
时间:2019-05-15 00:12:56下载本文作者:会员上传


英语时态用法小结 根据试题统计,动词语法占语法考题中的50%左右,其内容主要包括动词的时态、语态、要掌握英语的时态和语态,必须掌握好英语中的助动词(do, be, have)和时间状语这两个核心问题。现将各考点分别归纳如下。


主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语;表示客观规律和永恒真理等。

He usually goes to work at 7 o’clock every morning.She has a brother who lives in New York.The earth goes around the sun.Guangzhou is situated in the south of China.考点一:表示永恒的真理,即使出现在过去的语境中,仍用一般现在时。如:I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school.考点二:在时间和条件状语从句中,代替一般将来时,常用的引导词有:时间:when, until, after, before, as soon as, once, the moment / minute / day / year

条件:if, unless, provided If he accepts the job, he will get more money soon.考点三:在make sure(certain), see to it, mind, care, matter +宾语从句中,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

So long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the


考点四:在the more… the more …(越…越…)句型中, 若主句是一般将来时, 从句通常用一般现在时。

The harder you study, the better results you will get.2.现在进行时


We are having English class.The house is being built these days.The little boy is always making trouble.考点一:在时间状语或条件状语从句中表示将来正在进行的动作。Look out when you are crossing the street.Don't wake him up if he is still sleeping at 7 tomorrow morning.考点二: 表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作(这时多有表示将来的时间状语)。

Marry is leaving on Friday.3.现在完成时


考点一:for + 时间段;since + 时间点

They have lived in Beijing for five years.They have lived in Beijing since 1995.I have learned English for ten years.考点二:常见的不确定的时间状语:lately, recently, just, already, yet, up to now;till now;so far, these days

Has it stopped raining yet?


in the past few years/months/weeks/days, over the past few years, during the last three months, for the last few centuries, through centuries, throughout history 等

In the past 30 years China has made great advances in socialist construction.考点四:表示“的过去”,句中有明显的参照动作或时间状语,这种时态从来不孤立使用。There had been 25 parks in our city up till 2000.By the end of last term we had finished the book.They finished earlier than we had expected.考点一:用于hardly/scarcely...when;no sooner...than句型中,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。

I had hardly finished my work when he came to see me.I had no sooner got into the room than it began to snow.No sooner had I arrived home than the telephone rang.(注意倒装)考点二:表示“

“be about to + 动词原形”表示按照预定计划或打算准备着手进行的动作。“be to + 动词原形”表示必须、必然或计划将要做的事。

They are to be married in May.8.将来进行时


I’ll be doing my homework this time tomorrow.明天这会我正在写作业。The President will be meeting the foreign delegation at the airport.9.将来完成时


考点一:常用的时间状语一般用by + 将来时间,如:by the end of this year, by 8 o’clock this evening, by March next year以及由by the time…, before或when等引导的从句。

By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles on foot.By the time you reach the station, the train will have left.By next Tuesday, I will have got ready for the exams.考点二:在时间和条件状语从句中,将来完成时则由现在完成时表示。The children will do their homework the moment they have arrived back from school.10.动词的语态


come true, consist of, take place, happen, become, rise, occur, belong, break out, appear, arrive, die, fall, last, exist, fail, succeedIt took place before liberation.考点二:下列动词的主动语态表示被动意义, 而且常与well, quite, easily, badly等副词连用:lock, wash, sell, read, wear, blame, ride , write

Glass breaks easily.玻璃容易破碎。The car rides smoothly.这车走起


The case locks easily.这箱子很好锁。The book sells well.这本书很畅销。


It is said…, It is reported…, It is widely believed…,It is expected…, It is estimated…,这些句子一般翻译为“据说…”,“人们认为…”,而“以前人们认为…”则应该说:It was believed…, It was thought…



 表经常发生的事情、存在的动作或状态

eg She sings with the band Crazy Boy. 表内心活动感情等

eg I don't think you are right. 描述客观真理

eg Birds fly in the sky. 表预定的行为

eg The train leaves at 9.一般过去时:

 表过去发生的事情或存在的状态

eg Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. 表过去经常发生的事情

eg I was very thin in my childhood. 带有确定的过去的时间状语

eg Did you meet yesterday? He left just now.一般将来时:

 要在将来的某个时间内发生,是“纯粹的将来动作”。eg I shall / will not be free tomorrow. 表说话人的意图、打算或某种可能性

eg Who is going to speak first?

