题配对题(List of headings)是雅思阅读中的一种重要题型,要求 给段落找小标题。它一般位于文章之前,由两部分组成:一部分是选 项,另一部分是段落编号,要求给各个段落找到与它对应的选项,即 表达了该段中心思想的选项,有时还会举一个例子。当然,例子中的 选项是不会作为答案的。解题思路:

1.将例子所对应的选项及段落标号划去 2.划出选项中的关键词及概念性名词

3.浏览文章,抓住各段的主题句和核心词(尤其是反复出现的核心 词),重点关注段落首句、第二句与末句

4.与段落主题句同义或包含段落核心词的选项为正确答案 剑桥雅思推荐原文 练习

剑4 Test 2 Passage 1(题型搭配相关)Reading Passage 3 Title: 听觉和视觉(婴儿和动物对外界刺激的反应和影响)Question types: Multiple Choice Summary(带选项)YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 文章内容回顾

婴儿时期所受到的外界刺激对终身都有影响。用猫做实验,只有vertical 的线条,后来发现类似实验对人也有差不多效果。婴儿对音的敏感,可以听到所有的音。科学家说这种能力在8-10月消失,成人没有此能 力。但婴儿时期受到的影响会在成年后体现。题型难度分析

本篇文章题型难度中等,都是顺序性题型。27-30 选择题:

27.选:Intelligence 28.选:Different lines and angles affect sight 29.选:Cortex does not work 30.选:People are the same with animals 31-35 填空题: 31.Speech sound 32.heartbeat 33.eye movements 34.physical reaction 35.dialect 36-40 是非无判断题: 36.YES 37.YES 38.NOT GIVEN 朗阁海外考试研究中心

Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 39.NO 40.YES 剑桥雅思推荐原文 练习

剑4 Test 1 Passage 3 考试趋势分析和备考指导:

本次阅读考试文章难度中等。Heading题回归,判断题题量大,单选和配对的题量正常,填 空覆盖了summary和sentence completion, 未出现段落信息配对。文章话题难度不大,对 于基础扎实的考生来说不算难。建议各位考生在备考期间注重对于主流题型做题技巧的积累 和练习,并保持一定的精读和泛读量。




Nowadays,people all over the world prefer to watch foreign films much more than the locally produced ones.Why is this the case? Should the government give financial support to the local film industry?(2011.8.27 Academic Module)

Foreign films such as the Hollywood blockbusters have been prevailing globally and enjoy a wide range of fans,which poses a tremendous threat to the local film industry.A comprehensive analysis concerning the reasons of this phenomenon and whether the government should provide financial aid to support the local film industry will be discussed in this essay.Why such a substantial number of people are willing to see foreign films are mainly attributed to three factors,including the fine production,human beings‘ nature and individuals’ needs.The first and foremost reason is foreign films,especially those blockbusters are constantly involved with the advanced elements,such as the amazing visual effects and acoustics,which largely helps the films,like The Smurfs and Avatar,to win a sizeable percentage of audiences throughout the world.Born to be curious about all fresh ideas and exotic cultures,people could obtain a substantial number of information through seeing a foreign film.This would satisfy human beings‘ nature of curiosity.In conjunction to that,individual purposes,such as going abroad to have further education might be another factor that needs to be taken into consideration,for seeing a foreign film where actors and actresses all speak the native language might be the best way to master this language.However,the locally produced films seem to reach a bottom in comparison with their foreign counterparts and it is highly suggested that the local government financially support this industry.On the one hand,films are the carrier of a country‘s culture.Supporting the local film industry will enable the widespread of its culture and this seems an essential approach to help a country be more powerful in the world.On the other hand,the boom of this industry would,to a large extent,produce an increasing number of job positions and consequently,the unemployment rate in this country might substantially decrease,which will contribute to its social stability.In conclusion,it is reasonable for foreign films to enjoy the popularity at an international level in terms of the merits that they may possess; while it is also necessary for the local government to support the development of local film industry through all possible manners,financially,in particular.全外教雅思预备3级班|澳际英语全外教雅思预备3级课程|雅思预备班,详情请登录





watch foreign films much more than the locally produced ones.Why is this the case? Should the government give financial support to the local film industry?(2011.8.27 Academic Module)

Foreign films such as the Hollywood blockbusters have been prevailing globally and enjoy a wide range of fans, which poses a tremendous threat to the local film industry.A comprehensive analysis concerning the reasons of this phenomenon and whether the government should provide financial aid to support the local film industry will be discussed in this essay。

Why such a substantial number of people are willing to see foreign films are mainly attributed to three factors, including the fine production, human beings’ nature and individuals’ needs.The first and foremost reason is foreign films, especially those blockbusters are constantly involved with the advanced elements, such as the amazing visual effects and acoustics, which largely helps the films, like The Smurfs and Avatar, to win a sizeable percentage of audiences throughout the world.Born to be curious about all fresh ideas and exotic cultures, people could obtain a substantial number of information through seeing a foreign film.This would satisfy human beings’ nature of curiosity.In conjunction to that, individual purposes, such as going abroad to have further education might be another factor that needs to be taken into consideration, for seeing a foreign film where actors and actresses all speak the native language might be the best way to master this language。

However, the locally produced films seem to reach a bottom in comparison with their foreign counterparts and it is highly suggested that the local government financially support this industry.On the one hand, films are the carrier of a country’s culture.Supporting the local film industry will enable the widespread of its culture and this seems an essential approach to help a country be more powerful in the world.On the other hand, the boom of this industry would, to a large extent, produce an increasing number of job positions and consequently, the unemployment rate in this country might substantially decrease, which will contribute to its social stability。

In conclusion, it is reasonable for foreign films to enjoy the popularity at an international level in terms of the merits that they may possess;while it is also necessary for the local government to support the development of local film industry through all possible manners, financially, in particular。

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