 按计划要发生的动作或命令他人做某事

eg The new bridge is to open to traffic in 3 days.现在进行时:

 说话、写文章的当刻正在发生的动作

eg They are having a football match. 现阶段一直在进行的动作

eg He is preparing for CET Band Six. 表示说话人的情感,如赞许、批评等

eg She is often doing well at school. 表示在近期按计划或安排要发生的动作

eg Are you staying here till next week?


 表示在过去某时刻正在进行的动作

eg At this moment yesterday, I was packing for camp. 用于故事的开头,交代故事发生的背景情况

eg One night, he was typing in his study.Suddenly , a man broke „  表示在过去的未来时间要发生的动作

eg We left there when it's getting dark.现在完成时:

 表示截止现在业已完成的动作

eg By now, I have collected all the data that I need. 表示发生在过去而对现在产生影响、带来结果的动作

eg She has been to the United States. 表示过去发生的动作持续到现在,并可能还要延续

eg I have learned English for 8 years.过去完成时:

 发生在“过去的过去”

eg When I woke up, it had stopped raining. 与一个表示过去的时间状语连用

eg Peter had collected more than 300 Chinese stamps by the time he was ten. 在过去某时之前开始一直延续到这一时间

eg By the end of last year, he had worked in the factory for twenty years.过去将来时:

 宾语从句或间接引语中

eg He didn't expect that we would all be there. 表示过去习惯性的动作

eg During that period, he would do this every day. 表示过去的愿望、倾向,多用于否定句

eg They knew that we would never permit such a thing.











(1)will/ shall +动词原形

(2)is/ am/ are going to +动词原形


(1)would +动词原形

(2)was/ were + to +动词原形


is/ am/ are +动词-ing


was/were +动词-ing


have/ has + 过去分词



had + 过去分词

英语时态的用法 一、一般现在时的用法

1.表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作。常与always, usually, often, sometimes, every day

(week, month)等连用。

He plays football twice a week.他每周踢两次足球。

I sometimes go to work on foot.我有时步行去上班。


It’s cold today.今天很冷。

You look tired now.你现在看起来很疲乏。


She is a famous singer.她是个著名的歌唱家。

Tom likes swimming.汤姆喜欢游泳。


It’s far from the earth to the sun.地球与太阳间的距离很远。

Five and three makes eight.五加三得八。


但主要用于go, come, leave, start, return, arrive等瞬间动词。

The train from London arrives at 7:00.从伦敦来的火车7:00到站。

He leaves on business the day after tomorrow.他后天出差。


I’ll call you as soon as I get there.我一到那里就打电话给你。

I’ll come if he invites me.如果他邀请我,我就来。

7.在以here, there开头的句子里,表示正在发生的动作。

Here comes the bus!汽车来了!

There goes the bell!铃响了!


There he comes!他来了!

8.某些表示心理状态和感觉的动词,如feel, love, hope, want, understand等表示现在发生的具体


I feel pain in my head.我头疼。

I don’t understand what you mean.我不理解你的意思。


1.表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去时间的副词如:yesterday, last week, two

hours ago等连用。

My family moved here five years ago.我家五年前搬到了这里。

I was born in 1973.我生于1973年。


often, usually, always等连用。

He always worked into night those days.那些日子他总是工作到深夜。

I often left on business in 1987.1987年我经常出差。

注意:表示“过去经常,而今不再”时,要用used to。如:

I used to read newspaper after breakfast.我过去经常早饭后看报纸。(意指现在已不是这样)

The children often swam in this river.孩子们过去经常在这条河里游泳。(只表示过去有过这个事情,与现在无关)


过去发生的一连串动作,若用and, or, but等并列连词连接,则一律用过去式。

He put down the heavy box, took out the keys, and opened the door.他放下这沉重的箱子,掏出钥匙开了房门。

They moved the chairs to the table, sat down and began to have supper.他们把椅子搬到桌边,坐下开始吃饭。


He said that he would let me know as soon as he got the information.他说他一得到消息就立即让我知道。

Mary told me that she would stay at home if it rained.玛丽告诉我如果下雨她就呆在家里。三、一般将来时的用法

(1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语如next month, tomorrow, in a

week, soon等连用。

I will go to the zoo next Sunday.下周日我将去动物园。

She’ll go to the cinema tonight.今晚她将去看电影。


Some birds will fly away to the south when winter comes.冬季来临时,一些鸟儿将飞往南方。

(3)“be going to+动词原形”可以表示:


Look at those clouds!It’s going to rain.看那些云,快下雨了。


We’re going to meet outside the school gate.我们打算在校门口见面。

will与is/ am/ are going to do的区别:

都可表示将来,通常可互换,但下面几种情形只用will而不用be going to。


I’ll help you if you need.如果需要,我帮你。


Will you go shopping with me? 你和我一起去购物吗?

Will you please open the door? 请把门打开好吗?


It will be Monday tomorrow.明天是周一。


I’ll take care of your baby when you are out.你出门时我会照看你的小宝宝。

I’ll open the window if you smoke here.你如果在这儿抽烟我就把窗户打开。



He said he would ring me up at six.他说他六点钟将给我打电话。

I would swim in this pool when I was a child.我孩童时期经常在这个池塘游泳。

This window wouldn’t close.这个窗户老是关不上。


(1)表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。常与now, at present, at this, moment等连用。

It is snowing now.现在正在下雪。

He is watching TV at present.他正在看电视。

(2)与these days, this week/month等连用,表示现阶段正在进行的动作。

He is studying hard these days.这些天他学习很努力。

He is writing a book.他在写一本书。

注意:在“Look!, Listen!”等感叹句后,通常用现在进行时。如:

Look!The bus is coming.看,公共汽车来了。


Look!There comes the bus.(以Here, There为首的句子以一般现在时表示正在进行的动作。)

(3)与表示将来的时间状语连用,表示最近计划或安排好的将要发生的动作,主要用于go, come,arrive, leave start, return等瞬间动词。即用现在进行时表示将来。

He is leaving for Nanjing tonight.他今晚去南京。

The meeting is beginning at three this afternoon.会议在下午3:00开始。

(4)与always, continually, forever等词连用,表示反复出现的动作,代替一般现在时,表达说话


He is always asking such silly questions.他老是提这类愚蠢的问题。

He is continually making mistakes.他不断地犯错误。



She is a doctor.她是名医生。

The mountain lies in the middle of the country.这座山位于该国的中部。

The tower stands beside the river.这座塔位于河边。

但是,lie, stand分别作“躺、站”解时,可用于现在进行时。如:

The cat is lying under the table.猫躺在桌子下面。

He is standing against the door.他正靠门站着。


I have a new car.我有一辆新车。

He owns a lot of houses.他拥有许多房子。


She is having lunch now.她现在正在吃午饭。

They are having a sports meeting.他们正在举行运动会。


I see a snake lying in the grass.我看到一条蛇躺在草丛里。


I think they are right.我认为他们是正确的。

I like music.我喜欢音乐。


I’m thinking about it now.我现在正在考虑这事。

Do you know what he is thinking about? 你知道他在想什么吗?



如:then, at that time, at eight yesterday, this time yesterday, when he came in等。

I was playing volley-ball this time last Sunday.上周日的这个时候我正在打排球。

Li Fang was watching TV when her father came back.李芳的爸爸回来时她正在看电视。


They were making ships last month.他们上个月正在造船。

(3)go, come, leave等瞬间动词的过去进行时表示过去某一时间安排或计划好的即将发生的动作。

The plane was arriving at eight.飞机八点到达。过去进行时与一般过去时的区别


I was playing chess last night.昨晚我在下棋。

I played chess last night.昨晚我下棋了。

My father worked last Sunday.我爸爸上周日工作了。

My father was working last Sunday.我爸爸上周日在工作。


(1)强调不久前完成的动作对现在产生的影响,常与already, just, yet等副词连用。

I have just read your letter.我刚刚读完你的信。

He has already come back.他已经回来了.(2)表示过去发生的动作一直持续到现在。常与for或since引导的一段时间状语连用。for后通常跟


for two weeks持续两周时间;since Monday自从周一

He has lived here for three years.他在此住了两年了。

I have been here since 1976.自从1976年我就一直在这里。瞬间动词及注意要点:

a.现在完成时的肯定句,其谓语动词如果是瞬间动词,如come, go, begin, join等,则不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。


He has arrived here for two weeks.(×)


① 用ago代替for,并改为一般过去时。

② 用延续性动词代替瞬间动词。

③ 用It is/It has been…since…句型。


① He arrived here two weeks ago.② He has been here for two weeks.③ It is/ It has been two weeks since he arrived here.b.当瞬间动词用于否定句时,则可以与时间段连用。如:

I haven’t gone there for six years.我六年没去那儿。


I have been to Paris twice.我去过巴黎两次。

It’s one of the most interesting films I’ve ever seen.它是我看过的最有趣的电影之一。

比较have been to与have gone to

have been to表示“去过某地”,现在已回来了,可以与ever ,since等词连用。如:

I have ever been to London.我曾去过伦敦。

have gone to表示“去某地了”,现在尚未回来,不能与ever, since等词连用。

He has gone to London.他去伦敦了。





He has learned French for three years.他学法语已三年了。

He learned French for three years.他曾学过三年法语。

Who has taken my bag? I couldn’t find it.谁拿走了我的包?我找不着了!

He cleaned the house yesterday.他昨天打扫过房间。

The room is clean, for he has cleaned it already.房间很干净,因为他已经打扫过了。


He has done some washing yesterday.(F)

He did some washing yesterday.(T)




(1)表示在过去某一时刻或动作之前完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”,常by, before引导的时间状


By the time he was ten, Edison had built a lab for himself.到爱迪生10岁时,他已给自己建了一个实验室。

He had measured me before I could get in a word.我还没说话,他已把衣服量完了。

I thought I had seen him before.我原以为以前见过他。



She said she had worked in that hospital for 20 years.她说她已在那所医院工作20年了。

He said he had taught in the university since 1989.他说自从1989年他就在这所大学任教。


I knew nothing about this matter, for I had been away for six month.对于此事我一无所知,因为我已离开6个月了。

Some people ran into the street.They had heard a loud noise.有些人跑上了街,他们听到很响的嘈杂声。






I know that Mr.Brown is a good teacher.我知道布朗先生是一名好老师。

She believes that he was once a solider.她相信他以前曾是一名士兵。

He will tell us what he is going to do.他将告诉我们他要干什么。




He was wondering where he could put the box.他不知道该把这个盒子放在哪里。

The students were talking while the teacher was writing on the blackboard.老师在黑板上板书时,学生们在说话。


The train had left when they got to the station.当他们到达车站时,火车已经开走了。

He said his father had been dead for twenty years.他说他父亲已经去世二十年了。


She said she would finish the work tonight.她说过她将于今晚完成这项工作。

We knew that it was going to snow.我们知道将要下雪了。


The boy was told that the moon travels around the earth.男孩被告知月亮绕着地球转。

Everybody knows that sixty minutes make an hour.人人都知道一小时有六十分钟。







例如:①She gets up at 6:30 in the morning every day.(表时间)

②There are some books on the desk.(表地点)

③People can’t live without air or water.(表条件)

2.作定语介词短语作定语表示某个关系,一般放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。例如 The girl in the red skirt is Lucy.(后置定语)


介词短语作表语时,多放在be 动词之后。

例如:① She is in the next room.② He is from English.二.常用介词的用法


①in,on,at.in 表示世纪,年,周,季节,在上午∕下午∕晚上∕白天等。

例如:in the morningin Mayin 2012in his fortiesin an hour

on 表示确定的时间,某日,某日的上午,下午,晚上,星期几,或一般节日等。

例如:on Sundayon a rainy eveningon May 4on the night of May 4on Teachers’

Dayon Children’s Day

at 用于表示时间“点”.夜里.中午及某些词组中

例如.at 4 o’clockat noonat that timeat the end ofat the age of②by ,until∕till

表示期限时通常用介词by ,until ∕till

by表示“不迟于”,“在 ……之前”

例如:They had seen four English films by the end of last night.Until ∕till到……为止


例如: Iwaited for my mum until she came home.在否定句中,not … until译成“直到……才”谓语动词用非延续性动词。

例如:I didn’t go to bed until my mum came home.③in ,for ,during ,through

1)in 表示“在。。。时间内”“在。。。时间后”

例如 :Do you work in the day time or at night ?

I hear he’ll be back in a week.2)for 后接一段时间,可与多种时态连用,如与现在完成时连用,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。

例如:She has worked there for 8 years.3)during表示“在。。。期间”,强调“自始自终”.例如:

4)through =from beginning to end“自始自终”“从头到尾 ”

例如:Dr.Bethune went on working through the night.注:对“in+时间段”提问用how soon

对“for+ 时间段”提问用 how long

On the+身体硬部位

in the +身体软部位

④表示时间的起点用since 或from

例如:Tom has worked in the factory since three years ago.From now on ,I will learn English in the morning.⑤in 和after

1)in “在。。。以后”从现在算起,后接时间段,常用于将来时。

例如:We’ll be back in a week.He’ll arrive at Shanghai2)after “在。。。以后”,从过去算起,后接时间段,常用于过去时。

例如:They got there after 8 hours.后接时间点,常用于将来时。

例如:The plane is leaving after nine.2.表示地点.位置的介词


in 在某一范围之内。

例如:Shanghai lies in the east of China.on 表示两个不同的个体相邻或接壤。

例如:Hefei lies on the south of Huainan.to表示两个个体间有一段距离或隔海相望。

例如:Japan is to the east of China.At表示在街道或城镇。

例如: He lives at 158 JianguoStreet.②inat


例如:He lived in China three years ago.at 后接较小地方

例如:We waited at the gate of the school.③aboveoveron

Above表示位置高于某物不接触,在其上方任意一点,但不是正上方。其反义词是below例如:The moon is now above the trees in the east.Over 指正上方,垂直方向。其反义词是under

例如:There is a bridge over the river.On 在。。。上面,相互接触。

例如:There is a pen on the desk.特殊用法:on在树上<本身具有> There are some apples on the tree.in在树上< 外来物> There are some birds in the tree.3表示方向的介词:bywithin

by后跟动名词或抽象化的可数名词(其前不用冠词)意为“用„„手段或方法” 例如: He goes to school by bus every day.The old man had to make money by selling vegetables.with表示用工具,借助于某一具体的手段,工具,材料或人体器官。

例如:People here build houses with stones.With the help of my teacher ,I did well in my English.We see with our eyes.in 用材料.语言.声音等媒介,以„„方式.What is this in English ? She said in a loud voice.He wrote the words in red ink.4.to 的两种用法的区别

① to+v.(不定式)

例如:to do sth

② to+v-ing(介词)

例如:look fordward to doing sth

get /be used to doing sth

pay attention todoing sth

make a contribution to doing sth

prefer doing sthto doing sth


当morning等词前有this ,that ,next ,last 等词修饰时,介词须省去。下列介词须省去:


① this /thatmorning/week /year/January/spring② next /lastSunday /week /term/year/spring/May③ tomorrow/yesterday/lastmorning/afternoon/evening

④ the dayafter tomorrow /before yesterday

⑤ after/before/nextthe week /month






例如:Many people speak Chinese.谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。

被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。例如:Chinese is spoken by many people.英语English是动词speak的承受者。



一般将来时:will/shall be+spoken

现在进行时:am/is/are being+spoken

过去进行时:was/were being+spoken

现在完成时:have/has been+spoken

过去完成时:had been + spoken



例如:Some new computers were stolen last night.一些新电脑在昨晚被盗了。(不知道电脑是谁偷的)

This bridge was founded in 1981.这座桥竣工于1981年。


例如:The glass was broken by Mike.玻璃杯是迈克打破的。

This book was written by him.这本书是他写的。

Your homework must be finished on time.你们的家庭作业必须及时完成。




(3)把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。例如:All the people laughed at him.He was laughed at by all people.They make the bikes in the factory.The bikes are made by them in the factory.He cut down a tree.A tree was cut down by him.五、含有情态动词的被动语态


We can repair this watch in two days.This watch can be repaired in two days.They should do it at once.It should be done at once.六、特殊情况

1.He made the boy work for two hours yesterday.The boy was made to work by him for two hours yesterday.2.Mother never lets me watch TV.被动语态同步达标练习】


()1.The medicine______in a dry and cool place.(2000年重庆市中考题)

A.keep B.must keep C.must be kept D.must be keep

()3.Today ,the forests have almost gone.People must______down too many trees.(2001年安徽省中考题)

A.stop to out B.stop from cutting

C.be stopped to cut D.be stopped from cutting

()5.The key ______ for locking the classroom door.(2001年广西省中考题)

A.uses B.is used C.is using D.use

()6.A new school______over there in two years.(2001年四川省中考题)

A.may build B.may be built C.is built

()8.Computers are very useful.For example ,they can______sending e-mail.(电子邮件)(2001年苏州市中考题)

A.use for B.be used of C.be used for D.use of

()9.—What a nice garden!

—It______every day.(2000年武汉市中考题)

A.is cleaning B.has cleaned C.must clean D.is cleaned

()10.This work ______next week.(2000年广西省中考题)

A.may finish B.finish C.finishes D.may be finished

()11.My house______in 1995.We have lived there for nearly five years.(2000年广西省中考题)

A.was built B.has built C.is built D.were built

()12.The lost boy______early this morning.(2000年四川省中考题)

A.found B.was founded C.was found D.founded

()13.That white building______two years ago ,but it is quite old now.(2000年河北省中考题)

A.built B.was built C.is built D.builds

()14.The big tree______by my mother ten years ago.(2000年甘肃省中考题)

A.was planted B.planted C.has planted D.was planting【综合能力训练】 Ⅱ.用括号中动词被动结构的适当形式填空。.English______widely______(use)in the world..These pictures must(keep)well..She______(fall)ill last night ,and she______(take)to the hospital at once.4.Now rice and wheat______(grow)in my hometown ,too.Look!The

crops__________(grow)fast in the fields..The Great Wall(know)all over the world..______the street lights usually ______(turn)on at seven in summer evening ? 7.______this kind of car______(produce)in Wuhan ?.______the doctor______(send)for last night ?.We used a teapot before the thermos______(invent)..Three children______(take)good care of by the nurse..Some new houses______(build)by the villagers themselves..What language ______(speak)in Japan ?.The black bike______(buy)in that shop three days ago..The doctor said Jim must ______(operate)on at once..The big tree______(blow)down in the storm last night.【创新备考训练】

Ⅲ.将下列主动语态改为被动语态。.You needn’t do it now..You must finish your homework now..We can do the work today..They founded that hospital in 1996..Yesterday we played football after school..People all over the world know the Great Wall.11.He often helps his brother.



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